OUR SCHOOL The British School Al Khubairat (BSAK) is Abu Dhabi’s leading British not-for-profit, co-educational day school. From Nursery to A Level (3 – 18) our dynamic school culture offers students an enriching experience and outstanding results. OUR VISION Building on our unique local heritage, we will provide a world-class British education, inspiring all our students to exceed expectations. OUR VALUES Empathy and Care | Respect and Inclusivity Honesty and Integrity | Endeavour and Resilience

As we return to school for another academic year, after what I hope has been a restful and rewarding summer break, it is with great anticipation that we welcome our students back into the classroom for what is as close to ‘normality’ as it has been over the last two academic years. We are extremely excited to see the students engage with and flourish in the wide range of opportunities this allows us to reintroduce and build upon.

Mr Gareth Jones Deputy Head

I would like to take this opportunity to emphasise the importance of the school curriculum. Teaching does not happen by accident, and requires careful thought and wise construction in order to produce a curriculum that is coherently planned. Our Heads of Departments expertly ensure that their teams provide teaching which is sequential; building on knowledge, understanding and skills in a well thought through and structured way, using techniques of cognitive science to allow true teaching forlearning.
We feel it is important to keep you informed and updated as to the content of the curriculum your child is following this academic year, the curriculum forms an essential part of the learning process and your support at home is an integral part of this.

We have said many times how proud we are of our students’ resilience and endeavour, and how they have responded to the challenges of the last few years. It is with great delight that our staff are now able to concentrate on a restriction free acceleration in our students’ learning, through the curriculum you will see in these booklets.
With my very best wishes
As educators, we are very much looking forward to working with our students and helping them achieve their true potential and it is with great joy that we see us moving forward together - as a community of staff, students, and parents.
Dear Parents & Students,
YEAR 13 CURRICULUM BOOKLET 2022/2023 CONTENTS Subjects In Alphabetical Order P06 Arabic A P07 Arabic B P08 Biology P09 Business Studies P10 BTEC Business P11 Chemistry P12 Computer Science P13 Drama & Theatre P15 Economics P17 BTEC Engineering P19 English Language P20 English Literature P21 Fashion & Textiles P22 Fine Art P24 French P26 Further Mathematics P27 Geography P28 Graphic Communication P30 History P31 Islamic Studies A P32 Islamic Studies B P33 Learning Support P34 Mathematics P35 Media Studies P37 MELS P38 Music P39 Photography P41 Physical Education (Core) P42 Physics P43 Product Design P44 Psychology P45 Spanish P47 BTEC Sport

students can request to be submitted
Arabic. SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Native understanding and analysis of written and spoken Classical Arabic ● Knowledge and application of language skills ● Writing for different purposes ● Conversing in Classical Arabic on a given topic ADDITIONAL RESOURCES YEAR 13 ARABIC LEVELS DESCRIPTOR Arabic Resources A MODEL EMSAT ARABIC ASSESSMENTS Half termly assessments take place as well as a final exam at the end of the academic year. Students in Year 13 will undertake the Ministry of Education Arabic exam.

exam through
A All students in Year 13 who are either Emirati or whose UAE residency visa is on an Arab passport are required to take Arabic lessons, as per UAE law and the Ministry of Education Guidelines. Expatriate students are not required to take Arabic, unless they wish to qualify for an equivalency certificate from the UAE government, confirming that a student has completed their secondary education in the UAE COURSE CONTENT An
ARABIC Equivalency Certificate is needed for entry to a UAE university and for employment in some government/semi governmental positions in the UAE. Although BSAK does not teach A Level Arabic, for the AS Arabic exam, however, it is the responsibility of the to prepare this independent study. For further information about these courses, speak to the Head of
● Places & Activities
The course content is based on a wide range of selected literary texts that relate to different areas. The course content will draw heavily on:
● How to get there? / Transport
● Conversing in Classical Arabic on a given topic

● Problems in Towns and the countryside
In Years 10-13, students will be assessed regularly through low stakes assessment and ongoing / formative assessment. There will be no end of year examination in Years 10-12. The Years 12 and 13 courses culminate in Year 13 with an end of course assessment provided by The Ministry of Education. This assessment will cover the 4 skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
● Renewal Energy (What is the Weather like?/ Climate Change)
● Conversational drills where students use and apply the skills they acquired
● At the Hotel
The Ministry of Education Arabic course targets the non-native speakers of the language.
● My Beautiful Country
● The structure of the language: applied rather than theoretical syntax and morphology
● Narrative and descriptive writing practice in line with what was covered during reading lessons
● Shopping
● Technology
● Knowledge and application of language skills
● Writing for different purposes
● I Plan for my Future ( Jobs / work opportunities)
It aims to help all students to develop their linguistic skills, expose them to many classical and modern literary works and deepen their understanding of Arabic and Islamic culture. This is a 4 year programme beginning in Year 10 and culminating in Year 13. The Year 13 curriculum will build on previous knowledge acquired in Year 12 and indeed Year 11 by developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as well as including a focus on skills such as writing essays, understanding authentic and literary texts and spontaneous speaking. This course will also emphasise the fact that learning Arabic is not just about vocabulary and grammar but having an appreciation of Arabic culture and customs. We aim to foster an inquisitive and curious student who can take advantage of where we are and foster a genuine passion for Arabic as well as a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
● Reading texts: literary and factual texts
The A Level Biology course studied by the students at BSAK aims to encourage them to be inspired, motivated and challenged by following a broad, coherent, practical course of study. BSAK Biology Department follows the Salters-Nuffield (SNAB) A Level specification. This is a linear qualification and all examination papers are completed at the end of year 13. The course is taught using a concept based approach. COURSE CONTENT Term 1 ● Scientific process ● Cell Structure and function ● The circulatory system ● Lifestyle and disease ● Gas exchange, cell membranes and transport ● Proteins and genetics Term 2 ● Biodiversity ● Inheritance ● Stem cells and gene differentiation ● Resources from plants Term 3 ● Forensics ● Climate change SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Data analysis and evaluation ● Reasoning and critical thinking ● Practical investigative skills SPECIFICATION LINK ASSESSMENTS The A Level Biology qualification consists of three external examination papers: Paper 1 Unit 1, 2 and 3 120 mins 33% of A Level raw marks Paper 2 Unit 1, 2 and 4 120 mins 33% of A Level raw marks Paper 3 Unit 1 – 4 (inclusive) 120 mins 33% of A Level raw marks Practical skills are assessed through a set of core practicals. The successful completion of these results in the award of a separate practical skills endorsement.

