Universal Works

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BRYONY FRIEND N0250391 FASH3002 word count 2,300 (with quotes)

Want to come on a journey ?










7 8 9 CO M M U N I C AT I O N S T R AT E R GY





Fig 1, UW Shirt, 2013

INTRODUCTION Universal Works is an honest, relatable brand, that doesn’t try to pretend to be something they’re not. They have a certain aesthetic and tone of voice that they embody, this is translated via their garments, website and in store aesthetic. However it is time Universal Works started offering their consumers more. In order to stay in a constant, engaging conversation with their consumer, Universal Works need to provide a more dynamic and interactive channel of communication. “The need to better understand customers and their wants has never been greater in this increasingly competitive environment.” (Ohal, 2013, Retail Week). As a brand they need to acknowledge that their consumers want and expect more from them. Universal Works sit in a safe area in the menswear market that is currently washed with a tired, overdone aesthetic. With so many other brands following a similar style and vibe, they could easily start to blend into the increasingly, over crowded menswear market. It is time Universal Works pushed forward and segregated themselves from their competitors.


Fig 2&3 , Film Negatives, 2013

INSIGHTS Throughout the research stages of this journey personalisation and connecting with the consumer have been key findings and trends implied in this project. The power of film has been focused on when implementing these findings. It cannot be denied that film is a stimulating and engaging way to connect with your consumer, something that cannot be achieved in the same manner as a picture. “Brands have come to realise that the most engaging composition for the digital space is something moving, not something still.” (Stylus, 2011, Fashion Film) Alongside this it allows brands to tell a story and speak in a personal tone, creating a clearer picture of the brands identity to the consumer. “Forget advertising, brand storytelling is the latest big-impact trend.” (Stylus, 2011, Edvetorial)

Fig 4, The Kooples, 2012

Trends of Story telling and creating a real, honest relatable story is a clever way to engage and help the consumer relate to your brand. With technology becoming increasingly domineering, the message brands give out still needs to considered. “It is the stories we tell, not the technology we use, that makes marketing messages stand out.”(Arthur, 2011, WGSN) French fashion brand The Kooples, have always kept with their signature campaign of using real life couples in their advertisements. This is an endearing and clever approach, as the people and stories told in their campaigns are real, instantly making the brand appear relatable. Since the previous report, stating the concept of the Universal Works TV channel, the elements of film, interaction and personal insight into the brand have been taken forward. The idea has been developed and turned into a complete campaign that represents the brand and the consumer. The need to create a story that would immerse and engage the Universal Works consumer was key. “The difference between watching a story and being immersed in that story is huge— it’s about the strength of engagement through interaction.” (Arthur, 2011, WGSN) The result is a concept that embodies three interactive, personal and relatable stories.


Let your mind wander...

MISSION To increase the brand awareness of Universal Works by re-engaging with both current and new consumers

concept Increase the online presence of Universal Works by creating a TV Channel ‘One Minute Wander’, a click and buy interactive film experience.


Wander To




without a definite or purpose.


Fig 5, OMW, Logo 2013

O N E M I N U T E WA N D E R Introducing ‘One Minute Wander’, a collection of short films that embody the Universal Works brand, consumer and ethos. ‘One Minute Wander’ aims to submerse the viewer into the life of a particular Universal Works consumer, all in the space of one minute. We want to strip everything back and find out who are the real people are that are wearing the brand. One minute. One journey. One wander. Via the use of click and buy technology we want to take the viewer on a journey.

However on this journey they can pause, shop and

fully immerse themselves into the lifestyle of an individual. “Never before has it been so important for brands to be even more innovative and creative in engaging consumers.” (MPD Click, 2013) Altogether resulting in them fully engaging with Universal Works as a brand, lifestyle and allowing themselves to let their mind wander. The people used in the videos are based on real Universal works consumers and their lifestyle is truley exposed, in no more than sixty seconds.

Fig 6, Interactive Film, 2013 Fig 7, Website On Screen, 2013

Fig 8, Interactive Film 2, 2013

‘One Minute Wander’ will follow the structure of three films being release per season. With each film encapsulating a different Universal Works consumer. Throughout the films the consumer will be taking on a journey, interacting with that particular individual in the film. “Rather than beginnings, middles and ends, create stories that are interactive and immersive experiences”. (Arthur, 2012, WGSN) They can find out George’ favourite song, Patricks favourite walk or Henry’s favourite book. Alongside this they can pause the film using click and buy technology, allowing them to see what jumper George is wearing and purchase them, if they so wish. These films are intimate; they are on first name bases and have more substance than a generic fashion film. “For at it’s best, fashion film distils an aesthetic and emotes the feeling of a brand – the element that seduces us as consumers.” (Stylus, 2011, Fashion Film). The ‘One Minute Wander’ videos promote the product, the brand and engage with the Universal Works consumer on a personal level.

