The Business & Arts Journal PRINT

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The SPRING issue 2021


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WELCOME BACK BUCKS By Tom Gockowski CBCC Chairman of the Board


efore I begin my column, I would like to take a minute to introduce myself. I’m Tom Gockowski, the Chamber’s Chairman of the Board as of our Annual Board meeting in December, 2020. I’m the President of Carroll Engineering and Chairman of the Board of the firm’s Directors. As I write this, Bucks County appears to be gradually opening up. More people are getting vaccinated and we have all found innovative ways to operate in a safe manner. And as we open all of our proverbial doors a bit wider and hosting more clients and associates, I think we are all sensing the possibilities that await us in the future. We are facing the future altered but strong, both as an organization and as a community. The Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce has returned to a full-time staff ready to help members with the complicated strategy of safely returning to conducting thriving businesses in what at times can feel like a drastically different landscape.

So Long W4… Introducing… THE BUSINESS & ARTS JOURNAL In 1978, the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce unveiled its magazine - a revolutionary idea at the time: transforming stale and stuffy newsletter into a groundbreaking and award winning magazine known as Who, What, Where, When - or more simply, W4! And, now - we are once again kicking it up a notch!


Not that our team ever stopped. Throughout the pandemic, we have continued to host virtual one-one-one Entrepreneurial Assistance sessions; a monthly business growth series featuring guidance on everything from marketing and business planning to building a website and retaining clients. Committees have been meeting, mostly virtually,and events and programs have been happening regularly. We held a two-day Annual Business Conference (and we are gearing up for the 2021 Conference on Innovation); a hybrid Holiday Auction; a Women in Business Scholarship Raffle; as well as programs on wellness, education and architecture and environmental issues. We have held virtual tours and in-person exhibitions. We have featured top business leaders in our Chamber Chat programs covering everything from breaking news on the pandemic and vaccines to business building and leadership. We have replaced – for now – Link at Lunch with Zoom at Noon; held regular New Member Orientations; legislative meetings; evening events, morning events and even very socially distanced Young Professionals gatherings. Honestly, this is just the tip of the iceberg. As the needs of businesses have become more complex in this unprecedented time, our team has created new means of meeting those needs. We are moving forward with new concepts to develop an exciting new and more userfriendly website, capable of helping each of our members to utilize the Chamber in a variety of new ways to help build their business. And, as you can see, we have energized the look of our magazine. We are moving from W4, Who, What, Where, When to the newly inspired and designed The Business & Arts Journal. The Journal will continue to bring you news of your fellow members, top governmental and business leaders, arts and cultural events, and the leading business issues of the day. We look forward to getting more topical information from you and for you. We look forward to continuing to reach you in a multitude of ways – growing our virtual and online platforms while expanding our in-person reach. Welcome Back, Bucks – and Beyond! We are still here for you. We look forward to helping you to thrive. Please connect with us for your personal advisor session; business growth opportunities; and to find out how you can reach the people you need to grow your business. As always, Growing Your Business IS Our Business! ™

Tom Gockowski President & CEO Carroll Engineering Corporation

The online/print concept brings you our top business and legislative leaders, our artists and innovators, and the people who make the Chamber the leading business growth organization in our region In this issue… We will share stories of how our members have pivoted during the governmental shut-down and pandemic with our Welcome Back Bucks, a headline brought to us by a board member, Kevin Jameson (read his story on page 4). We also hope to inspire you, which is why we call this edition of The Journal, “The Inspiration Issue.” Pages – through – feature members sharing what inspires them. We hope they help to inspire you as you continue to build your business, elevate your community and utilize our organization as part of your marketing and business plan. Finally, we want to remind you that we are here for you. We paused in March of last year to take a long hard look at our finances, programs, and membership products. And, when we rolled out our virtual programming last April, we did so with renewed focus, vigor and vitalization. Get to know us. And, please reach out.

The SPRING issue 2021


Welcome Back Bucks By Kevin Jameson, Dementia Society of America


ow did you arrive at the phrase: Welcome Back Bucks? It came to me shortly after a Chamber Board meeting. I thought that we needed a rallying point for our community following a really tough time for so many. Something that idealized in one simple sentence the concept of open doors and a readiness to serve. As a newly-elected Board Member in 2021, I was reminded of the time I first joined the Chamber. It was 1979; I was 21 and an upstart entrepreneur selling security systems in Bucks County and beyond. My early foray into business gave me a fantastic livelihood spanning almost 40 years. Don Whitney was the executive director, and the W4 magazine was arriving on the scene as the Chamber’s publicfacing voice so that everyone could learn about the comings and goings of local business. Now, it’s been transformed, adding digital to the print version, and rightly so, it’s the new millennium, and people want to take the news when and where they want. That’s called serving the customer. How do Customer Relations Play a Role in Welcome Back Bucks? I’m reminded of “Service above self,” a trademarked Rotary International motto, and I think about how we as Chamber members, and in my case, as the volunteer leader of the Dementia Society of America®, can view those whom we serve. The best question to ask is, who’s the boss? The answer is? The customer! That was a refrain that my uncle, Bob Farrell, of the 130-unit Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlours, would often cite in his famous Give ‘em the Pickle® speech. It was a talk he gave about going the extra mile to make the customer happy so that they’d



of your customer into and out of your business? Does your web and brick-andmortar presence provide an easy way to connect with you – the way your customer wants to connect? In-person, online, by phone, email, text, through social media, or all-the-above? How about how you appear in search results? Is text-to-speech important? Fonts large enough for older eyes, and do you have an awareness and plan to cater to an individual’s cognitive abilities?

come back again and again. He shared that speech at a Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce annual luncheon in the 1990s. Today, I’ve adapted it to my mission of educating others about Dementia care and planning – being person-centered in service to others still reigns supreme. What do you advise for Chamber members and all enterprises that are opening their doors or trying to adjust their efforts to “get back to business”? I’ve recently had some great customer experiences in our lovely section of the world, Bucks County. I’ve also had some disasters. I’ll frame it this way, we need to mobilize the troops, get on “war footing.” Initially, it sounds a bit dramatic but look at it as a positive strategy, an acronym, W.A.R! Be Welcoming, Accessible, and Responsive. If I may, let me briefly detail the day-to-day tactics. First, ask yourself, how do you welcome dinner guests to your home? You smile, you look them in the eye; you call them by name; they hopefully know your name; you dust, clean, and vacuum before they arrive, you serve dishes and beverages they might like, and you put them at ease. You welcome them. It shouldn’t be so different when you’re helping others in your business or profession. Think about how you welcome your customers. Can you brighten their day, or add an element of “WOW!”? Then, do it. Next, consider how accessible you make your home to others. In business, I’m not only talking about the Americans with Disabilities Act, as that is critical to the physical access we provide, but we should also be focused on the non-physical. What’s the flow

Lastly, how responsive is your process! Hopefully, at home, your diner invites are not a one-and-done-and-move-on; you want to keep and deepen relationships. Business translation? Answer the phone, return calls and emails, monitor social media, show up, and above all, do what you promise. You spend a lot of effort in the battle to get folks in the door, so, now more than ever, take it to another level, make it a noble calling – go above and beyond in your service to others, after all, they’re the boss! Welcome them back! The Journal Kevin Jameson is President, Founder & Volunteer at Dementia Society of America®, a national volunteer-driven all-Dementias 501(c) (3) nonprofit serving others through Dementia and Brain Health awareness, advocacy, education, resources, life-enrichment, and recognition programs. They are located at 188 N Main Street, Doylestown, and can be reached at, 1-800-DEMENTIA,

WELCOME BACK BUCKS By Dr. Vail P. Garvin FACHE President & CEO, CBCC


elcome business colleagues to the first edition of the Chamber’s Business and Arts Journal! This year the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce is celebrating our 75th Anniversary! Think about that! On September 17th, 1946 several Doylestown businessmen got together and formed the Doylestown Business Association…. a collaboration effort of a few dedicated individuals. Over the years, through collaboration, this group of business leaders had become Regional – larger- and changed their name to the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce. Here we are today. This Collaborative community has grown, become stronger, businesses working with businesses, and most have survived the rigors of the Pandemic.

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Importantly, your Chamber never stopped working on your behalf, your business; and our Community! These selfless acts of giving were recently said so well by the Executive Director of the Peace center, “Do your bit of good where you are. It’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world”. The larger effect of this community endeavor over the years brings these hundreds of Bucks County businesses to a year of moving forward through a vision of Innovation.


Go to the Chamber website ( ). There you will see that the Red Ball Gala will be held on September 17th – 75 years to the date of our founding! “A Night At The Museum” aka. The James A. Michener Art Museum. As a collaborative team we are taking bold action to bring you extraordinary educational events. These efforts reflect integrity, respect, and the pursuit of excellence. We ask ourselves the following questions and would ask them again of all of you: What is important to YOU? Who would you like to hear speak? What additional educational programs would you like to see? Your Chamber will evolve innovatively to meet your business requirements. These cognitive and experiential events reflect you, this Chamber. Everyone – together- can always make a difference. As Winston Churchill once stated: “We make a living by what we get: We make a LIFE by what we GIVE!” We ask you to remember: Our Business is to help YOUR Business Grow! Respectively,

Amy McDermott is a portrait photographer specializing in branding photography so who better to take photos of the Chamber team ready to welcome you as you continue to navigate the unchartered waters of business during and post-pandemic! Amy is with Heart and Soul Portraits. The SPRING issue 2021


Conquering Life Prison & Recovery Ministries (CLPRM) Provides Resources & Support Addiction, including to opioids is recognized as a threat to both our public health, safety and our economic security By Nick DeRose


hile so many of us know loved ones or others who are suffering and may be incarcerated because of addiction, we want you to know that CLPRM is a resource you can turn to or recommend. In the words of Bob Sofronski, Executive Director of CLPRM, “reaching even one person to help end their addiction and to bring them to a life of faith and hope, is our most important goal”. A former addict and inmate, Bob has been active in prison ministry since 1999 and recovery ministry since 2005. He leads CLPRM’s diverse team of enthusiastic volunteers with conviction and passion. Addiction: A Recognized Crisis and Threat to Economic Security Today, more than ever, it is evident that no family is immune from the ravages of addiction. This is such an important message to promote. By reaching out for help and, or by sharing first hand experiences, brave and powerful steps are taken that will make a positive impact. Addiction is not defined by a certain demographic, geographic, personality, race or religion. Opioid addiction in the United States has been characterized as a prolonged epidemic, threatening public health, safety, economy and national security. Recognizing the depth of these impacts and the need for continued awareness and support, is something we all can do. Even here in Bucks County, addiction is having a devastating impact on youth and their families.