● Application skills
• Business objectives and strategy • Business growth • Decision-making techniques • Influences on business decisions • Assessing competitiveness • Managing change Unit 4 - Global Business
● Analyse data and think critically
Click on this link to access all material used in the teaching of the Business course. Students should refer to this website throughout the year.
Click here to access the Edexcel exam specification. This has information about the course and exam materials to help students learn
The course will provide an exciting insight into the dynamic world of business. Using real world case studies, you will develop skills of analysis, research and independent thinking so that you can develop balanced arguments and reach informed conclusions.
• Globalisation • Global markets and business expansion • Global marketing • Global industries and companies (multinational corporations)
The content is designed to engage students through topics and issues that are relevant in today’s society; contemporary developments such as digital technology, business ethics, and globalisation are covered throughout the topics. In Year 13, students are encouraged to take a more strategic approach to decision making. This will build upon the study of decision making in the functional areas covered in the first year of the course.
● The ability to study independently
By taking a holistic approach to the subject, the course aims to demonstrate the interrelated nature of business using business models, theories and techniques to support analysis of contemporary business issues and situations.
A Level assessment will draw on material from the whole course, and will feature a range of question styles including short answer questions, essay questions, data response questions and case studies. The assessments are designed to allow students to demonstrate their ability to draw together their knowledge, skills and understanding from across the full course of study and provide extended responses.
The specific modules covered are: Unit 3 - Business decisions & strategy

● Develop balanced arguments and make informed decisions
BTEC BUSINESS BTEC qualification made up of 10 units. To complete each unit, your work theory with practical exercises you complete. You will complete a series of projects which cover the 5 mandatory and 5 optional be selected by teachers and will cover areas such as Marketing, Human Resources, Management, Administration, Finance and Retail.
Click on this link to access all material used in the teaching of the BTEC Business course. Students should refer to this website throughout the year. here to access the International BTEC Diploma in Business homepage. From here you can view the course specification and many other resources. assessments for this qualification are portfolio (coursework) based and there are no final examinations. However, strict conditions apply to the award of assessment grades by teachers and Pearson checks the quality and grading of assessment activities through school visits and sampling of work. Learners will also be assessed by practical observations and presentations.
units. Optional units will
is assessed continuously, linking
COURSE CompulsoryCONTENTUnits ● Exploring Business ● Research and Plan a Marketing Campaign ● Business Finance ● Managing an Event ● Principles of Management SKILLS DEVELOPED ● study independently ● independent & secondary research ● Interview skills ● time management ADDITIONAL RESOURCES

Students This everything from the full two years of the course. are also required to pass a practical endorsement. This is a series of core practicals out in and assessed by their teacher to ensure they have mastered a range of practical
Organic Chemistry 2

Transition Metals
Topic 12:
looking at how how atomic and electronic structure
Energetics 2
Acid-base equilibria
Synoptic and past paper practice SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Data analysis and calculations ● Non-routine problem solving ● Reasoning ● Critical thinking ● Practical investigative skills ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENTSSPECIFICATIONRESOURCESLINK
are controlled
BSAK Chemistry Department follows the Pearson Edexcel Chemistry A Level specification.
will be externally assessed via three examination papers; • Paper 1: Advanced Inorganic and Physical Chemistry (30%) • Paper 2: Advanced Organic and Physical Chemistry (30%) • Paper 3: General and Practical Principles in Chemistry (40%).
Topic 17:
paper covers
Topic 19: Modern Analytical Techniques
Term 1
This includes is the Periodic Table, how organic molecules, how reactions to the maximum amount of in the shortest time.
Term 3
linked to
Topic 15:
a science, Chemistry spans a number of disciplines, but essentially is the science of materials. Students will learn a
Term 2 Topic 16:
Topic 13:
Kinetics 2
As variety of the three main of Chemistry: inorganic,
organic and physical.
Topic 18: Chemistry
Redox 2
Topic 14:
topics from
pharmaceuticals can be made from simple
communication systems can
how computer architecture, hardware, systems software, security
include recursion and exception handling.
Computational thinking is further developed
A-Level-- Online exam
Programming paradigms are considered

sorting, structuring and storage
different structures
COMPUTER SCIENCE 1 hour 30 mins. at A Level to extend methods for searching, of This is supported by developing an in-depth of measures and have and This includes understanding of Artificial (AI). 25% of 2 hours 30 mins. together with an of to
Paper 4:
At the heart of Computer Science lies the notion of computational thinking: a mode of thought that goes well beyond software and hardware, and that provides a framework within which to reason about systems and problems. This mode of thinking is supported and complemented by a substantial body of theoretical and practical knowledge and by a set of powerful techniques for analysing, modelling and solving problems. COURSE CONTENT ● Data Representation ● File organisation and access ● Floating-point numbers, representation and manipulation ● Communication and internet technologies ● Circuit switching, packet switching ● Processors, Parallel Processing and Virtual Machines ● Boolean Algebra and Logic Circuits ● Purposes of an Operating System (OS) ● Translation Software ● Encryption, Encryption Protocols and Digital certificates ● Artificial Intelligence (AI) ● Computational thinking and problem-solving ● Algorithms ● Recursion ● Programming Paradigms ● File Processing and Exception Handling SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Aptitude in logic and Mathematics ● Computer programming. ● Critical thinking and complex problem solving SPECIFICATION LINK CIE-ASSESSMENTS Paper 3: 25% of A-Level--External exam
programming skills
At a course which inspires to become theatre to go on to higher education, whether that is to study a course in drama theatre another
Practical exploration and interpretation
The course is linear, with examinations at the end of Year 13. Component 1: Drama & Theatre - 3 hour written paper (open book) 80 marks – 40% of qualification. Externally marked by AQA Component 2: Creating original drama (practical) Internally assessed (in Year 12) and externally moderated (at end of Year 13) Working notebook (40 marks) Devised Performance (20 marks) 30% of A Level Making Theatre (practical)
intellectual, artistic and practical process
Einstein Drama and Theatre at A Level is
BSAK we study AQA Drama and Theatre. It is
Component 3: Making
examining life and human issues through
Creation and performance
Component2 3: Making
Component1 2: Creating original
Componentgrade 3:

‘Logic Albert the of the of drama the making of
will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere’ –
Taking this course will equip the ability to communicate, solve problems, develop higher order thinking become a great leader and your cultural awareness.
Term Drama of a Devised Performance Theatre of an extract from a play (Extract 2) 2: Making Theatre Practical and of a
and Set Text 2 ‘The Glass SectionMenagerie’C:Response to live Theatre SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Work independently and part of a group ● Build confidence ● Stimulates imagination ● Teambuilding ● Leadership ASSESSMENTS
A: Performance of extract 3 (40 marks) - externally marked by AQA Reflective report on all 3 extracts (20 marks)
makers with the skills they need
you with
Practical exploration and interpretation
3) Term Component3 1: Drama and Theatre Section A and B: Study of Set Text 1 ‘Accidental Death of an
Term Theatre of an extract from a play (Extract Anarchist’
Students are expected to participate in whole school productions and to direct during the annual House Drama competition.

Most of your resources will be available on the google classroom There is a list of websites and online resources available on the ‘Curious about drama page’ The AQA Drama and Theatre textbook by Su Fielder is also really helpful. ISBN-10: 9780198426974 | ISBN-13: 978-019842697
Students will explore the disagreements that exist between economists and current economic controversies. They will be assessed on their ability to use quantitative and qualitative evidence to evaluate arguments and to support judgements relating to economic issues and problems. Students are encouraged to develop a critical approach to economic models and methods of enquiry.
Economics is a linear course which is assessed at the end of Year 13 by three, two hour written exams. Each exam will be worth one third of the A Level. The papers will feature a range of question styles including multiple choice questions, short answer questions, essay questions, data response questions and case Paperstudies.1: Markets and market failure - Section A: Data response requiring written answers, choice of one from two contexts (40 marks). Section B: Essay questions requiring written answers, choice of one from three (40 Papermarks)2: National and international economy - Section A: Data response requiring written answers, choice of one from two contexts (40 marks)
Section B: Case study questions requiring written answers (50 marks)
Section B: Essay questions requiring written answers, choice of one from three worth (40 marks) Paper 3: Economic principles and issues
Section A: Multiple choice questions (30 marks)
● The measurement of macroeconomic performance

● The market mechanism, market failure and government intervention in markets Macroeconomics (National and International economy)
In Economics you will study how people behave and interact. Essentially, the subject seeks to understand the choices made by individuals, societies and governments in regard to the alternative uses of scarce resources which are employed to satisfy wants.
The course’s approach to Economics is to apply economic theory to support analysis of current economic problems and issues and encourage students to appreciate the interrelationships between microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics (Markets and market failure)
● Production, costs and revenue and technology
● Perfect competition, imperfectly competitive markets and monopoly
● Financial markets and monetary policy
● Economic performance
● The labour market
Economics involves the formulation of theories which seek to explain empirical observations so that conclusions can be drawn about the future. This subject covers such varied topics as the impacts of the recent events such as the financial crisis of 2008, falling oil prices, BREXIT and the economic impact of Covid-19.
● Individual economic decision making
● The international economy
● Fiscal policy and supply-side policies
● The distribution of income and wealth: poverty and inequality
● Study independently ● Analysis data ● Critical thinking ● Making informed decision
Click here to access the Edexcel exam board home page. This has information about the course and exam materials to help students learn.
Click on this link to access all material used in the teaching of the Economics course. Students should refer to this website throughout the year.

