industry NEWS
2021 FEIBP AGM Emphasizes Raw Materials Turmoil By Katharina Goldbeck-Hörz
The 2021 FEIBP Virtual AGM was held on October 21, 2021, and opening comments indicated there was positive feedback on the 2020 virtual AGM but participants also emphasized the value of in-person events for exchanging views andnetworking. With that in mind, all attendees are eager to attend the 2022 FEIBP Congress which is once again set for Prague, Czech Republic, September 21-24, 2021. The central theme for the 2021 meeting was the turmoil surrounding the raw materials markets with the official report noting that covered everything from synthetics to timber and aluminum. Adding to that frustration, many speakers and attendees commented on rapidly escalating transport and freight costs. Additional topics covered during the virtual AGM included the following: EUROPEAN RESHORING
This discussion posed the question of whether or not reshoring will be temporary or the trend going forward. The “produce and buy local” movement takes on a new significance based on the current issues with transport and freight costs, and trade disruptions affecting delivery times. Naturally, this is leading companies to look toward suppliers nearer to their location. SUSTAINABILITY
The carbon footprint of products in the industry can be enhanced and if so that would improve global competitiveness. It requires a common European industry approach and the FEIBP can be instrumental in facilitating industry cooperation in the areas of research and public relations. WORKFORCE
Labor concerns were noted and in particular problems in finding younger workers. It has been observed that companies have difficulties in finding good personnel. There was hope that better use of social media could help in attracting more workers to the industry.
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A new FEIBP website is under construction and a presentation of the new look and feel was presented at the general assembly, but there is still fine-tuning to be done to the new site and no launch date was indicated. FEIBP LEADERSHIP
Current FEIPB President Andrew McIlroy will be heavily involved in the organization of the FEIBP 2023 Congress in Belfast, Northern Ireland and with that in mind the FEIBP Board proposed to extend his presidency through to the conclusion of the event. Future President Alessandro Acquaderni has targeted future congresses for Italy and Spain under his Presidency. Andrea Acquaderni stepped down as FEIBP Treasurer, and the FEIBP board proposed to elect Peter Brunner (Ebnat AG, Switzerland) as successor. The moves were unanimously approved. RAW MATERIALS REPORTS
Market reports were delivered on Steel Wire (Holger Kruse, Gustav Wolf GmbH), Vegetable Fibers (Urte Rietdorf, Friedrich Platt), Bristle (Reinhold Hoerz, DKSH), Fine Hair (Mark Samuel, Mark Samuel Trading) and Synthetics (Andrew McIlroy, Perlon). The reports were made exclusively available to FEIBP members through email.
Plant fiber supply is currently relatively stable compared to other products. But climate changes continue to have an increasUrte Rietdorf ing impact on the quality and quantity of raw materials. Extreme events such as droughts, hurricanes or long periods of rain affect plant growth in the medium term. Apart from this development, as in all sectors, the transport costs for containers have literally exploded this year, which is clearly reflected in the procurement costs. –Urte Rietdorf (Friedrich Platt GmbH)