Bsale - July 2024 eMagazine

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Welcome to the New Financial Year!

Welcome to the July 2024 edition of the Bsale eMagazine. There is something about a new financial year that refreshes a business owner. Closing off the year, looking over your EOFY figures, and implementing changes for the year ahead can be energising.

We encourage all business owners to take a moment, step outside your business, and celebrate your achievements. Wrapping up a financial year can leave you feeling successful or stressed, but a new financial year is here.

Business owners looking to sell can now use their finalised financials as part of their strategy for pricing and marketing their business to buyers.

This edition focuses on how to get the most value out of your business. As you know, your business is an asset, and when it comes to selling, you need to get as much value out of it as possible.

In Bsale’s exclusive interview with Kathryn Wilkie, we talk all about her role as a business analyst and how she assists business owners in pricing and selling their businesses.

Business owners who are looking to sell in the next 12 months should take advantage of the start of the financial year and look at strategies to optimise the value of their business. Get that P&L and Balance Sheet strong so your business is in the best position when it’s time to sell.

Bsale is a leading marketplace with over 14,000 businesses for sale. It is a great place to start comparing businesses and evaluating the current market.

Please enjoy this edition and the professional insights.

Marketplace Insights

1.9 % Price Increase



The average price of listings increased by approximately $12,252 or 1.91% from May to July 2024. This could indicate a higher valuation and quality of of businesses listed for sale.

Price Variations: Average business prices vary, with Western Australia having the highest average at $733K, suggesting a strong environment. May 2024

Markets: New South Wales (4315) and Victoria (4106) lead in the number of listings and total value, highlighting these states as key markets for business sales.

View Todays Insights>


If you have resolved to make your company more valuable in 2025, you may want to think hard about how your customers pay. If you have a transaction business model where customers pay once for what they buy, expect your company’s value to be a single-digit multiple of your Earnings Before Interest Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA). If you have a recurring revenue model, by contrast, where customers subscribe and pay on an ongoing basis, you can expect your valuation to be a multiple of your revenue. Buyers pay a pretty penny for companies with recurring revenue because they can clearly see how your company will make money long after you exit.

Recurring Revenue Models

Not sure how to create recurring revenue? Here are five models to consider:

Products That Run Out

If you have a product that people run out of, consider offering it on subscription. The Australian diaper company Tooshies sells subscriptions to nappies for busy parents who don’t have the time (or interest) in running to the store to restock on diapers. Dollar Shave Club, which was acquired by Unilever in 2016 for five times revenue, sells razor blades on subscription. Thankyou, an Australian social enterprise, sells personal care products like hand wash and body lotion on subscription, supporting their mission to end global poverty.

Membership Websites

If you’re a consultant and offer specialised advice, consider whether customers might pay foraccess to a premium membership website where

you offer your know-how to subscribers only.

Today, there are membership websites for people who want to know about anything from digital marketing to running a small business.

Services Contracts

If you bill by the hour or the project, consider moving to a fixed monthly fee for your service.

That’s what the accounting firm Blue Rock did to steady cash flow and create a more predictable service business.

Piggyback Services

revenue, consider innovating your service model and pricing model. By developing a unique service model, you can differentiate your business from competitors and create added value for your customers. Similarly, a strategic pricing model can attract more customers and increase your revenue streams. For example, offering tiered pricing or bundling services can appeal to a broader customer base and maximise your revenue potential.

Ask yourself what your “one-off” customers buy after they buy what you sell. For example, if you develop a company a new website, chances are they are going to need somewhere to host their site. While your initial website design may be a one-off service, you could offer to host it for your customer on subscription. If you offer interior design, chances are your customers are going to want to keep their home looking like the day you presented your design, so they might be in the market for a regular cleaning service.


If you offer something expensive that customers only need occasionally, consider renting access to it for those who subscribe. GoGet subscribers can have access to a car when they need it without forking over the cash to buy a vehicle. Workspace365 subscribers can have access to the company’s co-working space without buying a building or committing to a long- term lease.

Service Model and Pricing Model Innovation

Apart from creating recurring

You don’t have to be a software company to create customers who pay you automatically each month. There is simply no faster way to improve the value of your business this financial year than to add some recurring revenue and innovate your service and pricing models.

Why It Makes Sense to Innovate

A strategically planned innovation, facilitated by a knowledgeable and experienced advisor like Expert Business, can significantly enhance the financial return and ensure a smooth transition for both the seller and the buyer. A proactive approach to optimising your business for sale ensures that every aspect of the business is streamlined and positioned to maximise its value.

This approach not only aids in achieving a financially rewarding exit but also increases the chances of future maintainable earnings and transferring predictable cash flows to the new owner.

There are so many ways to finance the purchase of a business. Most lenders and brokers tell you that you need either enough cash or equity in property to cover the entire purchase price. This is not always the case. It’s important to speak to a commercial broker that specialises in business purchases to ensure you are not missing out on buying that dream business.







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Unlike starting a new venture from scratch, buying an existing business offers immediate access to an established customer base, a proven business model, and ongoing revenue streams. However, securing the necessary financing can be a complex process. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the financial landscape and obtain the funds you need to acquire an existing business.

Understanding The Finance Options

There are several financing options available, each with its own set of advantages and requirements. Understanding these options is crucial to choosing the right combination of finance methods for your needs.

1. Bank Finance: Traditional bank loans are a common financing option. But not all banks are created equal in the business lending space. Some want full security either from property or cash, whilst others are happy to take the business as security.

2. Seller Financing: Sometimes called vendor financing, this is when the seller agrees to finance part of the purchase price. This arrangement can be beneficial as it often involves more flexible terms and conditions. It also indicates that the seller has confidence in the business's continued success.

3. Earn Out: This is where the seller agrees to take a portion of the payment over an extended period of time, usually a few months to a few years. This is normally dependant on the

business making the same amount of profit or more. A common method when you want the current owner to stick around for a longer handover.

4. Private Investors: Private investors, such as venture capitalists or angel investors, can provide the necessary funds in exchange for equity or a share of future profits. This option can be advantageous if you’re looking for significant capital without incurring debt, but it means sharing control of the business.

5. Personal Savings and Assets: Using personal savings or assets to finance the purchase is another option. While this approach minimises debt, it also involves significant personal financial risk. It may be a better option to hold onto your cash reserves for future unknowns or growth opportunities.

Preparing for the Finance Process

Securing business lending requires thorough preparation. Here are the key steps to ensure you’ve got the best shot at approval.

1. Conduct Due Diligence: Before seeking financing, perform comprehensive due diligence on the target business. This includes reviewing financial statements, understanding the business model, assessing the market position, and identifying potential risks. A clear understanding of the business will not only help you make an informed decision but also strengthens your finance application.

2. Develop a Business Plan: A detailed business plan is crucial for convincing lenders or investors to lend you the money. It should include an executive summary, business description, market analysis, organisational structure, and financial projections. Highlight how you plan to grow the business and ensure profitability.

3. Assess Your Financial Situation: Evaluate your credit score, personal assets, and existing liabilities. A strong personal financial position enhances your credibility and increases your chances of securing financing.

4. Prepare Necessary Documentation: Lenders and investors will require various documents, including tax returns, financial statements, bank statements, and legal documents related to the business, such as lease agreements and contracts etc. Having these documents ready to go can expedite the application process.


Get a great commercial broker on your side (like us). We will help you navigate each of these steps, from structuring the terms, to collecting and analysing the necessary documents. Reach out for a complimentary 15 min chat to discuss your finance options to secure your dream business.


Those of us that started a business based on an idea or a skill set will remember the long hours, chronic undercapitalisation and the strained relationship with our spouses. There invariably were large portions of the business that lacked automation due to the nature of the start-up. The business owner needed to acquire electronic equipment at great expense and then had to climb the learning curve mountain with very little help. This premature acquisition of equipment was a key element of failure. It aggravated the stresses in the business and lacked planning and showed that equipment and software is rarely used to the fullest in small business.

However, much like any evolution pathway, the business is slowly

transformed into a more mature and stable rendition of itself. In most cases the business arrives at a reasonable homeostasis as it reaches a workable momentum level. If the business does not fail, we notice that the growth of the business is largely organic and there is a change in its behaviour as processes are added to cope with the growth and deal with the challenges. They are largely done on an ad hoc basis and from my observation, are a response to years of previous programming from learning institutions, mass media and half-baked responses to political propaganda, ideologies and self-gratifying government intervention.

On the surface, the business gains credibility and commands a certain presence in the marketplace. The business

owner adjusts to the changes and the constant need to patch inadequacies that result from conflicting systems and generic add-ons. S/He responds to marketing pressures where there are many coaching experts guilting them to behave differently or to purchase their management software and help with the desperate need for more control over the business, touting the need for growth as their leverage. Each “improvement” adds a new cost burden and tends to complicate the processes already introduced. The solution capacity of these aids is rarely used to the fullest or at best are not fully suited to the business needs. The required input and analysis of data places a tangible burden on the business operators.

Most of this pressure stems from the excitement fuelled startup with an inadequate understanding, lack of experience and a “sink or swim” necessity generated by start-up debt. Business owners react rather than respond and the resultant outcomes are clumsy, unwieldy and sluggish monoliths that are temporary fixes. I find that the condition and health of such a business, rarely improves or is rarely fully reconciled in the lifetime of the business. The evidence of patched chaos is even there at the point of sale. It is a moment of reckoning for the buyer and the seller although not fully understood.

The ramifications of this can easily be seen. The buyer will notice that there is a need for modernisation or change but has reasons for buying an established business. The due diligence is a measure of the income and tracks or records certain financial outcomes. The assumption is that a healthy income makes the business successful. At this stage, it is often difficult to assess the business beyond that.

What is often missed by the seller is that they have grown with the business and have been instrumental in the complexity that has just been described. In this scenario, a buyer might have the capability and skills required but is seriously lacking in the experience of running a “complicated” business. This may either cost a sale or create a travesty of inevitable failure when the business changes hands.

The 1929 Nobel Prize winner, (literature), Thomas Mann, stated that “order and simplification are the first steps towards mastery ..” This thought is backed up with Tony Robins who stated that “complexity is the enemy of action”.

So, complexity, especially if it is caused by the tyranny of poor time availability can create the need for tools that manage the complexity. Such involvedness is expensive and generates a larger workload than necessary. To me, a little known secret in selling and obtaining a “top dollar” sales price, is to be able to present a profitable business that is easy to manage and that a buyer will understand from the outset.

Simplifying your business can be achieved by analysing the business and breaking it into components that are developed into systems. Training and implementation is about managing these elements in such a way that a person of no experience can be taught and be secure in their work. Manuals are easy to follow and consult. The employees are experts in their operations and do not need to be concerned about the business outcome beyond their immediate responsibility. This approach was codified by Michael E. Gerber in his book The E Myth. The evidence for success using this method of simplification can be observed in the McDonald’s Franchise. Young adults working for a reduced

wage due to their age, mostly working part-time as they are also school attendees, manage to work together and operate a large, complicated business.

When a business is sold, a handover to a new owner is measured and well defined. If the systems are effective, then the new owner will be able to continue the momentum of the business. Changes in the systems are a matter of tweaking the processes rather than trying to reinvent the business so that it is suitable for the buyer. (A leading cause of failure). Too many buyers imitate the seller’s approach to the business and do not uncover the pitfalls as they are simply continuing the bad habits and furthermore, they have inherited the baggage of the previous incumbent. They are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the seller and soon fall into the complexity trap.

Complexity, however, can also be a strategy to counter and ‘crush” competition in the marketplace. I remember attending a marketing conference in the United States where Bill Glazer, together with Dan Kennedy, the internationally renowned direct marketers, urged us to make certain processes very complicated so that it was next to impossible to successfully imitate. However, this complexity is different. It is planned and with the correct keys can be repeated.

Much of what we do as business brokers can be complicated. We use the term “many moving parts”. There is a duty of care, and we need to come to the negotiations with a clear, systematic approach. A confused complication of the process is detrimental to your profession and ultimately your success.

and Managing Partner, Aspect Legal

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Joanna Oakey is the founder and Managing Partner of award-winning commercial law firm, Aspect Legal. She and her team bring decades of experience and insights from working with business owners (and their advisors) on acquisitions, exits and general commercial legal matters. Visit for more resources, podcasts and information.

Abuyer’s due diligence will focus on how well value can be transferred to a new owner and any risks involved in the transferring of that value.

Unfortunately, it is often the case that by the time a business owner thinks about exiting, the horse has bolted - too late to build in strategies or grow areas that could have maximised the business's value.

Here are our 5 top tips for business owners to have top of mind as they grow so that the value in their business is optimised before they are ready to list and sell.

Secure Customer Contracts

Strong customer relationships and contracts are key to your business’s value. Before selling, review how these relationships are secured. Fixed-term and recurring revenue contracts offer the most value, but keep in mind that it must be possible to effectively transfer them if you’re selling the business itself rather than shares in the company. If selling shares, customer contracts usually stay the same unless they have a ‘change of control’ clause. Make sure to review and adjust these contracts as needed well before you’re ready to list.

Solidify Key Relationships

A buyer will want assurances that key relationships will continue. If your business relies on important arrangements with outside services or suppliers, ensure these are secured with contracts before the sale.

When it’s time to sell, a buyer will place a higher value on your business if you can show there are contractual assurances protecting

key relationships and that these have been in place for some time (ie they have ongoing certainty of supply).

Protect Intellectual Property

Intellectual property (IP) can be a significant asset, and is often fundamental to the operation of the business. Unfortunately ownership is often an afterthought, and IP matters are often left unclear, therefore lacking security of tenure for the future (and any future owners).

Make sure all IP, like brand assets, website code, design, processes or recipes, copyright, and licences, are all clearly identified as IP and ownership is secured.

Before selling, establish proof of ownership and protections for all IP so you can easily show buyers you are the rightful owner and that value can be transferred.

Optimise ALL Lease Agreements

For businesses that depend on physical locations, securing a longterm lease is vital to ensure you have maximised your potential business value - and should be done well before exit.

Review all leases to ensure they have favourable conditions to allow the lease to transfer to a buyer. If the premises are essential to the business, or the fit-out cost is high, the buyer will value a lease that ensures longterm access to the premises. They might also be interested in purchasing the property or arranging a future purchase.

Leased assets should also be a key consideration for you as you grow, especially if they have a high cost to change.

Use Systems to Streamline Business Operations

Retention of employees and protection against turnover is generally not the first thing business owners think of when they are considering selling their business; however, this can be critical to the buyer’s perception of value in the business – particularly if the business is at a point where it is running smoothly without youthe business owner.

If you ensure you build your business using systems that will outlive employee turnover, the more value and less exposure your business is likely to have at exit.

Implement systems that minimise reliance on specific employees, making the business more stable and attractive to buyers.


A buyer’s due diligence will focus on how well value can be transferred and any risks involved in the transferring of value. Where value can’t be transferred or a risk is identified, the impact is usually seen in either the purchase price or how the price is structured, for example, the period of time a buyer wants you to stay on with the business post-sale (when all you want to be doing is relaxing on a beach in the Bahamas!).

Identifying risks early can help avoid a lower purchase price or unfavourable sale terms.

By addressing these areas, you can maximise your business's value and make it more appealing to prospective buyers (and more often than not, you’ll find it’s a better way to operate in the meantime).

Vendor Finance deal structures are becoming increasingly common in the Australian SME market. There is a range of both opportunities and risks that can come with a deal that doesn’t include 100% cash up front. Learn how vendor financing can work for you before you enter the deal room!

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Richard has had an extensive career in the private sector working in General Management, Sales, Marketing, Operations, Delivery, Finance and just about every other aspect of business.

Achieving the highest possible sale price when selling a business should be a key goal for any business owner. From the day you start in business, you need to have a clear and comprehensive exit strategy if you eventually want to maximise your business’s sale price.

Being in business is a process of continuous improvement, but first, you need to understand where your business stands right now— you need to define a baseline. The best way to define a baseline is to engage a professional Business Broker who can provide you with a good understanding of what your business might sell for on the open market and identify low-cost,

high-value tweaks to enhance your business before putting it on the market.

A well-thought-out succession plan demonstrates stability and longterm planning. Buyers want to see that there is a clear path for the future of the business, which adds confidence and value in their eyes.

Improve Profitability

Profitability is a major driver of business value. When I analyse and compare my clients' financials, patterns in revenue or expenses often emerge. Identifying areas where costs can be cut or revenue increased, even by small amounts, can significantly impact the bottom line and the sale price.

Optimise Your Operations

Documenting and streamlining processes to reduce waste and improve productivity is essential. I recall recommending a CRM system to a client, resulting in a 20% sales lift because of better customer tracking and callbacks. This also strengthened customer relationships, adding significant value to the business.