● Independent research and presentation skills
Further Mathematics for Engineering Technicians
● Machinery and manufacturing processes
The BTEC Level 3 Diploma is equivalent to two A Levels and it is expected you will undertake this qualification alongside one one additional A Level of your choice. Upon completion of the course this will allow you to progress into Higher Education on a degree course.
Assignments are continuously assessed throughout the two year course for each unit studied. None of the units has an externally assessed exam but several units have internally set tests which are part of the grading criteria.
● Engineering Design
Students research a number of case studies to develop their understanding on how a wide range of commercial products are manufactured.
Students decide on and develop an Engineering Project, usually something that captures their interest and cts as a stepping stone to their chosen degree at University.
This unit helps prepare students for university level Mathematics Electronics and Electrical Principles
A BTEC is an applied learning qualification in which students acquire knowledge, skills and understanding through practical, work-related activities in a real-life context.
The BTEC qualification is made up of 11 units of work to be completed over two years. To complete each unit, students’ work is assessed continuously, linking theory with practical projects. The course covers a wide range of Engineering disciplines such as Computer Aided Design, electronics, fabrication, mathematics and mechanical principles. It also involves quite a lot of practical project work.. Communications and Engineering Project
The BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Engineering helps students become occupationally ready to take up employment in engineering through apprenticeship. This can follow either directly after achieving the qualification, or via the stepping stone of Higher Education.
Primary Forming Processes
Students develop some key skills and expand their knowledge of key electronic principles.
● Electronics and electronic principles
● Mathematical and mechanical principles


This is largely based on each students chosen area for their Engineering Project. A Windows or Apple Laptop is beneficial but not compulsory, mathematics equipment, basic drawing and sketching utensils.
General resources available click here; Additional resources will be made available throughout the course.
Assignments are continuously assessed throughout the two year course for each unit studied. None of the units has an externally assessed exam but several units have internally set tests which are part of the grading criteria.
Unit 3 Language Investigations is worth 25% of the qualification and is assessed through a 1 hour and 45 minute examination.
This course is designed for those who have a love of, and fascination with, words and communication. An enquiring mind and appreciation for the ever changing English Language is a must! The course encompasses a detailed and systematic study of language use and its variations within a range of diverse forms and contexts.
Unit 4 Crafting Language is assessed as coursework. It is 25% of the qualification.
with the three examinations above.
Unit 1 Language Variation is worth 35% of the qualification and is assessed through a 2 hour and 15 minute examination.
Language Variation, examines how language has evolved and changed over time and also how it varies in use depending on different contexts Unit 2
KS5 English Learning Journey English Language KS5 Coursework
Students will explore language acquisition in childhood and the exciting story of how language has changed hundreds of years and continues to do so now. Students will analyse the power of language, both written and spoken and everything in between, considering its effects in presenting attitudes and opinions in our society .
Crafting Language This involves students producing two pieces of creative writing, plus a commentary that explains the construction of these pieces.
Unit 1
Language Investigations, focuses on five different areas of Language (Global English, Language and Gender Identity, Language and Journalism, Language and Power and Regional Language Variation). Unit 4

Students are assessed by three examination units.
Unit 2 Child Language is worth 20% of the qualification and is assessed through a 1 hour examination.
Child Language, examines how children develop their own use of language from the ages of 0 – 8 years Unit 3
Unit 2
The course will develop higher level skills of critical analysis and formal, personalised response.
Poetry involves the study of an anthology of post-2000 poetry plus a specific range of poetry from a specific literary period, such as the Romantics or medieval poetry.
Unit 4
Unit 1 Drama is worth 30% of the qualification and assessed through a 2 hour and 15 minute examination. Students will be able to take clean copies of their drama texts into the exam.
Unit 1 Drama examines one Shakespeare play and one other comedic or tragic drama. Students will also study a critical anthology on either tragedy or comedy. Examples of texts they might study are Othello, King Lear, Measure for Measure or Taming of the Shrew. Examples of other drama texts they might study are Doctor Faustus, A Streetcar Named Desire, The Importance of Being Earnest or Waiting for Godot.
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES KS5 English Learning Journey English Literature KS5 Coursework Revision guide Othello revision guide Streetcar named Desire revision guide Dracula revision guide Dorian Gray revision guide SPECIFICATION LINK ASSESSMENTS
Unit 2 Prose is worth 20% of the qualification and assessed through a 1 hour examination.

Unit 3
Comparative Coursework is where students, with teacher guidance, have a free choice of two texts to study and compare as part of an extended comparative essay project.
Unit 3 Poetry is worth 30% of the qualification and is assessed through a 2 hour and 15 minute
Unitexamination.4Comparative Coursework is worth 20% of the total qualification.
This course is designed for the avid reader and those who find fascination with all things fiction! Successful students are those who take the opportunity to read widely and independently across both set and wider texts, who are keen to access wider research and information on the authors and the time and context of their writing and who have an interest in shaping and honing their own writing.
Prose involves the study of two novels which are thematically linked, while at least one of the novels must be pre-1900. Examples of the prose texts students may study are Mrs Dalloway with A Thousand Splendid Suns or Frankenstein with Never Let Me Go.
● Project Management
Textiles is a reformed A Level with external exams taking place at the end of Year 13. Students will be assessed by continuous assessment and internal exams in Year 12.
The use of finishes Enhancement of materials Designcommunication Feasibility studies

● Creativity and confidence
● Manufacturing Skills
Paper 1 : The core technical principles, coupled with core designing and making principles.
Paper 2: Additional specialist knowledge, core technical, designing and making principles. Mixture of short answers, multiple choice and extended response questions. 2 hours written exam (25% of A Level).
Performance characteristics of material Methods of joining and using components
This course provides students with an opportunity to develop manufacturing and design skills in a creative and innovative way. They will investigate historical, social, cultural, environmental and economic influences on design and technology, whilst enjoying opportunities to put their learning into practice by producing fashion and textiles with a range of practical outcomes. Students will be required to manufacture high quality products and prototypes to meet a specific need for a range of consumer groups. It is an exciting course, which will allow students to become more aware of the place of design in society and the influences that designers have on the world in which we live.
● Illustration and ICT Skills
Non Exam Assessment (NEA) Practical application of core technical principles, core designing and making principles and additional specialist knowledge. This is a substantial design and make portfolio task that is about 45 hours work. It is internally assessed and externally moderated. It is worth 50% of the A Level grade.
Protecting designs and intellectual property Designfor manufacturing,maintenance, repair & disposal Enterprise and marketing Materials and their applications
Mixture of short answers, multiple choice and extended response questions. 2 hour written exam (25% of Level A).
Modern industrial and commercial practice Digital design and manufacture Fashion design and development Health and safety
Year 13 students are required to spend 45 hours designing and manufacturing a product which is submitted as part of their non-examined assessment module. Students will develop subject knowledge through project based activities and regular theoretical lessons, further developing material, manufacture and industrial knowledge as well as looking at the social, ethical and environmental effects of fashion, it’s history, political influences and roles within the fashion industry.
AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.
You will learn about artists and art movements and use these to develop personal aesthetic and intellectual concepts
AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.

AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.
This component is weighted 40% of the total qualification. This component incorporates two major elements: Preparatory studies and the 15–hour period of sustained focus. This externally set assignment represents the opportunity for students to draw together all the knowledge, understanding and skills developed throughout Year 12 and Year 13. The externally set assignment consists of one broad-based thematic starting point to which students respond by developing a portfolio of practical work and final outcomes. Component 1 and Component 2 are internally assessed and moderated, C1 and C2 are then externally moderated/standardised by Edexcel.
The Fine Art Edexcel course is based on the personal investigation of art and design. Students are required to create a dynamic personal portfolio of visual and creative experimentation and inquiry through the use of traditional and digital media, materials, techniques and processes.
Component 2: (Externally Set Assignment - ESA)
This component is weighted 60% of the total qualification. This component incorporates three major elements: Supporting studies, practical work and a personal study. Students will receive various starting points for exploration of their own personal investigation. This will take the form of creative investigations through sketchbooks and refined experimenting with media to create a portfolio of work leading to a range of outcomes. Component 1 runs through Year 12 and Year 13.
The assessment descriptors (AO1/AO2/AO3/AO4, see below) are used to assess both Component 1 and 2. Students will receive continuous assessment feedback and support throughout the course. Students are intrinsically involved in critical analysis of their own work and the work of their peers. Year 12 and Year 13 Assessment Objective Descriptors:
AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.
● Paint brushes - watercolour and Acrylic.
● Black Fine liners - different sizes.
● Wider appreciation of contextual and cultural themes. Graphic Design and Art History
● Development of art based traditional and contemporary processes, materials and techniques
● Eraser, sharpener, ruler - (For home use scissors) we do not recommend carrying sharp items around school.
Whilst the Art Department has excellent facilities, equipment, materials and provision, it is highly recommended that all Fine Art Students have general art based equipment.
● Creativity - risk taking
● Connective and non-connective ideas and concept development

● Visual, digital and verbal communication, presentation and critique skills
● Basic paint sets - watercolour and acrylic - maybe oils - but are expensive so best to wait.
All students will have the opportunity to work with outside artists and have numerous opportunities to display artwork in internal and external exhibitions and participate in collaborative projects with external
● Observational, drawing and mark making skills - Design rules/hierarchy and typography
● Interpretative, emotional, social and moral consideration
● Drawing pencils - HB/2B/3B/4B/9B.
● Digital media is or can be used widely on the course - access to Adobe Creative Suite is recommended - please talk to your teacher before purchasing.
● Strong visual awareness and visual communication skills
● Development, exploration and inclusion of refined Visual and Written Literacy
partnerships include The British Council, The British Embassy, The Future Centre, Special Olympics Committee, Etihad Modern Art Gallery, Warehouse 421 (New Beginnings – Abu Dhabi schools exhibition) and The Club Gallery (BSAK Young Artists and Designers).
● Consider the need for tolerance and respect of diversity
Paper 3: Speaking exam (21-23 minutes) which includes one stimulus card and the IRP discussion.
Unit 5 – Manifestations, grèves – à qui le pouvoir?
● Understand the important role of unions
● Consider the viewpoints of political parties regarding immigration
● Consider immigration from the standpoint of immigrants, as well as aspects of racism
● Examine different groups who are socially marginalised
● Discuss prison and its merits and problems
● Consider how we can promote diversity to create a richer world
Unit 1 – Les aspects positifs d’une société diverse
● Discuss the future of politics and political engagement
● Discuss different attitudes towards strikes, protests and other political tensions
Unit 2 – Quelle vie pour les marginalisés?
Unit 4 – Les ados, le droit de vote et l’engagement politique
● Consider contrasting attitudes to people who are marginalised
● Discuss some of the political issues concerning immigration in francophone countries

Paper 1: Written exam which assesses all aspects of life in French society studied throughout the course (2 hours 30 minutes). Paper 2: Written exam covering translation and one essay question on the book or film, which you have studied (2 hours).
Unit 3 – Comment on traite les criminels
● Examine different attitudes to crime
● Discuss arguments relating to the vote and examine the French political system and its evolution
● Talk about strikes and protests and consider different methods of protesting
Unit 6 – La politique et l‘immigration
● Consider the benefits of living in an ethnically diverse society
If the answer is yes to these questions, then think seriously about studying Modern Foreign Languages in the Sixth Form.
● Discuss engagement levels of young people and their influence on politics
Do you like to discuss subjects close to your heart and engage in passionate debates about them? Do you want to extend and increase your knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the French language?
● Discuss measures to help those who are marginalised
● Consider alternative forms of punishment
● critical thinking skills of different contexts and sources
● listen, understand and respond to spoken passages from a range
● communicate spontaneously in French
Doria lives in the the Paradise estate, only a few metro stops from the heart of Paris, but here it's a whole different kind of France. Doria's father, the Beard, has headed back to their hometown in Morocco, leaving her and her mother to cope with their mektoub—their destiny—alone. They have a little help from a social worker sent by the city, a psychiatrist sent by the school, and a thug friend who recites Rimbaud. It seems like fate’s dealt them an impossible hand, but Doria might still make a new life. She'll prove the estates aren't only about rap, football, and religious tension. She’ll take the Arabic word kif-kif (same old, same old) and mix it up with the French verb kiffer (to really like something). Now she has a whole new motto: Kiffe Kiffe Tomorrow.
Book Study - Kiffe Kiffe Demain
● the ability to read and respond to a variety of texts

● summarising information from spoken and written sources
● the ability to translate material from French into English (and vice-versa)
Methods in differential equations and Modelling with differential equations. Applied topics covered will
Moments, Forces and Friction,
forces, Further
distributions, Central limit theorem and

Elastic strings and springs, Elastic
Further Mathematics is designed for students who have a real enthusiasm for Mathematics, many of whom will go on to degrees in Mathematics, engineering and the physical sciences. As its name suggests it studies those areas of Mathematics met in A Level and takes them to a higher level. will examine two new concepts in Pure Mathematics, Complex Numbers and Matrices as well as techniques in Algebra and Sequences. Further Mathematics is an additional Level qualification to the standard Mathematics A Level. 1 and 2 Pure Mathematics following topics be covered. Polar coordinates, Hyperbolic functions, include: Projectiles, Application of Kinematics, collisions in 2D, Geometric and negative binomial Probability functions. 3 focus on and technique on preparation for the summer examinations.
topics the
SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Apply mathematical skills to different situations ● Logical thinking ● Problem solving abilities ● Analyse information ADDITIONAL RESOURCES BSAK Maths Website ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT NEEDED ● Geometry set ● Scientific calculator - we recommends the Casio FX-991 EX calculator ● Having a device such as a tablet or laptop will be useful for accessing the course materials during lessons. SPECIFICATION LINK ASSESSMENTS The course consists of four externally examined papers all taken at the end of Year 13 Paper 1: Further Mathematics 1 - Written examination: 1 hour and 30 minutes 25% of the qualification 75 Papermarks2:Further Mathematics 2 - Written examination: 1 hour and 30 minutes 25% of the qualification 75 Papermarks3:Further Mechanics 1 - Written examination: 1 hour and 30 minutes 25% of the qualification 75 Papermarks 4: Further Statistics 1 - Written examination: 1 hour and 30 minutes 25% of the qualification 75 marks
The course is linear, with all three examinations at the end of Year 13.
Paper 2- Human Geography elements - 30% of the A Level.
Water cycle, human and natural factors that impact on water cycling, consequences for water security and future water conflicts.
geography means you will gain a wide variety of knowledge that encompasses different subject areas. Although taught through human and physical geography, you will delve into history, economics, cultural, social and science subjects. You will gain a varied knowledge that will allow you to keep your options open in regards to any further studies you want to pursue or the career you want to follow.
At BSAK we study the EDEXCEL Geography A Level. Our aim is to produce critical thinkers, who understand and value the world in which we live. Employers and universities see geography as a robust academic subject rich in skills, knowledge and understanding. As a subject linking the arts and the sciences it is highly flexible in terms of what you can combine it with at A StudyingLevel.
Topic 5: The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity
● Intellectual skills, such as critically evaluating theories and judging evidence in order to make informed decisions and to develop reasoned arguments
● Research skills, such as using a range of technical methods for the collection and analysis of spatial and environmental data, and undertaking fieldwork
Students are required to attend 4 days of fieldwork and data collection throughout the course and will carry out independent investigation and data collection for their NEA (coursework) section.
Topic 6: The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security

