East Bay Claims Association News Network December 2013

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East Bay Claims Association News Network • December 2013

December 2013 Volume XXI Number X

Celebrating 20 Years with East Bay!

w w w. EastBayAdjusters.org

Dec 6th EBCA Holiday Dinner Dance Casino Night A Fun Benefit for EBCA Charitable Beneficiaries Join The EBCA for a most festive Holiday “Ugly Sweater” Party

This Friday December 6, 2013 Please bring a new, unwrapped toy, book, or gift to contribute to the EBCA’s donation to the Bay Area Crisis Nursery. Choose from their Wish-List on page 15

No Host Cocktails 6pm • Dinner Banquet 7pm Charitable Presentations Casino Night/Dancing & Photobooth 8pm at

Zio Fraedo’s

611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Balestrieri on Investigating & Defending Non-Covered Intentional Act Claims at November EBCA - see page 8


East Bay Claims Association News Network • December 2013 The East Bay Claims Association is a charitable and educational organization that is dedicated to the betterment of Insurance Claims Professionals, through: continuing education; industry knowledge and contacts; and a strong commitment to integrity and respect in networking.

2 0 1 3 O f f i ce r s


Jodi DeVillier


Vice President


Joe Baughman

Past President

SRI Environmental

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Ken Ridings

Gemma Houser

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(510) 803-7069

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Joe Baughman

Paul Davis Restoration



JoAnn Dean jdean@srienviro.net


2 0 1 3 B oa r d o f D i r ecto r s

SRI Environmental Golf Tournament Chair

Ray Depa

Crawford & Co. Speakers Committee

John Ehlert

Karin Landry Van de Poel, Levy & Allen, LLP Legal Counsel

Eric Lewis CRDN Greater Bay Area Golf Tournament Committee

Robert Mah RGL Forensic Accountants Finance Advisor

JR Structural Bookkeeping

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Lynna Harrison Association News Network, Inc. Membership Chair

Kathleen Taylor Paul Davis Restoration East Bay CCNC Voting Rep/Special Events

Lisa Winn TempHome Services CCNC Voting Rep

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East Bay Claims Association News Network • December 2013

Pleasure and Honor To Serve As Your EBCA President



Insurance Claims Professionals December 2013

Volume XXI . Number X

Inside this issue

2 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 15 16

• 2013 EBCA Officers & Board of Directors • December Message from 2013 EBCA President Jodi DeVillier • EBCA 2013 Calendar of Events • 2014 EBCA Officers Elected at Nov Meeting • EBCA 2014 Early-Bird Membership Deal • Investigating & Defending Non-Covered Intentional Act Claims at November 13 EBCA • December 6 EBCA “Ugly Sweater” Holiday Party • Association News Network Job Connection classified ads • News From The DOI • East Bay Claims A.N.N. Services Directory • Bay Area Crisis Nursery 2013 Wish LIst • Early-Bird Registration Open for 2014 EBCA Membership


December message from 2012-’13 EBCA President, Jodi DeVillier It has been a pleasure and an honor to serve as your 2012-2013 President. Our last luncheon meeting of the year featured Joseph Balestrieri, of Robinson & Wood, giving us an entertaining and informative presentation on non-covered intentional act claims. Several questions from our audience indicated a great deal of interest in the topic. Thank you Mr. Balestrieri for a great presentation. Hopefully you have received this message before our Holiday Party happening Friday December 6th at Zio Fraedo’s. Association News Network attempted to push up our usual deadline for the newsletter to alert everyone of our last event of the year. This will be a more casual affair with an Ugly Sweater theme. Come join the fun! Sign up on our website www. eastbayadjusters.org. No money will be taken at the door. If you have questions, call Gemma Houser with Paul Davis Restoration at 510 760-7571. Our food drive in October and November, benefiting the Contra Costa Food Bank, was a rousing success. We filled the barrels and made donations with our raffle prize money in addition to cash donations from our members. In October, we donated 178 pounds of food, which equates to 142 meals. Thank you East Bay Claims members for stepping up big time. Throughout the course of 2013, EBCA has donated to the following organizations: Children’s Hospital; Bay Area Crisis Nursery; the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation; and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. We could not have done it without you, our members. Thank you for your participation in our events and at our monthly meetings. Once again I will ask you to bring a friend or colleague to our next meeting. Introduce someone to the East Bay Claims Association and all it has to offer. Be sure to renew your membership before the end of the year. Our 2014 membership drive will end December 31, 2013. Although you can continued page 4

