BSALE - Business for Sale Magazine November 2020

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KING DeanDemeyer












ISSUE 069 • NOV 2020



















20. 9










30. NSW

74. VIC

113. NT

45. ACT

86. SA

118. TAS

55. QLD

97. WA



Two Months To Go It’s hard to believe that 2020 is nearly over. With 2 months to go, the year that turned the world upside down is about to end. It would be nice to think that COVID will disappear with it, but the reality seems that this virus is here to stay for a while. It was great news this week to hear Victoria is lifting restrictions. It will be good to see businesses starting to return to some normality like the other states. This month’s feature broker is Matt from Tourism Property. It was great to chat with him about the industry, the effects of COVID and his advice for hotel and motel owners. The tourism industry has been hit hard, if you travel past any major airport it is eerily quiet. Whilst local tourist destinations near any capital city seem to be busy on weekends, it’s the business conferences, weddings, and oversea’s visitors that are needed. As a specialist tourism broker, Matt shares his insights on the industry. We are in the race to release the new Bsale website before the end of 2020. We have provided some sneak peaks throughout the Magazine so you can see what is coming. We have made some massive adjustments which will make it easier for buyers and sellers to navigate and find exactly what they are looking for. We hope everyone has a great November, and the summer season leads to more travel, functions and support of businesses. Happy Bsale-ing!

Vanessa Lovie CEO Bsale Australia Pty Ltd


Leading Business and Franchise For Sale Website since 2000. Proudly Australian and Family Owned.


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ook L w or Ne Soon! f d e Tun auncing y a t S ite L s b e W

Cashflow is King It does not matter how much business you generate, or how many tenders you submit, or even how busy you are, if no cash rolls in, your business will struggle to survive. Monitoring cashflow should be the primary focuses of business owners, yet so few actually do this because they are busy working in the business. A weekly glance at the bank balance generally substitutes for proper cashflow forecasting. Think of cashflow as the lifeblood of your business. Without it, your business will quickly wither away and die. It is as simple as that. Having a bucket load of cash owing to the business because you have done a heap of work and issued invoices galore is of no use, as the cash is not sitting in your account. In fact, without that proper cashflow management, all the extra work may be detrimental to your cash position. Getting more cash into your business is simple if you know what affects it and how to change that effect. There are the obvious things like create more revenue and reduce expenses that directly affect cashflow. But more significantly collecting receivables and controlling stock/work-inprogress whilst keeping payables within terms has a greater impact on cashflow. Your capacity to manage and monitor

these Balance Sheet items, will determine your long term business success. Small 1 day or 1 percent improvements in these vital statistics will make a significant cash improvement to your business. Your accountant should be providing you with the tools and knowhow of cashflow forecasting. If cash is king and the lifeblood of your business, what good are financial reports and a tax bill nine months after the end of financial year to predicting forward cashflows? The most important aspect of all successful businesses is their capacity to manage cashflow via the Balance Sheet as described above. This applies to large mining companies, big retailers, and mum and dad businesses everywhere. I recently had a conversation with two clients who were on different sides of business transactions with a large timber company. One did work for the entity, and the other bought goods from it. In the conversation it emerged that the business that was owed money by the large entity was paid 60 days after invoice, however the business that owed the entity money was made to pay within 14 days of invoice. This is an example of best practice cashflow management – collect your receivables and negotiate better terms for payables.

Dean Demeyer

Chartered Accountant and Specialist Business Broker

M. 0419 382 359 E. Like you, specialist business broker, Dean Demeyer understands what makes a business thrive – good relationships built on open communication. With over 3 decades of experience in Business Advisory Services, Business Consulting and Executive Coaching, and most importantly, real-life, in-thetrenches business experience, Dean’s view of business is quite unique.

“Think of cashflow as the lifeblood of your business. Without it, your business will quickly wither away and die.”