In December 2020, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a piece, “Overdose Deaths Accelerating During COVID-19 - Expanded Prevention Efforts Needed”. “Over 81,000 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States in the 12 months ending in May 2020, the highest number of overdose deaths ever recorded in a 12-month period, according to recent provisional data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While overdose deaths were already increasing in the months preceding the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the latest numbers suggest an acceleration of overdose deaths during the pandemic.” In response to the pandemic, CLPRM and several other ministries came together in a united front to create United Recovery Movement Group to reach families and addicts during this time using social media and sharing resources. The latest information on United Recovery Movement Group can be found on their Facebook page.

One of the most successful programs run by CLRPM is the Conquering Grounds Café, a monthly coffee house ministry at Christian Life Center, Bensalem, which averaged 150 people attending. Also in 2019, the seventh Annual Conquering Grounds Music Fest and Relapse Prevention Walk was held and attended by over 1,000 people with 60 plus vendors as a fund raising benefit event to help fight addiction. This year, on September 11, 2021 CLPRM will once again be holding the MusicFest and Relapse Prevention Walk in Bensalem. CLRPM also coordinates special activities and events like concerts, Angel Tree program and recovery luncheons in local churches, Bible studies and food and clothing distributions.

Providing outreach and ministry to those incarcerated and to addicts is an emotionally demanding challenge, but it can also be the most impactful in reaching What CLRPM does & A Call to Action and mentoring those who are most CLPRM has been providing a vital lifeline of insecure and in need of encouragement. hope and support to incarcerated addicts CLPRM continually encounters those who and their families for over 17 years. In 2019 fell stigmatized, as if they have done alone, CLPRM ministered to over 8,000 something wrong. Erasing the stigma of inmates in Philadelphia Prisons, Bucks addiction is an important goal to allow County Prison, Camden County and in Fort families and loved ones to come forward Dix Federal Correctional Institution. Over and begin the healing process. 100 people were assisted into treatment (detox, rehabs, and recovery houses) or CLPRM is a dynamic, growing ministry and given scholarships from CLPRM’s Inmate a non-profit 501-c3 organization. We are Release and Recovery Scholarship Fund. always looking for volunteers to add to any Weekly faith-based recovery meetings are of our prison, recovery or ministry teams. held in Bucks County and Philadelphia For more information, please check out providing hope and a successful transition CLPRM’s website WWW. CLPRM.ORG to into a productive life. Volunteers have also find out how you can get involved, contact made themselves available fielding over the ministry and information for providing 400 crisis calls each year and meeting with donations. Bob Sofronski, Executive families and encouraging those who are Director, CLPRM can be reached at reaching out for help. email or by phone at 215-833-2512.

The Journal

PENNSYLVANIA FREE ENTERPRISE WEEK Preparing tomorrow’s workforce!


or years we’ve supported a program that arms high school students with the tools to be our next great employees – Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week (PFEW). PFEW brings together students and businesspeople for a powerful hands-on learning experience where students are immersed in the exciting world of modern business and free enterprise. The goal is to properly prepare our young people for the demands of the 21st century workforce. At PFEW, students make the same decisions real executives make as they run a simulated manufacturing company. Each team is paired with a volunteer business mentor who imparts invaluable real-world perspective as they explore all facets of business operations and develop the skills that today’s employers seek. Teams are responsible for two judged presentations where they must demonstrate in-depth knowledge of all facets of business operations. The week is highlighted by Speakers delivering inspiring messages directed at the students’ personal and professional development. An ethics case study, other business-related activities and the college experience round out this exciting week. Since 1979, more than 46,000 young Pennsylvanians and countless PA companies have benefitted from this unique program. There’s no more urgent work than preparing our young people for careers in our community, but why PFEW? In the words of 2019 PFEW graduate Brina Cartagenova: “This week at PFEW will resonate with me for years to come, for it is an eye-opening experience for Pennsylvania youth. Arriving as wide-eyed, eager children and leaving as empowered, confident leaders, PFEW students go through an academic cultivation like no other.” Brina describes PFEW perfectly – cultivating our next great generation of empowered, confident leaders. No other

Company Advisor Joanne Cortese, CHMM (far left), EHS & PSM leader at GE Aviation, gets some “air” with her team at PFEW 2019!

model educates students like PFEW, and that’s why we proudly support it. Every student attends PFEW on a fully tax-deductible $625 sponsorship donated by a business, foundation, organization or individual, but real value of PFEW is immeasurable. I encourage you to provide these vital sponsorships for our local students and, if possible, volunteers for the sessions. FFEE is an approved Educational Improvement Organization through the PA Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program, and all programs are eligible to receive EITC funding. FFEE offers two additional programs that prepare students for success and

provide incredible value to our young people and our business community. The Stock Market GameTM (SMG) teaches students in grades 4-12 about investing and financial literacy, and the Speaker Series helps students explore careers and fulfill state mandated Career, Education and Work (CEW) standards. All Foundation programs have one goal in mind – preparing our young people for successful careers in Pennsylvania. If you would like to learn more about PFEW or their other educational offerings, please visit the Foundation’s website, www.pfew. org, or contact Scott Lee, vice president of marketing & development for the Foundation for Free Enterprise Education at (814) 833-9576 ext. 8, or The Journal

The SPRING issue 2021


Raphael Architects: Creating Home by master architects of the 20th century, including Aalto, Wright, Maybeck and Greene and Greene. These buildings express a truth about intended use, while capturing some whimsy to stretch the notion of ideal architecture.


he bucolic rolling hills of Pennsylvania, dotted with dairy farms and occasional large custom homes, served as the backdrop for Michael Raphael’s adolescent upbringing. The contrast between his humble childhood Sears house and the purposeful barns and new unique homes sparked an interest in learning how to build and design these intentional homes. Each new construction

project created a learning environment. The agricultural buildings’ iconic forms, combined with the houses that captured historical nostalgia, worked together to create an authentic sense of place within the hills and valleys of Bucks County. Lured away by educational opportunities in Boston, and subsequent practice in San Francisco, Michael relished the opportunity to explore extraordinary buildings designed

Inspired to return to Bucks County, Raphael started his architecture practice by designing and building a highly crafted Not-So-Big House. That first house won the local American Institute of Architects annual design award. Through thirty-five years of practice, our highly accomplished staff has continued to design awardwinning houses for discerning clients. Our goal remains to create homes of character, responsive to the setting, reflective of our clients’ aspirations and respectful of our natural resources. The daily joy our clients experience is testament to Raphael Architects quest to create homes that nurture and delight. The Journal

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Spring Clean Your Finances Tips from Univest Financial tools can help you quickly and easily track spending.


hile the arrival of spring is typically a time to clean your house or yard, it’s also a great time to re-evaluate your finances. Here are some tips to help get your financial house in order: Evaluate Your Spending: To assess your spending habits, track what you spend for a month. Then review monthly requirements versus expenditures that are not a necessity. This could reveal areas where you can eliminate overspending on discretionary items. Digital banking

Start a Budget: First, write down your goals. Think about what you want to accomplish in three months, six months and one year. Prepare your budget to meet your “needs” first and your “wants” second. If your income does not cover your expenses, decide what expenses can be reduced and adjust your budget accordingly. Keep a close eye on your spending with online banking or a mobile banking app. Get into the Habit of Saving: If you follow your budget and have residual income, then pay yourself by depositing that money into an interest-bearing savings account. You can also consider making savings a line item in your monthly budget. Creating an automatic transfer to your savings may help you save faster. As your income grows, continue to adjust to meet your financial goals.

Eliminate Debt: Focus on paying off your highest interest rate debt first, often credit cards. Apply any extra cash in your budget to payments on that debt so you can make more than the minimum payment to get the balances reduced and ultimately paid off. This is another opportunity where setting up automatic payments could be useful. Consider setting up a recurring payment that aligns with when you get paid. Making two payments a month can help ensure you are tackling debt effectively. Your budget will always be a work in progress which is why it is important to do an annual spring cleaning of your finances. Univest is here to help you achieve your financial goals, contact us at www.univest. net or 877-723-5571. The Journal Univest Bank and Trust Co. is Member FDIC

Helen Amelsberg with Dream Vacations completed extensive training about traveling safely in a Covid-19 world


elen Amelsberg of Vacation Crusaders, a Dream Vacations specialist and franchise owner, has completed an extensive training program to become a Travel Safety Verified Travel Advisor. The training covered health and safety best practices while traveling; travel protection health policies; safety protocols in place at resorts, airlines and cruises; and how to address customer concerns for various scenarios.

“Safety for everyone is paramount. Taking this invaluable training helps me to help our clients so they can feel safe and really take the time to focus on relaxing and enjoying their vacation,” said Helen Amelsberg, Dream Vacations specialist and franchise owner.

entire booking and planning process, from selecting destinations and excursions based on clients’ interests to providing enhanced packing lists and guidance on what to expect when traveling. For more information or to book a dream vacation, please call 215-348-4632 or visit The Journal

Now more than ever it is important to book a vacation with a travel agent. Helen walks clients step-by-step through the

About Dream Vacations Travel agents with the top-ranked home-based travel agency franchise Dream Vacations have the resources to plan and create seamless vacation experiences for their customers while offering the best value. A member of the International Franchise Association, Dream Vacations is part of World Travel Holdings and has received partner of the year, a top-ranking status, by all the major cruise lines as well as national recognition for its support of military veterans.

The SPRING issue 2021


The Clutter Free Life – How to Detach By Darla Pompilio, Your Tasks - Our Time, Inc


pring is the time of year when we naturally want to create new beginnings. Often that means we have to shed the old to make room for the new. Shedding can be cathartic; it is the act of physically purging our space which can often clear our minds and enhance our mood. Shedding the old is easy if we are not attached to our items, but often we are attached to family heirlooms and to those items we have lovingly purchased. After all, we paid for them and consequently consider them to be good stuff. These are the items that hinder our efforts as we attempt to un-clutter our lives. The more we accumulate, the more difficult it is to be clutter free.


