0 CRISISINTERVENTIONRESPONSEPLANBROOKWOODSCHOOLDISTRICT167 Updated 8/2022 Brookwood School District 167 Crisis Plan Table of Contents Incident Command Center:
1 73TitleCrisisLW……………....…………………………….…………………………………………...6HB……………....…………………………….…………………………………………...5BMS……………....…………………………….…………………………………………4BJHS…………………………………………………….………………………………...3ResponseInterventionTeamResponsibilities(CRIT)………………………..729:EmergencyServices,Disasters,andCivilDefense…………………….8 11 Emergency Telephone Numbers……………………………………………………….12 13 Responsibilities of Person who Discovers Crisis/Incident…………………………...13 Psychological and Emotional Recovery Team ……………………………………….14 Staff Strategies: Grief and Crisis ………………………………………………………15 17 Death of a student/staff member……………………………………………………….18 20 Community Networking / Community Resources…………………………………….21 22 Some Suggestions (Yourself, Family Members and Friends)...…………………….22-24 Facilitating Statements……………………………………………………………….….24 Counseling Services Referral List ……………………………………………………..25 Active Shooter Lockdown (General Procedures) ...................................................26 Bomb Threat ……………………………………………………………………………..27 Bus Accident BuddyCommunicatingAnnualCrisisBJHS…………………………....………….………………………………………….....53BMS……………………….……………………………………………………………...52LW……....………………………………………………….……………………………..51HB…………..………………………………….……………………...………………….50SafeAddressingThreatParentParentPandemicStructuralEvacuationEvacuation/ReverseSuicide/Attempted/Actual………………………………………………………………FieldElectricalGasEarthquake………………………………………………………………………………..36SevereFlooding………………………………………………………………………….………..34Tornado……………………………………………………………………………………33FiresTerrorism……………………………………………………………………………….….31HostageKidnapping/Missing……………………………………………………………………………..28student……………………………………………………………..29/ArmedIntruder……………………………………………………………..…30……………………………………………………………………………………….32WinterStorm…………………………………………………………………….35Leak/ToxicSpill……………………………………………………………………..37Crisis…………………………………………………………………………..38TripIncident………………………………………………………………………..39.40Evacuation……………………………………………………….41ProceduresforStudentswithDisabilities……………………………….42Failure…………………………….…………………………………………..43Outbreak………………...………………….………………………………..44H1N1Letter……………………………………………………………………...45Covid19Letter………………………………………………………………….46Assessment………….………………………………………………………….4748themedia…………………………….……….…………………………….49Haven/RallyPoints:ResponseFollowUp…………………………….……………………………....54Considerations…………………………….…………………………………....55PlantoParents/Community…………………………….…………...56TeacherList:
2 LW……………....…………………………….…………………………………………..60HB……………....…………………………….…………………………………………..59BMS……………....…………………………….………………………………………...58BJHS……………....…………………………….……………………………………......57EmergencyTime/Situation/ResponseReport………………………..……….……...61EmergencyStudentReleaseForm…………………………………………………....62Crisis/SweepTeamSearchandRescue………………………………………..…....63SiteStatusReport…………………………….………………………………………....64Superintendent’sChecklist…………………………….………………………………65Principal’sChecklist…………………………….……………………………………....6667AssistantPrincipal’sChecklist…………………………….…………………………...68Secretary’sChecklist…………………………….………………………………….…..69MaintenanceDirector’sChecklist…………………………….…………………….….70Crisis/SweepTeam’sChecklist…………………………….…………………….…….71EmergencyGoKitsInventoryChecklist……………………....……………….……..72EmergencyLockdownInventoryChecklist…...…………………….…………….….73CrisisResponseInterventionTeamBuildingKitInventoryChecklist……….……..74SchoolSafetySteps…………………………………………………………………….7981 INCIDENT COMMAND CENTER Brookwood Junior High School
3 Responsibility Staff Person Room Phone Number (ext) (708) 758 5252 Main # Admin. in-Charge Principal Office (708) 362-0115 (CELL) X5319 AP Office (708) 560-1391 (CELL) X5318 Secretary Office (708) 935 1149 (CELL) X5321 First-Aid Nurse Conf. Rm A (708) 758-5252 X5330 Site Coordinator Principal Office (708) 362 0115 (CELL) X5319 Assistant Principal Office (708) 560-1391 (CELL) X5318 CoordinatorPolice/Fire Dir. of Facilities & Operations OfficeDistrict (708) 362-0132 (CELL) X5102 Sweep CoordinatorsTeam Social Worker Conf. Rm C (708) 758 5252 X5331 Custodian Walkie Talkie Clerk Office (708) 758 5252 X5336 Media Coordinator Superintendent OfficeDistrict (708) 362 0114 (CELL) X5107 Curriculum Director OfficeDistrict (708) 362-1057 (CELL) X5104 CoordinatorsParent Student ServicesSupport OfficeDistrict (708) 677-6157(CELL) X5105 Lib. Clerk Library (708) 758 5252 X5332 INCIDENT COMMAND CENTER Brookwood Middle School
4 Responsibility Staff Person Room Phone Number (ext) (708) 758 5350 Main # Admin. -in-Charge Principal Office (708) 362-1433 (CELL) X5522 MTSS Coordinator Office (708) 758 5350 X5537 Secretary Office (708) 758 5350 X5533 Office Clerk Office (708) 758 5350 X5509 First-Aid Nurse Office (708) 300-3481 X5335 Health Clerk Office (708) 758-5350 X5528 Site Coordinator Principal Office (708) 362 1433 X5522 MTSS Coordinator Office (708) 758 5350 X5537 CoordinatorPolice/Fire Dir. of Facilities & Operations OfficeDistrict (708) 362-0132 X5102 Sweep CoordinatorsTeam Custodian Walkie Talkie CRIT MemberTeam (708) 758 5350 CRIT MemberTeam WorkerSocial (708) 758-5350 X5512 Media Coordinator Superint. OfficeDistrict (708) 362 0114 (CELL) X5107 Curriculum Director OfficeDistrict (708) 362-1057 (CELL) X5104 CoordinatorsParent Student ServicesSupport OfficeDistrict (708) 677 6157 (CELL) X5105
5 Library Clerk Library (708) 758-5350 X5515 INCIDENT COMMAND CENTER Hickory Bend Elementary School Responsibility Staff Person Room Phone Number (ext) (708) 758-4520 Main # ChargeAdministrator-in- Principal Office 708-941-5422 (CELL) X5218 CoordinatorMTSS Office (708) 758 4520 Secretary Office (708) 758 4520 X5204 First Aid Nurse Office X5335 Health Clerk Office (708) 758 4520 X5229 Site Coordinator Principal Office 708 941 5422 (CELL) X5218 CRIT LeaderTeam (708) 758 4520 X5219 CoordinatorPolice/Fire Dir. of Facilities & Operations (708)362-0132 X5102 Custodian Walkie Talkie Sweep CoordinatorsTeam Clerk (708) 758 4520 X5225 CRIT MemberTeam TeacherPE (708) 758-4520 X5211
6 CRIT MemberTeam WorkerSocial (708) 758-4520 X5219 Media Coordinator Superint. (708) 362 0114 (CELL) X5107 DirectorCurriculum (708) 677-6157 (CELL) X5105 Parent Coordinators Student ServicesSupport (708) 362-1057 (CELL) X5104 Library Clerk (708) 758 4520 X5242 Incident Command Center Longwood Elementary School Responsibility Staff Person Room Phone Number (ext) (708) 757 2100 Main # ChargeAdministrator-in- Principal Office X5434 MTSS Coordinator Office (708) 757-2100 Secretary Office (708) 757-2100 X5422 First-Aid Nurse Office (708) 300-3481 X5335 Health Clerk Office (708) 757-2100 X5417 Site Coordinator Principal Office (708) 757-2100 X5434 CRIT Team Leader 130 (708) 757 2100 X5427
7 CoordinatorPolice/Fire Dir. of Facilities & Operations OfficeDistrict (708) 362-0132 X5102 Custodian Walkie Talkie X5420 Sweep CoordinatorsTeam Secretary Office (708) 757 2100 X5422 CRIT Team Member Office (708) 757-2100 X5418 CRIT Team Member Office (708) 757 2100 X5433 Media Coordinator Superint. OfficeDistrict (708) 362 0114 (CELL) X5107 Curriculum Director OfficeDistrict (708) 677-6157 (CELL) X5105 Parent Coordinators Student Support Services OfficeDistrict (708) 362-1057 (CELL) X5104 Library Clerk Library (708) 757-2100 Crisis Response Intervention Team Responsibilities Administrator-in-Charge: Will coordinate emergency response effort. Direct necessary notifications are made. Coordinates police, fire, medical response. Remains in the Command Center (office) and manages the crisis until police arrive. First-Aid Responders: Will provide emergency first aid until medical assistance arrives. Site Coordinators: Will respond to the site of emergency and control access to the affected area. Preserves the crime scene until police arrive and assume control.
18, 2006. Section 1500.10 Purpose
Sweep Team Coordinators: Will assemble adults who do not have supervisory duties into three person sweep teams who will check the restrooms, hallways, and other non classroom areas for students and/or outsiders. Coordinators will assemble the lists of missing students and forward to the Command Center.
Secretary Maintains emergency related records. Keeps running record with times of events. Implementing [105 ILCS 128] authorized Section [105 ILCS 128/40]. Adopted at 30 Ill. Reg. effective August
the School Safety Drill Act
Parent Coordinators: Will be responsible for dealing with parents who may respond to the school. They will advise parents of the situation and advise them whether their child is or isn’t involved in the emergency. After the lockdown has been rescinded, assist those parents who wish to take their child home, signing the necessary paperwork.
40 of the Act
Police/Fire/Medical: Will meet emergency personnel and direct them to the scene. Returns to front of school and directs media, parents and central office personnel to appropriate locations.
Each annual review shall be conducted by the participants identified in Section 25 of the Act and shall encompass the components of the plan enumerated in this Section. The report submitted pursuant to Section 25 of the Act shall indicate whether each component listed in this Section is present and up to date and shall describe the revisions, if any, that are needed in each. If any component is deemed inapplicable by the review participants, the report shall include the rationale for this determination.
a) Concept of Operations1)The definition and assignment of roles and responsibilities for direction and control, with specific reference to the chain of command, designated back-up for each role, and other critical functions (whether by reliance on the Incident Command System outlined in "National Incident Management System" of March 1, 2004, published by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and posted at http://www.fema.gov/pdf/nims/nims_doc_full.pdf. or by implementation of other strategies and methods having the same goals), including: A) responsibilities of individuals who discover an emergency or crisis; B) responsibilities of the leader/commander and other members of the emergency team; C) responsibilities of monitors who will ensure the proper execution of the planned response; D) responsibility for communicating with first responders, building occupants, families, representatives of the media, and other members of the E)community;responsibility for maintaining emergency-related records.