Strengthen Your Management Team

One of the biggest barriers to getting the best price for a business is the owner's indispensable role. I advise clients

to remove personal goodwill as quickly as possible. Buyers will pay a premium for a business that runs smoothly without the owner's direct involvement. Invest in training and developing your team to operate the business successfully in your absence, reducing dependency on specific individuals.

Diversify Your Customer Base

A diversified customer base reduces risk and increases business stability. I once sold a business where 80% of their work came from one customer who ran out of money. The business sold for significantly less than it could have if it had a diverse customer base. Spread your revenue sources more evenly to make your business more resilient and appealing to buyers.

Enhance Your Brand and Marketing

In the digital era, a strong brand and effective marketing can significantly boost your business’s value. Yet, I often see poorly designed websites and ineffective use of digital marketing. Invest in high-quality marketing materials that reflect the value of your business.

Document Everything

Transparency and organisation are key to a smooth sale process. Ensure all aspects of your business

are well-documented, from financial records and contracts to standard operating procedures and employee manuals. Comprehensive documentation builds trust with potential buyers.

Upgrade Your Technology

Modern technology can improve efficiency and reduce costs. On numerous occasions, I have recommended simple bookkeeping systems that provide various reports at the push of a button. These systems help clients understand their business's status and direction. Today’s technology is often cloud-based and subscription-based, eliminating the need for costly onsite hardware and software.

Strengthen Supplier Relationships

If you do not ask, you do not get. I have found that businesses often purchase on the same terms as when they were smaller, despite their growth. Suppliers want your business, and with bigger volumes, better buy prices should be achievable. One client asked for a better deal and was told, “We were waiting for you to ask.” Ensure you have favourable terms and contracts with key suppliers and work on building long-term partnerships.

Manage Debt Effectively

Healthy debt management is attractive to buyers. Elevated levels of debt are a red flag. I recommended to a client that they employ an accounts person to collect debts, significantly reducing debt over 30 days old and improving working capital. Changing payment terms from 30 days after invoice to 10 days also improved debt management.

Focus on Recurring Revenue

Recurring revenue streams are

highly valued by buyers. Develop subscription models or long-term contracts that provide consistent, predictable revenue, reducing risk for buyers and increasing business value.

Improve Your Sales Strategy

A strong sales strategy is crucial for driving revenue growth. Continuous improvement in sales processes, record-keeping, and data analysis is necessary. I advised a client to stop handling all operational roles himself delegate these and himself focussing on sales, which led to significant business growth. Employing others for administrative roles allowed him to leverage his strengths in sales, driving the business forward.

Enhance Your Product or Service Offering

Often, the opportunity for high profits lies in supplementary products or services. One client increased revenue by 50% by selling the chemicals necessary to be used in the machinery he sold and providing associated service contracts. A diverse, high-quality product line or service portfolio can differentiate your business from competitors and increase its value.

Establish Strong Intellectual Property Protections

Ensure your intellectual property (IP) is well-protected through trademarks, patents, and copyrights. Clear ownership and protection of your IP can add significant value to your business and make it more attractive to buyers.

Strengthen Your Market Position

Understanding your competition

and market landscape is invaluable. I liken it to a professional sports team analysing opponents to find improvement opportunities. A strong market position can command a premium sale price. Identify strategies to enhance your market share, whether through expanding into new markets, increasing your product range, or improving marketing efforts.

Ensure Compliance and Risk Management

Keeping your compliance with legal and regulatory requirements up to date is critical. A good example of this was a deal I was involved in, after completing a conditional sale, a client discovered an expired compliance requirement during due diligence, resulting in significant costs to regain compliance. Regular audits ensure your business complies with all relevant laws and regulations, protecting your business and reassuring potential buyers.


By reviewing these key areas of your business, you can significantly enhance its value and boost its sale price this fiscal year. Each step focuses on improving aspects of your business that potential buyers value the most, ensuring you achieve the highest possible return on your investment.

This article incorporates practical advice from my experience as a professional business broker. By focusing on these key areas, I have helped numerous clients achieve higher sale prices for their businesses. If you need personalised guidance on preparing your business for sale, feel free to contact me.


Business Analyst – Newcastle/Central Coast

Kathryn Wilkie

An unwavering passion for client service has driven the career of Kathryn Wilkie, a business analyst at Xcllusive Business Sales in Newcastle.

Kathryn started her career in finances in banking. “I loved being able to bring people's finances into light and help them consolidate debt and refer them to the specific services they needed to better their financial position and achieve their objectives.”

Kathryn was keen to combine her focus with the technical finance skills she had gained in the banking environment with a new role. And when she saw a position come up as a Business Analyst with a company called Xcllusive Business Sales in 2018, she jumped at the chance.

Xcllusive Business Sales has a network that covers Australia and we have just celebrated our 20th birthday celebrations. Unique to many other business brokerage firms Xcllusive operates in teams of Analysts myself, and business brokers. We work closely together to bring professional sound advice to assist in taking you to the sales market and achieving optimal results.

As I gained experience in the role, I very quickly learnt that you must be patient, a generalist broker (covering all industry’s) and understand the different verticals in these industry’s. The businesses vary in size & complexity, and it takes a great level of commitment, time & patience to gain an understanding of what we are being asked to sell, why an owner is selling, why now is the time, and what the owners hope to achieve as a sale outcome. Not just in a dollar sense, but in their next steps following the sale. My skillset and passion for helping people and their objectives benefit me greatly in this role. Six years on and I still love I what I do,” explained Kathryn.

The Business Analyst Role at Xcllusive

Kathryn is a qualified Business Broker, but as a business analyst, she works exclusively with vendors. “I’m the first person potential vendors/sellers engage with when they contact us. I build the initial relationships, make sure we are clear on what’s being sold and identify the seller’s goals/ expectations for the sale,” Kathryn elaborated.

Kathryn uses a comprehensive checklist of questions developed by the Xcllusive network to ensure consistency and completeness in the analysis process and to advise on the next best steps.

The structured discovery process allows Kathryn to provide valuable feedback promptly. “This reassures them that you can guide them in the right direction, even if it's not what they expect. It is always difficult to adjust a potential seller’s expectations (particularly on price) when they have previously been given incorrect information,” she reflected.

“If the seller decides to proceed further, we do a deep dive by gathering specific information to help assess the optimal sales market value for the business. This way we can offer a realistic expectation of what offers to expect when we go to market. This helps us ensure that we are on the same page. Once the seller has agreed to go to the sales market, I assign the business listing to one of my team of Xcllusive brokers, who then take over from me and take the business to the sales market. With their knowledge, experience and persistence, they start looking for the right buyer to finalise the sale,” she continued.

“As an analyst, I have the time and the ability to offer the most appropriate advice. Sometimes, an owner will contact me because they are frustrated or having a bad day. They don’t really want to sell, so I just listen, give them some encouragement. “Eventually, if they are ready and the time is right to sell I will be the obvious choice to help.” Running your own business isn’t an easy feat.”

As an example, Kathryn

mentioned a business owner she first spoke to in 2018 and spoke to almost yearly for 5 years before updating the advice as the business progressed. Th owner listed the business for sale in 2023. We found a buyer this business has been sold. Patience and commitment to the client is crucial, she added.

The Role of Specialisation

Kathryn enjoys specialising in the analysing process. “I have learned so much about many different industries,” she explained.

“You can never be at the top of every industry. So when a “new” industry or industry vertical pops up, I can learn more about that industry. Fortunately, within our network, we have a wealth of knowledge. And comparable sales data from 20 years in operation to draw on. Recently, I needed information about a particular industry and I was able to speak to three Xcllusive brokers who offered detailed information I needed to help the seller move forward with realistic expectations and a greater understanding of the types if buyers we would expect to look at buying their business.” Our collective force is really a deal team!

She continued, “The brokers also appreciate this specialisation. The market research carried out many years ago showed it was evident that too many businesses under one broker can be detrimental and affect results and performance of successful sales. Our brokers are capped at 12 businesses each at any one time, so we do not overload them. They focus purely on selling the businesses in front of them.

Zoran Sarabaca, the Principal of Xcllusive, had the insight into this when he originally tried to sell a business 20 years ago; you need a team of professionals to streamline the entire process and

break the stages down to be clear and concise. So this is the unique selling process he created.

Xcllusive has a number of guarantees that keep everyone focused on achieving the best result in a reasonable timeframe while providing the seller with regular progress reports so they are not left “in the dark.” We understand what a daunting process it can be and try and shed light on the process throughout the entire sale.

The Role of Research

Kathryn takes pride in the extensive research she undertakes to analyse a business. “It’s far more than the financials (although they will tell me a lot). I always try to visit and sit down with the business owners in person to understand as much as I can about how it operates. Things include clientele, suppliers, owner’s role in the business, staffing, premises etc.

“For example, suppose the current owner works long hours covering multiple specialist-type roles. In that case, we need to understand the impact that might have on profitability when the new owner must replace those specialist roles currently being filled by one person (in this example, the owner) with multiple new employees.” This can have a great in pact on profitability.

“A key problem for many businesses at the moment is the availability of suitable employees. That’s a major concern for a new owner if the business relies on specialised skills which are in short supply, particularly if the new owner does not have those skills,” Kathryn continued.

“The same with the place of business. Is the owner planning on selling the premises if they own it. Or if leased, is the landlord likely

to make it easy for a new owner to sign a new lease.

She also highlighted the importance of valuing the physical assets of many businesses. For businesses struggling with profitability, the physical assets may be the most valuable part of the business.

And there is stock. Stock needs to be considered when appraising a business’s value as some businesses hold a great deal of stock and some hold very little to none. The working capital required to purchase a business holding a larger volume of stock can affect the borrowing capacity when looking at getting finance approval to complete a purchase.

The Final Word

Kathryn Wilke's success as a business analyst at Xcllusive Business Sales is due to her unwavering commitment to client service and ability to adapt and use her banking experience in this domain. Her role, centered on building initial relationships with potential sellers and meticulously analyzing their businesses, fits well with her dedication to helping clients achieve their goals. Kathryn's ability to provide objective, research-driven valuations and her strategic approach to managing seller expectations are key to her success.

Her focus on specialisation within the sales process allows her to deliver tailored insights and maintain ongoing, supportive relationships with sellers, often over extended periods. This approach ensures that sellers clearly understand their business’s value and market position when they are ready to list.

Kathryn's meticulous research and attention to detail, from financial assessments to on-site evaluations, ensure comprehensive and accurate business valuations, addressing important factors like business location, premises, work in progress, contracts, suppliers, customers, employee availability,

stock and the value of included and necessary physical assets.

Ultimately, Kathryn's passion for client service and analytical approach contribute significantly to her reputation. Her ability to blend empathy with professionalism not only aids in successful business transactions but also fosters lasting relationships with clients, reinforcing the value of the business analyst role in the competitive field of business sales.


M. 0476 958 358 E.


Maximising the value of your business involves strategic planning, operational efficiency, and continuous improvement. Here are some key strategies to help you get the most value out of your business:

1. Optimise Operations

• Streamline Processes: Identify and eliminate inefficiencies in your business operations.

• Implement automation where possible to save time and reduce errors.

• Lean Management: Adopt lean management techniques to reduce waste and improve productivity.

2. Financial Management

• Cost Control: Regularly review

expenses and identify areas where you can cut costs without compromising quality.

• Cash Flow Management: Maintain a healthy cash flow by managing receivables and payables efficiently.

• Profit Margins: Focus on improving profit margins through pricing strategies, cost reduction, and improving sales mix.

3. Customer Focus

• Customer Service: Provide excellent customer service to build loyalty and encourage repeat business.

• Customer Feedback: Actively seek and act on customer feedback to improve products and services.

• Loyalty Programs: Implement

retain existing customers and attract new ones.

4. Marketing and Sales

• Brand Building: Invest in building a strong brand that resonates with your target audience.

• Digital Marketing: Utilize digital marketing channels such as social media, email marketing, and SEO to reach a wider audience.

• Sales Strategy: Develop a robust sales strategy that includes clear targets, a strong sales team, and effective sales processes.

5. Innovation

• Product Development: Continuously innovate and improve your products or services to meet changing customer needs and stay ahead of competitors.

• Technology Adoption: Embrace new technologies that can enhance productivity, improve customer experience, and drive growth.

6. Employee Engagement

• Talent Acquisition: Hire skilled employees who are a good fit for your company culture.

• Training and Development: Invest in employee training and development to enhance skills and productivity.

• Employee Satisfaction: Foster a positive work environment to keep employees motivated and reduce turnover.

7. Strategic Partnerships

• Alliances: Form strategic alliances and partnerships to expand your market reach and share resources.

• Networking: Actively network with industry peers, suppliers, and customers to gain insights and identify opportunities.

8. Data-Driven Decisions

• Analytics: Use data analytics to gain insights into customer behaviour, market trends, and business performance.

• KPIs: Define and track key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress and make informed decisions.

9. Risk Management

• Diversification: Diversify your product lines, customer base, and markets to mitigate risks.

• Contingency Planning: Develop contingency plans to handle unexpected challenges and disruptions.

10. Sustainability

• Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Implement CSR initiatives to build a positive reputation and attract socially conscious consumers.

• Sustainable Practices: Adopt sustainable business practices to reduce environmental impact and appeal to ecofriendly customers.

11. Exit Strategy

• Valuation: Regularly assess the value of your business to understand its worth.

• Succession Planning: Plan for succession to ensure the business can continue smoothly if you decide to step down.

• Sell or Merge: Consider selling or merging the business if it aligns with your long-term goals and provides a good return on investment.

• By focusing on these areas, you can enhance the overall value of your business, ensuring long-term success and profitability.


The essential tool for business brokers in appraising small to medium businesses.

Since 1990, Business Values Newsletter has been providing essential information in order to assess the market values of small to medium businesses.

Newsletter subscribers include Business Brokers, Accountants, Banks, Lawyers, and Government Departments. They have relied on our newsletter for more than 30 years to provide up to date Return on Investment (ROI) ranges for various business types.

Business brokers in particular report, that the independent value ranges provided, aids in bringing both vendors and purchasers to a realistic price point.


• Return on Investment (ROI) ranges for a large range of industry types

• The types of businesses that are in demand or proving difficult to sell

• Current prices on 80+ small to medium business types

• Detailed analysis for various types of businesses from Coffee Shops to Manufacturers, Professional and Medical Practices, just to name a few

• Informative articles on the treatment of items such as Owners Wages, Work in Progress, Stock and General Valuation Methodology

• Analysis of market sales activity and commentary on current and likely future market trends


• 4 newsletters per year issued on a quarterly basis

• Unlimited access to our extensive online library, containing over 100 past newsletters

• An Index, alphabetically listing all topics covered and which Issue(s) you will find the information in.

• Instructions on how to calculate an estimate of business value using the ROI ranges provided.


Last week, I had one of the most frustrating events happen and I wanted to share it with you….

We have been working with a vendor who we will call “Michael. Now Michael was excited to sell his business, which he had grown from a small training organisation into a respected institution over the last decade. With retirement on the horizon, he felt it was the right time to hand over the reins.

However, eager to start his new life, Michael did not clearly enunciate his non- negotiables with me early in the process. Although we asked and received answers, we later regret not pushing him into further definitions.

I had spent considerable time with a buyer we will call “James” to ensure we had an alignment of values, valuation and key factors. Based on our discussions I felt we had a winner at all levels! We informally met with James and the meeting went off tremendously. Things were looking great but I had this nagging feeling it was going too…

We entered into a term sheet, received the deposit and commenced Due Diligence. As the discussions progressed and seemed promising, Michael belatedly introduced the need for some critical terms concerning staff retention.

James, who was taken aback by

these unexpected conditions, felt frustrated and misled and that included being inadvertently misled by me. This caused tension and led to a real cooling of the deal and the negotiations became protracted - teetering on the verge of collapse.

James definitely considered walking away from the deal, unhappy with the sudden shift in terms Michael thought were implicit. There was no mis-intent however the INTERPRETATION was different based on unspoken assumptions.

Seeing the deal at risk of falling apart, I recognised it was this interpretation difference showed again the importance of transparency and clear communication. I suggested both sides go ‘back to their corners’ and had a strong meeting with my vendor to clarify and solidify Michael’s non-negotiables, ensuring they were both reasonable and explicit.

It was then over to James where we workshopped the ramifications, allowed James to ‘clear the air’ and thus restoring trust between Michael and James. The main conduit was framing Michael’s non-negotiables as essential for the business’s continued success. This also aligned with James’s longterm interests.

Your expertise and proactive approach prevented the negotiations from breaking down

and ensured that the terms of the sale did not change unfavourably for Michael or James.

Thanks to your intervention, the deal was successfully concluded without lowering the sale price, meeting all of Michael’s original objectives. Both parties came away satisfied, with James respecting the clear, professional boundaries set during the renegotiations, facilitated by your skilled guidance. The lesson here, for both myself and all vendors is the early establishment and clear communication of non-negotiable terms. If these terms were reasonable and explicitly stated from the beginning, we would have saved both parties at least two months, the monies it cost and the toll it took on all parties –me included.

