Issue 90 - Bsale Business for Sale eMagazine - Nov/Dec 2023

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Arnold P Kelsey | PAGE 07




Richard Jacobs | PAGE 24

Kagan Skipper | PAGE 26

The Energy Equation

Sabrina Xia



Chris Milne | PAGE 10


ISSUE 090 • DEC 2023






































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46. NSW

69. VIC

89. NT

57. ACT

76. SA

94. TAS

63. QLD

81. WA


Edition 90 to Wrap up The Year! In our final edition for 2023, we are thrilled to feature the successful Sabrina Xia as the cover of our 90th edition. With a strong foundation in accounting and firsthand experience in business ownership, Sabrina shares her journey to becoming a business broker and advice for business owners. This edition is about educating people on the process of buying a business. What is involved, how to find the right opportunities and what the experts suggest you should do. With thousands of businesses on the market, we are still seeing a steady influx of new listings. As usual a lot of our industry partners will close over the Christmas and New Year periods. It's the time of year when solicitors, accountants and business brokers take some well-earned rest. So if you are thinking of buying or selling a business, November and early December is the time to get organised, before the phones turn to out-office. Whilst things slow over this Christmas period, January always sees a big up-tick in traffic to the Bsale website. As the new year begins buyers are on the hunt and looking for opportunities. If your listing isnt live, then you will miss out on this influx in buyer activity. If you aren’t already signed up, its a great time to review your alerts in the Bsale Buyers Hub, so you can be notified as soon as a new business is listed! We hope you enjoy this edition and wishing you a safe and happy Christmas and New Year. We look forward to bringing you a new lineup of professionals in 2024.

Vanessa Lovie-Yousaf

CEO Bsale Australia Pty Ltd


The ABS Business Sales team brings with it a wealth of experience and practical, first-hand knowledge in business sales, business mergers & acquisitions, over a diverse range of industry sectors. Whether you are considering an exit strategy by selling your business or you are looking to purchase one, be assured that our energetic team can guide you through the long and complex process ahead. We will assist with your preliminary research, help you identify and evaluate your business options, and of course bring our vast experience of previous business sales to the negotiation table.

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PARTNERING WITH YOU IN BUSINESS We help you buy or sell your business. We assist you to prepare, negotiate, manage and complete the transaction, working with you from the start through to settlement. We assist you as a buyer with your due diligence to understand what you are actually buying, and as a seller, to comply with your disclosure and legal obligations, and to protect your interests. We have worked with businesses from a range of industries including franchising, services, retail and hospitality. (07) 3221 2221 Level 3/145 Eagle St, Brisbane City QLD 4000



aving hands on field experience gives a way to run a successful business.

options, and potential partners or advisors.

Industry Knowledge: Experienced buyers often have a deep understanding of the industry in which the business operates. This knowledge can help them assess the business's potential, market trends, and competitive landscape more effectively. Due Diligence: Experienced buyers are better equipped to conduct thorough due diligence on a potential acquisition. They know what to look for in financial statements, contracts, customer lists, and other key documents. This can help identify potential risks and opportunities. Negotiation Skills: Experienced buyers tend to have stronger negotiation skills. They can navigate the complex process of deal-making, including price negotiations, contract terms, and post-sale agreements more effectively. Network: Experience in the business world often means having a broader professional network. An extensive network can be valuable for finding opportunities, financing

Risk Management: Seasoned buyers are generally better at assessing and managing risks associated with a business purchase. They can identify red flags and develop strategies to mitigate potential problems. Operational Knowledge: If the buyer plans to be involved in the day-to-day operations of the business, experience in the relevant industry can be a significant advantage. It can help streamline the transition and improve the chances of business success. Financing: Lenders and investors may be more willing to support experienced buyers because they are seen as lower-risk borrowers. Experience can make it easier to secure financing for the purchase.

However, while experience can be a significant advantage, it's not the only factor to consider when buying a business. Each business purchase is unique, and other factors, such as market conditions, the specific business's circumstances, and the buyer's financial resources, also play a crucial role. Novice buyers can still be successful if they seek advice from experts, conduct thorough due diligence, and are willing to learn as they go. In summary, experience is valuable when buying a business, but it's just one piece of the puzzle. The combination of industry knowledge, negotiation skills, risk management expertise can make an experienced buyer more likely to make a successful acquisition.

Business Improvement: Experienced buyers often have a track record of successfully managing and improving businesses. They can bring their expertise to bear on the acquired business, making it more profitable and efficient.


Sukhdeep Mangat Business Sales Specialist

M. 0476 958 358 E.




he Christmas/New Year period is a time of joy, celebration, and reflection, but it also presents a unique opportunity for individuals who are considering the purchase of a business. While the decision to buy a business is driven by numerous factors, there are distinct reasons why people are more inclined to engage in such transactions during this festive period. Firstly, the holiday season often brings a sense of introspection and contemplation. As individuals take a break from their daily routines and spend quality time with loved ones, they naturally reflect on their personal and professional aspirations. This period of self-reflection can lead to a heightened desire for change and new beginnings, sparking the interest in acquiring a business. The prospect of embarking on a new entrepreneurial journey can align with the spirit of the season, which encourages personal growth and transformation. Moreover, the Christmas/New Year period is characterized by an atmosphere of generosity and goodwill. Many individuals receive bonuses or financial gifts during this time, providing them with additional capital or resources to invest. The availability of these funds can create a favourable financial backdrop for purchasing a business. Buyers may view this as an opportunity to utilize their

newfound resources to venture into entrepreneurship or diversify their investment portfolios. Additionally, the holiday season often brings together friends and family from different walks of life. These social gatherings provide an environment conducive to networking and exchanging ideas. Conversations around business opportunities can naturally arise, leading to potential connections and insights into available businesses for sale. The collective enthusiasm generated by these interactions can further fuel the desire to pursue business acquisitions. Furthermore, the end of the year is a time when many businesses evaluate their financial performance and set goals for the upcoming year. Some business owners may decide to sell their enterprises to pursue other interests or retire. As a result, the market sees an increase in the availability of businesses for sale during this period. Buyers, aware of this trend, may actively seek out opportunities to capitalize on this surge in supply. It is essential to recognize that while the Christmas/New Year period offers unique advantages for acquiring a business, individual circumstances and due diligence remain crucial. Engaging with professional advisors, such as business brokers is highly

recommended to ensure a thorough assessment of the target business and a smooth transaction process. In conclusion, the Christmas/New Year period presents a confluence of factors that make individuals more inclined to consider purchasing a business. The introspective nature of the season, coupled with financial resources and increased availability of businesses for sale, contribute to a heightened interest in business acquisitions. As always, making informed decisions and seeking expert guidance are pivotal to achieving a successful outcome in this endeavour. The Christmas/New Year period provides us with an opportunity to engage in reflection, assessing the accomplishments of the past year and strategically planning for the year ahead. It is also a unique time when we have the privilege to extend our compassion towards those who are less fortunate by generously contributing to our preferred charitable organizations. In light of this occasion, I would like to seize the moment to extend my heartfelt wishes to you and your loved ones for a joyous and festive season. May the spirit of celebration permeate your homes, and may the coming year be marked by prosperity, success, and fulfilment.




hy reinvent the wheel when you can acquire an existing business? Starting a business from scratch Starting from scratch may seem like a blank canvas, but it often entails a long and uncertain journey. In contrast, buying an existing business offers several advantages that can make the entrepreneurial journey smoother and more lucrative. Let's delve into the details of why you might choose not to start from scratch and, instead, consider purchasing an established business. 1. Proven Track Record: An existing business comes with a history and a proven track record. You can assess its performance, profitability, and customer base. This historical data provides valuable insights into the business's potential and risks, which is challenging to ascertain when starting from scratch. 2. Customer Base and Cash Flow: When you buy a business, you inherit an existing customer base. This means you don't have to spend time and resources building brand awareness and attracting customers. You also acquire a revenue stream, ensuring that you have money coming in from day one. 3. Operational Systems and Infrastructure: An established business typically has operational systems in place, including processes, suppliers, and staff. This can save you the time and effort it takes to set up these systems yourself. It also ensures that the business is

running efficiently from the start. 4. Brand and Reputation: Building a brand and a positive reputation in the market takes time and effort. When you buy a business, you acquire its brand equity and the trust it has built with customers. This can significantly reduce the time it takes to establish credibility in the market. 5. Reduced Risk: Starting a new business involves many uncertainties. There's a high risk of failure, especially in the early stages. Buying an existing business with a proven concept and customer base can significantly reduce this risk, making it a safer investment. 6. Immediate Revenue: As an entrepreneur, one of your primary goals is to generate revenue. Buying a business allows you to start earning money immediately. This can be crucial, especially if you have financial obligations or want to see a return on your investment sooner. 7. Faster Growth: Purchasing an established business provides the opportunity for rapid growth. You can build upon the existing foundation and implement improvements to increase profitability and market share more quickly than starting from scratch. 8. Expertise and Support: In many cases, the previous owner will stay on for a transition period, providing valuable insights, training, and support. This mentorship can


Shrey Shah

Specialist Business Broker M. 0474 779 544 E.


be invaluable, helping you navigate the nuances of the business and industry. 9. Cost-Efficiency: While acquiring an existing business may have a higher initial cost compared to starting from scratch, it often proves to be more cost-effective in the long run. The time and resources saved, along with the immediate revenue stream, can outweigh the initial investment. 10. Market Entry: Buying an existing business can be an effective way to enter a new market or industry. You can bypass many of the challenges and barriers that newcomers often face when trying to establish themselves. In conclusion, buying an existing business offers a range of benefits, from a proven track record and immediate cash flow to reduced risk and faster growth. While it may require a significant upfront investment, the long-term advantages make it a compelling option for many entrepreneurs looking for a smoother and more assured path to business success.

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Chris Milne

Managing Director Jarot Business Valuations Business Values Newsletter Publisher P. 0458 888 005 E. Chris completed a Bachelor of Business Degree Majoring in Valuation and Land Economy from Curtin University. He is accredited as a Registered Business Valuer with the Australian Institute of Business Brokers and a Certified Practising Valuer (Business and Property) with the Australian Property Institute.



ver the past three years there has been strong increases in the median rental levels for housing in all States and Territories of Australia. Vacancy rates have also declined. Given that revenue for residential rent roll businesses, is largely derived from a commission percentage of rental paid by tenants, there has typically been strong increases in revenue to the property management departments of real estate agencies. This has not gone unnoticed by the rent roll sales market, which has seen high activity levels.


REVENUE DERIVED FROM RESIDENTIAL RENT ROLLS: Revenue for rent rolls is typically from two main sources: Commission on rental paid – this is mainly between 7% to 10% of rent paid excluding GST; Ancillary fees: Additional fees for property condition reports, inspections, letting fees, etcetera.

VALUATION METHODOLOGY: The predominant method of valuation used in the marketplace is an application of a market multiple to the annual commission revenue (excluding ancillary fees) as follows: Value = Annual Management Fees Commission (excluding ancillary fees) x Market Multiple.

MAIN FACTORS AFFECTING MARKET VALUE MULTIPLES: The variance in multiples paid within the marketplace for rent rolls is dependent upon their perceived quality profile. Main qualitative factors considered by purchasers include the following: 1. Spread of properties (i.e. all the properties being in a few suburbs versus spread all over a broad area). 2. Spread of ownership, especially if a few owners own a lot of the properties. This increases the risk as if these owners go

elsewhere, the income from the rent roll will fall significantly. 3. The average commission rate (and total annual commission fees per annum per property) and how this it compares to industry rates. 4. Level of ancillary fees – In the past ancillary fees up to around 45% of annual commission fees could be achieved. However, with the strong rent increases over recent years and low turnover of tenants/ low vacancy rates impacting letting fees, the percentage that ancillary fees make up is currently lower. 5. Average rent achieved across the rent roll 6. Trend of rent levels and vacancy rates. 7. Rent Roll Growth or slippage trend 8. Level of rental arrears


9. Points 3,4,5,6,7 and 8 above combine to influence the total annual management income per property – the higher the better!

exodus of property investors in the marketplace, given factors such as a high level of compliance, rising mortgage rates, etcetera.

10. Quality of Management Agreement Documentation/ ability to successfully assign to a new rent roll owner (purchaser).

Perth – main market multiple range $2.90 to $3.60.

11. Quality of data/ software/ reporting ability 12. Level of profitability – several banks are now looking more closely profitability – in the longer term future, it may be that a multiple of profit is used more often to value rent rolls. However, the marketplace currently remains dominated by transactions based on a multiple of commission revenue. This may be due to many purchasers buying a rent roll to add to one they already own – as such they are hoping for economies of scale to increase profit level. 13. Size of Rent Roll – very large size rent rolls can be subject to a significant discount in weaker market cycles. 14. Be careful to adjust for commissions that offer all-inclusive “gross” commission fees (rental commission includes all ancillary fees) or hybrid fees that include some of the ancillary fees.

CURRENT MARKETPLACE FOR RESIDENTIAL RENT ROLLS THROUGHOUT AUSTRALIA: The best way to examine the marketplace is to speak directly to one of the leading brokers in Australia. Mark Sinclair is the managing director of Pendium Advisory, a specialist real estate agency and rent roll broker covering all States and Territories of Australia. Pendium have sold or consulted on over 700 rent rolls. Mr Sinclair advises that State by State market conditions and market multiples paid vary significantly. Current price ranges and market conditions are broadly as follows: Sydney – main market multiple range $3.30 to $4.10. Market is very strong for quality rent rolls in good locations. There is moderately weaker demand for lesser locations. Melbourne – main market multiple range $3.30 to $4.00. Inconsistent demand, which is likely due to an


Strong demand, well over available supply, given what is currently a confident marketplace and economy. Brisbane – main market multiple range $2.80 to $3.50. A solid market, though not quite as strong as other cities such as Perth and Sydney. There is a more limited volume of transactional data available in other capital cities, though as a broad perspective market multiple ranges throughout Australia, range mainly from $2.00 to $3.60 per dollar of rental commission revenue. Mr Sinclair advises that there is generally good demand for rent rolls ranging in size from 100 to 500 properties. Demand can reduce for rent rolls above this level, as the size of investment required that sees a reduced pool of purchasers. He also notes that banks are currently tightening credit policies and starting to look at the level of profitability that rent rolls are producing. Mr Sinclair advises that transaction terms are most commonly based on a payment of say 80% of converted (successfully assigned) management agreements, with the remaining 20% after four to six months, subject to slippage (non-converted managements). He points that it is important to have an experienced broker to take clients through the sale process/assignment of management agreements/staffing transfers/ provision of information to mortgage brokers/ banks, etcetera, to ensure a smooth transition of ownership.

BUSINESS VALUES NEWSLETTER – The above article is just one of hundreds covered by Business Values Newsletter over the past 30 years. Subscribe to the newsletter at to ensure you are up to date with the small business marketplace via the quarterly publications. All past newsletters and articles are available to subscribers in our online library at the low cost of $154 per annum including GST.

BUSINESS VALUES NEWSLETTER A Jarot Business Valuations Publication.

The essential tool for business brokers in appraising small to medium businesses. Since 1990, Business Values Newsletter has been providing essential information in order to assess the market values of small to medium businesses. Newsletter subscribers include Business Brokers, Accountants, Banks, Lawyers, and Government Departments. They have relied on our newsletter for more than 30 years to provide up to date Return on Investment (ROI) ranges for various business types.

Business brokers in particular report, that the independent value ranges provided, aids in bringing both vendors and purchasers to a realistic price point.



• Return on Investment (ROI) ranges for a large range of industry types

• 4 newsletters per year issued on a quarterly basis

• The types of businesses that are in demand or proving difficult to sell

• Unlimited access to our extensive online library, containing over 100 past newsletters

• Current prices on 80+ small to medium business types

• An Index, alphabetically listing all topics covered and which Issue(s) you will find the information in.

• Detailed analysis for various types of businesses from Coffee Shops to Manufacturers, Professional and Medical Practices, just to name a few • Informative articles on the treatment of items such as Owners Wages, Work in Progress, Stock and General Valuation Methodology • Analysis of market sales activity and commentary on current and likely future market trends

• Instructions on how to calculate an estimate of business value using the ROI ranges provided.

Annual subscription is $154 including GST

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xperience matters significantly when buying a business. Acquiring a business is a complex task, involving multiple factors such as industry inside knowledge, operational experience, financial consideration, and legal aspects. Let’s explore why experience plays an important part in the process of buying a business.