Fig 9, OMW Card Close Up, 2013


THE CONSUMER Not every Universal Works consumer is the same; the brand reaches out to a wide demographic, from different ages to lifestyles. ‘One Minute Wander’ incorporates this by using three men, which represent the three main Universal Works Consumers. Acknowledging the different types of consumer and not forcing them all into one box, creates a relatable and effective campaign, more importantly a relevant and realistic dialogue, between brand and consumer.


Fig 10, Urban Creative, 2012

//GEORGE 10% Attitude

60% Creative

30% Laid back

100% universal

Age: 24 Lives: n ot t i n g h a m Loves: D r aw i n g

Fig 11, George Moodboard, 2013

Fig 12, George Consumer Profile, 2013


Fig 13, Classic Gent, 2012


10% WIT

50% intelligence

100% Universal

Age: 32 Lives: lONDON Loves: Cycling

Fig 14, Henry Moodboard, 2013

Fig 15 Henry Consumer Profile, 2013


Fig 16, Working Man, 2012

PAT R I C K 20% reliable

20% loyal

60% intuitive

100% Universal

Age: 54 Lives: outskirts of nottingham Loves: Reading

Fig 17, Patrick Moodboard, 2013

Fig 18, Patrick Consumer Profile, 2013

Fig 19, UW Consumer Profile, 2013


G E O R G E ’ S S TO R Y

Fig 20, George On Skateboard, 2013

George is a recent graduates who lives in Nottingham and loves Skateboarding. He dreams of being a junior designer for a large creative agency and starting a new chapter of his life. In the space of one minute George’s lifestyle has managed to be captured, showcasing his true love, drawing. Throughout the video viewers can click on what George is wearing, look at his illustrations, and listen to his favourite music. This result is complete insight and access being allowed into him and his life. Fig 21, Skatepark, 2013

Fig 22, George Skating, 2013

Fig 23, Geroge Illustration, 2013


Fig 24, Patrick Logs 2013

Patrick lives just outside of Nottingham with his family. He loves gardening, travelling and spending his weekends with his family. In the space of one minute we discover Patrick’s relationship with his dog and the outdoors, as he invites us on his favourite walk. Viewers are taken to his favourite spot and can click on what he is wearing, discover the book he is reading and download a map of his journey. Once again allowing complete insight and access into his personal wander. Fig 25, Farm, 2013

Fig 26, Patrick Illustration, 2013

Fig 27, Dog and Book, 2013


Fig 28, Drop Off Flyer, 2013

'ONE MINUTE' DROP OFF One Minute Wander understands its consumers and wants them to as involved as possible. For one week only Universal Works will be inviting its consumers to a selection of their stockists stores, including their flagship in London. These stores will all be hosting the ‘One Minute Drop Off ’. The event will be introducing the ‘One Minute Wander’ to the public before it is released as an extension to the online website the following week. The Drop Off allows the Universal Works consumer to engage with the brand and the campaign. “Engaging consumers successfully breeds brand evangelists: worker bees that happily share content and create online buzz.” (Stylus, 2013, Consumer Insight) Those who partake need to draw their own personal wanders in the space of a minute. The customers will be asked to draw on a small white piece of paper, it can be anything, from something they are feeling at that moment in time, or a favourite memory or object. The drawings can be as simple or as detailed as they so wish, but it needs to all be captured in 60 seconds. Each piece will be added to the lining of a piece in the Spring/Summer collection, creating an exclusive Universal Works One Minute Wander garment. “By acting as a creative-enabler, consider how your brand can engage with ConsumerCreators as a rich source of ideas and talents. The goal is not instant profitability, but the chance to create a deeper more meaningful conversation.” (Stylus 2012, Consumer Creators)

Fig 29, Pen and Paper, 2013

This event helps to involve and engage with the Universal Works consumer, allowing them to feel involved and connected with the brand. “Think of consumers as fans – they are your new brand advocates. They are curators of content, with a unique view point to contribute. Enable them.” (Stylus, 2012, Consumer Creators) Alongside this it helps to reach out to those who may have stumbled upon the event in the stores. Altogether resulting in Universal Works reaching out to new and old consumers in a personal way. Furthermore this helps to link the two seasons together, building anticipation for the Universal Works Spring Summer collection. This results in forming the journey of the campaign and the transition from one season to the next. The event is personal, unobtrusive and keeps in line with Universal Works and ‘One Minute Wanders’ ethos.

