BSALE Business for Sale Magazine January 2021

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SURGE VanessaLovie











ISSUE 071 • JAN 2021




























24. NSW

68. VIC

110. NT

38. ACT

83. SA

117. TAS

50. QLD

95. WA



Happy New Year Welcome to 2021! It feels surreal to look back on the past 12 months and what happened here in Australia and around the world. Business owners were tested in a quickly evolving and challenging environment. The Government stepped in to assist with creations of JobKeeper, JobSeeker and recently JobMaker to help businesses and the struggling economy. As we round the corner into 2021. Covid is still here. Various restrictions are in place and state borders are closed. It’s been nearly a year since the WHO announced Covid and the world is still grappling with its effects. I love the start of a new year! As a business owner it's my favourite time as we enact fresh projects. Looking at my plans for 2020, I had to laugh. We went from driven and passionate to entering survival mode after just a few months, as our industry and many others learnt to cope. Taking care of our clients was at the core of our decisions this year. We wanted them to be ok, and to wait out the storm together. In October 2020 we started to see the clouds lifting, and buyers were active and transactions were increasing. There was a feeling of change in the air. With a surge in buyers, people are looking for opportunities. I’ve spoken with brokers and contracts are already being exchanged. There are people looking for work and buying a business is a realistic option that will give them an income. Interest rates are low and investors are looking for good opportunities, where they will get a solid ROI. Owning a business requires strength, determination and a ‘never give up’ attitude. Whether you're a sole trader, director of a large company, 2021 is a year to be celebrated! A year where we can continue to strive and move forward. Happy Bsale-ing!

Vanessa Lovie CEO Bsale Australia Pty Ltd


What Influences the Timeframe to Sell a Business? CLICK TO WATCH

In the business broking industry 60% of businesses will sell in 6-12months. 20% will sell after 12 months and about 20% will sell before 6 months. Finn Business Sales normally sells a business in 3-9 months. This is because they do a few things to speed up the process. In this video Steve discusses the major factors that will influence the time it takes to sell a business. Two main factors are buyer demand and access to finance. There are certain businesses that have a lot of buyer interest, whereas others may be quite niche or in remote locations. The buyer's ability to access finance is also a factor, if the figures of the business are good and the banks are happy it's easier for the buyer to get finance to purchase the business.


There are other factors that also affect the time it takes to sell including: industry, location, marketing, pricing, business profile and the business broker you select. Its important when selling a business you take all these factors into consideration.

Steve Finn is the Director and Co-Founder of The Finn Group, a national brand with a team of more than 60 people throughout Australia delivering business sales, finance, and consulting services. P. 1300 535 932 E.


y p p a H r a e New Y We wish all our clients and prospective buyers a happy, healthy and prosperous 2021!



A message from Ian Jones, President | National Chair (AIBB)

We have all been looking forward to the arrival of 2021 and it's finally arrived. The AIBB community is made up of wonderful people, doing a great job of being there for one another, providing hope and help for our members during tough times and during good times. We also share in each other’s successes and have a heart and one eye towards the future of our profession.

Market conditions are continuing to improve with many opportunities available for buyers and sellers. AIBB Members and AIBB Partners (e.g. Bsale) have all been reporting an incredible increase in buyer

Ian Jones

activity. As a result, we are seeing sale values holding firm in most industries with business owners achieving terrific sale outcomes, even during these uncertain times. These are exciting times for our profession with many new opportunities arising for our members. The outlook for our profession is extremely bright, and I encourage all our members to stay connected, upskill and be ready… this year is going to be BIG! If you’re not currently a member of the AIBB, now could be the perfect time to join. We are also looking forward to our next national conference which will be held in Sydney, in August this year. Thanks also to all our wonderful partners. We really appreciate their ongoing support - it means the world to us! We care about our members, our partners and our profession and we wish everyone a very happy and prosperous New Year!

President | National Chair Australian Institute of Business Brokers (AIBB) Director, Merchant Business Brokers

P. 1300 BROKER (1300 276 537) E. AIBB Secretariat P. 1300 79 66 67 E.


Australian Institute of Business Brokers The AIBB is the peak industry body formed in 1989 to represent and provide support services to Professional Business Brokers involved in the facilitation of Business ownership from one party to another.

AIBB National Board

Ian Jones President / National Chair

Kevin Lovewell Vice-National Chair / Treasurer

Nikki Katz SA Chair / Education & Training

Bruce Coudrey QLD Chair / Membership

Reece O'Sullivan WA Chair

Peter Fennell NSW Chair / Membership

Tony Latessa VIC Chair

Richard Hemmingway Bizstats

Real Estate Agent or Business Broker to sell your Business? Over the years I have sold several real estate properties through real estate agents, and without failure, the agent has added great value and ROI for their commission. However, when it comes to the sale of an operating business, including project managing the many interested parties through to settlement, hiring a professional Business Broker is the best decision you can make. Usually, ever property that is listed for sale is sold; it’s just a matter of price and time. Unfortunately, that success rate does not apply to the sale of businesses, which is more like less than 33 per cent actually sell. The two or more unsuccessful businesses sell of their assets individually at low values, or merely close down after years of risk, sweat and toil. An active business is a much more complex structure than simple static land and buildings. The dynamics around establishing a fair price for a business are very complex and often challenged by buyers, their advisers and banks who will not lend money against Business Goodwill. Buyers of businesses will always ask hundreds of questions around the operations, assets, employees and free cash flow of a business. Buyers want to discuss these things with an intermediatory, who can their answer questions with confidence, and therefore must possess a deep knowledge of the business dynamics. Listing businesses for sale is easy, but wellprepared documentation that answers all likely questions from buyers’ accountants


and lenders, is always required for a sale at a fair price. The larger the business, the more critical that documentation becomes. Remember, selling a business is in fact selling a future cash flow and an experienced broker is gifted at selling goodwill – the invisible. To sell it you must know what the goodwill comes from. Is it business IP, location, repeatable systems and processes, a niche industry, the management team that’s in place? You see, there are many other things that make up business value other than financial performance. For example, growth potential, customer and supplier diversification, employee dependency, owner dependency, positive cash flow cycles, what kind of recurrent revenues you have, customer satisfaction to keep repurchasing, your control over pricing (margin control) etc. These are complex topics that will add exponential value to a business. Matching appropriate buyers with sellers is a critical value proposition for a business broker. They must meet both parties’ objectives and financial goals. Think of it as like eharmony for businesses. My last piece of advice is do not let what may be the biggest financial transaction you will make, and possibly a large percentage of your retirement nest egg, become a racetrack bet as you may spend precious years wasting time with the wrong style selling agent. Someone with a large hat, but no cattle. Please hire an experienced Business Broker who will add additional value to give you the highest ROI, not just be another cost of doing business.

Dean Demeyer

Chartered Accountant and Specialist Business Broker Director | Finn Business Sales Tasmania M. 0419 382 359 E. Like you, specialist business broker, Dean Demeyer understands what makes a business thrive – good relationships built on open communication. With over 3 decades of experience in Business Advisory Services, Business Consulting and Executive Coaching, and most importantly, real-life, in-thetrenches business experience, Dean’s view of business is quite unique.

"Hire an experienced Business Broker who will add additional value to give you the highest ROI, not just be another cost of doing business"

Australian Business Broker of the Year Pivots into 2021 Nikki Katz is at the top of her game as a business broker, having successfully completed multiple transactions for beauty salon and clinic owners across Australia. Winning the AIBB Australian Business Broker of the year in 2019 & 2020 and the REI Award for Excellence Business Broker of the year 2019 & 2020 amongst others, she is an inspiring and dedicated business broker who works hard for her clients. As the current AIBB Education and Training Chair and South Australian Chapter Chair, Nikki is

dedicated to enhancing the business broking industry and taking it from strength to strength. We sat down with Nikki and chatted about her career so far and her exciting plans for 2021. Vanessa: How did you get involved as a business broker? Nikki: I started my first business when I was 17. When I left school, I started a services company in the Healthcare sector, selling clothing

and other essential supplies for elderly people in nursing homes, and I had that business for 17 years which I then successfully exited. I've since set-up and sold about three or four businesses across different sectors in my career. When I came to Australia 9 years ago, my initial reaction was ‘I've set up and sold a couple of my own businesses, I've worked with brokers, let’s see if I can use my own experiences and help people buy and sell businesses’. So, I started


my next career in business broking. I did general business broking for a couple of years. During that time, I noticed there was a gap in the beauty market, where nobody was servicing hair salons, beauty and laser clinics. My mother was a hairdresser, and I was exposed to her business growing up, so I thought I knew the basics. I started researching the Hair and Beauty industry and decided that I could really help here.

roller coaster ride that you go on when you're selling your business, or for that matter, buying a business.

There weren't actually any brokers in Adelaide focusing on this sector and there was only one female business broker who sold hotels. So, I decided that I would specialize and thought ‘Let’s go. Let’s kill it!’. So, I went in with that kind of attitude and it turned out really well for me!

Vanessa: If someone is thinking about selling their business, where should they start?

Vanessa: Do you think it's important for a broker to have had experience owning a business before becoming a broker? Nikki: It definitely helps. It helped me understand the emotional journey of the owner. I spoke with an owner the other day, they’ve had their business for 25 years, and they felt like they were selling one of their children! It's that emotional connection that a business owner feels. A lot of blood, sweat and tears goes into getting a business to that point. I sold one of my businesses to facilitate the move to Australia. I was moving to the other end of the world, so I had no choice but to get it ready for sale and sell. Those who venture into business broking bring their own expertise, experience and way of doing things. There are lots of ex-bank managers, accountants and other professionals and it's great to see them coming into the industry from a numbersdriven background. I come from a more deal-driven and sales background coupled with a more empathetic approach for both buyer and seller. I understand the process because I've been through it, sitting on both sides of the negotiation table, and I also understand firsthand the emotional toll that it has and the


Some people think you sell a business in two weeks. It doesn't happen like that and there's lots of highs and lows along the way. I think it helps me, coming from a business owner perspective, to ensure both parties ultimately benefit out of the deal.

Nikki: When working with business owners, my approach is very handson, working closely with them as we walk through each step. Giving all the information at once, you often see the “rabbit in the headlights” effect. I break down each of the steps to help them get the business prepared for sale. Advice at this point is free. I spend a lot of time on the phone with my clients talking them through what to expect, what we're going to need and how to gather it all. I then send them a checklist of everything that I need. Most people are working in their business and they don't really have time to work on their business and I always suggest, take time out and just organize the business side of things and get everything ready and prepared. Once I have this information, I will carry out some due diligence for myself before we go any further. Vanessa: If an owner is actively working in the business, does it affect a buyer purchasing the business? Nikki: Essentially, it's easier to sell the business when anyone, even if not qualified or experienced in that sector can buy it. If you can get the business under a management structure, it means you open yourself to a broader audience of buyers. That being said, if it's a small hair and beauty business, then the buyer will most likely want to work in the

business. Essentially, every buyer has their own motivation, from those wanting to be in the business and run the day to-day operations through to an investor looking to build their portfolio of passive income opportunities. Vanessa: If someone is looking to sell in the next 6 to 12 months and they want to try and add value to their business sale, what can they do? Nikki: Well, obviously it's about looking at the profit and the buyers return on investment. Getting the profitability as clear and maximised as you possibly can, is the best starting point. There are a lot of businesses who engage an advisor to work on getting the business “ready” for sale but have fallen short of achieving the desired outcome. This is primarily down to the business owner not taking on the advice given. So, if you do need some coaching, work with them and implement what they're asking you to do. They will help you grow and build the business to get it to the best condition for sale. You need to make sure that you work on the business as much as you can to add value. For example, Hair & Beauty retail sales are definitely a push, there's lots of courses owners can do to learn about adding value and how retail sales increase turnover. It's all about the bottom line. So, raise the income and cut expenditure and try and get as much on that bottom line as physically possible. The value of your business will go up and therefore you'll sell it for more money. Vanessa: How long does it typically take to prepare and sell a business? Nikki: There are a lot of factors and it obviously depends a lot on the business. I work quite differently from other brokers. I tend to really listen to my buyers and position the right business for them. I almost run like a giant “business dating agency” where we've got a buyer that's

looking for this and we've got a seller that’s looking for that, and what I’m trying to do is marry them up together. So, I would say as a broker that I am probably more of a deal maker. My success has come from doing things differently, not just listing a business for sale and waiting for the enquiries to come in. I almost interview each of my buyers and I make sure they’ve got the credentials and business acumen to run the business effectively. When you’ve got the right fit for the business with the future buyer, then this business goes from strength to strength. So, it's definitely taking your time to understand not only the seller and their business, but the buyer and their requirements as well. It’s pretty paramount for me. That's more of that personal touch. So how long does it take? Well, it depends how organized we are at the beginning. If we get a vendor who is motivated to sell, they're organized, they've got all their paperwork together. We can go to market. It doesn't take as long to sell businesses as it did beforehand because I've already got a pipeline of buyers that come through and the buyers know me and I could pick up the phone to an investor and say “Hey, look there's something just come on my books. You'll really have

to go and have a look at it because it's pretty good”. Then they'll jump in the car and go see it simply because I don't phone them for every listing. I only contact them for listings that I think would be good for you in your portfolio. I have settled businesses in as little as a month and some more complicated deals can take up to nine months as there are so many aspects that need considered, every deal is unique. Vanessa: Do you think that a business owner should engage a business broker? Nikki: Yes, Absolutely. I've seen salon owners come to a broker and then try to do it themselves and they come unstuck and it goes horribly wrong. They've actually wasted five or six months going through a process without any result at the end. They then come back to you and say ‘oh, can you help me’ and you don't want to say ‘I told you so’ but what you want to say is ‘you've now been out on the market, you’ve been seen. You've already been presented to the market for the first time you've lost that magic and you've wasted five or six months. My advice is to do it once, do it right with the best person for the job. I just wish people would understand to leave the “professional work to a professional” who understands

the entire process from start to finish, one who deals with landlords, conveyancer’s, banks, suppliers, legal contracts and so on. You know, you wouldn't pull your own teeth out if you can go to the dentist to get it done properly. The training has been there, and the processes and procedures are there to keep both the buyer and seller’s safe. So yeah, I absolutely want people to understand the importance of a business broker. We're a profession. I'm now running and Chair the Education and Training Department of the AIBB and it's because I feel very, very strongly that people need to be educated properly and they actually need to understand the value of a certified business broker. A good broker’s experience and knowledge and bring all that to the table when they represent a seller. We're here to do a good job for people and help them transition in or out businesses properly. Vanessa: Do you think that a buyer should have a business broker to assist during due diligence and negotiations? Nikki: Absolutely. I've heard so many horror stories of people doing deals together without a business broker assisting. The deal can come unstuck very quickly. The business brokers role is to help people overcome any obstacles such as putting 11

you in touch with finance people, consultants, lease experts etc. We're here as an Information hub to send you in all the different directions necessary to make the buying process as easy as it can be. Once you decide what kind of business you want and you understand what your budget is, then our job is to make the transition easier. It’s about making sure that we check everything along the way to ensure the buyer is fully equipped, organised, and has some education about the business that they're going into. Our job is to keep everybody on the right path, project managing the sale until the transaction concludes. Vanessa: How did you cope with the sudden COVID restrictions? Nikki: As an industry, we've definitely had to learn how to manage COVID and its impact on the respective sectors we cover. I mean I remember going into sudden shutdown in March. Nobody knew what we were facing, and I had about 10 contracts out at the time, all deposits taken. People were phoning me going ‘Nikki, what are we doing?’ I’d say, ‘I don't know’. I think what I did at that point, was again to think as someone in their shoes, and actually gave everyone their deposits back. People didn't know how long this was going to last and needed the money that was sitting in our trust account. There was so much uncertainty and nervousness. I gave everyone's deposits back and placed a pause button on their contracts.

Every single deal that was signed up before the 20th March came back and re-signed and we progressed forward. All have since settled. I took the fear away by saying ‘here's your money back, come back to me when you'recomfortable’. That could have been the best thing I did this year because I've had a very successful year, and all my contracts concluded despite COVID. Vanessa: In South Australia, how are businesses bouncing back from COVID restrictions? Nikki: Certain sectors were obviously rescued with Job Keeper and rental reviews. Some businesses have fared very well. In fact, some businesses have increased their valuation as they’ve actually performed better. I think the cream always rises to the top. So, people who are running effective businesses tend to come out better. People who are agile, are prepared to pivot and think outside the box, think ‘okay, how can we work around this?’ They came out great. My advice to anyone was stay nimble, stay agile. The people who were complacent or became a rabbit in the headlights, obviously didn't adapt well. Next year will be exciting. There will be a lot of rejuvenation. I think it's actually been a good thing for businesses. There's definitely been a wake-up call and I think good business operators have come out from the corner fighting and there's this new burst of energy. Vanessa: After 6 years selling salons and being at the top of your game, I hear your preparing for a change in 2021? Nikki: If COVID taught me anything, I had to become more nimble and agile myself. I chose to specialise in the hair and beauty sector and to become the very best in a single sector, and it worked. I’ve won multiple awards and achieved some amazing results for my clients. Lately, I have had much larger


businesses approaching me from very different sectors, as well as investors looking to diversify their portfolios and trust me to identify exciting opportunities for them. In 2021, through a strategic partnership, I'll be expanding my focus, offering a bespoke, boutique service to prestigious mid-market businesses across Australia. By being selective and deliberate and continuing with my proven formula of listening to both the seller and buyer and working as the business dating “cupid” of choice I am excited about rolling out this new approach and achieving outstanding results for my clients. I want to take these opportunities and apply all my knowledge and skills to helping more business owners, buyers and investors. I also plan to learn and grow as a business broker as well as continue to give back through my involvement with AIBB, continuing to build the awareness and professional reputation of the business broking industry. Vanessa: How do you think the Business Broking industry will be in 2021? Nikki: It will be more quality over quantity. I think there will be better quality businesses coming to the market this year. I'm very excited about it. I believe the effort that people put into their businesses will show. The middle markets will be very strong because people are looking for investments. There will be a lot of acquisition opportunities.

p. 0420 205 021 e. w.

