Bridge stories by our young writers

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Nekateri učenci 7.a in 7.b razreda OŠ Litija, so si zamislili vsak svojo zgodbico o tem, kako naj bi nastali mostovi v naši občini. Nastale so zelo zanimive in zelo raznolike zgodbe. Some pupils of class 7.a and 7.b. of Litija elementary school, decided to each create a story of how our municipality got its bridges. The stories they came up with, are most interesting and very different.

Created by: Lana, Mila, Gašper, Matevž, Maja, Lovro, Alex and Karmen. Mentor: Vesna Kosmač

Kako je Litija dobila most./ How Litija got its bridge? Litija bridge.

Kako je Litija dobila most? How Litija got it‘s bridge? The story is invented by Lana B.P., class, 7.b. It is the result of her imagination.

Že lep čas je minil odkar se je v Litiji zgradil most. A vse se je začelo na obrežju reke Save... V Litiji je svoj čas prebival pohlepni brodar, ki je za prečkanje reke zaračunaval vedno več denarja, tako, da revnejši niso mogli po opravkih iz ene strani reke na drugo po opravkih. Nekega večera ko je brodar zaključil zadnjo vožnjo in se odpravljal domov, ga je ustavila revna gospa. Ta ga je prosila, da jo odpelje na drugi breg reke. Brodar ji seveda ni hotel usteči in jo na hladen večer pustil samo na bregu Save. Naslednjega jutra je brodarja zbudil nenavaden ropot, stopil je do okna in uzrl gradnjo mostu čez reko. Ko je čez nekaj tednov izgubil vse svoje bogastvo, je ugotovil, da je most dala postavit Dunajska cesarica, ki jo je, ker je menil, da je revna, pustil samo na bregu Save.

It has been a long time since a bridge in Litija was built. However, all began on the Sava riverbank… A long time ago, there was a greedy ferryman, who lived in Litija. He was so greedy, that he charged more and more money to cross the river, and for that reason, the poor couldn’t get to the other side to take care of their business. One evening, when the ferryman finished his last river crossing and was on his way home, he was stopped by a poor lady. She asked him to take her to the other side of the river. Naturally, the ferryman refused her, and left her on Sava riverbank on a cold evening all alone. The next morning he was awaken by an unusual rumble. He got up and looked through the window – people were building a bridge. In a few weeks, when the ferryman lost all his fortune, he realised, that the bridge was built by a Vienna empress. The same empress, he left alone on the riverbank thinking she was a poor woman.

Skok iz mosta. / A jump from the bridge.

Skok z lesenega mostu na Savi. A jump from the wooden bridge across Sava The story is invented by Lovro B., class, 7.b. It is the result of his imagination.

Bila je sobota. Z avtom so se na izlet peljali medved, lisica in polž. Medved bi šel na Zasavsko sveto goro, lisica v Volčji potok, polž pa v adrenalinski park Vače. In so se peljali in se niso mogli dogovoriti… Pripeljali so se do mosta, ki je sijal od lepote. Občudovali so ga. Izstopili so iz avta in odšli proti njemu. Bil je leseni most na Savi. Z mosta so opazovali reko Savo. Bila je zelo čista reka. Odločili so se, da bodo skakali v vodo. Tisti, ki zmaga odloča kam bodo odšli na izlet. Prvi se je odločil, da skoči medved. Iz sredine mosta se je vrgel v reko. Njegov skok je bil tako močan, da je zalilo most do vrha strehe. Druga je skočila lisica, njen skok je bil še močnejši, tako da je vse ribe vrglo na kopno. Zadnji se je vrgel še polž. Vse kar je bilo ob njegovem skoku slišati je bil rahel »blup« in niti kaplja vode iz reke ni pristala na suhem. Zmaga je tako za eleganten skok pripadla polžu. Z avtom so se odpeljali čez leseni most v adrenalinski park Vače in si obljubili, da se bodo na ta leseni most še vrnili, saj je res nekaj posebnega.

It was a Saturday. A bear, a fox and a snail were driving in a car. They decided to take a trip. The bear wanted to go to a mountain called Zasavska sveta gora, the fox wanted to go to Volčji potok, while the snail wanted to visit the adrenalin park near Vače. And so they drove, and couldn’t decide … Soon they arrived to a beautiful bridge. They admired it. They went out of the car and walked towards it. It was the wooden bridge near Sava. From the bridge they admired the river Sava. It was a very clean river. They decided to jump into the water. The winner will choose where to go on a trip. The first to jump was the bear. He jumped into the river from the middle of the bridge. His jump was hard and he made the water from the river splash over the roof of the bridge. The second was the fox. Her jump was even harder and it made all the fish thrown from the river. The last one to jump was the snail. All that one could hear when he jumped, was a soft “blup” and not a droplet of water from the river was splashed over land. The Victory for the most elegant jump belonged to the snail. So…they continued their trip to adrenalin park near Vače and promised, that they will return to that wooden bridge, for it really is something special.

