ohio university h e r i ta g e C o l l e g e o f O s t e o p at h i c M e d i c i n e
V i e w b o o k 2 0 1 1 – 20 1 2
“Because of my experience doing medical research in Kenya, I decided to pursue a master’s degree in public health concurrently with my medical degree. I also participated in medical excursions to Scotland and El Salvador. The achievements I have made are a direct result of the innovative programs offered here at OU-HCOM”
– Amanda McConnell, D.O. (’08)
Neurology Resident Grandview Hospital, Dayton Family Practice Fellow 2008 Student D.O. of the Year (OU-HCOM)
Collaborative, clinical, compassionate
Conten ts Years One & Two
Learning Environment
Years Three & Four
Campus life International Programs Admissions Process Summer & Premed Programs
10 12
“You don’t just wake up and say, ‘OK, I’m a doctor.’ Someone—an admissions officer, a teacher, a
centered approach to clinical care,
mentor—gives you the opportunity.
which resonated with my interest
At OU-HCOM, I got the training and
in family medicine. The faculty and
support to do what I love.”
administrators were nurturing,
Jeffrey Stanley, D.O. (’82) Chief, Vascular Surgery Director, Vascular Surgery Fellowship Program Cleveland Clinic, South Pointe Hospital
Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
“OU-HCOM teaches a patient-
helping each individual find the right professional path.”
Sharon VanNostran, D.O. (’98) Director, Medical Education Director, Family Medicine Residency Program Akron City Hospital, Summa Health System
A D.O. degree from the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine gives physicians an advantage in today’s health care environment. How do we differ from other medical schools? • Clinical experience begins in the first two months of medical school. • Small class size and low faculty-to-student ratio foster close collaboration among peers and faculty. • Unparalleled educational support continues during third- and fourth-year clinical rotations in our statewide hospital system, the Centers for Osteopathic Research and Education. • Students enjoy the resources of Ohio’s first public university and its beautiful Athens campus. • Inclusive, diverse community and curricula rich in multicultural perspectives promote cultural competency. • An emerging leader in osteopathic medical research, OU-HCOM offers students research opportunities both independently and with faculty members. Projects range from clinical analyses and biomedical studies to psychosocial studies.
e d i ci n e
Physician recruiters value our graduates for their scholarship; their sense of collaboration, compassion and professionalism; and their ability to confidently work with patients from day one. When you join OU-HCOM, you gain a network of peers and professionals, including more than 2,500 alumni who are leaders in every field of medicine. They are primary care physicians in rural, urban, and suburban areas. They are orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, and plastic surgeons. They are neonatologists, rheumatologists, radiologists and cardiologists, to name a few. They practice in Ohio, in all 50 states, and around the globe. Collaborative. Clinical. Compassionate. If you value these qualities, we welcome you to discover
“OU-HCOM encourages individuality
more about the OU-HCOM community.
and diversity. Most importantly, the
“When I look at it now, it really
faculty and staff really care about
comes down to the great people
the success of their students. That
(who) believed in me. Now I stay
environment helped me to pursue
involved with OU-HCOM because
the medical specialty I found most
with support comes support. I want
exciting and challenging.”
to give back.”