2) The description of the responses planned (i.e., what should happen, when, and at whose direction) to address various emergencies or crises that are known to occur in or affect schools, including at least: A) severe weather; B) fire; C) bomb threats or the discovery of suspicious items;
Section 1500.20 Annual Review of Emergency and Crisis Response Plans
This Part establishes the requirements for the annual review and updating of the protocols and procedures in each school's emergency and crisis response plan that is required by Section 25 of the School Safety Drill Act [105 ILCS 128/25], including the review of each school's compliance with the school safety drill requirements established in Section 15 of the Act [105 ILCS 128/15].
3) Records and results of the required school safety drills and any optional drills conducted.
1) The description of actions taken (i.e., the training provided and the materials used) to ensure that all administrators, staff, and students understand the warning signals and know what to do in an emergency, including but not limited to the objectives of the types of school safety drills conducted in conformance with Sections 15 and 20 of the Act.
3) The inventory of resources that are available when responding to emergencies, including: A) emergency contact lists; B) methods for accounting for the whereabouts and status of all children and the process established for releasing students into the care of their parents and others; C) response guidance material and the method of providing it to students and staff, including support personnel such as bus drivers, secretaries, and custodians;
2) Information that exists about the school, such as hazard analyses, area maps, site plans, safety reference plans (see 23 Ill. Adm. Code 180.120), community agreements, etc.
D) emergency supplies and equipment (such as first aid kits, food, water, emergency lighting, fuel, battery-operated radio, and walkie-talkies), maintained for students and staff to use during an emergency or crisis.
D) structural failure; E) the failure of utilities or loss of utility service; F) bus accidents; G) the release of hazardous materials, both indoors and outdoors; H) the presence of an intruder, use of a weapon, or taking of a hostage; I) public health or medical emergencies; J) earthquakes; and K) nuclear power plant accidents (if located within 25 miles of such a plant).
b) Training and Preparedness
Section 1500.30
To ensure that designated areas for assembling are appropriate to the type of incident to which the drill applies; that they are used by all students, staff, and visitors; and that the controls in place permit accounting for all the building's occupants. (Each drill is to test the preparedness of students and staff to remain in the areas where they have been directed to assemble; the confidence with which the building's occupants can be accounted for; and the reliability of determining whether any search or rescue activity is necessary.)
To ensure that the system for communicating with responding agencies provides timely and complete information about the nature, scope, and current status of the emergency situation and about the status of all the building's occupants, whether evacuated or sheltering in place. (Each drill is to test the ability of students and staff to provide necessary information to first responders in an emergency of the type to which the drill applies.)
Each drill conducted pursuant to the Act shall be designed to fulfill the objectives discussed in this Section.
1) When evacuation is called for, to ensure that evacuation of the building and adjacent areas is complete; that alternate exit routes are used if primary routes are obstructed; and that individuals with physical impairments reach safe areas. (Each drill is to test whether and how quickly a building's occupants vacate it in an orderly and safe manner, regardless of any obstructions encountered, and whether staff is prepared to provide assistance effectively to those who are unable to evacuate on their own.)
To ensure that all students, staff members, first responders, and visitors, both inside and outside the school building, are alerted to the fact that an emergency exists; receive adequate instructions on how to proceed, including supplemental instructions from first responders; and respond appropriately to the directions given. (Each drill is to test whether the notification system and those operating it are prepared to provide emergency notification and appropriate direction to everyone on the property, based on the emergency conditions that exist, and whether those present respond accordingly.)
b) Movement to Safe Areas
c) Communication with First Responders
a) Notification and Response
Objectives of Drills
2) When sheltering in place is called for, to ensure that all the building's occupants reach designated safe areas in a reasonable amount of time. (Each drill is to test whether students are prepared to respond without hesitation to instructions.)
d) Accounting for All Occupants
12 Emergency Telephone Numbers EMERGENCIES-911 Phone Number Police Department (708) 753 2420 School Resource Officer (708) 753-2420 Fire Department (708) 753-2440 E-COM (708) 799-6834 Hazardous Materials 800 424 8802 First Student Bus (708) 210 2200
13 Protective Services/Child Abuse 800 422 4453 800 252 2873 Poison Control Center 800 222 1222 Gas Company/ NICOR 888 642 6748 COMED (Power) 800 334 7661 Telephone/ SBC-AT & T 888-611-4466 Superintendent’s Office (708) 758-5190 Attorney Ray Houser (708) 799 6766 Director of Transportation/ Road Conditions 800 452 4368 800 865 5394 SASS Screening Assessment & Support Services (800) 345 9049 Local Hospitals: Community Hospital (219) 836-1600 Ingalls Hospital (708) 333-2300 South Suburban Hospital (708) 799 8000 Fransican Hospital Dyer (219) 865 2141 Public Health Depart./ Chicago Heights (708) 753 5800 Mental Health Dept./ Grand Prairie (708) 331-0500 (Harvey) 800-345-9049 (Chicago)
14 American Red Cross/ Chicago 800 337 2338 Weather Bureau 815 834 1435 Responsibilities of a Person who Discovers Crisis/Incident. 1. Assess the crisis. ● What must be done immediately to protect lives? ● Different kinds of crises will require different kinds of responses. Should the school go on lockdown, evacuate immediately, or close off areas of the building or grounds? ● Are people injured? ● Is medical attention needed? 2. Call for assistance. ● Contact police and fire/rescue agencies. ● Contact leadership and the crisis team at the district central office. ● Have alternative communication plans in case cell service is unavailable. Psychological and Emotional Recovery Team The purpose of the team is to: ● Assist with coping and understanding of reactions to danger and traumatic stress. ● Support the emotional stabilization of students, teachers, and parents, and restore psychological security ● Restore a safe and effective learning environment and help schools return to learning as quickly as possible. Psychological and Emotional Recovery Team (PERT) The team is made up of Social Workers, School Psychologists, and administration.
The team can provide support to schools to help manage and address the emotional impact of a crisis.
• This team can also provide support to a school when invited by a Principal or when directed by the
• Provide training to Crisis Response Intervention Team members
● Be sure that students are familiar with the availability and location of the crisis team members
The PERT members are available to:
• Consult with School Crisis Teams to develop a plan for crisis recovery
● Be supportive ● Stay calm. Listen and help the person express their feelings. Let students know they are not alone, and help is available
• Triage emotional needs of students and staff
• Support parents in addressing concerns about their children
• Provide linkages to resources in the community
The Crisis Response Intervention Team will decide if the Psychological and Emotional Recovery Team is needed. The decision is made by the School Administrator in conjunction with the Superintendent and School Crisis Recovery team leader. The PERT will provide different types of assistance depending on the nature of the emergency or crisis. The team provides support from individual crises to school wide emergencies. In the event of a large scale crisis that would overwhelm district resources, the Psychological and Emotional Recovery Team will collaborate with community, city, and state agencies for support. The PERT and Student Support Services Coordinator, in conjunction with the appropriate School Administrator, would coordinate these services. The PERT meets with the Superintendent or designee, School Administration, and the school crisis team to plan for the response to the Crisis. Each response is tailored to the needs of the school. The team assesses the severity and impact the situation has on the school and its community. The team provides support, assistance with tracking students, anniversary responses, and updates. Communication is critical in times of response. The team is often communicating with all schools and/or community agencies that would be impacted by the event.
• Work with individual students/groups of students when needed
● Be aware of your feelings about death and suicide
GENERAL DONTS ● Don’t deny or minimize the severity of the person’s problem or his/her reaction
• Provide ongoing consultation to the CRIT on anniversary dates or if the crisis is ongoing Deciding if the Psychological and Emotional Recovery Team support is needed
Superintendent or Superintendent designee.
• Assist teachers and staff in notifying students of the crisis
● Don’t lecture or preach
● Teachers may want to attempt or encourage additional tutoring.
● Don’t be judgmental ● Don’t get overly involved or attempt to do therapy
● Teachers should keep a list of crisis management team members so they are aware of who comprises the team.
● Teachers should allow for physical concerns like more frequent trips to the school nurse. They may be a nonverbal way of expressing feelings.
● Don’t hesitate to send a troubled student to the crisis team for help IF YOU BECOME AWARE THAT A STUDENT HAS EXPERIENCED THE DEATH OF A LOVED ONE IN THE PAST:
● After the formal statement has been read to a class, teachers will want to allow some time for students to discuss how they feel. Teachers are encouraged to express acceptance of the student’s feelings and to show them that they care and are willing to become involved in helping students cope with strong feelings around the crisis at hand. The goal is not to provide treatment or to function as a therapist, but rather to intervene at a time of heightened emotions. Each staff members’ purpose will be to identify students who are particularly distressed and to connect them with the help they need by directing them in a compassionate and caring way to a member of the crisis management team. Remember, it is always safer to refer any student you have a question about.
● Teachers should give permission to grieve and provide them an atmosphere, which encourages the expression of all reactions to the event. Even unusual ones like laughing is a fear reaction. Staff should validate others’ feelings.
Tell the student that you learned that “your mom died two years ago.'' Making a direct statement establishes your concern and immediately removes an emotional barrier. The child will know you are sensitive to his/her loss. You can then talk with the child about what you can do to make things easier. Be sure the child meets with the social worker. Many children re grieve, especially when the death occurred during the previous developmental stage.
● The rescheduling of any impending stressful academic exercises or tests may need to be considered. The Principal will determine any delays in major requirements such as final exams.
● Teachers should review procedures for making a referral from classes to designated crisis station rooms and the time availability of counselors. Students should be dismissed only in accordance with pre planned protocol.
6. Encourage him/her to play with friends.
10. Try to keep the mood light in a difficult situation so they won’t break down 11.emotionally.Offercreative outlets at school: a. Writing poetry or letters b. Keeping a journal c. Art or playing an instrument
More strategies to help with GRIEF
5. To compensate for their grief or for the chaos at home, some grieving children become overly conscientious about schoolwork. They want to make the dead loved one proud and will go overboard to please. Such a child puts him/herself under debilitating stress. Do what you can to relax them.
7. If you see signs of severe stress, inform the parents and the social worker.
4. Use contracts with flexible deadlines. If possible, hold off on all grades for a month or so. Remind the child that you know it is going to be difficult and that you want to help.
8. Don’t be misled by a grieving child who jokes about the funeral or anything else associated with death. Children cope differently when grieving.
● Any of the traumatic circumstances (accidents, suicides, bomb threats, riots, tornadoes, etc.), which may affect the school community, may trigger an already depressed youth to behave in a dangerous and possibly self destructive way. Once again, you are not being asked to diagnose a student’s condition, but to identify students who may be in need of help and to direct them to helping professionals on the crisis management team.
9. The social worker or designee should reach out to any student dealing with a death if the student/family wants to receive social work services.
2. Have the class make cards or write notes to the grieving child before he/she returns to 3.school.Ease up on expectations for a period of time. Some children do relatively well academically during a grieving period for a number of reasons. Others fall apart and are unable to concentrate long enough to complete a simple assignment
1. Ask the family what information you can share with the class about the death. Prepare the class before the grieving child returns to the school setting. Discuss death, experiences other class members have had with death, and brainstorm about what are appropriate and inappropriate things to say to their classmate. The goal is to increase sensitivity to the grieving child.