By ensuring your broker (as the intermediary) is aware of the “deal Breakers” they can adopt a proactive approach allowing both “Michael” and “James” to fully understand and respect the conditions crucial for the business’s future.


In today’s rapidly evolving business environment growth is not just a goal, it’s a necessity for survival and success. While organic growth strategies have their merits, sharp entrepreneurs and business leaders are increasingly turning to acquisitions as a powerful means to accelerate growth and achieve objectives.

Acquisitions, when executed strategically, can provide businesses with countless benefits, ranging from increased market share and revenue diversification to access to new technologies, talent, and customer bases. Let’s dig in deeper, how acquisitions can achieve rapid expansion of your business.

1. Market Expansion and Diversification

Acquiring another business allows you to quickly penetrate new markets or expand your presence in existing ones. Whether it’s entering new geographical regions or targeting different customer segments, acquisitions offer a shortcut to growth that would otherwise take years to achieve. By diversifying your offerings and customer base, you can reduce reliance on any single market or product, thus strengthening your resilience to market fluctuations.

2. Access to Key Resources and Capabilities

In today’s competition staying ahead often requires access to specialized resources and

capabilities. Through acquisitions, businesses can gain immediate access to these assets.

Whether it’s proprietary technology, intellectual property, or a talented workforce, acquiring the right company can provide you with the competitive edge needed to drive growth and innovation.

3. Cost Efficiency and Synergies

While acquisitions involve upfront costs, they can ultimately result in significant cost savings and synergies. By consolidating operations, streamlining processes, and eliminating redundancies, businesses can achieve economies of scale and operational efficiencies with profitability.

Additionally, shared resources and complementary strengths can create new revenue opportunities and cross-selling possibilities.

4. Accelerated Innovation and Product Development

Innovation is the lifeblood of any successful business, and acquisitions offer a shortcut to innovation by bringing new ideas, technologies, and products into the fold. By acquiring companies with innovative solutions, businesses can accelerate their product development cycles and stay ahead of evolving customer needs and market trends. This agility and adaptability are essential for maintaining a competitive edge

in today’s fast-paced business environment.

5. Strategic Talent Acquisition

A company is only as strong as its people, and acquiring another business can be an effective way to attract top talent and expertise. Whether it&#39;s seasoned executives, skilled engineers, or creative designers, acquiring a company with a talented workforce can enhance your own team’s capabilities and drive long-term growth. Furthermore, retaining key employees through the acquisition process ensures continuity and minimizes disruption to operations.

Strategic acquisitions can be a powerful catalyst for accelerating business growth and achieving strategic objectives. By leveraging acquisitions as a growth strategy, businesses can rapidly expand their market presence, access critical resources and capabilities, drive cost efficiencies, accelerate innovation, and attract top talent. However, it’s essential to approach acquisitions with careful planning, due diligence, and integration strategies to maximize value and minimize risks.







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Being a business broker has undergone significant changes over the past 30-40 years. While some aspects of the role remain the same, there are several factors that have changed, making it more challenging for a business broker from yesteryear to operate successfully in today's market. Here are some key points to consider:

Technology: The advancement of technology has revolutionised the business brokerage industry. Today, brokers have access to online platforms, databases, and various digital tools that streamline the process of listing businesses for sale, conducting market research, and connecting with potential buyers and sellers. A business broker from 40 years ago may not be familiar with or equipped to leverage these technological advancements, putting them at a disadvantage in terms of efficiency and reach.

Market Dynamics: The business landscape has evolved significantly over the past 30-40 years. Globalisation, technological advancements, and changing consumer preferences have led to shifting market dynamics. Business brokers today need to understand and adapt to these changes in order to effectively advise clients and facilitate successful transactions. A broker from yesteryear may not have the necessary knowledge or experience to navigate these new market dynamics.

Marketing and Advertising:

Traditional marketing methods such as newspaper ads, direct mail, and industry publications were commonly used by business brokers in the past. Today, digital marketing channels such as social media, search engine optimisation, and online advertising have become essential for reaching a wider audience and targeting specific buyer segments. A business broker from 30-40 years ago may struggle to effectively market their services and connect with potential clients using these modern marketing techniques.

Communication and Collaboration: The advancement of communication technology has greatly improved the efficiency and speed of communication between brokers, buyers, and sellers. Email, video conferencing, and collaboration tools have become integral to the business brokerage process. A business broker from yesteryear may not be familiar with or comfortable using these tools, which could hinder their ability to effectively communicate and collaborate with clients.

Industry Knowledge and Specialisation: With the increasing complexity of businesses and industries, brokers today often specialise in specific sectors or niches. They develop in-depth knowledge and expertise in their chosen areas, allowing them to better serve clients and provide valuable insights. A business broker from 30-40 years ago may not have the same level

of specialisation or industry knowledge that is expected and valued in today's market.

While a business broker from yesteryear may have experience and a solid understanding of the fundamentals of the industry, the changing landscape and technological advancements make it challenging for them to operate successfully in today's market. However, it is not impossible for them to adapt and learn the new tools and strategies if they are willing to invest time and effort in upgrading their skills and knowledge. With the right training and willingness to embrace change, a business broker from yesteryear could potentially operate successfully in today's market.

Sadly, the statement "We have always done it this way" is a sentiment often expressed by some business brokers. My advice is to steer clear of this mindset, as those who cling to outdated practices will ultimately fall behind, if they haven’t already done so.

Therefore, when selecting a business broker to facilitate the sale of your business, it is imperative not to rely solely on the number of years they have been in the field. Given the significant changes that have transpired, it is crucial to consider that an individual with 30-40 years of experience may lack the necessary technological proficiency to effectively navigate a prosperous sale in this era of advanced technology.



As a specialist business broker, I recently worked with a cake manufacturing business that wanted to sell.

My goal was to increase the business’s value so the owners could get the best return on their investment. We achieved this by making strategic improvements, reorganizing finances, and using targeted marketing.

Initial Assessment and Strategy Development

First, I thoroughly examined the business. I looked at financial statements, production processes, logistics, market position, and competition. This helped me identify the business’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas that needed improvement. The business had great products and loyal customers but needed better efficiency and a wider market reach.

Based on my findings, I created a strategic plan focusing on three main areas: making operations more efficient, improving financial health, and expanding the market. Each area had specific actions to increase the business’s value.

Enhancing Operational Efficiency

The business’s logistics processes were outdated, causing waste of resources and high costs. I recommended and helped implement modern logistics software with live tracking and

restructured the management hierarchy. This reduced time and increased work efficiency. I also introduced lean manufacturing principles to streamline workflows, reduce downtime, and improve productivity.

Training the staff was crucial too. We organized sessions and manuals to ensure employees could use the new software and understood the importance of efficiency. These changes significantly reduced production costs and improved product quality, making the business more attractive to buyers.

Strengthening Financial Health

The financial statements needed to be clear and accurately show profitability and potential. I worked with the owner and their accountant to clean up the financial records, ensuring all income and expenses were correctly recorded. We also addressed outstanding debts and optimized the pricing strategy to reflect the true value of the products. This improved profit margins and gave potential buyers a clearer picture of the business’s financial stability. I created detailed financial projections showing the business’s growth potential, which was crucial during negotiations.

Expanding Market Reach

The business had a strong local presence but hadn’t fully explored

online markets. I helped the owners develop a marketing plan to expand their reach through online sales and targeting a wider area. We updated the company’s website and used social media to reach a broader audience. These efforts significantly increased sales and market presence, making the business more appealing to buyers.

Successful Sale and Increased Value

With these improvements in place, we were ready to market the business to potential buyers. I prepared a compelling business prospectus highlighting the improved operational efficiency, strong financial health, and expanded market reach. These enhancements allowed us to justify a higher asking price. Within a few months, we received multiple offers, and the business was sold at a price reflecting a 20% increase in its value. The owners were thrilled with the outcome, and the new buyers were confident in the business’s potential for continued growth.

Chris Milne With Travis Latter From Infinity Business Brokers

Business Values Newsletter last covered this sector in Issue No. 139, April 2017. Since this time, COVID-19 caused disruption to the industry. COVID-induced border closures in 2020, reduced international enrolments. General enrolments for face-to-face based courses were also significantly impacted due to social distancing. However, a longer term benefit of the pandemic has been an accelerated shift to online learning, thereby allowing course providers to reach wider audiences, reduce costs and increase profits. By 2023, record immigration numbers and increased government funding had led to solid industry growth. However, changes to government funding and increased scrutiny, designed to improve the quality and integrity of education providers, is likely to see industry growth moderate in the short term. In the medium to longer term it is envisaged to remain in a growth phase as the Federal Government looks to provide resources necessary to upskill workers for the changing needs of the economy.

Your author has consulted with leading RTO business Broker Travis Latter from Infinity Business Brokers. Mr Latter has been involved in the RTO industry for more than 23 years – initially in high level management of larger organisations, followed by ownership of RTO’s and in the last 8 years as a broker. He has sold over 130 RTO businesses all over Australia and is a highly regarded expert in the industry.

Key Industry Acronyms and Definitions:

VET – Vocational Education and Training.

ASQA – Australian Skills Quality Authority (ensures providers meet registration and penalises those that do not).

RTO – Registered Training Organisation.

AQF – Australian Qualitative Framework (national policy that underpins regulation of the sector).

TAFE – Technical and Further Education.

TEQSA – Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency.

CRICOS – Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students.

Industry Makeup:

Registered training organisations (RTOs) provide technical and vocational education and training programmes. Providers include the larger TAFE institutes and universities, and also a large number of private and community training colleges. The private sector makes up around 60% of the industry.

Services provided by percentage of revenue for the industry can be broadly divided as follows:

• Diploma courses and above – 22%.

• Certificate IV course – 21%.

• Certificate III – 37%.

• Certificate II course – 14%.

• Certificate I course – 3%.

• Other courses and programmes – 3%.

Current Industry Performance:

The COVID-19 Pandemic initially caused a decline in industry revenue over 2021 due to the following reasons:

• Border closures restricting enrolment of international students.

• Social distancing impacting

some of the face-to-face course enrolments.

There was a strong recovery in revenue of around 6.7% by the 2023 year due to the following:

• Increased government funding (COVID-induced Job Trainer subsidy for training as well as subsidies to employers for taking on apprentices) to boost the sector.

• The increased funding saw the number of RTO businesses increase strongly from around 10,000 in 2021 to 10,600 by 2023/24. Private saleable businesses are estimated to number around 4,000.

• Opening of international borders/strong immigration saw increased numbers of overseas students.

• A lower Australian dollar made it more affordable for international students.

Cost Structure:

Travis Latter from Infinity Business Brokers advises that whilst cost structures of individual businesses can vary widely depending on type of operation, most common metrics are as follows:

• Trainer staff costs as % of revenue: 20% - 30%.

• Total staff costs (trainers, marketing, admin) as % of revenue: 45% - 55%.

• Cost of Course Materials: 4%- 8%.

• EBITDA Profit Margin for standard RTO’s: 20%- 40%.

• EBITDA Profit Margin for CRICO’s (international student RTO’s): 8% -15%.

Industry Outlook:

The onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic accelerated this industry’s take-up of online

platforms with the following initial impacts:

• Typically lower wages and learning resource expenses.

• Ability to reach wider audiences.

• Higher profit margins.

However, over the next five years some level of return to in-person learning and its associated costs are likely to reduce profit margins back to longer-term levels.

The federal government is withdrawing the Job Trainer COVID Subsidy in 2024. However, national skills agreement funding, designed to respond to skill shortages in Australia, will strongly increase. In February 2024 the government announced that it will increase regulation by empowering ASQA to take action against a minority of RTOs that do not meet requirements. Broker, Travis Latter has advised that there appears to be a short period of uncertainty in the industry as new regulatory requirements take affect – this may see a small decrease in the number of RTO businesses during the immediateterm. The medium to longer term is likely to see increased student enrolment demand on the remaining RTO’s, given that broader state and federal government policy and funding, is designed to facilitate RTO’s to play a significant role in upskilling Australia’s workforce.

According to IBIS World research, the results of all of the above factors impacting the industry is likely to see an overall increase in revenue of around 2.2% per annum over the next five years.

Factors Affecting Values of RTOs:

In his years of experience is selling RTO’s, leading broker Travis Latter advises that some of the main

factors influencing purchaser demand and sale price include:


• If courses are deemed to provide training in areas of high demand and thus funded by State Government, this is a significant advantage.

• However, reliance on government funding can also be a risk, dependant on the medium to longer term outlook for the need of specific areas of training.


• History and length of registration - can be up to around 5 years (the longer the better).

• Audit history and last audit done.

• Preparation and readiness for next audit.

• Timeframe until next registration.


• Overseas registration for courses or not – Registration for CRICOS is difficult to achieve and therefore holds significant value.


OF RTO’S –essentially includes all aspects needed for registration such as policy and procedures in place, education resources/ course material, software systems etc (even before students are enrolled):

• Base value for a standard RTO shell is in the order of $120,000 to $190,000.

• Base value of a governmentfunded RTO varies between $400,000 and $500,000, depending on which State.

• Base value for a CRICOS

RTO shell starts at around $400,000.



• Does an RTO business under or over perform industry standards, on the various ratios of staff costs to revenue, education resource costs to revenue and net profit to revenue, etc?


• Efficiency of operations and degree of streamlining.

• Engagement of staff and availability of trainers.

• Level of diversification or concentration risk.

• Level of technology, online capability, software systems etc

• Level of scalability.


• Degree of reliance on owner.

• Degree of reliance on key staff.


• Mix of short and long courses.

• Mix of one-off requirement courses, as well as certification courses that have to be renewed on a recurring basis.


• Are there ongoing student classes when a new buyer takes over?

• Extent of forward bookings/ demand for enrolments –purchasers place greatest weight on the most recent year financial performance and foreseeable demand/ forward revenue rather than past years.

• Earned income up to date of settlement remains with the vendor, though unearned income via forward bookings/ upfront payment received for courses not yet run, goes to the purchaser.


• Degree of concentration of revenue to single clients.

Market Demand and Multiples:

Travis Latter of Infinity Business Brokers advises that given influences of shell/ base values for RTO’s and other factors, the multiples paid on EBITDA profit do not vary significantly between levels of profit from say $200,000 to $1,000,000. As an industry the main multiple range paid by purchasers is in the order of 2.70 to 3.50 times profit – some higher sales up to 4.00 times profit are achieved if there is a high level of technology/ scalability.

Typical multiple ranges paid can also be further broken down into categories of Funded and NonFunded RTO’s as follows:

• Funded RTOs:

3.00 to 3.25 x EBITDA

• Non-Funded RTO’s: 2.70 to 3.00 x EBITDA

Mr Latter advises that purchaser demand has moderated in the short term, as the sector takes into account new legislation/ policy changes to increase scrutiny over the next few months. However there remains strong interest that is likely to fuel an increase in demand once the new regulatory requirements are in place and fully understood. Medium to longer term demand for the sector, is likely to swing higher as the government continues funding RTO’s to drive an upskilling of Australia’s workforce to meet the demands of the economy.

Mr Latter notes that it is important that vendors engage with a broker early in order to get their business ready for sale – this is particularly important for RTO’s given the reliance on government funding, registration status, audits etc. Due to the fact that registration, funding contracts and other large corporate client agreements are typically signed in the RTO providers company name, RTO’s typically need to be sold on a company share sale basis, rather than a business assets sale.

For market information and ROI ranges on a large number of business types, subscribe to Business Values Newsletter at




Clients, their financial advisors and accountants are increasingly demanding a higher level of professionalism from business brokers. One of the best ways of ensuring that you are ahead of the pack in this area, is to add to your skillset and qualifications, by competing The Australian Institute of Business Brokers (AIBB) Registered Business Brokers (RBV) Course.

There are several well regarded business valuation courses run in Australia. However, the majority of these cover a wide range of business sizes from very small to ASX listed companies.

The AIBB set up the RBV course to specifically cover the market valuation of the Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) sector. This sector includes business sizes up to around $25M in turnover. It effectively covers around 98% of the marketplace as shown by the table below.

The course covers main methods of valuation as outlined in the International Valuation Standards (IVS), including Market, Income and Cost approaches. It teaches for both business asset and company/ equity valuation.

The focus is on the market methodology, due to the following main reasons:

• Significant availability of market information available from within the AIBB fraternity, including the “Bizstats” sales database.

• International Valuation Standards instruction, that market approaches should be applied where there is the good availability of market transaction evidence.

• Market methods are well accepted/ often mandated as being a primary method used, for the main purposes that valuations are required e.g. Presale/ Purchase advice, Sale of Shares, Accounting Reasons/ Tax/ Stamp Duty, Family Law, Commercial Litigation.