Georgenna Riley, D.O. (’95)
Timothy Barreiro, D.O. (’97)
Head, Radiology Department
Kaiser Permanente, Cleveland
Internist, Pulmonology and Critical Care Clinical Assistant Professor, Critical Care Medicine St. Joseph Health Center,Youngstown
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“I’ve seen the look of relief on preceptors’ faces when they learn the students they’re working with are from OU-HCOM. They are confident that OU-HCOM students immediately will be comfortable relating to patients, performing physical examinations, and working within their health care team.” – Paige Gutheil-Henderson, D.O. (’02) Family Medicine Physician Family Practice West, Columbus
Years one & Ea r ly C lin ic al and Co mmu nity Experien ces At OU-HCOM, clinical experience starts in the first two months and extends through the first two years. Students immediately begin developing clinical skills, including patient interviews, physical examinations, diagnosis and counseling in both laboratory and local clinical settings. Thanks to the Osteopathic Heritage Foundations, a $2.3 million renovation was recently completed for our new Center for Clinical Training and Assessment and Community Clinic, where students work with standardized patients. The center includes a surgical suite and an emergency room. 2 Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
Our students spend their first two years at the Athens campus mastering the biomedical, clinical and social fundamentals of medicine. With an emphasis on patient care, we have designed first- and second-year learning experiences around body systems rather than disciplines. We integrate anatomical studies and biomedical sciences in a more clinically relevant way, using early clinical contact, case studies, problem sets and collaborative small-group learning. To address different learning styles, OU-HCOM offers two very distinct curricular experiences: the Clinical Presentation Continuum (CPC) and the Patient-Centered Continuum (PCC). Both curricula incorporate early interactions with patients and small-group case studies. • The CPC offers a more structured, faculty-directed learning environment, consisting of week-long modules based on clinical presentations of patient symptoms. Students master fundamentals of common disease processes through lectures, panel discussions, problem sets, clinical and biomedical labs, and small-group case analysis. • In the PCC, students set their own learning objectives based on patient-centered case studies designed by faculty. The PCC emphasizes case analysis, small-group collaboration and problem solving as primary educational tools, with guidance from faculty. All admitted students are initially placed into the CPC curriculum. Before classes begin, interested students may then apply for entrance into the PCC curriculum, which is limited to 24 students per class. For more details about both curricular tracks, visit www.oucom.ohiou.edu/admissions/curricula.htm. OU-HCOM also offers dual degree programs. A medical degree combined with studies in biomedical research (Ph.D.), public health policy (MPH, MHA), or business (MBA) can prepare students for specialized careers such as epidemiology and hospital administration. Visit www.oucom.ohiou.edu/Admissions/dual-degree-do-masters.htm.
Early clinical contact A n a to my I mme r s i o n All students begin coursework together during the July Osteopathic Clinical Anatomy Orientation. During this month-long immersion, students divide their time between our newly renovated, state-of-the-art gross anatomy lab and our osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) lab. This integrated method of teaching musculoskeletal anatomy lays a foundation for clinical problem-solving and evidence-based medicine. After the immersion, gross anatomy and OMM lab sessions are woven throughout the curricula, an approach that grounds both in the context of patient care.
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OU-HCOM students often comment about our supportive, inclusive atmosphere. We recruit from a wide variety of backgrounds, promote cultural competency and nurture a spirit of community through collaborative learning methods. Our students represent a full range of life experiences, from first-generation student doctors to multinational students and nontraditional students. Minority groups comprise approximately 25 percent of each entering class. Regardless of background, all students are trained to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse patient population. We integrate multicultural perspectives into both curricular tracks. For example, to better serve patients with limited English language skills, all OU-HCOM students train in our Medical Interpreter Simulation Laboratory, supplemented with medical Spanish workshops. Additionally, our Department of Social Medicine, the only such department in an osteopathic medical school and one of just six nationwide, provides students a social and humanistic context to medical studies. Its multidisciplinary faculty and staff promote health and social justice by examining disparities in medical care and studying how cultural variables shape health policy and delivery of care. Specific opportunities and support are available for students interested in conducting research into socio-cultural health issues through this and other departments. Our students also manage a chapter of the Student National Medical Association (SNMA), the nation’s oldest and largest independent, student-run organization focused on the needs and concerns of medical students of color. The SNMA conducts health screenings for minority communities in Southeastern Ohio and coordinates events, such the college’s annual Multicultural Extravaganza, which celebrates the talents and varied backgrounds of OU-HCOM, Ohio University’s most culturally diverse college.
Supp o rtiv e, in clu s i ve Acad emic Supp o rt We understand the challenges of medical school, with its high volume of information and rigorous schedule. Our faculty members spend a great deal of time with students outside the classroom, and we offer peer and faculty tutors, with additional academic support through our full-time, trained learning specialist (right). Our peer mentoring program, COMrade, pairs incoming students with second-year students, who help ease the transition to medical school.
4 Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
“I wanted a place where the interactions and relationships would help offset the pressures of medical school. I felt that at OU-HCOM, people were grounded and approachable, whether it was students, faculty or staff. It’s a family atmosphere.”
