1 minute read

Article VII Vacancies, Transfers, and Promotions

A. vACAnCies And tRAnsfeRs


The Superintendent will send electronically to the President of the Association, a notice of all vacancies, including vacancies in K-8 teacher positions as they occur or as they are anticipated. Notice of vacancies will be posted on the District’s website along with a group email for each vacancy as it occurs.

No vacancy will be filled permanently until such vacancy will have been posted internally for at least five (5) days. External posting will occur after the five (5) day internal posting. Application for such vacancy must be received by the Administration within five (5) days after the

‘In a completely rational posting. Temporary appointments will not extend society, the best of us beyond the school year in which they are made. would be teachers and the B. The school district’s selection of a candidate rest of us would have to for a new or vacant otherwise required to be teaching position not filled pursuant to Section settle for something else.’ 24-12 of the School Code must be based upon –Lee Iacocca the consideration of factors that include without limitation certifications, qualifications, merit and ability (including performance evaluations, if available), and relevant experience, provided that the length of continuing service with the school district must not be considered as a factor, unless all other factors are determined by the school district to be equal. The school district’s decision to select a particular candidate to fill a new or vacant position is not subject to review under grievance resolution procedures adopted pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 10 of the Illinois Educational Labor Relations

Act, provided that, in making such a decision, the District does not fail to adhere to procedural requirements in a collective bargaining agreement relating to the filling of new or vacant teaching positions.

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