Bsale - Business for Sale Magazine - May 2020

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Business for Sale eMagazine Issue 063

• May 2020

8 Small Businesses Who Are Helping Out During

COVID-19 A Business Brokers


How These 6 Business Owners

ADAPTED TO THE CHANGE See the Latest Businesses and Franchises For Sale Inside WHISKEY BAR FOR SALE SYDNEY P. 21








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Awaiting The Payments May 1st, 2020 has rolled around and many business owners are awaiting updates on JobKeeper payments, Cashflow Boosts and State Government grants. The anticipation by struggling business owners can be felt across the country. There has been so much confusion regarding these payments and many business owners are still unsure whether they have qualified or will actually be receiving the money, the days and weeks ahead will tell the story. 900,000 businesses had nominated interest in JobKeeper and only 500,000 have actually enrolled, this suggesting confusion over the scheme. There are some business owners feeling they could end up in more debt and tax liabilities by applying and not meeting all the exact criteria. That it’s easier to send some employees to JobSeeker and work with a smaller team for the time being. The business for sale market has seen a slow down in enquiry rates and sales. Though the astute investors are still on the hunt for good quality businesses. This crisis is an unprecedented event in our history. So there is some caution among buyers as to whether they should purchase. There have been some good ideas put forward by business brokers, such as Zoran at Xcllusive with the notion of paying for a percentage of a business now, and the remainder once the crisis has passed. As lockdowns start to lift, you can feel the excitement in the air. As people access their superfunds, the opportunity to use this money to purchase a business will become a real option. The notion of buying yourself a job, will become a focus in the coming months as Australians start to look to return to work. Stay safe and healthy,

Vanessa Lovie CEO Bsale Australia Pty Ltd



How These 8 Small Aussie Businesses are Helping During


Aussie business owners are known for their strength and determination whilst having a strong sense of community and ‘taking care of their mates’. As business owners are struggling to stay afloat, or have closed their doors, many businesses are looking to help those in the community. We had a chat to some businesses who are lending a helping hand to others during the COVID-19 crisis. It’s important during this crisis that business owners find the silver lining to take care of their teams and clients. With so much uncertainty on how long the social distancing, closed businesses and the crisis will last, it’s important to focus on what we can do now. It is these determined, passionate and driven business owners that have found a way to help keep the community and their clients in feeling supported.

“Im calling all of my older clients each week”

Olivia Morrison Domain Health

I’m a Melbourne based dietitian & nutritionist (just started running my own business). Since the coronavirus, despite being an essential worker, business hasn’t been as usual in the slightest. The hardest part is hearing the financial & mental health impact this is having on my clients; many of whom need primary care but simply can’t afford it… so I decided 3 weeks ago that’s not an option & it’s my responsibility to ensure people are still supported & cared for regardless. I’m calling my older clients each week to organise online food services for them & providing free consultations to anyone who’s financially struggling. Sure, it’s made things tight at home & harder to run a business, but it’s absolutely worth it knowing they’ll have enough money to put healthy food on the table each day.

“We’re pulling together numerous Australian manufacturers who can help with producing parts for PPE and ventilators”

Natalie Chapman

Our business, gemaker helps business take their new ideas/technologies to market. We work with lots of innovative businesses many of which are still small and already had heaps of hurdles to overcome without COVID19. We’ve done many things recently to help businesses at this time (free of charge) including pulling together numerous Australian manufacturers who can help with producing parts for personal protective equipment and ventilators and getting them in front of the right people in government and industry. We did this to help Australian manufacturers who are hurting at the moment and to help Australians stay healthy with the equipment and protection needed.




“We launched a website to help feed locals in need” I founded Local Restaurant with my neighbour as a way to get keep margins with small business owners, increase their pick up order sizes and also to feed locals in need. Pick up only, no commission orders, where customers are encouraged to purchase one more meal serving that is donated to Father Bob and St Vinnies to give to someone in need. Our website is launching this Easter at [live in 48 hours] and our Facebook Page is gaining traction fast

Lauren Sherson Local Restaurant

“We’re helping businesses move online” Brogan Renshaw

Firewire Digital

With many offline businesses being faced with the prospect of forced to close the doors and losing all income, we wanted to help. Everyone is rightfully anxious at what the coming weeks and months hold. Many business owners are extremely unsure of the best way forward. We wanted to help reduce some of the stress and uncertainty but helping these offline business move to an online platform. The current situation with COVID-19 has hurt the Australian economy and small/medium businesses would be the most affected. We helped a number of small independent businesses who were not sure on the steps needed to get their unique business online. Over a free one hour phone call, we learnt about their business and gave custom advice on the best way forward for them. We wanted to provide actionable advice and allow them to ask any questions that they might have in that hour. No obligations, or sales pitch, just free advice and guidance on the best way forward.


“We volunteered 4 days to help educate 200+ staff” Kye and Kelly Harris Perron Financial Group

We have a couple in our network who own a prominent motor dealership in south east Queensland. We captured word that Covid had drastically reduced their sales and financially, they were experiencing some tougher times. This meant potential staff layoffs and staff being moved to the jobkeeper payment which meant reduced pay for many of them. We volunteered 4 days in the dealership educating and guiding 200+ staff members through the Government stimulus payments, what options they each had available to them, how to request pauses on loan repayments, insurance commitments, assessing their budgets and helping them gain perspective on what their cashflow situation looks like. We had the HR manager provide a review following our time in the dealership stating their staff ‘feel empowered and in control of their financial future and the anxiety that was felt by everyone has gone. Thank you for your professionalism, insights and humanity brought to the often daunting subject of finances’


“We provide freshly cooked meals to people in need” Christine Smith Rowville Community Kitchen

Rowville Community Kitchen has launched Knox Food Hub –our response to the Corona Virus crisis, providing immediate good food relief to our local community. A new and vital free service to ensure that our local community has access to healthy nutritious food during the current crisis. We offer delicious freshly cooked vegetarian meals, prepared by professional chefs and fresh veggie boxes. FREE OF CHARGE. As unemployment climbs and those with compromised health conditions stay isolated, a sustainable and continuous supply of nutritious meals is essential. Our aim is to supply enough meals to feed the whole household for the week and a box of fresh veggies & fruit.

“We are offering free complaints management sessions to NFP” Kristie Walker

Ontrack Investigations

We are offering free remotely delivered complaints management coaching sessions to not for profit organisations and social enterprises during the crisis. I have significant experience in managing complaints in the public sector, and understands that some organisations need support to get their processes, mindset and skill set right to manage complaints well. We did this because we wanted to support organisations who can stay open to continue to survive and thrive through this difficult time.

“We are giving the hypnotherapy session away Free to everyone” Karen Phillip

Virtual Hynotherapy

As a clinical hypnotherapist and counselling psychotherapist, I understand the mental health issues being experienced by so many during COVD-19. We have uploaded Free hypnotherapy audio session to help reduce the stress and anxiety felt by empowering individuals during this time. Change the mind, change the behaviour, thoughts and feelings. We are giving the hypnotherapy session away Free to everyone. Reduce the effects of COVID-19 is advantageous to everyone who feels scared by empowering their individual resourcefulness and finding those strengths we all have within. Apart from offering a free COVID de-stress session, we have now reduced every session on line 50% to help those isolated do some positive work on themself. To remove that baggage too many carry, quit smoking, lose weight, abolish those bad habits that are rising excess drinking and gambling. All these mental and emotional health issues can be aided. This is the time to take charge of your mental health.

Thank you to all the business owners who are helping each other and the community during this time we will always be #strongertogether. We hope this helps to inspire more business owners to reach out to their clients and the community to offer a helping hand.

Vanessa Lovie CEO Bsale Australia

Vanessa is the CEO of Bsale Australia. She has been the managing director for the past 9 years. With extensive knowledge in online marketing and the business for sale industry. Vanessa is a huge supporter and advocate for small business in Australia.



What Now? Time to Look at the Best Case Scenario for Australian Businesses

For many weeks we have seen the world’s economies down on their knees. The rhetoric of the world leaders has focused on a prolonged, protracted recovery with a minimum of 6 months to come out the other side of COVID-19. Whilst it is fair for all governments and medical experts to underpromise and over deliver, what happens if Australia’s actions to fight COVID-19 have been swift enough and big enough?

Where is Australia currently placed (as at March 31, 2020)? With a raft of measures from forced isolation for new arrivals in Australia to social distancing to enormous stimulus measures, how do we stack up compared to the rest of the world. Whilst many have complained we have done too little too late, the evidence would suggest otherwise despite major blowouts with cruise ships and the selfish behaviour of many hitting up local beaches in droves. The evidence suggests we have already drastically “flattened the curve” with daily infection rates down from close to 30% at our peak to only 6.6% on the 30th of March. We are currently emulating the trajectory of countries with huge success tackling this monstrous pandemic, Japan, South Korea and Singapore. What does this all mean and what projections can we place on these figures without the benefit of the experts modelling? We are still yet to see the full effect of stage 2 restrictions let alone stage 3, yet with only 0.00018% of our population currently tested positive for COVID-19, the virus has not got away from us. As stage 2 and stage 3 restrictions start


producing results, there is a possibility Australia can contain the virus within the next 3 to 4 weeks as long as infected people remain isolated and respect the current restrictions. If Australians continue to follow the strict restrictions in place, what timeframe are we looking at to see businesses start opening the doors and trading again? If we manage to contain the virus within 4 weeks, with no new transmissions, we will need an additional 4 weeks to ensure all domestic transfer of COVID-19 has vanished making it safe for businesses to open their doors to the public again. Hoarders, where have they gone? Some shops are still struggling with some supplies, however, most shelves are close to being fully stocked again as the hoarders run out of space to store their stockpiles. When the panic subsides and Australians realise the sky is not going to fall in, the shelves will be bursting with supplies again and the hoarders will slowly start moving though their no longer fresh produce leaving the beautiful fresh supplies for the rest of us. Massive hats off to all of the manufacturers and

COVID-19 SPECIAL EDITION suppliers who have amped up production and supply chains to almost cope with the hysteria created by panicked hoarders. What happens next? The latest $130billion in stimulus measures includes wages support to enable business owners to keep Australians in their jobs, even if their doors are closed. Whilst many will still be feeling financial pressures, this will alleviate a great deal of panic and anxiety in millions of employees across the nation. Over the months of shut down, no one has had the ability to get out and splash some cash on a meal, a drink with friends, even a holiday. Once businesses reopen, it will be time to reset with many people busting to break out of forced isolation. With cash in their pockets and cabin fever well and truely set in, the time to spend up big will be day one that we reopen for business.

Australia will keep its international borders well and truely shut, however, this is the time to support an industry brought to the brink, tourism, get out and see Australia, tick off the domestic bucket list, support small business and be thankful we not only survived, but as a country we came out of this pandemic as quickly as possible and in the best shape possible.

All you have to do is take a look at a majority of the world to appreciate how well we have done in comparison. At the time of writing this article, America was already edging toward 200,000 diagnosed infections. Only one month prior on the 1st of March, America had only 74 diagnosed infections. Australia on the other hand currently as 4,559 diagnosed infections with two thirds related to international travel with 27 diagnosed infections on the 1st of March. The time is now to focus on the bright light at the end of the tunnel, whilst still remembering the lives that were lost, the businesses that didn’t survive and the incredible sacrifice made by all Australians. Most importantly, express your gratitude to the multitude of Australians involved in the medical fields from those that structured our response to paramedics, nurses, doctors and anyone else on the frontline placing their lives at risk to save the lives of ordinary Australians. Australia is a tough nation that has endured the harshest fires in our short history followed by floods with Canberra enduring the worst air quality in the entire world for days on end. That wasn’t enough to knock us down and COVID-19 won’t beat us either. If we all do our small bit and stay committed to the cause, a faster recovery will follow. Positive thinking about all of that beautiful Australian blue sky ahead in only a couple of short months. When this is all over, get out and support every small business you can by splashing some cash around the community, it is time to spend up to rejuvenate our economy, definitely not the time to be a grinch. There will be so many amazing business opportunities for Australians to grab over the next 24 months as the country resets to a better version of an already amazing country. Chin up, now is not the time to wallow in self pity, it is the time to prepare yourself for the next Australian boom! Are you ready?

Andrew owned and operated a large, successful newsagency for 20 years before deciding to sell and plan the next phase of his life. Multiple agents, huge upfront fees and no results left Andrew frustrated and emotionally drained. Many hours were spent reflecting on why the challenge to sell his business was so stressful and difficult. Summit Business Brokers was formed on the back of those experiences and Andrew’s desire to help other business owners and prospective business purchasers achieve their dreams, sell their business or buy a business and reach their summit. Andrew decided to change the business model of business broking. Summit Business Brokers charge no upfront fees and no administration fees. You only pay a small monthly advertising fee, a fixed rate commission upon completion of a sale and NO commission on YOUR stock. What could be fairer and why would you settle for less?

Andrew Nuttall Principal of Summit Business Brokers

20 years of business experience as an owner, combined with 22 years of real estate experience, has given Andrew vast exposure to numerous business environments and networks. The knowledge Andrew gained over the years will enable him to successfully assist you to buy or sell your business for all it’s worth. T: 0418 676 400 You can find Andrew on LinkedIn



My Business has Closed,

Now What?



As we live day-by-day through this global pandemic, thousands of businesses have been forced to close their doors for the safety of themselves and the public. If you’re one of those owners, you’re probably thinking “my business has closed, now what?”. Although each person is unique to their own set of circumstances, at Bsale we pride ourselves on supplying vital information to businesses throughout this period.

Hospitality as well as the health and fitness industries have been affected globally. Mark Halwani from Breakout Fitness described his heartache closing his studio in Sydney, “we launched and sold out 6 week challenges. We launched the kids Bootcamp in Feb 2018 and could not take on any more clients. We made a difference in people’s lives... 3 weeks ago I hired a couple people to touch up the walls and paint in the studio, and just like that... from no issues at all within 3 weeks we are discontinuing the Bootcamp.”

touchpoints - social media, website, email and directly. Access your superannuation. • Not sure if this is the right move for you? We spoke with several professionals in the industry who weighed in on this topic. You can read more about accessing your superannuation here. Consolidate or pause loans

There’s no doubt that the speed of which this pandemic has unfolded and the immediate impacts it’s had on businesses has been a battle for most to adapt to. With this being said, the regular updates from the Government and constant reporting from the media has somewhat made the situation even harder to follow. If you’re unsure of the current Government grants relevant to you and your business, you can read our article which recaps What the Government

• Most banks have come to the party and are offering freeze or holiday periods for your accounts. If you’re facing financial hardship or need help paying your accounts, it’s worthwhile reaching out to your banks directly and seeing what options are available for you. Keep planning and working on your business.

has offered SMEs.

So, what next? Apply for the Government grants that you’re eligible for. • There have been 3 stimulus packages announced at the time of publishing this article. Stay in the loop by visiting the Treasury website. Contact your suppliers directly and update them of the situation.

• A lot of business owners admit to working in the business, instead of on the business. This time, albeit not ideal, is the perfect opportunity to put your 2021 plans in place. Get creative and keep the dream alive. Your business can and will bounce back, the market will get better - plan for this and put measures in place to ensure you’re ready to go when the time presents itself. The situation is continually evolving day by day. If you’re after more information about business and COVID-19, visit our Business Articles page.

• You’ve worked hard at creating meaningful relationships with your suppliers. It’s important you keep them in the loop and let them know you’ve closed. Chances are they may be in the same boat. Either way, knowing that you’ve kept the lines of communication open will pay dividends when you’re back up and running.

Caragh has been an advocate of small business since making the switch working for multinationals to independent, Australian owned businesses (like Bsale). With a passion for online marketing and being inspired by the ever-changing business world, Caragh enjoys sharing her thoughts with our Bsale audience. (FYI, it’s pronounced Kara!)

Contact your customers and keep them informed. • Similar to your suppliers, it’s important to be transparent with your customers. Don’t assume they know whether you’re trading as normal, be sure to provide an update on each of your

Caragh Welford

You can find Caragh on Linkedin



Why Communication is More Important Than Ever With COVID-19 forcing local, national and international businesses to close or change their operations, it’s easy to feel as though there isn’t much point posting to social media, sending that email or making that call. Although it may be difficult to adapt to the changes, and a lot of business owners may be feeling like they’re at a stand-still, it’s important to ensure you’re still communicating with your audience. In fact, communication is more important now than ever before.

You’re in limbo, that’s ok! That’s ok, a lot of businesses are. And most customers, suppliers, and employees are expecting that perhaps their favourite brands are still finding their feet in this new format we’re all trialing. Sharing where you are currently at is just as important as sharing new news.

What marketing can you do? Do you know how many free marketing tools are available? Lots. Here are some easy ways to communicate with your audience while saving your pennies: • Social media - it’s a no brainer but sometimes we forget we can simply post to Instagram stories, or do a quick live video to update where the business is at, what you’re experiencing and


what the plans are for the short-term. People expect stories, for instance, to be more casual in tone, so don’t be afraid to be more human in this space and let everyone know where you’re at. • Email marketing - sending emails is free for businesses who have a database below 2,000 (check MailChimp) or relatively cheap to do if you have a larger database. Ensure you don’t spam your database and design the email so it’s straight to the point - we’ve all been receiving a lot of emails with the COVID-19 pandemic, so be direct. • Blogs - now is the time to share content. You’re an expert in your field, share what you know and inspire customers to learn from you and eventually (when everything is back up and running), make your business their preferred. This is also a great way to be more


conversational, don’t be too formal unless the topic requires a higher level of professionalism. The beauty of writing blogs is that it’ll help your SEO in the long term, but it’ll also provide you with quality content to share across all of your platforms. (We practice what we preach at Bsale, check out our Business Articles section on our website for more business information).

products or services are available, and how people can make a purchase. If your business is closed, that’s ok too - share where your business is at, how you’re adapting and what the plan is when you’re going to reopen. Stay positive, this will pass and you’ll be back to business in no time.

• Video and Livestreams - it seems to be the #1 way to communicate at the moment with family, friends but also within our place of work. Hosting videos or webinars is a helpful way to educate your audience, share insights and engage 1:1. Also, the benefit of focusing on video content is you only need to do it once, and it can be reused multiple times without actually causing you to do more work. If your business is open, great! Chat about what

Caragh has been an advocate of small business since making the switch working for multinationals to independent, Australian owned businesses (like Bsale). With a passion for online marketing and being inspired by the ever-changing business world, Caragh enjoys sharing her thoughts with our Bsale audience. (FYI, it’s pronounced Kara!)

Caragh Welford

You can find Caragh on Linkedin



5 Examples of Companies Helping Out In the midst of this crisis, the management of companies will be tested. How a company performs and the image that is left behind could have a huge impact on their success in the future, as our Prime Minister remarked early-on in the crisis outbreak on March 09, 2020;

1. Virgin Australia They took to the sky’s, well they took the toilet rolls from their planes. Collecting and donating all unused toilet rolls with Kleenex matching the quantities.

“How you support your customers, suppliers and employees during the next six months will say more about your company, your corporate values and the integrity of your brand than anything else you could possibly do otherwise.” Scott Morrison. As Australians are adjusting to this new way of life, and finding new ways to entertain themselves. We thought we would take a look at what large companies are doing and how they are lending a hand to people in need and to offer support during this outbreak. Whilst we could find many examples in the USA we struggled to find cases in Australia. I imagine, coming off the back of the worst bushfires we have seen in decades, droughts, and now uncertain times ahead. The large companies are being more cautious in their decisions.

2. McDonalds Australia Providing Free Coffee for Healthcare workers. Available from 23/03/2020 - 17/05/2020. Available when in uniform, or simply show a healthcare ID. One per transaction.



3. Apple USA


Donated 10 million Face masks in the USA and Europe for frontline workers. “These people deserve our debt of gratitude for all of the work that they’re doing on the front lines,” Tim Cook, CEO.

1 Million pieces of Chicken! Whilst we could only find a USA initiative, hopefully this flows to their stores in other countries, especially the developing nations.