Leading Business and Franchise For Sale Website since 2000. Proudly Australian and Family Owned.


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Coaches and Marketers Share Their Top Tip for Success in 2021 Show the Person Behind the Brand! Jenn Donovan | Social Media & Marketing Australia | Website

Show up! Show the heck up! Human to human marketing is the number 1 marketing strategy that will help you attract people who will one day do business with you! Look at your social media - when was the last time you showed up, as you - your face? Humans interact with humans - not logos. Go live, get some nice photos of yourself and start posting them on social media, do a pre recorded video - whatever, just show the person behind the brand. Just show up, give a little of you to your audience, and I 100% guarantee you, it will be the best social media post you do all year.

Invest in Email Marketing David Toby | Director Pathfinder Alliance | Website

If there’s something the current health crisis has proven, it’s that email is the most effective way to stay in touch with our audience. You might think we’re biased, but email continues to be the best-performing marketing channel – in fact, email marketing delivers an average ROI of 4400% – and it should be the first step for every business looking to build a connection with its audience. Email is one of the best ways to reach a large audience quickly and effectively, and its use will no doubt only grow as we move into 2021 and beyond. While we think the best way to do email is to enlist a professional email provider that can offer the best features and deliverability services, the increase in options can only mean one thing: email is here to stay.

Learn to Emotionally Reset Everyday Teigan Margetts | Ethicool Books | Instagram

For most of us, the biggest productivity killer is our emotions. Whether we’ve been impacted by a situation out of control or a toxic staff member or manager is frustrating us, how we feel about what is going on can make a 20-minute task take two hours. For this reason, it’s important to learn how to emotionally reset before you start your work day. Whether it’s taking a couple of deep breaths, writing a to-do list or sipping quietly on a beverage of your choice, the first emotional state of mind can do wonders

Understand What Success Looks Like For You! David Furze | Business Advisor/Coach | Linkedin

For business owners to achieve success in 2021, they need to understand what “Success” looks like– what does it mean to them. Once this is ascertained, then properly formatted goals and relevant KPIs to achieve their outcomes need to be developed. Goals need to be set in the SMART format – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time driven. KPIs need to be relevant to their business drivers and can be consistently measured. Once the goals and KPIs are formulated, they need to be monitored for their delivery against targets, and actions amended to change course or to take advantage of opportunities.

Improve your SEO! Joe Edgley | Amplified Marketing Brisbane | Linkedin

Level up your online presence and brand awareness with a solid SEO (search engine optimisation) strategy. Why? Because more Australians than ever are using Google to find products and services, and this will only continue to grow with the uncertainty of COVID-19. Building your online presence with SEO is a long-term evergreen strategy that will continue driving highly qualified website traffic for the long-term - unlike paid advertising or social media. In other words, ranking in Google for the right right keywords will produce a steady stream of leads for your business.

Commit to your Marketing Plans Annette Densham | Audacious Agency | Facebook

Do not leave your marketing to chance. Crossing your fingers and hoping someone comes across your business is not a productive business strategy. Your primary job in business is marketing and to be effective, you must plan - who you want to reach, the platforms needed to reach your audience, tools needs - publicity, social media, awards, podcasts, content that resonates with your audience, and how much money needed to reach the audience. Grab a planner and map out what you need to market. Then allocate time in your diary to commit to marketing. 14

Invest in Self Education Allan Dib | Founder of Successwise | Linkedin

Invest in assets. And the biggest asset you can invest in is you. But how can you do this? Three ways, really. 1. Read books that help you to get ahead. 2. Attend courses, conferences, or classes that help you to level up. 3. And invest in experts or solutions that help you grow. I consistently spend $100,000 in self-education every year, and that's created massive returns for me. I've gotten ten times the return on my investment. Now you don't have to spend as much, but you give yourself the best chance of levelling up by investing in your education. "You need to know what it is you want in business, and you need to resolve to pay the price to get it."

Make 2021 the Year of the Customer Justin Herald | Coach and Mentor | Facebook

Due to how business has been radically changed in the way consumers have had to deal with them, now more than ever the importance of customer experience and engagement is a something that businesses HAVE to ensure their staff are creating memorable connections otherwise they customers will just go somewhere else.

Watch your Cashflow Marlene Schmidt | Money Management Coach | Website

Cashflow is Key. In Australia many small businesses fail within the first 3 years and poor cash flow management causes 90% of these failures. What is cash flow? Cash flow is simply revenue minus expenses plus cash in the bank and it’s the bottom line and lifeblood of business. It’s possible to have a profitable business over the course of a full year but run out of cash at a particular point in time. It’s easy to spend when the coffers are full. But managing the money flowing into and out of the business is critical, especially when revenue is inconsistent and in times of economic uncertainty.

Have you checked their insurance? Every business broker knows that the key to having a smooth settlement process is having all the details sorted so that there are no nasty, last minute surprises - especially with insurance policies being transferred or taken out by the buyer. At AB Phillips, we are the AIBB’s strategic insurance partner. Refer your buyers and sellers to us and we will review their existing insurance, provide recommendations and make sure everything is sorted before settlement. Plus if they buy from us, you earn a referral fee on each policy sold.

KEY FEATURE POINTS • Provide a smoother settlement process for both parties • Make it easier for your seller to transition their business • Widen your revenue streams

Register to become an AB Phillips referral partner today.

Buyer Enquiries Surge As we welcome in the New Year we also welcome more buyer enquiries! 2020 was a rocky road and Australians are looking for opportunities and growth. New Year Resolutions bring about dreams of being a business owner and finding that ideal working situation. Site enquiries and visitors to Bsale have surged over the past week. People are looking!

If you're a buyer and starting your search what can you do to make it easier? Save your Search Don't waste time constantly looking for the same criteria, save the search and we will send you an email when a new listing is loaded. It's important to be in the loop when a new business

is added so you can be quick to make an enquiry. There are businesses that sell in under 3 months, from listing to due diligence to settlement. Thats 12 weeks. You could miss out on an ideal business if you don't see it listed in the first few days. Know your Situation If you're looking to buy, know how

"If 2021 is your year in business, whether buying your first or adding to your empire. It’s important to be prepared and ready to pursue when an opportunity arises." 16

much money you have available or can get access to. Obtaining finance to purchase a business can take time, talk with your bank or mortgage broker so you know exactly what's required when the time comes. Depending on the business, there may be a land title, stock, vehicles or equipment that can be used as assets, or the bank may want more guarantees such as lending against your house. It's important you understand this before you try to buy a business. Understand Each Person's Role. When you're buying a business, there are a few people involved. Understanding each person's role and how you fit into the equation is important. • Business Broker - The seller may be represented by a business broker or agent, whose role is to prepare the business for sale and find the right buyer whilst getting an optimum sale price. The broker may assist you understand the process in buying the business. It is also a good idea to have your

own broker or business advisor who can assist you during the negotiations and due diligence.

to your empire. It’s important to be prepared and ready to pursue when an opportunity arises.

• Solicitor - The seller's Solicitor prepares the contract of sale and any other legal documents necessary for the sale. It is vital you have a solicitor review all the documents for your own protection. • Accountant - The sellers Accountant will prepare the financial statements, budgets etc. It’s important you have an accountant or financial advisor assist you to understand these documents. Net Profit is a huge driving factor in determining the valuation of a business. • Mortgage Broker - If you need access to funds to purchase a business a mortgage broker who understands business purchases is important. They can find you the best way to obtain a loan. If 2021 is your year in business, whether buying your first or adding

Vanessa Lovie

CEO | Bsale Australia Vanessa is the CEO of Bsale Australia. With extensive knowledge in online marketing and the business for sale industry. Vanessa is a huge supporter and advocate for small business in Australia.

Established since 2000. Bsale can deliver you more leads for your business or franchise sale.

Business Brokers

Business Owners

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The Difference Between Buying a Company and a Business By Mathew DeRusha | Lawyer at Legal Vision

It can be confusing when discussing buying a business versus a company as many people use the terms interchangeably. A business is a commercial trading endeavour that is carried out and owned by a legal entity. In Australia, there are several different types of legal entities, with the most common being; sole trader, partnership and company. Each of these are legal entities as they can own assets, be sued and enter into contracts with other legal entities.

Below, we will explain the difference between buying the assets of a business and the shares of a company. What Is a Business? A business is a trading activity that runs through one or more legal entities. These trading activities are typically confined to one type, such as a restaurant. Where you are carrying on a business to gain income, you must register for an Australian Business Number (ABN). Gaining an ABN will

help to identify that business operation. You can register for an ABN through the Australian Business Register (ABR). The ABR is part of the Australian Taxation Office. Once you have an ABN, you can register your business name. You should register your business name where you are carrying on a business that is not the same as your name, such as where you are a sole trader. Or if your business name is not the same as your company name, such as where you have set up a company.

“There are several considerations to look at when thinking about buying the assets of a business or taking over ownership of the shares of the company.� 18

What Is a Company? In Australia, a company is a legal entity that consists of shareholders and directors or secretaries. The shareholders are the legal owners of the shares that form a company. This is commonly known as the equity. Directors and secretaries are the officers in charge of the company and conduct day-to-day decision making. In most instances, a company is a proprietary company, meaning it is private and not publicly traded. Proprietary companies have certain requirements and restrictions. The main requirement is that there must be at least one director that ordinarily resides in Australia. Also, there can only be up to 50 shareholders. For this article, the type of company that we will refer to is a proprietary (private) company. Buying a Business When you are purchasing a business, this means you are purchasing the assets that are used to operate the business. This can include the equipment, contracts, lease and intellectual property, among others. As a new legal entity is purchasing the business assets, it means there is a transfer of ownership. You may be looking to purchase a business as a going concern. This means you are buying all of the assets necessary for the continued operation of that specific business. Generally, you do not need to pay GST on the purchase price. It is also possible to purchase specific assets that the business uses. For example, you may be looking to buy only the equipment and arrangements with suppliers, but not the business name and other components. In this instance, you must pay GST but can typically claim this back as a tax credit. Buying a Company When buying a company, you are purchasing the shares that compose that company from the shareholder that currently owns them. During this process, the previous shareholder transfers the legal ownership of the shares to you. For example, a company has 100 shares in total. Bob and Mary each own 50 shares. If you purchase all 100 of

the shares, you would take over control of the company. Under this situation, if both Bob and Mary were directors, they would resign as part of the transaction. Consequently, you become the company director. This transaction is a share sale or share purchase; both have the same meaning. Benefits of Buying a Company The main benefit of a share sale relates to the tax consequences of the sale. This depends on your individual circumstances, and you should seek tax advice early to determine the most appropriate transaction structure. There is no need to transfer employees as their employment under the company continues. If some key employees or managers are crucial to purchasing the business, then carrying out a share sale can better address the continuation of their employment. While all of the contracts of the business will remain with the same legal entity, and you may still require the consent of the other contracting party to continue that contract. This is common in leases and equipment finance arrangements. Risks of Buying a Company When taking over ownership of company shares, you take on any past risks from trading or any liabilities, such as bank loans. The Share Sale Agreement will set out specific promises that the seller makes about the business and its past activity. These are warranties. If any of the seller’s warranties are untrue and you suffer a loss, then you can typically bring a claim to recover this loss. Share Sale Agreements are technical, legal documents that require the expertise of experienced lawyers to try and reduce or address the risks of a transaction.

warranties (in the traditional sense), you will need to discuss how this will work between yourself and the seller. Practically, there is no requirement for you (as the new owner) to honour any warranties or fix defective equipment. However, this may reflect poorly on the business, and you should consider this during negotiations. Key Takeaways Businesses are commercial trading activities designed to generate income and are owned by a legal entity. There are many different types of legal entities, companies being one such separate legal entity. There are several considerations to look at when thinking about buying the assets of a business or taking over ownership of the shares of the company. The single biggest risk is that you take on the past trading risk of the company when you assume ownership of the shares. However, tax and ease of taking ownership may make this the preferred transaction structure. Commercial transactions are technically complex, but it is essential to understand any risks before you enter into any transaction. If you require assistance with the sale or purchase of a business, contact LegalVision’s business sale/purchase lawyers on 1300 544 755 or fill out the form on this page.

Benefits of a Buying the Assets When purchasing the assets of a business, you do not take on any of the past trading risks of a company. This means that you take all of the assets of the business. If you endeavour to draft your business sale agreement correctly, you will not take on any of the past risks of the business or company. This is the single biggest benefit over purchasing a company via a share purchase. Where the business sells equipment that can break down or has

Matthew DeRusha Lawyer | LegalVision

Matthew is a lawyer in LegalVision’s Sale of Business and Commercial teams. He specialises in franchising as well as asset and sale of business matters. Outside of LegalVision Matthew can be found at the beach going for a run or enjoying a surf.




DannyBoys introduces its mobile food truck experience DannyBoys has introduced a brandnew business model providing a unique mobile franchise opportunity to business enthusiasts who are passionate about food! Franchisees can now own and operate a DannyBoys Food Truck in and around Brisbane or the Gold Coast for a little over $120,000. The food truck will impact Brisbane’s events scene and provide outdoor food opportunities in surrounding local areas, including South Bank and River Quay Green, as well as outdoor farmers’ markets. It will create brand exposure and new opportunities for franchisees, being able to provide gourmet sandwiches to weddings, events, concerts, and sports stadiums.

truck to service customers more often, in more places and at big events!”

James Young, Head of Franchise Sales and Development at DC Strategy says that the new business model offers more variety, saying that; “The new food truck will allow more people to get into business within the hospitality industry and with the recent shift in outdoor dining and change in event setups, it will allow the DannyBoys food

DannyBoys plans to grow its franchise network by expanding into other popular suburbs in Queensland and extending their visibility across Australia.

Daniel McKennariey, the founder, and CEO of DannyBoys comes from a fine-dining background (on Super Yachts and private Estates all over USA, Europe and the Caribbean) and has 20 years’ experience as a professional Chef. Daniel has perfected the DannyBoys recipes and knows what customers love. DannyBoys has a variety of revenue streams, besides face-to-face, adapting to the online food delivery trend when the pandemic hit, partnering with Menulog and Uber Eats.

Find out more - franchise

DC STRATEGY M. 0488 064 866 E. Founded by Rod Young in 1983, the Australian end-to-end consulting, legal, recruitment and brand and marketing firm was created to assist entrepreneurs from start-ups and SMEs to NGOs, government bodies and large corporates to develop sustainable franchise networks.

International Seafood sensation, The Boiling Crab®, has announced its official launch into Australia with confirmed State Area Master franchise agreements secured for Queensland and Victoria! The Boiling Crab® is widely-known around the world for its unique dining experience offering a casual informal environment with freshly prepared food for the whole family. As a leader in the seafood franchise industry, The Boiling Crab® is in a prime position to expand into Australia and provide a totally new experience to the hospitality industry - promising to shake up the Australian dining culture. Australia’s developing foodie culture, combined with increasing consumer health consciousness and a focus on quality, is expected to provide further growth opportunities for the $20.0 billion industry. The new partnership will see Little Dragon Group own and operate The Boiling Crab® business under a franchise agreement and proven business model in key areas of Queensland and Victoria. The Group is set to open 5 locations in popular areas of Brisbane and Melbourne. Little Dragon Group is a top tier Asian catering company based in Melbourne Australia, with an average annual turnover of around 10 million Australian dollars. The company was established 5 years ago to provide the Asian catering service focused on Traditional Sichuan hotpot and Korean BBQ. Eddy Chen, Interstate General Manager and Financial Controller of Little Dragon Group is delighted to be a part of the Australian expansion, saying that, “So far the cajun seafood concept is still quite

new to the Australian market, and while there are few restaurants that claim to offer Cajun seafood, there’s no comparing to The Boiling Crab®! There are very few restaurants that focus on boiling seafood with different seasonings, however the industry still has a huge potential to expand and we are excited to bring the flavours and tastes of The Boiling Crab® down under.” The announcement follows a strategic international franchise marketing launch between Edwards Global Services (EGS) and DC Strategy (DCS Franchise Group). Together, the international franchising consulting firms created and developed a digital marketing campaign to find the right franchise partners to grow The Boiling Crab® in Australia. James Young, Head of Franchise Sales and Development at DC Strategy explains that the growth strategy for the brand will bring an exciting new era of eating-out, saying that, “The initial plan is to open The Boiling Crab® venues in popular and developing areas of Melbourne such as Box Hill and Glen Waverley. The group will also set up a flagship venue in the heart of Melbourne which will be a perfect addition to the city’s trendy eating scene.”


New deal for The Boiling Crab® confirms launch into Australia

DC STRATEGY M. 0488 064 866 E. Founded by Rod Young in 1983, the Australian end-to-end consulting, legal, recruitment and brand and marketing firm was created to assist entrepreneurs from start-ups and SMEs to NGOs, government bodies and large corporates to develop sustainable franchise networks.