• Aiding business brokers to produce far more professional appraisals in line with the growing demands of clients within the marketplace.

Why Do The RBV Course

Brokers who have completed the course, have found that is has allowed them to provide far more professional appraisals. It also allows them to discuss business value concepts in greater depth with clients accountants and financial advisors. Accountants and business valuers have undertaken the course to upskill in valuation methodology, market knowledge and insights.

Other main reasons to do the course are:

• Supplement broking income with income from doing independent valuations

• Add to your credentials

by completing a course providing accreditation was a Registered Business Valuer, which is widely accepted by the industry and professional indemnity insurers.

• The course is run by a professional Education Facilitator and content presented by professional Business Valuers, Experienced Business Broker/ Valuers, Chartered Accountants and Commercial Lawyers

• Become involved in the broader community AIBB community, increase your network

For course eligibility criteria/ prerequires, cost and detailed course content, please contact Zoe McLaren (AIBB Secretariat) for more details. Zoe can be contacted on 0499 000 136 or by email


Australian Institute of Business Brokers (AIBB) is the peak professional body representing the special interests of Professional Business Brokers and Business Valuers in Australia and New Zealand.


AIBB is advancing the Business Broking and Business Valuation professions and the interests of its members; especially with education, training, resources, advocacy and support.

The Australian Institute of Business Brokers (AIBB) is the peak professional body representing the special interests of Professional Business Brokers and Business Valuers in Australia and New Zealand.

The AIBB is advancing the Business Broking and Business Valuation professions and the interests of its members; especially with education, training, resources, advocacy and support.

Business broking is regarded as the most demanding of all disciplines transfer of assets from one party to another, especially in relation to a business being sold as a going concern. The AIBB is premier provider of training and educational programs to its members; this includes offering first-class training and accreditation new and experienced business brokers, and business valuers.

Business broking is regarded as the most demanding of all disciplines in the transfer of assets from one party to another, especially in relation to a business being sold as a going concern. The AIBB is the premier provider of training and educational programs to its members; this includes offering first-class training and accreditation for new and experienced business brokers, and business valuers.

The AIBB ensure that the education, training and industry standards are made available to, and maintained by all members to ensure best practice outcomes for all stakeholders and to preserve the public trust in the profession. The AIBB has its own regulations and a mandatory Code of Conduct and Ethics for members with disciplinary procedures to ensure these high standards are maintained. To assist its members to accurately assess business values, the AIBB has compiled the largest database of actual completed business sales in Australia.

AIBB ensure that the education, training and industry standards made available to, and maintained by all members to ensure best practice outcomes for all stakeholders and to preserve the public trust in the profession. The AIBB has its own regulations and a mandatory Code of Conduct and Ethics for members with disciplinary procedures to ensure high standards are maintained. To assist its members to accurately assess business values, the AIBB has compiled the largest database of actual completed business sales in Australia.



The AIBB is for anyone working as a business valuer, a business transaction specialist or an allied professional that is looking to engage with or join the profession.

AIBB is for anyone working as a business a business transaction specialist or an allied professional that is looking to engage with or join the profession.

Whether you call yourself a Business Broker, an M&A specialist or something else, whether you operate in Australia or New Zealand, on an AFSL, a Business Broking Licence or a Real Estate licence, if you’re a sole trader, part of franchise system, part of a

Whether you call yourself a Business Broker, an M&A specialist or something else, whether you operate Australia or New Zealand, on an AFSL, a Business Broking Licence or a Real Estate licence, if you’re trader, part of franchise system, part of a

big team or a little team, if you’re a general broker operating across numerous industries or a specialist in key markets or industries, whether you focus on small businesses, medium sized businesses or larger businesses, the AIBB is for you.

big team or a little team, if you’re a general broker operating across numerous industries or a specialist in key markets or industries, whether you focus on small businesses, medium sized businesses or larger businesses, the AIBB is for you.

If you’re an experienced Business Broker or Valuer, or you’re considering a new career in these professions, or you’re an allied professional looking to engage with industry specialists, you should join the AIBB.


Full Membership

This is for people that have a full business broker’s licence in their relevant State/Territory.

Associate Membership

Affiliate Membership

If you’re an experienced Business Broker or Valuer, or you’re considering a new career in these professions, or you’re an allied professional looking to engage with industry specialists, you should join the AIBB.

This is for people that are agents and salespersons with a licence in their relevant State/Territory.


This is for allied professionals such as Business Valuers, Lawyers and Accountants who want to actively engage with the AIBB and who are not currently AIBB Partners.


P. 1300 168 370 E.

Ishan Galapathy is an operational excellence strategist, author, speaker and mentor renowned for his simple, techniques that deliver big change. With more than 25 years of experience across seven countries, Ishan helps businesses unlock their hidden capacity and true capability. His latest book UNLOCK highlights a process to easily and continually convert the seemingly disengaged employees to become change drivers. Download your free introductory overview from


Imagine this - you’ve got a team of ten rowers on your boat. There are three people rowing their heart out, dripping sweat, and giving all they’ve got. Then there are five people just sitting with their arms crossed, just adding dead-weight. Moreover, you have two people who are rowing in the opposite direction. How fast is your boat going now?

Sadly, this is the true picture of employee engagement status in our global workplaces, as per Gallup – the global authority on all things relating to employee engagement. Gallup’s 2022 data have indicated that the engaged category only accounts for 23% of our workforce, the actively disengaged category represented 18% and the fence-sitting, quietly quitting, not engaged group accounted for a whopping 59%.

And the impact of the fence-sitting not engaged category on the global economy? A staggering US$8.8 trillion on global productivity or 9% of the global GDP. That’s a lot!

However, with my experience over the last 25 years, working across multiple companies and countries, I know for a fact that the fencesitting disengaged employees are only ‘seemingly’ disengaged. While you may think that these employees only turn up in body only, leaving behind their brains at the door, I’ve found that they are waiting to be discovered, leveraged and motivated.

If you’re struggling to get all of your initiatives and projects implemented while holding the fort on a daily basis due to lack of resources, then you may want to think about tapping into the latent capacity of the seemingly disengaged fence-sitters. Here are three quick tips on how to engage the seemingly disengaged.

1. Get them Involved in Improvement Initiatives

When new employees join our workforces, it is quite common to ask for improvement ideas through

their ‘fresh eyes’. However, as they get adjusted to ‘this is how things are done around here’, we don’t continue to tap into the human creativity and the genius in us.

By carefully including some of the seemingly disengaged fence-sitters into project teams that are led by an engaged employee, you can not only get their ideas captured but also leverage them to take action as well. Working with any of the structured problem-solving methodologies, these teams will not only move the needle on engagement but on productivity gains as well.

Most leaders think that it is up to them to improve the workplace. My mantra is ‘Improve with the team not for the team’.

2. Fix Something that Matters to Them

US President Theodore Roosevelt said it best - “Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.”

In the technology driven world we operate in today, ‘data driven decision making’ is a buzz phrase that I hear often. However, our ability to download, analyse and comprehend in a timely manner is extremely poor. Think about how flashy Power-BI dashboards, Excel paralysis by analysis and arguments over data accuracy tend to drive multiple conversations in countless meetings that go around in circles, when the original intention was to help teams make rapid decisions with real-time data to grow the business.

Your employees know exactly what frustrates and prevents them from doing their best work. Find ways to brainstorm issues that frustrates and constraints business growth. If you can find baseline data to prioritise these ideas, then resolve them through the process shared in the previous point.

While implementing SMART technology solutions, we are also creating DUMB employees as well – those who are constantly Devalued, Underestimated,

Misunderstood and Belittled. Sadly, they are waiting to be Developed, Utilised, Motivated and Believed-in. If we think artificial intelligence is better than natural intelligence, then the end is near.

3. Create an Infectiously Positive Culture

Playfulness, progress and persistence help to create an infectiously positive culture, which increases the likelihood of the fence-sitters getting involved.

This is exactly what Tony Hsieh did when he took over Zappos – the mega US online shoe company - in 1998. Zappos’ culture is reflected in their core values. Zappos’ unique approach to employee engagement can be quantified. For instance, when their call centre moved from the Bay Area to Las Vegas, an astonishing 80% of its California employees relocated. In 2008, when average turnover at call centres was 150%, Zappos’; turnover was just 39%.

In 2009, Amazon acquired Zappos for a staggering US$1.2 billion. Even after the acquisition, Zappos retained its unique culture, becoming a model for companies wishing to enhance customer service and employee engagement. It’s not surprising, then, that leaders from companies wellknown for service and quality, such as Southwest Airlines and Toyota, make regular visits to learn from Zappos.

A rising tide lifts all boats!

It’s easier than you think

The secret to engaging the seemingly disengaged is involvement. Get them involved in the right initiatives with the right teams. Over time, they’d be willing to lead initiatives as well, when they see progress and impact. Share their success stories at your townhall meetings to infuse positivity. If you stay on this method, you’ll continually improve both productivity and engagement.



Communication and Human Skills Specialist E.

Author of Steer Through the Storm: How to Communicate and Lead Courageously Through Change, and Soft is the New Hard: How to Communicate Effectively Under Pressure (Ingram Spark, $25.00), is a communication specialist obsessed with making the people part of leadership and work life easier. Renowned for her straightshooter style as a trainer, speaker and facilitator, Leah helps leaders and teams shift from knowing to doing, and radically improve their effectiveness. Visit

You can’t hold someone accountable for poor performance or behaviour if you haven’t set clear expectations about what good looks like from the start. Yet many businesses stumble at this crucial step, assuming that “common sense” will guide people’s actions and communication. But common sense isn’t all that common, and no one thinks exactly like you. In the absence of clear expectations, misunderstandings, conflicts, inefficiencies, frustration, and poor performance thrive.

The key to ensuring accountability lies in the initial setup. Most performance misalignments and “people problems” within a business can be sidestepped or mitigated with good communication and clear expectations outlined from the beginning. Invest time upfront and outline what “done well” looks like. Define the standard you want tasks completed to, the timeline or deadline, the approach, the level of detail required, and prioritise what’s most important – whether it be accuracy, speed, or thoroughness. Don’t keep this information in your head, leave things unsaid, or assume people will “just get on with it”. Your people are not mind readers.

And it’s not just about you as the leader dictating your expectations from on high; clarifying shared expectations should be a collaborative effort involving the other person and in some instances, the whole team.


questions like:

• What does “done well” or “good” look like when it comes to behaviour, performance or specific task completion?

• What does your team want to be known for, and what do you need to do to be known for that?

• What does good behaviour and communication towards each other look like in practice?

• What is the expected response time to clients?

• If you have a concern, what are the expectations around how you raise this?

• What will we do and what won’t we do?

• What is ok, what’s not ok?

Without these specifics, you leave too much to chance, expecting your staff to guess and for that guess to be aligned with your assumed meaning. For instance, if you ask an employee to write a report without specifying the desired outcome, a perfectionist might spend an entire week crafting a comprehensive document when all you needed was a brief summary in an email by the end of the day. This misalignment in expectations leads to frustration and Inefficiency.

Own your part

Leaders often get frustrated at someone’s perceived poor performance or behaviour and jump straight into feedback, criticism, performance management or even sacking. However, they frequently overlook that their lack of clear expectations or clear instructions is often to blame. Instead, they blame the employee for getting it wrong or not asking questions because surely “they should know”. This is where leaders must take personal responsibility and own the part they play: you can’t hold someone accountable if they don’t know what they’re being held accountable for. Before addressing your employee’s shortcomings, it’s crucial to reflect on whether the expectations were communicated effectively from the beginning.

When it comes to behaviour, the same principle applies. If you want your team to treat each other with respect, you need to clearly define what that looks like in practice and in different circumstances. For example, what does it look like in a meeting? What does it look like when you have a disagreement?

If it means active listening, timely responses and constructive feedback, make sure everyone is clear on this and has been equipped with the skills or training to do it.

Slow down to go fast

One of the most common responses from leaders when encouraged to establish shared expectations is “I don’t have time”. I suggest you don’t have time not to.

Establishing clear expectations, where both parties are encouraged to ask questions and clarify shared understanding, sets everyone up for success. It may take an extra five to 10 minutes at the start when you assign a task, but it will likely save you much more time in the end. Clear expectations make leadership easier by providing a clear framework for accountability and ensure the work is more likely to be done right the first time. On top of this, employees are more willing to be accountable if they are clear from the outset about what they are expected to do. Clear expectations also make it easier for you to onboard new staff to your team who align with the desired standards.

It’s time that leaders reimagined accountability: the first accountability lies with them being clearer about expectations. Only then can they hold their people accountable for meeting them.

Steer Through the Storm: How to Communicate and Lead Courageously Through Change by Leah




A workplace expert and the award-winning author of three books, including her latest ‘Bad Boss: What to do if you work for one, manage one or are one’.

Bad Boss: What to do if you work for one, manage one or are one by Michelle Gibbings

In today’s dynamic business landscape, Chiefs of Staff are pivotal players, navigating the whirlwind of organisational change, juggling multiple responsibilities, and making critical decisions.

At the same time, there are increasing challenges at work, with the State of the Future of Work Report highlighting how many people are struggling at work with feelings of uncertainty. For example, the study found that workers have a limited understanding of how artificial intelligence and automation will impact their jobs and are unsure how best to prepare.

Thriving in a fast-paced environment involves adopting robust strategies that enhance your ability to navigate this uncertainty and make wise choices.

Be Adventurous

As people advance in their careers, they can become more reluctant to try new things and adopt new workplace habits. Holding fixed views about how things ‘should be’, they hold onto the traditional ways of doing things and avoid adaptation.

Open yourself up to new experiences and people to help broaden your perspective and encourage you to challenge your assumptions and be more open to new ways of doing things. As part of this, surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you to be your best self.

Adopt a Growth Mindset

How do you react when things go wrong at work? How you react to mistakes and your ability to learn from those mistakes are hallmarks of whether you have a fixed or growth mindset. World-renowned

academic Carol Dweck coined these terms.

Through her research, she found that people with a fixed mindset see intelligence as static – a fixed trait. As a result, they always want to look smart and appear as though they have all the answers. They believe success is based on talent alone and will avoid challenges and give up more quickly. They ignore feedback, which they see as criticism, and feel threatened by the success of others.

In contrast, people with a growth mindset believe intelligence can be developed through hard work and effort. Consequently, they are more eager to embrace learning, take on challenges and persist despite setbacks. They love learning, usually display higher resilience, and are more willing to learn from others and receive feedback.

When you apply a growth mindset to a situation, you are more likely to have the resilience and optimism to work through it.

Embrace Your Emotions

Your emotions are data points that are telling you something and all emotions are legitimate. Your emotions matter. They change your physiology, perception, and where you place your attention.

The first step in dealing with challenging emotions at work is to acknowledge and accept your feelings. Then, dig into the meaning you are giving those feelings and what they are telling you to do.

Next, consider what you can and can’t change about what is happening around you and how you can shift your perspective to focus on what you have (rather than what you don’t have). Lastly, consider the options to reframe

the meaning you are putting on what is happening and what you can do to shift that state.

Take a Risk

To have a healthy and thriving career, you must throw away the expectations that others have of you. Expectations can drive you to hold a fixed view of the job you ‘should’ do and the career you ’should’ have. However, doing something just because you ‘should’ isn’t likely to satisfy you.

There will be people around you who question your choice and challenge your thinking. Don’t let their fears inhibit your thinking or throw you off course.

Pursuing your purpose and dream job can come with a ‘risk’ tag attached. However, the more you are willing to take a risk, the more likely you will have a career that aligns with your purpose and values.

So, get comfortable with ambiguity, be ready to make tough choices, and back yourself, even when it’;s hard and progress is slow.

Think Long-Term, Not Short-Term

While each day matters, if you have the occasional down day or go-slow day, it won’t have a massive impact in the context of your life.

It’s critical to manage your energy and give yourself time and space. If you need a break, take it. If you need space to reflect, find it.

In doing this, always keep your eye on your goals and what you want to achieve. Never forget that you need to ensure your health and well-being come along for the ride to make sustained progress.

As the Author Maya Angelou once said, “Nothing will work unless you do”.


Roxanne Calder

P. 02 9002 0222


Author of ‘Employable – 7 Attributes to Assuring Your Working Future’ (Major Street $29.95), is the founder and managing director of EST10 – one of Sydney’s most successful recruitment agencies. For more information on how Roxanne can assist with your recruitment needs, visit

The late 2000s introduced a call for more transparent, genuine and accountable leaders, otherwise known as authentic leadership theory. It is hard to believe good leadership could be anything but transparent, genuine, and authentic. What was tolerated before this point?

Now, there is the call for transparent-everything, including your pay. Surely, there is a place for discretion and privacy. It’s not clandestine, just some things are better kept confidential. Right? Or am I being that leader, pre-2000, yet to be enlightened?

