Issue 84 - Bsale Business for Sale eMagazine - Nov/Dec 2022

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33. A
39. ARE
43. 5
52. WHY
54. WHY
59. THE

Strategically Buying

It’s the last edition of the year and what a way to wrap it up!

Our team has packed this Bsale eMagazine full of information to assist business owners in strategically buying a business so they can continue to grow! Traditional methods of marketing and growing your business internally are not the only paths to increased sales and profits.

Mergers and acquisitions are commonly seen in business sales above $3,000,000 but can be a great way to grow a business of any size.

We take you through the benefits, how to go about it, and what it can mean for your business's success. Leading business brokers and allied professionals share their advice. They are at the forefront of M&A deals and know how to get it done, and get it done right.

Featured on the cover of this edition is the highly awarded Catherine Jones. As part of a family business, she has seen great success over the past year. Catherine shares her journey to becoming a business broker, why she enjoys helping owners and advice for anyone looking to sell a business.

With the festive season soon upon us, we wish all of our clients, readers and buyers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Support small business, buy local and enjoy your local cafe or restaurant.

Have a safe and happy holiday season,

Vanessa Lovie

EXPERTS AT BUSINESS SALES AND VALUATIONS. Our team has well in excess of 100 years of business experience and have a track record of achieving great outcomes for our clients. We understand where you are coming from, our brokers have owned, operated and some have even sold their own businesses. We have walked in your shoes and look forward to helping you. Business Brokers | Business Sales | Franchise Sales | Business Valuations | Business Appraisals Exit Planning | Mergers & Acquisitions | Franchise Recruitment | Buyers Advocate Phone. 07 5372 8468 Email. Phone 08 8338 3833 Email 63 Devereux Road, Linden Park, 5165, SA Business Sales Business Appraisals and Reports Advisory service to Vendors, Purchasers, Accountants and Valuers Preparation of all relative documentation for the sale of a business Links with Conveyancers and Lawyers for transactions including business, commercial, industrial and residential real estate Sale of Houses, Commercial and Industrial properties - trading as Adelaide Land and Properties The ABS Business Sales team brings with it a wealth of experience and practical, first-hand knowledge in business sales, business mergers & acquisitions, over a diverse range of industry sectors. Whether you are considering an exit strategy by selling your business or you are looking to purchase one, be assured that our energetic team can guide you through the long and complex process ahead. We will assist with your preliminary research, help you identify and evaluate your business options, and of course bring our vast experience of previous business sales to the negotiation table. Phone 07 3368 4010 Email 4

the finance broker for business owners

N e e d h e l p s e c u r i n g f i n a n c e ?

B u s i n e s s e s c o m e i n a l l s h a p e s a n d s i z e s .

F r o m s t a r t u p s t o b u s i n e s s e s t h a t h a v e b e e n r u n n i n g f o r g e n e r a t i o n s , w e ’ v e h e l p e d c l i e n t s s e c u r e f u n d i n g f o r a l l s o r t s o f p u r c h a s e s .

O u r t e a m o f t r u s t e d f i n a n c e b r o k e r s w i l l p r o v i d e y o u w i t h a s t r a t e g y a n d a r e a l i s t i c t i m e f r a m e b a s e d o n o u r m a n y y e a r s o f e x p e r i e n c e w o r k i n g w i t h b u s i n e s s p u r c h a s e r s t o e n s u r e t h a t y o u h a v e t h e b e s t f u n d i n g o p t i o n a v a i l a b l e .

A l r e a d y i n b u s i n e s s ?

C a l l u s f o r a n o b l i g a t i o n f r e e c o n s u l t a t i o n t o s e e i f w e c a n a s s i s t y o u w i t h i m p r o v i n g y o u r e x i s t i n g f u n d i n g c o s t s , c a s h f l o w , p l a n t o r e q u i p m e n t f i n a n c i n g t h a t y o u n e e d

F i n a n c e s o l u t i o n s

U n s e c u r e d b u s i n e s s l o a n s C a s h f l o w l o a n s F i t o u t & E q u i p m e n t l o a n s C o m m e r c i a l p r o p e r t y l o a n s S e l f e m p l o y e d h o m e l o a n

us today
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a r t n e r . b r o k e r @ w i n q u o t e . c o m . a u


Growing a business is a challenging feat reserved only for the most driven owners. You may be contemplating solid plans and strategies for increasing your catchment area, revenue potential and the corresponding changes in staff size, as well as relocating to larger facilities. The ease of expanding a business through strategic acquisition is something that most owners first fail to recognise.

Acquiring another business gives you the flexibility to run a much larger operation. It brings with it an entirely new market, potentially expanded product lines or service capabilities, new talent and assets, a larger customer base and time savings.


Owners can fill significant gaps in their operations by acquiring a business as an expansion opportunity. These gaps could be in product or service offerings, talent acquisition, or lead generation. By bridging gaps through acquisition, owners can

ensure the future success of the business they purchased while contributing to the strengths of their existing operations.


Owners who acquire businesses with in-demand products or services they do not yet provide have a prime opportunity to break into a new market. It is conceivable for a business to enter a new market as its own operation. However, doing so generates competition that would not otherwise exist if the business owner simply acquired a complementary operation with an already strong market presence.


Entry into a new market is not the sole advantage of acquiring a business for expansion purposes. Along with the business comes its staff, as well as its plant and

P: 03 9819 4211


Steven Mostafa Business Sales Specialist | Licensed Estate Agent

equipment. Skilled and loyal staff members are difficult to come by these days – this is more true in the post-Covid world than ever before. It may also be quite costly to teach staff the duties they must perform daily.

By acquiring a business whose staff members will remain on board, an incoming owner is guaranteed a fully trained team who can handle operations successfully. A well-systemised business will also have staff independent of management, leaving the owner plenty of time to focus on other aspects of the operation that demand attention.

Acquiring a business also entails purchasing all the plant and equipment required for

operations. This eliminates the need for additional capital injection exceeding the funds utilised to acquire the business itself, which is an economic strategy for owners desirous of expanding their operations. The new plant and equipment could be used to serve the purposes of both operations, leading to a considerably stronger business.


Some customers are fiercely loyal, especially if the business they are dealing with has a history of satisfying their needs. Nothing can sway them to abandon their preferred business in favour of a competitor. In some cases, customers may also be unable to explore the market and find alternative businesses due to geographic limitations. Businesses may also fail to attract customers due to insufficient marketing efforts.

As such, the only option to ensure customer retention is to acquire businesses they actively support. A business with a loyal customer base is an excellent strategy for a growth-minded owner to secure a consistent revenue stream.


Starting a new product or service for your business is a complex process that will cost you

far more time, money and other resources than you are ready to spend. It will also have learning curves, which may present a number of challenges you were not anticipating.

Acquiring the capacity to offer a new product or service may be a simpler and more cost-effective strategy that you have not considered. Acquiring a business with the capabilities you seek to offer is not only practical and logical, but it also provides a shortcut to the much sought-after unparalleled service and expertise that many businesses desire.


Acquiring a business to bolster your existing operation offers a slew of astounding benefits that could aid your growth and expansion objectives. These include entering new markets, diversifying product and service offerings, securing loyal customers and recruiting skilled talent. As a result, strategic acquisition is a highly powerful strategy that any business owner should explore when planning on expanding operations.

Team Steven and Nadia have been multi award winning business brokers in LINK Australia’s Corporate Division for the last several years since both starting in 2015, previously specialising in the purchase and sale of businesses valued between $1 million - $10 million. Steven and Nadia have now progressed dramatically with their focus moving towards LINK Tier One Businesses and now focusing on large merger & acquisition deals with previously transacting a business at $31,000,000 in the Import Export space, as well as an $18,000,000 deal in the Construction sector. Since teaming up, these two young professionals have quickly developed a reputation as the “Dynamic Duo of Business Sales” and have been unstoppable in making even the most impossible sales possible! Their focus is currently $2,000,000 - $100,000,000 deal sizes Australia wide.

9819 4211
Nadia Polzella Business Sales Specialist
P: 03

From A Financing Perspective, Why Is Buying An Existing Business Advantageous?

Maybe you’re in a position where you can choose to either expand your current business or acquire an existing business for strategic growth. Which choice will be easier to secure finance from a lender in a timely manner?

While financing can be secured for either option, there are certain advantages when it comes to applying for business loans if you are looking to purchase an existing well-run business with a proven track record.

Lenders want you to succeed in business. They assess loan applications against multiple criteria – but chief among them is whether the applicant or the business in question has a proven track record.

From a financing perspective, there are several advantages to buying an existing business. A few of them are:


If part of your growth strategy is to purchase an existing business, you require an existing infrastructure. When it comes to assessing the financial risks of financing this purchase, a lender would be assured to see that the business already has a place of operations, technical staff, inventory and equipment, market share, and an existing customer base.

From a lender’s perspective, with an existing business, the market for the product or service has already been demonstrated over a period of time. An example of this might be a familyowned business where the principals are retiring after operating for decades, and the key technical staff will remain.

Meanwhile, choosing to expand your business means that you may be moving into a market where your

business does not yet have brand recognition or an existing customer base. You may need to start from scratch in building contacts, a team, a business plan, purchasing equipment, etc. for a new market.

This would be considered a higher risk to a lender due to the delay in the setup of your expansion.


A new venture, or even expanding a current venture, can take longer to build up the projected revenue and become profitable. The risk of failure is relatively higher.

Comparatively, a business that already has solid sales and profits mitigates the risk to the lender as it supports the increased borrowing immediately. If the business you are looking to acquire is well-run and has a proven track record, then a lender would be well-assured by the existing cash flow of the company regarding financing this acquisition.


When your current company’s business operation is highly profitable, has a strong balance sheet, and proven management skillset, securing funding is not always dependent on the cash flow of the new business being purchased. Lenders can instead approve financing on the strength of your current business value.

Your growth strategy ultimately depends on your unique position.

If you are looking to purchase another business or expand your current operations, we recommend speaking with a trusted finance specialist to discuss your options for securing finance.

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I built a seasoned Team based on an impeccable financial background that have the uncanny ability to provide modern SMEs with the solutions that fits their immediate need whilst having a strategy to work with our client to seek a more cost effective longer Term funding options . Clients appreciate my seasoned wholistic approach and our Teams fastacting and determined attitude. our fees.


options for securing finance.

"If you are looking to purchase another business or expand your current operations, we recommend speaking with a trusted finance specialist to
Vijay Reddy Director and Senior Partner at Winquote SME Finance


It’s a new chapter and a new direction for the Australian Institute of Business Brokers (AIBB) marked by the appointment of a new president, Andrew Morris.

Andrew has an extensive career in business, with a background in senior management and has been working for the last 10 years as a qualified business broker. As a successful business owner and broker in his own right, Andrew said he is “proud to be in this role” as president of the AIBB.

“As my daughter said to me, you’re coming to the end of your career, you have got to put something back in. I was never trained to be a business broker, I was always trained to be the managing director of companies, business broking was suddenly thrust in front of me.”

“I’m enjoying the opportunity because it brings me back into that management background that I’ve got,” Andrew said.

Comfortable in his role, Andrew said that moving forward the AIBB want to primarily focus on education and training.

“We’ve got to build it into a larger membership… education and training is a key part of what the AIBB is about and you’ve got to keep that education and training in a fun situation so look, there all important aspects of where we’re heading.”

“Education and training can be a boring topic, but part of what we’re looking at doing from a

board perspective, they’re doing the numbers at the moment to put an invitation out to our members to do an education and training trip to the US for their national conference, for the business broking forum.”

“So it’s not just a matter of ‘go and do a 3-hour module and learn this’ we’re trying to look outside of the box to make it more interesting for the members,” Andrew said.

There are many benefits to being a member of the AIBB ranging from access to resources, educational opportunities and more:

• Education and training events

• Online forums and discussion boards (with an option to join special interest groups)

• Business Broker Licence requirements

• Bizstats

• Member discounts for training and education events

• Networking opportunities via local meetings or the annual conference

• Certified Practicing Business Brokers (CPBB) Accreditation

• Registered Business Brokers (RBV) Accreditation

• Professional standards, skills and education

• Tools, templates and forms

• Keeping members informed: newsletters, blogs and webinars

“Education is so important, you don’t want to be stuck in a position where you are broking illegally. We are setting up an area where we will be monitoring these situations where brokers who are unlicensed and promoting and selling into other states, we’ll be taking that back to the office of fair trading,” Andrew said.

As Kevin Lovewell, the former chair of the AIBB Education and Training Committee told Bsale back in June:

“We seek to expand our knowledge to those who may not necessarily be members because we do believe that a rising tide lifts all boats,”.

Andrew shared similar sentiments saying that they have been reflecting on their constitution and want to “bring a lot more best practice compliance into the AIBB this year”.

As 2022 is coming to an end, aside from education and training, the AIBB is looking forward to plenty more networking opportunities in 2023. Due to covid, over the past couple of years, offline business networking activities have been cancelled, postponed or moved online.

There are a host of events being held by the AIBB in the remaining months of 2022, including Appraisal Days in each state, Christmas parties and CPD courses.

For 2023 keep an eye out for more education, training and networking events hosted by the AIBB and their sponsors.

Author: Caitlin Mary Bsale Journalist


Make sure to register or Save The Date, so you don't miss out on these upcoming events, with two well respected presenters, coving a variety of topics, this session is essential to all Business Brokers in the Industry.

This is open to all, AIBB members and non members alike, feel free to send the information to a colleague and have them join this event.

Not only is this a great opportunity to expand your knowledge base, it is also a chance to network in your industry. Some of these sessions have a social event following, make sure to click on your local event for all the information.

Please see below for information on your Apprasial Day Presenters, and further details about your State Appraisal Day. CLICK HERE to see when we are in your state.

Richard Wray


Richard has decades of experience at CFO level with large listed corporates, principally in the infrastructure, engineering and resources sectors. As a seasoned financial executive, he has extensive experience in the valuation, financing, acquisition, divestment and post-acquisition integration of complex businesses.

Richard has successfully assisted a wide range of clients with strategic growth planning and valuations together with a full range of transaction-based advisory work. He is a Chartered Accountant and Registered Business Valuer. He has lived and worked throughout Asia, Australia and New Zealand.


Appraisal Day Presenter

Stephen has been involved in pricing & selling small businesses since the late 1980s and has valued over 135 different types of businesses. He is a licensed business broker as well as a Registered Business Valuer (RBV) & Certified Machinery & Equipment Appraiser (CMEA)

He is the director of Cornerstone Business Sales & Valuations that operate as Business Valuers on behalf of business owners, accountants and solicitors in relation to:

• Family Law Matters

• Dissolution of partnerships

• Litigation Support

• Business Restructures

• Sale / Purchase of businesses

Stephen is an Honorary Life Member and Past National President of the Australian Institute of Business Brokers.

Appraisal Day/Bizstats Presenter


Mount Molley is a rural town located 55km from Cairns with a general store that has it all - highway exposure and a residence!

“With its great location along Mount Molloy’s main thoroughfare to the Gulf and Coast, this is a one-stop shop providing locals and visitors to the area alike with a convenience store, fuel station, cafe and post office services.” Listing agent Damon Falvo shares.

With the potential to purchase the business and freehold property it could be a great opportunity for someone looking to move to the area.

Forget your daily commute to work with an attached 2 bedroom residence making the transition even easier. Pack up your family and enjoy everything this small town has to offer and just 45min from Port Douglas you can enjoy your days off at the beach.

“This business with a 2 bedroom residence trades as Molloy General Store & Post Office and is highly suited to either the sole operator or a couple who are seeking a business of their own in a rural community setting - essentially not just the job, but the associated lifestyle that comes with it.”

Conveniently positioned on a corner street, the Molloy General Store & Post Office sees an incredible amount of foot traffic both from tourists, travellers and locals.

“Lovely people. Cleanest small store we have seen in our travels. Lovely fresh bread rolls.” Diane Reynolds

“Good little servo, very clean. An asset to the town.” a local shares.

Mount Molloy is part of the Mareeba Shire Council which is a growing, confident and sustainable Shire on the Atherton Tablelands in Far North Queensland. It is described as;

“A Shire of diversity with a vibrant, multicultural population and landscapes that vary from World Heritage Rainforest and breathtaking waterfalls to productive agricultural farms and cattle properties. The Shire’s estimated population of just over 22,000”

The Atherton Tablelands is home to some of Australia’s most stunning waterfalls. With Port Douglas and the Great Barrier Reef within an hours drive, it makes Mount Molloy a great lifestyle town to live.

This business is well established, which means, as the buyer you can walk in from day one and see cash flow, as the listing agent shares;

“With food safety certificates, retail licences, safety protocol and management procedures already in place, everything is set up and ready to go. The business is being sold on a Leasehold & SAV basissettle today and trade tomorrow.”

“Feel confident in your decision to be your own boss - this business has stood the test of time and benefits from its great location, existing local clientele and regular traveler traffic.”

The features of this one stop shop are too many list, full details can be found here.

ID: 582449
Author: Caitlin Mary Bsale Journalist
Contact: John Falvo Phone: 0408 456 344



P: 0401 067 488 E:

P. 03 9566 7300 E.

Tina Tzanopoulos and Elle Likopoulos from Absolute Business Brokers are ending 2022 on a high with an impressive accumulated 10 award nominations to their names. From Woman of the Year to Business Excellence Finalist, we would like to take a moment to celebrate women in business.

It is not the first time Elle Likopoulos, director of Absolute Business Broker, has had her hard work and success acknowledged, having received multiple awards

and accolades previously, including being awarded the AusMumpreneur for 2020, an award that she is a finalist for again this year.

Tina can’t speak highly enough of the support Elle has provided.

“To be completely honest, as not only our director but also my mentor and a friend, Elle has been an inspiration to me over the years as she has given me the confidence and support to grow professionally by opening doors

for me that I would not have had the opportunity to pursue otherwise,” Tina said.

“As a working mum of 4 herself, the support she has given not only to myself but to all of her staff in the office (we are a femalerun team) has led to the most incredible work environment where we have never been in a position that has involved us needing to make a choice over family or work. This has led to incredible team morale, we love coming to work!” Tina said.

Author: Caitlin Mary Bsale Journalist Tina Tzanopoulos Business Broker Elle Likopoulos Officer In Effective Control

Tina herself has been nominated for an impressive four 2022 Roar Awards:

• Business Rebel of the Year Finalist

• Business Growth Finalist

• Business Excellence Finalist

• Best Eco/Sustainable Business Finalist

“I am honestly blown away. Receiving not 1 but 4 nominations in my first full year as a Business Broker post-COVID was an extremely overwhelming feeling that I was also really proud of. After working alongside some of the best in the industry, I was given the opportunity to step out on my own this year. Being acknowledged and recognised for my hard work and dedication was extremely empowering. It represented the support I received from my colleagues in providing me with opportunities that accelerated my career growth.” Tina said.

A ‘Business Rebel’ is the game changer in their industry, somebody who bucks the trend and creates their niche. Tina was nominated for this award as a representative of Absolute Business Brokers for her work as an individual in supporting the company to make waves in the industry overall and “continuing to break down the barriers and walls put in place by generations before us.”

“As a company, Absolute Business Brokers is shattering the glass ceiling by providing women and mothers with a supportive and welcoming environment to create their own rules, be their own bosses and take control of their futures.”

“We are the only company in our industry that has broken this barrier and become a ‘Rebel’ in the industry-leading a team of women with women in senior

positions! We are extremely proud of our team and the culture we have created and to be a part of the team that created that is an incredible feeling.”

Continual professional development is at the core of the Absolute Business Brokers ethos. Elle continues to encourage her team to grow.

“Despite all the hurdles faced over the last 2 years I have completed several qualifications and under the guidance and mentorship of our director (Elle). I have worked my way from a casual admin role to being one of the leading sales agents in the company. My contribution and feedback are always respected and acknowledged and the appreciation and support I have received from the team have led me to become the best version of myself professionally.” Tina said.

With glowing comments like this, it’s no wonder Elle was nominated for awards both for her individual success and achievements as a broker and businesswoman, but also for her work as a company leader.

Elle has been nominated for 6 awards in 2022:

• 2022 Roar Awards - Woman of the Year Finalist.

• 2022 Stevie Awards - Best Female Entrepreneur Finalist Business Services

• 2022 Australian Women Small Business Champion Influential Women Finalist

• 2022 Australian Women’s Small Business ChampionChampion Woman Icon

• 2022 Ausmumpreneur Awards - Ausmumpreneur of the Year Finalist

• 2022 Australian Small Business Champion - Best Company Finalist

On her impressive nominations, Elle said that it’s always a great honour and shock to be recognised by her peers.

“Everything I do is because of my love and passion for helping people succeed in small business and empowering women in small business, I don’t ever do it for the accolades but of course, it’s always very humbling and special for others to notice my work and acknowledge it.”

“I’m very proud and humbled by all of my achievements but I’d say the one that blew me away the most was the Roar “Woman of the Year” award. It’s just such a huge title and one that still takes me by surprise that I’ve come this far doing what I love.”

Being recognised for her hard work as a woman in business, Elle said that it’s “very special and important” and something that she and everybody at Absolute Business Brokers take seriously.

“There’s an element of flattery and a sense of achievement but most importantly, it gives me a platform to show other women what can be achieved. As a woman in a heavily male-dominated industry, I struggled with gender stereotypes and not being taken seriously. My mission has been to make the path to the top easier for other women to follow. These awards and recognitions just assist in making a dream of equality a reality for other women.” Elle said.

Nominated not only for her individual accomplishments but also for two small business awards and one best company award, Elle believes that passion and determination is the key to her success.

“I think my determination is very dominant and people can feel and see it.”

“If you do something you love, I really do believe you’ll do it


well. I think there are a number of reasons that led to these nominations and it wasn’t an overnight success. I’ve worked long hours and made a lot of sacrifices to get to where I am and it’s taken a lot of tears and many years to get here. I think what stands out though is how I run my business and how I actively support women and mothers to work in a small business. I practise what I preach and I think that’s what really stands out.”

As a mother of four and business owner, Elle embraces the opportunity to support awards. The message it sends to other women, fellow business owners and her children, is the reason she gets involved.

