Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2015 © Foto: Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač,2014 2015 © Foto: Foto: Vesna ©© Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2014 2015 ©
Vremščica and Karst Shepherd Dog Vremščica is a mountain chain and it’s highest peak is Velika Vremščica is 1027m high. From there you can see the Dolomites, the Alps, and all the way to Adriatic sea. In translation its name means „The mountain that controls the weather“, and it does, for it usually stops the clouds coming from the sea. Vremščica is a paradise for botanists, biologists, mountain bikers and hikers. During the summer months, it becomes one big pasture for cows and sheep. If you want to, you can buy homemade cheese and other dairy products from the local herdsmen. For centuries, the largest part of pasture was performed by Slovenia‘s autochthonic native Karst Shepherd Dogs. The dogs are proud, strong, endurable and fearless, but can also be very kind and devoted to their family. Often they have to deal with wolves and bears. They are so special, because they rely on their own judgement - instinct. A Karst Shepherd well weights things before it takes an action and it doesn‘t tolerate any „monkey business!“ when his „herd or family“ is endangered.
Love from Vremščica, Slovenia. Matija B, class 8.a. Mentor: Vesna Kosmač
Blejsko jezero
Foto: Vesna Kosmač, Foto: Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2015 20152015 ©© © Foto: Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2014 2015 © Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2014 ©©
Bled lake Lake Bled is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Slovenia. It is very interesting and beautiful because of the small island in the middle of the lake. There is a saint Mary's assumption church on the island. One part of the church is a museum. The archaeologists found a lot of evidence on the island. They found 124 graves and a lot of skeletons in them. This proves that some people lived on the island in the history. Lake Bled is used for many purposes. The water temperatures in the summer are high enough to swim in the lake. But the temperatures in the winter are very low, so the lake freezes. A lot of people skate on the lake in the cold weather. If you want to see the island and the church, you have to travel there with a boat. »Pletnas« are special tourist boats which you can take if you want to see the island. If you are more of a sport person, you might like the international boat races which happen almost every year on the lake Bled. But if you prefer staying on land, you can also just walk around the lake. There is a beautiful path going around it. However, lake Bled isn’t just for tourists. It is also the home to many animals and underwater plants. You can see ducks and swans swimming around. The lake is also the home of 19 different types of fish. If you are visiting Bled, you have to go to the island and ring the famous wish bell. It was made in 1534. You have to try the traditional Bled dessert called cream cake as well. If you are lucky enough, you might also see two people getting married, because a lot of people get married every year near the lake. There is a bunch of things you can do there and all of them are really fun. It depends in what season you visit it, but it is always interesting anyways ! Love from Bled, Slovenia. Laura O., class 8.a. Mentor: Vesna Kosmač
Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2015 Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2015 Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2015 ©©© Foto: Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2015 2015 © © Foto: Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2014 2015 © Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2014 ©©
Ptuj Ptuj is a city in east Slovenia. It was very important in the history. It is the oldest city in our country. It already had some population in prehistoric times. In the Roman times it was a military camp, but it soon became a town. In the third century, it reached its largest extent and it then became the biggest city on the Slovenian area. Ptuj is well – known because of its rich culture. It's got a lot of cultural attractions. Some of them are Ptuj castle, Orpheus' monument, city tower (which was renovated a lot of times), spa Ptuj, church of saint Jurij and many others. Ptuj castle is now renewed and you can also have a look at the things in the museum which is inside the castle. You can find a lot of historical things in there – photos, musical instruments, weapons… You can even try and use some of the things (not the weapon)! Ptuj also has some natural features, for example river Drava, Ptuj lake, other parks etc., but it is mainly famous because of its rich history and cultural value. River Drava flows through Ptuj, so the floods were very dangerous for the whole city. These natural disasters took place quite often but in the modern city that is not the biggest problem anymore. However, cultural and natural attractions are not the only reason Ptuj is a popular tourist destination. Every year during the carnival, there are lots of people who come to watch »kurentovanje«. This is a special event when Slovenian traditional masks called »kurenti« call the spring and push away the winter. This event happens traditionally every year from the year 1960. Ptuj’s summer nights and Ptuj’s Roman games are also events which last for a few days. Music and dancing are important parts of them. Ptuj’s Roman games are very important because the whole city changes into a Roman city. Ptuj is a really interesting and famous place to visit. You can learn a few things and go home with one more experience. Love from Ptuj, Slovenia Laura O., class 8.a. Mentor: Vesna Kosmač
Mesečev zaliv
Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2015 ©
Moon bay Moon bay can be found in Slovenia coast. It is believed to be the most beautiful part of our fortythree kilometres long coast. Moon bay is a part of a protected area. The best way to get to it is from a town called Strunjan. You may choose a path along the sea, from where you can also admire the most known Slovenian cliff. In some points the cliff, which consists of flysch is up to eighty metres high. There is another way which offers a view from the top. The path is narrow, but beautiful. The path is protected by a wooden fence, but you must still be cautious. Once you get directly above the Moon bay, there is a narrow zig-zag path leading you down to the sea. During the summer months many people choose this bay to relax and get away from everyday noise. Love from the Moon bay. Students from class 8.a. and their mentor.