A message from Ian Jones, President | National Chair (AIBB)

I’m pleased to report a very positive increase in market activity over the past month in most states. The general sentiment in the market is that many business owners are holding off and delaying listing their business for sale, at least until they get a sense that any uncertainty or instability in the market wont impact on their sale value.

meaningful engagement the AIBB has with members and AIBB partners, integrating new technology to assist with the delivery of newly developed educational and training materials, expanding the newly developed AIBB brokerage accreditation program and the AIBB BizSats Sales Data Program which provides valuable sales data for our members.

The lifting of restrictions in Victoria is a positive move for businesses. The AIBB has supported a letter from COSBOA that has been delivered to the Victorian premier encouraging the Victorian government to allow more businesses and our members to operate in a CovidSafe way.

We are also looking forward to a time when we can connect again in person, and planning is well underway for our next national conference which will be held in Sydney, in August 2021.

In recent times we have started to see some encouraging signals, as AIBB Members around the country and AIBB Partners (such as Bsale) are reporting an incredible increase in buyer activity. In fact, with fewer businesses reaching the market and more buyers actively looking for quality businesses, a unique opportunity exists for business owners wanting to sell their business now. Business owners can now take advantage of the disproportionate number of buyers in the market. Special projects that the AIBB is currently working on include; updating the processes for managing policies and procedures, conducting a constitutional review, increasing the number of our members in Australia and in New Zealand, increasing the level of

Ian Jones

We care about our members, our partners and our profession and while our effort is going towards helping as much as we can right now, we still very much have a heart and one eye towards the future of our profession.

“Business transactions are still occurring and business values in most industries are staying strong.“

President | National Chair Australian Institute of Business Brokers (AIBB) Director, Merchant Business Brokers P. 1300 BROKER (1300 276 537) E. AIBB Secretariat P. 1300 79 66 67 E.


Australian Institute of Business Brokers The AIBB is the peak industry body formed in 1989 to represent and provide support services to Professional Business Brokers involved in the facilitation of Business ownership from one party to another.

AIBB National Board

Ian Jones President / National Chair

Kevin Lovewell Vice-National Chair / Treasurer

Nikki Katz SA Chair / Education & Training

Bruce Coudrey QLD Chair / Membership

Reece O'Sullivan WA Chair

Peter Fennell NSW Chair / Membership

Tony Latessa VIC Chair

Richard Hemmingway Bizstats



Experts Opinions on Market Conditions As they say, ‘Fortune Favours the Brave’ and in recent months we have seen buyers and sellers active decisively as we have witnessed a healthy number of business sales across the Illawarra, Southern Highlands and the South Coast. Whilst March & April was uncertain, the market rebounded strongly in May and this has continued to provide a robust market for sellers, as business buyers have sought to secure their future via a business acquisition. Businesses showing resilience, strong earnings, favourable lease and growth prospects are the most sought after. We’ve experienced strong enquiry from existing businesses looking for strategic acquisitions for their business growth. Buyers with available funds are in a advantageous position to those experiencing longer lead times when seeking bank finance.

Martin Lo Surdo

Business Sales & Acquisitions


M. 0432 653 576 E.

Here in Queensland, we are seeing a return to a “new normal” in the business sale market. We are regularly seeing businesses that have seen encouraging results in the July to September 2020 quarter. More business owners are getting in touch to discuss a business sale. And as we have seen since May 2020, buyer enquiry levels have been steadily rising, with September being one of our best months ever. What is most exciting for business owners is that the percentage of buyers who genuinely want to transact is much higher than pre-COVID, meaning we are seeing more offers put on the table and sale contracts being signed.

Stephen Wolff

Principal - Advantage Business Sales & Valuations


M. 0424 046 541 E.

Shweta Tripathi

Director - Accelerate Business Sales M. 0432 591 529 E.