“AusMumpreneur has always been one of my favourite awards and I’m blessed to be an Ambassador as an Alumni AusMumpreneur of the Year and multi-award winner across other categories. Peace and Katy have created a wonderful community within the AusMumpreneur awards, it really does open doors of opportunity for mothers in business to grow and seek support. Leadership and business for women and mothers can be very isolating, having a community like AusMumpreneur makes you feel supported and that’s vital for business growth and self-development.”

“Juggling children and business isn’t easy. It’s not glamorous at all and most times the juggling is more like dropping balls everywhere and fumbling to collect them! As a mother, you want to give the best to your kids and be a role model for them.”

“Winning awards like AusMumpreneur just gives you that reassurance that the sleepless nights writing emails when the kids are asleep and everything we do is recognized.” Elle said.

The business broking industry is still an incredibly male-dominated space so it is important to celebrate the women in business that are absolutely smashing goals and finding success in their own rights.

“In such a heavily male-dominated industry to be recognised and acknowledged is a great feeling. Success can mean something different for so many people and as women, we bear a lot of weight regarding the work-life balance and the responsibilities of home, children and family.” shared Tina.

“The industry has been dominated by an older generation of men for a very long time which has created a barrier preventing women from entering the industry. The stereotype that men are better salesmen, harder workers and have more experience has made the journey into Business Broking an interesting one.” Tina said.

It’s one thing to make it to the top yourself and break through that glass ceiling as a professional businesswoman but also as a business owner and boss, it’s clear that Elle is also sending the elevator back down for other women.

“I was very lucky to be a part of a female-dominated team that had already begun to break down the barrier and provide me with endless support with my transition into the role. The male staff working in our office provided knowledge and mentorship instead of intimidation and I am very proud to work with such an inclusive team.” Tina said.

Building a business that encourages growth has seen Absolute Business Brokers create an incredibly successful team.

“I have been very lucky to be in a position where my employer

supports me in my professional development by giving me the opportunity to have the best of both worlds. I have never had to make the choice of putting work before family as hard work and success are no longer dictated by the standard 9 - 5 pm daily grind but by the quality of work we can present and the ability to gain respect from our peers.” Tina said.

Absolute Business Brokers feel it is important to highlight the success and achievements of women in business and it is something they as a company are committed to.

“Having a daughter of my own has pushed me to continue to break the glass ceiling and show her and future generations we are capable of having careers and families and by supporting women's achievements we can encourage more women to step into roles of leadership. Highlighting the success and achievements of women in business doesn't start in the workforce but instead at home when we teach our children to respect regardless of gender. This is what will lead to generational change and gender equality.” Tina said.

“We have come a long way in terms of women’s rights and equality but we still have a long way to go. It’s important to keep pushing that glass ceiling, keep pushing to be taken seriously and seen for our strengths. By highlighting the success of women and what they’ve achieved, we are creating role models for others to follow and most importantly for our future generations to see.” Elle said.



Success in successfully operating a business you have acquired comes down to a number of factors. Such a purchase is risky and that is why the price of a small to medium business reflects that riskiness. There is industry risk, economic risk, liquidity risk and transactional risk to name a few.

Transactional risk – risk brought about by the fact that new relationships with suppliers, clients and staff can disrupt the normal pattern of the business.

The first two are outside of the control of the business owner/ buyer. You can try and tell the future but often that vision is not always 20:20.

Tony is Managing Director of BCI Business Brokers and has over 30 years’ experience of business broking in Australia. He graduated in Arts and Law from Sydney University in 1976 and since then has run his own business.

Industry risk – caused by potential disruption or collapse of the industry

Economic risk – events in the economy outside the control of the business

Liquidity risk – inability to borrow money or fund the business due to a downturn in sales

Let’s examine a Case Study where our buyer attempts to manage the last two risks:

Let’s call our buyer Mr Smart. Mr Smart understands business. He has a degree in management and has successfully run his printing business after acquiring it two years ago. Mr Smart has the traits necessary to both successfully

P. 0411 888 148 E.

operate and build a business.

• He understands the financials.

• He’s not building out of ego but rather out of desire to be more successful and strengthen his financial position.

• He has good contacts.

• He has a good network and recognises the traits of a good business person in those in his network

We take up the story at a time in Mr Smart business life where he has the energy, capacity and knowledge to advance his business enterprise.

Mr Smart’s first step is to find a business that he understands and believes he can operate. It is a bonus if that business is one which has cross selling opportunities with his current business. The next step is to find someone else (Keyperson) to help him to run that business to be acquired. Mr Smart is a good judge of business ability and this is key to the success of the plan.

The strategy will be for Mr Smart to hold equity in the business and for Keyperson to hold further shares. It doesn’t matter too much

who holds the majority of shares, if anyone, as there is a strong relationship of trust already between the two parties. Mr Smart is generally the senior person in the relationship. Often he is the strength that the bank relies on in granting a loan and he has more experience in business. He already owns one business and it will be his experience that will guide Keyperson in the operation of the acquired business.

Mr Smart assists in the negotiation and due diligence involved in the process. Both Mr Smart and Keyperson work hard on investigating and determining what the effect will be of Keyperson replacing the current owner/manager, in an effort to reduce the transactional risk of the purchase. Along with this, both undertake an analysis to ensure there is no cultural mismatch between buyer and current vendor staff roster.

The deal is done and now Keyperson and Mr Smart are partners.

The business will be more successful for the following reasons:

• The risk is shared, and a risk shared is a risk reduced.

• The liquidity issue is less threatening since with the combination of two asset holdings, the reliance on bank finance is reduced.

• The knowledge bank is larger. Two heads are better than one.

• The risk of the transaction is also lower, since they have worked as a team on due diligence and understanding (mitigating) transactional risk.

• The new owner has a readymade mentor.

The above scenario is played out over and over, not just in the above partnership example but in many acquisitions. Keyman is often not introduced as such but is played by a senior manager who is currently employed by the vendor company.

Continuity is key.

Success comes through envisaging what the company will look like under new owners, rather than focusing solely on what is happening in the company now.

Search businesses and franchises for sale in Australia



Never ever give up’ is the motto Catherine Jones operates by. On the wall of her Zircom office is a poster of a frog nearly being eaten by a pelican, very fitting for this successful WA Business Broker who has pushed boundaries and experienced numerous successes over the past several years.

Bsale recently spoke to Catherine about strategic business acquisitions and her recent success at the AIBB awards where she took home the 2022 National Business Broker of the Year award and the WA Business Broker of the Year for the fourth consecutive year in a row.

Coming from a background as a Chartered Accountant working in tax, business advisory and business valuations, Catherine says that this has been an excellent grounding for her career as a Business Broker.

“I think having an accounting background was such a great grounding for going into business broking. I started as an accountant and did that for about 6 years. I got to a point where I was looking for a change and wanted to try something different, but I still wanted to use the skills I’d been developing. I really loved the business valuation side of my work at the time and that’s when

I thought I’d like to give business broking a go. My father had his own business broking firm, Zircom Business Brokers which is how I first learnt about the industry and what business brokers actually do”

The business broking industry can be tough for younger professionals to break into, as Catherine said, by the time you start working on a listing, starting with the appraisal all the way through to final settlement it can be many months for a transaction to be finalised and ultimately for the business broker to be

rewarded for their efforts – often the lead time can be very long so the industry doesn’t always attract younger brokers. Joining the family business was something that had always interested Catherine and she made the move in 2015.


Zircom Business Brokers have a unique approach to business broking, their model is based on working together as a team and literally as a family.

“David is my father and he has owned Zircom for over 20 years, this is how I got into business broking industry 7 years ago. Leanne, my mother has provided administration support to the team during the many years we have been operating. About 3 years ago, my sister, Michelle also joined the team to assist with our business appraisals and sales. We

' 18

are a true family business - it’s just the four of us and we love the dynamic. It also helps us relate to our clients who are often large family businesses.”

Drawing on each other's skillsets and experience is core to Zircom’s business model. For example, David Screaigh, Managing Director of Zircom, has over 20 years of experience in the broking industry and Catherine says she feels incredibly “fortunate because he has been a fantastic mentor”.

“We work as a team and work on all of our listings together, which is quite unique in terms of business broking. We realised we could achieve more by working together and working to our strengths, doing what we are good at, although we frequently overlap to ensure each have skills in all areas. ” Catherine said.

As a team of qualified accountants, Catherine said they run their business in a similar way as a Chartered Accountant would run their firm, using the same approach and principles (although they do not undertake any accounting and tax work).

“Someone is trusting us to sell their business and it can often be one of their biggest assets - they normally only do it once or twice in their life time so they have to trust us. We work with them to ensure a great outcome is achieved and the experience is a positive one, especially when it is such an emotional time for them.”

Every Business Broker has different approaches across the industry. “At Zircom, we normally charge for appraisals. We spend a lot of time on the appraisal process and learning about the business, we do it properly and thoroughly because we want

to be able to provide the best advice to our sellers so they can make the best decision for their circumstances, and set their expectations so they know what to expect and the journey they’re about to embark on.”


In relation to Zircom’s appraisal process, Catherine said they spend time on the appraisal at the start of the sale process as they have found appraising the business thoroughly saves time at the end of the transaction and makes for a smoother experience for the seller and buyer – with fewer surprises.

“The businesses that we sell are often very specialised, and each one has its unique matters to consider, so we want to identify any potential issues and benefits early on. We don’t have to have all the answers, we just need to know what could be an issue such as the Seller needing to get some tax or legal advice on certain matters. You don’t want somebody to get all the way to the end of the process to then realise ‘oh if I’d known that, I would have made a different decision’.”


I’ve always found the one thing that can stop a deal or derail a transaction is an unexpected surprise. We always say to both the buyer and seller, we want to avoid any surprises!

“We want to know about the matter, talk to us about it at the start - we will find a way to

address it and find a solution and make sure all parties are comfortable. It’s all about forming a trusted relationship between the parties.” Catherine said.


“We price and sell businesses, however to be able to do this and achieve great results we also need to manage people's fears and emotions. That’s what it is really all about at the end of the day. The seller has their concerns and fears they need to manage, and the buyer has theirs, and that’s our job to be able to coordinate and manage the process and have a trusted relationship with the buyer and seller. That’s how we get the deal done.”

Catherine loves being a Business Broker and it really is her passion. While it has its ups and downs much like a roller coaster, the flexibility, independence and the opportunities that come with it are worth it. Being a Business Broker is very rewarding and it is an industry where you need to have a good grasp of a variety of skills, it is truly a multidisciplinary profession.

“It is a highly emotional time for the seller and the buyer and that’s why we often say to people that it is a matter of not just finding “any buyer” but finding “exactly the right buyer” and if we can do that, it goes smoothly, and everybody is happy,” Catherine said.

“I’ve found that there will be lots of matters that will crop up in a business sale, no matter how prepared you are and things are always changing and there are so many parties that you need to interact with. You need to be a good project manager. ” 19

“You’ve got the buyer, seller and the Business Broker but you also have accountants for each party, lawyers, landlords, clients, staff and suppliers to deal with. There are a lot of parties involved, albeit not directly, and there will be matters that will come up which you have to deal with and know what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and what is best for that particular situation at that time.”

When it comes to being a good broker, it’s the business appraisal process, and setting realistic expectations with the seller, that Catherine thinks is crucial to the sale.

“I also think communication is key in a business sale and making yourself available to talk through any matters with the client. I say to my client ‘you can call me on my mobile any time, if you’ve got something on your mind - I want to know about it because I need to know what is going on in your mind and I need to know what is going on in the buyer’s mind’.”

“It’s important to form a “transaction team” who work together and have their mutual client’s best interests at heart –the transaction team normally consists of the accountant, the lawyer and the Business Broker – with the Business Broker coordinating the parties. Being available and talking through any matters that arise with the transaction team keeps everything on track and moving forward. If we’re able to do that, then we can get the deal done for both parties and everybody is happy.”

Catherine said.

Credibility is also an important factor in building these relationships with all parties involved in the sale and Catherine

has found that building this credibility has played a role in her success.

“I think for me- it’s just forming that trusted relationship with the buyer and the seller as much as possible, that helps everything run smoothly. Being a Chartered Accountant, the WA Chairperson for the Australian Institute of Business Brokers and a Registered Business Valuer does help as well, because people can see that you’re professional and care about what you do. That has really helped with our success.”

moving forward so the transaction can be completed.


The 2022 Australian Institute of Business Brokers (AIBB) Awards were held in Sydney in August and Catherine's hard work and accomplishments in Western Australia were recognised for the fourth year in a row, as Catherine has taken home the WA Business Broker of the Year award consecutively since 2019 and this year Catherine was also the recipient of the National Business

In summary, an important skill for a Business Broker is to be able to find solutions, think outside the box and solve problems when required to keep everything

Broker of the Year award.

“I was very excited and honoured to win the national award, that is a big achievement and one I’m


really proud of. I love what I do and I’m really passionate about it. I’m grateful that I’ve been able to discover this industry and help many hard working business owners sell their businesses. It’s a reminder of how I’ve helped our clients on their journey.”

“Everyone's journey is different, some have gone into retirement, some wanted to move on to another business or another phase in their life, or they’ve moved away. Winning this award reminds me of all the hard work and all the people we have managed to help along the way,” Catherine said.

Key to her success in WA the

past few years, Catherine credits staying focused, always looking for solutions and quite simply, never giving up.

“There have been many times where you just think ‘is this going to go through and settle?’. We actually have this great picture of a pelican and a frog on our office wall to remind us to never ever give up. You always keep at it and find a way.” Catherine said.


The businesses that Zircom predominantly work with are large private businesses that are acquired by other large private

businesses or corporations for strategic reasons and Catherine said that the market right now has been very good for these types of transactions.

“We have assisted many business owners operating in many different industries including mining, manufacturing, distribution, wholesale, agricultural, oil and gas, engineering and services as well as medical and health related business, caravan parks and professional practices, such as accounting practices. As you can see, there are many different industries we deal with because it is our sale process that we have developed and follow, not necessarily which industry the business operates in. Many of the businesses that we sell are acquired by another business or someone looking to take the first step in growing their empire”.

“There are many businesses that are looking to grow via acquisition. They’re often looking to acquire a business which is aligned to their current business operations and by acquiring the business it will create new opportunities and synergies – so 1 + 1 = 3. For example, we had a large underground cabling business for sale and we sold that to a business that did above-ground cabling. They were outsourcing their underground cabling and thought ‘if we buy this business, we can bring that work in-house, gain new clients and offer additional services and products’.”

“If you can find somebody who wishes to acquire a business for strategic reasons, they often pay the highest price and/or have the least conditions, because it makes very good sense for them to buy the business and they are already comfortable with the industry - so


that is who we’re always looking for. It’s important for buyers to determine their criteria for bolt-on acquisitions. It’s also important that they have made investigations into their funding to ensure they have access to the funds needed for the acquisition.”

From a buyer's perspective, it’s often better to find somebody that has already commenced the process of selling their business, rather than directly approaching a business that they feel might be a good fit but isn’t for sale – this to help ensure the seller is realistic in their expectations.

“A great place for buyers to start their investigations into searching for a strategic acquisition is on websites such as Bsale. This way you are more likely to be dealing with a willing seller that is ready and committed to the sale process.”

“I think the key thing is if you’re buying a business you want to make sure you’re dealing with somebody that actually does want to sell, you want to deal with somebody who has realistic expectations and you want to make sure that they have correct and accurate information available.”

“As I’m sure many brokers do, we spend a lot of time preparing detailed Information Memorandums for every business we sell – it is a critical part of the sale process. So as the buyer you want to be dealing with a seller that has an Information Memorandum available so that you can assess the business very quickly and know that you’ve been provided with quality information and are being guided by a professional Business Broker. I think that is very important.” Catherine said.


In Catherine's experience, there have been a lot of fantastic and interesting businesses coming to the market in recent times. “These present great strategic opportunities for genuine buyers.”

“It’s been a very interesting couple of years, and I would say it’s been tough for Business Brokers, especially depending on which state you operate in. During Covid times we were very fortunate in Western Australia. I didn’t experience the same level of pain some of my fellow Business Brokers in other states have seen.”

The 2022 market was stronger than Catherine originally had anticipated, presuming many buyers would be nervous coming out of the last couple of covidaffected years, though this was not the case, at least in Catherine’s experience. Most businesses have been faring much better than expected which is a trend Catherine expects to continue through to next year.


Last year, in our business we experienced the best year that we’ve ever had and so far this year is tracking similarly, so in that regard, there is definitely a lot of transactions happening.

“My experience has been a positive one, and I feel there are many good businesses coming to market now, some great opportunities for strategic

acquisitions and I think over the past few years covid did cause some sellers to reset and reconsider what they wanted going forward for themselves personally. They’ve reassessed where they’re at, they seem to focus more on their health and a lot of them have realised they actually are ready for the next chapter in their lives.”

“Before covid, they were just continuing on and they weren’t quite ready to sell yet. Covid seems to have triggered a change in mindset and made them reassess, re-evaluate and decide that you know what, I’m ready to go into retirement now or I want a less stressful lifestyle or I’m ready to travel again.”

“In many cases, businesses especially in the market I’m operating in, don’t have a succession plan as such, their children (if they have children) are out pursuing other interests and they’re not interested in running the business. So the succession is for us to take the business to market and find a suitable person to acquire it and continue the business and legacy.”

Looking forward, a lot will depend on the sentiment of buyers and the availability of financing and the economy more generally, however Catherine expects that the strong market we saw this past financial year will continue into next year.

“In summary, as we have all learnt, it’s very difficult to predict the future and what lies ahead, time will tell, however what I do know is that even throughout covid we’ve seen businesses do extremely well and it’s been really positive. There is activity happening in the market and people are buying businesses and I expect that to continue.”



Do you see yourself owning the prettiest venue in town? With bow shaped bar stools, hanging flowers and a pink glow that comes to life at night? Then this cocktail bar and cafe could be right up your alley!

Situated right in the heart of Karratha, in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, this unique business has a lot of opportunity for the new owner.

Stepeping inside you can feel the warmth and atmosphere that makes it popular amongst the locals.

“Really vibrant atmosphere with awesome food. Recommend the breakfast wrap, very tasty and filling. Great place to chill.” Matt Farmer

Karratha is one of the largest and fastest-growing regional cities in Western Australia. With a population just over 23,000 it is a small town with big things to offer. Having recently been named a finalised in the GWN7 Top Tourism Town Awards.

Tourist frequently visit the town as it is central to some of the most beautiful natural sites in WA. The Burrup and Point Samson Peninsulas, Dampier Archipelago and the Karijini National Park, make Karratha a great place to visit.

This well-established cocktail bar and cafe is one of the favourite venues for locals to celebrate and

host events. As the only bar of its kind in the area, locals have glowing things to say.

“Super cozy setup with the mix of couches, high tables and regular tables. Huge drinks, best in town. And delicious unique sauces served with the breaky meal.” Dana Ben Moussa

This is truly a sweet deal, you can get the best of both worlds with a morning and night time trade. Breakfast bar in the morning serving locals their daily caffeine, and an up-market cocktails and desserts bar once the sun goes down.

“It’s gained a reputation for its warm, unique atmosphere and late-night culture,” the current owner described.

“It’s the locals choice for an elevated stylish experience and up market cocktails on offer”

With this sale comes the entire setup, existing fixtures and fittings, while the name and brand are not included in the sale as it is trade market.

“What you are buying is endless potential to create your own little empire.”

Boasting an impressive 5-star rating on Facebook and a 4.8-star rating on Google, customers rave about the food, the cocktails, the venue itself and so much more.

“It’s perfect for an aspiring bright eyed ambitious bar owner to make it what ever they want it to be”

So why is the current owner letting this beautiful business go?

“It’s a demanding gig that needs a loving owner that can give it everything with 100% health”

The passion that has been injected into this business is obvious, with beautifully curated furniture, murials and bow shaped bar stools - is can be the perfect choice for an aspiring business owner.

“Walk in and start making serious money! We have done all the hard work for you.”

The ambience and reputation of this business is well established, as evident in online reviews. What it needs now, is a new owner to come in, make their mark and pocket the profits.

Contact: Marlon Bouari

Phone: 0417 483 936

Bsale ID: 594867

Author: Caitlin Mary Bsale Journalist


Ask these six questions to make sure you buy the right company Buy an existing business or start from scratch? There are many benefits of buying an existing business.

For one, it eliminates many of the headaches involved in getting a start up off the ground, such as developing new products, hiring staff and building a customer base. You also avoid those crucial early years when many new companies fail. And it can be a good way to break into fields with high start-up costs, like tourism and manufacturing.

Despite the benefits, existing businesses are rarely perfect, and overlooking their challenges can lead to a host of problems.

We recommend you consider these six essential questions to identify if a potential acquisition target is right for you.



A business with an established customer base may be more expensive to buy, but this isn’t

necessarily a bad thing. You’re inheriting the company’s goodwill, which can come with better access to immediate cash flow and existing customer relationships you can build on.

But to make sure a business is worth your time, you’ll want to find out why people buy from them.

• Is it great products or topnotch service?

• Experienced and professional employees

• Is it the customers’ relationship with the owner?

• Will a change of ownership change that?

Market research can help give you some insight into how clients view the company`s products, services and overall brand.

Purchasing a business with a damaged reputation, can be hard to turn around. Check out the owner’s —reputation.

See what people are saying about the company online. It may give you a good glimpse into how the business is perceived and what needs to be done to change those negative feelings.

M. 0415 543 469


Dion Mauric Business Broker


If you’re targeting a business in an industry that has lots of competition, probe further to find out what the company does to differentiate itself, as this is a key reason why clients will keep coming back.

If there is no obvious differentiator, think about what you would need to do to help set yourself apart as well as the effort and cost involved in doing so.


Carefully observe the company’s culture, management style and the quality of the work it does, as well as the seller’s relationships with employees and managers. See if they align with your personal philosophy and whether it’s worth making any changes. Remember that rapid change following an acquisition can be met with resistance from employees, vendors and partners.

Long-standing employees are also a big plus. They know the company, the products and the processes. And they can offer insights into the business and the industry. If turnover is high,

ask yourself what is the cause. Is it competition within the industry? The company culture? An aging workforce? These questions will give you insight into any human resources issues or needs.


Don't fall into the trap of buying a business in an unfamiliar field because it seems like a sure thing.

It's much more difficult to succeed in an industry in which you have no experience or little interest. Evaluate your skills, interests and experience, and make sure the business matches those attributes. Choosing familiar territory greatly reduces the risk of failure.