Plan -
Creative expression is a MUST for grieving children. The process of creating gives a private place for the child to go when emotions are out of control (psychologist, social worker, nurse). Discuss this privately with the student as part of a plan for escape. Think of a signal between the two of you.
3. Provide
2. Remove
14. Make straightforward statements and use direct words when speaking to grieving children. Some alternatives: Refrain from saying “I’m sorry” as that can make the individual feel uncomfortable. Instead try: “I can only imagine how you’re feeling.” “Tell me about your brother who passed away.” “How are you today”
16. Don’t ever minimize grieving to a child in an attempt to rescue him/her or fix the situation. Respect his/her feelings, LISTEN, and care.
17. Be a friend. Grieving parents are generally unable to help their children because of their own feelings. Children heal best WHEN THEIR TEACHER IS INVOLVED IN THE and stories about death and grieving deal with the subject in an impersonal way. They can help the grieving child and the class. School District 167 A STUDENT OR STAFF Contact the office immediately (intercom, room phone, cell phone, or send a student) all students from the area or room if possible emergency first aid only if the situation is critical (see below) individual until the administration, nurse (health clerk), or other emergency about the situation to students, parents or the media Prevention Know the location of first-aid kits automated external defibrillators hallways
FIRST AID PROCEDURES First aid is the immediate care given to a person who has been injured or has suddenly taken ill. First aid should be provided only by those individuals who are trained in emergency first aid procedures. In the event of an injury, accident, or a sudden serious illness involving a student or staff member, and if the situation so warrants, the building administration
personnel arrives 5. Do not make comments
15. Don’t expect grieving children to feel better in a certain amount of time. In some cases, the pain and sadness deepens during the second year.
- Remove potential hazards from classrooms and
13. One of the most important things to a bereaved child is having his/her teacher attend the funeral service.
MEMBER Procedures: 1.
4. Stay with
FIRST AID DIRECTIONS Emergency and first aid procedures should be administered only by trained and qualified personnel according to the following guidelines in the event of accident or A.illness.Ensure that the victim has an open airway and give artificial respiration, if necessary.
E. Protect the victim from unnecessary manipulation or disturbances.
G. Administer the appropriate first aid.
B. Control severe bleeding utilizing standard precautions.
SERIOUS INJURY OR ILLNESS PROCEDURES In case of serious injury or illness, the immediate concern is to aid the injured or sick student. The following procedure is to be used once a serious injury or illness has been identified.
3. Discard gloves after each use.
D. Do not move the injured person unless necessary for safety reasons.
F. Avoid or overcome chilling by using blankets or covers.
C. Give first aid for poisoning or ingestion of harmful chemicals.
1. Call the custodian for all bodily fluid clean up.
19 will confer with the School Nurse or Health Clerk. If the situation is beyond their abilities, emergency personnel will be contacted by calling 911.
Procedural Steps: Because body fluids of all individuals should be considered as potential carriers of infectious diseases, the following procedures must be observed:
4. Wash hands thoroughly after handling fluids and contaminated articles, whether gloves are 5.worn.Discard all disposable items which come in contact with body fluids.
OTHER COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Contact School Nurse (Health Clerk) for assistance.
SERIOUS INJURY DO NOT MOVE INJURED. If the injury or illness is determined to require immediate medical attention, call 911.
BLOOD-BORNE PATHOGENS A pathogen is a disease producing micro-organism in human blood that can cause disease in humans. Standard precautions in treating bodily fluids should be used by all staff to minimize exposure to blood-borne pathogens.
THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION HAS THE AUTHORITY TO MAKE ANY DECISIONS. Notify the school administration and they will make the final decision as to an appropriate course of action.
2. Wear gloves when making contact with body fluids.
BODILY FLUIDS In the event a staff member comes into contact with bodily fluids involving blood, vomit, drainage, urine, feces, semen, saliva, or nasal discharges, the staff member is to observe and follow Routine Procedures for Sanitation and Hygiene When Handling Body Fluids.
REPORT ALL STAFF MEMBER ACCIDENTS OR INJURIES. All Staff injuries that happen on the job must be reported to the Business Manager ASAP. The administrator must contact the Working Nurse (855-921-9518) with the employee present and fill out an Employee Accident Report Form.
REPORT ALL STUDENT ACCIDENTS OR INJURIES. All student accidents or injuries shall be reported on an accident report and submitted to the building administrator and then to the Superintendent.
DEATH OF A STUDENT/STAFF MEMBER Procedures Not occurring on school property
Upon notification of death, arrange for an emergency staff meeting where procedures will be reviewed and current information is provided Arrange for counseling services for staff and students
Prepare a notice to be sent home to parents with particulars regarding any arrangements that may have been decided by the family of the deceased If death occurred during the school day, on school property, follow the Lockdown procedures. Teacher’s/Staff Responsibilities
A STUDENT If a student must be transported for immediate medical care, and a parent is not present, school personnel must accompany the student to the medical facility.
NOTIFY THE PARENT OR GUARDIAN AS SOON AS REASONABLY POSSIBLE by the main office. If parent or guardian is unavailable Refer to emergency card identifying individuals and physicians to contact in case of emergency. The nurse/health clerk assigned to the school will evaluate the student’s physical status, administer first aid, determine whether the condition requires emergency assistance, physician’s attention, etc., and recommend the same.
21 1. Call a meeting of CRIT Members to formulate the school’s response to the notice 2. Activate the telephone tree to school staff if notification is received after school hours or during non school days 3. Contact family friends of the deceased to offer support and obtain information regarding 4.arrangementsArrangefor appropriate counseling services 5. Update information to staff and parents as it becomes available. 6. Work with family on funeral/memorial plans 7. If the student or staff member had personal property in school, secure the property including locker contents, until authorized to release it to family or a relative 1. Keep informed of plans and procedures that may be implemented in response to the 2.deathBe observant of students’ and fellow staff members’ reaction to news. If required, refer the person(s) to counseling 3. Do not deny your own emotional response to this situation, and seek appropriate help 4. Assist in bringing closure to this 5.eventReview grieving/coping strategies CRIT Members/Sweep Team Responsibilities Keep a copy of the Crisis Plan at home and at school for ready access Example: Parent Letter Death of a Student DearDate: Families: As you may or may not be aware, our school district has been saddened by the death of one of our ____ grade students, _________________. ______________passed away on ____________. Our hearts go out to this grieving family. To assist students during their grieving the Crisis Intervention Team, which includes psychologists and social workers, are on hand to provide support for the students.
Here at school we will continue to provide grief counseling for the students. Students' emotions at home may be wide and varied so please understand that each person may express themselves differently. You can help your child through this tough time by encouraging them to share their feelings. Any outlet for their emotions is considered healthy and normal. you have any questions or concerns please contact the school at and we will do our best to provide assistance to
Example: Parent Letter Death of a Staff Member Families: It is with regret that we inform you of the death of ____________________. Mrs. ________________ was a third grade teacher for 9 years here at Longwood Elementary School and employed for 28 years in Brookwood School District 167. Her presence will be sorely missed. She was well liked and respected by all of those who knew her and her untimely passing has profoundly touched her Westudents.cantake solace in the good and lasting work that Mrs. ____________ did in her too brief lifetime. The results of her outstanding teaching and her influences on her students will always be remembered. The people whose lives she touched are monuments to Mrs. ___________ life.
23 The Longwood Elementary family is deeply saddened and our heartfelt sympathy is extended to the family of Mrs. _____________. Services for Mrs. _____________ are as follows: SupportFuneral:Visitation:staff was available today and will be available next week if the need arises. Please contact me at 757 2100 if you have concerns. _________________________,PrincipalSincerely, COMMUNITY NETWORKING At the beginning of each school year, crisis team members will meet with neighboring districts as well as police and fire departments. Community Resources Braveheart Grief Program for Children Hospice of the Calumet Area 78 Cherry Street 3224 Ridge Road Park Forest, IL 60466 Suites 202 & 203 708 481 2104 Lansing, IL 60438 708 895 8332 The Wounded Healers (grief support group) The Success Center 921 W. 45th Avenue 45- 167th Street Griffith, IN 46319 Calumet City, IL 60409 219 924 4100 708 891 8696 Thornton Township Youth Committee Buddy’s Place - Pillars Community 333 E. 162nd Street W. Burlington Avenue South Holland, IL 60473 Western Springs, IL 60558
Some of the following suggestions may help alleviate the emotional pain associated with a traumatic event. These are not complete listings, but many of these helpful hints may be beneficial for you to try.
9. Be observant for unusual reactions and refer for further intervention.
2. This is a classroom discussion, not a therapy session.
The following are some thoughts the discussion leader may want to keep in mind when discussing the events in the classroom:
It is appropriate to ask, “How many of you have had a chance to talk about this today?” “How do you feel about what happened?” Those students who prefer not to discuss the event may be given permission to move to the rear of the classroom.
3. Project confidence, calmness, firmness, encouragement, and reassurance.
5. Allow students to express concerns and feelings. Acknowledge that a wide variety of feelings are normal and may vary among the students. These feelings may change rapidly.
8. The discussion leader may see overt signs of grief for the next few days. This is normal and acceptable.
1. Be sensitive to the fact that many in the class may have discussed the tragedy earlier in the day.
6. Minimize any judgmental remarks. Refocus the discussion toward problem solving and better ways of coping.
4. Focus attention to the venting of feelings and maintain a non judgmental attitude.
Symptoms that remain severe or last longer than six weeks may indicate that the traumatized person may need professional counseling.
FOR YOURSELF Try to rest a bit more. Contact friends, reach out, and spend time with others. Have someone stay with you for at least a few hours for a day or so.
24 708 596 6046 (708) 955 3751 1023
7. Redirect destructive expressions of anger, “Anger is one of many responses people tend to have in these kinds of situations,” “What do you do when you’re angry?” or “ I wonder what other feelings people are having now?”
Talk to people who love you. Find a good counselor if the feelings become prolonged or too intense.
permission to feel rotten and share your feelings with others. Oftentimes it just takes one person to open up in front of others before they can share many similar feelings. Take a chance. Consider keeping a journal. Write your way through those sleepless hours. Do things that feel good to you. Realize those around you are under stress. Don’t make any big life changes or purchases. Do make as many daily decisions as possible that will give you a feeling of control over your own life.
Recurring thoughts, dreams or flashbacks are normal don’t try to fight them they will decrease over time and become less painful. Maintain as normal a schedule as possible. Eat well balanced and regular meals (even when you don’t feel like it). Try to keep a reasonable level of activity Fight against boredom. Re establish a normal schedule as soon as possible. Express your feelings as they arise.
Within the first 24 48 hours, periods of strenuous physical exercise, alternated with relaxations will alleviate some of the physical reactions. Structure your time keeping busy within reasons. You are normal and having normal reactions so don’t label yourself “crazy”. Talk to people. Talking is the most healing medicine. Be aware of numbing the pain with overuse of any drugs or alcohol. Help your co-workers as much as possible by sharing feelings and checking how they themselves are Givedoing.yourself
Listen carefully. Spend time with the traumatized person. Offer your assistance and a listening ear even if they have not asked for your help. Reassure them they are safe. Help them with everyday tasks like cleaning, caring for the family, or preparing a meal. Give them some private time. Don’t take their anger or other feelings personally. Don’t tell them that they are “lucky it wasn’t a lot worse” … these statements do not console traumatized people. Instead, tell them you are sorry such an event has occurred and you understand and want to assist them.