4. Gucci USA Started the #guccicommunity to encourage fashion brands and their customers to donate to the crisis.

Whether your company is big or small the reputation you leave now is important. How well you bounce back may be a reflection of your team, your clients and management. Whilst making donations may be difficult at this time. It’s about helping fellow humans during a crisis. Supporting healthcare workers and those on the front lines is important. They are literally saving lives and protecting the rest of us, whilst we wait for the time to pass.

Vanessa Lovie CEO Bsale Australia

Vanessa is the CEO of Bsale Australia. She has been the managing director for the past 9 years. With extensive knowledge in online marketing and the business for sale industry. Vanessa is a huge supporter and advocate for small business in Australia.



How These 6 Business Owners Adapted to the Change

Adapting to change is one of the key traits to any business owners success. With the unpredictable changes to our environment due to COVID-19 many business owners have had to think on their feet and react quickly. Whilst many businesses have ‘entered hibernation’ there are those who are continuing to offer their clients support and advice from afar. Offering online services has been a prime way for businesses to continue to connect with their clients. We spoke to 6 business owners on how they have adapted to the changes.

“Im providing providing a free phone/video consult service”

Dr Joanna Teh

Dermedica Cosmetic Medical Clinic

I’m a cosmetic physician for over 20 years. For a majority of my patients their cosmetic treatments plays an essential role in their overall well being just like going to the gym. It helps with their self esteem & confidence. I feel it is my duty to support my patients during this stressful times by providing a free phone/video consult service. Even if it’s educating them about delaying their cosmetic treatments, importance of social distancing and to stay at home to minimise community spread of COVID and stay at home skincare regime to support their overall well being and mental health... or simply having a chat and offering them some hope. Often some words of encouragement from a doctor that they know and trust for years to educate them to do the right thing ie social distancing and only go out for essential services, hand hygiene etc. I’ve had great feedbacks so far as it also helps to relief some of my patients feeling isolated. I have many loyal clients that have stuck by me for more than 15 years. This is the least I could do for my patients while we are all staying at home to support one another for the health of the whole nation.

“I Started a Facebook group to discuss well-being issues”

Sue Lester

People are at more risk of mental health/wellbeing issues during physical/social isolation than COVID-19. I’m a mindset coach so I thought the best way I could help more people was to start “Staying Sane In Crazy Times”, a facebook group where I could share tips and techniques in posts and lives, discuss well-being issues, add a few laughs and provide a sanctuary from the news and false information.


“We created a 19 day Online Conference”

Julie Steel

We have just concluded a 19-day online conference for free. Called the VID19 Conference it was established over 3 days in the middle of March and included over 170 live speakers that people looking for help adjusting to this COVID19 world could access. Created and hosted from Julia’s lounge room in Fitzroy North, over 15,000 participants took part from over 30 countries. Topics including leadership, working from home, parenting, mental health, wellbeing and more!


“We have been running free online fitness series”

Sam Davison

We have been running a free online fitness series to our community, with everything from strength & stability sessions, a free virtual run club, as well as nutrition tips and soulful yoga sessions, all led by expert health professionals. We are a Physiotherapy clinic looking to promote movement, physical activity and a social connection to those working from home. We recognize the importance of exercise for mental health and given the circumstances feel it’s important for us to give back our knowledge on the importance of movement and injury prevention during this time. IG: @ barangarooclinic

Barangaroo Physio

“I created the Virtual Care Basket”

Ayesha Hilton

In early March, I saw that people were going to feel stressed in isolation, so I created the Virtual Care Basket where people could download various resources for free. I sourced these resources from people in my network. This then evolved into a series of free Live Virtual Events to help support people during the Covid19 experience. We have had guests on talking about a variety of topics including astrology, sustainability, growth mindset, creating balance, essential oils and much more. The Virtual Care Basket is available to anyone, free of charge. I really wanted to support people during this time as I am concerned about people’s mental health and the need for connection and community right now.

Virtual Care Basket

“We are offering six months free for aged care facilities so residents can stay in touch with families.”

Darren Saffin DGtek

Australian owned super fast fibre optic broadband provider DGtek and its retailers are lending support by offering to new customers free connection and three months free internet to all families, with no lock-in contract or ongoing commitment so they can work from home and home school their children with no hassles. The company will also offer six months free for aged care facilities so residents can stay in touch with families. This offer will be available to homes and businesses within the serviced areas of Melbourne CBD and South-East suburbs.

As the months go by we will start to discover the ongoing effects of the pandemic. Australian business owners are very resilient and have the ability to change as the situation requires. As the government support starts to roll-out and businesses receive their JobKeeper and Cashflow boosts, it will have a positive impact on businesses ability to survive. Focusing on the next 6 months is key for all businesses, monitoring your cashflow, perhaps finding alternate sources of income and ensuring your business is ready to bounce back when the time is right.

Vanessa Lovie CEO Bsale Australia

Vanessa is the CEO of Bsale Australia. She has been the managing director for the past 9 years. With extensive knowledge in online marketing and the business for sale industry. Vanessa is a huge supporter and advocate for small business in Australia.



Business Brokers Report on Market Conditions post COVID-19 restrictions. Business brokers have been looking at ways to evaluate the business for sale industry and answer many questions from buyers and sellers. Whilst there seems to be a lot of hesitations from buyers, its important brokers conduct surveys to see their clients perspectives. Zoran Sarabaca from Xcllusive Business Brokers has released his latest market report and there were some interesting findings.

Zoran Sarabaca Xcllusive Business Brokers

During every election or event at a national level, we see a decline in buyer enquiries. After 20 years in business, Bsale sees this trend time and time again. So during this worldwide crisis, a drop in enquiries is to be expected, but it doesn’t mean that buyers have completely disappeared. Website visits are still maintaining as people are continuing to look for opportunities, it is the confidence and getting them over the line that is the factor at times like these. Having your business for sale visible, will help buyers see your opportunity, even if they are not enquiring or buying right now. Looking at options for the sale was an interesting point made by Zoran, with 63% of respondents supporting the idea of paying for a percentage of the business now, and the remaining once the crisis is resolved. Business owners who are looking to sell, it was found there are two key factors that would compel a buyer into purchasing a business: • Low fixed overheads relative to sales 18

The Government enforced restrictions have been in effect for over a month now, with many businesses seeing a decline in sales or forced closures. It is having a massive effect on the business for sale industry, with business owners and buyers uncertain if now is the right time to buy or sell a business. • Good Forward Plan Buyers want to know the overheads and costs are taken care of and that there is plan for the future and how the business hopes to come out on the other side of this crisis. Zoran suggests putting together even a dot point plan of how you will address the upcoming months. “If you’re considering to put a business on the market, have a really good look at your overheads. Theres never been a better time to lower your overheads now... and good forward planning” Zoran So, whilst brokers are experiencing a drop in enquiries, there are still buyers who are actively looking for opportunities. It’s important to take into consideration these recommendations and consider alternate purchasing options, such as a percentage now and percentage later to help your business sale across the line. As Zoran stated, 80% of the buyers surveyed where rather confident they had the means and ability to buy a business. So the buyers are still looking. If your looking to purchase a business, see the 10,000+ businesses for sale on Bsale

Vanessa Lovie CEO Bsale Australia

Vanessa is the CEO of Bsale Australia. She has been the managing director for the past 9 years. With extensive knowledge in online marketing and the business for sale industry. Vanessa is a huge supporter and advocate for small business in Australia.

Time to reset and refocus on your franchise goals Before the current COVID-19 pandemic erupted and put thousands of businesses on hold or in limbo, the franchising industry was one of the fastest growing industries in Australia. Whilst the current situation in Australia and

has always been something you’ve considered,

the rest of the world has had a huge impact on

now is the perfect time to do in-depth research

the economy, schooling, jobs and the property

and find out if it truly is a feasible option for

market, it can be seen as an opportunity to


reset and reassess your priorities and future goals.

A franchisee has the right to market and distribute a product or service using the

If owning and operating a franchise business

trademark and operating methods of a


franchisor for example, Ben & Jerry’s or Nurse

franchising tab with more information about

Next Door Home Care Services. The franchisee

the opportunity. Most franchise websites

will pay a fee for the rights and support from

will have a franchise brochure or franchise

the franchisor.

information pack for you to read through too. These documents are usually available

There are a number of benefits to buying

on request and you may have to submit your

a franchise including greater security and

contact details, but they are generally free to

less risk than starting your own business.


Franchisees will be working under a successful brand with existing loyal customers. What’s

You will be encouraged to have regular

more, is that franchisees will benefit from

meetings (due to the current climate on video

a proven and profitable business model,

call) with a franchise support team such as

marketing campaigns along with training and

DC Strategy as well as regular catch ups with

support from the franchisors.

the franchisors. Take your time with these meetings and make sure you understand the

Finding the right franchise for you is an

franchise process fully. To maximise your time

extremely important decision. The right

effectively, you could write down a list of all of

franchise has to be in an industry you

the questions you have and remember, there is

completely understand and it will help for

no such thing as a silly question.

you to have some experience within the environment. It should be with a franchise you

As you can tell, it could take a long time to

trust and are equally passionate about.

even find your chosen franchise and to start your journey. Furthermore, once you have

You might find that whilst on your franchise

committed to a franchise, you should expect to

hunt, you have to submit a number of NDA

devote at least 3 to 6 months to the recruitment

(non-disclosure agreements). These are


essential for you to learn more thorough details about the business model including financial

If you’re looking to set a new goal then consider

information that is critical for you to assess.

franchising now. Whilst we all seem to be on pause in this unknown environment, focus on

If you’re serious about owning a franchise, the

your future. There is a lot of research to be done

best place to start your research is on a brand’s

to find your perfect franchise, so now is a good

official website. Online you can click through

time to start.

their webpages and there will most likely be a

James Young

Head of Franchise Sales and Development, DC Strategy


James has been inducted as a Certified Franchise Executive (CFE) and is a key member of the DC Strategy team. As the head of the Franchise Sales and Marketing division, he currently consults to over 15 franchisors and is also involved in areas of business development. He focuses on client lead generation and recruitment strategies, both domestically and internationally, to effectively find and recruit franchisees. His clients include large networks and start-up franchises. He has been involved with over 40 franchise businesses and has granted over 300 franchises in a number of different industries. He has taken numerous brands to new international markets including the US, New Zealand, Mauritius, Middle East and Asia. More recently, James has been involved in successfully bringing a number of international brands to Australia.


$299,000 Whiskey Bar For Sale Sydney CBD Food - Hotels, Pubs, Bars, Liquor store

About The Business: A unique, on-trend whiskey bar by night and a crowd favourite cafe by day. Located in the heart of Sydney’s CBD, down a hidden, yet high traffic alleyway, you will feel like you have just traveled back to the early 1900s with this cozy hideout. With the lockout laws being pulled back and the light rail only days away from completion, now is the perfect time to get into a business like this. An ideal business for a motivated bar enthusiast to take the reigns of this once in a lifetime opportunity. License approved until 1am with indoor and outdoor seating. Small simple bar menu and an exclusive range of premium spirits... Price: $299,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Daniel Kogan Phone: 0401 620 918 View Online Bsale ID 263317

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Activewear Brand E-Commerce Business Websites and Online Stores

Boutique female activewear brand / e-commerce business available for sale and includes: - Inventory with a RRP of $95k ($43k wholesale) across 12 SKUs - Online website on shopify platform - 900 customers on marketing database - 4.3k Instagram and 1k facebook followers - Established sales channels with online stockists - Registered trademarks in Australia, US and China plus all business IP and product designs - Relationships with high quality manufacturing partners and supply chain providers in China and SE Asia Selling the business due to arrival of new family member and lifestyle change, purchase available for $20k only Current owners and inventory located in Sydney, no employees or equipment included, transition to new owners can be facilitated with ease. Happy to provide further information as required and hold inventory inspections etc.

Price: $20,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Peter Hill Phone: View Online Bsale ID 249228



Surf Shop - Set Your Kids Up In Their... Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

Kids finished high school/uni - not sure what they want to do? Here’s a unique opportunity to receive free retail training and earn an income! 25 years established surf shop, 3 family owners to date, suit couple or family, all major surf brands, business neighbours include restaurants, cafes, bottle shop, ice creamery and supermarket, gym, bank and is at a premium location opposite surf club, Terrigal is experiencing residential growth and upgraded parking and approved headland boardwalk, social media following, has instore advertising via Google my Business, no trading hour restrictions, secure lease. Swimwear for all ages, opportunity for council approved street vending licence. Currently offering Surfboard hire too. Quick supply of surf technical gear available to surfers. Lifestyle change perhaps? Autumn 2020 - Spring 2020 ranges all covered, no need to worry about new season stock! All offers considered plus Stock At Valuation. * Stock can be reduced to suit your budget. We are also available just to lease this space - office, food or remain as retail shop! Sky’s the limit!

Price: Negotiable Region: Central Coast State: NSW Contact: Leeann Phone: 0421 820 316 View Online Bsale ID 223708

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $390 + GST Northern Beaches Engineering Shop Manufacturing, Wholesale, Import, Export

One of the last jobbing style engineering shops in the North of Sydney, therefore high demand for our services. We service Marine, Food, Tree, Film and Manufacturing industries plus many more. We have been established over 30 years and have never had the need to market or advertise. We operate a small team performing principally in-shop work. Our premises have good storage and access and suit the purpose. Our location means large exposure to the marine industry. We have just signed a fresh 5 x 5 lease on low rates. All equipment tooling and vehicles are owned outright, no finance attached to anything. Principle plus 2... Price: POA Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Matthew Small Phone: 02 9997 3929 or 0400 801 918 View Online Bsale ID 260960



Wine Tours - Hunter Valley - Est. 14yrs Services - General

About The Business: Hunter Valley wine tours. Take customers around the picturesque Hunter Valley. Visit wineries, enjoy a nice lunch, cheese and chocolate tastings too. Years Established: 2006 - 14 years. Products & Services: Mixed group tour - Pick up small groups and couples from local accommodation, wine tastings, winery tour, restaurant lunch and cheese and chocolate tastings. 10am to 5pm. Private tours - Customised tours for larger groups. Popular option for Hen’s Days, birthdays, work events and families. Can visit wineries, breweries, distilleries, olives, chocolate, cheese, shopping villages and lots more. Charter services Transfer to concerts, events, airport, race days weddings etc. Features: Easily operated by 1 person - can be operated remotely. Operational and accreditation systems. Great optimised website with many back-links and content management system. Business operated from home. Agreements in places with numerous suppliers. Massive growth potential and low overheads. Great reputation with strong connections with local businesses. Loyal following of repeat customers. Outgoing owner to train the buyer for a smooth transition 5-star on TripAdvisor - no bad or terrible... Price: $150,000 Region: Newcastle - Hunter State: NSW Contact: Roy Fraser-Watson Phone: View Online Bsale ID 259486

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



3 Months $280 + GST Free - Resturant/Brewery/Retail Shop Food - Restaurant For Sale

***The Opportunity*** Business offered totally FREE. The former premises of Dimitri’s Function Centre, Restaurant Bar & Grill & Kladis Estate Winery Cellar Door, exists this completely fit-out premises including a comprehensive list of quality fixtures and inventory allowing the astute business operator to reinvigorate this business. ***The Location*** Nestled on the NSW Shoalhaven Coast, Wandandian is only 10 minutes from Jervis Bay and Sussex Inlet with the St Georges Basin just across the highway. Whilst the property was originally part of the Kladis Estate Winery it operated as a restaurant and wine tasting venue. The premises... Price: $1 Region: Wollongong - South Coast State: NSW Contact: Domenic Vitalone Phone: 0438 684 494 View Online Bsale ID 257321



Fitness Franchise For Sale Est. 2 Yrs Health, Medical and Gyms

Key features: • Prime inner suburb location with great exposure to foot traffic and easy access for cars to park on the main road or side streets. • Solid membership base of 115 and growing. Immediate goal is 150 members. • Modern clean and functional space covering 200m2. • New equipment and fit out including shower amenities. • 2 x large storage cages in underground car-park (64 sqm). • Excellent 3 yr by 3 yr lease with modest rent. • Low cost base / high margin business • Part of an established brand that is rapidly growing across Australia. • Enormous potential for genuine growth and value add opportunities. • Fully systemised with all records to verify current member sales. • Fantastic opportunity for investor or owner operator full training and support from current owner and franchisor. • Includes 2 car spots for the owner. ... Price: POA Region: Central Coast State: NSW Contact: Ben Phone: 0416 566 279 View Online Bsale ID 257787

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Popular Kebab Shop - Sydney CBD Food - Restaurant For Sale

About The Business: Kebab shop in MARTIN PLACE next to the station. Located in a busy food court. Takeaway selection of kebabs, gozlemes, snack packs and more. Products are made daily.Open 5 days a week from 8AM to 6PM excluding the weekend. 3 staff required including the owner. Location: 52 Martin Place 2000. Lease: August 2023. Sales turnover: $14000 p/w. Net profit: $4000 p/w. Rent: $2200 p/w (paid monthly). Reason for sale: No specific reason, owner isn’t feeling well and wants an early retirement. Price: $330,000 Negotiable. Owned for more than 10 years and is a great start point first time buyers, has great potential. Great family business also.

Price: $330,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Cemile Zeyrek Phone: +61418183826 View Online Bsale ID 254390



Ready For A Sea Change? Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

Ready for a sea change? About The Business: For sale by owner on the beautiful Central Coast. Pizza/Pasta Takeaway and Home delivery. Years Established: Long established, over 20 years with a generous mix of tourists and locals, with a lot of loyal customers. Location: Located in a prime position in the heart of a pedestrian hub. Directly opposite kids water fountain / play area and popular tourist attraction. Area hosts many big-ticket events of the region. Trading Hours: Currently trading Dinner Wed-Sun and lunch Fri–Sun with extended hours during holiday peak periods. Training: Owner retiring, but willing to stay on and train as needed. Potential: Potential to expand menu and trading hours to suit your lifestyle and financial goals.

Price: $139,000 + SAV Region: Central Coast State: NSW Contact: Brett Hieke Phone: 0439 025 635 View Online Bsale ID 254807

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Subway Lake Macquarie Area Food - Franchise Outlets

Summary: Sub Sandwich - Takeaway Food - Subway. Location Details: Northern NSW, Lake Macquarie Area. About the Opportunity: Great opportunity to be part of the world’s largest submarine sandwich chain with over 1400 stores Australia wide. Full training and company support given. Features: Turnover - $400k+ p.a ex gst. Lease - End on 2024 with 7 + 7 years option. Private landlord easy to negotiate. Location - Prime location opposite to Reginal Shopping Centre. A major industrial area within 2km radius Renovation - Newly built store on 2018, with no major remodel for another 7 years. Profit - Can net up to $114K per annum for owner operators. Rent - Only $34K per annum with no outgoing and CPI annual increase. Strength - Currently run under complete management, full-time working owners can potentially increase sales to 500k + with proper local marketing in place and longer trading hours. Trading hours: Monday – Friday 7am - 8pm, Saturday – Sunday 9am - 5pm. Selling price: 199K + S.A.V.