Zgodba o škratu… / A story about a goblin…

Zgodba o škratu in železniškem mostu čez Savo pri Pogoniku. The story of a goblin and the railway bridge near Pogonik. The story is invented by Matevž S., class, 7.b. It is the result of his imagination.

Nekoč je živel škrat, strojevodja, po imenu Railko. Imel je čudovit vlak. Vsako jutro je z njim peljal druge škrate v službo v Ljubljano in nazaj domov. Ampak imel je težavo, z lokomotivo je mogel narediti velik lok, ker ni mogel prečkati Save, zato so morali škrati vstajati zelo zgodaj. Domislil se je rešitve. Zbral je vse škrate ki jih je poznal, in jih je prepričal, da mu pomagajo zgraditi most čez Savo. Najprej so morali zbrati zelo veliko železa, zato so šli v rudnik Siterjevec. Tam so zbrali ves železo kar so ga potrebovali. Nato so začeli graditi most. V prvih 10 dneh so naredili samo eno desetino mostu, zato se je Railko odločil da bo šel po dodatno pomoč v Ljubljano. Tam je zbral še trideset škratov. In so gradili, in gradili, in gradili…., ko se je nekega dne razdivjala nevihta. Škratom je porušila vse, kar so zgradili, zato so mogli vse narediti od začetka. S skupnimi močmi so ga zopet gradili in gradili,… in nekega dne končali. Na dan otvoritve je Railko vse škrate, ki so mu pomagali, brezplačno zapeljal čez most do Ljubljane. In kar je najpomembneje, škrati so od takrat naprej lahko kar debelo uro dlje spali v svojih mehkih posteljah. Ta most je bil tako pomemben, da še danes stoji in krajša pot med Litijo in Ljubljano .

Once upon a time lived a goblin named Railko and he was an engine driver. He had a beautiful train. Every morning he drove all the other goblins to Ljubljana and back to work, but they had to get up very early. The thing is, that near Litija the river Sava makes a huge turn and he had to take all the goblins all the way around for he couldn’t cross the river. He came up with an idea. He gathered all the goblins he knew and asked them to help him build a bridge across the river. First, they had to collect lots of iron – they got it from the nearby mine called Sitarjevec. They gathered all the iron they could get and then they started building a bridge. In the first ten days, they only built a tenth of the bridge, for which reason Railko decided to get extra help from goblins who lived in Ljubljana. He got thirty more goblins there. They were building, and building, and building…. but a severe storm came and ruined all their work. They started all over and they worked, and worked, and worked, … and one day, they finished. On the day of the grand opening, Railko rewarded all the goblins who helped with a free ride to Ljubljana. And what matters most is, that from that day on, the goblins could sleep in their soft beds a good hour more. The bridge still stands and shortens the way between Ljubljana and Litija.

Zgodba o mostu./ A story of a bridge.

Zgodba o mostu... A story of a bridge… The story is invented by Mila Š., class, 7.a. It is the result of her imagination.

Most je stal tam že od nekdaj. Popravljali, vzdrževali in uporabljali so ga že praljudje. Za njimi so prišli Rimljani, ki so most utrdili in tlakovali. Veliko jih je plemen, ki so imela v lasti kos ozemlja na katerem je stal most. Na koncu so ga dobili Slovani iz njihovih rok pa njihovi vnuki Slovenci. Ker je bil most tako zelo star in ker je imel tako veliko različnih lastnikov, se mu je tudi kaj zanimivega zgodilo. Pred davnimi leti je moral gledati, kako so se morali kmetje in reveži s čolni voziti čez reko, ker niso imeli dovolj denarja za čez most. Seveda mu to ni bilo po godu in je dejal sestri reki, ki je tekla pod njim:˝ Ali lahko čez noč tako narasteš da me podreš?˝ reka pa je odgovorila: ˝ Lahko, ampak tako bom mogla zbrati tudi vode, ki bi morale priteči po meni komaj čez tisoče let.˝ Most pa ni odnehal in jo še naprej milo prosil. Na koncu se je reka vdala. Naslednjega jutra ni bilo ne duha ne sluha o mostu ali o reki. Prav so dejali ljudje, bomo zgradili pa cesto po kateri bodo lahko vsi hodili. In so jo. Tega je zdaj že mnogo let. Sčasoma so most postavili nazaj, ampak zdaj niso po njem drdrale kočije in hodili ljudje. Pod njim so se rajši vozili z avtomobili in po njem z hrupnim strojem, ki so ga poimenovali vlak. Tako! Zdaj veste, kako je enostaven most postal še eden od tistih, ki jih poznamo danes.

