BFC Visual Handbook

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Presentation HANDBOOK


e m o c l e Use this as a guide whilst watching the Prezi presentation to help you visualise our concept.

e We would like to take you through our aims, inspiration and overall outcomes of the brief.

When? We have recreated the February 2012 event to show how we would change it. This can then be applied to future events.




The section that we have decided to focus on is the Shoe Studio

Whyhere? As you can see...

Why? ...from this image of the Shoe Studio before we had a small space to work with, so there were a lot of things that we had to consider.



The problems that we discovered when visiting the Shoe Studio, were the unimaginative visual displays and the cluttered jumble sale vibes.

wrong? As you can see from these pictures, the shoe boxes were stacked on top of each other, taking away the luxurious shopping experience that you would expect from London Fashion Weekend.

What do we Other problems that we came across whilst in the Shoe Studio were the lack of seating, mirrors and general facilities to help when trying on your shoes. These are all issues that we hope to address in making Shoe Studio a desirable loaction.

Change? The overall aims that we want to be achieved...

Whataims? ...are to raise awareness of the Shoe Studio, to increase footfall to the Shoe Studio and to increase sales overall.

who? We had to understand that we were looking around LFWend with a critical eye rather than taking a stroll around like our target consumers would have been doing. After talking to some of our target consumers we realised navigation was not an area that we needed to focus on as they would naturally come across the Shoe Studio themselves.



Some of the main negative feedback that we received was that the shoe studio seemed quite unorganised and lacking the luxury that was expected of the event, especially as the location was previously LFW.



Our over arching theme for London Fashion Weekend is ‘Style Worth Waiting For’, We feel this is appropriate as we believe London Fashion weekend is a luxurious experience worth waiting for. We want consumers to treat the weekend like a pop up department store, that is worth holding back on hitting the shops in the upcoming weeks before the event, so they can get their ultimate fashion fix when the weekend arrives.


London Fashion Weekend attracts all kinds of consumer, we decided to focus on three main ones for the Shoe Studio and aptly decided to name our three consumers after three different shoe types: The Stiletto, The Peep Toe and The Platform.

ARE The Stiletto. She is a 25-35 year old woman who is very fashion conscious and cares a lot about her appearance. She follows fashion news and trends and attends fashion events like new product launches in department stores. She has a high disposable income, as she is a young professional.

WE Our second consumer that we are hoping to attract is the peeptoe. This is our browsing consumer that wont necessarily come to the Shoe Studio to buy, but we are hoping to attract with our new striking visual merchandising, making their browsing time longer. The peeptoe is not as trend driven as the stiletto but always looks good.

TARGETING? Our final consumer is the Platform , this is our most affluent consumer and primarily the biggest spenders at the weekend. Even though we are not heavily focusing on this consumer, they are worth addressing as they are not afraid to part with their cash.



We decided to focus on the love hate relationship that we all have with shoes. Everyone knows the struggle that you have with finding your perfect pair, whether they are young, old, have large feet or small, London Fashion Weekend presents Find Your Perfect Pair at the Shoe Studio.



This is a piece of copy that epitomises the idea and has the tone of voice the campaign wants to achieve.

PRINT From spending some time in the studio we created these witty and relatable adverts that plays on the love hate relationship that women have with their shoes; mimicking that of a partner.

ADVERTISING We added common relationship sayings that many women have heard or said before. The ad demonstrates bumping into your partner’s lover with the more reserved and shocked woman on the left and the ostentatious lover on the right. Women can find the Perfect Pair at LFWend that cannot be replaced.


This ad promotes brands like French Sole who sell flat shoes. It makes wearing flats glamourous and acceptable amongst all the other ads that feature heels. Women who have been putting up with the pain of a relationship can now relieve themselves and find their Perfect Pair of flats at LFWend.


In this advert, the plasters represent the damage in a relationship. Women can now come to LFWend to find their Perfect Pair that they won’t want to part with.


Here you can see with “I had a feeling we wouldn’t last “ that the broken heel represents a broken heart. We want women to wait to shop at London Fashion Weekend and find that pair of heels that won’t break their heart.


Print adverts placed in and around Somerset House in visible and apparent areas such as the corridor...

where will

...and courtyard.


used? be The advertising will remind the consumers of the adverts they will have seen leading up to the event in magazines etc.

Here Promotion during the event, after London Fashion Week commences will also utilize the “Find Your Perfect Pair” adverts. They will be placed in tube stations surrounding Somerset House like Temple, Charing Cross and Covent Garden. Not only will these let passers by know of the event and increase on the door sales, but also will create a buzz as people complete their journey to the venue. Furthermore, they can be used as a navigation technique to aid first time visitors to Somerset House. Ads in Covent Garden will also attract “The Platform” consumer who is visiting as part of a tour.

Here Ads placed in other stations like Oxford Circus and Bond Street raise awareness of the event to young professionals and commuters who work in areas like Mayfair and Marylebone, tourists who shop on New Bond Street and fashion lovers who never fail to visit Oxford Street’s flagships.


Using London’s famous red telephone boxes...

and here

...and buses are also an option.

The final and most interactive element of our outdoor promotion, that makes our campaign engaging and memorable with our consumers are these interactive boards. There will be four boards, one to represent each section at London Fashion Weekend. These boards will be located in four different areas in London during the upcoming week the event. These can be in places like Covent Garden and more popular shopping areas.


