We finished Transforming Surgery renovation and expansion The final phase of the Bryan East Campus Renovation is finished. This three-year, $47 million project updated public spaces, clinical areas and surgical environments. Former Chief of Staff Ken Gross, MD, Associated Anesthesiologists, says:
fter three years of construction, the new pre-operative area, post-operative anesthesia care unit and new operating rooms are well worth the wait. The preoperative area’s private rooms are large enough for family members and staff, and the rooms are more quiet and relaxing for patients. The design creates a more centralized work flow for nurses, allowing for more efficient care. The post-operative area is larger to accommodate more patients. The centralized floor plan design helps the staff provide better
and more efficient patient care. The operating rooms also are larger to accommodate equipment and technology needs for now and the future. Bryan has the most modern, state-of-the-art medical equipment, like robotic assisted surgical equipment, imaging machines, minimal invasive surgical equipment and computerized navigation equipment that support exacting surgical care. This project has delivered all that was expected and more. The new floor plan creates a better patient care experience. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this and for the opportunity for Bryan health care providers and staff to continue to provide the quality medical care this community has come to expect at Bryan as a legacy for generations to come.
The surgery control desk and satellite pharmacy were finished earlier.
Former Chief of Staff Darla Eisenhauer, MD, Gynecology & Fertility, adds:
Summer 2022
ver the last three years, the saying, “It is going to get worse before it gets better,” was definitely true in may ways. Now that the project is complete, the