The bridge has been there for ages. It was repaired, maintained and used by cavepeople. After them, the Romans came. They paved and fortified it. Many were in the past, who owned the land and the bridge on it. Finally, it came into the hands of the Slavs, and from them to the hands of their grandsons, the Slovene people. Since the bridge was so old and it had so many owners, a lot of interesting things happened to him. Many, many years ago, the bridge had to watch how farmers and poor people had to cross the river in boats, for they had no money to cross it. The bridge was not happy with that and one day he said to his sister river that flew beneath him: “Can you rise over night so high to destroy me?” The river said: “I can, but I must collect waters that would come into my stream thousands of years from today. If I do that tonight, I will be gone tomorrow.” The bridge didn’t give up and begged and begged and finally, the river said “Yes!” The next morning they were both gone – the bridge and the river. OK, said the people. We will build a road that everyone could use. And they did. That happened many years ago. In the course of time, the bridge was build back again, but he was not the bridge for teams or people. Underneath people drove with cars, and on it, with noisy machines called trains. And now you know, how a simple bridge became a bridge we know today.

Železniški most … / A railway bridge

Zaljubljena črička. / Crickets in love.

Zaljubljena črička. Crickets in love. The story is invented by Gašper R., class, 7.b. It is the result of his imagination.

Globoko v gozdu kjer je raslo sedem lip je tekel Loški potoček. Pri potočku so rasle gobe in rože. V gosti travi pa je bila na vsaki strani narejena luknjica. Na desnem bregu potočka je živel čriček Poldi, na levem bregu pa čričkica Zofi. Vse poletne dni sta se okoli dvanajste ure hladila vsak v svoji senci lipe. Zelo dolgo sta bila le prijatelja, in velikokrat sta si čez potoček podajala žogo, ki je bila napravljena iz slame. Nekega dne sta bila zelo igriva in žogo sta si podajala že od samega sončnega vzhoda. Ko pa je Poldi podal žogo, je Zofi zmotil neki šum v krošnji lipe, zato žoge ni ujela, ta pa se je odbila v potoček. Zofi je bila zelo žalostna in hotela je dobiti žogo. Stegovala se je v potok da bi dobila žogo. Naenkrat ji je spodrsnilo in padla je v vodo. Poldi je bil zelo zaskrbljen ker se je Zofi utapljala v vodi, in hitro je stekel po pomoč. Bober Hlodko ga je slišal, ko je vpil da naj mu pomagajo. Ker je bil Hlodko prijazen, je pomagal in odložil Zofi na desni breg potoka, na katerem je živel Poldi. Poldi se je zahvalil Hlodku in Zofi odnesel v svojo luknjico. Ko se je zbudila, ji je Poldi vse še enkrat razložil. Zelo je bila hvaležna za pomoč, ampak bila je žalostna, ker ni mogla na drugo stran potočka k svojim stvarem. Ker je bil Hlodko prijazen, je s svojimi prijatelji zgradil most preko potočka, da je lahko Zofi odšla k svoji luknjici. Oba sta jim bila zelo hvaležna, ker sta se od sedaj naprej lahko igrala na travniku. Po zelo dolgem igranju in druženju sta se zaljubila. Zofi je svoje stvari znosila k Poldijevi luknjici, on pa je luknjico povečal, da bosta lahko imela družino. Nekdanja Zofijina luknjica je kasneje otrokom služila kot igralnica. Tako sta s štirimi otroci lepo živela naprej .