Mazhar Usman

Business Sales Specialist P. 02 9899 1999 or 1300 763 668 E. Mazhar is an entrepreneur, collaborator, negotiator and naturally connects with people. He has worked as a GM, CEO, and Founder who has successfully started and sold companies in the healthcare and IT industries.


UNDERSTANDING THE PROCESS The process of buying a business is a multifaceted journey with many stages such as financial evaluation, negotiation, due diligence, and legal documentation. The experienced buyer knows how to navigate these myriads of steps. This experience can save time, resources, and potential pitfalls.

INDUSTRY KNOWLEDGE Industry specific knowledge is one of the significant advantages when buying a business. A seasoned buyer specialised in a particular industry, which provides invaluable insight into market dynamics, trends, competition, and growth prospects. This inside knowledge helps them to assess the potential of the business. This understanding is crucial for making informed decisions.

OPERATIONAL EXPERTISE Experience of managing and operating a business provides buyers with a unique advantage when assessing the operational capability. The buyer can scan the efficiency, evaluate the potential for improvement and opportunities, and formulate an operational strategy. This hands-

on knowledge enables them to streamline operations, plan cost saving and innovation to boost capability and performance.

FINANCIAL ANALYSIS A critical aspect of buying a business is conducting thorough financial analysis. This entails assessing the financial health and performance of the business. An experienced buyer possesses the skills and expertise to analyse financial statements such as balance sheets, income statement, cash flow and historical data effectively. They can discern the true value of business and gauge its profitability, liquidity, and solvency.

NETWORK AND CONTACTS Experience often brings with it a valuable network of professionals and contacts in the business world. These connections can be instrumental in facilitating the acquisition process. Seasoned buyers have access to lawyers, accountants, consultants, and industry experts. These professionals can provide valuable advice and support during the whole acquisition journey.

RISK ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATION Every business comes with inherent risks. This risk can be related to legal issues, financial uncertainties, operational changes, or market dynamics. An experienced buyer can identify potential risk associated with acquisition and develop strategies to mitigate them. By identifying and addressing the risks buyers can minimize the chances of unexpected setbacks after the acquisition.

NEGOTIATION SKILLS Negotiation is a pivotal aspect of acquiring a business. Effective negotiation can make the difference between a successful deal and a missed opportunity. Experienced buyers possess honed negotiation skills. They understand the interests and motivations of both parties involved and can craft deals that are mutually beneficial. Skilled negotiation can result in favourable purchase terms, price adjustment, or agreement on post-acquisition arrangement.

when acquiring a business. Regulations vary widely across industries and jurisdictions, and compliance is crucial to avoid legal issues that could jeopardize the acquisition. Experienced buyers can navigate complex legal frameworks, ensure compliance, and address any potential challenges that may arise during the acquisition period. In summary, experience is an invaluable asset when buying a business. It empowers buyers with a deep understanding of the acquisition process, industry specific knowledge, operational expertise, financial analysis, a network of contacts, risk assessment and mitigation, negotiation skills, and legal and regulatory knowledge. While experience is a critical factor, it should be complemented through research, expert advice, and a well-structured approach to ensure a successful business acquisition.

LEGAL AND REGULATORY KNOWLEDGE Understanding the legal and regulatory landscape is essential

Create your Buyer Alerts and don’t miss an opportunity REGISTER



Donna McGeorge M. 0403 308 933 E. Global authority on productivity, and best-selling author of the "It's About Time" book series. Her latest book, "Join the ChatGPT Revolution” (published by Wiley) was released in June 2023. Find out more at



n today's hyper-connected world, the hum of activity is relentless. From the ping of notifications to the ever-growing to-do lists, there's a constant pressure to be 'on' at all times. This perpetual motion has given birth to a culture where being "busy" is often equated with being important or successful. But as the lines between work and rest blur, one must wonder: is this frenetic pace truly the hallmark of achievement, or is it just a mirage of modern life?

on trading energy for impact. This fresh perspective pushes us to move beyond the simple equation of hours for dollars and encourages us to evaluate our contributions based on the value and impact we bring to the table.

In an environment where busy is a badge of honour, it's as if our worth is measured by the hours we clock in, the meetings we attend, and the emails we send. But beneath this facade of constant activity, are we genuinely achieving our goals, or are we just trapped in a cycle of endless tasks? Leaders, especially, find themselves at the epicentre of this storm, often mistaking overwork for efficiency. It's time to debunk the myth of overwork and understand what truly matters.


THE ILLUSION OF PRODUCTIVITY In our quest to be seen as hardworking, we often confuse motion with progress. Being constantly occupied might give a temporary boost to our ego, but it doesn't necessarily translate to meaningful results. True productivity is about the impact and value we bring, not just the hours we clock. So what should we do instead? Here are three concepts to consider to overcome your obsession with busy:

1. TRADING ENERGY FOR IMPACT Instead of the age-old practice of trading time for money, the modern professional should focus

It's a call to action for leaders and professionals alike: It's not merely about the hours clocked in but the tangible difference made. To truly harness this approach, one must continually assess where their energy will yield the most significant impact.

At its core, adaptive capacity can be described as the ability or capacity of a system, be it an individual, a team, or an entire organisation, to modify or change its characteristics or behaviour in response to existing or anticipated external stresses. This idea isn't novel; it echoes Darwin’s theory of natural selection, suggesting that a species’ adaptive capacity influences its ability to adapt and thrive in a changed environment. In the context of our modern world, especially with the rapid pace of change and unforeseen challenges, adaptive capacity points to whether we possess the mental, physical, and temporal space to respond positively when things don’t go according to plan. It's about seizing opportunities that may arise from new conditions and not just reacting but proactively adapting. The magic number that strikes a balance between wasted and adaptive capacity is 15 per cent. This percentage serves as a reminder that while it's essential to be efficient and productive, it's equally crucial to leave room for adaptability and growth.

3. EMBRACING DOWNTIME Taking time to rest offers more

than just physical recovery. It provides an opportunity for reflection and introspection. Stepping back from the daily grind allows leaders to gain a fresh perspective on challenges, re-evaluate goals, and come up with innovative solutions. It's during these quiet moments that some of the best ideas and insights emerge. Embracing rest doesn't mean taking extended vacations (though those are beneficial too). It's about integrating short, regular breaks into our daily routines. This could be as simple as a five-minute meditation session, a short walk outside, or even just stepping away from the desk to stretch. Additionally, longer periods of downtime, such as weekends or days off, should be genuinely restorative, free from the constant pings of emails and messages. The modern obsession with overwork is not just unsustainable; it's counterproductive. Leaders have the power and responsibility to change this narrative. By focusing on what truly matters and promoting a balanced approach to work, they can pave the way for a more productive, fulfilled, and healthy workforce.

Join the ChatGPT Revolution by Donna McGeorge


the finance broker for business owners contact us today 1300 971 308



ourcing finance to buy a small or medium-sized business in Australia involves careful planning and consideration of various options. Here are some common ways to finance the purchase of a business in Australia:


programs and grants that may be available to small businesses, though the specific names and eligibility criteria can vary by state and territory. Check with your local government agency for small business support.


Using your own savings is often the easiest and most straightforward way to finance a business purchase. It reduces the need for external debt and can demonstrate your commitment to the venture.

BANK LOANS You can approach traditional banks and financial institutions for business loans. Prepare a comprehensive business plan, financial statements, and a solid credit history to increase your chances of approval.

VENDOR FINANCING Some business owners may be willing to finance a portion of the purchase price. This can be advantageous as it demonstrates their confidence in the business's potential success. Negotiate the terms, interest rates, and repayment schedule.

EQUITY INVESTMENT You can seek equity investment from venture capitalists, angel investors, or private equity firms. They may provide the necessary capital in exchange for a share of ownership in your business.

SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (SBA) LOANS In Australia, there are government

Explore potential government grants for small businesses. These grants may be offered at the federal, state, or local level. Eligibility requirements and the application process vary, so research what's available in your area.

CROWDFUNDING You can consider using crowdfunding platforms to raise capital for your business purchase. Websites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo may be suitable for certain types of businesses. Family and Friends: Don't overlook the possibility of borrowing from family or friends. Make sure to formalize the arrangement with a clear agreement and repayment terms to avoid personal conflicts.


provide loans. Be prepared to demonstrate your creditworthiness and business plan. Franchise Financing: If you're buying a franchise, the franchisor may offer financing options or connect you with preferred lenders with experience in franchise financing.

FINANCIAL ADVISERS Seek advice from financial professionals, such as accountants or financial advisers, who can help you explore various financing options and create a financial strategy. Remember that each financing option comes with its terms and conditions, and it's essential to carefully consider the costs and obligations associated with each choice. Additionally, conducting due diligence on the business you intend to purchase is crucial to ensure you're making a sound investment. Always consult with legal and financial professionals as needed to navigate the purchase process successfully.

If the business you are buying has valuable assets, you may use these assets as collateral for a loan. Asset-based lending includes options like equipment financing or accounts receivable financing.

PEER-TO-PEER LENDING Online peer-to-peer lending platforms can connect you with individual investors willing to


Vijay Reddy

Director | Snr Partner Winquote SME Finance P. 1300 971 308 M. 0419 493 805 E.



Sabrina Xia

Business Sales Specialist (CPA, Class 1 Licence)

Author: Allan Johnson As a former accountant and financial planner with almost 50 years in the industry, Allan has a wealth of experience to share. Offering his unique perspective on business, Allan is part of the Bsale writing team.



fter gaining valuable experiences, first as an accountant and then as a small business owner, Sabrina Xia regards these experiences as being the foundations to her success as a business broker. Having gained a Masters's Degree in Commerce from UNSW and worked as an accountant, her financial knowledge is invaluable as she assesses her clients businesses. “Whether buying or selling, I can relate to how they are feeling and guide them to the best possible outcome,” commented Sabrina. As winner of LINK Business Broker of the Year in 2021 and membership of the LINK Chairman’s Club in 2022 and 2023, Sabrina’s success is well established.

KEYS TO SUCCESS “I believe there are four keys to success as a business broker. These are persistence, patience, professionalism, and finally, knowledge. Knowledge is important, but the others are too.” Sabrina explained, “Being a business broker is an energy business; the more energy you put in, the more success you will achieve.” She invests her energy in persistent activity, building trust, rapport, and credibility with clients and potential clients, recognising that it’s a long-term journey. “A broker looking for overnight success will have little chance of achieving it. Persistence is required.” Coupled with persistence is the need for patience according to Sabrina, who identified that trying to push clients will often lead to failure. “You need to be generous with your time to give your client confidence, hope, and help.” She acknowledged that being patient can be frustrating for the broker, but in her experience, patience pays off eventually.

Maintaining professionalism is also critical for success. Basic requirements include fully understanding the vendor’s business, the industry, and the general economic climate. Being open and honest with clients may be difficult, but it is necessary for a successful outcome. “You must be transparent with your vendor; otherwise, they will have false hope, expecting you to deliver unrealistic outcomes. You are then wasting their time and yours,” explained Sabrina. Her professionalism also extends to potential buyers. Sabrina considers matching the business to suitable buyers to be crucial to a successful transaction. “Being in business is not for everyone,” she commented. “A buyer needs to understand the risks of being in business generally and the risks of that particular business. So, if the buyer understands the risks, has the knowledge and experience needed for this business, and the courage to handle failure, it may be a match.” Sabrina insists that all potential buyers meet these criteria before an introduction to a vendor.

WHAT SHOULD A BUYER LOOK FOR? Sabrina lists these as “must consider” items for a buyer (and, conversely, for a vendor keen to present the business in the best possible light). Professional Advisers A potential buyer should have an accountant, a solicitor with relevant business sale experience, and possibly a finance broker ready to go before considering any business purchase. “Sometimes a buyer will need to make a quick decision, so having advisers available will help,” Sabrina commented.

These advisers will ensure the buyer has an appropriate business structure in place to avoid delays in contract preparation. Depending on the buyer’s expertise, the advisers will also review the financial viability of the proposed purchase and scrutinise all legal documents. Clear Financial Statements “You can’t predict the future, but the financial statements give you a picture of the past performance and the current trends, explained Sabrina. She recommends considering at least the last three years to provide information regarding trends. “Buyers should be looking for well-established businesses which are trading profitability.” A buyer also needs to consider the difference between profit and cash flow, as this will determine the business's working capital requirements in the future. An accountant will be able to advise here. Lease Terms Sabrina’s experience as a small business owner operating a successful business in a shopping centre taught her the traps that can be “hidden” in leases. “Even if you run a successful business, it doesn’t necessarily mean you can sell it,” Sabrina reflected. Buyers will typically favour a longer lease term as this provides more security for the buyer. However, a shorter term may be preferred if the buyer plans to amalgamate the purchased business into another existing business or to relocate to an alternate location. Growth Opportunities The adage that if you aren’t growing, you are going backward applies to all businesses. Sabrina warns buyers, “You don’t want to be buying a sunset business. You must consider the impact of online and local competitors and industry trends.” 21

She also highlights the impact of the current labour shortage. “If the business relies on the availability of particular skills, you must ensure that these skills are available in sufficient numbers to maintain the business.”


Reliance on Systems Sabrina emphasised that the business must have established, documented operating systems to ensure the business does not rely on any individual to operate.

, “In the most part,be cautious when looking to acquire a ‘hero’ business. Whether the hero is the current owner or anyone else, the risk is that, should that individual disappear it could impact the business viability. Unless,

of course you have a similar skillset and are looking to be the next hero” She noted that a business under management will usually sell for a premium because the risk of

reliance is far lower. Sabrina recommends that buyers look for a business broker with a professional team to assist them in finding the right business to buy. She emphasises the comfort a buyer can gain from engaging a business broker with the right contacts and resources.

IS FINANCE CHALLENGING TO OBTAIN? The rapid rise in interest rates and inflation over the last year has affected business valuations and profitability. Despite this, Sabrina is not experiencing noticeable challenges for buyers seeking finance. She referred to her criteria for a suitable buyer, “If the potential buyer has the experience, knowledge, and passion and the business is sufficiently profitable, a lender will be interested in assisting the purchase.”

Sabrina needed to reorientate her focus to an industry with greater stability. She identified education as an industry constantly in demand and receiving government support. She decided that childcare centres would be her niche. Sabrina commented, “Even in remote areas, there is a high level of interest from buyers.” Although childcare center occupancy was also adversely affected by COVID, she achieved her first sale during the early stage of the pandemic. As if to demonstrate buyer interest in these businesses, Sabrina shared, “I sold that business in the first week of listing it!” Since then, Sabrina has developed that specialty with her usual drive and enthusiasm.


Sufficient equity to support the finance is also critical for a successful application. She explained that a lender might hesitate if the business will constitute most of the buyer’s assets. “If all your eggs are in this one basket, it could end badly for you (and the lender).”

Sabrina shared, “I remind everyone about the need for patience and persistence. I’ve experienced the four seasons, including winter: the miserable times, the rejections and failures that bring stress and even financial hardship. Have faith in your ability and act with consistency and passion.”

Sabrina summarised this by saying, “If the buyer lacks experience, knowledge, passion or equity, there will always be frustrations with finance..”

“Find an industry you are passionate about and develop your expertise and knowledge to become the go-to specialist.”

ANY FAVOURITE INDUSTRIES? Like many business brokers, Sabrina initially focused on hospitality businesses as this aligned with her small business experience, “Hospitality is the bread and butter of the business broking industry where you can gain valuable broking experience.”

The four pillars of persistence, patience, professionalism, and knowledge underpin Sabrina’s success. Her ability to apply her expertise and adapt while overcoming adversity ensures she can relate to vendors and buyers, a critical advantage for any business broker.

However, as COVID was decimating hospitality businesses, 23



Richard Jacobs Business Broker

P. 02 1272 8179 E. Richard has had an extensive career in the private sector working in General Management, Sales, Marketing, Operations, Delivery, Finance and just about every other aspect of business.


o your, considering the exciting journey of becoming a business owner through acquisition. It is a significant step, whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur or a first-time buyer. This endeavour can be highly rewarding, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. To ensure your success, it is crucial to approach it strategically. Let us explore some key thoughts that can guide you in this journey.


Before you jump into the world of business acquisition, it is essential to take a moment for introspection. Ask yourself why you want to buy a business. Is it to follow your passion, turn a hobby into a business, be your own boss, achieve financial freedom, or leverage your skills and experience? Understanding your motivations will be the foundation upon which you build your business goals and make informed decisions throughout the entire process. It is also particularly important to distinguish between buying a business and purchasing a job. While both options have their merits, they come with distinct levels of responsibility and expectations. Buying a business should ideally provide you with the opportunity to scale and grow, whereas buying a job may involve more day-to-day involvement in the business's operations.