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Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2015 ©
Otočec Otočec is a cultural monument and an only water castle in Slovenia. It was build in the 13th century in year 1252. The castle is well known for its beautiful park. The oldest trees in the park are over a hundred years old. During the second world war it was burnt down, but later renewed. On both sides it is surrounded by river Krka, which is well known for its tufa rapids. The castle is connected to land with two massive wooden bridges. Near Otočec the river makes several islands, which are a home to many water birds (ducks, swans…) The castle is now turned into a five star hotel. If you are interested in good food, this is the place to visit. Because of its beauty many couples get married here and many important events take place here too. Love from Otočec, Slovenia. Class 8.a. and their mentor.
Cerkniško jezero
Foto: Foto: Vesna VesnaKosmač, Kosmač,2015 2015 ©© Foto: Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2014 ©© Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2014 2015 ©
Cerknica lake Cerknica Lake is a periodic lake. It is located in South West Slovenia near Postojna and when it fills with water, it is our biggest lake (2838km² large and up to 6m deep). It fills with water after long heavy rains or in spring, when snow melts in the mountains. During the summer months, when water flows off, the area turns into rich pastures. The lake is special because water inflows from stream Stržen, and it has some inflows from the most beautiful water caves called Križna caves. All over the area there are numerous sinkholes, from which water drains into the karst underground water reservoirs. The area is also important for different kinds of birds, for many nest in the area. Besides all that Cerknica Lake is connected to some interesting anecdotes. Beneath its surface there are many passages and water reservoirs and they are the home to an olm – a cave dwelling salamander. Sometimes, when high waters, those creatures came to the surface and people thought that they were dragons or demons. They were scared of them and tried to kill them. They even thought they were a witch’s work. Now we know where they come from, but Slivnica, a hill nearby, is still the home to the most Famous Slovene witch called Ursula.
Love from Cerknica lake, Slovenia. Jurij Š., class 8.a. Mentor: Vesna Kosmač
Foto: Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2015 2015 ©© Foto: © Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2014 ©© © Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2015 Foto: Vesna Kosmač,2014 2014
Javorca Javorca is a very silent and a very beautiful place in the mountains above Tolminka river gorge on the West side of Slovenia. These mountains are the place, where the First World War took place. There, one can still see a lot of forts, caverns and tunnels, which are of course abandoned, and there are still numerous unexploded weapons buried under the ground. Javorca is in fact a memorial church that numerous soldiers of different nationalities built between March 1st and November 1st in year 1916. This was the time of fierce battles and soldiers building it could just for a while escape the dreadfulness of war. It was built with material that was at hand – stone and wood, like altar, ceiling, walls and towers. The walls, which are painted in sky-blue and look like pages of a book, carry 2564 names of the fallen soldiers. Love from Javorca, Slovenia. Jurij Š., class 8.a. Mentor: Vesna Kosmač
Mlin na Muri
Foto: Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2015 2015 Foto: Kosmač, 2015 ©©© Foto: Foto:Vesna Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2015 2015 ©© Foto: Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2014 2015 © Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2014 ©©
The river Mura water-mill Prekmurje is the most beautiful place for me! Here you can find a lot of interesting places. One of my favourite places is the river Mura water-mill. It produces all kinds of flour, which is better than the one you can get in the shops. In the 18th century there were about sixty-nine active mills alongside Mura River. Some were small and used only by individual families, while others were bigger and produced flour from wheat, corn, rye, and buckwheat. Today, there is just one, called the Babič water-mill near the village called Veržej. The mill has been there for three generations. The first mill, which was destroyed in 1890, was made of wood, and had a roof covered with a special kind of bark. Then in 1925 a new mill was built, and the tradition continues to present time. The mill as you can see today was last repaired in 1999, but preserved the traditional design. The mill which stands today is made of wood, placed on four pillars along the bank of the river Mura. The water wheel is attached to the two floating boats of iron. The world is beautiful around the river Mura. Once you visit it, and experience its fields, meadows and forests, once you hear the murmur of the river, which is a slow but powerful force, once you feel the winds finding their way among the trees,…you never forget it. Listen carefully, for the river and the winds say: “come back again!” Love from river Mura water-mill, Slovenia. Laura G., class 8.a. Mentor: Vesna Kosmač