Deep in the forest, where seven lime trees grew, there was a creek. Next to it grew mushrooms and flowers. On each side of the creek in thick grass, there was a hole in the ground. The right side of the creek was home to a cricket named Poldi and the left side a home to a she cricket named Zofi. In the summer, around noon, they usually cooled themselves under the trees. For a long time they were friends, and often they handed a straw ball over the creek. One day, when they played since the sunrise, Poldi handed a ball to Zofi, but some noise in the tree top distracted her and the ball fell into the creek. Zofi was very sad and wanted to get the ball back. She tried to reach it, but slipped and fell into the water. Poldi got worried, for Zofi was drowning and he ran for help. Beaver Hlodko heard him screaming for help. Hlodko was a nice beaver and helped to get Zofi out of the creek. He put her to the side where Poldi’s home was. Poldi thanked the beaver, and took Zofi inside his hole. When she woke up, he explained everything to her. She was grateful for all the help, but she was sad, for she couldn’t get to the other side to her home. Because Hlodko the beaver was nice, he and his friends built a bridge, so that Zofi could go to her hole. Both crickets were grateful and from now on they could play together. After some time they fell in love. Zofi took all her things to Poldi’s hole, and he made it bigger. They soon made a family and Zofi’s old hole became a play room for their four little crickets.

Železniški most … / A railway Most do zaklada./A bridge to a bridge treasure.

Most do zaklada. A bridge to a treasure. The story is invented by Maja M., class, 7.b. It is the result of her imagination.

Čeprav se zdi most čez Savo pri Renkah povsem običajen most, je z njim povezana, vsaj za naše kraje, nenavadna zgodba. Vse se je začelo nekega meglenega in mrzlega jutra, ko se je kmet Krištof odločil, da bo pospravil podstrešje in s tem izpolnil večletno željo svoje žene. Ko je pospravljal podstrešje, je v kotu pod kupom navlake našel veliko staro skrinjo, ki mu jo je zapustil ded Alojz, ki je bil je pirat. Skrinja je imela tri ključavnice. Krištof ni in ni mogel najti ključa, ko se je spomnil, da ima njegova krava Liska okoli vratu star ključ. Vzel ga je in odklenil skrinjo. Notri je bil star pergament in veliko receptov. Medtem ko je Krištof ugotavljal kje je zaklad, je njegova žena preizkušala recepte. Zemljevid ga je vodil čez njegovo posest, skozi gozd in do brega reke Save. Zaklad je bil na drugi strani. Ker ni imel čolna, si je zgradil splav, ga potisnil v vodo, a še preden bi mu uspelo skočiti nanj, ga je voda odnesla proč. Blizu njegove domačije je živel kmet Janez. Imel je čoln, ker pa je bil skopuh, mu ga ni posodil. Krištof si je že dolgo belil glavo kako naj pride čez Savo, ko mu je njegova žena predlagala naj poseka gozd nad domačijo in zgradi most. Krištofu je bila ideja všeč, a je vedel, da ga ne bo mogel sam zgraditi. Spomnil se je na svojega prijatelja na drugi strani Save in mu predlagal, da bi skupaj zgradila most. Kmet Filip se je strinjal in vsak s svoje strani sta ga začela graditi. Ko sta se po parih mesecih naporne gradnje srečala na sredini mosta sta bila presrečna. Z zemljevidom v roki sta se odpravila iskat zaklad. Zapleten zemljevid ju je pripeljal do jablane v sadovnjaku kmeta Filipa. Pod koreninami stare jablane sta našla vrečo zlata. Ker sta bila prava prijatelja, njunega prijateljstva zlato ni uničilo. Pravično sta si ga razdelila, najprej pa sta poskrbela da je bil namesto njunega lesenega mostu zgrajen železni most .

Although the bridge across Sava near Renke seems very usual, there is, for our ends, a very unusual story connected to it. It all began on a cold foggy morning, when farmer Krištof decided to clean up the attic, and so fulfil his wife’s long lasting wish. While he was cleaning up one corner of the attic, he discovered an old chest given to him by his granddad Alojz, who was a pirate, buried under a pile of rubbish. The chest had three locks. Krištof couldn’t find a key, when he remembered, that his cow Liska has an old key hanging around her neck. He took the key and unlocked the chest. Inside was an old parchment and lots of recipes. While Krištof tried to figure out where the treasure is, his wife tested the recipes. A map led him across his estate, through woods to the river Sava bank. The treasure was on the other side. For he didn’t have a boat, he built a raft and pushed it into the water. Before he could jump on it, the water took it away. Next to his farm there was another farmer called Janez. He had a boat, but he was a penny pincher, and he didn’t want to lend it. For a long time Krištof thought what to do, how to get across the river, when his wife suggested, he should cut some trees and build a bridge. Krištof liked the idea, but he knew, that he will need help. He remembered his old friend on the other side of the river Sava and suggested him to build a bridge together. Farmer Filip agreed and they started building from each side. When they met in the middle, after a few months of difficult labour, they were very happy. With a map in their hands they started looking for the treasure. The complicated map brought them to an apple tree in Farmer Filip’s garden. Underneath the roots of that old tree they found a bag of gold. For they were friends, the gold did not ruin their friendship. They justly divided the gold, but first they made sure, that instead of a wooden bridge, an iron bridge was built .