DO NOT START FROM SCRATCH One of the most significant advantages of buying an existing business is that you are not starting from nothing. It may seem

like starting from nothing is less expensive but consider that an established business already has a customer base, revenue streams, employees, equipment, suitable premises, and often a solid reputation. This can save you the time and effort required to build a brand and customer base from the ground up.

GROW FASTER THROUGH ACQUISITION Business growth can happen organically or through acquisitions. Many experienced business owners quickly realize that acquiring an existing business can be a strategic move to expedite their own business's growth. By purchasing a business in a related industry or market, you can create economies of scale, tap into new customer segments, explore new distribution channels, or offer complementary products and services. This approach often allows a business to scale faster than it would through organic growth alone.

STRATEGIES FOR SELECTING THE RIGHT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Choosing the right business opportunity is a critical first

step in your journey. Take the time to thoroughly research the industry, including understanding its current market trends, competition, and whether it is still relevant i.e., is it a sunrise or sunset business, what are the barriers to entry. Assess the financial health of the business you are looking to purchase, examine its business operations, legal exposures, and existing contracts with suppliers, customers, and employees. Consider its location and how well it aligns with your own location and target market. Also, particularly important, do not forget to think about your exit strategy from day one as sometime in the future you may want to sell or must sell due to unforeseen circumstances. you may want to cash out the asset you have built. Considering this early in the process will help you decide how to structure your business and can be attractive to potential future purchasers.

WHAT IS A GOOD ROI A common question is, "What does a good Return on Investment (ROI) look like?" The answer is “how long is a piece of string” there is no one size fits all and it will depend on your financial goals and risk tolerance. However, ROI is a critical metric when evaluating businesses for sale. To determine a good ROI, consider factors such as EBPITDA (earnings before Proprietorship, interest, tax, depreciation, and amortisation) where proprietorship is shareholders salaries or other remuneration from the business) and what the average capitalisation rate (multiple of EBPITDA) is for the industry. Also consider the Vendors purchase price, expected cashflow and the banks propensity to provide a loan on the business. It is about aligning your investment with your financial objectives.

DUE DILIGENCE - SKIP IT AT YOUR PERIL! Due diligence is a comprehensive process of examining all aspects of a business before making a purchase. It is time-consuming but skipping this step can lead to disastrous consequences. Investigate financial records, contracts, legal matters, and any potential issues that could affect the business's future. Seek professional assistance when needed, such as legal and financial advisors. Before finalizing a business acquisition, ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of the business's operations, customer base, revenue sources, and expenses. This knowledge will not only help you make informed decisions but also lay the foundation for your business strategy post-acquisition.

EXPERIENCE MATTERS Your previous experience and expertise play a significant role in your ability to run the acquired business successfully. If you are entering an industry that is new to you, consider partnering with someone who has the necessary skills or hiring key employees to bridge the knowledge gap. It is also worth noting that some vendors are open to staying on full-time or part-time for an extended handover period because they may not want to own a business anymore but still want to work particularly if they can get back on the tools. Nothing beats knowledge gained through experience and keeping a vendor on after the sale is often gold.

CONSIDER FINANCE FROM THE OUTSET Given recent global and local economic uncertainties, many financial institutions have become more risk averse. Financing your business acquisition can be a complex task. Therefore, it is crucial to explore various funding options early and continuously throughout the process. There is

nothing more disappointing than having the deal fall through at the last moment due to financial issues.

ENGAGE A PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT TEAM EARLY We all understand that professional support can be expensive, but making a mistake in this process can cost you significantly more. Engaging the support of professionals such as accountants, solicitors and financial advisors early can help you avoid a lot of disappointment down the road. Additionally, consider working with a Business Broker. They can be an invaluable asset during the acquisition process. Brokers have access to a network of businesses for sale, can facilitate negotiations, and provide expert guidance. Their industry knowledge and experience can help you navigate the complexities of buying a business, increasing your chances of a successful transaction.

CONCLUSION Acquiring an existing business is a substantial undertaking that requires careful planning and execution. By understanding your motivations, conducting thorough research, performing due diligence, and leveraging your experience, you can increase your chances of success. Remember that the support of professionals can be invaluable throughout the process. With the right strategies and an unobstructed vision, you can embark on your journey as a successful business owner through acquisition. If you have any specific questions or need further guidance on any of these points, please feel free to ask.




n the dynamic world of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), the successful transition period during the sale and purchase of a Small-Medium Enterprise (SME) is often the unsung hero of a deals long-term success. Many new owners will want to come in a “stamp their mark” on their newly purchased company, and while small changes to streamline processes or integrate with an existing business during a merger are perfectly normal, sweeping wholesale changes can have long lasting negative impacts. A smooth transition, meticulously planned and executed, can be the difference between realising the full potential of a transaction and falling short of expectations. It is important to remember why you chose to buy the business in the first place and larger changes that affect the clients, stakeholders, employees and/or end users should be done over time, through a well thought out, gradual transition process. In this article, we explore the vital importance of a well-structured transition period in the complex

process of buying and selling successful SME’s.

CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS One of the most immediate benefits of a well-managed transition is the continuity of operations. SME’s are intricate ecosystems with numerous moving parts, from personnel and technology to customer relationships and supply chains. During the transition, it's crucial to maintain business as usual to prevent disruptions that could lead to lost revenue or a damaged reputation. This requires a carefully coordinated effort to ensure a seamless transfer of responsibilities.

EMPLOYEE MORALE AND RETENTION Employees are the backbone of any organisation, and their morale and job security during a transition can significantly impact a company's success post-M&A. A thoughtful


Kagan Skipper

Managing Director, Business Broker, Business Consultant M. 0412 668 981 P. 02 5117 3106 E.


transition plan that includes clear communication, job security assurances, and opportunities for professional growth can help retain key talent and maintain a motivated workforce. High employee turnover can disrupt operations and harm a company's culture, ultimately affecting its value.



Preserving customer and supplier relationships is paramount. Customers want to ensure that their service or product quality will not be compromised, while suppliers need confidence in the stability of their business relationship. An effective transition strategy will focus on customer and supplier retention, providing reassurance and maintaining these critical connections.

In today's digital age, technology plays a pivotal role in business operations. Transitioning smoothly includes integrating various technology systems, databases, and software solutions. This process requires meticulous planning, thorough testing, and the right expertise to avoid costly downtime or data loss.


A well-structured transition plan also helps mitigate risks. M&A transactions often come with a host of legal, financial, and operational risks. By identifying and addressing potential issues during the transition, both the buyer and seller can minimise the chances of post-acquisition disputes or financial losses.

Mismatched corporate cultures can be a stumbling block in M&A deals. A transition period allows both sides to assess their cultures and work towards alignment. It may involve blending leadership teams, introducing crosstraining programs, and fostering open communication to bridge the gap. Harmonising cultures is essential to a successful post-merger integration.


REALISING SYNERGIES Many M&A transactions are driven by the potential for synergies that can create value. The transition period is the time to identify and unlock these synergies. Whether it's cost savings through efficiency improvements or revenue enhancements through cross-

selling, a well-executed transition can maximise the benefits of the merger or acquisition.

INVESTOR AND STAKEHOLDER CONFIDENCE Investor and stakeholder confidence is vital for the success of a SME’s transition. Maintaining transparent communication and meeting performance expectations during the transition can help secure the support of shareholders and other stakeholders, enhancing the overall stability of the organisation. The importance of a good transition period when buying and selling SME’s cannot be overstated. It's the bridge that connects the deal-making phase with the long- term success of the transaction. A meticulously planned and executed transition ensures business continuity, employee retention, customer satisfaction, and the realisation of synergies, while also mitigating risks and bolstering stakeholder confidence. In the world of M&A, a smooth transition is not merely a phase; it's the linchpin of a prosperous future.

Kagan Skipper is a skilled Business Broker and Business Consultant specialising in buying and selling businesses. With a deep understanding of the intricacies of the business world, Kagan has successfully facilitated numerous transactions, helping clients navigate the complex process of buying or selling a business with ease.




uying a business for sale in Perth often relies on securing commercial finance and typically involves a series of steps and requirements. SOT business brokers have noted some key factors to consider when applying for finance for the purchase of a business, that may assist in getting the finance application approved.


Alex Stajka

Managing Director M. 0450 020 552 E. Alex brings a wealth of knowledge in business brokering and commercial finance having worked for the biggest brokerage in the world as well as a Perth based finance company. He prides himself on his ability to structure deals to suit all parties, resulting in a fantastic deal closing strike rate.


1. BUSINESS PLAN Prepare a comprehensive business plan that outlines your goals, strategies, financial projections, and how you plan to operate and grow the Perth business for sale.

2. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Gather financial statements for the business you're buying and

your personal financial records. These statements may include balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and tax returns. SOT’s Perth business brokers will assist any buyer in gathering the financial documents of any business they buy.

3. DUE DILIGENCE Conduct thorough due diligence on the business you intend to purchase. This involves reviewing its financial records, contracts, leases, customer base, assets, liabilities, and any legal or operational issues that may impact its value. SOT business brokers provide all the information that the buyer reasonably requests.

4. VALUATION Determine the value of the

business through an appraisal or valuation process. This assessment helps lenders understand the worth of the business and its ability to generate future cash flows. SOT business brokers list businesses based on a rigorous in-house appraisal process to ensure the price reflects market trends.

5. DEPOSIT Prepare a significant deposit for the purchase, typically ranging from 10% to 30% of the total purchase price. The specific amount may depend on the lender's requirements, the industry, and your financial profile.

6. PERSONAL CREDITWORTHINESS Maintain a good personal credit history. Lenders often assess your credit score, credit report, and debt-to-income ratio to evaluate your ability to manage debt.

7. BUSINESS COLLATERAL Identify any collateral that can be used to secure the loan. This could include assets such as real estate, equipment, inventory, or accounts receivable. Having tangible collateral increases your chances of securing financing. SOT business brokers will often

provide a detailed list of plant and equipment with associated values. This will assist the bank in its decision to approve or decline finance.

8. INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE Demonstrate relevant industry experience and expertise to assure lenders that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully operate the business. This is not critical but will again assist the bank in determining their appetite to provide you with a loan.

9. CASH FLOW ANALYSIS Prepare a cash flow analysis that shows the business's ability to generate sufficient cash to cover its operating expenses and debt obligations and provide a return on investment.

10. LEGAL AND PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE Seek the guidance of professionals such as finance brokers, lawyers, accountants, and SOT business brokers who specialise in business acquisitions. They can help navigate the legal, financial, and operational aspects of the purchase and assist in securing financing.

will have specific requirements and criteria, so it is important to secure the services of an experienced and knowledgeable finance broker who can place your application with a financial institution that suits your requirements. Need further help? Talk to our qualified team when buying a Perth business for sale to ensure the process is made simple.

SOT, PERTH BUSINESS BROKERS THAT CARE Looking to buy a business for sale in Perth? SOT Business Brokers Perth are familiar with every aspect of the Perth business sales market. Perth business sales processes are made as quick and easy as possible with the help of SOT Business Brokers Perth's skilled and experienced team. SOT can also aid in business growth. SOT can better position your business for success thanks to its extensive network and in-depth knowledge of the Perth business market.

Remember that each lender

Search businesses and franchises for sale in Australia




n the world of business, due diligence is not just a buzzword; it's a fundamental process that can make or break a deal. It plays a crucial role in identifying potential risks when purchasing a business, helping you to make informed decisions and ensuring that you're not overpaying or violating any regulations. In Australia, the significance of due diligence cannot be overstated, as it paves the way for a successful and legally sound business acquisition. Due diligence, as the term suggests, requires a thorough and careful investigation. Before diving into a binding agreement to buy a business, this meticulous process empowers potential buyers to scrutinize every facet of the target company. This includes assessing its financial health, legal standing, and operational viability. One of the core components of due diligence is reviewing contracts. This step encompasses contracts not only pertaining to

the purchase of the business itself but also those existing between the business and its staff, suppliers, and any partner agreements. A meticulous examination of these agreements is vital to understand the obligations, rights, and potential liabilities associated with them. Identifying any onerous terms or red flags within these contracts is pivotal to avoiding unpleasant surprises down the road. Next in line for scrutiny are the records, which reveal the financial health of the business. Income, profit and loss statements, and tax returns are the lifeblood of this evaluation. These documents offer a comprehensive view of the business's financial performance, enabling you to assess its profitability and stability. A careful analysis of these records can unearth hidden issues that might not be apparent on the


Marlon Goldstein Business Sales Specialist

M. 0486 018 706 E.


surface, such as declining profits, tax liabilities, or irregularities that could signal financial trouble. Expenses are another area where

due diligence shines a spotlight. This includes an examination of bank loans, utility accounts, and lease agreements. Thoroughly investigating these expenses can uncover potential financial burdens that may impact the business's bottom line. For instance, discovering that the business is burdened with excessive debt or locked into unfavorable lease terms can influence the purchase decision and negotiations. Business operations constitute another critical facet of due diligence. Intellectual property, stock, tools, and equipment are essential assets that must be assessed. The protection of intellectual property, including trademarks and patents, is of paramount importance. It ensures that you are acquiring the full rights to these assets and that

they are not entangled in legal disputes. The evaluation of stock, tools, and equipment is essential to ascertain their condition, value, and functionality, which can significantly impact the business's operations and potential profitability. Perhaps the most pivotal aspect of due diligence is the timing. This process must be completed before any contracts are signed. Rushing into a deal without conducting thorough due diligence can lead to disastrous consequences, as you might discover problems or issues after the ink has already dried on the contract. This can result in financial losses, legal disputes, and reputational damage. In the context of the Australian business landscape, due diligence is even more critical due to the country's robust regulatory environment. Australia has stringent laws and regulations governing businesses, and noncompliance can lead to severe consequences. A meticulous due

diligence process can help uncover any regulatory violations or legal issues that may be lurking beneath the surface, ensuring that you don't unwittingly inherit a legal quagmire when purchasing a business. In conclusion, due diligence is a cornerstone of the business acquisition process, and its importance cannot be overstated. It empowers prospective buyers to assess every aspect of a business, from its financial health to its contractual obligations and operational assets. In the context of Australia, where regulations are strict and adherence is paramount, due diligence becomes even more crucial. Before entering into a binding agreement to purchase a business, taking the time to conduct thorough due diligence can save you from costly mistakes, legal entanglements, and financial pitfalls. In the dynamic world of business acquisitions, due diligence is the compass that guides you towards informed and sound decisions.

Marlon Goldstein has worked as a Business Broker and Consultant for the past 13 years. Previously working with LJ Hooker Business Broking and a member of the prestigious Captains Club, Marlon is in the top 3% of Brokers in the country. He currently specialises in food and hospitality businesses, having a few restaurants of his own, and also distribution businesses. He aims to do his best for his clients by taking the pain out of the process for them and getting the job done as quickly as possible.



Michelle Gibbings P. 03 8300 7357 E. Workplace expert and the award-winning author of three books. Her latest book is 'Bad Boss: What to do if you work for one, manage one or are one'.


tories of people taking their 'side gig' and turning it into a multi-million dollar business make being an entrepreneur and business owner sound enticing and rewarding. All successful business owners will tell you that building a thriving business takes planning, effort, persistence and a willingness to take risks. So, to turn your side hustle into a longterm profitable business, you must do your homework. Before rushing in and quitting your job, challenge yourself to answer these six questions.

1. ARE THE FINANCIAL PLANS AND PROJECTIONS REALISTIC? There are two primary angles to consider – current and future state. Firstly, consider whether your side hustle consistently generates enough income to cover living expenses and business costs. Secondly, examine the business's growth potential and profitability. Look at both sides of the ledger - debits and credits and 32

consider your cash flow position and how these factors will support or impede your growth ambitions. You want to clearly understand the business's financial state and have a realistic projection for future earnings and profitability.

2. IS MY BUSINESS PLAN ROBUST? A well-thought-out business plan specifies your goals, target market, marketing strategy, financial projections, and operational plans. It's your roadmap to success. Interrogate this roadmap to determine if it's robust. You want to lay out the opportunities for growth in your target market and detail sources of demand. Also, consider your suppliers and the relationship you have with them. You want to identify your competitive advantage and potential obstacles affecting your business's success.

