Online News Review, Lent 2012 Issue 1

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A word from the Headmaster Try as I might, getting off the subject of new buildings is proving difficult. Hardly surprising, I suppose. The new arena is vast, open, and attracting interest nationally; Mary Windsor girls are happy in their stunning new House; the pool has been in use for some months; the Hospitality Suite, gym and coffee shop are in School possession, though not yet quite ready for the public, and the new Oakley has risen and will soon be

ready for occupation. As I write, the last phase of major disruption is upon us as we landscape the main thoroughfare into the School. While my fingers still remain crossed around four leafed clovers, I can report that the project is on schedule. The pupils have taken it all in their stride, and, frankly, I think that says as much about Bromsgrove as any building.

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