If you are growing your business through acquisition, you will need to look for synergy in key areas.

• Products or services should be related or complementary to what your existing business already sells.

• Marketing and sales methods need to mesh well with one another.

• Production and delivery methods will need to be harmonized.

• Staff from the new firm will have to be integrated in your business, and you will need to have a plan to deal with potential redundancies.

It can be a good idea to start thinking about the integration plan during the due diligence process. In this way your evaluation of the company will go beyond pure accounting to also take account of your strategic goals.


Hidden problems can make the business less attractive than it initially appears. If leases for facilities or equipment are about to expire, for example, you could be facing unanticipated costs. A considered due diligence will allow you to uncover these issues and avoid costly oversights that can leave you burdened with unnecessary debt.

Once you've begun your due diligence, don't limit yourself to examining operations and financial statements. You also need to talk to employees and suppliers to evaluate the business's true worth.

Finding and researching a business to acquire can be a timeconsuming and costly exercise. But, well done, it can be well worth the investment.

A co-founder of Advantage Business Sales and Valuations, Dione Mauric has a unique ability to create successful outcomes for her clients - through hard-work, and a little luck! Her results are the product of a combination of skills, mindset and abilities. She is passionate about assisting business owners achieve their biggest goals. Dione's background in business spans well over 20 years and includes professional practice, commercial advisory, accounting, business development and franchising.

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may also enable good revenue generation while minimising overhead costs.

Alex Izsak is a former Business Broker and a Licensed Estate Agent and for four years Alex ran his own marketing agency and oversaw the creation of nearly 2,000 business profiles (“Information Memorandums”) for businesses across a vast spectrum. This has given Alex a truly unique insight into what makes each business attractive to Prospective Purchasers. In addition, Alex is passionate about Marketing Strategies, Video Creation/Editing and Social Media marketing.

Cafes are the perfect businesses for new entrepreneurs who want to make their mark in the business world. A coffee shop has simple operations, which only require brewing and preparing coffee as well as simple meals like sandwiches, salads and pastries. Most food items may even be prepared ahead of time, doing away with the need to have a full commercial kitchen.

A café may function with a lean staff, depending on the size of the premises and how busy the business gets. Often, small cafes with good traffic that generate attractive revenue may be operated by three or fewer staff members. Having small premises with a fast turnover of customers

An owner-operator who wishes to be active in operations may still do so. All they need to do is appoint point persons in each café to submit a summary of everything that goes on in operations. The owner-operator may then divide time equally among the different establishments or choose to focus on one that needs more hands-on intervention. If everything is operating smoothly, then an owner-operator may choose to place each café under management to enable lifestyle flexibility.


A single café operating within

Analytics Manager P: 03 9819 4211 E:

a large suburb with a large population, such as Melbourne and its 47,285 inhabitants, will not be able to be visible to all locals even if it becomes very popular within its immediate area. As such, it would be feasible for a café owner to strategically position multiple coffee shops in various high-density and high-traffic areas. For example, a prospective owner of three cafes may strategically position coffee shops in the following way:

• Near a residential area, whether a condominium or apartment complex, for residents who have just woken up and are about to go to work

• In the CBD for working professionals who need a pick-me-up in the middle of the day

• Along a busy shopping strip that is constantly bustling with traffic any day of the week

• By doing so, the owner of the three coffee shops captures various customer demographics instead of focusing on only one.


You may think that just because you own three cafes in just one suburb, they would all have the same value propositions as well as food offerings. While that could work, it could waste a ton of potential. A café that operates in one part of a suburb may have a completely different concept than another. Please note that the following are just examples, and each café in various locations may have varied concepts.

The café that you would operate in the CBD may be larger and have enough space for working individuals to have a meeting. It may have well-lit interiors, group seating arrangements and a simple yet diverse menu. The CBD café may have simple yet varied food and beverages because most working individuals may be more focused on getting their caffeine fix and returning to work quickly. Those conducting their meetings within the café may also be more focused on their agenda than the food. Notwithstanding this, the

food and beverages of this café should still be good to attract many workers in the area.

A neighbourhood café near a residential spot may be a small operation or even a kiosk focused on takeaways. The customer demographics of these cafes may typically be those rushing to work but needing a cup of coffee or an easy-to-eat meal like a sandwich. Some may also purchase coffee to bring back to their place of residence.

Cafes in shopping strips may be a good middle ground between those in residential areas and CBDs. People who typically frequent these areas spend a good part of the day in the shopping strips. They are frequently amenable to staying in stylish boutique cafes, enjoying good artisan coffee while basking in a soothing and refreshing ambience. Menus here may be more intricate with specialty coffees and different types of food, ranging from quick bites to full meals.


It is very hard to dominate the market of a large and populous suburb with just one café with a singular concept. However, you could dominate the market by attracting various demographics with three uniquely planned cafes, each with distinct concepts.

Sometimes, acquisitions are key if you want to experience success as a business owner. Acquiring thriving cafes with unique catchment areas and target markets can be a very lucrative option for a growth-minded owner-operator.


Acquiring An Australian Food & Beverage Business

Even in a pandemic or a volatile economy, people still need to eat and drink. As the acquisition data for food & beverage businesses in 2022 show, there has been a significant number of SME transactions. This is particularly so in Australia with a significant number of transactions in plant-based meat, healthy snacks, prepared meals, quality pet food and niche breweries and distillers.

However, behind every success story, there are multiple stories where the outgoing owner simply shuts up shop. Often such owners are baby boomers, and they have no obvious successor. Or they suffer from a lack of market interest if their products remain undifferentiated from several other similar products fighting for shelf space.

Perhaps the outgoing owner failed to achieve the requisite economies of scale necessary to enjoy profitability. Maybe their marketing was unseen, unappealing or generally failed to achieve the foot traffic necessary to secure supermarket distribution. And an online-only (D2C) product may not have captured enough loyal consumers to have guaranteed recurring revenue streams.

Nonetheless, with all the investment that the owner may have made in developing and producing these food or beverage products, there is a significant opportunity for an astute buyer to offer an exit route for the owner and then go on to revitalise the business.

This opportunity comes down to the assets and strengths that a buyer already has in place that can bolster the fortunes of the seller’s brand. This lengthy checklist could include:

• Spare production capacity that enables production costs per product to fall.

• An in-house food technologist can work wonders refining the product or brand, particularly where there is brand IP that the departing owner hasn’t capitalised on.

• Major supermarket shelf presence that the prospective buyer can pitch as a brand extension in supermarket buyer reviews.

• A heavily trafficked shopping site whose marginal costs of uploading a new range could be minimal.

Also, the acquisition could help the buyer into markets that they had hitherto not entered into. These may include.

• Where the seller’s products are established in geographical markets that the buyer had not successfully penetrated with their own markets.

• As a less risky alternative to the buyer developing similar products themselves through strategies to expand or diversify.

Given that very few of the potential food & beverage businesses are ever listed for sale, the buyers’ challenge is one of defining the types of business they want, followed by the painstaking process of tracking down and approaching such businesses that tick some of these boxes. That is where an increasing number of buy-side M&A specialists and brokers have a significant role to play.

Ultimately, a successful acquisition enables a potentially faster track to value creation and the successful sale of the merged company with greater profitability, higher multiples, and more options for growth at a later stage.

Director, Strategic Transactions

M. 0411 742 400


Mark Ostryn, Director at Strategic Transactions is a business professional with many years experience as a business owner, entrepreneur, financial transaction analyst and M&A specialist. With deep understanding of the requirements of company acquirers, Mark helps his clients obtain the very best outcomes across many different industry sectors ranging from technology and professional services to retail, healthcare and construction.

"Ultimately, a successful acquisition enables a potentially faster track to value creation and the successful sale of the merged company with greater profitability, higher multiples, and more options for growth at a later stage."

Purchasing a business can be a challenging process to navigate. Business finance structures are more complex than your average home loan and require specific experience from a specialist finance broker.

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You’re in a dynamic, fastgrowing industry, but achieving organic growth solely through reinvesting free cash flow, may not be the best strategy. Growing your business through acquisition will allow your business to grow faster, otherwise your vision may be captured by other, better-funded competitors or new entrants.

Perhaps you haven’t felt that you have had the finances to consider acquisition previously, but there are many ways to structure a deal to ensure finances don’t necessarily get in the way.

Here are 9 reasons why you should consider growing your business through acquisition

Frank has many years’ experience owning and operating small businesses both in Australia and in PNG where he personally opened and managed several Supermarket, Hardware and transport distribution businesses from scratch.

An acquisition strategy should be clear and well thought out in advance, in order to make sure you understand what you are trying to achieve for your business, what kind of targets you are considering, what size business you are looking to buy, whether you are looking for businesses in distress and if so, are you able to fix them?


Organic growth is all well and good, but it can potentially take a long period of time and it can never be guaranteed that what you spend, you will get back. However, growth through acquisition will immediately make

P. 0415 288 954 E.
Author: Frank Willett LINK Business Brokers Brisbane

your business a bigger fish in the same size pond.


If you are a service company or agency pitching for a new business, you may have hit a ceiling whereby either current clients or new larger clients will exclude or restrict your opportunity size, as your current turnover is below a certain threshold. This could be a great reason to buy a smaller competitor so that you are above the limits that a client may have, allowing you to then pitch for a larger opportunity.


Many times, small or new businesses have much higher profit margins as they don’t carry the legacy staff or systems that create baggage and overhead. By acquiring a small or new business, you will be able to lift the overall profit margin of the business, or increase margins by cutting backroom costs like accounting, or other administrative costs.


There’s nothing Machiavellian about taking a competitor out in business, it’s just business after all! Having a competitor in the same market can push prices and value down, create buyer confusion or could push marketing budgets up. By buying out a competitor you can confront these problems head on and gain lots of other benefits at the same time.



The Medicis were an Italian family that grew to huge amounts of influence during the renaissance. They had started out in textiles but ended up producing popes and royalty from their stock. How did they do this? They brought new ideas to old and established ways of doing things by entering industries that they had no experience in. The juxtaposition of two completely different ways of doing things or experience being brought together will create new value, new ideas and new opportunities.


You may have run your business for many years and would like to step back and take a more strategic role, rather than an owner/managerial role. By acquiring a similar company to your own, you will have access to a management team with the same skillset as you. Most likely the acquired management team will be more than happy to in charge of the bigger entity, allowing you to take a step back, either completely or in a Chairman/board type role.


Rather than hiring employees and building a new division, it can be quicker and easier to buy your way into an emerging or established industry that you are currently not part of. Again, building from scratch is fraught with trial and error, while buying a viable business and merging it into your operation can give you instant access to new markets.

Imagine you are a computer maker, and you want to break into the car industry (as if that would ever happen). You could either advertise for car industry professionals and hope that you find employees suitable, or you could buy a startup that has already hired the best of the best in the industry. Buy the startup, make the cars and put your computers in them!


There may be pieces of software, services or products that you are paying through the nose for. How about acquire a company that already does or has that? Now you’re paying yourself for the service or product.

As a client of LINK Business Brokers, you can rely on our wealth of experience when negotiations start with companies you are looking to acquire. Your industry specialised business broker can approach and introduce you to all sorts of opportunities, that might have been outside of what you were considering. These opportunities may feel like an opportunity missed if you don’t have someone on your team to analyse them.

Contact LINK Business Brokers Brisbane today for a completely confidential conversation on business acquisitions.



degree of your understanding of what you are trying to achieve by employing this peculiar transaction will definitely affect the outcome with special reference to the selling price that is achieved. Warren Buffett supports this by saying, “Never invest in a business you don’t understand”.

a direct leverage benefit to your business.

The concept of strategically buying or selling a business is certainly an important approach to adopt. However, the

I am using the term, strategic buyer, in the knowledge that you as the buyer are an operating company and you are seeking to acquire certain specific interactive objectives with another company. (Some describe this objective as synergies). As the buyer, you will likely be operating in the same or an adjacent market and can even be a direct competitor to that business. Your transaction, therefore, is different as you are not an unrelated financial buyer. You are seeking very specific needs that are directly related to your business and will actually be

Initially, you will note many similarities in a straight financial purchase of a business. The difference in a strategic purchase is that you as the buyer are wanting to fast track your business endeavours by buying in certain achievements and adding them immediately to your business.

There are many reasons that will motivate you as a strategic buyer. For example, as a business broker, a buyer looked at one of my listings purely on the need to acquire the time tested and pruned systems of the business to save himself the pain, time and cost of building a suitable alternative in his own business, particularly post pandemic.

As a buyer, you should actively look at the following reasons for your strategic purchase.

Author: Ray Dye Ozpax Business Sales P. 0411 428 776 E. As a previous multiple business owner in South Africa, Canada and Australia, Ray has an exceptionally high level of expertise when it comes to knowing exactly what to look for when buying or selling a business. 33


This is very relevant to you as you are purchasing a larger slice of the market than the one that you are already operating in. This is shown in accounting firms, as they struggle to get new clients due to the cyclic nature of clients in this arena. A database of loyal clients can project you into a new level and will save time that may translate into years of frustration saved. Also, the clients will have a demonstratable positive record as the weaker client would have already been culled or identified with suitable strategies to deal with them. A larger share of the market will have other benefits in terms of your profitability and your branding credibility. Often an expansion into the market with a strategic purchase will provide other opportunities to expand your market penetration. The business that you are purchasing may have access to certain products that you previously did not due to the existence of product purchase agreements or you being locked in to a less preferred product line.

Another possibility is that the business being sold may have large stock holdings of products that you might need due to supply disruption.


The business might have systems or processes that are protected by the company or patents and are not accessible to competitors. This search for a way to improve your business’s competencies can also include the annexing of their personnel to supplement your work force as they have certain unique skill sets that are in short supply.


The idea here is that due to increased market share, a better

employed and shared work force, increased buying power and other benefits there will be a vastly improved income potential. A strategic buyer will initially look at the business as a stand alone business for the purposes of due diligence and then look at possible cost savings by pulling the resources into your business. The rule of thumb is that the new business after the absorption will be greater than the sum of the businesses as individual entities.

The new entity will have a better valuation as a business and therefore, be in a better position to borrow capital and will be stronger on the business cash flow reality.

Savings can be substantial in the purchase as there will be a reduction in duplicated expenses should the businesses be run separately. Further savings could include software licences, ATO filing fees, insurance expenses and membership dues.

Another area of savings that are not immediately included, is research and development.

Each area discussed above will have a specific meaning for you as the buyer. The level of synergy and the weighting that you apply to each of the categories will be according to your business, your own vision for your business and what areas you want to grow or counteract.

As a conclusion, I hasten to caution you to be wary of untested and unfounded assumptions about the business that you are strategically buying. A good beginning is to ask the question: How is this business fulfilling the needs of their customers? The process of finding answers may help you in understanding your own business as well as the purchase.

A further assumption is that

of the culture of the business. Can that business be effectively absorbed into your business? Will the purchased business clients tolerate your businesses culture? What strategies will you employ to achieve an acculturalisation between the two business as they merge?

Part of this culture awareness is the need to build a new management out of the old. How will you achieve that? What strategies will you utilise?

Remember, as a strategic buyer, you are wanting to create a long term value from the acquisition. You are effectively blocking or controlling any competition as you have increased your market share and have not had to suffer the rigors of individual market growth. You will have the advantage in the transaction over an investor purchase as you will understand the implications of the other business.

I have not discussed the possibility that you will pay a premium price for the purchase. Although this may be true, your first priority is to analyse your business’s weaknesses and strengths. Then consider the benefits of the acquisition relative to your business. The price will emerge from that process and you will see value in the acquisition.

I believe, Dan Kennedy’s adage, “Don’t forget, whoever can spend the most money to acquire a customer wins”, applies here. A properly, executed strategic purchase will pay dividends in a multitude of ways. It can position your business into a dominance and it will accelerate you wealth accumulation.


The podcast for anyone buying and selling businesses

For most people, BUYING or SELLING a business is the riskiest thing they will ever do. At the very least, it’s probably your biggest asset; it is also something into which you will invest the most time and money. That’s why you need to get it right! Hosted by Zoran Sarabaca and brought to you by Xcllusive Business Sales, this is the podcast for anyone involved in the buying and selling of businesses who wants to know how to get it right!

Who wants to know how to get it right!
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In the musical Moulin Rouge, nightclub owner Harold Zidler famously says, ‘For this is more than a nightclub. The Moulin Rouge is a state of mind!’. The Moulin Rouge became a beloved brand built on a collective mindset. The beliefs and values that bonded together the bohemians and artists of the Moulin Rouge were the ideals of truth, beauty, freedom and love. This shared mindset released a potent energy force that inspired a way of life and, ultimately, defined the nightclub’s brand.

Similarly, the beliefs and values underpinning organisational culture can galvanize employee mindsets and inspire a shared purpose to achieve business objectives. Not only does culture influence employee morale, productivity and retention, the collective mindset culture nurtures also has a direct bearing on the customer experience and, ultimately, defines the organisation‘s brand.

Zappos, for example, is a beloved brand built on a great culture,

underpinned by the simple shared purpose, ‘to live and deliver wow’. According to Zappos, ‘For all our emphasis on customer service, our #1 priority is company culture. It’s what makes us successful... We believe that if we get the culture right, then most of the other stuff — like delivering great customer service or building a long-term enduring brand or business — will be a natural byproduct‘.

Like the foundations of a house, the elements of culture are the pillars of an organisation. In my work I’ve come across a diverse array of definitions and criteria used for developing the key culture pillars of purpose, vision, mission and principles. I’ve noticed that when there is a lack of clarity between the

concepts, it can result in culture statements sounding the same or lacking meaning, often leading to misunderstanding, confusion and disengagement by staff.

P. 1800 677 600 E.

Below I share my views on the distinctions between these vital corporate culture pillars which feed directly into your brand positioning, marketing messages and employee value proposition.


Your purpose answers the question ‘why do we exist?’. Simon Sinek’s ‘Golden Circle’ concept is a simple yet powerful way of discovering purpose by exploring the ‘why’ (higher purpose cause) behind the ‘what’ (your product/ service) and the ‘how’ (your methods and processes) of your business.

The most powerful ‘whys’ are connected to a higher purpose and are an expression of love –not the romantic kind of love but a version of love that improves people’s lives in some way and moves humanity forward. Love can be expressed in different ways through your ‘why’, depending on the contribution and impact you make on people’s lives through your work. For example, your ‘why’ may be connected with creating self-esteem, community connectedness, confidence, belonging, peace of mind, autonomy, empowerment, joy and wellbeing.


Your vision answers the question ‘what outcome are we aiming to achieve?’. A vision is an aspirational, future-oriented, outward-

facing statement about the big picture difference you seek to make in the lives of those whom you serve or the world more generally, because of your contributions. Here’s some examples:

• Who Gives a Crap – We donate 50% of our profits to ensure everyone has access to clean water and a toilet in our lifetime

• Oxfam – A just world without poverty

• City of Melbourne – A city of possibility, where the world meets and extraordinary happens

As with the above examples, visions are ultimate end states. An end state could be a place, a world, a community, a legacy, a benchmark or a state of being, for example.


our people and our planet

• Tesla – To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy

Unlike a vision which is an end state destination, a mission is the journey.



Your principles answer the question ‘who are we being in delivering on our mission and in pursuit of our vision?‘. Principles are the non-negotiable core values that guide our thinking, decisions and actions. For example, Patagonia, a beloved brand, defines its core values as powerful statements of action, reflecting the minimalist lifestyles of its climb-and-surf-loving founders:

• Build the best product

• Cause no unnecessary harm



Your mission answers the question ‘how are we going to get there?’. A mission is an inspirational, now-oriented statement about what you’ll do exceptionally well every day in delivering on your purpose and in pursuit of your vision. Here’s some examples:

• Patagonia – We’re in business to save our home planet

• The Body Shop® – As part of our Enrich Not Exploit™ initiative, we’ve made it our mission to enrich our products,

• Use business to protect nature

• Not bound by convention

When employees share a collective mindset nurtured by a positive and purpose-driven culture, great things can happen. Indeed, ‘Good to Great’ author Jim Collins found that a vital dimension of a good company making the leap to becoming a great company was embracing a core ideology, consisting of core values and a core purpose beyond making money. Take care of culture and may the positive ripple effect of your work enhance your reputation.

Ros Weadman, author of ‘Enhance Your Reputation – how to build a brand people want to work for, buy from and invest in’ (Global Business Publishing, $29.95), is a brand communication and reputation specialist who combines her professional expertise in strategic communications, psychology and education to help organisations build a purpose-driven brand and strong positive reputation. Find out more at

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Ifirmly believe that the answer is generally yes. Business sales are not simple, straightforward transactions as no two sales are identical, every business sale is different.

Why are businesses for sale advertised at a higher price than the current market appraisals? There are several reasons why businesses for sale are overpriced, let’s explore some of these.

The majority of business owners are of the opinion that their business is worth far more than a broker’s appraisal, again there are several reasons for that. As brokers we have all heard the following lines:

“I’ve worked hard in my business for the past number of years and that should be worth something, I need to be paid for my time.”

“I started this business from nothing, worked long hours and made personal sacrifices to build it up, that should be worth something.”

Unfortunately, these statements are completely irrelevant to the sale price of a business. Potential buyers are not concerned about how hard the owner had to work, what sacrifices he had to make and for whatever number of years he has been at it.

Another extremely common one that as business brokers, we have all heard is:

Accountants will generally value a business based purely on the financials. There’s a lot more than just financials when appraising a business. Accountants generally are also not au fait with the variety of sectors of different industries and/or the current market values.

Business brokers will sometimes provide the seller with an appraisal at an inflated price because they are more interested in the listing than actually selling the business. Those brokers want more listings on their books to make their profiles look better.

As brokers, after providing the seller with an appraisal, how many times have we all heard the following line? “A broker from a different agency advised me that he can obtain a much higher price than you.”

Another interesting reason for businesses to be advertised at a higher price is shared by some owners and brokers. If the business is advertised higher, we can haggle with a buyer and still obtain the appraisal price.

A business owner can obtain sworn business valuations that will stand up in a court of law, and obtain appraisals from several different reputable business brokers and accountants. No two will be alike, they will all be

different. The most important aspect for a potential buyer is generally, the return on their investment. What is a business worth? Realistically a business is only worth what a potential buyer will pay for it in the current marketplace.