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East Bay Claims Association News Network • December 2013

President’s Message continued from page 3

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sign up anytime throughout the year, this is the only time for a substantial discount to our yearly dues. Take advantage! Contact our membership chair, Lynna Harrison, with Association News Network, at (925) 785-7021 or Lynna@ AssociationNewsNetwork.com. Or you can sign up online at www.eastbayadjusters.org. In January we will have the ever popular, Bill Staples to give us our annual Legal Review. Heading up the luncheon will be our 2014 President, Joe Baughman, with SRI. Start the year off right by attending our first meeting on January 8th. I will continue as an officer on your EBCA board as your Immediate Past President. I look forward to taking a back seat, but staying involved in this fabulous organization. Let’s show our support for our President Joe Baughman and our returning speaker, Bill Staples. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire board for their hard work and involvement in making this organization better than ever. Your 2012-2013 officers: Vice President, Ken Ridings, Engineer Design & Testing, Treasurer, Joe Baughman, SRI Environmental, Secretary, Gemma Houser, Paul Davis Restoration and Immediate Past President, JoAnn Dean, SRI Environmental. In addition, your board of directors appointed by the President: Ray Depa, Crawford & Company (Speaker Committee); John Ehlert, JR Structural (Bookkeeper); Bryan Harrison, Association News Network (Website & Newsletter); Lynna Harrison, Association News Network (Membership); Karin Landry, Van de Poel, Levy & Allen (Legal Counsel); Eric Lewis, CRDN (Golf Committee); Robert Mah, RGL Forensics (Finance Advisor); Kathleen Taylor, Paul Davis Restoration (CCNC Voting Rep); and Lisa Winn, TempHome Services (CCNC Voting Rep). We can all be very proud of where we have taken the East Bay Claims Association over the last two years. We welcome Michelle Windsor of CRDN as our new 2014 Secretary and John Ehlert of JR Structural as our new Treasurer. Thank you for being willing to step up and get involved! I look forward to seeing you at Zio Fraedo’s on December th 6 for our Holiday Party and again on January 8th for our monthly luncheon. Respectfully,

Jodi DeVillier

Jodi DeVillier 2013 President, East Bay Claims Association Coast Construction Company 510-773-0688 Jodi@CoastConstruction.net


East Bay Claims Association News Network • December 2013


2013‘14 Calendar of Events

EBCA Food Drive 2013 Food Drive A Big Success! As part of our charitable mission, EBCA members brought canned and/or non-perishable food items to the October and November to contribute to the organization’s Food Drive efforts. EBCA made a substantial donation to the Food Bank of Contra Costa & Solano Counties.

Details and Updates at EastBayAdjusters.org Friday, December 6, 2013

Annual EBCA Holiday Dinner/Dance Casino Night Party at Zio Fraedos - see page 9

Ugly Sweater Theme!

For Sponsorship Information, please contact EBCA Board Member John Elhert: john@jrstructural.com, or 925-890-9418

Wednesday, January 8, 2014 Annual EBCA Case Law Review at Zio Fraedos - see page 10

Bill Staples, of Archer Norris, to return with the latest case law decisions affecting the P&C Insurance Claims world

Thank you all!