Create an environment that feels safe to share in if the person chooses to talk about aspects of an incident that has happened. Be careful not to force an issue. Keep “curious questions” for your own self satisfaction in their appropriate place. A later time might be more beneficial to everyone.
The following may represent some statements/questions, which may facilitate better communications or could be used in crisis interventions.
Don’t be in too much of a hurry to make major schedule changes on someone else’s behalf. Another person’s physical presence, even though nothing may be said, can be comforting.
I’m not sure what the look on your face means. Can you explain it to me? I’d really like to know what you’re thinking about now. You seem to be angry. Would you like to talk to someone about it?
I really care about you. How can I help? It’s O.K. if you aren’t comfortable talking with me about the problems. Who can you talk to? You look really upset to me. Because I care about you, let me take you to talk to someone. Do you feel like crying? You seem to be hurting. Can you talk to me?
Don’t try to analyze the behaviors that may become apparent.
Acceptance and support are the key elements of providing comfort. Be sensitive to the fact that pre established routines sometimes help reorient the individual to prior functioning levels.
Don’t be afraid of silence. Companionship can be experienced as a form of support when people are silent together. A sensitive touch, a caring embrace or someone to sit quietly beside may also be supportive as individuals sift through some of their own issues. Understand that each person’s trauma is individual. People experience it and cope with its aftermath in different ways. Respect this.
27 This is a referral list of counseling services that can help offer support. Attention Disorder Association of Parents Glenwood School and Professional 708 758 0175 708 460 8362 Aunt Martha’s Youth Services Grand Prairie Chicago Heights Flossmoor 708 754 9400 708 799 2200 Cancer Support Learning Disabilities Homewood Center of Illinois 708 798 9171 Palos Hts 708 4307532 Center for Personal and Family Life Matteson Respond Now 708 481 4080 Chicago Hts 708 755 4357 LansingC.H.A.D.D. South Suburban Housing Homewood 708-802-4233 708 957 Community4674Counseling Services Homewood South Suburban Family 708 799 2500 Shelter Homewood 708 331 1040 Cook County Department of Public Aid 1800-603-4357 Success Center 312 793 4706 Calumet City 708 891 8696 Crisis Center of South Suburbia Tinley Park Family Link 708 206 2550 708 429 Domestic7255Abuse Hotline Psychological Fitness Center 1800 603 4357 3235 Vollmer Road, suite 119
Special Note: There will always be a need to have restrooms checked for students during a crisis. This task will have to fall to an administrator during a LOCKDOWN- No Response. Responsibilities Direct 911 be called Announce over the intercom and use the CrisisGo App to notify staff Declare LOCKDOWN (Respond or No Respond) Direct school bells be turned off Directs First-Aid Responders to scene Briefs CRIT on the situation Secures accident/crime scene Remains in the Command Center and manages the crisis Classroom Teachers/Aides Responsibilities
LOCKDOWN Procedure Packet located in hanging red envelope in classroom
Close & lock classroom door & lower shades
· Stay away from inside door windows Determine whether to Escape, Barricade or Resist
If Barricading, elicit the help of students to secure the door with furniture and other classroom items (extension cords, belts, books, desks, etc.)
28 Flossmoor, IL 60422 708-754-8815
If threat is not near, quickly escape by using the closest exit, if evacuating from the classroom, break window in upper corner and clear out the glass. Evacuate feet first to help cushion the fall
SOFT LOCKDOWN- No Response: NO ONE MOVES. The situation is unstable, and the risks are too great to have anyone moving about the school until the police arrive and assist in the assessment of the incident.
General Procedures-Active Shooter Threat/ Lockdown
Responsibilities of CRIT Members/Sweep Team
Active Shooter Threat/ Lockdown-
Resist- Attack the weapon using fire extinguishers, chairs, create a distraction for the shooter
A LOCKDOWN is declared when, in the opinion of the Administrator-in-Charge, a situation exists that threatens the safety of students and staff and requires that they remain in their classrooms. LOCKDOWN- Respond: The Crisis Response Intervention Team (CRIT) responds to the Command Center. All Adults not having supervisory responsibilities for students will report to the Media Center for assignments.
If evacuating the classroom, take attendance and ER Go Kit with you •Have a plan, make a decision and commit to it
29 Report to Administrator in Charge for direction Monitor hallways, bathrooms, and unsupervised areas of the building Check in with teachers to see if they have any needs or concerns Help with parent notification and dismissal of students When you hear ALL CLEAR from an Administrator resume normal day BOMB Procedures:THREATPhoneThreat 1. Listen to the message without interrupting the caller 2. Write down the message, noting the time of call, unusual background noises, and estimated age of caller 3. Try to keep the caller talking 4. Attempt to ascertain from the caller the type of bomb, where placed, time of detonation, and reason school has been targeted 5. After caller has concluded his or her threat, hang up and immediately lift the receiver and press #57 (call trace) 6. If school has Caller ID, note the number from which the call was made7.Immediately notify the Administrator in Charge of the call and content of the message ResponsibilitiesAdministrator’s Teacher’s/Staff Responsibilities
1. If the threat is deemed valid: ● Call 911- advise building is being evacuated because of a bomb threat CRIT ● Turn off bell system Turn off all two-way radios not utilize the fire alarm system to evacuate the building. Dispatch CRIT to notify each classroom of the need to evacuate the school. While completing this task a limited search of common areas of the school In consultation with police/fire officials, determine when it is safe to re enter the school
2. Proceed to evacuation point with class attendance book and ER Go Kit.
Administrator’sAdministrator-in-ChargeResponsibilities Responsibilities
1. Upon receipt of notification to evacuate the school, conduct a limited search of classrooms to determine if any strange or unknown objects are in the room.
● Activate
3. If parents arrive wanting to take students home do not release them until they have signed proper form. (see CRIT member) 4. Maintain control of students and advise CRIT members of any missing children by holding up red or green cards.
Report to principal In teams, check the restrooms,
areas for students and/or suspicious packages/devices BUS ACCIDENT PROCEDURES 1.
5. Do not re enter the building until directed to do so by a CRIT member or someone in authority. of CRIT Members/Sweep Team hallways, other classroom Upon receipt of notification of the accident, obtain the following information: Bus number or route number Location of accident Numbered of injured students and adults Time of accident Whether police/fire/ambulance is on scene Location of where injured parties have been taken Whether additional buses are needed to transport non-injured students Notify the of Bus Supervisor
5. Keep children under control. Have adults in the area assist with tasks.
Designated CRIT Member(s) respond to the hospital(s) and provide support to injured students and their parents Keep the principal updated on all medical conditions of students and staff
1 Upon learning that a child has been abducted or missing, immediately notify the administrator in 2chargeObtain a detailed description of the abductor, including physical appearance, and color of clothing, make, model, color and license number of any vehicle used in the abduction 3 In the case of a missing child, obtain a detailed description of clothing, and the time and location when the child was last seen 4 Await arrival of police Administrator’s Responsibilities Teacher’s/Staff Responsibilities
6. If appropriate, respond to the hospital.
4. Determine if siblings of bus riding students are still at school(It may be necessary to advise them of the accident and arrange for parent pick up)
5. When advised by CRIT members on the scene of the current status, direct appropriate notifications be made.
3. Have older students assist younger students.
1. Assess the situation and call 911 2. If danger of fire or vehicle is in precarious position, evacuate the bus and direct students to safe location
7. If students are transported to hospitals, determine which student(s) are going to which hospitals.
1. Dispatch CRIT to accident scene with Emergency Go Kits.
2. Notify the Superintendent’s office.
Responsibilities of CRIT Members responding to the Scene
The Superintendent will handle media inquiries at the accident scene and the hospital spokesperson will handle any inquiries regarding treatment of the injured
4. Notify the school of the accident and the extent of any injuries.
6. If available, remove I.D.’s/labels from ER Go Kits and attach to students.
Assess the current situation and advise the principal Assist in the movement and/or control of non-injured students
If parents arrive on the scene and wish to remove their child/children, record this information on the Emergency Student Release Form
3. Obtain a list of students who were on the bus and have Emergency Notification Sheets pulled.
1. Activate CRIT and conduct an immediate search of school and school grounds Call 911 and parents of the missing student. Check the student's locker and desk for any indication of why the incident occurred. Interview student’s friends for information.