– Charles Brown, D.O. (’09)
Psychiatry Resident Akron General Medical Center
g environment C u l tu ra l C o mp e te n cy OU-HCOM trains students in cultural competency through its voluntary—and very popular—Dumela seminar, named for a South African greeting that means, “I affirm you, I believe in you, and I see the great potential within you.” Participants examine their own cultural identities and learn to negotiate culturally based patient beliefs about medical care. “This is not cultural sensitivity training,” says Dumela facilitator Mark Orbe, Ph.D. “It’s about getting the most out of a 15-minute meeting with any patient.”
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“The CORE system provides broad educational and clinical experiences, while helping students to connect with physicians throughout the statewide hospital system. My CORE rotations helped me realize that neurology was the field I wanted to pursue.”
– Eric Baron, D.O. (’04)
Neurologist Neurological Institute, Cleveland Clinic
Years three & fo C linical Training in t he C ORE Our statewide network of teaching hospitals offers clinical training experiences representing the full range of medical fields, from primary care to specialty medicine, including surgery, neurology, neonatal care, orthopedics, anesthesiology and cardiology, to name just a few. (At right) Addie Patterson, D.O. (‘11).
caption 6 Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
Our students spend their third and fourth years of medical school in a clerkship within our nationally recognized Centers for Osteopathic Research and Education (CORE) system, one of the largest, most advanced, and best supported osteopathic medical education consortiums in the United States. In our more than 25 Ohio teaching hospitals, our students explore primary care and the full range of specialties in rural, suburban and urban practice settings. During CORE rotations, students gain the clinical skills to prosper in today’s rapidly-changing medical practice environment. CORE clinical faculty and staff members are dedicated to meeting the on-site needs of students. CORE assistant deans and administrators work with our students to arrange required rotations at their base CORE hospitals and to schedule elective rotations at other CORE hospitals. External rotations in fields or at sites of particular interest can be arranged, both close to home and abroad. Many students take advantage of the full continuum of medical education offered by the CORE, including internships and residencies in more than 90 programs available at various sites around the state.
For more information about CORE hospitals and their programs, please visit www.ohiocore.org.
T h e C ORE Centers For Osteopathic Research and Education
Participating Members 3
1 25
24 26 9
1. Affinity Medical Center
23 18
2. Cleveland Clinic | South Pointe Hospital 3. Firelands Regional Medical Center 4. Grandview Medical Center
13 22
21 8
15. Fairfield Medical Center
5. Humility of Mary Health Partners | St. Joseph Health Center 6. Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center
17. MetroHealth Medical Center
7. Mount Carmel West Medical Center
18. OhioHealth | Grant Medical Center
8. O’Bleness Memorial Hospital
19. Summa Health System | Akron City Hospital 20. Marietta Memorial Hospital
10. Southern Ohio Medical Center
14. Cleveland Clinic | Fairview Hospital 16. Humility of Mary Health Partners |
9. OhioHealth | Doctors Hospital Columbus
Associate Members 13. Adena Regional Medical Center | Chillicothe
11. St. John Medical Center 12. Summa Health System | Summa Western Reserve Hospital
St. Elizabeth Health Center
Ancillary Members 21. Appalachian Behavioral Health Center 22. Chillicothe Veterans Administration Medical Center 23. Mount Carmel | New Albany Surgical Hospital 24. Mount Carmel | St. Ann’s Hospital 25. Ohio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy 26. OhioHealth | Riverside Methodist Hospital
revised 2/11/11
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“For my research in El Salvador, I transformed classroom knowledge and skills into fully functional tools, which I will use in my future profession. This experience enhanced my confidence and effectiveness in serving patients, and it taught me cross-cultural communication skills needed to effectively treat a diverse population.”
– Catalina Soto, D.O., (’11)
research Re s earch and Scho larly Advancement Fe llowship All OU-HCOM students who complete year one of medical school by the end of spring quarter may apply for a Research and Scholarly Advancement Fellowship (RSAF). This ten-week summer program provides selected medical students with an introduction to self-directed scholarly work, from clinical studies to social medicine research, under the guidance of a member of our faculty.