EBCA Designated Charitable Beneficiaries Include: 3 Bay Area Crisis Nursery

3 Childrens’ Hospital Oakland

3 Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation 3 Food Bank of Contra Costa & Solano Counties 3 STAND - www.standagainstdv.org

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East Bay Claims Association News Network • December 2013

2014 EBCA Officers Elected at November Luncheon The East Bay Claims Association solidified the continuation of the organizations growth for the immediate future with its election of officers for 2014 at the November 13, 2013 luncheon meeting. A proposed slate of of nominees was presented to the general membership by Past President and Nominations Committee CoChair, JoAnn Dean. Nominations from the floor were opened and then closed, and the proposed roster was voted-in without descent.

Your 2014 EBCA Officers are:

President: Joe Baughman, SRI Environmental Vice President: Gemma Houser, Paul Davis Restoration Secretary: Michelle Windsor, CRDN Treasurer: Jon Ehlert, JR Structural Immediate Past President: Jodi DeVillier, Coast Construction The remaining spots on the board of directors are to be appointed by the new president, according to the association bylaws. Stay tuned for more on that as it develops. At this point, we do know that the Table Centerpiece Sponsorships for 2014 will be organized by Donna Topp, of Units Mobile Storage. Contact Donna at: 925-454-8648, or owner@unitseastbay.com We also know that Lynna Harrison will continue as the Membership Chair. Reach out to her to assist in the membership drive: 925-785-7021, or lynna@associationnewsnetwork.com More to follow. Congratulations to all, and thank you for your service to this fine organization!

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East Bay Claims Association News Network • December 2013

2014 Early-Bird Membership Deal Expires December 31st Never more solvent than at present, due to strong membership and excellent fund raising efforts - particularly a most successful golf tournament - the East Bay Claims Association Board of Directors has elected to offer-up a bit of a reward for returning members for the coming year, as well as an enticement for new members. “We really appreciate all the support this organization has enjoyed the past several years,” stated EBCA President Jodi DeVillier. Overall membership and meeting attendance has been consistent and substantial. Still, the sense that there aren’t many adjusters at any given function remains pervasive. “As with all our sister groups, we continue to strive to encourage the carrier claims people and independent adjusters participate, and to become more involved,” she added. “While we do have a core group of regulars, and many more who join in when they can, there are, of course, numerous reasons why their regular attendance and consistent participation can be difficult. We understand time constraints, busy schedules, and a lack of company support for many. East Bay Claims Association is always committed to maintaining a high degree of professional courtesy within our ranks.” The organization has been actively taking measures to continue to raise its standing within the community, as well. Within the past year, EBCA has become incorporated, established itself as a charitable 501c(3) non-profit organization and, most recently, attained the coveted Continuing Education Provider credential. “This organization thrives because we have people who truly care, and have been willing to step up to the plate to do their part to make this organization better, stronger, and ever-more responsive to the wishes and needs of the membership,” Ms. DeVillier stated proudly.

C oast C onstruc tion C ompany

With fewer and fewer carriers reimbursing costs to their claims people for attendance and membership to such professional organizations, the EBCA Board took a bold stance earlier this year, offering FREE Memberships to insurance claims adjusters. Completion and submission of a simple membership application now allows all such claims people the benefits of membership. “Their lunches were already being provided at no cost, or by way of a donation to our charitable fund, Jodi explained. “We’ve just taken that one step further to allow them to be more involved without having to foot the bill themselves.” The donation option allows even those with corporate restrictions to be involved on their own accord. The Early-Bird discount amounts to a 10% savings off the normal annual membership dues. Beginning October 1, 2013, and running through the end of the year, members may renew for just $45 for individuals, or $90 for Corporate membership (three people per corporate membership). New members joining for the first time pay the regular $50 or $110 respective dues, but receive the balance of the current year and all of 2014. Sign up or renew now at EastBayAdjusters.org.