Carbon cycle, human and natural factors impacting on carbon cycling, the consequences for ecosystems and management strategies. Physical Systems and Sustainability.
Topic 7: Superpowers
Paper 1- Physical Geography elements -30% of the A Level;
Students will be assessed throughout using knowledge checkers, timed essay questions, end of EQ topic tests
Geography is the study of the World in which we live.
● Transferable skills, such as teamwork, problem solving, IT skills, communication skills (presentation, writing, debating)
Paper 3- Synoptic exam based on a geographical issue- 20% of the A Level.
Paper 4- NEA (non examined assessment) a coursework element based on a fieldwork investigation- 20% of the A Level.
Migration, Identity and Sovereignty- globalisation and how it has led to increased migration and its impacts, how nations states are defined and how they have evolved in a globalizing world, impact of global organisations on managing global issues and conflicts and threats to national sovereignty in a globalized world.
The course is split into physical and human geography of equal weighting. There is also a synoptic element which helps students make links between topics. The breakdown of the topics are as follows:
The reasons for shifting economic and political power, the Impacts of superpowers, influence of superpowers in governing the global commons.
Topic 8: Global Development and Connections
Year 12 and Year 13 Assessment Objective Descriptors:
A04 Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.
Students are required to create a dynamic personal portfolio of visual and creative experimentation and inquiry through the use of traditional and digital media, materials, techniques and processes.
AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.
Component 2: (Externally Set Assignment – ESA)
Component 1 and Component 2 are internally assessed and moderated. C1 and C2 are then externally moderated/standardised by Edexcel.
The assessment descriptors (AO1/AO2/AO3/AO4) are used to assess both Component 1 and 2. Students will receive continuous assessment feedback and support throughout the course. Students are intrinsically involved in critical analysis of their own work and the work of their peers.
AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.
This component is weighted 40% of the total qualification. This component incorporates two major elements: Preparatory studies and the 15–hour period of sustained focus. This externally set assignment represents the opportunity for students to draw together all the knowledge, understanding and skills developed throughout Year 12 and Year 13. The externally set assignment consists of one broad-based thematic starting point to which students respond by developing a portfolio of practical work and final outcomes.
This component is weighted 60% of the total qualification. This component incorporates three major elements: Supporting studies, practical work and a personal study. Students will receive various starting points for exploration of their own personal investigation. This will take the form of creative investigations through sketchbooks and refined experimenting with media to create a portfolio of work leading to a range of outcomes. Component 1 runs through Year 12 and Year 13.
AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.
You will learn about graphic designers and design movements and use these to develop personal aesthetic and intellectual concepts. Editorial design, logo development, experimental typography and infographics will be creatively investigated.
Component 1: (Portfolio)
The Graphic Design Edexcel course is based on the personal investigation of Graphic Design language. Typography, design composition and visual relationship between text, image and space from the foundations of this course.

● Connective and non-connective ideas and concept development

● Black Fine liners - different sizes.
● Digital media is or can be used widely on the course - Access to Adobe Creative Suite is recommended - please talk to your teacher before purchasing
● Basic paint sets - watercolour and acrylic - maybe oils - but are expensive so best to wait.
● Wider appreciation of contextual and cultural themes, Graphic Design and Art History
● Eraser, sharpener, ruler - (For home use scissors) we do not recommend carrying sharp items around school.
● Interpretative, emotional, social and moral consideration
Whilst the Art Department has excellent facilities, equipment, materials and provision, it is highly recommended that all Fine Art Students have general art based equipment.
● Drawing pencils - HB/2B/3B/4B/9B.
● Development of art based traditional and contemporary processes, materials and techniques
● Observational, drawing and mark making skills - Design rules/hierarchy and typography
● Creativity - risk taking
● Strong visual awareness and visual communication skills
● Development, exploration and inclusion of refined Visual and Written Literacy
● Visual, digital and verbal communication, presentation and critique skills
● Paint brushes - watercolour and Acrylic.
All students will have the opportunity to work with outside artists and have numerous opportunities to display artwork in internal and external exhibitions and participate in collaborative projects with external agencies. Current creative partnerships include the British Council, British Embassy, The Future Centre, Special Olympics Committee, Etihad Modern Art Gallery, Warehouse 421 (New Beginnings – Abu Dhabi schools exhibition) and The Club Gallery (BSAK Young Artists and Designers)
● Stalin’s Rule, 1929–1953
Unit 1: The Tudors: England, 1485–1603 (40% of overall grade)
● Henry VIII 1509–1547
● Economy and society, 1929–1941
You will need to enjoy forming arguments and be careful in selecting evidence to support them. As a department, we help individuals to develop clear, concise and accurate powers of expression, orally and on paper.
● Edward VI and Mary I during the ‘The Mid-Tudor Crisis’, 1547–1563
Part two:
Part one:
Term 2
Internal, termly assessments on the skills and topics covered in each taught unit of work.
Two A Level exams (one for each of the taught units, 2 hour 30 minutes each).
Students study AQA History A Level. The course contains two taught units, each delivered by a different member of staff. There is also an independent Non Exam Assessment (Coursework) component.
● Bolshevik consolidation, 1918–1924
● Elizabeth I 1563–1603
Term 1
● Stalin’s rise to power, 1924–1929
Term 3
Non-Examined Unit (coursework): A 4000 word assignment to be completed during Year 13.
● The Great Patriotic War and Stalin’s Dictatorship, 1941–1953
In the latter part of Year 12 and early Year 13 students undertake an independent study of around 4,000 words on an aspect of African-American History over a period of 100 years.
● Dissent and Revolution, 1917
Part two - England: turmoil and triumph
Unit 2: Revolution and dictatorship: Russia, 1917–1953 (40% of overall grade)

Part one - Consolidation of the Tudor Dynasty:
● The Russian Revolution and the Rise of Stalin, 1917–1929
Unit 3 - Independent Study: USA Civil Rights 18651 - 1965 (20% of overall grade)
● Stalinism, politics and control, 1929–1941
We are looking for students who wish to read, to research independently, who enjoy questioning, discussing and arguing in small groups and who can react intelligently and critically.
● Henry VII 1485–1509
● Hadeeth memorisation.
The Ministry of Education course builds on students’ understanding and awareness of Islam, developed throughout the Ministry curriculum which begins in Year 1.
Topics covered in Year 13 include: Surat Al- Noor, Creative Thinking in Islam, Fiqh (Understanding), explaining the concept of Fiqh (Understanding) of Priorities, Globalization, The Prophet PBUH’s methodology in healthcare. Prohibited sales, National Service as a Sharia duty and a National Requirement.
Students take their final Islamic Studies exam at the end of Year 13. Passing the exam is a requirement to receive an Equivalency Certificate from the Abu Dhabi Education Council, which certifies that a student has completed their secondary education.
● Knowledge and application of Islamic values in real life situations.
● End of term exam
Islamic Studies is compulsory for all Muslim students in Year 13, as per UAE law and Ministry of Education guidelines, whether they are an Arabic speaker or not, and regardless of nationality.
● Holy Quranic pronunciation and recitation.