Price: $199,000 + SAV Region: Central Coast State: NSW Contact: WEI LIU Phone: View Online Bsale ID 256255



Hoists - Repairs + Maintenance Services - General

About the Business: This unique opportunity to own your own mobile business and be your own boss by providing a continued maintenance and servicing support to an established clientele does not come often. The business has been servicing the Central Coast community for over 8 years. Priced to sell, this business will not stay long on the market. It is an ideal business for an owner/operator or an investor looking to add to their current portfolio. This business is currently run out of a near new modern van fully equipped with the required material and equipment – there is no need to have an office or workshop. It specialises in servicing vehicle hoists, floor jacks, presses, porta pack and hospital patient lifts. This business is currently enjoying strong returns and growth year on year with potential for more. The business comes with a current database of clients who are loyal customers with continuous repeat business and is the market share holder in the Central Coast. This business is suitable for an owner/operator looking for a fantastic investment opportunity or sea change life style. A business like this will sell quickly, so make the most of this opportunity while it lasts. For a more confidential... Price: POA Region: Central Coast State: NSW Contact: Lilian Phone: 02 4344 7766 or 0424 404 240 View Online Bsale ID 256296

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



The Online Business

Franchises and Business Opportunities

About The Business: If you are serious about creating a lifestyle you desire, work fewer hours and producing a better income, then take a closer look at this Affordable Online Business. Are you postponing your bills until next Payday! Are You tired of staff issues, annual rental increases, inspections, etc? Are You Being Paid What Your Worth? Are You Working 40+ Hour Weeks Just to Pay Bills? Then Take a closer look at this Business. Whether you’re an employee, a business owner, an accountant, Own a coffee shop, or whatever the case may be, We are all looking for that perfect work \ life balance. We all have one thing in common and that is to build a stronger financial wall around ourselves and families and most importantly have more time in the day to do those extra activities we desire. This Affordable Online Business gives you the flexibility to operate the Business according to your schedule. • • • •

Start Part-Time No Parties, friends or Family No Stocking of Products Very Low Overheads ...

Price: $3,999 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Mo Evans Phone: +61452 488 768 View Online Bsale ID 257222



Pizzeria Pizza Shop Italian Restaurant Food - Restaurant For Sale

About The Business: Great business reputation with many regular weekly customers. Easy parking and a large outdoor area make it perfect for families and large groups with young kids. Stone hearth oven cooks pizzas perfectly. 50 seats inside and more than 20 outdoor, great size restaurant, easy to manage for a single owner/couple. Years Established: Pizzeria established in 1970. Location: Located in a desirable suburb approximately 10 minutes from the Sydney CBD, the restaurant is part of an openair commercial complex with car park, supermarket, post office, chemist, news-agency, bottle shop, cafes and a popular pub across the road. Lease: Lease started in 2016 and expiring in November 2025. 3/3/3 years, rent won’t increase, CPI only. Bond is 1 month only! Website URL: Potential: Huge potential to easily expand opening hours and open for lunch and even breakfast. Currently open 4.5 hours per day (dinner only), 6 days a week (dine-in, take-away, uber-eats). Potential to employ own delivery driver to boost delivery sales. Reason For Sale: Genuine reason for sale. Owner moving overseas for the foreseeable future. Price: $115,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Andrea Phone: View Online Bsale ID 258377

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Bsale ID





Contact 1300 001 303


Printing Business For Sale In The Sutherland Shire Cf


$85,000 + SAV

Business Brokers Network Australia


Smash Repairs - Automotive - Motor Workshop - Smash Repairs - Automotive …



SBX Business Brokers


Asian Groceries - Supermarket - Convenience Store - Great Opportunity …

Central Coast


SBX Business Brokers


Attention Franchise Experts! - Sydney, New South Wales



The Finn Group


Manufacturing Business: Business Visa


$750,000 + SAV

Think Business Broker


1022 Bakery Cafe $2 Million T/O Annuly



Bizdeals Business Brokers


Great Opportunity In The Booming Hospitality, Bar, Entertainment ...

Newcastle - Hunter

$95,000 + SAV

Business Brokers Network Australia


Become A Business Broker & Advisor With One Of Australia’s #1 Brands …



The Finn Group


Newsagency - South West Sydney - 716


$285,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers


Espresso Bar Cafe - 5 Days - Sydney -727


$275,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers


Commercial Cleaning Business For Sale - Nsw

Central Coast


Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd


Window Cleaning Business - Central Coast

Central Coast


Xchange Business Brokers


The Little Cha Campsie (Existing)



DC Strategy


The Little Cha Mount Druitt (Existing)



DC Strategy


The Little Cha Fairfield (Existing)



DC Strategy


The Little Cha Miranda (Existing)



DC Strategy


Cafe - Maroubra - 00764


$99,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers


Online Furniture Store. Work From Home!



Click Start Digital


Kids Furniture Online Internet Business



Click Start Digital


Health Food Online Internet Business



Click Start Digital


Australia’S Largest Concrete Fence Post Manufacturer - Nsw

Mid - North Coast


Australian Business Sales Corporation


Fast Growing Bakery And Wholesale Business Opportunity


Refer to Broker



Long Established Online Business (Am)



Business Brokers Network Australia


20213 Established And Successful Automotive Business


$179,000 Plus Stock …

Bonza Business & Franchise Sales


Trailer And Tow Bars Install And Sale

Newcastle - Hunter


Business Brokers Network Australia


Lobby Cafe - Cbd, Profitable, Est 13.5 Years



Business Brokers Network Australia


Building Company With A Stellar Reputation

Newcastle - Hunter




Service Station, Da Approved Hand Car Wash

Central Coast




Smash And Mechanical Repairs Business



Business Brokers Network Australia


Over 40 Yrs Inner West Supermarket





Wholesale Packaging Business For Sale





Milktea Shop For Sale -Top Location - Rent Only $636 Per Week





Inner West Grocery Shop- Stable And Easy To Run





Newsagency For Sale - Well Priced - New Refurbished





Mc For Sale In Sydney’s Most Iconic Beach Suburb!


$250,000 Negotiable



Absolute Waterfront Restaurant

Newcastle - Hunter




Strata Property Maintenance And Window C



Core Business Brokers


Amazing Opportunity. Bar/Restaurant/Nightclub. Be Quick!





Online Outdoor Retail Sales - North Strathfield | Id: 911



ABBA Group


Nets $400k Take Away Shop Western Sydney


$375,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers


Shed/Out-Building Franchise Business



Mentored Business Sales


Retirement Calls This Dentist...Can You Replace Him?





Cafe - Campbelltown Area - Great Profits


$269,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers


20218 Profitable Car Wash And Coffee Shop


$550,000 Negotiable

Bonza Business & Franchise Sales


The Coffee Emporium - Western Sydney


$379,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers


Mail Boxes Etc - Blacktown - 742



Xchange Business Brokers


20219 Online Children’S Footwear Boutique

Wollongong - South Coast

$27,000 Stock Included

Bonza Business & Franchise Sales


A View Of The Ocean And Of The Future Bar & Restaurant For Sale In Beautiful … Sydney




Darlinghurst Espresso Bar | 5day Trade



Vision Brokers And Advisors


Licensed Gourmet Pizza Store - Central Coast, Nsw

Central Coast


Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd


Hole In The Wall Espresso Bar - Sydney


$169,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers


Motel Leasehold 40 Rooms Well Presented Excellent Location

Wagga Wagga - Riverina




Simple Espresso Bar - Hills District


$189,000 + SAV

Xchange Business Brokers


20220 Established Tutoring Business - Central Location



Bonza Business & Franchise Sales


Purrfect Pets! Complete Pet Grooming Service!





Restaurant - Bar - Restaurant - Bar - Very Well Known - Near Nsw/Qld Border



SBX Business Brokers


Fruit Market - Fruit And Vegetables - Fruit Market - Fruit And Vegetables - …

Blue Mountains - Central West


SBX Business Brokers


Kids Learning Supplies Business Online



Readystart Business Solutions


Two Profitable Online E-Commerce Retail


$1,000,000 + SAV

Mentored Business Sales


Become A Business Broker At Abba Group



ABBA Group


Restaurant - Bar - Chinese Cuisine - Takeaway - Attractive Spacious Fitout - …



SBX Business Brokers


National Glass Replacement Business. Essential Service, Unaffected By …



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd


Chinese Rotti Take Away Shop - Franchise - Well Established





Rare Service Station And Freehold Sale



Vision Brokers And Advisors


Thriving Bottle Shop North Shore Sydney


$1,200,000 + SAV

Vision Brokers And Advisors


$150,000 Burgers, 2 Stores And More



Vision Brokers And Advisors


Dessert Concept With 2 Stores For Sale


$295,000 + SAV

Vision Brokers And Advisors


1300 535 932 0410 509 906 295941026 1300 276 537 1300 535 932 448822032 448822032 02 9817 3331 448822032 404078782 404078782 404078782 404078782 448822032 1300 935 653 1300 935 653 1300 935 653 +61 2 9899 1999 1300 266 922 02 4962 3388 +61 2 9899 1999 +61 2 9899 1999 1300 922 088 484046595 484046595 484046595 484046595 484046595 +61 2 9899 1999 + 61 2 9899 1999 294132977 +61 2 9899 1999 1300 064 944 448822032 1800 858 696 +61 2 9899 1999 448822032 1300 266 922 448822032 448822032 1300 266 922 +61 2 9899 1999 02 8923 2632 02 9817 3331 448822032 +61 2 9899 1999 448822032 1300 266 922 + 61 2 9899 1999

1300 893 487 1800 858 696 1300 064 944 02 9817 3331 484046595 0414 870 197 450326146 0414 870 197 414870197

Bsale ID








Sydney Harbour Boat/Functions For Sale



Vision Brokers And Advisors



Leading Construction Material Wholesaler



Vision Brokers And Advisors



$299,000 Whiskey Bar For Sale Sydney Cbd



Vision Brokers And Advisors



Award Winning Premium Mineral Water



Vision Brokers And Advisors



Retail And Wholesale Lighting Store



Vision Brokers And Advisors

02 8923 2632

BSALE currently has 2,721 Businesses Listed For Sale in NSW... View All Here Selection of businesses advertised for sale by business brokers. This a guide only. Please view the ID number on and speak directly to the broker to confirm details. Bsale accepts no responsibilty for any errors or ommissions.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Recession Busting Business! Sales Are... Food - Supermarket, Butcher, Fruit, Bakery, Deli

During recession periods and uncertain economic times people significantly reduce discretionary spending and eat out far less often. This means supermarket sales and profits increase greatly as people prepare their own meals. On top of this, people will be staying away from restaurants, pubs and clubs in droves as they try to limit their exposure to the Corona Virus. This highly profitable and well established IGA supermarket and liquor store is exceptionally well located in the beautiful and popular northside suburb of Nicholls. The supermarket has been in operation since 2008 and is currently run under full management, however, a... Price: $599,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 262821



Profitable & Long Established Graphic... Advertising, Marketing and Printing

An exciting opportunity to own a profitable and long established graphic design and print business has now become available. Since 1977, Homestead Press have helped businesses, government and private customers with their printing needs and forged a reputation for service, quality, prompt turnarounds and competitive prices. The current owners have built up the business to provide a greater range of products and services to suit clients’ needs. They also offer graphic design services to develop clients’ ideas and give them the result they are looking for. The business offers services such as printing of business cards, docket books, reports, presentation folders, brochures, flyers, letterhead, note pads, raffle tickets, just about anything that needs printing onto paper. In need of larger premises, the business relocated from Fyshwick to a larger factory located on Paterson Parade in Queanbeyan in 2000. The premises are vendor owned and for sale at a price to be negotiated. Should this not be of interest then a long lease can be negotiated. The business has created a niche market supplying printing to a major player throughout Australia as well as being the only printer in Queanbeyan... Price: $180,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 262820

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Highly Profitable Bottle Shop Located... Food - Supermarket, Butcher, Fruit, Bakery, Deli

This highly profitable bottle shop located inside the Calwell Shopping Centre has been established for almost 30 years and has certainly stood the test of time. The current owners are now wishing to retire after 22 years of dedicated service to the local community, therefore their much loved family business is on the market to be sold. Key Features & Benefits: • Long established and highly profitable business • Excellent location inside the Calwell Shopping Centre right at the front entrance • Plenty of free parking right at the front door • Long lease in place to 2028 • Minimal staff required • The business is ideally suited to an owner-operator to ensure maximum profits and reduced wages, however it could also be run under management. Don’t delay making an enquiry TODAY as this unique opportunity won’t last long! Sale Price $650,000 + SAV. For more information about this fantastic opportunity please... Price: $650,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 262822



3 Months $280 + GST Profitable & Popular Restaurant/Cafe in... Food - Restaurant For Sale

As the name implies, Bella Vista boasts beautiful views, but it is certainly not the only attraction of this lakeside restaurant/cafe. The friendly staff, accompanied by their decadent food and wine served on the terrace, all provide for a beautiful experience for their customers. Bella Vista Restaurant/cafe has been established for over 30 years and has certainly stood the test of time. The current owners of this well respected restaurant have been dedicated to their customers for over 12 years, however it is now time to move on to new challenges so their much loved business is on the market to be sold. The restaurant is currently open... Price: $249,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 260502

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Two Profitable Float Therapy Studios!... Health, Medical and Gyms

Astral Float Studio was first established in Canberra’s northside suburb of Bruce in September 2016. Since this time the studio has gone from strength to strength and has introduced over 10,000 locals, interstate visitors and everyday heroes to the divine world of floating. The immediate success of the Bruce Studio meant the owners could build Australia’s first fully accessible float studio in Canberra’s southside suburb of Phillip shortly afterwards. The studio in Phillip has been designed and fitted-out for easy access and mobility in line with the relevant Australian Standards for those who are physically impaired or living with a disability. Both businesses operate 7 days per week, 11am - 9pm and are also run under full management with minimal involvement of the owner. Flotation therapy, otherwise known as floating in a float tank/isolation tank/ sensory deprivation tank, has many benefits. It helps to manage and reduce pain and inflammation, it can also help lower blood pressure, ease symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD, autism, fibromyalgia and many more conditions. In just 3 years, Astral has received over 200 5-star reviews, gained 5,000 likes on Facebook and over... Price: $395,000 WIWO Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 260424



6 Months $390 + GST Two Profitable Float Therapy Businesses... Health, Medical and Gyms

Astral Float Studio was first established in Canberra’s northside suburb of Bruce in September 2016. Since this time the studio has gone from strength to strength and has introduced over 10,000 locals, interstate visitors and everyday heroes to the divine world of floating.The immediate success of the Bruce Studio meant the owners could build Australia’s first fully accessible float studio in Canberra’s southside suburb of Phillip shortly afterwards. The studio in Phillip has been designed and fitted-out for easy access and mobility in line with the relevant Australian Standards for those who are physically impaired or living... Price: $595,000 WIWO Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 256947

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Huge 70% Return on Investment!*... Retail - Other

Established for over 40 years, these two well known Hoods Carpet Court stores are now on the market due to impending owner retirement. These family owned and operated stores have certainly stood the test of time, offering all types of quality floor coverings including carpet, timber, laminate, vinyl planks, as well as blinds and wall panels. Key Features & Benefits: • Long established and highly profitable stores • Very well located in Fyshwick, Canberra’s major commercial/industrial hub, and Phillip, Canberra’s southside commercial hub with high visibility from Hindmarsh Drive • Lease in place to 31 August 2022 at the Phillip store with a 5 year option • Experienced and dedicated staff who are willing to stay on with new owner • Large amount of work in progress • Repeat commerical customers • Currently owner-operated and managed, however would also suit investors considering the consistently... Price: $1 Million + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 256937


Bsale ID








Mobile Skip Business - Your Own Business Own Brand Not A Franchise Earn …



Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Great Business,Profit, Diversity


$195,000 + SAV

Summit Business Brokers



South Canberra’S Favourite Cafe


$399,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants


Gourmet Burgers & Beer


$320,000 + SAV

GSE Business Consultants


Exciting And Innovative New Global Technology Franchise Opportunity For …



Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Exciting New Internationally Renowned And Multiple Award-Winning …


From $350,000

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Sale Of Business Assets Evatt Takeaway.



Summit Business Brokers



Highly Profitable & Long Established Business! A Unheard Of 100% Return On ...


$695,000 + SAV

The Finn Group

1300 535 932


Profitable And Long Established Iconic Cafe - Well Positioned Inside Westfield ...


$180,000 + SAV

The Finn Group

1301 535 932


Financial Planning Book For Sale - Canberra & Surrounding Region



The Finn Group

1302 535 932


Profitable & Popular Restaurant/Cafe In Fantastic Location Beside The Lake! …


$249,000 + SAV

The Finn Group

1303 535 932


Profitable Family Owned Transport Company! Servicing Canberra And Nsw …


$250,000 + Assets

The Finn Group

1304 535 932


Fantastic Opportunity To Take Over A Fully Fitted-Out Hairdressing Salon…


$50,000 WIWO

The Finn Group

1305 535 932


Two Profitable Float Therapy Studios! Huge Price Reduction As Owner Must …


$395,000 WIWO

The Finn Group

1306 535 932


Long Established Pool & Spa Installation & Maintenance Business!


$45,000 + SAV

The Finn Group

1307 535 932


Profitable & Long Established Graphic Design & Print Business! An Amazing …


$180,000 + SAV

The Finn Group

1308 535 932


Profitable & Long Established Family-Friendly Restaurant Located In Prime …


$186,900 + SAV

The Finn Group

1309 535 932


Recession Busting Business! Sales Are Up 40% Compared To This Time Last …


$599,000 + SAV

The Finn Group

1310 535 932


Mechanical Repair & Servicing Workshop! Selling At Less Than Set-Up Cost!


$99,000 + SAV

The Finn Group

1311 535 932


Highly Profitable Bottle Shop Located In Canberra’s Southside!


$650,000 + SAV

The Finn Group

1312 535 932


Exciting Opportunity In The Lucrative Laser Tattoo Removal Industry!


$70,000 + SAV

The Finn Group

1313 535 932

BSALE currently has 97 Businesses Listed For Sale in ACT… View All Here Selection of businesses advertised for sale by business brokers. This a guide only. Please view the ID number on and speak directly to the broker to confirm details. Bsale accepts no responsibilty for any errors or ommissions.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



The Yiros Shop Franchise | Southport Food - Franchise Outlets

About The Business: The Yiros Shop is home to Brisbane’s most iconic and authentic Greek eats. Founded in January 2015 with the first location in the notable James Street, Fortitude Valley, Queensland. The family-owned business set out to bring traditional Greek Yiros and other tasty Greek delights to its neighbouring areas. After the quick successes of the first store, The Yiros Shop expanded into other popular Brisbane destinations feeding travellers near and far with a true taste of authentic Greek food. Current locations include; Newmarket, Cannon Hill, South Brisbane, Capalaba and Fortitude Valley. The Yiros Shop idea was... Price: $300,000 Region: Gold Coast State: QLD Contact: DC Strategy Phone: 03 8615 7203 View Online Bsale ID 263015



Moble Mechanical Bussiness For Sale Auto - Mechanical, Smash Repair, Detailing, Electrical

This business has been family owned for 25 years, it has provided good income and better than wages and benefits .It has hundreds of customers trade related contacts. I would not be selling business if health was good, it needs a good honest mechanic will earn good money and work own hours ,price is negotionable.