8 Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
Research puts students on the cutting edge of medicine. Whether our students assist with faculty research or launch their own projects, they find unparalleled opportunities and support. Our faculty members conduct groundbreaking bench-to-bedside research, often with student assistance. Collaborations between OU-HCOM and other colleges include the development of computer-assisted diabetes management and progress toward eradicating the international epidemic, Chagas disease. OU-HCOM research into diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease helps advance treatment solutions for conditions endemic to the United States. In 2008, Forbes magazine ranked Ohio University fourth in the nation for research return on investment, and in 2009, the Association of University Technology Managers ranked Ohio University the top public university in the state for research-generated licensing revenue. Most of this royalty income stems from an OU-HCOM faculty member’s development of SomavertŽ, the first drug to effectively treat the growth hormone disorder, acromegaly. Psychosocial research at OU-HCOM explores the health status, behaviors and risk factors of underserved populations from Southeastern Ohio to Ecuador and Kenya. Such work has informed counseling strategies for aging populations with AIDS and revealed the prevalence of diabetes in understudied populations. Our research efforts recently earned a commendation from the American Osteopathic Association Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation. The commission praised our Research and Scholarly Advancement Fellowship, the Centers for Osteopathic Research and Education Office of Research, the financial and administrative support for research, and our new Academic & Research Center.
For information about opportunities for student research, go to www.oucom.ohiou.edu/Admissions/research-opp.htm.
Leaders in clinical and bench research N e w F a ci l i ty fo r B i o me d i ca l R e se a rch The Osteopathic Heritage Foundations and Charles R. and Marilyn Y. Stuckey Academic & Research Center (ARC) opened in January 2010. This $34.5 million state-of-the-art facility represents the future of diabetes and cancer research at Ohio University. Designed to promote collaboration, the ARC brings together physicians, students, engineers and biomedical scientists to develop new diagnostic methods and treatments for diabetes and cancer.
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At OU-HCOM, students enjoy the bustling campus life and state-of-the art facilities of Ohio’s oldest state university, set in a culturally rich, quintessential college town. Just over an hour from Columbus and only a few from Cleveland, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh, Athens has long been a popular destination for arts and entertainment. Whether it’s live music, theater or dance performances; poetry slams, art or photography exhibits; film debuts or thought-provoking lectures, there is always something going on. Foodies enjoy a full range of dining options, including distinctive local establishments, and Athens hosts one of the country’s best farmers markets according to Audubon magazine. The 168,000 square-foot Ping Center—one of the largest campus recreation centers in the country—anchors the active life with indoor tracks, weight training, a climbing wall and more. Whether you love swimming, ice skating, golfing, tennis, scuba, basketball, running, climbing or dancing, Ohio University delivers. More of a spectator than a player? With Ohio University’s many men’s and women’s NCAA Division 1 teams, a sports fan has plenty to choose from. The City of Athens, integrated seamlessly into the university campus, also offers a large recreation center, an uptown area dotted with interesting shops, one of the most innovative and challenging skate parks in the Eastern United States, and a 20-mile bike path along the Hocking River. Its location in the wooded foothills of Southeastern Ohio offers the perfect retreat for hikers, kayakers and campers.
Welcoming, dynam
1 0 Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
“Along with studying and working hard, I still get to enjoy an amazing campus life on a daily basis. City festivals, hiking, the gym, intramural sports, and a great night life decorates my experience here as a state university would, while maintaining a quiet background so I am focused yet relaxed.”