● Students in Year 13 will undertake the Ministry of Education Islamic Studies Exam at the end of the academic year.
An Equivalency Certificate is required for entry to UAE universities and for employment in some UAE government or semi governmental organisations. Further information is available directly from ADEK customer services
● Understanding of acts of worship and basic rules of dealings.
● Half term test
● Learn different rulings related to the five pillars of Islam
● MOE Exam
As per the Ministry of Education curriculum, the course covers a range of topics that allow students to:
● Memorising some verses from the Holy Quran and the Hadith
This is a course within the UAE for all those of Muslim faith. Students follow the Ministry of Education curriculum with additions and adaptations to meet their learning needs.
● Understanding of acts of worship and basic rules of dealings
● Understanding and comprehension for the significance of the the Holy Quran and Hadith
The Islamic values education curriculum called for focus on personality and character development of students, close attention to the real needs and concerns of students, and preparation of students with the critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed to function successfully as Muslims in society.
● Ministry textbooks and the teacher’s own resources
● The rules of recitation for the Holy Quran

● Learn about the life of Prophets and their companions
● Practice recitation and memorisation of the Holy Quran and Hadith
● Half term Exam
● End of term Exam
● We support students who experience a range of specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia. Other students have difficulties with speech, language and communication, managing anxiety or social relationships.
● Sixth Form students who have largely embedded their strategies for increasing autonomy throughout secondary school, continue to be monitored, tracked and mentored by the department. In some cases, classes are also scheduled to ensure continuous well-being. Learning Support remains a hub for space and support for all our students, many of whom have worked alongside us in secondary school and remain a welcome part of our cohort.
Two of our main priorities are showing students how to persevere when they experience difficulties, and that there should be no limit to their aspirations, whatever those may be, whether achieving an award in Music or winning a Poetry performance competition. Together we create a secure learning environment so that students acquire the courage to take risks and accept challenges. They realise that they are expected to try their best, to stretch themselves and that the Learning Support team is there to help them to build a reliable problem-solving repertoire.

The Learning Support teachers and assistants are patient, dedicated and experienced in finding solutions to the difficulties faced by young learners in busy classrooms. We like to help students build on their strengths and reach their goals in a practical, sensible way.
● Learning is active and enjoyable, and develops visual and auditory processing, phonological skills, memory and concentration.
● Learning Support students follow personalised programme of study during which they work on reading techniques to develop a love of reading and to enable them to read actively for different purposes. They learn how to plan and shape their writing to meet a range of requirements, and to improve their technical accuracy. They also learn techniques to help them cope with examinations, alternative revision skills and how to manage their workload more effectively.
BSAK has a resourceful and friendly Learning Support team to help students from the age of eleven to eighteen.
● We provide targeted interventions in order to equip students with the necessary literacy and numeracy skills to access the curriculum to the best of their ability and with confidence.
Mathematics A Level it the and develops the ideas further. It is particularly suited to enjoy and logical reasoning.
builds on
topics covered at GCSE
provides students with a

The course thorough grounding in the mathematical and techniques often in the workplace. The logic and reasoning skills developed by studying A Level Mathematics make sure the qualification is widely respected even in non-mathematical arenas.
problem solving, computation
students who
The Course is split into Pure and Applied Mathematics. The Pure topics make up 2/3 of the course whilst the Applied content makes up 1/3 of the course.
is both challenging and rewarding as
Throughout each term students will cover Pure and Applied Mathematics topics, when these are covered can be found in more detail here A Level Mathematics at BSAK
SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Apply mathematical skills to different situations ● Logical thinking ● Problem solving abilities ● Analyse information ADDITIONAL RESOURCES BSAK Maths Website ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT NEEDED ● Geometry set ● Scientific calculator - we recommends the Casio FX-991 EX calculator ● Having a device such as a tablet or laptop will be useful for accessing the course materials during lessons. SPECIFICATION LINK ASSESSMENTS Paper 1: Pure Mathematics 1 | 33% | 2 hours | 100 marks Paper 2: Pure Mathematics 2 | 33% | 2 hours | 100 marks Paper 3: Statistics and Mechanics | 33% | 2 hours | 100 marks Section A: Statistics (50 marks) Section B: Mechanics (50 marks)
The CIE A-Level Media Studies course is rare in the current qualification landscape in that it uses a non-linear assessment structure. This means students will be assessed at the end of years 12 and 13, receiving an AS Level at the end of the course’s first year – excellent for students who may not stay for Year 13. Coursework accounts for 50% of the assessment in each year – ideal for those students who perhaps struggle with exam pressures.
● Moderated externally by Cambridge International

The course helps to develop student’s research, analytical skills and problem solving as well as their creativity. Students will also extend their practical skills in their chosen medium, building their capacity for independent research, and gaining a deeper appreciation and understanding of the role media plays in day-to-day life.
Students work individually to produce one of the following from the set brief provided by CIE. Music promotion package • Film promotion package • Documentary package • Short film package
Media is a subject that students are using every day and that is a hugely motivating element in the classroom. At BSAK we aim to build on student’s experiences as media consumers.
A Level (Year 13) Component 3: Advanced Portfolio Coursework
Students will build on the skills developed at AS to complete a professional portfolio of work using a range of media technologies to produce an integrated marketing campaign using one of the set briefs from Eachabove.student will produce an individual blog to record their research, planning, independent learning and production skills. Students will also develop their critical thinking skills by reflecting production decisions, problem solving and time management throughout their practical production process.
● 50% coursework and 50% exam
Component 4: Critical Perspectives (Examination)
The examination is two hours long. Students are required to answer three questions. The unit is marked out of a total of 60, with each question in Section A marked out of 15 marks and the question in Section B marked out of 30 marks. There are two sections to this paper.
● 25% of A Level grade assessed by teachers
● Constructing narratives
● Graphics and typography
● Working on a client brief
● Setting up a blog

● Research and planning
● Postmodern media
Section B: Media Ecology
● Media Regulation
● Web Design
● Time management
Whilst the Media Department has excellent facilities, equipment, materials, and provision, it is highly recommended that all Media Students have a quality camera to take photos as well as make short films.
● Power and the media
● Filmmaking - camera angles and movement, single camera shoot
● Study independently
● Independent & secondary research
● Editing Techniques – transitions, slow motion rough/final cuts
Section A: Media Debates
Students will be expected to answer two questions from a choice of three. There will be one question for each topic: (At BSAK we teach Postmodern Media and Power and The Media).
Section B is synoptic, requiring students to synthesise their knowledge and understanding of the key concepts of language, representation, industry, and audience, studied throughout the course. Students are expected to adapt and apply this knowledge and understanding to contemporary examples from at least two media forms to explore evolving media environments. Students should answer the question referring to at least two media forms.
MELS The Sixth Form MELS curriculum aims to support our students develop life skills and an aptitude to face every day and extraordinary situations with more confidence; it supports academic learning and helps the school to promote the social, moral, cultural and spiritual development of our students, allowing them to take responsibility for their own social, physical and mental health. Students are encouraged to reflect on their own values and ideologies and consider them in respect to others and how they can live and work effectively together. COURSE CONTENT ● How to establish a successful Sixth Form mindset (through the VESPA model) ● Global/UAE Citizenship ● Ethics and Moral Education ● Life Skills & Well-Being SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Emotional intelligence ● Perseverance ● Time-management ● University & Life skills (e.g. cooking, budgeting, banking, consent etc) ● Risk taking, stress management & conflict resolution SETTING MELS is taught once per week in form groups. NO ASSESSMENTS