Tracy Herz, Realtor


racy Herz is a Realtor at Weichert Realtors in Doylestown working with both commercial and residential clients. Tracy is one of only 12 percent of women nationally who is a named inventor on a U.S. patent. She is a former magazine journalist who has worked in Johannesburg, Miami, London and New York City. Her game patent about modern China aims to capture the interest of Americans and others in the West about this fascinating and geopolitically critical country. Contact her at tracy@ or at 267-974-3000 to talk about China or real estate! Tracy Herz, Licensed Realtor Weichert Doylestown 149 Main Street • Doylestown, PA 18902



The costs of clutter are both tangible and intangible. The tangible costs include financial loss from over spending, late fees on bills and diminished work productivity that can lead to depression and illness. The intangible costs of clutter may include social embarrassment resulting from a cluttered home, distressed personal relationships and even loss of momentum and direction in pursuit of our goals. Detaching from clutter may be difficult, but it’s worth the time and effort if you truly wish to live a simplified and more fulfilling life. Let’s begin this journey by asking some questions about the items you own: • Do you need the items? If not, let them go. • Do you love the item? If not, let them go. • Do you use the items on a regular basis or recently? If so, maintain those items but keep them at a minimum. • How do you use these items? How you use an item can shed light on whether the item should be kept. • Are the items in good working order? Items that work improperly or are difficult to use can cause frustration and should not be kept.

• What is your relationship to the item? If you feel emotionally attached to an item, ask yourself the following questions. o Does the item bring value to your current life style? If not, let them go. o Is the item contributing to the life you wish to lead? If not, let them go. • Are you keeping the item because you think you should or because you want to? It’s okay to let go of those items that you have kept out of obligation and it’s fine to keep family items that you treasure. Learning to detach is often a journey that includes creating new habits. One of the best ways to avoid having to purge, is to ask yourself if you really need or love an item before purchasing it? Begin by consciously using this method for a month or so, and you will be surprised at how easily you can reduce the clutter in your home and simplify your surroundings. The Journal

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Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce

The Challenge of Coming Back By Howard Perloff, Artistic Director Bucks County Center for the Performing Arts


ur theater had three wonderful seasons. And, then came COVID. Any shows that were on borderline on Broadway will not be back when Broadway reopens. We, as did all theaters, had to cancel our shows. We are coming back this summer. And, the desire for people to get out is tremendous. People want to visit a restaurant, ball game, friendly neighborhood bar, and – of course – the theater. We are coming back with the season planned for 2020. First is Frank McCourt’s The Irish & How We Got that Way.

This is the first time we are doing a repeat show. However, so many people requested it that it is back again. Our Second Show is Cooking with the Calamari Sisters, which has a big following. The show consists of two men playing your favorite female chefs on a TV show. The audience is involved with the cooking and there is special food being cooked and wonderful songs being sung.

The audience will only be admitted with proof of a vaccination. Who would have thought years ago that you would say you can only be admitted with proof of a vaccine and everyone would know what you meant. The actors can only be part of the company if they have been vaccinated. Our world has changed so much in one year. We want to return to the world we know and love. It won’t happen immediately. But, it will happen. The phone calls are overwhelming. People want to come to the theater because they need to be entertained.

Our last show is South Pacific. South Pacific was written in Doylestown at Oscar Hammerstein’s home. The play was taken from James A. Michener’s Tales of the South Pacific. Not only is it one of the most The year has been financially exhausting. popular shows in the world. It is rooted So, of course, we need your donations in Doylestown – Richard Rodgers, Oscar more now than ever before. The Journal Hammerstein II and James Michener. We have been waiting for two years to do the show. Tickets and information 215-297-8540

BUSINESS PLEASURE Small Businesses = Big Dreams. You pour your life into your business, and so do we. From grand opening to the day you cash out and move on, we’ll help ensure your success. Because knowing your business is our business. You & Us. That’s C&N. 1.877.838.2517 60 N. Main Street, Doylestown, PA 465 N. Main Street, Doylestown, PA 33 Swamp Road, Newtown, PA

The SPRING issue 2021


DOYLESTOWN HEALTH: Meeting community needs, now and for the future The past year has seen unprecedented changes in our world, our nation and our community. Throughout the pandemic and other events beyond our control, Doylestown Health has remained committed to its mission to serve the needs of all members of our community. Our dedication to providing the best care to patients remains steadfast. Doylestown Health also remains committed to our vision of the future, preparing us to meet our patients’ needs for generations to come.



ince administering its first vaccine on Dec. 17, 2020, Doylestown Health has made effective and efficient use of its supply, establishing itself as a leader in vaccination efforts by passing the 40,000-mark in late March. Doylestown Health also provides vaccines to underserved communities not affiliated with the health system, such as Grundy Hall in Doylestown, a county housing authority facility; patients of the Ann Silverman Community Health Clinic, a free-clinic for the uninsured supported in part by Doylestown Hospital, and similar facilities. Doylestown Health has performed more than 50,000th COVID-19 tests. Doylestown Hospital opened the first drive-through COVID-19 testing site in Bucks County on March 17, 2020 and continues to offer

rapid testing at its drive-through location on Swamp Road in Doylestown Township. Our patients’ health and well-being is our highest priority. That is why we have set high standards for safety and continue to take every precaution possible when providing services.

SUPPORT AND THANKS Since the beginning of the pandemic, our community has buoyed Doylestown Health with generous gifts and demonstrations of support. From masks to meals, donations have helped our Associates, Medical Staff and Volunteers do their heroic work. Doylestown Health is profoundly grateful to our staff and volunteers for their unwavering dedication to patients and families throughout the pandemic.

TOWARDS THE FUTURE Events of the last year have not slowed our determination to continue to

grow to provide world-class care close to home. Late last year, we opened the Clark Outpatient Rehabilitation Center on the first floor of the new Doylestown Health Ambulatory Center. This spring, we open the Clark Center for Critical Care Medicine on the third floor of the Cardiovascular and Critical Care Pavilion. As we approach our centennial in 2023, ONE VISION: The Campaign for Doylestown Health is raising funds to support all of the capital priorities and signature initiatives of the organization. To date, nearly $71 million has been donated by more than 6,000 donors, including hundreds of Associates, members of our Medical Staff, and Volunteers. The Journal

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The Housing Dilemma for Adults with Autism Neuro Diverse Living and the individual may learn to manage their symptoms, there is no cure for individuals with ASD/ IDD, and they don’t typically outgrow the disorder. That means that many are challenged to get jobs, learn independent skills such as balancing a checkbook, cooking, t’s no surprise that there’s a massive and effectively managing personal hygiene housing dilemma for adults with for the duration of their lives. While some autism and others with intellectual developmental disabilities. These individuals may live independently, most individuals with ASD/IDD require some level of require care, attention, and comfortable ongoing supervision and care. A U.S. study living accommodations to allow them to found that only 17% of adults with autism live their lives to the absolute fullest. This between 21 and 25 have housing crisis continues to develop and lived independently. grow over the years, with not much in the way of solutions – until now. Unfortunately, while there are institutions licensed to care for people showing severe Here at Neuro Diverse Living, we’re signs of ASD/IDD, many families either providing a workable future for safe can’t afford the ongoing cost or can’t bear lifelong living and scalable housing the thought of surrendering their child options for those with autism spectrum to facilities like these. Also, many adults disorder (ASD) and other intellectual and with ASD/IDD don’t require such a high developmental disabilities (IDD). Before reviewing our approach to the solution, it’s level of care. So many families choose to keep their child at home well into adult essential to address the challenges life. Eventually, the parent dies or becomes that exist across the country. incapable of adequately caring for their grown child without a housing or transition The Numbers Continue to Increase plan. When this happens, the adult child loses everything they know — their parent/ Being a parent of an adult with ASD or other IDDs is challenging and fraught with caregiver, home, and entire life. A CDC isolation, frustration, fear, and exhaustion. report in May 2020 states “that without access to affordable housing in their That’s true for both the individual with community or the support to live in their ASD/IDD and the parents who care for own home, adults with autism are at risk them. Every 11 minutes, someone’s of homelessness or displacement from their diagnosed with autism in the United community. They may be placed in the next States. Almost 6.5M people in the United empty bed of a group home or adult foster States, or 3% of the total population, care that could be hundreds of miles away have IDD. And every year in the U.S., the from their hometown.” Director of the population of adults with ASD grows Autism Housing Network Desiree Kameka by 50,000. stated, “We know from the contacts made through our website that there is a large The problem lies in the availability percentage of autistic adults already of practical housing alternatives for experiencing homelessness. Due to social individuals with ASD/IDD as they and communication impairments, many transition from adolescence to adulthood can’t get past an in-person job interview, and ultimately to senior citizens. While symptoms of autism can change over time, and thus they can’t afford housing. They


experience a crisis when their parents pass away as they find themselves without support with the upkeep of everyday life. They often fall victim to mate-crime or predatory/abusive relationships.” Government Provides Services — Not Solutions for The Housing Dilemma Autism is said to be the largest developmental and intellectually challenged special needs group. It’s estimated that by 2025, at least 500,000 children with autism will become adults with autism. Current service systems in the U.S. aren’t adequate to address the needs of this emerging population. It also means that half a million families will need to navigate the residential care network in hopes of finding their adult child adequate housing. 87% of the population with autism living in the family home, and 35% require 24-hour support. What happens when the parents are no longer able to care for their child? The reality is that these families have very few practical choices. Schools are mandated to try meeting the needs of children with autism until the age of 22. However, after they ‘age out,’ the responsibility falls on the parents to figure out how to provide services for their child, leaving them with few resources. To accommodate adults with autism or other intellectual disabilities, there’s a dire need for new housing models that don’t require institutionalization but may require some level of continuous supervision and case management. The Neuro Diverse Living Difference Neuro Diverse Living (NDL) is a new and exciting 501C3 nonprofit organization designed to provide adults living with autism or other IDDs with independent housing alternatives based on their support needs. This specialized housing creates an environment where they can thrive and become members of their local community. continued >>> The SPRING issue 2021


