Recruitment and motivation (marise stuart's conflicted copy 2012 11 19)

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Recruitment and Motivation

Recruitment… 


Good project – – –

good subject well planned good reputation

Good publicity

How can we recruit people…?      

Posters Presentations Meetings Word of mouth Friends Promise of pizza…

Our own projects… 

What are the strengths of the project?

Who are we trying to attract?

What is the best way to do this?

Recruitment and Motivation

Timothy Rittman

Motivation… 

Personal encouragement


Body language

Recruitment and Motivation

Timothy Rittman

Empowerment: patient-centred medicine

Empowerment: facilitating learning

Empowerment: peer education

Empowerment: primary health care


Empowerment…bad points 

It’s too hard

It’s too dangerous

People are lazy, stupid, corrupt, selfish

You can’t really change things

Empowerment…good points 

Correction inequality

Sustainable change

Efficient use of few resources

Maximising human potential

How to empower a group… 

Facilitate the group to… – –

say what their problems are say what their strengths are

Make them feel good!

What makes a good group facilitator…? 

Be yourself

Love and trust your group

Empathise with your group and tell them you do

Strategy…     

Changeover before recruitment Define committee roles Delegate to committee Meeting Leave with something to do

Strategy…Amnesty international     

Changeover Elections before before summer recruitment holiday Define Committee committee roles redefined roles Delegate Members to of committee the committee given specific tasks Meeting Weekly meetings Leave Campaign with every something week,toeg dowrite to an MP

Plans for yourself… 

Am I… – –

a member of a group? a leader of a group?

Members: how can I participate more?

Leaders: how can I be more empowering?

Conclusion… 


Personal motivation

Empowerment/motivating groups


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