Price: $25,000 WIWO Freehold Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Shane Ross Phone: 0407 722 152 View Online Bsale ID 221003

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Brisbane’s Most Amazing Korean... Food - Restaurant For Sale

This is what’s great: - Established Korean Restaurant in Brisbane - Running since 2011 - Big six figure profits - Huge following - loved by everyone - Google users awarded the high score of 4.2 out of 5!! Description: Korean Restaurant located in a very busy area with a great mix of both vehicle and pedestrian traffic, from early in the morning till late at night. Key features & benefits: - Great location - Huge number of regular customers in place - Sales figures have been steady even though many new restaurants opened - Liquor license also permits the business to supply alcohol to any private events anywhere in Queensland. - Pay a lot less rent than their competitors and operate for far fewer hours. - Opportunity to extend trading hours to lunch time ... Price: $1,280,000 + SAV Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Rofina Sazali Phone: 0408 838 299 View Online Bsale ID 263101



6 Months $390 + GST Motto Motto Restaurant | Robina QLD Food - Restaurant For Sale

We’ll be honest, Motto Motto is hard to describe. You could call us a premium casual restaurant chain, but that does not quite hit it on the head. Similarly, you could call us a casual fine diner, but that’s not quite right either. The truth is, Motto Motto was born in the kitchen of Australia’s most awarded Japanese restaurant, Sono. With a passion for Japanese tradition, a head full of crazy-innovative business ideas and a desire to bring our ‘Motto Motto Grade’ to the world of fast-casual dining we have created a japanese inspired brand what you don’t need to dress up for, but delivers the type of food you’d expect to see in a restaurant where a... Price: $500,000 Region: Gold Coast State: QLD Contact: DC Strategy Phone: 03 8615 7203 View Online Bsale ID 261701

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Impressions Lingerie

Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

After more than 30 years of trading and providing a very solid and profitable return to the owners, Impressions Lingerie, an institution and business landmark in the Bundaberg CBD is now offered for sale. If you have ever dreamed of running your own business but have been concerned about start up costs and competition, Impressions Lingerie is profitable, affordable and easily managed by one person or a couple. This well known lingerie boutique caters for ladies sizes ranging from 8AA – 36J. Specialising in brands including Berlei, Bendon, Triump, Playtex, Pleasure State, Heidi Klum, Simone Perele, Fayreform and Panache, Impressions Lingerie also supplies nighties, pyjamas, bedjackets and winter robes in sizes 8-24. Impressions Lingerie staff are highly trained in bra fitting and have been expertly trained by Amoena in the specialized fitting of prosthesis for mastectomy patients. Bundaberg is a busy coastal city with a regional population in excess of 111,000. Impressions Lingerie enjoys new, ongoing and repeat business and this is reflected in its ongoing sales success. Priced at only $95,000 plus stock at value, this is a great opportunity to buy into a well established business which... Price: $95,000 + Other Region: Sunshine - Fraser Coast State: QLD Contact: Greg McMahon Phone: 0414 518 315 View Online Bsale ID 261038



Own Your Own Design, Print & Web Shop Advertising, Marketing and Printing

Over 8 years history with great customer reviews and loyalty. Known for being able to help from design to delivery for small or large jobs. The current print facilities on site can handle most short run requirements of local businesses and other groups. The business has built a reputation for servicing the client as a one stop shop for all design, web and print as well as marketing knowledge, design, strategy and production. Open Monday to Friday and with 2 staff to help with design and production the business is perfect for an owner looking for lifestyle as well as a financially profitable business. The suburb has been recognised as one of Brisbane’s most desirable with many families and professionals opting to make this home while working in Brisbane. The suburb is also perfectly positioned to service print jobs across all the northern reaches of Brisbane and further. A fantastic business that currently provides the owners family a six figure income and the benefits of small business ownership along with the luxury of happily living a short distance from the shop. With numerous computers and all the usual short run print machines all the hard work of establishing a solid customer base has been done... Price: $240,000 + SAV Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Tony Hancock Phone: 0404 070 056 View Online Bsale ID 225327

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



3 Months $280 + GST Solar Panel Cleaning And Inspections Cleaning & Domestic Services

Believe in having a go and giving old-fashioned, hands-on customer service? You’ll fit right in with our Australia-wide team. Solar panel CARE is a growing industry... We are an eco-friendly company and don’t use detergents or harsh chemicals. Why do customers need their solar panels cleaned? Sunlight matters! The dirtier the solar panels are the less electricity they can generate. This is the #1 reason clients request our services. Cleaning their solar panels means they are generating more power and saving more on electricity costs. What our clients have to say: “My solar panels’ performance visibly picked up after a clean,... Price: $17,497 Region: Gold Coast State: QLD Contact: Eric Higgs Phone: 13 0078 7061 or 0414 520 000 View Online Bsale ID 253163



The Book Tree Toowoomba - Priced To Sell Retail - Other

Profitable Independent Toowoomba Book Shop. ** Priced To Sell $80,000 + SAV ** Impressive Profit – Minimum Expenses. The Book Tree, Toowoomba’s only independent book store, is for sale. Established in April 2015, The Book Tree has quickly become an iconic Toowoomba must-see and exudes that quaint small book shop feel. The Book Tree is perfectly located in the heart of the Toowoomba CBD, with exposure to significant walk-by traffic each day and surrounded by banks, retail stores, professional services and cafes. In it’s fifth year of trade, The Book Tree continues to grow and penetrate new markets and revenue streams, including through their online store, local delivery service and regular book launches, signings and speaking events by renowned and local authors that continue to grow in popularity. The business has an extensive and loyal customer base and an established and active Facebook page with over 3000 followers. The owners have established relationships with all major suppliers as evidenced by the extensive range of stock and provide an unmatched ‘special orders’ service for those hard-to-find titles. While the business continues to grow and return impressive... Price: $80,000 + SAV Region: Toowoomba - Darling Downs State: QLD Contact: Bryan Gray Phone: 07 4646 4911 or 0414 568 936 View Online Bsale ID 228639

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Beautiful Cafe In A Country Town Food - Cafe For Sale

• • • • • • • • • • •

Situated right in the heart of Gayndah Very popular to Our Locals and Travellers We are well known for Our Di Bella Coffee Breakfast , Lunch, Cakes, Hot Drinks, Cold Drinks , Catering & Private Functions Children’s Toy Room Coffee Lounge Seating on the footpath Large Kitchen Two large store rooms & Office Currently operating 6 days a week. potential definitely to extend trade!! Ready to walk straight into

The Sale includes the business, stock on hand and all equipment!!!! (Does not include the building) We are only selling our beautiful Cafe as it’s time for a change for Our Family.... Great opportunity for another family!!! Gayndah hosts a heartland festival every year and every second year we hold our Towns Orange Festival. These events draw large crowds to our town and give great opportunities to... Price: POA Region: Sunshine - Fraser Coast State: QLD Contact: Belinda Fischer Phone: 0458 602 459 View Online Bsale ID 254382



Solar Panel Cleaning And Inspections Cleaning & Domestic Services

Believe in having a go and giving old-fashioned, hands-on customer service? You’ll fit right in with our Australia-wide team. Solar panel CARE is a growing industry... We are an eco-friendly company and don’t use detergents or harsh chemicals. Why do customers need their solar panels cleaned? Sunlight matters! The dirtier the solar panels are the less electricity they can generate. This is the #1 reason clients request our services. Cleaning their solar panels means they are generating more power and saving more on electricity costs. What our clients have to say: “My solar panels’ performance visibly picked up after a clean, excellent value and excellent service. I have no hesitation in recommending - Roland.” “Great job, prompt service. Solar panels are back to generating maximum solar power for us. Thank you - Ryan.” What we offer clients: We do more than just cleaning of the panels… Though it’s in our name our franchisees offer much more than just cleaning services. We also offer: Visual Inspections And Reporting, Thermal Imaging And Reporting, Bird / Pest Proofing, And More… Just take a drive around your neighbourhood and you will see just how many panels there are. What... Price: $17,497 Region: Coastal North State: QLD Contact: Eric Higgs Phone: 13 0078 7061 or 0414 520 000 View Online Bsale ID 253157

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Hallou… is it mi you’re looking for?


THE YIROS SHOP IS OPENING NEW LOCATIONS AROUND QUEENSLAND Authentic Greek Franchise | Share the flavours of Greece | Apply online Powered by 54

Bsale ID






Contact 1300 535 932


Become A Business Broker & Advisor With One Of Australia’s #1 Brands - …

Toowoomba - Darling Downs


The Finn Group


Mechanical, Fabrication And Engineering Workshop €“ Brisbane



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd


Niche Product Importer, W’sale/Dist #080


$1,595,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky


Mowing, Garden & Property Maintenance Business For Sale

Toowoomba - Darling Downs


The Finn Group


Home Based Educational Resources #082


$445,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky


20207 Beachside Cabins And Holiday Units

Mt Isa - Central

$1,300,000 WIWO

Bonza Business & Franchise Sales


Successful Independent Swim School


$160,000 + SAV


Motto Motto Restaurant | Robina Qld

Gold Coast


Transworld Business Advisors Gold Coast 437838094


Uniform & Accessory Product Online #083


$389,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky


Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream | Byron Bay, Qld

Gold Coast


DC Strategy


Freehold Windows & Door Specialists

Coastal North

$700,000 + SAV …

Advanced Business Marketing


Gorgeous Ladies Fashion Boutique Online

Gold Coast

$85,000 + SAV

Better Business Sales


Blue Chip Hospitality Opportunity.... Serious Buyers Encouraged



Business Brokers Network Australia


Easy To Operate, Boutique Framing Business - Ascot, Brisbane



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd


Leasehold Electrical Wholesaler

Coastal North

$350,000 WIWO

Advanced Business Marketing


Preferred Line Marking, High Profit #081


$279,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky


Government Approved License To Print Mon

Gold Coast

$995,000 WIWO

Better Business Sales


Suspended Ceiling And Partition Business


$150,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing


Award Winning Florist €“ 2 Shops


$750,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing


Auto Repair Center And Freehold North-Side Brisbane For Sale #4133


$650,000 WIWO

ABS Business Sales


Egg Wholesale And Distribution Business .... Cracking Good Business


$2,480,000 + SAV

LINK Business Brisbane


Established Caravan & Motorhome Service & Supplies | Id: 914

Gold Coast


ABBA Group


Exceptional Fencing & Gate Business | Id: 915

Gold Coast


ABBA Group


Nuts/Bolts/Screws & Fasteners #070


$252,000 WIWO

Mercury 5 Sky


Leasehold Butcher Shop €“ Jimboomba, 40kms South Of Brisbane

Gold Coast


Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd


Freehold Auto Mechanical Repair Business

Coastal North

$500,000 WIWO …

Advanced Business Marketing


National Water Jet Cutting Service #084

Gold Coast

$1,390,000 WIWO

Mercury 5 Sky


20216 Well-Known Sunshine Coast Florist

Sunshine - Fraser Coast


Bonza Business & Franchise Sales


Pool Product/Equipment & Servicing #003


$849,000 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky


Leading Edge Queensland Metal Fabricator



Baton Advisory


Our Client Wants To Acquire A Law Firm



Baton Advisory


Energy Efficient Lighting Solutions



Baton Advisory


World Leading E-Bike Product Brands #085


$275,500 + SAV

Mercury 5 Sky


Premium Quality Sheds & Garages

Coastal North


Advanced Business Marketing


Seafood/Fish Market Retail Business On The Southwest Of Brisbane For Sale



LINK Business Brisbane


Building Supply Logistics Seq


$1,000,000 WIWO


Recession Proof Home Based Business

Sunshine - Fraser Coast

$120,000 WIWO

Transworld Business Advisors Gold Coast 0404 070 056


Accounting Practice For Sale Wide Bay Qld

Sunshine - Fraser Coast


Network Infinity


Ecokleensolar Franchises €“ Nation Wide Opportunity



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd


Automotive - Mechanical Workshop - Brakes - Automotive - Mechanical …



SBX Business Brokers


Mobile Skip Business - Your Own Business Own Brand Not A Franchise Earn …

Coastal North


Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd


Mobile Skip Business - Your Own Business Own Brand Not A Franchise Earn …


$49,000 + GST

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd


Health, Well-Being, Beauty Clinic - For Sale 4097


$130,000 WIWO

ABS Business Sales


Premium Speciality Restaurant Business For Sale #5000fo


$365,000 WIWO

ABS Business Sales


Secure Contract Scaffolding Business For Sale - Qld



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd



Sunshine - Fraser Coast


SBX Business Brokers


Profitable Landscape Supplies Brisbane South For Sale #5001hm


$1,150,000 + SAV

ABS Business Sales


20221 Business Consulting Solutions €“ Maximise Growth


From $20,000

Bonza Business & Franchise Sales


Cafe - Takeaway - Espresso Bar - Cafe Espresso Bar - Gold Coast

Gold Coast


SBX Business Brokers


Funded Qld Automotive Rto -$300k Owing



Infinity Business Brokers


Proven Home-Based Lifestyle Business!!

Sunshine - Fraser Coast

$225,000 + SAV

Verified Businesses


Specialist Fencing Business For Sale #5005in



ABS Business Sales


- Caravan Park - Bar - Freehold - Hotel - Caravan Park - Central …

DC Strategy

Verified Businesses

02 9817 3331 073 221 1441 0417 778587 073 221 1441 1300 266 922 386157203 073 221 1441 404078782 731063811 075 564 0660 07 3184 4033 02 9817 3331 731063811 073 221 1441 075 564 0660 731063811 731063811 733684010 +61 7 3831 2300

073 221 1441 02 9817 3331 731063811 073 221 1441 1300 266 922 073 221 1441 + 617 3088 8089 + 617 3088 8089 + 617 3088 8089 073 221 1441 731063811 +61 7 3831 2300 07 5479 5588 0439 423 846 02 9817 3331 1300 889 443 1300 889 443 733684010 733684010 02 9817 3331 07 3368 4010 1300 266 922 0422 614 514 07 5479 5588 733684010

BSALE currently has 2,721 Businesses Listed For Sale in QLD... View All Here Selection of businesses advertised for sale by business brokers. This a guide only. Please view the ID number on and speak directly to the broker to confirm details. Bsale accepts no responsibilty for any errors or ommissions.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



The Little Cha Bubble Tea Franchise Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

The Little Cha Franchise Opportunity - Moonee Ponds Central, Victoria. Franchisees will benefit from joining a growing and successful business that is dedicated to best practices. They will also benefit from ongoing guidance and support within the business. High Growth Potential: The Bubble Tea industry has extremely high growth potential. If you look back to 5 years ago, Bubble Tea was a concept very fresh and unknown to Australians, compared to now where the product is a known and loved staple in most Australians diet’s. Whilst there is still a focus on the Asian demographic, we know and believe that there is room for... Price: $150,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: James Young Phone: 0404 078 782 View Online Bsale ID 262966



Specialty Burger Bar in Sunbury Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

- Outstanding burger bar in the North-Western suburbs taking approx $9,500 per week! - Operating 6 days only with short hours and very easy to operate – no experience necessary! - The favourite local burger shop with fantastic online reviews and many loyal customers. - Approx. 5,500 Facebook followers and growing with a 4.7 star rating on Google. - Dine-in, pick up or delivery available - delivering exclusively through MenuLog. - Delicious and affordable menu with all the classics and mouth-watering new flavours. - Using fresh and local produce for the juiciest and most flavoursome burgers. - Custom burgers available with great ingredient selection + other delicious street food. - Great rent of approx $600 p/w and long lease with liquor license in place until 11pm. - Situated in the central commercial district surrounded by grocery stores, banks and more. - Immaculate setup, great equipment, and nothing to... Price: $50,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Fred Samoun Phone: 9021 9888 or 0417 319 873 View Online Bsale ID 263280

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



20214 Established And Successful Ice... Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

This is your chance to own your own established and successful ice creamery and confectionery house. Located in a regional Victorian tourist destination 1 hour from Melbourne’s CBD, this location boasts a large volume of passing traffic daily. Established nine years ago and perfectly positioned in the village, customers can enjoy their delicious treats on the tranquil alfresco area while watching the world go by. This highly regarded business is well-known for offing mouthfuls of flavourful goodness every time. With the introduction of a juice and smoothie bar as well as a popcorn kettle, this business has an option to suit everyone. Operating within a high growth sector and as the only ice creamery in the district, not only does this business represent great value, in addition, it also offers the opportunity for the buyer to purchase a food truck and commercial kitchen. Key Features Include: - High growth sector, the only ice creamery in the district - Regional tourist destination only 1 hour from Melbourne’s CBD... Price: $90,000 Region: Geelong - South West State: VIC Contact: Bonza Business Sales Melbourne Phone: 1300 266 922 View Online Bsale ID 263296



Gardening Online Internet Business Retail - Other

Don’t spend a fortune purchasing an established business! We offer pre-made online businesses for sale with 1 to 1 training to help you start selling products online successfully. * * * * * *

Escape the 9-5 grind Spend more time with family, friends, kids Work your own hours Avoid the daily commute Be in control of your time Work from home or holidays

Get Millionaire training and real support and guidance to help you launch a new online business. For more information on this new business for sale, please visit us online: http://

Price: $7,490 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Sam Phone: 1300 935 653 View Online Bsale ID 257132

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $390 + GST Lollipop’s Childrens Playland Franchise Franchises and Business Opportunities

Royalties: 5% of net. Marketing Fees: 1% of net. Location Details: Werribee has great community spirit, just 32km Southwest of Melbourne. Home to many families this highly sought after area is ideal for a Lollipop’s indoor play centre. Werribee’s population is just over 40,000with most being families with kids. Your Lollipop’s playland will attract young families from Werribee, but also neighbouring suburbs as well. Prices from $450,000. Marketing support: Lollipop’s is an international franchise with brand awareness throughout Australasia. Our head office undertake marketing for the Lollipop’s brand and also support our franchise partners... Price: $450,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: James Young Phone: 0404 078 782 View Online Bsale ID 261713



Outdoor Cinema Business Entertainment and Amusements

About The Business : This business is an established 20year success story that provides an outdoor mobile movie experience for clubs, schools and community groups across Victoria. Whether it be picnic screenings in the park or Drive-In’s at the local school oval. This business comes ready with forward bookings for you to guarantee your Return on Investment. Equipment: The business comes with 2 vehicles fully fitted out with latest professional digital projection and sound equipment ready to go. Each vehicle also has its own 9 metre long screen trailers. Also comes with multimedia equipment including speakers, microphones, leads, stands, generator, indoor screens, safety equipment, laptops and much more. Training: The business will include full training and handover including 12 months consulting and additional technical service. Potential: This business has massive room for growth for the budding entrepreneur with possible franchising opportunities.

Price: $535,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Ashton Phone: 0403 031 031 View Online Bsale ID 258598

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



3 Months $280 + GST Beauty Salon - Elsternwick Beauty & Hair Salon

Great location in the heart of Elsternwick Village. Plenty of parking and lots of traffic. Hairdressing Salon was established over 30 years ago in this location. Owner is retiring. Shop is fully furnished with: • 4 work stations • 2 basins • Long established business with regular clientele • Many supporting businesses around, • Open for 5 Days per week, and ... Price: $50,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Onofrio Raffaele Phone: 0412 596 604 View Online Bsale ID 256477



Beautifully Designed Gift Box Business Retail - Furniture, Bedding, Homewares, Giftware

Online Gift Box business for sale! – Self Love Club Gift Boxes. *Newly established 19/09/2019* Are you looking for a unique and meaningful business to grow? One that not only has the power to transform the lives of your customers, but also bring a sense of purpose to your work days and give you the freedom to run your business from the comforts of your own home? If you’re an entrepreneur at heart, this high quality and ready business could be your perfect match! About The Business: You’ve never seen a gift box business like this before! Self Love Club Gift Boxes was created from the belief of the transformational power of self love. These consciously curated gift boxes are filled with Australian-made self care and wellness products, along with powerful exercises and intentions to help you practice more self love and self compassion each day. Each gift box is a reminder to yourself (and others!) that regardless of your achievements, looks and possessions, you are always enough. Each gift box is thoughtfully packaged and come in luxury white boxes that are delivered Nationwide. *Why Self Love Club Gift Boxes* Self Love Club Gift Boxes is more than just a club; it’s a movement! It’s a way to guide... Price: $30,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Jessica Holsman Phone: +61457412387 View Online Bsale ID 257158

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Precast Concrete Products Agriculture and Farms

Long standing precast concrete products business deliverng victoria wide. Manufacturers of a wide range of products including water tanks, stock troughs, stormwater pits, catering for the construction, civil and rural sectors. The company currently runs three crane trucks, has two overhead cranes within the manufacturing facility and a concrete batching plant on site for all its concrete needs. Currently run with a manager on site with minimun input from current owners of 20 years. This is a business with huge potential for a new owner to explore and develop new products or just continue as is and collect a tidy profit.