If the potential seller wants their business advertised at a higher price than our appraisal, what do we as brokers do? Why do I accept listing a business at a higher price than my appraisal? I don’t automatically accept to list the business; I will however do it if I firmly believe that it is a good business that I will be able to sell.

When I accept to list a business at a higher price than my appraisal, I advise the business owner, that I shall do it to test the market. I also insist that it is with the proviso that the business owner is prepared to reduce the price if we are not achieving the results at the advertised price. I will not list a business unless I firmly believe that I can sell it.

With over 20 years of experience as an owner operator of his own Manufacturing business, Arnold gained a thorough understanding of the complexities associated with being a business owner.

“My accountant told me that my business is worth a certain amount.”
Arnold Pierce Kelsey
M. 0458 073 621 E.


Marketing is a very capital and effort-intensive endeavour. However, it does not assure you the success that you have set out to achieve. It may bring plenty of eyes to your business and increase exposure, but conversion to actual sales is not a foregone conclusion. One thing that could guarantee an increase in both clients and market share more than marketing can is business acquisition.


An acquisition is when a business takes a competitor out of the market and assumes its market share, capturing its client loyalty. In addition, the purchaser acquires products, services and other strategic opportunities already developed by its

competitor. This enables the purchaser to immediately put all assets to work to derive revenue with little to no time lost.

Businesses usually acquire other businesses that align well with their existing products or services. This typically requires extensive research and due diligence to ensure that the acquisition process goes smoothly.


Acquiring another business is a strategy that can ensure dominance over an industry. Through such, the purchaser not only gains access to a new customer base but also minimises the competitive

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Hesari Director | Business Sales Specialist

pressure it experiences within its chosen market sector. Aside from acquiring businesses with similar products or services, purchasers may choose to acquire one with completely different offerings to enter a new market with minimal to no setup time required.

Purchasing an existing business as a bolt-on has many other advantages. First, if you choose carefully, the business you would have bought has immediate cash flow. Second, it will have an excellent financial history that can help you predict what can transpire upon settlement. Third, the existing staff members will have the experience necessary to help you settle into your new business and merge it with your existing one.

An acquisition also enables businesses to leverage synergies when activities are combined

with other key players in the market. When two key players work harmoniously together rather than against each other, there is usually a boost in performance, efficiency and profitability.


As businesses evolve and mature, there comes a time that the need for acquisition cannot be ignored. However, recognising that an acquisition may be needed is very different from preparing a business to acquire another.

A business that seeks to acquire another must have solid financials, generating attractive revenue. Timing is also crucial. All aspects of your business should be mature with a good, experienced team behind it and well-systemised processes and procedures.

Once everything is ready, an owner must then ensure that the acquisition opportunity is the right fit. A purchaser must closely analyse a potential acquisition's culture, leadership styles and plans and ensure that it is aligned with the business it will serve to bolster. After you have joined forces with another player through acquisition, you could potentially unlock many opportunities you were unaware your business was capable of.


A good example of a business that made successful acquisitions is Microsoft. It obtained LinkedIn to increase its market share and secure revenue in the social media industry. Microsoft also purchased GitHub, which increased its market share in the Cloud OS market.

Another large example of a successful acquisition is Disney’s purchase of 21st Century Fox’s assets. Disney was able to secure the 20th Century Fox film studio, its TV production arm, Foxowned cable networks and more to establish firm control of the multimedia market.


Spending on marketing may be hit or miss. You could end up striking a gold mine or chalking up your marketing expenses as a loss. On the other hand, a carefully planned and strategised acquisition may just be as or even more effective than a good marketing effort. Acquiring a business brings with it many advantages, such as diversifying revenue streams, boosting the number of clients and expanding market share. All of which are crucial for the growth and success of a business.

Farzin is an energetic, passionate, and a constantly evolving person. Having had an extensive background in operating small businesses, Farzin has developed a deep understanding of the business brokerage industry which seen him quickly rise to become one of the leading brokers in the country. Farzin specialises in high-end commercial properties and businesses, with a focus on boutique hotels, new development sales, acquisitions, and mergers.

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Joanna Oakey, author of Buy Grow Exit, is the founder and Managing Partner of commercial law firm, Aspect Legal and host of the successful business podcasts Talking Law & The Deal Room. She brings decades of experiencebased insights from working with business owners (and their advisors) on acquisitions, exits and general commercial legal matters. Order your copy today at

Often when a business owner decides to think about exit, the horse has already bolted – it’s too late to put in place key elements that would have maximised the value of their business.

As the seller, there are three major considerations for a business owner to keep in mind:

1. the primary value in the business to a buyer,

2. how that value is protected and

3. ensuring the full value can pass to the buyer, seamlessly. Ideally a business owner – or owners – will have the following

in mind well before they decide to begin the exit process.


Prior to a sale, consider how key customer relationships are secured and the impact of any relevant contracts. Fixed-term and recurring revenue contracts provide the strongest value but they need to be effectively transferred if the sale structure is a business (rather than share) sale. i.e,. they need to be housed in contracts!

If you are selling the company (selling the shares) rather than the business, there shouldn’t be changes to customer contracts unless they contain a ‘change

of control’ clause. Review your customer contracts to identify these clauses and remove them prior to renegotiation. If you are undertaking a business sale rather than a share sale, assess whether customer contracts need to be individually novated or more simply assigned.


If value within the business relies upon key arrangements with outside services or suppliers, ensure they are contractually locked in prior to sale. If your supply arrangement is fundamental to the ongoing performance of the business, ensure there is a contract in place that will transfer with the business


and provide ongoing certainty of supply for the buyer.

A buyer will want assurances that key relationships will continue. They will value a business more highly if there is contractual assurance to protect the value in those relationships.


Intellectual property is an area of great value in a business. Brand is one example of IP that can have significant value in a sale. Other examples include website code, design and copyright and licence arrangements. These are fundamental to the operation of the business but ownership can often be unclear and lack security of tenure for the future. Also, be aware of IP issues around technology and software-based businesses, where a significant component of the value sits within the IP but the creator and owner of the IP rights may be unclear.

Prior to sale, ensure you have correctly identified and protected proof of ownership to all IP and that you have the right protections locked in so that, as the seller, you can prove you are the rightful

owner of that intellectual property.


Where the value of a business and its customer base revolves around its physical positioning, or where the cost of fit out and moving is high, a buyer will place value on your ability to have secured the premises on a long-term basis. The buyer may also want to purchase the premises as part of the deal, or have an arrangement put in place for a future purchase.

If the premises are leased, the terms of that lease will be particularly important for a buyer –and directly impact the value of the business to them. Therefore, it’s important that all leases in relation to the business are reviewed to ensure they have optimal conditions for a transfer to a buyer.


Retention of staff is generally not the first thing business owners think of when they are considering selling their business; however, this can be critical to the buyer’s perception of value in the business – particularly for an initial period after the sale or if you have grown the business to a position in which

it is operating under management without you being critical to that transition of value.

Ensure you have systems that will outlive staff turnover. The more systemised you can make a business and the less reliant the business is on key staff, the more value and less exposure your business is likely to have at exit.

A buyer will start to identify these areas as they assess what they feel the value is in the business for them and as they undertake their due diligence in assessing how that value will transfer. If a buyer identifies risks in the transfer of value, the purchase price will be impacted either in terms of the price offered or how the price is structured, and the period of time a buyer may want you to stay on with the business post sale (when all you want to be doing is relaxing on a beach in the Bahamas!). As the seller, you must maximise these areas of your business in line with what the most likely buyer wants –that’s a topic for whole other article!

Create your Buyer Alerts and don’t miss an opportunity REGISTER 44


Founder and Managing Director of Aurelius Advisory, Andrew Daniels, explains how to identify a strong investment prospect and why it could be the best business move you make.


The soundness of your investment depends on which business you buy, for how much and how effectively you conduct your due diligence.

It may also sound like a given, but ensuring your expertise and experience align with your purchase can be the difference between seeing a healthy ROI, and watching your investment spiral down the drain.

injection of capital to upgrade machinery, bolster their working capital cycle, systems or software. Others may need a structural rejig that can take months to successfully execute.

It comes back to due diligence, due diligence, due diligence to ensure your investment is the right fit for your goals.

Buying an existing business offers a number of advantages from an operational standpoint. You receive established infrastructure, staff, proven marketing and sales strategies, and an ongoing cash flow. But is the prospect still an attractive one when you consider your purchase as an investment?

Purchasing a business that’s already done the hard work to get off the ground brings with it less risk. You’ve got a concept that’s proven to be successful and you’ve safely passed the initial one year window where 20 percent of new businesses fall over.

But the hard work isn’t over. Some businesses may require a hefty

Most small or SME business owners are owner operators, which means you are both an employee who needs to draw a market salary and a shareholder who needs a return on your investment (either from regular dividends or capital growth). Ultimately, to help determine if it is a good investment, ask yourself, would you still buy this business if you were to employ someone at market rates to run it for you? If not, at what purchase price would it begin to make sense from a ROI perspective?


Beyond what we’ve discussed, there are several other reasons

Founder and Managing Director of Aurelius Advisory P. 07 3036 5299 E. An experienced business advisory that specialises in implementing the right solutions for businesses to fix, grow or sell. Andrew has a passion for partnering with business owners ready to get their business fit for the next growth stage and help them discover how to maximise their financial return and improve their work/ life balance. 45
Author: Andrew Daniels

a business could make an advantageous investment. This varies from person to person, here are a few of the most common reasons I see clients looking to strategically invest in a business.

Instant market share

Purchasing a competitor’s company is a highly effective way to increase your market share. You don’t need me to point out the benefits this presents, from the increased customer base, trained staff to the increase in value proposition. You’re simultaneously knocking out the competition while acquiring an established pool of customers. From there you can foster the growth of these existing connections, rather than attempting to establish new ones.

Be warned that the vendor is likely to be aware of the unique value their company poses to you as a competitor. For this, they may charge a premium price.

Similarly, you can buy a business that offers a complimentary service or product to the business you already own. For instance, let’s say you own a mortgage brokerage. A strategic business acquisition may be the purchase of a Property Buyers Agency. The alignment of both businesses would allow you to deliver a holistic service offering to property purchasing.

Easier to secure finance

Lenders look more favourably on the purchase of an established business over funding a new one to get off the ground. It makes sense from the banks perspective - there’s a proven track record of revenue and execution, minimising the risk of the unknown. As a buyer, this can go a long way to helping you secure

finance to make your purchase.


Top level considerations should be the industry, income, flexibility and what fits with where you are in your career and life.

Undertaking robust market research ensures your business purchase is built on solid foundations to generate the strongest return on investment (ROI) possible.

You’ll want to go through the company with a fine tooth comb. Remember, your research should be holistic and dig deeper than the 'adjusted' EBITDA in the brochure

Prior to purchase, I would suggest reviewing:

• Business operations

• Legals - permits, licences and contracts

• Financial performance for at least 3 years (including profit, revenue streams, and expenses)

• Premises or leases involved in the sale

• Stock levels (if applicable)

• Customer, supplier and staff contracts

• Intellectual property

• Assets


The first thing to note is that an established business will attract a hefty price tag because in addition to the assets you’re purchasing you’re also buying a

recurring income. You could buy the individual assets for less if you were starting from scratch but understandably you are paying a premium for the blood, sweat and tears others have invested to coordinate those assets, systems and processes to develop the recurring income. A business is quite a substantial investment, particularly if the business you’re eying has strong brand equity. The upside, however, is that it carries far less risk!

Be prepared for a fixer-upper. Although you’re acquiring an established business modelthat’s not to say it’s a flawless one. Under or overstaffing, inadequate processes, outdated systems or tech could pose quite a hurdle the second you get out the gates. While it shouldn’t necessarily be a deal breaker, it’s a worthy consideration to have in mind when negotiating the price you are willing to pay.

Valuing a business can be a tricky process, and different parties may perceive value in different ways. This is made all the more complex by the emotional value many sellers will place on their company. This is, afterall, likely a baby they have poured years of time, passion and self into - that’s a hard thing to attach a figure to.

Be prepared to negotiate and come armed with facts and rationale behind the price you believe the business is worth. Remember, this is an emotional decision for the seller, so exercise an open mind when working through negotiations.



P. 0401 349 481


Being a successful business means growing through continual improvement. Whether this means expanding a customer base, increasing revenue or profit, or diversifying service offerings, it all, in the end, comes down to growth.

As an enterprise, this can happen in two ways:

• Organically, i.e., a natural progression that is scaled up through product, service or revenue; often linked (for better or worse) to market fluctuations

• Via Acquisition: the process of an enterprise strategically selecting and purchasing another business.

Long the forte of vast companies, acquisitions are most recognised for their ability to make fabulously splashy headlines and solidifying an already large corporation's competitive advantage.

As a business growth strategy, it is effective, but SME's are often skittish when it comes to embracing this approach, due to the significant financial outlay required and the risk that the return on investment won't match that initial outlay.

But acquisitions are not just for large businesses. Strategic acquisitions offer an alternative solution to the ever-present problem small business encounter: how to grow effectively and sustainably over time.

Acquisitions can solve problems and yield value for both the acquiree and the acquiring firm, and it is important to be certain that this is the right move for your business. Whether you are looking to increase your market share, boost your range of products and services, leverage synergies or reduce your enterprise's learning curve, there are some key considerations:


When growth is your goal, it’s logical to think about acquiring. A successful business acquisition starts so much earlier than the actual purchase. Ascertaining business readiness is the starting point. A Harvard Business Review article suggests conducting a highlevel analysis of current business state, critically assessing the internal and external conditions of your enterprise from data (ideally from the last 12-24 months). Clarify your potential, your shortcomings and map any improvements needed with timeframes.


Liking a business, their brand, or the people they employ is one thing, whether that same company


fits with your enterprise's overall strategy is another entirely. Goaedhart, Koller, & Wessels, (2017) note that acquirers with the most successful deals know what they want going in; they have articulated and specific ideas regarding potential value creation. A strategic rationale usually conforms to one the following six archetypes:

a. Improving business performance

b. Reducing excess capacity within a sector

c. Accelerating market access for products

d. Acquiring skills or technology more efficiently than building in-house

e. Exploiting industry-specific economies of scale

f. Making acquisitions early in the life cycle of a new industry/ product line

Ask yourself: What is your rationale? Does it support your overarching mission?


Acquisitions take time and

money. And when all is said and done, the acquisition needs to generate enough revenue to make the process worthwhile. Take a temperature check of your current business; make sure your business is in a healthy financial place or you have strong investors, before even considering starting the process.


Despite all the 'hard' details, i.e., Price, market positioning, value creation, etc, the success of an acquisition is often more dependent on the 'softer' details: alignment of enterprise cultures, leadership styles, continuous improvement intentions. These are essential things to suss out prior to acquisition. (Ashkenas, 2013), calls it ‘backward resource planning.’ Starting with the overall vision, and then reverse engineering it to define the criteria needed for this to happen - this can then be compared to the acquisition to see how it measures up.


Negotiations are sensitive and can easily become testing; emotions

can easily get in the way of objectivity. Surround yourself with your business sales team - team of professionals that can act for you - business brokers, accountants and solicitors are all there to make the process easier. Use them. If both parties (buyers and sellers) have to work together once the acquisition is complete (which is often the case), third parties can assist in facilitating this process.

A business acquisition can empower strategic growth, build enterprise value and create access to further opportunities. Joining forces with another enterprise is a powerful tool that can unlock future potential and yield value.

If you are a SME, and you feel like you have reached that stage, then acquisition could be your next big venture. Talking to a leading business sales specialist that engages with buyers and sellers on a daily basis, could be a critical step to making that leap.

Create your Buyer Alerts and don’t miss an opportunity REGISTER 48

Established in 1999, BPA Business Brokers has steadily grown into one of the most reputable and experienced business brokerage firms in Victoria.

Willing to travel across the state, BPA Business Brokers will assist you step by step with the sale or purchase of your business, whether you are a first time buyer, or a long term client.

Our staff members bring a wealth of knowledge and experience from a range of different backgrounds, but most importantly, most have owned or managed their own businesses, which allows for a better understanding and connection to the clients they deal with day to day.

With over 100 combined years of business experience as well as fluency in English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Italian, Greek, Lebanese, Mandarin, Macedonian, Punjabi and Hindi, BPA Business Brokers will ensure a stress-free and simple process in achieving your goals.

WWW.BPABROKERS.COM.AU Please refer to the BPA Brokers website at to review our team and current testimonials
181-187 Plenty
VIC Phone 03 9485 4488 49
Road, Preston, 3072,


In today’s business world, there are a lot of different options available when it comes to growing your business. You can organically grow your business through investment and expansion. Or you can pursue an acquisition strategy and buy another business. There are pros and cons to both methods, but in some cases, buying a business may be the best option. Here are 10 reasons why you should strategically buy a business.

Experienced Administrator with a demonstrated history of working in Human Resources and Business Brokering. I am a highly people-focused individual who has dedicated my career to ensuring a streamlined and intuitive approach to assistance.


One of the biggest reasons to buy a business is that it can help you enter new markets quickly. When

you start a new business from scratch, it can take years to build up enough brand recognition and customer base to be successful. But if you buy an existing business, you immediately have access to its customer base and market share. This can help you expand your reach and grow your business much faster than you could on your own.


In addition to entering new markets quickly, buying a business also allows you to acquire new customers. The customers of the business you acquire will become your customers, which can help

Author: Demelza Fixter Office Manager | Onboarding Specialist P. 1300 266 922 E.

increase your revenue and market share instantly.


Another big benefit of buying a business is that you can gain new employees. When you buy a business, you’re not just acquiring the business itself, but also the employees who work there. This can be a great way to quickly grow your team and add new skills and talent to your business.


In many cases, businesses are bought for the technology they have developed. If you buy a business that has developed new and innovative technology, you can acquire that technology for your own business. This can give you a competitive edge and help you stay ahead of the curve in your industry.


Raising capital can be one of the biggest challenges for a new business. But if you’re looking to buy an existing business, you may have an easier time getting financing. Lenders and investors are often more willing to provide financing for a business that already has a proven track record.


When you start a new business, you have to invest heavily in marketing and advertising to get your brand out there. But when

you buy an existing business, it will already have a customer base and recognition in the marketplace. This can help save you on marketing costs in the long run.


Starting a new business is always a risk. There’s no guarantee that your business will be successful, no matter how well you plan or how talented your team is. But when you buy an existing business, you can avoid many of the risks associated with starting a new business.


When you buy a business, you acquire not only the business itself but also the seller’s knowledge and expertise. This can be a valuable asset as you look to grow and expand the business. The seller can help advise you on strategic decisions, provide industry insight, and more.


One of the biggest benefits of buying a business is that it can improve your cash flow. When you buy a business, you’re typically paying for it with cash or equity. This can help improve your business’s financial position and give you more working capital to grow the business.


Overall, buying a business can be

a great way to grow your business quickly. With the benefits listed above, it’s no wonder that many businesses are choosing to pursue an acquisition strategy. If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, buying a business may be the best option for you.

These are just a few of the reasons why buying an existing business can be a smart move for entrepreneurs. If you’re thinking about starting a business, be sure to do your research and weigh the pros and cons of buying vs. building from scratch and why you should consider buying a business instead of organically growing your business or pursuing other expansion strategies. Of course, every situation is different, so it’s important to sit down with your team and carefully consider all of your options before making a decision.

If you do decide that buying a business is the right move for you, the next step is to start looking for businesses that fit your criteria. Businesses up for sale can be found in many different places, including our website bonzabfs.

Our team of expert brokers will help you navigate the process of buying a business and ensure that you find the right fit for your business. Contact us today to get started.

Bonza Business & Franchise Sales 1300 562 862


Why You Should Strategically Buy A Business To Grow

The fastest way to grow your current business is to acquire your competitor or a complementary business to increase your market share. This works exceptionally well if you can obtain such a business in the same area in which you already operate or a neighbouring town.

Buying your competitor is often called an acquisition when one company purchases most or all of another company's shares to gain control of that company. This can also work out beneficially if the acquired company has had some negative profit and loss statements, as these 'tax credits may be able to be utilised for the original profitable business.

As an example of acquiring an aligned business, if you own a paint wholesaler, purchasing a panel beating shop nearby that you already supply with paint would make sense. This would not only secure a regular customer for the paint wholesaler but expand in a similar field that is complementary to your current offering. In an area that you already have some knowledge of.

If you owned a retail business, it would make sense to secure another retail business that holds a lease in a tightly held busy shopping centre for you to migrate some of your everyday items into the new, higher traffic retail space and bring some of their higher selling items into your original area.

Buying a business already operating can give you a quicker path to growth and commanding the market share than organically growing your current business. It is turbocharging your success and

adding immediate cash flow.

You will also learn from purchasing an existing business in the handover process, gain more qualified suppliers and acquire their customer database. It also eliminates many of the headaches involved in expanding a business, such as developing new products, hiring staff and building a loyal repeat customer base.

In addition, it is also easier to get financing to buy a business than to expand one. Lenders and investors are much more comfortable working with a company with a proven track record and consistent figures. An expansion is not guaranteed to work or quantifiable how the improvements will translate to profits, making finance difficult.

You will also acquire all the plant, equipment, fit-out and inventory. Setting these up from scratch is often a time-consuming, expensive, long process.

Mentorship is another benefit of acquiring an existing business to add to a current business. The existing owner is often willing to stay on for some time to mentor the incoming owner. This can be invaluable, even if you currently own a business, as you are likely to learn something still.

Acquiring an existing business in a similar field also means it already has an established name and reputation that you can continue to build on.

The most significant advantage is the instant boost in market position, and in some cases, with enough acquisitions, market dominance effectively eliminates competitors.

Jasmine Robson

Your Local Specialist Business Broker

P. 1300 577 297

M. 0409 357 337


Based on the Brisbane and The Fraser Coast, Jasmine Robson is an extremely accomplished Entrepreneur who has built several multimillion-dollar businesses from the ground up and is well versed in the hard work that goes into founding, establishing, and growing a small to medium business. Jasmines own companies have been explicitly in Hospitality, Events, Fashion, Retail, Hair, Skincare, Beauty & Wellness.

"The fastest way to grow your current business is to acquire your competitor or a complementary business to increase your market share"

Business Sales Specialists

As a business owner who decides to put their business up for sale, you usually have some idea about what you’d like to sell your business for. This is taken into consideration, but at Absolute Business Brokers we will review your business operation and its financial records to sell your business, then use proven techniques to assist you in determining the fair market value of you business in today’s marketplace and sell your business at the best price possible.

