Business for Sale eMagazine - April 2019

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Business for Sale eMagazine Issue 050

• Apr 2019

What does a lender look for in a


LEASING ISSUES to consider when negotiating a lease of new premises

OUT OF SIGHT? Protecting Your Investment in Solar

See the Latest Businesses and Franchises For Sale Inside CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING P. 21








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What does a lender look for in a


Last month we talked about how to prepare to buy a business to setyourself-up for success. This month we will focus on what a lender looks for in a loan application.

The 5 C’s don’t have to feel like the 5 Oceans Capacity, Capital, Character, Collateral, Conditions


Capacity If you are looking to buy a new business this is a super important category to focus on . . . it’s effectively what you are buying. You need to know all the ratios that go along with the P&L & Balance Sheet. What is the • DTI (debt-to-income)? Are there any existing borrowings that you will inherit with the business? • Recurring Debts (rent, insurance, salaries, supplies, existing borrowings, etc) & are they well managed?. • ICR (Interest Cover Ratio) & can this be improved by either cutting costs without cutting volume or quality? Capital Here’s where you need to stump-up with skin-inthe-game! Investing your own money to back yourself for success. This gives a lender a sense of comfort that you are serious about building your business rather than a punter hoping to make a quick profit. Getting that number right is critical . . . the balance between investing just the right amount to get a banker interested without leaving yourself up the river without a paddle in an emergency. Character Are you someone who a lender can rely on to pay the money back over time & on time? As an ex-banker I often think that this is the most important but often forgotten measure for lending. Knowing that you have the capacity to pay back your debt is one thing but a client who can be relied upon to build & maintain a successful business whilst making their loan repayments on schedule is gold for a bank.

You need to be sure that your credit history is “clean” & that you have a decent credit score. Credit cards should be well used & paid down monthly when possible, transaction statements should show a reasonable use of funds commensurate with your income. Gambling debts are not a good look, nor are regular use of pay day lenders. If you do have a history of default or have been a bankrupt, there are agencies that can help you to recover your reputation & improve your credit score. If you’re looking to buy a new business, it’s worth the time & investment to consult with one of these . . . who themselves have a good reputation. With so many agencies & databases storing this data it can be difficult to recover from your sins of the past. However, it’s not impossible & there are lenders who specialise in this space. It might be a bit more expensive, but if you rebuild your history over time & show that you are able to manage your money & repay your loans then the major lenders will start to approve your applications. Collateral Bottom line, this is what a lender can flog to get their money back if you go bust. but the benefit is not one sided. For you the borrower, it makes financing your business cheaper, usually a lot cheaper! Banks will often want a charge over your residential property, good old fashioned bricks & mortar, that is relatively quick to liquidate & has an intrinsic value that can be measured on a regular basis. However, not everyone wants to use their family home as collateral. So think about the other assets a business holds that can be used as collateral; equipment & machinery is one, recurring revenue & IP in a mature business are


all alternative assets that a bank will look at as collateral. Conditions Here’s where you need to work with a qualified finance broker to think smart & be smart about what you’re requesting. Know what is the purpose of your loan, the conditions, the term. Going to a bank & saying I need a million dollars to buy a business won’t wash. You need to do your numbers, write your business plan, know what collateral you hold, how much you’re prepared to put in yourself as capital & what the cashflow will look like. Analyse the purpose of your debt & carve it up. The debt you need to purchase a business will have different character traits to your cashflow or equipment financing. Applying for a business loan might look complicated & for some even unachievable but at Clear Options Finance we will guide you through the 5 C’s of Credit. We will review your financials & work with you to put together a detailed debt structure & business case to be submitted to the lender. We will write a credit story that will give the lender comfort that you have done your homework, that you not only have the capacity but also the character that will suit their lending criteria. Our objective is to find you the best lending conditions possible for your business & circumstances, creating a strong relationship with your banker to support your thriving business over time. We will demonstrate that you can & you will repay your loan. To arrange a free 1 hour consultation with Clear Options Finance call 0478 732 343 or email


After more than 20 years of experience in banking & financial services Mary decided to go out on her own to start a finance Broking business that focuses on the clients needs. Clear Options Finance was created to provide a personal service to people and companies looking for finance. Searching for a loan can be overwhelming with so many choices & institutions, we simplify this by looking at your unique situation, researching the best lenders to support your business & then showing you only what’s important to you at the best interest rate & terms available.

Mary Grant Finance Broker Clear Options Finance


Leasing issues to consider when negotiating a lease of new premises 1. Leasing issues to consider A major consideration of many new businesses starting out is to secure premises from which to operate the business. A large number of businesses in Australia operate from leased premises, whether they are commercial, industrial or retail. Leasing of business premises is far more common, particularly commercial offices and retail shops. The advantages of leasing of premises, include: • less capital required to lease a premises; • more flexible arrangement where a business owner is able to exit the premises after a set period of time without having money tied up in the premises; • rent is deductible. In basic terms, a lease is a right granted by the owner (landlord/lessor) to the occupant (the tenant/lessee) to use the land or building in return for regular payment (rent). A lease constitutes an interest in land, which can be registered on the title of the land in Australia. When signing a lease, it is important that you make the effort to negotiate a fair lease before taking occupation of the leased premises. Too often tenants concentrate on the most

obvious lease terms – such as the commencing rent; rental increases and option terms – but disputes often arise between landlords and tenants regarding provisions in the lease which are generally not focused on during negotiations. Here are some examples: 2. Permitted Use – make sure the permitted use under the lease is compatible with the zoning of the land. The misconception is that “permitted use” means “use permitted by both the landlord and the local authority”. • The tenant is responsible for obtaining its own approval from all competent authorities for the conduct of the business. • If that business may not be legally conducted in the premises, the tenant may still be required to pay rent under the lease (subject of course to any claims under misleading and deceptive conduct under s.18 of the Australian Consumer Law (Sch 2, Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)) (ie the right to recover damages). 3. Market Rent Review – many landlords will offer incentives to tenants to enter into a lease. When negotiating it is important to understand the difference between the terms “face rent” - the rent figure written in the lease document and the term “effective rent” - the rent figure arrived at after reducing the face rent to take account of the value of any incentive provided to the tenant.


• Disputes often arise at the time of exercise of an option to renew where the rent is to be reviewed to market and an incentive was granted for the initial term of the lease to induce the tenant to enter into the original lease. • A market review mechanism in a lease usually includes a provision that protects the landlord’s recoupment of the incentive via a “face rent” determination for mid-term market rent review (i.e the quoted rental rate before taking into account incentives or increases). • A tenant should therefore ensure that the lease terms provide for the market rent review mechanism to clearly reflect that there is to be an “effective rent” determination at the commencement of the option term (ie giving consideration to rent free periods or up-front incentives). • If this is not done, the tenant will find itself paying an artificially inflated commencing rent in the option term in circumstances where no incentive has been received for the option term. 4. Make Good/Reinstatement Obligations – often at the end of the lease term, disputes arise in relation to the extent of the tenant’s reinstatement obligations. • The lease should allow the tenant to make an election to pay a “make good amount” to the 8

landlord instead of undertaking a physical make good of the premises, which will allow the tenant to continue to trade in the premises until the end of the term rather than vacating well ahead of the end of the term (whilst continuing to pay rent) in order to undertake a physical make good. 5. Directors Guarantees – where directors guarantees are given for the obligations of the tenant under a lease, the landlord will usually require the guarantors to “stay on the hook” on the assignment of the lease so that a guarantor is liable for the assignee’s obligations under the lease. • Tenant’s should consider the risk when asked to provide a directors guarantee; and • Should negotiate to provide a bank guarantee or security deposit as the only form of security required under the lease. 6. Encumbering the Lease – often a tenant agrees to enter into a lease which prohibits the tenant from encumbering the lease. • In circumstances where the tenant has granted charge over all its assets in favour of a financier, the tenant is placed in immediate default of the lease. • It is important for the tenant to negotiate an amendment to such a restrictive provision prior to the lease being entered into so that the grant of security to its financiers is not

prohibited. 7. Relocation and Demolition Clause – If your lease is in a shopping centre, your lease may contain what are commonly known as relocation and demolition clauses. These clauses give the landlord the right to either relocate you to another premise within the centre (relocation), or terminate your lease if they are going to redevelop the centre (demolition). These types of clause may have a significant impact on your business and the fitout installed in the premises. It is best to negotiate with the landlord to have such clauses removed from the lease. However, in essentially all shopping centre leases, landlords will resist such requests, and in such circumstances, you should then try to water down the operation of the clause so that the risk to your business is minimised. Sections 34 and 35 of the Retail Lease Act 1994 (NSW) provide some protection to the tenant (ie the business owners operating from those premises) from the consequences of relocation and demolition, whereby a landlord must comply with strict notice requirements and responsibility for compensation. Conclusion In addition to the above, tenants should consider the possibility of seeking rent free incentives and landlord contribution towards fitout. It is important that tenants/business owners negotiating a new lease obtain professional advice and speak to their lawyer before agreeing to and/or signing any lease offer with the landlord.

Rostom is admitted to practice in NSW and Victoria and is an experienced lawyer with in depth knowledge and experience with many industries including, hospitality/ restaurant/liquor licensing, franchising, and commercial property. Prior to joining DC Strategy Lawyers as the firm’s Legal Practice Director, Rostom operated his own legal practice for more than 4 years. Rostom merged his practice with DC Strategy Lawyers to take advance of the synergies between the two firms. Rostom is committed to delivering consistent quality and value to his clients and aims to establish a reliable, trustworthy, responsive relationship with clients to ensure continued delivery of quality service that his clients have come to expect from him.

Rostom Manookian Legal Practice Director



OUT OF SIGHT? Protecting Your Investment in Solar

After your family home and your car, your solar installation is one of your largest investments. Yet, so many people think solar is a set-and-forget proposition; that is, until reality bites, and sometimes bites hard!



Imagine buying a new car straight off the showroom floor; and then driving it for 100,000 kilometres without having it serviced.

In December 2018, a national audit of the Renewable Energy Target (RET) was released by the Australian National Audit Office.

All of a sudden that grinding noise means something has gone horribly wrong. You take it to the dealer and what’s the first thing they ask for?

Whilst it addressed many topics included within the RET, it was the quite stark findings published by the Regulator about solar installation safety which prompted significant television, press and online attention, as well as industry reactions nationwide.

Your service history! Ooppsss, you break out into a cold sweat because you know what’s coming next is gonna hurt. Similarly, manufacturers of solar panels, inverters and other solar componentry clearly state in both their ‘Maintenance and Care’ and ‘Product Warranty’ documents that owners have an obligation to maintain the system in a proper working order. Terms such as misuse, abuse and neglect are used in these documents to cast a broad net over what manufacturers class as outside of their warranty obligations. It’s critical that, as a solar owner, you read and understand the Maintenance and Care and Warranty documents given to you at the time of installation.


Failure to properly maintain your installation is cause to void your warranty... and we all know the consequence of that if you ever have a need to make a claim.


From inspections conducted in 2018, only 2.5% of installations inspected were deemed to be up to ‘Industry Best Practice’; with over 20% deemed as ‘Sub-Standard’ (high risk) and another 2.7% deemed ‘Unsafe’ (severe risk); see the report’s table below. Consequently, the Federal Energy Minister, Angus Taylor, wrote to the respective State Governments – who have jurisdiction over their respective electrical safety laws – to warn that faulty solar installations could be putting lives at risk.

The Australian newspaper ran a story headlined: “Warning of deaths over solar panel installation”. Canstar Blue, the consumer advocacy group, published an online article stating; “A national audit of rooftop solar systems has found that up to one-quarter of all installations are potentially unsafe, posing a high risk of harm or even death.” The report also stated analysis by the Regulator in 2015 indicated that 80% of the installations deemed ‘unsafe’ since the inspection program commenced were caused by water ingress in DC isolator enclosures on rooftops that created an electrical safety risk. Australian regulations require that a DC isolator switch is located on the rooftop adjacent to the panels. An internet search will highlight the significant amount of cases where house fires have been directly attributed to these rooftop isolators; primarily because they tend to fail due to exposure to the weather.

that same string. Reduced performance means you will be paying more on your power bills. Bird poo is also acidic, and combined with moisture accumulating around the different types of metals in and around your installation there is an increased risk of electrolytic corrosion. The constant scratching of pigeons on your roof can be annoying but it’s the other potential dangers that you need to consider more seriously. Pigeons play host to many diseases, and parasites and mites that can spread disease to your home and occupants. These diseases can be caused by airborne transmission, inhaling faecal dust, exposure to open wounds, and the presence of faecal matter in your water supply or swimming pool.

Electricity and water dont mix!


Bird and bat poo on top of your solar panels will cause a shading affect that prevents sunlight getting into the cells where the photons are converted to electrical energy. In most systems, if one panel is working inefficiently it can bring down the performance of all other panels in

No room for rain water!

The Nepean Region west of Sydney has endured pigeons in plague proportions recently and they have caused significant damage to property, including solar installations. Of course, where there are bird nests there are also snakes, rats, possums and other predators, even cockroaches, looking for an easy meal.


The solar panels that you’ve installed to help reduce your power bills have quite possibly also become a safe haven for pest birds, possums, snakes and other creatures.

Nature doing what nature does is fine but it’s


the damage these creatures can do to your solar installation components that brings real cause for concern. Apart from disease, bird nests and other debris collected under your panels can act as dams that will hold water until that water finds a way to escape. One gentleman in Adelaide found out the hard way when water that pooled very quickly under his panels during a Summer storm, and couldn’t escape because of the damming affect of nests and debris, finished up in his living room after its path of least resistance was through the roof tiles.

That can’t be good, right?

Rats and possums also seem to enjoy chewing away on the electrical cabling under your panels; that is, until they get through to the exposed, live wiring and then you’ll think your neighbours are having a BBQ. Yes, for the most part, solar panels are out of sight but they should not be out of mind. There are several ways that you can be proactive in fulfilling your warranty and operational obligations.


Keep a regular record of your inverter output because decreased production is generally the first sign of an issue.


How can they possibly work efficiently?

EcoKleenSolar is a national network of Solar Care Professionals. Franchise opportunities are available Australiawide.

Having access to a history of performance and output will be helpful to an electrical contractor if more comprehensive testing is required.

It’s time to ditch the boss and become the local Solar Care Professional in your community.

Regular inspections and maintenance will help you make more from your investment in solar.

Learn more or request a FREE InfoPak at


Hire Machinery Company Dural Well Est. Retail - Other


Machinery hire company well established good turnover loyal customer base with good annual growth time has come to call it a day and I wish to retire.



Price: $450 + SAV Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Hendo Phone: View Online Bsale ID 216642

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Beauty Salon - Sydney Suburbs Beauty & Hair Salon

Established over 25yrs ago, 10 years with the current owner The Clients: - Fully Operational Beauty Salon with established clientele. - Little to no competition in a high growing area. - Loyal Local Clients. - Most business comes from referrals and word of mouth. The Location: - Close to public transport and M5. - Salon situated in a small complex with plenty of parking surrounded by other businesses including Bexley North Hotel and Woolworths. The Rent: - 2 x 2 year Lease with NO outgoings. - Reasonable Rent with great exposure. The Salon: This Beauty Salon specialising in facials and treating skin conditions we also offer the... Price: $100,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Business Owner Phone: 0425 834 1924 View Online Bsale ID 215602

Premium Garden Maintenance Business Lawn Mowing and Maintenance

Established for more than 10 years, this premium garden maintenance and landscaping business operates on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, upper and lower North Shore, Eastern Suburbs and Inner West. It provides scheduled garden maintenance to residential, strata and commercial clients with several contracts in place. It also performs a mix of hard and soft landscaping for it’s regular clients as well as new clients won. This is a rare opportunity to acquire a highly profitable and professional operation to add to an existing business or as a new start-up. What’s on offer/ highlights: - Detailed client list comprising a strong mix of... Price: $140,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Owner Phone: View Online Bsale ID 216806



Exciting Growth Industry Business Food - Franchise Outlets

Located in a very prominent Mudgee CBD position, Go Vita Mudgee is a well established leasehold business which offers an exciting opportunity to become part of a successful and growing franchise with shops numbering 135 stores throughout Australia. Purchased by the current owners over 13 years ago, Go Vita Mudgee offers an extensive range of vitamins, herbs, organic foods, nutritional supplements, sports supplements, aromatherapy and skin care. Currently trading 5 and a half days per week, and easily operated by an owner and occasional casual staff, the store comprises an area of over 100 m2. A secure 5 year lease is currently... Price: $140,000 + SAV Region: Blue Mountains - Central West State: NSW Contact: Andrew Blackman Phone: 02 6372 3000 or 0413 488 844 View Online Bsale ID 216549

Temporary Surface Protection For Sale Building - Construction - Home Renovation

An exciting opportunity presents itself to purchase and own our SHIELD n PEEL temporary surface protection product, IP, customer list and online ordering website. Locally SHIELD n PEEL continues to deliver premium temporary surface protection to an ever widening range of industries such as: • Glass & Glazing • Building • DIY Home renovators • Construction • Boat and shipyard construction • Application and resellers. Internationally SHIELD n PEEL enquiries and exports continues to gain traction in countries such as: • New Zealand • Germany • Scandinavia • Israel • Indonesia. SHIELD n PEEL’S website is supported with a... Price: POA Region: Central Coast State: NSW Contact: Nick Lowe Phone: 0425 329 669 View Online Bsale ID 217800

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Successful Corner Store

Food - Supermarket, Butcher, Fruit, Bakery, Deli

Exciting Business Opportunity! Established in the late 1970’s and located on the main road in and out of Mudgee, the West End Mini Market has grown into a very successful business and is now being offered for sale on a walk-in, walk-out basis. The current owners have substantially revamped the store which is clean, light and bright, with quality display cabinetry, cooking equipment and shelving. Trading 5 1/2 days per week and easily operated by a husband and wife team, West End Mini Market sells small goods, convenience items, ice, cigarettes, newspapers and magazines along with quality takeaway food. With... Price: $125,000 WIWO Region: Blue Mountains - Central West State: NSW Contact: Andrew Blackman Phone: 02 6372 3000 or 0413 488 844 View Online Bsale ID 216563

Beauty/Nail Salon Macksville Beauty & Hair Salon

Perfectly located successful beauty salon with a large return clientele base, lots of parking as part of a shopping complex. Established since 2012. Currently owner operated but is set up to easily swap to management if required. Has 4 staff which includes 1 x 2nd year apprentice and 3 Part time Beauty Therapists Salon consists of: 2 x Treatment Rooms, 3 x Nail Stations, 2 x Pedicure Stations, Kitchen and sterilizing area, Laundry/Toilet with Disabled access, Salon Services include but are not limited to • Waxing. • Tinting. • Acrylic Nails. • Shellac. • Manicure & Pedicures. • Facials/ Skincare. • Sweedish Massage. • Eyelash extensions... Price: $85,000 WIWO Region: Mid - North Coast State: NSW Contact: Kristie Ward Phone: 02 6568 3001 View Online Bsale ID 216949



Jim’s Roller Doors - Armidale Franchises and Business Opportunities

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A LIFESTYLE CHANGE? Now you really can be your own boss, work the hours you wish and build a business that suits your lifestyle. With low overheads, on-going support and a large customer base, Jim’s Roller Doors can be the lifestyle change you’re looking for. Jim’s Roller Doors has partnered with some of Australia’s best-known suppliers of garage and roller door parts and accessories to meet our domestic and commercial customer’s needs.The Jim’s group has recently launched this amazing opportunity, so this is your chance to be part of an exciting new Division. The benefits of choosing Jim’s... Price: $29,995 Region: Tamworth - North West State: NSW Contact: Mark Izzard Phone: 0426 788 278 View Online Bsale ID 197001

Online Retailer - $432k Profit, No Stock Retail - Other



About The Business: • Profit to owner operator to June 2018 – $432k on $2m sales. • No stock, can be operated from anywhere. • Can be run from home. • All goods drop-shipped from leading Australian based suppliers. • Sales paid in advance, no bad debt risk, and very low working capital needed. • Well documented processes and integrated systems. • Advanced search engine marketing and digital marketing. • Requires one full time owner operator. • No prior experience needed, all required training will be provided. • Could also be easily run under management as existing owner has done, working only 5... Price: $950,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: P Odes Phone: View Online Bsale ID 217079

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Solar Panels Are Everywhere Work from Home

BE THE SOLAR CARE PROFESSIONAL IN YOUR AREA. There are over 2 MILLION solar installations across Australia and MORE SOLAR PANELS THAN PEOPLE. Help solar owners in your area make more from their investment in solar by offering a comprehensive package of Solar Care Services. INSPECTIONS - CLEANING - THERMAL IMAGING - REPORTING - BIRD/PEST PROOFING. $5000 Launch Advertising Program in your area to get you started. * Everybody can do this – it’s easy. * Full hands-on training plus unlimited ongoing support. * NO experience needed. * NO formal qualifications necessary. What’s included?... Price: $24,997 Region: Newcastle - Hunter State: NSW Contact: Eric Higgs Phone: 13 0078 7061 or 0414 520 000 View Online Bsale ID 208999

High Volume (1.7m+) Red Rooster For Sale Food - Franchise Outlets

Interested in Joining the Chicken Champions? Red Rooster is an Australian icon. The first store was opened in WA back in 1972, and now with over 360 restaurants across the country, Red Rooster is still proudly 100% Aussie owned and operated. When you are granted a Red Rooster franchise, you’re not just buying a restaurant; you’re buying a powerful brand, built over 45 years. It’s a brand that Australia trusts, day in day out. Digitally future proofing the business is a priority. Red Rooster now has its own established online ordering platform which has already provided exponential growth for our restaurants. And, alongside our customer... Price: $750,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Hamish Phone: 0425 211 819 View Online Bsale ID 217718



Cafe/Cake Shop for Sale Food - Cafe For Sale

Cafe/Cake shop, all equipment owned outright. Selling all types of cakes: birthday, weddings, etc. Also gelato and coffee. Great potential to improve by selling breakfast and savoury products. History: The business was set up by the current owner two years ago, with all brand new equipment; the cost was over $200,000. Reason for Sale: The business is currently operated by a couple, both wanting to retire and do something else. A young family of three could make a very successful enterprise with this business. Hours: Currently working Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm. Could open seven days a week. Lease: Lease expires on 31 December 2019. Option to renew for three more years. Employees: No employees. Perfect to run as a family business. Potential: The amount of potential in this shop is enormous by simply extending the menu. Lunch and breakfast are a must in the area. Extending the trading hours will also be a very positive step. Seatings: Eight seatings inside. FREEZER ROOM AREA = 5 m2. COOL ROOM AREA = 9.5 m2. 1,000 L grease trap. Parramatta Region. Contact Jamie for more information.

Price: $128,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Jamie Phone: View Online Bsale ID 216087

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Online Business, Work From Home, Income. Manufacturing, Wholesale, Import, Export

Rare opportunity to purchase a real online manufacturing business, with established wholesale customers and unique products 100% owned, manufactured and packaged all in Sydney, Australia. (easily relocatable) Dermatology, skincare product. ** This is an actual operating, profitable small business (not a startup or one with the ‘opportunity’ to be profitable one day - as many online ‘businesses’ are). It is a valuable business with many assets, R & D, IP, goodwill and income. Extremely well-priced to sell, as owner has new full time commitment.** Established in 2003, the Easy Reach Lotion Applicator was invented by Peter, whose dermatologist told him to use some fabric wrapped around a ruler to apply lotion to his back. Needless to say, he thought this was ridiculous and wanted to find another way to do it. Peter spent the following 18 months researching, designing, testing and developing the hygienic, folding Easy Reach Lotion Applicator. This product is unique and sells into the dermatology, pharmacy, beauty, skincare and aged care industries. It is a quality product with no direct competition and established repeat trade customers.Majority of sales are made in Australia, with the occasional O/S order.... Price: $35,000 + SAV Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Ben Phone: 0418 961 935 View Online Bsale ID 190541



Custom Picture Framing- NSW South Coast Retail - Furniture, Bedding, Homewares, Giftware

Well established and beautifully presented Custom Picture Framing Business. Established since 2012. At the moment a husband and wife team enjoy the operation of this business. Income is strong and would be ideal for one to two person. Working days are currently 4days but could be extended. This business has a strong following from the local art community and large database. Low Rent and good cash flow. Ideal for the perfect lifestyle change to this idyllic coast. Set in the busy town of Moruya. We are in the arcade which is directly off the Main Street. Renowed gallery for local artisans also used in the space. This is a fantastic opportunity for a small business owner, release your creative flair and enjoy working with friendly and talented customers. All machinery included WIWO, Assistance with training and professional handover available. SAV. Long Lease avail.