During the pandemic, with our health on the line, trust was #1. Open communication, with our whole lives on display- the cat, dog, children, and more- became the norm and with it, what we were paid. 2022, and the boa- constrictor squeeze for talent clinched the deal for pay transparency. Since then, pay transparency has been insistent and on the rise.

However, pay transparency and its effect on workplace culture isn’t as clear-cut as we think.

A fairer working environment.

This is the real crux of the matter. Viewed as being a fairer working environment, 78% of workers in England view salary openness positively. Changes to the gender pay laws brought pay transparency to the forefront.

Women globally earn around 37% less than their male counterparts, in similar roles and progress in closing the gap is described as painfully slow. 21 out of 38 OECD countries require mandatory, systematic gender pay reporting by private sector firms.

Additionally, pay transparency is a tool to bring about change to all pay inequities. It requires pay to be fair and unbiased across all demographics, such as gender,

race, ethnicity, etc. It is needed, highly advisable, eminently valuable, and has powerful effects on workplace culture. It’s a nobrainer.

So is attracting talent.

Advertise the salary range, and you are guaranteed a high level of job applications. 85% of Gen Z are less likely to apply for a job without a salary range, a critical consideration when, globally, 27% of our workforce will comprise Gen Z workers by 2025. For the rest of us, 98% found listing salary on job adverts as important. With the global skills shortage, its business and culture imperative to select from an ample and diverse range of job applicants.

Nothing to hide, no reason to be afraid.

If only life, business and humans were that simple. Pay transparency doesn’t give us the whole picture. For some, it can make us dangerously nearsighted, showing us only what we want to see. A top performer who generates 40% more value than the rest of your team. It sounds reasonable, except if it acts as a demotivator to their colleague who puts in maximum effort but will never quite achieve the same levels.

Or the same top performer whose values are not aligned with the business. You might choose not to pay at a higher level. Sounds reasonable but as a consequence found dealing with resignations and staff turnover. These present every reason to be cautious, wary, and yes afraid.

Or the person who has been with your organisation forever. They are engaged, loyal and live the brand. We all know the value employee retention delivers. It’s touted in every HR and leadership forum. So, perhaps a yearly bonus that sees them earn more than their cohorts

is justified, but to share with everyone else though? Research shows when individuals receive bonuses and similar, it&#39;s demotivating for their peers.

The full-monty.

Instead of an all-out full-monty disclosure, perhaps consider a more delicate approach. There are many other ways to demonstrate trust and openness. It doesn’t have to be about making all information accessible. An environment of clear goals and expectations, an understanding of salary banding, how salaries are determined and what is required to earn more and receive promotions, goes a long way to bridging the transparency gap and leveraging a positive workplace culture.

Transparency in every way continues to evolve in all aspects of life. As for pay transparency in our workplace, well that’s a given, and expect it to amplify even more. Apart from fairness, equity, and better workplace culture, it’s a societal necessity.

As a final point, the authentic leader? They are key in the pay transparency strategy. When 75% of leaders say pay equity and transparency are a priority, but only 45% of employees agree, we have another sizeable gap to fill! Fill both with one solution; your transparent leader! Employable – 7 Attributes to Assuring Your Working Future' (Major Street $29.95) by Roxanne Calder



Alan Manly OAM is the CEO of CampusQ and author of The Unlikely Entrepreneur. To find out more, visit

The decision to transition from comfortable employment to starting a business can be both daunting and exciting for the entrepreneur. However, the reality is that 80% of startups fail within the first year, and many of these failures can be attributed to a lack of cash flow.

Ego can be a driving force for entrepreneurs, as it pushes them to strive for success and achieve their personal goals, however, it can also lead to financial pitfalls. Therefore, managing ego and short-term desires and the impacts they have on cash flow is crucial for the survival of a startup.

Cash flow is often referred to as the lifeblood of a business. Some say that the three main things in business are cash flow, cash flow and cash flow. Without cash flow,

a business cannot continue its operations and meet its financial obligations.

To better understand the importance of cash flow, you only need to look at Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to see how it applies to the life of a startup.

Physiological needs

The base of Maslow’s hierarchy consists of physiological needs, which include food, water, shelter, clothing, overall health and reproduction. In the context of a startup, these basic needs translate to the recurring bills that must be paid to keep the business running.

Entrepreneurs should determine how much cash they need to cover these expenses each week

or month to ensure the survival of their business.

Safety needs

The second level of Maslow’s hierarchy involves safety needs. These needs include protection from violence and theft, emotional stability and well-being, health security and financial security. For a startup, maintaining financial security is crucial. Entrepreneurs must be vigilant in collecting unpaid accounts, as unpaid invoices can be considered a form of theft that threatens the company’s survival.

Love and belonging needs

The third level of Maslow’s hierarchy addresses love and belonging needs, which involve human interaction and social connections. Entrepreneurs must develop strong relationships with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders to ensure the success of their businesses.

Joining business networks, clubs, or groups of like-minded individuals can help establish connections and foster a sense of belonging. You won’t be successful

alone. You will need social skills such that a stranger will pay for your services. These strangers are usually called customers. The more the merrier.

Esteem needs

The fourth level of Maslow’s hierarchy focuses on esteem needs, which involve self-respect and self-esteem. This self-esteem will enable them to demand timely payments from clients and maintain a healthy cash flow. Selfesteem and confidence in startup land is required so that while you may be living like a church mouse and can’t recall a holiday away, you know you are valuable and deserving of dignity. Tell them to pay their bills!

Self-actualisation needs

The highest level of Maslow’s hierarchy is self-actualisation, which describes the fulfilment of one’s full potential. In the context of a startup, this means sticking to the company’s unique sales proposition and avoiding the temptation to diversify into unrelated activities or enterprises. Entrepreneurs must focus on what

they are good at and not become distracted by other ventures.

The startup business plan should describe the business’s unique sales proposition, which in less fancy terms it means to ‘stick to the knitting’. This simply means that a business should do what it is good at and not become distracted by diversifying into totally different activities or enterprises.

A cautionary tale of not sticking to one’s unique sales proposition can be found in Silicon Valley Bank, which did not have an official chief risk officer for eight months while the VC market was spiralling. This example perfectly demonstrates the importance of maintaining focus and doing what it is you do best.

Building a startup requires entrepreneurs to focus on the foundations of business, with cash flow being the most critical element. When in doubt, just remember those three words, “cash flow, cash flow, cash flow”.

Search businesses and franchises for sale in Australia

Dream Opportunity Awaits at Premier Ice... Cafe and Coffee Shop

Step into a sweet opportunity with this exceptional Ice Creamery Dessert Bar, prominently located on the bustling main street of Camden. This turnkey gem is ideally positioned to draw in both locals and visitors alike, making it a hotspot for dessert lovers! Key Features: Prime Location: Nestled in the heart of Camden, our delightful dessert bar boasts a highly visible shop front on the main street, ensuring constant foot traffic and visibility. Front and side access with carpark, close to local schools, doctors surgery, community library and many businesses. Ready to Operate: Offered as a walkin walk-out sale, (Plus stock) this business is primed...

Price: POA

Region: Camden State: NSW

Contact: Brett Watt Phone: 0427 571 826

View Online Bsale ID 644299


*Not actual photo

Pizza & Pasta Take Away Restaurant Restaurant

“Wood Fire Oven Pizza” restaurant for sale. This is a family business can be operated by 2-3 family members as you wish. Very well established in the area for many years. Its a unique restaurant style that it attracts families or socialising with friends to dine-in or just take-away. This is an opportunity for a family running their own Pizzeria & Pasta business and to earn a reasonable source of income. Using Uber and other. Current owner must sell for down-turn health reasons. Please NO BROKERS are required.

Price: $245,000 WIWO

Region: Concord

State: NSW

Contact: Tom Lammerville Phone: 02 9313 4555

View Online Bsale ID 642190

Scotts Plaza Bakehouse - Iconic Laurieton... Bakery

If you’ve ever been to Laurieton and bought a cake, pie, loaf of bread or even a fresh sandwich, chances are that you have bought it from Scott’s Plaza Bakehouse, located in the Haven Plaza on Bold Street, right next door to Coles. This is quite possibly the busiest retail location in the whole Camden Haven and Scott’s been baking his delicious goods from the same location since 1997. * All equipment in good working condition, well maintained and estimated value of equipment (at replacement cost) approx $67,000, all included in sale. * Approx 14 x staff, including proprietor, predominantly casual staff, includes 6 bakers. * 2008 Toyota Hilux ute includes...

Price: $378,000 WIWO

Region: Laurieton

State: NSW

Contact: Simon Hancox Phone: 0423 941 136

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Award Winning Natural Mineral Water... Agricultural

Discover an extraordinary opportunity to own an award-winning natural mineral water business, sourced from the pristine aquifers of the Snowy Mountains, Australia. This turnkey, walk-in, walk-out enterprise is perfectly poised for expansion and success. Situated on a sprawling 158 hectare freehold farm, the business boasts a state-of-the-art bottling plant and a modern factory. As a proud family-owned venture, it’s built on quality and integrity, ready to scale new heights in market penetration. With a current commercial license and the ability to increase capacity fourfold, the potential turnover could soar beyond $40 million. The business...


Region: Double Bay State: NSW

Contact: Private Seller


View Online Bsale ID 645588

Frontlift Truck With Contract Transport

Scania p380. 5 years old 400000 km. 5 years maintenance contract with Scania. Comes with 5 year contract with cleanaway. Income Around 380k a year.

Price: $230,000

Region: Nelson Bay State: NSW

Contact: Andreas Fischer Phone: 0401 818 182

View Online Bsale ID 644038


Carpet Cleaning Cleaning

Blue Mountains Floor Care is a well established steam cleaning business in the Blue Mountains and Penrith areas. Unfortunately I am selling due to health reasons. Services we cover but not limited to are, carpet, upholstery, rug and tile cleaning, water damage restoration. I am selling the business with no good will. The sale amount is how much the equipment is worth. Business turning over $150k to $200k. Business equipment includes 2017 Volkswagon Transporter with saphire scientific 370 truckmount, 8 x near new dehumidifiers, 10 x air movers and the list goes on. Whoever takes the business forward will not look back!

Price: $90,000

Region: Mount Riverview State: NSW

Contact: Brett Jackson Phone: 0410 539 348

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General Store


Business For Sale: Busy General Store In The Heart Of Nimbin. Looking for a great business? Then consider Nimbin General Store & Newsagency, a well-stocked, thriving local hub in the CBD of eclectic and colourful Nimbin, in the NSW Northern Rivers region. Nimbin has gone from a sleepy village to a flourishing community due to many subdivisions and developments on the edge of town. Located on the tourist drive between the coastal darling of Byron Bay and the renown Queensland Gold Coast, Nimbin attracts both national and international tourists drawn to its subtropical climate, counter culture and program of festivals and events. Well patronized...

Price: $420,000 + SAV

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State: NSW

Contact: Neil Harris Phone: 0480 149 540

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The Big Oyster Port Macquarie

Other Retail

The Big Oyster is a highly profitable retail seafood shop that also offers a fast food dining option on the river. With a unique location and simple business model it is perfect for a family business.

Price: $489,000 + SAV

Region: Fernbank Creek

State: NSW

Contact: Michael Sprague Phone: 0428 839 444

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Long Established Specialty Coffee Shop... Cafe and Coffee Shop

Are you ready to own a piece of the MID NORTH COAST coffee scene? Located just outside the CBD, this cafe has been a community favourite for many years. Established in 2014 this cafe was the first specialty coffee shop in the area. Celebrated for its vibe, location, and commitment to fast, exceptional service. The undercover deck area creates a Melbourne like laneway feel with its backdrop of local graffiti art surrounded by flora and palms. After years of creating memorable moments, the current owner is prepared to pass the torch to a passionate new owner who shares the vision of providing a unique cafe experience. This presents a fantastic opportunity for...

Price: $230,000 + SAV

Region: Port Macquarie

State: NSW

Contact: Beau Montgomery Phone: 0423 214 808

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Blue Mountain Hotel for Sale Hotel

Sinosmart Business Brokering is pleased to announce the upcoming sale process for 100-year-old historic hotel in Blue Mountain. Together with HTL Property’s Blake Edwards and Xavier Plunkett, we are managing the sale on behalf of the vendor. The asset is a freehold going concern hotel comprising a bar, bistro, gaming room with 9 GMEs, beer garden, function space, detached bottle shop and 19 accommodation rooms of which 8 are en-suited. Positioned on an enormous 4,074㎡ block, the site enjoys excellent ingress for patrons and ample off-street car parking. With an annual Revenue around 2.9 million, the value proposition regarding this...

Price: $9,000,000

Region: Katoomba

State: NSW

Contact: Barton Cha Phone: 0478 824 168

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Food Van - Stunning Vintage 1963... Mobile Food Vans

Price reduced for quick sale. You’ll make this back in the first year. Life has gotten in the way and I need to sell so I can move on with other projects. Take your catering business on the road with this stunningly renovated commercial kitchen on wheels. Located Lismore NSW. Let the business take you on some beautiful adventures and work the festivals and events you want to be at. We have traded successfully at many large festivals and events including: - Byron Bay Bluesfest. - Splendour in the Grass. - Woodford Folk Festival. - Bathurst 1000. - Greazefest Custom Culture Festival. The internal fitout makes getting a council permit a breeze for wherever...

Price: $89,000

Region: South Gundurimba State: NSW

Contact: Aveley McCann


View Online Bsale ID 627140

Trendy Dessert Shop in Sydney’s North... Cafe and Coffee Shop

This dessert shop is nestled in the heart of a bustling shopping center in Sydney’s North Shore commercial hub, offering easy accessibility and a steady stream of foot traffic. Specializing in unique Asian-style desserts, refreshing soft drinks, and aromatic coffees, the shop exudes an inviting ambiance that has captured the hearts of consumers. It serves as an ideal setting for social gatherings, leisurely afternoon teas, and a mustvisit destination for dessert fans, earning itself the title of the district’s go-to spot. Business Highlights: - Prime Location: Positioned in the prime area of Sydney’s North Shore commercial hub, ensuring maximum visibility...

Price: $400,000

Region: Chatswood

State: NSW

Contact: Barton Cha or Violet Cui

Phone: 0478 824 168

View Online Bsale ID 637088

Incredible location Dickson Restaurant Catering

An extremely unique and remarkable opportunity to get into the rapidly developing Dickson precinct. Only $120,000 will secure this fully equipped kitchen with long lease to match. Why pay hundreds of thousands to fit out a new restaurant when you can pick up an incredible location for a fraction of the price? Location counts in business and this location is ideal to start your venture. Located on the extremely busy Woolley Street in Dickson, any good concept has the ability to pay big dividends. Do not leave your enquiry too long as even at this price, we are willing to negotiate with the right buyer. The landlord has already been in contact...

Price: $95,000

Region: Dickson State: ACT

Contact: Janey Nguyen Phone: 0493 108 934

View Online Bsale ID 642746

Established & Profitable Cafe - Run Under... Cafe and Coffee Shop

Located in the heart of a bustling community, this established cafe is now on the market, offering a unique opportunity for savvy investors. Renowned for its healthy food options and exceptional coffee, the cafe has built a loyal customer base that keeps coming back for more. The cafe prides itself on its fresh-made salads, delicious smoothies, and a wide range of nutritious meals, all prepared using only the freshest ingredients. Customers rave about the quality and taste of the food, which has become a cornerstone of the cafe’s reputation. Set in a major plaza, the cafe benefits from high foot traffic, surrounded by numerous local businesses and...

Price: $449,999

Region: Canberra State: ACT

Contact: Bonza Business Sales Sydney Phone: 1300 266 922

View Online Bsale ID 645511

Piccolo Me Franchise For Sale - Delicious... Cafe and Coffee Shop

Tired of the 9 to 5 corporate grind? Want to be your own boss? Say YES, now! Come, Join Piccolo Me Family! Here is a brilliant opportunity to become a part of the highly reputed and well-known café franchise network Piccolo Me with flexible entry costs. The renowned brand is offering sites across Sydney, Melbourne, ACT, Gold Coast and Brisbane to passionate aspiring food entrepreneurs with a zeal to excel. Piccolo Me was founded in 2012 and has over 40 sites running successfully, with more sites to open right across Australia. Now over 10 years young, the brand has been strategic with its growth and now represents a number of food brands on various...

Price: P.O.A

Region: Canberra State: ACT

Contact: JBS Phone: 1300 889 443

View Online Bsale ID 645549

Manny’s Diner Franchise For Sale - Home... Takeaway Food

Introducing Manny’s Diner: Home of Authentic Philly Cheese Steaks and Pizza! I know what you’re thinking, what is a Philly Cheese Steak, I thought the same thing, then I had one and OMG they are so good. Enquire about this opportunity and I’ll shout you one so you can see how good we are! Join our family-owned franchise, where freshness and authenticity reign. Our menu reflects generations of family cooking and shared experiences. Step into our world of culinary delight as we invite you to experience the magic of Manny’s Diner. Our story is one of heritage, love, and mouthwatering creations that will leave you craving more. Picture this...

