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SLOVENIJA Our country has got some very interesting animals that we call “domestic”. Compilation made by: Laura O., Laura G., Urh K., Jurij Š., Rok K., Žan B., Marko B., Mentor: Vesna Kosmač

The autochthon animals of our country.

The first in this group is an autochthon breed of HORSE, called the LIPIZZANER. The horses come from a small place in the west Slovenia called Lipica. They are magnificent, noble and elegant animals with extremely live temperament. What is interesting about them is, that when born they are black, but when they grow older their colour turns to white.


The second in this noble group is an autochthon DOG breed called KARST SHEPHERD DOG. The origin of the dog is Slovenian Karst Plateau region. The dogs have got a sharp temperament and magnificent medium long hair. They are proud, strong, endurable and fearless. They are excellent guardians for in the past their primary task was to guard sheep from wolves and bears. They are so special, because they rely on their own judgement. A Karst Shepherd well weights things before it takes an action and it doesn‘t tolerate any „monkey business!“ when his „herd or family“ is endangered. After the Second World War they were on the edge of extinction, but today their numbers are rising again.

PICTURE FROM: V. Kosmač, 2014

The human fish called PROTEUS, also originates from our Dinaric region. It is a sort of salamander that lives in underground caves. If you want to, you can see it in Postojna cave. Because there is no light, its skin looks like the skin of humans. It has got badly developed eyes, four small legs and red gills. The strange looking animal was first mentioned in 1689 by J.V. Valvasor. Because of its strange looks and the fact, that it was an underground creature, people used to believe that these were nothing less than dragon babies.


Next on the list of our autochthon animals is CARNIOLAN HONEY BEE. The small insect originates from Slovenia, but can also be found in other countries. It may be small, but it is an excellent worker, it successfully defends against various pests and is “good� to the beekeepers.


We like it very much because when it starts buzzing around we know that the spring has arrived and that sweet honey will be produced. PICTURE FROM:

The SOČA RIVER TROUT is next. It lives in the clean and fresh waters of the Soča river. One can recognise it by a distinctive marbled pattern on its skin. In the past it was almost extinct because other non-native types of touts were released into the river, but it managed to survive in hidden areas of the Soča river and its tributaries.


The SLOVENIA SHEEP called “Bovška ovca”. Our country has got many mountains and steep slopes, for which reason breeding sheep is not a bad idea. We have an autochthon sheep breed called “Bovška ovca”. It is well adapted to its habitat. It is smaller and for that lighter than other sheep. It has got tiny but strong bones and special claw like hoofs, that enable it climb the steepest slopes. That is where the best pastures are. In history it was often endangered because of the wars, but successfully preserved by the local people.


The SLOVENIA GOAT called “Drežniška koza” is an autochthon breed native to plains above the river Soča valley. The goat has some distinctive features. Its hair is usually black, but grey and brown also appear. Under the chin it has a distinctive bunch of hair. It is horned (up to 80% of animals have horns) and very stubborn. Shepherds had/have many problems keeping numerous animals together. It is very adaptable, disease resistant and has got a very lively character. Although an animal that gives milk and meat, it was on the edge of extinction. The situation improved after 1991 and today more than 500 animals are registered. PICTURE FROM:


The traditional autochthon CATTLE in Slovenia is called CIKA and it originates from Bohinj. It still is most common to north-western part of Slovenia. It can easily be distinguished from other breeds, for it has a white belly and back. The white colour doesn’t come in spots but in one piece and if you look the cow from the side, it looks like it is framed in white. The hair that is not white are red or chestnut brown. It is smaller and lighter than other breeds because it is adapted to steep Alpine slopes.

The BLACK-BELTED PIG. Is the only preserved autochthone breed of pig. When you see one, it cannot be mistaken for any other breed. It is black with long hanging ears and a distinctive white belt around the shoulders. Black-belted pigs are native to Dolenjska and Krško-Brežiška region. They are extraordinary eaters. They produce good fat and meat and they have many young. They are very calm and well adopted to modest environment.


The STYRIAN HEN is our only autochthone hen which was first mentioned I the 16th century. It is small in size but extremely brave. It can be easily recognised from other hens because it has a distinctive tuft of elongated feathers behind the head. It is resistant to disease and it successfully searches its own food. For that reason it needs large open spaces like pastures and meadows. Although it is very important, it had to fight for the existence a few times in history. Today it is valued and its numbers are rising.


