bruneilibraryassociation.wordpress.com Bil.33
Mei 2011
ISSN 1609-4271
Jubli Perak 1986-2011 Silver Jubilee
Brunei Darussalam was represented by Ms Hjh Rosnani Hj Yakub, Hon Secretary BLA. The meeting hosted by the Indonesian Librarians Association and the National Library of Indonesia was held on 19-22 April 2011 in Medan, Sumatera. Among the items discussed were the country updates, preparations for the 2012 conference including the prestigious 5th CONSAL Outstanding Librarian’s Award 2012 which began in Singapore in 2000 to honour significant contributions to the library profession in advancing cooperation among libraries and librarians of the CONSAL member countries. During the Medan meeting, the organisers had kindly arranged library and cultural visits for the delegates which included visits to the North Sumatera University, the Library and Archives of North Sumatera and a must visit to Lake Toba and Samosir Island. Dinners and cultural performances were graciously hosted by the Governor of North Sumatera Province and the Director of Library and Archives of North Sumatera. The 3rd Meeting is scheduled for 28 May 2012 in Kuta. Go to page 4
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LAKSAMANA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS (LCB) established in 2003, is a subsidiary of the Kengsington College of Business London The LCB is located in the capital and offers certificates, diplomas, advanced diplomas, HND, LCCI and the University of Cambridge and twinning degree programmes with Wales University and Northumbria University in Business and IT studies. It has over 300 students from Brunei, ASEAN member states, Nigeria, India and Bangladesh. BLA President Pn Nellie in her mission to promote BLA to other librarians continues with her visits programme. On 28 March 2011 she visited the LCB library where she was briefed about the Library by Ms Aruna, Marketing Administator. The Library is located on the 3 rd floor and has a cheerful ambience, a neat layout, and pleasantly furnished modern library. Its collection of more than 3,400 books some with 20 copies per title are kept next to the service counter. There are 4 computer terminals with internet access (while the college is also equipped with wifi), 60 seating places, 3 discussion rooms and 4 individual study rooms sited along one side of the wall of the library. Photocopying is free up to 5 copies. The library is open Mondays to Thursdays from 10am-8pm. And 830am to 530pm on Fridays. Books are purchased by the Administration Office.The library uses the Student Management System for its collection which acts also as the check out system for books. LCB exercises Direct Learning for students undertaking Cambridge and Foundation courses whereby they use the library for independent study for 3 hours on Mondays to Thursdays. Conatct: Dyg Salmiah Sulaiman, Librarian, Library, 3rd Floor LCB, Plaza Abdul Razak, Jalan Laksamana Abdul Razak, KM2, Jalan Tutong, Bandar Seri Begawan BA1712. Tel. 2238816
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BLA SILVER JUBILEE TASK FORCE MEETING The Task Force met on 8 April 2011 to fine tune details of the Conference scheduled for November 2011.The following names have been appointed as members of the Conference and Gala Nite Committee Chairman
Nellie DPH Sunny
Vice Chairman
Awg Hj Abdullah Hj Tahir
Dy Hjh Rosnani Hj Yaakub & Dy.Hjh Norleha Hj Matyassin
Finance & Sponsorship
Hj Awg Mohd Yussop POKID DP Hj Awg Musa & Awg Abu Hasrah Hj Kamis
Pg Hj Mohd Shahminan Pg Hj Sulaiman, Awg Hj Abu Bakar Hj Zainal, Aw Hj Abdullah Hj Tahir, Pg Omarali Pengiran Anak Hashim
Dy Hjh Pusparaini Hj Thani, Dy Merhane Salleh, Dy Asmi Ladiman
Opening/Closing Ceremony & Gala Nite
Awg Hj Sahari Hj Nassar
Master of Ceremony
Awg Ali Sabana Hj Mohsin
Publicity & Promotion
Dy Hasiah Hj Ali & Dk Saakdiah Pg Hj Omar
Welcoming & Hospitality
Aw Hj Sahari Hj Nassar & Aw Azhari Hj Suhaimi
Aw Osman Suhaili, Aw Kamalauddin Tampoi, Aw Hj Yakub Othman
IT & Photography
Aw Hj Hafidz Ali Hassan, Dy Hjh Noraidah Hj Madin, Aw Saini Shahbudin, Aw Julaihi Jumat
Library Awards
Aw Hj Abdullah Hj Tahir, Aw Abu Bakar Hj Zainal, Dy Hjh Noreidah Hj Ibrahim
Dy Saidah Mohamamd, Pg Hj Norsiah Pg Hj Damit
Book Launching & Book Programme
Aw Hj A Talip Hj Tassim, Dk Saakdiah, Dy Nooralizah Mohammad, Dy. Nurul Fajrina Kamaluddin
BLA Exhibition
Aw Hj Abdullah Hj Tahir, Dy. Norliha Mohd Din
Cultural Show
Aw Hj Pawi Tajuddin, Aw Hj Kifli Mohd Zain
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1ST ANNOUNCEMENT TENTATIVE PROGRAMME CONSAL XV GENERAL CONFERENCE 2012 ‘National Heritage: Preservation and Dissemination’ Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel, Kuta, Bali 29 May-31 May 2012 Sunday 27 May 2012
Arrival of EB members and delegates
Mon 28 May 2012 AM
3rd Meeting CONSAL XV EB
Mon 28 May 2012 PM
CDNLAO Meeting
Tues & Wed 29-30 May 2012
General Conference
Thur 31 May 2012
Bali Tour
Fri 1 June 2012
Conference Topics National Library as Centre of National Heritage Preservation and conservation in the library Implementation of the Legal Deposit Act Library Education in Empowering Human Resources Resource Sharing and Networking Managing Digital Library and digital Publications The role of Library Associations in national development Community libraries in information literacy School libraries for enhancing reading habit The use of corporate social responsibility in library development BLA wishes to invite all librarians, information professionals and students to participate in this Conference. Details on registration fees will follow.