– Janaid Sheikh, OMS II
campus life
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“SHARE Kenya is a life changing experience that has broadened my perspective as a clinician and educator. One must think “outside the box” in order to care for impoverished individuals with serious diseases such as malaria, typhoid, AIDS, and tuberculosis. This experience has reinforced my desire to include global medicine as an integral part of my career.” – Tracy L. Marx, DO, CMD (’92) Department of Family Medicine Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
i n t e r n at i o n a l programs
Are you interested in studying tropical disease, improving a foreign language or sharpening your diagnostic skills? Do you want to explore how different countries manage health care? Maybe you want to help some of the world’s most medically underserved populations. Our students can participate in health research and service; develop a global perspective on health, disease and health care delivery; and expand their clinical skills through a number of international programs: • Community-Based Tropical Disease Research (research)—Ecuador • Ecuador Rotation (clinical)—Ecuador • Tropical Disease Biology Workshop (academic)—Ecuador • Kenyan Grandparents Study (research)—Kenya • SHARE (Student Health Assistance Rural Experience) Kenya-Ohio (clinical)— Kenya • CEDEINFA Partnership (clinical)—El Salvador • Honduras Surgery Rotation (clinical)—Honduras • Introduction to the Galapagos Islands Natural History (academic)— Galapagos Islands • Design-your-own Independent International Rotation (research or clinical)
For program details and additional opportunities, visit www.oucom.ohiou.edu/Admissions/global_classroom.htm.
1 2 Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
Our Heritage, Our Future O h i o U n i v e r s i t y H e r i t a g e C o l l e g e o f O s teo p a th i c M e d i c i n e
$105 million gift will transform the OU-HCOM experience There has never been a more exciting time to be an OU-HCOM student. The $105 million gift from the Osteopathic Heritage Foundations that we received in April 2011 makes possible our vision to become a national leader in primary care medical education and medical research. This historic gift will be used to address some of the most pressing health care issues across the state and the nation—the impending shortage of primary care physicians and the diabetes epidemic. Transformational changes to your future medical school experience are under way now. This means new curricular options, expanded research experiences, 93 new scholarships, and opportunities for debt relief for those who plan to train and practice primary care medicine in Ohio.
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Columbus, Ohio
Tr u l y Tr a n s f o r m a t i o n a l
with our students, faculty, staff, alumni, friends
• We’ve started planning our new regional extension campus in central Ohio, which is slated to open in fall 2014. • The campus and its curriculum will address the growing need for primary care physicians, especially in urban and rural underserved areas of Ohio.
and other stakeholders, we carefully crafted
• It will accommodate 50 students per year.
a blueprint for the college’s future intended
• For those students, all four years of undergraduate medical education will take place in central Ohio.
We have embarked on the greatest undertaking the college has ever pursued. In consultation
to fundamentally change medical education, research and clinical care at OU-HCOM. The gift from the Osteopathic Heritage Foundations
Ne w Scho l a r s h i p s
making possible this future is: • the largest gift given to a higher education institution in Ohio; • the fifth largest gift in 2011 to an institution of higher education in the U.S.; • the fourth largest gift ever given to a U.S.
medical school; and • ranks among the top 50 gifts ever given to a higher education institution in the U.S.* *According to a March 2011 Chronicle of Higher Education report detailing cash gifts given to universities and colleges since 1968.
• We will make available a total of 93 new, renewable scholarships by 2015. • Scholarships are focused toward those with a strong interest in primary care medicine in both rural and urban underserved communities in Ohio. • Renewable scholarship awards range from $10,000 to $15,000 per year. • Special primary care incentive scholarships will be available for those attending the central Ohio campus and committed to practicing primary care medicine. • Substantial scholarship opportunities will be accessible to those students choosing a dual degree option (Ph.D. or M.S.) along with the D.O. degree.
Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
E XPAND E D A C AD E M I C O FF E RINGS • We are enhancing our current D.O./Ph.D. program and building new D.O./M.S. programs. • We are instituting new Rural and Urban Community Scholars Programs. • Working with partner hospitals, we are developing a new Rural Residency program. • We are revamping our patient-centered curricula to focus even more on the patient-centered medical care* model of health care. *Involves active patient involvement and a full complement of resources and health care professionals being led by a primary care physician to deliver proactive rather than reactive care.
“It is such a privilege to attend a college that bears the name of the Osteopathic Heritage Foundations. It truly gives me a sense of pride knowing that our medical school has been given this gift that brings along even more prestige and uplifts the college to an even higher level.”