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East Bay Claims Association News Network • December 2013

Investigating & Defending

Non-Covered Intentional Act Claims Balestrieri on everything from Declaratory Relief to Assault & Battery/ Sexual Misconduct claims at November 13 EBCA By Bryan Harrison

EBCA President Jodi DeVillier thanked November guest speaker, Joseph C. Balestrieri.

President Elect Joe Baughman and Secretary Elect Michelle Windsor. Congratulations Jenny Schaeffler, of Vericlaim, on winning the November 50/50 Raffle Drawing.

continued page 10

Members Brian Davis, of Water Damage Recovery, & Liza Andrade, of FRSTeam at the Nov meeting.

Michele Waufle, of The Restoration Clean-Up Co.; April Wilkinson, of David Morse & Associates; and Stu Ryland, of Vericlaim.

Listening-in to guest speaker Joseph Balestrieri EBCA Board Member Robert Mah, above center, and others.


East Bay Claims Association News Network • December 2013

Dec 6th EBCA Holiday Dinner Dance Casino Night A Fun Benefit for EBCA Charitable Beneficiaries

The East Bay Claims Association Holiday Party is always a highly anticipated festive affair. This year’s event will celebrate the season with all of us coming together wearing our most outlandish “ugly” holiday sweaters. No host cocktail hour starts at 6pm, with dinner banquet to begin at 7:00. Please make your entreé selections when making your purchase. Steak, Chicken or Salmon, as well as a vegetarian plate make up your options. EBCA Charitable Donations will be made to chosen benificiaries. sociates to join you in Invite your assonal festivity. Please attending this seamake your purchase here. For party-related questions, contact 2013 EBCA Secretary Gemma Houser at Paul Davis Restoration, or call her at: 510-803-7069. For further info on sponsorship options, please contact John Elhert, or phone: 925-890-9418. A very limited number of sponsorships are available for this event. Please click to choose your desired Sponsorship Option(s) from the list below: • Table Sponsor • Wine Sponsor • DJ Sponsor • Photobooth Sponsor • Centerpiece Sponsor

Join The EBCA for a most festive Holiday “Ugly Sweater” Party

This Friday December 6, 2013 No Host Cocktails 6pm • Dinner Banquet 7pm Charitable Presentations Casino Night/Dancing & Photobooth 8pm at

Zio Fraedo’s

611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 $40 for current 2013 & 2014 Members and a guest please include menu choices: Chicken, Steak, Salmon or Veggie

All payments must be received online, at:


No payments at the door for this one please.

For further info on sponsorship options, please contact John Elhert, at: john@jrstructural.com or phone: 925-890-9418, or go to the web site directly www.EastBayAdjusters.org

EBCA Food Drive! Residential & Commercial Reconstruction 24 hour emergency service Thanks to all who contributed to the EBCA Food Drive to help the Food Bank of Contra Costa & Solano Counties this Holiday Season. The group’s donations will help make the Holidays much more enjoyable for a lot of families.


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East Bay Claims Association News Network • December 2013

Kick-Off The New Year With EBCA

Staples To Return for Legal Review at January 8, 2014 EBCA Join the EBCA for the first luncheon meeting of the New Year!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014 featuring returning guest speaker

William Staples Archer Norris

Known for his courtroom command and credibility, William H. Staples is a veteran defense litigation generalist. He heads the litigation group for Archer Norris, and resolves complex disputes and achieves numerous defense verdicts and cost-effective settlements. He represents businesses, employers, manufacturers and their insurance carriers. He will return to the EBCA Wednesday, January8, 2014 to kick-off the new year with a return to his annual case law review. For the past three decades, Mr. Staples’ practice emphasis has included product liability, construction defects and disputes, employment and commercial litigation, premises liability, toxic torts and catastrophic injuries. Elevator and escalator injuries are a special practice focus. Representative achievements include minimizing a $360 million product liability class action for a national window manufacturer and prevailing before the Supreme Court of California on a housing discrimination claim. The firm web site states: “Bill positions cases to refute plaintiffs and achieve early resolution, managing the critical investigation process and expert teams. He presents compelling evidence before judges and juries and in alternative dispute resolution forums, often achieving favorable results in cases with unsympathetic defendants and challenging fact patterns”. In addition to being a long-time supporter of the East Bay Claims Association, Bill has been a member of the executive council and is currently the national membership chair of Association of Defense Trial Attorneys, a selective professional network of highly respected attorneys viewed as “one in a million.”