The Boiling Crab® restaurants are casual full-dining venues modelled after traditional seafood boils from Louisiana and Southern Texas, where eating shellfish is a social event. With over 20 locations in the US and a brand new venue in Shanghai, The Boiling Crab® has captured the spirit of the convivial seafood boil around the world. The menu showcases varieties of crab, crawfish, lobster, and shrimp, with fresh seafood being prepared in giant pots of seasoned broth, made to order and served in bags to preserve flavour.



Thermawood widens Australian footprint While 2020 has been a year of uncertainty and adaptation for most families and businesses, the Thermawood franchise network has tackled the unknown by implementing new safety measures and focusing on adapting the business model to online systems. The team battled restrictions and changes on a daily basis to keep their business on the ground. With their workplace environment continuing to build and operate amongst the most challenging of times. New Master Franchise Partner in Queensland Paul initially enquired about expanding the Thermawood brand into Tasmania with his sights set on moving his family there in the near future. With the uncertainty of this year, Paul decided to stay put for a while longer and take on a master franchise partner role in his current home town of Brisbane - giving him the opportunity to grow the brand presence across the state of Queensland and giving him great insight into the business operations and the rewarding benefits of life as a Thermawood franchise partner. The border and travel restrictions have meant that the Thermawood team have had to adapt their usual face-toface training sessions and change the way that they would normally onboard new franchise partners. Graeme Clarke, managing director of Thermawood, turned to recording video sessions and has used technology to help keep the business operating in all states, saying that “The recent government restrictions have given people more time at home and more time to think about renovations, home improvements and updates. We’ve seen a huge spike in job requests and quotes”. New franchise location in New South Wales The growing Thermawood network has


also seen new franchise territories granted in the already established states of Victoria and New South Wales. Melissa recently joined the Thermawood team in Sydney. She didn’t hesitate at a chance to get started straight away and jumped at the opportunity to learn the trade and use the tools. Melissa has signed on to be the next franchisee in New South Wales and is currently undergoing extensive training with Pietro, the New South Wales master franchise partner, before getting her own business up and running early next year. New franchise partner in Victoria Jacki Cook, Master franchise partner in Victoria has recorded one of the busiest years to date. Over the past six months, she’s seen a wave of success despite being limited by stage 4 restrictions in Melbourne. She explains that, “All of our franchisees had enough work booked ahead to continue to work where possible. We were also able to provide quotes remotely without visiting the actual clients homes.” The beauty of the business is that projects can be booked without actually meeting face-to-face. Jacki has also been training Victoria’s newest franchise partner, Preet who has started to establish his business around Melbourne. The initial sign up and training process were all completed during Melbourne’s intense lockdown period, showing how the business model is adjustable, even in tough conditions. Thermawood has over 50 franchise locations operating in Australia and New Zealand. One of the key benefits of becoming a Thermawood franchise partner is the ongoing support received by the head office. They supply business and marketing plans and help you to launch your franchise, with step-by-step guidance along the way.

DC STRATEGY M. 0488 064 866 E. Founded by Rod Young in 1983, the Australian end-to-end consulting, legal, recruitment and brand and marketing firm was created to assist entrepreneurs from start-ups and SMEs to NGOs, government bodies and large corporates to develop sustainable franchise networks.

Find a Business that Suits you and your Skills! Diverse range of ads by owners, brokers and franchise groups.

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Modern Cafe Situated On The Foreshore


Business for Sale | Sydney NSW

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$ 300,000


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Food - Cafe for Sale







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Pet Shop in Busy Shopping Mall


Accomodation and Tourism

Business for Sale | Sydney NSW

Agricultural and Rural

$ 160,000 + SAV


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Beauty and Health Commerical Property Education and Training

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Pet Shop in Busy Shopping Mall Business for Sale | Sydney NSW

$ 160,000 +SAV Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

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Pet Shop for Sale

Work From Home (912)


Successful eCommerce Business. Est 8 years. Business Opportunity| Sydney NSW

$ 210,000 WIWO Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Websites For Sale


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Infinite Cycle – The Hills District Health, Medical and Gyms

Join one of the fastest growing fitness franchises and own your own studio in early 2021!- Fitness Business Sales. Over the past decade, the co-founders have perfected this unique fitness solution utilising the highest quality innovative technology and expert programming. One of the fastest growing boutique fitness revolutions has a turn-key solution for you to own and operate your own business in the heart of the evergrowing Hills District. The company has now secured its first 10 locations across Australia and is positioned perfectly to open its doors to the Hills in 2021. The franchise business model is now proven and allows... Price: $150,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Paul Leach Phone: 0415 801 313 View Online Bsale ID 279943


NSW Prime Pizza Take Away-Concord West Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

Rare opportunity to acquire one of the area's main, independent, take away Pizza Businesses. ZERO franchise fees ZERO shopping center commissions. Strong, Covid proof business with solid return for investment and the potential to expand delivery range and hours. Currently trading 5 shorts days (30 hours) 4.30pm-9.30/10pm TAKE AWAY ONLY with the unique flexibility to expand dine in seating or convert existing commercial kitchen into two businesses across two shop fronts with ghost kitchen/ various cuisines for all day/night trade. Successfully trading evenings as take away pizza and pasta and meals... Price: $298,500 + SAV WIWO Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Carmelo Phone: 0401 867 417 View Online Bsale ID 278307

Investment Opportunity - RTO w/ NDIS Education, Children Services, Employment & Training

If you are a parent or an astute business person wanting a good investment then you must have a closer look at this opportunity. The tide is turning for Education and here is your chance to get equity shares in a great school with fantastic projections… Higher Purpose Learning Pty Ltd. (HPA) is a training academy focusing on providing foundation, hospitality, and Information Technology (IT) training for youth 15 years and up, including physically/ mentally challenged. HPA is registered with NDIS as a LOW risk Verification and with a 3rd party Registered Training Organisation. We offer a clear structured pathway toward... Price: $300,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Dean Phone: 0408 080 932 View Online Bsale ID 279021

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Mobile Storage And Removalist Company Services - General

Mobibox portable storage combined with Sutherland Shire Removals provides a product that is not offered anywhere else in the Sutherland Shire. This service offers a Covert friendly solution. You will stand alone in your offering to the public with a house to house relocation and a mobile storage solution. Web- au What you recieve- Marketing -An extensive data base for marketing! -5 Star Google reviews -Very high ranking website www.sutherlandshireremovals. Additional sites- Additional Site: Additional site: Included - Seventy-two, 10 cubic meter storage boxes. Charge out fees- $120- $150.00 per Mth + GST Each. ttl monthly Revenue on storage $8640.00 + GST - $10,800.00 Per Month + GST Annual if full- $103680. A truck that carries these storage units to your clients. Charge out fees $140160 per HR + GST min 4 hours per delivery and pick up. Two trailers that offers a client loading service. Average $140.00 + GST- delivery charges. Ropes blankets, trollies and skates to assist with securing and protecting your... Price: $150,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Todd Conlon Phone: 0408 288 000 View Online Bsale ID 240502



Iconic Regional Business Food - Cafe For Sale

This is a genuinely rare opportunity to purchase a highly profitable, licensed café based in the regional town of Deniliquin close to the Victorian border. The café is open Tuesdays to Sundays and Friday and Saturday evenings and is closed on Mondays. The core business is the café, weddings and functions as well as a small amount of catering. The business is run by a highly experienced couple with one partner operating as the manager and the other is a qualified accountant keeping exemplary financial records that show consistent sales growth and strong margins. The business has achieved metrics that many city businesses would be highly envious of. The business is located in a grade one listed building and is leased from the local council who view the business as a valuable asset to the town and have recently spent over half a million dollars upgrading the kitchen, front og house and the deck. With a high-quality fit-out, full liquor license and a fantastic menu that is surprisingly sophisticated the business is a beloved fixture with a loyal customer base and will make a highly desirable acquisition to any purchaser willing to look at a regional location. The strong financials mean that for the... Price: $395,000 + SAV Region: Wagga Wagga - Riverina State: NSW Contact: Rob Illsey Phone: 0415 243 750 View Online Bsale ID 280109

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



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Concrete Truck With 7 Year Contract Building - Construction - Home Renovation

Concrete Truck with 7 years remaining on current 10 year contract with Hanson. Located in busy Newcastle plant 2015 Isuzu FVY1400 No time wasters please.

Price: $240,000 Region: Newcastle - Hunter State: NSW Contact: Nathan Phone: 0490 152 071 View Online Bsale ID 275392



High Profit Mobile Catering Company Food - Mobile Vans & Catering

A highly successful family owned and run catering company for the last 12 years.. Located in Port Macquarie but operating between Grafton and Forster. The ability to work when and how often you desire. Majority of work is on the weekends with the ability to expand to mid week catering. Growing at 12% and 7% over the past 2 years even during COVID-19. Now back to running the business as normal, this is a great opportunity to purchase a ready to go successful business and maybe even make a sea change to our beautiful town. Included: - All training up to 4 weeks. (More if required) -$162,000+ of pre-booked secured functions for 2021/22 - $80,000+ of catering equipment and tools - 4 x Toyota Hiace Vans. - 5m x 3m: Coolroom and Freezer Combo - Website + Social Media Page - Radio Ads - Three Best Rated: Top 3 Caterers in Port Macquarie (Over the past 2 year). Everything you need to run this business at a highly successful rate are also included. You don’t need to be a chef (we aren’t), anyone can run this business with the right training. This is not a shop front business. We are a mobile catering company, so we travel with everything we need to where the work is. Everything can be moved... Price: $160,000 + SAV Region: Mid - North Coast State: NSW Contact: Adon Bentley Phone: View Online Bsale ID 275758

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Cafe - Port Macquarie - Est 10 Years Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

This cafe in the heart of Port Macquarie represents an amazing opportunity for an enthusiastic chef and partner to own their own cafe at well below set up cost! With the current growth in the mid north coast ( both in tourist’s and people locating to the area) now is great time to be part of a seaside town that will only continue you to grow. Over $75 worth of equipment plus fit out and stock included in purchase price. Fully equipped kitchen as well as front service area means that this cafe is ready to go and no equipment needs to be purchased. Cino’s has been trading at this location for almost 10 years and has established a regular clientele. Providing dine in seating, take away and external catering with the opportunity to do private functions in the evening allows for great potential. Currently run by the owner/chef and one front of house employee. Cafe has exsisting website, facebook and instagram already set up and running, with full access to all. Currently serving full cooked breakfast menu, lunch menu (sandwiches, melts, salads, wraps, fries, fish and chips, burgers etc ), housemade cakes and slices, holy goat coffee, milkshakes, smoothies and cold drinks. Well equiped kitchen with... Price: $35,000 WIWO Region: Mid - North Coast State: NSW Contact: Paul Turner Phone: 0427 686 017 View Online Bsale ID 275843



Charter Boat Business Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

Up for Sale, a fully operational “Walk in, Walk out” (GST Exempt) Charter Boat business in beautiful Port Macquarie. Owners have committed to work in Western Australia, so this strong Fishing Charter Business is up for a once in a lifetime opportunity sale. Work as much or as little as you like. Business has endless opportunities for growth with strong vessel survey numbers and a booming domestic tourism sector post covid, now is the time to get in. Get in quick to be operating over the Christmas holiday period with plenty of forward bookings. Boat’s primary charter operation is Deep Sea Fishing, but is also used for NSW TAFE commercial training, marine tourism, Whale Watching, Sight Seeing Tours, ROV/Survey work, River Fishing and Private charters (Spreading of Ashes, photo shoots etc). The Boat: 1996 11.75m Cougar Cat, only requires a Coxswain ticket to drive. NSW Maritime Bar endorsement for the Hastings River is required, can help with crossings to be signed off. Up stairs flybridge steering station makes parking a breeze. Powered by twin Yanmar 213KW 6LYA-STP (2013 models) which were recently fully serviced by an authorised Yanmar service team. Cruises at 16knots, top speed of 26 knots... Price: $365,000 WIWO Region: Mid - North Coast State: NSW Contact: Patrick Phone: 0432 273 898 View Online Bsale ID 276429

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



3rd Party Warehousing And Distribution Auto - Taxi, Courier, Hire, Distribution, Transport

About The Business: Family owned 3rd party warehousing and Distribution covering Greater Sydney and Newcastle. Years Established: Started in 2007 with one customer in 500sq meter warehouse. Products & Services: Storing around 5000 pallets at any given time, picking approximately 100-150 orders per day. Unloading around 10-15 containers per week. Premises: Rental warehouse covering 6100 sq meter with a 400sq meter awning hard stand yard around 8000sq meter. Location: The business is located just off the M5 at Campbelltown, close to the Northern Road and to the New Eastern Creek Airport and close to the M7. About The Area: Industrial area that grows daily and new factories and businesses opening all the time. Trading Hours: Monday to Thursday from 7am to 4pm and Fridays from 7am to 2pm Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Lease: Lease in place up to August 2022 with an option to renew for a further 2 years. Financials: Financials is available on request for serious buyers. Employees: company operated by 5 staff and casual staff when required. Equipment: Consist of 2 x 12 pallet trucks, 1 x 14 pallet truck, 1 counter balance forklift and 2 high reach forklifts. Container ramp... Price: $1,500,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Martin Nel Phone: 0416 319 717 View Online Bsale ID 275918


NSW Manufacturer/ Distributor Business Manufacturing, Wholesale, Import, Export

• A well built and familiar brand • Registered and protected designs and trademarks • Diverse and loyal customer base • Nationwide clients NSW, WA, Vic, Qld, SA • Very low overheads and well suited for family business • No weekend work • Customer base is composed of wholesalers and resellers, bulk orders only (no need to open or pack small parcels). • Most orders are placed daily via email or phone, order is then packed and sent through courier. • Has been operating for over 4 years, currently turning over 2 to $2.5 million annually, constant and steady growth, no sales department needed. • With a further investment to expand... Price: $1,900,000 WIWO Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Nora Phone: 0435 660 955 View Online Bsale ID 269385

Surry Hills Wine Bar And Restaurant Food - Cafe For Sale

About The Business: In every crisis, there can be many opportunities that present themselves, this unparalleled wine bar and restaurant in Surry Hills is one of them. A fully-managed, all-day dining venue offering modernday cocktails, an extensive wine list, and simply delicious food, Located in a high foot traffic area of Surry Hills, this business has always been extremely busy, especially on weekends. A complete re-brand and refurbishment took place approximately 18months ago where the vendor spent well over $600,000 on the premises.Its strong turnover, high value of equipment, location, long lease, low price... Price: $225,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Daniel Kogan Phone: 0401 620 918 View Online Bsale ID 275015

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Established Existing Pizza Franchise Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

Excellent opportunity to purchase well established existing pizza franchise selling pizza, ribs, wings and desserts which has been operating for over two years with consistent sale figures and run under full management with the owner currently not working in the store. Ongoing support and training from franchisor and team with over 30 year’s experience in the pizza business to help you grow and develop your business with Low Franchise fees and marketing fees. Training will be provided from franchisor before handover of the business for free so no experience needed but must have strong leadership skills, highly motivated and ideally previous business experience. Short trading hours and open 7 nights a week from 4.30pm-9pm and lunch Friday’s 11am-2pm with immediate opportunity to extend trading hours. Comes fully equipped with a modern fit out and all the equipment you need including a walkin cool room, Middleby Marshall PS540G Oven and fully integrated pos system with online ordering and website. A good lease currently in place and Located in busy shopping centre opposite Coles and surrounded by a pub, butcher, bakers, hairdresser, post office and many other shops. Price: $100,000 Region: Central Coast State: NSW Contact: Michael Phone: 0435 240 156 View Online Bsale ID 274368



Online Pet Store Business. Run From Home Websites and Online Stores

Don’t spend a fortune purchasing an established business! We offer pre-made online businesses for sale with 1 to 1 training to help you start selling products online successfully. *Escape the 9-5 grind *Spend more time with family, friends, kids *Work your own hours *Avoid the daily commute *Be in control of your time *Work from home or holidays. Get Millionaire training and real support and guidance to help you launch a new online business. For more information on this new business for sale, please visit us online: http://

Price: $7,490 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Sam Phone: 1300 935 653 View Online Bsale ID 257134 *stock photo used, not actual business

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Motto Motto Restaurant | Sydney NSW Franchises and Business Opportunities

We’ll be honest, Motto Motto is hard to describe. You could call us a premium casual restaurant chain, but that does not quite hit it on the head. Similarly, you could call us a casual fine diner, but that’s not quite right either. The truth is, Motto Motto was born in the kitchen of Australia’s most awarded Japanese restaurant, Sono. With a passion for Japanese tradition, a head full of crazy-innovative business ideas and a desire to bring our ‘Motto Motto Grade’ to the world of fast-casual dining we have created a japanese inspired brand what you don’t need to dress up for, but delivers the type of food you’d expect to see in a restaurant where a dinner jacket is dress du jour! Motto Motto Grade is the new standard in food. It is the philosophy by which we define ourselves, and the challenge we put forward to others to others. It is a cut above our competitors. It is casual dining reimagined. It is wagyu beef, sashimi grade tuna & salmon, it is 12-hour cooked ramen super broth. Our name says it all - more more. More quality, more care, more craft, more delicious...the list goes on. The concept of ‘more is at the heart of everything we do. And we will never be happy with less. We’re passionate about the quality of our food and... Price: $500,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: DC Strategy Phone: 03 8615 7203 View Online Bsale ID 275050



Exclusive Children’s Party Services Entertainment and Amusements

About The Business: Sydney’s leading children’s party planning and events business is now for sale! Operating for over 10 years, this business has established itself as one of the best service providers in the industry. Offering a large range of party services from luxury all-inclusive themed parties through to entertainment only or unique party supplies. With detailed processes in place, experienced/ qualified list of contracted staff and an extensive database of clients; makes this a simple to run operation with plenty of financial upsides. An ideal business opportunity for a hands-on owner with any level of experience, this business has the flexibility to operate from any location in Sydney, including a home office. Features: Detailed Operating Procedures, Flexible Working Hours, Extensive Database of Past and Potential Clients, All-inclusive Kids Party Packages, Custom Events and Entertainment, School Holiday Workshops. To enquire on this business and obtain further details, please click on the blue button at the top of the page.

