Kraški ovčar

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By: Litija elementary school students Mentor: Vesna Kosmač

KRAŠKI OVČAR/ KARST SHEPHERD Is the only acknowledged autochthon dog breed of Slovenia. It was officially recognised in 1939, but the breed goes back for centuries. The dog‘s qualities were praised by a famous Slovene polymath Janez Vajkard Valvasor in his work Slava Vojvodine Kranjske, published in 1689. Valvasor wrote:

»Med psi niso kranjski najslabši, zlasti na Krasu in Pivki, kjer so tako veliki in močni, da volku krepko kožo stresejo; zato jih imajo pastirji vedno pri sebi«.

» Among dogs they are far from bad, especially in Karst and Pivka region. They are so big and strong, that they are not afraid of wolves. For that reason, herdsmen always keep them close.«

THE HOME The area of Karst shepherd dogs origin.


Karst shepherds are medium sized dogs. The male dogs reach up to 63 centimetres, while female dogs are a bit smaller and reach up to 60 centimetres. They weigh from 25 to 42 kilograms. Karst shepherds are muscular, strong and very compact. What makes them so special is their up to ten centimetres iron-grey, long and thick hair. However, they may also come in other shades like silver-grey or very dark grey. Their snout is usually dark and some have very distinctive spots on their feet. They have got dark brown – almond eyes that give them a serious and piercing look. Their ears are hanging close to the head, but still they hear the smallest movements and sounds. Their stocky and short body ends with a long, busy tail, which is usually worn loose, but when the situation demands, it can be worn quite high, resting in the back.



CHARACTER Karst shepherds are guard dogs. Usually they are pretty calm and nice, devoted and brave, but sharp too if needed. They are independent, and very intelligent. They never rush into things. They wait, „study“ the situation and see, if their intervention is really needed or not. The same is when playing or training. They will repeat an exercise twice or three times, but when they estimate they „have got it“, they will not do it again. For that reason, they were often labelled as lazy and stupid, but in fact far from that, they are very smart and considered.

CHARACTER Let‘s check out the neighbours. What have they been up to?

Karst shepherds are well aware of their surroundings. They always know what is going on in the neighbourhood even though it doesn't look that way.

YES, to the water, wind and snow


Photos of the dog: J. Kraševec and V. Kosmač, 20013, 2014, 2015.


Kraševci, sinovi burje, Notranjski muzej Postojna, Tiskarna knjigoveznica Radovljica, 2015.


Miroslav Zidar: Kraševec Karst Shepherd, Kinološka zveza Slovenije, 2011.

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