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Join the EBCA for the first luncheon meeting of the New Year!


January 8, 2014 featuring returning guest speaker

William Staples Archer Norris

Annual Case Law Review at

Zio Fraedo’s 611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 11:15 a.m. check-in/mixer Luncheon from 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m.

FREE to 2013-’14 Adjuster Members Adjusters Now Join for FREE (suggested $10 donation to the EBCA Charitable Fund) $45 Non-Members/Guests or No Reservations

$35 for current paid 2013 Associate Members Purchase your lunch online, at:


Otherwise, for payment by cash or check at the door, please make reservations now with

2013 EBCA Secretary, Gemma Houser:

gemmahouser@hotmail.com • (510) 803-7069


East Bay Claims Association News Network • December 2013


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925-785-7021 www.AssociationNewsNetwork.com

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Next Deadline for submissions is December 18, 2013 call 209-229-8240 or fax FAX# 209-229-8328 info@AssociationNewsNetwork.com


East Bay Claims Association News Network • December 2013


from the DOI

Insurance Commissioner Jones Commends Proposition 103’s Saving Consumers And Businesses Tens Of Billions Of Dollars On The 25th Anniversary Of Its Passage By Voters SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones November 12, 2013 issued the following statement regarding the 25th anniversary of Proposition 103: “Proposition 103 has saved consumers and business tens of billions of dollars in auto and homeowner rates since it was first passed by California voters in 1988. “Proposition 103 requires auto, homeowners and all property and casualty insurers to file their rates and get approval for rates from the insurance commissioner. Since I was elected commissioner in November 2010, we have saved consumers and businesses over $1.4 billion in insurance rates alone. The Consumer Federation of America report describes how California motorists have benefitted from Proposition 103. Californians appropriately are celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the passage of Proposition 103.” “Unfortunately, while the insurance commissioner has the authority under Proposition 103 to reject excessive auto, homeowners and other property and casualty insurance rate hikes, no one in California including the insurance commissioner has the authority to reject excessive health insurance rate hikes. Californians are surprised to learn that the insurance commissioner in California, unlike 35 other states, does not have the authority to reject excessive health insurance rate hikes.” “Health insurance rates will continue to climb even with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. We see these rate hikes with the 1 million health insurance cancellation notices sent to individual Californians. California law needs to be changed to give the insurance Lic # 916959

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commissioner the authority to reject excessive health insurance rate hikes.”

Jones calls Covered California’s extension denial a disservice to policyholders

Allowing Californians to keep their health insurance through 2014 won’t undermine implementation of the ACA Insurance Commissioner Jones issued the following statement November 21, 2013 in response to Covered California’s decision to deny health insurers the ability to renew existing policies: “Over a million Californians have received cancellation notices from their health insurer. On behalf of these policyholders I am disappointed in Covered California’s action, which denies individuals and families the opportunity to keep their existing health insurance as President Obama promised. “Covered California rejected what President Obama and I asked for—that individual policyholders be allowed to keep their existing health insurance through all of 2014. Covered California’s decision denies Californians the same opportunity health insurers are giving to its small business customers who are being allowed to renew current policies throughout 2014. “Covered California could have honored President Obama’s request, without causing damage to the implementation of the Affordable Care continued page 14

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East Bay Claims Association News Network • December 2013

East Bay Claims AssociationNewsNetwork Services Directory Paid Sponsorship listings directory - for info on being included, call 209-229-8240, or email: info@AssociationNewsNetwork.com