Sellers must realize that a buyer will pay for what a business is worth today – not what it might be worth in the future. When you decide to sell your business you need to take into account current market conditions. Absolute Business Brokers will guide you through the time-consuming process of finding the right buyer, negotiating the many details to sell your business, and working closely with the accountants and other parties involved to sell your business and follow through to settlement. We use many different personal interviews with prospective buyers to determine their individual requirements, goals and objectives. We also discuss the financial resources they have available to purchase a business. When doing business with Absolute results are paramount.

Absolute is considered to be above the industry standards for reliability and results amongst its peers. Which is why we are the brokers of choice to sell your business.

P. 03 9566 7300 • E. • 7/18-22 Lexia Place, Mulgrave, 3170, VIC 53



As a business owner, you are looking towards growth and development. To have a successful business you need to have more money coming into the business than going out. What is often overlooked is alternate ways to grow a business, rather than simply looking inside the business, look outside.

This is where business sales come into play. Buying a business that can align with your current operation can not only help you to grow, but grow faster.

grow. Buying another business for sale, often referred to as a merger or acquisition is a great option.

When you look at business sales in the five million to ten million dollar range, often referred to as mid-market you will see a lot more mergers and acquisitions than say the $300,000 price range. Why? Because these business owners understand the value of aligning their business with another or buying out a competitor.

Vanessa is the current manager and CEO of Bsale Australia. Over the past 11 years as a business owner, she understands what it takes to grow a business. As a writer and contributor on Bsale, she wants to bring informative articles that can assist people in the process of buying or selling a business.

When you attend business seminars teaching you how to systemise your business, how to market effectively, and how to grow profits, what is often overlooked, are external ways to


An established business has a number of key elements that you as a business owner are looking

CEO Bsale Australia P: 02 7228 0498 E:

to acquire. Buying an established business can help your business in a number of ways.

Here are three great advantages of buying an established business as opposed to continuing to focus on growing a business internally

1. Marketshare

Do you want more clients? Have you done your forecasts and how long it will take you to get another 20% of the market share?

What if a competitive business comes for sale? How much is that market share worth to you? How many hours, how much wages will you pay, and how much marketing budget will it take to get that 20%?

Buying a competitive business is a great way to increase your market share in a fast and effective way. Whether you keep the business brand and operate as a competitor, merge into your current business, or take a different approach will depend on your business and industry. But what is important here, is increasing your market share so you can increase profits.

2. Skills and Experience

Good teams are hard to build. It takes time, money and energy to develop a team that is effective in leading a business to success. The business you are buying may have a well-established and experienced team. Especially if you are buying in a niche industry or one requiring highly skilled workers.

Buying an established business can give you access to a talented and experienced workforce. The key here is aligning them to your current business and determining how many will continue once you buy a business, especially if your

buying a family-owned business.

3. Money, Money, Money

Every successful business understands one thing… money. No matter how you spin it - a business is successful because it makes money.

When you are evaluating growing your business, you make forecasts. How much it will cost to do certain things, acquire certain office space, train new team members, market and find clients, source a new product and so on. Running and building a business costs money.

What if you can buy a business, that will grow your current business fast and for less money? Waiting 5 years to hit a goal, you can hit it in 6 months if you buy the right business. Waiting 5 years you may miss the market… no point selling fidget spinners in 2022 - you missed the boat!

Often business owners overlook the possibilities of growth by buying a business.


There are three types of opportunities you can look at buying to add to your current business.

1. Buy a Competitor - You run a clothing business and see a competitor is looking to sell. With a database of 40,000 clients, 300,000 million Instagram followers and supply chains in Australia and overseas - it’s a great opportunity. You could run two brands or close down one, harnessing their database and supply chains.

2. Buy a Similar Business - If you’re a mechanic and tired of referring your clients to a smash repairer up the road, maybe it's time to buy a smash repairer business for sale and service your clients for multiple parts of their journey.

3. Enter a Different Market Level - Perhaps you sell highend jewellery but are looking to expand into more entry-level options or costume jewellery. Adding these products to your current collection may affect your brand and devalue it. What you may consider is buying a business that is already in that space and growing it. Keep the brands separate but operate in the same industry.


If you’re in the market to expand your business. Learn from the big guys. They buy businesses through a merger or acquisition and then decide what to do with it. Maybe they keep the brand and use it as a ‘competitor’ in the public eye. Maybe they close down that business and retain all the valuable aspects.

When you're growing your business from the inside, it can take you years and years to get to that level. It can take you a lot of money and a lot of mistakes. When you buy a business as a means of growth, you are getting so much more and getting it so much faster.

What you can achieve by buying a business sale.

1. Client Infomation - access to new clients with minimal marketing expense.

2. Team members who are


skilled and have experience - how many hours of training, hiring, and networking will it take to obtain the same workforce?

3. Software and technology depending on your industry. The business you are buying may have specialised programs used to run the business. They may have systems in place that take hundreds of hours to develop.

4. Machinery and Equipmentdepending on the type of business you are operating or buying. The business may have specialised equipment that is hard to source, or expensive to buy new. You can get access

to this quickly and usually at a good price, then try to buy and source yourself.

5. Suppliers Creating those connections and finding the right suppliers can be difficult and time-consuming. An established business has already done this legwork. Add this to your current business and you could be on the track for marked increases in profits.

6. Office or Retail Space Did you want that cafe space on the main road? Perhaps that warehouse in the Sydney CBD? When you buy a business you could obtain the best locations or a good commercial lease.


Like most big ventures there are risks involved. Always obtain professional advice when buying a business. It is a great way to expand your current operation and comes with many benefits if you do your research and understand what you are buying and how much you are paying.

Business is about growth, it is about success. Buying an established business can be a quick way to obtain that growth.

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Let us handle the sale or purchase of your business across Melbourne.

trends and determine the best approach to meet your business needs.

We are fresh and energetic. We have awardwinning valuation and marketing tools, finetuned after decades in the business, which help us to stay ahead of the pace and deliver advice that is both informed and current.

We are a game-changing brokerage in a rapidly evolving marketplace. Our hybrid, tech-enabled service model has inspired a new way of thinking and has revolutionised the way we manage the sale and purchase of businesses.

Our brokers are hand-picked for their integrity, professionalism, and team mentality; which means that you get the strength of every member of our team working for you!

We provide access to expert specialists in your sector; they will advise on current market

We offer you a team of experienced experts who are uncompromising in protecting your confidential information - rigorous, industryleading training results in sound, smart advice. Our brokers boast real-world experience and the highest professional standards.

Irrespective of the size or nature of your business, our team is perfectly positioned to help you connect with the right people. LINK has been connecting business buyer and sellers since 1996. We are trusted to get results.

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When you’re winning, people perceive that you’ve learned the required lessons, and that is certainly true for me. My entrepreneurial journey started in my mid-thirties with endless enthusiasm, just enough confidence and a little knowledge – a dangerous combination.


There’s a reason this observation, made by Greek philosopher Heraclitus over 2500 years ago, is still a cliché.

Thirty years ago, I surrendered my corporate security job in pursuit of a dream - to establish a private college, training computer programmers in the education sector.

Manly OAM is the

of Universal Business School Sydney (UBSS) and author of The Unlikely Entrepreneur. To find out more, visit

Given my time over I would do it all again, only next time I would hope to learn more from others more quickly. While we’ve all been forced to learn some hard lessons during the COVID era when I look back now, there are five tough lessons I learned throughout my career I want to share, so you can learn from my mistakes.

Logically, I assumed ‘the higher the risk, the higher the reward’. And sure enough, my entrepreneurial adventures took me and my family on a risk-filled, reasonably rewarding adventure. However, no matter my years

Author: Alan
UBSS Founder P. 1300 422 422 E.
Alan CEO

of experience, one wrong risk can still lead to failure, quickly undoing years of long hours and high-stress work, to this day.

We now have a college awarding MBAs in Entrepreneurship, but I am still a student in basic entrepreneurship. For example, I’m still digesting how the pandemic will change my entrepreneurial world.


They may claim to admire small businesses, but do not mistake that for wanting to lend money to a start-up entrepreneur.

Banks love to hear about a startup that has an asset to secure the loan, especially your home. But when things get tight, the bank will naturally seek to reduce their risk, and in the name of concern for their loan, seek more details about how you are running your business. You now have a new boss who owns your house!

Best keep a home loan away from your business banking and loans.

Become PAYG as soon as possible when setting up your start-up. Then, when you apply for a home loan, say that you are a PAYG and no more. If cornered about your start-up, suggest that you are an executive director only.


You only have a business when you have a customer. You only have a customer when they pay for your goods and services. That is positive cash flow.

When starting up, it’s easy to focus on fulfilling that business plan. But

building the dream can become a distraction from the harsh reality of every business plan’s target: the day your company becomes cash flow positive.

The cute mantra ‘business is business’ is chanted by happy entrepreneurs who are no longer employees, but ‘business is business’ can also be cold words of rejection coming from someone thought to be a friend, or an old customer from whom you expected support. Assumptions are for asses. Every single sale must be closed to ensure that it is a sale.


Breeding your own well-trained competition is a tough lesson for any entrepreneur.

We all see new start-ups celebrated in the media. Pictured is the smiling team of savvy business operators who’ve put themselves out there, capitalised on their personal contacts, industry experience and understanding of customer needs to address the market by offering more for less.

A rarely seen picture is that of the entrepreneur who built a business, employed bright staff, provided training and career guidance for several years, only to see these employees take their Intellectual property and start their own business.

The only solution here is to become more competitive.


The company you’ve built is an extension of yourself and your personality.

Having a start-up was like raising a child – it was dependent on you for everything. And that dependence went both ways.

The petty cash may have been underwritten by your credit card at the beginning, but as the company grows it deserves to be treated with respect. You must ensure that you live within your means and not become inappropriately dependent on the company’s resources.

And like children, businesses also need to grow. If you allow the company to stand as an independent entity, others will be prepared to invest in it as well. And finding investors is in most business plans.


These lessons are not popular discussion points, but when you read of an entrepreneurial company collapsing, there’s often a sad tale of one or more of these mistakes hidden in the media report.

The overriding lesson I’ve learned is that it is not a matter of never making mistakes, but whether you can learn from those mistakes and better still learn from others.

Having taken the risks, I have enjoyed the rewards, and so will you.



Buying or selling a business in Australia?

We’re here to help.

Since its establishment in 2004 by Steve Finn and Len Ferguson, The Finn Group had a clear mission: helping small business owners to successfully buy or sell their businesses. Today, The Finn Group is Australia’s largest network of business brokers. With offices in all major cities and regional areas, we’ve helped hundreds of business owners buy a business or sell a business.

To help our clients even more, we’ve added Finn Financial Planning and Finn Lending Solutions to The Finn Group’s professional services.


Our number one priority is the people we work and associate with on a daily basis. People always come first.


To build trust and ensure transparency, we communicate openly and treat our customers, stakeholders and each other with integrity and respect.


We strive to enhance the knowledge and skills required to achieve better outcomes for our clients. We are

actively working to improve our performance with our commitment to excellence and innovation.


We will always act with integrity and honesty, being respectful, honest and forthright is the way we conduct ourselves in all aspects of our business and life.


We look to deliver WOW through our service. A solutions focused organisation which embraces change and drive progress in our industry

Business Sales | Lending Solutions | Financial Planning | Business Insurance Franchise Consulting | Mergers & Acquisitions | Consultancy Services 1300 535 932 377 Kent St, Sydney, 2000, NSW thef

Green Clean Australia Sets In Motion Its Expansion Throughout Key States In Australia

Green Clean Australia, one of Australia's front runners in environmentally friendly cleaning products, launches its franchise model in key areas across Australia.

The sustainable brands mission involves protecting human health and the environment using non-toxic cleaning products.

There has been an increasing shift in how society views the environment, with everyone attempting to make a greener change in myriad ways. The Green Clean Australia team shares a vision that combines a commitment to natural and safe cleaning practices. They are determined to provide their B2C customers with a spotless home and B2B customers with a hygienic business environment.

They offer an alternative environmentally safe solution to other cleaning companies that use chemical-based cleaning products. One of their goals is to develop a skilled and knowledgeable team to introduce customers to environmentally safe cleaning habits and help their clients maintain these efforts between visits. The environmentally conscious brand

has devised a holistic approach that aids both businesses and homes alike to go greener, from significant changes to smaller ones. The brand's carbon footprint has been rated five stars independently.

The Australian born brand was founded in 2005 by Michael Girowal. The team have proactively found innovative ways to help Australia make an environmental shift and go green.

Green Clean now has 200 highly skilled professionals.

Green Clean strives to increase awareness around the benefits of investing in green-cleaning solutions and is on the hunt for franchise partners to grow their franchise network successfully. The green brand is calling on individuals who find themselves aligned with the brand and its mission.

Green Clean has partnered with DC Strategy to find the perfect franchise partners making a difference in the lives of individuals and businesses.

If you are interested in finding out more about Green Clean Australia and their opportunities, enquire now.


P. 1300 993 624


Founded by Rod Young in 1983, the Australian end-to-end consulting, legal, recruitment and brand and marketing firm was created to assist entrepreneurs from start-ups and SMEs to NGOs, government bodies and large corporates to develop sustainable franchise networks.


All Thermawood Franchises Have Been Sold In Victoria!

New partners coming on board and existing franchise partners expanding have topped off Thermawood's successful expansion into the state.

The Victorian expansion has been a busy success story for Thermawood, now with 14 locations across the state including areas such as Gippsland, Toorak, Yarra, Monash, Port Phillip, Bayside and Geelong. This is a significant move for the company - a milestone in the company's 13-year history.

The New Zealand-based Thermawood is one of the leading installers of retrofitted double-glazing windows. Their patent-protected system has helped numerous households improve their insulation, making more energy-efficient homes. The company has been bringing their services from the formidable New Zealand environment to its neighbour Australia and where better to introduce it to than Victoria. All the Thermawood products are designed for the NZ and Australia market with Heritage in mind.

Graeme Clarke, Managing Director, expands further about on what this development means for Thermawood:

"History has shown that we offer a great product and service, not just surviving but thriving in all our locations through GFCs and Covid. It’s almost like we are selling a secret and people have become more aware of Thermawood and what we can do. This increased demand has resulted in Thermawood being so successful that it was only a matter of time

before Victoria and Melbourne were maxed out.” - Graeme.


Maybe it has been Melbourne's iconic four seasons in one day that has caused people throughout the city to jump on board with the brand, but one thing is certain, demand is increasing.

A contributing factor to this demand is that households have increased attention to sustainability. Offering a service delivered by industry professionals, Thermawood enables homes to become more energy efficient by stabilising temperatures all year round, along with reducing noise with acoustic glass incorporated into the double glazing and Draught seals around opening windows with the added benefit of reducing the amount of energy for heating and cooling. Thermawood operates in a niche market with little competition amounting to the company having a large sure of the market. As the industry continues to grow, so will their share.


“Thermawood is a company that has always been ahead of its time, and it will continue to expand as the need arises. I'm proud of what we've achieved so far in Melbourne, but there's still plenty more work left to do before we're finished with our expansion plans. We have locations still available in New South Wales and now our attention will be on replicating Melbourne's success in Sydney.” - Graeme

It’s only a matter of time until New South Wales catches up with Victoria given the shift in climate change, and Thermawood is excited about its future growth in these areas.

Sydney is a fast-growing city with opportunities for growth for this type of business. The Northern Beaches and Newcastle locations have already jumped on board in NSW but there are still opportunities for new partners to join the team.

Opportunities start with a low initial investment of $50,000. For a high-margin business like Thermawood, partners are getting that back in no time, as it is only taking on average 1.5 years. An excellent industry average.

If you're interested in finding out more about Thermawood and joining the business, enquire now.

DC STRATEGY P. 1300 993 624 E.


• Attract and sustain the best People passionately devoted to Customers, our Team, Vision and Mission of Xcllusive.

• Devote all of our resources and skills to finding the best-suited buyer for the sale of every business Xcllusive is engaged in.

• Develop an excellent Understanding of every business we engage so that we can add the Best Value to both the buyers and the sellers during the processes of; preparation, marketing, introductions, presentation, due diligence, and negotiations as well as the legal processes through to the handover of the business.

• Understand the emotional state and Feelings of all clients involved in transactions and lead them through

the process, helping them to make their own informed decisions about their future.

• Maintain high Professional and Ethical standards at all times, remembering that Xcllusive exist to provide a solution and serve it’s clients.

• Invest time and resources in constantly Training and Educating team members so that the Xcllusive team can provide constant and high level of professional and customer service.

• Respect our clients wishes and be available to help them whenever they need us.

• Improve all systems through constant assessment and, most importantly, have Fun.

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Security Company For Sale! We are a small company located in central NSW which has been running for over 20 years with a strong and loyal customer base. Some of our major sources of income include: - Alarm responses - Nightly patrols - Static guard - Cash in transit. Included in the sale are two (2) patrol cars which will come fully staffed with fully licensed guards. Business is set up to be able to run remotely with invoicing and wages being able to be completed via laptop. We are the only service provider in the area and often get asked to travel for our services however due to a lack of nan power we have to turn some opportunities down. This is a major area in...

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
65 NSW Price: $550,000 WIWO Region: Wagga Wagga + Riverina State: NSW Contact: Sam Woods Phone: 0412 646 971 View Online Bsale ID 593494 Only Security Company In The Area Security
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

Home Dog Training Franchise - Penrith... Dog Wash and Pet Services

FOR SALE – DUE TO OWNER RELOCATION. Enjoy working locally or a tree - change in the beautiful world heritage Blue Mountains and surrounds, and become a Dog Behavioural Therapist and Trainer. You will train dogs and their owners to resolve behaviour and obedience issues. Change dogs and owners lives with fast, proven, and natural canine training and communication techniques. The business: The franchise includes the high-density Penrith region, Blue Mountains and surrounds. The business has an excellent income and high return for each lesson. Two lessons per week will gross over $100k p.a. You have the option to conduct in-home...

Price: $45,000

Region: Blue Mountains State: NSW Contact: Peter Adamow Phone: 0412 603 709

View Online Bsale ID 591070

Automotive Wheels, Tyres And 4WD... Auto Accessories and Parts

One of Sydney's largest and best known fitters, installers and resellers of automotive tyres, wheels and other 4WD customised accessories. Unrivalled brand awareness and customer exposure. $10m+ annual revenue , profitable business ready to WIWO.

Price: $2,500,000 + SAV

Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Simon Johnson Phone: 0401 537 979

View Online Bsale ID 593628


Mechanical Business For Sale In Berry NSW Mechanics

- Established over 20 years with a strong customer base. - Long Lease. - Central location in town. - To be sold with equipment and stock. Are you looking for a strong business with a steady income, in the beautiful country town of Berry. The current owner is looking for someone that is ready to hit the ground running, to seamlessly take over and service the large customer base that is ever growing. If this opportunity is of interest to you please contact Steve.

Price: Price on Application/WIWO

Region: Berry State: NSW Contact: Steve Clarke Phone: 0417 251 205

View Online Bsale ID 592162

Mega Show Bags Business For Sale...

Amusement Parks

Established for over fifty years with only two owners Veritas Marketing t/as Mega Show bags have been operating at the four major exhibition shows in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide. The business is unique, as it is the only independent show bag operator at these shows. A great cash flow business that does not need a full time operation. Opportunities to expand the business. Owner will train and stay with any new owner to ensure a smooth transition.

Price: $1,650,000

Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Ian Farrar Phone: 0412 632 194

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

NSW 67
View Online Bsale ID 593667

Retail Florist Business - Blue Mountains... Florist

Established retail florist business for sale. Located in the Blue Mountains, NSW. Prime location with excellent reputation. Light and bright modern shop fitout including a coolroom. Step right in and make this business your own and continue to grow. Currently owner operated as a partnership, could operate as owner operator with casual/part time staff as required. Current owners have operated successfully for nearly 8 years however now wish to focus on family priorities. Additional information available to genuinely interested parties only, following signing of a Non-Disclosure agreement.

Price: $50,000 WIWO

Region: Lawson State: NSW Contact: Private Seller Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 596766

Award Winning Retail Greengrocer &... Fruit Shop

2021 WINNER OF THE BEST SMALL BUSINESS GREENGROCER IN NSW/ACT. A unique opportunity to acquire 2 brands combining the best of bricks and mortar retail and e-commerce. RETAIL STORE – JANNALI QUALITY FRUIT & VEG. A bit about the store. This award winning business is a well established family run fruit, vegetable and grocery store that has been in operation for a bit over 30 years and is a staple in the local community. It would be hard to find someone in the local community suburbs that wouldn’t know of this local establishment. The current owner has been in operation for 7 years. The family has made a great income from the store...

Price: $290,000 + SAV

Region: Jannali State: NSW Contact: Eric Saad Phone: 0415 938 316

View Online Bsale ID 595552

NSW 68

Gentlemens Club Located In Brisbane's... Entertainment

A rare and unique opportunity to acquire one of Brisbane's Real Icons –Players Universal Lounge at 180 Mary Street, Brisbane. This exclusive club provides entertainment to a broad range of patrons and has a long and admired history in Brisbane's entertainment community. The Club has been strictly run by Management so as to attract the more discerning clientele. The Club boasts an exclusive high end fit out which includes several tiers of leather upholstered lounge seating meticulously detailed with stainless steel features and decorations and the latest in mood lighting. The main area has an elevated stage with LED lighting and mirrors and 'Heaven" is a smaller...


Region: Lismore State: NSW Contact: Phillip DiCosta Phone: 02 6622 1001

View Online Bsale ID 596235

Endota Day Spa For Sale Beauty Salon

Four year established endota spa in a busy area of sydney. Five rooms, excellent staff, excellent profits, strong client base. Comes with all fit out, equipment and products. This is a franchise so well supported model of business. In the heart of Sydney’s Northern Beaches, only a short drive from the iconic beauty of Manly Beach, discover endota day spa Warringah Mall – a serene sanctuary for wellness and relaxation, conveniently located near H&M in the garden-lined walkways of Westfield Warringah Mall. Let our experienced expert therapists nourish and nurture you from the extensive selection of signature spa treatments we proudly offer. From advanced...