The AQA A Level Music course is a two year linear course consisting of three components:
The social aspects of playing and performing in ensembles, along with the academic skills related to studying Music theory and Music history, all make a Music student’s skill set highly desirable to universities wishing to recruit students onto a wide range of courses.
Component 3: Composition (25% of the A Level marks)
Students must submit 2 compositions, a minimum of four and a half minutes in total:
Component 1: Appraising Music (40% of the A Level marks)
Students must submit a solo and/or ensemble performance (at Grade 7 standard or above) lasting a minimum of ten minutes.
Universities look favourably on students who have studied Music as one of their A Levels due the substantial range of skills that are required; the self-discipline to learn an instrument, the commitment to systematic and regular practice, and the creativity necessary for composing.
Students will learn to appraise and analyse music across a range of selected styles in preparation for a listening exam, during which they complete written questions using excerpts of music relating to the chosen Areas of Study.
Component 2: Performance (35% of the A Level marks)
● 1 composed to a given brief
using key
● Use of composing software, such as Sibelius and Musescore
● Solo and ensemble performance skills
Students will have access to a variety of performance opportunities, both in school and in the local community. All students are expected to participate in our extensive after school Music programme.
Both the performance and composition components are submitted as coursework and are externally assessed at the end of Year 13. This equates to 60% of the course. The final 40% is assessed in the end of course exam which is also externally marked.
● 1 free composition
● Listening and appraising music musical terminology
● Music analysis essay writing

Term 1 Term 2 End of year exam
AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.
AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.
Year 12 and Year 13 Assessment Objective Descriptors:
COURSE ComponentCONTENT1:(Portfolio)

Component 2: (Externally Set Assignment - ESA)
The assessment descriptors (AO1/AO2/AO3/AO4) are used to assess both Component 1 and 2. Students will receive continuous assessment feedback and support throughout the course. Students are intrinsically involved in critical analysis of their own work and the work of their peers.
This component is weighted 40% of the total qualification. This component incorporates two major elements: Preparatory studies and the 15–hour period of sustained focus. This externally set assignment represents the opportunity for students to draw together all the knowledge, understanding and skills developed throughout Year 12 and Year 13. It consists of one broad-based thematic starting point to which students respond by developing a portfolio of practical work and final outcome(s).
This component is weighted 60% of the total qualification. This component incorporates three major elements: Supporting studies, practical work and a personal study. Students will receive various starting points for exploration of their own personal investigation. This will take the form of creative investigations through sketchbooks and refined experimenting with media to create a portfolio of work leading to a range of outcomes. Component 1 runs through Year 12 and Year 13.
A04 Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.
Photography is used by practitioners to record, document and present visual representation of everyday life, in ordinary and extraordinary circumstances. It is also used as a vehicle for artistic expression and for communicating personal ideas about the world around us. Students will reflect on, refine and apply the observations they make with a camera, and determine which tools or techniques are most appropriate in their exploration of ideas. They will also consider the application and implications of new and emerging technologies that can be used to create personal and thought provoking responses.
AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.
● Observational, drawing and mark making skills - Design rules/hierarchy and typography
Term 1
Year 12 and Year 13 Assessment Objective Descriptors:
A04 Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.
● Development of art based traditional and contemporary processes, materials and techniques.
● Wider appreciation of contextual and cultural themes. Graphic Design and Art History
● Development, exploration and inclusion of refined Visual and Written Literacy
● Visual, digital and verbal communication, presentation and critique skills
AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.
AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.
The assessment descriptors (AO1/AO2/AO3/AO4) are used to assess both Component 1 and 2. Students will receive continuous assessment feedback and support throughout the course. Students are intrinsically involved in critical analysis of their own work and the work of their peers.
● Connective and non-connective ideas and concept development

● Strong visual awareness and visual communication skills
Term 2
AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.
● Creativity - risk taking
End of year exam
All students will have the opportunity to work with outside artists and have numerous opportunities to display artwork in internal and external exhibitions and participate in collaborative projects with external agencies. Current creative partnerships include The British Council, The British Embassy, The Future Centre, Special Olympics Committee, Etihad Modern Art Gallery, Warehouse 421 (New Beginnings – Abu Dhabi schools exhibition) and The Club Gallery (BSAK Young Artists and Designers)
● Interpretative, emotional, social and moral consideration
maintain a
and Development
Holistic Physical Education allows the students to develop their physical fitness, sporting performance, coaching & Leadership skills and knowledge of Sports Science.
● We also have the option of girls only activities led by a female member of the team.
Term 1

Term 3
● Exercising safely and effectively
Term 2
Blue BSAK PE Kit
● In term 2 students are given a choice. However, this time we offer a new range of activities from term 1.
● Performing at maximal levels
● Outwitting opponents
Sixth form PE is about students getting time away from the classroom setting. They are allowed to pick their activities. Therefore, they will develop their health and well being in a fun and enjoyable way. PE is compulsory due to the health benefits associated with the lesson.
Providing students opportunities to improve their health & well-being the knowledge to healthy, lifestyle their lifetime.
● Improved Fitness in Components of Fitness
● To personalise the learning and get maximum enjoyment and motivation, we allow the students to select what activities they wish to do.
● Students are given the choice of six different activities and they are allowed to choose what they wish to do. This is to ensure maximum enjoyment and engagement.
● Accurate replication of performance
● Reduced Stress levels and improved confidence
● We have both individual and team sports offered. Examples are Badminton and Basketball.
and have
● If students really enjoyed a specific term 1 activity, we do have the option to carry that into term 2.
At A Level, students will start to see how these ideas work and link together, and they will start to develop a deeper understanding of the universal principles that define the behaviour of everything from the smallest sub-atomic particles right up to the largest galaxies and beyond.
Term Year 12 and Year 13 feature allowing to demonstrate investigative skills in the context of the Core Investigations. competency will be assessed by teachers when completing practical work. This will form the basis for the award of a Practical Endorsement at A Level. This is separate to the A Level grade and if awarded, will be reported as a ‘Pass’ on an A Level certificate.

We are currently delivering the new Edexcel A Level Physics (2015) course. This is a linear qualification, meaning students requiring a full qualification in A Level Physics will sit all three exams at the end of Year
Physics is the study of everything, from the outer reaches of the Universe, right down to what is inside the nucleus of every atom. Students will have already come across some of the key concepts at GCSE such as Forces, Energy, Waves, Radioactivity, Electricity and Magnetism.
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES More information on the breakdown of topics and resources can be found on the BSAK Physics website: BSAK Physics website SPECIFICATION LINK Asdf ● asdf ASSESSMENTS Students will sit three external exams at the end of Year 13. A Level Paper 1 – Advanced Physics I (90 marks - 30% weighting - 1 hour 45 minutes) Working as a Physicist • Mechanics • Electric Circuits • Further Mechanics • Electric and Magnetic Fields • Nuclear and Particle Physics A Level Paper 2 – Advanced Physics II (90 marks - 30% weighting - 1 hour 45 minutes) • Working as a Physicist • Materials • Waves and the Particle Nature of Light • Thermodynamics • Space • Nuclear Radiation • Gravitational Fields • Oscillations A Level Paper 3 – General and Practical Principles in Physics (120 marks - 40% weighting - 2 hours 30 minutes) • All topics across the full A Level specification. • Half of the paper will also focus on testing students’ knowledge and understanding of practical skills and techniques. Practical Endorsement Exam papers will
The13. content will build on the physics studied in Year 13, with more contemporary topics such as Particle Physics being studied. There will be a much heavier emphasis on the application of knowledge and understanding to unfamiliar situations throughout Year 13.
Skills and technical
1 Further mechanics, electric and magnetic fields, nuclear and particle physics Term 2 Thermodynamics, nuclear radiation, gravitational fields, space and oscillations Term 3 Revision and review of all work from
● An understanding of the physical and mechanical properties of a broad range of materials and components and why these are used in specific applications.
Students will investigate historical, social, cultural, environmental and economic influences on design and technology, whilst enjoying opportunities to put their learning in to practice by producing products of their choice. Students will gain a real understanding of what it means to be a designer, alongside the knowledge and skills sought by higher education and employers.
● The ability to work independently in a workshop and design studios.
● Develop an understanding of contemporary design and technological practices and consider the uses and effects of new technologies and modern materials