3. WHAT'S MY RISK APPETITE? Entrepreneurship involves

financial and emotional risks. Consider your risk tolerance and assess your ability to handle uncertainty. Are you prepared for the possibility of income fluctuations, loss of job security, and the potential need to invest personal savings into your business? Be specific about how much money you are willing to invest in your business and how much you are ready to lose if the concept doesn't work.

4. AM I WILLING TO DO THE HARD WORK? Kicking off can be easy. It's sustaining the momentum where the real challenge begins. People get swept up in the initial enthusiasm for their idea and are often overly optimistic about how little effort, energy and resources are required to grow the business. Reality can be brutal. Be ready for the fact that obstacles and roadblocks will arise, potentially making progress slower and more

complicated than planned. When you are clear on your purpose – why building your business matters it is easier to push through, stay the course, dedicate the hours and persevere to make your business succeed.

5. WHAT AM I WILLING TO TRADE? When I decided to leave my corporate role, I walked away from the security of a high-paying corporate salary into the unknown of running my own business. I was willing to take that risk and make the accompanying trade-off to pursue a career change that aligned with my aspirations. Life is a series of choices; sometimes, doing one thing requires giving up something else. For example, you may be willing to earn less money initially because running a business gives you the autonomy you seek. Know what matters the most to you so you can know what you are willing to trade.

6. DO I NEED A DUAL-TRACK? Taking the 'dual track' approach means staying in your current role whilst having a business on the side. You can test the parameters, build the infrastructure and contacts, and transition over a suitable time frame. It also provides a safety net as you have a guaranteed income source while building up the alternate income stream. Over time, you can wean off the first as the second stream grows. If things don’t go to plan, you still have the security of the original job. Opportunities abound, and so too do business failures. Avoid getting side-tracked by interesting but irrelevant matters. It helps to break your work into bitesized chunks so you can progress in a meaningful and relevant timeframe. Be willing to learn and adapt your approach. Know where your effort will produce the best

results and identify what you don't do and what you’ll delegate and outsource. Be open to the fact that the finish line keeps moving. You may find that you never quite reach the end, and that's okay because your business goals will grow and change, and so learning never stops. Above all, enjoy the ride and celebrate your progress.

Bad Boss: What to do if you work for one, manage one or are one by Michelle Gibbings 33

How Business Buyers Get Finance

Finn is the largest business sales organisation in Australia. We are not your average business - our people are exceptional at what they do. Our service standards are very high, and we continually work on ways to improve to help our clients."



hat's what I like to tell prospective buyers whenever they are looking at my listings. What will you one day sell the business for? Will other buyers see what you see in the value of this business or what can you change to make sure the business sells well after you're finished with it? Is the industry that you are buying in going to have lots of buyers in 5or 10-years’ time or whenever you are ready to sell? That's the key question when it comes to your next big investment.

the lending for the purchase. •

Specialty - What types of skills are required to run the business? The less specialised, the more buyers there are!

Margins - Are the products or services this business is selling producing a good margin to make this business easier to produce a profit?

Low maintenance - Can this business be run with a full-time or part-time manager? Are the overheads at a comfortable point? How much input is required by the owner

What makes a business popular to buyers: •

Clean reports - Are you the one to produce a good set of annual reports year on year? Buyers often need finance. Their finance provider will need to see good reports to approve

Growth potential - Will the business keep moving upwards? Is the product on an upwards trend? Are you the one with the marketing and management skills to help the business scale?

to maintain a good profit? Investors love low maintenance profitable businesses! •

Appeals to everybody - The more it appeals to everybody - the profit, the product, the opportunity, the lifestyle - the faster it will sell.

Call William on 0474 464 763 to chat about which businesses you should buy, or what it takes to sell!


William Dang

Business Sales Specialist M. 0474 464 763 E.



Peter Baines OAM M. 0438 145 219 E. Author of Leadership Matters: Stories and Insights for Leaders, Achievers and Visionaries is a highly sought after international keynote speaker, author and humanitarian who helps leaders and their teams maximise their leadership potential. For more information visit



t is always easier to remove or avoid risk than to manage it. There will be competing interests when it comes to managing risk. Those charged with reducing risk exposure and mitigating risk and potential harm, will lean towards a strategy of avoidance. But the change makers, the innovators, the dreamers are less inclined to focus on the risk and reasons to say no in their pursuit of their goal. At the same time, as with most things, both extremes can be dangerous, unproductive and reckless. Ricky Gervais was asked “do you have a drivers licence?” To which he responded “No I don’t”. He was then asked “Can you drive?” And he said “Well I have seen plenty of people do it!” I’d love to go on a road trip with Ricky, but I’d be driving. We learn by doing and we build competence by repeating the activity. We don’t develop muscle memory when it comes to dealing with complex situations by avoiding them or mere observation.

WE SHOULD BE PREPARED TO ACCEPT FAILURE Managing risk is not about rejecting it nor it is about ignoring it. It’s finding the balance and having the courage to take on risk. Our great innovators, artists and creators do so outside the strict boundaries and parameters that create a known and therein safe environment. The creators and innovators are our pioneers. We applaud them and their daring attitude when they succeed but quickly condemn those who fail. But we must accept with innovation there will be risk and with risk there will be failure. We seek to control and predict outcomes by imposing policy and procedure but the contradiction is that the more policy and

procedure we put in place the more opportunities for noncompliance present. They greater problem is when we are faced with challenges that sit outside of what is covered by those procedures we have taken away the problem solving skills of those which we now turn to. Life doesn’t sit within a set of guidelines and procedures, we can’t inoculate against the realities of life and nor should we attempt too. By embracing risk we’re presented with opportunities for growth that we wouldn’t otherwise have. Working in response to crisis and disaster on an International level I worked along side courageous leaders who were presented with challenges for which there was no rule book that covered the unique circumstances. They were proficient and effective in their decision making because they had the muscle memory from facing and embracing risk as leaders. With risk we will find reward as long as we are prepared to accept we wont always get it right. If we act with good intent, with integrity and consult where we can and make a decision and get it wrong, we will be forgiven. If, however, we are paralysed by the fear of risk, the fear of making a mistake and fail to act then we wont be forgiven. If the culture of our organisation is risk avoidance or the fear of getting it wrong, we are unlikely to capitalise on the opportunities or to realise the full potential of the talent within our workplace. In my former life in the police there was inherent risk every time someone turned up for a shift. For those involved in the execution of high-risk search warrants or arrests, there was always the possibility of injury or worse, for those first through the door. Not making the arrest or executing the warrant because of the potential risk was not an option. Planning and risk assessments were

conducted, but the job got done. Since it couldn’t be avoided, it had to be managed.

THE BEST INNOVATION AND CREATION SITS OUTSIDE POLICY, PROCEDURE AND GUIDELINES I have come to learn that when raising kids, building a business or running a charity, it is easier to eliminate risk than to have the courage and strength to manage it. We learn to manage risk by facing it, not by erasing it. In difficult times we learn to make difficult and complex decisions. If we live our lives and raise our kids according to rigidly defined guidelines, avoiding or removing risk at every opportunity and attempting to predict outcomes, we shouldn’t be surprised to see a generation incapable of making difficult decisions. Our greatest innovators and artists work outside of defined parameters and rules, thereby creating and discovering new solutions. Operating without due consideration to risk is negligent and can potentially expose business owners and directors to prosecution when they don’t have risk mitigation strategies in place, but avoiding risk is not the answer either.

Leadership Matters: Stories and Insights for Leaders, Achievers and Visionaries by Peter Baines OAM 37


Adam Bennett Principal of Great Change Consulting, and a former CEO, big-4 bank CIO and management consultant. He’s the author of Great Change – the WAY to get big strategy done published by Wiley in Sep 2023.


y observation over three decades working as a CEO, big-4 bank CIO and management consultant is that most organisations have a strong inbuilt default to maintaining their traditional ways of doing things. This isn’t surprising because I imagine we’ve all heard stories about how difficult it is to truly transform an established organisation, and like me, you’ve probably also seen ambitious programs start enthusiastically, and then over time fail to build momentum, or slowly die on the vine. There’s a simple reason for this embodied in Year 7 physics. Sir Isaac Newton’s 1st law of motion dictates how the universe (including our organisations) actually works, and his law states that: a body organisation continues in its state of rest, or in uniform motion in a straight line, unless a force transformation project acts on it. In broad terms, this means that


nothing happens unless action is taken, otherwise the status quo remains in place. In fact, the status quo is the only option that never has to argue its own case: it just continues to plod along building mass, adding a little weight and complexity each year, just like the rings of a tree.

THE NEED TO CHANGE IS ACCELERATING This status quo bias is becoming increasingly dangerous as the pace of change in our world accelerates. We’ve not yet reached ‘peak change’ and forces such as artificial intelligence, geo-politics, population growth and technology change will continue to pressure the business models of our companies. Sticking with “it’s how we do things” is the opposite of adaptation and healthy evolution. All companies must confront the harsh reality that their own way of doing things, while (maybe) relevant today, will inevitably be pressured by changing

circumstances, new competitors and more innovative methods. Let me elaborate. Imagine its Friday 19th October 2001 and you’re the divisional head for the Sony Walkman. You’re sitting in your office in a Tokyo high-rise – a decent office I assume given the success your core product has enjoyed since it evolved from its earliest days, through its subsequent incarnations of cool yellow waterproof device, and then the Discman that let you play your CDs on the run. You’re ready for the weekend, not realising that within days, your most cherished product will be obsolete. Because on Tuesday 23rd October 2001, Apple launches its iPod. We all know what happened next. Apple’s new device blew the Walkman out of the water, and Sony has never recovered its previous leadership in personal music players. And what’s most surprising is that Sony itself had

all the ingredients for the iPod internally within its own company. It had the solid state electronics, the screen technology, and even a world class stable of musicians and entertainers to provide content. It just hadn’t challenged its own mindsets, and its long held ways of doing things. There are many similar corporate disaster stories such as Blockbuster, Nokia, and Kodak – all of which were full of very smart, motivated and well rewarded people – who were unable to successfully challenge how they’d always done things, and as a result their organisations fell behind or failed entirely.

THE PRICE OF FOCUS IS LOSS OF PERIPHERAL VISION The price of focusing only on your internal operations, and how you already do things is loss of peripheral vision for what’s happening on the outside. Its therefore critical that you keep an eye on the world around you. You must be continually sensitive to disruption, understand what’s happening in your own and adjacent markets, and be able to craft coherent and pro-active

strategy in response. This is what business has always been about. And as you put the finishing touches on your strategy, don’t forget that the status quo is patiently plodding along, oblivious to the discussions, excitement and enthusiasm for a new way of doing things. Identifying disruption and crafting world class strategy is not enough. You must be able to implement, and get your strategy done. As the leader of transformation, you must understand the mechanics for successful change. You must personally do the work. You must choose, own and communicate a clear strategy. You must build the team around you with the right skills and temperament to stay the course. You must take a thorough approach that moves multiple ‘levers of change’ including your products and services, customers and markets. You must be prepared to change your business processes, technologies, organisation structures, facilities and people, and anything else required to be successful. You must also keep score with

a balanced set of KPIs that demonstrate actual progress. The old adage that ‘not all change is progress, but all progress comes from change’ has always been true, and with our increasingly fast paced environments it’s even more relevant now. As a custodian of your organisation, its imperative that you’re ready to assertively challenge the status quo in a rational, unsentimental and enthusiastic manner, and be prepared to make the changes required for continued success. Sticking with “it’s how we do things” is truly a recipe for disaster.

Great Change – the WAY to get big strategy done by Adam Bennett 39



ave you bought yourself a job? Or are you running a genuine business?

There’s a difference. While one might definitely give you the income you need to enjoy a nice lifestyle, it might not be truly sustainable – and it won’t deliver the financial security you need in the long term unless you keep working. That is a job. And a business? That’s a career that delivers the income you need and delivers that same income, even when you are not the one personally doing all the work. Congratulations! You are definitely one step closer to financial security and sustainable success. For Genuine Business Success Don’t Be A Control Freak To build a business that has a life beyond you, it’s important to know when and how to let go. By delegating and outsourcing tasks to others, you begin to run a business that is scalable and, hopefully, one day, saleable. Implementing systems that track every aspect of your business – from the steps and processes involved in each individual client engagement to every detail of each service that you deliver, you are off to a good start. Although there is no one simple recipe for business success, these tips can help. 1. Don’t get bogged down by little things. If there are tasks that someone else can do – by all means, let them do them. Your time will

be spent far more effectively in other ways, including developing and implementing strategies that enable you to grow the business even more – with better marketing driving more clients and careful management of a bigger team to deal with that continued growth. 2. Have a business plan. There’s a saying that many business owners have heard before. If you don’t have a plan, then you can plan to fail. By writing down your business goals, you can take steps to actually make them happen. Start with the end in mind by being realistic about the turnover you need to fund the lifestyle you want. Then work backwards – breaking the goals down into target client quotas, combined with a clear marketing strategy to help you secure those clients. 3. Assemble an autonomous team. Without the capacity to grow, your growth is simply not sustainable. Take the time to put together a quality team of professionals you can trust. Their skills must match your professional vision for your business – it’s the only way you’ll deliver the results you need. 4. Manage your time. You cannot and should not be working in your business 24 hours a day. As a business owner, your most valuable asset is your good health and running yourself into the ground may solve


Dione Mauric Business Broker

M. 0415 543 469 E. A. Suite 15, 6 Bottlebrush Avenue, Noosa Heads QLD 4567


short-term problems but will only lead to disastrous longterm consequences. Structured times to answer emails and other correspondence is a positive strategy to win some of that precious time back. Not everything is urgent. 5. If you cannot scale it, the bad news is that you have a job. If you need to be there all the time, it’s time to make some serious changes and create a pathway towards a well-run business. If you have realised that your business is not quite the thriving concern you set out to create, don’t think you have failed but do use this as motivation to change the way you do things. You can turn things around, with some careful planning and advice from professionals you can trust. To learn more about what steps you might need to take to turn your job into a business, taking a close look at your financials is a good first step. Our team at Advantage Business Sales & Valuations are always happy to answer your questions.


T Author:

Vanessa Lovie-Yousaf CEO Bsale Australia

P: 02 7228 0498 E: Vanessa is the current manager and CEO of Bsale Australia. Over the past 11 years as a business owner, she understands what it takes to grow a business. As a writer and contributor on Bsale, she wants to bring informative articles that can assist people in the process of buying or selling a business.

echnically, yes. But is it that simple? No.

Here’s why, when you are buying a business you are committing yourself to the venture, you are investing your time, money and energy into the business to make it work going forward. So if you aren't willing to put any cash into the game, what are you actually investing and in-turn risking? It’s about commitment. Anyone who has owned a business knows it's nothing like real estate, especially in Australia. The real estate game in Australia is pretty simple, you buy a property, rent it out, the market increases, and you not only pay off your mortgage with rental income, but your property goes up in value. You get some tax benefits and it’s not that

difficult - you don’t really have to do much work. Yes there is risk, but not as much. Business is a whole other beast. You need to work at it, you need to invest your time, money and energy to make it work. That old saying “you need to spend money to make money” is pretty true when it comes to business, ask any business owner. So when people spout on about “buying a business with no money down” what are they talking about? Here are some of the options - because we all know no-one is giving away a profitable business for free.

1. THEY ARE BUYING A BUSINESS WITH PROBLEMS Put simply, not all businesses are successful. 41

Sometimes people make bad decisions, usually resulting in bad cash flow and the business struggling to repay loans and expenses. Perhaps the owner signed a lease at $1,000 a week and is struggling to make sales, but don’t worry - the landlord still collects. At times, business owners just want to get out of the game. They can't see a way ahead without someone else coming in, picking up the pieces and making the business work again. They try to sell, but the buyers don't like what the P&L and balance sheet are showing them - they don't want the risk. But, someone who understands the industry, understands how


to turn the business around they may be willing to take the business off the owner's hands. Take on the sinking ship, plug the holes and get her sailing again. So yes, you can buy a business in this instance with no money down. But the business probably isn’t successful, is running at a loss and the current owners want to run away from the problems. You’re taking on the problems, the debts and risks in the belief you have the skills and ability to make the business profitable. Additionally, there may be stock and equipment to consider - I highly doubt a business owner will just give them away, especially if they can sell on gumtree or marketplace. You may find when

they ‘give you’ the business, that it comes with very little stock or assets.