Price: $300,000

Region: Brookvale State: NSW Contact: Jane Davidson Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 595146

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

NSW 69

Commercial Grade Green Septic Sewerage... Cleaning

Commercial Grade Concentrated Green Septic and Sewerage Safe Cleaning Products Wholesale / RetailServicing Northern Rivers, Byron Bay, Ballina, Austinville, Mullumbimby, Brunswick. Environmentally Friendly Commercial Grade green, septic sewage safe cleaning products, quality first aid, cleaning accessories, paper products, so much more. This business has thousands of products to sell! *KEY FEATURES INCLUDE* *Located on busy road leading to Ballina Airport. Address: Shed 2/23 North Creek Road Ballina 2478. *This business has been established 16 years. *Huge growth potential. Good margins on all products. Very low rent. Low overheads...

Price: $665,000 All Genuine Offers Considered

Region: Mid + North Coast State: NSW Contact: Geoff Bryant Phone: 0410 511 645

View Online Bsale ID 567587

Anytime Fitness Franchise For Sale In Nsw

Franchise Business

UNDER FULL MANAGEMENT. The membership is over 1500 members. Long lease. The business will come without encumbrances. The LIVIT refresh has been completed. 100s of free parking spots surrounding each gym. The site enjoy excellent exposure with large main road street signage. This club holds a fantastic reputation amongst the local community. Australian tier one gym franchise. Head office marketing and operational support. 24/7 operation with minimal staffing requirements. Proven concept with low operational costs allowing larger profits.The business presents a huge opportunity for a savvy owner /...

Price: $2,295,000 + SAV

Region: New South Wales State: NSW Contact: Clifford Forster Phone: 0422 486 277 or 1300 001 303

View Online Bsale ID 584460

NSW 71 Price: $79,000 Region: Central Coast State: NSW Contact: Melissa
949 View Online Bsale ID 589565 Event Styling And Prop Hire Business... Hire Services
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions
0413 923
Event styling and prop hire business including delivery van – Central Coast NSW. • Established 2017. Award winning and profitable event decorating and prop/party hire business. Mainly servicing the Central Coast, but also the Lake Macquarie and Hunter regions. Looking after all major life events and special occasions – weddings, birthdays, baby showers, bridal showers/hen’s parties, corporate events, school graduations, pop up picnics, Christmas parties, anniversaries, proposals, the list goes on! • INCOME streams: 1. Customer DIY hire of items; 2. Customer hire of items and you offering delivery & collection services; 3. Customer hire with you doing... FIND

Tastify Franchises For Sale

Franchised Food Outlets

Tastify has 3 stores located in Richmond, Bligh Park and North Richmond. We are looking for potential franchisees to open and run a Tastify store. 12 weeks training and you will be ready to run your own business. Detailed operations manual is included which shows how to successfully open and run a Tastify store.

Price: $250,000

Region: North Richmond State: NSW Contact: Lee Apostolatos Phone: 0404 060 572

View Online Bsale ID 589259

Highly Profitable Laurieton Business Aged Care

It is rare for a business to come on the market which is showing such strong profitability in a regional town like this, and even rarer when you don't have to have specific qualifications or industry specific skills to run it well. Of course, you can learn what you need to know on the job, our owner is happy to offer some training, or you may even wish to put a manager in to grow the day to day operations. Currently being operated from two locations, Laurieton and Tuncurry, Mid Coast Mobility has got the Mid North Coast covered when it comes to supplying aged care equipment. The current owners are looking to sail off into their retirement sunset and...

Price: $795,000 + SAV

Region: Laurieton

State: NSW Contact: Simon Hancox Phone: 0423 941 136

View Online Bsale ID 572274


Thai Restaurant : The Entrance Restaurant

Huge Opportunity in terms of Position and Shop Size Long established Thai restaurant located on the main road. First time offer for sale due to owners retiring. Lease 5 years, CPI annual increase. Operating Lunch: Friday- Sunday, Dinner : Tuesday-Sunday. Potential to extend trading hours for breakfast. Local customers ranging from locals, trades people, tourists, and workers.


Region: The Entrance State: NSW Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 589297 2518ML - Boutique Leasehold Apartments... Motel

Modern boutique Apartments only 10 years young. Exceptional Central Coast Location. 1.5 hours from Sydney leisure accommodation market. Strong postCOVID-19 recovery expected. 15 self-contained Apartments. No Cooking! Long Lease and a dream to operate. Keyless Property with CCTV. Secure under complex parking with lift access. Great combination of Beach Lifestyle and Income! Contact us now for your further details. Leasehold apartments. Copacabanais a well-loved surfing beach. It’s a small town away from noise and traffic and is also one of the most relaxing holiday spots on the Central Coast. Here you find only...

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

NSW 73
Price: Under Contract / Offer
Region: Copacabana State: NSW Contact: David Head Phone: 0438 663 551 View Online Bsale ID 583080
$100,000 + SAV

Smash Repairs Smash Repairer

An opportunity to purchase a well established and respected local Smash Repair business in Long Jetty on the Central Coast NSW. Established for the past 27 years, working currently as partnered repairer for 3 major insurance companies, this along with many local referrals of private work make for a busy workload. Current staff all very experienced and long established. All modern equipment meets insurance repair method requirements. Long 2-1/2 year lease in place. Main road frontage with only one other like business in the area which is mainly resto work All office & computer equipment running current IBODY quote system...

Price: $950,000

Region: Long Jetty State: NSW Contact: Craig Barnes Phone: 0428 469 462

View Online Bsale ID 590305

Home Dog Training Franchise - Sydney... Training

FOR URGENT SALE – OWNER RELOCATION. A day in the life: As an in-home Dog Behavioural Therapist and Trainer, you will train dogs and their owners to resolve behaviour and obedience issues. Change dogs and owners lives with fast, proven, and natural canine training and communication techniques. The business: Work locally. There is huge growth potential with new infrastructure developments, housing estates and population. I experienced a high demand for dog and puppy training and support, even during Covid. The business has an excellent income and high return for each lesson. You will have full comprehensive training...

Price: $40,000

Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Peter Adamow Phone: 0412 603 709

View Online Bsale ID 591034


What could be more exciting than owning a BBQ franchise in the bustling city of Canberra? If you are an aspiring food entrepreneur or someone with passion for success, this is the right opportunity for you. Smoky Sue’s is a fast-growing brand, which is becoming increasingly famous for its innovative menu and revolutionary BBQ techniques. The franchise opportunity comes with the advantages of full training, ongoing support, equipment, and proven processes. If you wish to become a part of the booming BBQ revolution in Australia with a unique twist, then look no further. Located in the most populated city of Australia, this Smoky Sue’s franchise is a sure-fire...

verify information. Prices
75 ACT Price: POA Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Smart Sales Brokers Admin Phone: View Online Bsale ID 596347
Sues Franchise For Sale Canberra... Franchise Business Opportunities
Note: Price is a guide
please contact the
may be +
+ Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

Canberra’s Most Exclusive Bridal Boutique Clothing Accessories

Unique opportunity to be an independent business owner of a highly successful, well-established bridal boutique that has been serving Australia for over 17 years. In the extremely competitive bridal industry, this highly sought-after brand has forged a reputation for impeccable and award-winning service throughout its starred tenure in Canberra and now is available for acquisition. This business is a turn-key solution for the new owner, whether a novice or seasoned retailer. The seller is providing a very rare and prized opportunity for the new owner by sharing trusted, long-standing contacts (including designers and suppliers) within...

Price: $350,000 (all inclusive)

Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Coast to Coast Business Sales Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 596861

Barton Cafe, Sales 12.5k P/W | Suitable... Cafe and Coffee Shop

For sale is an opportunity to purchase a busy cafe in the busy district of Barton in Central ACT. The business is currently operated by one of Canberra's most successful brands and offers a range of healthy yet indulgent snacks and meals and they are looking for an operator (Ideally a husband and wife team or 2 partners) to take over the operation within the brand. Full training and support will be provided to the purchaser and no previous experience is required, you will be given all of the tools you need for success from day one including regular feedback on financial performance so you always know how you are going. The cafe itself is busy yet manageable and...

Price: $150,000 + SAV

Region: Barton State: ACT Contact: Rob Illsey Phone: 0415 243 750

View Online Bsale ID 595698

76 ACT

Office Furniture Ergonomic Solutions... Furniture

Revenue FY2022 $2,515,000, Profit $408,000, Established 15+ years, Exclusive brands. Established for over 15 years, this highly successful and well-regarded retailer/installer provides high-quality office and home ergonomic furniture products to its customers in the ACT and NSW. Servicing commercial and Government clients, the business has agreements with well-known suppliers, national and international brands. The business trades from well-located premises, with a 522m2 showroom and warehouse. In addition to being a leading supplier and installer of Ergonomic furniture and equipment, the business also offers design and fit-out solutions to...

Price: $776,000

Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Xcllusive Business Sales Phone: 02 9817 3331

View Online Bsale ID 596609

5 Day Restaurant | Prestigious Inner... Cafe and

Coffee Shop

For sale is a Restaurant located in a wealthy inner south suburb of Canberra that currently offers high quality, freshly made Ramen dishes and Rice bowls in an elegant yet casual, comfortable space for customers to enjoy the delicious authentic dishes and it is clear that great attention has been paid to create a brand with a strong identity. No expense has been spared on the fitout and decor, with a full commercial kitchen equipped with all the equipment you need. The Restaurant is well equipped to offer Ramen products but anyone looking for a venue for a new Restaurant will find a well equipped business with a strong base of trade to build from and...

Price: $280,000 + SAV

Region: Manuka State: ACT Contact: Robert Illsley Phone: 0415 801 313

View Online Bsale ID 595675

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

77 ACT

With an excellent location & in the heart of the Canberra, this business has huge potential for an owner that brings an enthusiastic outlook. Business is 1 year old and already shown huge potential being one of it's kind. Owner operated and the owner had done all the hard work which is now moving towards the auto-pilot mode. Bar infrastructure in place but due to the nature of the business current owner has decided not to go ahead with liquor license. New owner may choose to operate bar as well. This is a regrettable sale as due to family priorities only, owner had decided to sell this beautiful...

78 ACT
A ACT BUSINESS BROKER Price: $150,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 584737
Cafe and Coffee Shop
Huge Potential Cafe/Restaurant For Sale

Coming Soon - School Bus - Charter Busin... Transport

NSW school bus businesses are tightly held with good reason. A rare opportunity to purchase a longestablished family business that holds Transport for NSW government school bus contracts. The business offers exceptional lifestyle opportunities and flexibility of working school term weeks (approx. 41 weeks per year) plus any additional charter work that the business chooses to pursue. This business may suit a husband and wife team, someone with mechanical or driving experience, an existing operator in the bus industry or someone new to the bus & coach industry. Key Features: - 3 x buses providing diverse income with 2 x TfNSW...

Price: $1,300,000

Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Dallas Lodge Phone: 0412 298 651

View Online Bsale ID 590085

Great Opportunity For A Dedicated Owner... Gyms

Snap Fitness is a world leader in the fitness franchising space. Part of the Lift Brands family, they are the world's leading wellness organisation and their mission is to deliver the most rewarding fitness experience in the world. They are on a mission for healthier, happier people in Australia and New Zealand. Last year Snap Fitness celebrated 15 years globally, 10 years in Australia, and 2000+ clubs worldwide, and they are not stopping there with a strong development pipeline over the next few years. Their Snap Fitness clubs feature 24/7 access, premium cardio and strength-training equipment, the latest functional training options and leading...

Price: $60,000

Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014

View Online Bsale ID 589950

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

79 ACT

Wanted to Buy - Small to Large Profitable... Cafe and Coffee Shop

We have clients seeking to purchase businesses in all business industries. We have huge demand for small businesses in Canberra for sale under the total value of less than $150K for buyers looking to meet the ACT visa application requirement . If you have a business that employs a permanent resident, turns over $200K per annum and makes a profit then we have huge demand for your business at the moment. We are nationwide business brokers and have a large database of buyers all around the country looking to buy businesses. * Food/Hospitality * Health & Beauty * Retail * Services * Manufacturing * Transport * Real Estate * Professional...

Price: $1

Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014

View Online Bsale ID 589954

Huge Potential To Grow The Business!... Restaurant

New to the market is this popular and still growing Sushi Bar/ Japanese Restaurant. Established for just under 4 years, this is the only sit down Japanese restaurant within a large radius that serves takeaway, lunch, and dinner. The business is currently run under full management as the owners have returned overseas for family reasons. There is a very long lease in place to 2028 with the current rental rate at 5% of revenue. Along with the business, more than 100 amazing recipes from a very qualified chef are part of the sale. The area surrounding the restaurant is growing at a fast rate with new apartment buildings and townhouse villages...

Price: $230,000

Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014

View Online Bsale ID 589948

80 ACT

Brand new NDIS Registered company for sale. No history of trading. 100% Clean company. No liabilities. It’s ready to go for anyone looking to start their own NDIS business. Registraion in force from 30 October 2021 through till 30 October 2024.. 9 Registration group/scope; 0106 AssistLife Stage, Transition . 0107 Assist-Personal Activities. 0108 Assist-Travel/Transport. 0115 Daily Tasks/Shared Living. 0116 Innov Community Participation. 0117 Development-Life Skills. 0120 Household Tasks. 0125 Participate Community. 0136 Group/Centre Activities. Asking price $85,000. Act now! Take this opportunity...

Price is a guide only, please
the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV,
service and
commissions 81 QLD Price: $85,000 Region: Underwood State: QLD Contact: Rocky Batth Phone: 0424 020 062 View Online Bsale ID 592953 NDIS Business For Sale In Brisbane $85,000 Medical
+ Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the
which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising
is receiving no
*Not actual photo

Engine Carbon Clean Gold Coast Cleaning

Awesome opportunity to move into niche market in the automotive carbon clean industry. Single operation being sold by owner. This was a franchise that has paid out the right to operate independently. No franchise fees. Engine Carbon Clean is the worlds largest recognized provider of this type of service. I ran this business while doing a 4on/4off full time job. Very easy to run earning 65k last year working only 2 days per week. Excellent reputation and organic on-line presence keeps the phone ringing. I do zero paid advertising. Check my socials. Huge growth potential. Easy work. Mechanical knowledge preferable...

Price: $55,000

Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Simon Weies Phone: 0490 183 679

View Online Bsale ID 591035

Red Rooster Beaudesert Franchise Business Opportunities

Red Rooster Beaudesert is located on BeaudesertNerang Highway next to the busy 24/7 Caltex Service Station. Store was converted to a Red Rooster store in December 2018 with turnover & profits increasing each year with the rapid population growth in the local area.

• Prime Location – Great Exposure. • Over 40% ROI. • Drive Thru store with restaurant. • Only fast food on highway from Boonah to Gold Coast. • Currently run under full management. • Huge potential for Owner Operator to increase sales. • Potential to add delivery to increase sales even more. • Full training provided by...

Price: $285,000 + SAV

Region: Beaudesert

State: QLD Contact: Neil McCosker Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 593001

82 QLD

For Sale Highly Profitable Turnkey Suppo... Backpacker


Highly Profitable Supported Accommodation providing services to people which may include mental, intellectual and physical disabilities, including the NDIS sector. Income on a fortnightly basis. About the Business: Level 3 Supported accommodation providing services to people with government accommodation support, which may include mental, intellectual and physical disabilities, including the NDIS sector. 4 buildings leasehold, 24 beds (made up of 12 single rooms and 5 shared rooms) plus 2 self-contained flats. Whilst the business is turnkey and successfully run under management, there is...


Region: Waterford State: QLD Contact: Cristian Marcu Phone: 0438 509 094

View Online Bsale ID 591213

Licence Opportunities - Essential Shield...


Licence Opportunities all over Australia. Affordable business opportunity to start your own Mould Removal Services or add to an existing cleaning/service business. There is a huge market demand for this service! There is a rapidly growing awareness of the real and present health dangers of having toxic mould in homes and offices. At least 46 per cent of NSW residents admit to dealing with a mould problem, followed closely by 42 per cent of Queenslanders. Our independent regional mould removal service agents are fully trained in all aspects of naturally based professional mould removal...

Price: $20,000

Region: Sunshine Coast State: QLD Contact: Grant Dybing Phone: 0411 750 250

View Online Bsale ID 595764

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

83 QLD

Profitable Gym for Sale Gyms

SUCCESSFULLY running for over 10 years with no marketing or social media done in the past 5 years due to professional service, strong client retention and client referrals. Plenty of potential for someone willing to market and take on trainers. LOCATED in the business hub of Southport within close proximity to professional offices, medical professionals, lawyers, Courthouse, cafes and more, this Independent Specialist Strength & Conditioning Personal Training Gym is not part of a Franchise and would suit an existing owner looking to expand or a new entrant looking to grow on the...

Price: $70,000

Region: Southport State: QLD Contact: Private Seller Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 596162

22465 Profitable Boutique Hair Salon... Beauty Salon

Look no further if you want to own a flourishing and well-established hair salon in one of South-East Queensland's most premium seaside neighbourhoods! The salon is prominently located next to a well-liked pub and is surrounded by other eateries and retail establishments. The salon also benefits from heavy foot traffic on the main thoroughfare. You will benefit from a rising local population and a laid-back coastal lifestyle within a 10-minute drive from gorgeous beaches thanks to the business's excellent location in a sought-after and quickly expanding Sunshine Coast neighbourhood...

Price: $325,000 + SAV

Region: Sippy Downs State: QLD Contact: Bonza Business Sales Brisbane Phone: 1300 266 922

View Online Bsale ID 593668

84 QLD

National Warehouse & Distribution Wholesale

Wholesaler & importer running for 14 years. Privately owned. Based South East Qld. Selling due to owners focusing on other business commitments. Great ROI. Can be run fully managed, husband and wife with existing team, existing business and roll it in.

Price: $1,200,000

Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Private Seller Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 597576

Automotive Suspension and Bullbar... Auto Accessories and


Australian 4WD suspension component & bullbar manufacturer for sale. Also provides performance car parts and accessories including shocks, suspension lift kits, racing coilovers, brake components other modifications. Mix of B2B and consumer sales.Greater than $12million turnover, $2.3m profits per annum. Quick Sale.

Price: $10,000,000 + SAV

Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Simon Johnson Phone: 0401 537 979

View Online Bsale ID 593629

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

85 QLD

Busy Food Trailer – Gourmet Charcuterie... Mobile

Food Vans

This thriving business is a well-known, popular and highly recognisable name in the mobile catering and event space. The focus is on offering high end gourmet charcuterie and cheese boards for booked events (weddings, hens parties, entertaining, corporate) along with busy pre-orders for delivery and collection. Being mobile and fully self sufficient, this business can operate anywhere – you can be up and running immediately. Fully sign written, eye catching retro styled food trailer in immaculate condition – turn key setup in immaculate condition – RENT FREE! Attractive fully functioning...

Price: $149,900 WIWO

Region: Queensland State: QLD Contact: Kim Jubb Phone: 0466 596 072

View Online Bsale ID 596933

22483 Highly Profitable Community Café... Cafe and Coffee Shop

Looking for a successful venture that will allow you to live a flexible seaside lifestyle? With yearly sales well over a million dollars, this neighbourhood café is well established and highly regarded. The café is well situated in the centre of the Burleigh neighbourhood, close to homes for families and small businesses. Locals like strolling in for coffee every workday and bringing their friends and family in every weekend because it is situated close to most local homes and has plenty of parking available. You may enjoy a terrific lifestyle in this location in one of Queensland's friendliest and...

Price: $385,000 + SAV

Region: Burleigh Waters

State: QLD Contact: Bonza Business Sales Brisbane Phone: 1300 266 922

View Online Bsale ID 593489

86 QLD

RADTRONICS IS OFFERED FOR SALE. Radtronics originally began trading as Packard Services in 1988 offering equipment and services for radiation measurement in applications including radioassay, tertiary research and pathology; as Queensland agent for Canberra-Packard. The business soon expanded with the appointment as Exclusive Distributor (Australia and New Zealand) for Rotem Industries, Israel and Mirion Technologies (then MGPI), France. The formation of Radtronics Pty Ltd took place in 2005 to reflect the reduced importance of the Canberra-Packard brand with the Rotem and Mirion...

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

87 QLD Price:
$930,000 WIWO Region: Cleveland State: QLD Contact: Kenneth Furphy Phone: View
Bsale ID 586873 Radtronics Pty Ltd Computer IT

$26k Plus Per Week Busy Fish And Chip Shop Takeaway Food

Busy fish and Chip shop located in Pimpama. Growing area by the day. Turning over $26000.00 plus per week. From April 2020 to April 2021 we turned over 1.5 mil. All equipment is owned out right and less then 2 years old. 4 deep fryers, 1 hot plate, 5 chest freezers, 2 fridges double door, 1 glass display cabinet, 1 scoop ice cream freezer, 2 micowaves, benches, shelves. Much more but the list will never end. We are open 7 days a week from 10am to 9pm only closed christmas day. You can make your own hours if you require, there are no restrictions. We are selling as we have another one plus we have...

Price: $250,000 WIWO

Region: Pimpama State: QLD Contact: Tony Brake Phone: 0410 127 611

View Online Bsale ID 584268

Established Craft Beer & Cocktail Bar In... Pubs

This bar business has been well-established for 6 years and has a unique retro arcade selling point with a great reputation for quality craft beer, cocktails and loyal customers. Business is steady, with consistent strong weekly sales and returning local customers.Set over 2 levels, the bar boasts three unique areas for customers to enjoy from an 80’s retro arcade dive bar, a neon lit Tokyo style pinball room to a 70’s style lounge. The bar has a unique retro arcade and pinball offering and is Sydney’s first bar of its kind, as such it has gained a strong and popular reputation in Sydney’s night life...

Price: $295,000

Region: Newtown State: QLD Contact: Private Seller Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 587051

88 QLD

Part 141 - Flight School (All Approvals Inc... Aviation

Part 141 Flight Training School, SE QLD Based. RPL, PPL, CPL, Multi Engine, Instrument Rating, Instructor Rating (ALL Training Endorsements available), Formation, Spinning, Low Level, Turbine and C208 Training. Vendor financing available. Only purchasing the CASA Part 141 Certificate with associated approvals. Aircraft are available for sale separately. Operating locations not available for sale.