Foto: Vesna Kosmač,2015 2015 Foto: Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2015 ©© © Foto: Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2014 2015 © Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2014 ©©
Ljubljana Ljubljana is the biggest city in Slovenia and it's also a capital city. Ljubljana has got about 280.000 inhabitants, so it's a really big city for our small country, which only has 2 million people. In Ljubljana we have a lot of museums and beautiful buildings, especially in the old Ljubljana, which were designed by one of the best architects in the Europe, Jože Plečnik. The crown of Ljubljana is a castle, from medieval era. Very famous is Tromostovje triple bridge which vaults across Ljubljanica river, and a Butcher's bridge, which is not just a normal bridge. It`s a bridge, on which people in love, hang a lock. Prešeren square is a central square in Ljubljana and it lies in the old part of the city. Square is named after Slovenian greatest poet France Prešern, who is also the author of our national anthem. In the square there is Prešeren's statue, pointing to a house, in which his love of life was living. This square is a place for concerts, festivals and many other cultural events. In 2012 a big sport centre was opened in Ljubljana called Stožice. The sport centre has a large gym and a football stadium, and it also hosts big concerts of worldwide popular singers or music groups. Not to forget Park Tivoli, with its pond, greenhouse and a castle. It is the biggest park in Ljubljana. Ljubljana also has many other things to show, but if you want to find out which, you will have to visit us. Love from Ljubljana, Slovenia. Marko B., class 8.a. Mentor: Vesna Kosmač
Foto: Kosmač, 2015 ©© © Foto: Foto:Vesna Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2015 2015 Foto: Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2014 2015 © Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2014 ©©
Piran Piran is a Slovenian city, which lies by the Mediterranean Sea on the small coast of Slovenia. It's a very old city, with three museums and a lot of churches. The most known place in Piran is Tartini square, which is named after a famous composer Giuseppe Tartini. In the square there is also a Tartini’s statue and near the square lies the Piran town hall. On the wall of the town hall there is a lion with an open book. The lion is a proof that Venetians once roamed around our coast. Lion is a symbol and since it has an open book, it means, that the town hall was made in pace. Near the square also lies Tartini's house, and a house named Benečanka, which was built in the 15th century by an Italian family Del Bello, and is even today believed to be the most beautiful and the oldest in the whole square. In Piran we also have a St. George's church, which is famous for a special feature. At the top it has an angel called Michael, who is some kind of meteorologist. People in Piran say, that if he is turned towards Italy, the weather will be nice, however, if he is turned towards Croatia, that is bad news – bad weather to come. Love from Piran, Slovenia coast. Marko B., class 8.a. Mentor: Vesna Kosmač
Bohinjsko jezero
Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2015 © Foto: Vesna Kosmač,2014 2014 Foto: ©© © Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2015
Bohinj lake Lake Bohinj is located in the North West part of Slovenia and it is surrounded by high mountains. It is the largest permanent natural lake in Slovenia made by a glacial. Area of ​Lake Bohinj offers a variety of sporting activities like cycling, fishing, walking, and hiking and for the brave ones swimming in the lake. A walk around the lake that is 4.2 kilometres long, one kilometre wide, and forty-five meters deep, takes from four to five hours. The lake is popular as a holiday destination. People from all over Europe come here because it is peaceful with lots of fresh air. Very special is the winter visit, for the temperatures can drop quite low, and when that happens, the lake freezes over. Bohinj is a valley that stretches from Soteska to Ukanc, and it is one of the most beautiful valleys in the heart of the Julian Alps in Triglav National Park. . Love from Bohinj lake, Slovenia. Tim K., class 8.a. Mentor: Vesna KosmaÄ?