The non autochthon (almost „domestic“) animals of our country.

The GOLDEN EAGLE is a strong predatory bird that can be found in the Alpine region. It is rare, but majestic, and for that reason highly protected. It is the biggest bird one can admire in our country. They nest in high mountains in areas that offer no easy access. They too are on the endangered species list, but many people do as much as they can, to keep them on our sky for future generations.


The BROWN BEAR has rumbled our woods for centuries. There is a very large, stable and healthy population of bears in Slovenia’s forests. In the past (19th century) their numbers declined to as low as 30 because of hunting, habitat loss, and agriculture, but today experts estimate we have from 600 – 700 of these grumblers living in our forests. Bears are more common to the southern part of our country, but they can walk long distances wen searching for food. They are not picky eaters. They have extremely well developed senses, and even though they look slow, they can run very fast and they can swim too.


The FRESHWATER CRAYFISH. The numerous clean rivers and streams of north-western Slovenia are the home of five freshwater crayfish species. Three of them are indigenous. In the past their numbers were higher, but they tolerate no pollution and that is why they are slowly disappearing. They do look like little lobsters. Don’t they?



The WOLF is a predator well known to Slovenia. For centuries it has been a part of our landscape. It is charismatic but not dangerous to people. It eats meat, but it is not bloodthirsty or aggressive, for it doesn’t kill everything that crosses its way. It mostly feeds with deer. It is an animal that lives in a well organised pack lead by a dominant male and female. Wolves are very intelligent and adoptable. They communicate with howling. In the past they were rare, but since they are protected their numbers have improved. It is estimated that one hundred wolves roam our woods.

The LYNX is a silent nocturnal predator. It is rare and very shy. It is extremely difficult to see it in nature. During the day it rests, while during the night it hunts. In Slovenia it was extinct, but repopulated in the last century. Today the number of animals is not high – somewhere between thirty and fifty, but it is stable. Lynx is a cat with beautiful fur and typical crests on the tips of its ears. The crests are not for decoration, but they help the animal pinpoint the sound of its “dinner”.



The WILDCAT in our forests is rare. Some estimate, that only around 20 animals still live in the area around Sne탑nik. It looks like a domestic cat, but it is a bit bigger and it has got a shorter and fatter tail. It has got a long and thick coat that protects it well from the harsh weather conditions. It only lives in lonely and rocky forests that enable numerous hiding places. It is a nocturnal animal. Its prey are squirrels, mice, rabbits and other smaller animals.

The CAPERCAILLIE or wood grouse is one of the most beautiful birds in our forests. Male usually has dark feathers and a fan shaped tail. Its chest looks sparkling green; it has got strong feathered legs and a very powerful beak. Above each eye it has got a bright red spot of naked skin. That beautiful bird is endangered because of cutting down forests, building roads, hiking, picking forest fruits, building skiing areas, noise, predators,‌ One must be very lucky to see it in nature.


The IBEX is a strong, well shaped “goat� with short powerful legs and magnificent up to 130 centimetres long horns. It is well adapted to high altitudes and rocky terrains, for which reason it can only be found in the Alpine region.


The SMALL FRESH WATER TURTLE named MOČVIRSKA SKLEDNICA is our only autochthon turtle. It lives in mud ponds and slow running waters. Its food is snails and various aquatic animals. They spend most of their time in water but sometimes come out to sunbathe. They are very shy animals. They are also much endangered because their habitat – the wetlands are disappearing.


THE SOURCES: Vir1: (14.10.2015) Vir2: Vir3: Vir4: Vir5: Vir6: Vir6: Vir 7: Vir8: Vir9: volkovi v Sloveniji, raziskovalna naloga, februar 2011 Vir10: ris v Sloveniji, seminarska naloga, Oš Predoslje, Kranj, 2005 Vir11: Vir12: Vir14:R. Razingar: Telesne mere in značilnosti drežniške koze, Diplomsko delo. Biotehniška fakulteta, Ljubljana, 2009 Vir15: Univerza v Ljubljani, cikasto govedo Vir16: Vir17: Vir 18: Vir19: Vir20: Vir21:Slovenske avtohtone in tradicionalne pasme domačih živali, Program razvoja podeželja, Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, oddelek za zoologijo, Spletni izvod 2014. Vir22: We did our best not to leave anything out. If that happened, let us know and we will repair it immediately. Thank you!

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