Price: $195,000

Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 584889

Profitable Air Conditioning Business For Sale

Building and Construction

Summary: Expressions of interest are sought for the purchase of this well established profitable air conditioning business. Revenue: $6,700,000 pa. Location Details: Located on the Gold Coast. Potential: This business has a track record of steady growth and is an ideal platform for new owners to scale further, or provide an entry point for interstate industry participants into the rapidly expanding and increasingly affluent Gold Coast market. About the Business: This profitable air conditioning company has been operating for more than 15 years and is engaged in the commercial and...

Price: $1,800,000 + SAV

Region: Gold Coast State: QLD Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 587670

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

89 QLD

Profitable Australian Ecommerce Live... Other Retail

Founded in April 2020, King of the Arachnids has been supplying live invertebrates and supplies to a wide clientele nationwide. Tarantulas are shipped easily by express shipping. Customers understand and expect orders to only be shipped early in the week (monday or Tuesday) so parcels aren't caught over the weekend. This allows flexability throughout the week and the ability to work from home currently operated as parttime and home based direct import and online business. This business enjoys high gross margins, low operating costs and offers any new owner the ultimate benefits...

Price: $90,000

Region: Sydney State: QLD Contact: Brandon Chapman Phone: 0426 400 805

View Online Bsale ID 585685

Work From Home Business Agency... Advertising Mkting

This is a Great opportunity to create your own saleable business asset with our software development company as a licensed agent servicing businesses online and offline Nationally. The scope is unlimited with our Ai Artificial Intelligent Bots that suit every business website! The right person to fill this role in their area will be a professional with Strong people skills ideally with a sales and marketing background who can relate to business owners/managers at all levels.This business opportunity is all about Artificial Intelligent Bots for business websites. So where do you fit in? It’s quite simple really...

Price: $995

Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Private Seller Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 589056

90 QLD
*stock photo only

National Specialised Car Trailer...

Auto Accessories and Parts

We manufacture quality custom designed car trailers for ultimate towing in our North Brisbane Factory. Where we supply to? We supply and offer delivery Aust wide. How long have we been in business? 19 years and still going strong with over 70 trailers on order with deposits paid and work booked until 2023. Who do we supply? Racing and Car enthusiasts and motorhomers wanting to tow their vehicles. What does the sale include? We are offering a WIWO basis so includes all forward orders, current stock, plant and equipment and all marketing including website and socials - ready to walk in and...

Price: $600,000 WIWO

Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Troy Donohoo Phone: 0419 678 561

View Online Bsale ID 586598

Portable Buildings Building and Construction

Portable Building business for sale. Long term contracts and customers. Caravan Parks, Lease Businesses. All financials provided. Website: Included

Price: $500,000 WIWO

Region: Westbrook State: QLD Contact: Chris Edards Phone: 0448 962 226

View Online Bsale ID 585722

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

91 QLD

Established Sub Sandwich Franchise...

Franchised Food Outlets

Great established business opportunity. Under full management. Opportunity for a seachange for those looking to move to a relaxing resort-style location. Located on the main street of Airlie Beach in the beautiful Whitsundays. Strong sales growth over the last few years even through the pandemic. Great opportunities to increase sales as the borders open and into the Brisbane Olympics. Low rent at under 5% of sales. Large solar system assists with energy costs. Long Lease until 2025 with 2x 5-year options. Please request a full sales guide for more information including the P&L breakdown for 2022.

Price: $295,000 + SAV

Region: Airlie Beach State: QLD Contact: Private Seller Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 590104

Busy Bakery Business For Sale – Popular... Bakery

“Popular and profitable” are two key words representing this bakery business featuring a tasty range of bread, cakes, pastries, and baked goods that draw a crowd from the local community and surrounding areas (including Kilcoy, Beachmere, Morayfield, and more). Customers are treated to exceptional quality products, great coffee, and friendly service 7 days per week. Operating as a wet bakery, a majority of products are made on premises, fresh daily. All of the plant and equipment is in place, making this an opportunity to simply walk in and generate profits. The business is located in a prime...

Price: $430,000 WIWO

Region: Caboolture State: QLD Contact: Dean Marinac Phone: 0432 734 760

View Online Bsale ID 587121

92 QLD
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions 93 VIC Price: $675,000 Region: Wendouree State: VIC Contact: Sally Doyle Phone: 0412 651 138 View Online Bsale ID 594674 Catering Business Catering A Unique Opportunity to acquire a ready made business where all the hard work has already been done for you. You will have exclusive access to 10% of Ballarat's 100K plus population. With still huge potential for growth and expansion, or to create a great work/life balance. Very low rent and outgoings, which will help you maximise your profits.

Melbourne Auto Parts - Wreckers...

Auto Accessories and Parts

Located in the heart of Melbourne’s northern suburbs. Price (Including Business and Assets): $325,000. Lease of premises available options 3x3x3 or 5x5. Lease price negotiable subject to the business sale price. Melbourne Auto Parts is a second-hand parts supplier for nearly 10 years. We are a Capricorn Supplier and Member. We specialise in Honda and Mazda models. Extremely organised wreckers with a very clean yard- expanding over 4,000sqm (all concrete) and fully barcoded warehouse. We have an established website and eBay store. We advertise on Parts Check, Parts Online and...

Price: $325,000

Region: Campbellfield State: VIC Contact: Zaia Zia Phone: 0408 591 093

View Online Bsale ID 590958

Have Your Very Own Hecho En Mexico...

Franchised Food Outlets

We are looking for passionate people to join our Hecho en Mexico franchise family. Hecho en Mexico is a thriving pandemic-proof business well-known by locals across 12 different locations. We are the ones that have created the tacos that Melbournians love and those mouth-watering Patrón margaritas you just can’t get enough of. We are the only authentic Mexican Restaurant in Australia with over 9 years of experience offering franchise opportunities with full support and full training. We have been featured on Broadsheet and UrbanList. A bit of history, Hecho en Mexico, which...

Price: $400,000

Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Rob Meldrum Phone: 0400 916 912

View Online Bsale ID 595650

94 VIC

Award-Winning Marine And Outdoor... Marine

This award-winning family-owned business of 19 years is for sale. Marine & Outdoor Power Equipment Dealership - sales, parts and service workshop located on a prominent highway. QUINTREX, YAMAHA, MERCURY products and parts - It is so rare to find a marine business with this combination of high-end brands. Very few businesses in Australia have this combinationmaking it a very enviable and sought-after business. The expansion to include the HUSQVANA power equipment brand provides an excellent seasonal balance to the marine division. Prominent highway frontage with...

Price: POA

Region: Victoria State: VIC Contact: Private Seller Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 591462

Convenience Store Milk Bar & Residence

Other Retail

Well set up and profitable Convenience Store Milk Bar for sale with 3-bedroom residence. This business has become well known for its traditional milk bar set up with the added convenience of a take-away store currently trading 6 days a week (Mon-Sat). Just a 10-minute walk from outside the main town center, these premises are situated on a corner block with ample parking for cars, trucks, and tractors. Close proximity to Schools, McIndoe Park, Tennis Courts, Golf Club and Recreation Reserve. **Consistently renowned for their reliable services and products offering a variety of convenient lines...

Price: $120,000 WIWO

Region: Gippsland

State: VIC Contact: Private Seller Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 596000

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

95 VIC

Busy Fish & Chip/Takeaway Shop Located... Takeaway Food

Located in a busy small town on the South Gippsland Hwy. Lots of passing traffic on the way to Phillip Island. Makes for a perfect stop to grab lunch/dinner for families. Ample of parking and seating around as well. Popular fish & chip shop known arround Melbourne for its supurb quality fish & chips and yummy fritters. Established since 1920 with a rich history and ongoing dedication to providing only the highest standard of service to all. -Located close to water. -Open 7 days. -Great location(very populated during summer). -Large premises. -Takings $18,000p/w on average. -Attractive...

Price: $480,000

Region: Mornington Penninsula

State: VIC Contact: Alicja Barczynska Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 593750

Under Management Hair Salon Business... Hair Salon

This hair salon is located in a premium pocket of Camberwell. This idyllic and leafy part of Camberwell with strip shops provides plenty of supporting businesses and ample foot traffic. Offering hair styling services for the whole family, this salon is a solid and steady business that is well supported by the local community of families who have become regular, loyal clients. There is no competition to this salon in the surrounding area. Large well appointed salon with 6 chairs plus a colour table in the centre of the salon and 2 wash basins. There is also a kitchen and bathroom. This salon is run under...

Price: $150,000

Region: Camberwell

State: VIC Contact: Elle Likopoulos or Chris Panagiotidis Phone: 03 9566 7300 or 9566 7300

View Online Bsale ID 591463

96 VIC
*Not actual photo


Charcoal Chicken

About the business: Charcoal Roasted Chicken shop. Being in this location for over 20 years. Well set up Charcoal Chicken business for sale in Watsonia, with the loyal customer base, easy to run and lots of parking spots available. In a great location shopping strip, large railway station, army barracks nearby surrounded by may residentially housing and schools nearby. Vendors will train. Fantastic busy location. Turnover: $15,000 pw Reasonable rent: $2662 pm includes GST, 8 years long lease. Asking price: $320,000. Open 6 days during winter and 7 days over summer. Same owner for last 8 years...

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.
97 VIC Price: $320,000 Region: Watsonia State: VIC Contact: Enrico D'Alberto Phone:
View Online Bsale ID 587836
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions
0400 624 601
Takeaway Food

Rare Opportunity - Coffee & Cake - No... Cafe and Coffee


Expressions of interests have now opened for a well established and proven Little Sparrow Melbourne store located at Watergardens Shopping Centre which is one of Melbourne's fastest growing regions. The Concept: Little Sparrow Melbourne is a boutique sophisticated and established National Australian brand. We are renowned for our high-end appearance and unique products together with an outstanding customer service. Our National winning concept is a simple operation that does not require any type of kitchen or cooking. We provide specialty roasted coffee, exclusive French...

Price: $420,000

Region: Taylors Lakes

State: VIC Contact: Gian Blundo Phone: 0418 344 044

View Online Bsale ID 584683

1003CPF - Back In Business, Running Hot... Caravan Park

The challenges from two summers ago are done. Shady Gully Caravan Park at Mallacoota returns, stronger, prettier, ready for the next 500 years. Still set in six acres of bush, still 91 sites, still 11 cabins, still room for growth.And Mallacoota? Once the favourite of the baby boomers and their kids - now being 'discovered' by the families and friends of the twenty first century. The state of the books tells the story of a business moving forward with gusto - ready and confident. It's excellent value on a 15.5% return in a freehold market tracking on 12%. Looking for more? Government Grants are working...

Price: Freehold $2,790,000

Region: Mallacoota

State: VIC Contact: Annette Adams or Reg Partington Phone: 0405 534 737 or 0407 412 479

View Online Bsale ID 583113

98 VIC


Hair Salon

Business for sale, excellent opportunity for owner/ operator to own an iconic, modern design and unique Barbershop. Established 4 years ago just renewed one year ago well setup great looking with a loyal clients and outstanding reviews. This barbershop will empress as soon as you walk in the door, with the fit-out anyone would proud of with plenty of growth in the future. Rent of $380 pw plus outgoing is aroun $2000 pa, Secure lease of till April 2023 then 3x3. Very low running cost, located in busy area on main Street post office, travel agency and many free car park around. For further...

Price: $90,000

Region: Golden Square State: VIC Contact: Alex Web Phone: 0469 291 611

View Online Bsale ID 590203

Hairdressing And Beauty Supplies Business

Product Manufacturer

Business: • Australian owned and family operated since 2007 • Established 1996. Location: • Located 20 minutes from Melbourne’s CBD • 85 M2 premises with 2 car spaces • Great Lease in place. Services: • Offering a huge range of professional salon, retail, and beauty products • Catering for salons owners • home hairdressers • beauty therapists • general public. • Providing professional advice and service to assist with customer requirements. Products include: • Hairdressers’ equipment, scissors, gowns, brushers • Shampoos and Hair Care • Hair Dryers and straighteners • Beauty Products. Staff: • All of staff...

Price: $245,000

Region: St Albans State: VIC

Contact: Australian Business Sales Corporation Admin Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 577270

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

99 VIC

Fantastic Opportunity! Butcher Shop And... Butcher

and Deli

Busy butcher shop and wholesale butcher for sale. The business has a strong and respectful reputation in the area with strong customer base including a number of local businesses. The business consists of two areas: Butcher Shop open direct to public and Wholesale Butcher supplying local businesses such as Clubs, Hotels, Cafes, Restaurants, Fish and Chips. The business comes with a number of assets, equipment and vehicles, which include: 1 Truck, 2 Vans, 3 Meat display Fridges, 2 Fridges, 2 Meat display Freezers, 2 Walk-in freezers, 1 Bandsaw, 1 Large Coolroom, 1 Meat tenderiser...

Price: $299,000 + SAV

Region: Gippsland State: VIC Contact: Private Seller Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 590552

Edwards Tavern, Wodonga VIC - 1P0119 Hotel

EXCLUSIVE TO MHB. Outstanding VIC Leasehold Hotel. A rare opportunity has presented itself to secure an immaculate leasehold hotel business ideally located within Wodonga's industry hub and fast developing residential growth corridor. Affectionally and locally known as 'Eddies Tavern', this streamlined operation of bar, dining and function is without licensed club competition as one of only five hotels in a city of 45,000 people, nestled within the La Trobe University complex. A genuine offering to market, this beautifully presented venue boasts many features including an attractive...

Price: Leasehold - $565,000

Region: Wodonga State: VIC Contact: Dan McDonald Phone: 02 6067 2272 or 0437 838 368

View Online Bsale ID 590638

100 VIC

Combine Air Training is a high altitude training phenomenon that unlocks the science that elite athletes have been using for over 50 years to gain a competitive advantage - delivering it to the mainstream market as the ultimate fun, engaging and diverse health and fitness service. Register interest to obtain a detailed information pack. Partner with an elite team of experienced professionals within the business and fitness industries, combined with world class training gyms and business model! Exclusive Franchise Territories in Australia & New Zealand now available! We are looking for results...

guide only,
the seller to verify information. Prices
+ GST, + SAV, + Training
commissions 101 SA Price: $495,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Bernie Carroll Phone: 1300 227 227 or 0430 802 508 View Online Bsale ID 596835 Gym and Fitness Membership Business... Franchise Business Opportunities
is a
please contact
may be
etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no

Educational Study Tours Travel Agency...

This business operates in the educational study tour market and manages international students coming to Australia for English studies and cultural learning through homestay with local families. Operated by a husband and wife team, the management of this business is seasonal to coincide with the northern hemisphere school holiday periods. As all tours are pre-arranged, this allows the business owners plenty of downtime and to holiday at their leisure.All processes are in place with overseas and local agents, as well as the various local primary and secondary schools that are part of the program. - Flexible work hours - Work from...

Price: Expression of Interest

Region: Adelaide

State: SA Contact: Xcllusive Business Sales Phone: 02 9817 3331

View Online Bsale ID 596863

Fitness Membership Business Highly...

Franchise Business Opportunities

Combine Air Training is a high altitude training phenomenon that unlocks benefits through science that elite athletes have been using for over 50 years to gain a competitive advantage - delivering it to the mainstream market as the ultimate fun, engaging and diverse health and fitness gym. Members obtain outstanding results. Register interest to obtain a detailed information pack. Partner with an elite team of experienced professionals within the business and fitness industries, combined with world class training gyms and business model!

Exclusive Franchise Territories in Australia & New...

Price: $495,000

Region: Adelaide

State: SA Contact: Bernie Carroll Phone: 1300 227 227 or 0430 802 508

View Online Bsale ID 596839

102 SA

Chipmunks Indoor Playground Franchise... Cafe and

Coffee Shop

Australasia's most popular kids indoor playground. Chipmunks Playland & Café is a unique business idea incorporating pay for play, specialised birthday parties & private venue hire, and a full-service café, making Chipmunks a most loved family entertainment destination. Today Chipmunks Playland & Café operates more than 20 kids indoor play centres throughout Queensland, Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia. Benefits of owning a Chipmunks indoor playground: - Proven business model with a track record of success and market longevity. - 25+ years of industry...

Price: $750,000

Region: West Lakes State: SA Contact: Bernie Carroll Phone: 1300 227 227 or 0430 802 508

View Online Bsale ID 596735

Business for Sale - Importer & Wholesaler Import

First established in 2000, the business had been under current ownership for the last 6 years. As the acting wholesaler for some major retailers, the business offers a range of classic and contemporary bedroom décor, including quilts, throws and euro pillow cases. Operating from a well-equipped warehouse, the business continually provides the latest offerings in classic and contemporary bedroom décor to the market. As such, the business has positioned itself at the forefront of the industry with its unique offerings.The business has established a reputation for importing & supplying...

Price: Price Upon Application

Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Steve Kurtzer or Brett Buckley Phone: 0404 369 202 or 0432 231 630

View Online Bsale ID 596659

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

103 SA


Hair & Beauty Salon - St Agnes $80,000 Beauty Salon

The salon is very large and in amazing condition. Established for 14+ years! Key Features and Benefits: Loyal customers in place, Established Instagram and Facebook Page, Good location, Beautiful salon with an excellent reputation, The salon has so much room to grow. It has 3 beauty rooms, and there is a great opportunity to add so many more beauty services in particular. Services offered: Famous for their colouring results!, Offering ladies, mens and kids services, Hair extensions, Waxing, Spray Tanning, Make-up. ***Images are stock photos for illustrative purposes, not from the...

104 SA
Price: $80,000 Region: St Agnes State: SA Contact: National Brokerage Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 590206

Online Homewares Store Other


For over 8 years we have been predominately showcasing Australian designers, makers and artisans. They are the heartbeat of our online homewares store. We have close relationships with emerging designers and actively support small and boutique production runs of creative and stylish homewares. Made with passion, care and commitment we want our customers to love and enjoy these items each and every day. This beautiful homewares business is ready for its new owner to put their own creative stamp on the business and take it to its full potential. Features: Increased online sales year...

Price: $27,500

Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Yvette Braithwaite-Bragg Phone: 0418 819 960

View Online Bsale ID 590199

Pool Cleaning & Maintenance Business... Cleaning

Founded in 1992, is Australasia’s largest pool and spa maintenance network. With over 150 retail outlets and 400 mobile vans in 500 territories across the globe and growing. Franchisor Awards: Ranked #183 -Entrepreneur Magazine Franchise 500 list, 2018. Franchisor of the Year –2016. Multi-Unit Franchise of the Year. Key Features and Benefits: The Pool industry is a dynamic and exciting one to be involved in. The Business has the backing of the biggest and continually growing Pool Franchise in Australia, New Zealand and the USA. Well established in the area and has a great reputation. Has over 500...

Price: $1,250,000

Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Steve Paisio or National Brokerage Phone: 0475 687 054 or 1300 535 932

View Online Bsale ID 590141

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

105 SA

Commercial Laundry - Reginal South... Cleaning

This business was first established 69 years ago, and it has traded under the current tradingbname since opening the doors. With the current ownership for the past 19 years, the business has expanded and constantly upgraded its skill sets, placing it at the forefront in the area. This business has developed a reputation for supplying exceptional outcomes on time, every time, to the highest quality standards, with the highest quality Products, at competitive pricing. By following this business model, the business has established a profitable niche in the market, while also cultivating...


Region: Adelaide

State: SA

Contact: Brett Buckley Phone: 0432 231 630

View Online Bsale ID 590197

Sports Retail Business - Esperance WA... Clothing Accessories

This Sports Store business is located in a prime location along the Main Street near town centre. Excellent town to raise a family, with plenty of sun, surf, and great camping. Excellent community spirit with airport service, direct flights to Perth. Key Features and Benefits: The staff have been with the owner for a long time, and are very good in their roles with knowledge of suppliers and customers. Very successful business for many years. Regular customers in place. Excellent Google reviews. Owners only work in the business part-time, so it could perform even better with a full-time operator...

Price: $50,000

Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: National Brokerage Phone: 1300 535 932

View Online Bsale ID 590127

106 SA

Established gate and fencing business for sale in Port Kennedy. Specialising in fabrication of custom gates and fencing Installations. Well presented premises, consisting of Showroom, office, workshop and plenty of parking. Market price rental. Freehold Available. Drop saw, TIG and MIG Welders, forklift, work benches, two Toyota work Utes and plenty of storage all set up for new owners. 100k in forward orders and it's not even the busy season. Covid safe, continued working throughout. High performing website and FB page, repeat clients including residential, local councils and Builders. Staff...

Price is a guide only, please
the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training
commissions 107 WA Price: $220,000 + SAV Region: Port Kennedy State: WA Contact: Private Seller Phone: 0401 865 195 View Online Bsale ID 591872 Fabrication Gate And Fencing Business Building and Construction
etc. Disclaimer:
have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service
is receiving no

$350k…Busy Established Restaurant For... Restaurant

Restaurant For sale, Now available north of river running successfully from last 5 year, profitable business , easy to operate…Modern American Australian restaurant. Nothing to spend. 5 year lease remaining. (can be renewed after current term finish). Recover your money within 1-1.5 year. (Depand of experience). Geniune reason for sale. Great business for someone to work for themselves instead working for someone… Strictly confidential.. For more information get in touch…

Price: $299,000 + SAV

Region: Hillarys State: WA Contact: A k Ak Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 591491

The Prettiest Venue In Karratha Alcohol Liquor Shop

Walk in and start making serious money! We have done all the hard work for you and created the most recognised Cocktail Bar / Cafe in the heart of Karratha. Up for sale is the set up, existing fixtures and fittings. The name and brand is NOT FOR SALE…as it is trademarked. What you are buying is Endless potential to create your own little empire. It has a strong family breakfast following and coffee snobs culture, then by night, The venue attracts group bookings for an array of local celebrations, it’s the locals choice for an elevated stylish experience and up market cocktails on offer. Its gained a reputation for...

Price: $250,000

Region: Karratha State: WA

Contact: Marlon Bouari Phone: 0417 483 936

View Online Bsale ID 594867

108 WA
*Not actual photo

Profitable City Café – Immediate Sale... Cafe

and Coffee Shop

An excellent opportunity to own one of Perth’s most popular cafés at a bargain price. If you are currently working in hospitality for someone else, now is the perfect time to buy your own business at a heavily reduced price! Owners need to move the business ASAP as heading overseas, so make an offer. Established 5+ years, this business has built up a loyal customer base and weekends are often booked out weeks in advance. All systems, procedures, suppliers and equipment are already in place, allowing a new owner to step in and continue operations without interruption. The venue...