In South Australia after the initial restrictions lifted, local businesses started reporting a noticeable increase in their sales turnover. A flow of Job Keeper/seeker payments coupled with closed SA borders meant that all the consumer money spent within the state. Most of our listed businesses reported an increase of 6%-10% in sales turnover and one of our retail automobile business listings reported an increase of 54% in sales across July-Sep 20’ period. This increased consumer confidence led to more business sales at our firm -parents are buying businesses for their children who otherwise will be looking at bigger states for career opportunities, curious interstate buyers and locals just feeling more decisive. We hope thisvstreak continues way past after Jobkeeper payment ends.

Matt Davidson - Is the tourism industry bouncing back? Australians love to travel. Our country is dotted with hotel and motel businesses that range from 10 rooms to multi-storey CBD locations. In response to the Covid pandemic many businesses faced government enforced restrictions. With a freeze on overseas travel, the number of tourists and business travellers entering the country dwindled. Conferences, weddings and events basically halted with a limit on people at gatherings. The enforced fines made most businesses in the hospitality and tourism sector freeze and rethink their operations. We spoke with Matt Davidson from Tourism Property based in Wollongong NSW. A specialist business broker focused on hotel and motel businesses

valued from $5m to $25m. With 25 years of experience in the tourism industry he has a wealth of knowledge that is valuable to business owners, investors and prospective buyers. Vanessa: So Matt, tell me a bit about your background. You started out on a resort in Dunk Island, what is it that attracted you to the tourism industry? Matt: Yes, Dunk Island, that’s right. To be honest, I was more attracted to the water skiing than the tourism industry. I actually started there as Kids Club Supervisor, however in my four years on the island I set about learning the trade and very quickly found a love for the service and hospitality side of things. It was an amazing lifestyle, I

worked really hard to learn everything there was to know about hospitality. That was 1996, so we’re going on 25 years now. That was the start of my career, I’d found what I was supposed to be doing and I’ve just built from there. I also met my wife Kellie on the island (ok, I employed her) and we moved to Wollongong after the 2000 Olympics to start a family. I then worked at Best Western for three years and that was what really pushed me out into the regions to gain a real understanding of regional tourism. I headed up the Brand Development team and we onboarded over 100 motels into the Best Western group in that time. That’s certainly where I cut 9

my teeth in terms of sales processes and deal brokering. Before Best Western I was much more familiar with corporate, larger hotels and resorts, but there’s a burgeoning regional tourism industry out there with the smaller accommodation businesses that are quite valuable in their own right. Vanessa: So you worked in hotel management then transitioned to be a business broker? Matt: My first company, “2T” was a startup in 2005 with Craig Hardy, also ex Best Western. Over the course of 10 years we consulted to developers who were building hotels. It was really successful and we ended up with, I think, 14 hotels under management and various forms of consultancy - in the 50 to 150 room space. We employed a heap of staff and were racing around the country. My role was to keep expanding the company, so we were constantly out there looking at deals, looking at what was for sale, who was selling and how it was done. I became really interested in the hotel broking process and felt there was a gap there to improve service in that same sort of motel - that 30 plus room motel and the rest is history. Vanessa: So you specialize in tourism. Do you think it is important for a broker who is in a specialized field, to have that history? Matt: Absolutely! That’s really how I’ve built the business - on credibility. We generally don’t sell businesses below $4m, so you’re working with a vendor who often has considerable business and investing experience - they’re savvy and they pick if you don’t know what you’re on about. With Graeme Sutherland and myself, between us we have over 50 years of hotel management experience. That in itself is not enough to be a great broker, although it’s certainly helpful. Vanessa: Do you mainly focus in New South Wales? Matt: We’re licensed in NSW and ACT. We are in that middle regional market, the $3m to $25m. We add a lot of value to that, say $10m asset. You can’t sell an asset like that on hopes and dreams - there’s a lot more substantial understanding required and buyers expect that too. We generally deal with a very sophisticated buyer – moteliers and hoteliers are often not interested 10