Price: P.O.A

Region: Canberra

State: ACT

Contact: JBS

Phone: 1300 889 443

View Online Bsale ID 645474

Bernie’s from the Bay - Canberra’s Most... Cafe and Coffee Shop

Bernie’s from the Bay has lead the way in the delivery of Seafood and takeaway food to Canberra for the last 20 years. Since 2004 this business has been an Icon for locals and visitors alike, with people travelling from throughout Canberra, as well as surround NSW simply to come and try their delicious seafood. Fully fitted out, and ready for the new owners to walk in and takeover, an opportunity to purchase such an iconic business in Canberra is rare, especially with a price tag as low as this. Do not miss the opportunity to purchase this amazing takeaway, with signifiant growth potential through longer trading by opening more days, the chance to...

Price: $140,000

Region: Charnwood

State: ACT

Contact: Kagan Skipper

Phone: 0412 668 981 or 02 5117 3106

View Online Bsale ID 645526

Well Known Local Cafe | Canberra City Cafe and Coffee Shop

Here is a unique opportunity to join a well-known and popular local hospitality brand in Canberra’s CBD. A new site is under refurbishment and due for completion in July. With approximately 40 square meters of newly constructed space, boasting a prime location with low rent. This site will be highly focused on quick expressstyle breakfast and lunch and high quality takeaway coffee. On offer is comprehensive support and training, be part of a growing favourite local brand, and work with and learn from the best in the industry. While this is a brand-new site with no historical sales data, our client has kindly shared P&L line averages across other sites...

Price: $99,000

Region: Canberra State: ACT

Contact: Kristy Green Phone:

View Online Bsale ID 645473

Extremely Profitable Turkish Takeaway... Takeaway Food

Are you looking to invest in a highly profitable, thriving, and well-established business in a prime location? Look no further! This Turkish takeaway business which has been operating successfully for over 7 years is now on the market. This is a rare opportunity to acquire a turnkey operation with a proven track record and consistently high turnover. Situated at the entrance of a busy shopping complex in North Canberra, this takeaway enjoys unparalleled visibility. The location benefits from a large amount of foot traffic from shoppers and vehicle traffic from those passing by the shopping centre. This prime spot ensures a constant flow of potential...

Price: $1,090,000 + SAV

Region: Canberra State: ACT

Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014

View Online Bsale ID 645440

20 years in operation. Profitable business trading 4 days per week. Plenty of room for expansion. New lease available from landlord.

Bakery Cafe - Highly Profitable 7 Figure... Bakery

Nestled in the heart of a thriving East Gippsland village e, this established bakery and coffee shop represents a lucrative opportunity for the aspiring baker/ entrepreneur. With robust annual 7 figure turnover, this business has strong and consistent performance with further growth potential. Located in vibrant regional town - Cann River - 3 Hours Canberra 5 Hours Melbourne Long established business offered for sale - motivated owners have purchased another Business. Only Bakery in town offering fresh grab and go high value / margin products. Impressive Sales: Consistently high revenue, with well over $1 million in annual sales for the past 3...

Price: $349,000

Region: Canberra State: ACT

Contact: Bernie Carroll

Phone: 1300 227 227 or 0430 802 508

View Online Bsale ID 641226

Franchise Opportunity With Rashays... Restaurant

At RASHAYS Restaurants, we have crafted a delectable experience for food enthusiasts across Australia. With a rich history of serving mouthwatering dishes, we take immense pride in being a prominent name in the restaurant industry. Now, we are extending this opportunity to passionate entrepreneurs who share our love for great food and excellent service. Why Choose RASHAYS? Proven Success: With over 40 successful locations nationwide, RASHAYS has a proven track record of delivering exceptional dining experiences. A Diverse Menu: Our menu is a symphony of flavours, featuring a fusion of classic dishes and innovative creations, all...

Price: P.O.A

Region: Canberra State: ACT

Contact: JBS

Phone: 1300 889 443

View Online Bsale ID 641397

Manny’s Diner Franchise For Sale - Home... Takeaway Food

Introducing Manny’s Diner: Home of Authentic Philly Cheese Steaks and Pizza! I know what you’re thinking, what is a Philly Cheese Steak, I thought the same thing, then I had one and OMG they are so good. Enquire about this opportunity and I’ll shout you one so you can see how good we are! Join our family-owned franchise, where freshness and authenticity reign. Our menu reflects generations of family cooking and shared experiences. Step into our world of culinary delight as we invite you to experience the magic of Manny’s Diner. Our story is one of heritage, love, and mouthwatering creations that will leave you craving more. Picture...


Region: Canberra

State: ACT

Contact: JBS

Phone: 1300 889 443

View Online Bsale ID 641317

Own Your Own Acai Business: Franchise... Restaurant

Step into the wellness revolution as an entrepreneur or fitness aficionado with the effortlessly operable and thriving business venture—Acai Brothers. Nestled in the vibrant heart of Canberra, ACT, Acai Brothers is a flourishing franchise offering tantalising Acai bowls, sumptuous vegan fast food, and refreshing coffee. We’ve successfully positioned ourselves as the city’s leading café, boasting a stellar 4.5-star Google rating and an exceptional 5-star Uber Eats rating. Our exponential growth trajectory beckons you to share in our success. Acai Brothers distinguishes itself as an enticing business opportunity through its facile and lucrative operation...

Price: $80,000

Region: Canberra

State: ACT

Contact: Nadh Yandamuri Phone: 0435 074 789

View Online Bsale ID 617538

49% Net Return P.A – $900k Net Profit... Export

Established premium seafood products with global market reach. 74% growth over the last 3 years with only 2 owner/operators. Immediate opportunities are available for increased returns with the ability to elevate production and release new products. Currently operating from a purpose-built facility constructed in 2022, with a loyal customer base of 50+ and no Sales staff or marketing campaign conducted to date, this business has exceptional potential and futures. Key Benefits: • Strong Financials, with 49% Net return P.A and low overheads ensuring a solid financial foundation.

• Exceptional Potential, 74% growth in 3 years (24.6%...


Region: Brisbane

State: QLD

Contact: Paul Vamvakaris Phone: 0481 162 439

View Online Bsale ID 643528

Fresh In The Village Butcher and Deli

Are you looking to take over a well-established gourmet deli business in one of the most sought-after locations in Cairns, QLD? Look no further as this gourmet grocery and deli store offers a fantastic opportunity for you to step into a thriving business with a loyal customer base and exceptional reputation. This European-style shop boasts a fit-out valued at approximately $150,000, providing a luxurious and inviting atmosphere for customers to browse and purchase high-quality gourmet products. The prime location in an upmarket blue-chip suburb ensures high visibility and foot traffic, contributing to the success of the business. With plant and equipment...

Price: $250,000 + SAV

Region: Edge Hill

State: QLD

Contact: Pruthesh Patel

Phone: 0400 335 212

View Online Bsale ID 645698

Kurri Cleaners Cleaning

This is a long-standing, highly regarded domestic and commercial cleaning business located in Mareeba on the Atherton Tablelands Highly regarded commercial and domestic cleaning business in Mareeba on the Atherton Tablelands for sale - $575,000. This business is well-known and recognized within the local community. The business consistently demonstrates profitability, experiences annual growth, and boasts high client retention rates and loyalty, a testament to its exceptional service and commitment to quality cleaning. Location Details: • Located in Mareeba, a busy and growing township on the Atherton Tablelands • The business...

Price: $575,000

Region: Mareeba

State: QLD

Contact: John Falvo

Phone: 0408 456 344

View Online Bsale ID 644037

Profitable Car Hire Business For Sale Hire Services

**Exciting Business Opportunity in Cairns, QLD: Profitable Car Hire Business for Sale!** Are you looking for a lucrative business opportunity in the bustling city of Cairns, QLD? Look no further! We are thrilled to present to you a well-established car hire business that is now up for sale. This thriving business has been successfully operating in the heart of Cairns for several years, offering a range of new, high-quality vehicles for rent. As a highly popular destination for tourists and locals alike, Cairns presents an ideal location for a car hire business, and the opportunity for growth and expansion is limitless. **Key Features of the Business:** **1. Well Established...

Price: $500,000 + SAV

Region: Cairns City State: QLD

Contact: Pruthesh Patel Phone: 0400 335 212

View Online Bsale ID 645696

Highly Functional Investment In Gin Gin... Commerical Property Freehold

I offer for sale SHED CONSTRUCTIONS QLD located in the Industrial Estate in Gin Gin QLD - 50km west of Bundaberg. The business has become one of the leading shed sellers and shed construction businesses in the region. Ranging from the garage market to the larger machinery and packing sheds with an impressive turnover in excess of $6M last financial year and represents a very strong bottom line. SHED CONSTRUCTIONS QLD has a reputation for high quality structures with a strong repeat customer base, leading to many years of repeat business. The Sales Build is a modern structure and the Sales Yard is very well...

Price: $2,750,000

Region: Gin Gin

State: QLD

Contact: Jim Mullett Phone: 0428 871 799

View Online Bsale ID 644416

Serious Business For Serious Operator Cafe and Coffee Shop

This Cafe is located in the No.1 busy Shopping Centre in Cairns, which attracts over 3 million local, domestic and international tourists. Another advantage of cafe is close to the cruise terminal which receives 60+ Cruises a year. This Cafe offers excellent services, coffee and wide variety of dine in, takeaway food and beverages. Key Features: Well established Cafe and restaurant, Can be run under management, Well-trained staff in place, All items are made fresh daily on-site, Caters for locals, employees, tourists, seniors etc., Weekly Sales $60,000 +, Weekly Sales 70 80kg of exclusive Sydney base coffee, Loyal long-term customer base of locals...

Price: $850,000

Region: Cairns North

State: QLD

Contact: Pruthesh Patel

Phone: 0400 335 212

View Online Bsale ID 645695

Burketown Convenience Store & Post Off... Furniture

Are you looking for a lucrative business opportunity in a thriving community in Australia? Look no further than this well-established post office in Far Northwest Queensland in Gulf of Carpentaria. This unique business opportunity boasts a range of exciting features that set it apart from others in the market. With only one post office in the region, this business serves as not only the go-to location for postal services but also as the sole big general store in town. Established since 1981, this post office has built a strong reputation within the community for providing reliable and efficient postal services. The business has become an essential service provider for...

Price: $250,000 + SAV

Region: Normanton

State: QLD

Contact: Pruthesh Patel

Phone: 0400 335 212

View Online Bsale ID 645691



The Pastacup brand was launched in March 2008 by its founders, Stuart Bernstein and Siri Solumsmoen with the opening of the flagship franchise pilot store in Melville, Western Australia. Create-your-own’ pasta meals in a laid-back chain - offering handmade pasta & more than 20 sauces.

Price: $320,000

Region: Gold Coast State: QLD

Contact: Paul Kasper Phone: 0439 043 474

View Online Bsale ID 640543

*Not actual photo

*Not actual photo

Established General Practice Legal Firm Legal

Long Established Legal Practice. An excellent opportunity exists for the purchase of a boutique general practice Law Firm that has been established and operational for over 16 years. Having a strong focus on Family Law, Wills and Estates and Conveyancing. The Firm has progressed into encompassing other areas of Law such as Personal Injury, and Commercial Law. Currently the Firm employs 3 solicitors (2 part time) and 2 support staff (Part Time). The Firm currently is the custodian for over 900 Safe custody packets. During the last financial year over 175 Files have been opened. Principal is prepared to remain for some time, to ensure that there is a good...

Price: $99,000

Region: Brisbane State: QLD

Contact: David Patras Phone: 0412 349 833

View Online Bsale ID 637979

Boutique Chocolate Cafe ! Sweet Tempt... Cafe and Coffee Shop

Enter a world of indulgence at our boutique chocolate and coffee shop in the heart of Brisbane’s Queen Street Mall. Discover handcrafted chocolates, from silky truffles to crunchy pralines, paired perfectly with expertly brewed coffees. Relax in our cozy café ambiance, where every moment is a celebration of sweetness and bliss. Treat yourself today!

Price: $65,000 + SAV

Region: Brisbane State: QLD

Contact: Glo Lo Phone: 0433 162 618

View Online Bsale ID 641208

Newsagency In Coastal Paradise Newsagency

Located beside the stunning shores of beautiful Golden Beach on the southern Sunshine Coast in a popular community hub shopping, medical, and dining precinct, this is your chance to own your own business in a location second to none. With a fantastic regular clientele, as well as the high-volume of tourists in Golden Beach, this bustling agency is your golden opportunity. This is a great family cash flow business. Both lifestyle and income on offer with beaches close by. Caloundra, where Golden Beach is located, was recently announced as Queensland’s No.1 Tourist Town, as well as taking out 3rd Place in the Australian Tourist Towns awards...

Price: For Sale

Region: Golden Beach State: QLD

Contact: Denise Ruhle Phone: 0413 956 153

View Online Bsale ID 639648

$500,000 Gross Profit, Incredible 20 Years... Management Rights

Be paid a guaranteed annual income of $150,000. Small deposit required depending on your financier. Last 3 yrs since covid, profits exceeding $500,000, great return, which is very beneficial to a family involved business. Gardening and property management easy to run with a family member or 3. Holiday letting which has potential to expand and double current profits. Low deposit required.

Price: Offers Over $1.500,000

Region: Bellara State: QLD

Contact: Peter Gardiner Phone: 0417 646 838

View Online Bsale ID 638402

Stockfeed Pet & Produce Stores x 2 Pet Shops

A rare opportunity exists to secure not 1 but 2 Pet & Produce stores in Townsville North Queensland. The Iconic Len’s Feed Shed has hit the market and will not be there long. Ideal for start ups, franchise models or other stores to dominate the Townsville region. Len’s Feed Shed is a major retail supplier of a large range of animal foods, health and accessories, as well as chickens, gardening, pool supplies, electric fencing and BBQ gas. Jensen store located on Bruce highway in major northern growth corridor. 1.5 acres, 2 massive sheds, purchasing hub. Kelso store location in very busy shopping centre on western side of town, including BWS, Domino’s...

Price: $550,000 + SAV

Region: Jensen

State: QLD

Contact: Roslyn Gordon Phone: 0448 893 868

View Online Bsale ID 639933

Profitable Boutique Legal Practice


Be your own boss and own your own legal practice receiving income on day one. Located in the northern suburbs only 6 km from the city of Brisbane, this legal practice has been established for 20 years with very strong repeated clients. Focusing on conveyancing, property law, wills and estate administration, and litigation, the firm also has good number of files in family law, commercial and criminal matters. Reliable cloud system in place. Current lease has a very competitive monthly rent with no outgoings expiring in January 2025 with a 3 year option in place. This gives you the option to go virtual or work from home, take it to a new location...

Price: $95,000

Region: Brisbane

State: QLD

Contact: Private Seller Phone: 0403 302 786

View Online Bsale ID 641356

*Not actual photo

Tobacconist With Lotto Counter Franchise Re-Sale

Small shop in a popular shopping centre at hope island, gold Coast. Two franchise businesses running by one person can maximise the efficiency. Freechoice and Golden casket. The shop is inside the security doored centre overnight. Direct sale between seller and buyer for saving commissions. Potential buyers can see the business details on site computers. Please contact me for more information.

Price: $349,000 + SAV

Region: Gold Coast State: WA

Contact: Moon Lee Phone: 0424 491 646

View Online Bsale ID 641563

Incredible Work/Life Balace: $70,000 Net...

Children Services


Incredible opportunity to kickstart your dream career in photography! This franchise for sale offers you a great work/life balance, only working 2-3 days a week while also bringing in $70,000 net per year, while also having all school holidays off! What better way to spend your day than by making children laugh? This photography business runs in a very undersaturated market, childcare photography. With heaps of work, and not many people in the up-and-coming industry, you will never lack for clients. This business is running as part of a successful franchise that was established in 2005 and has franchisee’s based all over Australia. Having a...

Price: $120,000

Region: Sunshine Coast State: QLD

Contact: Laura Wood Phone: 0490 797 895

View Online Bsale ID 640304

Fully Developed Business Application

Advertising Marketing

Business App developed and ready to go. Looking for an Entrepreneur with a “vision”. 100 Licenses ready to sell. Huge income for the right person. Plus long term monthly residual income. NDA required prior to information provided. Vendor assistance and documentation supplied to start.