Abduction 1 If abduction occurs while class is in session, attempt to persuade the abductor not to commit the act 2 If unsuccessful, do not place yourself or other children in harm’s way
Abduction 1. Call 911 and advise of abduction Provide the 911 operator with a description of the vehicle with license plate number, if known. Notify the custodial parent. Provide support services as needed. If other students witnessed this abduction, it may be necessary to notify their parents, as the children will be upset It may be advisable to brief CRIT Members on the situation and arrange for counselors the next day Missing Student
3 Immediately notify office and provide as many details as possible 4 Maintain control of students Missing Student 1 Immediately notify the office when advised a student is missing 2 Assist administrator with questioning of friends and fellow classmates as to why the student is missing 3 Maintain control of remaining students of CRIT Members/Sweep Team to principal In teams, check the restrooms, hallways, and other non classroom areas for students outsiders
1 If directly involved, follow the instructions of the intruder 2 Attempt to summon help if it can be accomplished without placing yourself or others in further danger
In teams, check the restrooms, hallways, and other non classroom areas for students and/or outsiders and pick up “missing student” lists from each teacher in their assigned sweep area; assemble the lists of missing students and forward to the Command Center
33 Procedures 1 Assess the situation and remain calm 2 Notify the Administrator-in-Charge of situation and call 911 3 Obtain accurate information: a. Where in the building is the event occurring? b. How many are involved (both perpetrators and c.hostages)?What demands, if any, have been made? 4 Render appropriate assistance Administrator’s Responsibilities Teacher’s/Staff Responsibilities 1 Direct 911 be called 2 If appropriate, declare a LOCKDOWN, a respond or no respond will be determined by the situation. Follow established procedures for a LOCKDOWN 3 Isolate the area 4 Direct that all appropriate notifications be made 5 Await the arrival of the police, and provide needed assistance 6 If the decision is made to evacuate the unaffected portion of the school, accountability for all evacuated students and staff becomes a critical 7issueRemember that the job of resolving the incident belongs to the police, the administrator’s job to facilitate their efforts
5 If students are involved as victims, attempt to keep them calm and minimize their involvement with the directly involved, follow instructions quickly and without notified of the LOCKDOWN, follow established procedures Be able to account for all students under your control of CRIT Members/Sweep Team
3 Await the arrival of the police Remember, time is on your side Don’t threaten or attempt to intimidate or disarm the intruder
Assume the “duck and cover” position
Includes organisms or toxins that have illness producing effects on people, livestock and crops. They can be dispersed as aerosols or airborne Getparticlesstudents into buildings, close all doors and windows, and shut down HVAC systems Release students to their parents/authorized persons in accordance with ER release procedures
Assume “duck and cover” position Shut off gas utilities Release students to their parents/authorized persons in accordance with ER release procedures
The Federal Bureau of Investigation categorizes terrorism in the United States in two ways domestic terrorism or international terrorism
Includes bombs and other explosive devices
According to the Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA), the weapons of mass destruction likely used by terrorist groups can be categorized into four categories: 1. Conventional 2. Chemical 3. Biological 4. Nuclear
Includes poisonous gases, liquids or solids that have toxic effects on people, animals or plants. Can cause serious injuries or death Get all students into buildings, close all windows and doors, shut off heat, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
Place students and staff in a protected space and increase the distance from the blast area Move to interior hallways, away from windows, closing doors to exterior rooms
International Terrorism: Involves groups or individuals whose terrorist activities are foreign based and/or whose activities transcend national boundaries
Biological Weapons
Responsibilities of CRIT Members/Sweep Team
Report to Administrator in Charge for direction Monitor hallways, bathrooms, and unsupervised areas of the building Check in with teachers to see if they have any needs or concerns Help with parent notification and dismissal of students
Decisions to evacuate should be based on the location of the chemical release and the direction and speed of winds carrying the agent toward or away from school If students are released to parents, procedures to minimize the penetration of airborne substances must be considered Nuclear Weapons
Such weapons present a threat of not only blast effect but also of exposure to radiation Move to interior hallways, away from windows, closing doors to exterior rooms
Shut off gas utilities Release students to their parents/authorized persons in accordance with ER release procedures
· Domestic Terrorism: Involves groups or individuals whose terrorist activities are directed at elements of our government or population without foreign direction
Chemical Weapons
Although specific guidelines for schools have not yet been developed; some preliminary considerations are set forth below: Conventional Weapons
35 FIRES Procedures 1 Students will form a line quickly, quietly, and in an orderly manner 2 There should be no running and all movement should be according to the prearranged fire exit plan that is posted in each 3classroomTakeEmergency Go Kit 4 Windows and doors should be closed. The last person out of the classroom will close the door 5 No one should stop to retrieve coats or materials 6 Each class will proceed to an evacuation point outside of the building Administrator’s Responsibilities Teacher’s/Staff Responsibilities 1 Pull Fire Alarm if not already activated 2 Disseminate CRIT 3 Assist/supervise safe evacuation of building 4 In consultation with police/fire officials, determine when it is safe to re-enter the building 1 Pull Fire Alarm if not already activated 2 Assist in safe evacuation of students by following posted fire exit plan 3 Take Emergency Go KIT with you 4 The last person out should be the teacher 5 Proceed to designated evacuation location with class attendance log 6 Maintain control of the students 7 Hold up Green or Red status card to advise CRIT members of any missing or unaccounted-for students 8 Do not enter the school until directed to do so by an administrator, CRIT Member or Police/Fire authority Responsibilities of CRIT Members/Sweep Team Assess the current situation and advise the principal Assist in the movement and/or control of non injured students If parents arrive on the scene and wish to remove their child/children, record this information on the Emergency Student Release Form Designated CRIT Member(s) respond to the hospital(s) and provide support to injured students and their parents Keep the principal updated on all medical conditions of students and staff The Superintendent will handle media inquiries
36 SEVERE WEATHER Tornado Procedures 1 Students will form a line quickly, quietly, and in an orderly manner 2 There should be no running and all movement should be according to the prearranged tornado exit plan that is posted in each classroom 3 Take Emergency Go Kit 4 Windows and doors should be open 5 The last person out of the classroom will leave the door open 6 No one should stop to retrieve any materials 7 When the alarm sounds, each class will proceed to their designated areas as instructed 8 Students will kneel on the floor in the hallway with heads down, facing a wall or locker away from any glass 9 Students are to place their hands over their heads 10 Absolute silence must be maintained Administrator’s Responsibilities Teacher’s/Staff Responsibilities 1 Sound Alarm (3 long bellspause, 3 long bells, pause, 3 long bells) 2 Supervise/monitor hallways 3 Determine when it’s safe to issue an all clear 4 In the event of a disaster activate CRIT 1 Open classroom doors, windows and turn off lights 2 Assist students to designated area as instructed on tornado map 3 Take Emergency Go Kit and proceed to designated location with class attendance log 4 Assist students in assuming the required safety position 5 Do not dismiss students until warning has been lifted by Emergency Management and school district administration Responsibilities of CRIT Members/Sweep Team
Flooding Procedures
Flooding that occur after children are in school
2.The superintendent will determine whether to cancel classes for the day.
1. Parents will be notified that students will be released early by telephone, announcements over local radio stations, and/or information posted on the district website
Designated CRIT Member(s) respond to the hospital(s) and provide support to injured students and their parents Keep the principal updated on all medical conditions of students and staff
3. Announcements will be made on local radio stations prior to 6:30 a.m. that school will be closed and buses will not operate.
2. Students will be held until parent is notified about early dismissal
If parents arrive on the scene and wish to remove their child/children, record this information on the Emergency Student Release Form
Assess the current situation and advise the principal Assist in the movement and/or control of non injured students
4. The district automated calling system (School Messenger) will be activated for both staff and students as early as possible.
1. The superintendent will monitor NOAA Weather Stations, (National Weather Service, Weather Channel, or cable television.
The Superintendent will handle media inquiries at the accident scene and the hospital spokesperson will handle any inquiries regarding treatment of the injured SEVERE WEATHER
Administrator’s Responsibilities Teacher’s/Staff Responsibilities
Parents will be notified that students will be released early by telephone, announcements over local radio stations, and/or information posted on the district website will be held until parent is notified about early dismissal
Administrator’s Responsibilities Teacher’s/Staff Responsibilities
38 1. Activate the school calling tree 2. Remind families to have emergency plans in place for their children should students be released early 3. Establish policy and procedure for cancelling extracurricular activities when weather conditions could be severe 4. Know which weather stations broadcast weather alerts issued by the National Weather Service for your area 5. Work with custodial staff to ensure supplies are available to remove water from the building. 1. Wait to hear instructions from an administrator 2. If you are in an unsafe classroom such as water rushing in; you will want to leave, BUT make sure you inspect for damage before you move to another location 3. If evacuating the building, take ER Go Kit and class attendance log 4. Account for all your students before you leave the classroom 5. Take injured students with you only if moving them will not cause further injury 6. Once you evacuate to a safe location communicate to administrator by holding up red or green card in ER Go Kit Responsibilities of CRIT Members/Sweep Team Report to Administrator in Charge for direction Monitor hallways, bathrooms, and unsupervised areas of the building Check in with teachers to see if they have any needs or concerns Help with parent notification and dismissal of students SEVERE WEATHER Severe Winter Storm Procedures 1 The superintendent will monitor NOAA Weather Stations, (National Weather Service, Weather Channel, or cable television 2 The superintendent will determine whether to cancel classes for the day 3 Announcements will be made on local radio stations prior to 6:30 a.m. that school will be closed and buses will not operate 4 The district automated calling system (School Messenger) will be activated for both staff and students as early as possible Storms that occur after children are in school
39 1 Activate the school calling tree 2 Remind families to have emergency plans in place for their children should students be released early 3 Establish guidelines with regards to wind chill and outdoor activities 4 Establish policy and procedure for cancelling extracurricular activities when weather conditions could be 5severeKnow which weather stations broadcast weather alerts issued by the National Weather Service for your area 6 Work with custodial staff to ensure supplies of rock salt are replenished to melt ice and ensure that snow removal equipment is maintained 1 When notified, activate the school’s emergency call list 2 If school is in session when the storm occurs, help with supervision and dismissal of students 3 If parents arrive wanting to take students home do not release them until they have signed proper form (see CRIT member) Responsibilities of CRIT Members/Sweep Team Report to Administrator in Charge for direction Monitor hallways, bathrooms, and unsupervised areas of the building Check in with teachers to see if they have any needs or concerns Help with parent notification and dismissal of students SEVERE WEATHER EARTHQUAKE Procedures 1 Evacuation should never be automatic 2 There may be more danger outside the building then there is inside 3 Before any decision is made to vacate the school, it must be determined that there is a safe route out and a safe place to assemble the students outside Administrator’s Responsibilities Teacher’s/Staff Responsibilities
40 1 Assess the situation inside and 2outsideDecide whether to evacuate all or parts of the building 3 Choose the route and the meeting 4placeCommunicate directions to all 5teachersSupervise/monitor hallways 6 Establish a school command post and medical triage site 7 If applicable, direct custodial staff to shut off utilities and notify of any 8damagesConsult with emergency management to determine if building is safe for reoccupancy 9 Determine when it’s safe to issue an all clear 10 In the event of a disaster activate Crisis Team 1 Direct students to Drop, Cover, and Hold, seek shelter under desks and move away from windows and overhead hazards 2 Do NOT automatically rush your class into the hallway or outside the 3buildingWait to hear instructions from an 4administratorIfyouare in an unsafe classroom (i.e. the ceiling has collapsed, wires are crackling, broken glass, you smell gas or smoke) you will want to leave, BUT make sure you inspect for damage before you move to another location 5 If evacuating the building, take ER Go Kit and class attendance log 6 Account for all your students before you leave the classroom 7 Take injured students with you only if moving them will not cause further 8injuryOnce you evacuate to a safe location communicate to administrator by holding up red or green card in ER Go Kit Responsibilities of CRIT Members/Sweep Team Assist in the movement and/or control of non injured students If parents arrive on the scene and wish to remove their child/children, record this information on the Emergency Student Release Form Keep the principal updated on all medical conditions of students and staff GAS LEAK/TOXIC SPILLProcedures Administrator-in-Charge will call 911 If gas leak DO NOT activate fire alarm or any other electrical equipment- EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY Administrator’s Responsibilities Teacher’s/Staff Responsibilities