● Develop and sustain imagination, innovation and flair when working with concepts and materials
● Particular emphasis on the life-cycle of products including manufacture, use and disposal.
● Develop thinking skills, financial capability, enterprise and entrepreneurial skills
● Initiate design solutions, develop, test and trial working models and prototypes
● A good understanding of the methods by which materials and components can be manipulated to manufacture products.
Continuous feedback in line with exam board regulations will take place throughout the year and a formal externally assessed exam will conclude the course at the end of the academic year.
In Year 13, the course focuses on a substantial design and make project which is externally assessed. The nature of the project will be developed by the student and will involve discussions with a real client and include observations and data collection of a real situation.
This creative and thought provoking qualification gives students the practical skills, theoretical knowledge and confidence to succeed in a number of careers - especially those in the creative industries.
The Product Design A Level course offers students the opportunity to study, propose and realise prototype solutions closely linked to the real world of product manufacture in a range of material areas. It will also promote the ability of students to:
Psychology is the scientific study of people: how they think, act, react and interact with each other. Psychologists work in academic settings and in many aspects of public life, such as education, health, the economy, industry, the media and government. Applications are diverse and cover subjects such as Post-Traumatic Stress in soldiers and civilians, learning and behavioural difficulties in children, police procedures for interviewing eyewitnesses and improving performance in athletes. COURSE CONTENT Unit 3: Topics in Psychology You will study three topics, one from each of the following groups: (Please note that this selection is made by the teacher, not individual students). Option 1 Relationships, Gender or Cognition and development Option 2 - Schizophrenia, Eating Behaviour or Stress Option 3 – Aggression, Forensic Psychology or Addiction SKILLS DEVELOPED ● an understanding of human behaviour ● application of psychological knowledge ● evaluation of concepts and studies ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONRESOURCESLINK ASSESSMENTS Psychology is a linear A Level and examined by three papers, each lasting 2 hours, at the end of Year 13. All papers carry equal weighting (33% of the final marks) Paper 1: Introductory Topics in Psychology Paper 2: Psychology in Context Paper 3: Topics in Psychology

● Understand the impact of the civil war. Discuss life under Franco’s dictatorship. Describe and discuss the changes from monarchy and republic to dictatorship
● Understand and describe the different ways cultures integrate in Hispanic society
● Discuss dictatorships in Latin America, particularly in Panama, Chile and Argentina
Do you like to discuss subjects close to your heart and engage in passionate debates about them? Do you want to extend and increase your knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the Spanish language?
● Discuss the positive and negative aspects of immigration
● Describe the transition from dictatorship to monarchy
Paper 1: Written exam which assesses all aspects of life in Hispanic society studied throughout the course (2 hours 30 minutes).
● Learn more about immigration in the Spanish-speaking world
Paper 3: Speaking exam (21-23 minutes) which includes one stimulus card and the IRP discussion.
If the answer is yes to these questions, then think seriously about studying modern foreign languages in the Sixth Form.
● Look at existing legislation against racism. Discuss possible new legislation
● Understand and discuss measures to combat racism and their effectiveness
Paper 2: Written exam covering translation and one essay question on the book or film, which you have studied (2 hours).
● Discuss the importance of politics in young people’s lives. Understand why their attitude to politics is changing
● Discuss what problems illegal migrants might face
● Discuss the unemployment situation amongst young people nowadays and how it is affecting them
● Describe and discuss racist and xenophobic attitudes in the Spanish-speaking world

● Understand and describe the issues surrounding the integration of different cultures within the sphere of education
Unit 1 – La inmigración
Unit 3 – La convivencia
Unit 2 – El racismo
● Understand and describe the coexistence of various religions in the Hispanic world Unit 4 – Jóvenes de hoy, ciudadanos del mañana
● Describe and discuss the type of society young people in the Hispanic world want to live in Unit 5 – Monarquías y dictaduras
● Describe and discuss the power of trade unions
● Consider and discuss the effectiveness of protests and strikes
● To listen, understand and respond to spoken passages from a range of different contexts and sources
Film Study: Volver
● To communicate spontaneously in Spanish
Unit 6 – Movimientos populares
● To summarise information from spoken and written sources
● To read and respond to a variety of texts

Volver is a 2006 Spanish comedy-drama film written and directed by Pedro Almodóvar. Headed by actress Penélope Cruz, Volver is about women, women, and women, which is quite refreshing. Not only are there almost no male characters, but men, with one very significant exception, don’t factor into the film by their absence either. This movie is all about the relationships between mothers, daughters, sisters and female friends and is at times funny, at times heartwarming, and at times tragic. In typical fashion, Almodóvar incorporates affairs, murder, and ghosts without batting an eye or becoming melodramatic. The staging of scenes, the interacting between the actresses, and the cinematography are all brilliant.
● To translate material from Spanish into English (and vice-versa)
● Consider and discuss the 15-M Movement in Spain and the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo in Argentina
Book Study: Chronicles of a Foretold Death:
Chronicle of a Death Foretold is a novella by Gabriel García Márquez, published in 1981. The book was inspired by real-life events which took place during the 1950s, in a small Colombian coastal town called Sucre. It tells, in the form of a pseudo-journalistic reconstruction, the story of the murder of Santiago Nasar by the Vicario twins. The story itself is quite simple but in reality is dominated by the elusiveness of love and filled with cultural customs, clashes, illusions, and ambivalence.
● Unit 12 - Applied Sports Anatomy & Physiology
Units Covered In Year 13:
● Research and academic writing skills

● Study independently
● The BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Sport is the equivalent to two A Levels and it is expected you will undertake this qualification alongside one additional A Level of your choice.
Students submit a portfolio of evidence for each unit of work. This is internally assessed by teachers and externally moderated by BTEC representatives. Learners will also be assessed by practical observations, activities and presentations completed over the two years.
● Time management
● Unit 20 - Practical Sports Performance These units will give the students a true breadth of study. They will understand the theoretical concepts that underpin performance and be aware of how to implement an improvement strategy based on the efficiency of human mechanics.
● Interview skills
● A BTEC is an applied learning qualification in which students acquire knowledge, skills and understanding through practical, work related activities.
This qualification will provide students with the opportunity to enter employment in the Sports industry or to progress to higher education qualifications such as a degree in Sports Science.
If you would like to work with elite athletes or pursue a career in professional sport, this course will provide a pathway at the highest level. Due to this being a 2020 specification all the information is current in terms of Sports Science.
● Unit 2 - Health, Wellbeing & Sport
● Unit 1 - Careers In The Sport & Active Leisure Industry