Price: $65,000 WIWO Region: Wollongong - South Coast State: NSW Contact: Connie Lamanna Phone: 422 181 172 View Online Bsale ID 218665

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Whale Swim And Snorkel Charter Business Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

Looking for a new life adventure? Do you have experience in the marine industry? Located in the pristine Vava’u Island group Kingdom of Tonga you will find a well established whale swim business waiting for you. Endangered Encounters established in 2006 has a custom built Roger Hill Yacht Design 4M x 10M aluminum cat with custom built flybridge, long ladder, and walk around railing, specifically designed for whale swim, film and photography clients. Built in 2007 and powered with twin Yamaha 250hp engines, she flies across the water! Kept in top condition with log books available, she also comes with outriggers and fighting chair if big game fishing appeals to you. This is a wonderful opportunity for a part time or full time business in Vava’u. AWARDED BY THE MINISTRY OF MARINE AND PORTS IN THE KINGDOM OF TONGA”WHALE WATCH BOAT OF THE YEAR 2018”

Price: $280,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Brenda Cox Phone: 676 843 1942 or 676 755 7899 View Online Bsale ID 218531



Norma’s Burger Bar (Truck+Marquee) Food - Mobile Vans & Catering

What is for sale. Your great occasion to take over one of the top rated burger joints in Sydney. Norma’s Burger Bar was established in 2017 and since then is growing day by day on popularity and social engagement, with 10,000+ followers over Instagram and Facebook (as of March 2019) growing an average of 100 per day. Norma’s is operating with a food truck plus a pop-up marquee stall, which means double income per week. Both truck and marquee have permanent/ casual spots at the busiest markets and festivals in a large area (Sydney Region, Wollongong, Central Coast). Strong relationship with ATC Racecourse, best brewery companies and other event organisers, plus many private and corporate catering. Norma’s is also on UberEats with hundreds of positive reviews. The business is healthy and profitable, no debt, no finance. Great relationship with any supplier. Gross income can vary between $7,000 and $15,000 per week, working 3 to 5 days. More informations will be given only on appointment, not over the phone. Please contact us if genuinely interested. Email or call 0466 226 500. What is included in the sale. FOOD TRUCK - Truck Isuzu DPR200 Manual 2005 270,000km... Price: $210,000 WIWO Freehold Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Massimo Phone: 0466 226 500 View Online Bsale ID 218373

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Photo Booth - Hunter Valley Mirror Booth Business & Professional Services

ABOUT THE BUSINESS: Fantastic Business Opportunity! Due to relocating to the USA, we have our beautiful Hunter Valley Mirror Booth up For Sale. This is your opportunity to take advantage of an already established business that has been up and running for over 2 years. We also have a string of bookings in place to kickstart your new venture and give you return for your investment straight away. Take up on this very rare opportunity to take over a business in the ever thriving Wedding/Events industry. ABOUT THE MIRROR BOOTH: The Mirror Me booth is a full length mirror with a studio quality Canon DSLR camera, flash lighting and... Price: $55,000 Region: Newcastle - Hunter State: NSW Contact: Troy Kemp Phone: +61 466 876 177 View Online Bsale ID 218335

Established, Profitable And Easy To Run Building - Construction - Home Renovation

Don’t just buy a business - invest in a strong brand, steady growth, solid returns and major growth opportunity! Sales of $4.4m+ ***Massive Profits***Opportunity to build a franchise & multimillion dollar turnover*** Summary: • Building materials industry (windows and doors). • Multiple showrooms – 4 locations all over Sydney. • Specialising in retail sales. • Warehouse with stock. • Delivery and dispatch. • Revenue: ~$100,000 per week. • Rent: ~$6,000 per week. • Net Profit: ~$16,000 per week. Advantages: • Family founded and owned for over 7 years • Solid supply agreements with variety of suppliers including: uPVC,... Price: $3,400,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Anna Phone: 0447 111 440 View Online Bsale ID 214448



Food Van/ Commercial Kitchen Trailer Food - Mobile Vans & Catering

Commercial kitchen trailer $90,000. Top of the line quality Custom designed and fabricated commercial kitchen trailer. Utilise power OR be completely self sufficient ( off grid) with 2 x BRAND NEW 7kva generators. - 2 LUUS Commercial double basket fryers (gas). - Woodson 6 tray Bain Marie ( plumbed in automatic water fill ). - LUUS Commercial stainless steel griddle plate. - LUUS Under bench grill. LUUS Commercial double gas burner. - Stainless steel Commercial exhaust fan. - Separate Stainless Steel hand wash sink. - Stainless steel hand wash soap dispenser. Stainless steel paper towel dispenser. - Hot/ Cold Water... Price: $90,000 Region: Mid - North Coast State: NSW Contact: Kristie Phone: 0432 350 464 View Online Bsale ID 213260

St Ives Hairhouse Warehouse

Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

166 Mona Vale Rd St Ives, NSW 2075. We are currently in discussions with the St Ives Shopping Village about a site to open a new Hairhouse Warehouse Store. We have a specific site in mind and are currently negotiating a lease arrangement. The store is due to open later this year if we have a franchisee for the store. Marketing support. Hairhouse Warehouse provides ongoing National marketing support, including catalogues, mail drops, TV, Radio and local paper. As well as this, we provide a support full range of support to do local area marketing to further support the business. Training provided. Full training is provided to... Price: $350,000 - $450,000 + SAV Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Peter Fiasco Phone: 0451 370 060 View Online Bsale ID 143211

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.




IT Business - Computer - Telco

Greetings All Potential Buyers. I am selling my Highly Successful SEO Subscription Business Website. Introduction: is a online Subscription Based Service that was founded in 2014. The website makes money by selling a subscription service that is fulfilled by me or the current owner(I do provide 30 Days of training and I also offer 160 Days of support. The business is perfect for a single person or couple that wants to run their own business from home, with time flexibility. The business makes an average of $15,000-$20,000 per month in net profits. Training & Support: The business sale includes 30... Price: $13,500 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Jason Phone: View Online Bsale ID 213435

World of Maths School Incursions

Education, Children Services, Employment & Training

About The Business: A hands-on interactive experience for students from Kindergarten to Year 8. Developed by a High School Maths teacher, in order to encourage students to want to learn and participate in Maths while having fun. About The Franchise: The Franchise area consists of all of southern NSW (includes the A.C.T.)and Sydney Metro south of a line west from the coast along the Great Western Highway. The activities are supplied annually by the Franchisor, the activities change every year over a 3 year cycle. The Franchise currently operates across Australia and New Zealand. Years Established: The World of Maths... Price: $85,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Peter Wilson Phone: 0412 254 301 View Online Bsale ID 214131



Richmond NSW Hairhouse Warehouse Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

Richmond, NSW 2753. We are in talks of a new site, with long lease terms and strong financial contribution, reducing the entry cost into this business for a potential business owner. Marketing support. Hairhouse Warehouse provides ongoing National marketing support, including catalogues, mail drops, TV, Radio and local paper. As well as this, we provide a support full range of support to do local area marketing to further support the business. Training provided. Full training is provided to franchisees and we also provide full indiction training for all staff when opening store. Skills. No hairdressing experience is required, however, we are... Price: $350,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Peter Fiasco Phone: 0451 370 060 View Online Bsale ID 143512

Canvas Printing & Custom Picture Framing Advertising, Marketing and Printing

About The Business: This business is a high quality large format Photo printing service as well as a custom picture framing shop servicing Port Macquarie and surrounds. An online presence is maintained via a magento based website selling photo products Australia wide. Years Established: originally known as The Artists Framer business began as a framing shop in approx 1995, in 2005 new owners expanded into large Format Photo printing focusing on canvas and paper prints , later adding acrylic ice panels as well as aluminium photo panels. Business has been in a number of locations in Port Macquarie through that period,... Price: $100,000 WIWO Region: Mid - North Coast State: NSW Contact: Ken Phone: +610412841350 View Online Bsale ID 214306

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Business Sale - Jim’s Mowing St Ives Lawn Mowing and Maintenance



Love gardening and keen to start a mowing business? Why not looking for existing profitable mowing franchise?! Jim’s Mowing St Ives Central is a well-established mowing franchisee with extensive client base covering Turramurra, Wahroonga, St Ives, and Pymble. The business is profitable and generating impressive revenue from its strong regular customer base. The sale includes second hand equipment required to run the business, it includes but not limited to: Lawn mower, hedger, blower, water pressure, snipper. Save you money and you can get started straight away! This business suits someone who loves working outdoor and has passion for garden keeping. Jim’s Mowing has built an excellent reputation as a leader in lawn mowing and garden services. Being part of Jim’s Mowing will provide you with proven system, great network and ongoing training and support. Other key features & benefits: * No experience needed - Comprehensive initial training and a dedicated on-going support from head office. * Low operating costs (run your business from home). * Large established client list. * Established cloud scheduling systems from current...

Price: $68,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Lovepreet Phone: 0403 859 257 View Online Bsale ID 214885



PTstudio/Gym - Est.3 yrs Health, Medical and Gyms



Gym / PT studio For Sale!! Due to other commitments and living arrangements, our PT studio/gym is for sale. It is a reluctant sale but a necessary one all the same. Its has been operational for almost 3 years but due to the fact that we now live away from Sydney, the commute is too much and we have another business where we live that takes up most of our time. All systems are in place and most of the hard work has been done already, this business would A personal trainer/fitness instructor wanting to be hands-on involved in the business, but could also suit an investor with the time and drive to build it beyond its stable base. We Offer different PT style gym packages as well as general gym access, and 6 week challenges out of this space. The current member base is very loyal and have been with us for around 2 of the 3 years we have been open, with some being here from the very beginning. About The Business: Lease: SUblease 3 years +3 year option from May 2018. Members: approx 75 with could easily be doubled. Equipment: Full set up worth approx $90000. Employees: Currently comes with 2 contracted PTs and a part time cleaner/receptionist. ...

Price: $90,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Owner Phone: 0416 566 279 View Online Bsale ID 214351

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Beachside Butcher Shop

Food - Supermarket, Butcher, Fruit, Bakery, Deli

Years Established: This business has been established for over 2 decades and have a stellar reputation among locals. Equipment: Full fit out is included in the sale including stainless steel benches, display counters, and rear cool room providing a walk in walk out opportunity. Trading Hours: Operating 5 1/2 days per week. Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm. Saturday 7am to 12pm. Location: Located in the coast town of Harrington NSW 2427. Harrington Beachside Meats. Find us on Facebook & Instagram. More about Harrington & surrounds on Facebook and Instagram #weloveharrington #barringtoncoast Price: $120,000 WIWO Region: Mid - North Coast State: NSW Contact: Sean Magennis Phone: 0423 968 145 View Online Bsale ID 214676

Designer Building Product - Relocatable Building - Construction - Home Renovation

ABOUT THE BUSINESS: Stonini™ composite wall panels add character and style to interior and exterior design projects. The panels which began as a custom creation are now offered in four ranges: 3D Profiles, Delta, Concrete Effects and Wood Features. The panels emulate stone, concrete and wood but are lightweight, flexible and easy to install. The Stonini™ business has a very strong portfolio of well-regarded and innovative designs. The product is proven in the architecture and interior design market with many installations in iconic sites. Manufacturing processes are well defined and scalable. ENVIRONMENTAL... Price: $100,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Stuart Carr Phone: +61 0424 310 150 View Online Bsale ID 215656



6 Months $280 + GST Homewares Dept. Store ...Est. 2009 Retail - Furniture, Bedding, Homewares, Giftware

Taylors of Maitland is a Fine Living department store in Maitland encompassing all things beautiful for the home.. Well known throughout the Hunter for stylish homewares, furniture, fashion, soft furnishings, giftware & home fragrance. Established in 2009 and located in the most magnificent and prominent building in town this business has over 300 sqm of open plan & interesting spaces with a recent extensive refurburbishment. A Christmas store operates for 8 weeks every year and there is further opportunity to extend the store upstairs up to 600 sqm. Wonderful lifestyle business. Please contact owner for... Price: POA Region: Newcastle - Hunter State: NSW Contact: Carolyn Phone: 0428 363 576 View Online Bsale ID 210604

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Tutoring Business For Sale!

Education, Children Services, Employment & Training

After school tutoring is a growth business. Our dynamic learning centres provide after school maths and English tutoring to primary and high school aged students. Our growing network of 70 successful tuition centres cater to children in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth as well as regional areas in Australian states and throughout New Zealand. Part of the Crimson Education Group, franchisees join a progressive company, successfully delivering learning plans for students to realise their potential. Along with the satisfaction of watching your profits grow as your roll increases, you’ll enjoy the good... Price: $160,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Doreen O’Neill Phone: 0401 075 822 View Online Bsale ID 178598

Online Automotive Parts Business Websites and Online Stores

About The Business: For over 30 years we have supplied quality aftermarket car customising parts to the automotive trade & the public. New state of the art ecommerce website built on the Neto platform. Large database of 1000’s of trade & retail customers to market to. The business is currently set up to be run by 2-3 people in a small warehouse. Would suit someone who is interested in cars & car customising, but anyone with minimal knowledge of the parts could easily take it over. Years Established: 31 years. Products & Services: Product sold include - headlights, tail lights, car body kits & body kit parts, front & rear bumpers, LED... Price: $100,000 + SAV Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Steve White Phone: 02 9981 7799 or 0412 270 907 View Online Bsale ID 210970



My Ply- Mcgrathshill- Est. 13 Yrs Building - Construction - Home Renovation

About The Business: Major plywood supplier to large building corporations. Supplier of kitchen hardware with cut to size service. Well known company. Years Established: 13 years. Products & Services: Cut to size service and assembly, edgebanding,routing and delivery service. Supplier of Plywood, Marine Ply, Form Ply, Hoop pine Ply, Birch Ply, Timber Veneers, Melamine and MDF boards. Features: Great Busy location, Friendly clientele, Great turnover. Trading Hours: 7.30-4.30pm Mon-Fri. Location: 21/2 Groves Ave Mcgrathshill. Website URL: www.myply. Equipment: Altendorf Panel saw, Holtzer... Price: $440,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: David Phone: 02 4577 4211 or 0407 438 409 View Online Bsale ID 210510

Roof & Wall Coating

Building - Construction - Home Renovation

About The Business: Established business system over 30 years. About The Franchise: Opportunity to franchise Marketing and Application Agencies. Years Established: First established 1983. Products & Services: Coatings suitable for all Wall and Roof services including Asbestos Encapsulation, Binders, Sealants, Fungicides etc. Features: These products have won tenders in government areas including Federal, State and Local. Products are proven safe and environmentally correct. All manufacturing, marketing and application systems are simple and suitable for Franchise or Agency selling. Premises: To be decided... Price: POA Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Joe McCormick Owner Phone: 0421 215 551 View Online Bsale ID 212283

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



F45 - North Shore Location - Est 2015 Health, Medical and Gyms

About The Business: This rare F45 listing is being offered in the North Shore area, one of Sydney’s most affluent markets. It is ideal for an investor that wants to earn a passive income, but would also continue to thrive with a motivated owner-operator who is passionate about the fitness industry. A rare opportunity to invest in the growth of F45 Training worldwide in a sold out market. The opportunity for a new owner or owners to take advantage of an established studio, the studio is growing rapidly and provides strong cash flow month after month. All the hard work of establishing this stand out studio has been done... Price: $660,000 + SAV WIWO Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Owner Phone: View Online Bsale ID 210612

Turn Key Online Retail Website Business Retail - Other

Don’t spend a fortune purchasing an established business! We sell ready-to-go online retail businesses for a fraction of the cost of an established business. We provide you with a website, products to sell, researched business concepts, social media, marketing assistance and one on one training with your very own Account Manager to help you through the entire process! For more information please visit http://

Price: $3,990 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Nikki Smith Phone: 1300 935 653 View Online Bsale ID 212389



Houseboat Hire Myall Lakes Houseboats Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

This houseboat hire business has been successfully running for 30 years. The boats were built locally and originally designed specifically for this waterway, the Myall Lakes, with shallow draft, large water tanks and huge fuel capacity. These types of boats were so popular that the builders built dozens more which are still operating right along the eastern coast of Australia. Our operation area is unique as it is mostly freshwater with no tide effect. Perfect for first time “boaties” or experienced ones alike. In recent years, we have added power anchor winches to all the hire boats and 12vt electric fridge/freezers, replacing the old gas fridges which used to struggle in hot weather. Each boat has solar panels which supply enough power to run everything even when the clients anchor in one place for many days without starting the motors. Many of our regulars do exactly this, they tow their ski-boats to their favourite spots and anchor up, some for a whole week. All the boats have had major aesthetic upgrades inside and out. There are four 45ft Coher houseboats and two 33ft Vickers houseboats. The service boat is a Clarkes ex-waterways boat with 2x90hp...

Price: $1,600,000 WIWO Region: Newcastle - Hunter State: NSW Contact: Chris and Sandra Harlor Phone: 0410 437 225 View Online Bsale ID 209830

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



BUSINESS for SALE Motorcycle Transport Company

Auto - Taxi, Courier, Hire, Distribution, Transport


We are a long established Motorcycle Transport Company operating since 1997. We transport Motorcycles Local, Interstate & Country NSW. Also to every major city Australia wide we also offer a crating service to ship your Motorcycle to out of the way places. We transport for all major brands, shops, anyone needing a Motorcycle transported. Large customer base regular work. Ideal for owner operator to run as family business and earn good money. We will give buyer all the support and training that you need to run the business. Owner wants to retire.


SALE Price: POA Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Geoff Phone: 0431 144 318 View Online Bsale ID 211995


Bsale ID










$299,000 + SAV

Business Brokers Network Australia




$299,000 + SAV

Business Brokers Network Australia


Wholesale and Retail Kitchen Equipment

Central Coast

$265,000 + SAV

Business Brokers Network Australia


Hair Salon in Syd South West (AM)



Business Brokers Network Australia




$374,888 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers



Start a Successful Lifestyle Business with Lounge Repair Guys

Newcastle - Hunter

$80,000 + GST

The Finn Group

0447 273287




$295,000 + SAV

Think Business Broker

0410 509 906


Screen Printing and Design Business For Sale - Sydney


$113,000 plus SAV

Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Established Boutique Bar Newtown/Enmore


$125,000 + SAV

Mandanex Capital

+61 448 23 1111


Restaurant -Tapas - Bar - Mediterranean Cuisine - Great location



SBX Business Brokers


Indoor Sports Centre - Leisure Centre - Indoor Cricket - Potential plus



SBX Business Brokers


Restaurant - Chinese Cuisine - Easy to run



SBX Business Brokers


Cafe - Takeaway - Franchise - Popular franchise



SBX Business Brokers


Foyer Cafe - Takeaway - Great opportunity



SBX Business Brokers


Sandwiches - Takeaway - Popular franchise

Blue Mountains - Central West


SBX Business Brokers


Restaurant - Chinese Cuisine - Under Management - Easy to run



SBX Business Brokers


19026 Barber / Hairdresser in Prime Inner Sydney Location



Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266922


Hills District, Newsagency and Dry Cleaner



ABBA Group



Cash Transport Service Business - Central Coast NSW



TRIDENT Business And Corporate Sales



Kitchen and Bathroom Renovation Business. Est 20 Years - Sydney.



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Northern Beaches Caf̩ Opportunity


$20,000 WIWO

GSE Business Consultants


Cafe, Hills District, Liquor Licence, New fitout



ABBA Group





McCormack Brokers

(02) 9212 2799




$290,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers



Hello Harry Dapto

Wollongong - South Coast

$99,000 + SAV

Amplify Business Sales

1300 267 287


Restaurant / Cafe - Free Standing with Parking



ABBA Group



Advance Fitness Franchise Glendale

Newcastle - Hunter


DC Strategy



Advance Fitness Franchise Tamworth

Newcastle - Hunter


DC Strategy



Advance Fitness Franchise Bathurst

Blue Mountains - Central West


DC Strategy



Advance Fitness Franchise Orange

Blue Mountains - Central West


DC Strategy



Advance Fitness Franchise Dubbo

Blue Mountains - Central West


DC Strategy




Central Coast


EcoKleen Solar NQ

13 0078 7061





EcoKleen Solar NQ

13 0078 7061


Lower North Shore Espresso Bar



GSE Business Consultants




$115,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers


Inner West Caf̩ Five Days


$150,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants


19037 Submarine Sandwich Store - Ideal Tweed Heads Location

Mid - North Coast


Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266922


Beautifully Presented Licensed Cafe/Rest

Newcastle - Hunter

$95,000 + SAV

Global Realty Partners

024 961 0411


Become a Goop Guys Franchisee Today - VIC and NSW

Newcastle - Hunter

Prices start at $25,000...

Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Hawkesbury Caf̩ For Sale


$120,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants


Cafe in major shopping centre Parramatta



Core Business Brokers



Takeaway Food


McCormack Brokers

(02) 9212 2799


High End Mechanical Workshop

Central Coast

$100,000 + SAV + Other

Central Coast Business Brokers

02 4388 4399




$50,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers





$589,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers



Gloria Jean‰Ûªs, Gigantic Profit, Rare

Tamworth - North West

$179,000 + SAV

Better Business Sales

0755 640 660


Shingle Inn - Chatswood


$98,800 + SAV

Shingle Inn Franchising Pty Ltd



Established Cafe - Tuggerah

Central Coast

$125,000 + SAV

Shingle Inn Franchising Pty Ltd






Core Business Brokers





$124,500 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers





$59,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers



Inner West CafÌ© ‰ÛÒ Corner Position


$99,000 WIWO

GSE Business Consultants


Lower North Shore CafÌ© ‰ÛÒ Coffee & Salad


$88,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants


Collaroy Beach Cafe. Prime Position



ABBA Group





Australian Business Sales Corporation




$315,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers



Cafe in Marrickville. Great street corner spot. Low rent.



ABBA Group





$1,050,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers



HURRY, Price reduced to only $5,000 for a limited time. Amazing opportunity for a…

Wollongong - South Coast


The Brokerage Australia

1300 466 455


HURRY, Price reduced to only $5,000 for a limited time. Amazing opportunity for a…

Newcastle - Hunter


The Brokerage Australia

1300 466 455


HURRY, Price reduced to only $5,000 for a limited time. Amazing opportunity for a…

Central Coast


The Brokerage Australia

1300 466 455

1300 276 537



Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Bsale ID







HURRY, Price reduced to only $5,000 for a limited time. Amazing opportunity for a…



The Brokerage Australia

1300 466 455


HURRY, Price reduced to only $5,000 for a limited time. Amazing opportunity for a…



The Brokerage Australia

1300 466 455


Health Food/Organic Product Supplier

Mid - North Coast

$1,980,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441




$135,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers



Profitable Licensed Asian Restaurant in Sydney CBD



ABBA Group



Outstanding Restaurant / Cafe / Bar in Lower North Shore



ABBA Group


Well Established Cafe Upper North Shore - High Turn Over



ABBA Group


South West Sydney Tutoring / Education C



Mentored Business Sales

1800 858 696


Enjoy a great lifestyle own the freehold

Wagga Wagga - Riverina

$840,000 Freehold

Business Sales victoria

03 9909 7727


Two Child Care Centres For Sale - Eastern Suburbs Sydney



ABBA Group



Cleaning Supplies TWO BUSINESSES REFZ2265

Blue Mountains - Central West

$1,450,000 + Stock

LJ Hooker Business Broking

02 9552 1111


Shingle Inn - Eastgardens


$98,800 + SAV

Shingle Inn Franchising Pty Ltd



Atmospheric Inner City Caf̩



Retail Business Pty Ltd

0409 444 555


Craft Beer & Artisan Wine Bar Restaurant



Retail Business Pty Ltd

0409 444 555





Think Business Broker

0410 509 906


Huge Exposure Great Opportunity

Central Coast

$95,000 + SAV

Central Coast Business Brokers

02 4388 4399


Unique Surf Business Opportunity


$79,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants


Award-Winning Gelatissimo Franchises For Sale - Takeaway-Cafe-Coffee-Italian-…


From $280,000

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Own a Multi Award-Winning Car Detailing Business, Consistently Rank in Top 10…


$42,000 + GST

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Evocative Espresso Cafe Kitchen



Retail Business Pty Ltd

0409 444 555


Restaurant Northern Beaches



Core Business Brokers



Drive Through Coffee Shop | 40kg‰Ûªs/week

Blue Mountains - Central West

$150,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants



Newcastle - Hunter

$95,000 + SAV

Global Realty Partners

024 961 0411


Cafe Restaurant & Function Centre



Mentored Business Sales

1800 858 696


Cafe in Northern Beaches for Sale


$148,800 + SAV

Dealmakers Australia



Profitable Liquor Licensed Bar



Mentored Business Sales

1800 858 696


Liquor Licensed Cafe Franchise - SYDNEY


$49,900 + SAV

Mentored Business Sales

1800 858 696


Mr Wolf



Capital Commercial Business Sales

1300 793 950


Licensed Burger Bar - Inner West Sydney



Retail Business Pty Ltd

0409 444 555


High Foot Traffic Cafe - Lane Cove



Retail Business Pty Ltd

0409 444 555

BSALE currently has 2,721 Businesses Listed For Sale in NSW... View All Here

Selection of businesses advertised for sale by business brokers. This a guide only. Please view the ID number on and speak directly to the broker to confirm details. Bsale accepts no responsibilty for any errors or ommissions.



Children’s Wear Retail - Canberra

Education, Children Services, Employment & Training

About The Business: Exciting opportunity to own an iconic Canberra Children’s Wear Business. Located in Federation Square, at Gold Creek Village, Carlee Children’s Wear has been successfully owned and operated by the same owners for over 23 years. Diverse range of children’s fashion, gifts, toys and christening requirements with an established customer base who are now bringing a second generation of children through. Open 7 days a week. Only $50,000 plus stock at value will secure this beautiful business. Easily operated by owner and one part time staff member. An ideal business for a mum and daughter or two/three sisters.... Price: POA Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Carolyn Tozer Phone: 0448 726 040 View Online Bsale ID 216064

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $280 + GST 19020 Mobile Cleaning And Sanitation... Cleaning & Domestic Services

Look no further, this unique mobile sanitizing business uses state of the art equipment, combined with great revenue and profit potential, with a low start up cost. You will also be making a difference to the health and well being of your customers. It is rare opportunity to purchase a turn key business with all the equipment and materials supplied in a purpose built, high profile trailer. You will receive an extensive training program and ongoing operational support, as well as lead generation and access to marketing materials and campaigns. Combining the use of a mobile ozone generator, which has been patented and is more... Price: $50,000 Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Bonza Business & Franchise Sales Phone: 1300 266 922 View Online Bsale ID 214498



Canberra Café/Coffee Shop For Sale Food - Cafe For Sale

For sale is a well-established Café in a popular ACT suburb that has been managed by the same owners for over 10 years and a café has operated on the site for over 20 years. The business operates 5.5 days per week and is closed on Sundays, it seats 30/40 people inside and 16 outside. It is popular with local business people and the surrounding residents. The owners are highly experienced and over time have more than doubled the turnover with sustained growth. Great attention to detail is put on quality of service and delicious home made fresh food and amazing coffee. The business has a new 5×5 lease in place and rent is less than 8% of turnover, the business even gets a months rent free every January. The café has benchmarks that will make many operators envious with food cost running at 25% and labour costs at 30%. The experienced owners really do know how to squeeze every dollar of profit out of the business. The café is bright and stylish with a full commercial kitchen, plenty of storage space and refrigeration and a separate washup area and office. This is a high turnover business with stable trade and strong net profit run by experienced...