Price: $595,000

Region: Southport State: QLD

Contact: David O’Malley Phone: 0405 363 783

View Online Bsale ID 641567

Exciting Opportunity To Own Your Own... Courier

“Keep it MOOVIN Retail Removal Business Expands Nationwide” (Areas Available Nationally). Are you tired of working for someone else and ready to take control of your future? Keep It MOOVIN is offering a limited time introductory offer for just $29,950 - no franchise fees, just pure potential! Imagine owning and operating your own retail and residential removal business within an exclusive territory. With Keep It MOOVIN, you have the opportunity to build a driver fleet, enjoy low entry and operating costs, and the freedom to grow your business as you see fit. Benefits include the ability to build a profitable business asset, established client base for a...

Price: $29,950

Region: Queensland State: QLD

Contact: Amanda Sims Phone: 0468 308 328

View Online Bsale ID 641618

Concrete Pumping

Building and Construction

Hi we are selling our business. We have been trading for 6 years. This includes 2 boom pumps. Also includes phone number. 2018 Sermac 36 5 stage low hours. 2004 junjin 37 meter roll and fold. Generating 1.1 to 1.1150 turn over P/A.

Price: $800,000

Region: Templestowe State: VIC

Contact: Patrick Messina Phone: 0427 776 280

View Online Bsale ID 642300

Exciting Opportunity: Own A Profitable...

Franchise Business Opportunities

Summary: - Profitable and Well-Established. - 400+ loyal members. - Top 5% Class Pass studios in Australia. - 150+ riders on packs. - Full training provided for new owners. - Open to Partial Investment. Potential: We are already ranked the number 1 CycleBar globally outside of the USA. To buy and open your own studio of this caliber would cost between $5-700k with no guarantee of success. This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to come in and operate an already successful business in the fitness space. You can step into a thriving operation with a loyal membership base, and a proven profitability model. Skip the uncertainties and...

Price: $599,999

Region: Fitzroy State: VIC

Contact: Robert Knight Phone: 0447 468 237

View Online Bsale ID 643903

Exciting Low Entry Cost Business...

Mobile Services

New Technology Delivering Natural Pain Relief. Do you like being your own boss and working the hours that suit you? Do you love helping people feel better, especially when they are in pain? This opportunity is not a franchise or multi-level marketing. Do you enjoy connecting with people in your community? Do you connect to the idea of having a consultancy role and managing a client-based home business based on previous or present work experience? Do you have a room at home that could be converted into a consultancy room? Do you warm to the idea of being the person someone goes to for help? Is it important to you that the product you promote is...

Price: $4,000

Region: State: VIC

Contact: Graham Potter Phone: 0478 633 241

View Online Bsale ID 643050

Coin And Service Laundry For Sale In St... Cleaning

Profitable Coin & Service Laundry Business For Sale in St Kilda! Looking for a lucrative business opportunity in the bustling St Kilda area? Look no further, as this coin and service laundry is currently generating over $5000 per week in revenue.• Prime Location: Situated in St Kilda area, this laundry business benefits from high visibility and a steady flow of customers. • Financially Attractive: With a reasonable rent of only $846 per week and a long lease in place, this business presents a solid investment opportunity. The vendor claims a healthy profit of over $100k per annum. • Hassle-Free Operation: Trained staff are already in place, and the current owner only...

Price: $348,000

Region: St Kilda State: VIC

Contact: Rana Om Phone: 0404 678 386

View Online Bsale ID 644073

East Hotel Colac - Leasehold

Alcohol Liquor Shop

Offered now to the market, the East Hotel Colac is a consistent trading hotel that offers real potential to new operators to further develop and improve. With multiple income streams across beverage, food, multiple outdoor areas & function room options, there is real opportunity to make a mark on this traditional operation. Prominent corner location surrounded by locals and business. Little competition with strong town population surrounding this single level hotel. Owner residence. ‘Classic Country’ bar and dining rooms.


Region: Colac East State: VIC

Contact: Blair Hutchinson Phone: 0438 811 143

View Online Bsale ID 644298

Fruit & Veg Shop

Fruit Shop

Fruit & Veg located in the Outter South East area taking $40,000+ per week. No better place to live and work out of the city in this iconic part of Melbourne. This Business been run more than 30 years very successfully - and you can too. Vendor says - Easily run and huge profits. Only 6 days trade. Great location - Lots of local foot traffic. Long secure lease & Cheap rent. Excellent set-up, Easy to manage. Includes 1 forklift and 1 Large Cool room and 2 cage storage areas. Plenty of parking - rear access. Minimal Competition.

Price: By Negotiation

Region: Emerald State: VIC

Contact: Sue Phraikrasin

Phone: 0477 555 539 or 0404 678 386

View Online Bsale ID 638343

Event Business


Event Management Business for Sale. Weddings, Events, Signage, Custom Gifts Business and more.. Are you passionate about love and celebrations? Here’s your chance to own a thriving wedding & events business and become a part of people’s special life moments! About the Business: Established Reputation: With a solid reputation for excellence in the wedding & event industry, this business is trusted by people to deliver unforgettable experiences. Diverse Services: From event planning, coordination, styling, design of event stationery, gifts and various prop hire. This business offers a wide range of event services for every occasion...

Price: $355,000

Region: Cranbourne East State: VIC

Contact: Sue Phraikrasin

Phone: 0477 555 539 or 0404 678 386

View Online Bsale ID 640751

Price Drop!! Motivated Seller!! Restaurant

“When the moon hits your eye like a big PIZZA pie”Well established pizza shop in a prime location, nestled in the Churinga Shopping Centre complex, you are exposed to a high level of foot traffic and an abundance of parking. Step in and hit the ground running! Loyal customer base, popular extensive menu, including their famous Italian Doughnuts DSP packs!

Price: $68,000

Region: Kilsyth State: VIC

Contact: Rachelle King Phone: 0406 530 396

View Online Bsale ID 640258

Boutique General Legal Practice For Sale... Professional Services

Small practice run by sole practitioner for sale in picturesque friendly rural town. Great for an experienced mid-life tree-changer who appreciates a relaxed environment (being own boss) and moderate income. Bright cheerful office with large west-facing windows for winter sun. Lease on shop current to 2028 (expected to be renewable), and low rental. Areas of practice include Wills & Estates, Probates, Conveyancing, Retail & Farm Leases, small neighbourhood disputes and Family Law. There is scope for expansion of practice areas depending on skill-set. This practice has been in town for about 80 years, and has had only 3 principals in that time. This is...

Price: $75,000 WIWO

Region: Stawell

State: VIC

Contact: Yvonne Derbyshire

Phone: 0425 856 626

View Online Bsale ID 641506

Introducing Jane Doe, a cocktail bar that radiates the warm and inviting atmosphere of a stylish living room. Nestled in the vibrant Prahran area, Jane Doe has been a beloved fixture along Chapel Street for a decade. Step into a space that feels like an extension of your own home, adorned with vintage furniture, retro glassware, and a meticulously curated selection of spirits and infusions. Next door, you’ll find Baby Jane, a recent addition that perfectly complements the original establishment. Both venues boast a Chapel Street frontage, complete with outdoor seating and retro-inspired decor. Each venue features its own bar, restrooms and storage areas...

Price: Leasehold $395,000

Region: Prahran

State: VIC

Contact: Lloyd Nunn

Phone: 1300 767 802 or 0410 329 129 View Online Bsale ID 641580

Popular Retail Business For Sale Clothing... Computer IT

Want to own a trendy retail business that brings lucrative returns? Here is an exciting opportunity to acquire a well-appointed retail business in the heart of Blackwood, South Australia. The easy-to-run store has been operating in the region since 2004 and enjoys exceptional visibility. Positioned outstandingly in the Drakes Supermarket precinct, the retail store has elegant and inviting frontage and interiors that attract a wide range of customers. The business stocks an array of unique and exquisite products, including candles and diffusers, jewellery, clothing and accessories, photo frames and cushions, ornaments, vases and pots, bath...

Price: P.O.A

Region: Blackwood State: SA

Contact: JBS

Phone: 1300 889 443

View Online Bsale ID 645674

Corporate Gift Hamper Business

Other Retail

When it comes to unique businesses, this is one of the rare ones. Has a number of core corporate clients ordering gift hampers on a regular basis, as well as a constant flow of phone/internet orders. T.O. $320,000 approx July 2023 to February 2024 and Profitable! Now trading for 2 decades, this wonderful business has a brilliant reputation, as it provides A1 customer service and only uses top quality products.....the end result is high quality corporate gift hampers and a constant flow of repeat orders. Has a brilliant up to date website with shopping cart. Operated by one owner - (casual staff as required). Run from a home base, thereby eliminating...

Price: $170,000 + SAV

Region: State: SA

Contact: Adelaide Business Sales Admin


View Online Bsale ID 640502

Coming Soon -South Australian Child Care...

Franchise Business Opportunities

Overview: For Sale (to be sold in one line) are four greenfield development sites in South Australia - with planning consents in place for a whopping 359 child care placements. Regional Child Care Centres Profit: Often, regional-based child care centres are the most profitable. This is because the cost per sqm of land is often lower compared to most capital cities, yet the fees charged for each child placement can often be similar to the cities. The Opportunities Are Many: - Build the freehold properties, and operate the childcare centres OR - Build and lease OR - Build and sell. Regional South Australia is suffering a serious shortfall in quality child...

Price: $3,800,000

Region: Port Augusta State: SA

Contact: Stephen Finn

Phone: 0408 276 537

View Online Bsale ID 645582


Surf Wear Store

Clothing Accessories

This Surf Wear store trades from a busy main road shopping location with excellent exposure, plus convenient onsite parking. It stocks a wide range of top surf and accessory brands and caters for guys and girls from tots to teens and adults. Most sought after top labels are held exclusively in the local area. Operated with minimal staff. Would suit an owner operator. The surf wear store has many loyal customers and continually gains new ones. It receives great support from the local community. This business is not reliant just on summer trade, it generates good income throughout the year including winter. Turnover $406,000 2022/23 and...

Price: $25,000 + SAV

Region: State: SA

Contact: Adelaide Business Sales Admin


View Online Bsale ID 631214

Port Pirie, SA | New Red Rooster Drive...

Why Red Rooster? Why Port Pirie? Red Rooster is an established leader in Australia’s fast-food market, renowned for its delicious and freshly prepared chicken meals. With over 50 years in the industry, our beloved brand boasts widespread recognition and a loyal customer base nationwide. Being close to the Spencer Gulf and Flinders Ranges, Port Pirie attracts tourists, both domestic and international. A well-positioned restaurant could capture tourist traffic, especially during peak seasons. Investing in a Red Rooster store means joining a brand synonymous with quality and tradition. Prime Location Advantage. Port Pirie has a strong...

Price: $615,000

Region: Bungama State: SA

Contact: JBS

Phone: 1300 889 443

View Online Bsale ID 645639

Earn Up To $3,700+ P/W, In Your Own... Building and Construction

The industry of concrete treatments, coatings and repairs just keeps growing. From our long histroy and experience since 1991. We offer a proven complete “turn-key business License”. That means, we can fasttrack you with everything you need to start and quickly succeed operating your own Licensed business earning up to $3,700+ p/w. That’s up to $190,000 per year or even more with staff. The options for your customers are:- Spray Paving, Epoxy, Polishing, Colour sealing, Permeable paving, 3 dimensional, Damp proofing, repairs and treatments. The work is everywhere:Residential:- driveways, garages, paths. Commercial...

Price: $37,000

Region: Hampstead Gardens State: SA

Contact: Chris Bylhouwer Phone: 0412 842 671

View Online Bsale ID 641362


Growth Industry Business With Huge... Agricultural

Growth industry business with huge potential. Honey is a growth industry due to rising demand for pure, natural healthy sweeteners and its medicinal properties. This business is one of South Australia’s most wellknown wholesalers and distributors of honey and bee products, such as pollen and honeycomb. The products are sourced from a wide range of SA apiarists. It supplies directly to a range of produce wholesalers and merchants, supermarkets, health food shops and major shopping centre retailers. The business is well positioned for growth, as it has never undertaken marketing, established an online or social media presence, or...

Price: $65,000 + SAV

Region: Adelaide State: SA

Contact: Private Seller


View Online Bsale ID 639805

A Newly Established Cafe Nearby Glenelg... Cafe and Coffee Shop

A newly established Cafe nearby Glenelg SA sale for equipment cost. Price: $35,000 (including all equipment).

* Introducing a newly established venture, this business boasts a state-of-the-art setup, with equipment that is merely 1.5 years old, ensuring a modern and efficient operational environment. The highlight of the establishment is its top-tier coffee machine and grinder, collectively valued at $20,000, promising a premium and quality coffee experience for customers. * Situated in the renowned tourist destination of Glenelg beachside. This prime location not only captures the essence of a popular tourist spot but also positions the business for...

Price: $35,000

Region: Adelaide State: SA

Contact: Yiling Tang Phone: 0412 265 932

View Online Bsale ID 641616

Highly Reputed Lone Star Franchise For... Restaurant

Ignite Your Entrepreneurial Spirit in 2024 with a brilliant franchise opportunity from Lone Star Rib House & Brews! With over 20 years of experience in the restaurant industry and a proven track record of consistent growth, Lone Star is the franchise opportunity you have been waiting for. The investment includes comprehensive training and unwavering ongoing support from the head office, ensuring a smooth entrepreneurial journey from day one. With thriving locations across 5 states in Australia and plans for further expansion in NSW, SA, and VIC, Lone Star Rib House & Brews is offering prime territories ripe for investment. Driven individuals who...

Price: P.O.A

Region: Norwood State: SA

Contact: JBS

Phone: 1300 889 443

View Online Bsale ID 642136

Pawsome Opportunity:

Established Pet...

Dog Wash and Pet Services

Transform your passion for dogs into a lucrative venture with this established pet care business in Adelaide’s heart. Boasting a comprehensive suite of services including doggy daycare, grooming, nutrition consultation, and boarding, this forward-thinking enterprise offers a five-star pampering experience to furry companions throughout the week. With over two years of successful operation, this business has already cemented its presence in the community, garnering rave reviews and over a hundred 5-star ratings online. The sale encompasses a fully equipped dog care centre complete with kennels, fencing, grooming tools...


Region: Adelaide State: SA

Contact: Private Seller


View Online Bsale ID 642008

Subway Store For Sale

Franchised Food Outlets

Located North of the river close to Malaga surrounding. No prior experience necessarily needed, all training will be provided by Subway. Subject to Subway (franchisor) approval. Currently doing $10k - $13k sales per week. Rent including outgoing less than $3K per month! Price is negotiable. Suitable for owner-operated. Great potential for growth.

Price: $220,000 + SAV

Region: Banksia Grove State: WA

Contact: James Kahwai Phone: 0401 820 085 View Online Bsale ID 643773

Fully Electric Ferry Operation From... Marine

Exclusive River cruise/passenger ferry business for sale. An iconic and boutique ferry cruise business operating from Elizabeth Quay. The Little Ferry Company offers a unique experience of a smooth and quiet glide on an electric ferry - nonoise, no diesel smell, and no pollution We provide connectivity with key venues along the River via our regular ferry service connecting key hospitality venues 5 days a week. Key Features: Breathtaking Location - based right in the heart of Elizabeth Quay with prime Commercial 4yr+ Leases of two berths. Pivotal timing - key tourism infrastructure projects maturing over the next few years.. Unique solar electric vessels...

Price: $280,000

Region: South Perth State: WA

Contact: Kevyn Townley Phone: 0488 777 088

View Online Bsale ID 645293

Wholesale - Retail of High End Quality... Import

Unlock an exceptional opportunity to acquire a flourishing business that seamlessly integrates both Wholesale and Retail operations. This versatile family business established since 1986, under present owner since 2016 can be relocated to any state or country, offering unparalleled flexibility and potential. Business Highlights: 1. Wholesale Operations - Key Features: Extensive range of high-demand products which includes Quality Giftware for all Occasions. A userfriendly wholesale platform designed for effortless bulk purchasing, attracting businesses far and wide also displaying over 1800 items. Transparent wholesale...

Price: $250,000 + SAV

Region: Perth State: WA

Contact: Dhiral Kanbi Phone: 0404 160 240

View Online Bsale ID 644750

Fish And Chips Plus More

Takeaway Food

Minninup fish and chips is a very popular business, we have a large menu which includes Burgers , salads, and sweet treats. The business was established 8 years ago and has done well and would be a great family business. There is a large walk in coolroom as well as a large walk in freezer and is situated on the corner of a small popular shopping centre close to beach.

Price: $95,000 WIWO

Region: South Bunbury State: WA

Contact: Private Seller


View Online Bsale ID 645169

Cafe For Sale

Cafe and Coffee Shop

Sales $650,000 annually. Rent plus outgoings 7.8% of sale. 20 kg of coffee per week. Strong breakfast &lunch sales. Strong weekend sales. Plenty of free parking. Suit couple operator or chef owner (highly profitable). 3 years lease left. 20 mins from CBD( south-east). Same ownership for almost 8 years. Current owners want to semi retire.