The Housing Dilemma continued... Our goal is to provide this underserved population safe and sustainable options for neuro inclusive housing with the same opportunities in life as their neurotypical peers. Children typically outlive their parents, and that’s the same for children with autism. Our neuro-inclusive communities will offer families a sense of comfort, knowing that their special-needs child will have a permanent and safe place to live indefinitely. Serving as a lifelong advocate for their child will be a game-changer for these parents and for the adult children they love so much. What Does NDL Need to Succeed? Neurodiverse Living (NDL) is in its infancy stages, ready to blossom into a fullyfledged community for adults with autism or other intellectual developmental disabilities. We’re looking not only for scattered-site single-family, duplex,

or small apartment structures across Pennsylvania in need of light renovation but the property on which to build new neuro-inclusive cohousing communities. Corporate sponsors can help us with the funds necessary to buy and develop the property, fund inspections, make renovations to create unique supportive housing solutions by combining smarthome technology, intentional sensoryfriendly design strategies, and built-in supports. Because we’re a tax-exempt charity, donors who have property or structures they no longer need can receive substantial tax-deductions by donating it to us for this critical charitable use. We also accept gifts of stock. When you make a gift of stock, you can claim a charitable deduction equal to the value of the stock on the day of your gift and avoid capital gains taxes you might pay if you sold it. That’s a win-win in our book. As NDL moves forward with plans for building our neuro-inclusive cohousing

communities, we are also looking for people who not only may want naming rights but understand the need for longterm funding and would consider putting NDL in their will and estate plan. In that way, we can guarantee safe and secure lifelong living arrangements for individuals with ASD/IDD as they transition into adulthood. The Journal

For more information on all of these options and our Champions of Hope program, please contact us at



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The American Rescue Plan Can Save You Money On Your Health Insurance My Benefit Advisor


here are an estimated 100,000 individuals enrolled in non-group coverage that is ACA-compliant who can enroll in Pennie™ coverage with access to savings under this legislation. The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) includes provisions specific to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) resulting in significant impacts, including large savings, for Pennsylvanians seeking individual market coverage and those already enrolled in coverage through Pennie™.

Under this law, no one will pay more than 8.5 percent of their income in premiums for the second lowest cost silver plan, the benchmark plan, in their county. In some cases, lower-income enrollees could have their premiums eliminated completely. HOW DOES THIS AFFECT EXISTING MARKETPLACE MEMBERS?

These eligibility changes also affect the current customers in the marketplace. Under this law, most of the existing enrollees will have an increase in the This is the largest coverage expansion since amount of the financial assistance they the ACA passed in 2010. The eligibility receive each month, this also includes enhancements under this law allow for individuals who will now become eligible money to be put back in the hands of for these Advanced Premium Tax Credits. people and provide potentially life-altering Once the changes are implemented, coverage and relief to many Pennsylvanians customers will see a decrease in their who may be struggling with the pandemic monthly premium payments. This is also an and its economic repercussions. opportunity for individuals to check if they would like to move to a different plan. WHAT’S INCLUDED IN ARPA? HOW DOES THIS PLAY OUT FOR A The plan includes an increase in the REAL MEMBER? eligibility for, and the amount of, premium tax credits for Pennsylvanians at all income • Scenario A: A 40-year-old single levels during the 2021 and 2022 plan years. woman, nonsmoker who lives in Those earning more than the current cap of Philadelphia with a $19,140 annual 400% of the federal poverty level -- about income. Under the old law she would $51,000 for an individual and $104,800 be paying an estimated $66/month for for a family of four in 2021 – will be newly the benchmark plan. Under this new eligible for subsidy tax credit.

law, she will now be paying $0/month. Savings of $792 • Scenario B: a married couple, who are both 64-year-old, non-smokers from Dauphin County with an annual income of $77,580. Under the old law, they would be seeing a monthly payment of around $2,400 and now under the new law, they will be paying $550, capped at 8.5 percent of their income for the benchmark plan. Savings of $22,200 WHAT IF A MEMBER ENROLLED IN OFF-EXCHANGE COVERAGE? Another key target audience affected by this law is those Pennsylvanians enrolled in off-exchange coverage. Individuals enrolled in individual coverage without a subsidy should check to see if they would be better buying a plan on exchange. The Journal My Benefit Advisor’s team of certified specialist are available to make sure customers on the individual market are aware of these savings and to assist those who wish to make the transition and take advantage of this increase in financial assistance. Please contact My Benefit Advisor at (855) 874-0267 or www.

Rethink! by Andi Simon Ph.D


ndi Simon Ph.D. is an internationally recognized Corporate Anthropologist, an award-winning author, global podcast host and a specialist in helping people and their organizations change. Dr. Simon’s application of the theory and methods of anthropology helps executives and entrepreneurs see their organizations with more observant eyes, achieve “aha!” moments, and discover new and profitable opportunities to sustain their growth. Her approach helps to turn

observations into innovations. In this book Dr. Simon tells the story of 11 women (including herself), each of whom entered non-traditional male oriented fields and shattered the glass ceilings, leaped over brick walls, and showed the way for other women who wanted to do the same. Theirs are the stories of entrepreneurs who were told not to imagine a new business, or a woman leader who was reprimanded for successfully leading others, or an innovator in technology that kept building new businesses out of blockchain

or AI. They each paved the way for others as they re-wrote the myths about what women could do and how they were going to do it. A new online program, Rethink with Andi Simon will be launched May 15th to help woman become the best that they can be. The Journal Books are available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble and your local booksellers.

The SPRING issue 2021


TOP 10 TIPS FOR PODCASTING By Seth Goldstein When I first started my podcasting journey more than 10 years ago, I was intrigued by the new form of content. Podcasting wasn’t popular yet, but there were already so many great shows to listen to. As I started my journey doing my own podcasts, I quickly learned what to do and not to do when making a podcast. Here are Top 10 tips, with sub-context for doing a podcast:



a. What is the structure going to be? b. What’s the theme/topic of your podcast? What other podcasts are doing similar shows? How are you going to stand out? c. How long is it going to be on average? d. Is it just you talking to the audience or are you going to have a co-host? e. Are you going to want to interview people? f. Is it going to be just audio? g. Is there going to be a video component to it? How many shows do you want to do? h. Are you doing seasons or are you just going to record without a break? i. How many shows are there going to be in season? j. How often are the shows coming out?


FIGURE OUT THE TECHNOLOGY a. Podcasting has gotten so much easier than it was back when I first started. But still, you need to make sure you think through how you’re going to capture the podcast audio. b. Apps like Audacity (free) and Descript (Subscription Fee) make editing the audio shows pretty easy. c. Hosting can run the gambit. Anchor.FM is probably the best place to start out your podcast if you’re just starting. It’s completely free and they even help distribute your podcast.






a. b.

Listen to a wide variety of podcasts.


Be realistic with yourself. Don’t set a release schedule that doesn’t fit into your everyday schedule.

Podcasting is not NPR or radio for that matter. Depending on your audience your tone and voice can vary.





Most people know this, but when you smile it comes through in your words and the tone of your voice. Remember to enjoy yourself. If you’re not, stop and find another medium.

If your first episode isn’t the best keep it up and keep going.

a. Many people think that leaving up a crappy episode is a bad idea. But, my thought is that if you don’t leave up the podcast and just keep going and getting better you’ll NEVER post an episode. Record three or so episodes before publishing the first one.




Having a buffer is key. If you plan on releasing every week, being ahead of the game by having three in the hopper lets life get in the way without losing your cadence.

Be patient. a. Yes, I know it’s a cliche, but Rome wasn’t built in the day. If you build it, they don’t always come. But, patience is a virtue you need to have when it comes to podcasting. Promote, promote, promote a. Don’t be spammy, but share your latest episode on your social channels. Also, do advance promotions a few days in advance to get people looking forward to the latest episode.



If you’ve never listened to a podcast before, then you probably should before doing one yourself. You will see what you like and you can emulate that on your own show.

Seth Goldstein is the Principal Creative Director at Goldstein Media LLC, a digital marketing firm based in Doylestown. He has helped countless companies of all sizes get a presence online and get found. He has been podcasting since 2010 and currently co-hosts the Digital Marketing Dive Podcast which is live-streamed every Tuesday at 7:15 pm Eastern and released as a podcast every Thursday at 8 am Eastern. To find out more about the podcast follow the Twitter account @digitalmktgdive.

Doing Business Behind the Mask By Judy Arnold Senior Strategic Marketing Consultant


t first, many of my in-person meetings became conference calls. But soon after that, I found myself visiting the home offices of my coworkers, clients and prospects through Zoom, Google meet, or Microsoft Teams. Kids popping into the screen, dogs barking, cats crawling onto desks, and contractors hammering in the background, have gradually become so commonplace, no one even mentions the minor interruptions anymore. Of course, the phrases “you’re on mute, you’re frozen, and I can’t see your video” have become typical as some still deal with bad connections or internet bandwidth challenges. (I have not yet encountered anyone frozen behind a talking cat filter, though!)

my bedroom down the hall to my office. And that has been a huge time saver. It allows so much flexibility to wake up early, catch up on emails, work out, shower (or not) and get back to work. I have enjoyed the comfort of working in jeans, sweats and slippers. And the ability to attend lunch and dinner events without fighting traffic or getting home late, has been a huge plus. But I have missed being with people!

For most of my career, I have driven about an hour to and from work every day. Determined to always be productive, I adapted by listening to Audible books, catching up with family or friends on hands-free phone calls, or clearing my brain by singing along to my favorite music playlists.

That’s why I was so thrilled when I recently secured a new client with a retail showroom about two hours away. As part of learning the culture and better understanding the business, I volunteered to visit once or twice a week. On my first visit, I welcomed the opportunity to get back in my car again, listen to an audio book, and wind my way along beautiful country roads on my way to the final stretch across the highway.