2. THEY ARE SOURCING VENDOR FINANCE They may have found a vendor willing to offer finance to support the buying process. The current business owner may provide you with vendor finance, over say, three years with interest, to help you buy the business. Did you spend anything upfront? No. So technically, no money down. But you still need to find the funds to repay the loan. If you can make the business operate more efficiently than it currently is, and get the numbers working in your favour, it can be a good decision.

The main problem here, very few vendors would be willing to sell 100% of their business with $0 in their pocket and all the risk. Business owners know when they are selling that the buyer needs to be capable of running the business, it goes to my first point of ‘what are you investing?’ If a buyer approaches a vendor with this idea, I highly doubt they will accept. In three years the buyer could completely ruin the business, sales could drop, clients could leave, and the whole ship could sink, leaving the vendor without a business and struggling to re-coup the loan offered to the buyer. Now, there could be a joint option. Where the buyer puts down say

40% of the sale price and the vendor fronts the rest as a loan, this is a more favourable option for both parties, as they both have some ‘skin in the game’. But this article is about ‘no money down’ so where is that 40% coming from? I guess a loan from another lender - moving money around in the hope it all works out.

3. THEY ARE SOURCING A LOAN Whether it’s from a traditional bank, fintech or other lender, they will all want to see you have some investment in the buying process. A simple “I can do it” and no real commitment probably won't satisfy them. Why should they invest if you aren't? Most lenders will want to see the buyer covering 30% of the sale price. If you try to combine these loans with vendor financing, they will also see holes in the plan. Unless you have a proven track record, and a good relationship with a lender and perhaps some collateral to offer, this may be an option, but a slim one. I won't go into much detail here, you can always get a loan from mum and dad, or a family member and technically you have ‘put no money down’ you just put someone else’s down. That you will have to repay.

4. THEY ARE UTILISING CROWD FUNDING AND GOVERNMENT GRANTS These are a lot more common when you own a business and want to scale or are starting from scratch. When you are buying a business there can be so many more complexities in place and hence there are not that many options out there to get funding specifically for buying. Once you own a business and want to scale it and obtain funds, you can look at peer-to-peer funding or crowdfunding where you offer people something in exchange for their support such

as merchandise, discounts, event tickets etc. So I doubt this is an option, but you never know. If you have a large social media following, maybe your followers would support you to buy a business.

5. THEY GOT A GOLDEN GIFT “Here Son/Daughter have my business” “Thanks Dad!” Yes it is possible to be gifted a business and you put no money down. But always, always always (did I say always?) do your due diligence! Just because a business looks good doesn't mean it is profitable. Just because Uncle Bill works 50 hours a week and is busy, doesn’t mean his business is making good money. It doesn’t mean there are no problems or legal proceedings or council notices. Always do your homework before you accept any business as a gift.

SO CAN YOU BUY A BUSINESS WITHOUT ANY MONEY? Firstly, why do you want to buy a business? If you have an entrepreneurial mind and can understand how to make money. Then you can look at opportunities for struggling businesses and how to turn them around. You need to have experience and the right attitude or you could take on a lot of risk and someone else’s problem and not be able to turn the corner. I’m assuming you still have money to invest in marketing, products etc, but you just want to save on actually buying the business. If you literally have no money and no business experience. Don’t do it. You need to walk before you can run. Take stepping stones, and figure out how can you go from broke to having a 20% deposit? How can you maneuver a deal with a bit of skin in the game? It will go a long way to getting you a more profitable business. 43

Bsale Market Insights 13,874

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Food Van For Sale - Vintage 1963 Airstream... Mobile Food Vans

Take your catering business on the road with this stunningly renovated commercial kitchen on wheels. Located Lismore NSW. Let the business take you on some beautiful adventures and work the festivals and events you want to be at. We have traded successfully at many large festivals and events including: - Byron Bay Bluesfest. - Splendour in the Grass. - Woodford Folk Festival. - Bathurst 1000. - Greazefest Custom Culture Festival. The internal fitout makes getting a council permit a breeze for wherever you want to trade. The unique, stunning exterior makes it easy to get a place at festivals. Trading as a burger, fries and coffee van... Price: $125,000 Region: South Gundurimba State: NSW Contact: Aveley McCann Phone: View Online Bsale ID 627140


NSW Central Coast Beauty Salon Beauty Salon

Beautiful beachside salon for sale, NSW Central Coast. Located in upmarket tourist area, main road with high foot traffic and ample parking. Well established business with 4 staff members. Comprehensive website and CRM (online booking system) included. As well as social media platforms Facebook and Instagram (2000 followers) and TikTok. Over 60 5 star reviews on google.Beauty treatments currently offered include lash and brow services, skin treatments, laser treatments, tanning, make up, cosmetic tattooing, tattoo removal, teeth whitening and waxing. Equipment included on sale: - multi functional laser device - hair removal, skin... Price: $150,000 Region: Central Coast State: NSW Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 628349 *not actual photo

Vitamin Supplement Retail Store Natural Therapies

Vitamin Select is located on the South Coast NSW and was established in November 2007 which makes it 16 years this November 2023. A store with a regular clientele. The business runs easily 5 days per week as a one person owner operator with room to employ a casual staff member if required. This is purely a supplement store incorporating Sports Nutritional products with Herbal and Vitamin Supplements, Superfood formulas etc.

Price: $180,000 + SAV Region: Nowra State: NSW Contact: Trevor Spence Phone: 0244 233 975 View Online Bsale ID 625873

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


NSW Highly Profitable Window Cleaning... Cleaning

Do you like the idea of working for yourself? What about the idea of wearing your airpods at work, and just work to your own beat. No bosses telling you what to do, and working to your own hours? Does this sound too good to be true? This long established window cleaning business could be just the perfect opportunity for you to do your next thing. Its time for our experienced Window Cleaner to retire and enjoy the finer things in life. Having been in the industry for over 20 years the current owner will provide all the necessary training for you to keep this highly successful and profitable business running, with so much room for growth. Operating only 2 days per... Price: $89,000 WIWO Region: Laurieton State: NSW Contact: Simon Hancox Phone: 0423 941 136 View Online Bsale ID 624993

Destination Roll Franchises. The Worthy... Takeaway Food

Destination Roll is searching for franchise partners to grow their proven franchise network across Sydney and New South Wales! Are you an aspiring entrepreneur with a passion for great food and a desire to be your own boss? Look no further! Destination Roll offers an exciting franchise opportunity that focuses on sharing the authentic flavours of Vietnam across Australia! Let’s explore what makes this opportunity so unique and enticing: At Destination Roll, we believe that age is just a number when it comes to pursuing your dreams. Our franchise opportunity is open to individuals aged 30...

Price: $350,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: DC Strategy Phone: 0386 157 203 View Online Bsale ID 627971


NSW Home Improvement Platform: Instant... Websites and Online Businesses

Are you ready to take the helm of a revolutionary business in the booming home improvement industry? Introducing Houseace, Australia’s leading online platform for home improvements. Founded in 2018, Houseace offers a unique, hassle-free experience for homeowners to quote and book their projects online. Hot Leads: Generating leads for ready to go projects - all without any advertising. Instant Online Quotes: Our proprietary software provides immediate, accurate quotes, setting us apart in the market. Trusted Nationwide Network: We’ve built a robust network of skilled contractors, ready to tackle projects across Australia. Turnkey... Price: Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 625444

Taxi Service In Far North Coast Nsw Taxi

Are you looking for a unique business opportunity in the scenic Far North Coast of New South Wales? Look no further! Presenting Yamba Taxi & Hire Car Services, a thriving taxi service business that’s now available for sale. With a fleet of vehicles and a solid customer base, this is an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs and those seeking to live and work in a beautiful coastal region. Key Features: Fleet: The business includes a Toyota Maxi taxi and Camry TC plates, along with three Holden Caprice hire cars, providing a diverse range of transport options to meet customer needs. Established: Yamba Taxi & Hire Car Services has a proven track... Price: $299,000 WIWO Region: Yamba State: NSW Contact: Noel Cowling Phone: 0407 452 986 View Online Bsale ID 626612

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


NSW Food Van For Sale - Vintage 1963 Airstream... Mobile Food Vans

Let the business take you on some beautiful adventures and work the festivals and events you want to be at. We have traded successfully at many large festivals and events including: - Byron Bay Bluesfest. - Splendour in the Grass. - Woodford Folk Festival. - Bathurst 1000 - Greazefest Custom Culture Festival. The internal fitout makes getting a council permit a breeze for wherever you want to trade. The unique, stunning exterior makes it easy to get a place at festivals. Trading as a burger, fries and coffee van we have brought in over $40,000 from a long-weekend festival. We have sold 100s of meals and 1,000s of coffees with just a small team and... Price: $125,000 Region: South Gundurimba State: NSW Contact: Aveley McCann Phone: View Online Bsale ID 627140

Destination Roll: Fresh Franchise... Takeaway Food

Destination Roll is searching for franchise partners to grow their proven franchise network across Australia! With the site secured & ongoing support - the successful franchisee is in for the win! Are you an aspiring entrepreneur with a passion for great food and a desire to be your own boss? Look no further! Destination Roll offers an exciting franchise opportunity that focuses on sharing the authentic flavours of Vietnam across Australia! Let’s explore what makes this opportunity so unique and enticing: At Destination Roll, we believe that age is just a number when it comes to pursuing your dreams. Our franchise opportunity is open to... Price: $280,000 Region: Corrimal State: NSW Contact: DC Strategy Phone: 0386 157 203 View Online Bsale ID 628168




Prominent Newcastle Beachside Espresso... Cafe and Coffee Shop

Prominent beachside cafe located in the inner city of Newcastle. Very rarely do one Newcastle’s best known cafes make it to market. This Café is located on Newcastle premier eat street just 100metres from the beach. Well known for amazing coffee and toasties a simple menu anyone can master. A great opportunity for an experienced owner operator to make a mark, with low rent and an opportunity to expand trading hours and offering.

Price: $199,000 Region: Mayfield State: NSW Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 619750 *not actual photo

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


NSW Food And Dairy Distribution Business Food Distributors

Long established Central coast based food and dairy distribution business with ongoing exclusive agreements in place for Australian made and owned brands 3.5M turnover. Late model vehicles and stock at valuation included priced to sell $600,000 wiwo

Price: $600,000 WIWO Region: Central State: NSW Contact: Warwick For Information Phone: 0487 065 005 View Online Bsale ID 620499

Established Business in the Heart.. Other Retail

Festive Treasures was established in 2014 and has an enviable reputation with both visitors and residents of Berry. Festive Treasures is the finest boutique gift shop in Berry offering a carefully selected collection of unique and distinctive gifts and decorations with personalised and friendly service. Festive Treasures is located in the arcade of the popular Stan Burt building on beautiful Queen Street in the heart of Berry Village just 2 hours south of Sydney. This is a rare opportunity to purchase a well-established business. The business opportunity includes: • Elegant and stylish fitout and display fixtures. • A database of 7,000 regular and local customers. Price: Contact Agent Region: Berry State: NSW Contact: Leanne Pugh Phone: 02 4464 1300 View Online Bsale ID 621171


NSW Café – Best Coffee In The Area... Cafe and Coffee

KEY FEATURES: • This Café has an excellent and visible location on Bellevue Hill – middle of small and busy shopping strip and in front of a busy bus stop • This is a newly built and established Cafe – completely renovated and reimagined. • This is a practical fitout, excellent equipment and a limited menu on offer. • This is a quality food offering – with quality produce. Current operator is prepared to continue to supply Front Fridge/Grab N Go menu offerings to the café at preferential prices. • Intelligently fitted out kitchen and service counter with sufficient storage and display counter. • Currently Trading: Breakfast and Lunch 6 days a week – 6.30 am... Price: $225,000 + SAV Region: Bellevue Hill State: NSW Contact: Michael Fischer And Associates Phone: 0418 866 899 View Online Bsale ID 623244

Weddings & Special Occassions Made To... Wedding Services

THREDZ is currently on the hunt for a new owner. We have been operating in the lower mountains for over 25 years and have built an extensive client base of over 5,000 clients. We have all our clients details and purchase orders in a access database since inception of the business. A complete sales history is available to the buyer. Thredz is an alteration and made to measure business, specialising in bridal and formal wear, as well as every day and business wear . We have contacts with several fashion, bridal and formal wear retailers who rely on us for all of their clients alterations needs.

Price: $45,000 WIWO Region: Glenbrook State: NSW Contact: Rod Hoffman Phone: 0414 944 096 View Online Bsale ID 621374

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


NSW Australian Credit Licence Professional Services

Australian Credit Licence (ACL) available in a clean Pty Ltd company. This company has never traded and has a clean balance sheet. The buyer will acquire all the shares in the company holding the licence. There are no restrictions on the ACL and it includes permission to act as a credit provider. All lodgements, licence fees and memberships are paid and up to date. The seller is a qualified Responsible Manager and is able to assist with the handover process. The handover is flexible and the seller will provider support if required on processes and processes to get your new business up and running. Learn from an industry expert. Call or text to find out... Price: $70,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Scott Mason Phone: 0403 353 583 View Online Bsale ID 620377

Hair And Beauty Supplies Wholesaler To... Wholesale

This Northern Beaches based business is sure to delight. This hair and beauty supply wholesaler has been established for 18 years and services hairdressing salons and independent hair stylists in the area. We offer a personalised ordering delivery service for our 1 on 1 clients as well as a website option for consumers and salons. We carry a comprehensive range of the major haircare and salon retail lines. The business is ideal to be run by the family as a family business or under management if preferred. *LOCATION* - Ideally located in Sydney’s Northern beaches Suburbs. *TRADING...

Price: $550,000 + SAV Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: John Seller Phone: 0412 355 045 View Online Bsale ID 623629


NSW Framing, Digital Printing And Signage... Furniture Manufacturer

Here is a special opportunity to own a business that has been manufacturing frames, and printing images and signage for more than five decades. Let’s explore what is on offer: Products and Services: This business prints signs and other images. It also frames many of these images. This is not a retail business. Instead, this business produces large volumes of work for repeat, business clients. Protected and Growing Niche: The business thrives in a protected niche with very few direct competitors. It services a particular group of customers, enabling it to be known as an expert in its field. This gives the business a distinct competitive advantage. Price: $650,000 Region: Silverwater State: NSW Contact: Argus Business Brokers Phone: 1300 922 088 View Online Bsale ID 622232

Busy Kebab Store In The Heart Of... Takeaway Food

Loyal customer based takeaway kebab store in the heart of Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre. No other kebab store competition around for miles. Selling kebabs, gozleme and exotic veggie meals for the public. Favourable rent structure and very healthy turnover means healthy profitability with potential to expand and grow business. Ample seating in the upgraded food court as well as ample parking outside the major shopping center that has currently gone through a huge renovations. Store has also gone through upgrades to make the business healthy, for e.g, new camera security system installed, new kebabs machines, to name a few. Price: Region: Marrickville Metro State: NSW Contact: Eddy Kose Phone: 0414 925 985 View Online Bsale ID 621315

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


NSW Newsagency For Sale Tamworth NSW Newsagency

This is a long established newsagency located on the main street of Tamworth NSW. We have owned the newsagency for 15 years and are now looking to retire so we are selling our much loved business. The newsagency attracts around 2,500 customer visits a week and has an annual lottery turnover (2022) of approximately $1.9m. With lotteries commission of 12.3% this represents a strong underpinning for the business. Rent is currently $7,618 (ex gst) per month or around 4% of total gross income (approx $2.6m ex gst). The total retail area is approx 270 square mtrs with a large back office and storage. The current lease has 4 years to run and there... Price: $275,000 + SAV Region: Tamworth State: NSW Contact: Glenn Andrews Phone: 0435 752 474 View Online Bsale ID 623464

Business For Sale. Newsagency Newsagency

Mid North Coast. What an opportunity for a motivated operator or couple to invest in one of the areas longest established family newsagencies. Due to an older population the Laurieton newsagency is still a hive of activity with Lotteries sales improving in store year on year. Family owned and operated newsagency for over 60 years. * Core business involves newspapers, magazines, greeting cards, NSW Lotteries and stationary supplies. * New lease available to the purchaser. * Great Family cash flow business. * Excellent, loyal staff, keen to stay on if required * Both lifestyle and income on offer with beaches and rainforests close by. * For a... Price: $299,000 WIWO Region: Laurieton State: NSW Contact: Simon Hancox Phone: 0423 941 136 View Online Bsale ID 609182