Price: $445,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Rob Illsey Phone: 0415 801 313 View Online Bsale ID 214093

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Join one of the Best!! Cafe 63 South... Food - Restaurant For Sale

Here is a fabulous opportunity to join one of the fastest growing cafe brands in Australia. * Food, Convenience and great Coffee; * Reasonable rent; * Full training & support provided; * Licence agreement for CafÊ 63 Brand, systems & support included; * Di Bella Coffee; * Other sites available. A new owner just needs stock, staff & lots of passion and energy!! Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity! To find out more information about this business, please complete the confidentiality agreement quoting reference number: 3737. Broker: Hugo Martin| E: hugo@absbrisbane. com | P: 0411 617 140. Head Office | P: 07 3368 4010| E:

Price: POA Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Hugo Martin Phone: 07 3368 4010 or 0411 617 140 View Online Bsale ID 214896



Coffee Guru Casey Food - Cafe For Sale

Absent owners must sell... The two owners know that they are giving away the store at this price, but as they are committed to their jobs and other businesses, they must sell this coffee shop quickly. The cost to fit out and set up an equivalent shop would far exceed $200,000. Position, potential and price are the three best descriptors that should compel you to inquire about owning Coffee Guru Casey. The shop is ideally located at one of the main entry points of Casey Market Town, a major centre serving the Gungahlin region, which has been recently reported as Australia’s second fastest growing region. The modest 4.5% franchise fee (turnover) is outweighed by the great benefits the business owners receive, including favourable supply agreements, turnkey business systems and strong local branding. In fact, one of Australia’s leading four banks is prepared to provide finance to approved operators. The current owners are so confident that they are also prepared to finance the incoming owner partly. On average, there are 1,300 transactions per week and approximately 85% of sales on coffee or drinks, with a very small food...

Price: $120,000 Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Capital Commercial Business Sales Phone: 1300 793 950 or 1300 793 690 View Online Bsale ID 214608

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Bsale ID







Tutor Doctor New Franchises Available in Canberra and the Surrounding region...



The Finn Group


Belconnen Laundromat



Capital Commercial Business Sales

1300 793 690


Takeaway Food


McCormack Brokers

(02) 9212 2799


Make Extra Money Part Time



EcoKleen Solar NQ

13 0078 7061


Affordable Café in South Canberra Suburb



GSE Business Consultants


Southern Grounds



Capital Commercial Business Sales

1300 793 950


UNDER OFFER - Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Business in Canberra - Highly…



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Profitable café in South Canberra


$110,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants


Well Established Canberra Cafe


$445,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants


Coffee Guru Wanniassa


$250,000 + SAV

Capital Commercial Business Sales

Capital Commercial


Freehold Post Office, General Store & Stock Feed –Sutton, NSW


$1.1 million WIWO

Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

Business Sales


Fully Licensed Canberra Café | Low Rent


$225,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants

02 9817 3331


Canberra Café/Coffee Shop For Sale


$445,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants


Coffee Guru Casey



Capital Commercial Business Sales


Profitable Cafe Patisserie & Bakehouse Weston, ACT



ABBA Group

1300 793 950


Strong Local Community Cafe in Central Location ‰ÛÒ Waramanga ACT


$85,000 Negotiable

Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd






EcoKleen Solar NQ

02 9817 3331


Industrial Cleaning Company with Established Client Base - Canberra



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

13 0078 7061


Affordable Canberra Caf̩


$60,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants

02 9817 3331





The Brokerage Australia


Mr Wolf



Capital Commercial Business Sales

1300 466 455


High Volume Caf̩ | Northside


$495,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants

1300 793 950

BSALE currently has 97 Businesses Listed For Sale in ACT… View All Here

Selection of businesses advertised for sale by business brokers. This a guide only. Please view the ID number on and speak directly to the broker to confirm details. Bsale accepts no responsibilty for any errors or ommissions.



BRISBANE Northside Cafe For Sale. Food - Cafe For Sale

About The Business: WIWO well established cafe that has traded for 25 years is this location. We have personally owned it for the last 4 years. Located on a busy main road of a major Northside suburb approximately 40kms north of Brisbane. Currently trading 7 days a weeks. All shorter days covering breakfast and lunch. Option to open for dinner available. Seating for 70 in huge 160sqm with loads of opportunities! Footpath dining approved. Parking at the front and rear of the property. Solid lease in place until July 2022 with a 3 year option giving security. Rent is low at just $625/week including GST and outgoings. Cafe is... Price: $59,000 WIWO Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Owner Phone: 0439 077 090 View Online Bsale ID 216837

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Your Own Salon Beauty & Hair Salon

This salon is a well established business that has been operating for 9 years. Location: Only 15 minutes from Brisbane City, in the heart of a fast growing residential suburb this salon is in a buzzing centre with ample parking.Features: Fully equipped with a team of talented, professional hair stylists and the option of extra rental income from existing beauty services being subleased within the salon. Equipment: There are 12 stations and 3 luxurious basins with 83 square metres of space. Reason For Sale: This is a reluctant sale due to the owner moving interstate. Currently only working 1 ½ days in the salon.... Price: $89,000 WIWO Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Owner Phone: View Online Bsale ID 201879

Mercantile Debt Collection & Recovery Business & Professional Services

I am looking for a partner to buy into this highly reputable Debt Collection Mercantile agency with licensing rights to operate across the entire region of Queensland. Operating for over 25 years, this mercantile agency is very well established in the industry; top 10 ranked via google debt recovery search, and has many reputable clients signed up. With a unique range of Debt collection and Credit Management products we help to protect all types of businesses from tradesman to builders, manufacturers and wholesalers to product distributors manage risk and minimize exposure to Bad Debt. Our key mission is to... Price: $30,000 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Managing Director Phone: View Online Bsale ID 217235



Transport contract - Brisbane - Est. 11 Yrs Auto - Taxi, Courier, Hire, Distribution, Transport

PRICED FOR QUICK SALE... The business includes a 2012 6 speed Manual Isuzu M-Long FTR900 with a 12 Pallet Blue Tautliner and a 2 Ton Dhollandia Tailgate lifter. The truck was purpose built with hanging and dividing gates specific for this work. The GVM is 15T with a carry capacity of 7T. EXTRAS INCLUDE... *Cruise Control *Hill Assist *ABS-Anti Lock Air assist Braking *ISRI- Quality seatiing *Nose Cone *Safety under protection (SUPS) *Compliant sleeper with mattress *Handbrake Alarm *Large Storage Box *Hand wash Water Container *Chiller unit with 2x12V converter plug gor accessory use. *Pallet Jack, Trollies, Straps, Angles and Boards. *Full-Service history, 420K Km mainly Motorway driving. All necessary work has been done to have this truck mechanically and visually in exceptionally good condition. Current guaranteed 3 day work week netting 50K Annually with good opportunity to expand. The contracting entity is DKR Logistics, who control the Transport arm for the METCASH group. (ALM,IGA and Others) A successful vetted approved buyer will be offered an Annually renewed Subcontracting agreement with DKR. Depot is at Crestmead, Logan area. AN APPROVED... Price: $74,000 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Glenn Simmons Phone: 07 3281 1756 or 0438 066 234 View Online Bsale ID 216789

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Convenience & Takeaway Store

Food - Supermarket, Butcher, Fruit, Bakery, Deli

The business has been established for over 20 years with a long lease + Options, not a franchise, it continues to provide all the requirements of a convenience store for the local area. This includes all the general items such as milk, bread, cold & frozen goods, some Fruit & Vegetables, Confectionery, Chips, Soft drinks, Ice creams, Bag Ice, Newspapers & mags, Cigarettes, E-Pay, Dry Cleaning service, ‘Swap & Go’ gas exchange, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Tea and more (self-serve), Slushies, ATM, Parcel post & pick-up service, and a great selection of supermarket items. We also have a good selection of Take-away food including Hot Chickens, Fish & Chips, burgers, Pies, Pasties, Sausage rolls, Fresh & Toasted sandwiches & Cakes. This business operates with a POS system and hand held unit, it is in a centre with other retailers and professional suites which has excellent parking and is in a built up area. For all other details including financials contact us by email to:

Price: $155,000 + SAV Region: Sunshine - Fraser Coast State: QLD Contact: Phone: View Online Bsale ID 215497



Business Coaching Opportunity Advertising, Marketing and Printing


Business Coach Needed. The demand for Business Coaches has never been higher. I’m looking for someone with a solid business background that I can train to become a business coach. The ideal candidate will have a heavy passion and flair for business / marketing. All of the resources required to succeed have already been developed for you, and I’ll provide and pay for your training. This is an INCREDIBLE career opportunity if you qualify. Compensation ranges from $1,000 to $2,500 per client per month. Submit a one-page cover letter summarizing why you should be accepted for this opportunity and why I should invest in you.

SALE Price: $499,700 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Kevin Hargraves Phone: 0412 220 727 View Online Bsale ID 218191

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Cleaning/Car Detailing Business Est 12yr Cleaning & Domestic Services

About The Business: Tsv Car & Home Cleaning provides cleaning services for houses, offices, bond returns as well as also providing car detailing services for all vehicles right up to trucks & machinery. Years Established: Has been going since 2006. Products & Services: Weekly/fortnightly cleans on residential properties, Bond return cleans, Office cleaning, Window cleaning, Car detailing. Premises: Fully mobile. About The Area: Townsville is a large enough city to be able to find plenty of work. Financials: Available on request. Equipment: Basic equipment will be sold with the business. Training: Fully training will be provided with introduction to all customers. Potential: Huge potential for expansion. Reason For Sale: Health reasons.

Price: $80,000 Region: Coastal North State: QLD Contact: Melissa Kenny Phone: 0429 497 463 View Online Bsale ID 218867



3 Months $190 + GST 24REPZ - Independent Gym For Sale Beauty & Hair Salon

Well established independent 24/7 gym in Rockhampton is oozing with potential and crying out for a new enthusiastic owner/s. This is an Ideal business opportunity for Personal Trainers or Fitness couples looking to break into the industry with enormous potential for growth. All the hard work to establish the business is done and now you can turn your enthusiasm into potential profit. This is not a franchise so you can make the rules! - Great location in Shopping Centre. - Loads of convenient parking. - Security systems in place. - Good range of quality equipment. - Fully unencumbered - equipment owned outright. - 2 year lease... Price: $203,000 WIWO Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Michelle Greenough Phone: 0488 372 498 View Online Bsale ID 212354

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Child Care Centre - Great Opportunity Education, Children Services, Employment & Training


Ready for Active Operator Or Passive Investor. About The Business: Licensed 94 Places situated in a fast growing suburb. Day Care Centre is a large complex with 6 Activity Rooms. Features: Spacious garden area, Kitchen, Laundry, Office and Reception. Car Parking available. The Centre is built on a corner with ExtraStreet Parking. Well maintained outdoor Area. Multiple outdoor play areas with large Under cover sections. New Building opened 18mths. Equipment: 12 Seater Van Included. Fully Integrated Centre with “Quick Kids” Software. Valuation available on Inspection. Contact Bill Peel. Email: Phone: 0416 775365.

SALE Price: POA Region: Coastal North State: QLD Contact: Bill Peel Phone: 0416 775 365 View Online Bsale ID 214673



Modern Café Situated On The Foreshore Food - Cafe For Sale

This cafe is situated on the foreshore of the Morton Bay Area. The location in general brings many customers to our Café from Gold Coast to Sunshine Coast and interstate. Our philosophy is for the customer to “Diversify their Palate” and each one of our dishes contains a unique flavour from different cultures but infused with a modern twist. We fill the void of nutritious, healthy and real in-house made food to the area. We cater to all dietary requirements including Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Nut free and Vegan. The style of food we bring is seasonal, unique and diverse and everything different that is not been catered for in this region. It has been a benefit for us to be unique and we have obtained so much interest in doing so. We are open 7 days per week, and even though we are the size of a restaurant seating 160 people, the current opening hours are 7am until 4pm with many opportunities to further extend trading hours. We benefit on the large seating capacity and liquor licence to hold functions until midnight. We have 22 dedicated and amazing staff who run this business without owners daily involvement. Our social media following is at over 4000...

Price: $479,000 WIWO Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Kris Phone: 0400 000 969 View Online Bsale ID 213863

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Clark Rubber Southport - Price Reduced Franchises and Business Opportunities

Retail opportunity in Southport. The owner of Clark Rubber Southport is over 19 years in the network and seeking retirement. The owner has reduced the price for a quick sale. The store requires a refurbishment of approx. $ 55,000 which can be completed in three stages over a period of 3 years. This is an opportunity for a person who understand the importance of building long-lasting customer relationships. Further opportunities for growth is the mobile pool service part of this business. The business will be sold with a long term secured lease and the support of the Franchisor to propel the business to its next level. ... Price: $25,000 Region: Gold Coast State: QLD Contact: Dirk Heinert Phone: 03 8727 9942 or 0400 922 493 View Online Bsale ID 62805

North Lakes Hairhouse Warehouse Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

Anzac Ave & N Lakes Dr, North Lakes QLD 4509 We have secured a great new site, situated in Westfield Northlakes. This new store has the potential to become the number one destination for hair & beauty products & services in the area. This replaces our current high performing store in the centre. Marketing support. Hairhouse Warehouse has their own inhouse marketing design team, which allows all our franchises have access to the expert marketing advice. This means you can develop marketing and advertising for your franchise, when & where you need it. We’ve sought out the best & brightest marketing and advertising professionals... Price: $420,000 + SAV Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Peter Fiasco Phone: 0451 370 060 View Online Bsale ID 143182



Wedding Decor Events Business For Sale Entertainment and Amusements

Home Based Business - No Rent - Do as much or as little as you like! Bargain Buy - Owner moved on. Wedding Styling & \ Perfect for Home based business. $5000. BRISBANE NORTH. PLEASE NOTE STOCK IS NOT BEING SOLD SEPARATELY. Domains, Established & Working Website, Facebook Page will be included in sale or rename! Affordable buy for established business already going & procedures / documents in place. Just bring the new fresh passion and focus and you will easily grow it! I have been working in the industry for 20years, this business I set up from scratch & now have it easier to run than ever. A few bookings are in place for 2019, but this can be grown if the business was given more passion & focus again. Work for yourself with this easy to run business which can be operated from home. We have established relationships with venues and due to other business focuses have not done a heap of advertising. We currently do chair covers and sashes, wedding ceremony set ups.The business income could greatly increase & easily with someone that brings fresh ideas, time, and enthusiasm and targeting a...

Price: $5,000 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Rebecca Phone: 0416 237 229 View Online Bsale ID 215762

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



3 Months $190 + GST Building Franchise - Townsville Building - Construction - Home Renovation

About The Franchise: Smith & Sons Renovations & Extensions has been operating for 10 years. The franchise has concentrated on the neglected Renovations market and systemised the business. Support is given initially and ongoing to make sure you have the knowledge necessary to be successful. Want your lifestyle back? Sick of quoting all the time and not winning work? Tight margins? We provide an initial start up pack and marketing allowing you to get up and running fast. Greg Gardner from GJ Gardner Homes created Smith & Sons in response to the demand in the market for a professional renovation brand. Features:... Price: POA Region: Coastal North State: QLD Contact: Steven Phone: 07 5413 7248 View Online Bsale ID 211282



Specialised Cleaning Services Cleaning & Domestic Services



About The Business: The great thing we love about Amazing Clean (AC) is that every day we either meet someone new or renew an old acquaintance! We are constantly solving people’s problems and usually in ways that to them, are unexpected. For example, a customer of ours has had her blinds cleaned a number of times but as she has gotten older, the blinds were getting too heavy for her to operate. So we changed her blinds from chain operated to motorised. Now she only needs to press a button! Our reward is not only payment but also that she tells her friends about how AMAZING we are! We have been with AC twelve years and as new franchisees had no experience running a business. AC helped us find a suitable workshop,, helped with moving our equipment and stock and were very supportive all round. As we progressed to curtain cleaning in our third year, our QLD state master franchisee became a wealth of information and acted as a pseudo help desk for all of our questions as we entered into a new field, offering careful advice and positive reinforcement of our previous training. On top of this, the AC manuals also gave us step by step...

Price: $109,000 WIWO Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Alan Dinnie Phone: 0428 582 112 View Online Bsale ID 210098

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Coffee Shop

Food - Cafe For Sale

Cafe orders 18-20kg p.w. of specialty coffee. Modern style with great presentation and atmosphere. Menu includes bacon & egg rolls, smashed avo, cakes, bagels, acai bowls and smoothies. La Marzocco coffee machine. All equipment but 1 drink fridge (loan from supplier) and 2 Compak grinders (on loan from coffee supplier) owned. 1 Mazzer grinder owned if you don’t wish to have the loaned ones. – 10 seats inside - seats 10 outside. Would suit owner-operator. Features: Great location. - Very low rent. Excellent reputation for Great coffee and food. Location: Situated next to train station and Bus stop in Northside suburb in holiday destination area. Trading Hours: 7 days – 5.30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Lease: Current lease expires October 2020 options. Employees: 1 Owner and 1 Casual. Perfect for owner-operator, couple or partners.

Price: $55,000 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Owner Phone: View Online Bsale ID 212127




Food - Supermarket, Butcher, Fruit, Bakery, Deli

2 year old family run Butchershop selling quality cuts. Shop totally fitted out with Smokehouse, Freezer, 2 Cold Rooms, Saw, Mincer, Delivery Van plus more. Sales to local Cafés and surrounding Towns. Loyal Customer base. Selling due to ill-health. Genuine offers only please.


SALE Price: $200,000 WIWO Region: Sunshine - Fraser Coast State: QLD Contact: Craig Billington Phone: 0407 823 108 View Online Bsale ID 212051

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Food Trailer for Sale

Food - Mobile Vans & Catering

About The Business: The business is called ‘The Naked Spud’ and we are a traditional English baked potato van. Serving excellent potatoes with homemade fillings, all recipes would, of course, be passed on. The business has been running for 18 months and been going really well. We are one of the only food trucks to have a 5-star health rating from GC council. The business includes the name and everything attached to it, including social media accounts, contacts, bookings, the trailer which is fully wrapped in the logo, all logo designs and video productions. Years Established: We have been in business for 18 months. Products & Services: We have two King Edward English potato ovens that cook the most amazing jacket spuds you will ever taste. We have built up an excellent reputation for being the best at what we do. We have also started venturing into sweet treats with homemade banoffee pies, pavlovas etc, all of which have been incredibly popular. We also have a couple of regular gigs where we just do breakfast ‘Butties’ (Egg & Bacon rolls, Sausage & Egg) at these particular events we literally can’t make them quick...

Price: $70,000 WIWO Region: Gold Coast State: QLD Contact: Craig Smith Phone: 0458 320 669 View Online Bsale ID 211960



Mowing & Gardening - South Brisbane Lawn Mowing and Maintenance

About The Business: Well established, trusted, privately owned business with no franchise fees. Suburbs serviced include Algester, Parkinson, Calamvale, Sunnybank Hills, Stretton, Acacia Ridge, Coopers Plains and surrounding suburbs. Avoid the risk and uncertainties of starting from scratch. You will make money from day one with 90 regular, loyal customers on a cycle with a cut value of $7,700. 40% of clients have been with the business 4 plus years and 60% of the clients have been with the business 3 plus years. Now is the best time of year to get into this line of work as you will be very busy from day one. This business will suit someone who wants to own their first business and we’ll support you in making the transition with a great handover. It will also suit someone who wants to expand their existing operation by taking over our great clients. Being a well known business in the area there is no need to advertise as there’s enough work with existing customers and you receive many job requests via referrals, the business website and its Facebook page. This provides a genuine opportunity to expand the business. Products & Services...

Price: $41,000 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Richard Phone: 0478 222 158 View Online Bsale ID 212577

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Bsale ID








Sunshine - Fraser Coast


Business Brokers Network Australia




$300,000 + SAV

ABS Business Sales

07 3368 4010


Gloria Jeans Deception Bay Drive Thru- Outstanding Brisbane North Location…


$75,000 + SAV

ABS Business Sales



Organic Market Place and Cafe Business For Sale #3710


$359,000 + SAV

ABS Business Sales

07 3368 4010


Restaurant/Cafe Brisbane South Business For Sale #9207


$60,000 + SAV

ABS Business Sales



Tree Lopping Brisbane - Business For Sale #9210



ABS Business Sales



Boutique Brewery Bar & Restaurant Business for Sale Brisbane - 3734


$1,000,000 + SAV

ABS Business Sales



Solar Installation with Large and Increasing Sales Business For Sale #3763


$995,000 WIWO

ABS Business Sales

07 3368 4010


Wholesale Flowers Also Open to the Public- Business For Sale #3765


$148,000 + SAV

ABS Business Sales

07 3368 4010


Wholesale Flowers Also Open to the Public- Business For Sale #3765


$148,000 + SAV

ABS Business Sales

07 3368 4010


Friendly Grocer Ormiston - Business For Sale #3679


$60,000 + SAV

ABS Business Sales

07 3368 4010


Stunning Rainforest Cottages plus Owners Residence (Freehold) - BF

Sunshine - Fraser Coast

Reasonable OFFERS!

Business Brokers Network Australia


Engineering, Fabrication & Manufacturing

Gold Coast

$335,000 + SAV

Better Business Sales

075 564 0660


Amazing..Curtain & Blinds..Strong Profit

Gold Coast

$185,000 WIWO

Better Business Sales

075 564 0660


On-Line Enterprise - $630k Profit

Gold Coast

$1,575,000 WIWO

Better Business Sales

075 564 0660


Exclusive Cafe Incoming Cash $1.2 mil

Gold Coast

$465,000 + SAV

Better Business Sales

075 564 0660


Cafe - Takeaway - Estabished over 30 years



SBX Business Brokers


Manufacturing - Wool Products - Good opportunity

Gold Coast


SBX Business Brokers


Red Rooster


$735,000 + SAV

NAI Harcourts Rinnovate

035 831 1499


19035 Phone and Tablet Repair Service -5 Star Rated - Onsite and On-Demand

Gold Coast


Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266922


19036 Mobile Bin Cleaning and Trailer Sales Business - Professional and Reliable

Gold Coast


Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266922


Bakery Central Sunshine Coast

Sunshine - Fraser Coast

$210,000 + SAV

Quest Business Brokers

1300 278 378


Car Parts & Accessories Retailer

Gold Coast

$165,000 + SAV

Transworld Business Advisors Gold Coast



Gym for sale Caboolture



Transworld Brisbane

0411 862 003


Roof Repair & Associated Product

Gold Coast

$659,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


Hitman Professional Pest Control - Brisbane, Sunshine Coast And Gold Coast, QLD


Franchise Package Price… Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331



Gold Coast


EcoKleen Solar NQ

13 0078 7061





EcoKleen Solar NQ

13 0078 7061



Sunshine - Fraser Coast


EcoKleen Solar NQ

13 0078 7061


Restaurant & Building Opportunity

Gold Coast

$535,000 + SAV

Transworld Business Advisors Gold Coast



Scaffold Hire- $430k Profit 50% ROI

Sunshine - Fraser Coast

$795,000 WIWO

Hallmark Business Sales




Gold Coast


LK Business Brokers

130 031 5223


Beauty Services & Product Supply


$179,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


Handyman Business in Port Douglas Qld

Coastal North

$135,000 + SAV + Other Business Brokers Queensland

073 290 3633


Leading National Tyre Wholesale/Distribution Business For Sale - QLD

Gold Coast

$3.45mil plus SAV

Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Fitness Centre East Brisbane


$598,000 + SAV

Business Brokers Queensland

073 290 3633


19040 Highly Regarded Shed Distribution Business - No Experience or License…



Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266922


Truck Parts $450K Profit - 46% ROI


$550,000 + SAV

Hallmark Business Sales



19039 Portable Children’s Play Centre Franchise Opportunity - Multiple Sites…



Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266922


Takeaway Food


McCormack Brokers

(02) 9212 2799


Takeaway Food

Toowoomba - Darling Downs

McCormack Brokers

(02) 9212 2799


Takeaway Food

Coastal North

McCormack Brokers

(02) 9212 2799


Building Supplies - $647k Profit

Gold Coast

$1,500,000 + SAV

Hallmark Business Sales



Wholesaler of Wholefoods - $500k Profit

Gold Coast

$950,000 + SAV

Hallmark Business Sales



Health Food Store - $189K Profit 70% ROI


$145,000 + SAV

Hallmark Business Sales



Pet Supplies Superstore

Gold Coast

$195,000 WIWO

Better Business Sales

0755 640 660


Auto Wrecking & Salvage with Online sale

Gold Coast

$319,000 WIWO

Better Business Sales

075 564 0660


Highly regarded full service landscaping

Gold Coast

$59,000 WIWO

Better Business Sales

075 564 0660


Suit ANY Trade...Handyman....Carpenter

Gold Coast

$95,000 + SAV

Better Business Sales

0755 640 660


Beautiful Licensed Daytime Only Cafe

Gold Coast

$325,000 + SAV

Better Business Sales

0755 640 660


Shingle Inn - Carindale


$125,000 + SAV

Shingle Inn Franchising Pty Ltd


Established Cafe - Capalaba


$99,800 + SAV

Shingle Inn Franchising Pty Ltd


Shingle Inn - Sunnybank


$98,800 + SAV

Shingle Inn Franchising Pty Ltd



Established Cafe - Myer Centre, Brisbane


$149,000 + SAV

Shingle Inn Franchising Pty Ltd



Shingle Inn - Brookside


$275,000 + SAV

Shingle Inn Franchising Pty Ltd


High End Restaurant & Bar



Transworld Brisbane

0408 230 203


Unique & High Net Profit Plumbing Srvc


$269,500 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


Brisbane Caf̩ & Catering Company


$262,500 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


Natural Health Prod Online W’sale Import


$279,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


Online Giftware/Homeware Product


$995,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


Trophy, Award & Associated Product


$245,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


Bsale ID








Signage, Large Format Digital Print & Graphic Design Business


Offers Invited

The Brokerage Australia

0401 193 999


Modern Cafe and Coffee Shop Sth Brisbane


Offers Over $99,000

The Brokerage Australia

0401 193 999


Exclusive Cafe Limited Competition West Brisbane


Offers Invited

The Brokerage Australia

0401 193 999


Retail Surf Shop Gold Coast

Gold Coast

$130,000 + SAV

Quest Business Brokers

1300 278 378


High-Quality Supplement Product Online

Gold Coast

$699,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


$1 for Legal Brothel Opportunity in Mack

Coastal North


Business Brokers Queensland

073 290 3633


Managed Award Winning Caf̩

Gold Coast

$800,000 + SAV

Transworld Business Advisors Gold Coast

0404 070 056


Hair & Beauty Salon-$130K Profit Managed

Gold Coast

$200,000 + SAV

Hallmark Business Sales



Established Cafe - Sunshine Coast

Sunshine - Fraser Coast


Shingle Inn Franchising Pty Ltd

07 3399 3000


Established Cafe - The Pines, Elanora

Gold Coast


Shingle Inn Franchising Pty Ltd

07 3399 3000


Tranquil Inner-City Day Spa - Brisbane


$89,950 + SAV

Mentored Business Sales


Enviro Friendly, Bulk Foods Retailer

Gold Coast


Transworld Business Advisors Gold Coast

0404 070 056


Go Vita Brisbane Health Food Store



Transworld Brisbane

0408 230 203


Health Food Store Popular Centre



Transworld Brisbane

0408 230 203


Elite Award-Winning Hair Dressing Salon


$149,950 + SAV

Mentored Business Sales

1800 858 696


Costume Sales & Hire Importer, Webstore


$199,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky

073 221 1441


Refrigeration & Electrical Business for


$298,000 + SAV

Transworld Brisbane

0408 230 203


Exciting New MoneyQuest Finance Broking Franchise Opportunity For Sale -…


$9,500 + GST

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Fastway Couriers - Great Existing Opportunity in the Wavell Heights & Kedron


$50,000 + GST

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Gelatissimo Exciting New Gelato Franchise Opportunities Available in Brisbane


From $280,000

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Exciting Opportunity to Own a Unique Early Childhood Music and Movement…



Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Trophy business for sale $135,000 WIWO


$135,000 WIWO


073 040 2054


12Round Franchise in Brisbane for sale



Business Brokers Queensland

073 290 3633

BSALE currently has 2,721 Businesses Listed For Sale in QLD... View All Here

Selection of businesses advertised for sale by business brokers. This a guide only. Please view the ID number on and speak directly to the broker to confirm details. Bsale accepts no responsibilty for any errors or ommissions.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Bentley Flying Spur Limousines

Auto - Taxi, Courier, Hire, Distribution, Transport

Outstanding opportunity to continue and improve on a well established highly specialised Bentley wedding car business. with unique combinations with 3 x black cars. the only matching pair of black Bentley Continental flying spur four door sedans. plus a 10 seater limousine. All website advertising and relevant material to continue and improve with very little effort. Casual or full time basis Ample opportunity! Contact John on 0418544328 for more information, or via email on the link below.