Price: $1,400,000 WIWO Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Ray Tucker Phone: 0412 448 765 View Online Bsale ID 229290



Oakleigh Indoor Sports/Inflatable World Health, Medical and Gyms

$1m+ buyers - Profitable from day 1 - Excellent reviews • Great strategic location capturing south eastern suburbs • Long established – currently owned for 19 years. Loyal long-term customer base • Supports local community events • Diversified, stable & consistent cash flows, advanced bookings • Experienced and well trained staff • Immediate growth potential • Proven successful history, track record, profitability • Multiple revenue streams: Indoor Sport, Inflatable World, Corporate bookings, Bar with Liquor License, Food/Coffee/Cafe • No additional capital expenditure required • Vendor passionate and committed to seeing new owners succeed. Vendors selling due to looking to live abroad Key Features: ... Price: $1,250,000 + SAV Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Jonathan Phone: View Online Bsale ID 241566

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Solar Panel Cleaning And Inspections Cleaning & Domestic Services

Believe in having a go and giving old-fashioned, hands-on customer service? You’ll fit right in with our Australia-wide team. Solar panel CARE is a growing industry... We are an eco-friendly company and don’t use detergents or harsh chemicals. Why do customers need their solar panels cleaned? Sunlight matters! The dirtier the solar panels are the less electricity they can generate. This is the #1 reason clients request our services. Cleaning their solar panels means they are generating more power and saving more on electricity costs. What our clients have to say: “My solar panels’ performance visibly picked up after a clean, excellent value and excellent service. I have no hesitation in recommending - Roland.” “Great job, prompt service. Solar panels are back to generating maximum solar power for us. Thank you - Ryan.” What we offer clients: We do more than just cleaning of the panels… Though it’s in our name our franchisees offer much more than just cleaning services. We also offer: Visual Inspections And Reporting, Thermal Imaging And Reporting, Bird / Pest Proofing, And More… Just take a drive around your neighbourhood and you will see just how many panels there are. What... Price: $17,497 Region: Geelong - South West State: VIC Contact: Eric Higgs Phone: 13 0078 7061 or 0414 520 000 View Online Bsale ID 253161



Boutique Dog Grooming Salon Services - General

For Sale. Boutique, multi award winning Dog Grooming salon in Ringwood North VIC.. Established late 2014, Clips, Strips & Bubbles Dog Grooming was born from humble beginnings and is now the most sought after and heavily booked salon in the area. Multi award winning groomer Sandra Price undertook a complete renovation of the former grooming salon - established for many years prior to 2014 - to bring class, boutique and high quality grooming to Ringwood North. Located in a fantastic business precinct, Ringwood North shopping centre, the salon is a mere 5 minutes from Eastland, Eastlink and Warrandyte, with great exposure, accessibility and ample off street parking. Sandra has continued to make ongoing improvements to the salon to provide a state of the art space with no expense spared. It caters for 3 groomers and 2 bathers, with 3 custom built work stations, all electric tables, electric bath, stone drying bench tops, custom made play pens and vet grade stainless steel crates. Currently staffed by a team of 4 the salon runs itself with repeat and new clients, booked 4-6 weeks in advance, no advertising needed. With a client database surpassing 2800 dogs, servicing 20-30 dogs per day and... Price: $65,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Sandra Price Phone: View Online Bsale ID 257110

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Croc’s Playcentre - Hoppers Crossing Franchises and Business Opportunities

Croc’s Playcentre and Muffin Break. Your opportunity to purchase the leading playcentre of an amazing franchise. Located in the fastest growing catchment in Melbourne, if not Australia, Croc’s Playcentre Hoppers Crossing has an enviable reputation for delivering robust turnover and Profits. Croc’s Playcentre Hoppers Crossing opened in September 2017, and is an integral part of the local community. Mixing two great brands under the one roof, Croc’s Playcentre and Muffin break combine the market leader in Leisure and Entertainment, with the high profile of Muffin Break, with its comprehensive menu offering high quality coffee and In-house baking facilities to supply the freshest baked goods daily A great combination guaranteed to keep both the kids and the parents happy. Revenue stream includes Food and Beverage, Kids Parties, Special Events, Fundraisers, Private hire and Coin-operated Amusements. This 1100sqm centre has evaporated cooling and heating. It has all the latest High Quality play equipment and is in excellent condition. The play facilities have been designed by one of the leading indoor play specialists and adheres to all relevant and current Australian Safety Standards. Daily... Price: POA Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Geoff Phone: 0414 227 053 View Online Bsale ID 257697





chise n a r f / u .a m o rry.c e j d n a n e .b w ww

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.powered by



Bsale ID






Best Business In Westfield Geelong - Under Management $199,000

Geelong - South West


The Finn Group


12rnd Fitness (Inner Southern Melbourne) Rnd5023



Business & Franchise Brokers Pty Ltd


20120 Home And Gift Ware Retail - Stock Sale



Bonza Business & Franchise Sales


Motel Lease In The Beautiful Surrounds Of Victoria’s Grampians.

Ballarat - Bendigo - North West


Business Brokers Network Australia


Modern Indian Restaurant/Takeaway - $180,000 (15866)



Link Business Melbourne Pty Ltd


Well Known Indian Restaurant/Takeaway - $199,000 (15867)



Link Business Melbourne Pty Ltd


3x Popular Modern Indian Restaurants - $550,000 (15868)



Link Business Melbourne Pty Ltd


Highly Sought After, Rarely Found University Cafe For Sale



TRIDENT Business And Corporate Sales


Easy To Operate Indian Restaurant - $199,000 (15869)



Link Business Melbourne Pty Ltd


Become A Business Broker & Advisor With One Of Australia’s #1 Brands - …

Ballarat - Bendigo - North West


The Finn Group


Outstanding Digital Marketing Agency - $2,790,000 (15870)



Link Business Melbourne Pty Ltd


Ideal Part-Time Business!! Machine And Mini Excavator Hiring Needs - …

Geelong - South West


Blank Canvas! Retail/Office Space Chattels Sale - $15,500 (15871)



Link Business Melbourne Pty Ltd


Motel For Sale In Leongatha


$420,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing


Recession Proof Rto, Technologically Adv



Infinity Business Brokers


Online Ecommerce Retail Website €˜Bam Sox’ €“ Worldwide Opportunity



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd


Lollipop’s - Existing Franchise Business



DC Strategy


Lollipop’s Childrens Playland Franchise

Ballarat - Bendigo - North West


DC Strategy


Furniture And Homeware Store $29,000 (15018)



Link Business Melbourne Pty Ltd


Creative Experience Studio In Melbourne’s Bayside Suburb $99,000 (15363)



Link Business Melbourne Pty Ltd


Brand New Cafe With Stunning Fitout, Chattel Sale $35,000 (15385)



Link Business Melbourne Pty Ltd


Engineering Business For Sale



Business Brokers Network Australia


Prime Location Caravan Park For Sale.



Business Brokers Network Australia


One Of Australia’s Largest & Leading Online Retailers In This Sector $2,900,000 … Melbourne


Link Business Melbourne Pty Ltd


20210 Trendy Internet And Board Gaming Cafe And Online Store


$149,000 Plus Stock

Bonza Business & Franchise Sales


Large Premise! $1m Setup! International Buffet Restaurant For Sale Se …



Network Infinity


Fine Dining Restaurant


$250,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing


Fully Managed Supermarket Plus Liquor For Sale Melbourne | 188 Visa Suitable



Network Infinity


Licensed Supermarket For Sale Melbourne | High Potential | 188 Visa Suitable



Network Infinity


20217 Established Registered Training Organisation



Bonza Business & Franchise Sales


Hygiene Supplies Business Online



Readystart Business Solutions


Fitness Equipment Business Online



Readystart Business Solutions


Popular Local Cafe Near Train Station, Rent Of Only $370 P/W (Our Ref: V1668)



Paramount Business Brokers


Reputable Cartridge World Franchise For Sale - Globally Recognised Brand …


$69,000 + SAV

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd


Prominent Cartridge World Franchise For Sale - Prime Melbourne Territory ...


$199,000 + SAV

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd


Thriving Cartridge World Franchise For Sale - Prime South Melbourne Location …


$95,000 + SAV

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd


Simply Helping Franchises - A Great Opportunity To Participate In The Growing …

Ballarat - Bendigo - North West

$80,000 + GST

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd


Flourishing Cartridge World Franchise For Sale - Busy Melbourne Location - …


$59,000 + SAV

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd


Industry Leading Locksmith And Safe Business - Business And Freehold …



TRIDENT Business And Corporate Sales


High Performing Subway With Enviable Takings $15,000 Pw + Gst (Our Ref: …



Paramount Business Brokers


Specialty Burger Bar In Sunbury - Taking Approx $9,500 P/W! (Our Ref V1604)



Paramount Business Brokers

The Finn Group

Contact 03 8823 5400 1300 266 922 03 9819 4211 03 9819 4211 03 9819 4211 386872116 03 9819 4211 1300 535 932 03 9819 4211 438247480 03 9819 4211 731063811 0422 614 514 02 9817 3331 404078782 404078782 03 9819 4211 03 9819 4211 03 9819 4211

03 9819 4211 1300 266 922 427836110 731063811 427836110 427836110 1300 266 922 1300 893 487 1300 893 487 9021 9888 1300 889 443 1300 889 443 1300 889 443 1300 889 443 1300 889 443 386872116 9021 9888 9021 9888

BSALE currently has 3,059 Businesses Listed For Sale in VIC... View All Here Selection of businesses advertised for sale by business brokers. This a guide only. Please view the ID number on and speak directly to the broker to confirm details. Bsale accepts no responsibilty for any errors or ommissions.



Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream | Rundle Mall SA Retail - Other

Change your world, one scoop at a time. Ben & Jerry’s is an active and very supportive franchise business offering endless support and assistance for Scoop Shop owners. The primary focus is preserving brand consistency across the network and there are several accountability structures in place to assist franchisees, from initial establishment right up to ongoing operational coaching. Ben & Jerry’s is on a mission to find a carefully selected candidate to own and operate a Scoop Shop in Rundle Mall, that’s passionate about global issues and believe in their ability to change the world, one scoop at a time. Price: $450,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: James Young Phone: 0404 078 782 View Online Bsale ID 262973

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Right At Home Australia - Coming Soon... Franchises and Business Opportunities

Ride the baby boomers retirement wave with a winning franchise model with guaranteed growth. Right at Home is a global leader in home care franchises. With more than 590 locations in 8 different countries, this is a proven business model that generates substantial profit with flexible working conditions. What makes Right at Home a great investment? - Part of a $22 billion market - Massive growth potential as 14% of the Australia population is over 65 - The market is guaranteed to grow for at least 20 years - Strong brand name that’s trusted by people in Australia - Flexible working hours and conditions What you get: - Owning and operating your own Right at Home franchise - 24/7 franchise support that’s customised to your business - Guidance from an executive team with extensive... Price: $120,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Mike Fuller Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 262809



Fantastic Multiple Franchise in Adelaide SA Franchises and Business Opportunities

Fulfil your dream of entrepreneurship without having to build a business from the ground up. Become a part of a proven and profitable business model by acquiring Fantastic Services Master franchise available in five prominent locations across Australia. Leverage the opportunity of developing the brand in a large geographical region while managing a team of franchisees. The long-term proposition allows you to dominate the property maintenance market while ensuring a significant income. Established in 2009, Fantastic Services offers over 25 property maintenance and home improvement services to domestic and commercial customers. With more than 530 franchises in the UK, the USA, and Australia, the brand reaches 50,000 customers every month. Fantastic Services is offering franchise opportunities in five metropolitan locations including Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Brisbane and Adelaide. As a master franchisee, you will become the area development manager and a brand ambassador of your area and will work on developing the services in the region. You will be recruiting and training service providers who will become your franchisees. You can choose from several franchise... Price: $50,000 + Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Sam Phone: 1300 889 443 View Online Bsale ID 263369

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $390 + GST Hemp Skincare -14yrs Manufact. & Retail Manufacturing, Wholesale, Import, Export

About The Business: A dream and a courageous vision realised. Ardent and life-long Hemp advocate, Teresa McDowell, established this unique South Australian business in 2006. Based in the Adelaide Hills city of Mount Barker, Hemp Hemp Hooray™ embodies everything about entrepreneurship and bold ambition. With a strong and unapologetic focus on natural health for people and the planet Earth, Teresa set out to create a product range that is chemical free, non-toxic, cruelty free and referred to as ‘food for the skin.’ Her premium range of natural skin care based on Australian grown Hemp Seed Oil is manufactured... Price: POA Region: Regional SA State: SA Contact: Teresa McDowell Phone: 08 8398 3809 or 61400171175 View Online Bsale ID 259711



2 Established Cleaning Franchises Franchises and Business Opportunities

Merry Maids Adelaide-North and Adelaide-East, 2 territories covering Prospect and Norwood and their surrounding areas are now on the market for someone who is ready to build on what is already a great existing residential cleaning business opportunity. For an ambitious owner the opportunity is there to use the stable customer base that is currently served and continue growing the business to the next level. You can consider to own one of the territories or both. This opportunity offers a fantastic proposition as the new business owner will have continual support from the franchisor, ensuring they are comfortable with the business. *Choosing a resale opportunity can give you the following benefits:* Established Market Presence. Existing Customer Base. Fully Trained & Experienced Cleaning Team Members. Inventory of Products & Equipment. Full Training Academy. Software. Primary Customers. Over 60 regular weekly/ fortnightly/ monthly clients, plus new and repeat one off cleans with an average of more than $5000++ of revenue per week. Huge potential for growth. *Primary Services* The primary services include: Regular domestic cleaning services. Spring Cleans. Builders Cleans... Price: POA Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Franchise Support Phone: View Online Bsale ID 241946

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



3 Months $280 + GST Engineering Business

Manufacturing, Wholesale, Import, Export

Established with a number of clients - enjoying a high volume of repeat work as this business has a reputation for quality workmanship. Well set out workshop with an extensive amount of plant and equipment and tooling including a new QUANTUM CNC. T.O. $619,000 2018/19 and Net Profit $234,000. Operated with qualified personnel. Trading since 1995, this business services clients within the primary production industry, including oil, gas and mining - which require maintenance and refurbishment of equipment. Having a market niche, the subject Engineering Business has become known for being able to do the job... Price: $290,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Jeff Romanowski Phone: 08 8338 3833 or 0414 353 353 View Online Bsale ID 256908



Cafe And Takeaway In The Beautiful... Food - Cafe For Sale

Business ID: BS143947. Turnover for 2019/20 $ 280,000 – Dine in, takeaway and home delivery! Don’t miss out on this excellent opportunity to acquire a well-established and popular Pizza Pasta Café in the Adelaide Hills. With only 20 minutes to the Adelaide CBD this business is in a stunning location with a constant flow of locals and tourists visiting the area. The cafe offers both Dine In and Take Away options, with a consistent demand for home delivery, and has a variety of delicious Pizza and Pasta selections on the menu. Business highlights: • Established for 32 years and owned/operated by the current owner for 12 years • Located in the beautiful Adelaide Hills with courtyard dining only 20 minutes from Adelaide CBD • Established menu includes both Traditional and Gourmet Pizza and Pastas • Trades 6 days per week: Tue – Wed 4pm – 9pm and Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun 11.30am – 12pm • The premises are 86 sqm. Inside with a Courtyard ... Price: $110,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Xcllusive Business Sales Phone: 02 9817 3331 View Online Bsale ID 258081

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Lone Star Rib House & Brews Food - Restaurant For Sale

New development Key features & benefits: • 100% of developer/landlord contributions passed onto franchisee • Full bar, high margin – craft beers, tap beer, tap wines, spirits, wines, cocktails, post mix, alcohol milkshakes, moonshine plus more! • Full service casual dining • Fully themed experience, we bring the tastes of America to you • Unique business model, generates very high average customer spends • Comprehensive on-going support from the franchise Head Office • No experience is required, Lone Star Rib House’ training and systems with your dedication is all that you need • Finance assistance available The cost to be up and running varies with each location... Price: Price Upon Application Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Dione Mauric Phone: 07 5372 8468 or 0415 543 469 View Online Bsale ID 257740


Bsale ID








Caravan & Outdoor Specialists

Regional SA

$400,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing



Crash And Mechanical Repair

Regional SA

$550,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing



Simply Helping Franchises - A Great Opportunity To Participate In The Growing …


$80,000 + GST

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Urgent Sale - High-Performing Cartridge World Franchise For Sale - Busy …


$34,950 + SAV

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Thermawood | Barossa, South Australia

Regional SA


DC Strategy



Freehold Motel For Sale In Edithburgh

Regional SA

$1,150,000 + SAV …

Advanced Business Marketing



Hokkaido Cheese Tart Franchise €“ Adelaide, Sa



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Promotional Products, Printing And Apparel Business €“ Waitpinga, Sa



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Fantastic Multiple Franchise Opportunities - 25+ Property Maintenance …


$50,000 +

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Ecco Deli €“ Coffee & Eatery - Price Reduced To Sell



The Finn Group


Carpet Court - Coming Soon To Norwood



The Finn Group

1300 535 932


Business Broking, Real Estate And Mortgage Broking Franchise Australia Wide



The Brokerage Connection

1300 466 455


Established Gp Practice W/ Loads Of Active Pts Nr Port Adelaide




+61 2 9899 1999


Newsagency In Modbury


$100,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing



All Trades- Sales & Service Or Trainers - Your Own Affordable Business For …


$45,000 + GST

Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Thermawood | Barossa, South Australia

Regional SA


DC Strategy



Thermawood | Adelaide, South Australia



DC Strategy



Thermawood | Fleurieu Peninsula, Sa

Regional SA


DC Strategy



Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream | Rundle Mall Sa



DC Strategy



Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream | Glenelg, Sa



DC Strategy



Refresh Renovations - Adelaide, Sa



DC Strategy



Concrete Manufacturer

Regional SA

$847,000 + SAV …

Advanced Business Marketing



Motor Inn For Sale In Barossa Valley

Regional SA


Advanced Business Marketing



Hardware & Timber Store


$195,000 + SAV

Advanced Business Marketing



Right At Home Australia - Coming Soon To Adelaide!