Fully Licensed Cafe, Bar Restaurant... Restaurant

Are you looking for a location for your next hospitality business? If so then you will be calculating the startup costs and discovering how hard it can be to secure trades and how expensive everything is at the moment. A great alternative is to have a look at this absolutely gorgeous fitout located in an Inner South suburban shopping centre that could tick all of the boxes that you are looking for. Here are a few key points; * Presents immaculately with high quality fixtures and fittings and top end commercial appliances. * Fully licenced with beer taps and soft drink dispensers * Cost of occupancy under 5% of turnover with current tenant achieving... Price: $199,000 WIWO Region: Narrabundah State: ACT Contact: Robert Illsley Phone: 0415 243 750 View Online Bsale ID 627849

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


ACT Playhut Indoor Playcentre Franchise For... Franchise Business Opportunities

New PlayHut Playcentre opportunities now available in Canberra For Sale. This is an excellent opportunity to own a Indoor Playcentre and cafè business in your area. Not your Ordinary Playcentre... PlayHut Party & Playcentre is a proven business model built on integrity, ingenuity & innovation. Known for our strong customer service qualities, the PlayHut mission is to inspire memorable moments through children’s Birthday Parties, Private Venue Hires & annual calendar events. Our Indoor play equipment is second to none! Always keeping ahead of the curve & up to date on the latest and greatest interactive and play structures. Why join PlayHut? Price: $550,000 Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Johnston Business Sales Phone: View Online Bsale ID 628439

Lunch In A Box Franchise For Sale... Takeaway Food

Here is a brilliant opportunity to dive into the evergrowing food industry! Lunch In A Box is now franchising and offering exclusive territories across the country. This business has the flexibility to run from any commercial kitchen and tap into under-utilised equipment that could make you extra income. This business opportunity may also appeal to owners of cafés and restaurants that need a boost. Lunch in a Box provides all the support, training recipes and ingredients to ensure you start off on the right foot and obtain repeat customers. It serves diverse customers, including local businesses, schools, hospitals and universities. The business offers a broad... Price: From $35,000 + GST + Legal + Delivery Vehicle Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Johnston Business Sales Phone: View Online Bsale ID 627966


ACT Piccolo Me Franchise For Sale Delicious... Cafe and Coffee Shop

Come, Join Piccolo Me Family! Here is a brilliant opportunity to become a part of the highly reputed and well-known café franchise network – Piccolo Me with flexible entry costs. The renowned brand is offering sites across Sydney, Melbourne, ACT, Gold Coast and Brisbane to passionate aspiring food entrepreneurs with a zeal to excel. Piccolo Me was founded in 2012 and has over 30 sites running successfully, with more sites to open right across Australia. Now over 10 years young, the brand has been strategic with its growth and now represents a number of food brands on various delivery platforms. Buying a Piccolo Me franchise means you... Price: From $375,000 + GST + Bank Guarantee Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Johnston Business Sales Phone: View Online Bsale ID 627838

Perfect First Cafe | Affordable Rent... Cafe and Coffee Shop

For sale is a successfully thriving neighbourhood cafe located in the South of Canberra. The cafe is in a suburban location located in a small strip mall next to an IGA supermarket and enjoys no competition and a captured market. This established and popular cafe has been running for almost 10 years under the same name and location. The business runs only 48 weeks a year. Closed on Mondays and all public holidays, 2 weeks at Christmas and EasterThe current operators have owned the business for 2 years and have run the business with a great deal of charm and efficiency, everything is well organised including the financials and will give first... Price: $199,000 + S.A.V. Region: Woden State: ACT Contact: Robert Illsley Phone: 0415 243 750 View Online Bsale ID 627959

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.




Hair & Beauty Salon Canberra ACT Beauty Salon

Very busy South Canberra Hair & Beauty Salon for sale! Ideal for an owner operator. Established over 25 years ago, currently owned for over 10 years. Beautiful Salon 12 Stations, 4 basins, 2 beauty rooms, waiting areas, Kitchenette, toilet, laundry, back room! Over 140sqm! Turnover is over $780,000! All set up and easy to just move straight in. Amazing location and walk by, large regular clientele. Weekly sales over $16,000 a week. Rent 54k per annum plus outgoings!

Price: Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 620806 *not actual photo


ACT Piccolo Me Franchise For Sale Delicious... Franchise Business Opportunities

Come, Join Piccolo Me Family! Here is a brilliant opportunity to become a part of the highly reputed and well-known café franchise network – Piccolo Me with flexible entry costs. The renowned brand is offering sites across Sydney, Melbourne, ACT, Gold Coast and Brisbane to passionate aspiring food entrepreneurs with a zeal to excel. Piccolo Me was founded in 2012 and has over 30 sites running successfully, with more sites to open right across Australia. Now over 10 years young, the brand has been strategic with its growth and now represents a number of food brands on various delivery platforms. Buying a Piccolo Me franchise means you... Price: From $250,000 + GST Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Johnston Business Sales Phone: View Online Bsale ID 623787

Profitable Private Billing ACT (DPA) GP... Have you heard about or experienced a better way of delivering primary healthcare? Perhaps the values of this practice will resonate with you as a GP seeking to buy and work in an ACT based practice that is aligned to your principles: • If you are interested in preventative practices instead of re-acting to illness • If you love supporting engaged fee-paying pts to regain their health • If you thrive on holistically treating your patients • If you embrace technology to achieve better health outcomes • If you resonate with a youthful environment in which to work • If you like to align with your community in social media to add value to the pt base, and • If you like ... Price: $660,000 Vendor negotiable for quick sale! Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Sally Stuart Phone: 02 9899 1999 View Online Bsale ID 623869

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


ACT Secure Your Future: Own A Successful... Clothing Accessories

Attention all entrepreneurs and business-minded individuals! Here’s your chance to own a successful franchise workwear and safety business located in the bustling industrial area of Batemans Bay. This profitable business is situated in a fast-growing town that is attracting an influx of interstate migrants. With the expectation of upcoming infrastructure projects in the next 5 to 10 years, this is an opportunity for incoming owners to tap into major construction companies spending. The store is trading 6 days a week, from Monday to Saturday, and boasts a diverse product range that caters to the needs of different industries. Price: $639,000 Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Tom Jolly Phone: 0403 720 965 View Online Bsale ID 623636

Stack Up Your Future - Join The Stacked... Franchised Food Outlets

Join the revolution of quick-service dining in Australia! STACKED brings you an entirely new and exciting take on the classic sandwich and salad bowl. Say goodbye to boring lunches and hello to artisan sandwiches and signature bowls that will tantalize your taste buds. At STACKED, we believe that great produce deserves great preparation. That’s why we marinate our meats and slice fresh produce daily, delivering only the best to our store locations. With a skilled crew in each kitchen, we guarantee that the high-quality, consistent STACKED experience will be yours every time. Get ready to experience a fresh, innovative, and delicious new... Price: $250,000 Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: DC Strategy Phone: 03 8615 7203 View Online Bsale ID 623614



Highly Profitable Bakery Bakery

A profitable and popular bakery is for sale in a buzzing country town on the Darling Downs, 41 kilometres from the City of Toowoomba. The business has strong local patronage and a local wholesale trade supplying a number of outlets and large employers of the town and surrounding areas. The current owners have owned and operated the business for many years and have secured a very constant following of clients. The bakery is located centrally in the main street of Pittsworth positioned perfectly in the retail area with customer parking at the door and ample staff parking at the rear of the premises. A large separate bakehouse is also at the rear of the... Price: $315,000 Region: Pittsworth State: QLD Contact: Denise Ruhle Phone: 0413 956 153 View Online Bsale ID 624965

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


QLD Work And Live In The Beautiful Whitsundays Courier

Established and trusted country courier business for sale. This business also includes a local and exclusive territory with an award winning national Courier. Location Details: Airlie Beach, Proserpine and Bowen area. Potential: There is the potential to grow sales in the local areas. This business has weathered the COVID-19 pandemic and is positioned for growth as the economy improves. Skills: While there is a lot of driving involved, this is an active occupation that requires reasonable fitness and endurance to manage the variety of goods carried. About the Business: The current Business would suit either a sole trader or couple/partnership... Price: $150,000 Region: Mackay + Rockhampton State: QLD Contact: Glenn Payne Phone: 0422 617 923 View Online Bsale ID 623060 *not actual photo

34192 Thriving Wine/Whisky Bar - Prime... Alcohol Liquor

In the heart of a desirable beachside suburb, an unparalleled business opportunity awaits. This boutique wine, whisky, and cocktail bar, revered for its intimate and elegant ambience, is now available for discerning investors. Situated on the main strip and overlooking the beach, this establishment attracts a diverse clientele, from locals to interstate and overseas visitors. Its strategic location aligns perfectly with the booming tourist visitation and trade in the area. With strong repeat patronage, the bar has become a local hotspot, drawing in a loyal customer base due to its unique offerings and personalised service. Price: $120,000 Region: Bundaberg State: QLD Contact: Bonza Business Sales Brisbane Phone: 1300 266 922 View Online Bsale ID 628340


QLD Enjoy Running Your Own Courier... Courier

Enjoy running your own Courier Franchisee business. If you’re ready to join an award-winning team, Aramex Mackay has exciting franchisee opportunities available for couriers to serve industrial, commercial, residential and retail areas across the region. The courier and logistics industry is growing rapidly and now more than ever we need dedicated people to help us connect Australian businesses and their customers with a reliable pick-up and delivery service. As part of a global company, we transport and deliver packages around the corner, around the country, and around the world. In Australia, more than 25,000 businesses trust Aramex... Price: Region: Mackay State: QLD Contact: Glenn Payne Phone: 0422 617 923 View Online Bsale ID 623067

Busy Fish And Chips Shop For Sale In... Restaurant

Takeaway Business for sale at Mount Isa (QLD) situated at city center in the shops and offices and nearby newly build park and ample parking, selling Business for $130,000 negotiables +SAV, all reasonable offers considered. Operating it over past 10 years. Menu with burgers, hot dogs, hot snacks along with fish and chips and a variety of seafood usually a takeaway favorite.

Price: $130,000 Region: Mount Isa + Central State: QLD Contact: Harpreet Gill Phone: 0430 651 391 View Online Bsale ID 626646

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.




Smithfield Florist Florist

Smithfield Florist – the only retail florist shop located on the Cairns Northern Beaches is up for sale. The Florist is a successful, well run business that has been established for over 35 years with a fantastic reputation for high quality flowers and service. The current owners purchased the business 4.5 years ago, expanding the business into what it is today. The business has a strong online presence with close to 2,500 followers across Facebook and Instagram social media accounts which includes close to 150, 5 star reviews on Facebook and google. This stable and well established retail Florist is in Smithfield on the Cairns... Price: Region: Smithfield State: QLD Contact: Chris Leishman Phone: 0488 008 411 View Online Bsale ID 622658 *not actual photo


QLD Property Maintenance Central Sunshine... Lawn Mowing

With incredible growth on the Sunshine Coast follows a strong demand for garden and property maintenance services. This means money! This successful and profitable business is up for sale due to owner/operator wants to retire. Operates in the central Sunshine Coast region with multiple Body Corporate Management customers for over 20 years. Home-based business offering low overheads and maximum profitability can easily be operated from anywhere and at any time with suitable equipment to complete current contracted jobs. Common sense and general skills are all that is required to own and operate this business. This is your chance... Price: $80,000 WIWO Region: Sunshine + Fraser Coast State: QLD Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 619715

Only Kebab Shop For Sale In Mining... Restaurant

Business is well known in the local community and its definitely a regret sale on the market. It’s been established since 2015 and operated by family owners, would be ideal for young couple to enter into food industry with minimum experience.

Price: $120,000 + SAV Region: Sunset State: QLD Contact: Rajasekhar Battipati Phone: 0423 552 354 View Online Bsale ID 620812

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


QLD Fantastic Opportunity To Buy An... Working from Home Businesses

This is a rare chance for anyone with an interest in photography, whether a student or a passionate photographer who wishes to turn professional, to buy an established home-based business with over 12 years operation in the North Brisbane area averaging over $90,000 gross p.a. in the last 3 years. This business allows great flexibility to sustain a great work life balance and income. Sale of the business includes: • Canon cameras and lenses • Studio lighting and stands • Studio backdrop mounts and backdrop rolls • Full range of props for maternity, family and newborn sessions • Artwork examples and products • Studio furniture... Price: $22,500 Region: North Lakes State: QLD Contact: Belinda Chalmers Phone: View Online Bsale ID 621006

Popular Vietnamese Takeaway in Brisbane Takeaway Food

An exciting opportunity to own a successful and wellestablished Vietnamese takeaway in Brisbane City is for sale. This family owned and run business has been established for over 10 years. Key Selling Points: - Impressive Weekly Sales: With steady weekly revenue ranging between $12,000 to $13,000, this takeaway has proven to be a lucrative venture with consistent growth. - Low City Rent: Rent is at $2975 inc gst with term of lease ending 01/02/2028 with opportunity to extend. - Great Operating Hours: The restaurant trades only 5 days a week, Monday to Fridays 7am to 3pm. This allows for a healthy work-life balance for the new owners... Price: $135,000 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Kim Tran Phone: 0433 286 996 View Online Bsale ID 622902



Established Thai Restaurant For Sale In... Restaurant

**FOR SALE: Well-Established Thai Restaurant in Pakington Street with 46 Seats** This well-established Thai restaurant is located in a prime location on Pakington Street. It has a loyal customer base and is profitable. The restaurant has a dining room that can seat up to 46 people. The kitchen is fully equipped and the restaurant has a liquor license. This is a great opportunity for a husband and wife team to take over a successful and profitable business. The restaurant is located in a vibrant and growing community, and there is a strong demand for Thai food. * The restaurant has been in business for 15 years and has a good reputation... Price: $60,000 WIWO Region: Geelong West State: VIC Contact: Rob Lunnie Phone: 0488 366 421 View Online Bsale ID 623692

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


VIC Chattel Sale - Cafe Espresso Bar For Sale Cafe and Coffee Shop

Trendy Cafe Espresso Bar in Beachside Mordialloc. Are you wanting to open up a modern espresso bar or maybe a juice bar? This is your chance in a beautiful prime beach location in Main Street Mordialloc. With a brand new modern fit out it is ready for trading as a juice bar, espresso bar, ice cream shop or a combination of all these. It is walking distance to beach on a busy shopping strip. With a brand new lease, low rent for the prime location it is in and fixed costs, this will go fast so don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Price: $70,000 Region: Mordialloc State: VIC Contact: Maree Marino Phone: 0450 013 443 View Online Bsale ID 628251

Thriving Seafood Business In Sorrento... Supermarket

First time on the market servicing A list clients from Portsea and Sorrento. Working 4 days week during the year and 7 days from December to end of January and holidays in August to travel. We will share our 17 years of retail knowledge and train you to run this as a couple so you only work 2 days a week each. We are retiring but will help with the orders for the first xmas and easter so you maximise the season. There is room for extra trading days to add growth or run it as we do and enjoy the balance. Current turnover is $550k with room fro growth or conversion to a retail butcher shop to sell both meat and seafood. Selling on a walk in walk... Price: $120,000 WIWO Region: Sorrento State: VIC Contact: Nick Tate Phone: 0491 656 223 View Online Bsale ID 624925


VIC Cafe Restaurant- 1am Licence In Beautiful... Restaurant

This first time opportunity to acquire a very popular and solid business. Located in the beautiful suburb of Rosebud, on the gorgeous Mornington Peninsula. It is 90% staff managed with very little vendor involvement, making it simple for a smooth transition. With a great local clientele as well as many visitors to the area, this business will not disappoint. It has a solid and steady home delivery following. * Annual turnover of $1.4million. * Excellent rental of $45,758 pa!!! * Liquor license till 1am for 100 people. * Fantastic 14 years lease * Monday to Sunday 11:30am - Late * Exceptionally well equipped business. * Full commercial kitchen... Price: $298,000 Region: Rosebud State: VIC Contact: Marleine Porcellato Phone: 0414 933 007 View Online Bsale ID 618996

34000 Thriving Beauty Salon - Excellent... Beauty Salon

Presenting an extraordinary opportunity for individuals who dream of being their own boss and have a deep passion for the beauty industry! This well-established business, located in a prime, bustling area, is ready for a new owner to step in and hit the ground running. Having served the community for 12 years, this thriving business offers an extensive array of services catering to diverse beauty needs. From eyelash extensions, waxing, and nail care to facials, body scrubs, lash and brow tinting, as well as advanced treatments like photo rejuvenation, acne treatment, pigmentation correction, vascular treatments, laser tattoo removal, and micro... Price: $140,000 Region: Williamstown State: VIC Contact: Bonza Business Sales Melbourne Phone: 1300 266 922 View Online Bsale ID 628849

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.