Price: $250,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: John Phone: 0418 544 328 View Online Bsale ID 187085



Packaging Materials

Manufacturing, Wholesale, Import, Export

It is a reputation company in packaging materials industry. The company supplies steel strapping, PET strapping, Stretch film, Packing tapes, Tools, Boxes and much more. The business has been 14 years and located in Dandenong South Victoria which is very busy industrial district. The annual turnover is about A$200,000 and it has great potential for development. The busines is suitable for self-employed with small investments. As an excellent investment business, it has superior purchasing channels and a long-term stable customer base to ensure smooth and orderly transfer to new owners. Reason For Sale: retirement. For more information and to arrange an inspection, please contact Angela Mobile: 0403 490 023

Price: $135,000 + SAV Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Angela Zhang Phone: 03 9701 8075 or 0403 490 023 View Online Bsale ID 216248

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Seal-A-Fridge-Franchise Be Your Own Boss Work from Home

Seal-A-Fridge is Australia’s number 1 fridge and freezer seal replacement business and here is the unique opportunity to buy the number 1 franchise in Victoria! This franchise has been operating for more than 14 years and has built a reputation for quality service among an extensive database of clients which include some of Victoria’s largest businesses. There is huge potential to grow the business for a determined owner/operator. The franchise on offer covers the Melbourne CBD plus a vast number of inner and outer suburbs. We service residential, business and commercial clients. Growth opportunities are almost endless. Seal-A-Fridge is a national franchise with an established, proven franchise model. They have been servicing Australian and New Zealand customers for more than 25 years. The franchise on offer has a huge turnover in excess of $220,000 annually and, with low overhead costs, our margins are fantastic. With the size of our franchise area, there is substantial room for growth and to put extra vehicles on the road. With the additional vigilance of Council and Health authorities, the massive growth of the cafe culture over the past decade, the growth in... Price: $215,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Ross or Deb Phone: 03 9741 5995 or 0438 009 250 or 0409 009 240 View Online Bsale ID 216324



6 Months $280 + GST Mobile Tool Knife Sharpening Business Op Services - General

MOBILE KNIFE AND SCISSOR SHARPENING ROUND. Semi Established Business. Existing Licensee returning to U.K for health reasons. Vehicle included in this sale. Client Base, Trading Name and Phone number could be included by negotiation. Now with the addition of our Industrial Sharpening Module to include –: HOLESAWS, DRILLS, T.C Blades, Chisels, Tin Snips, and Gardening Tools. $88,000.00 GST Inclusive. Visit businessopportunity or phone Bob on 0417 877 476.

Price: $88,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Bob Turner Phone: 0417 877 476 View Online Bsale ID 212149

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Clark Rubber Shepparton for Sale Franchises and Business Opportunities

Clark Rubber Shepparton is a well-established business which operates for over 17 years. The owner is selling this business to seek retirement. This business has a solid customer base, a long term lease and a pool van adjoined to service residential and commercial pools in and around Shepparton. This presents a great opportunity for someone who want be part of a national retail icon. The new owner will receive a new franchise agreement and full support and training from the Franchisor. The store is located directly on Benallla Road with great exposure fantastic car parking and nestled between other national Retails. All business enquiries will receive a confidential business overview including: - 3 years financial reports. copy of the lease. - franchise documentation. About Clark Rubber: Clark Rubber is an iconic Australian retail brand which started operating 70 years ago. Today there are over 60 Clark Rubber stores around Australia. As the country’s leader in the rubber, foam and pool markets we have developed a proven business model. Clark Rubber can help you building your own retail business, without retail...

Price: $198,000 Region: Shepparton - North East State: VIC Contact: Dirk Heinert Phone: 03 8727 9942 or 0400 922 493 View Online Bsale ID 105901



Gym 24/7 Great Opportunity Low Overheads Franchises and Business Opportunities

State of the art equipment setup with enormous potential. 24 hour gymnasium with swipe card access and cameras. Rental Under $750 per week. Lease till February 2021 with option to extend. Very Low Overheads. Five Personal Trainers Paying Rent. Floor space 300sq approx. Include Shower, uni sex toilet, 24 hour camera surveillance, panic button. Easy to run and manage. Members made up of both Direct Debit and Paid In Advance. All equipment owned outright, practically brand new and still under warranty nothing leased, and all included in the sale. Priced well below setup costs. Excellent opportunity to enter the lucrative Health and Fitness Market. Not a Franchise Independently Owned. Owner is happy to offer Vendor terms. Owner is able to offer finance.

Price: $270,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Owner Phone: View Online Bsale ID 215396

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Ready To Start Online Business Websites and Online Stores

Our game-changing product range is at a price point that is in high demand! Expect a fantastic income stream with a genuine work/lifestyle balance, operating from anywhere in Victoria. Business Description: • Well-known brand with a huge point of difference. • Our extensive product range is tested and proven, and our unique business model ensures high profits and happy customers. • No industry experience needed - full training provided. • Very simple business to run and operate. • Minimal storage area required ie home garage or spare room. • Low overheads and running costs will ensure high profits. • Our products and special pricing... Price: $34,999 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Owner Phone: 0436 119 716 View Online Bsale ID 187313

Branded Apparel & Promotional Products Retail - Other

This excellent business has been trading for over 15 years. This Business has built a great reputation for the Sale of Branded Apparel & Promotional Products to both Small & Large Businesses. This is an ALL inclusive Sale which means for $245K you get a Sign written Van, Over $10k approx in Sample Stock, Full Customer Base with constant repeat business, Showroom with New Lease Available if you want it, Commercial Embroidery & Screen Printing done for you, Distributor of major Brands such as Bisley, Yakka, JB’s Wear, Fashion Biz, AS Colour and many others. With an established Customer Base the earning potential is totally... Price: $245,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Owner Phone: View Online Bsale ID 211200


Bsale ID








School Camp - Group Accommodation - Farm Stay



Business Brokers Network Australia

03 9395 6800


COFFEE LOUNGE - $198,000 (10223)



Klemms Business Brokers

03 9819 4211


DISTRIBUTION - $1,100,000 (10307)



Klemms Business Brokers

03 9819 4211


BUTCHER - $480,000 (5657)



Klemms Business Brokers

03 9819 4211


Coffee Lounge - $395,000 (11608)



Klemms Business Brokers

03 9819 4211


TATTSLOTTO / CAFE $410,000 (12797)



Klemms Business Brokers

03 9819 4211


FISH & CHIPS $120,000 (13013)



Klemms Business Brokers

03 9819 4211


ASIAN TAKE AWAY FOOD - $348,000 (13207)



Klemms Business Brokers

03 9819 4211


COFFEE & CAKES $169,000 (13287)



Klemms Business Brokers

03 9819 4211





Klemms Business Brokers

03 9819 4211


CAR WASH $548,000 (13397)



Klemms Business Brokers

03 9819 4211


Supermarket & Liquor


Price on application

BPA Brokers


Quality business- potential to run under management



The Finn Group


Fantastic Lifesytle Opportunity


$600,000 +SAV

The Finn Group


Long Established Business


$350,000 +SAV

The Finn Group


Gates & Fencing Manufacturing and Installation Business


$350,000 + SAV

The Finn Group


Home based business - vendor works 20 hours per week



The Finn Group


Fish n Chip shop - great opportunity


$98,000 + SAV

Business Sales victoria


Rare Opportunity to Acquire Exclusive Distribution rights in Australia and New…



The Finn Group


Fantastic Growth Opportunity - Well Respected Brand


$310,000 + SAV

The Finn Group


Enormous Potential - unique patents



The Finn Group


Restaurant Opportunity



BPA Brokers


Pizzeria / Cafe / Bar



BPA Brokers


Food Franchise


299,000 Plus Stock

BPA Brokers


19038 Internationally Recognised Indoor Climbing and Popular Party Venue


Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266922


New Medical Practice ‰ÛÒ Flemington (VIC) in Landmark Location



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Sandwich Bar/Cafe


Price on Application

BPA Brokers


Fruit & Veg Market



BPA Brokers


Cafe - Restaurant - Takeaway - Turkish Cuisine - New fitout



SBX Business Brokers


Huge Japanese Restaurant in the Heart of the CBD Tkg $20,000 pw (Our Ref: V1473) Melbourne


Paramount Business Brokers


Food Distributor & Wholesaler


$950,000 Plus Stock

BPA Brokers


Cafe/Sandwich Bar


Price on Application

BPA Brokers


Established Cafe in Williamstown Tkg $15,000 per week (Our Ref V1367)



Paramount Business Brokers

9021 9888


A Locally Beloved, Hip Cafe In The North East! Templestowe (Our Ref V1374)



Paramount Business Brokers

9021 9888


19010 Busy 24/7 Gym - Fitness Centre , Group and Personal Training


Price On Application

Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266922


Convenience Store & Pizza Outlet


$330,000 Plus Stock

BPA Brokers


UNDER CONTRACT - Renowned Pizza offering Taking $29,000 pw - City Fringe…



Paramount Business Brokers

9021 9888


Huge Historic Cafe, Larder and Homewares Store In Kyneton! (Our Ref: V1474)

Ballarat - Bendigo - North West

Paramount Business Brokers

9021 9888



Geelong - South West


BPA Brokers


19018 Melbourne Cafe - Home Made Patisserie And Highly Rated High Teas



Bonza Business & Franchise Sales


Jim‰Ûªs Mowing Franchise ‰ÛÒ Ballarat Region Victoria

Geelong - South West

Price $67,875 negotiable Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Well Established Tree Management Company



Business Sales victoria

03 9909 7727


Psychology Practice - Well Established - Urgent Sale



Essential Business Services

1300 549 022


Successful Salon - Beauty in a Bayside Melbourne Hub 86-BLA3913


Bayside Beauty $200,000 Business & Franchise Brokers Pty Ltd

03 8823 5400



Geelong - South West

EOI Invited - Freehold also Business & Franchise Brokers Pty Ltd

03 8823 5400


Advance Fitness Franchise Warrnambool

Geelong - South West


DC Strategy



Advance Fitness Franchise Taylors Lakes



DC Strategy



Advance Fitness Franchise Bentleigh



DC Strategy






EcoKleen Solar NQ

13 0078 7061



Geelong - South West


EcoKleen Solar NQ

13 0078 7061





LK Business Brokers

130 031 5223





Australian Business Sales Corporation


19039 Portable Children’s Play Centre Franchise Opportunity - Multiple Sites…



Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266922


Profitable Pizza and Pasta in the West - Taking $12,500 pw (Our Ref V1475)



Paramount Business Brokers

9021 9888


Successful Franchise Located In Popular Eastland Shopping Centre (Our Ref:…



Paramount Business Brokers

9021 9888


Trendy local favourite taking $15,000 pw and growing! (Our Ref: V1476)



Paramount Business Brokers

9021 9888


Freight Forwarder - Ideal addition to existing Forwarder



Bissales Pty. Ltd.


Full Service Fitness (Outer N Melb) - 76ALL6573


Full Service Gym $400,... Business & Franchise Brokers Pty Ltd

03 8823 5400





TRIDENT Business And Corporate Sales



Pakenham’s Finest - Restaurant Opportunity Only $50,000



TRIDENT Business And Corporate Sales



Established Telecommunication Engineering Business with Contracted Clients…



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331

03 9909 7727

9021 9888

1300 266922

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Bsale ID





Contact 1300 893 487


Online Coffee Supplies Business



Readystart Business Solutions





Australian Business Sales Corporation


Profitable fish and chips in sought after Mt Waverley location! (Our Ref: V1479)



Paramount Business Brokers

9021 9888


Established Bakery/Cafe in the Affluent East, Tkg $23,000 pw (Our Ref: V1481)



Paramount Business Brokers

9021 9888


Jewell in Northcote’s Crown - Woodfired Pizza Restaurant For sale



TRIDENT Business And Corporate Sales



Iconic Bar + Grill (SE Melbourne) BSB0072


Iconic Bar + Grill

Business & Franchise Brokers Pty Ltd

03 8823 5400


Boxing Gear Supplies Business



Readystart Business Solutions

1300 893 487


Hunting & Survival Supplies Business



Readystart Business Solutions

1300 893 487


Cushion Supplies Business



Readystart Business Solutions

1300 893 487


Bedding & Manchester Supplies Business



Readystart Business Solutions

1300 893 487


Bakeware Supplies Business



Readystart Business Solutions

1300 893 487


Canvas Art Wall Supplies Business



Readystart Business Solutions

1300 893 487


Cross Stitch Supplies Business



Readystart Business Solutions

1300 893 487


Maternity Clothing Supplies Business



Readystart Business Solutions

1300 893 487


Cake Decorating Supplies Business



Readystart Business Solutions

1300 893 487





The Brokerage Connection

1300 466 455


Pizza shop Tkg $7000 pw plus bayside



Premier Equity Group pty ltd




$230,000 + SAV

Transworld Business Advisors South…

03 8510 0344


Long Established Gym (Inner E Melb) 81-ODY1813


$220,000 All Inclusive

Business & Franchise Brokers Pty Ltd

03 8823 5400


Exciting Opportunity to Own a Unique Early Childhood Music and Movement…



Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443




$450,000 + SAV

NAI Harcourts Rinnovate

035 831 1499


Mr India - Speciality Groceries and Spices



TRIDENT Business And Corporate Sales


BSALE currently has 3,059 Businesses Listed For Sale in VIC... View All Here

Selection of businesses advertised for sale by business brokers. This a guide only. Please view the ID number on and speak directly to the broker to confirm details. Bsale accepts no responsibilty for any errors or ommissions.



Mr Clip Lawn Mowing Franchises For Sale Lawn Mowing and Maintenance

Location Details: Croydon, Findon, Mt Barker, Morphette Vale and Others. Multiple Territories available, some territories with full customer base with others providing entry to build a full round. Marketing support: A collective contribution to advertising allows for the effective attainment of new work at low cost. The variety of advertising mediums the Company uses ensures that the potential clients within any designated area will be exposed to our Company and the services we offer. Training provided: One of the guarantees of success in our industry is the fundamental principle of training. We at Mr Clip regard this as being... Price: $25,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: James Phone: 08 8365 8000 or 0433 344 166 View Online Bsale ID 217236

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



3 Months $190 + GST Hair & Beauty Salon--Tusmore Beauty & Hair Salon

Classy Hair and Beauty Salon for Sale in Tusmore. Owner has opportunity to work in Aged Care Hairdressing close to home in North-Eastern Suburbs this coupled with a 45 minute commute to the Salon has the owner deciding to sell. The Salon has; *Prominant frontage, parking front and rear. *New split system installed. *Toilet facilities inside. *Beauty Services Operated independently within salon.** The Salon is busy with regular weekly & monthly clients that book Perms and Tints/Sets/Blowwaves. The building has been a Salon for 15 years.The Salon operates Tues-Sat, closing 2pm Wed/Sat, but demand and opportunity would... Price: $46,000 WIWO Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Sarah Phone: 0401 192 773 View Online Bsale ID 159365



Est. Print, Marketing Center-Unley Area Advertising, Marketing and Printing



This is a top rated franchise opportunity that comes with a very well established business in The Unley area. This business has been in operation for over 30 years and the owner is retiring. The current location is surrounded with industrial and commercial infrastructure of small to medium sized businesses all of which is potential customers. Business Benefits: -Consistent sales w/ huge opportunity for growth. -Excellent reputation for quality & service. -Professional staff. -Normal business hours. -Multiple Revenue Streams. -High demand products & services. As part of Minuteman Press’ conversion program we assist established independent print centers that are looking to secure an exit strategy. This center has met our requirements and fits our business model. This is a great opportunity for an individual that wishes to join a #1 rated franchise but prefers to start with an established business that has an active customer base. Minuteman Press is the #1 rated print & marketing franchise. For over 40 years, we have led the way as a top b2b service franchise. At Minuteman Press, We Are The Modern Printing Industry™...

Price: $175,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Al Sanders Phone: 18006453006 View Online Bsale ID 203342

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



3 Months $190 + GST Fence And Screening Manufacture-Adelaide Franchises and Business Opportunities

Engaged in manufacture and distribution of specialist fencing, gates, slat and lattice screens as well as privacy and shade louvres. For the past 12 years we have had excellent results from this interesting and enjoyable business. As well as manufacturing in house you will have access to an exclusive range of great products with National backup. Currently located in the North Eastern suburbs we are on a monthly lease arrangement so you could renegotiate the lease or move if you desire. The low price basically represents plant and equipment and some stock and reflects the owners desire for a quick sale. Health... Price: $75,000 WIWO Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Rod McKellar-Stewart Phone: View Online Bsale ID 210463



Restaurant For Sale- Est 13 Yrs Food - Restaurant For Sale

Fully Licensed Indian restaurant for sale in Gawler with very reasonable rent of $2250 inclusive of gst and all the outgoings per month.Licensed for 80 people. The kitchen and work area provide a perfect environment to produce high volume quality meals efficiently with good margins. Present hours of operation Tuesday to sunday 5:30pm-9:30pm. Huge scope to increase these hours and sales. This business could support an enterprising family with a solid income or be run as it is by a sole owner/ operator. For full details on this business contact: Richard Luthra-0481835859.

Price: $125,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Richard Luthra Phone: 0481 835 859 View Online Bsale ID 154192

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Powder Coating Company - Lonsdale SA

Building - Construction - Home Renovation

Another profitable year (2017/18) under our belts. Form 2 and other financials are available on request. This is an excellent opportunity to purchase one of the leading powder coating businesses in SA. With a reputation for quality and service, and years of expertise allow us to provide top of the line services required to meet the demands of our clients. With over two decades of experience in powder coating metal items such as aluminium extrusions, cast steel and aluminium, architectural residential fittings such as doors, windows, screens and balustrades, car and bike parts, and aluminium and steel fencing. Offering a pick-up and delivery service to selected clientele, enforcing green working procedures and licensed by the Environment Protection Authority. Every day our truck and utility, which come with the business, are transporting materials to/from clients around Adelaide. A large solar powdered workshop with custom plant and equipment, featuring a 5-step chromate bath system to comply with Australian Standards 3715:2002 and 1580:2004, which we test for every year. Boasting a 7M natural gas oven and 3 booths allowing for...

Price: $600,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Managing Director Phone: 08 8322 5200 View Online Bsale ID 174472



Tipi Event Hire business - Adelaide Business & Professional Services

Adelaide’s longest establish Tip Hire Company with a name and brand well known in the wedding and event industry. This business stands out from any other event hire business offering Giant Tipis that are totally unique to standard marquees offering the wow factor. In addition to these remarkable Tipis the business also offers furniture hire that is like no other; Hamptons style chairs and lounges along with a vast range of other furniture and lighting. This is a fantastic opportunity for someone who is looking for a solid, reliable and easy to run business that offers excellent earning potential. If you are committed, hardworking and looking to become your own boss, then this business is for you. All the hard work and business development has been done and this “turn key” business can be all yours. What’s on offer: • Huge sales return for someone who is willing to take it to the next level. • Tipi Marquees that are a niche product which give you the monopoly of the market. • Quality furniture and lighting ready to go for your next booking. • Custom made trailer for transporting tipis and other equipment. • Forward bookings of approx. $85,000...

Price: POA Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: John Reynolds Phone: View Online Bsale ID 211481

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Bsale ID







Clark Rubber Modbury for Sale



Clark Rubber

038 727 9942


Clark Rubber Kent Town for sale



Clark Rubber

038 727 9942


18043 Well-Established Takeaway and Cafe Business For Sale



Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

1300 266922


Post Office and home Freehold-2373

Regional SA

$840,000 + SAV Freehold

Business Interests



Thriving Pizza and Grill in Southern Suburbs, South Australia


$280,000 + SAV

Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331



Regional SA

$215,000 + SAV WIWO...

Your Price Business Brokers

088 522 1197



Regional SA

$75,000 + SAV WIWO

Your Price Business Brokers

088 522 1197



Regional SA


Your Price Business Brokers

088 522 1197





LK Business Brokers

130 031 5223


Cafe/Bakery for sale!


$59,900 + SAV


08 8212 0140


Post Office Lotto Newsagency


$250,000 + SAV

Business Interests



Newton Bakery for Sale!


$69,000 + SAV


08 8212 0140


Hit the road running with this successful enterprise!


Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Takeaway Food


McCormack Brokers

(02) 9212 2799


Discount Variety Store

Regional SA

$270,000 + SAV

Adelaide Business Sales Pty Ltd

08 8338 3833





The Brokerage Australia

1300 466 455


Adelaide Central Market Fruit & Veg


$199,000 + SAV


08 8212 0140





EcoKleen Solar NQ

13 0078 7061





Your Price Business Brokers

088 522 1197


Fish Cafe / Restaurant


$249,000 + SAV


08 8212 0140


Chicken Grill Cafe


$154,900 + SAV


08 8212 0140


Five Day City Cafe


$130,000 + SAV


08 8212 0140


Cafe for Sale


$159,000 + SAV


08 8212 0140




$144,500 + SAV


08 8212 0140




$144,500 + SAV


08 8212 0140




$144,500 + SAV


08 8212 0140




$144,500 + SAV


08 8212 0140


Gelatissimo Exciting New Gelato Franchise Opportunities Available in Adelaide


From $280,000

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443

BSALE currently has 161 Businesses Listed For Sale in SA... View All Here

Selection of businesses advertised for sale by business brokers. This a guide only. Please view the ID number on and speak directly to the broker to confirm details. Bsale accepts no responsibilty for any errors or ommissions.



Custom Built Coffee Van Food - Mobile Vans & Catering

We have a 2015 Mazda BT-50 with custom built canopy that has been operating since September 2016. This vehicle was purpose built in 2016. The van is being sold without any client base or future bookings. If a buyer isn’t interested in continuing with the current business structure including weekend bookings this is available at an additional cost. All equipment on the vehicle include - San Marco 3 group head coffee machine, grinder, pie warmer, commercial microwave/convection oven, 2 door fridge, generator, inverter batteries. If you are genuinely looking to buy please contact me via email. Price: $49,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Marg Fraser Phone: 0412 960 464 View Online Bsale ID 174318

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Established Event Brand & Hire Furniture Entertainment and Amusements

Dreaming of being your own boss and running an event hire and styling company? This is a rare opportunity to become the owner of one of Perth’s most recognisable event hire brand including an exceptional hire product for weddings, corporate and private events on a small and manageable scale or with room to grow into something even bigger. Suitability: This would be an ideal addition to an existing event-industry business such as a planner, florist or hire business or as stand alone “hit the ground running” entry point into the Perth’s thriving wedding industry for an ambitious business minded person to capitalise on a high... Price: $26,000 WIWO Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Owner Phone: View Online Bsale ID 215556

Reap The Rewards In A Thriving Industry Building - Construction - Home Renovation

An established high profit margin business is now for sale. The business provides products and services for the Tile and Grout Restoration sector and uniquely it’s not a franchise. The service component of the business is hassle free with easy to run systems and procedures. Some of the services we provide are professional tile and grout cleaning, shower sealing and makeovers, regrouting, silicone work, shower glass restoration, tile and grout sealing, tile replacement and paving cleaning. We provide these services to residential and commercial customers and pride ourselves on constant referral work and leads from our well ranking... Price: $49,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Glen Phone: 0481 067 072 View Online Bsale ID 216541



Reusable Food Pouches - Est 5 Years Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

About The Business: Reusable Food Pouch company has been est 5 years. Online store with separate wholesale website and fundraising options for schools. Products & Services: Reusable Food Pouches and Ice Pops, plus accessories - funnels, chokeproof lids. Location: Can be relocated anywhere! Currently in Perth WA.

