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6th May 2021
Helen Burdett, Olly and Penny Ram and David Schiller on the untimely death of Debbie Ram. Nicole, Lila and Charlie Krikler on the tragic passing of Colin. Michael Possener on the death of his wife Maureen.
The following who will be celebrating becoming bar- or bat-mitzvah on the following dates: Aaron Jones 1st May Matt Kram 15th May Maya Larholm 31st May Olivia Jones 19th June Rachel and Anton on the birth of Darcy and also to Shirley and Bob Batley the proud grandparents. Lorena and Richard Adams in California on the birth if their son, named after Harveys parents Ray and Sidney but to be known as Sunny, and to proud grandparents Rabbi Pete on the birth of Makenzie, his granddaughter, born in March 28th in California (the one with the chee
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Sunday 16th May 2021
Rabbi Pete Tobias
Jan Nomberg ay 16th May 2021
Sally Lander Maria Green Rita Gibson and to all our other members who are suffering ill health at the moment. The Care Team continues to keep in touch with our members and are willing to help in any way we can, Covid restrictions permitting. We are pleased to know that the majority of those we care for have now received their 2nd vaccination which is good news. Please do get in touch if you feel we can help, just a friendly phone call can mean to much and we are here for you. Maureen Adams 07961 075657
BURIAL In cases of bereavement, please contact our Burial Officer, Joan Shopper on 01582 792959 14