Established Thai Restaurant For Sale In... Restaurant

**FOR SALE: Well-Established Thai Restaurant in Pakington Street with 46 Seats** This well-established Thai restaurant is located in a prime location on Pakington Street. It has a loyal customer base and is profitable. The restaurant has a dining room that can seat up to 46 people. The kitchen is fully equipped and the restaurant has a liquor license. This is a great opportunity for a husband and wife team to take over a successful and profitable business. The restaurant is located in a vibrant and growing community, and there is a strong demand for Thai food. * The restaurant has been in business for 15 years and has a good reputation. Price: $60,000 WIWO Region: Geelong West State: VIC Contact: Rob Lunnie Phone: 0488 366 421 View Online Bsale ID 623692


VIC Drive Through Coffee Shop Cafe and Coffee Shop

*Established loyal customer base *Situated on a car wash site - approx. 4000 car movements a week creating huge potential *Major thoroughfare, 27000 cars past per day (last vicroads figures) *Well maintained semi automatic and automatic coffee machines - subsequent minimal staff req. *Existing POS terminals specialised for drive through and loyalty *Turbo oven *Well established loyalty programs *Lifestyle hours *LEASE NEGOTIABLE

Price: $120,000 Region: Williamstown State: VIC Contact: Philip Elg Phone: 0402 441 561 View Online Bsale ID 619589 *not actual photo

Hire Plant And Equipment Hire Services

Plant and equipment hire yard, fully equipped work shop with full time mechanic. Good undercover space and hard stand area.Wash bay Over 2M in plant and equipment asking 1.2 M Very good returns in a...

Price: $1,200,000 Region: Bairnsdale State: VIC Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 621407

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


VIC Reputable Barber Shop With Huge... Hair Salon

On offer is a well-established contemporary barber salon renowned for its exceptional quality and service. With an impressive 5 out of 5 ratings based on 268 reviews on Fresha, it has garnered commendable praise from its satisfied patrons. This business presents an enticing opportunity to step into a thriving business with a strong reputation in the industry. *Established business *Cheap rent *1 FT | 1 PT *6-day operations *Fully equipped. Nadia Polzella and the team at LINK Melbourne are proud to present this renowned business to the market. Currently on offer is an established and thriving barbershop business. This opportunity offers... Price: $68,000 Region: Kew State: VIC Contact: Nadia Polzella Phone: 0417 641 990 View Online Bsale ID 619496

Fish And Chips Shop, VIC Takeaway Food

Are you looking for a well established, successful business that has been operating for over 20 years in the City of Ballarat, VIC? Look no further! LOCATION: This Fish and Chips business is situated in Ballarat, Vic within a main street shopping strip and ample street parking for customers. The high visibility and accessibility of the business ensures plenty of heavy foot traffic. OWNERSHIP: The business is currently owner operated, but the current owner of 20 years experience and open to a ‘walk in, walk out’ negotiation for someone looking to purchase the business. UTILITIES: The shop boasts a walk-in cool room with three deep freezers, four deep... Price: Region: Wendouree State: VIC Contact: Paul Phone: View Online Bsale ID 622407


VIC Rare Opportunity | Highest-Rated Café In... Cafe and Coffee Shop

Expressions of interests have now opened for a well established and proven Little Sparrow Melbourne store located at Westfield Fountain Gate Shopping Precinct which is also the second largest shopping centre in Victoria. The venue is fully under management. The Concept. Little Sparrow Melbourne is a sophisticated boutique and established National Australian brand. We are renowned for our high-end appearance and unique products together with an outstanding customer service. Our National winning concept is a simple operation that does not require any type of kitchen or cooking. We provide award-winning specialty roasted coffee... Price: $390,000 Region: Fountain Gate State: VIC Contact: James Meunier Phone: 0450 248 810 View Online Bsale ID 620814

Mexican Franchise Restaurant - SJ1402 Franchise Business Opportunities

Partner with a hugely successful Mexican food franchise with great support and systems in place. This business is highly profitable and fully under management. - Weekly sales approx. $40,000 + GST. - Low rent of $1,013 per week. - Long, secure lease of 5 x 5 x 5 commencing on June 2020. - Great location on a busy main road. - Fantastic team in place, including a manager and supervisor. Fully under management with minimal input from the seller. - Franchise fees are 6% of sales, including 1% for marketing. - Full training will be provided to the new owner. No initial franchise fees for set up or trainingSimple menu and easy to operate.Recently renovated... Price: $950,000 Region: Brighton State: VIC Contact: Simon James Phone: 0481 733 358 View Online Bsale ID 623430

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Licensed Japanese Restaurant Restaurant

We are offering the opportunity to acquire a well-known Japanese restaurant with an exceptional reputation. The restaurant is known far and wide for its authentic Japanese ramen, skewers, dumplings, sashimi, and a wide selection of sake. With nearly a decade of successful operation, the restaurant has garnered a loyal customer base and an excellent reputation for its food quality and service. Prime location is in a busy luxury dining street, with over 40 seats across different seating areas (inside and outside). There is no other Japanese restaurant like this in the area. The business is well supposed by local community with great repeat customer base... Price: $189,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Eton Fen Phone: View Online Bsale ID 624731


SA Popular Pizza And Kebab Restaurant In... Takeaway Food

Well established with huge number of regular customers and a wide range of menu …selling the business moving interstat. Business equipments are included in the sale and can be provided a list if requested. We are located in CBD Pulteney street . We are trading since mid 2020 we have got another 20 months on the lease and can be extended for another 3 years for there on. On overview of items included. Phone number , brand (website and all customers info). Fridges *3. -Freezers *3. -Dress bench (prep bench with fridge under). Dough mixed, roller, Stove,sfryer, stainless steel benches, bain Marie, Microwave *2, grill, canopy*2. Price: $85,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Asra Syeda Phone: 0449 253 019 View Online Bsale ID 624390

Wine Bar and Cellar, Barossa Valley SA Alcohol Liquor Shop

Based in Lyndoch, Barossa Valley in South Australia, we offer great and unique opportunity for an entrepreneur with experience in wine, retail or events planning to start their own business. This established iconic 1837 Barossa Pavillon is available for lease. No upfront investment needed. Furniture and equipment provided. - Start your wine bar for tasting and take away under liquor management agreement. -Offer light food for wine pairing. -Lease out for seminars and other functions such as birthdays, anniversaries, musical concerts, Standup comedies etc. - Retail of merchandise. -Tennis court ( ATP standard ) can be used for tournaments... Price: Region: Lyndoch State: SA Contact: Nel A Phone: 0452 260 023 View Online Bsale ID 627001

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


SA Brand New Franck Provost Franchise For... Franchise Business Opportunities

This is an exciting opportunity to open the first Franck Provost hair salon in Adelaide. Extending the opportunity to own a new 5-star hair salon in an exclusive territory, the franchise will help you to leverage the proven business model for a successful career. It is the perfect platform to enjoy an ideal work-life balance while earning a substantial income. With full training and support, it is the best deal to come on the market for a long time. Established in Paris in 1975, Franck Provost has become an internationally known brand which counts over 700 salons across more than 20 countries. It services more than 10 million customers around the world every year... Price: From $250,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Johnston Business Sales Phone: View Online Bsale ID 628906

Coming Soon - Software As A Service... Computer IT

- Multi-award winning platform, founded and grown in Australia. - Clients include Government and large Corporates (eg Banks, Universities, ASX-Listed Companies). - Founder is divesting. - Strong team in place to support the platform, clients, and freelancers - Fully operational, established several years, exceptional cashflow. - We expect this business to be sold at a very strong multiple. - We are inviting offers by Expression Of Interest to ensure maximum value is achieved for our client. - Please register your interest for more information. Contact us NOW for a fast response – complete the enquiry section on this page! Price: $4,000,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Steve Finn Phone: 0408 276 537 View Online Bsale ID 628863




Expression Of Interest Lock Hotel - Resta... Hotel

Turnover 2022 2023 $765k. The Lock Hotel is the main meeting place for a large farming area – and the only hotel for 80 km in any direction, this excellent business boasts a main highway location and is central to the popular Eyre Peninsula. Originally established in 1932 with extensive renovations done over the last 3 years. Situated on the main highway from Kyancutta to Port Lincoln to capture passing traffic, this is a profitable business with plenty of further growth potential.Business Highlights: -2 Freehold Titles with no encumbrances & no work orders on the building. -Motel comprises 6 selfcontained, air-conditioned units with BBQ area & grass... Price: Region: Lock State: SA Contact: Daniel Vernon Phone: 0473 678 012 View Online Bsale ID 619187

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


SA Great Authentic Thai Restaurant Restaurant

Parade Thai is a family-run restaurant cooking spicedto-order Thai curries, seafood & stir-fries, offering contemporary Thai dining that is authentic and traditional. Busy and well known Thai restaurant on The Parade Norwood, which is one of Adelaide’s best locations for a dining experience. Attracting tourists to the high class strip known as The Parade Norwood, and regular loyal customer base makes Parade Thai a profitable and reputable business. - On site parking Great location in high class area. - Good turnover with a loyal customer base. - Easy to run non-complex business - Open 6 days - Great opportunity to improve sales... Price: $175,000 Region: Norwood State: SA Contact: Danny Gramazio Phone: 0487 894 569 View Online Bsale ID 623962

Perth Beauty & Cosmetic Clinic - $400k+... Beauty Salon

Description/About the Business: This very successful Perth clinic provides a complete range of Dermal, Cosmetics and Beauty services/treatments available in the industry from high-end to low-end. Winning the Best Retail Business Award twice in 2019 and 2020, as well as a finalist in 2021 (Belmont & WA Small Business Award). Also winner of the prize for Business Migrant of the Year Award in 2022, and is now in the Hall of Fame due to being a third time winner across three different categories. It is situated in a busy shopping centre and enjoys a lot of foot traffic. Feb 2023 Update: Services and Profit Centres now including Oxygen Facial Therapy... Price: $850,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: National Brokerage Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 623958



Butcher Shop / Takeaway Coffe Butcher and Deli

Excellent lease terms and shop location 3years+3 year option. 117m size. All equipment owned and included with price of sale. Other add on’s can be included, including mobile coolroom/freeze. Retail Butcher shop with take away coffee - includes exclusive rights in shopping center for retail meat sales and take away coffee. Shop located opposite anchor tenant and at main entry point.

Price: $150,000 + SAV Region: Ballajura State: WA Contact: Anthony Pullella Phone: 0408 906 754 View Online Bsale ID 627025

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


WA Açaí Bowl Business! Mobile Food Vans

ChillBrasil Açaí was created with the intention of bringing the concept of Brazilian food and fun to the beach strip of Bunbury, Western Australia. We commenced trading in September 2022 and completed our first summer season in May 2023. It was a whirlwind experience for a couple completely new to business, and we loved it! Our standout product were açaí bowls, made exactly the way they’re done in Brazil, and utilising a mix of local ingredients, family favourites, and some Brazilian specialties to create an experience made to fit the southwest WA community. During our time trading, we were able to develop a very committed clientele base... Price: $75,000 Region: Bunbury + South West State: WA Contact: Whitney Salles Phone: View Online Bsale ID 623760

Perth Based Growing Business In Internal... Building and Construction

Opportunity to purchase a well established and reputable business working in the residential maintenance sector. The company operates in repairs and maintenance of interior linings across the entire metropolitan area of Perth and surrounding areas. Growing significantly since its formation three years ago based on a lifetime of experience of the current owners, this business has an impeccable trading record, respected for innovation, customer service and excellence in finish and craftsmanship, evidenced by its total 5 star Google verified review rating and high volume of customer testimonials. It is a leader in customer service and the... Price: $1,500,000 WIWO Region: State: WA Contact: Stewart Key Phone: View Online Bsale ID 627062


WA Profitable Café Perth North Region... Restaurant

Profitable Café Perth north region - Restaurant - for Sales. Cafe currently selling all day breakfast, coffee, hot and cold drinks, smoothies, cakes, lunch menu, fresh cut gourmet sandwiches, chicken & beef burgers and light snacks. large seating areas inside & outside. Profitable - Great reviews - Loyal customers - Cheap rent- Great location- No competition. Trading Hours: 7 days . Monday to Thursday 7 am to 2 pm. Friday to Sunday 7 am to 7 pm. Lease: Current lease expires July 2025. Option to extend for a further 10 years. Employees: 1 owner + 1 full time + 3 casuals

Price: $199,000 Region: Wheatbelt State: WA Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 624200 *not actual photo

Established Luxury Wedding Car Hire... Wedding Services

This Perth-based established wedding car hire business is for sale including 2 of Australia’s most exclusive wedding cars: 1.) 1962 Cadillac Series 62 Convertible (Ivory with burgundy leather interior and hood) 2.) 1964 Cadillac Series 75 Presidential limousine (Ivory with beige leather interior). Both classics are currently charter registered and have only been operating as charters over the last two years. Most of this has been through COVID, so they have seen very low working miles and are maintained in very good overall condition. These cars have to be seen to be believed. The company has invested heavily in extensive website SEO and socials, with a reach... Price: $230,000 Region: O’connor State: WA Contact: Graham Moles Phone: 0412 160 512 View Online Bsale ID 605071

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


WA Fortron Independent Contractor/Agent... Mechanics

Ideal for FIFO or mechanic working who wants to work less for comparative financial reward. This could be an ideal for your first business for you. Sales commission paid weekly. No trade certificate or other qualifications required to operate. Easily operated by anyone wanting a small sole owner business without staff or workshop overheads and zero outgoings other than operating your own vehicle. As an independent contractor for a long well established Perth based international company you restock automotive treatments through exceptional service to the dealer networks and independent mechanical workshops throughout the Perth market... Price: $135,000 Region: Manning State: WA Contact: Martin Watts Phone: 0417 939 919 View Online Bsale ID 625645 *not actual photo

WIWO Caravan Park With Huge Potential... Caravan Park

This is an exciting opportunity to acquire a superbly located, established tourism asset on a walk in, walk out basis including significant improvements, all of which are located on a substantial land holding in the centre of town at Wongan Hills. Wongan Hills Caravan Park is located 180km north east of Perth. The area is best known for its diversity of wild flowers with many species unique to Wongan Hills. The Park is also opposite one of the town’s main attractions, the Christmas Rock Trail bushland walking trail. The property features 18 cabins, group lodge, high quality managers home (4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms) and 32 powered caravan sites. Huge... Price: $1,500,000 Region: Wheatbelt State: WA Contact: Tom Prout Phone: 0434 746 259 View Online Bsale ID 625516




Açaí Bowl Business! Mobile Food Vans

Selling a complete business package/lifestyle change! $80,000 ONO. Price includes trailer, business, and generator – more information below. Currently located Bunbury, Western Australia. THE BUSINESS: ChillBrasil Açaí was created with the intention of bringing the concept of Brazilian food and fun to the beach strip of Bunbury, Western Australia. We commenced trading in September 2022 and completed our first summer season in May 2023. It was a whirlwind experience for a couple completely new to business, and we loved it! Our standout product were açaí bowls, made exactly the way they’re done in Brazil, and utilising a mix of local... Price: $80,000 Region: Bunbury + South West State: WA Contact: Whitney Salles Phone: View Online Bsale ID 623760

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


WA Tathams Caravan Park And The Canals... Caravan Park

The property is approximately 4 acres freehold title with 90 meters of river frontage, located in the Peel region, 80km South of Perth with ready access to the Forrest Highway. Current turnover is $400k however this could be improved with an advertising campaing and increasing current pricing to reflect market rates. The asking price however, reflects the value of the land which has significant development opportunities. There are a number of options for the property. Live on the park and manage the business, enjoying a very unique lifestyle. Lease the park or engage caretakers.Develope the property, High density development has been... Price: $3,800,000 Region: South Yunderup State: WA Contact: Wayne Elliott Phone: 0409 841 510 View Online Bsale ID 621512

Lunch Bar / Bakery On Steroids – Class... Bakery

The best of its type in wa? We think so!! Absolutely one of the best strategic almost monopoly locations in the state! Same owner for over 3 decades. Trading 7 days. Simple easy takeaway food and drinks. Selling takeaway hot food such as pies and sausage rolls, sandwiches, rolls, pastries and cakes, coffee, soft drinks etc Catering arm to the business also with further potential. Fully staffed operation – under full management – owner admin role only. Key staff in place for many years. New 5 plus 5 year lease in place – rent is approx $130,000pa plus outgoings plus gst. Sales are between $60,000 $65,000 per week! One to get your skates on to... Price: $1,025,000 + SAV Region: State: WA Contact: Jonathon Parker Phone: 0417 140 882 View Online Bsale ID 623482


WA Online Bike & Cycling Accessories Bus... Websites and Online Businesses

Embark on a journey into the thriving world of cycling with this online bike and cycling accessories business. This venture offers everything from high-performance bicycles to essential cycling gear. This online bike & cycling accessories venture provides a comprehensive collection designed to cater to both serious cyclists and casual riders, including: - Road Bikes & Mountain Bikes - Kids Bikes & Tricycles. - Helmets & Protective Gear. - Bike Lights & Reflective Gear. - Cycling Apparel & Footwear. - Repair Kits & Tools. - Bike Storage Solutions & Racks. - Cycling Tech & Gadgets. - Water Bottles & Hydration Packs. For a detailed view of the variety of... Price: $3,490 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Readystart Business Solutions Phone: 1300 893 487 View Online Bsale ID 621633

Prominent Corner Institution Café Cafe and Coffee Shop

One of the best cafes in perth! Wow factor location. Sensational corner presence – iconic venue! Huge seating capacity. Liquor licence in place. Potential to trade 7 day evenings and utilise the venue further. Trading 7 days 6.30am – 3pm daily. $39,000 Per week average sales inc gst. Stunning fitout – nothing further to spend. Superb owner operator opportunity. Accessible parking. 120kg – 135kg in coffee per week. Serious café operators this one is a rippa! Don’t delay! Price: $1,000,000 plus stock of approx. $25,000. Perth’s premier hospitality and retail business brokers.