Price: $99,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Vision Brokers & Advisors Phone: 02 8923 2632 View Online Bsale ID 275012

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Priced To Sell - Consistent Canberra Caf Food - Cafe For Sale

Well established cafe in Phillip. Easy to run only requiring 2.5 staff. Ideal for family or Chef/Barista Owner Operator. 6 Day operation. Currently Closed Sundays. 30kg Coffee Sales P/W. Average weekly t/o $13K+. Affordable Rent at under 7% of t/o. Further opportunities exist to improve business through catering. Phillip is about to become the next Braddon with residential apartments due to commence building literally next door. The emergence of popular food truck operators Brodburger & Greasemonkey is also an indication of what’s to follow in the area. Geocon, Doma Group, Hindmarsh are all adding to the Woden footprint... Price: $129,900 Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Alex Phone: 0422 108 713 View Online Bsale ID 278410



Healthy Bowls, Salads And Sushi Food - Restaurant For Sale

For sale is 2 locations of a profitable and growing food brand that focuses on offering healthy Asian style bowls and salads. The stores present immaculately with a strong easy to understand and popular offering with plenty of foot traffic for repeat business. Behind the scenes the business is fully systemised and easy to operate and buyers will see well-kept financial records making it a perfect first business with plenty of backup and support. The concept is well established and popular and involves a menu that is popular and innovative offering diners healthy choices in a fun and relaxed environment. The business model is fully costed and offers strong profits with an efficient setup that requires minimal labour. The owners have recognised that having invested partners come into the business will ensure the stores are as efficient and profitable as they can be. In return for your investment, you will receive support and training and all the benefits of being part of an exciting and growing brand that truly stands out in the market. You can expect returns from these 2 locations in excess of $150,000 per annum with plenty of room for further growth as the businesses become more efficient and sales continue to... Price: $299,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Rob Illsey Phone: 0415 243 750 View Online Bsale ID 279410

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Burgers And Chicken Food - Restaurant For Sale

For sale is an American style fast food brand that offers a range of burgers, fried chicken, hot dogs and more. There are 2 sites located in the north and the south of the City with a potential 3rd location available in Belconnen with the owners having signed a competitive lease with a reduced rental period and a generous fit out contribution in a brandnew development. The owners have moved interstate and due to personal circumstances and other business commitments no longer feel able to give the business the attention it need to continue to grow and flourish. With 2 fully fitted out sites, all the branding and operational work done and throw in a potential third location, all the ingredients are in place for successful and profitable operation. The business has been priced aggressively at well below the cost of setup to attract a quick sale so if you are looking to enter the Canberra fast food market don't hang around. Enquire now for an information pack. *Please note that generic listing images are used for advertising purpose only and do not represent the actual business.

Price: $90,000 WIWO Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Rob Illsey Phone: 0415 243 750 View Online Bsale ID 279945



Find a ACT Business Broker

Coffee And Takeaway | 5 Day Business Food - Cafe For Sale

For sale is a café located in the bustling suburb of Barton that operates between Monday and Friday. The business enjoys a modern fit out with a full commercial kitchen and plenty of seating space, the cafe offers a full breakfast and takeaway menu with catering options also available. The busines shas a good online presence with a dedicated website. The current owner took over the site in 2019 with the plans to help a family member into business but circumstances changed and he is now looking for a new owner to take over this new and growing business. There is fantastic potential to increase the trading times to open... Price: $99,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Rob Illsey Phone: 0415 243 750 View Online Bsale ID 276030

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Registered NDIS Provider Services - General

About The Business: The business was founded 3 years ago by the current owners however they are looking to move down the coast. The current owners have minimal hands-on with the clients, sharing the workload across their current employees. The Business is continuing to grow and set up regular shifts with its existing clients. ACT Statistics as of 30.6.2020 show 7,753 people in the ACT are benefiting from the NDIS. 4,906 people receiving supports for the first time. If you are looking for an entry into the NDIS provider industry or to add to your existing client book this is an amazing opportunity to purchase an existing business that has NDIS registration with a solid weekly program of supports. Products & Services: 90% of the business is social inclusion for clients and 10% household tasks. We currently do not have any personal care, and this is an avenue that can be explored by a new owner. The company is registered: Assist – Life stages, transition, and support. Assist - Personal activities. Assist – Travel/ transport. Development of Daily Living and Life skills. Household tasks. Therapeutic supports. Group. Centre. Based Activities. Ages 17-65 years and over 65 Year... Price: POA Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: David Phone: 0417 339 648 View Online Bsale ID 276218



Highly Profitable Store With No... Health, Medical and Gyms

An exciting opportunity has now become available to purchase this highly profitable caravan and campervan sales and accessories business. The business has been in operation since 2000, however in 2015 became an Ezytrail Camper Trailer Dealer servicing Southern NSW and the ACT. Key Features & Benefits: * Highly profitable with increases in sales and profits each year * Well located within the southside commercial/industrial hub of Fyshwick * Exceptionally well presented and up-to-date online sales platform * Huge online presence and customer sales * The only privately owned Ezytrail Dealer in southern Australia * Lease in place to the end of 2022 with a 3 year option * Newly refurbished 500 square metre fit for purpose indoor showroom * Top of Google search listings. Online ordering which was introduced in 2014 has been a “value add” service. Offering comprehensive research tools such as product comparison and reviews offers greater transparency for customers, and initiatives such as “click and collect” are unheralded in the industry. The indoor showroom holds the full range of Ezytrail Campers & Caravans plus a huge display of 4WD, Camping & Trailer products. The... Price: $695,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 276018

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Flatpack Assembly Franchise Resale –... Franchises and Business Opportunities

Business ID: BS145203. Turnover 2019/20 – $242,594 – Major contracts in place! Are you looking to buy yourself a job and escape the uncertainty of employment? This successful franchise is available at a great price and would suit a family, siblings or group of mates. Southside Flatpack Constructions has grown every year since opening in 2017 and became profitable last year. It has not only survived COVID but is on-course to further grow turnover for 2020/21. Business Highlights: -Part of the Flatpack Assembly Services (FAS) Franchise -Contracts in place for clients such as Ikea, SpringFree, ClearLight, Bunnings and Rebel Sports -Jobs are automatically created in our Job Management software, and allocation is managed by our Customer Experience team at Head Office -Allocation is based on your availability -Business can support between one and four (or more) assemblers -Set your own hours and be your own boss -Increase or decrease your income as you desire -Work on your own, or with a partner, employee or contractor to turn over more revenue -Successful marketing through Franchisor & Social Media -The businesses currently has two vans – both or only one.. Price: $50,000 Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Xcllusive Business Sales Phone: 02 9817 3331 View Online Bsale ID 276621



Hugely Popular Sushi Restaurant For Sale Food - Restaurant For Sale

Potential: Currently only operating 5 days a week and only until 7pm, much to the dismay of their loyal clients, with no restriction on trade, this has mass potential for expansion. They are also no longer selling hot foods such as udon, bento etc. Reason For Sale: Unfortunately, after many years at the helm, Mee’s health isn’t the greatest. She will hold onto the city and airport store and will ensure FULL training to the incoming owner. About The Business: If you have been living in Canberra in the inner south and do not know Mee’s Sushi you have been living in a bubble. Located on Flinders Way opposite Coles, swing past any lunchtime and check the lineup. A crowded takeaway tells you all you need to know about the quality. Mee’s boasts an extremely loyal client base and the flagship Manuka store is no exception. Every lunchtime you will find a long queue with people patiently waiting for their piece of some of the freshest and tastiest sushi around. I am speaking from vast experience as Mee’s Sushi is a staple in my family’s diet. How have they managed to create such an incredibly loyal following? Superior ingredients and generous portions of your chosen protein create rolls bursting with flavour... Price: $1,395,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Andrew Nuttall Phone: 0418 676 400 View Online Bsale ID 276072

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $390 + GST Hair Salon

Beauty & Hair Salon

Opportunity to purchase a long established hair salon. This is a great business that ticks all the boxes for the West Belconnen area. Located at the Kippax Fair Shopping Centre, Trading 6 days a week , with 3 years remaining on the lease from May 1st 2021 with a option to extend. Business has a strong client base and situated in a high foot traffic location. The salon is situated in a high visitation location, and as a result, the business continues to grow with the development of the Ginninderry Village only 2km away, and home to up to 30,000 residents on completion. Salon complete with: -9 stations, 3 basins -kitchenette... Price: $75,000 Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Kelsey Moore Phone: View Online Bsale ID 274208



Southside Specialty Coffee Shop Food - Cafe For Sale

This well-established café in South Canberra enjoys a reputation as one of the best destinations in Canberra for interesting food and delicious specialty coffee including single origin and filter roasts. The business was established over 6 years ago and has enjoyed sustained growth since it opened, the business has thrived despite challenging economic conditions thanks to its superior location in a thriving Southside suburb. This business enjoys low rent that is less than 5% of turnover despite high demand and very little immediate competition, this is far ahead of the industry benchmarks and allows higher margins. The owners are experienced industry professionals and have ensured that the business has kept strong, provable financial records from the beginning meaning the business will appeal to first time buyers and experienced operators looking for a new challenge. The margins are great with a 29% food cost and 35% wage cost meaning the business outperforms many corporate competitors. The café seats approximately 30 inside, another 28 in the enclosed, heated courtyard and 16 outside. The kitchen includes fully commercial appliances and plenty of storage space. Price: $295,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Rob Illsey Phone: 0415 243 750 View Online Bsale ID 273782 *stock photo used, not actual business

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Fantastic Opportunity To Take Over A... Beauty & Hair Salon

A fantastic opportunity has arisen for someone to take over the lease and fit-out of this large and profitable hairdressing/ beauty salon. The salon is located in a highly populated Business Park and has been in operation since 2006. The business currently operates Tuesday to Friday however there is scope to increase hours if so desired. The salon comes with an extensive fit-out and all equipment required to operate immediately, however the business name, staff, and stock will be moving to the city salon. There are also two rooms available for beauty/massage services and could be rented to a Beauty Therapist if so desired. The current owners also operate another salon in the city and are looking to downsize by just focusing on the one salon. The lease is in place until June 2022 with an option to renew. With a large pool of their clients most likely to continue visiting the salon due to the close proximity to their workplace within the Business Park, this is an opportunity not to be missed! Don’t delay making an enquiry TODAY! $50,000 WIWO. For more information about this opportunity please call Michael Newham of Finn Business Sales on 0421 495 751 or email Price: $50,000 WIWO Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 273908



Profitable Store Selling at an Absolute... Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

Enchante Bridal & Formal Wear is the largest bridal and formal wear store in Canberra as well as being the leading retailer for all your Bridal, Formal, Debutante, Mother of the Bride, Flower Girl, Page Boy and accessory needs. They also specialise in all elements of your occasion with a service to assist you in perfecting the planning of your event as well as catering to all budgets and body shapes without sacrificing on quality. The business is currently run under full management, however it would be best suited to a dedicated owner operator who can inject some fresh ideas and take it to the next level, simultaneously maximising profits and reducing wages. The business is well located on Wollongong Street in Fyshwick which is easily accessible to all areas of Canberra and offers free parking at the door. A new lease of the premises will be offered to the buyer for a period to be negotiated with the landlord. After 11 years in the business the current owner is looking for a change and is offering the business for sale at an absolute bargain price which includes all stock at a value of between $350k $400k as at October 2020 and a fit-out worth approximately $300k. Sale Price is $180,000 WIWO (Includes all Stock)... Price: $180,000 WIWO Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 274934

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Redcliffe Waxing - Suntanium Beauty & Hair Salon

PRICE REDUCED. The business has gone from strength to strength and now has an excellent clientele base of over 300, with a very strong repeat business. On top of this the business continues to grow at an average 15-20 new clients a month through word of mouth, Facebook, 5 Star reviews and an extremely strong internet presence (page 1 of google searches), which consistently produces several thousand hits a month, resulting in website visits, requests for directions and direct phone contact for appointments. Currently operating out of a private home studio location for maintaining clients' dignity, and focusing on customer... Price: $42,000 WIWO + Other Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Peter Charlton Phone: 07 3283 4377 or 0426 369 472 View Online Bsale ID 277247


QLD Costume Shop - Rental & Sales - SE QLD Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

TOOWOOMBA! What a great place to be! Located 125 kms west of Brisbane this city is growing fast. With over 43 public and private schools in the immediate and extended reach region it also boasts a new Domestic and International Airport. It has a population of approximately 120,000 people with an annual growth rate of 1.21%. Toowoomba Fancy Dress Shop is located on Ruthven Street, (New England Highway) which is the main N – S route into Toowoomba just 1km from the CBD. The business has been with the owner at this location for eight years and a lease is in place until the end of February 2021 with an option of further... Price: $98,000 + SAV WIWO + Other Region: Toowoomba - Darling Downs State: QLD Contact: Kerrie Edwards Phone: 07 4639 4800 or 0408 980 956 View Online Bsale ID 223397

Renny's Cafe - Coffee And Takaway Food - Cafe For Sale

This coffee shop and takeaway provides a warm friendly atmosphere, popular with locals. It does a great trade. Its been trading long term with the current owners building the trade significantly. Trade revolves around quality simple food and attentive service. It is central to numerous nearby workers. Long term lease available. Opportunity for longer hours and to further build catering services.

Price: $165,000 WIWO Region: Mt Isa - Central State: QLD Contact: Alan Spackman Phone: 0427 493 319 View Online Bsale ID 278960

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Printing Shop

Advertising, Marketing and Printing

Reason for sale: Owners wish to retire. Excellent opportunity to purchase this well established 30 year old print business at a very realistic price. Digital printing on site, Contract offset operator off site. Ideally located in a booming industrial area of the Northern Gold Coast excellent access to the M1, north & south bound. A real opportunity to expand and grow the business for a sales & networking orientated person. Comes with a long standing loyal customer base. Solid reliable business always able to maintain a steady profitable market share. If you want a business with low overheads, low staffing, high profits, solid repeat business and an excellent reputation then this is for you! Monday to Friday only. Business will be sold WIWO. All plant & stock unencumbered. Lease only on building $2472.00 per month includes gst and outgoings. Total 200 m2 - 120 m2 floor area. 40 m2 mezzanine - including 2 offices & storeroom, 40 m2 additional mezzanine floor. The assets will be all equipment including desks, benches, chairs, filing cabinets, desk printers x 3, 2 x mac computers + software, 1 x digital printer with fiery workstation software, 1 x windows for accounts only, 2 x collators, walk behind... Price: $120,000 WIWO Region: Gold Coast State: QLD Contact: Denise Fox Phone: 07 3208 4922 or 0477 048 456 or 0417 531 036 View Online Bsale ID 247084



Lifestyle Hire Business Gold Coast Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

This one-of-a-kind boat hire business is well established and easily recognised. A Gold Coast icon for locals, interstate and tourists alike, whilst nestled in the most premiere marine adventure centre near Seaworld, Versace and Sheraton Mirage. The business continues to expand with strong fundamentals, advanced bookings and regular repeat customers throughout the year. The hire fleet includes 3 x 10 seater unique self-drive boats with comfortable seating and a RIB inflatable rescue boat with trailer. The business continues to grow each year. Hire prices are structure for small, medium and large groups for 1 – 4 hours. We have established an excellent diversity in marketing and promotions through partnership relationships developed over many years. The business has excellent ratings on all social media platforms. Located in a prime marine position, this unique business is an opportunity for a great lifestyle surrounded by people having fun in the sun. The business is easy to operate and it does not take an industry specific individual to run and grow this business. To ensure a smooth transition of ownership and assist the buyer in learning the business day to day operations, the current owner... Price: $297,000 Region: Gold Coast State: QLD Contact: Anthony Brown Phone: 0411 249 388 View Online Bsale ID 278459

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Beauty Salon-Victoria Point QLD-Est 19yr

Beauty & Hair Salon

About The Business: Beauty Salon offering large range of services including Waxing, Tinting, Facials, Massage, Microdermabrasion, Body Piercing, Tanning. Years Established: 19yrs. Premises: 62sq mtrs. 4 treatment rooms one with shower. Location: In the heart of busy Shopping Centre in Victoria Point. About The Area: 33klms from Brisbane. Mainly residential area with average age of 45. *Services* A range of massage services including Aromatherapy, Deep Tissue, Swedish, Indian Head, Lymphatic, Pregnancy, Reflexology and Hot Stone. Website URL: Reason For Sale: Health Issues and retirement. Lease: 10mths remaining of a 5 year lease. Potential: Lots of potential for growth with implementation of other services and extending hours. Trading Hours: Mon to Saturday. Comments: Great opportunity for an enthusiastic therapist whom wants to run their own salon. Easy to manage with online booking system. Established clientele. Beautiful environment to work in with large treatment rooms.