in other types of investments, so we really have to be on the ball. Vanessa: Let’s say someone is new to the industry. Is there anything that they should do before buying that business? Matt: Great question. Yes, there is training that’s necessary but not all that readily available. Motel businesses as a leasehold are the cheapest way to be in the industry, but it’s far more expensive to purchase than say a cafe or a hairdresser business. What I’ve found since my Best Western days back in 2002, is there are a lot of new participants in the tourism industry, some of whom probably underestimate what it takes to actually run a motel. If you’re in a small business, a “mum and dad” operation, you will find yourself doing an awful lot of work. Buyers for this type of motel might sell their house in Sydney for example, and might move to a regional town to buy a leasehold motel which comes with a residence, but what we found is that training and support is difficult. I’m a big fan of branding, which comes with those type of services. If there’s been a year that business owners needed more support, education and training, it’s certainly been 2020. Vanessa: What is the difference between buying leasehold or buying management rights? Matt: Management rights is a very common structure in Queensland, less so in New South Wales and the other states. Management rights is probably more focused on a leisure product where you might be on the beach, managing a series of apartments in your building. Management rights is often a one-person business with a team of housekeepers, although there are hybrid models out there with more substantial operations in food, beverage and conferencing. There are also management rights businesses for permanent residential buildings. In terms of leasehold motels, you are generally in regional towns and cities. Leasehold motels generally have 20 to 30 rooms, rarely more than 50 rooms, and are fairly manageable with a small number of staff. So there are some similarities in terms of value, but return on investment is much higher in a motel leasehold. Vanessa: Are there any kind of

hidden elements that a buyer needs to look out for when they’re buying, say a leasehold motel? Matt: I guess one of the things that a new motel buyer needs to get their head around is the way the industry calculates value. Living on site creates some grey areas with business versus personal expenses and these can be substantial. A lot of these businesses are turning over millions of dollars, so accounting-wise, we have a bit of a standard that takes some understanding from buyers and that’s certainly something that brokers assist with. To the outsider it looks a bit weird - you start saying, well, here’s a business that’s making a nett loss, but in actual fact, when we start adding back hundreds of thousands of dollars, the normalized profit is quite healthy and genuine. So, there’s some learning to do on that but it’s also understanding the way the business operates. You may have one staff member, or you may have 10. Like most businesses, the directors or the owners don’t necessarily take a wage and to calculate value, so we take that back out. Understanding how to read financial reports or asking for advice from qualified parties helps too. Vanessa: Is it worth a buyer to engage with a specialist broker or accountant to help them navigate through the sale? Matt: Yes, for sure. I mean, from the buyers side, there’s not a lot of brokers who specialize as buyer’s agents in our sector. Quite often a bigger player, a listed company for example, might appoint a broker to handle a hotel acquisition, but most buyers generally do not use buyer’s agents for motels. So as motel and hotel brokers, we are engaged by the vendors. It’s an interesting one as buyers tend to rely on us to learn about what they’re getting themselves into. There are no deals without buyers, however make no mistake that the broker is working for the vendor. We recommend if a buyer hasn’t got an accountant that’s familiar with those processes to get one. Vanessa: Who do you find are the most common buyers in your sector, who are buying those $5m - $10m plus businesses?

Matt: That’s a really interesting question. I mean right now we’re in a super low interest rate environment which creates these low yields. What we’re finding is, there’s new industry participants all the time. Folks who would never have considered owning a motel or a hotel are now looking at these assets in the chase for yield. The share market is all over the shop, there’s a huge amount of risk there. Yields on all classes of property and investments are very, very low. So, what we’re finding is people who are looking for an 8% yield are scratching their heads saying well that’s about 10 times what the bank wants to give me, what could I invest in? Honestly, we see more and more folks considering an

investment in the tourism sector. Other than that, there are longstanding traditional moteliers who understand what they’re doing and they’ve had motel after motel, or there’s a number of small groups that have emerged with five or six properties each, which is quite substantial, I mean five or six properties, that’s $10m - $15m each. It’s a huge amount of investment which requires a level of risk management as well. Vanessa: Are these new buyers choosing to work within the business with management or is it purely an investment?