Boster, Kobayashi & Associates - Michael Kreutzelman Serving the United States 24 hr. (925) 963-9653 • (925) 447-6495 and Overseas Fax (925) 447-6589

Contractors-Asbestos/Lead/Mold Remediation

alliance Environmental GROUP - Ed Work 3545 Victor Street www.alliance-enviro.com • (408) 830-9700 Santa Clara, CA 95054 info@alliance-enviro.com • Fax(408) 980-9749 American Technologies, Inc. - Kyle Pickett 30911 Wiegman Road kpickett@amer-tech.com • (510) 429-5000 Hayward, CA 94544 Fax (510) 429-5010 JM Environmental, Inc. - John Moore & the JM Team PO Box 2189 www.jmenvironmental.net • (916) 726-0304 Granite Bay, CA 95746-2189 Fax (916) 726-0340 P.W. Stephens Environmental, inc. - Steve MacFarlane/Kim MacFarlane 4047 Clipper Court www.pwstephensinc.com • (510) 651-9506 Fax (510) 651-7702 Fremont, CA 94538 Paul Davis Restoration of the East Bay - Greg Brumley 3251 Franklin Canyon Rd EBCA@pdr-usa.net • (925) 939-1300 Rodeo, CA 94572 www.PDRestorationEastBay.com THE RESTORATION CLEANUP COMPANY Water, Smoke & Mold Damage Specialists 800-500-4310 www.thecleanupco.com Sewage Decontamination restoration management COMPANY Water, Smoke & Environmental Specialists (800) 400-5058 32550 Central Ave. Fax (510) 324-8016 Union City, CA 94587 tumland@restorationmanagement.com

Contractors - Electrical

Tucknott Electric Co. - Robert A. Tucknott 6850 Regional St. Suite 110 tucknottel@aol.com • (925) 931-0800 Dublin, CA 94568 www.Tucknott.com • Fax (925) 931-0817

contractors - general/Restoration

AAA Flood & Fire - Emergency Services - Water, Fire, Smoke, Mold 186 Barnard Ave www.AAAFloodAndFire.com • SJ Office: (408)270-9111 San Jose, CA 95125 Dry1Out@gmail.com • SSF Office 1(888)Dry1Out(379-1688) Belfor USA - Dave Warters/Lisa Schwichtenberg (888) 543-3473 • Fax (510) 887-9110 2365 Industrial Pkwy West Hayward, CA 94545 david.warters@us.belfor.com COAST CONSTRUCTION - Steve Mink/Jodi DeVillier 718 Kennedy St www.CoastConstruction.net • (510) 533-7168 Oakland, CA 94606 24 Hr Em: (510) 773-6379 K2GC General Contractor, Inc. - Ken Turnage We treat your home as if it were our own, www.K2GCinc.com • (925)754-5232 and value your time as we do our own. K2GC@comcast .net Mark Scott Construction, Inc. - Troy Brincat/David Dickerson Residential & Commercial msconstruction.com • Pl. Hill: (925) 944-0502 24 Hour Em Service Fairfield: (707) 804-8880 • Stockton: (209) 982-0502 Paul Davis Restoration of the East Bay - Greg Brumley 3251 Franklin Canyon Rd EBCA@pdr-usa.net • (925) 939-1300 Rodeo, CA 94572 www.PDRestorationEastBay.com Walter M. Springs Construction - Murat Zelinki 881 Hurlingame Ave. (650) 888-5150 Redwood City, CA 94063 www.SpringsConstruction.com Wingard Construction - Kathy Baker 24 Hr. Em (800) 232-7150 One-Call Contractor for all your Corp. office: (925) 689-9322 reconstruction needs email@wingardconstruction.com • Lodi: (209) 368-2464