Price: $30,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Yvette Bowyer Phone: View Online Bsale ID 216290

Motorcycle Repairs And Sales, Perth WA Auto - Mechanical, Smash Repair, Detailing, Electrical

About The Business: Long established business (10 years plus) in Eastern suburbs Perth. Motorcycle servicing, repairs, parts and sales. Loyal clientele with significant repeat business as well as walk-in customers. Features: Fully equipped workshop with motorcycle lifts, vapour blaster, compressor, tyre machine, miiling machine, other required hand tools, security devices. Large leased workshop with mezzanine level for additional storage and secure enclosed yard at rear. All plant, tools and equipment required to operate the business is included. All necessary licences to operate as motor vehicle repairer and motor... Price: $60,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Owner Phone: 0417 796 383 View Online Bsale ID 216890

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Vintage Street Wear - Fremantle - Est 7yrs Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

About The Business: With a large social media following, a good customer base and the potential to expand the business with an addition of a website. Vintage In Wonderland stocks 80s, 90s and 00s labels like Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica, Guess, Carhartt, Nike and North Face, just to name a few. These labels go hand in hand with quirky vintage additions of latest fashion trends and accessories like caps, shoes and bags. The business takes you on several overseas buying trips (8 trips in 2017-18). With 30 years experience sourcing vintage and recycled clothing along with the business comes all overseas contacts and buyers, as well as local ones. 2017-18 turnover of $220,000 with a healthy profit posted, and if worked in by the owner to eliminate wages puts more money in your pockets, as would the addition of a website. Price is walk in, walk out all stock, shop fittings, mannequins, etc. Lease: Long lease available.

Price: $59,000 WIWO Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Amanda Woodberry Phone: +61422297985 View Online Bsale ID 217724



Well Established Licensed Restaurant Food - Restaurant For Sale

This fully licensed Restaurant is in located a popular busy dine in street:Beaufort St, Perth of WA . The dining area also includes a covered outdoor seating area, there are approx. 70 covers in total. The space is well laid out with a modern feel, the entire business was fully built just two years ago so there is nothing left to be done by the owners. The restaurant is trading well in its current format as an Asian restaurant although the location and fit out would also suit many other uses. The business currently trades six nights (5pm-10pm) and two lunchtimes. Both the DA and the License allow for these hours to be extended should you wish to open longer hours. The high level fit out of this shop is a strong feature and an inspection is encouraged to allow you to appreciate the possibilities that this business has. Staff: The business is currently run by 4 full time; 2 part time and 2 casuals. Lease Info: The 5x4 year lease commenced in October 2014. – 4% increases – A 3 month bond is required. Trading Times: 6 days (closed Tuesdays), Lunch Saturday - Sunday 11:30AM, Dinner Sunday, Weds & Thurs 5pm to 10pm. Friday & Saturday 5pm to 10.30p. Size of Premises more than 100 square metres. - toilets,... Price: $270,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Roy Li Phone: 0415 007 588 View Online Bsale ID 216370

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $280 + GST Carpet Cleaning Franchise Cleaning & Domestic Services

Magic Dry has been servicing WA since the 1970s when they used to be the WA division of Magna Dry (an international franchise group). Now operating as an independent franchise group, Magic Dry has become synonymous with great customer service and exceptional results. Magic Dry are owner/operator franchises offers the following services: - Carpet Cleaning. - Lounge suite cleaning - both fabric and leather. - Mattress Cleaning. - Tile and grout cleaning. These franchises are operate from home franchises offering flexible hours to fit in with the owners lifestyle. As the franchsies are owner/operator franchises there are no... Price: $40,000 WIWO + Other Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Gregory Phone: 08 6189 1419 or 0422 273 457 View Online Bsale ID 205658




Food - Hotels, Pubs, Bars, Liquor store

Ice Manufacturing Business. Distribution / Wholesale / Retail. A unique opportunity to own an established and profitable family owned and run Perth Based Ice Works. Servicing the Perth Metropolitan area for over 15 years, the business supplies food grade ice to a range of various clientele such as service stations, shops, hotels, clubs, supermarkets, catering companies and sporting facilities. · 20 tonne per day production capacity. · Good, new ice machines. · Ice bins. · Auto bagging. · 2 trucks / 2 trailers. · 75 Pallet Freezer. Operating out of a 4 year old 530m purpose built facility, the hard work is done and the business... Price: $750,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Kade Lang Phone: 08 9258 8722 or 0439 822 069 View Online Bsale ID 137743

Transport Freight Business - Mandurah Auto - Taxi, Courier, Hire, Distribution, Transport

About The Business: Well Established Family Owned and Operated Freight Business. Daily runs encompassing Wangara to Margaret River. Strong regular client base. Potential to grow. A number of various delivery vehicles, forklift and fittings. Option to lease premises, yard, shed and office. Ample parking for trucks. Reluctant Sale due to Health issues. All reasonable offers will be considered.

Price: $550,000 WIWO Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Roslyn Herbert Phone: 0409 819 227 View Online Bsale ID 214142

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Mobile Dog Grooming - East Victoria Park Franchises and Business Opportunities

About The Business: Blue Wheelers East Victoria Park is a mobile dog wash and grooming business with regular, recurring bookings with many fantastic customers and their dogs. The grooming environment is well designed and appointed to provide an effective and safe working environment. Training: Full training is provided interstate and NO prior experience is necessary - the current owner came from an IT background! You will also receive on the road training with existing customers. About The Franchise:The franchise itself is very supportive - other franchisee’s are always happy to take calls and help out as you go. The... Price: $59,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Col Burrow Phone: 0416 065 853 View Online Bsale ID 204731

Italian Delicatessen - Maddington WA Food - Supermarket, Butcher, Fruit, Bakery, Deli

About The Business: Years Established: 2 Years. Location: Maddington WA 6109. Stock Value: 60.000. The key facts: • Shop 498 m2. • Outside and Inside Sitting Area. • Huge Parking Area - Front and Back of the Shop. • Large Kitchen. • Bakery. • Cool Rooms. • Storage Room. High End - FitOut: Deli Section: 2 Large Display Fridges. Lunch Bar: Bain Marie, Large Display Fridges. Bakery: Ovens, Freezers, Bread Displays. Coffee Area: Cake Display Fridge | Coffee Machine. Stock: Cold meats & cheeses, quality fresh seasonal produce, prepared salads, delicatessen lines, bread, smallgoods, fresh pasta and sauces. Local and... Price: POA Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Roger Sinico Phone: 0418 958 980 View Online Bsale ID 214629



Number One Super Gift Store In Mandurah Retail - Furniture, Bedding, Homewares, Giftware

Magnificent and very profitable business, operating very successfully in the Peel Region Western Australia for many years. Located in a prime position in a great location with a very high traffic flow, the business stocks and sells the most amazing range of wonderful products, from photo frames and greeting cards, chinaware to nautical and inspirational items, to glass ornaments, beautiful glassware, canvas prints and the most amazing gift lines for any occasion etc etc. Nothing can compete or beat this business for variety and selection. A fantastic CASH generator and wealth creator. The profits are outstanding and the return on the... Price: $355,000 Region: Bunbury - Albany - South Coast State: WA Contact: John Papamatheos Phone: 08 9316 9777 or 0418 514 577 View Online Bsale ID 130461

Pumps & And Reticulation Wealth Maker Lawn Mowing and Maintenance

PUMPS RETICULATION. SUPERB MONEY MAKER NET PROFIT 2018 FY $248,608. ASKING PRICE $345,000. The business is a supplier of a number of quality brands of reticulation and pump products and carries a very extensive and complete stock of pumps, pipes and fittings, timers, parts and accessories and everything in between – the most comprehensive range of irrigation needs – for commercial, domestic and DIY with a design service and product advice for the customer. The business offers professional installation for domestic and commercial customers as well as servicing and repairs. The business is very well... Price: $345,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: John Papamatheos Phone: 08 9316 9777 or 0418 514 577 View Online Bsale ID 165309

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Very Successful Sign Business Advertising, Marketing and Printing

This business was established in 1990 as a one person operation producing hand written & designed posters and promotional material, Since then the business has adopted computer graphics & design, wide format digital print and grown in clients, staff and turnover. It now provides professional dynamic signage to a number of well known clients and services a niche market.It also services the signage needs of many other businesses south of the river. They produce Posters for internal or external use. Banners, Pull up Banners, Trade Show Posters, Floor Decals, Window Decals, Lightbox signs, Hoarding Signage and Graphics, Mall Posters, Shop Signage, Event Design, Menu Boards, Wall Graphics, Vehicle decals and wraps. FEATURES: Long Trading History – started operations in 1990. Trades 5 days a week - Monday to Friday. Good Reputation as a niche supplier. Excellent Staff. Modern Website, Facebook and Instagram pages. Preferred Supplier Status with a number of clients. Regular Repeat Business. Potential to expand into other markets. Very Profitable. Low stock levels - $5000 est. This business would suit a graphic designer,...

Price: $290,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Greg Scannell Phone: 08 9381 8686 or 0409 080 554 View Online Bsale ID 162756



BUSINESS for SALE Functions & Events Hire Equip Business Entertainment and Amusements

Hire Equipment Business For Sale. - suppling a complete range of items for functions, events, parties, conferences, weddings etc. Long Established over 20 Years. Quality Management Accounts with Excellent Solid Net Profits. Prime Perth SOR Location. Excellent Premises with low rent and new lease offered. Outstanding and very Extensive Range of Hire Plant & Equipment. The business is easy to operate, with constant flow of new and repeat business with a long successful history of over 20 years. You will be very impressed with the ease of operation and the solid profits. Exceptional cash flow and fully stocked with a huge inventory of over 300+ hire quipment items – a wide range of hire equipment for corporate / business functions, weddings, backyard parties, fetes and fairs, including marquees, tables and chairs, catering equipment, crockery and cutlery, glassware, linen, audio visual and electrical, food warming equipment, lighting plus much more. Continuous orders coming in virtually daily with an always full book of customer orders. No special selling or marketing. Price $165,000 plus Hire Stock of $120,000...

Price: $285,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: John Papamatheos Phone: 08 9316 9777 or 0418 514 577 View Online Bsale ID 188076

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Cafe/Coffee Shop With Alfresco Food - Cafe For Sale

CAFE COFFEES BREAKFASTS LUNCHES PREMIUM RIVERSIDE SOR SUBURB PERTH BRILLIANT LOCALCENTRAL HUB LOCATION WITH ALFRESCO ESTABLISHED OVER 15 YEARS PRICE $345,000. CAFE COFFEE SHOP. 73% GP. BRILLIANT NET PROFITS. BREAKFASTS MORNING AND AFTERNOON TEAS LUNCHES AND MEALS AND TAKEAWAYS. CENTRAL HUB PRIME RIVERSIDE PERTH SUBURB SOR. AFTER 17 YEARS THE OWNERS RETIRING. This excellent business is finally on the market. Premium location with a long successful history of excellent profits. This is a business that has been in the same owners hands since the beginning over 15 years ago. Superb in every way. Huge Net Profits. Massive Turnover $700,000 PA. Low Rents. Great Lease. Not in shopping centre. Easy as to Run. Full Easy Staff all casuals. Top and Extensive Plant and Equipment. In doors and great alfresco garden set up. Most central local hub location. Super busy local trade. Virtual monopoly operation. If you are looking for an easy to run solid cash business with an enjoyable coffee shop...

Price: $245,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: John Papamatheos Phone: 08 9316 9777 or 0418 514 577 View Online Bsale ID 188077



Welding Supplies Shop - Perth - Est. 34 Retail - Other

After 34 years of successful trade in Bayswater, Western Australia, this well known welding and engineering supplies store is up for sale. Due to unforseen personal circumstances, the owner is now selling and the business is priced to sell. The asking price is set at $110,000 which includes plant and equipment and current stock on valuation. All reasonable offers will be considered. Trading at five days a week this business is a fantastic opportunity for an owner operator. The sale of the business will include a 2010 Great Wall tray top with tail lifter (96000kms), forklift, and compressor. As the sole agent in the area for Air Liquide Industrial Gases there are many return customers, and the shop has excellent passing trade on a main road in an industrial area. The ample shop front upstairs is perfect for retail trade, and the large workspace on the lower level would be ideal for trades looking to expand into metal or wood manufacturing, development or repairs. The work shop has access for vehicle entry. Services provided include the sale of welding and engineering consumables, safety gear and welding machines. Stock sales include...

Price: $110,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Anna D’Orazio Phone: 08 9370 1977 View Online Bsale ID 214677

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



3 Months $190 + GST E-Commerce Business For Sale

Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

This business has been established less than 1 year ago and all the hard start up work has been done, it’s now ready to be taken to the next level. Skull Crusher sells it’s own design of fashionable sports bags and t-shirts for male and female. The difficult work of sourcing a low cost high quality manufacturer has been done, the brand has been trademarked, website is optimized and facebook and Instagram pages are growing nicely. The sale includes: All stock around 800 T-shirts and around 1000 high quality sports bags approx $40,000 (sales value around $120,000) - Website - Instagram page - Facebook page - Trade mark... Price: $5,900 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Andre Hirschi Phone: 0450 871 472 View Online Bsale ID 210613



Commercial Fitout + Renovation Business Building - Construction - Home Renovation

Profitable long-running fitout and renovation business servicing the commercial, medical, transportation and hospitality sectors. This is a strong, stable business that has successfully built projects in the $50-500k range for over twenty-five years. Benefits of this business include: • Good client base – loyal long-term clients in economic growth industries such as healthcare • Committed key staff and specialised subcontractor pool with strong working relationships of many years • Low rental and secured lease on current premises (can exit contract with short notice) • Excellent administrative processes and systems... Price: $220,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Bronwen Phone: 0411 122 543 View Online Bsale ID 145824

Boutique Beauty Salon Eyebrow Specialist Beauty & Hair Salon

About The Business: This business represents the ultimate opportunity to own your very own beauty business with a lifestyle that others envy. Located in an upmarket and beautifully presented boutique beauty salon located in the town of Cambridge. Approximately 3 km from the Perth CBD, the salon is conveniently situated in a serviced building on a leafy residential street with ample parking right at the salon door. The business has been established for 7 years by the current owner and has a strong client base and offers a professional, relaxed environment which has ensured that the longstanding clientele has been maintained and... Price: $50,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Yasmine Phone: 0422 593 882 View Online Bsale ID 211192

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



The Source Bulk Foods Vic Park

Food - Supermarket, Butcher, Fruit, Bakery, Deli

ABOUT THE OPPORTUNITY: This is a rare opportunity to buy one of the most successful stores within the The Source Bulk Foods franchise. It’s an exciting and on-trend business that focuses on zero-waste sales of organic and natural food, as well as pantry staples and delicious confectionery. Opening in 2015, The Source Bulk Foods in Vic Park has had significant growth and the monthly sales figures continue to increase when compared to the same months of the previous year. This business is currently achieving seven figure annual turnover. Further strong growth is expected due, in part, to its location within The Park Centre Shopping Centre which has a thriving Coles that is currently undergoing an upgrade to be completed in March 2019. It also has Kmart and 43 specialty retail stores. Plus, a refurbishment of the carpark, fascade and inside of the shopping centre is about to begin which will also be completed by the end of March. This is a fun, retail experience for customers and a terrific business to own. The Vic Park store has been so successful that the Franchisor has recruited the current owner to take on a national...

Price: $385,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Kath Stonehouse Phone: 0438 947 718 View Online Bsale ID 211020



Water Treatment - Retail Outlet

Trade Services - Home Maintenance, Plumber, Electrical

The business supplies water purification equipment such as whole house water softeners, under-sink drinking water filters, differing private supply water filtration systems, replacement cartridges and wide range of spare parts. The business also provides a water testing service with basic laboratory testing in-house as well as sending samples to an external laboratory. A lot of equipment sales are generated by the water testing as it gives insight to the customers water quality problem enabling a science based treatment solution to be offered. Other business which generates revenue is aquaponics and aquaculture with live fingerlings, food and equipment sales which could be developed further or not pursued if this is not your interest. The business has now been established in the Northern Coastal area of Perth for the last 7 years with two major Australian plumbing retailers located next door providing knock on business. My main suppliers only deal with approved outlets one being a major manufacturer of water softeners and purification equipment in Australia with very limited territories. The business is currently operated by 1...

Price: $115,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Chris Phone: 08 9408 5729 or 0448 887 524 View Online Bsale ID 211158

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Deli, Lunchbar, Fish and Chips Take Away Food - Cafe For Sale

About The Business: Deli with bonus 4 bedroom residence attached lots of included modern Plant and equipment Turnover 1,700,000 - 1,950,000 Per annually. Products & Services: Deli that is operating like a lunch bar with the usual burgers Take away foods and Great reputation for fish n chips with the addition of Rosie’s chicken new to the business and great selection of home cooked foods. All this from a really spacious Modern Kitchen. Location: Main road Corner with lots of Parking easy access and great exposure. Lease: 3 Years remaining on current lease. Landlord is happy to negotiate new lease rent $6724 including residence and Vo’s per month. Comments: Excellent opportunity to purchase a Popular deli cash flo business. Current owners keen to move on.

Price: $380,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Jason & Tracey Phone: 0438 268 695 View Online Bsale ID 211695



Food Truck Trailer Mobile Food Vending Food - Mobile Vans & Catering

About The Business: One of Perths best equipped food trailers is now up for sale. This is a fantastic food trailer. We currently specialize in family friendly food with pasta dishes and sauces our mainstay. However there are many inclusions. The actual van is 5m dual axle and is fantastically well equipped, with • Bain marie • Condiments cabinet-refrigerated • Pasta/display cabinet -refrigerated • Freezer • Under bench fridge • Benchtop deep fryer • 6 burner stove and oven • 6 basket pasta cooker • 3 sinks • Gas hot water • 6kv built in generator • LED down lights • Microwave • Full commercial coffee machine – removeable • 2 x 45l gas tanks • 80 litre fresh water tank • 80 litre waste water tank • Spare tyre, power leads etc. Plus much much more including • Pans, baking dishes, stainless steel tubs, frypans, Spare bain marie, sandwich toaster etc for all your catering needs • 2 chest freezers, shelving and more in storage space recently serviced with new tyres, you are ready to trade. Years Established: over 3 years. Location: We are currently housed in Balcatta with a rented parking space and large store room. Option to take over. Training:...

Price: $63,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Elana Geldenhuys Phone: 0414 707 817 View Online Bsale ID 211622

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Property Building Maintenance/ Handyman Building - Construction - Home Renovation

About The Business: This easy to operate small property, building maintenance business is up for sale! It comes with established commercial and residential clientele, a huge range of tools and equipment, multiple vehicles as well as a computer, tablet and printer with office supplies and stock. This business is well suited to anyone from a Tradie to a Handyman or that person who knows their way around buildings and repairing the multitude of things that require ongoing maintenance. We have built relationships with multiple sub contractors to ensure we can handle pretty much any job big or small. Currently operating in the Bunbury area and could be moved anywhere within the region to suit the new owner. This business has a website and social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram. Years Established: The business has been established since mid 2015 and has grown from strength to strength since then. About The Area: We intentionally established in the Bunbury area as it is ideally located and sized to ensure ongoing business growth if desired or just a very healthy smaller gig for someone wanting to be self employed and...

Price: $80,000 Region: Bunbury - Albany - South Coast State: WA Contact: Owner Phone: View Online Bsale ID 211997


Glamping Company - Perth


Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

Ever wanted to work outdoors with a flexible lifestyle? Did you want to be part of peoples magical memories? And run a profitable business? This is a unique opportunity to run a well-established Glamping business operating in the Perth area. You will be supplying Bell tent set ups for backyard adventures, events, parties, weddings etc. You will also be exploring Western Australia’s beautiful landscape and stunning locations. Comprehensive and versatile inventory for all occasions. Events such as weddings, picnic’s, hens’s nights, birthday parties, anniversaries, children’s sleepovers and more. Being the manager of this business is straight... Price: $65,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Simone Faulkner Phone: View Online Bsale ID 211551

6 Months $280 + GST Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Bsale ID







Motel ‰ÛÒ Katanning -Freehold & Business

Bunbury - Albany - South Coast

$1,390,000 WIWO...

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200


Business Broker Wanted



Fortune Business & Property Brokers

089 315 2700


Marine Services Business For Sale



Statewide Business Brokers

089 586 3509


Established Internet Based Florist



Business Merges & Sales

08 63163090


Beauty Salon Perth Western Australia


$40,000 + SAV

G Hunter And Associates

08 9381 8686


Simple Operation - Ideal Location! #6213


$250,000 + SAV

GMO Business Sales

08 9481 4422





EcoKleen Solar NQ

13 0078 7061



Bunbury - Albany - South Coast

$1,300,000 Freehold

Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

089 429 8882


Live The Dream! (6234)

Broome - Karatha - Northern


GMO Business Sales

08 9481 4422


Abrasive Blasting, Painting & Coating bu


$580,000 WIWO

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200


‰ÛÏCAFÌä BELLISA‰Û 60B Walter Road Bedford


$79,000 WIWO


089 316 9211


Fast Food, Fast Service & Fast Profits!



GMO Business Sales

08 9481 4422





Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

089 429 8882





Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

089 429 8882





Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

089 429 8882





Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

089 429 8882


Retailer - Tyre and Wheels



Perth Business Sales

042 377 5108


Amani Small Bar Leederville


$390,000 + SAV

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200





Platinum Business Sales

089 367 3056





Platinum Business Sales

089 367 3056





Platinum Business Sales

089 367 3056





Platinum Business Sales

089 367 3056


Mining Services ‰ÛÒ Poly pipe ,Steel Fab a


$1,350,000 WIWO

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200





The Brokerage Australia

1300 466 455





Platinum Business Sales

089 367 3056


Home Based Service Business



West Australian Business Brokers






Platinum Business Sales

089 367 3056





Platinum Business Sales

089 367 3056


An Environmental Necessity WHOLESALE


$1,450,000 + SAV

Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

089 429 8882



Bunbury - Albany - South Coast

$310,000 + SAV

Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

089 429 8882






089 316 9211


Highly Regarded Fabrication Business


$160,000 + SAV

Statewide Business Brokers

089 586 3509



Bunbury - Albany - South Coast

$200,000 + SAV

Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

089 429 8882


It‰Ûªs like No Other.....

Bunbury - Albany - South Coast

$235,000 + SAV

Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

089 429 8882


Busselton‰Ûªs Best Known IS UP FOR GRABS!

Bunbury - Albany - South Coast

$495,000 + SAV

Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

089 429 8882


Plant Based Manufacturer & Install



Business Merges & Sales

08 63163090


Flooring Business - Northern Perth


$150,000 + SAV

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200





Business Merges & Sales

08 63163090


Leading Plant Based Service Business



Business Merges & Sales

08 63163090





Ellis Corporate

089 388 9951


Own a Multi Award-Winning Car Detailing Business, Consistently Rank in Top 10…


$42,000 + GST

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Commercial Civil Kerbing NW

Broome - Karatha - Northern

$950,000 + SAV

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd



Cuts and Coffee (6254)



GMO Business Sales

08 9481 4422


Waterloo Nursery (6215)

Bunbury - Albany - South Coast

$1,600,000 Freehold

GMO Business Sales

08 9481 4422


Caffissimo Coogee with Liquor license


$200,000 + SAV

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd



Hospitality Icon - Prime location



GMO Business Sales

08 9481 4422


Best Barber Shop in CBD



Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200


Hair Salon Reduced for Quick Sale


$45,000 + SAV

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200


Award winning Leederville hospitality



GMO Business Sales

08 9481 4422


High Profile Brand Retail Business

Coral Coast - Central


Statewide Business Brokers

089 586 3509




$245,000 + SAV


089 316 9211


Coach Tours - Western Aust. Peel Region

Bunbury - Albany - South Coast


G Hunter And Associates

089 381 8686





GMO Business Sales

08 9481 4422


TAB Agency Half Share in Metro South



Statewide Business Brokers

089 586 3509


Profitable, Independent & Successful Gym



GMO Business Sales

08 9481 4422

BSALE currently has 1,017 Businesses Listed For Sale in WA... View All Here

Selection of businesses advertised for sale by business brokers. This a guide only. Please view the ID number on and speak directly to the broker to confirm details. Bsale accepts no responsibilty for any errors or ommissions.



Best Buy Of The Year - Near New Cafe -... Food - Cafe For Sale

Have you always desired to follow your food or hospitality dream but couldn’t afford the repayments on a $200-$300k loan – Your time has arrived. This business is a modern, spacious, fully furnished café / takeaway with an additional undercover alfresco area and is only 1 year old. Located in new fully fitted out premises at One27 on Flynn Circuit in Bellamack, it is adjacent to other businesses including The Bell Bar & Bistro, H@ircut Studio & the Fresh point Co Café. The business is within walking distance from thousands of local residents as well as Bellamack Senior Village. The lease is customisable to your needs with 83... Price: $22,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Andrew Hahn FBS Phone: 0413 013 367 View Online Bsale ID 214845

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Price Reduced To Only $129k-Highly... Advertising, Marketing and Printing

Are you tired of working for someone else? Would you like the freedom of setting your own hours? Is a 6 figure annual income pursuing your passion attractive? This long established Darwin photography business could be your ticket to all of the above. Key features of the business include: * Substantial value of 2019 forward bookings already in place. * Extensive repeat corporate and government client list. * Many years of highly profitable trading. * Specialised Customised database software. * All equipment, F&F for professional Home based studio. * Priced to sell at >100% return on current earnings. * Handover period included in sale. * Long term portfolio of work included. * Some vendor finance may be available for approved purchasers. ## Only $149,000 Negotiable ##. Don’t delay – Combine your passion with your work. Imagine a job where every day involves doing what you love! Call Andrew Hahn on 08 8941 3000 today or email andrew.hahn@finnbusinesssales. for a full Business profile and change your life. Finn Business Sales NT - Licensed Agent AL1041 - 43 Cavanagh St Darwin NT.