– Valerie Van Ravenswaay, MPH, OMS-II
Student Government Association President
IN C RE AS ED RESEARCH O PPO R T UNI Ties • A new Diabetes/Endocrine Clinical Treatment and Research Center is scheduled to open in 2016. This facility will allow for more clinical trials and opportunities for hands-on student research. • The new Ohio Musculoskeletal and Neurological Institute (OMNI) facility is set to open in 2018. Research in this area focuses on low back and chronic pain disorders; sarcopenia (age-related loss of muscle mass) and dynapenia (age-related loss of muscle strength); exercise physiology and rehabilitation medicine; the biology of manual therapies; and connective tissue, bone and cutaneous biology. Students will have access to hands-on research opportunities through OMNI. • We will offer an increased number of graduate assistantship positions with stipends, tuition and fee waivers for dual degree students. • Expanded research fellowship positions in our Research and Scholarly Advancement Fellowship program will allow more students to pursue research interests while in medical school.
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Sh a r e d M i s s i o n , Sh a r e d V a l ue s We are proud to bear the legacy of the Osteopathic Heritage Foundations in our new name—the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine. This name acknowledges our powerful, long-term relationship with the Foundations that has made possible some of the college’s most important advances in education, research and care. Although the Foundations’ history goes back to 1961 and their roots as the charitable arm of Doctors Hospital in Columbus and Nelsonville, it was the 1998 sale of the hospitals to OhioHealth that allowed them to begin the philanthropic efforts we know them for today. The Columbus-based Osteopathic Heritage Foundations are dedicated to supporting local health initiatives and enhancements to osteopathic medical education and research in Ohio and beyond. Our relationship with the Osteopathic Heritage Foundations goes back before the founding of the college, as Doctors Hospital was among the many organizations that, in 1972, advocated for an osteopathic medical school to be based in Ohio. The nationally recognized Doctors Hospital has been an important training site for our medical students and residents since our first class entered in 1976.
Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
We’ve since built on that partnership and have developed a strong relationship with the Foundations —a relationship based upon a shared vision of service that promotes community health, quality of life, osteopathic medical education and medical research. Since 2001, the Foundations have supported many college initiatives that have led to advances in teaching, research and community services. Their support has included two new Athens-based facilities: the Osteopathic Heritage Foundations Academic & Research Center and the Heritage Clinical Training and Assessment Center & Community Clinic. In fact, this gift brings their support to the college to nearly $123 million in just over a decade! The Foundations created a lasting legacy with their gift. We now move into our future together, building upon our strengths developed over the past three decades and implementing the bold changes necessary to fulfill our promise as a world-class medical institution.
the admissions process OU-HCOM uses a rolling admissions process, so you will receive the decision of the admissions committee within a week of your interview. But first, you need to apply.
Req u irements • Prior completion of a four-year baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university, including the following: six semester hours or nine quarter hours of English, behavioral sciences (e.g., psychology, sociology or anthropology), and eight semester hours or twelve quarter hours each in biology/zoology, general chemistry, organic chemistry and physics, with the appropriate labs. • MCAT scores, which must be no older than 3 years prior to admission. If applying for fall 2012, scores can be no older than January 2009. • Compliance with health and technical standards that include a criminal background check and proof of immunization titers. • A laptop computer is required. Most areas on campus have either A or B wireless network Internet access. • Recommendation letters from two natural science (e.g., biology, chemistry, physics) classroom/lab professors who have taught you for a grade. You may also submit an evaluation from a preprofessional committee.
App lications and deadline s All primary application materials can be obtained through the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Application Service (AACOMAS) web site at www.aacom.org. Primary application materials are available the year before you hope to enroll, beginning in May and continuing until February of the year you hope to matriculate (for example, May 1, 2011, to Feb. 1, 2012, for fall 2012 enrollment). Secondary applications are sent electronically to the e-mail address that you provide on your AACOMAS application. Please be sure your e-mail client is set to accept e-mails from oucom.ohiou.edu addresses. The deadline for submission of secondary application materials is March 15 of the year in which you plan to enroll. However, due to the nature of rolling admissions, early applicants receive priority consideration. Interviews are conducted from September through April.
Fin an cial advising We understand the financial pressures of attending medical school. Our Office of Student Affairs staff can help you plan for the expenses of medical school through budget planning workshops, financial aid counseling and assistance in exploring alternative forms of financial assistance, such as community sponsorship and military service programs. More than 95 percent of our students receive some form of financial assistance.