Dolina Soče in Solkanski most Predjamski grad
Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2015 © Foto: 2014 © © Foto:Vesna VesnaKosmač, Kosmač, 2015
Soča valley and Solkan bridge Soča river valley is a valley that you can find on the West side of Slovenia. It starts in the Alps, and finishes near Nova Gorica, where the river crosses the Italian border. The valley, at least its upper part was made by a glacier. River Soča is our most beautiful river. It is clean, but also very cold – and only the brave can stand in it for a few minutes. It is also mentioned in one of the most beautiful poems by Simon Gregorčič and it goes like this: You are splendid, limpid daughter of the heights, You are graceful in your natural beauty, When your transparent depths Are not disturbed by the Wrath of darksome storms, You are splendid, limpid daughter of the heights! Your course is lively and gentle Like the walk of highland girls, You are serene as the mountain air, You are loud as the vigorous Chant of the highland youth You are splendid, daughter of the heights.
Before Soča leaves Slovenia, it has another splendid thing to show. The Solkan bridge, that arches over her valley. The bridge has an arch span of 85 metres. That makes it the longest bridge in the world and the longest stone bridge among train bridges built of stone blocks. Love from Soča valley and Solkan Bridge, Slovenia . Rok K., class 8.a. Mentor: Vesna Kosmač
Velika planina
Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2015 © Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2014 ©
Velika planina Velika Planina is a famous Slovenian mountain. You can do lots of things here specially if you want to get some fresh air. You can rent a lodge and spend a week or more here or you can just take one day and walk to the top. Velika Planina has different parts. One is called Tourist village and the second one is called Pirate village. In Tourist village there are lodges for tourists and they are made with things that tourists need, so you won't get bored here. Pirate village is village with the first lodges and these lodges are symbols of the Velika Planina. If you don't know what to do here, you can meet shepherds. You can find them in shepherds’ village. They will give you a nice talk and serve you sour milk and mush with cracklings. Slightly raised above the shepherds' village is the chapel of Our Lady of the Snows, which originally stood on the site before the 2nd World War. At the end of the war German soldiers burned it down. It was rebuilt in 1988. In Velika Planina there is even the museum in shepherds’ village. It's open all day and the lodge is very small. Especially beautiful is Velika Planina in May and June, when purple crocus and other mountain flowers bloom. Some of them like wild orchids are endangered and very rare. Why don't you go in Slovenia and see this big mountain with lots of things to do? I was here already and it was awesome! Love from Velika planina, Slovenia. Žan B., class 8.a. Mentor: Vesna Kosmač
Predjamski grad
Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2015 © Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2014 ©
Predjama castle The Predjama castle is a seven hundred years old castle, ten kilometres away from Postojna cave. It is built on a 126 meters high rock wall and is believed to be the most beautiful castle in our country. The castle is hidden behind the rocks so that the enemies couldn`t see it. The legend says that some knight was hiding there and he was getting food through secret underground tunnels. The knight’s name was Erazem. Than one day the enemies found him hiding in that castle. They couldn`t get to him because the castle construction was so strong. Of course, like all people, Erazem needed to go to the bathroom to do his job. A servant betrayed him, giving a signal to the enemies with a white napkin. The legend says that the enemies shot whit cannon to the bathroom, and so he died on the toilet. Today the castle is open as a museum so if you would like to see it you can go inside the castle and see a jail and some pieces of weapons that they were using it that time and you can see some pictures inside the castle too. And if you are a more adventurous type you can go to a tunnel called The Erazem`s tunnel. From Mai to October you can also visit the cave under the castle. Love from Predjama castle, Slovenia. Urh K., class 8.a. Mentor: Vesna KosmaÄ?