Price: $129,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Andrew Hahn FFB Phone: 0413 013 367 View Online Bsale ID 214846



Children’s Playland & Cafe Franchise -... Food - Cafe For Sale

Join the largest Franchised indoor children’s adventure playground and cafe in Australia. Locations recording turnover $1-2Mill with $200,00 - 300,000 Owners Earnings. Great lifestyle business - Ideal family friendly hours – no late night shopping centre hours – attractive returns for Owner Operators or Multi Unit Operators to run under Management. Profitable business model; a proven system, backed with experienced staff, excellent training and dedicated support. ?Premium Locations available now in former Masters Hardware stores as (now Home Consortium) well as other independent homemaker locations – stores filling quickly - QLD - Springfield - North Lakes - Bundamba - Richlands - Tingalpa. Vic - Mornington - Sunbury - Braybrook WA and NSW - Various Locations. 80+ Chipmunks Playcentres already open across Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Turnkey Franchise with all set up and training provided?. Bank Funding Available to qualified applicants. Children’s Play and Party Centres - Multiple income opportunities in one Business – Pay for play, Cafe, Birthdays Parties and Functions – target age groups toddlers to 8/9 Year Olds. ...

Price: EOI Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Sam Savio Phone: 1300 889 443 or 0410 722 533 View Online Bsale ID 213935

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Darwin’s Leading Apple Repair Business... IT Business - Computer - Telco

Are you good with your hands? Do you love working with the latest technology? Have you dreamed of being your own boss and having the potential to earn a great income? Darwin’s leading iPhone and iPad repair business, iSmashed is for sale. Currently run under full management, the business returns a solid profit and is priced at an exceptional return for an owner / operator on current turnover. Some vendor finance is available to approved purchasers. A comprehensive handover and training period will be provided to the new owner. Key features of the business are: * Highly profitable – showing an exceptional return on current and past trading figures. * Fully SEO website with online booking system. * Experienced quality staff already on hand. * Diversified revenue sources from Shop, Mobile and Market repairs and sales. * Significant repeat corporate clients. * Growth business – showing continuous growth over recent years. * Established brand – 6 year trading history. * Exclusivity of service at Mindil markets. * Comprehensive training and handover provided. Only $249,000 + SAV (Approx $8k). The business is priced...

Price: $249,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Andrew Hahn FBS Phone: 0413 013 367 View Online Bsale ID 214843



TRANSWORLD Business Brokers and... Business & Professional Services

Transworld Business Advisors are a world renowned business brokers and franchise advisors company. Based in Florida USA owning a Transworld Franchise lets you go where ever you can dream of. Established in 1979 we have grown a trusted brand and simple low-stress franchise options. We have perfected a low cost business model, eliminating employees, office spaces, equipment and more. This means you can get back to whats important in your career and find that perfect work-life balance. Take advantage of franchise opportunities with one of the most affordable and trusted Business Advisors. Transworld Business Advisors want you on-board, you wont need any experience as you will receive two weeks or comprehensive training AND on-going support throughout the life of your business. With low payroll, no physical inventory, and unlimited earning potential you will have the flexibility to watch your income soar. If youve got a flair for franchise ownership and have a great acumen for the business world this is the opportunity for you! Our multiple income streams comes from our trusted service that has has proven...

Price: $73,500 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Sam Savio Phone: 1300 889 443 or 0410 722 533 View Online Bsale ID 214834

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Skip Bin Hire Hobart Ready To Sell!! Qua Auto - Petrol Station, Carwash, Marine, Retail, Service

About The Business: - Rubbish never goes out of fashion. -We operate with 3 people; Myself (full time) My wife (part time) My son (casual). -We just need phone and internet access and the business can be run from anywhere. -We operate Monday to Friday 8 am to 5.30 pm. -We don’t work public holidays. -We supply 2 to 6 cm skip bins. -We have 64 bins in good condition. -We have 2 skip bin trucks. -We do not run Accounts. -All skip bins are paid for before delivery -Customers pay by credit card or cash on delivery. -Customers can order and pay online or phone for delivery. -Customers are emailed a tax receipt and informed of... Price: $450,000 WIWO + Other Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Russell Henry Phone: View Online Bsale ID 212324



Exciting Opportunity to Own a Unique... Advertising, Marketing and Printing

Making Rainbows is an exciting new Franchise with multiple income streams which focuses on proven programs which help in the stimulation and development of long-term learning. With a focus on the success of its franchisees, Making Rainbow offers an amazing opportunity with multiple income streams while enjoying the chance to help develop essential skills in young babies and children. Established just 4 years ago, this already successful business has already expanded into 12 locations throughout South East Queensland and is looking to expand nationally. So, if you are looking for an opportunity which allows you to... Price: $35,000 Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Sam Savio Phone: 1300 889 443 or 0410 722 533 View Online Bsale ID 214921

Tasmanian Leasehold 26 Ensuite Room... Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

A licensed Hotel Motel with huge potential and so much to offer such as. Spacious public bar, with character, wood heating,8 ball tables,darts, outdoor smoking area, walk in cool-room and more. Dinning Function room capable of seating more than 250 patrons, which can be can be segregated into smaller areas, 2nd function room, large commercial kitchen. 26 ensuite rooms of varying configuration, some with water views. 5 bedroom/ 2 bathroom owners residence. Building size 2390m2, land size 5000m2, 10 roller door garages. $200,000 spent on improvements, upgrades and replacements in last 5... Price: $250,000 + SAV Region: Launceston - Northern State: TAS Contact: Paul Scott Phone: 0477 771 098 View Online Bsale ID 175500

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Catering, Wholesale And Cafe Business Food - Mobile Vans & Catering

PRICE DROP! INVESTMENT $299,000 + SAV. food2u Catering has been operating since 2001 and has amassed many regular long-term clients. The business is being sold as a going concern and includes: * A large Commercial Kitchen and preparation areas, Refrigeration, Cool Room, all recipes, kitchen equipment and two vehicles. * Purposebuilt infrastructure that will cater for functions of up to 200 people. * A reliable and professional team of hospitality staff including three long-term chefs, a delivery driver, a kitchen hand and an office manager. * A solid lease at $32,000 per annum (2 years left), plus a further 2 x 5-year options. * A functional herb garden, an office, a storage area, and a lock up garage. There is an on-site cafe, which operates on Thursday and Friday nights selling pizza and pasta. The premises is suitable for running cooking classes. OTHER KEY FEATURES: * Revenue over $600,000 and growing. * Capable of being run under management with all business processes and procedures fully documented and systemised. * Situated in a busy traffic area on Derwent Park Road (0ff the Brooker Highway) with highly visual...

Price: $299,000 + SAV Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 03 6105 0701 or 0419 382 359 View Online Bsale ID 213457



FRUIT & VEG MARKET - Selling For Below... Food - Supermarket, Butcher, Fruit, Bakery, Deli

INVESTMENT: $99,000 + Stock at Value. New to the market this well-known Fruit & Veg Market in Howrah is surrounded by the newly developed subdivisions of Howrah Garden’s, Oakdowns and Glebe Hill Estate on Hobart’s Eastern Shore. The shopping complex also contains a popular butchery, a bottle-shop, and a nursery & garden centre. Howrah Fresh is a family run business, selling quality fruit and vegetables as well as a great range of grocery essentials, deli goods and bakery items. The business has been operated by the current owners since September 2015. Winner of the 7HOFM “ Best of the Best for fruit & veg” in 2016, 2017 2018. OTHER FEATURES: * Weekly turnover of approximately $30,000. * A new lease has been negotiated recently. * Located in a growing population area. * Hugh traffic flow right passed the front door (17,000+ cars daily). Fantastic website page where customers can view news and specials online, with the capacity for online ordering to be implemented with home-delivery. Well established social media platforms - Facebook and Instagram.The business would ideally be suited to a couple or partnership to take...

Price: $99,000 + Stock Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 03 6105 0701 or 0419 382 359 View Online Bsale ID 213443

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Tasmanian Freehold Hungry Wombat Cafe... Auto - Petrol Station, Carwash, Marine, Retail, Service

A rare offering, a highly profitable, roadhouse/cafe, many miles from the nearest competition, situated at Derwent Bridge on the Lyell Highway. A roaring success, frequently there is a line out the door waiting to place their order, this is a result of consistently good food, coffee and pleasant quality service, this business is kicking goals and you can feel the congenial atmosphere upon entrance. Enjoying increasing tourism numbers and with the reopening of the Queenstown mine’ coupled with the glowing social media reviews, which are very important today, this business will continue to prosper. This business is situated on approx 12,000m2 freehold title, has plenty of parking, and is capable of seating 50 customers internally and a similar number outside. Priced to sell,offering a 4 bedroom home, workers accommodation, commercial kitchen,4 car garage, and workshop. Showing an attractive 23% return on investment, business closes for 2 weeks annually in August. If you are looking for a business with a serious bottom line, where you would enjoy hanging your name above the door, phone Paul Scott on 0477771098. INTENDING PURCHASERS...

Price: $650,000 Neg Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Paul Scott Phone: 0477 771 098 View Online Bsale ID 182614



Electric Motor Repairs Sales & Service Services - General

Outstanding opportunity to step into a leading electric motor repair business, with guaranteed clientele from major local industry business. This is an opportunity for a motor repairer to own their own business and get away from the high costs associated with city living, and experience a tree change for the better. Rauter Electrics was established in 1966,and is an integral part of the local economy. Rauter Electrics sell, repair and service electric motors, power tools, welders and generators and supply power transmission products, including bearings and seals. We service a vast array of clientele, including major timber, hydro and agriculture industry. Rauter Electrics is located in Tumut in the Riverina region of New South Wales, situated on the banks of the Tumut River. Tumut sits on the north-west foothills of the Snowy Mountains and is referred to as the gateway to the Snowy Mountains Scheme. The Tumut Region is picturesque in every season. Crisp, cold mountain air in winter, lush and green in spring, cool, clean waterways in summer and, of course, the blaze of colour in autumn. There’ is plenty to do in the Tumut Region. Whether you prefer high energy or low key leisure activities, there’s something to suit every taste. The town is services by 4... Price: POA Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Frank Twomey Phone: 02 6947 2291 or 0428 472 291 View Online Bsale ID 208022

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Established Digital Marketing Business Advertising, Marketing and Printing

By 2022, online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic — 15 times higher than it was in 2017. (Cisco). The owner of this trademarked digital video & online marketing business has grown a fantastic online presence and visibility within the niche with top rankings in Brisbane and Australia-wide for highly searched niche keywords, on Google and Youtube. Due to a change in family circumstance, the owner is looking to focus their time on another business passion outside of the industry so full IP and non-competition is up for grabs. This business opportunity plays in a space that has direct double-digit growth forecasts (Q3 2018 Digital Trends report forecasts social network video ad revenues will reach $11.69 billion in 2020, more than double the $5.68 billion in 2017). The owner is offering an everything done for you business with all digital assets included from years of building these up to the point they are now. The business offers a low-cost, systemised business model and process which can suit anyone who doesn’t even have experience in the niche. The opportunities in this niche remain largely untapped as the market is now catching on with significant market potential. Set up for automation, flexibilty and ability to run... Price: $177,000 Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Owner Phone: 07 3149 9137 View Online Bsale ID 215688



Solar Panels Are Everywhere Franchises and Business Opportunities

BE THE SOLAR CARE PROFESSIONAL IN YOUR AREA. There are over 2 MILLION solar installations across Australia and MORE SOLAR PANELS THAN PEOPLE. Help solar owners in your area make more from their investment in solar by offering a comprehensive package of Solar Care Services. INSPECTIONS - CLEANING - THERMAL IMAGING - REPORTING - BIRD/PEST PROOFING. $5000 Launch Advertising Program in your area to get you started * Everybody can do this – it’s easy * Full hands-on training plus unlimited ongoing support * NO experience needed * NO formal qualifications necessary. What’s included? * Certification course paid for * 12 months Public Liability Insurance - paid for * Professional equipment including our unique Thermal Imaging Technology & Software * Height safety equipment included * Website + Facebook Business Page plus more ongoing marketing and promotional material * Business cards, flyers, vehicle signage, corporate shirts included * All business and safe working documentation included * Everything you need as you grow your business * Getting Started Guide, 100 page Reference Manual * Franchisee Info Blog showing you what other Franchisees are doing... Price: $24,997 Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Eric Higgs Phone: 13 0078 7061 or 0414 520 000 View Online Bsale ID 215729

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Mercantile & Debt Collection Agency, Business & Professional Services



A leading debt collection agency is offering to Licensed mercantile Agents the opportunity of ownership and to run your own business as part of a National Marketing Group seeking independent representation in each State of Australia. The licensed applicant is offered a unique opportunity to establish ownership and reputable business in your State of Australia or New Zealand. The debt collection agency (the National Marketing Group) has been operating succesfully for over 25 years in Melbourne. What we can offer you? Recognised Brand - Over 25 years’ experience, working with many key businesses; High Gross Profit Margins - making it a profitable venture for any motivated person; Low Overheads - Work from office or home with minimal expenses; Life Style Business - Work can be organised around your lifestyle making everything very flexible; Training and Support - All the training and support you need to help you become successful, and fineness your skills and grow your client base. Easy and Simple Systems - We offer everything you need to make your business run smoothly with our Industry Software Package. Professionally designed and built website and excellent Google rating on key word search; Your business... Price: $22,500 Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Philip Phone: View Online Bsale ID 216380



Casey Garden Services Franchise Franchises and Business Opportunities

About The Business: Do the words ‘be your own boss’ and ‘work outdoors’ appeal to you? How about an opportunity to join an established and well -respected business that thrives on supporting their team and allows you to control your own income? Perhaps you have been looking for a change of pace, a chance to step aside from the daily grind of a dissatisfying job or an unfavourable income. There may be heavy work loads and limited time for life outside of work that you are currently navigating. Casey Garden Services may be your solution to finding the perfect work and life balance with an outstanding franchise opportunity for those based in the City of Casey or the City of Knox. WHY CASEY GARDEN SERVICES? Owning a Casey Garden Services franchise is about becoming an integral part of a growing, innovative and dynamic team. Training: You are not just a number, you are a team member who will have ongoing support and training from a professional and friendly team. The Casey Garden Services training programme is the most extensive training in the industry. You will receive one month of intensive mentoring from the directors where you will learn from them one on one and get paid while you learn. Location: Our franchisee opportunities are within... Price: $15,000 Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Rohan Henderson Phone: 03 9769 4444 or +61438 585 051 View Online Bsale ID 218672

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Private Label Amazon FBA Business Retail - Furniture, Bedding, Homewares, Giftware



About The Business: The owners are seeking a capital investment of a minimum of $1M AUD at a valuation of $7M AUD ($5M USD) in exchange for a maximum 10-15% equity as a convertible note only for a term of a minimum 24 months for the purpose of expanding the business. The owners are open to creative financing opportunities to expand the business and will consider all reasonable offers. The expectation is to aggressively grow the business with a capital injection and decide on an exit or to further grow the business. The company forecasts sales to reach about $8M-10M AUD with profits of $1.2-$1.5M AUD by FY End Jun 2020. Valued on its well-established and significant fundamentals in addition to growing sales and profits, this company is an ideal investment opportunity for a silent partner happy to simply realize a sizeable ROI on his/her investment or otherwise a strategic partner in the baby nursery dÊcor space that can add value to scaling the brand. The nursery room is one of the first purchase decisions a new mom and dad will make, often investing thousands of dollars to create a safe, loving and beautiful environment in which to welcome their new baby. Research suggests that Parents spend $2,000 on their new baby’s nursery.... Price: $1,000,000 Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: David Fairley Phone: 866 288 7988 View Online Bsale ID 218529



Health Business License Opportunity Franchises and Business Opportunities

Territories are available Australia wide! Allied Fitness Australia’s core service offering is specialist exercise intervention for those suffering from injury, joint pain and chronic illnesses such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Allied Fitness Australia has a perfect blend of innovation and robust systems which make it so unique. The convenience, accessibility and flexibility of our product, for both license owners and consumers, is one of the many features allowing our business to thrive. We offer a business model that provides a great work/life balance regardless whether you want to keep your day job with a semi-passive investment, or you want to own and operate as a registered Physiotherapist or Exercise Physiologist, or if you want to actively manage your business and take out several exclusive territory licenses. Did you know that in Australia spending on health has grown by about 50% in real terms over the past decade, from $113 billion ($5,500 per person) to $170 billion ($7,100 per person). We are living longer and stronger whilst becoming more health conscious, so there is no better time to invest in a low cost, high return health business such as Allied Fitness...

Price: $1,500 Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Clarence Phone: View Online Bsale ID 213263

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



WORK FROM HOME- Park Furniture Australia Work from Home

Nationwide Business . Our exclusive range of products are ECO sustainable and virtually maintenance free They include Park Seats,Park Benches, Park Bins, Bin Surrounds, Picnic Settings and Planters . The benefits of Recycled Plastic Wood are that it never splinters,cracks,discolours,degrades or crazes. This makes the furniture virtually maintenance free.There are a couple of suppliers around that have one or two pieces of similar products and one that has a couple in some of the categories but none have a full range of everything that is required for Street, Shopping Centres and Park use. Very competitive pricing structure with margins ranging from 50 % to 70% on selling price . This business is basically a drop ship model There is no need for stock holding or premises. Clients pay fully for product and freight prior to orders being placed with the factory . Only one supplier to deal with .Strictly a Business to Business operation. Manufacturer can also produce customized projects if needed They will produce CAD drawings and samples as required .They have bee established for 29 years and supply products around the world and are highly respected. The manufacturer has a full range of quality...

Price: $17,750 Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Peter Stewart Phone: 07 3447 6300 View Online Bsale ID 133894



Clean & Inspect Solar Panels Lawn Mowing and Maintenance

There are over 2 MILLION solar installations across Australia and MORE SOLAR PANELS THAN PEOPLE. Be the Solar Care Professional in your area. Be the ‘go-to-guy’ as you help solar owners in your area make more from their investment in solar by offering a comprehensive package of solar care services. INSPECTIONS - CLEANING - THERMAL IMAGING - REPORTING - BIRD/PEST PROOFING. Enjoy being part of Australia’s only national network of solar care professionals... - We provide full training and support - NO experience needed - NO formal qualifications needed - Professional cleaning equipment included - Height safety equipment included - Website + Facebook Business Page + more - Business cards, flyers, signage, shirts included - Essential business and safe working documentation included - Start-Up marketing package included. No electrical skills are required as you will work closely with local installers and electrical contractors to help your customers get the best repair and upgrade services when needed. For your FREE INFO PAK visit Q. Can I do this? A. YES! We will train you and you get ongoing support...

Price: $24,997 Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Eric Higgs Phone: 13 0078 7061 or 0414 520 000 View Online Bsale ID 52945

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Biological Fertiliser Bus - Est 16 Yrs Agriculture and Farms

About The Business: Established 16 years, an Australian owned family company formed to supply biological, Organic and Humus Compost fertility products and services to the Australian Agricultural industry. Having gained the reputation as leaders in agronomic advice for natural farming systems including environmental educational programs to farmers making the transition from conventional to biological agriculture with confidence. In 2006 they pioneered Humus Technology® in Australia allowing farmers to produce their own on-farm high quality compost using specialised Composting Equipment. They are the Australian importers of Composting Equipment from the USA and distribute throughout Australia and New Zealand. They have set up and established over 50 Composting operations and 46 Compost Tea Extraction Operations to farmers and local Councils, becoming known as industry leaders in this field. Humus Compost and Soil Technology focuses on building resilient soils and eco-systems in the face of soil degradation, climate variability and resource depletion. Products & Services* The Company are distributors of: • Range of biological fertility products • Midwest...

Price: $1,400,000 + Other Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Rhonda Daly Phone: +61 2 6382 2165 or + 61 417 234 202 View Online Bsale ID 209748



Evopia - Online Store Australia Wide Websites and Online Stores

Evopia - #1 Australia’s most trusted Online Bedroom Store is up for Sale! Grab a Bargain!! Owner pursuing new ventures. Shopify have valued the business at just over $880,000 AUD. Business Broker has advised to sell for $440,00 - $600,000 Online store conversion rate 3.28% average and usually around 5% on any given “Sale Day”. Evopia was established late 2016 but didn’t make it’s debut as a Bedroom Furniture Store until May 2017, soon being recognised for superior customer service, and now one of Australia’s most trusted online bedroom furniture | mattress stores. Evopia has over 6,500 loyal followers on Facebook & growing daily, over 200 x 5 star reviews, thousands of fans, excellent reviews and happy loyal customers on the 100k + member facebook Afterpay pages, and is proudly built ground up with Integrity. With a turnover of 1.7 million since June last year, it’s easy to see we are leading the market over our competitors. This comes down to being such a trusted site for quality products and superior service, 5 star reviews and having a popular niche. All the hard ground work and establishment has been done. Evopia, whilst being established with an excellent sales history, is...

Price: $295,000 Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Yvette Tisler Phone: 0403 059 164 View Online Bsale ID 210471

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Smallprint Fingerprint Jewellery Retail - Florist, Arts & Crafts

Sick of not being in control of your work and financial situation and feel it’s your time? If that’s you, then Smallprint could be the answer to your work life balance. Products: We are a work from home franchise that handcraft beautiful sterling silver jewellery than captures loved one’s fingerprints, hand & foot prints, children’s words, drawings or names. Our range include charms, pendants, key rings and cufflinks with a great selection of chains. Years Established: We are a global network in over 20 countries having commenced in the UK in 2004. Smallprint has been in Australia since 2006 and we have franchisees in all states. Experience: You don’t need jewellery experience as full training is provided as are all tools & equipment that you need. Head office also supplies all your packaging and stock needs. It’s a turn key business that is proven and reliable. Work without compromising your family responsibilities. If you’re ready to hop into the drivers seat, we’d love to hear from you.

Price: $25,000 Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Ian Peebles Phone: 1800 762 557 or 0488 105 096 View Online Bsale ID 210816



Online Educational Resource Business Work from Home

WHO WE ARE - Switch Learning NZ currently operates as a business throughout New Zealand, sourcing a wide range of great quality educational resources for specific learning needs, from reputable suppliers around the world. We have established relationships with suppliers from around the world to bring a range of educational resources to customers in New Zealand and Australia. WHAT’S ON OFFER - We are looking for like-minded people who are willing to provide a high-quality service in return for a profit and happy customers. There is only ONE exclusive opportunity on offer for each State of Australia, to be part of a network of owner operators who will run unique importing and product distribution businesses, specialising in educational resources. You will be buying a new business with everything in place, including agreed start-up stock, where all the hard work has been done you get to reap the rewards! LET’S MAKE THIS CLEAR - This is not a franchise. This is your very own business. There are no ongoing fees, costs or split profit margins. The business owners will be independent but have a symbiotic relationship, as the success of one enhances the success...

Price: $50,000 + SAV Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Racheal Bell Phone: +64 275408859 View Online Bsale ID 211371

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


We are end-to-end franchise specialists who work together with you to develop and implement a successful network expansion strategy. Our services include franchise consulting, franchise legal documentation and review, franchise sales and marketing. Get in touch for a no obligation assessment today! 028 220 8700

Recruitment Services Our franchise recruitment has been a part of the opening of over 2,100 franchised locations in the last ten years. We will implement lead generation strategies that specially tailor your message to desired prospective franchisees. Our systems will ensure you are able to easily monitor and screen for promising leads in order to recruit your ideal franchisee

We find the right people for your franchise. Driving network growth, we attract appropriate candidates and nurture them through the recruitment process. We begin by understanding your business and defining a franchisee profile. We’ll design a lead generation strategy around your franchise goals. We create sophisticated marketing materials to engage with franchisee candidate, across multiple communication channels. We guide applicants through a comprehensive recruitment process. Your recruitment process will be tailored to match your culture, brand and business requirements. Franchise Lead Generation There is no set formula to successful franchise lead generation, however you must ensure that you are delivering a clear franchise message to anyone who happens to find you. Responding professionally and in a timely manner to any leads is also crucial. It is unnecessary to spout your franchise message to a very general audience, even people uninterested in the industry your business is in. The opportunity must be effectively communicated, and made to sound appealing to the right people. Franchise lead generation starts with your customers and suppliers – people who know your business and understand why it is profitable. Reaching these people through your database and through in-store franchise

Sales turnover of the entire franchising sector was estimated at

$144 Billion

messages is the most cost-effective way of starting to generate enquiries. Of course, the fewer enquiries you receive, the less franchises you will add to your network. A small pool of candidates also means you are more likely to accept poor quality applicants into your system. Our recruitment team can assist you in customising your franchise opportunity message, to generate quality enquiries in the most cost-effective way. We will spend time researching your market and your business, and create a highly detailed strategy for promoting your franchising opportunity. A franchise lead generation report will be created, to outline each and every action you should take to generate enquiries. This includes a month-by-month budget, and a thorough quarterly review process to ensure your lead generation strategy is providing value. Our team is currently managing the growth strategies of over fifteen brands, while generating many of our own franchise enquiries. We live and breathe franchising, and we know how important lead generation is to growing a franchise brand. We will work with you to develop lead generation that works, and assist you in obtaining quality enquiries. We will also ensure that every unsuccessful lead brings you one step closer to a promising one – which just may be your next franchisee.

86% of franchise systems originated in Australia in franchising.