Zamera / The grudge,


The grudge.

The story is invented by Karmen Š., class, 7.b. It is the result of her imagination.

Živeli sta podlasici Pika in Lili. Lili je bila zelo važna in vedno je hotela biti glavna. Pika je bila zelo prijazna in dobra prijateljica. Podlasici sta živeli skupaj. Pri njuni luknji je tekel potok. Nekega dne je odšla Pika z čolničkom na drugi breg po malo hrane. Ni se vrnila do večera. Zvečer pa je nastala huda nevihta in njen čolniček je zlomilo na pol. Ko je Pika videla, da čolnička več ni, jo je začelo skrbeti, kako naj pride na drugi breg. Kričala je : » Lili zbudi se« a Lili se ni zbudila še eno uro. Ko se je zbudila je bila preutrujena, da bi pomagala Piki, zato je odšla nazaj spat. Pika pa se je domislila da zgradi most. Odšla je po deske in po dolgo travo, da bo deske zvezala skupaj. Ko je vse pripravila se je malo najedla, potem pa veselo na delo. Gradila je, gradila in gradila in na koncu zgradila leseni most, ki je imel dve ograji. Ko se je Lili zjutraj zbudila, ni vedela od kod se je vzel mostiček, dokler ji ni Pika vse razložila. Pika se je odločila, da Lili ne bo pustila prečkati mostička, saj ona ni njej pomagala, ko je bila v zagati. Lili to ni bilo všeč in zato je ponoči mostičku odžagala eno ograjo. Zjutraj je Piko skoraj pobralo, ko je videla kaj je naredila njena bivša najboljša prijateljica. Za vedno sta se skregali. Kdo ve, mogoče sta ti dve podlasici skregani še danes, saj ima most še vedno le eno ograjo .

Once upon a time, there were two weasels, Pika and Lili. Lili was very pompous and always wanted to be the bossy one. Pika was very nice and a good friend. The weasels lived together. Close to their hole there was a creek. One day Pika took a boat and went to the other side to get some food. She didn’t return until evening. In the evening there was a thunderstorm, which destroyed Pika’s boat. Pika realised her boat was gone. She worried how to get back to the other side. She started screaming: “Lili, wake up!”, but Lili didn’t wake up for another hour. When she finally did wake up, she was too tired to help Pika, and she went back to bed. That was the time when Pika got an idea. She went to search for some boards and a very long grass, to tie the boards together. When all was prepared, she ate something and then stared working. She built, and built, and built and made a bridge with two parapets. When Lili woke up the next morning, she didn’t know where the bridge came from, until Pika explained everything. Pika decided not to let Lili cross the bridge, because she didn’t help at all when that was needed. Lili didn’t like that, for which reason she saw off one of the bridge’s parapets. In the morning Pika was shocked, when she saw what her ex-best friend did. They argued for ever. Who knows, maybe they are still angry at each other because the bridge still has only one parapet.

Brata PalÄ?ek / The dwarf brothers

Brata Palček. The dwarf brothers. The story is invented by Alex K., class, 7.b. It is the result of his imagination.

Nekoč sta živela dva brata, ki sta se pisala palček. En je živel na eni strani reke drug pa na drugi strani reke. Na tisti strani, kjer je bil Polde je bil rudnik apnenca, na drugi pa železniška proga. Tako sta se odločila, da bosta zgradila most čez to reko imenovano Sava, ter oba lepo živela od dela v rudniku in od prodaje apnenca. O! In še to. Drugemu bratu je bilo ime Lojzi. Zaradi njiju imamo zdaj v Kresnicah most, ki povezuje rudnik z železniško progo.

Once upon a time, there were two brothers, and their surname was Dwarf. One lived on one side of the river, and the other lived on the other side. The side where Polde lived, had a limestone mine, while the other side had a railroad. The brothers decided to build a bridge across the river Sava, so that both could earn money in the mine and sell limestone with the help of the railroad. Oh, yes the other brother was named Lojzi. Ant they were the reason why we have a bridge in Kresnice, that connects the mine with the railroad.

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