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contractors - microbial remediation

alliance Environmental - Ed Work 3545 Victor Street www.alliance-enviro.com • (408) 830-9700 Santa Clara, CA 95054 info@alliance-enviro.com • Fax(408) 980-9749 American Technologies, Inc. - Kyle Pickett 30911 Wiegman Road kpickett@amer-tech.com • (510) 429-5000 Hayward, CA 94544 Fax (510) 429-5010 Belfor USA - Dave Warters/Lisa Schwichtenberg 2365 Industrial Pkwy West (888) 543-3473 • Fax (510) 887-9110 Hayward, CA 94545 david.warters@us.belfor.com P.W. Stephens Environmental, inc. - Steve MacFarlane/Kim MacFarlane 4047 Clipper Court www.pwstephensinc.com • (510) 651-9506 Fremont, CA 94538 Fax (510) 651-7702 Renew Systems - Marie Borders PO Box 2702 (415) 601-1715 Novato, CA 94938 marie@renewsystems4you.com restoration management COMPANY Water, Smoke & Environmental Specialists (800) 400-5058 32550 Central Ave. Fax (510) 324-8016 tumland@restorationmanagement.com Union City, CA 94587

Environmental Testing & Consulting

Block Environmental Services - Jennifer Block, PhD, REA, CAC 2451 Estand Way jblock@blockenviron.com • (925) 682-7200 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-3911 Fax (925) 686-0399


Fire Cause Analysis - Ulises Castellon, CPCU Throughout California, Arizona (800) 726-5939 • Fax: (510) 649-3099 Nevada, Oregon, N. Dakota & Minnesota inquiry@fcafire.com

Floor Covering

Floor Coverings International - Steve Taylor 5757 Sonoma Dr. (925) 426-8800 steve.taylor@floorcoveringsinternational.com Pleasanton, CA 94566 Walnut Creek Carpet One - Shelly Lari 2085 N. Broadway Ste 300 slari@sbcglobal.net • (925) 947-3771 Fax: (925) 947-3752 Walnut Creek, CA 94596

Furniture/antiques restoration

Wood Wizard - Darrell Stimson 253 Briar Drive woodwizard@earthlink.net • (925) 370-1489 Martinez, CA 94553 www.AWoodWizard.com • Fax (925) 370-7733

leak detection/plumbing

american leak detection - Hillel Salomon P.O. Box 438 (800) 353-LEAK (5325) Berkeley, CA 94701 www.AmericanLeakDetection.com

Overspray Removal

Nationwide Overspray - Eric Gerencser Benicia, California www.overspray.net • (925) 408-5909 Safe Overspray Removal eric@overspray.net • (800) 345-1269

Property Restoration - Clothing Specialists

Blue SKy Cleaners - Robert Strong Garment Restoration - Nobody CARES about you more (925) 455-6000 Bob@blueskycleanersca.com Fax (925) 445-6002 CRDN - Steve Depper/Michelle Windsor 2094 Mt. Diablo Blvd. (877) 939-1588 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 www.crdngba.com FRSTeam - Jim and Courtney Nicholas 3201A Investment Blvd Natalie Lagorio: nlagorio@frsteam.com • 510-723-1000 Hayward, CA 94545 Liza Andrade: landrade@frsteam.com • 510-723-1000 continued next page