CONT ACT JAMES YO U NG: | | +61 404 078 782

DC Strategy Lawyers The foundations of DC Strategy were laid in 1983 to assist entrepreneurs from start-ups and SMEs to NGOs, government bodies and large corporates to develop sustainable franchise networks. As the longest standing players in the franchising game, we are the people to come to for any legal requirements. We consider ourselves to be “The Franchise Experts�, and are confident that others in the industry do as well. Buying a franchise is a significant investment decision and it is important you get the right advice before undertaking this venture. We have a wide range of experts in the field that can help franchisees at any stage of their franchising journey whether it be reviewing a franchise agreement or a disclosure document as well as the associated lease and ancillary documents that come as part of entering into a franchise agreement. We are also experts at developing franchise networks and recently we have grown some of the franchise networks we represent by helping them enter into area developer agreements in Australia as well as Asia. We have also assisted our clients negotiate and grant franchises on

the Indian Sub-Continent and have a wide network of solicitors that we can collaborate with to deliver outcomes for our clients. Central to your Brand and Franchise is your Intellectual Property and protecting this should be your priority. DC Strategy Lawyers are experts in developing strategies to develop your Intellectual Property and protect you both locally as well as Internationally. Granting a franchise is in effect giving people the right to use your intellectual property. The strategies to monetise the use of your Intellectual Property and the ability to maximise the benefits of this revenue should be carefully developed with the assistance of your lawyer. DC Strategy Lawyers are experts in franchising and are able to also advise and service you on a range of matters relating to Commercial Law including the sale and purchase of a business or network, the sale and purchase of commercial property, liquor licence applications and primary service application to the Liquor Gaming and Racing NSW office.

Get in touch for a no obligation assessment today! 028 220 8700

Interested in one of our brands?

1st Choice Rentals $50,000 + GST

Huxtaburger $550,000 + GST

Kona Joe’s Health Shack $150,000 + GST

Franck Provost $250,000 + GST

FirstLight™ Home Care USD $250,000 + GST

Ben & Jerry’s $450,000 + GST

Freshii $150,000 + GST

Monkey King Thai $200,000 + GST

Sherpa Kids $40,000 + GST

Mosquito Squad™ USD $250,000 + GST

Refresh Renovations $100,000 + GST

Tutti Frutti $250,000 + GST

Lollipop’s $450,000 + GST

The Little Cha $120,000 + GST

Advance Fitness $250,000 + GST

Diggermate $47,500 + GST

Hecho en Mexico $350,000 + GST

Coaching Zone $220,000 + GST

Talbot Doors $120,000 + GST

Sola® Salon Studios USD $250,000 + GST

Zeus $450,000 + GST

The Boiling Crab® USD $350,000 + GST

Coming Soon

CONTACT JAMES YOUNG | +61 (0) 404 078 782 | 1300 993 624

MISSCHU $400,000 + GST

Poké Me $250,000 + GST

Network e n o Z g in h Coac ®

Join the

W O N G N I S I H FRANC Apply online at




Advance Fitness STARTING @ $250,000

BENEFITS Advance Fitness is shaping the fitness industry in a new way, with an extra emphasis on positivity. Advance Fitness is the gym for everybody, it’s the gym for creating life-changing stories - it’s the gym for you! In operation for over 8 years, Advance Fitness Gyms have seen solid growth since the first opening in 2011. Now with six existing gyms - two in New Zealand and a further four in Australia - the group are ready to expand their footprint and give even more people the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of an active and healthy lifestyle.


Training & Support Franchisees will benefit from joining a growing and successful business network that is striving to be the best full facility 24/7 fitness franchise in Australia and New Zealand. Their aim is to help franchisees succeed by ensuring ongoing support, clear marketing strategies and advanced technology systems.


Huxtaburger STARTING @ $500,000

BENEFITS Huxtaburger was Melbourne, now it’s Australia. They are one of the originals. They fearlessly own taste and champion a way of life, making things bigger, better and absolute. Huxtaburger is a group of casual quick service restaurants that serve up mouth-watering American style burgers. Their largerthan-life personality explodes with an accompaniment of delicious condiments that keep the burger fans coming back for more. As a Huxtomer you’re greeted with a chilled atmosphere, killer burgers, sick tunes and cold brews that combine to create the awesome Huxta experience. They currently have 9 locations and over 5 exclusive opportunities available to franchise.


Brand & Marketing Huxtaburger isn’t a new kid on the block. They’ve been doing their thing since 2011. Over time Huxtaburger has built a cult following and their marketing works to drive customers into stores. You’ll be joining a brand that is well known and loved.


Lollipop’s STARTING @ $450,000

BENEFITS Lollipop’s is a multinational franchise network with play centres and cafes throughout New Zealand, Australia and Asia. A Lollipop’s is known for bright, colourful environments and their ‘Superplay’ features that aren’t found anywhere else. The goal is to create a space where children can play safely in a creative environment and parents can relax with peace of mind. Lollipop’s businesses are owned and operated by passionate franchisees who love providing an engaging space for play and entertainment. Lollipop’s currently has 26 locations Australia wide and over 10 opportunities available for new & existing locations.


Brand Awareness Lollipop’s is a national brand name in both Australia and New Zealand. Take advantage of the brand awareness and trust that Lollipop’s has built by joining and established and well recognised playland and café franchise.


Firstlight Home Care ®

STARTING @ USD$250,000

BENEFITS FirstLight® Home Care is a leading home care company, providing compassionate in-home care, senior care and respite care to any adult in need. Their caregivers take on the tasks that can seem overwhelming, such as cooking, laundry, cleaning and running errands. But they do more than that. They understand that help, hope, comfort, companionship and compassion is the most important priority. As a Master Franchise business owner, you will benefit from brand consistency, proven operational methods, training and ongoing support, marketing and technology support that will give you a decisive advantage.


Master Franchise You will have access to License the FirstLight® Home Care Name and Brand within the protected territory. You’ll also be able to use the name and likeness of all of their assets.


Mosquito Squad

STARTING @ USD$250,000

MASTER FRANCHISE The Squad make it their mission to assist their clients in enjoying the lifestyle benefits of their outdoor living spaces while delivering global health protection and benefits of eliminating pests that carry deadly diseases. Mosquito Squad™ is North America’s first and most trusted mosquito eliminator. Since 2005, the Mosquito Squad™ team has provided U.S. residential homeowners and commercial property owners with professional and effective mosquito control. More than a positive career move, you’ll make a positive change across the country (and around the world) with the uncapped potential of a Mosquito Squad™ Australia master franchise.

Established Global Brand For 6 straight years, Mosquito Squad™ has been named on Inc. Magazine’s “Fastest Growing Companies in the United States” List.



The Boiling Crab


STARTING @ USD$350,000

MASTER FRANCHISE The Boiling Crab® restaurants are casual full dining venues modelled after traditional seafood boils from Louisiana and Southern Texas, where eating shellfish, lobster and crayfish is a social event. With over 20 franchised locations in the U.S., they are ready to take on Australia! The success rates, future saleability, and wealth building related to franchising make this business format the choice for many Australians. As a Master Franchise business owner for The Boiling Crab®, brand consistency, proven operational methods, training and ongoing support, marketing and technology will give you an increased advantage.


Professional Growth You will have everything needed to build a successful restaurant network. From operations to marketing – the cost of owning the master franchise trade mark in Australia will provide all of this and more.


The Little Cha STARTING @ $150,000


The Little Cha mission is to bring a taste of Asia to Australians. We achieve this by providing the highest quality tea served in a wide range of delicious, refreshing flavours. From sweet milky flavours through to light iced tea varieties, we have created the perfect beverage to quench your thirst and satisfy your cravings. Meeting customer standards is what we are best known for and we promise all of our local bubble-goers that our tea is the best in the country.


Simple Operations After running 10 company owned stores, The Little Cha Founder has refined the systems and operations to run as smoothly as can be. Staff numbers can be kept relatively low and the model also allows for low rent / or leasing costs. The recipes are simple and the systems are straightforward! The team has done all of the homework for you and you’ll be entering a business model that has truly been tried and tested.


Sola® Salon Studios STARTING @ USD $250,000

BENEFITS After successfully launching international lead generation campaigns for three U.S. franchise brands managed by our partner, Edwards Global Services earlier this year, DC Strategy will look to shake up the franchising industry once again, by bringing another one of their American franchise giants to Australia – welcome Sola® Salon Studios! Sola® Salon Studios will have two opportunities on offer: An Australian Master Franchise opportunity and a 10 unit Area Agreement. More information coming soon!


Booming Market The beauty salon industry provides recurring revenue and is a predictable and replenishing space to be in. There is no threat of technological obsolescence and no threat of foreign competition. This is a market that cannot be replaced by an online space or by technology.


Poké Me STARTING @ $250,000

BENEFITS Poké Me redefines the original Hawaiian Poké bowl through the fusion of a Japanese inspired flavour spectrum. Essentially, it’s a delicious deconstructed sushi bowl with a modern twist of Japanese flavour and inspiration. The Poké Me business model is tried, tested and unique. Built on simplicity, the brand has grown from strength to strength in a short space of time. The efficiency of the business is simple and easy to understand, providing the licensee with a favourable work-life balance. Poké Me is a lifestyle movement built on fresh and fast food. The ideal candidate will believe in this mission and be a valuable asset to the network – aka The Fresh Team.


World Class Experience The Poké Me business model is tried, tested and unique. Built on simplicity, the brand has grown from strength to strength in a short space of time. The efficiency of the business is simple and easy to understand, providing the licensee with a favourable work-life balance.


Zeus Street Greek STARTING @ $450,000


Zeus Street Greek’s mantra challenges Australia’s perception of the beloved Souvlaki. As an Aussie brand, it celebrates the magnificent Mediterranean cuisine – marrying modern Greek street food with the best of Australian produce served in a relax, contemporary setting to deliver the best casual dining experience.


Category Leadership Zeus Street Greek is a dominant player on the Greek food scene. With a national footprint of 20 locations, it puts the franchisee at the very top of a growing niche in the Australian market.


1st Choice Rentals STARTING @ $250,000

KEY BENEFIT 1st Choice Rentals’ brand ethos is simple: putting customers first. This philosophy has been the driving force behind from a small single location in Campbelltown NSW to what has now become a serious business with 9 locations across Australia. In true commitment to their vision, Ian and Annie have maintained a strong family orientation within the business, which exists to make their customers’ lives better. The 1st Choice Rentals brand want to solidify their presence in key locations and want the right people for the job.


Wealth Of Knowledge What makes 1st Choice Rentals unique is their wealth of knowledge and experience. With over 50 years of combined experience and over 20 acquisitions to their credit, there is simply no match for their expertise.


Diggermate STARTING @ $47,500

BENEFITS Diggermate is a group of family owned and operated businesses located throughout Australia. They specialise in high quality machine rentals and experienced operators, as well as delivery to a number of areas. Diggermate machine types include micro and mini excavators, bobcats, tipper trucks, car trailers and more, available to hire for all construction projects, home renovations, landscaping, earthworks, site clean ups and other jobs.



Ongoing Support The franchisor is committed to providing in-depth training on how the business operates and the best processes to follow. New franchisees will be fully trained in just two days and will be provided with continuous support along their franchise journey. They will also be supplied with operations manuals and business plans.

Freshii STARTING @ $160,000

BENEFITS The goal? To help people live healthier and longer lives by improving the way they eat; and to make healthy food affordable and convenient. Freshii is now a rapidly growing brand, operating hundreds of locations in 60 cities and 10 countries around the world, with new stores continuing to open every week.


International Brand No minimum networth is required. Freshii only requires our potential partners to provide a deposit of AUD$10,000 to open a store. Many franchisees use a mix of capital and loans to fund the startup costs. If you require a business loan, we have financing options available from 0% deposit, subject to approval.


Hecho en Mexico STARTING @ $375,000


Hecho en Mexico is here to shake up the casualdining scene. Think top-notch service, high quality produce and an abundance of margaritas! What more could you want from a leading Mexican restaurant? From the lime juice used in our cocktails to the chicken that fills our tacos, we believe in serving our customers with delicious dishes made from highquality ingredients. This elevates our status in the Mexican food space and we are proud to be known for following the mantra – fresh is best.


The Hecho History The founders are two well-respected Hechos in the hospitality space, particularly casual dining. Having worked for brands such as Mad Mex and Nandos, they have scanned the landscape and know what works. Their combined experience of over 10 years in the industry has allowed for Hecho en Mexico to succeed.


misschu STARTING @ $400,000

BENEFITS Find out why misschu tuckshops turnover an average of $2.5 Million. Yes it’s true! Current misschu Tuckshops averaged $2.5 million in gross sales last financial year. Amongst other reasons, we: • have two strong day parts; lunch AND dinner • tap into the growth trends of snacking, street-food & healthy eating -mastered the art of home delivery; a menu refined over 7 years • specialise in Asian catering; office lunches with a healthy twist!


Mood & Vibes A misschu Tuckshop is a fun environment where people can grab a quick bite or relax into a long lunch with cocktails on the side. We have carefully designed the lighting, music and store fitouts to ensure that customers feel happy, at ease and so that they come back for more.


Flamin’ Sharp

Call 0417 877 476

Mobile Sharpening





Become a Knife, Scissor and Tool Sharpening Professional. Break away from the rat race, ‘Be Your Own Boss’ and achieve your own Lifestyle and Financial goals! YOU GET: Complete ‘‘Ready to Work’ Systems available including comprehensive ‘technical and business training’ Now available in two different module systems and starting at just $29,700 all inclusive (KaSS System) No Territorial anywhere! No Ongoing Fees Super Low Overheads Low Consumable Costs Huge Market with a high rate of Repeat Clients Maximum Net Profit to You! Make a fresh start in your life! Call for a ‘no obligation’ chat on how we can help you become a Sharpening Professional. REGIONS: All Regions of Australia CONTACT: Bob Turner now on 0417 877 476 View Online BSale I.D. 4782

Bsale Terms and Conditions Welcome to Before using the Services of Bsale Australia Pty Ltd (“Bsale”) who is the owner and operator of (“Site”) you must read and accept all terms in this Agreement. It is effective immediately and forms a binding contractual agreement between us. Please note that you must be 18 years of age or older to create an account on this Site. The Terms of Use set out below take effect from 1 January 2019.

7.6. You warrant that, you have the opportunity to obtain independent legal and financial advice from qualified professional advisers and that you take into account your personal objectives, financial situation and needs before buying or selling a business or franchise via our Site.

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8.1. You warrant that for any content you post, you own all Intellectual Property rights in the content.

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1.4. You must not modify, copy, reproduce, publish or distribute the Intellectual Property in any way without our prior written consent.

You may only download and print a reasonable quantity of copies of information.

2. We do not warrant the accuracy of information 2.1. You acknowledge that the content supplied on this Site for advertisements is provided to us, and we in no way create or produce the content. You acknowledge and agree that we cannot be responsible for any use made by you of the information contained on this Site. 2.2. The content on this Site is not a substitute for professional legal, financial, franchise or real estate advice, and it is your responsibility to conduct due diligence in relation to purchasing a business franchise or property. 2.3. You agree not to hold us responsible for any inaccuracies or any unreliability or completeness of information on this Site. 3. Your access and interference 3.1. You must not interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Site. You must not distribute viruses or any other technology that may harm our Site or the interests or property of users of our Site. You must not use any robot, spider, scraper or other automated means to access the Site for any purpose. 3.2 You must not harvest or otherwise collect information about others, including email addresses, without their consent; and/or bypass measures used to prevent or restrict access to the Site. 3.3. We cannot guarantee continuous or secure access to the Site, and its operation may be interfered with by numerous factors outside our control. Accordingly, to the extent legally permitted, we exclude all implied warranties, terms and conditions.

9. Payment 9.1. We agree to list content which complies with the Listing Rules and this Agreement after payment is received or if we agree to a trial period. 9.2. Your content will be listed on our Site, and may also be listed on our Social Media pages, and eMagazine at our discretion. You must notify us if you do not wish to be listed on Facebook and/or the eMagazine. 9.3. Our fees charged may change from time to time, but we will use our reasonable endeavours to notify you of any changes. 9.4. If your payment method fails or your account is overdue, we may collect additional fees, including legal fees. 9.5. You must not circumvent or manipulate the payment process or fees owed to us. 10. Your Content removal 10.1.You must delete your content on our Site when the business is sold, or if you otherwise wish to withdraw the listing. 10.2. Content will otherwise be removed at our discretion in the event that the business is sold, withdrawn, if we are notified, or if the content breaches any of the terms of this Agreement. 10.3. We may, at our own discretion, extend the advertising period in which the content is displayed.

4. Third Party Sites

11. Cancelling your account

4.1. This Site contains links to third party sites. These third party sites are not maintained or controlled by us.

11.1.We may limit, suspend or cancel your account, and/or prohibit access to the Site, and/or remove content from the Site, and/or take technical and legal steps to keep you off the Site, if we think that you are creating legal liabilities, infringing any laws, infringing intellectual property rights of Bsale or third parties, if you breach this Agreement, or if we believe your actions may cause loss or damage to or unlawfully harm you, our other users, third parties, or Bsale .

4.2. To the extent permitted by law, Bsale accepts no liability and provides no warranty in respect of the information displayed on such third party sites. We do not endorse that information or any party associated with it and you link to such third party sites entirely at your own risk. 5. Your Account and obligations 5.1 To access some of the services of our Site, you may need to register with us and set up an account, using your email address and password. Once registered you can gain access to your “My Account”. The email address and password you register with is your responsibility to maintain and keep confidential. You are responsible for the activities that occur under your account. If you suspect that your details may no longer be confidential, or that there may have been unauthorised use of your account, you must notify us immediately. 5.1.You may connect to the Bsale site with a third party service, such as; Facebook. By doing this, you give us permission to access store and use your information. 5.2. You may access and use our Site for the purpose of placing an advertisement. If you wish to post content on our Site, and amend that content, you must create an account. 5.3. You may access and use our Site for the purposes of buying a business or franchise. You may created watchlists, buyer alerts, and contact sellers directly. You must create an account to access these services. 5.4. You must ensure that your account details, including your name, email address, address, passwords, billing information are accurate, truthful and kept up to date. 5.5. You must not transfer your user account to another party without our consent. 5.6. The purpose of generating an account and gaining access to use our Site is for the purpose of buying or selling a business or franchise. Any accounts found to be fraudulent, deceiving, or misleading will be closed and may be reported to authorities. 5.7. The use of “My Account” is for the person or agency it has been created for. We do not authorise the onselling of Bsale products or services, without prior written consent from Bsale Directors. 6. Your Content 6.1. To use the Bsale Site, you must be over 18 years old. You agree that you will only advertise and post content in relation to businesses for sale, franchises for sale or business opportunities within Australia.

11.2.We may also limit, suspend or cancel accounts that have not been updated, are inactive, are unconfirmed or have been transferred without our consent. 11.3. We may also limit, suspend or cancel accounts that we believe are in direct competition to Bsale or are on-selling our products or services. 11.4. We may limit, suspend or cancel accounts that have overdue, unpaid or outstanding invoices. 11.5. We may limit, suspend or cancel accounts at the discretion of Bsale Directors. 12. Direct Marketing 12.1. We may send you direct marketing information and communications about us that we feel may be of interest to you. 12.2. If you select to receive ‘buyer alerts’ or ‘buyer notifications’ you will receive emails when businesses or franchises match your criteria. You may opt-out of receiving Bsale notifications at any time. 12.3 You may receiving direct marketing in response to buyer features such as; search results, eMagazine, listing changes. You may opt-out of receiving Bsale notifications at any time. 13. Privacy Policy 13.1 By using the Services, you agree to the collection, transfer, storage and use of your personal information by Bsale as further described in our Privacy Policy. 14. Release and Indemnity 14.1.By accessing our Site you release Bsale from any and all liability for any direct or indirect loss or damages (including loss or damage from negligence) arising from access to or use of the content on our Site or sites linked to our Site, or your inability to use our Site.

6.2 If you create an account and post content, you must comply with our Listing Rules.

14.2. We are not liable for any other user content, actions or inactions of that user. If you have a dispute with a user, you release us from claims arising out of or in any way connected with that dispute.

6.2. You must not post inappropriate, offensive, pornographic, threatening, abusive, discriminatory, false, inaccurate, misleading or defamatory content. If you see any of this content, you must notify us immediately.

14.3.We are not liable for any loss, damages and costs (including indirect losses) that are suffered by reason of the unauthorised use of the personal information you provide to us.

6.3. Your content must not cause you or us to breach any law, regulation, rule, code of conduct or other legal obligation including, but not limited to, breaches of confidence, privacy or intellectual property.

14.4.To the full extent permitted by law, we exclude all representations, warranties or terms (whether express or implied) other than those expressly set out in these terms.

6.4. You acknowledge that we in no way warrant that you will receive enquiries in relation to your content, or that you will sell a business or franchise if you use our Sites.

14.5.These terms are to be read subject to any legislation which prohibits or restricts the exclusion, restriction or modification of any implied warranties, conditions, guarantees or obligations. If such legislation applies, to the extent possible, Bsale limits its liability in respect of any claim to, at our option:

6.5. Users create the content that is displayed in advertisements. Bsale is not under any obligation to monitor any data or content which is submitted to or available on the Site. If you feel there is content in breach of the Terms and Conditions please contact Bsale. 6.6. Your Ad may be displayed on third party sites such as; Facebook and Instagram. By using the Bsale website you agree that your ads can be displayed on these other sites. 6.7. Your Ad may be displayed in the Bsale eMagazine. By using the Bsale website you agree that your Ad including, but not limited to, its contents and photos can be displayed in this publication. 7. Further warranties in relation to posting content 7.1. You warrant that all content is true and correct to the best of your knowledge, and you assume full responsibility for the content. 7.2. You warrant that your business or property is duly registered in compliance with the relevant law, and that you are the rightful owner of the business. 7.3. You warrant that, in the event of a partnership, company or family trust, all parties agree to the content and listing. 7.4. You warrant that, in the event of an agent, business broker, or franchisee you have written consent from the owner of the business or the franchisor to act on their behalf, with their consent. 7.5. You warrant that you have received professional valuations in relation to the value of the property or business.


8. Intellectual Property Rights in content the supply of the services again; or the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again. 14.6.You agree to indemnify us from and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs (including indirect losses) resulting from your use or inability to use our Site. 14.7.You agree to indemnify us against any claims made against Bsale by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of this Agreement or your infringement of any law or the rights of a third party in the course of using our Site. 15. Miscellaneous 15.1. This Agreement is governed by the laws of NSW and Australia, and you agree to be subject to the jurisdiction of the laws of NSW and Australia. 15.2. We reserve the right to amend this Agreement at our discretion, and will publish any such amendments on our Site which will be taken to be effective on and from the date that they are published. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of the current Agreement. 15.3. You must not assign or otherwise deal in any other way with any of your rights under this Agreement. 15.4. If a provision of these terms are invalid or unenforceable it is to be read down or severed to the extent necessary without affecting the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions.

Business Broker Directory


Business Broker Directory

A Robertson

ABBA Group

ABS Business Sales

A Robertson Business Agents are the team of business brokers you can trust to deliver complete business broking solutions and succession plans. Our personal service takes into account.

As Australia’s fastest growing business broker, the ABBA Group are business sales, acquisition and merger specialists. We are a boutique firm that gets results for all our clients!

Delivering outstanding service and results in business sales, commercial property sales and commercial property leasing. ABS Business Sales South East Queensland’s Leading Business Brokers.

Level 14 275 Alfred St, North Sydney, NSW

Level 13, 135 Kent Street, Sydney, NSW

Level 1 Unit 3 25 Railway Terrace, Milton, QLD

02 9181 4834

02 8973 7594

07 3368 4010

Services: NSW

Services: NSW

Services: QLD

Adelaide Business Sales

AFS Brokers

Amplify Business Sales

The founding Director of the company, Jeff Romanowski, has over 26 years experience in the specialised field of Business Broking - originally starting out in September 1986.

AFS Brokers begun in 2014 as the preferred broker for one of Australia’s leading fitness brands. Through this time we were able to build an extremely active database of buyers.

Amplify Business Sales is a specialist in the sales & marketing of small and large businesses for sale. We handle the marketing and sale of businesses of all kinds throughout Sydney, Wollongong.

63 Devereux Road, Linden Park, SA

Level 6 241 Commonwealth St, Surry Hills, NSW

8/74 Kembla Street, Wollongong, NSW

08 8338 3833

0488 009 547

1300 267 287

Services: SA

Services: NSW

Services: NSW

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory


Ascend Corporat

Aussie Business Sales

Australian Business Sales

Ascend Corporate Business Brokers are located in West Perth WA. Invest in a Profit making West Australian business. More than 100 construction, accommodation.

Aussie Business Sales is owned and operated by Ian Clapham. Based in Melbourne CBD covering Business Sales in Melbourne City, Suburbs and Country Victoria.

Australian Business Sales Corporation Pty part of the Australian Business Sales Network Established in 1990. What we do is market and sell businesses. We sell businesses!

Ground Floor Suite 4, 1292 Hay St, West Perth, WA

Unit 3608 / 200 Spencer Street, Melbourne, VIC

Level 23 Governor Phillip Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney, NSW

08 9480 3200

0418 515 434

1300 722 556

Services: WA

Services: VIC

Services: NSW

Australian Prestige Business Sales

BBG Business Brokers Group Pty Ltd

Bissales Pty Ltd

At Business Sales Victoria, we pride ourselves in having a personal, friendly and honest service. Business Sales Victoria are a small but dedicated team of professionals that possess.

BBG Business Brokers Group is a company built from a strong team of experienced business owners. We are very excited about year 2013 and how it will engage us.

When you engage BisSales to manage the sale of your business you get the benefit of an experienced team of executives who have all owned and operated their own businesses and can empathise with the process business owners will go through.

Exchange Tower, Level 1, 530 Little Collins St, Melbourne, VIC

15 Ellingworth Parade, Box Hill, VIC

832 High Street, Kew East, VIC

03 9909 7727

03 9896 8999

0429 445 582

Services: VIC

Services: VIC

Services: VIC

Business Broker Directory

Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

BPA Brokers

Business & Franchise Brokers Pty Ltd

Bonza Business & Franchise Sales gets excellent results at a fraction of the cost of a typical business broker. We are real business and franchise selling experts with decades of experience.