Price: $180,000 + SAV Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Gail Keith Phone: 0403 011 060 View Online Bsale ID 279794



Find a QLD Business Broker

Uniforms, Embroidery, Printing, SafetyBoots Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

Established by the current owner over 20 years ago, this quality uniform supply, embroidery and screen printing business. Can be operated from anywhere in Australia. Can be operated from home. The business has trading accounts open with most major uniform clothing and footwear suppliers. Long establsihed website and online store in place. Along with clothing footwear and safety equipment sales the business offers embroidery and screen printing services. They also outsource promotional products as well as printing. Hours of operation are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. The business is essentially run by the owner with... Price: $36,000 + SAV Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Steve Mally Phone: 0438 344 610 View Online Bsale ID 77928

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Online Bag Products W’sale/Distrib #118

Websites and Online Stores

100% of Client Orders Are Auto-Sent, and Drop-Shipped By Onshore Supplier/s and Includes a High Level of Automation, Thanks to a Time Efficient Software Management System. This Business Model Allows Any New Owner, No Matter their Background to Grow this Business Exponentially, Without Investing More Time. Currently Requires 1 hour per day, 5 days only, on Average. • This Online Business Can be Based From Any Home in Australia, As No Stock, Nor Staff are Required In-House. All Money Received is also Paid 100% Upfront by Wholesale Clients. Having a 2,500 Wholesale Business Client base, Which Includes High Quality Business and Corporate Clients, with A Good Percentage Returning Regularly to Make their Purchases. There exists massive potential to grow this 13 year established, online only wholesale product distribution business. • Well established for 15 years, by the current, home based and minimal hour owner. This would have to be one of the smartest, most automated, and sophisticated online business models available on the market today. With 100% of client orders being automatically emailed to the suppliers, and they store the stock, pick, pack and fulfil... Price: $94,500 WIWO Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Rosette Communitas Phone: 041 441 0830 View Online Bsale ID 276866



Online Kitchen/Health Food Equip #120 Manufacturing, Wholesale, Import, Export

Sales & Client Orders Being From Around The Nation And 100% Paid Upfront. A New Owner Can Base This Online Product Supply Business From Any Home Office In Australia. This A Niche & Unique Product Range, Being Of The Highest Quality (European Range). This Is Largely a Passive, Under Marketed Business, Requiring Minimal Hours of Input P/Wk. Inbound Order Based Online Store…. Has Ample Benefits for Both Client (Direct to Consumer and Businesses), And for the New Owner of This High Potential for Growth, Online Only, Product Provider. • Being so well established for the last 22 years, this online only webstorebased business is a direct importer of a high quality range of European, and world renowned branded kitchen equipment, products, utensils, and related accessories. Being a boutique and niche market business, clients pay a high average dollar sale amount upfront. Products range from $300-1200, per item. This means that few client sales generates a high volume of sales, per annum. • Having tens of thousands of clients on the database, this list being continually added to, over the last 22 years, since its inception, this owner is not skilled, nor enjoys marketing... Price: $198,500 + SAV Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Rosette Communitas Phone: 073 221 1441 View Online Bsale ID 276516

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Established Leader In Electric Bicycles

Retail - Other

- Offers a diverse range of E-bikes to QLD and Australiawide - Loyal customer base with excellent referral business - Established set-up of digital marketing and advertising platforms to leverage off. - Significant growth in an email list with a low unsubscribe rate. - Double-digit click-through rate on all digital advertising platforms. - Relationships with local and state tourism and recreation bodies. - Fast-growing and high demand product segment. - Sales volume growth year on year. - Strong online presence & social media base (product range views of 250,000+)

Price: $699,000 + SAV Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Don Gunther Phone: 0408 230 203 View Online Bsale ID 276461



DannyBoys Franchise | North Lakes QLD Food - Franchise Outlets

About The Franchise: DannyBoys is rocking the sandwich world. We make sandwiches and we make them well. Our founder and CEO of DannyBoys – Daniel McKennariey opened the first DannyBoys in Kelvin Grove, Brisbane in April 2011 which has become a staple lunch spot for all. Along with a DannyBoys store in Brendale, our sandwich shops are in the heart of the community and we have garnered a cult following of students, locals and office workers alike. With a recipe for success, we are growing our franchise network and looking for the right franchise partners to join the DannyBoys Rockstars! Benefits of owning a DannyBoys franchise: Recipe for success! Daniel McKennariey, the founder and CEO of DannyBoys is an experienced and professional chef who has perfected the DannyBoys recipes. Once a customer has tasted a rockstar sandwich they are a regular for life. This knowledge will be shared with each and every franchise partner and Danny will give franchisees his secrets to success. Danny is committed to ensuring the customer experience across the network is second to none and will leave them wanting more and telling everyone about it! Danny will be there... Price: $300,000 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: DC Strategy Phone: 03 8615 7203 View Online Bsale ID 276460

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Niche Blind Cleaning + Repairs Business

Cleaning & Domestic Services

Amazing Clean is a member of the Franchise Council of Australia, which promotes excellence in franchising, as well as being a market leader in window furnishings and fabric care. Established in 1996, it is one of the fastest growing service based franchises in Australia, but with significant and exclusive territories still available for budding franchisees with entrepreneurial flair! Amazing Clean offers 3 types of franchises. A blinds franchise, a fabric care franchise and a combo franchise which includes both blinds and fabric care. The services for each type of franchise are stated below; Blinds Franchise: Blind Cleaning. Blind Repairs. New Blinds. Awning Cleaning. Awning Repairs. Fabric Care Franchise: *Curtain Cleaning *Curtain Repairs *New Curtains *Upholstery Cleaning *Mattress Cleaning. This is a solid niche market opportunity. We have franchisees who are still thriving and growing after being a part of our business since 1996. Amazing Clean is a member of the Franchise Council of Australia, which promotes excellence in franchising, as well as being a market leader in window furnishings and fabric care. Established in 1996. Amazing...

Price: $60,000 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Jason Phone: 0428 980 576 View Online Bsale ID 187375



6 Months $390 + GST Organic Food Retailer And Wholesaler Food - Supermarket, Butcher, Fruit, Bakery, Deli

This business is a full service certified organic food specialist servicing retail and wholesale customers with an extensive range of products in categories including fresh and frozen food, butchery, clothing, baby/kids, personal care, cooking/condiments, cleaning, dairy, pet care and more • Sales $2.4M and Proprietors Earnings $295,711 in 2020 • Certified organic food retailer with exclusive supply arrangements. • Strong management team and operation. • Long and established business history and reputation since 1977 • Servicing Wholesale and Retail customers This is a substantial certified organic food retailer with... Price: $195,000 + SAV Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Kate Shaw Phone: 07 3290 3633 View Online Bsale ID 275140

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Established Crane Business Whitsunday Building - Construction - Home Renovation

Davies Cranes Whitsunday is a locally owned business that provides personalised lifting services to Airlie Beach, Cannonvale, Proserpine and the surrounding Whitsunday region. The Whitsunday region has a population of more than 35,000 located on the North Queensland coast well known as the Gateway to the Great Barrier Reef and approximately 1,000 km north of Brisbane. This region is one of the fastest growing populations in Queensland, boasting a strong and diverse economy driven by agriculture, construction, mining and tourism. The original crane hire business of the area was first established in 1976 and became Davies Cranes Whitsunday in 2007. The business has a long standing, well respected and trusted reputation showing good turnover figures and a strong clientele base. Our services are known throughout the Whitsundays to be reliable, cost-effective and efficient. We service a broad range of industries including but not limited to building/construction, marine, mechanical, pool & water tank installation, landscaping, material handling, transportable building relocation, advertising signs and shade structures just to name a few. Our equipment fleet... Price: $480,000 Region: Coastal North State: QLD Contact: Tracey Davies Phone: 0408 199 449 View Online Bsale ID 273614



Hardware Store - Great History/Location Retail - Hardware, Tile, Nursery, Pool Supplies

Great Business Opportunity! Plant included and Trading Results mean the asking price is Cheap. The only hardware store in South Rockhampton of its type. Operates 7 days per week. Predominately “repeat business, cash customers”. Has a small quantity of trade purchases. This business has a commendable record - 40 years established , 35 years with the one owner, Its been 23 years as member of mitre 10 group. Situated in a prime position on the corner of Canning St and Denham St - both busy streets. Tentative Lease arrangements for 3x3x3 lease.arrangements. Lot 711m2 Building 380m2. Operates with family, 1 permanent staff and 7 casuals. Great opportunity for “Get Up and Go” person or tradie exiting the harder physical work. Stock level in range of $380,000. Accountants figure available. Asking $60,000 + SAV. CALL ALAN SPACKMAN FOR MORE INFORMATION - 0427 4933 19 Solicitor

Price: POA Region: Mt. Isa - Central State: QLD Contact: Alan Spackman Phone: 0427 493 319 View Online Bsale ID 273338

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Aussie Net Business With 28-Day Trial Work from Home

Can you imagine a Business like this? No Rent / No Staff / No Expenses / No Debts / Work Anywhere / Flexible Hours / Recession Proof / Low Entry Start-up $50k. You just need two things: A Computer and Internet Connection, That’s all! All that and it has not been affected by Covid-19 Virus, has traded profitably during this dreadful crisis. Well guess what? You have now found it a complete Turnkey Business There is only one small issue that you have to overcome, all you have to do is get over the usual mental block that it’s in the Horse Racing Industry, that’s why we offer a free 28-day Trial, that’s how confident we are that you will love this Business. Freedom Securities was established in 1996 and utilises a specially designed software programme that allows the operator to successfully invest on the thoroughbred racing industry via the tab, in Australia and overseas, across all racing codes in many different time zones. We will arrange a demonstration at our office or over Skype, no pressure just a friendly chat. Ask us for a free demonstration and then commence your 28 Day trial, with your money back if you are not Happy, who else does that?? You can “Shadow Invest” FREE for 28 days and... Price: $49,500 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Clive Gannon Phone: 0402 825 262 View Online Bsale ID 269380



Freehold Service Station & Caravan Park Auto - Petrol Station, Carwash, Marine, Retail, Service

Located at Bauhinia, halfway between Moura & Rolleston the only fuel station, takeaway and convivence store in the area. Stunning income producing freehold property includes BP Servo, Modern Four Bedroom Home, Convenience Store and Caravan Park. Recession proof business! * 13,900 m2 Prime Commercial land (3.4 Acres) * Turnover approx. $ 1.7 million per annum * Magnificent family run business * Wonderful opportunity freehold rarely available * Shop sales excluding fuel in excess of $500,000 per year * 20,000L Underground Diesel Tank * 10,000L Underground Petrol Tank * 10,000L Underground Premium Petrol Tank * Truck Hi-Flow Diesel * Full Telstra mobile phone coverage * NBN Internet installed in house & shop * Forklift for bulk loading and unloading * New Gas Deep Fryer and Gridle * House is freshly painted with new floor coverings * Shop is freshly painted interior * Standby Diesel Generator * Large walk-in Cold-room & Freezer * 6 Room Donga all with TV, Fridge & Air-con. Current Operating Hours: Monday 6am - 8pm | Tuesday 6am - 8pm | Wednesday 6am - 8pm | Thursday 6am - 8pm | Friday 6am - 8pm | Saturday 6am 8pm | Sunday 7am - 7pm Price: $660,000 + SAV Freehold Region: Coastal North State: QLD Contact: Steven Stephens Phone: 0403 231 617 View Online Bsale ID 273187

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Cabinet Connections

Building - Construction - Home Renovation

The Master Craftsman has devoted his working life to creating, establishing, maintaining and developing this thriving business into what it is today. As retirement beckons and life calls for new plans, Cabinet Connections is looking for a new owner to continue the tradition of this family owned business that has made it an institution in the Bundaberg Trades and Building scene. With guaranteed ongoing contractual work and the ability to grow the business beyond it’s current healthy trading figures, qualified tradesman are encouraged to enquire about transitioning into this well fitted out business where all the machinery is included with the trade for below replacement value. With decades of experience in the Bundaberg building scene, Cabinet Connections is the perfect next stepping stone for the craftsman who wants to move into his own business without the risk of finding clientele or finding the perfect combinations of machinery and plant at the right price. Trading figures will be available to buyers displaying a genuine interest in this premium business after signing a confidentiality agreement.

Price: $195,000 Region: Sunshine - Fraser Coast, State: QLD Contact: Stacey Petersen Phone: View Online Bsale ID 273473



*stock photo used, not actual business

Body Corporate (Strata) Professional Business & Professional Services

About The Business: 1. Well established around 10 years in Brisbane and established 25 years Nationally. 2. Fully functional modern office located South Brisbane – new computers and excellent software systems are operational & included in the Business Sale. 3. Full training and comprehensive handover for smooth transition to new ownership. 4. Great Cash Flow Business with Guarantee Income paid in advance Quarterly. Revenue / Income Management Fees (approx. 50 %) are received in advance every quarter and the other 50% Miscellaneous Revenue are received weekly and monthly. Trading Hours: Monday to Friday Choose to Work from a Professional Modern Office or from your own Home. Training: 6 weeks. Potential: Great Cash Flow Business with guaranteed Income in advance every 3 months. Business scalability- Opportunities to grow the already established Portfolio or stay as a small owner operator with low overheads and small admin staff. Low break even operating cost base.

Price: $195,000 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Manager Phone: View Online Bsale ID 275109 *stock photo used, not actual business

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Distributor Opportunity Cleaning & Domestic Services

Our equipment goes into a range of industries, but not limited to: healthcare, automotive, accommodation, food and beverage and more. By joining our 25-yearold established business you will have the opportunity to develop your own flexible business development system with the backing of an established brand. This is a business management opportunity, with low start-up costs ($20K), which includes being provided with your own equipment and your own geographical area to market to. Key benefits of the opportunity: - Minimum setup required - work on the road (mobile) and office. - 100% of the profit to you... Price: $20,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Murray McDonald Phone: 03 9482 4900 View Online Bsale ID 279396 *stock photo used, not actual business



Exclusive Preview Iconic Brand Food - Restaurant For Sale

Unique opportunity to purchase a very well-established, casual fine dining restaurant situated in the heart of Perth’s cultural epicentre. This isn’t just a restaurant, this establishment is at the forefront of the casual fine dining Perth hospitality sector and has become an institution amongst its loyal followers. The potential for growth in a previously untapped cuisine is HUGE. • Highly successful, profitable business. • Restaurant Liquor Licence. • Niche, boutique franchise potential – Australia/Overseas. • Loyal customer fan base –30K following on social media. Expressions of interest will be invited, early January 2021.

Price: POA Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: James Aritonovic Phone: 0404 081 841 View Online Bsale ID 279626

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Kids Bag Supplies Business Online Websites and Online Stores

When your little angels are in need of a bag that is a little different, then invest in Twinkle Bags that is certainly a necessity for kids that need more cool and awesome styles for their bags. Twinkle Bags has over 4000 styles of bags for kids of all ages. This business has no need to hold stock and will be operated on a direct fulfilment / Dropship basis. However you are free to hold stock if you choose. The store currently has nearly 5000 styles of kids backpacks, lunch bags and pencil cases to choose from. However the built in import system provides the potential to expand even further and keep importing further products from a marketplace of over 10,000 more products using a scoring system to determine reliable suppliers. The time required per week for this business is very much automated but you will need to spend about 4 - 6 hours a week. EARNING POTENTIAL: In taking in the research conducted via various speciality searches and data, this business can potentially earn between $1000 - $3500 / Week or in excess of $5000 if run on a wholesale B2B basis in 1 - 4 months once all marketing elements are operational.The running costs for this business are approx $10 / Month. WHATS INCLUDED... Price: $3,600 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Readystart Business Solutions Phone: 1300 893 487 View Online Bsale ID 279491



Ideal First Café Food - Cafe For Sale

This well established, family owned and operated business is located in the heart of Belgrave, the home of Puffing Billy, a major Victorian tourist attraction only minute walk away. Its beautiful and warm interior seats 17 customers with an additional 7 seats outside. The Cafe/Restaurant is well known for its hospitality and German menu serving hearty meals, home baked cakes and its famous German Bretzel attracting locals and tourists alike. This would make an ideal first business for someone who is looking to begin their hospitality journey as the owner is willing to provide an extended training period plus all current recipes should the German theme wish to be continued. Alternatively, as the business was set up only 3 years ago, the new owner can take the café in any direction they wish. The fixtures and fittings are in excellent condition so there is nothing to invest. You can simply open the doors and welcome the customers. **Please note that for confidentiality the image in this advert is generic and is not of the actual business** Staff No: Business run by owner plus one casual staff. Two casual staff on books. Lease Info: 2 years 9 months left on the current lease with the possibility to extend. Rent $360... Price: $59,000 + SAV Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Paul Leach Phone: 0415 801 313 View Online Bsale ID 279436

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Find a VIC Business Broker

Cafe/Restaurant for Long & Secure Lease Food - Cafe For Sale

Cafe/Restaurant for long & secure Lease, This is an excellent opportunity to acquire a fully equipped and tastefully decorated Cafe, supported by local office staff and residential traffic. Key Features: Excellent rent at $965.00 p.w. considering the location of Toorak Road, Camberwell Long term Lease 5 years x 4 terms. Cafe/Restaurant covers an area of 135 sq.m. The weekly average income prior Covid was $5,300, working 5 day a week, 7.30 am to 3.30 pm.; Huge potential to increase takings in the area by working, marketing and encouraging weekend residential customer; Price reduced for sale at $75,000.00. Be quick... Price: $75,000 WIWO Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Philip Waldeck Phone: 0414 698 185 View Online Bsale ID 277148



Takeaway/Cafe - Sunshine Coast Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

BOOMING BEACHSIDE GOLDMINE. Sandwiched between the beach and the river its the perfect spot for families, day trippers and holiday makers. Established almost 50 years this one has stood the test of time and still growing due to the location and a real estate market that is booming. Key Features:- No franchise fees !!!!! No leased equipment *Pos system *Long term staff in place *Long lease until 2026 *GP circa 40% *National supplier discounts in place *Averaging 24.9% increase this year! Bring the family and enjoy everything the coast has to offer. P.S. christmas is coming, now’s the time to reap the rewards. $479,000.00 includes stock, equipment, suppliers lists everything to make money day one. Reason For Sale: Lowering my golf handicap.

