GCSE Prospectus 2022

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‘Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere’ – Albert Einstein This course will enable students to explore a wide range of themes and issues through the use of a variety of dramatic strategies. Students will create, perform and respond to drama informed by their theoretical knowledge of drama and theatre. Many students find that theatre helps them develop the skills that are essential to speak in front of large audiences. This course will help students to understand how to appraise situations, think outside the box and be more confident. Students will learn to trust their ideas and abilities. Confidence gained from learning drama skills applies to school, career, and life. kmayall@britishschool.sch.ae

COURSE CONTENT Year 10 ● Introduction to Drama and Theatre - Development of performance, design, analysis and evaluation skills. The study of communication, leadership, creativity and collaboration techniques ● Component 1: Understanding Drama - Students will study a set text,‘Blood Brothers ‘ by Willy Russell ● Component 2: Devising Drama Year 11 ● Component 1: Understanding Drama - Students will complete a live theatre production review and review the set text studied in Year 10. ● Component 3: Texts in Practice - Students will complete a performance on two extracts from a set text. ASSESSMENT Year 10 Component 2: Devising Drama (40%) Practical process of creating and evaluating devised drama. This section of the course is internally assessed and externally moderated by AQA examiners.

Year 11 Component 3: Texts in Practice (20%). Performance of two extracts from one play. Component 1: Understanding Drama (40%). Written examination: 1hr45min.

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