The Finn Group

1300 535 932


Online Florist And Perfect Work From Home Business Opportunity – Adelaide, Sa



Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

02 9817 3331


Corporate Business Sales With One Of Australia’s #1 Brands - Adelaide. Sa



The Finn Group

1300 535 932


Ecco Deli – Coffee & Eatery - Price Reduced To Sell



The Finn Group

1300 535 932

BSALE currently has 161 Businesses Listed For Sale in SA... View All Here Selection of businesses advertised for sale by business brokers. This a guide only. Please view the ID number on and speak directly to the broker to confirm details. Bsale accepts no responsibilty for any errors or ommissions.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



High Profit Margins - Easy Work -... Retail - Hardware, Tile, Nursery, Pool Supplies

You’ll love this business because… - You are out and about visiting customers homes - It’s easy work – you just spray their lawns - the money is really good and in your first year we’ll top up your income with an income guarantee up to $50k This is who we are... - we are Coochie HydroGreen - we’ve been around in Australia for more than 25 years - we spray to fertilise lawns and to control weeds, pest, and disease outbreaks ... Price: $100,000 + GST Region: Perth State: WA Contact: National Brokerage Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 263021



Scenic & Charter Flights Broome, W.A. Services - General

Fly Broome is a scenic and charter flight company based in Broome, Western Australia. Providing passengers and customers with personalised and professional service and an enjoyable outstanding aviation experience. Great things about this business; - Very well established business - Well managed with low overheads - Strong profits await the new owners Key Features & Benefits; ... Price: $239,000 Region: Broome - Karatha - Northern State: WA Contact: National Brokerage Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 262655

Profitable Cafe - Net $220,000 Plus P.a Food - Cafe For Sale

One of the best Café opportunity available … • • • • •

Approx turnover $1.2 m per year Magnificent Presentation – nothing to spend Plant Value $200,000 Great Visibility & Easy Parking Short Hours – Close 2.30 pm

These types of listings have a tendency to go very fast, so don’t delay! Inspection by Appointment only. Please contact Erik Lingensjo. Direct: (08) 9324 1211. Mobile: 0412 234... Price: $425,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Erik Lingensjo Phone: 08 9324 1211 or 0412 234 000 View Online Bsale ID 257456

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Passive Investment - Indoor Children’s ... Health, Medical and Gyms

Unique Opportunity For A Passive Investor - Purchase 60% of the business - Current owners wish to retain 40% - Current owners happy to keep running the business Crocs Play Centre in Bunbury presents as a well built and maintained premises with high-quality equipment, ample parking, brilliant location and dedicated staff. Perfect for an investor with strong daily cashflow, established staff and multiple income streams. The current owners are happy to keep running the business and bring on an investor. Key Features & Benefits: - One of the top-performing stores in Australia when it comes to customer service - A lot of customers are regulars who love coming back - Located five minutes’ drive from Eaton, one of the fastest developing family communities in WA - No direct competition with a big population in the greater Bunbury region - Has four themed party rooms with an interactive... Price: $500,000 Region: Bunbury - Albany - South Coast State: WA Contact: National Brokerage Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 263152



The Ultimate Lifestyle Business Franchises and Business Opportunities

Our business strategy is simple, we’re committed to giving you every opportunity to learn and grow by creating a thriving and inclusive workplace. We love to challenge the status quo and our purpose and values are to shape a world where people have the opportunity to achieve incredible results financially, even in the most toughest of economic climates. For more than 10 years we’ve been at the forefront of personal businesses in Australia and New Zealand and continue today with the same focus, culture and professionalism. Even in our current world crisis we are still seeing exponential growth globally making this opportunity the Ultimate Lifestyle Business. We are leaders in the Personal Development / Home Based Industry and our proven operating systems, award winning product line, excellent compensation plan and our cutting edge training make this opportunity a great combination for the highly motivated go-getter who wants to take control and create financial independence. Snap Shot: • Online business based within the personal growth and leadership industry ... Price: POA Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Lynette Epskamp Phone: 0438 431 665 View Online Bsale ID 263753

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



3 Months $280 + GST Short Stay Holiday Business Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

Don’t Miss this 32 Apartment Letting business only 45 mins from Perth on the Kwinana Freeway! And secure your independence by managing the letting of the apartments as well as maintaining the grounds and pool facilities and buy your own 2 x Bedroom Apartment with separate office on the Murray River 15 mins drive from Mandurah. All for only $340,000! This business involves the exclusive rights known as Management Rights to let out most of the privately owned Apartments which are located on the beautiful Murray River and to recover a large commission from the Owners based on daily rates as well as earn a fixed monthly fee for... Price: $340,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Nick Benwell Phone: 08 9388 9951 or 0402 815 005 View Online Bsale ID 261791



Iconic Hillarys Confrectionary Store Retail - Other

Live your inner childs dream and own a sweet shop. This is your chance to own a iconic British Sweet Shop located in Perths northern suburbs. Well established with over 15 years in the business, nestled in one of Perths greatest tourist attractions. Low out goings, good profit and a attractive lease. Brand New E commerce website launched last year. Very affordable business for any buyer. This is an opportunity you would hate to miss.... Contact for further details.

Price: POA Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Robert Dinsdale Phone: 0439 000 332 View Online Bsale ID 260302

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



High Quality Ute Canopy & Tray Builders Manufacturing, Wholesale, Import, Export

Long established (32 years) family owned, sheetmetal fabrication business located in the northern suburbs of Perth. The business is for sale for the price of $350,000+GST. Reason for sale is retirement. Selling price includes: • All plant and equipment (High definition CNC plasma cutter, CNC press brake, CNC guillotine, welders, punches etc) • Goodwill • 10,000+ social media followers across Facebook and Instagram • Mature Facebook pixel (for marketing through Facebook) • 3D modelling and nesting software • All canopy and tray designs (3 years of refining) • Fully functional mobile friendly website (inbuilt email enquiry system) • Manufacturing and fitting guides for canopy and trays Our business started out as general sheetmetal... Price: $350,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Joe Spatara Phone: View Online Bsale ID 235037



6 Months $390 + GST 24 Hr Gym

Health, Medical and Gyms

Jetts Fitness is a family owned Australian company, an award winning 24/7 fitness network with over 250 clubs across Australia, New Zealand and the Netherlands. Features and Benefits: • Situated NOR in a Local Shopping Centre, surrounded by prominent retailers • Lease in place – until 2023, with ample parking and highly visible main road exposure • Profitable business with all high quality assets included in the sale needed for the operation until 2024 ... Price: $250,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Ian Ford Phone: 0406 241 747 View Online Bsale ID 256250

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Gym For Sale Independent Health, Medical and Gyms

The owner is needing to sell due to other business commitments reasons and is seeking expressions of interest. • • • • • • • •

First time this business has been offered for sale Established in 2016 Contracted members on direct debit Personal trainers Contracted Massage therapist Contracted Owner working part-time can only give 15 hrs per week Plenty of car bays for members Equipment and plant cost new $150,000+ (No lease equipment)

Take out the risk, time, money and stress of establishing a brand and setting up a major gym facility, without the costly franchise restrictions, with room to implement and expand with your own creative personal ideas and in keeping with lifestyle flexibility. Very Low overheads.The current owner has other business priorities and does not have the time to take this business to its true potential. This is an ideal... Price: $120,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Michael Richardson Phone: 0499 968 751 View Online Bsale ID 256895



Exclusive/Premium Hair Salon Beauty & Hair Salon

This well located and professionally fitted out salon is reluctantly being offered for sale on a walk-in-walk-out basis. Best ambience and dĂŠcor In the area. Equipped with 7 chairs and 3 wash stations, work trolleys, fantastic point of sale, customer reception and staff amenities. Located directly opposite a car park and other complimentary businessess. Ongoing favourable lease terms in this high demand area. This business will suit an established professional or a qualified person who wants to control their own destiny and income in this high demand consumer industry. $72,500 + SAV Ring today to arrange an appointment and Inspection to discuss all terms of the sale. Contact: 0411 864 417.

Price: $72,500 + SAV WIWO Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Sonny Phone: 0411 864 417 View Online Bsale ID 258490

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Bsale ID





Contact (08) 6478 9916


Busy Korean Restaurant


$99,000 WIWO

SOT Business Brokering


Retail Group €“ 3 Stores Run This Under Management $500k+ Returns To You



The Finn Group


The Little Cha Perth (Existing)



DC Strategy



Short Stay Holiday Business



Ellis Corporate

089 388 9951


Infrastructure Services



Kent Business Brokers

089 419 1678


Electrical Component Manufacturer


$2,500,000 + SAV

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200


Historic Narembeen Hotel Leasehold

Coral Coast - Central

$330,000 + SAV

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200


Business, Office And Retail Supplies


$149,000 + SAV

SOT Business Brokering


Supermarket, Liquor, Post & Lotto

Coral Coast - Central

$575,000 Freehold

Statewide Business Brokers


Safe Haven Essential Service In Nw Aust

Broome - Karatha - Northern

$185,159 + SAV

Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd


Automotive Aftermarket Business



SOT Business Brokering

(08) 6478 9916


Essential Services Business For Sale


$200,000 + SAV

Ellis Corporate

089 388 9951


Essential Services Business For Sale


$200,000 + SAV

Ellis Corporate

089 388 9951


Essential Services Business For Sale


$220,000 + SAV

Ellis Corporate

089 388 9951


Excellent Pest & Weed Management


$269,000 + SAV


089 316 9211


National Rto - Creative Arts



Infinity Business Brokers

0422 614 514


Mrs. Fields Bakery Cafã© Sor


$20,000 + SAV

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd



Perth Fabrication Business For Sale



Ellis Corporate

9388 9951


Cafe - 1222



Unique Business & Property Specialist

08 6102-3816


Recruitment Services Business


$250,000 WIWO

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200


Cafe/Catering Business For Sale


$495,000 + SAV

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200


Busy Korean Lunch Bar / Cafã©


$75,000 WIWO

SOT Business Brokering

(08) 6478 9916


Restaurant & Bar $350k Profit


$710,000 + SAV

Kent Business Brokers

08 9419 1678


Business Broking, Real Estate And Mortgage Broking Franchise Australia Wide



The Brokerage Connection

1300 466 455


Western Suburbs Business Opportunity



Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200


Strong Cashflow, Online And Growing


$320,000 + SAV

GMO Business Sales

08 9481 4422


Nail Salon High Profile South Perth Location



Australian Business Sales Corporation


A Wholesaler That Loves Recessions


$765,000 + SAV

Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

089 429 8882


Amani Small Bar Leederville Reduced


$240,000 + SAV

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200


Coming Soon Southwest -Super Supermarket

Bunbury - Albany - South Coast $2,050,000 + SAV

Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

089 429 8882


Holiday Accommodation Business

Broome - Karatha - Northern

$1,175,000 WIWO

Ellis Corporate

089 388 9951


Luxury Hair Salon €“ Busy & Profitable


$199,000 WIWO

SOT Business Brokering

(08) 6478 9916


Katanning H Hardware Business & Freehold


$625,000 + SAV

Fortune Business & Property Brokers

089 315 2700


Roast Beefy Food Court Store In North


$220,000 + SAV

BizLink Group



Iconic Country Hotel For Sale

Coral Coast - Central

$345,000 + SAV

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200


Sea Container Sales & Transport


$200,000 WIWO

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd

089 480 3200


Well Established Health & Fitness Club



GMO Business Sales

08 9481 4422


Lunch Bar Cafe - Waterfront


$300,000 + SAV

Fortune Business & Property Brokers

089 315 2700


Digital Marketing Agency (6392)

Bunbury - Albany - South Coast POA

GMO Business Sales

08 9481 4422


Land Surveying Business Regional Location South East Of Western Australia - …

Coral Coast - Central



Drones Online Store. Mobile Business!



Click Start Digital

1300 935 653


Agricultural Supply Business



Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

089 429 8882


Profitable Mechanical Garage For Sale

Bunbury - Albany - South Coast $580,000 Freehold

Statewide Business Brokers

089 586 3509


Bargain Fully Licensed Caf㉠/ Restaurant



Platinum Business Sales

089 367 3056


Fashion Boutique - Lifestyle -Freehold

Coral Coast - Central

$300,000 WIWO …

McManus Realty

040 908 469


Fashion Boutique - Lifestyle -Freehold

Coral Coast - Central

$300,000 WIWO …

McManus Realty

040 908 4649


Contracted Distributorship Coming Soon

Bunbury - Albany - South Coast $875,000 + SAV

Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

089 429 8882


Italian Trattoria €“ Solid Customer Base!



Platinum Business Sales

089 367 3056


Fish And Chips €“ Net $120k Pa ++



Platinum Business Sales

089 367 3056


Wa Funded Rto, Many Growth Areas



Infinity Business Brokers

0422 614 514


Transworld Business Broker And Franchise Advisor - Enhance Your Career - …



Smart Sales Brokers Pty Ltd

1300 889 443


Coming Soon Safety Essential

Bunbury - Albany - South Coast $665,000 + SAV

Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

089 429 8882


Cafã© With Multiple Income Streams



SOT Business Brokering


Be Your Own Boss - Convenience Shop $39k


$39,000 + SAV



Electrical & Lighting Supply



SOT Business Brokering


Convenience Store & Lunch Bar In S.o.r



BizLink Group



24/7 Gym With Over 1600+ Members (6413)



GMO Business Sales

08 9481 4422


Giftware Wholesale


$400,000 + SAV

Fortune Business & Property Brokers

089 315 2700


North West Wa Earth Moving Business

Broome - Karatha - Northern


Statewide Business Brokers

089 586 3509


Commercial Kitchen


$55,000 WIWO

Fortune Business & Property Brokers

089 315 2700


Rays Firewood & Logiing

Bunbury - Albany - South Coast $241,000 + SAV

Elders Southern Districts Estate Agency

08 9721 3533


Business Opportunity - Bolt-On To Existing Printing Business Good Profitability, …


G Hunter And Associates


Includes stock

089 586 3509

(08) 9409 2266

089 316 9211

BSALE currently has 1,017 Businesses Listed For Sale in WA... View All Here Selection of businesses advertised for sale by business brokers. This a guide only. Please view the ID number on and speak directly to the broker to confirm details. Bsale accepts no responsibilty for any errors or ommissions.



Mobile Boost Juice in Darwin NT Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

Mobile boost juice opportunity - Tasmania. You can operate your Mobeel anywhere in your territory, providing of course you have the permission of the landowner or event organiser. No other Mobeel partner can operate their mobeel within your territory. Part of the fun of owning a Mobeel is finding contacts, building relationships with relevant associations, schools and any other groups that maybe responsible for hosting an event that brings people together in the one place. Other mobeel operators have found that they can build their calendar of events through regular work and also still chasing new opportunities. Mobeels can be run on a... Price: POA Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Sam Phone: 1300 889 443 View Online Bsale ID 263575

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Iconic Aussie Outback Pub/Roadhouse Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

Business ID: CTOC1592. Location! Location! TURNOVER $2.2M+. Renner Springs Desert Inn is a BP Branded Roadhouse/Wayside Inn owned as a FREEHOLD Business. 12 Acres with 4 Titles. Offering multiple income streams from Motel, Caravan Park, Pub, Restaurant, Fuel Station and a small Convenience Shop. An ICONIC destination and stopover situated midway between Darwin and Alice Springs on the Stuart Highway in the Northern Territory. This is your opportunity to own a piece of Australia’s history, earn an excellent income and enjoy the laid outback lifestyle. Long established business with MULTIPLE INCOME STREAMS comes with a solid reputation, guaranteed income and excellent cash flow. FREEHOLD 12 acres of land with 4 titles at Renner Springs, midway between Darwin and Alice Springs. 27 air-conditioned ensuite motel rooms. Caravan/ camping park with 14 powered sites and 50 grassed unpowered sites. Fully licensed restaurant seating up to 60 guests, plus small bar area. Cafe dining area and beer garden, can also be utilised for restaurant overflow. General store selling basic essentials, takeaway food and drinks, ice creams and confectionary, cigarettes, souvenirs,... Price: $2,000,000 Region: Alice Springs State: NT Contact: Xcllusive Business Sales Phone: 02 9817 3331 View Online Bsale ID 220243



6 Months $390 + GST Mobile Boost Juice Van Opportunities... Franchises and Business Opportunities

Mobile Boost Juice Opportunity - Tasmania. You can operate your Mobeel anywhere in your territory, providing of course you have the permission of the landowner or event organiser. No other Mobeel partner can operate their mobeel within your territory. Part of the fun of owning a Mobeel is finding contacts, building relationships with relevant associations, schools and any other groups that maybe responsible for hosting an event that brings people together in the one place. Other mobeel operators have found that they can build their calendar of events through regular work and also still chasing new opportunities... Price: $130,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Sam Phone: 1300 889 443 View Online Bsale ID 261736

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Lollipop’s Playland & Cafe Franchise Franchises and Business Opportunities

Royalties: 5% of net. Marketing Fees: 1% of net. Location Details: Darwin Airport is an international hub serving most Asian cities and providing domestic flights around Australia. It’s the only airport serving the area of Darwin, home to more than 140,000 people. Prices from $450,000. Marketing support: Lollipop’s is an international franchise with brand awareness throughout Australasia. Our head office undertake marketing for the Lollipop’s brand and also support our franchise partners with local area marketing. All franchise partners will have access to Lollipop’s branded products and marketing material, assistance with promotional campaigns and the use of our Lollipop’s cat mascot. Training provided: Full training is provided during an induction programme at the Lollipop’s head office. You don’t need any prior experience operating a play centre - our team will teach you everything that you need to know. Length of Agreement: 5 + 5. About the Opportunity: Lollipop’s is an international playland and cafe franchise with 28 sites in three countries. We started in New Zealand, with a mission to provide children and parents with a great place to play and enjoy. We love to create vibrant play... Price: $450,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: James Young Phone: 0404 078 782 View Online Bsale ID 260881



3 Months $280 + GST Ground Transport & Chauffeur Business... Auto - Taxi, Courier, Hire, Distribution, Transport

This is what’s great: • Established 21 years. Owners transitioning towards retirement • Multiple income streams • Airline contract to transfer crew to and from hotels for around 18 yrs • Affiliations with interstate operators that provide a lot of work and income • No specialist skills required. Just look after the customers and be very reliable • Current owners have given the business a 5 star... Price: $600,000 + Vehicles Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: National Brokerage Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 257578

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Red Rooster

Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

Check out this fantastic opportunity within one of Australia’s most loved brands! The excellent opportunity has arisen to secure one of Australia’s highest profile and sought after franchises. Located in the heart of town it is perfectly located to continue growing sales. Key features & Benefits: • This store is located on a busy main road with ample foot and road traffic • Fully trained team in place with proven results - Great opportunity for an owner operator • Franchise has built up a positive reputation that it is nationally bank accredited • Established business with a loyal customer base • Comprehensive national marketing program to deliver sales to your business • No prior experience required, full training and ongoing support provided • Freehold property available as an option for business purchaser • Great lifestyle location in the beautiful Alice Springs... Price: $900,000 + SAV Region: Alice Springs State: NT Contact: Dione Mauric Phone: 07 5372 8468 or 0415 543 469 View Online Bsale ID 251471



Mobile Boost Juice Van Opportunities... Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

Mobile boost juice opportunity - Tasmania. You can operate your Mobeel anywhere in your territory, providing of course you have the permission of the landowner or event organiser. No other Mobeel partner can operate their mobeel within your territory. Part of the fun of owning a Mobeel is finding contacts, building relationships with relevant associations, schools and any other groups that maybe responsible for hosting an event that brings people together in the one place. Other mobeel operators have found that they can build their calendar of events through regular work and also still chasing new opportunities. Mobeels can be run on a part-time or full-time basis giving you the ultimate work/life balance. Chyeck out our Boost Mobeel videohttps://youtu. be/Xs1HHtzOdX8

Price: $130,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Sam Phone: 1300 889 443 View Online Bsale ID 257109

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Exciting New Internationally in Hobart TAS Food - Supermarket, Butcher, Fruit, Bakery, Deli

Jon Smith Subs is an Award-Winning Fast Casual Restaurant Franchise Opportunity, recognised as one of the Fastest Growing Fast Casual Restaurants in the US. We are looking for Area Developers and Multi Unit owners to claim their areas of opportunity in Australia. Established in 1988 and partnered with the United Franchise Group, which supports nearly 1,600 locations in more than 80 countries, Jon Smith Subs has a winning formula and a point of difference of freshly grilled meats to order, Never Frozen, and our sandwiches have the option of being served with award winning hot fries.Already successful... Price: POA Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Sam Phone: 1300 889 443 View Online Bsale ID 263287



Popular Suburban Takeaway & Supermarket Food - Supermarket, Butcher, Fruit, Bakery, Deli

Popular suburban takeaway and supermarket with $42000 + per week turnover. Ideal family operation with a 3-bedroom house included in the lease.. Serving its local community for over 30 years this busy shop is both well-presented and highly recommended. The current owners have achieved great organic growth online with tourists actively seeking it out, resulting in a 4.7/5 rating from 71 google reviews. It’s an opportunity you can’t pass by! Operating 7 days a week, except public holidays, this store is suited to a family who can work together to reap the rewards. Key features: • Huge parking area and convenient location • Commercial kitchen and large storage rooms • 10-year lease available • Cheap rent of $1595 p/w • Huge profits • Recession proof business • A comprehensive information memorandum has been prepared for this business as well as accountant prepared financials. An inspection of the business is... Price: $499,000 + SAV Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Jenny Graham Phone: 0401 009 469 or 0419 448 677 View Online Bsale ID 262229

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $390 + GST Country Newsagency - Centre Of Thriving... Retail - Post Office, Newsagency, Lotto

Roses Newsagency is the centre of Scottsdale and the local community. They sell tattslotto (including Golden Casket, Powerball and Instant tickets), newspapers, magazines, toys, gifts, books, cards, and are a dry cleaning agency. The business has maintained consistent annual Turnover, Gross Margin and Profitability in a changing market. This opportunity is perfect for a sole operator working 5.5 days or a couple looking for a change. The current owners work 4 days and 3 days respectively. Other Features: * $26K+ consistent Turnover per week. * 5.5 day operation. * no local competitors. * easy to operate with low running... Price: $199,000 + SAV Region: Launceston - Northern State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 03 6105 0701 or 0419 382 359 View Online Bsale ID 261595



Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream | Hobart, TAS Franchises and Business Opportunities

Change your world, one scoop at a time. Ben & Jerry’s is an active and very supportive franchise business offering endless support and assistance for Scoop Shop owners. The primary focus is preserving brand consistency across the network and there are several accountability structures in place to assist franchisees, from initial establishment right up to ongoing operational coaching. Ben & Jerry’s is on a mission to find a carefully selected candidate to own and operate a Scoop Shop in Hobart, that’s passionate about global issues and believe in their ability to change the world, one scoop at a time.