For information or assistance, go to www.oucom.ohiou.edu/saffairs/.
ADDITIONAL RESO U R C ES www.osteopathic.org The American Osteopathic Association (AOA) is the accrediting body for all colleges of osteopathic medicine. This Web page has a link to find D.O.s, a history of osteopathic medicine and current medical news. www.aacom.org Visit the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine’s site to learn more about the colleges of osteopathic medicine. aacomas.aacom.org All but one college of osteopathic medicine use the centralized application service offered by AACOMAS. www.studentdo.com The Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) offers scholarship information and other benefits of being a Pre-SOMA member. The D.O.’s: Osteopathic Medicine in America by Norman Gevitz, Ph.D., former chair of social medicine, Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine. Often cited by students as “a good read,” this book outlines the history of osteopathic medicine in the U.S. It is published by Johns Hopkins Press and is currently in its 2nd edition.
S u mmer U n d er g r ad u at e R es ear c h F el l o w s h i p If you are an undergraduate student looking for research experience or a taste of medical school, our Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) might be right for you. The SURF program gives undergraduate students seven weeks of active laboratory work under the guidance of a biomedical sciences faculty member. www.oucom.ohiou.edu/Admissions/surfprog.htm
S u mmer S c h o l ar s Also for aspiring medical students, OU-HCOM offers the Summer Scholars program, a six-week program that prepares 23 selected students for the rigors of medical school through courses taught by OU-HCOM faculty. To qualify, applicants must be from an underrepresented minority group and/or an educationally or economically disadvantaged background. This program is open to both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as those who have already completed their degree(s). www.oucom.ohiou.edu/SummerScholars Both SURF and Summer Scholars programs include room, board, living expenses and an opportunity for an admission interview for eligible participants. The SURF program also includes educational credit. For more on these programs, go to www.oucom.ohiou.edu/Admissions/summer_programs.htm.
P o s t - B ac c al au r eat e P r o g r a m For future students hoping to get a head start and current students looking for research fellowships,
To strengthen competitiveness for medical school, select students from the “wait list” are invited to participate in the college’s Post-Baccalaureate Program. The one-year program is designed for those who want extra classroom work to become
we offer an array of summer opportunities.
successful matriculants to our college. Post-Baccalaureate students who maintain a 3.0 GPA for program coursework and participate in required activities are guaranteed admission to OU-HCOM for the following academic year.
s umme r & p r eme d
P r emat r i c u l at i o n P r o g r am Admitted first-year students from underrepresented backgrounds are invited to participate in the Prematriculation Program, a four-week summer introduction to the medical school experience. The program offers faculty-led courses in sciences such as physiology, immunology and gross anatomy, and workshops on study strategies and time management. Students who complete the Post-Baccalaureate Program are required to participate in the Prematriculation Program.
Os t eo p at h ic Med icin e Each year, one out of five American medical students enrolls at an osteopathic medical school, joining one of the nation’s fastest growing health care professions. The osteopathic medical focus on health promotion, disease prevention and primary care is setting the standard for the future of medical education and practice. The “total patient” approach to health care, pioneered more than 125 years ago by the founder of osteopathic medicine, Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, remains the foundation for the way D.O.s (Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine) practice today. Dissatisfied by the ineffectiveness of 19th century medicine, Dr. Still emphasized wellness, preventive medicine, the unity of all body systems, and the prominent role of the musculoskeletal system in restoring health.
Osteopathic medical training follows four basic principles: • The body is a single unit. Office of Admissions 102 Grosvenor Hall Athens, Ohio 45701 (800) 345-1560 www.oucom.ohiou.edu
• The body has intrinsic self-regulatory and healing mechanisms.
• The body’s structure and function are interrelated. • Disease is an effect, not a cause. The application of these principles allows our graduates—as family
© 2011 The Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine complies with all federal, state, and local laws regarding equal access and non-discriminatory policies and practices.
doctors, surgeons and physicians of all specialties—to bring patients the most comprehensive health care available.