Brownsburg Parks recovers 62% of operating expenditures through revenue generation—compared to 29% nationally.
2016 REVENUES 40% Fees & Charges-------------------------$1,109,487.60 30% Property Tax----------------------------$840,847.45 23% Food & Beverage-----------------------$642,589.45 7% Recreation Impact Fee-----------------$205,536.85 (0%) Interest & Other------------------------$10,151.90 TOTAL-----------------------------------$2,808,613.25
2016 EXPENDITURES 36% Other Services & Charges------------$1,158,346.30 33% Personal Services----------------------$1,062,691.16 (Salaries & Benefits)
27% Capital Outlays------------------------$881,792.84 4% Supplies--------------------------------$119,549.86 TOTAL---------------------------------$3,222,380.16 FROM THE DIRECTOR: I hope you enjoy this easy-to-read snapshot of Brownsburg Parks’ 2016 accomplishments. As this report shows, we have many successes to celebrate. It’s also important to understand why periodically Brownsburg Parks must dip into our reserves to make critical improvements to our sites. While it may appear from a numbers perspective that the department has overspent, this is not the case. We continue to underspend our Town Council approved budgets; at the same time, we identified the following needs that required the use of reserve dollars be spent. In 2016, Parks constructed the new playground next to the Watermill splash pad, improved the Bundy Lodge exterior, made shelter enhancements in Arbuckle Acres, put in new expression swings at Arbuckle, repaved Williams Park access road and trail, purchased our new office location, and began the B&O Trail construction between Co. Rd. 300N and Ronald Reagan Parkway tunnel. These are major, much needed improvements that will be enjoyed by residents for years to come. I am very proud of the department staff and their relentless efforts to meet the needs citizens have identified through surveys and public meetings. I am thankful for the opportunity to manage your park system.
—Philip Parnin
@BrownsburgParks /brownsburgparks @brownsburgparks
402 E Main St Brownsburg, IN 46112 Phone: (317) 858-4172