Price: $1,000,000 + SAV Region: State: WA Contact: Jonathon Parker Phone: 0417 140 882 View Online Bsale ID 623481

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


WA Profitable Café Perth North Region... Cafe and Coffee Shop

Profitable Café Perth north region - Restaurant - for Sales. Cafe currently selling all day breakfast, coffee, hot and cold drinks, smoothies, cakes, lunch menu, fresh cut gourmet sandwiches, chicken & beef burgers and light snacks. large seating areas inside & outside. Profitable - Great reviews - Loyal customers - Cheap rent- Great location- No competition. Trading Hours: 7 days . Monday to Thursday 7 am to 2 pm. Friday to Sunday 7 am to 7 pm. Lease: Current lease expires July 2025. Option to extend for a further 10 years. Employees: 1 owner + 1 full time + 3 casuals

Price: $199,000 Region: Wheatbelt State: WA Contact: Private Seller Phone: View Online Bsale ID 624200 *not actual photo

Luxury Limousine Hire Business Wedding Services

Boutique home based limousine business operating in the perth metro area 4 immaculately maintained vehicles (approx. $225,000 Of asking price break up). Has been established for many years and the business has strong google ranking, rave reviews and consistent website traffic. Easy business to own and operate with additional professional drivers on hand to work in the business. Immaculate financial records. Consistent profit year in year out! Huge potential to increase hours increase cash flow! Enquire with confidence!

Price: $350,000 Region: State: WA Contact: Jonathon Parker Phone: 0417 140 882 View Online Bsale ID 612587



Lenard’s Store For Sale - $$$ Profit... Butcher and Deli

Key Features & Benefits: - Over 35 Years strong - National Franchise. - Multiple income streams available, including retail, hospitality, food services and home delivery. -Strong long-term customer base of locals. - Fantastic product range that is easy to produce with proven systems in place. - Perfect if you want a flexible business and for a couple or family to run together. - Business model is capable of running with minimal owner input. - No experience necessary - dedicated and ongoing operations, training, marketing and IT support provided - Great location - Convenient parking and easy access of Main Street. - Recently upgraded fit-out. - Profitable... Price: $360,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Steve Paisio Phone: 0475 687 054 View Online Bsale ID 625653

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


NT Energy & Electrical Business For Sale Electrical Manufacturer

Exceptional business operated out of Darwin, with excellent systems and a large pipeline of work in place. Perfect for an interstate company to take over and run from afar. Key Features & Benefits: - Lucrative Market Potential: A rapidly expanding market that shows no signs of slowing down. The business operates in a highdemand industry with tremendous growth prospects, ensuring long-term profitability and stability. - Proven Track Record: the business has consistently surpassed revenue targets, achieved remarkable customer satisfaction, and garnered industry recognition, establishing themselves as a leader in their sector... Price: $1,700,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: National Brokerage Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 626957

The Healthy Gut Centre - The NT’s Only... Natural Therapies

A unique business opportunity has become available due to the current owner relocating interstate. The Healthy Gut Centre has been operating for 14 years in the Territory and is the only clinic of its kind offering colon hydrotherapy and gut health products to assist people on their gut health journey. As colonics have become more mainstream with gut health being on the forefront of health, The Healthy Gut Centre is a busy yet very rewarding place to work. With a strong clientele base of new and existing customers this clinic is an amazing opportunity for someone with a great entrepreneurial spirit. It operates by appointment only... Price: $130,000 Region: Parap State: NT Contact: Lynn Finlay Phone: 0402 744 921 View Online Bsale ID 607174


NT Explore A World Of Opportunities: Snooze... Franchise Business Opportunities

Are you ready to take the reins and become your own boss? Here’s your chance to step into the exciting world of franchising with Snooze. We’re thrilled to introduce you to an incredible business opportunity in the vibrant city of Darwin. As a renowned leader in the bedding industry for over 50 years, Snooze has consistently set the bar for excellence and is dedicated to supporting franchise partners on their journey to success. About the Opportunity: We are thrilled to present a remarkable opportunity to a savvy business operator: to lead the way in establishing the very first Snooze Franchise location in the Northern Territory, becoming an invaluable... Price: POA Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Tom Jolly Phone: 0403 720 965 View Online Bsale ID 628718

High End Hair And Beauty Salon... Hair Salon

Are you a high quality hairdresser who is worth more than your current salary? Are you tired of working for a wage and making others wealthy? Do you have a passion for hair and a drive to deliver high quality services for your staff and clients? Or are you already a salon owner, ready for a second high quality location. Ebony Rose Hair Design is a highly profitable, premium salon with a strong business model supported by an extensive marketing program. A large clientele, with a high retention & rebooking rate, you’ll be walking in the door to a profitable business that has a 5 star reputation, a strong team, systems in place, a beautiful manager & ... Price: $295k + SAV ($45k) Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Andrew Hahn Phone: 0413 013 367 View Online Bsale ID 621372

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


NT Great Opportunity To Have Your Own Day... Health Spa

Great opportunity to have your own Day spa! $10,000 Nego. Grand opening in Feb, 2020. Located in U2 5 Tiwi Gardens, Tiwi NT 0810 within a medical complex area, neighbours including GP, Eye specialist, Dentist, etc., Freshly painted, new fitting out, 3 single rooms + 1 bath + 2 toilets + staff room. Modern and relaxing decoration, all the stock products, equipment and furniture stay For the last 3 years, we have accumulated a great reputation and have got many regular clients with 21 all 5-star reviews on Google map. The sales data can be shared by logging in to our booking system by yourself only for genuine buyers. The cost of running this business... Price: $10,000 Region: Tiwi State: NT Contact: Lily Zhao Phone: 0433 900 105 View Online Bsale ID 580822

Randy’s Donuts. Bringing Sweet Doughnut... Franchise Business Opportunities

Join Randy’s Donuts® - an iconic 70-year legacy with world-famous recipes! Our irresistible donuts and global appeal await ambitious franchisees. A little bit about the Opportunity: Welcome to the ultimate franchise opportunity that will take you on a sweet and rewarding journey. Randy’s Donuts®, the world’s most renowned doughnut shop since 1952, invites you to become a part of its iconic legacy. Picture yourself at the helm of a global sensation, drawing doughnut enthusiasts from all over with our famous rooftop doughnut and Hollywood appearances in movies, TV shows, and ads. Now, you have the opportunity to spread the magic of Randy’s... Price: $500,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: DC Strategy Phone: 03 8615 7203 View Online Bsale ID 623752


NT Gutter Knight Franchise For Sale... Building and Construction

A very simple and impressive business that earns exceptional money, you don’t need to have prior experience, you can do all the work yourself or you simply can run it under management. Glen Richards, an investor from the TV series ‘Shark Tank’ had this to say; “It is one of the more impressive and simple Franchise and better business models I have seen”. When it comes to simple types of businesses most people think of lawn mowing and cleaning. Hey, these are great little businesses don’t get me wrong here but what if I told you that you can earn in 1 day what a lot of people don’t even earn in a week supplying and installing gutter... Price: $74,950 + GST Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Johnston Business Sales Phone: View Online Bsale ID 623271

Lenards Franchise - No Experience Necess... Butcher and Deli

Key Features & Benefits: - Over 35 Years strong - National Franchise. - Multiple income streams available, including retail, hospitality, food services and home delivery. Strong long-term customer base of locals. - Fantastic product range that is easy to produce with proven systems in place .- Perfect if you want a flexible business and for a couple or family to run together. - Business model is capable of running with minimal owner input. - No experience necessary - dedicated and ongoing operations, training, marketing and IT support provided - Great location - Convenient parking and easy access of Main Street. - Recently upgraded fit-out. - Profitable... Price: $360,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Steve Paisio Phone: 0475 687 054 View Online Bsale ID 623040

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Fire Safety Equipment: Protecting Lives... Clothing Accessories

Discover an exceptional opportunity with this Fire Safety Protection business, a reputable supplier that has been a cornerstone in the industry for more than two decades. Specializing in an extensive range of fire protection equipment and systems, the business stands as a trusted name in fire safety solutions. They primarily operate as a wholesale entity, serving a broad network of distributors throughout Australia and the Pacific Islands. A unique aspect of the business is that technical expertise in fire safety protection is not a prerequisite. The business is structured to cater to this aspect, making it accessible to a wide range of potential buyers. Our client portfolio... Price: $1,800,000 Region: State: TAS Contact: Tom Jolly Phone: 0403 720 965 View Online Bsale ID 628662


TAS Well-Loved Cafe In Busy Suburb - 6 Days... Cafe and Coffee Shop

Sault Cafe is centrally located, right in the heart of the busy Moonah shopping precinct. It has Main Road frontage and is part of the complex that includes the local Woolworths supermarket. Much of the foot traffic entering the Supermarket has to go by the front door to Sault. Perfect place for casual dinning. Sault has an excellent reputation and is very popular with the casual diner as well as local business customers using it for a meetings. There is a growing population and with this a younger demographic has move into the area. This provides the new owner with the appropriate licences or permissions to extend trading hours. The is a real... Price: $300,000 Region: Moonah State: TAS Contact: Graeme Matthews Phone: 0417 505 794 View Online Bsale ID 628409

Timeless Elegance Historic Tasmanian... Hotel

Excellent low ingoing cash-rich business. Located on the busiest road in this vibrant country town, prominent corner position. Enjoying income from accommodation, food, gaming and bar sales. Property is built around 1820 and thoughtfully upgraded, exudes a nostalgic charm, adorned with car racing memorabilia. Attractive bistro dining area, outdoor deck, further lounge and bar. The business has garnered positive reviews on social media platforms and enjoys consistent income from a sub-lease agreement with a fruit growing company for its accommodation rooms. Indoor seating for approximately 80 and the outdoor area can seat... Price: $150,000+SAV Region: Longford State: TAS Contact: Paul Scott Phone: 0477 771 098 View Online Bsale ID 628241

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


TAS Tutor Doctor Is Empowering Education By... Educational

Invest in a business that not only guarantees success but also makes a positive impact on your community. The Tutor Doctor franchise opportunity is the perfect fit for those seeking to make a significant difference in their community through entrepreneurship. Tutor Doctor is a globally recognized education brand that has been helping students achieve academic and personal goals since 2000. Our franchise model is built on excellence, flexibility, and unmatched support. With over 600 franchised areas in ten countries across five continents, we have established ourselves as leaders in the education industry. Our strategy is simple yet... Price: $70,000 Region: Hobart State: TAS Contact: DC Strategy Phone: 0386 157 203 View Online Bsale ID 628472

Two Subway Stores - Under Management Takeaway Food

Unlock your entrepreneurial dreams in Devonport, Tasmania! Here’s your golden opportunity to own not one, but TWO Subway® sandwich franchises. With a proven track record of success, Subway is the world’s largest and most loved sandwich chain. These established locations come with a loyal customer base and prime locations. You’ll enjoy the support of a global brand, comprehensive training, and ongoing assistance. Don’t miss out on this chance to be your own boss and join the Subway® family. Act now and savor the taste of success in the heart of Devonport. Contact us today to learn more! Unique purchase with two (2x) Subway... Price: $995,000 Region: Devonport State: TAS Contact: National Brokerage Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 627653


TAS Ready For A Dream Business In A Billion... Hardware

A number of unique opportunities for new Bedshed franchise partners across the country that are currently available for the right person/s. Australian brand Bedshed ticks all the boxes of a great franchise opportunity. We have been established for more than 40 years we are currently the only company within the homewares and furniture category with a 5-star rating on the Australian Franchise Rating Scale as given by FRANdata. Bedshed franchisees can enjoy the independence of running their own owner-operator business with marketing support, collective buying power and the backing of experienced franchise partners and professional staff. With the... Price: $1,000,000 Region: Hobart State: TAS Contact: Johnston Business Sales Phone: View Online Bsale ID 627735

High Performing San Churro Chocolateria... Franchised Food Outlets

High Performing San Churro Chocolateria Franchise In Hobart. • Ideally situated situated in popular salamanca precinct, close to City and University • Lease through to 2027 with an option to increase • Strong 1.3M turnover with regular customer base and is frequented by locals and workers • Full training and transition will be provided • All equipment and fit out included in sale. First time offered on the market and a rare opportunity to own a successful San Churro Franchise. The San Churro brand is a well known name amongst chocolate lovers. The Franchisor has won the “Established Franchise” award for 2019. Located in this vibrant and bustling hub this... Price: $400,000 Region: Battery Point State: TAS Contact: Kanika Vinayak Phone: View Online Bsale ID 622292

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.




On Your Bike Tours Launceston Tasmania Tours

On Your Bike Tours Launceston is an accredited, award winning EcoTourism Business based in Launceston Tasmania . The business has been operating successfully for 6 years and has a strong customer base and a well established brand. The business has 4 established guided tours with highly regarded food partners and hospitality businesses.The business also includes a well utilised bike hire service. The business is transportable and the operating costs are low. The business sale includes, 17 bikes, trailer, all bike equipment, accreditations, website and socials.

Price: $25,000 Region: Launceston + Northern State: TAS Contact: Alison Hugo Phone: 0448 384 681 View Online Bsale ID 572442


TAS Takeaway Food Business In Centrepoint... Takeaway Food

Conveniently located in the busy Hobart CBD ( Centrepoint shopping Mall, Murray Street). Extremely high foot traffic and adjacent to the Centrepoint Carpark. The restaurant is near and just a short stroll to nearby hotels such as RACV, Travelodge, and Best Western Hotel.. The restaurant has a strong regular customer base with many repeat customer. Business profit performs consistently week on week, with stable profit. Key Features of Business: - Stable business structure. - Long-term lease available. - Minimal staff required. Surrounded by a very busy street and shopping area, high foot traffic, especially during school holidays.. Price: $98,000 Region: Hobart State: TAS Contact: Rob Davies Phone: 0434 521 131 View Online Bsale ID 608276

Opportunity To Earn Good Income Takeaway Food

INVESTMENT $155,000 + Stock. Mamma Rosa’s Pizzas Burnie is a well known pillar of the local Burnie takeaway food scene. Whilst many pizza operators have come and gone, Mamma Rosa’s Pizzas Burnie has stood the test of time and has been proudly serving the local community for over 40 years. The location is prominent on a busy main CBD street with ample street car parking. The shop is a very low rent lease. Opportunity to expand sales further with additional food products and beverages. It has been operated by the same owner for over 40 years and they are ready to retire. The pizza shop is all setup to run with a small team of 3 casual staff and 3 contract... Price: $155,000 Region: Burnie State: TAS Contact: Chris Mitchell Phone: 0448 887 398 View Online Bsale ID 624096

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.








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