Matt: Yes, great question. It’s really interesting, let’s say for example, you’ve got $5m dollars to invest, you’re probably not going to sit behind the front desk and check people into a motel. So there is quite often a management structure in place, or this is where motels get “split” into leasehold and freehold investment. There’s a question of scale, a small motel in a small regional town that may be worth $3m to $5m is a tough gig. How do we find someone who has access to that much money, AND wants to move to that location, AND wants to do that type of work? Is there enough scale for the new owner to replace their efforts with a management team? 11

So, there’s a tricky area in this price range. Of course, $5m doesn’t get you an awful lot in the capital cities, so the problem is amplified. A freehold motel normally carries a fairly substantial land value and often has potential for redevelopment or recreation of those assets into something else that is attractive for motel buyers. Clearly, that doesn’t apply with leasing but by the same token, management structures can often be replaced by leasehold structures as well. So investors often buy a freehold asset and lease it to a tenant using a 30 year lease, which is a long-standing structure in Australia & New Zealand. Vanessa: Let’s say a seller is sitting on a $5m freehold hotel and it’s a bit run down. What would be your advice to these business owners? Matt: The answer is renovations take time to pay off. You can have the prettiest looking motel that’s got a really rubbish business and the value will predominantly reflect the latter. We’re yet to meet a buyer who’s prepared to pay for business potential. What we suggest to owners is, if you are embarking on a program of capital expenditure, you need to have a longterm view – back it up with one to two years of improved trading performance to achieve a value upswing. Motels are always valued as a going concern, so the value is all about profit first and condition and appearance second. Renovations certainly will unlock better profit, but that value upswing also relies on marketing and management skill. Vanessa: Should people invest in renovations? Matt: Broadly I’d say that Australia is full of 1970s motels and very few have actually been updated to today’s standards. So, it’s a huge risk for the industry there. I’d hate to see 50% of motels knocked down and converted into townhouses in towns and cities around the country. But, who really wants to stay in an old motel if it hasn’t had its bathrooms fixed for 40 years?


under-investment in regional motels for a long time and what we often see is the one or two properties who have invested can really dominate the market. You’ll see huge discrepancies in towns that have multiple motels, from the $90 a night stuff through to $300 a night. Corporate travel (which will come back one day), expects a level of comfort and quality and will pay for it. I really would love to see the industry, government and funders get their heads around reinvestment, and not just hope that someone’s going to buy up the old motels to bulldoze them one day. Vanessa: When valuing businesses, obviously hotel and motel businesses are quite complex. How do you go about valuing them? Matt: We would say obviously that a motel broker is the only person that can properly value a motel. We would suggest that if you want to sell a motel, you work with a motel broker and the main reason for that other than getting proper advice, is that motel buyers hang around motel brokers. So, we’ve got the right people ready to buy the right assets – it’s a very targeted process. For a leasehold business, ultimately the valuation is about profit, the rest is secondary. The term of the lease is important – a cafe might have a 5 plus 5 lease term, but motels are generally a full 30 years at commencement. So, if you’ve only got 10 years remaining on a motel lease, that has a huge effect on the overall value. The terms of lease and rent ratio are also very important in motels - leaseholders can be paying as much as $500,000 a year in rent, so this needs to be sustainable against repeatable income.

So we really encourage people who have long-term views for their assets to invest in them. Quality accommodation drives strong room rates and occupancy and therefore profit, so certainly will add value to the business.

Valuation methods are fairly standard across the industry, the yields on offer in a motel lease range from 25% to 35%. I’ve got to say, this year those numbers have crept up for all sorts of reasons. I guess the other one for a leasehold motel is location and liveability. If one was to have a motel with a nice ocean view, a premium location, you would probably expect to see a lower yield / higher price to live in that location. There is a bit of a saying, about “coast for show and country for dough”, so the further west you go, the more cash you would expect to make.