41 1. If vapor or fire is present evacuate immediately 2. Call 911 3. Describe condition and type of hazardous material if known 4. superintendent/DirectorNotify of Buildings & Grounds 5. If possible have custodian shut off supply line to tank or system 6. Confine area by closing doors and floor drains 7. Activate CRIT 8. Evacuate to safe haven location if needed 9. Take Emergency Go Kit with you if evacuating 1. Notify the administrator in charge 2. Wait for instructions from Administrator 3. If evacuating, take Emergency Go Kit and proceed to designated location with class attendance log 4. Supervise students 5. If parents arrive wanting to take students home do not release them until they have signed proper form (see CRIT member) Responsibilities of CRIT Members/Sweep Team Assess the current situation and advise the principal Assist in the movement and/or control of non injured students If parents arrive on the scene and wish to remove their child/children, record this information on the Emergency Student release Form Designated CRIT Member(s) respond to the hospital(s) and provide support to injured students and their parents Keep the principal updated on all medical conditions of students and staff The Superintendent will handle media inquiries at the accident scene and the hospital spokesperson will handle any inquiries regarding treatment of the injured ELECTRICAL CRISIS
42 Procedures Administrator–in-Charge will contact building custodian Administrator will notify teachers to hold classes until further notice Call 911 if concerned about a fire or safety hazard Administrator will call local electrical company with concerns/inquires (COMED Administrator800-334-7661)willcontactdistrict office and advise of situation and any assistance needed ResponsibilitiesAdministrator’s Teacher’s/Staff Responsibilities 1. Contact Building Custodian 2. Contact Director of Buildings & Grounds 3. Notify teachers to hold classes until further notice 4. Call 911 if fire/safety concern arises 5. Activate CRIT if needed Possible Considerations: Closing Cafeteriaschoolfood preparation Transportationcapabilities adjustments Parent notification 1. Hold classes until further notice 2. Retrieve flashlight from Emergency Go Kit if needed 3. Keep students calm and on task 4. Continue normal routine as best as possible Responsibilities of CRIT Members/Sweep Team Report to administrator in charge for direction Monitor hallways, bathrooms, and unsupervised areas of the building Check in with teachers to see if they have any needs or concerns FIELD TRIP INCIDENT
43 Procedures Be Prepared; Before leaving on the field trip make sure each supervisor/chaperone and the building secretary has the following:·Student list by assigned bus Supervision list by assigned bus and teacher’s cell phone Chaperonenumbers list, vehicle and cell phone numbers Map of intended route List of medical needs/conditions ER Go Kits should be on each bus with appropriate student I.D.’s/labels **NOTE: Student I.D.’s/labels should remain in the ER Go Kit and NOT BE USED unless an emergency arises** Administrator’s Responsibilities Teacher’s/Staff Responsibilities 1. Upon notification, determine whether to deploy additional personnel to the scene 2. Notify superintendent of incident and action being taken 3. Contact parents of injured students to inform them of the incident, status of their child and which hospital he/she is being transported to 4. Determine whether to activate CRIT team to the scene 5. Contact remaining parents with update and actions being taken 6. Indicate any meeting place or pick up times at the school 7. Determine whether to meet injured students at the hospital or stay and speak with parents 1. Attend to any medical needs if there are injuries or complaints of pain 2. Call 911 if appropriate 3. Contact administrator immediately and provide update and actions being taken 4. Stay with injured students and assign uninjured students to join another group 5. Accompany injured students to the hospital 6. Keep administrator informed 7. Stay at hospital until administrator arrives Responsibilities of CRIT Members/Sweep Team Assess the current situation and advise the principal If parents arrive on the scene and wish to remove their child/children, record this information on the Emergency Student Release Form Designated CRIT Member(s) respond to the hospital(s) and provide support to injured students and their parents Keep the principal updated on all medical conditions of students and staff The superintendent will handle media inquiries at the scene and the hospital spokesperson will handle any inquiries regarding treatment of the injured
44 SUICIDE/ATEMPTED/ACTUALProcedures · Always assume the victim is alive! Administer emergency first aid · Notify administrator-in-charge · Stay with victim until help arrives Limit access to immediate area until police arrive Administrator’s Responsibilities Teacher’s/Staff Responsibilities Actual 1. Asses the situation 2. Direct that 911 be called 3. Declare a ResponseLockdown 4. Direct the notificationsappropriatearemade 5. Isolate all witnesses, if students, notify their parents 6. Direct that personal property of the victim be secured (includes items in classroom and in locker) 7. If victim has siblings in other area schools, notify their administrators 8. Be prepared to deal with media 9. Arrange for counselors for students and staff 10. Make contact with parents of deceased student Attempted 1. Assess situation 2. Direct that notificationsappropriatearemade 3. If required, call 911 4. Deal with siblings (see above) 5. Hold an emergency staff meeting at close of school to brief staff 6. Arrange for additional counselors if needed Actual/Attempted 1. Immediately administratornotifyincharge 2. Administer first aid/CPR (if knowledgeable) 3. Secure the area until an administrator arrives on the scene 4. Once relieved, teacher responds to his or her classroom and maintains order Rumors of 1. Treat all verbal and written threats as a serious matter 2. Immediately notify the administrator in charge about the information CRIT/Sweep Team Responsibilities 1. Report to administrator in charge for directions 2. Help secure area 3. Help with interviews of student witnesses 4 Help secure victim’s personal property
45 EVACUATION/REVERSEProceduresEVACUATION When the announcement/alarm is made: Administrator’s Responsibilities Teacher’s/Staff Responsibilities Evacuation Pull Fire Alarm if not already activated Disseminate Assist/superviseCRITsafe evacuation of building In consultation with police/fire officials, determine when it is safe to re enter the building Reverse Evacuation Announce over the intercom that a reverse evacuation is in effect Direct 911 be called Declare LOCKDOWN (Respond or No DirectResponse)school bells be turned off Direct First-Aid Responders to scene Brief CRIT on the situation Secures accident/crime scene Remains in the Command Center and manages the crisis Evacuation Grab Emergency Go Kit on the way out of your Takeroom the closest and safest way out as posted Do not stop for student/staff belongings Go to the designated area and wait for TakeCinstructionsheckforinjuriesattendanceand hold up GREEN card if all present or report missing students to command post by holding up RED card If you have any other questions or problems hold up RED card Reverse Evacuation (For emergencies requiring shelter that occur during recess or PE class) 1. Move students/staff inside as quickly as possible 2. Report to classroom 3. Take attendance 4. Use intercom system to report missing students 5. Wait for further instructionS Responsibilities of CRIT Members/Sweep Team Assess the current situation and advise the principal If parents arrive on the scene and wish to remove their child/children, record this information on the Emergency Student Release Form. Designated CRIT Member(s) respond to the hospital(s) and provide support to injured students and their parents Keep the principal updated on all medical conditions of students and staff The Superintendent will handle media inquiries at the scene and the hospital spokesperson will handle any inquiries regarding treatment of the injured
46 EVACUATION PROCEDURES FOR STUDENTS WITH ProceduresDISABILITIES · At the beginning of each school year all teachers who have students with special needs will meet with PPS staff and review each child’s IEP as a team Crisis intervention/response strategies will be developed with input from each member of the teaching team · An implementation drill will be conducted shortly thereafter Hearing Impaired Alert the students that there is an emergency—switch lights on and off to gain attention or gesture what is happening or what to do· With simple direct gestures or sign language, point them to safety Wheelchair Confined · Students in wheelchairs who have respirators must have priority assistance if there is smoke, as their ability to breathe is jeopardized · Determine if there are limitations on moving the students or if lifting may be dangerous to their health STRUCTURAL FAILURE
Designated CRIT Member(s) respond to the hospital(s) and provide support to injured students and their parents Keep the principal updated on all medical conditions of students and staff
If parents arrive wanting to take students home do not release them until they have signed proper form (see CRIT member)
The district office will notify the architect and insurance carrier to document and assess the Preparedamage for conducting school at an alternate Thesite affected areas will not be reopened until the structural integrity of the building is deemed safe Evacuation
Responsibilities of CRIT Members/Sweep Team
Grab Emergency Go Kit on the way out of your Takeroom the closest and safest way out as posted Do not stop for student/staff belongings Go to the designated area and wait for TakeCheckinstructionsforinjuriesattendanceand hold up GREEN card if all present OR Report missing students to command post by holding up RED card If you have any pertinent questions or concerns hold up RED card
47 Procedures Determine if the structural failure presents a hazard to the safety of students and staff
Evacuation If hazards are imminent initiate evacuation of the Disseminatebuilding Assist/SuperviseCRITsafe evacuation of building
In consultation with police/fire officials, determine when it is safe to re enter the building or whether utilities need to be turned off and the area sealed off Determine with the superintendent whether to dismiss school early, order an evacuation and off site evacuation for parent reunification The superintendent and principal will confer with emergency management to determine the structural integrity of the building
Administrator’s Responsibilities Teacher’s/Staff Responsibilities
Assess the current situation and advise the principal Assist in the movement and/or control of non-injured students
The Superintendent will handle media inquiries at the scene and the hospital spokesperson will handle any inquiries regarding treatment of the injured
If parents arrive on the scene and wish to remove their child/children, record this information on the Emergency Student Release Form
48 PANDEMIC OUTBREAK Procedures · Brookwood School District 167 will monitor school attendance through the school nurse, health, and office clerks If absenteeism rises to an unacceptable rate for student/staff safety, the superintendent will communicate with the local Board of Health regarding strategies for possible closure or school alerts Parents will be notified when confirmed cases are reported or should a school closure be deemed necessary - In the event that school closures are necessary, the district will adhere to all ISBE guidelines and CDC policies as directed - With any school closure that occurs, the District’s Remote Learning Plan guidelines and expectations will be followed Administrator’s Responsibilities Teacher’s/Staff Responsibilities
49 Work with the school nurse to inform staff and students about best hygiene practices Continue to authorize maintenance personnel, nurse and health clerks to order products needed for cleaning and disinfection Do not allow students who have not been in attendance due to illness to report unless cleared in writing from a licensed physician As soon as students become ill at school, require a parent or designated adult to pick them up Create a plan to cover teacher’s classes internally should an outbreak with staff occur Work with the superintendent when initiating calls to the local Board of Health Communicate with parents, staff and surrounding school districts Coordinate alternate school instruction and or school closure Decisions regarding cancellation of school events will be communicated in a timely manner Hold an emergency staff meeting at close of school to brief staff
2. Keep sub plans updated and in predetermined designated area
2. Help with parent notification and distribution of parent letter
3. Perform any duties as assigned by the principal Example: Parent Letter H1N1
1. Follow school policy/procedure for communicating assignments
6. On going personal, medical care in the event of illness
7. Calling the school principal with ample notice in the event of personal illness
CRIT/Sweep Team Responsibilities
5. Providing students with access to facial tissue, hand sanitizer in the classroom
1. Report to Administrator in Charge for directions
Dear Parent or Guardian: We were informed today that we have a confirmed case of H1N1 (swine) influenza at Brookwood Jr. High School. With directives from the Illinois and Cook County Health Departments and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we continue to make every effort to limit cases of influenza A (H1N1) virus (swine flu). To ensure the safety of all of our students and staff, we are taking the following preventative measures: closely monitoring student and staff absences due to influenza like illness, aggressively excluding ill students and staff from school for the recommended 7-day period of time emphasizing the importance of hand hygiene and “cover your cough” etiquette.
8. Follow the District’sRemote Learning Plan guidelines and expectations
11. In the event of a school closure, the primary concern is the safety and wellness of all staff, students, and families. Be sure all staff receive ongoing support and training to utilize remote learning tools and understand expectations prior to the start of the school year Be sure all students receive ongoing instruction and support in utilizing remote learning tools and the understanding of expectations at the beginning of the school year and throughout the school year Be sure all parents/guardians receive ongoing guidance and support in understanding the remote learning plans and expectations
3. Teach students best practices for hygiene (i.e. covering mouth when coughing or sneezing)
4. Send ill students immediately to the nurse
If you have any questions or would like further information about the H1N1 virus, please contact the Cook County Department of Public Health at (708) 449-2000 or visit Sincerely,www.cookcountypublichealth.org,SuperintendentExample: Covid-19
The symptoms of H1N1 virus are similar to the symptoms of the regular flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue.