Fig 30, Press Release, 2013


C O M M U N I C AT I O N S T R AT E R G Y The first one-minute wander release will be synced with the Universal Works release of their A/W collection, in August 2013. This helps to create clear timings and an easy path for our consumer to follow. The same structure will be repeated for Universal Works S/S collection in March 2014.

July 22nd – 5th August The marketing for ‘One Minute Wander’ will begin in the last two weeks of July, starting off predominately via social media sites, twitter and Facebook. These will be used to help build up hype and buzz around the campaign, the ‘One Minute Drop Off’ and reach out to the Universal Works consumer. Tweets and posts promoting the campaign and drop off will be released, alongside the use of the hashtag #oneminutewander. The use of this hashtag will encourage followers and friends to engage with the campaign and it will allow a conversation to be created with the consumer. “Social channels will continue to influence online strategy, particularly when it comes to increasingly loyalty.” (Parry, 2013, Retail Week). Alongside this it will allow Universal Works to reach out others from the social circle, spreading the message of One Minute Wander. “Social channels have made it possible for retailers to not only enter into personal dialogue with fans but reach friends of fans too.” (Parry, 2013, Retail Week)

Fig 31, OMW Twitter Screen, 2013

July 29th – 5th August The





extending off the Universal Works website will be activated. However at this stage it will only have a countdown till the A/W collection is released, the story behind ‘One Minute Wander’ and information on where your local ‘One Minute’ drop off will be. This will start to create anticipation and excitement amongst the Universal Works consumer.

August 5th- 12th August After two weeks of heavy promotion on social media sites the ‘One Minute’ drop off, partaking in selected stores will begin. This will run from the 5th of August, a week before the A/W collections are released. Universal Consumers and visitors of the stores can come in and submit a drawing they have done in the space of a minute. The drawings submitted will then be being included in the lining of a jacket in the next S/S summer collection.

Fig 32, OMW Countdown Screen, 2013

Fig 34, Come Wander Cards, 2013

The final element of the communication strategy will be promotional cards placed in stockists, coffee shops and other areas that we feel the Universal Works consumer could be. This keeps in line with Universal Works message and vibe, it is relaxed in keeping with brand ethos and not in your face promotion. It is personal, intimate and engages with the consumer. These promotional cards also help reach out to the consumer who might not be as heavily on social media, allowing a personal connection to be made, that cannot be achieved via social media.

Fig 35, Consumer Journey, 2013

Fig 36, Come Wander, 2013


Fig 37, Farm, 2013

F U T U R E R E C O M M E N D AT I O N S The future for ‘One Minute Wander’ can evolve down a variety of different paths that fit both the campaign and the brand. A natural extension for ‘One Minute Wander’ would be to use real people in the One Minute Wander. Due to time constraints the One Minute Wanders that were created were based on real people, however future plans would be use those individuals in the film. Another natural progression would be to build up a library of videos, capturing unique stories and lifestyles of Universal Works consumers. From this point they could comfortably host their own website, instead of being an extension off the Universal Works site. Additionally the videos could start to introduce a pack of goodies that were relevant to each One Minute Wander. These packs could be ordered online and be full of items featured, or worn in the films. This once allows the consumer to engage with the brand in a personal way.

Fig 38, Future Website, 2013

Fig 39, Logs, 2013

CONCLUSION Throughout this journey the aim to create a campaign and story that fits into place with Universal Works as brand, has been vital. ‘One Minute Wander’ has managed to connect and relate with the consumer. Alongside this it has acknowledged trends of story telling, interaction and the power of film. Universal Works has a strong brand story and ethos, they embody characteristics of honesty some and something. One Minute Wander has captured these qualities and pushed them forward as a brand, differentiating them from their competitors. In the space of one minute the brand awareness has been increased and they have engaged with current and new consumers. The power of story telling is influential and should never be underestimated.

One minute. One journey. One wander.

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