The pandemic, however, reduced my commute to mere seconds, walking from

I miss walking into a dinner meeting filled with a roomful of strangers and walking out with a dozen business cards and several coffee talk meetings lined up. I miss meeting someone new and learning how much we have in common. I miss riding the regional rail with a coworker, crammed in shoulder-to-shoulder, and catching up on our kids’ latest adventures and accomplishments.

After getting set up in a spare office, I spent several hours with various team members. Although I had planned to ask a handful of questions, once we started talking, the conversation flowed down various additional paths, providing valuable insights and additional information. Those meetings also allowed me to experience the daily environment of my client, the unexpected situations they deal with day to day. And, at the same time, it provided the chance to build a stronger rapport and have much more personal interaction— human to human, unencumbered by digital challenges. And best of all, it inspired me, energized me, and made me feel like a true and integral part of the team. Most of all, it reinforced for me that although most business activities in B2B marketing can easily be conducted over the phone, video conferences, or in a home office, there is no replacement for faceto-face conversations. Business is always personal. And there’s no substitute for human-to-human interaction—even if it is mask-to-mask. The Journal

The SPRING issue 2021


Compassus Hospice and Palliative Care By Beth Hohberger, Hospice Care Consultant


ospice is medical care to improve the quality of life for people with a terminal illness. Hospice offers physical, emotional, and spiritual support for patients and their families. When goals transition from cure for a life-limiting illness to comfort care, hospice enables patients and their loved one to live life as fully as possible. Hospice is an array of services that our interdisciplinary care team provides in a variety of places: a home residence, assisted living, personal care and memory care facility, nursing home or hospital.



Compassus – Fort Washington has provided hospice and palliative care to patients and families in Bucks, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties since 2004. Our mission is to provide the highest quality compassionate care by addressing the physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of our patients and their loved ones. With the help of We Honor Veterans, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Compassus is dedicated to improving and expanding access to hospice care with the goal of profoundly enhancing quality of life for patients and families. We Honor Veterans addresses the growing need for veteran-centered care

as our servicemen and servicewomen age and need access to hospice and palliative care. It is our hope to make veterans aware of these VA-covered benefits that can be provided wherever he or she calls home. Beth has over 25 years experience in the senior healthcare industry beginning as an Admissions Director for a skilled nursing facility and over 20 years as a Hospice Care Consultant, 11 years with Compassus. Cultivating relationships, providing education to our customers and providing the value of the gift of comfort, support, peace, dignity and working alongside our patients and their families is the most rewarding part of her profession. The Journal



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The SPRING ssue 2021


Brown Bag-It With The Arts FORMER

Bucks County Courthouse Lawn County Administration Building

Bring a blanket, bring the kids, invite a co-worker, take a bag lunch, enjoy...

Free Food • Free Water • Free Entertainment SPECIAL THANK YOU TO:

Photography by: Aaron Mitchell Photography

The Bagel Barrel • Nothing Bundt Cakes • Evolution Candy • Wegmans Food Markets • Le Macaron



Bucks Fever is a signature program of the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce that “Supports the Arts through Business.” Founded over four decades ago, Bucks Fever’s mission is to augment the economic vitality of the region by increasing tourism and engaging the local community in Bucks County’s rich artistic and cultural legacy. The SPRING ssue 2021


EXPLORE THE HISTORY & FUTURE OF DUBLIN Rediscover Dublin: Rich Past, Promising Future. Visit the Village of Dublin - and stay awhile! Learn how the village grew along this centuries old major route through bucks county, why the town is worth a second look by those who love local history, and what this little borough has planned for the future that’s right around the corner. Literally.







and Sculpture Show

“Welcome Back Bucks”

Reemerging of the Arts in Bucks County



Thursday, November 5, 2021 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Mercantile at Doylestown Doylestown Shopping Center, Doylestown Live entertainment from the Delaware Valley Saxophone Quartet

Major Event Sponsors: Bill & Laurie Schutt

The SPRING issue 2021


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At Doylestown Health, extraordinary things happen every day. From preventive care to unprecedented crises, we rise to the occasion with grace, compassion, and fortitude. With great pride, we salute our healthcare heroes for all they have done and continue to do. Their courage and commitment to excellence—bolstered by the unfailing support of our generous community—are the hallmark of the Doylestown Difference.


Join us and enable the extraordinary at Doylestown Health. Visit us online at

The SPRING issue 2021


THE INSPIRATION ISSUE Welcome to a special section devoted to Inspiration! Enjoy getting to know some of the Chamber’s incredible members and be inspired by what inspires them! And, start thinking. This summer we are going to be asking you to share your thoughts on Transformation for The Transformation Issue of The Business & Arts Journal The words “believe” and “succeed” inspire me. Benedict Bugajewski Bugajewski Facility Services In 2020 I was inspired by the resilience of clients and colleagues adjusting to simultaneous new challenges at work and at home. In 2020 I was inspired by the dedication of healthcare workers putting themselves at risk every day to help people suffering from CoVid-19. In 2020 I was inspired by the dedication of the CBCC staff swiftly transitioning to virtual events and new ways to serve Bucks County businesses – all while furloughed. Truly remarkable, and a striking example of how CBCC is an exceptional Chamber. Thank you all! Catherine Cavella IP Works

What motivates me? Being surrounded by people! I get energized just by having conversations, uncovering things in common, and learning from each other.

made her the strong woman she is to this day.

My daughter inspires me because I want to lead by example and give her the tools that I learned growing up from my mother to set herself up for success, and deal with the failures that come our way in this Judy Arnold ever-changing world. Being a //NKST positive role model for her and handling every challenge that comes my way, I always believe What inspires me? that while challenges were meant My mother and my to sometimes distract us, they can daughter. My mothalso give us hope and inspire us to er because she leads be better. by example and is the most giving and Beth Hohberger self-less woman I know. She was Hospice Care Consultant born with one hand (her left arm is Compassus, Hospice and normal in length, however where Palliative Care her hand would be, is 5 stubs where the fingers would have grown). She never stopped living her life nor felt I have, in the last year sorry for herself even though she more than ever before, was picked last for many sports in been greatly inspired on school or was excluded because both a professional and she was different; it was all she personal level by people knew. Don’t get me wrong, she in our community who was sad at times, however her have made a positive difference resiliency and “keep at it” attitude in their neighbors’ lives. I’ve seen them organize ongoing food drives for Central Bucks families, offer free virtual tutoring for kids struggling with virtual learning, hold workshops for small businesses struggling to stay afloat, and raise significant funds for a beloved Buckingham Elementary guidance counselor with ALS. These special people motivate me to find creative ways to make a positive impact in our community. Pam Mikula Paolino Mikula Web Solutions/ Bucks County Alive



Family, Setting, and Community. Almost thirty five years ago my wife and I made a life changing decision to return from the Bay Area in California to begin our professional lives in our native Bucks County. Our family, friends, and community have time and again reaffirmed our decision. Over and over we have gained strength and inspiration from the familiar. Our children and grandchildren continually help us experience a fresh new perspective on the joys of life. The surrounding hills, woods and small towns of the Delaware Valley, served as fertile backdrop for renowned creative innovators Daniel Garber, Edward Redfield, Henry Mercer, Oscar Martin, and George Nakashima. The magic of the local environment continues to enrich those of us practicing the creative arts today. Offering architectural solutions for a supportive community has been more enriching than I could have anticipated so many years ago when we decided to return home. Professionally, I still continue to be inspired by the origins of architecture, dating back to when Ictinus designed the Parthenon in 447 BC. As chief builder or “architekton” in Greek, he sculpted full-size prototypes for the building components that would then be copied by masons to fabricate and assemble of the building. During the Renaissance, architects made great strides in developing accurate scale drawings of plans, elevations, perspectives, and scale wooden models. The drawings and models were then used by builders to construct the structure. These architectural techniques carried through most of the 20th century. In the digital age of today, plans are rarely drawn by hand. Architects have returned to designing three-dimensional models that can appear at full

size. However, the models are now virtual, designed utilizing computer programs, and printed in two- dimensional scale drawings and three-dimensional “camera views” from anywhere within or outside the model. Multiple design options can easily be evaluated by copying models and changing specific elements of the design. Great improvements in architectural software now help architects communicate more effectively with their clients. Michael Raphael Raphael Architects You asked what inspires us - for me its nature, our planet is such a beautiful place and never ceases to amaze regardless of what is happening in the world. Nature still provides so much for us in so many ways, life, plants, oceans, weather, clouds, you name it - and she gives us the ability to hope and dream.

Helping to connect our community to all of the valuable resources in Bucks County is what inspires me every day. Kimberly Everett Executive Director at Bucks County Health Improvement Partnership What inspires me are my clients. They trust their websites and digital marketing to me and the importance of that isn’t lost on me. I know how important it is to their business and I take that to heart. Seth Goldstein Principal Creative Director Goldstein Media LLC

During the last year, I have been inspired by the resilience of the Bucks County community, especially those people who worked tirelessly to Helen Amelsberg provide care and resources to the Travel Agent & Franchise Owner community. The hospitals, banks, senior care facilities, government officials, grocery stores, post offices, What has inspired utilities, restaurants, schools, and me is the heroism, so many others did everything in commitment, and their power to keep our community dedication of our afloat. I’ve also been inspired associates, physicians, personally by our team at Furia and volunteers, and the Rubel. We moved to a virtual generous support of our setting in March 2020 and community as we have all stepped successfully helped clients in up to meet the challenges of this 28 states and two countries to past year. navigate the pandemic, civil unrest, financial uncertainty, and Jim Brexler, President and CEO many other challenging issues. Doylestown Health The team has given of their time and knowledge unconditionally for which I am forever grateful. Gina F. Rubel, Esq. Founder and CEO Furia Rubel Communications, Inc. J. Ward Larkin Interprets Ben Franklin

continued >>> The SPRING issue 2021


Our staff and residents inspire me every. Our direct support professionals are the heart and soul of our organization and are among the hardest working and most compassionate people I know. Their work is extremely challenging, but none more so than this past year. Along with our amazing Medical Center and Nursing teams, they kept our 575 residents healthy, safe and engaged throughout the pandemic. Our clients teach me every day about resilience and joy. Each has unique abilities and works hard at learning new skills so that they can gain greater independence, be a contributing member to their community, and live a fulfilling life. Tine Hansen-Turton MGA, JD, FCPP, FAAN President and CEO, Woods Services

I have been inspired by the every day heroes that have made our lives better throughout the pandemic - from healthcare workers to farmers, to manufacturing workers to delivery drivers and teachers we have come together to create a new normal that has strengthened our community. Michael Araten President and CEO Sterling Drive Ventures President The Rodon Group Principal SillDry Industries, LLC

I am and remain inspired by the dedication of all our team members who overcame incredible adversity this past year to ensure that we not only survived but were able to stay true to our mission of being the best. P. Jeffrey Warden President & CEO The Rose Group/Applebee’s

What does inspire me. What wakes me up every morning and pushes me forward is how to help somebody else become the best that they can be. I learned a long time ago that giving and sharing were far more important than receiving. Andrea Simon Simon Associates


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The SPRING issue 2021


in Memorium

Recently, the Chamber lost some very special members of our board of directors. These members were part of the fabric of the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce. These treasured friends served on the Chamber’s board of directors. In addition to their loss, we have seen the passing of some incredible members of our Chamber as well. If you have experienced the loss of a friend, our hearts go out to you. We welcome you to share memories of special Chamber members on our social media platforms tagging us so that we can re-share and help you to remember them and their community impact.