Price: $450,000 Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: James Young Phone: 0404 078 782 View Online Bsale ID 261712

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



3 Months $280 + GST Holiday Apartments With Consistently... Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

Investment: $995,000 (Includes Freehold and Business). Located on the West Coast of Tasmania, beautiful Strahan is a harbour side village set on the edge of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. Castaway Holiday Apartments is on a large block containing 6 x 2-bedroom fully self-contained holiday units and a 3-bedroom house that can also be used as a Holiday Rental or as a Manager’s accommodation. • Current Owners are willing to stay on, and manage the business for a period of 12 months ... Price: $995,000 Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 03 6105 0701 or 0419 382 359 View Online Bsale ID 256262



Cleo Bagland Launceston Retail - Other

About The Business: Cleo Bagland is a bag, luggage and all your travel needs store located in the Launceston CBD in Tasmania. This is an excellent retail opportunity in a busy shopping area. Cleo is a well known and profitable business with a huge potential to grow. Years Established: Cleo Bagland is a well known and iconic established business that has been running for over 45 years in Launceston CBD, with the current owners running it for the last 6 years. The business has been a complete joy to own and operate for its two current owners/sisters and they have had a fabulous time running their business, but with family commitments they are ready to pass the business on for someone else to enjoy and continue to grow. This is only the third time this business has become available for a new owner in 45 years! Products & Services: Cleo Bagland is a stockist for a range of well known brands including Oran Leather, Pierre Cardin, Samsonite, It Luggage, YK Sandler Leather, Australia Luggage Co, Bloom and Grow, Antler, Gabee, Go Travel, Blunt and Clifton Umbrellas to name just a few. About The Area: The business has local repeat customers and has a strong tourist custom base being close... Price: $20,000 + SAV Region: Launceston - Northern State: TAS Contact: Lisa Youd / Debbie Morgan Phone: 03 6331 3391 View Online Bsale ID 258190

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



10-12% P.A. With Capital Lease Investing Work from Home

This opportunity with fixed, high-yield returns is perfect for savvy-investing. Grow your money up to 12% p.a. whilst providing a better alternative for businesses needing to finance their specialised equipment. Opportunity features: • • • • • •

Minimum investment of $15,750 + GST Fixed returns of up to 12% p.a. paid to you monthly 3-5 year terms with extension possibility Completely hands-free & no hidden costs SMSF friendly Limited availability

What is it? Specialised equipment is often custom-made and unique to a business model. Furthermore, the equipment is often held off-site, such as at customers’ premises or public locations (i.e. shopping malls, train stations or universities). There are many ways to finance this type of equipment. However banks and other lending institutions often charge extremely high interest-rates. This opportunity allows you... Price: $15,750 + GST Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Sam Phone: 1300 889 443 View Online Bsale ID 257413



Mobile Apps - Booming Now More Than Ever Work from Home

Own the Ultimate Lifestyle Business in the Booming Mobile App industry - No tech knowledge needed. Help Business Owners get more customers using Mobile Technology solutions and a whole range of Digital Services. Get full training and support with no royalties. Now more than ever these technologies are needed. With people working from home and people scared to buy goods and services in a shop - businesses need these services to make sales. We have seen a significant uptick in demand since the pandemic has hit. We make mobile apps and digital services affordable to businesses through proprietary technologies we have to build business style mobile apps. Combined with our experience and knowledge that you’ll get through our comprehensive training and ongoing support - you’ll have everything you need to immediately go out and be successful. This business suits the serious entrepreneur wanting to make a significant six-figure income while having the flexibility of a lifestyle business. Own this world-class business with a proven track record of success. Mobile App City provides: - Low $19,950 investment with $150k+ income potential income. - Low risk business: just a... Price: $19,950 Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Richard Giannini Phone: 0487 896 061 View Online Bsale ID 152156

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Electric Motor Repairs Sales & Service Trade Services - Home Maintenance, Plumber, Electrical

Outstanding opportunity to step into a leading electric motor repair business, with guaranteed clientele from major local industry business. This is an opportunity for a motor repairer to own their own business and get away from the high costs associated with city living, and experience a tree change for the better. Rauter Electrics was established in 1966,and is an integral part of the local economy. Rauter Electrics sell, repair and service electric motors, power tools, welders and generators and supply power transmission products, including bearings and seals. We service a vast array of clientele, including major timber, hydro and agriculture industry. Rauter Electrics is located in Tumut in the Riverina region of New South Wales, situated on the banks of the Tumut River. Tumut sits on the north-west foothills of the Snowy Mountains and is referred to as the gateway to the Snowy Mountains Scheme. The Tumut Region is picturesque in every season. Crisp, cold mountain air in winter, lush and green in spring, cool, clean waterways in summer and, of course, the blaze of colour in autumn. There’ is plenty to do in the Tumut Region. Whether you prefer high energy or low key leisure activities, there’s something to suit every taste. The town is services by 4... Price: $180,000 + SAV Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Frank Twomey Phone: 02 6947 2291 or 0428 472 291 View Online Bsale ID 208022



No Mosquitoes Licensee Opportunity Cleaning & Domestic Services

- - - -

Do you like solving problems? Helping people? Being outdoors, working in nature and being mobile? Do you enjoy pest control but would like a new challenge? - Do you get satisfaction when seeing how you have improved the quality of life of home owners and educating them with helpful advice? - And would you like to have a positive point of difference in a crowded pest control market? If you answered yes to all of the above questions, a No Mosquitoes licence opportunity might be for you. Residential and commercial Mosquito control in Australia is a rapidly growing industry. No Mosquitoes is one of the very first companies to launch a specialised mosquito control service within Australia and has been growing year after year. With growth comes opportunity for motivated, hardworking people to secure their own slice of a rewarding and satisfying Mosquito control business lifestyle. This opportunity would ideally suit an entrepreneurial mindset... Price: $12,000 Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Adam Dawson Phone: 1800 667 784 View Online Bsale ID 258350

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Work From Home Business - Australia Wide Business & Professional Services

Presenting you with a unique online business, where you can work from home or from any location worldwide. We are based in Personal Development / Leadership Coaching Industries and work with people who are serious and determined to create long lasting success in business and in many other areas of life. Products & Services: We offer a world class income opportunity & award winning Personal Development courses to men and women in more than 100 countries around the world. Our product line up is Personal Development / Leadership Development. We’ve developed Award Winning Online Courses & host life-changing Leadership Development events in exotic locations around the world. If you can’t make it to a live event, you can always tap into the online version! Website URL: https://www. This countercyclical “Business in a Box” provides a Ready-to-go online business portal, a proven 3-step business system, and is operational from any location with internet connection. Full training and ongoing support are embedded to help business owners grow and manage their business successfully. Features: • Multibillion-dollar Personal Development industry • Ready to go business / Quick and easy to set up • Award winning &... Price: POA Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Ana Mitrovic Phone: 0410 793 281 View Online Bsale ID 235177



Franchise Business for Sale Work from Home

Ace is the trusted service provider to over 60,000 property owners nationwide and it’s that size that has given over 80 franchisee operators the confidence to buy into our business.We’re offering you an exclusive opportunity to say goodbye to the corporate ladder and make the switch to be your own boss. The best part of all is, you can do so right now working from the comfort of your home. What you need to know; • Our top franchisees make over $100k annually • New franchisees receive ongoing marketing support, training and education on running their own franchise • We have one of the lowest cost franchise offers in the Australian market with massive growth opportunities • Ace is Australia’s third largest strata management company, and biggest franchise business.Nationally, Ace manages 60,000 lots worth an approximate of $20 Billion • We have 118 franchises nationwide, run by a group of 80 franchisees If you would like to learn more about this opportunity, ... Price: $100,000 + Other Region: ALL Regions of Australia Contact: Drazena Phone: 1300 792 509 View Online Bsale ID 233408

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.




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Bsale Terms and Conditions Welcome to Before using the Services of Bsale Australia Pty Ltd (“Bsale”) who is the owner and operator of (“Site”) you must read and accept all terms in this Agreement. It is effective immediately and forms a binding contractual agreement between us. Please note that you must be 18 years of age or older to create an account on this Site. The Terms of Use set out below take effect from 1 January 2019.

7.6. You warrant that, you have the opportunity to obtain independent legal and financial advice from qualified professional advisers and that you take into account your personal objectives, financial situation and needs before buying or selling a business or franchise via our Site.

1. Us and our IP

8.1. You warrant that for any content you post, you own all Intellectual Property rights in the content.

1.1. is owned and operated by Bsale Australia Pty Ltd. All references to Bsale or “we” or “our” or “us” or “on our Site” are references to Bsale including all of its officers, directors, employees and agents.

8.2.When you give us content for our Site, you grant Bsale a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free and transferable licence to exercise any and all Intellectual Property rights you have in the content now or in the future. This licence survives termination of this Agreement.

1.2. Bsale is an advertising portal to enable business owners, brokers, agents and franchise groups to advertise. We do not provide any professional advice on valuations or sales, and users are directed to obtain their own professional advice. We do not receive any commission on sales, and are not involved in the actual transaction in any way.

8.3. You further consent to any act or omission which would otherwise constitute an infringement of your moral rights, and if you add any content in which any third party has moral rights, you must also ensure that the third party also consents in the same manner.

1.3. The material displayed on this Site, including all information, text, graphics, software, advertisements, names, logos and trademarks (the “Intellectual Property”) is owned or licensed by Bsale and is protected by copyright, trade mark and other intellectual property laws.

8.4. Under the Copyright Act 1968 and related amendments you are limited as to the amount of material that you may download, print, copy and/or cut and paste from the Site. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not infringe any applicable law.

1.4. You must not modify, copy, reproduce, publish or distribute the Intellectual Property in any way without our prior written consent.

You may only download and print a reasonable quantity of copies of information.

2. We do not warrant the accuracy of information 2.1. You acknowledge that the content supplied on this Site for advertisements is provided to us, and we in no way create or produce the content. You acknowledge and agree that we cannot be responsible for any use made by you of the information contained on this Site. 2.2. The content on this Site is not a substitute for professional legal, financial, franchise or real estate advice, and it is your responsibility to conduct due diligence in relation to purchasing a business franchise or property. 2.3. You agree not to hold us responsible for any inaccuracies or any unreliability or completeness of information on this Site. 3. Your access and interference 3.1. You must not interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Site. You must not distribute viruses or any other technology that may harm our Site or the interests or property of users of our Site. You must not use any robot, spider, scraper or other automated means to access the Site for any purpose. 3.2 You must not harvest or otherwise collect information about others, including email addresses, without their consent; and/or bypass measures used to prevent or restrict access to the Site. 3.3. We cannot guarantee continuous or secure access to the Site, and its operation may be interfered with by numerous factors outside our control. Accordingly, to the extent legally permitted, we exclude all implied warranties, terms and conditions.

9. Payment 9.1. We agree to list content which complies with the Listing Rules and this Agreement after payment is received or if we agree to a trial period. 9.2. Your content will be listed on our Site, and may also be listed on our Social Media pages, and eMagazine at our discretion. You must notify us if you do not wish to be listed on Facebook and/or the eMagazine. 9.3. Our fees charged may change from time to time, but we will use our reasonable endeavours to notify you of any changes. 9.4. If your payment method fails or your account is overdue, we may collect additional fees, including legal fees. 9.5. You must not circumvent or manipulate the payment process or fees owed to us. 10. Your Content removal 10.1.You must delete your content on our Site when the business is sold, or if you otherwise wish to withdraw the listing. 10.2. Content will otherwise be removed at our discretion in the event that the business is sold, withdrawn, if we are notified, or if the content breaches any of the terms of this Agreement. 10.3. We may, at our own discretion, extend the advertising period in which the content is displayed.

4. Third Party Sites

11. Cancelling your account

4.1. This Site contains links to third party sites. These third party sites are not maintained or controlled by us.

11.1.We may limit, suspend or cancel your account, and/or prohibit access to the Site, and/or remove content from the Site, and/or take technical and legal steps to keep you off the Site, if we think that you are creating legal liabilities, infringing any laws, infringing intellectual property rights of Bsale or third parties, if you breach this Agreement, or if we believe your actions may cause loss or damage to or unlawfully harm you, our other users, third parties, or Bsale .

4.2. To the extent permitted by law, Bsale accepts no liability and provides no warranty in respect of the information displayed on such third party sites. We do not endorse that information or any party associated with it and you link to such third party sites entirely at your own risk. 5. Your Account and obligations 5.1 To access some of the services of our Site, you may need to register with us and set up an account, using your email address and password. Once registered you can gain access to your “My Account”. The email address and password you register with is your responsibility to maintain and keep confidential. You are responsible for the activities that occur under your account. If you suspect that your details may no longer be confidential, or that there may have been unauthorised use of your account, you must notify us immediately. 5.1.You may connect to the Bsale site with a third party service, such as; Facebook. By doing this, you give us permission to access store and use your information. 5.2. You may access and use our Site for the purpose of placing an advertisement. If you wish to post content on our Site, and amend that content, you must create an account. 5.3. You may access and use our Site for the purposes of buying a business or franchise. You may created watchlists, buyer alerts, and contact sellers directly. You must create an account to access these services. 5.4. You must ensure that your account details, including your name, email address, address, passwords, billing information are accurate, truthful and kept up to date. 5.5. You must not transfer your user account to another party without our consent. 5.6. The purpose of generating an account and gaining access to use our Site is for the purpose of buying or selling a business or franchise. Any accounts found to be fraudulent, deceiving, or misleading will be closed and may be reported to authorities. 5.7. The use of “My Account” is for the person or agency it has been created for. We do not authorise the onselling of Bsale products or services, without prior written consent from Bsale Directors. 6. Your Content 6.1. To use the Bsale Site, you must be over 18 years old. You agree that you will only advertise and post content in relation to businesses for sale, franchises for sale or business opportunities within Australia.

11.2.We may also limit, suspend or cancel accounts that have not been updated, are inactive, are unconfirmed or have been transferred without our consent. 11.3. We may also limit, suspend or cancel accounts that we believe are in direct competition to Bsale or are on-selling our products or services. 11.4. We may limit, suspend or cancel accounts that have overdue, unpaid or outstanding invoices. 11.5. We may limit, suspend or cancel accounts at the discretion of Bsale Directors. 12. Direct Marketing 12.1. We may send you direct marketing information and communications about us that we feel may be of interest to you. 12.2. If you select to receive ‘buyer alerts’ or ‘buyer notifications’ you will receive emails when businesses or franchises match your criteria. You may opt-out of receiving Bsale notifications at any time. 12.3 You may receiving direct marketing in response to buyer features such as; search results, eMagazine, listing changes. You may opt-out of receiving Bsale notifications at any time. 13. Privacy Policy 13.1 By using the Services, you agree to the collection, transfer, storage and use of your personal information by Bsale as further described in our Privacy Policy. 14. Release and Indemnity 14.1.By accessing our Site you release Bsale from any and all liability for any direct or indirect loss or damages (including loss or damage from negligence) arising from access to or use of the content on our Site or sites linked to our Site, or your inability to use our Site.

6.2 If you create an account and post content, you must comply with our Listing Rules.

14.2. We are not liable for any other user content, actions or inactions of that user. If you have a dispute with a user, you release us from claims arising out of or in any way connected with that dispute.

6.2. You must not post inappropriate, offensive, pornographic, threatening, abusive, discriminatory, false, inaccurate, misleading or defamatory content. If you see any of this content, you must notify us immediately.

14.3.We are not liable for any loss, damages and costs (including indirect losses) that are suffered by reason of the unauthorised use of the personal information you provide to us.

6.3. Your content must not cause you or us to breach any law, regulation, rule, code of conduct or other legal obligation including, but not limited to, breaches of confidence, privacy or intellectual property.

14.4.To the full extent permitted by law, we exclude all representations, warranties or terms (whether express or implied) other than those expressly set out in these terms.

6.4. You acknowledge that we in no way warrant that you will receive enquiries in relation to your content, or that you will sell a business or franchise if you use our Sites.

14.5.These terms are to be read subject to any legislation which prohibits or restricts the exclusion, restriction or modification of any implied warranties, conditions, guarantees or obligations. If such legislation applies, to the extent possible, Bsale limits its liability in respect of any claim to, at our option:

6.5. Users create the content that is displayed in advertisements. Bsale is not under any obligation to monitor any data or content which is submitted to or available on the Site. If you feel there is content in breach of the Terms and Conditions please contact Bsale. 6.6. Your Ad may be displayed on third party sites such as; Facebook and Instagram. By using the Bsale website you agree that your ads can be displayed on these other sites. 6.7. Your Ad may be displayed in the Bsale eMagazine. By using the Bsale website you agree that your Ad including, but not limited to, its contents and photos can be displayed in this publication. 7. Further warranties in relation to posting content 7.1. You warrant that all content is true and correct to the best of your knowledge, and you assume full responsibility for the content. 7.2. You warrant that your business or property is duly registered in compliance with the relevant law, and that you are the rightful owner of the business. 7.3. You warrant that, in the event of a partnership, company or family trust, all parties agree to the content and listing. 7.4. You warrant that, in the event of an agent, business broker, or franchisee you have written consent from the owner of the business or the franchisor to act on their behalf, with their consent. 7.5. You warrant that you have received professional valuations in relation to the value of the property or business.


8. Intellectual Property Rights in content the supply of the services again; or the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again. 14.6.You agree to indemnify us from and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs (including indirect losses) resulting from your use or inability to use our Site. 14.7.You agree to indemnify us against any claims made against Bsale by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of this Agreement or your infringement of any law or the rights of a third party in the course of using our Site. 15. Miscellaneous 15.1. This Agreement is governed by the laws of NSW and Australia, and you agree to be subject to the jurisdiction of the laws of NSW and Australia. 15.2. We reserve the right to amend this Agreement at our discretion, and will publish any such amendments on our Site which will be taken to be effective on and from the date that they are published. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of the current Agreement. 15.3. You must not assign or otherwise deal in any other way with any of your rights under this Agreement. 15.4. If a provision of these terms are invalid or unenforceable it is to be read down or severed to the extent necessary without affecting the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions.

Business Broker Directory


Business Broker Directory

A Robertson

ABBA Group

ABS Business Sales

A Robertson Business Agents are the team of business brokers you can trust to deliver complete business broking solutions and succession plans. Our personal service takes into account.

As Australia’s fastest growing business broker, the ABBA Group are business sales, acquisition and merger specialists. We are a boutique firm that gets results for all our clients!

Delivering outstanding service and results in business sales, commercial property sales and commercial property leasing. ABS Business Sales South East Queensland’s Leading Business Brokers.

Level 14 275 Alfred St, North Sydney, NSW

Level 13, 135 Kent Street, Sydney, NSW

Level 1 Unit 3 25 Railway Terrace, Milton, QLD

02 9181 4834

02 8973 7594

07 3368 4010

Services: NSW

Services: NSW

Services: QLD

Adelaide Business Sales

Advantage Business Sales & Valuation

AFS Brokers

The founding Director of the company, Jeff Romanowski, has over 26 years experience in the specialised field of Business Broking - originally starting out in September 1986.


Advantage Business Sales & Valuations specialises in the business sale process. Everything we do is with the objective of making the process for buyers and sellers as informative, professional and streamlined as possible.

AFS Brokers begun in 2014 as the preferred broker for one of Australia’s leading fitness brands. Through this time we were able to build an extremely active database of buyers.