Price: $479,000 WIWO Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Chris Phone: View Online Bsale ID 251102

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Nail & Beauty Salon Beauty & Hair Salon

The Salon was initially started in 2017 as a single operator. The business has grown dramatically and is well supported by local community. The only salon of its type in town. Offering complete range of nail care and nail enhancements, Acrylic, Dip, Gel. Manicures & Pedicures - Ear Piercing - Waxing Facials - microdermabrasion- Massage - Lash Extensions - Tanning - Teeth Whitening - IPL - LED - Specialist Skin and Body Treatments. Complete range of Retail Skincare Products - Organic Spa and Eco Tan, Jane Iredale Makeup range. 4 Emendee Nail Stations, 3 Massage Pedicure Chairs. Perspex Screens installed to seperate each nail & pedicure stations. 3 beauty treatment rooms. Tanning Room with Tanning Booth. Complete Laundry - Steriliser and Autoclave. Kitchenette. Rear secure garage used as extra store room. Brand new fitout with all new fittings and fixtures totalling $107000. Large client data base. Main Street location with easy access and parking. Close to all amenities. Currently trading Monday, Tuesday 9am to 5pm CLOSED Wednesday. Thursday, Friday 10am to 7pm. Saturday 9 to 1pm. Salon owner works 8.30am to 6.30pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. Saturday 8.30am to 1pm... Price: $130,000 WIWO Region: Gippsland State: VIC Contact: Owner Phone: View Online Bsale ID 275368



Dennington General Store - Growth Suburb Retail - Post Office, Newsagency, Lotto

The Dennington General Store is a beloved family business with a mix of trade in a developing area of the Warrnambool district. Selling both the freehold and leasehold, secure yourself a full newsagency, post office and milk bar with takeaway facilities. With a loyal locally based cliental, the Dennington General Store has been a part of the community for many years. With figures available for review upon request. Great potential in a growth suburb and an opportunity to work for yourself! There is also a three-bedroom residence situated on over a 1000m block, with side access & additional shedding. Should you have any further questions please feel free to contact either Brendan Gleeson on 0417 566 282 or Tessa Dayman on 0400 680 566.

Price: POA Region: Geelong - South West State: VIC Contact: Tessa Dayman Phone: View Online Bsale ID 275615

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Variety/Gift Shop

Retail - Furniture, Bedding, Homewares, Giftware

About the business: Blu Stone Variety & Gifts is a unique variety & gift shop that offers a bit of everything for everyone Location: Located in beautiful Portland South West Victoria. Blu Stone Variety is set up so you can walk in and take over without having to do anything. If you wish to change anything you can because it’s not part of a franchise it’s completely independent. Business Trade: The business has been operating all throughout Covid-19 and has really proven its sustainability and reliability. Potential: There is endless room for growth and would be suitable as a Business investment, For a sole trader, As a partnership or as a Company. Stock & Products: Blu Stone Variety stocks a large range of goods including arts, crafts, yarn, flowers, pet items, gardening products, variety items and so much more. Equipment: Whoever purchases this business will get The entire Fit out of Display shelves, Stands and Gondolas, Cash Register, Security System, Sunglasses and Reading Glass stands, Yarn Stands and Baskets Microwave Oven, 2 Vacuum Cleaners 1 corded 1 cordless, The front Counter, Phone Fax Copy Machine, Carpet throughout store, Ease of Operation: This business is a very easy to run and... Price: $140,000 + SAV Region: Geelong - South West State: VIC Contact: Kylee Celik Phone: 0459 483 417 View Online Bsale ID 275727



Dog Motel - Kinkuna - Est 18 Years Pet Shops and Services

Land Features: · Level, flood free 20 acre parcel that is fully fenced · Split into 5 paddocks, 3 with shade sails · Plenty of water via the 5 x 5000gal tanks, large dam and lab tested drinkable bore. Business Features: · Separate area for the 60 kennels ideally positioned from the home · Award winning Kennels, built in 2002 · Fully operational reception area with toilet, storage room & work area · Sectioned Lifestyle together with a thriving home business with excellent returns awaits! Four Way Kennels Dog Motel is on the market. Only an inspection will justify how much time, love, money and planning has gone into this truly unique property. Situated approximately 15 minutes’ drive from the Bundaberg CBD, 138 Coonarr Road is more than just a well-kept acreage home with perfectly maintained grounds, ere you will find a longstanding reputable business which is sure to attract those seeking a sound investment with a laid-back lifestyle to match. All the hard work has been done, ready for you to reap the rewards. Home Features: · Renovated high-set home with absolutely nothing to do except, move in and enjoy! ·The front veranda is the spot to sit back, relax and enjoy a cool beverage · Entry to the... Price: $1,350,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Nathan Phone: 0438 541 669 View Online Bsale ID 276265

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $390 + GST Excellent Leasehold Opportunity - 1P4644 Food - Hotels, Pubs, Bars, Liquor store

Established in 1842 the Barwon Hotel is the third oldest pub in Victoria and is situated on approximately 2.5 acres. The Barwon Hotel is a quaint old style hotel that backs on to the Barwon River. The hotel features a large public bar with TAB facilities, a revamped outdoor seating area, spacious bistro with seating for up to 160 people, full commercial kitchen, managers residence and 4 lettable accommodation rooms The current owners have improved this venue enormously and now offer a very consistently patronised business for sale with strong net profit, an excellent lease and below market rent. This a must inspection for those serious... Price: Leasehold $315,000 Region: Geelong - South West State: VIC Contact: Rohan Pertzel Phone: 0438 918 919 View Online Bsale ID 275154



The Athlete’s Foot Warrnambool Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

Ideal as a business under management or work in store yourself for maximum impact & profitability. High sales volume both online & in store drive the healthy top line. A very strong bottom line with consistent proven figures year in, year out. Part of a franchise group operating for nearly 40 years with over 127 stores around the country. Detailed training offered for the new franchisee. Over 17,000 customers on local rewards database. State of the art fitting technology using the revolutionary MyFit3D and shoe fitting expertise to ensure a structured business approach. High traffic CBD location.

Price: $333,000 + SAV Region: Geelong - South West State: VIC Contact: Emily Martini Phone: View Online Bsale ID 273666

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Croc’s Play Centre & Muffin Break Cafe Entertainment and Amusements

Takings $1,300,000+ P/A Located in Melbourne Western Suburbs, Main Rd exposure, Excellent secure location, Business is well established, Offering long lease & great rent, Includes Muffin Break Cafe, Simple operation making this business very profitable under Semi Management & offering huge profit. Should you require further information please contact Brett on 0459 064 546 or email bretta@ Established in 2008, Croc’s Playcentre has become a leading brand in children’s indoor play with 22 centres currently in operation across Australia. Crocs and Muffin Break entered into a partnership to ensure they offered outstanding beverages, delicious wholesome food with healthy options, made fresh daily in store. The play facilities have been designed by one of the leading indoor play specialists and adheres to all relevant and current Australian Safety Standards. Daily safety checks with annual playground audits by a certified safety inspector are conducted to ensure a continuous safe place for children and parents to enjoy. Crocs vision is to provide a safe, clean, friendly environment for children and parents to relax and have fun and Crocs Keilor Park has been... Price: POA Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Brett Aldons Phone: 0459 064 546 View Online Bsale ID 249163



Australian Made Pyjamas. Work From Home. Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

About The Business: Created to fill a void in the Australian made sleepwear market. Fabric prints designed exclusively for Pyjama Protocol. You will not see these anywhere else. Prints reflect a edgy, fun, different vibe to you usual hohum checks or plaid that usually dominate the sleepwear market. The aim was to make pyjamas you would not be ashamed to be seen in if you had to nick out to the shops for that late night ice cream. Products & Services Pyjamas are make from a quality soft cotton knit provided by an Australian Company. The fabrics were printed, cut & sewn in Melbourne. Pyjama range includes the following: Unisex Long pants/sleep Tshirt sets - across 4 print designs, sizes. Ladies nighties - across 3 print designs, 4 sizes. Ladies shorts/singlet sets - across 3 print designs, 4 sizes. Mens shorts/singlet sets - across 3 print designs, 4 sizes. See website. Features: Australian made. Soft cotton knit. Original exclusive print designs. Up and running with over 200 stock items ready to go. Shop is hosted by Shopify, an easy to use interface that allows you to have control over every aspect. Location: Work from home, or where ever you like. The only thing you’ll need is a small amount of... Price: $20,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Samantha Phone: View Online Bsale ID 273077

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Spleen - 1P5019

Food - Hotels, Pubs, Bars, Liquor store

Spleen, an unpretentious bar at the top end of Bourke Street has been doing its thing for close to 23 years. “Its thing” being great drink prices and amazing american style bar food in a cosy, lounge-like atmosphere with stand-up comedy on Monday nights. It’s the perfect way to start the working week and then head towards the weekend. There is foot path trading which does amazing trade out there during warm days especially with the after work crowd. Then you head straight in to the bar, grab a drink then through to the ground floor lounge area where the comedy shows occur. Behind this is a large fully equipped commercial kitchen. As it has a rear lane entrance it is ideal for Uber eats and subletting. There is a rear flight of stairs from the kitchen that heads to the upstairs lounge areas past a couple of store rooms, the toilets and an office. Patrons though head upstairs next to the bar. The upper area is split in to a lounge area to the left and to the right a pool table is the centre of attention and is rarely left alone. Spleen has a Late Night On Premises licence until 5am with a capacity of 100. There are eight years left on the lease made up of 3+5 with the landlord willing to negotiate extra terms. Rent comes in... Price: Leasehold $395,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Lloyd Nunn Phone: 1300 767 802 View Online Bsale ID 275156



Build A Business You Can Be Proud Of In... Health, Medical and Gyms

Build a business you can be proud of... Check out our YouTube Channel and website for more details. Just type in The Little Gym into Google to see more. The Little Gym® is renowned as a world-leading children’s enrichment company and over the past four decades, The Little Gym programs have helped millions of kids experience the thrill of achievement, develop new skills, and find new confidence. Originally founded in the USA in 1976, there are now more than 400 locations dotted across the globe. The Little Gym is the world’s premier experiential learning and physical development centre for kids ages four... Price: $69,500 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Tom Jolly Phone: 0403 720 965 View Online Bsale ID 279162

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


SA Digital Solution/IT Business For Sale IT Business - Computer - Telco

Digital Solution/IT especializing in Web Design, ecommerce websites, Mobile App, SEO, Photography, Videography and other IT Consultancy is on the the market for sale. All the hard work has been done to establish the business and bring it to the point where it can now grow further in Australia. Dedicated team available to design website, mobile app and SEO. Partnership fees has been paid, so no need to pay any salary as that's all covered in the partnership contract. There is potential of making 100K revenue if commitment is given to the business. Reason for selling is that owner wants to focus on another... Price: $39,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Atif Phone: 0416 101 068 View Online Bsale ID 279116 *stock photo used, not actual business

Cash Flow Positive - Solar Investments Work from Home

This business provides a great opportunity for an investor seeking a unique source of passive income or a sales person that can grow the business and attract investment capital. You decide the hours, if any, you want to invest to grow the business or just sit back and enjoy the existing passive income. Investment Highlights: • Proof of concept complete with over 12 months of financials. • Stable, passive $3k/yr revenue stream on 15yr contracts. • Option to be passive or active. • Contract for low-cost installs in place for low-risk growth. • Maintain or grow business from anywhere in the world. Location: Can be run from anywhere in the world... Price: $39,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Owner Phone: View Online Bsale ID 279525



Functional Strength Training Club Health, Medical and Gyms

This well known Functional Strength Training club has been operating over the past 2 and half years and is a 5 minute walk from the beach. Beautiful beaches, close to some great schools and right next to Glenelg. Also Surrounded by residential and commercial properties, this vibrant club has enormous amount of potential especially for a local enthusiastic resident wanting to take that first step into their own club. The current owner has worked within the franchise brand over 3 years and has decided to focus on family and property Investment. The site is a turnkey investment with only minimal work to be done to continue the growth of the clubs member base and community. Full Franchise support from the Support Office team, which makes this opportunity great for someone starting out or growing their own portfolio. To consider: Perfect opportunity for both the fitness professional or investor. All Equipment Included no Leases to take over. Rent $612 per week / $117 per sqm. 270 sqm. $231 Outgoings Per Week. Profit Forecast 43%. Huge potential for growth and expansion. Franchise Normal Start up Costs $220k with no Members. Revenue over $375,000. Lease: Current 3 Year Lease exp... Price: $375,000 + SAV Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Paul Leach Phone: 0415 801 313 View Online Bsale ID 279064

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Bark Busters In Home Dog Training... Pet Shops and Services

Business ID: BS145459. If you love dogs and want the freedom and flexibility to be your own boss, become a BARK BUSTERS DOG BEHAVIOURAL THERAPIST AND TRAINER. BARK BUSTERS is a Global company, established for over 30 years and is the largest dog training franchise in Australia and the world. -Work the hours you want and make a massive difference to the lives of dogs and their owners. -Owner easing back a little after 12 years by selling one of her two territories. -Buying an existing franchise, you have an established customer base and a local reputation. -Full comprehensive training and ongoing support provided. -Great lifestyle, very rewarding and good income – just 2 new clients per week provides $73K pa. Open to any age. Make a massive difference in the lives of dogs and their owners and INQUIRE TODAY! www. Price $40,000.

Price: $40,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Xcllusive Business Sales Phone: 02 9817 3331 View Online Bsale ID 279067 *stock photo used, not actual business



Find a SA Business Broker

Post Office, N’Agency, Bottle Shop, Groc Retail - Post Office, Newsagency, Lotto

Padthaway General Store, is situated on the Riddoch Hwy (Mt Gambier to Adelaide hwy), Just over the VICTORIAN BOARDER, in the heart of award winning wines, entrance to Coonawara wine region S.A. This FREEHOLD business comes with 2 cool rooms, 4 fridges, New shelving, 3 bedroom home, with a large lounge and dining room, combustion heater and air conditioning. 10 KW solar, and a new patio area, along with a 4 bay carport, new rainwater tanks, and its own bore for gardening. Padthaway is renown for its abundance of under ground water, and terra rossa soil to produce fine wine, and irrigated pastures. please view... Price: $439,000 + SAV Freehold Region: Regional SA State: SA Contact: Jo Phone: 0408 616 748 View Online Bsale ID 163354

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Aldinga Central Takeaway Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

The business is highly regarded by locals and generates a good average turnover, operating 6 days per week. Ideal Owner/Operator or family business venture, perfect for a savvy professional to secure this opportunity now and enjoy the benefits of trading through the approaching busy holiday season. Down the road are sports facilities, and several schools, including the new Aldinga B-12 School (expected to open early 2022) which will accommodate up to 1675 students. The business is close to the trendy beaches of Port Willunga, Aldinga, Silver Sands and Sellicks Beach. The only chicken shop at the Central Shopping Centre, attracting trade also from the residents of surrounding townships. Aldinga Beach experiences huge tourism traffic throughout the year and particularly over summer and holidays, attracting thousands of visitors to the beautiful beaches and major events such as Tour Down Under, music festivals, historical motor bike races on the beach and Australia Day. Key features include: Great fit out and well equipped *Cool room & spacious prep. area *Ideal location within the busy main Shopping Centre at Aldinga Beach *Surrounded by local amenities e.g. library, post... Price: $120,000 + SAV Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Deidre Mastroyannis Phone: 0403 118 581 View Online Bsale ID 275810



Work From Home - Online Business Work from Home

Have you ever imagined what your life would be like if you turned your annual income into your monthly income? We’ve done this and we’re teaching others just like to you to earn an executive level income working from home. Rapidly expanding throughout the world, this home based business opportunity suits the big thinker ready to take charge of your life, time and income. Based in the personal leadership and development sector, we service customers around the world and we’re seeking talented professionals with a positive attitude and a strong desire to create financial success to assist with our expansion. Business Facts: Generous commissions - make up to $8,000 per sale * Work from your laptop & phone *Full time or part time *Not MLM and No cold calling *Full training and ongoing support *Work locally, build globally. You would be someone who: Has a professional manner and positive attitude. *Can work autonomously and be self motivated. *Wants to make a difference in your own life and the lives of others *Is motivated to create success for yourself and your family. *Is a big thinker and see yourself capable of earning an executive level income. If you are ready to take control, be... Price: POA Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Simon Cooper Phone: View Online Bsale ID 276378

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Riverbush Cottages Berri Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

We are delighted to present for sale. Riverbush cottages, 1618 Old Sturt Highway, Berri, South Australia. The poster child for Self-contained accommodation in the Riverland Key investment highlights include: • 4 Pristine, modern 3 bedroom cottages set on 39 acres of native bushland • River frontage with houseboat mooring and recreation use. • Reception unit and separate main residence • 33 Meg water licence with pumps and tanks • Conveniently located 5 minutes outside Berri, opposite the iconic Big Orange and central to all Riverland towns. RLA 234289

Price: POA Region: Regional SA State: SA Contact: Trevor Lambert Phone: 0412 396 306 View Online Bsale ID 276795



6 Months $390 + GST Wendy’s On Wheels Food Truck –... Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

Summary: ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY to purchase a Wendy’s on wheels Food Truck. Currently located in Adelaide ,it is available for use nationally. You decide where to work, from the beachfront to events, with this sparkling purpose built Wendy’s on wheels. This food truck, its fully equipped and ready to go, why wait for your customers “operate where your customers are”. About the Business: Wendy’s created this food truck, fully equipped to ensure all elements of this business can operate during peak trade. Initially created for a promotional & event opportunities such as school sports, business catering,... Price: $185,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: National Brokerage Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 274985

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Hair And Make Up Salon Beauty & Hair Salon

A stunning looking salon well positioned in a popular destination Shopping Centre (with Coles and 29 speciality shops) - located within 7km of the CBD. Trading for many years. New fit out with high quality furnishings and equipment around 2 years ago - looks stunning! 8 cutting stations and 2 basins. Uni-sex salon catering for all ages…. much repeat business and also has a steady client base re: make up for special occasions. Currently operated with minimal owner input due to other career interests. Has excellent staff in place. Plenty of security of tenure/ lease…Rental $35K p.a. + GST. (No outgoings payable by the tenant). All the hard work has been done. Would suit an owner operator or Partnership. Here’s an opportunity to purchase a salon with history, trades from an excellent location with attractive rental and one that has a brilliant and modern décor. Contact Jeff on 08 8338 3833; 0414 353 353. AdelaideBusinessSalesPtyltd. RLA 60043. NB Some photos uses for illustration purposes only.