I think there has been a chronic

With freehold property you’ve got to

factor in underlying land value and potential for alternative uses. Quite often motels are surrounded by residential development and zoned the same. Here in Wollongong there’s a number of motels around the CBD that are exceptionally valuable because of zoning and height limits. If you can build a 40-storey commercial or residential building, your 2-Star motel in its own right can never be anywhere near as valuable as the land that it sits on. Vanessa: What is the biggest mistake vendors make when they have that initial thought of selling their Motel or Hotel? Matt: I guess vendors can become very emotionally attached to their assets. We might have an Airbnb that’s got six rooms and it’s on the beach or it’s got 50 acres and it’s been their labour of love for decades. So, for us to come along and be realistic about what the value actually is, those conversations are hard but necessary. It’s hard to call someone’s baby ugly - we tend not to use those words of course. Vendors should be having those conversations with expert brokers about what market value really means. In theory, a valuer, or a broker, or a bank, or your next door neighbour can tell you what they think your asset is ‘probably’ worth. But the truth is, an achieved price in an open market is effectively the only true market price. Quite a few folks have unrealistic expectations and that applies to all businesses. If you’ve got a trustworthy broker who has genuinely marketed the asset, then we quite often see offers in excess of expectations as well. We prefer to have honest conversations upfront, rather than tell vendors what they want to hear and try to change their mind when the market delivers market value. Vanessa: How long does it take to list, sell and settle? And what kind of factors can stretch that out? Matt: It’s a great question. You can spend a year marketing a motel, to get the right buyer, but if things are properly priced and the market is normal (which I’m not sure it is at the moment), you should be able to transact the motel in two to three months. Beyond that you start getting a bit stale and the buyers who should be looking at the property would have

probably seen it by then. So, if you’ve got a good broker who’s actually going to be in front of proper motel buyers, and has done the right sort of marketing and nothing’s happening, then the price has got to be wrong or there’s some other fundamental problem. Vanessa: For business owners, within the tourism industry who have been hit hard by the COVID pandemic, what advice do you have for those who are panicking? Matt: There’s never been a year with more fear I guess. What we’re seeing in the last two months is this emergence of a “Tale of Two Cities”. We’re seeing anything within a three-hour drive of Sydney is doing really well. I’ll emphasize that by saying only in leisure travel. There’s a lot of media about the South Coast locations, Central Coast, Blue Mountains. They’re all doing fine seems to be the rhetoric, but you know, those markets quite often only rely on weekend travel anyway, and that business has come back strongly. Australians want to get out and support the industry and they desperately want to travel domestically. So, that’s great. The other side of the coin is of course your capital cities, your major cities that rely on conferences, events, international travel, corporate and government travel and none of that is happening any time soon. So, the majority of our industry across the country is made up of those major hotels in major cities and they are struggling, there’s no doubt about it. So, I find it quite amazing that the rhetoric seems to be that everything’s okay. Many tourism businesses are