Parent Letter
Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting. If you notice these symptoms in your child, please contact your doctor immediately. If your doctor believes that your child may have the H1N1 virus, be prepared to keep your child home from school for seven calendar days after the symptoms started. If your child is still sick after seven days, keep him/her home until completely well and showing no symptoms, for 24 hours.
If your doctor does not believe that your child has the H1N1 virus, our normal rules apply: 1) your child must be fever free for at least 24 hours, 2) you must have a note from a doctor, and 4) all medication given at school must have a written doctor’s order and be signed by a parent.
51 Threat Assessment

On August 26, 2019, Governor Pritzker signed House Bill 1561 which requires all school districts to implement a threat assessment procedure and create a threat assessment team, and expands the ability of school districts to pay the personnel costs of employees needed for school security purposes. The new law, enacted as Public Act 101 0455, amends a variety of statutes including the School Safety Drill Act (105 ILCS 128/1, et seq.), the School Code’s requirements for a levy for health/ life safety purposes (105 ILCS 5/17 2.11), and the Counties Code’s requirements for school facility occupation taxes (55 ILCS 5/5 1006.7). Under the Act, school districts must implement a threat assessment procedure no later than December 21, 2019 and form a “threat assessment team” no later than February 19, 2020. The threat assessment team must include a school district or special education cooperative employee serving the school district in each of the
following LawSchoolSchoolSchoolTeacherAdministratorcategories:CounselorPsychologistSocialWorkerEnforcementOfficial Brookwood School District 167 Threat Assessment Team Administrators- Jill Larson Teacher- Dominique Morgan School Counselor- PPS Director- Lena Martinez School Psychologist- Karen Crettol School Social Workers Lucretia Adams & Emily Page Law Enforcement Official- Chief Derek Peddycord

54 ADDRESSING THE MEDIA Only the Superintendent speaks to the media. Everyone should be advised about the risks of talking to media representatives. The efforts of ambitious reports can psychologically damage vulnerable staff, students, and cripple administrative efforts. Be aware that the media may approach students. Suggest to students they not comment, and refer the media to the school. SAFE HAVEN/RALLY POINTS
55 FOR HICKORY BEND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Students will walk to St. John’s Church: St. John Roman Catholic Church 301 Cottage Grove Avenue (708) 758 5098 Or Students will walk to Hickory Glen Park: 1016 E 192nd St, Glenwood, IL 60425 Phone: (708) 753-2400 Students will be bussed to Brookwood Middle School: Brookwood Middle School 200 E. Glenwood-Lansing Road (708) 758 5350 and/or Brookwood Jr. High School 201 E. Glenwood Lansing Road (708) 758-5252 Students will be bussed to Prairie State College: Prairie State College 202 South Halsted Street Chicago Heights, IL 60411 SAFE HAVEN/RALLY POINTS FOR
56 LONGWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Students will be bussed to Glenwood school For Boys: Glenwood School for Boys 187th & Halsted (708) 754-0175 Students will be bussed to Arquilla Park: Arquilla Park 1 Asselborn Way (708) 753-2413 Students will be bussed to Brookwood Middle School and/or Brookwood Jr. High School Students will be bussed to Prairie State College: Prairie State College 202 South Halsted Street Chicago Heights, IL 60411 (708) 709-3500 SAFE HAVEN/RALLY POINTS FOR BROOKWOOD MIDDLE SCHOOL
57 Students will walk to Brookwood Junior High: Brookwood Jr. High School 201 E. Glenwood-Lansing Road (708) 758-5252 or Students will be bussed to Hickory Bend School: Hickory Bend Elementary School 600 E. 191st Place (708) 758-4520 or Students will be bussed to Prairie State College: Prairie State College 202 South Halsted Street Chicago Heights, IL 60411 (708) 709-3500 SAFE HAVEN/RALLY POINTS FOR BROOKWOOD JR. HIGH SCHOOL
58 Students will walk to Brookwood Middle School: Brookwood Middle School 200 E. Glenwood-Lansing Road (708) 758-5350 or Students will be bussed to Hickory Bend School: Hickory Bend Elementary School 600 E. 191st Place (708) 758-4520 or Students will be bussed to Prairie State College: Prairie State College 202 South Halsted Street Chicago Heights, IL 60411 (708) 709-3500 CRISIS RESPONSE FOLLOW UP · Principal notifies superintendent and Crisis Team Coordinator of situation · Crisis Team Coordinator activates CRIT · Superintendent activates emergency phone tree for notification of
59 situation and prepares for media contact ·
Team Coordinator brief CRIT
day intervention will be determined ·
& CRIT conduct an after school faculty/staff review of the day in the Media Center · CRIT will debrief after meeting · Depending on the level of crisis, length of school closing and how to manage the return of staff and students will be determined. 2nd &
principal determine need to host a parent meeting Superintendent extends hours of support personnel, secretary & clerk (phones) · Principal,
principal designates staff personnel to attend wake/funeral or to visit hospital (consistent with level of crisis) Trauma Informed Resources Trauma: A Barrier to Learning and Guidelinestraumatichttps://childmind.org/guide/helpinghttps://www.nctsn.org/rhttp://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/pdfdocs/traumainfo.pdfTeachingesources/all-nctsn-resources-children-cope-after-a--event/forteachers:
Principal Crisis
prepares a formal statement for teachers to read to their classes at a specified time and updated announcements will be given as necessary. · Principal briefs faculty · Principal determines need for
parent message · Superintendent
Superintendent or
Principal student/ & Crisis Team Coordinator 3rd
60 traumatichttps://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/copingCopingmhttps://web.extension.illinois.edu/disaster/teacher2/guide.cfwithTraumaticEvents:-with--events Grief and PandemicTornadohttps://childrengrieve.org/andhttps://uhs.berkeley.edu/copinghttp://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/pdfdocs/practicenotes/grief.pdfLoss-traumloss-and-tragic-news--eventsGuidelinesforteachers:https://www.nctsn.org/resources/teacher-guidelines-helping-students-after-tornadohttps://rems.ed.gov/docs/LL_Vol2Issue5.pdfTornadoRecoveryforkids:https://www.nctsn.org/print/1023AfterTornado-Helpingyourchildrenheal:https://www.nctsn.org/print/1023TornadoResponseforTeens:https://www.nctsn.org/print/1026TornadoRecoveryforTeens:https://www.nctsn.org/print/1024https://www.nasponline.org/resources-and-publications/resources-and-podcasts/school-safety-and-crisis/health-crisis-resources/helping-children-cope-with-changes-resulting-from-covid-19https://www.nctsn.org/resources/parent-caregiver-guide-to-helping-families-cope-with-the-coronavirus-disease-2019
61 Shooting and Anxietyunderstandinghttps://books.nap.edu/catalog/10370/deadlyshootinghttps://www.apa.org/topics/gunVIolence-violence-crime/school--lessons--lethal-school-violencehttp://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/pdfdocs/anxiety/anxiety.pdfANNUALCONSIDERATIONS The effective management of crisis intervention requires an ongoing training review and revision process. The members of the teams and management may change depending on the specific crisis Crisis Response Intervention Plan will be distributed and reviewed with staff at the beginning of each school year Recruitment of faculty and staff volunteers will be conducted for the team each year or as needed · All schools will conduct a lockdown drill for staff and students during the first quarter of school · Coordinate CPR/AED/First Aid training for all staff members Update emergency call lists, class rosters, bus rosters, staff directory, check/replace materials for Emergency Go Kits at the end of the year so replacement supplies can be ordered, update CRIT member assignment lists, Buddy Teacher Lists, update Building Crisis Kits and District Crisis Manuals · Communicate plan to parents · Hold monthly meetings to discuss/update plan
62 Annual review of grief criteria and procedures. Annual grief strategy training for members of the CRIT. COMMUNICATING PLAN PARENTS/COMMUNITYTO · Communication with parents and the community should take place prior to a crisis happening · Parents will be educated about the district crisis plan by: a. receiving a parent safety brochure distributed at registration b. being able to access the information on the district website c. reading an article in the Principal’s monthly newsletter at the beginning of the year · Invite parents to be part of the district crisis team OUR MESSAGE FOR PARENTS To assure parents that Brookwood School District 167 is prepared to respond to a school emergency To educate parents about key terms that will be used during a school emergency (i.e. lockdowns, shelter-in-place, reverse Toevacuation)informparents how they can get important information during a school emergency To provide parents with information on what will be needed in order to pick up their child from school or at an alternate location/reunification center should the school be evacuated
63 SCHOOL: Brookwood Junior High School BUDDY TEACHER LIST ROOM # BUDDIES WITH ROOM # 2 Paraprofessional 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
64 13 14 15 16 Paraprofessional 17 19 20 Gym Locker Rooms Conference Rm A Learning Center · Review evacuation routes and procedures · During an emergency, teachers should conduct a classroom check and buddy teachers should check with each other to determine each other’s health status, the need to assist with injuries, the need to stay with injured students, etc. If possible, injured students should not be left alone. Remember: The teachers’ responsibility is to all students, but in situations that threaten the lives of all, teachers should do the greatest good for the greatest number. SCHOOL: Brookwood Middle School BUDDY TEACHER LIST ROOM # BUDDIES With ROOM # 201 202 203 204 204 205 207 208
65 209 210 211 212 or 210 213 215 Art Room 109 Music Room 108 Library (Globe) Paraprofessional Success Room (102) Paraprofessional P.E. (5th Grade) P.E. (6th Grade) Social Worker Office 117N School Psych. Office 117M Cafeteria (?) · Review evacuation routes and procedures · During an emergency, teachers should conduct a classroom check and buddy teachers should check with each other to determine each other’s health status, the need to assist with injuries, the need to stay with injured students, etc. If possible, injured students should not be left alone. Remember: The teachers’ responsibility is to all students, but in situations that threaten the lives of all, teachers should do the greatest good for the greatest number SCHOOL: Hickory Bend Elementary School BUDDY TEACHER LIST ROOM # BUDDIES With ROOM# 16 15 17 14
66 Speech Office 18 11 10 5 6 12 9 4 7 1 2 27 24 26 25 22 19 20 21 40 Gym Lunch/Cafeteria 30 30 · Review evacuation routes and procedures · During an emergency, teachers should conduct a classroom check and buddy teachers should check with each other to determine each other’s health status, the need to assist with injuries, the need to stay with injured students, etc. If possible, injured students should not be left alone. Remember: The teachers’ responsibility is to all students, but in situations that threaten the lives of all, teachers should do the greatest good for the greatest number. SCHOOL: Longwood Elementary School BUDDY TEACHER LIST
Remember: The teachers’ responsibility is to all students, but in situations that threaten the lives of all, teachers should do the greatest good for the greatest number.
67 ROOM # BUDDIES With ROOM # 113 111 134 Gym 136 138 126 128 &130 125 121&127 123 123 122 124 105 108 &106 107 106 &109 102 104 101 103 Media Center Office Review evacuation routes and procedures · During an emergency, teachers should conduct a classroom check and buddy teachers should check with each other to determine each other’s health status, the need to assist with injuries, the need to stay with injured students, etc. If possible, injured students should not be left alone.