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Wadah Perpustakaan Bil.33
BLA was invited by MOE on 2 April 2011 to brainstorm on the feasibility of running the proposed Advance Diploma in Information Science course. Representing BLA were Puan Nellie, Aw Hj Abdullah, Dyg Hjh Pusparaini, Aw Abu Hasrah, Pg Omarali and Pg Hj Mohd Shahminan. The Meeting was chaired by Ms Yeo Sy Mey. Also present were Cikgu Rahmah and Aw Hj SiRamlee from CIT, MTSSR. BLA welcomes this proposed 2 year course and sees it as a positive pathway for National Diploma ILM graduates to upgrade and further their studies locally.
MYUNINET Malaysian University Libraries & National Library Network PERPUN is a forum of cooperation between all the Head of University Libraries and Director General, National Library of Malaysia. Among issues discussed in this forum of discussion are the establishment of electronic library network between university libraries, current information services, subscription of databasesand publication delivery services between Malaysian Academic Libraries.They meet every three months, and each of the libraries will take turn to host the meeting. Go to page 7
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From page 6
Since the year 2005, PERPUN has actively produced a number of projects which benefits the Malaysian students and scholars.Among the projects are : MyTO (Malaysian Theses Online), ERepository, Malaysian Gateway Internet Resources, Union List of Serials IPTA/IPTS(MyULIS) MyUniNet Portal stands for Malaysian University Libraries& National Library Network and is now an
http://perpun.upm.edu.my/. MyTO: Malaysian Thesis Online It lists the theses collection compiled from public academic universities and university colleges as well as private academic universities. MyULIS: Malsyian Union List of Serials It is a portal that lists all the titles of serial publications subscribed by all university libraries in Malaysia. Participating Libraries National Library of Malaysia Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia Library
Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia Library Universiti Putra Malaysia Library
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Library
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Library
Universiti Kuala Lumpur Library
Universiti Sains Malaysia Library
Universiti Malaya Library
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin Library
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Library
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka Library
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Library
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Library
Universiti Malaysia Perlis Library
Universiti Teknologi MARA Library
Universiti Malaysia Sabah Library
Universiti Teknologi Petronas Library
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Library
Universiti Tenaga Nasional Library
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Library
Universiti Terbuka Malaysia Library
Universiti Multimedia Malaysia Library
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Library
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Library
Universiti Utara Malaysia Library
Source: http://perpun.upm.edu.my/.
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HAPPENINGS 26 Mar 2011 29 Mar 2011
ITB 25th anniversary Establishment of the Centre of Studies on Ahli Sunnah Waljama’ah at Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan Gala Nite to mark 25 th anniversary of the Council of Women Brunei Darussalam BLNG 1.5m jungle trekking session@Bukit Shabandar Launch of OhMyCard by Mr Loo Kee Lee@$4 (monthly), $28 (6 months) $48 (12 months) Kuala Belait new $5 million market under 7th National Development Plan in operation Annual General Meeting PERKEBAR-Persatuan Lumba Perahu Kebangsaan Negara Brunei 27th Annual Genral Meeting Koperasi Persatuan TIBA Bukit Markucing Challenge Presentation of CIPTA Awards 2011 Brunei Museums launched Wildlife Protection Act 10TH Anniversary of ITQSHHB Permanent campus 59th anniversary of Information Dept IGS College introduces degree programmes Brunei Darussalam participated in the Kuwait International Prize for Memorizing, Recitation and Tajweed of the Holy Quran Coworth Park Hotel Berkshire launched Health Promotion Blueprint 2011-2015 launched A 24 hours water ambulance launched serving patients from the Kg Ayer and Temburong District Baiduri Union Pay Debit Card launched 13th PRYNSA Award Presentation. Seri Mulia Sarjana Secondary School named the champions
2 Apr 2011 1 Apr 2011 1 Apr 2011 1 Apr 2011 3 Apr 2011 3 Apr 2011 3 Apr 2011 7 Apr 2011 7 Apr 2011 9 Apr 2011 9 Apr 2011 11 Apr 2011 13-20 Apr 2011 14 Apr 2011 20 Apr 2011 25 Apr 2011 26 Apr 2011 28 Apr 2011
CONSAL XV EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETINGS 1st Meeting CONSAL XV Executive Board, 29 April 2010 in Bandung,2 nd Meeting CONSAL XV Executive Board, 20 April 2011 in Medan, 3rd Meeting CONSAL XV Executive Board, 28 May 2012, in Kuta
All materials are copyrighted and any form of reproduction is not permitted without the permission of the publisher. WADAH PERPUSTAKAAN is published by © Brunei Darussalam Library Association, c/o Class 64 Library, SOASC, Jalan Tengah (Gate 7), Bandar Seri Begawan BS8411. email:pobox.bla@gmail.com. Editor: Nellie Dato Paduka Haji Sunny. Photo credits. Nellie, Hjh Rosnani., Woro Salikin, Mony. Layout: Nooralizah Mohamad and Nurul Fajrina Kamaluddin
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