worth as much today as they were 12 months ago. Selling in a hurry is always going to result in a less than perfect outcome. All business owners have an exit strategy, if it’s changed this year then talk to an expert motel broker about your options. Vanessa: Is the government offering any sort of support outside of say, JobKeeper? Matt: To be honest, no. There’s a lot of calls from the industry, who are starting to co-operate better. We are now six months in and we are reviewing business performance, and in many cases there is six months of real pain. In some cases, that’s come back fairly quickly to previous levels. Anywhere near the borders that are closed, they are struggling but you know, if things improve quickly, I think we’ll just look at this as a blip. Valuers and financiers are prepared to be realistic about the value of an asset when we can normalize and review six months in the context of the past 10 years, but if six months goes to 18 months, then we’ve got a real challenge on valuations. Vanessa: Do you think increasing the number in group settings is going to help some of these CBD based bigger hotels with function centres? Matt: Yes, no doubt, and I know that lots of those operators are really keen on reopening, but there’s a lot of misunderstanding about what those rules are. There is now the potential to have 300 people at a wedding, but the asterisk is, you need to have a 1,200 square metre venue, which hardly anyone has. So, everyone wants to do a 300-person wedding but you are probably more likely to be able to do a 100 person wedding. So, it helps but you know, in terms of the tourism economy, we need to get the convention centres back open and it’s going to be a long time before we see international flights starting to fill up those major hotel rooms in capital cities again, which filters out. If inbound travellers come into Sydney or Melbourne or Brisbane, then, they filter out, travel up the coast, down the coast, into the Blue Mountains, so it helps everybody. Hopefully we’re on the back end of this thing. Vanessa: Do you think if the borders reopen there will be more interstate travel?

Matt: Without a doubt. It will have to and I know there’s been a lot of calls from folks to reopen borders and we’re not getting into the safety and health stuff, but it’s really hurt the tourism sector without doubt. The industry is resilient and I’ve seen things like hospitality, food, and restaurants pivoting into deliveries and pop-up food trucks and doing whatever is possible to keep themselves going and keep folks employed. JobKeeper is running out in just a few months and that is going to have a massive impact as well. I would hope that we’ve got some further recovery before that happens. The next challenge will be that the currently strong domestic leisure travel will be at risk when Australians can again travel overseas. Vanessa: Hopefully, the borders open at least. It’ll be very interesting if things don’t start to turn around. What happens to the whole industry? Matt: I think we’re at a tipping point. As I said before it’s critical that folks understand that things aren’t okay for the tourism industry. If you talk to the person in the street, the media seems to be saying the tourism industry is booming and you quite often see words like that being used about regional tourism. I just don’t see it myself. I see an absolute strong performance in surrounding areas of capital cities without a doubt. Are they doing as well as last year or better? Yes, perhaps they are. But if you in a metropolitan area, or are more than 3 hours drive from a capital city, I doubt things are going to improve in the short term.

P. 0400 200 139 E.


Massive Shortage of Vendors in Tourism Sector It’s a good time to sell - that’s what real estate agents always say, right? We often hear “it’s always the right time to buy and sell”. Here is a more sophisticated answer. Despite everything 2020 has thrown at us in the tourism industry, it’s actually a really good time to sell a tourism asset. Here’s why. Firstly, yields are exceptionally low on all investment and property classes. Quite simply, low yield means high sale price. Starting with less than 1% interest on offer from banks and continuing through to historically low yields for anything you care to look at. All this is causing a “chase for yield” from investors and driving new participants into the tourism industry. Because of this, currently there’s no shortage of buyers for accommodation assets. What we have got is a massive shortage of vendors - there’s been nothing much on the market all year. This in itself tips the scales in favour of the vendor, as buyers have a distinct lack of opportunity. You’d be forgiven for thinking the reason for a lack of tourism asset sales in 2020 is the assumption that buyers would never pay a fair price for a tourism business after the happenings of this year. We honestly aren’t seeing that. Instead, buyers are hungry for tourism assets and rather than being overly opportunistic, buyers broadly accept that this has been “a rough six months in the scheme of the past 3 years”. Currently at least, asset values haven’t been affected. We’ve written some good deals this year and while vendors have needed to be flexible, achieved values have held up. So rather than just “Covid19”, what is actually causing the limited flow of deals is most vendors still have, quite rightly, strong expectations for their asset value. Every week we hear the same thing, “what else would I do with my money when I sell?” This is a completely fair question and an absolutely valid argument. Suppose we sell a freehold motel for $5 million at a 7.0% yield – good luck finding any investment to replace that level of return in type of investment for the next few months at least. I’ve given this a huge amount of thought in the past six months and have come to the conclusion that trying to find the next comparable investment for a seller is perhaps not as critical as assessing current asset value against the immediate forecast. The conversations we’re having with vendors are along the lines of “will your asset be worth more or less in 12 months from now”? 14

