1 minute read
Standard Colors
from XO Brand Guideline
by Webber Chang
This core color palette, composed of black, grey and red, is an essential guide that enables designers to express their ideas freely without the fear of departing from XO brand identity.
Strength, power, and conviction.
Balanced, rational, and timeless.
Passion, desire, and confidence.
SILVER C C: 40 M: 30 Y: 30 K: 100 R: 12 G: 1 B: 3 HTML: 040000
C: 40 M: 30 Y: 30 K: 0 R: 167 G: 170 B: 169 HTML: A7AAA9
201 C C: 42 M: 99 Y: 82 K: 7 R: 156 G: 31 B: 52 HTML: A41F35
WHITE C: 00 M: 00 Y: 00 K: 00 R: 255 G: 255 B: 255 HTML: FFFFFF
COOL GRAY 11 C C: 73 M: 65 Y: 58 K: 14 R: 84 G: 86 B: 90 HTML: 54555A
Color Ratio
Use our color palate pie charts to guide you when balancing the core, highlight and support colors in all XO branded materials.
To be consistent, please use white as the core color to design all XO branded materials. Color proportion usage can be varied depending on the individual application, but should follow the pie chart to balance the colors. Additionally, you may adjust the color transparency to create variations.
For further variety within branded materials, you may utilize the secondary color ratio guidelines, outlined in the pie chart on the right side of the following page. The guidelines can be used for special applications, including the key visuals, a catalog or brochure covers, web banners, etc...
Light Background
Grayscale 20% L i g h t C o l o r P a l e t t e
Black 25%
Red 10% White 50%
Dark Background
Red 10%
White 20% D a r k C o l o r P a l e t t e
Black 25%
Grayscale 45%
There are two different color ratio guidelines, and you may choose either one to develop the design. Each color ratio can be increased/reduced from 10~20% depending on the designer’s needs.
Color ratio guideline usage suggestions: Use the light background guideline to develop text-based materials, such as catalog, newsletter, etc… Use dark background guideline to develop image-based materials, such as event banner, special activities, merchandise, etc…