Price: $58,000 + SAV Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Jeff Romanowski Phone: 08 8338 3833 View Online Bsale ID 274232



HYPOXI Franchise Territory Opportunities Health, Medical and Gyms

About The Franchise THE HYPOXI OPPORTUNITY. Simple and rewarding business model. Access to proven technology with strong brand identity. Low operational and staffing costs. Small start-up investment. Comprehensive operational and sales training. About The Business WHY CLIENTS LOVE HYPOXI. 30 minute sessions. Targeted fat burning / weight loss. Low intensity, low impact and non-invasive. Boutique training environment. Sessions by appointment. watch?v=CeLAGRmAjJ4. MAKE IT YOUR FUTURE “Every client leaves happy from HYPOXI. They all get great results and I love being a part of that” - Karen Kerruish HYPOXI Studio Hurstville. “I don’t see it as a job, rather a journey of achievements that my clients and I travel to acquire amazing results and satisfaction” - Heather Bost HYPOXI Contouring Studio Sunbury. HYPOXI Franchisees have one shared passion, and that is people! Each of our dedicated studio owners invested in their own HYPOXI business venture because they hold a passion for health and wellbeing, and they have a genuine desire to transform the lives of others. Here at HYPOXI we are on a journey... Price: POA Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Helen Alfa Phone: 0411 345 481 View Online Bsale ID 273770

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



The Coffee Club – Marion Shopping... Food - Cafe For Sale

Summary: Think of coffee, somewhere great to eat, a place to meet and mingle with friends and family, “Where will I meet you”? …The Coffee Club of course. The Coffee Club Marion could now be yours! The Coffee Club has established itself as a household name and preferred venue for millions of coffee drinkers. The Coffee Club has become Australia’s largest home-grown cafe group with nearly 300 stores open. If you’ve ever thought about being part of the iconic brand, then Marion Shopping Centre ticks all the boxes. About the Business: • Outstanding location in a very busy shopping centre • The Coffee Club is located in the middle of the Shopping Centre and at the base of the Cinema Centre – the perfect place to meet. • Weekly net sales averaging over $30,000 per week • Operationally managed and hugely profitable for a working owner • Dynamic and powerful location • Truly outstanding business • Fully systematised with the benefits of The Coffee Club systems, processes and procedures • Excellent The Coffee Club marketing systems to help you grow the business • Well trained and experienced staff in the business • Loyal and expanding customer base... Price: $495,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: National Brokerage Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 275206



Beauty Salon - $150k profit L/F Year Beauty & Hair Salon

Our beautiful salon is well known and boasts 100 sqm with 4 treatment rooms, tan room, kitchen, reception and waiting area. 5 staff members are currently employed in the salon 5 days a week to service our very large client base. The loyalty of some clients extends over 20 years. Fully equiped salon with no money to spend, turning over $400,000 plus per annum. The cost of this salon will be less than a fit out of a new salon and comes with established turnover. There is currently just over 1 years left on the lease and the property managers are happy to extend the lease further for up to 7 years. The business is priced well below established... Price: $150,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Owner Phone: 0403 799 912 View Online Bsale ID 277639

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



RAMS Financial Group Pty Limited Franchises and Business Opportunities

We’re looking for new RAMS franchisees keen to help and support customers on their home buying journey. Key benefits: Build a business for yourself, but not by yourself. Strong upfront and trail commission. Multichannel National Marketing plan, and Local Area Marketing support. Designated Territory. Ongoing Training & development. Build your own successful and motivated team. Support your local community. Enjoy the comradery of a large RAMS family. RAMS is owned by Westpac, Australia’s oldest company. What we require: We’re looking for motivated individuals who have a passion for helping people, and want to build a long term successful business. Previous success in running your own business, and experience in home lending. Are you ready to become Greater Together as a RAMS Franchisee? Visit us at or call 1800 616 082. RAMS Financial Group Pty Ltd ABN 30 105 207 538 AR 405465 Australian credit license 388065. Credit provider and issuer of RAMS deposit products: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit license 233714. Training:Induction program followed by a 6 month on boarding & mentoring... Price: POA Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Franchising at RAMS Phone: 1800 616 082 View Online Bsale ID 278762



West Coast Motorcycle Hire - Perth WA Auto - Taxi, Courier, Hire, Distribution, Transport

About The Business: My Wife and I established and have grown the hire business from humble beginning's of our own personal few motorcycles (2) to where it is now with 11 currently in the fleet. My wife works a 'Regular" part time job, and I used to help run it while having full time employment, but now am running it with a part time job as well. That is the wonderful thing about this business. It does not require your full time attention, unless you want to expand it and grow it even further. We have structured the business in a way that really only requires your attention at pick up and return times. I have even had a retired family get involved in the rare occasion they are needed. This business would suit anyone. But especially those who are looking for something to supplement employment, or keep them occupied while retired or wanting to generate an income with minimal daily commitment. Of course if you are a "PATIONATE MOTORCYCLE" Rider / Enthusiast, then why not have a stable full of varied rides you can enjoy at your leisure. We have been providing motorcycles to enjoy for day trips, overnights, weekends & long term hires to Local's, Interstate & International customers. Our... Price: $300,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: David Preston Phone: 0408 480 426 View Online Bsale ID 279739

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Unique Party and Event Hire Franchise Franchises and Business Opportunities

FREE exclusive territory License for Local Beanbag Hire (valued at $15K) to every new Party Cave Franchisee joining us by 31st January 2021. Fresh to the franchising market The Party Cave Perth is available now to a discerning operator who relishes the prospect of joining a vibrant business with all the boxes ticked to ensure a successful franchise. The Franchisor has been established in South East Queensland for over a decade and has enjoyed solid growth year after year. The Party Cave is not just another party hire business. Visitors to the Party Cave website regularly tell us how excited they were when they first opened our website. THAT excitement translates into bookings and repeat customers. The Party Cave website boasts many real life photos of customers enjoying the parties we helped create, not just clinical photos used by most party hire companies. A picture really can say a thousand words! Website visitors feel the party vibe when browsing our highly unique party hire inventory. The Party Cave motto has always been that we can supply the party atmosphere and the customer just needs to add their favourite people. We enjoy a huge online presence and field calls Australia wide for our products... Price: $85,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: The Franchise Manager Phone: 0457 964 772 View Online Bsale ID 278532



Frozen Yoghurt-Bubble Tea Shop For Sale Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

BARGAIN BARGAIN. This take away shop is selling Frozen yoghurt , bubble tea and coffee. -Perfect and high traffic location. -Easy run. -Establish 2010. -Low labor cost. -Reasonable rent. -Lease expire 2022. -Perfect for under management. -This long established popular frozen yoghurt and bubble tea shop is --- located in Perth northern suburbs. -This is amazing opportunity to run your own business. - it is Not a franchise. - Trading hours depend on your decision ( you can start early of morning and stay late ). -Asking price $200,000. -Negotiable. -for more information please contact us.

Price: $200,000 WIWO Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Farzaneh Sabahi Phone: View Online Bsale ID 279993

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Find a WA Business Broker

Signs & Displays - High Growth Advertising, Marketing and Printing

Easily managed business with experienced staff and repeat customers. Businesses can not survive without signs and graphics - promotional, buildings, cars, displays .... the needs are endless. Sales & profits up by over 20% this year!! Key Features of this well established business: * High demand products & services * Family friendly Monday to Friday business - 8am to 4:30pm * No weekend work * Excellent staff, trained, experienced and loyal * Established business with solid, consistent turnover and profits * Excellent main road location with heaps of free parking * No experience needed - SUPERB TRAINING AND... Price: $345,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Martin Dabb Phone: 0458 290 100 View Online Bsale ID 276892



Dog Grooming Boutique - Alfred Cove Pet Shops and Services

Are you the one who is taking this well established and growing business to the next level? The opportunities are endless. Nestled in a prime location in Alfred Cove with huge exposure this Dog Grooming Salon could be well above double in size within a few month. The salon can fit 4 grooming stations (currently only run with one groomer and one bather). It has a separate side room for the bathing and drying as well as a reception and little retail area. The business is fully equipped and you can start straight away. Bookings are already up to Christmas with only limited appointments left. The outside area in the back is partly undercover and could be used as a Doggie Day-care facility. There is plenty of secure parking in the back -surrounded by shops and Patrol station. Very low rent and overheads…… and lots more. Grab this amazing opportunity to add another salon to an existing business or become your own boss and work your own hours within an industry growing day by day even during Covid times. Don’t let this once in a lifetime opportunity slip away.

Price: $99,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Vesna Voss Phone: 0420 780 535 View Online Bsale ID 275232

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Pizza Hut North Of The River Food - Franchise Outlets

About The Business: Well established Pizza Hut business located North of the River nearby busy shopping centre. Perfect business for family or owner operator. Reasonable rent and Outgoings. Potential buyer will get full training and supports from head office. About The Franchise: Pizza Hut is the world’s largest pizza restaurant company with more than 12,000 restaurants in over 80 countries and territories around the world and is the recognised leader in the pizza category. Training: Pizza Hut believes that quality training and support is the foundation for building your business as a franchisee. You will find our training and support system to be one of the most comprehensive in the industry. It includes: • Extensive training to provide you with the knowledge to operate your store. • Access to proven systems, manuals, and tools to build know-how. • Comprehensive 8 week On-boarding program. • 2 weeks of one on one operational support upon the opening of the outlet. Location: Business located nearby busy shopping centre.

Price: $199,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Maneesh Patel Phone: 0433 806 416 View Online Bsale ID 276781



Japanese Sushi Margaret River Food - Restaurant For Sale

About The Business: - Prime Location in Margaret River; -- Close to tourist attractions and well-regarded business location with high traffic exposure. --Fully equipped modern kitchen. -- 2 businesses in one shop: Sushi and Asian Cuisine; -- High Sale and Net profit; estimate net profit for the full financial year at $160,000; -- Don’t miss this excellent opportunity contact us today. Please ring Eric on 0433 568 693 or email to for more information. BizLink Group. Adds: Suite 9, 125 Melville Parade, Como WA 6152

Price: $299,000 Region: Bunbury - Albany - South Coast State: WA Contact: Eric Phone: 0433 568 693 View Online Bsale ID 276504

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Agri & Mining Contracting Business Agriculture and Farms

This Contracting Service Business to the Agribusiness & Mining market sectors provides a service at a level of excellence resulting in an excellent level of profitability annually and has done since being established. The business has a distinct marketing differential with new owners being able to significantly enhance the business further should that be required. Limited staff are required, can be run under management allowing the owner to be “on the Business� and generating new clients. The business would suit someone with an understanding of Agribusiness. The Business generates high margins with a professional reputation and consistent client base in both the Agri & Mining market sectors. Profitability is in the vicinity of 60/65% of revenue. Expressions of interest to Wayne Cooper. For more information or to receive a full business profile please contact Wayne Cooper on 0407 997 777 or 08 9586 3509 or send an email to You can download a confidentiality agreement to complete on our website: Would you like to join Statewide’s mailing list? We will email you as soon as we list a new business for sale in WA. If you wish... Price: POA Region: Coral Coast - Central State: WA Contact: Wayne Cooper Phone: 0407 997 777 View Online Bsale ID 276734



6 Months $390 + GST Outdoor Laser Tag

Entertainment and Amusements

Twelve years ago our small family business was born in Forrestdale, Western Australia. There was a bit of anxiety and worry as we had never been in this line of work before. We soon realized our concerns were for nothing as even in the midst of a Global Financial Crisis (2008) people still craved entertainment and fun things to do. Fast forward to 2020 and after tens of thousands of happy customers and more great times than we are able to count, we are now ready to pass the torch to someone willing to take her to new heights (with some help from us). The services we offer are Birthday parties for all ages, Corporate Team... Price: $44,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Owner Phone: 0401 474 889 View Online Bsale ID 273101

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Perrella’s Cafe Darlington Village Food - Cafe For Sale

Perrella’s Cafe is a destination cafe voted by Trip Advisor to be one of Perth’s top 10 cafes, nestled in one of Perth’s hills suburbs that is highly desirable to visit or reside in. There is little to no competition, plenty of room for growth, and a well established loyal customer base. The building has 90 years of history and has transitioned over the years from a butcher to a bakery to a shopping centre now a very successful cafe elegantly documented in a published book available for sale at the cafe. There is a 2 x 1 residence on the property with views of the forrest and hills and is opposite the local park, playground, tennis courts, restored historic town hall and oval nearing the old steam train station and post office est 1920’s. Trading hours are short, 8:30am to 2pm Tuesday to Sunday. Evenings from 5-8pm Friday and Saturday. Lease is negotiable with current owners. Grossing 17-20k pw.with good returns. Well trained and enthusiastic staff. All equipment is owned except display fridge. Includes walk-in cool room and walk-in freezer, and fully equipped kitchen. See our website: Will assist in handover until comfortable. There is much more potential as there are no evening alternatives in the ntire area, and... Price: $180,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: John Perrella Phone: 0407 776 060 View Online Bsale ID 274469



Low Risk & Strong Profit For 60 Years Services - General

About The Business: It takes many years of hard work and determination to establish a widespread reputation for quality customer service, backed up with outstanding essential products. Associated with the Automotive Industry & established over 60 years, proven profit history. The business is structured so that a new owner, with an interest in the automotive industry, could successfully buy this business and make at least the same profits. Essential Products and Services in a growth market: • Net profit of $335,000 • Absolutely essential products and services • Low risk, low overheads and working capital • Current Owners had business for 15 years • Wide Customer/income base • Low staff • South West Population Growth Region • Increasing demand ongoing. Benefit: Products and services provided by this Business serve an essential, critical need for a large part of the population. Benefit: The business has been trading for 60 years, it has an outstanding reputation combined with great profit margins, and a great range of products and services. Benefit – It is located in the popular SW region which is seeing exceptional population growth. • LOW RISK - Increasing sales and net profits –Covid19... Price: $750,000 + SAV Region: Bunbury - Albany - South Coast State: WA Contact: Lynda Armstrong Phone: 08 9429 8882 View Online Bsale ID 275166

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Licensed CafĂŠ

Food - Cafe For Sale

The owners of this immaculately presented business wishes to pursue an alternative business opportunity and can not continue to run the cafe. They have therefore reluctantly decided that this impressive cafe/bistro must be sold immediately. In order to achieve a timely sale they has nominated a price which represents approximately one third of the initial set up and fit out costs. This is therefore an excellent opportunity for a hands-on operator to acquire and continue to develop a substantial business, with a solid revenue base, a loyal local following and a strong social media presence without paying for years of hard earned goodwill. Features of the business include: Turnover circa $550k pa. Currently run under management with competent motivated chef and well trained staff. Located on an ideal highly visible corner site close in an affluent suburb close to the CBD Easy access and egress with plenty of nearby free street parking in addition to on-site parking for owners, staff and customers Modern, inviting ambiance with indoor and outdoor seating for around 85 people. Impressive quality fitout and dĂŠcor.Top of the range furniture, plant & equipment Extensive and quality commercial kitchen fit-out. Long... Price: $125,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Lance White Phone: 08 9480 3200 View Online Bsale ID 274881



Popular Bubble Tea / Cafe in WA Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

Lease: Current lease expires on 30/04/2022 plus 3 years option until 30/04/2025. About The Business: - Prime Location in Northbridge; Impressive refurbishment: Fairytale style; Well maintained Plant & Equipment with efficient staff and systems; Can add the coffee machine to increase the drink varieties; no franchise fee, royalty fee or marketing fee to the franchise brand; Reasonable Lease for you to take over; only asking for $160,000, what a bargain for bubble tea! Please ring Bowen on 0451 125 567 or email to for more information. BizLink Group: Adds: Suite 9, 125 Melville Parade, Como WA 6152

Price: $160,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Bowen Phone: 0451 125 567 View Online Bsale ID 274707

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Bond Cleaning Franchise For Sale Cleaning & Domestic Services

Our franchise network is after motivated individuals who set their goals for success like us. We offer a serious franchise opportunity within the Bond Cleaning and Carpet cleaning industries that has massive potential for the right person or people. Better Bond Cleaning is a nationwide company offering; - Turnover guarantees. - Supporting network. - Train to be successful. - Leads & Paid jobs. - IT Smart app and administration. - Multi-functional business with two income streams. No experience necessary just the drive to succeed! Everyone promises success, but only few know how to take you there. " At Better Bond Cleaning WE SET... Price: From $17,990 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Sam Phone: 1300 889 443 View Online Bsale ID 279828