BILL NORCROSS was a steady presence at the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce since the early 1980’s. Bill served not only as a Chamber President and Chairman of the Board, he served on nearly every committee the Chamber produced. Bill was a Membership Ambassador. He served as the co-chair for many years of the Expo, then Annual Business Conference, often headlining the event with his son, Bill. A member of the Business & Professional, Business Relations, and Business & Youth Committees, Bill attended countless ribbon cutting ceremonies, business discussions, networking events and award programs. And, through the years, since joining the Chamber, Bill never took a break. He worked consistently to help the Chamber navigate moves, growth, recessions – even a pandemic – and did so from the Chamber’s early days until his passing. Bill was a loyal friend to his fellow board members as well as the Chamber staff. His legacy lives on well beyond the Chamber, in his printing business – founded as Speediprint’r evolving to Cortineo Creative – the Bucks County community and his notable efforts in the Bucks County Boy Scouts (now ), the Doylestown Rotary, museums, and Middle Bucks Institute of Technology, and, finally and most importantly, his beautiful family, wife Lori, sons Bill and Jeffrey and his grandchildren. Bill will be remembered. Bill will be missed.



in memorium... We also mourn the passing of the following past and present board members. CAROLYN SADOWSKI No Red Ball Gala was complete without Carolyn Sadowski, who worked tirelessly on the committee, and a host of other committees. A vibrant presence in the Chamber, especially its arts programs, Carolyn was a force of strength and grace and commitment.

SYD MARTIN Syd Martin was an important member of the Chamber’s board, helping with financial matters and supporting the Chamber. His financial support was instrumental in the building of the new heart wing at Doylestown Hospital. And, he was a vital board member with the James A. Michener Art Museum and a host of other arts and cultural organizations essential to the quality of life in Bucks County

ROBERT L. BYERS Heavily involved with the Chamber in the 1980’s and 1990’s, Bob Byers served as the early sponsor of the Bucks Fever Art Exhibition, Business Cares and the Chamber’s Bucks Beautiful program, which eventually branched out to be its own organization. Bob’s support was felt by the James A. Michener Art Museum and the Bucks County Historical Society and a wealth of other non-profit organizations.

The SPRING issue 2021


The 2021 Central Bucks Chamber Board of Officers & Directors DIRECTORS Jim Bishop The Cornerstone Clubs

W. Thomas Lomax The Lomax Companies

CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Stephen Worth Worth & Company, Inc.

Scott R. Little Harleysville Bank

Thomas A. Gockowski, P.E., Carroll Engineering Corporation


Jennifer Eckfield The Learning Experience Doylestown Cam Maio NJM Insurance Group

Monique Gaillard Tabor Childrens Services Bob McGowan Peddlers Village

Dr. Mark Hoffman Bucks County Intermediate Unit #22 Pam Mikula Paolino Mikula Web Solutions Inc.

Kevin Jameson Dementia Society of America


Jeane M. Vidoni Penn Community Bank

ACTIVE PAST BOARD CHAIRS Michael Araten Sterling Drive Ventures & The Rodon Group Barbara Donnelly Bentivoglio Bentis Consulting Worldwide Robert E. Campbell Campbell Agencies, Inc.

George E. Michael George E. Michael, Inc. Blair T. Rush C&N

Michael J. Stumpf Navidad Nativities, Inc.

Beth Beans Gilbert Fred Beans Family of Dealerships

Peter S. Thompson, Esq.

Eric W. Hopkins, Esq. Hopkins & Hopkins

Bob Welch Academy Wealth Advisers, LLC


OFFICERS John D. Bray, Vice President, The Arts Atlantic Aquatic Engineering, Inc. James Brexler Vice President Community Health Doylestown Health Benedict A. Bugajewski Vice President Building & Grounds Bugajewski Facility Services Catherine Cavella, Vice President, Literary IP Works James Collins, Vice President, Special Projects Customers Bank Arthur L. D’Angelo, CLU, ChFC, Vice President, Business Relations Insure4Life Financial Ronald Davis, Vice President, Special Events Parx Casino Maria Gallo, Ph.D., Vice President, Education Ervin H. Hall, Vice President, Entrepreneurial Liaison Profection Advisors LLC

Thomas L. Hebel, Vice President, Community Outreach Bucks Country Gardens

Steven E. Staugaitis, Treasurer Kreischer Miller Frank Sullivan, Esq., Vice President, Special Projects Hill Wallack, LLP

Nicholas S. Molloy, Vice President, Special Projects J. Carroll Molloy, Realtor

Deborah M.A. Wagner, Vice President, Membership The Graphic Edge, Inc.

Robert W. Moore, Vice President, Telecommunications It’s All Data Ryan W. O’Donnell, Vice President, Intellectual Property Volpe & Koenig, P.C. Doreen H. Paynton, Vice President, Special Projects Dontech Incorporated Don Polec, Vice President, Special Projects SunBlossom Entertainment Kevin Putman, Vice President, Industry Penn Color, Inc.

Bridget Wingert, Vice President, Publication Bucks County Herald & Area Guide Book HONORARY DIRECTORS James L. Bee, C.P.A. Penrose Hallowell James P. McFadden William R. Schutt Franca Warden

Michael B. Raphael, AIA, LEED, AP, Vice President, Special Projects Raphael Architects Anna M. Shantz, Ph.D., Vice President, International Communication Institute for Foreign Languages

The SPRING issue 2021


About KDI Office Technology


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Shown are Joe Palma, who donated the use of a high-tech copy machine to the Chamber with the Board of Directors Vice President Robert W. Moore (It’s All Data) who made the connection for the Chamber.

JOE PALMA For over 30 years, Joe Palma, KDI’s dedicated Bucks County Account Manager, has helped businesses and organizations increase their productivity. He’s built his reputation on strong business relationships through his professional and honest, consultative approach. Joe takes pride in helping his clients achieve their goals and is passionate about maintaining a

high level of customer satisfaction. The Palma family resides in Chalfont. Denise, Joe’s wife, is a 3rd grade teacher and his daughter’s, Olivia and Sophia, are both student’s in the Central Bucks School district. The Journal


Chamber Board of Directors member, Ervin Hall (Profection Advisors) announced that the Central Bucks High School West girls track and field teams won their first-ever state title at Shippensburg University this spring. Erv Hall, a former Silver Medalist in the 1968 Mexico City Olympics, serves as one of the team’s coaches. Student athletes from CB West scored a team total 53 team points, beating their next closest opponent by 22 points.



The “love story” behind the creation of a local institution


he Hepatitis B Foundation’s annual Crystal Ball Gala this year served a special purpose: it was the ceremonial start of the organization’s 30th Anniversary celebration. Held on April 30, the event was a great success despite being forced into a virtual format by COVID-19. With Timothy M. Block, the Foundation’s president, as host, the Gala raised more than $130,000 – a Foundation record – and more than 200 people participated.

The two couples created the Hepatitis B Foundation, initially a virtual entity that primarily took phone calls from people living with the disease and seeking for information in those pre-internet days.

As the Foundation grew, a research arm was established, the Baruch S. Blumberg Institute. In 2006, the Pennsylvania Biotechnology Center (PABC) was launched to support Blumberg researchers and startup companies in the life sciences. Today PABC is one of the nation’s most successful life sciences incubators, with There was a bittersweet moment when more than 80 member companies and Joan Block, now retired from her role as about $500 million of R&D activity in the Foundation’s executive director, warmly recent years. A $20 million dollar expansion remembered co-founder Paul Witte, who is underway at the center, which is located died in February at the age of 94. The Gala next to the Doylestown Airport. also honored the late Baruch S. Blumberg, the Nobel Prize winner who discovered the Over the past three decades, Dr. Block hepatitis B virus, and numerous others now has earned many honors. Those include deceased who made major contributions being named a Fellow of the National that helped the Foundation grow into a Academy of Inventors and “One of 100 global operation. Most Inspiring People in the Life Sciences

Industry” by PharmaVoice and receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Centrals Bucks Chamber of Commerce. Just last fall, Joan and Tim Block were honored by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases with its inaugural Distinguished Advocacy Service Award. With that announcement, congratulatory messages poured in. “Tim, despite his humble nature, is a scientific and social giant – a great scientist, a great teacher, a great leader and a remarkable innovator,” wrote Harvey Alter, M.D., who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology for 2020. “With Joan as inspiration, they have evolved the Hepatitis B Foundation from a random thought to a major international entity serving innumerable carriers of hepatitis B infection and their families.” The Journal To learn more about the Foundation, Blumberg Institute and PABC, please go to

Awards were presented to three highly deserving individuals and the audience was treated to a video about the Doylestown-based organization’s history. In an interview for the video, Joan recounted how the Foundation got started and says, “In some ways, it’s a love story.” During the late Eighties, Joan was a nurse at a Philadelphia hospital and Tim was a professor at Jefferson University, researching the herpes simplex virus. Then, unexpectedly, a routine health exam determined that Joan was positive for hepatitis B. “When I was diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B, instead of panicking, he changed his whole focus of research to search for a cure for hepatitis B,” Joan recalls. “Tim went to our friends Paul and Jan Witte, and shared this story with them, and they immediately said, ‘We have to do something.’”