63 Devereux Road, Linden Park, SA

Suite 15, Noosa Central, 6 Bottlebrush Avenue, Noosa Heads QLD 4567

Level 6 241 Commonwealth St, Surry Hills, NSW

08 8338 3833

07 5372 8468

0488 009 547

Services: SA

Services: QLD

Services: NSW

Business Broker Directory

Ascend Corporate

Aussie Business Sales

Ascend Corporate Business Brokers are located in West Perth WA. Invest in a Profit making West Australian business. More than 100 construction, accommodation.

Aussie Business Sales is owned and operated by Ian Clapham. Based in Melbourne CBD covering Business Sales in Melbourne City, Suburbs and Country Victoria.

Ground Floor Suite 4, 1292 Hay St, West Perth, WA

Unit 3608 / 200 Spencer Street, Melbourne, VIC

08 9480 3200

0418 515 434

Services: WA

Services: VIC

Australian Prestige Business Sales

BBG Business Brokers Group Pty Ltd

At Business Sales Victoria, we pride ourselves in having a personal, friendly and honest service. Business Sales Victoria are a small but dedicated team of professionals that possess.

BBG Business Brokers Group is a company built from a strong team of experienced business owners. We are very excited about year 2013 and how it will engage us.

Level 23 Governor Phillip Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney, NSW

Exchange Tower, Level 1, 530 Little Collins St, Melbourne, VIC

15 Ellingworth Parade, Box Hill, VIC

1300 722 556

03 9909 7727

03 9896 8999

Services: NSW

Services: VIC

Services: VIC

Amplify Business Sales Amplify Business Sales is a specialist in the sales & marketing of small and large businesses for sale. We handle the marketing and sale of businesses of all kinds throughout Sydney, Wollongong.

8/74 Kembla Street, Wollongong, NSW 1300 267 287 Services: NSW

Australian Business Sales Australian Business Sales Corporation Pty part of the Australian Business Sales Network Established in 1990. What we do is market and sell businesses. We sell businesses!

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory

Bissales Pty Ltd When you engage BisSales to manage the sale of your business you get the benefit of an experienced team of executives who have all owned and operated their own businesses and can empathise with the process business owners will go through.


Bonza Business & Franchise Sales

BPA Brokers

Bonza Business & Franchise Sales gets excellent results at a fraction of the cost of a typical business broker. We are real business and franchise selling experts with decades of experience.

BPA Brokers have been helping people become their own boss for over 14 years. Whether clients are buying or selling businesses, our goal is to assist people in improving their lifestyle and manage their own business.

832 High Street, Kew East, VIC

Innovation Centre, 90 Sippy Downs Drive, Sippy Downs, QLD

181-187 Plenty Rd, Preston, VIC

0429 445 582

0413 092 145

03 9485 4488

Services: VIC

Services: QLD

Services: VIC

Business & Franchise Brokers Pty Ltd

Business Brokers Network

Business Brokers Queensland

BF Brokers is a proud family business brokerage firm based in Melbourne with services stretching Victoria wide, including consultants in Geelong and the Surf Coast.

Business Brokers Network Australia is a network of Licenced Business Brokers working together to provide Buyers and Sellers a greater range of choice. If you want to sell your business.

Business Brokers Queensland is a professional business brokerage firm specialising in the sale of small to medium businesses in Queensland.

Tooronga Village Suite 2.03, 1 Crescent Road, Glen Iris, VIC

PO Box 2068, Brisbane, QLD

8 / 130 Kingston Road, Underwood, QLD

03 8823 5400

1300 331 814

1300 699 480

Services: VIC

Services: Australia Wide

Services: QLD

Business Broker Directory

Business Buy Or Sell

Business Merges & Sales

Business Sales Advisory

The team at Business Buy or Sell are trusted advisors, provide an unprecedented level of quality, service and professionalism who excel in assisting people to buy, sell or build a business.

Business Merges and Sales is a Business Brokerage based in East Perth WA. Business Mergers and Sales Perth can provide the following high-quality services.

Our Business Brokers are professionally qualified business people and accountants. Dale Wilcox, our licensee, is a qualified Accountant (FCPA, ACMA) with over 40 years of business experience in senior.

6 Whitewater Place, Sapphire Beach, NSW

Suite 1 / 96 Royal Street, East Perth, WA

Suite 42, 44 Kings Park Rd, West Perth, WA

0419 513 979

08 325 5527

0467 821 468

Services: NSW

Services: WA

Services: WA

Capital Commercial Business Sales

Central Coast Business Brokers


Capital Commercial Business Sales is the Canberra region’s leading business brokerage firm. Whether you’re interested in buying or selling, we have the experience, the reputation.

A professional approach to the sale or purchase of a Business and/or Commercial Real Estate”. A successful sale or purchase is seldom a result of luck. With over 20 years’ experience

Clearpoint is a licensed property services company established in 2005 with expertise in retail, commercial property, property Portfolio management, and shopping centre management and leasing.

Level 1, 77 London Circuit, Canberra, ACT

Shop 2, 51 Kerry Crescent, Berkeley Vale, NSW

PO Box 490, Lane Cove, NSW

1300 793 690

02 4388 4399

1300 325 327

Services: ACT

Services: NSW

Services: NSW

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory


Core Business Brokers

Dealmakers Australia

The team at Core Business Brokers has an excellent reputation as business brokers in Sydney and has a combined 60 years experience in the negotiations.

Dealmakers Australia are Sydney based business brokers acting on behalf of clients seeking to sell their businesses. The focus of our activities is on Small and Medium Enterprises.

12 Putarri Ave, St Ives, NSW

PO Box 113, Lindfield, NSW

02 9413 2977

02 9294 7077

1300 722 749

Services: NSW

Services: NSW

Services: NSW

Elders Southern Districts Estate Agency

Ellis Corporate

With a proud history in the South West of WA, our Elders offices have a proven history of supporting thousands achieve their property dreams.

Ellis Corporate specialises in Corporate Business Broking, Commercial / Industrial / Investment Real Estate Sales plus Commercial and Executive Residential Property Management.

13 Stirling Street, Bunbury, WA

434 Vincent St West, West Leederville, WA

08 9721 3533

08 9388 9951

Services: WA

Services: WA

Dowie International Business Advisors Bringing 25 years of Executive Global Experience to Australian business owners wanting to take the next step in their careers.

Endeavour Business Brokers Established in 1998, Endeavour Business Brokers provides business sales and valuation services to smaller Australian businesses.

Level 1, 432 Kent Street, Sydney, NSW 02 8096 9222 Services: NSW

Business Broker Directory

Essential Business Services

FC Business Solutions

Experienced in a wide variety of industries and across all stages of the business lifecycle and general life, the advice they garner is definitely not based on guess work.

We are a fully integrated consultancy firm specialising in developing, growing and marketing franchise systems.

91 Watt Rd, Mornington, VIC

Suite 5, 2 Brandon Park Drive, Wheelers Hill, VIC

PO Box 1344. Canning Bridge/Applecross, WA

1300 549 022

03 9533 0028

08 9315 2700

Services: VIC

Services: VIC

Services: WA

G Hunter And Associates

Global Realty Partners

GMO Business Sales

In 2001 Greg Hunter Property was established and in 2011 G Hunter and Associates carries on enjoying an excellent reputation as one of Western Australia’s leading boutique business and real estate companies.

Leaders in Residential, Commercial and Business Sales and Management, servicing Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, Port Stephens, Cessnock and the Hunter Valley for all your property requirements, the Realty Partners team of over 40 experienced professionals can help you.

GMO is the largest and most established business broking agency in Western Australia, offering a buying and selling service for small to medium size businesses.

Suite 4- 154 Hampden Road, Nedlands, WA

1/18 Alma Road, New Lambton, NSW

1310 Hay Street, West Perth, WA

08 6389 9088

02 4961 0411

08 9481 4422

Services: WA

Services: NSW

Services: WA

Fortune Business & Property Brokers Fortune Business & Property Brokers was established in 1997 as a full service Business Brokerage and Commercial Real Estate Agency.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory

GSE Business Consultants GSE Business Consultants specialise in working with Cafe owners to make sure that they get the best return possible when they sell their cafe.


Hallmark Business Sales Pty Ltd

Harcourts Wine Coast

Hallmark Business Sales leads the way when it comes to expertise. Every one of our brokers is an industry specialist who has the tools, environment and training to accomplish a successful sale.

In an increasingly fast-paced world, Harcourts Wine Coast knows that whilst people want a professional and efficient service, they still prize the fundamentals of honesty and integrity from real estate consultants committed to achieving their clients’ goals.

Level 32 101 Miller Street, North Sydney, NSW

159 Tahiti Ave, Palm Beach, QLD

162 Main Road, McLaren Vale, SA

1300 522 179

0415 887 733

08 8323 9300

Services: NSW

Services: QLD

Services: SA

HBR Business Broker

Home Service Professionals

Invested Business Sales

HBR Business Broker as a business broker for more than 8 years and has over 13 years of experience in the real estate industry.

In 2014, the company expanded into Gosford and, despite several years of strong growth, these simple aims never changed.

Invested Business Sales specialises in the successful sale of small to large businesses throughout Sunshine Coast, Brisbane and the rest of Queensland.

1st Floor, 203 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley, VIC

PO Box 38, Holden Hill, SA

PO Box 2088, Noosa Heads, QLD

03 9847 6823

1300 308 408

0429 626 835

Services: VIC

Services: SA

Services: QLD

Business Broker Directory

Johnston Business Sales

JP Real Estate & Business Agents

Kent Business Brokers

We are a Western Australian based brokerage firm with over 20 years experience that specialises in the sale and acquisition of various business enterprises.

Kent Business Brokers started in Subiaco in the Mid 70’s. It was taken over by Mr Glen Smith in the Mid 80’s. Barry Pike, Licensee-Principal has been operating Kent Business Brokers for the last 20 years

4021 Quayside Benowa, QLD

Suite 17/7 The Esplanade, Mt Pleasant, WA

PO Box 278, Mandurah, WA

07 5564 7704

08 9316 9777

08 9581 2536

Services: QLD

Services: WA

Services: WA

LINK Business, Formerly Klemms

LJ Hooker Business Broking

LJ Hooker Commercial Perth

Since day one back in 1946 Klemms has been serving its clients with an unswerving commitment to probity, honesty, and professionalism.

Over the past 82 years, LJ Hooker has become Australia’s best known and most trusted real estate brand.

LJ Hooker Commercial Perth opened its doors on 1 July 2013. We are located at 58 Kings Park Road, West Perth and we service all industrial and commercial suburbs throughout Western Australia.

551 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn, VIC

Shop 333 / 71 Jones Street, Ultimo, NSW

58 Kings Park Road, West Perth, WA

03 9819 4211

02 9552 1111

08 9220 2200

Services: VIC

Services: WA

Services: WA

Johnston Business Sales is a general business brokerage with expertise in mergers and acquisitions and has a general mix of skills with 26 years of experience, overseeing and offering privately held organizations which have provided the necessary skills and expertise to appraise the current market estimation of businesses.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory


LK Business Brokers

Mandanex Capital

Mastracorp Real Estate

LKBB is a business broking firm specializing in the sales and purchases of small to medium businesses and commercial properties. We have extensive experience in dealing with all kinds of business

Mandanex Capital specializes in brokering the sales of small, medium and large businesses and mid market mergers and acquisitions.

Mastracorp is one of the most active independent commercial real estate agencies in Adelaide. Whether your needs are buying, selling, leasing or asset & portfolio management, the Mastracorp team will deliver professional service and advice, keeping you involved and well informed about your property.

Ground floor 54 St Kilda Rd, St Kilda, VIC

Suite 107 / 283 Alfred Street, North Sydney, NSW

4/60 West Terrace, Adelaide, SA

1300 315 223

02 8971 6511

08 8212 0140

Services: VIC

Services: NSW

Services: SA

McCormack Brokers

Mercury 5 Sky

NAI Harcourts Rinnovate

McCormack Business Brokers is a leader in the resale of franchise businesses. We focus primarily on leading hospitality and telecommunications brands, negotiating the sale of existing businesses in these industries across Australia.

Mercury 5 Sky Business and Commercial Sales specialises in representing owners of businesses and commercial properties, facilitating & introducing them to qualified buyers and investors which dramatically increases the probability of business owner clients exiting for a profit, which reflects the value & what has been invested into the business throughout its trading history.

The Rinnovate Group was established in 2005 as a Business advisory practice, and expanded in early 2009 to include Rinnovate Business Brokers Pty Ltd.

Level 4, Suite 68, 330 Wattle Street, Ultimo, NSW

Level 23, 127 Creek Street, Brisbane, QLD

196 Corio Street, Shepparton, VIC

02 9212 2799

07 3221 1441

03 5831 1499

Services: NSW

Services: QLD, NSW

Services: VIC

Business Broker Directory

Northbridge Sales & Leasing Pty Ltd

Paramount Business Brokers

Like the north point on a compass, Northbridge Sales and Leasing will be your trusted bearing when you need guidance in selling, leasing or managing your property.

Paramount Business Brokers is a boutique business broking firm specializing in the sale of all types of businesses throughout the Greater Melbourne area.

PO Box 992, Sanctuary Cove, QLD

Ground Floor, 379 Hay St, Perth, WA

1010/401 Docklands Drive, Docklands, VIC

07 5530 8972

08 9225 5989

03 9021 9888

Services: QLD

Services: WA

Services: VIC

Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd

Perth Business Sales

Platinum Business Sales

Perth Business Sales is a professional full service consulting agency providing key services to small and medium size businesses in the Western Australia market.

Our industry knowledge and proven sales ability, coupled with our handson experience owning and operating hospitality and retail businesses, has secured our reputation as respected hospitality and retail business brokers.

Noble Business Sales We are highly experienced Gold Coast based business brokers. All our sales professionals have previously owned a business. Noble Business Sales Excellence through experience.

Performance Business Sales, is one of Australia’s most successful and innovative exponents of the sale and acquisition of privately-owned businesses.

45 Ventnor Avenue, West Perth, WA

2/78 Mill Point Road South Perth, WA

08 9429 8882

08 9367 3056

Services: WA

Services: WA

Services: WA

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory

Power ABA PowerABA is a prominent Adelaide business brokerage specialising in the sale and purchase of small to medium (SME) Businesses and Commercial properties.

We at Premier Equity Group pty ltd are Premier Business Brokers and at the forefront of the industry, utilising the latest technology and leading the way in professionalism when it comes to being business brokers.

Professionals Gosford Professionals Gosford has the primary aim and vision to serve with honesty, integrity, enthusiasm with superior knowledge and understanding.

83 Fullarton Road, Kent Town, SA

24 Cabinda Drive, Keysborough, VIC

Shop 5 & 6, 91-99 Mann Street, Gosford, NSW

08 8331 1588

0412 884 611

02 4344 7766

Services: SA

Services: VIC

Services: NSW

Profit Advantage Group

Prosper Business & Property Brokers


Based in Perth Metropolitan area, we have a vast knowledge of Perth and its suburbs especially the CBD and surrounding Blue chip areas.

Focusing on hospitality means we can spend less time understanding different industries and more time focusing on your business. Our goal is to be thorough, to be calm and to educate.

6 King Street, Campbelltown, NSW

Suite 3/216 Stirling St, Perth, WA

Suite 2/18 Hutchinson Street, Surry Hills, NSW

02 4625 9534

0412 873 613

0423 976 700

Services: NSW

Services: WA

Services: NSW

The Profit Advantage Group provides a range of Business Development & Consulting Services which help Business Owners enjoy running their business!


Premier Equity Group Pty Ltd

Business Broker Directory

Quest Business Brokers

Raine & Horne Commercial

Ray White Business Sales

At QUEST Business Brokers, we are serious about selling your business. If you are thinking of selling your business or looking to prepare your business for sale, give us a call to book your No Obligation, 100% confidential consultation.

Since 1883, Raine & Horne has been a respected leader in the real estate industry. In 1984 the company launched a specialist network to service commercial, industrial and retail properties.

Ray White Business Sales is a dedicated business sales unit located in Sydney CBD with brokers located in most areas of Sydney.

PO Box 3336, Caloundra BC

Level 17, 135 King Street, Sydney, NSW

041 069 9255

02 9258 5400

1800 858 696

Services: QLD

Services: NSW

Services: NSW

Ray White Commercial GC South

Robert Gasmier

SBX Business Brokers

A boutique broker committed to delivering ongoing high quality expertise and personal service in Business Broking to Western Australians. Certified Practising Business Broker.

SBX Business Brokers is one of the largest business brokers in Australia servicing Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast.

19 Taree Street, Burleigh Heads, QLD

PO Box 626, Applecross, WA

Suite 1, Level 2, 2 - 4 Pacific Highway, St Leonards 2065, NSW

07 5535 0500

08 9316 9211

02 9439 4403

Services: QLD

Services: WA

Services: Australia Wide

Ray White Commercial GC South was formed in 2010 and operates within the greater Ray White GC South Network with an office located in the heart of the Commercial & Industrial hub of Burleigh.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory

Seale and Associates Since February 2005 I have owned and operated my own Business Broking and Real Estate Agency in Bunbury, servicing the South West in particularly, but also have worked in the Great Southern and Perth Metropolitan Areas.


Statewide Business Brokers Statewide Business Brokers, operated by Wayne Cooper as Licensee & Principal, along with his wife Ronnie, are well known throughout Rural WA.

The Brokerage Australia The Brokerage Australia, is a new and dynamic broking franchise, whose brokers guide sellers & buyers through all areas of the selling process.

PO Box 1061, Mandurah, WA

1/11 Coast Ave, Cronulla, NSW

02 9795 1635

08 9586 3509

1300 466 455

Services: NSW

Services: WA

Services: NSW

The Finn Group

The Strand 365 Pty Ltd

Tourism Property

The Finn Group is Australia’s largest network of business and franchise brokers. With offices in all major cities and regional areas, we’ve helped hundreds of business owners sell or purchase a business.

Being in Business should be rewarding and give you a lifestyle that inspires you to get up each day. If the Strand 365 can be a small part of that, then we have achieved our goal.

Tourism Property is a boutique agency. Totally focused on substantial tourism asset transactions. We understand Regional markets and can deal internationally.

Office 2, 11 Wellington Road, Acacia Ridge, QLD

PO Box 1888, Townsville, QLD

PO Box 314, Unanderra, NSW

07 3333 2434

0400 018 866

0400 200 139

Services: Australia Wide


Services: NSW

Business Broker Directory

TRIDENT Business And Corporate

West Australian Business Brokers

The dedication and commitment of our agency is the reason we are different from the competition.

West Australian Business Brokers are one of Perth’s leading Business Brokers. Our knowledge and experience in the Perth market gives us a very unique insight into the marketing of your business.

Level 2, 420 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC

33 Segrave Street, Gwelup, WA

Suite 116, 159 Ridgecrop Drive, Castle Hill, NSW

03 8687 2116

0414 252 032

0448 822 032

Services: VIC

Services: WA

Services: NSW

Xcllusive Business Sales Pty Ltd

Your Price Business Brokers

Zircom Business Broking

It is paramount to us to treat every customer, buyer or seller, in such a memorable way that when the transaction is completed they go and tell somebody else how GREAT it was!

Your Realty, is Australia’s premier residential real estate agency. Offering to our clients exceptional and professional service.

Zircom was established in 1991 and is one of the market leaders in business broking in Western Australia. We have earned an enviable reputation for integrity and professionalism.

Suite 202/230 Victoria Road, Gladesville, NSW

PO Box 2021, Gawler, Gawler, SA

PO Box 362, Greenwood, WA

02 9817 3331

0412 396 306

0409 113 814

Services: NSW


Services: WA

Xchange Business Brokers Xchange Business Brokers is a boutique agency specialising in the sale of businesses in the greater Sydney area.

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Business Broker Directory

123 Business Brokers At 123 Business Brokers, we understand that your time is precious, so we are here to do all of the hard work for you.

Level 30, 35 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 1800 499 995 Services: VIC


BUSINESS BROKERS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, FRANCHISE GROUPS We have advertising packages available for you. For more Information please visit Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


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