MOSTOVI V OBČINI LITIJA NA REKI SAVI LITIJA MUNICIPALITY BRIDGES ON THE RIVER SAVA Idea by: Mila, Lana, Gašper, Matevž, Alex, Lovro, Karmen and Maja. Mentor and author of photos: Vesna Kosmač
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O naši reki Savi /About our river Sava: Reka Sava je najdaljša reka v Sloveniji. Na območje občine Litija vstopa pri Jevnici, zapušča pa jo približno 20 kilometrov vzhodno pri Renkah (Glej karto!). Na njeni poti skozi občino levi in desni breg povezuje šest mostov, od katerih je eden železniški. River Sava is the longest River in Slovenia. It starts its way through Litija municipality near Jevnica, and it leaves it 20 kilometres to the East, near Renke. (See the map!) On its way, there are six bridges connecting is left and its right bank. One of them is a railway bridge.
Most Ä?ez Savo pri Jevnici A bridge across Sava near Jevnica. The bridge is made of concrete and wood. It has got a roof. When the river is high, the bridge is closed for traffic.
Most Ä?ez Savo pri Kresnicah A bridge across Sava near Kresnice. The bridge is made of concrete and iron. Driving across produces a sound similar to a plane taking off.
Železniški most čez Savo pri Pogoniku A bridge across Sava near Pogonik. The bridge is made of iron. It is a railway bridge. In the past it was much more beautiful. It had a roof.
Most Ä?ez Savo v Litiji A bridge across Sava near Litija. The bridge is made of concrete. It is a busy bridge, daily crossed by many cars and people. In the water there are still remains of the old wooden bridge.
Most Ä?ez Savo pri Savi A bridge across Sava near Sava. The bridge is made of wood. It has got a roof. Driving across is like driving across a piano.
Most Ä?ez Savo pri Renkah A bridge across Sava near Renke. The hanging bridge is made of iron. It is an adventure‌, if you are brave enough to cross it.