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In this article: 

Why are riots started?

Can riot police protect us?

Are riots deadly?

Riots are generally started to prove a point or rise against something that someone doesn't like. Most riots are started because people want something to change that inconveniences them. Rioting is also a thing people turn to after the team that they are rooting for lose (usually by a close score) in a big game. The rioting of sports fans usually occurs. Another reason people riot is due to racism. This has been seen a lot in the past century after the abolishment of slavery in the United States. Many African-Americans have led riots to end the segregation and racism. In this instance rioting worked and allowed African-Americans to do the same things as white people. This had a very large historical impact to the planet. Riots are often not led by anyone because it causes so much chaos that A protester throws a gas canister no now can follow it. If riots had leaders than they toward Egyptian riot police near the interior ministry during clashes would not be riots, they would be war.

in downtown Cairo, .

:ri·ot (ˈrīət/) verb: gerund or present participle: rioting :take part in a violent public disturbance.: "students rioted in Paris" synonyms: rampage, go on the rampage, run riot, fight in the streets, run wild, run amok, go berserk.

In the beginning, riots were not started for losing teams or prison breakouts, or even racism. They were started to take over an empire. Many people in history have started riots to destroy an empire because they didn’t agree with that governments ideas or policies. One of these riots was called the Nika Riots. The Nika Riots happened January 13, 532 in the city of Constantinople. The riots were started because the Emperor, Emperor Justinian was a supporter of what they called the Blues. The Blues, Reds, Greens, and Yellows were colors of the chariot racers in the Hippodrome. The people of Constantinople didn't like that the emperor was supporting blue because they supported the greens. One day Two Blues and Greens murdered some of the other team. For this, the emperor imprisoned the four murderers. The public hated this. Because of this, on January 13, they threw stones at Justinian during a chariot race. The emperor still refused to let go the prisoners so everyone in the city laid siege to the royal palace. The riots lasted for days to come laying waste to half of the city and killing tens of thousands of people. This is an example of how rioting can bring big change, or even change in the course of history.

With a riot, there is almost always riot control officers there. Since the dawn of civilization, riot control has been a crucial part of protecting a town to a country. If there was no riot control, then riots would destroy buildings and potentially cost the government billions of dollars. Riot control officers are usually equipped with some type of body armor, and a melee weapon. A weapon that is very useful for riots is a riot shield. A riot shield protects officers from light caliber bullets and oncoming debris. Riot shields also prevents melee attacks from any rioters so this weapon is very useful in any situation. If riots get too large the governor calls in the National Guard. The National Guard uses real ammo in addition to standard issue rubber and plastic bullets given to riot officers. The real bullets are only supposed to be used in a very large emergency but many officers in history have reported that they have been confused and shot their weapons in fear. While riot control officers have been useful in almost every situation, sometimes they cause more problems than there already were. Riot Approved Weaponry:

As stated in the previous passage, most riot control officers are equipped with body armor, a melee weapon (usually a baton), and a riot shield. There are many more weapons used in case of a large scale riot. One of these weapons is a water cannon. Water cannons are used in firefighting as well as controlling rioters. This means that water cannons are very powerful and can cause some serious damage to someone’s body if they get too close to one. Another weapon that is used in case of any riot is teargas. Teargas is used to repel rioters by making their skin burn and temporarily blinding them. A weapon used to subdue rioters but not severely injure them is the Riot gun. the Riot gun shoots the following ammunition which can vary depending on the situation. Impact projectile. These rely on kinetic energy, e.g. rubber bullets. Teargas cartridge, chemical riot control agent. Pepper Spray, chemical riot control agent. Stun Ammo Smoke round

How do Riots Start? Riots start when people with similar beliefs come together so that they can express themselves in a way that authorities or the government will recognize. The only way to excite real change is to sometimes use violence and destruction. If people are peacefully protesting, issues will often not be resolved as quickly as they would be if people riot over their issue. Riots do not have leaders and often bring many people because it is a purge like situation where the area that the riots are started in basically have no laws, and people see fit to cause as much damage as possible. How can Riots Affect the Cities They're Started in? Riots often times have severe effects on the cities that they are started in. Riots can often times cause food shortages and water shortages. They can also cause extreme chaos which people takes as an advantage to destroy buildings and loot stores. Riots also make areas in cities become blocked off, putting people out of work for days or even weeks. If worse comes to worse, Why do People Resort to Rioting? Some people resort to rioting because they think that it is the right thing to do. In most cases, though, rioting is just an excuse to loot stores and cause crimes without actually supporting what the riots stand for. People see riots as an opportunity to cause chaos without consequences. Are Riot Officers allowed to Assault Rioters? Yes but only if the rioter is doing something that warrants them needing to be stopped by using physical assault. Often times, police will use force on rioters if they are harming civilians or an officer, and or if they are causing destruction to individual or government property. Riot police are armed with many weapons that they can utilize in case of an emergency such as a shotgun with baton rounds which is used to incapacitate people for easier arrest.

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