Price: $185,000 + SAV

Region: Perth State: WA

Contact: Private Seller


View Online Bsale ID 617411

Nestled in the heart of the local community for over seven years, our Beauty and Cosmetic Services Clinic has grown to become a cornerstone of excellence and innovation. We’ve built a name synonymous with quality and trust, thanks to our unwavering commitment to our clients and our continuous year-over-year turnover increase. Today, we’re looking for a new owner to continue this legacy—a perfect fit for professionals with a beauty background or nurses eager to dive into the world of cosmetic injectables. Our clinic stands as a beacon for those ready to embark on their journey from day one. With a robust team of 15, including 10...

Price: $250,000

Region: Albany State: WA

Contact: Private Seller


Zambrero Morley & Beechboro WA... Franchise Business Opportunities

Zambrero is a national franchise business that serves healthy, fresh Mexican cuisine. It caters for various food intolerances and tastes including vegan and vegetarian offerings. Customers can choose to dine in, take away or receive delivery. Customers have the option of tailoring their order to suit their particular taste, which is a popular feature of the menu. The group now boasts more than 230 restaurants globally with extensive support services in marketing, training and product development, which allow the Franchise Partners, Restaurant Managers, and their teams to focus on servicing the needs of their customers. Skills: No food experience is required!...


Region: Morley State: WA

Contact: Dayalan Rajendran Phone: 0488 078 698

View Online Bsale ID 640654

Commercial Gardening

Lawn Mowing

21 commercial gardening clients for sale. All long term reliable customers, total sales per annum $78,000. Average $90 per hour. Mainly Scarborough, wangara, west Perth and Vic Park. Can split into smaller bundles if wished. Does not include plant, customers only. Will work with you for one month to show the ropes. Time to retire after 24 years.

Price: $30,000

Region: Carramar State: WA

Contact: John Payton Phone: 0408 955 851

View Online Bsale ID 639123

Coming Soon - IT Repair Business - Curre... Repair

This IT business can be run remotely or on the ground in beautiful Albany. - Team already in place supporting a strong client base. - Huge growth opportunity.Enjoys great Google reviews. - Currently running self sufficiently. - Brilliantly set out with office/workshop combo. - Hardware sales can be added as required’.

Price: $190,000

Region: Perth State: WA

Contact: Stephen Finn Phone: 1300 535 932

View Online Bsale ID 641557

Profitable Food Business For Sale With All... Franchised Food Outlets

Pita Pit has a solid 20 history of providing healthy food that tastes great. This outlet is less than 2 years old with premium $180k fitout and growing sales in Ellenbrook. One of the fastest growing food businesses in USA and NZ, Pita Pit is poised for rapid growth in Australia. · Potential of increasing sales by right skills. · Option of adding Coffee machine into store which can bring more business. · Very small royalty fee. · Good Franchisor Support. · Investment around $60-$70k and easy to operate (Bargain Priced for quick sale). · Business similar to Subway healthy food options. · Outside of shopping centre and next to Gym. · Stock Value is around $5k...

Price: $62,500 + SAV

Region: Ellenbrook State: WA

Contact: Kiran Patel Phone: 0452 494 084

View Online Bsale ID 641928

Invest In Your Future With This Established... Gyms

Are you looking to make a positive impact on the health and well-being of your community? Look no further than this fully equipped functional fitness business located in the heart of Alice Springs. Step into a thriving business that has been dedicated to improving the health and happiness of the local community since 2017. With a strong membership base, connections to local schools, programs and clubs, and ample parking, advanced securely activated 24/7 swipe access, this 400m2 facility is ready for you to take it to the next level. Imagine the possibilities of expanding operations to serve clients from various sectors, including NDIS, DVA, Medicare...


Region: Alice Springs State: NT

Contact: Sai Fitisemanu Phone: 0424 711 983

View Online Bsale ID 642388

Successful Established Adventure Tour... Tours

Embark on a thrilling journey into the world of adventure tourism. This incredible opportunity offers you the chance to take the helm of an established and highly reputable adventure tour company, renowned for its unforgettable outback experiences and exceptional customer service. ABOUT MULGAS ADVENTURE TOURS: *Established brand with a solid reputation built over 27 years. *Specialising in unique outback adventures including guided tours to iconic destinations such as Uluru, Kata Tjuta, Kings Canyon. *Strong online presence and active social media following. *Fleet of well-maintained tour vehicles equipped for comfort...

Price: $2,450,000 WIWO

Region: Alice Springs + Southern State: NT

Contact: Andrea Glover Phone: 0408 523 081

View Online Bsale ID 643499

Turn Zzz’s Into $$$ Seize Your Chance In A... Hardware

A number of unique opportunities for new Bedshed franchise partners across the country that are currently available for the right person/s. Australian brand Bedshed ticks all the boxes of a great franchise opportunity. We have been established for more than 40 years we are currently the only company within the homewares and furniture category with a 5-star rating on the Australian Franchise Rating Scale as given by FRANdata. Bedshed franchisees can enjoy the independence of running their own owner-operator business with marketing support, collective buying power and the backing of experienced franchise partners and professional staff. With the...

Price: P.O.A

Region: Darwin State: NT

Contact: JBS

Phone: 1300 889 443

View Online Bsale ID 645058

The Healthy Gut Centre - The NT’s Only... Health Spa

A unique business opportunity has become available due to the current owner relocating interstate. The Healthy Gut Centre has been operating for 14 years in the Territory and is the only clinic of its kind offering colon hydrotherapy and gut health products to assist people on their gut health journey. As colonics have become more mainstream with gut health being on the forefront of health, The Healthy Gut Centre is a busy yet very rewarding place to work. With a strong clientele base of new and existing customers this clinic is an amazing opportunity for someone with a great entrepreneurial spirit. It operates by appointment only meaning...

Price: $130,000

Region: Sydney

State: NT

Contact: Lynn Finlay Phone: 0402 744 921

View Online Bsale ID 607174

Great Opportunity To Have Your Own Day... Health Spa

Great opportunity to have your own Day spa! $10,000 Nego. Grand opening in Feb, 2020. Located in U2 5 Tiwi Gardens, Tiwi NT 0810 within a medical complex area, neighbours including GP, Eye specialist, Dentist, etc., Freshly painted, new fitting out, 3 single rooms + 1 bath + 2 toilets + staff room. Modern and relaxing decoration, all the stock products, equipment and furniture stay. For the last 3 years, we have accumulated a great reputation and have got many regular clients with 21 all 5-star reviews on Google map. You can find all services we do on our website. The sales data can be shared by logging in to our booking system by yourself only for genuine...

Price: $10,000

Region: Tiwi

State: NT

Contact: Lily Zhao Phone: 0433 900 105

View Online Bsale ID 580822

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc.

Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.

Turn ZZZ’s Into $$$ Seize Your Chance In A... Hardware

A number of unique opportunities for new Bedshed franchise partners across the country that are currently available for the right person/s. Australian brand Bedshed ticks all the boxes of a great franchise opportunity. We have been established for more than 40 years we are currently the only company within the homewares and furniture category with a 5-star rating on the Australian Franchise Rating Scale as given by FRANdata. Bedshed franchisees can enjoy the independence of running their own owner-operator business with marketing support, collective buying power and the backing of experienced franchise partners and professional staff. With the...

Price: P.O.A

Region: Darwin State: NT

Contact: JBS

Phone: 1300 889 443

View Online Bsale ID 123456

New Signage Franchise For Sale - Super... Furniture

Looking for a consistently growing business that will offer you the lifestyle of your dreams? Stop right here as we bring you the opportunity to become a part of the world’s largest sign franchise - Signarama. The trusted brand is offering its high-performing Nowra franchise for sale, which can make your entrepreneurial journey a success. The raring-to-go business is all set to generate profits and requires no prior experience. It is a fantastic opportunity for a driven individual wanting to become their own boss with an ideal work-life balance. As a Signarama franchisee, you will get access to a walk-inand-go business model that comes with state-of-the...

Price: $230,000 - 250,000

Region: Darwin State: NT

Contact: JBS

Phone: 1300 889 443

View Online Bsale ID 641104

Mobile App Digital Agency BOOMING...

The mobile apps and digital services industry is booming! Start your own business providing high demand services to businesses. Full training & no tech skills required. Operate online or in-person. Launch Your Own Mobile App Agency. Mobile App City (MAC) is an mobile app and digital marketing agency that operates with a Partner License model (like a franchise but without the downside of a franchise). This enables us to empower entrepreneurs (just like you) to establish your own mobile app and digital marketing agency business - so that you can provide a whole range of high-demand technologies to business owners, without needing any...

Price: P.O.A

Region: Darwin State: NT

Contact: JBS

Phone: 1300 889 443

View Online Bsale ID 641626

Interactive Vending Machines - Massive...

These are vending machines but not as you know it. They are state-of-the-art, interactive kiosks that now provide mixed-stock options. Prime locations are researched to ensure that you can locate your machines where you will get the best return-on-your-investment (ROI). The public now also demands healthier options in their choice of snacks and drink and we offer the public: choice! Just Now Vending is at the forefront of providing machines that get total public acceptance because they stock healthy and natural foods and drink AND mainstream brands. In addition to protein bars, coconut water, almond milk and many more healthier options...

Price: From $50,000

Region: Darwin State: NT

Contact: JBS

Phone: 1300 889 443 View Online Bsale ID 641402

Noodle Box Franchise - Get 2 Additional... Restaurant

Noodle Box. Founded in 1996. 99 restaurants. One of Australia’s fastest growing brands. Get the Supreme Leader Korean Chicken brand and Double Dragon Dumplings brands with the Noodle Box purchase. About the Opportunity: Noodle Box was built on a deep love of food, culture and family. With over 28 years & 95+ restaurants we have led the way in bringing vibrant Asian flavours to Aussies everywhere across Australia. At Noodle Box our purpose is To enable the dreams and aspirations of our franchise partners by providing them with the best support we can and the security of growing, innovative brands. Noodle Box is the biggest...

Price: $315,000

Region: Moonah

State: TAS

Contact: JBS

Phone: 1300 889 443

View Online Bsale ID 123456


The Fox and Hounds Historic Hotel Hotel

This iconic, gorgeous seafront resort contains 27 motel rooms, 11 apartments, 5 staff quarters, 2 manager’s residences, meeting room, laundry, tavern, restaurant, reception, drive-in bottle shop and tennis court. Prime highway location only a 1 minute drive to the famous Port Arthur Historic Site which attracted a record 336,000 visitors in 2023. This area is a major tourist attraction with the Three Capes Track, Pennicott Wilderness Journeys, Isle of the Dead, Tasmanian Devil Unzoo, and Port Arthur Ghost Tour. The resort underwent major refurbishments in 2023 and the Fox’s famous Tudor style English pub and restaurant is the most popular...

Price: $6.7 million (plus stock)

Region: Port Arthur State: NT

Contact: John Blacklow | Claude Alcorso Phone: 0418 128 735 | 0417 586 756

View Online Bsale ID 645534

Australia’s Largest Baby Equipment Hire... Franchise Business Opportunities

A fantastic opportunity to be part of a growth market franchise Hire for Baby is a unique market-leading franchise group that offers hire services for families travelling to Hobart, hiring a car and requiring a baby seat or staying in Holiday accommodations like Airbnb or hotels and need a pram, bassinet, highchair, porta -cot of the like.It’s a captive market servicing travellers, hotels, and new mums with in-demand hire items like car seats, porta cots, prams and strollers along with home-based products for newborns Tasmania as a travel destination for families is in demand all year round and most people flying into Hobart hire a car The car seat hire...

Price: $20,350

Region: Hobart State: NT

Contact: Dru Morgan Phone: 1300 577 297

View Online Bsale ID 645303

Leasehold 29 Room Motel Fully Licensed...


100% run under management. Beachway Motel & Restaurant is Ulverstone’s popular 29-room leasehold motel with a 3-bedroom manager residence. Excellent turnover exceeding $1.2 million and 4-star Google ratings, this is an outstanding opportunity in North West Coast of Tasmania. An impressive ROI >31% with occupancy>77% in FY2023, it is a rare motel offering on the market. Offering a 30-year lease ensuring substantial returns for the incoming owners. This property has undergone extensive renovations, shines with exceptional rooms, and requires no further investment, showcasing a consistent surge in turnover year on...

Price: O/O $1.298 Million + SAV

Region: Ulverstone

State: NT

Contact: Paul Scott

Phone: 0477 771 098

View Online Bsale ID 645502

High Performing SanChurro Franchise...

Cafe and Coffee Shop

Are you a chocolate lover with a passion for business? Look no further! We are thrilled to present a rare opportunity to own a highly successful San Churro Chocolateria franchise in the vibrant city of Hobart. Situated in the popular Salamanca precinct, just a stone’s throw away from the city and university, this franchise is ideally located to attract a steady stream of customers. Whether it’s the passing trade from cruise ships, tourists exploring the area, locals looking for a sweet treat, or the nearby restaurants and university students craving a chocolate fix, this store enjoys a constant flow of foot traffic. With a lease through to 2027 and an option to...

Price: $325,000

Region: Battery Point

State: NT

Contact: Kanika Vinayak


View Online Bsale ID 622292


Takeaway Food Business In Centrepoint... Takeaway Food

Conveniently located in the busy Hobart CBD (Centrepoint shopping Mall, Murray Street) Extremely high foot traffic and adjacent to the Centrepoint Carpark. The restaurant is near and just a short stroll to nearby hotels such as RACV, Travelodge, and Best Western Hotel. The restaurant has a strong regular customer base with many repeat customer. Business profit performs consistently week on week, with stable profit. Key Features of Business: - Stable business structure. - Long-term lease available. - Minimal staff required. - Surrounded by a very busy street and shopping area, high foot traffic, especially during school holidays...

Price: $98,000

Region: Hobart State: TAS

Contact: Rob Davies Phone: 0434 521 131

View Online Bsale ID 608276

Ready For A Dream Business In A Billion... Hardware

A number of unique opportunities for new Bedshed franchise partners across the country that are currently available for the right person/s. Australian brand Bedshed ticks all the boxes of a great franchise opportunity. We have been established for more than 40 years we are currently the only company within the homewares and furniture category with a 5-star rating on the Australian Franchise Rating Scale as given by FRANdata. Bedshed franchisees can enjoy the independence of running their own owner-operator business with marketing support, collective buying power and the backing of experienced franchise partners and professional staff. With the...

Price: $1,000,000

Region: Hobart

State: TAS

Contact: JBS

Phone: 1300 889 443

View Online Bsale ID 641542

Fire Safety Equipment: Protecting Lives...

Product Manufacturer

Discover an exceptional opportunity with this Fire Safety Protection business, a reputable supplier that has been a cornerstone in the industry for more than two decades. Specializing in an extensive range of fire protection equipment and systems, the business stands as a trusted name in fire safety solutions. They primarily operate as a wholesale entity, serving a broad network of distributors throughout Australia and the Pacific Islands. A unique aspect of the business is that technical expertise in fire safety protection is not a prerequisite. The business is structured to cater to this aspect, making it accessible to a wide range of potential buyers. Our client...

Price: $1,800,000 + SAV

Region: Hobart State: TAS

Contact: Tom Jolly Phone: 0403 720 965

View Online Bsale ID 641195

High Performing SanChurro Franchise...

Cafe and Coffee Shop

Are you a chocolate lover with a passion for business? Look no further! We are thrilled to present a rare opportunity to own a highly successful San Churro Chocolateria franchise in the vibrant city of Hobart. Situated in the popular Salamanca precinct, just a stone’s throw away from the city and university, this franchise is ideally located to attract a steady stream of customers. Whether it’s the passing trade from cruise ships, tourists exploring the area, locals looking for a sweet treat, or the nearby restaurants and university students craving a chocolate fix, this store enjoys a constant flow of foot traffic. With a lease through to 2027 and an option to...

Price: $325,000

Region: Battery Point State: TAS

Contact: Kanika Vinayak


View Online Bsale ID 622292

Exceptional Branxholm’s Hidden Gem...

Cafe and Coffee Shop

Discover the ultimate opportunity for a serene lifestyle change in the heart of North East Tasmania! Nestled in a charming Tasmanian town, this rare offering presents a unique chance to acquire a freehold 2-bedroom home alongside a fully licensed café and Italian restaurantall under one title. The current owners, with a tenure of approximately 6 years, have meticulously crafted a thriving business, operating just 16 hours per week over 7 months annually. Boasting an impressive turnover of $200k with a net profit of approximately $87,000 for two working owners in FY2023, this business cannot be missed by buyers looking to buy one. Strategically...

Price: Offers over $699,000 wiwo

Region: Branxholm State: TAS

Contact: Paul Scott Phone: 0477 771 098

View Online Bsale ID 641298


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