These boards will not be heavily advertised except for clues that will be released on the London Fashion Weekend twitter page which will give hints about the locations. The board consists of a touch screen pairs game. The images that you match up will be relatable to each specific section, for example, for the Shoe Studio you would match up shoes and for Riverbox, you would match up jewellery. Once successfully matching up all images in the given time limit, a two digit code will appear on screen. This will happen at the end of each pairs game giving the player four separate two digit codes that when pieced together gives a unique eight digit code that can be entered on the London Fashion Weekend website for a chance to win prizes at the event.


How As the lack of space was our biggest problem we decided to create an inspiration mood board of clever storage solutions that are also visually appealing.


The ones that we decided to transfer into the Shoe Studio is the stairs...

we ...and the hanging shoe fixture.


here? This is a mock up of the left side of the Shoe Studio. The chandelier is made of single pairs of shoes, relating back to the search to find your perfect pair. When we visited LFWend, we realised that the only seating available was in the Compeed Lounge and since people will be trying on shoes, it was crutial that benches were put in. The benches will have built in storage for shoeboxes and mirrors so that customers can see their shoes as they are trying them on.

Vm The stair visual merchandising is an interesting/ different approach to VM, as well as creating more floor space and storage.



To save more space we decided to extend the Compeed Lounge across the back wall to allow more space for brands and their stock. We have also featured the print ads around the studio to remind consumers that they can find their perfect pair at the Shoe Studio.

These storage units have been designed to optimise the space we have to work with to allow more space for consumers to browse.


Visual displays will be placed in areas around Somerset House to raise awareness of the other areas. These signs would be a quick and easy way to catch the consumer’s attention and remind them to find their perfect pair at the Shoe Studio.

wayfindin The signs will be LED tube lighting, as it’s cheap to use but an easy way to attract attention. As previously mentioned, although navigation isn’t a main focus, it is still vital that the event uses clear signage to the Shoe Studio, to increase the footfall. Other signage includes wall stickers that will be placed in the corridors approaching the Shoe Studio, as the map alone didn’t give a clear indication of where the area was.


This will also add excitement as customer’s approach the Shoe Studio, as the stickers will showcase the brands customers can buy.


The London Fashion Weekend homepage features one of the Shoe Studio ads and a direct link to the viral video.

viral video The video encourages consumer engagement with the link to social media, integrates the ad campaign with the “Find Your Perfect Pair� element and promotes the new Shoe Studio app, which is introduced later.

twitter We created the hash tag shoe studio, this was to create an online presence for the area. This allowed us to track who our consumers are, target a wider consumer base and also give us an opportunity to talk to our consumers to gain feedback. Twitter can also be used to build up awareness leading up to the event.


app r We wanted the Shoe Studio to have an online presence and for there to be a purpose behind the video so we created an app.

interactivity This is a mock up of our app, which is a quiz to help you find your perfect pair.


quiz This gets consumers excited about visiting the Shoe Studio before London Fashion Weekend and creates and interactive element.

online Those who want to be matched up with their perfect pair can get hold of our app from the QR codes that will be placed on the bottom of our adverts and it will also be promoted on the LFWend website, Twitter and Facebook.

presence The app will also help to raise awareness of certain brands, eg. Finsk and gives those that take the quiz a purpose to visit the Shoe Studio.

lfwend When coming up with our idea, we had to take into account the fact that it would have to be adaptable to the other key feature areas at LFWend, so we have made some adverts and slogans that would appear in these areas.



The broken zip here mimics the breaking down of a relationship. The woman’s favourite dress has failed her, she can now come to London Fashion Weekend to find her new favourite that won’t let her down.

riverbox The image here shows the nail growth that suggests moving on to your next set of nails or colour. This imitates people “growing apart� in their relationship and moving on. Women can find their new love at London Fashion Weekend.



This ad uses the classic “It’s just bad timing” line to demonstrate the end of a relationship. Men can relate to this and apply it to a pair of jeans for example and find their new pair at London Fashion Weekend.



Here are some of the other lines we came up with that can be applied to other areas.

budget The costing are an estimate from rough pricing found; taken in to consideration are the visual merchandising features, signage, shelving, seating and the wall stickers.



So how will we evaluate our success?


1) The number of app downloads will let us know how many consumers are getting involved prior, during and after the event. It is also possible to track the age ranges downloading the app and this could help to inform any further research. 2) Sharing and views of the viral video will determine the success of its purpose as a viral video. Within a few days we reached over 350 views, demonstrating its power to be passed on. 3) The tracking of the #ShoeStudio twitter hash tag allows us to assess the conversation surrounding the event and keep in touch with consumers.

So going back to the beginning, we would like to readdress the aims. We have successfully raised awareness of the Shoe Studio and made it a desirable destination via our hashtag, video, app and print campaign. We have increWased footfall by raising general awareness of the event and the outdoor interactive boards And finally we have increased ticket sales by making the Shoe Shoe studio more interactive, engaging and an area that is not to be missed out on.




This visual display solution ensures that the Shoe Studio is a more exciting, vibrant and engaging place that inspires others to find their perfect pair, whilst “Style Worth Waiting For� encapsulates London Fashion Weekend being the go to place for shopping.

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