Price: $299,000 + SAV

Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Alex Stajka Phone: 08 6478 9916

View Online Bsale ID 591268

Niche Fresh Food Wholesaler – Rare... Food Wholesalers

Would you like a well-established sustainable business that commands a large share of a specialty Western Australian wholesale market? This business has ongoing demand, barriers to entry, limited competition; opportunities for expansion and only comes to the market because it is time for the owners to retire after twenty four years of ownership. Business to business is conducted with major national retailers, annual sales are $2M, most favourable gross profit margins are produced and healthy net profits for an owner operator are enjoyed. This is a leasehold business sensibly...

Price: $1,400,000 - all included

Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Robert Gasmier Business and Property Admin Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 588984

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

109 WA

Get in on the ground floor and carve out your market with a performance aluminium recreational boat lineup like no other! The unique slick, modern look of the boats never fails to draw people in for a chat at the boat ramp. It turns heads on the water; few current brands have this unique self-advertising appeal. The Calibre and differentiation of product offering mean that the right new owner could grow this into a future leading brand! The Enterprise: This startup business has undergone extensive research, development and testing of an extremely unique, usable, producible & high...

110 WA Price: POA Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 589667
Become A Market-Leading Recreational... Product Manufacturer

Cafe - Bar - Mount Pleasant - Reduced... Cafe and Coffee Shop

• Located in Mount Pleasant – surrounded by burgeoning development with increased residential and commercial traffic. • Fully Licensed for 70 customers. • Excellent presentation and equipment. • Huge upside and scope for business development opportunities particularly with local intense residential and commercial. • Trading 5 years .This excellent business with premium location with a history of solid profits. • Long Lease -Commercial terms. Owners say sell - DUE TO COMPANY


It appeals in every way. Turnover currently $400,000 PAPsav contact John McManus.

Price: $150,000 + SAV

Region: Mount Pleasant State: WA Contact: John McManus Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 573511

Rare & Unique Opportunity - Genuine... Function Centre

Genuine Paddle Steamer Charter Boat in full survey & currently operating with full crew on the beautiful Swan River, Perth, Western Australia. The only ship of her kind here in WA she’s completely unique & a much loved Perth icon.. Currently moored in the prestigious suburb of South Perth on the Mends Street Jetty, the views are just absolute, panoramic perfection across to to Perth City, with the beautiful Elizabeth Quay. On the ships side of the river is the Perth Zoo & located on her jetty is a gorgeous restaurant/cafe. A popular choice for Bride & Grooms, the Decoy boasts a stunning backdrop...

Price: $799,000

Region: South Perth State: WA Contact: Ashley Satie Phone: 0400 040 838

View Online Bsale ID 589199

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

111 WA

Seafood Shop Other


The owner is retiring a seafood retail business located in the heart of busy Busselton. It has developed a large & loyal customer base with the ever-increasing local population. Busselton is also a favorite holiday destination for West Australians and interstate / overseas visitors alike. The central business location on Busselton’s main thoroughfare (Bussell Highway) gives the business a constant stream of passing potential customers. The current owner has operated the business for over 7 years, building and establishing the brand and engaging with the local community.

Price: $165,000 + SAV

Region: Busselton State: WA Contact: Christopher Rice Phone: 0488 364 808

View Online Bsale ID 584089

Better Back Curve Medical

IF YOU (or your clients) SUFFER WITH lower, mid or upper back pain Poor posture Pain after walking or standing neck or shoulder pain Spine compression… A patented Back Stress Relief for All Active Young (up to the 50 age) People. • Would suite Husband Wife Team • Already to Roll – Hard work Done – NOW make money. • High temperature Molding Cast – Powder – & Inventory• Full Training • Give ME a Call – It could change your life $20,000 THE LOT!

Price: $20,000

Region: Mandurah State: WA Contact: Jan Walton Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 586668

112 WA


Construction Hire Company For Sale


This business is family owned and operated, and is for sale in Perth, Western Australia. This business is located in the Perth Metropolitan area, with some country work when required. The business conducts hiring of excavators with operators, to the construction industry. The business has been established for 27 years, and has a solid clientele base. Our company is the preferred choice of many contractors. AVERAGE REVENUE OF APPROXIMATELY $600,000p/a. Current plant includes: 5x Excavators (ranging from 1.5 tonne - 14 tonne, and includes various attachments) 3x Trucks (and some...

Price: $360,000

Region: Kingsley State: WA Contact: Graeme Bone Phone: 0409 110 161

View Online Bsale ID 585776

High Adrenaline - Maximum Fun - Part... Car Rental

If you are looking for a fun business to operate part time, make money and have a shed full of toys, THIS IS THE BUSINESS FOR YOU. Off-Road Rush sells the ability, to not just passenger, but drive off road race vehicles. These vehicles include a Side by Side race buggy, Subaru WRX rally cars and a V8 Trophy Truck. What sets this business apart is the V8 Trophy Truck- this is the only vehicle of its kind in Perth available to the general public to be able to drive themselves. This business is fully setup and ready for you to walk in and take over, from the online booking system, contracts in place with third party suppliers,...

Price: $435,000

Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Private Seller Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 588808

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

113 WA

Commercial Business Opportunity...


Freehold Commercial Investment Property with Residence. Great rental income. Leased business with property opportunity in WA. Lease in place till Sep 2024. Independent supermarket, newsagency, and lottery west are currently being operated. Opportunity to extend the lease after that period or run your own business as IGA supermarket/liquor store/newsagency/ lottery west. Plant and equipment in place for the new owner/operator. Further commercial space is also available. The residence is available to occupy or can be leased/rented separately. Early settlement available...

Price: $550,000 WIWO

Region: Wheatbelt State: WA Contact: Private Seller Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 587095

URGENT! Cafe Business For Sale!... Cafe and Coffee Shop

All Offers Welcome and Urgent to Sell! Price negotiable! Asking Price $119,000 (Negotiable). Location: Springs Cafe, Meadow Springs Shopping Centre, 6210, Meadow Springs, Mandurah. WA. Selling due to moving on to another business. We are selling the business as the owner of the business and there is no agent commission required. Therefore, we are willing to consider all offers.

Key Features: -Prime Location -The ONLY Café in a busy shopping centre with lots of local and foreign traffic -Many loyal & regular customers living in the suburb -Excellent lease and rental for a shopping centre,...

Price: $119,000 + SAV

Region: Mandurah State: WA Contact: Charles Wong Phone: 0481 726 276

View Online Bsale ID 574970

114 WA

Document Destruction & Archive Storage

Hire Services

LOCATION: GERALDTON WA. BUSINESS: SERVICE INDUSTRY Document Destruction. DETAILS: This established Document Destruction and Archive Storage Business has been with same owners for 12 years having already grown from initially commencing the business has always attained great service levels with limited competition. An ideal opportunity suited to being easily run by a couple, family members, friends or even an established Document Destruction company wanting to expand into the region. SERVICE: This well known business provides secure Document Destruction...

Price: $260,000 WIWO

Region: Coral Coast + Mid West State: WA Contact: Roz Ray Phone: 0497 045 044

View Online Bsale ID 590538

Work From Home For Yourself - Start Your... Websites and Online Businesses

WANT TO GET A $5K DISCOUNT? PURCHASE BEFORE 1ST SEPTEMBER! Working From Home and Wanting To Start a Side Hussle? Wanting to Break Away from the 9 - 5 and Run Your Own Business? We currently have a number of different opportunities available for you to take on board. Whether it's a side business or your first business - we have a number of opportunities available for you. All it needs is a motivated individual to help get it off the ground! Currently available for you are the following opportunities, ready to go: - ONLINE PACKAGING BUSINESS with the option to generate more sales...

Price: $25,000

Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Gianpaulo Coletti Phone: 0435 776 405

View Online Bsale ID 589906

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

115 WA

Ella Bache Franchise - Only Dedicated Beauty Salon in Palmerston. This beautifully presented Ella Bache Franchise - established by the current owner in 1988 –has so many accolades to its name and is one of the best investments on the market! This business is ready to thrive, a new owner will benefit by increasing staff levels to service the huge demand. Current owner is ready to retire and is looking for a savvy entrepreneur to fulfill the growing customer demand. - Unisex salon for men and women with a large database of clients built up over 34 years. - Ella Bache Concept Salon with modern fit out, welcoming reception and retail area separate...

116 NT Price: $160,000 Region: Palmerston State: NT Contact: Coast to Coast Business Sales Phone: View Online Bsale ID 595475 Beauty Salon operating 34 + years – ... Beauty Salon

Motivated Vendors - Ready To Sell!... Bakery

This Brumby’s bakery was established in 2006 and acquired by its current owner in 2015. Brumby’s is a renowned specialty bread bakehouse brand, recognised as one of Australia’s most prominent franchise groups. Brumby’s Karama offers all the standard bread and pastry options available at other Brumby’s stores. Its extensive product range includes bread, cakes, pies, coffee, sandwiches, and other quality baked goods. Apart from its quality food offerings, the business is known for providing high-quality service that has cultivated its loyal local customer base. * Revenue F.Y.2022 circa $720k...

Price: $125,000

Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Tom Jolly Phone: 0403 720 965

View Online Bsale ID 596537

Coming Soon - Melissa's Takeaway Takeaway Food

Located in Darwin City, the Takeaway is very busy and well known. Profitable and well established, top location and training included. Key Features & Benefits: - Training and support provided. - Strong orders. - Well established and easy to run. - They have recently upgraded our fit out and the store looks brand new. - Top locationInner city location surrounded by corporate buildings. Store is also located under a carpark( about 230 cars). - Rent is only 5% of annual turnover. - All equipment are owned outright. - Solid local clientele. - Under the same ownership for 24 years. - Most outgoings are covered in the rental price. - Operating only 5 days per week...

Price: $275,000

Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Barry Western Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 595428

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

117 NT

Become A Business Broker & Advisor With... Brokerage

Do you love business, and are looking for a new lowcost opportunity with big financial potential? Apply to become part of The Finn Group, one of the largest network of business brokers in Australia. By owning a Finn Business Sale license, you own two businesses in one! You have potential to earn income from; business improvement consulting and exit planning, as well as attractive commissions from business sales. You will be selling businesses and matching buyers with businesses to best meet their criteria. Skills: We are seeking people with small business experience to specialise in...

Price: POA

Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Join Finn Phone: 1300 535 932

View Online Bsale ID 595573

Lifestyle Business. Owner’s Input...

Websites and Online Businesses

Lifestyle business. Owner’s input approximately 15 hours per week. Show Magic is an Online Wholesale Equine Grooming Products business. Asking $89,000 or nearest offer plus stock. Great opportunity to secure a WELL ESTABLISHED (Purchased in 2013) Brisbane based that can literally be operated anywhere where there is good internet and access to freight. Area covered: Australia Wide. Strong Customer Database with recurring Income. Reason for sale. Owner is retiring and wants to travel. Her instructions are simply… “Sell the business and she has priced the business for a quick sale.” About the Opportunity. Key Features include: • Business has been

Price: $89,000 or nearest offer plus stock

Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: WhatPriceMyBusiness Admin Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 595128

118 NT

Ogalo Portuguese Chicken Franchise... Takeaway


Exclusive Area – Low Risk Business Model. It’s not only the food that’s amazing at Ogalo Palmerston – but also the support you’ll receive as a Franchisee with this very well-known and long-established Portuguese Chicken Franchise. Launched in Sydney in 1989, the Franchise serves up delicious, healthy food with a tasty difference and has a cult following. Perfectly located in the Food Court at the Gateway Shopping Centre, the Darwin shop opened in May 2019. -Low Risk Business Model with Low Capital Investment, Low Royalties and Low Marketing levy. -Serves Portuguese-style Burgers, Wraps, Rolls...

Price: $300,000

Region: Palmerston State: NT Contact: Coast to Coast Business Sales Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 595469

Established Asian Café/Restaurant - In... Cafe and Coffee Shop

This well-established Asian Style Café/Restaurant has been running for more than 30 years serving the locals and tradies in the Winnellie area. Prime location with inside and outside dining located in the heart of the Winnellie Industrial Zone. All fixtures, fittings, furniture, freezers, and fridges are included in the sale with a fully equipped commercial kitchen. There is a walk-in cool room with plenty of space to store chiller items. There is a freezer room (currently not in use) exhaust and, grease trap. Owner selling for personal reasons. Selling on a walk-in walk-out basis as everything is ready to start...

Price: $110,000 WIWO

Region: Winnellie State: NT Contact: D J Phone: 0424 988 442

View Online Bsale ID 585003

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

119 NT

Great Opportunity To Have Your Own Day... Health Spa

Great opportunity to have your own Day spa! $50,000 Nego. Grand opening in Feb, 2020. Located in U2 5 Tiwi Gardens, Tiwi NT 0810 within a medical complex area, neighbours including GP, Eye specialist, Dentist, etc., Freshly painted, new fitting out, 3 single rooms + 1 bath + 2 toilets + staff room. Modern and relaxing decoration, all the stock products, equipment and furniture stay. For the last 2 years, we have accumulated a great reputation and have got many regular clients with 20 all 5-star reviews on Google map. Only one girl working there is leaving in Sep 2022 due to her visa expiring. The sales...

Price: $50,000

Region: Tiwi State: NT Contact: Lily Zhao Phone: 0433 900 105

View Online Bsale ID 580822

High End Hair And Beauty Salon Darwin Hair Salon

Are you a high quality hairdresser who is worth more than your current salary? Are you tired of working for a wage and making others wealthy? Do you have a passion for hair and a drive to deliver high quality services for your staff and clients? This salon is highly profitable with a strong business model supported by an extensive marketing program. Quality staff are in place to support a new owner. A modern, spacious, 10 station salon with a fantastic lease, unbeatable location and 25 year trading history all combine to present a fantastic opportunity for a hairdresser looking to benefit from owning a high quality salon rather than working for someone else...

Price: $395,000

Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Andrew Hahn Phone: 08 8941 3000 or 0413 013 367

View Online Bsale ID 587119

120 NT

Bar and Restaurant - $40k+ Weekly Sales Restaurant

Opened by Celebrity Chef Chung Jae Lee in 2015, Little Miss Korea is a unique Korean Charcoal BBQ restaurant and bar run under management with a million-dollar turnover and mid-six-figure returns. It's a hugely successful restaurant in Darwin. The current owners are moving to Adelaide, so it's a great chance to take over. Little Miss Korea is an iconic multi-award-winning modern Korean restaurant, considered the shining light of restaurants, with an adjoining cocktail bar in the heart of Darwin’s eating precinct. The restaurant boasts indoor and outdoor dining areas and a modern, contemporary...

Price: $549,000

Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Mike Fuller Phone: 1300 535 932

View Online Bsale ID 590086

Coming Soon - G Training Health & Fitness Gyms

Description/About the Business: A state of the art gym that provides strength and conditioning, as well as Boxing classes to the Alice Springs community. Operating for six years with a strong client base of long term residents, as well as many tourists. Alice Springs is an iconic town in Australia. Many come to visit the outback. The gym is 200sqm, located in a complex of seven other shops. Key Features & Benefits: - Operating at a profit with lots of cash sales - Very low overheads - Ideal for owner/ operator - Fully equipped & ready to go. The gym itself has gym flooring throughout with a 5x5m competition boxing ring, 20 punching bags, speed balls, Olympic...

Price: $295,000

Region: Alice Springs State: NT Contact: National Brokerage Phone: 1300 535 932

View Online Bsale ID 587119

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

121 NT

Want to change your mundane life and office routine? Here is a fantastic franchise opportunity in Hobart that promises exceptional growth and success. You can become the proud owner of this Fully Promoted franchise territory, which is the undisputed leader in the promotional marketing industry. Offering marketingbased products and services of all kinds, this business is primed for growth because of its strategic location. It is an excellent opportunity for budding entrepreneurs who want to own a rewarding business in a high-growth region. As a Fully Promoted franchisee, you will get...

122 TAS Price: $220,000+ GST Region: Hobart State: TAS Contact: Smart Sales Brokers Admin Phone: View Online Bsale ID 596813 New Fully Promoted Franchise For Sale -... Advertising Mkting

In Demand Cabinet Makers & Joinery...

Building and Construction

Custom Cabinets specialises in all facets of custombuilt cabinetry. Their team consists of furniture makers, cabinet makers, joiners, wood machinists and finishers working together to create bespoke pieces. They undertake traditional joinery work for commercial clients and domestic customers. KEY FEATURES: * Established 60 years+. * Consistent annual revenue. * Highly trained workforce already in place. * Long lease to be negotiated with the new owner. * Price includes many months' of forward orders. * Approx. $165,000 of Plant & Equipment included. * A comprehensive...

Price: $285,000

Region: North Hobart State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 0419 382 359 or 03 6128 3333

View Online Bsale ID 596799

Amazing Regional Cafe With Fantastic... Cafe and Coffee Shop

The Red Velvet Lounge has long been a favorite of locals and tourists alike. Located in the lovely town of Cygnet one of Southern Tasmania's most popular destinations for tourists and day trippers from Hobart. The Cafe is located in a historic building which was originally a general store, it is a large open space with high pressed tin ceilings. The large commercial kitchen also contains one of the largest wood-fired ovens in the state. The Cafe is perfect for an owner-operator/couple who is looking for a fantastic lifestyle business in a stunning location. There is scope to offer evening trade and an excellent opportunity to...

Price: $125,000

Region: Hobart State: TAS Contact: Mark Bent Phone: 03 6135 4446 or 0417 357 037

View Online Bsale ID 596680

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

123 TAS

Multi-Award Winning Iga Supermarket... Supermarket

Unique opportunity to acquire a blue-chip multi-awardwinning IGA leasehold store in Tasmania. Located in one of Hobart’s fastest developing suburbs with a large amount of current residential development and population growth. The store is well laid out over a 400m2 footprint with parking for 35 vehicles and has a very attractive long lease term with options. It is all set up, with nothing more to spend with an experienced team in place. The family-owned business has seen consistent growth over the past 30 years. The current owners have continuously reinvested into the business.

Price: $1,807,000

Region: Tasmania State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 0419 382 359 or 03 6128 3333

View Online Bsale ID 596798

Tasmanian Organic Cheese Business... Food Beverage


Including the business, brand, IP, and all operating plant and equipment. A long lease term on the production facility in the North West Coast of Tasmania is available along with the added bonus of having access to purchase organic milk direct from the onsite dairy, This is a rare opportunity to purchase a successful multi-awardwinning Tasmanian artisan organic cheese business. With state-wide and mainland distribution within major retail stores such as Woolworths - 31 Tasmanian stores and 28 premium NSW stores, IGA’s, Hill Street’s, and Independents, on-premise in cafes and premium...

Price: $395,000

Region: Hobart State: TAS Contact: Kat Little Phone: 0419 422 124

View Online Bsale ID 596402

124 TAS

Established in 2002, Motorworks Motorcycles is recognised as the premier motorcycle business in Tasmania - they have won the TACC Motorcycle dealer of the year 8 times. This well-operated and profitable business has a highly sort after corner site on one of Hobart's busiest streets. Easy access with plenty of free parking. KEY FEATURES: * agencies include Triumph, KTM, Husqvarna, Piaggo (Vespa), Moto Guzzi, Aprilia, Fonz (electric bikes & scooters), Michelin Tyres, Shark helmets and many more * the business has now added KTM Electric Mountain Bikes * long lease with options...

125 TAS Price: $950,000 Region: Hobart State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 0419 382 359 or 03 6128 3333 View Online Bsale ID 589919
Motorcycle Dealer - Strong Consi.. Bike and Motorcycle
Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

Hey Buddy Cafe - One of Tasmania’s... Cafe and

Coffee Shop

Hey Buddy Cafe opened in 2020 and has become a much loved boutique cafe located in Ulverstone on the Tasmanian North West Coast. The cafe fit-out and style embraces the 70’s vibe with appealing super-graphics on the walls and a colour palette to highlight the fun theme of the 70’s. Hey Buddy has a very strong reputation in the region being one of the highest rated venue’s on the coast. The rent is very reasonable with no body corporate or outgoings other than the standard electricity, gas etc. The cafe seating is a combination of indoors (38 seats) & outdoors (24 seats) both at the front and rear of the...

Price: $150,000 WIWO

Region: West Ulverstone State: TAS Contact: Justin Field Phone: 0419 661 946

View Online Bsale ID 589602

Award - Winning Retail Food Franchise... Takeaway Food

Here is your chance to become the proud owner of a Soul Origin food franchise in the busy hub of Hobart, TAS. Serving delicious coffee and nutritious and convenient meals, the retail food chain has been growing fast and has won several accolades over the years. This is a golden opportunity for budding entrepreneurs as well as passionate individuals who wish to make it big with the support of an esteemed brand. Soul Origin was established in 2011 to introduce healthy fast food and boutique specialty grade coffee to Aussies looking for the best food options. Currently, the homegrown brand...

Price: $400K - $440K + GST

Region: Hobart

State: TAS Contact: Smart Sales Brokers Admin Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 589739

126 TAS

In Demand Cabinet Makers & Joinery...

Furniture Manufacturer

Custom Cabinets specialises in all facets of custom-built cabinetry. Their team consists of furniture makers, cabinet makers, joiners, wood machinists and finishers working together to create bespoke pieces. They undertake traditional joinery work for commercial clients and domestic customers. KEY FEATURES: * Established 60 years+ * Consistent annual revenue * Highly trained workforce already in place * Long lease to be negotiated with the new owner * Price includes many months' of forward orders * Approx. $165,000 of Plant & Equipment included * A comprehensive business...

Price: $285,000 + SAV + WIP

Region: North Hobart State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 0419 382 359 or 03 6128 3333

View Online Bsale ID 589941

Profitable Future Food Niche Segment...

Cafe and Coffee Shop

Vegan Supermarket and Cafe. Vegan is the Food of the Future, it is in more demand than ever, and it continues to grow. We are offering a rare business opportunity to buy an entry-level supermarket that has the potential to be converted into a franchise, the investor will reap the rewards from day 1 and in the years to come. Founders of this business started in Dec 2020 when they noticed a lack of vegetarian and vegan food options in Tasmania. In less than 2 years Vegan Garage is now a household name for anyone looking for vegan and plant-based food. Their product portfolio comprises around 2000+ products...

Price: $150,000 + SAV

Region: Prospect State: TAS Contact: Paul Scott Phone: 0477 771 098

View Online Bsale ID 589489

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions

127 TAS

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