Seconds to Impress- Maggie

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Maggie M.

Imagine yourself sitting at a table with all your closest friends by your side in a science classroom. On a completely normal day. Then, the teacher walks in with a new girl by her side. As you look her up and down, you note her most obvious features, starting with her hair. It’s bright blonde and goes down to her waist. And it is frizzy. Her eyes are an unattractive mud color. She has a cartoon kitty on her pink sweater that has braces that match hers. And finally, she has purple leggings tucked into greenblue boots that match the color of that funky science liquid on the counter. Maybe you have not realized it yet, but just by that description, you have formed a solid impression of who you think this girl is and if you like or dislike her. The image in your mind now is one that is not easy to change, even if I say that she is a really nice girl who is the star of the track team. So how does this so-called first impression work?

First impressions are an image or idea one has of another. Within seconds of meeting someone, the brain holds this image or idea of the person, and it is very difficult to change the idea once the brain has developed it. These thoughts are based on a number of things. If one only looks at a person they are first meeting, they might hold the word “smile” or “tall”

when they think of that person. Other things could be words that describe their personality, like bubbly or serious. First impressions are common and almost everyone is guilty of judging others, even if they do not recognize they are doing so. It is believed by some that the reason the brain holds an idea of the person in it and looks only to confirm the validity of this

thought, ignoring other possible features. Studies by many sources show that if one has a more open and eloquent personality, then they are commonly more liked than those that are closed off and have little animation to their facial features. So basically, first impressions are the first idea of a person one has, and it is hard to shift.

HeroicImaginationTV proved that it takes eight positive qualities to overthrow a negative first impression, but even then it is still difficult. According to studies, employers more or less know who they want to pay to do a job within fifteen to thirty seconds of meeting them. DYC Career Services performed an experiment to put this to the test. There was a woman who was looking to hire someone for a job. The test served its purpose and the employer knew who to hire before the interview even started. There is a saying that it is not what you say, but it is how you say it. This is critical to first im-

pressions. If one says all the right things while crying, would the brain recall the tears or the information? The answer is their tears and their appearance. However, if one says all the right things politely and with a smile, a positivity will stick out when thinking of the person. Other things, like posture and accents also play a part in a first impression. So, because of this information, an impressive first impression is one of the best things to have when meeting someone for the first time, especially an employer.

Before changing a natural look, one might consider the consequences when they meet new people for the first time. For example, if an adult dyes their hair an exotic color, like bright red, and then goes to a professional job interview, the first impression that they leave on the employer might not be the best. The fact that their hair is so bright and different from the color hair that they were born with tells the person looking for an employee that the person likes to stick out in a crowd, and it may be good or bad for a specific job. suggests dying

hair back to a natural shade before an interview. Studies by the University of Hertfordshire also showed that clothing is one of the most effective details when making a first impression. They explained that modest clothing is best when performing an interview. Immodest outfits are seen as a feature of people with low professional and educational status. Very high quality and well-fit clothes are best, rather than very flamboyant and extravagant outfits that could be found at a department store.

A study performed by Vanderbilt states, "A handshake is as much a part of personality as the way we walk, and although we may modify and improve a poor handshake if someone calls our attention to it, it will still usually be just like us, assured or timid, warm or cool". Therefore, just by a handshake, one can already read a personality and form a solid opinion about another. Like previously stated, certain words stick out when thinking of them, like “confident” and “sullen.” Depending on the person, different personalities are better than others. It is important to know what personality

someone is looking for, or if one is not aware of who they are about to meet, when the time comes, try to match their personality and tone. If one does not know what they are walking into at all and is unable to read their preference, it is important to just be the person one is. Someone that is seeing another and meeting them for the first time needs to be assured that what they see is what they get. That being said, never be fake with a personality. A first impression will not turn out well if they see acting, not see “being.”

First impressions are a key component to everyone’s life, whether they know it or not. Therefore, people need to know how to make their impression the absolute best it can be. One way to improve the first impression that one creates is to learn courtesy. Being rude and improper is sure to get no one nowhere. So when the next interview or even school year rolls around, stand up a little straighter and add politeness to an attitude. Secondly, be genuine. Choose words carefully, and be honestly interested in things. It is also very important to build an online identity. In today’s world, much of what is done is done online and through technology, so have positivity come up when searching a name. Create a character that some-

one wants to have and needs to have in their company or in life in general. Maybe try to get recognized by a website for some good deeds that have been performed. Lastly, dress in a way that is best fit for the surroundings. In a job interview, look professional, not trashy. In everyday life, look casual and confident with the person that is presented. Amy Cuddy has studied first impressions and states, “We’re judging how warm and trustworthy the person is, and that’s trying to answer the question, ‘What are this person’s intentions toward me?’ And we’re also asking ourselves, ‘How strong and competent is this person?’” So what is the answer to her questions?

Works Cited Daum, Kevin. "7 Ways to Improve Your First Impression." Inc., 21 Oct. 2013. Web. 04 Nov. 2015. MacKay, Jory. "The Weird Science behind First Impressions." Crew Blog. Crew, 12 Nov. 2014. Web. 15 Oct. 2015. Micah. "Hair Color and First Impressions at Job Interviews." Everyday Interview Tips. Everyday Job Interview Tips, 28 Apr. 2010. Web. 20 Oct. 2015. Quast, Lisa. "5 Tips to Create a Positive First Impression." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 9 Sept. 2013. Web. 29 Oct. 2015. Trudeau, Michelle. "You Had Me At Hello: The Science Behind First Impressions." NPR. NPR, 5 May 2014. Web. 23 Oct. 2015.

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