The SPRING issue 2021




YOUR CHAMBER TEAM through the pandemic to continue to bring weekly programming, monthly networking, regular committee meetings and events to you and to the community.

If we haven’t met, we welcome you into the Chamber. You can stop in for a distanced and masked meeting; call us on the phone; or experience a virtual meeting.

A main reason for calling this issue the Inspiration Issue because YOU inspire us. Our members are motivators for why we have worked steadily

We have operated within CDC guidelines to make sure that we can continue to help you to build your businesses and to do so steadily and safely.

As always, “Growing YOUR Business Is OUR Business™”

Photography by: Heart and Soul Portraits

THE CHAMBER TEAM would like to take a moment in the Welcome Back Bucks issue of the first ever Business & Arts Journal to thank the members of the Chamber.

DR. VAIL P. GARVIN FACHE President & CEO BRADFORD R. SANDERS Chief Marketing Officer Graphic Designer – The Business & Arts Journal DEBBIE HAYS Facilities & Finance Manager

SALLY PARHAM Chief Administration Officer Corporate Secretary

AMANDA SULLIVAN SOLER Chief Operating Officer Editor, The Business & Arts Journal

The SPRING issue 2021


Share a home. Share a life. By Tine Hansen-Turton


ob and Benjamin are fast friends who met at Woods Services, a nonprofit population health management organizations that provides a lifelong continuum of care and services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Bob and Benjamin are an unlikely pair at age 47 and 21 respectively. Bob Reiss, a long-time Woods staff member, practically grew up at Woods. His mother worked at Woods for 40 years and Bob often accompanied her to activities when he was younger and they often hosted Woods residents at their home on holidays.

be one or two staff providing support for several residents. Bob believed this posed a serious threat to Benjamin’s health because of Benjamin’s trust issues and his medical complexities. In his new home, he probably would not share with staff when he wasn’t feeling well and they likely would not detect a problem. Because the staff at Woods know Benjamin well, they know when something is wrong if Benjamin doesn’t voice it and they can intervene with medical attention. This concern for Benjamin kept Bob awake at night fearful for what might happen to his friend. Then, there was light at the end of the tunnel when Bob learned about a program called Lifeshare in which a person or family opens up their home to someone with intellectual disability. Bob realized that

he could open his home and become a “provider” and continue his friendship at the same time he could ensure continuity of care for Benjamin. Bob worked with Woods’ affiliate Brian’s House to apply to be a provider and then set about finding a two-bedroom apartment that would need to be approved. Bob will be paid a small stipend for providing meals, housing and all the necessities Benjamin needs to thrive, but he claims he would have done it for free! Sharing their lives seemed like the perfect solution for both men as it simply formalized their existing deep friendship. Bob is now sleeping at night and looking forward to the day Benjamin’s transition is complete and he moves in. The Journal

As a staff mentor, Bob’s schedule is somewhat flexible so Woods asked him to accompany Woods’ resident, Benjamin Tucker, on his medical appointments to St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children and to see the various specialists who oversee his treatments for cancer and a benign tumor disorder. Because of this, the two men have spent a great deal of time together over the past five years and become very close. Benjamin has a contagious smile and cheerful personality, but takes him a long time to develop trust and he is shy with people he doesn’t know. Bob had a growing concern over the past year about where Benjamin would live when he turned 21 years old this past February and needed to transition to a different living arrangement. Most likely, Benjamin would move to a group home where there would



Photography by: Heather Khalifa, Philadelphia Inquirer Staff Photographer

Patents – When, Where, Why, What? Just because you can protect it doesn’t mean you should. How to know when it’s worth investing in patents and when it’s not – plus the where, what, why, when of patents. By Catherine A. Cavella, Esq., Founder, IP Works Law •


veryone knows that patents are a significant investment. One of the questions I hear all the time is, “Is it worth pursuing? Should we invest in patenting it or not?” The internet is full of mixed messages and misinformation about patents and whether they are good or bad or necessary or a waste of time and money. Everyone and their brother seems to have an opinion on the issue. So how are you to know what you should do for your company? First, remember that a patent is just a tool that gives you an advantage over your competition. If the advantage it gives you is worth more than the cost, then you should invest. Simple, right? The toughest part of the equation is understanding what it’s worth. Once you know that, you know how much you can spend on patent protection. If you aim for a value/cost ratio of 10-1, you’ll have more confidence and clarity when deciding whether to proceed with patents or not. The Importance of “What” When helping companies decide whether to proceed, I like to start with helping them develop and understand a reasonable revenue model. It’s important to understand how the business plans to make money with the invention, and which parts of the invention are most valuable. Patents (and other IP tools) should focus on the most valuable parts, which will depend in part on the revenue model.

one machine but hundreds of K-Cups over the course of a few years. Coffee and tea companies will clamor to license the right to put their products in K-Cups to harness this market. So a patent strategy that focused only on the machine and not the cups would have missed the big money. If we know ahead of time that our revenue is in the cups, we may purposely leave the machine technology unprotected so copycats will rush to put their competing machines on the market, thus quickly increasing the demand for our well-protected K-Cups. Money saved and money earned!

Tips: Utility patents last for roughly 20 years and design patents for 14 years. But for these purposes I suggest thinking about the next 5 years and not beyond. Consider also whether other countries are potentially valuable markets for your innovation – if you want overseas protection, you need to start the process early, at the same time as your U.S. filing, or the window will close. I suggest sketching out three different scenarios – conservative, moderate, best case --- over 3 or 5 years from launch.

1+1=2 The rest is just math. Look at the value numbers from your three scenarios and come up with a budget for patent protection keeping in mind the 10-1 value/ cost ratio. Then meet with your intellectual property advisor and work out an IP You’ll want to consider not just the obvious protection plan that protects what you need, where you need it, and stays within “market domination” value, i.e. the dollar value of the sales you can divert from your your budget. competitors’ current solutions, but also the You’ll be spared the anxiety of worrying marketing and investor boost you might about unknown costs and wondering get from being known as the “cutting whether it’s worth it. And you’ll gain the edge” innovator, the “game changer”. clarity and confidence you need to know Would a reputation as an innovator in you’re making a good decision for your your industry attract top talent? Better investors? Powerful strategic partnerships? company. The Journal Licensing revenue from those who want to Do you have a question about intellectual use your innovations in a market you are not reaching? What might such benefits be property? Please send me an email (no confidential information please) at ccavella@ worth in dollars? Value of the Exclusive Rights Next, you will want to get a sense of how much it would be worth to be the exclusive maker/seller/user/licensor of your innovation. and I’d be happy to answer it.

To illustrate: In the Keurig® K-Cup® model, the big money is in the design and technology surrounding the cups – not the machines themselves. A family will buy The SPRING issue 2021


Green Manufacturer Named Spark Bowl Winner at Del Val By Jodi Spiegel Arthur Courtesy of the Bucks County Herald


enoil ™, a company that creates machinable wax and 3D printing filament utilizing recycled plastics, emerged victorious in the second annual Spark Bowl, a “Shark Tank”-style competition, at Delaware Valley University. The company, which has additional products in development, was one of five finalists in the competition held in person and streamed live on April 15. “We plan to use (the $12,000 in prize money) to expand our manufacturing as well as marketing to bring in sales,” said Anthony Prato, CEO of Xenoil. The company “recycles and re-manufactures oil-based products that are impossible or difficult to recycle, like plastics, rubbers and waxes.” Representatives from each of the five Bucks County area companies presented their business ideas to four judges during the event organized by Delaware Valley University’s Department of Business and Information Management and the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce. With the help of student consultants under the guidance of a faculty advisor, as part of DelVal’s experiential learning program, each company prepared its pitch for a chance to win the grand prize of $12,000 to help them address social, consumer or business-oriented challenges in and around Bucks County. Second prize was $5,000 and third prize was $2,000. Student consultants from the top three teams also earned cash prizes of $3,000, $2,000 and $1,000 respectively. The second-place finisher, receiving a prize of $5,000, was GrowFlux Inc., which provides automation for lighting controls and microclimate sensing in greenhouses and indoor farms.



Coming in third place and receiving a prize of $2,000 was Pippy Sips, offering Maia, a portable container to keep breast milk cold for up to 10 hours, designed especially for mothers who are unable to work from home and may not have access to a refrigerator. Additional products are planned. Also presenting were Adam Nelson of Philly Esports, a veteran-owned esports event and tournament organizer working with colleges and the military, and Barbara Schuster of B Comfee. Shuster invented Grooming Hands, a pet massage and grooming glove. Serving as judges for the competition were: Michael Araten, president and CEO of Sterling Drive Ventures, a family firm that owns, among other things, The Rodon Group, a highly automated plastics injection molder with a focus on small parts; Donna De Carolis, the founding dean of Drexel University’s Charles D. Close School of Entrepreneurship

and the Silverman Family Professor of Entrepreneurial Leadership; Susan Lonergan, director of middle market and specialized banking for Fulton Bank’s commercial sales and lending teams across five states; and William Schutt, a member of the Delaware Valley University Board of Trustees and founder, former owner and chairman of MATCOR, Inc., an international engineering and manufacturing company serving the worldwide oil, gas and infrastructure industries and governments. The judges quizzed the entrepreneurs about their business plans, materials sourcing, marketing, manufacturing, distribution, customer base, profit margins, patent status, competition and more. A representative from each of the five businesses had five minutes to pitch their idea, and then the four judges had a total of 10 minutes to ask questions. The Journal

REVITALIZATION CAMPAIGN A giant thank you goes out to those who donated to The Revitalization Campaign during the shut-down.

Michael Araten Atlantic Aquatic Engineering, Inc. Barbara Donnelly Bentivoglio Bucks County Magazine Bugajewski Facility Services Arthur L. D’Angelo Fred Beans Family of Dealerships


Andy Happ Happ Contractors, Inc. Anna Shantz Ph.D. Virginia Sigety Hopkins & Hopkins Steven E. Staugaitis I P Works Tabor Children’s KMM Consulting Services LHFUS Inc. Peter S. Syd & Sharon Martin Thompson, Esq. Susan Maslow Doreen Paynton Penn Color Inc. Blair & Tamara Rush William & Laurie Schutt

Jeane M. Vidoni Deborah M. A. Wagner Bob Welch Bridget Wingert

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in memorium...