BPA Brokers have been helping people become their own boss for over 14 years. Whether clients are buying or selling businesses, our goal is to assist people in improving their lifestyle and manage their own business.

Innovation Centre, 90 Sippy Downs Drive, Sippy Downs, QLD

181-187 Plenty Rd, Preston, VIC

Tooronga Village Suite 2.03, 1 Crescent Road, Glen Iris, VIC

0413 092 145

03 9485 4488

03 8823 5400

Services: QLD

Services: VIC

Services: VIC

Business Brokers Network

Business Brokers Queensland

Business Buy Or Sell

Business Brokers Network Australia is a network of Licenced Business Brokers working together to provide Buyers and Sellers a greater range of choice. If you want to sell your business.

Business Brokers Queensland is a professional business brokerage firm specialising in the sale of small to medium businesses in Queensland.

The team at Business Buy or Sell are trusted advisors, provide an unprecedented level of quality, service and professionalism who excel in assisting people to buy, sell or build a business.

PO Box 2068, Brisbane, QLD

8 / 130 Kingston Road, Underwood, QLD

6 Whitewater Place, Sapphire Beach, NSW

1300 331 814

1300 699 480

0419 513 979

Services: Australia Wide

Services: QLD

Services: NSW

BF Brokers is a proud family business brokerage firm based in Melbourne with services stretching Victoria wide, including consultants in Geelong and the Surf Coast.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory


Capital Commercial Business Sales

Business Merges & Sales

Business Sales Advisory

Business Merges and Sales is a Business Brokerage based in East Perth WA. Business Mergers and Sales Perth can provide the following high-quality services.

Our Business Brokers are professionally qualified business people and accountants. Dale Wilcox, our licensee, is a qualified Accountant (FCPA, ACMA) with over 40 years of business experience in senior.

Suite 1 / 96 Royal Street, East Perth, WA

Suite 42, 44 Kings Park Rd, West Perth, WA

Level 1, 77 London Circuit, Canberra, ACT

08 325 5527

0467 821 468

1300 793 690

Services: WA

Services: WA

Services: ACT

Central Coast Business Brokers


Core Business Brokers

A professional approach to the sale or purchase of a Business and/or Commercial Real Estate”. A successful sale or purchase is seldom a result of luck. With over 20 years’ experience

Clearpoint is a licensed property services company established in 2005 with expertise in retail, commercial property, property Portfolio management, and shopping centre management and leasing.

The team at Core Business Brokers has an excellent reputation as business brokers in Sydney and has a combined 60 years experience in the negotiations.

Shop 2, 51 Kerry Crescent, Berkeley Vale, NSW

PO Box 490, Lane Cove, NSW

12 Putarri Ave, St Ives, NSW

02 4388 4399

1300 325 327

02 9413 2977

Services: NSW

Services: NSW

Services: NSW

Capital Commercial Business Sales is the Canberra region’s leading business brokerage firm. Whether you’re interested in buying or selling, we have the experience, the reputation.

Business Broker Directory

Dealmakers Australia Dealmakers Australia are Sydney based business brokers acting on behalf of clients seeking to sell their businesses. The focus of our activities is on Small and Medium Enterprises.

Dowie International Business Advisors

Elders Southern Districts Estate Agency

Bringing 25 years of Executive Global Experience to Australian business owners wanting to take the next step in their careers.

With a proud history in the South West of WA, our Elders offices have a proven history of supporting thousands achieve their property dreams.

PO Box 113, Lindfield, NSW

13 Stirling Street, Bunbury, WA

02 9294 7077

1300 722 749

08 9721 3533

Services: NSW

Services: NSW

Services: WA

Ellis Corporate

Endeavour Business Brokers

Essential Business Services

Established in 1998, Endeavour Business Brokers provides business sales and valuation services to smaller Australian businesses.

Experienced in a wide variety of industries and across all stages of the business lifecycle and general life, the advice they garner is definitely not based on guess work.

434 Vincent St West, West Leederville, WA

Level 1, 432 Kent Street, Sydney, NSW

91 Watt Rd, Mornington, VIC

08 9388 9951

02 8096 9222

1300 549 022

Services: WA

Services: NSW

Services: VIC

Ellis Corporate specialises in Corporate Business Broking, Commercial / Industrial / Investment Real Estate Sales plus Commercial and Executive Residential Property Management.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory

FC Business Solutions We are a fully integrated consultancy firm specialising in developing, growing and marketing franchise systems.


Fortune Business & Property Brokers

G Hunter And Associates

Fortune Business & Property Brokers was established in 1997 as a full service Business Brokerage and Commercial Real Estate Agency.

In 2001 Greg Hunter Property was established and in 2011 G Hunter and Associates carries on enjoying an excellent reputation as one of Western Australia’s leading boutique business and real estate companies.

Suite 5, 2 Brandon Park Drive, Wheelers Hill, VIC

PO Box 1344. Canning Bridge/Applecross, WA

Suite 1/77 Hay Street, Subiaco, WA

03 9533 0028

08 9315 2700

08 9381 8686

Services: VIC

Services: WA

Services: WA

Global Realty Partners

GMO Business Sales

GSE Business Consultants

Leaders in Residential, Commercial and Business Sales and Management, servicing Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, Port Stephens, Cessnock and the Hunter Valley for all your property requirements, the Realty Partners team of over 40 experienced professionals can help you.

GMO is the largest and most established business broking agency in Western Australia, offering a buying and selling service for small to medium size businesses.

GSE Business Consultants specialise in working with Cafe owners to make sure that they get the best return possible when they sell their cafe.

1/18 Alma Road, New Lambton, NSW

1310 Hay Street, West Perth, WA

Level 32 101 Miller Street, North Sydney, NSW

02 4961 0411

08 9481 4422

1300 522 179

Services: NSW

Services: WA

Services: NSW

Business Broker Directory

Hallmark Business Sales Pty Ltd

Harcourts Wine Coast

HBR Business Broker

Hallmark Business Sales leads the way when it comes to expertise. Every one of our brokers is an industry specialist who has the tools, environment and training to accomplish a successful sale.

In an increasingly fast-paced world, Harcourts Wine Coast knows that whilst people want a professional and efficient service, they still prize the fundamentals of honesty and integrity from real estate consultants committed to achieving their clients’ goals.

HBR Business Broker as a business broker for more than 8 years and has over 13 years of experience in the real estate industry.

159 Tahiti Ave, Palm Beach, QLD

162 Main Road, McLaren Vale, SA

1st Floor, 203 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley, VIC

0415 887 733

08 8323 9300

03 9847 6823

Services: QLD

Services: SA

Services: VIC

Home Service Professionals

Invested Business Sales

Johnston Business Sales

In 2014, the company expanded into Gosford and, despite several years of strong growth, these simple aims never changed.

Invested Business Sales specialises in the successful sale of small to large businesses throughout Sunshine Coast, Brisbane and the rest of Queensland.

Johnston Business Sales is a general business brokerage with expertise in mergers and acquisitions and has a general mix of skills with 26 years of experience, overseeing and offering privately held organizations which have provided the necessary skills and expertise to appraise the current market estimation of businesses.

PO Box 38, Holden Hill, SA

PO Box 2088, Noosa Heads, QLD

4021 Quayside Benowa, QLD

1300 308 408

0429 626 835

07 5564 7704

Services: SA

Services: QLD

Services: QLD

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory

JP Real Estate & Business Agents


Kent Business Brokers

Klemms Business Brokers

We are a Western Australian based brokerage firm with over 20 years experience that specialises in the sale and acquisition of various business enterprises.

Kent Business Brokers started in Subiaco in the Mid 70’s. It was taken over by Mr Glen Smith in the Mid 80’s. Barry Pike, Licensee-Principal has been operating Kent Business Brokers for the last 20 years

Since day one back in 1946 Klemms has been serving its clients with an unswerving commitment to probity, honesty, and professionalism.

Suite 17/7 The Esplanade, Mt Pleasant, WA

PO Box 278, Mandurah, WA

551 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn, VIC

08 9316 9777

08 9581 2536

03 9819 4211

Services: WA

Services: WA

Services: VIC

LJ Hooker Business Broking

LJ Hooker Commercial Perth

LK Business Brokers

Over the past 82 years, LJ Hooker has become Australia’s best known and most trusted real estate brand.

LJ Hooker Commercial Perth opened its doors on 1 July 2013. We are located at 58 Kings Park Road, West Perth and we service all industrial and commercial suburbs throughout Western Australia.

LKBB is a business broking firm specializing in the sales and purchases of small to medium businesses and commercial properties. We have extensive experience in dealing with all kinds of business

Shop 333 / 71 Jones Street, Ultimo, NSW

58 Kings Park Road, West Perth, WA

Ground floor 54 St Kilda Rd, St Kilda, VIC

02 9552 1111

08 9220 2200

1300 315 223

Services: WA

Services: WA

Services: VIC

Business Broker Directory

Mandanex Capital

Mastracorp Real Estate

McCormack Brokers

Mandanex Capital specializes in brokering the sales of small, medium and large businesses and mid market mergers and acquisitions.

Mastracorp is one of the most active independent commercial real estate agencies in Adelaide. Whether your needs are buying, selling, leasing or asset & portfolio management, the Mastracorp team will deliver professional service and advice, keeping you involved and well informed about your property.

McCormack Business Brokers is a leader in the resale of franchise businesses. We focus primarily on leading hospitality and telecommunications brands, negotiating the sale of existing businesses in these industries across Australia.

Suite 107 / 283 Alfred Street, North Sydney, NSW

4/60 West Terrace, Adelaide, SA

Level 4, Suite 68, 330 Wattle Street, Ultimo, NSW

02 8971 6511

08 8212 0140

02 9212 2799

Services: NSW

Services: SA

Services: NSW

Mercury 5 Sky

NAI Harcourts Rinnovate

Noble Business Sales

Mercury 5 Sky Business and Commercial Sales specialises in representing owners of businesses and commercial properties, facilitating & introducing them to qualified buyers and investors which dramatically increases the probability of business owner clients exiting for a profit, which reflects the value & what has been invested into the business throughout its trading history.

The Rinnovate Group was established in 2005 as a Business advisory practice, and expanded in early 2009 to include Rinnovate Business Brokers Pty Ltd.

We are highly experienced Gold Coast based business brokers. All our sales professionals have previously owned a business. Noble Business Sales Excellence through experience.

Level 23, 127 Creek Street, Brisbane, QLD

196 Corio Street, Shepparton, VIC

PO Box 992, Sanctuary Cove, QLD

07 3221 1441

03 5831 1499

07 5530 8972

Services: QLD, NSW

Services: VIC

Services: QLD

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory


Northbridge Sales & Leasing Pty Ltd

Paramount Business Brokers

Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

Like the north point on a compass, Northbridge Sales and Leasing will be your trusted bearing when you need guidance in selling, leasing or managing your property.

Paramount Business Brokers is a boutique business broking firm specializing in the sale of all types of businesses throughout the Greater Melbourne area.

Performance Business Sales, is one of Australia’s most successful and innovative exponents of the sale and acquisition of privately-owned businesses.

Ground Floor, 379 Hay St, Perth, WA

1010/401 Docklands Drive, Docklands, VIC

45 Ventnor Avenue, West Perth, WA

08 9225 5989

03 9021 9888

08 9429 8882

Services: WA

Services: VIC

Services: WA

Perth Business Sales

Platinum Business Sales

Power ABA

Perth Business Sales is a professional full service consulting agency providing key services to small and medium size businesses in the Western Australia market.

Our industry knowledge and proven sales ability, coupled with our handson experience owning and operating hospitality and retail businesses, has secured our reputation as respected hospitality and retail business brokers.

PowerABA is a prominent Adelaide business brokerage specialising in the sale and purchase of small to medium (SME) Businesses and Commercial properties.

2/78 Mill Point Road South Perth, WA

83 Fullarton Road, Kent Town, SA

08 9367 3056

08 8331 1588

Services: WA

Services: WA

Services: SA

Business Broker Directory

Premier Equity Group Pty Ltd

Professionals Gosford

Profit Advantage Group

Professionals Gosford has the primary aim and vision to serve with honesty, integrity, enthusiasm with superior knowledge and understanding.

The Profit Advantage Group provides a range of Business Development & Consulting Services which help Business Owners enjoy running their business!

24 Cabinda Drive, Keysborough, VIC

Shop 5 & 6, 91-99 Mann Street, Gosford, NSW

6 King Street, Campbelltown, NSW

0412 884 611

02 4344 7766

02 4625 9534

Services: VIC

Services: NSW

Services: NSW

Prosper Business & Property Brokers


Quest Business Brokers

Based in Perth Metropolitan area, we have a vast knowledge of Perth and its suburbs especially the CBD and surrounding Blue chip areas.

Focusing on hospitality means we can spend less time understanding different industries and more time focusing on your business. Our goal is to be thorough, to be calm and to educate.

At QUEST Business Brokers, we are serious about selling your business. If you are thinking of selling your business or looking to prepare your business for sale, give us a call to book your No Obligation, 100% confidential consultation.

Suite 3/216 Stirling St, Perth, WA

Suite 2/18 Hutchinson Street, Surry Hills, NSW

PO Box 3336, Caloundra BC

0412 873 613

0423 976 700

041 069 9255

Services: WA

Services: NSW

Services: QLD

We at Premier Equity Group pty ltd are Premier Business Brokers and at the forefront of the industry, utilising the latest technology and leading the way in professionalism when it comes to being business brokers.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory


Raine & Horne Commercial

Ray White Business Sales

Since 1883, Raine & Horne has been a respected leader in the real estate industry. In 1984 the company launched a specialist network to service commercial, industrial and retail properties.

Ray White Business Sales is a dedicated business sales unit located in Sydney CBD with brokers located in most areas of Sydney.

Ray White Commercial GC South Ray White Commercial GC South was formed in 2010 and operates within the greater Ray White GC South Network with an office located in the heart of the Commercial & Industrial hub of Burleigh.

Level 17, 135 King Street, Sydney, NSW

19 Taree Street, Burleigh Heads, QLD

02 9258 5400

1800 858 696

07 5535 0500

Services: NSW

Services: NSW

Services: QLD

Robert Gasmier

SBX Business Brokers

Seale and Associates

A boutique broker committed to delivering ongoing high quality expertise and personal service in Business Broking to Western Australians. Certified Practising Business Broker.

SBX Business Brokers is one of the largest business brokers in Australia servicing Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast.

Since February 2005 I have owned and operated my own Business Broking and Real Estate Agency in Bunbury, servicing the South West in particularly, but also have worked in the Great Southern and Perth Metropolitan Areas.

PO Box 626, Applecross, WA

Suite 1, Level 2, 2 - 4 Pacific Highway, St Leonards 2065, NSW

08 9316 9211

02 9439 4403

02 9795 1635

Services: WA

Services: Australia Wide

Services: NSW

Business Broker Directory

Statewide Business Brokers

The Brokerage Australia

The Finn Group

The Brokerage Australia, is a new and dynamic broking franchise, whose brokers guide sellers & buyers through all areas of the selling process.

The Finn Group is Australia’s largest network of business and franchise brokers. With offices in all major cities and regional areas, we’ve helped hundreds of business owners sell or purchase a business.

PO Box 1061, Mandurah, WA

The Promenade, Level 1, U4, 4-6 Kingsway, Cronulla, NSW

Office 2, 11 Wellington Road, Acacia Ridge, QLD

08 9586 3509

1300 466 455

07 3333 2434

Services: WA

Services: NSW

Services: Australia Wide

The Strand 365 Pty Ltd

Tourism Property

Being in Business should be rewarding and give you a lifestyle that inspires you to get up each day. If the Strand 365 can be a small part of that, then we have achieved our goal.

Tourism Property is a boutique agency. Totally focused on substantial tourism asset transactions. We understand Regional markets and can deal internationally.

TRIDENT Business And Corporate

PO Box 1888, Townsville, QLD

PO Box 314, Unanderra, NSW

Level 2, 420 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC

0400 018 866

0400 200 139

03 8687 2116


Services: NSW

Services: VIC

Statewide Business Brokers, operated by Wayne Cooper as Licensee & Principal, along with his wife Ronnie, are well known throughout Rural WA.

The dedication and commitment of our agency is the reason we are different from the competition.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory

West Australian Business Brokers West Australian Business Brokers are one of Perth’s leading Business Brokers. Our knowledge and experience in the Perth market gives us a very unique insight into the marketing of your business.


Xchange Business Brokers Xchange Business Brokers is a boutique agency specialising in the sale of businesses in the greater Sydney area.

Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd It is paramount to us to treat every customer, buyer or seller, in such a memorable way that when the transaction is completed they go and tell somebody else how GREAT it was!

33 Segrave Street, Gwelup, WA

Suite 116, 159 Ridgecrop Drive, Castle Hill, NSW

Suite 202/230 Victoria Road, Gladesville, NSW

0414 252 032

0448 822 032

02 9817 3331

Services: WA

Services: NSW

Services: NSW

Your Price Business Brokers

Zircom Business Broking

123 Business Brokers

Your Realty, is Australia’s premier residential real estate agency. Offering to our clients exceptional and professional service.

Zircom was established in 1991 and is one of the market leaders in business broking in Western Australia. We have earned an enviable reputation for integrity and professionalism.

At 123 Business Brokers, we understand that your time is precious, so we are here to do all of the hard work for you.

PO Box 2021, Gawler, Gawler, SA

PO Box 362, Greenwood, WA

Level 30, 35 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC

0412 396 306

0409 113 814

1800 499 995


Services: WA

Services: VIC


Packages available only to licensed business brokers and franchise groups 165





Why choose BSALE?

Aussies are online... Present your business for sale online and save!

Established over 18 years 30,000 + Facebook followers Online e-magazine to promote your business and brokerage Publish your brokerages editorials in our e-magazine Australian Owned and Operated Buyers Notification System Business Broker Profile Page We have leading Australian Business Brokers and Boutiques. XML Feed available ($99 set up fee)

• 16 Million Australians are Online • The average online user visits Google 30 times a month • BSALE ranks page #1 on Google for thousands of important keywords!

Bsale has been established 18 years, making it one of the first business for sale websites. Placing your ad on Bsale is similar to advertising in a newspaper but with more exposure, photos and the flexibility to make changes. Bsale understands online advertising. We invest a lot of our resources into ensuring potential buyers are visiting our website when looking to buy business.



BSALE support 5 days a week 9am-5pm via LIVECHAT



















ADD Upgrades anytime • Priority Feature • Facebook Promotions (Specified amount + $15 Admin) • eMagazine Article and Ads (email for prices)


*Prices INCL GST. No contracts on per month option. Invoiced in advance. No cancellation fees. 15 days notice required to cancel. 12 months reduced rate is for a set period. | (02) 8006 7558





6 MONTHS – 10 Listings – 3x Highlighted Discover the BSALE difference to advertising your franchise group. Our rates are competitive, we have genuine buyers visiting our website daily and we can help gain exposure for your franchise. With our e-magazine going out monthly to a database of business buyers, sellers, and brokers it is the ideal platform to increase your brands awareness and find those ideal franchisee’s. We offer Free editorial space to all our brokers and franchise groups! Available to Franchise Groups only • Provides exposure for your brand in targeted regions Ability to create multiple unique ads • Free editorial sections available in our e-magazine

Package Includes

• 10 ‘Franchise for Sale’ or ‘Business Opportunity’ Listings • Add or Remove listings as they become available or are sold • Complete control over your listings with live changes • Unlimited Text and Updates • Include your franchise logo • Spam protection • No Commission • No Hidden Fee’s • 1 Region • 3 Categories

ADD Upgrades anytime • Priority Feature for $5.99 + GST for 7 days • Facebook Promotions (Specified amount + $15 Admin) • eMagazine Article and Ads (email for prices)


Aussies are online... Present your business for sale online and save! • 16 Million Australians are Online • The average online user visits Google 30 times a month • BSALE ranks page #1 on Google for thousands of important keywords!

Why choose BSALE? Established over 16 years 22,000 + Facebook followers Online e-magazine to promote your business Australian Owned and Operated Buyers Notification System Live Twitter Feed when ad is published


Bsale has been established 16+ years, making it one of the first business for sale websites. Placing your ad on Bsale is similar to advertising in a newspaper but with more exposure, photos and the flexibility to make changes. Bsale understands online advertising. We invest a lot of our resources into ensuring potential buyers are visiting our website when looking to buy business.

BSALE support 5 days a week 9am-5pm via LIVECHAT | (02) 8006 7558


PACKAGE 6 Months 10 Photos Highlighted Unlimited Text + Updates Attach Youtube Video Spam Protected No Commission No Hidden Fee’s


480 + GS


Package Includes: Business Listed in: All Regions

Business Listed in: Three Categories

e-Magazine: Full Page Ad

Tourism Agriculture

Social Media Release*:


$20 Promotion


Twitter Post

more categories to choose from.

Google + Post *A one time only promotion when your business is first listed for sale


Appear in 3 editions


Aussies are online... Present your business for sale online and save! • 16 Million Australians are Online • The average online user visits Google 30 times a month • BSALE ranks page #1 on Google for thousands of important keywords!

Why choose BSALE? • • • • • •

Established over 16 years 22,000 + Facebook followers Online e-magazine to promote your business Australian Owned and Operated Buyers Notification System Live Twitter Feed when ad is published

Bsale has been established 16+ years, making it one of the first business for sale websites. Placing your ad on Bsale is similar to advertising in a newspaper but with more exposure, photos and the flexibility to make changes. Bsale understands online advertising. We invest a lot of our resources into ensuring potential buyers are visiting our website when looking to buy business.

BSALE support 5 days a week 9am-5pm via LIVECHAT


My Account: • • • •

View your statistics See enquiry emails Make live changes Feature your Business for $5.99 + GST for 7 days, all region + category

Buyers can contact you directly via email or phone | (02) 8006 7558




PACKAGE 3 Months 10 Photos Highlighted Unlimited Text + Updates Attach Youtube Video Spam Protected No Commission No Hidden Fee’s



+ GS


Package Includes: Business Listed in: One Region

Business Listed in: Three Categories

e-Magazine: 1/4 Page Ad

Tourism Agriculture

Social Media Release*:


$20 Promotion


Twitter Post

more categories to choose from.

Google + Post

Appear in 3 editions

*A one time only promotion when your business is first listed for sale

Aussies are online... Present your business for sale online and save! • 16 Million Australians are Online • The average online user visits Google 30 times a month • BSALE ranks page #1 on Google for thousands of important keywords!

Why choose BSALE? • • • • • •

Established over 16 years 22,000 + Facebook followers Online e-magazine to promote your business Australian Owned and Operated Buyers Notification System Live Twitter Feed when ad is published

Bsale has been established 16+ years, making it one of the first business for sale websites. Placing your ad on Bsale is similar to advertising in a newspaper but with more exposure, photos and the flexibility to make changes. Bsale understands online advertising. We invest a lot of our resources into ensuring potential buyers are visiting our website when looking to buy business.

BSALE support 5 days a week 9am-5pm via LIVECHAT


My Account: • • • •

View your statistics See enquiry emails Make live changes Promote your Business for $5.99 + GST for 7 days, one region + category

Buyers can contact you directly via email or phone | (02) 8006 7558


PACKAGE 6 Months 10 Photos Highlighted Unlimited Text + Updates Attach Youtube Video Spam Protected No Commission No Hidden Fee’s


280 + GS


Package Includes: Business Listed in: One Region

Business Listed in: Three Categories

e-Magazine: 1/2 Page Ad

Tourism Agriculture

Social Media Release*:


$30 Promotion


Twitter Post

more categories to choose from.

Google + Post *A one time only promotion when your business is first listed for sale


Appear in 3 editions


Aussies are online... Present your business for sale online and save! • 16 Million Australians are Online • The average online user visits Google 30 times a month • BSALE ranks page #1 on Google for thousands of important keywords!

Why choose BSALE? • • • • • •

Established over 16 years 22,000 + Facebook followers Online e-magazine to promote your business Australian Owned and Operated Buyers Notification System Live Twitter Feed when ad is published

Bsale has been established 16+ years, making it one of the first business for sale websites. Placing your ad on Bsale is similar to advertising in a newspaper but with more exposure, photos and the flexibility to make changes. Bsale understands online advertising. We invest a lot of our resources into ensuring potential buyers are visiting our website when looking to buy business.

BSALE support 5 days a week 9am-5pm via LIVECHAT


My Account: • • • •

View your statistics See enquiry emails Make live changes Promote your Business for $5.99 + GST for 7 days, one region + category

Buyers can contact you directly via email or phone | (02) 8006 7558


PACKAGE Until Sold 10 Photos Highlighted Unlimited Text + Updates Attach Youtube Video Spam Protected No Commission No Hidden Fee’s


420 + GS


Package Includes: Business Listed in: One Region

Business Listed in: Three Categories

e-Magazine: Full Page Ad

Tourism Agriculture

Social Media Release*:


$40 Promotion


Twitter Post

more categories to choose from.

Google + Post *A one time only promotion when your business is first listed for sale


Appear in 3 editions


Aussies are online... Present your business for sale online and save! • 16 Million Australians are Online • The average online user visits Google 30 times a month • BSALE ranks page #1 on Google for thousands of important keywords!

Why choose BSALE? • • • • • •

Established over 16 years 22,000 + Facebook followers Online e-magazine to promote your business Australian Owned and Operated Buyers Notification System Live Twitter Feed when ad is published

Bsale has been established 16+ years, making it one of the first business for sale websites. Placing your ad on Bsale is similar to advertising in a newspaper but with more exposure, photos and the flexibility to make changes. Bsale understands online advertising. We invest a lot of our resources into ensuring potential buyers are visiting our website when looking to buy business.

BSALE support 5 days a week 9am-5pm via LIVECHAT


My Account: • • • •

View your statistics See enquiry emails Make live changes Promote your Business for $5.99 + GST for 7 days, one region + category

Buyers can contact you directly via email or phone | (02) 8006 7558

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