East Bay Claims Association News Network • December 2013

A.N.N. Services Directory News From The DOI continued from page 12

continued from page 13

Act or the Exchange. “The preferred and more equitable course of action for California continued consumers is for Covered California’s unnecessary cancellation to be Revival garment Restoration, Inc. - John Vigallon rescinded. Allowing existing policyholders to keep their health insurance A Higher Class of Service (925) 579-4353 for the duration of 2014 will not undermine the implementation of the Throughout N. California john.vigallon@hotmail.com • Fax (209) 451-4778 ACA, but rather will give consumers more time to figure out what makes PROPERTY RESTORATION/CONTENTS sense for their families.” American Technologies, Inc. - Kyle Pickett kpickett@amer-tech.com • (510) 429-5000 30911 Wiegman Road Commissioner Jones has been a staunch supporter of the ACA since Fax (510) 429-5010 Hayward, CA 94544 its passage and throughout its implementation. Last week President Belfor USA - Dave Warters/Lisa Schwichtenberg 2365 Industrial Pkwy West (888) 543-3473 • Fax (510) 887-9110 Obama called on states and insurers to allow existing policyholders the david.warters@us.belfor.com option to renew their plans for an additional year. Commissioner Jones Hayward, CA 94545 Paul Davis Restoration of the East Bay - Greg Brumley expressed his support of the President’s request and asked that Covered 3251 Franklin Canyon Rd EBCA@pdr-usa.net • (925) 939-1300 California rescind its contractual provision with 11 insurers, which Rodeo, CA 94572 www.PDRestorationEastBay.com impeded their ability to honor the President’s request. THE RESTORATION CLEANUP COMPANY As the state’s insurance market regulator, Jones has made it clear Contents Restoration Specialists 800-500-4310 Asbestos Decontamination, NS Inventory www.thecleanupco.com that neither state nor federal law, including the ACA, requires December Restoration management COMPANY 31 cancellations. More than 1 million Californians are receiving canWater, Smoke & Environmental Specialists (800) 400-5058 32550 Central Ave. Fax (510) 324-8016 cellation notices from insurers, who are upset because they were told tumland@restorationmanagement.com by the President if they liked their health insurance, they could keep Union City, CA 94587 ServiceMaster of Fremont - Sharon Boyd it. Jones pointed out that all existing policies are not “junk insurance.” 2731 Fair Oaks Ave. sharon@smrwc.com • (800) 750-8439 California has strong coverage mandates, as demonstrated by the many Redwood City, CA 94063-3506 Fax (650) 299-9086 ServiceMaster of Livermore/Hayward - Bassam Kneizeh/Kelly Banducci policyholders who want to keep their existing policies and doctors. Jones 1001 Shannon Ct. Ste C (925) 960-1377 noted that it is disingenuous for health insurers to argue that allowing Livermore, CA 94550 Fax (925) 960-1376 renewals will harm the exchange, because cancellation notices being ServiceMaster of Napa Vallejo & Benicia - Eric Larson/Lynn Fuller sent to policyholders are steering them into insurance products outside P. O. Box 6867 smnvb@interx.net • (800) 648-1608 Napa, CA 94581 Fax (707) 257-1608 the Exchange, which deprives the policyholder of the federal premium subsidy. ServiceMaster of Oakland/Alameda - Jean Hughes 14498 Wicks Blvd jhughes247@sbcglobal.net • (510) 351-0581 Jones also stressed that allowing existing policyholders to renew San Leandro, CA 94577-6712 Fax (510) 351-4704 for a full year will not undermine the risk pool, as the ACA has robust ServiceMaster of San Mateo/San Francisco - David Decker features which mitigate the risk of health insurers having a dispropor439 Eccles Ave. david@smsanfran.com • (650) 593-4700 tionate share of sick people in their risk pool in 2014. Additionally, it is S. San Francisco, CA 94080 Fax (650) 873-6334 ServiceMaster Restoration Services - Ryon Hayward estimated that 400,000 existing policyholders are eligible for subsidies. Serving Contra Costa ryon@sharjo.com • (800) 480-TIDY Even if allowed to renew their current coverage, many consumers will & Marin Counties www.svmcleaning-restoration.com purchase new insurance through the Exchange because of the subsidy. Submissions Deadline for all Advertising and For all of these reasons, the Insurance Commissioner concluded that alContent for the January 2014 issue is lowing renewals would not hurt the Affordable Care Act or the Exchange, December 18, 2013 but should be allowed to make good on the promise to policyholders.

Property Restoration - Clothing Specialists

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East Bay Claims Association News Network • December 2013


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