69 Emergency Student Release Form Please Print Student’s Name__________________________ NameProofReleaseTeacher______________________________________________Grade_________RequestedBy___________________________________ofI.D.__________________________________________onEmergencyCard_______________________________(YES)(NO) Student’s Status O.K. for Release ______ Absent______ First Aid_________ Missing______ Requester Signature___________________________________ Date____________ ContactDestination___________________________________________Time___________Number(s)____________________________________
70 CRISIS/SWEEP TEAM SEARCH AND RESCUE TEAM LEADER________________________________ TEAM #______ TEAM MEMBER NAMES_________________________________ SEARCH AND RESCUE TEAM NOTES:
71 SITE STATUS REPORT PERSON COMPLETING TIME_________LOCATION__________________________FORM__________________________________DATE____________PERSONINCHARGEATSITE___________________AbsentInjured#senttohospital.DeadMissingUnaccountedfor(awayfromsite)#releasedtoparents # dsupervisebeing StructuralOthersStaffStudents Damage (Check damage/problem and indicate location Check off Damage/Problem Location(s) Gas CommunicationsElectricalFireWaterleakleak
The superintendent collaborates with the designated Crisis Team Leader regarding information about crisis interventions and post interventions
The superintendent will speak to the media
The superintendent relays information to the board of education
The superintendent and the principal work together in conducting
The superintendent should be on-site throughout the first day as a show of support
72 OtherHeating/Cooling(list): SUPERINTENDENT’S CHECKLIST Mark if done and initial ________
The superintendent determines the need for a Robo-call message. The superintendent will issue an official school statement to make sure everyone hears the same information
The superintendent informs superintendents from local districts and schools of siblings as needed
Superintendent’s primary roles are to collaborate with the principal and be a liason to the parents and community the crisis
Mark if done and initial
The principal confers with the designated contact person in the police department with whom facts may be verified
The principal determines the need to secure school campus from outside visitors
a meeting with parents during the evening if one is deemed necessary
If needed the principal will notify staff by calling an emergency faculty meeting
The principal briefs and disseminates CRIT if needed
The principal sends personnel as needed to assist in the crisis or emergency
The principal directs or collaborates with the assistant principal and the Director of Building and Grounds
The principal remains available to parents
The principal notifies outside agencies as needed (police, fire, hospitals, other medical personnel)
When the principal is notified about a crisis, he/she immediately contacts the superintendent
If there is no assistant principal assigned to the building, he principal notifies police to establish post at entrances to building
74 __________
If there is no assistant principal assigned to the building, the principal determines whereabouts of all adults in the building
If there is no assistant principal assigned to the building, the principal provides direction to outside P.E. classes
If there is no assistant principal assigned to the building, the principal coordinates with police to release students to parents
If there is no assistant principal assigned to the building, the principal determines safe haven areas for large groups and instructs teachers in class movements
If there is no assistant principal assigned to the building, the principal arranges for bus transportation
The assistant principal coordinates with police to release students to parents
The assistant principal notifies police to establish post at entrances to building
The assistant principal provides direction to outside P.E.
75 ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL’S CHECKLIST Mark if done and initial ________
The assistant principal arranges for bus transportation
The assistant principal determines safe haven areas for large groups and instructs teachers in class movements
classes _________
The assistant principal collaborates with principal about decisions as needed
The assistant principal determines whereabouts of all adults in the building
76 Mark if done and initial Telephone calls: The superintendent will provide a scripted announcement for parents who call ________ Complete Emergency Time Situation Response Report _________ Media calls should be referred to the superintendent ________ If parents call to question or suggest school action, take name and number and offer to call back ________ If parents call for information, respond with facts ________ If parents call concerning the whereabouts of their child, or concern for their child’s safety, encourage parents to remain at home. Assure them that the school has the same concern for all children, and is taking steps to protect them. _________ Document all phone calls and contacts with parents _________ Secretaries will make all necessary phone calls in contacting parents to pick up their child in case of emergency school closing MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR’S CHECKLIST
77 Mark if done and initial ________ Designates the ground access perimeters for news media around the site. This includes designating parking areas for news media people to avoid blocking emergency vehicles from arriving and leaving the scene ________ Activates pre-planned building security measures as needed e.g. locking outside security doors ________ Arranges for physical blocking of parking lots ________ Directs student traffic within building _________ Designates Operations and Maintenance Staff to place directions and signs to mark key locations during crisis (e.g., Media, Parents, Outside Crisis Counselors) _________ Mark perimeter of building with yellow Do Not Cross Tape to prevent intrusions CRISIS/SWEEP TEAM’S CHECKLIST Mark if done and initial
78 ________ Teams should be based on available manpower; minimum 2 persons. One experienced person on each team if possible ________ Team should have orange Crisis Team vests on (located in building kit) and walkie-talkies ________ Team should be advised of current situation and any known injuries ________ Team should be attentive to any communications coming over the radio _________ Team should make a note on search and rescue form of any injured students and indicate room number & seriousness/type of injury _________ Team should report back to administrator in charge immediately after sweep is completed or should they discover a seriously injured student Rm#_________School____________EmergencyGoKitsInventoryChecklist o 1 Clear Backpack o 1 Emergency Safety Vest o 1 Flashlight
79 o 1 Safety Whistle o 1 Clipboard o 25 Bandaids 1x3 o 5 Bandaids 2x4 o 2 Pairs of Latex Gloves o 1 roll Latex Tape o 1 Pair Bandage Scissors o 1 Splinter Remover o 4 Antibiotic Ointment o 4 Alcohol Prep Pads o 6 4x4 Gauze o 1 Eye wash o 30 Pens o Worksheet Activities/Paper o Current Class Roster o Current Student IDs or Classroom set(s) Labels o Copy of LOCKDOWN Procedures o Buddy Teacher List School________________Rm#______
80 Emergency Lockdown Inventory Checklist o 1 Magnetic Clip o 1 Poly-Envelope o 1 Sheet Protector o 1 Lockdown General Procedures Sheet School_______________________________CrisisResponseIntervention Team Building Kit Inventory Checklist o 1 Red Emergency Tote Bin o 1 Hand-Crank Radio/Flashlight
81 o 1 Bull Horn o 1 Flashlight o 5 Safety Vests w/ Insert Identifying CRIT Member o Building Floor Plans/Blueprints o Placards with Directional Words (Media, Medical Services, Parents, etc.) o Student Release Forms o Updated Copy of Crisis Plan o Current Bus Roster w/ listed routes o Master Set of Current Class Lists o Current Staff Directory o Current Student Emergency Data Forms Brookwood School District 167 School Safety Steps 1. Develop and Implement a Threat Assessment Program and Team - Team Members include: Social Worker, Teacher, School Psychologist, Special Education Director, Administrator, Police Chief The goal of the Behavioral Threat Assessment process is to identify students or staff who have exhibited behaviors indicative of potential problems, and to work with local school officials to help identify those behaviors, intervene and provide help to students or staff before they turn to violence. In situations where a threat of violence has been made or is
2. Information Sharing Between Schools and Law Enforcement
Anyone, including staff members and parents/guardians, who has information about actual or threatened bullying is encouraged to report it to the district complaint manager or any staff member. Anonymous reports are also accepted by phone call or in writing.
Nondiscrimination Coordinators: Bethany Lindsay and Lena Martinez (708) 758 5190
New Student Buddy Group- Each new student in Jr. High School is assigned a peer buddy and is placed on check in and check out with social workers to provide additional support as they transition into a new school.
Students are encouraged to immediately report bullying. A report may be made verbally or in writing to their building principal, nondiscrimination coordinator, district complaint manager, or any staff member with whom the student is comfortable speaking with. All school staff members are available for help with a bully or to make a report about bullying.
Brookwood School District 167 and the Glenwood Police Department have an Intergovernmental Agreement to share pertinent information to ensure law enforcement is aware of “clear and present danger” threats and school officials are aware of law enforcement information that is necessary to protect the health and safety of the student or individuals in question. “Clear and present danger” is defined as a person who demonstrates threatening physical or verbal behavior, such as violent, suicidal, or assaultive threats, actions, or other behavior, as determined by a physician, clinical psychologist, qualified examiner, school administrator, or law enforcement official.”
4. Student Reporting of Threats
imminent, school officials will immediately contact local law enforcement for assistance in determining if the threat is credible and police intervention is needed (Follow Flow Chart).
3. Information Sharing Between Schools Research indicates that a transition to a new school may create anxiety among students and pose greater school safety risks. Illinois School Code requires that a school district forward a transferring student’s school records to the transferee school district and utilize the ISBE Student Transfer Form. This form states whether the student’s medical records are up to date and whether the student is “in good standing.” Transferring schools need to indicate (within the past 3 years), any suspensions or expulsions and any successful interventions that may need to be continued at his/her new school.
83 201 E. Glenwood Dyer Road Glenwood, IL 201(708)KathyComplaintlmartinez@brookwood167.orgblindsay@brookwood167.org60425ManagerHatczel7585190E.GlenwoodDyerRoadGlenwood,IL60425khatczel@brookwood167.orgSafe2HelpIllinoisisanewhelp line being implemented by the Illinois State Board of Education. They can help by taking calls for bullying incidents, physical abuse, depression, self-injury, suicidal thoughts, etc. You can reach the helpline in the following https://www.Websiteways:-safe2helpil.com/HELP@Safe2HelpIL.comByPhone:844-4-SAFEILSAFE2(72332)5. Proactive Measures Celebrating Anti Bullying Week, Red Ribbon Week, Monthly Anti Bullying activities, Daily Social and Emotional Wellness Activities, Check in and Check Out, Social Work Groups, Grief Groups, Conflict Resolution Training, Kindness Matters Campaigns, Sucicide Prevention, Erin’s Law 6. Hardening of Facilities All exterior doors are locked at all times and are not propped open Key Fobs are installed in all four schools at main entrances -All Windows lock Main door has to be buzzed into the building -Raptor System is implemented in all four schools for checking visitor ID’s and providing them with a picture name tag
84 All exterior doors have been numbered appropriately No trespassing signage is posted on schools Formal Visitor Policy is in place, with ID Check -Cell Phone Policy is in place for all students and staff Public Address system in all buildings is operational Telephones in all classrooms have capability of dialing 911 -Two Way Radios are distributed throughout the building All staff have access to CrisisGo App on their phone or laptop Security Cameras are located in all buildings with camera access both inside and outside of the building and viewable from District Office 7. Active Violence Response Program Development of high quality emergency crisis plans, developed collaboratively with Glenwood Fire and Police Departments. - Active Shooter Drill Training for all staff and with students when police are present Behavioral Threat Assessment Team in place Enhanced Run/Hide/Fight options for staff with training - All required drills are held annually 8. Fire Alarm Protocols - Working fire alarms, fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems present throughout all 4 Fireschoolsalarms, fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems are inspected and tested annually 9. Trauma Management Training Trauma/Mental Health Training provided to staff annually All staff will participate in “Stop the Bleed” training on August 17th and August 18th.