Alpski svet
Foto: Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2015 2015 Foto: Kosmač, 2015 ©©© Foto: Foto:Vesna Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2015 2015 ©© Foto: Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2014 2015 © Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2014 ©©
Slovenia Alp region and its drying-frames Some of the tourists say that Slovenia is very beautiful country. In has a lot of interesting places to see. I will write about the most beautiful place in Slovenia. It is the Alp region. Slovenia only has a piece of the Alps, but they are beautiful. The highest mountain in Slovenia is called Triglav, and it is believed, that every person in Slovenia should at least once go to Triglav. The Alps are beautiful, but life there is much more difficult than in other regions. The summers are shorter; the winters can be harsh with lots of snow. People there cultivate the land and breed cattle (cows, sheep, goats, chickens…) for their personal use only. Since their animals have to eat during the winter too, they built drying-frames where they could dry hay and other crops and not depend on the weather. These dryingframes come in different shapes and sizes, and they became a distinctive part of the region. Usually they are made of wood and stone. They can be single or double (see the photo) and are also often used for depositing tools and farm machines – tractors… Love from Slovenia Alpine region. Urh K., class 8.a. Mentor: Vesna Kosmač
Slovenske gorice
Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2015 Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2015 Foto: Kosmač, 2015 ©©© Foto: Foto:Vesna Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2015 2015 ©© Foto: Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2014 2015 © Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2014 ©©
Slovenske Gorice Every place in Slovenske Gorice is something special. Here we can find numerous castles, churches, museums, lakes, rivers, hiking and cycling trails and many other things. They are in the northeast of Slovenia. They cover the area around 1017 square kilometres and represent the largest Slovenian download. They are well known and described by many poets and writers. They are also famous for their vineyards and orchards. The most beautiful are in autumn, when the grapes, the apples and pears are ripe. They are crossed by many pathways that one can walk or ride a bike on. The loudest in Slovenske Gorice are the wooden rattles that are operated by wind and used to scare away the birds from the grapes. Love from Slovenske gorice, Slovenia. Laura G., class 8.a. Mentor: Vesna KosmaÄ?
Rakov Škocjan
Foto: Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2015 2015 ©© Foto: © Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2015 Foto: Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač,2014 2014 2014 ©© ©
Rakov Škocjan Rakov Škocjan is a regional park. It is in fact a valley, created when the celling of a large underground cave fell into itself. It is full of karst phenomenon. The most famous in this area are two natural bridges called the Little and the Big bridge, which are the only two left overs of a cave celling. You can see one in the front side of our postcard. Visiting Rakov Škocjan is fun in every season. However, if you want to see all the caves, you should come in summer, when the water is low or none. This area is also a home to a snail, which lives nowhere else on the planet.
Love from Rakov Škocjan, Slovenia. Class 8.a. and their mentor.
Panjska končnica
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Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2015 ©
Painted beehives Painted frontal boards of beehives are a Slovene tradition that developed during centuries. It is a folk art, used as decoration, as well as criticism and sarcasm of events going on in everyday life. Panels mostly contain religious and secular motifs as well as motifs from history. The most common are motifs of a farmer trying to trick the devil or fight the dragon. Our country has a lot of beehives still painted like this. Our country is also a home to the native Carniolan honey bee. The beekeepers like it a lot, because it well defends against disease and is very gentle to them. But most of all, we like what they produce, sweet, sweet honey. Love from Slovenia. Class 8.a. and their mentor.
Sečoveljske soline
Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2015 Foto: Kosmač, 2015 ©©© © Foto: Foto:Vesna Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2015 2015 Foto: Foto: Vesna Vesna Kosmač, Kosmač, 2014 2015 © Foto: Vesna Kosmač, 2014 ©©
Sečoveljske soline Soline are a protected area on our coast and they are over 700 years old. There you can still see how people get salt from the sea. People still do that very traditionally and for that reason our salt is very good. The only time to see that is during the summer, because salt cannot be produced in winter, for the evaporation is much smaller. The area is also protected because some very rare and some endangered species of birds and plants that found their home here. During the winter season here you can find many birds that come from the north to get through the winter, and during the summer, there are birds that come from Africa. Love from Sečoveljske soline, Slovenia. Class 8.a. and their mentor.