Reinventing Your Business Doesn’t Have to Be a Struggle By Natalie Napoleon, Digital Marketing Mentor I studied other successful online marketers and tried modeling their businesses: I tried affiliate marketing I built 5 e-commerce stores I started an interview series I launched a course for photographers All with mild success.


sat in my brand new office desperately looking for ways to justify my plan to walk away from the business I’d worked so hard to build. I’d only been a realtor for 3 years and in that time, earned my own office and had a plan to build a team. But it didn’t feel *right* and reminded me of the reasons I decided to step back from my photography business to go into real estate. I wrestled with pangs of guilt and failure as I made the decision to abandon the business I’d spent every last waking moment building in those three years, but I couldn’t free myself from the pull to find that something that filled my cup, made me feel alive, and gave me a sense of purpose. I knew that I wanted to take my business online, but I didn’t know how that would look.

My family was exhausted by my rapid fire entrepreneurial exploratory period and after a year, I was beginning to seriously doubt that I had what it took to be a digital marketer and create a business that served my life and provided real value for my customers. I had two choices at that point: Go back to my service-based photography business or Look for a dreaded… “real job” Then Covid hit and eliminated both of those options. My service-based photography business was shut down overnight. I instantly transitioned into survival mode and analyzed my 20 year career as an entrepreneur - I started my business during a recession and survived the Great Recession. Beautiful beams of light broke through the cloud of doom hanging overhead as I saw that I possess a superpower that gives me the ability to see the opportunity in desperate times. This was my chance to find that elusive “it” that defines my existence (besides my kids of course).

I sat with the possibilities and realized that I was making it harder on myself than it had to be. I built two successful businesses, which meant I already have the skills to build another one. I already know how to... strategically build long-lasting relationships and create partnerships build sustainable systems so that I don’t burn myself out manage tech create a profitable, on-brand library of imagery My previous attempts at digital pivot didn’t pan out the way I expected them to because I wasn’t building in a way that was true to me. Once it was clear that I have the knowhow to pivot my service-based business to an online model, I realized that the only thing standing between me and success was … me. Entrepreneurship is a lonely, grueling journey marked by times of amazing prosperity and times of anxiety-ridden lows. You’d never go deep sea diving without a team, so why tread those lonely entrepreneurial waters by yourself? I decided to surround myself with coaches and colleagues that had achieved the level of success I want to see in my new business. I schedule weekly meetings with them to hold myself accountable and ask for help, even when I don’t think I need it. This past year has taught me that it’s okay to ask for help because growth happens during vulnerable moments. The Journal

The SPRING issue 2021






















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How to Keep Employees Safe on the Road NJM Insurance Group


here are many potential causes of a vehicle crash, but some are manageable with training and clear expectations. Consider implementing these preventative measures to reduce the risk of your employees experiencing a crash while on the road: CREATE A CULTURE OF SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE. Implementing a culture of safety should be a top priority for all executives. It can reduce the risk of workplace accidents and can foster open, honest communication between you and your employees. Establishing a culture of safety begins with setting clear policies, goals, and plans for workplace safety and communicating these measures at every level of the company. Ensure there is a clear system in place for employees to report safety concerns, injuries, or property damage to their direct manager and that the system is adequately promoted to staff. HOLD SAFETY TRAININGS FREQUENTLY. Safety begins well before a driver even

turns on the ignition. Require all employees to participate in safety training sessions when they are being onboarded, as well as regularly afterward. Consider holding seasonal trainings that are designed to prepare drivers for the risks they can expect as the weather changes. At the end of each session, offer various resources that can increase drivers’ day-to-day awareness of potential risks. ESTABLISH A SAFETY COMMITTEE. A committee comprised of employees with the common goal of fostering a culture of safety can increase employees’ abilities to identify and prevent workplace injuries. The committee should be evaluated on a quarterly or yearly basis to confirm that it is meeting its safety goal and objectives. IMPLEMENT A CELL PHONE POLICY. Cell phone use contributes to an estimated 27% of motor vehicle crashes, according to the National Safety Council. Their Cell Phone Policy Kit can help employers to educate and protect their drivers from the dangers of distracted driving.

IDENTIFY APPROPRIATE WAYS TO MONITOR DRIVING HABITS. Employers are rarely in the cab with their drivers, but there are ways to monitor drivers’ habits and establish a sense of accountability. For example, consider incorporating telematics into your safety program to monitor vehicle use, real-time weather and traffic data, route optimization, safe driving practices, engine diagnostics, and more. When used appropriately, telematics can help to reduce the likelihood of a crash by catching problems at their source. These practices all contribute to a safety program that puts the company’s most valuable assets — its employees — at the forefront. NJM was established more than 100 years ago and has remained committed to providing reliable, cost–effective, and safety–focused insurance. All NJM business policyholders receive access to loss prevention resources to help reduce injuries and illnesses in the workplace. For more information on NJM’s business insurance products, contact your agent. The Journal

The SPRING issue 2021


Planning a Business Transfer? Make Sure You Understand Your Options By Steven E. Staugaitis, CPA, CVA, Director, Audit & Accounting and Family Business Specialist, Kreischer Miller


efore embarking on the ownership transition path, a critical first step is to evaluate and understand your options. Many businesses become fixated on just one path without contemplating or fully comprehending what it means to pursue that path. In fact, options for transferring ownership can be viewed on a spectrum that ranges from closing the business to making a public offering – with plenty of options in between. Evaluating which option is right for your business involves numerous factors because so many parties are affected by the decision. Here is a high level look at the options on the business transfer spectrum, and the factors that influence them.

By Katrina R. Samarin, CPA, MT, Manager, Tax Strategies and ESOP Specialist, Kreischer Miller

would this be enough to fund a transaction. As such, selling to employees tends to be utilized in situations where a seller is not looking to maximize their selling price, but rather has other intentions, such as maintaining the culture and legacy of the business. These types of transactions are internal in nature, and thus provide buyers and sellers more flexibility in terms of structuring the transaction and the timing.

SALE TO CURRENT OWNERS In a business with multiple owners, a shareholder agreement will drive the terms and conditions for an owner’s exit from the business. A well-written agreement will address what triggers a buyout, the process for the owners to arrive at a value, and the LIQUIDATION AND PUBLIC OFFERING – terms. Since buyouts in these arrangements THE “BOOKENDS” will come out of the company’s cash flows, Liquidation is the last resort for most the valuations are often more conservative, businesses, and it can become the default option when no other plan exists. Liquidating with terms that are over longer periods. These extended terms are a way to manage cash the business involves selling the company’s flows and not over-stress the business. There assets and repaying its liabilities; the owners keep what is left. Liquidations often represent is flexibility in structuring the transactions, but only to the extent the shareholder the lowest business value and level of agreement allows for it and liquidity for an owner. Flexibility and timing of these transactions are at the mercy of the all parties agree. buyers of the assets and the priority of the FAMILY TRANSITION AND RETAIN AS debt holders. INVESTMENT A public offering is at the opposite end of the A family transition is by far the most flexible spectrum in terms of valuation and ability to option to transition ownership. Just like a sale to current owners, these buyouts provide liquidity. It is a rare occurrence for are frequently funded out of the existing most private companies, as a business needs cash flows of the business. As a result, to have scale to go to market. Transaction the valuations are similar to that of a sale costs and regulations are high and limit the to current owners and come with more practicality of flexible payment terms over longer periods. this option. These transactions also present an optimal opportunity to coordinate with the family’s SALE TO EMPLOYEES (NON-ESOP) estate plan. We see many families with next As we make our way through the spectrum, generation heirs who have pursued other a theme emerges. Options closer to the left interests, however still wish to remain part have lower valuations, while those closer to the right have higher valuations. The primary of the family legacy. In instances like these, a unique decision to retain the ownership reason for this has to do with the buyers’ within the family and employ qualified ability to gain access to capital. managers to run the business may be a viable option. Setting up this structure successfully Take, for example, the option of selling creates a long-term legacy for the family to employees. Employees, even those in business within the community it serves. key management positions, tend to have more limited means for accessing capital. Sale to Employees (via an ESOP) The primary sources of funds are generally The Employee Stock Ownership Plan personal savings accounts, home equity, or option has gained much popularity in the borrowing from friends or family. Rarely past decade. Many advantages exist, for



both cultural and cash flow reasons. One misconception is that ESOPs have to be all or nothing, when in fact, we see many companies start by selling just a percentage of their ownership to an ESOP and steadily increase the ownership over time. A partial ESOP can even be layered in with a family business as a way to engage the employees, but still keep the majority ownership within the family. There are complex rules and regulations that govern an ESOP transaction and the ongoing administration. The valuations from the sale of ESOP are negotiated with a third party trustee and are often higher than other options on the transfer spectrum. Layer in the added tax benefits of an ESOP with the cash flows for this type of transaction, and many find this option to be quite feasible. Combine those benefits with a strong corporate culture and an ESOP can be a very attractive alternative. SALE TO A THIRD PARTY The last channel within the transfer spectrum is an outright sale to a third party. Outside buyers may be financial or strategic in nature, and that perspective is relevant in terms of valuation and structure. Since outside buyers are able to bring to the table outside capital, whether from investors or lending institutions, the valuations on third-party transactions tend to be higher. There is a trade-off when pursuing a thirdparty sale, because the higher valuation comes with lower flexibility in terms of overall timing and transaction structure. Tax consequences will vary depending upon the final structure of the deal, but there are many ways to manage those consequences with proper planning. As you can see, there are a variety of options available to private company business owners who are considering a transition. Carefully evaluating your options, potentially with the help of an external advisor, can increase your chances of success. LEARN MORE Steve and Katrina recently presented a session on transition readiness for Kreischer Miller’s annual year-end tax and business planning webinar. You can watch the rebroadcast of their presentation by visiting The Journal

The SPRING ssue 2021



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