Highly Profitable Driving School

Auto - Petrol Station, Carwash, Marine, Retail, Service

What other business do you get paid, before you do the work? Take this highly profitable, well-managed business to another level. The owners are looking to retire. This is a great business that you truly can run from home. It is all run by email, phone and internet bookings. No Landlords, No Lease, No Debtors, all bookings are paid in advance. This Driving School has been operating in the Gold Coast for over 10 years and enjoys an excellent reputation with consistent and ongoing referral work. Over the years the driving school has successfully tutored thousands of students, annually taking students to over 500 drivers licence tests, enabling them their first steps of independence. The Driving School operates training programs designed to suit every driver, catering for beginner drivers, overseas licence changeover training as well as refresher driving classes and lessons for the mature age student. The Driving School operates modern, dual control cars that are well maintained, well presented and cared for. This business is highly regarded in all levels of government and corporations and the local community. Its reputation has ensured a constant stream of new... Price: $395,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Mark Crapper Phone: 1300 366 521 View Online Bsale ID 277913

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Exceptional Beauty Business For Sale Beauty & Hair Salon

Skin & Beauty Clinic set up as a multi-site small group, which is massively successful has come to market for sale. The first clinic/salon was established nearly 20 years ago with another site some years later, the salons are all fully managed with a team of highly trained therapists. Built by the current owner with an attention to detail and with the training of the staff as the main objective. Key Considerations: - Long established. Massive sales. - Highly profitable. - Fully managed. - On-line shop. - Social Media & Websites. Price on registration. For further information on this opportunity, please contact the undersigned: Nikki Katz. Business Broker - Salon specialist. Benchmark Business Sales and Valuations. M: 0420 205021 T: 1300 366 521 E: nikki@ Benchmark Salon Sales. If you like to know more about the Business complete our online confidentiality agreement here: or go to our Website and use the reference #3497 to search for the business. Benchmark Business Sales and Valuations. The... Price: Price on registration Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Nikki Katz Phone: 1300 366 521 or 0420 205 021 View Online Bsale ID 277857



6 Months $390 + GST J. Duncan McNeill

Manufacturing, Wholesale, Import, Export

This product has a vast hungry market with no competition - your only competition will be others who copy your design. You can patent this design if you wish. The market will last for 30 to 40+ years. The marketing plan is simplicity itself and works like a dream. The product is called Rollfast Mark II and is a security toilet roll dispenser for public washrooms/ restrooms which offers extreme vandal resistance. Can you imagine how many public toilets there are in the world? BILLIONS! The costs of running a public toilet are enormous and the ONLY WAY the operators of public toilets will ever bring the costs down is by installing Rollfast Mark... Price: $100,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Duncan McNeill Phone: 0437 383 070 View Online Bsale ID 276558

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Busy Auto Workshop In Alice Springs, Nt Auto - Mechanical, Smash Repair, Detailing, Electrical

Business ID: BS144857. Annual revenue $2.5mil. Owners returns in excess of $330,000. A well maintained car or truck is vital in the outback and so this workshop is kept very busy all year round. All maintenance services are included from service work and mechanical repairs through to steering and suspension work with the Pedders group. Consistent revenue and profits are produced through the modern and well equipped production floor. Terrific on line reviews identify the great workmanship here and the reputation that has been well earned over many years. Straight forward operation and well trained staff in place. -Normal annual revenue $2.5 million -Owners profit of over $330,000 -Long lease or freehold available -Great location in industrial park -Huge work area – 7 hoists and 10 bays -Air conditioned office -Trades 5 days a week. The owners are retiring and the energy of a new owner will kick this business along as there could be a 50% growth in revenue before any capital expense required. Nothing to spend except the asking price and a reliable income is yours. Asking Price: $640,000 plus stock.

Price: $640,000 Region: Alice Springs State: NT Contact: Xcllusive Business Sales Phone: 02 9817 3331 View Online Bsale ID 276469



Attention Consulting Experts! - Darwin... Business & Professional Services

Are you a Franchise Specialist looking for a new opportunity? Join The Finn Group – one of the largest network of franchise and business brokers in Australia. We have an opportunity available to join Finn Consulting Services as an expert franchising consultant. By owning a Finn Consulting Services franchise, you are investing in an opportunity to develop and grow franchise systems in Australia both nationally and internationally. We have developed a unique system that will assist everyone thinking of franchising their business. You have potential to earn income from: Franchise consulting (assisting with building new systems with advances technology and information) - Franchise mentoring (assisting Franchisors grow the systems they have). You will help three key client categories: a) Existing franchisors looking to improve and grow b) Successful businesses looking to become a franchise c) Overseas brands looking to expand into Australia. The services you will offer include: - Franchise Development - Franchise System Review - International Franchising - Bring your Brand to Australia. The Finn brand supports you with: Clients /Database - Comprehensive toolkit of marketing... Price: POA Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Join Finn Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 275879

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $390 + GST Join One Of Australia’s Fastest... Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

The first Acai Brothers store was opened in 2014, and after six years of dominating the superfood industry, it’s safe to say our brand awareness has exceeded all expectations ever since. With a strong social media presence of over 15,000 Facebook likes and 30,800 Instagram followers, these numbers are still growing by the day. Regular messages from our community asking us to open up near them has left us on the hunt to search for the next wave of Franchisee’s who share our passion for a healthy lifestyle. With three different investment opportunities, we’ve spent the last few years refining our brand and models, and with... Price: Franchise options starting from $130,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Tom Jolly Phone: 0403 720 965 View Online Bsale ID 274101



Price Drop!!! The Only Camping... Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

INVESTMENT: $50,000 + SAV. TUFFWEAR is a well established and independently owned workwear store stocking camping goods, fishing tackle, a large range of workwear, footwear, and outdoor gear. FEATURES: * Key corner street location, huge floor space. * Very reasonable rental. * Easily operated by husband & wife team to reduce wages. * Well known brands, suited to established customer base. * Owners looking to retire; will provide handover to buyers. * Trading 6 days per week. * Only workwear store in the CBD of Burnie. * Established since 1977. * Current owners took over in 2006. Contact our expert Broker,... Price: PRICE DROP: $50,000 Region: Launceston - Northern State: TAS Contact: Chris Mitchell Phone: 03 6128 3333 or 0448 887 398 View Online Bsale ID 280016

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Licensed Cafe, Ice Creamery & RV Stop... Food - Cafe For Sale

Investment: $1.3M includes Freehold (10 Acres). The Pondering Frog Café, Ice Creamery & RV Stop was established 2014, when the current owners bought a bare block and a small dwelling which they converted to use as the original café. The current café/shop building was constructed in 2017, with an expansive deck added in October 2018. The property and buildings have been developed with expansion in mind and are ready for new owners to add their touch and take it to the next level. Superbly located right in the middle of Tasmania’s east coast tourist ‘mecca’ at Bicheno, this enticing and beautifullypresented licensed café sits on 10 acres of mostly parklike level riverfront land. The Apsley River at the rear of the property is able to be used for water sports, and comes with water-drawing rights. An irrigation system has been installed too. The well-signed Tasman Highway frontage, its proximity to the busy Coles Bay turn-off, and the fact there are no other eateries nearby, combine to ensure a steady flow of customers. OTHER INFORMATION: * huge growth opportunities - most infrastructure already in place. * coach parking available. * full commercial kitchen & walk-in cool... Price: $1.3M includes Freehold (10 Acres) Region: Launceston - Northern State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 03 6128 3333 View Online Bsale ID 280050



Be Your Own Boss! Perfect Little... Retail - Hardware, Tile, Nursery, Pool Supplies

INVESTMENT: ONLY $39,000. Dad's Garden Care provides comprehensive gardening services including, lawn mowing, pruning, fertilising, weed eradication, tree & hedge trimming, and rubbish removal. * Well established business. * 100 regular long-term customers. * All Husqvarna equipment & well maintained. * Includes a custom-built trailer. * Suitable as a one-man-business. * Can be run as a 5 day per week business for a better lifestyle. * Easy to operate & no staff. * No previous experience needed. * Full financial history available. ENQUIRE ABOUT A BUSINESS PROFILE TODAY! CALL: Dean Demeyer MOBILE: 0419 382 359 EMAIL:

Price: PRICE DROP: $39,000 Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 03 6128 3333 View Online Bsale ID 280009

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Price Drop!!! Centrally Located Motel... Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

PRICE DROP: $1,575,000 (Freehold Property and Business). Wellers Inn Motel is a well-established pillar of the Burnie accommodation scene for over 50 years, with long term trading success. The property comprises 25 motel rooms, a large dining and conference room, a bar facility, a full commercial kitchen, and a spacious manager’s residence with 3 bedrooms. * Highly desirable location; 500 meters from the beach. * Ideal as a family operated business. * Huge development potential. * Be part of Tasmania's current visitor accommodation boom. * Owners keen to exit; Priced to Sell. All enquiries are treated in the strictest of confidence. Click the EMAIL box and fill in your details, OR call 03 6128 3333 OR email kerri.pursell@ to obtain a Confidentiality Agreement.

Price: PRICE DROP: $1,575,000 (Business and Freehold) Region: Launceston - Northern State: TAS Contact: Chris Mitchell Phone: 03 6128 3333 or 0448 887 398 View Online Bsale ID 280012



Find a TAS Business Broker

Under Contract! Great Business Entry... Health, Medical and Gyms

UNDER CONTRACT!!! * Well-established, busy pharmacy in a high profile site - Lots of passing traffic * Loyal staff and clients - can be operated under management * Reasonable rent with a long stable lease * Sustained & consistent script numbers * Large retail space * Plenty of free street parking. This opportunity will suit a motivated young pharmacist or a couple who can have an immediate positive impact on the profitability of the business. Buy well and be rewarded for your efforts straight away. All enquiries treated in the strictest of confidence. Call the Broker on (03) 6128 333 Or mobile 0419 382 359 to obtain a Confidentiality... Price: UNDER CONTRACT! Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 0419 382 359 View Online Bsale ID 276468

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Unbeatable Waterfront Accomodation Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

3D Virtual tour: link-business-tasmania/burnie-by-the-bay. Offering selfcontained apartments geared towards the discerning holidaymaker, but specifically targeted to the business and corporate traveller client segment, Burnie by the Bay Apartments has cultivated a successful business model. The business operates with a vision of providing outstanding contemporary accommodation for the astute leisure and business/corporate travellers who seek the ultimate Cradle Coast experience. From Burnie by the Bay Apartments, guests can access Tasmania’s premier tourist landmarks, food and wine locations and the Tarkine. The business is owner-operated by a husband-and-wife team and has demonstrated stable profitability approaching six years. This profitability has been achieved through high occupancy levels during the business’ high and low seasons, and even more notably during the recent COVID-19 pandemic, with an occupancy of 77% for the past 4 months. Highlights: -Loyal and returning valued guests -Predictable profitable income structure -88%+ occupancy rate year around 68% occupancy during Covid-19 -90% of guests are intrastate/... Price: $900,000 Freehold Region: Launceston - Northern State: TAS Contact: Farzin Hesari Phone: 0401 009 469 View Online Bsale ID 276232



Successful & Established Hobart... Retail - Furniture, Bedding, Homewares, Giftware

INVESTMENT: $1.1M + SAV. This award-winning flooring business has consistent trade and strong profitability. Diverse flooring product range of carpet, timber, laminate, bamboo, luxury vinyl, tiles, rugs and window furnishings. The brand name is one of Australia’s most progressive flooring retail groups and a major force in the Australian retail sector. The business is well placed to benefit from the continued construction industry boom. * Very strong national brand & product support * Part of established national buying group * Consistent sales pipeline & profitability * Experienced team in place * Great store location in Hobart CBD * Owner retiring after 40 years & will continue in part-time sales if required. To receive a comprehensive Business profile, please email our office for our confidentiality agreement. All enquiries are treated in the strictest confidence. OFFICE: (03) 6128 3333. EMAIL: kerri.pursell@finnbusinesssales.

Price: $1,100,000 + SAV Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Chris Mitchell Phone: 0448 887 398 View Online Bsale ID 276449

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Easy To Run 5-Days/Week - Highly... Beauty & Hair Salon

INVESTMENT: $375,000. Boutique Brows are the experts in unique brow sculpting & specialist lash artistry. With experienced & highly trained staff, and the option to increase business hours, this profitable business has even more growth opportunities. The high profile business is located in a busy, sort after area of Hobart’s CBD. OTHER FEATURES: * Successfully operated by the vendors since 2011 * Long term loyal customer base - 80% repeat * Huge database of current clients with individualised detailed treatment history * Exclusive brand of makeup & products * Booming market sector * Cheap rent with 10+ years left on the lease. This is an opportunity that is perfect for a beauty therapist or business investor. All enquiries are treated with the strictest confidence. click the email box and fill in your details. Or call (03) 6128 3333 or email kerri.pursell@ to obtain a Confidentiality Agreement

Price: $375,000 Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 0419 382 359 View Online Bsale ID 275916



6 Months $390 + GST Right At Home Australia - Coming Soon... Franchises and Business Opportunities

Ride the baby boomers retirement wave with a winning franchise model with GUARANTEED GROWTH. Right at Home is a global leader in home care franchises. With more than 590 locations in 8 different countries, this is a proven business model that generates substantial profit with FLEXIBLE WORKING CONDITIONS. What makes Right at Home a great investment? -Part of a $22 BILLION market -Massive growth potential as 14% of the Australia population is over 65. -The market is guaranteed to grow for AT LEAST 20 years. -Strong brand name that’s trusted by people in Australia. -Flexible working hours and conditions What... Price: $120,000 Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Mike Fuller Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 274987

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



MBE Franchise Business for Sale | Hobart Franchises and Business Opportunities

About The Business: Mail Boxes Etc. (MBE) is a global company with over 2500 locations internationally and 38 centres throughout Australia. They offer businesses and home offices a large selection of professional business services which have been conveniently consolidated at the one location. About The Franchise. The MBE franchise network has had fantastic growth across the region, with the top ten centres averaging 31% growth year-on-year. Other key franchise success factors include: • Established globally for 30+ years • Part of a global franchise group • Accredited finance program available • Multi award-winning international franchise • Clean, professional working environment • Non-food franchise - no waste, no mess, no perishables • Five days per week, professional business hours • No experience required • Full training provided plus ongoing support • Preferred supplier program • Strategic site selection process. Training: Eight-week initial training program consisting of: • Training in our head office located in Sydney • In-store work experience • Post opening training via face to face, phone/internet support. On-going guidance provided by MBE includes: Comprehensive online... Price: $80,000 Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: DC Strategy Phone: 0386 157 203 View Online Bsale ID 274224



5.5 Days/Week Easy To Run Business -... Auto - Petrol Station, Carwash, Marine, Retail, Service

Investment: $240,000 + Stock at Value. This independent auto parts and Jaycar store is perfect for a sea-change couple. Located in St Helens on Tasmania’s magnificent East Coast, the business is well-established and wellrespected by locals and tourists as a comprehensive quality distributor of automotive, caravan and Jaycar parts and accessories. Low overheads including attractive lease terms. The freehold may also be available for purchase. The well trained and long-term team will transfer with the business. The owner will also provide a comprehensive handover of the business to new owners. All enquiries are treated in the strictest of confidence. Click the email box and fill in your details. Or call 03 6128 3333 or email to obtain a confidentiality agreement.

Price: $240,000 + SAV Region: Launceston - Northern State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 0419 382 359 View Online Bsale ID 275028

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Mobile Apps - Booming Now More Than Ever Work from Home

Own the Ultimate Lifestyle Business in the Booming Mobile App industry - No tech knowledge needed. Help Business Owners get more customers using Mobile Technology solutions and a whole range of Digital Services. Get full training and support with no royalties. Now more than ever these technologies are needed. With people working from home and people scared to buy goods and services in a shop - businesses need these services to make sales. We have seen a significant uptick in demand since the pandemic has hit. We make mobile apps and digital services affordable to businesses through proprietary technologies we have to build business style mobile apps. Combined with our experience and knowledge that you’ll get through our comprehensive training and ongoing support - you’ll have everything you need to immediately go out and be successful. This can be run from a home office and your clients do not even need to be local - they can be in another city / location. Great flexibility and an ability to make a significant six-figure income while enjoying a lifestyle business - even if you are in lock-down! Own this world-class business with a proven track record of success. Mobile App City provides: - Low $19,950 investment with... Price: $19,950 Region: National Contact: Richard Giannini Phone: 0487 896 061 View Online Bsale ID 152156



Mobile Laundry Service | Work From Home Cleaning & Domestic Services

Love to run your own business where you’re in control and your customers are the local community? The Laundry Lady could be what you’re after. We’re looking for locals like you who’d like to work their own hours, operate from a home base and become part of a growing in-demand service. Features: * Flexible to suit your life and needs * Be your own boss * Work from home * Work your own hours . About The Business: The Laundry Lady is a mobile laundry service offering pickup and delivery washing and ironing service. Established on the Gold Coast in 2012, the Laundry Lady is now servicing a number of locations in Victoria and Queensland, and looking to grow nation-wide. The Laundry Lady was started for busy professionals, businesses and working families to help our customers get their time back to themselves. Time and flexibility is a core value for both our Laundry team and our customers. We service a wide variety of residential and business customers with high demand for our services, a fun brand, strong digital marketing and online booking system helps us stand out from our competitors. WHAT’S INVOLVED? We are not a franchise model, but instead have a team of independent contractors - our Laundry Ladies and Lads - ho work from... Price: $399 Region: National Contact: CEO Phone: View Online Bsale ID 274588

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


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