Remembering that tourism assets are valued almost entirely on profit, a prolonged period of depressed profit will absolutely have an impact on asset value. Buyers and valuers can smooth out six months of pain across the long term performance of the business, but 12 or 18 months is a very different story. At Tourism Property this year, we’ve had a number of assets on the market getting genuine, unconditional written offers that are not overly opportunistic - they represent fair value. Buyers are not discounting the value of a property based on its last six months. There is no doubt that some regions have recovered on the back of domestic travel. The pent up demand and “cabin fever” has seen short break leisure travel booming of late. It’s brilliant to see, but ask yourself what happens to this sector when Australians are allowed to again leave our shores and head to New Zealand, Europe, USA, Pacific Islands etc Many other Australian tourism regions have not seen anything like a recovery yet. Accommodation businesses relying on travel from inbound, groups, corporate, government, conferencing and weddings have sadly got a long wait ahead of them. Particularly with JobKeeper ending, that’s an awfully large number of accommodation properties that are sadly going to have prolonged profit challenges. For those businesses, if the “six months of pain”, becomes 18 months, then there is no doubt that buyers and valuers will then be getting the red pens out. So, while values for tourism assets are currently holding up, we see two key challenges that will change this. First, a prolonged period of reduced trading performance across many markets, leading to multi-year lower profits and lower true asset values. Second, an increased number of those affected businesses coming to market under distress and transacting at lower than today’s values. I’m very pleased to say that there’s not huge levels of debt across the accommodation sector and this has prevented a catastrophic flood of forced sales. During and post-GFC, the accommodation industry had very high leverage and there were numerous receivership sales. We’ve barely seen any type of urgent sale yet, which is great – but there will absolutely be distressed sales in 2021. As a final point, the next cycle for interest

Matt Davidson

Director - Tourism Property M. 0400 200 139 E. Matt started his hospitality career on Dunk Island resort in tropical north Queensland in 1996 and has genuinely done it all in the industry since then. After more than a decade as owner and co-founder of a highly successful hotel management, development and consultancy firm (2T), Matt founded Tourism Property in 2015.

“There’s a genuine reason that you can get a good price for your asset right now, but you may not get that in future.” rates has to be upward. Perhaps not in a hurry, but likely once economic recovery and inflation kicks in. Along with increasing interest rates, investment yields will also move upward – higher yields will mean lower prices for tourism assets. Is it possible that this dreadful year 2020 could be the top of the market cycle for accommodation asset values? I’d say in some markets, very much yes. Best of luck out there, please reach out if you’d like to talk.

Selling Your Business What If A New Fit-Out Is Due? CLICK TO WATCH

Steve Finn, Co-Founder of Finn Business Sales, discusses what a vendor should do when looking to sell, and a new fit out is required. Let’s say, you are in a business. Maybe you are in a shopping centre, a restaurant or a gym for example, and it is time for that upgrade, a new fit out is now required. While this new fit out is required, the vendor may also be looking at selling.

What I advise is ideally, you just let it go. When it comes time for negotiations, you can just let the potential buyer know what the business is worth, and that it is due for a fitout upgrade that will cost $200,000. Allow that to be a part of the negotiations.

A lot of people ask - “What do I do in this situation? It’s coming up that I’m due for this fit out, before the transfer goes over to a new owner.”

The challenge also is that it can have an impact on your profit, or the price that you sell the business at. So the potential buyer may lower the offer to compensate for the money needing to be spent on the business. So really, either way, you are paying for part of it. During negotiations, a broker will work so that in the end, you will end up covering half the cost of the upgrades,which is better than you spending the whole amount and then getting nothing back. This way you can get it sold and move on.

My advice is, don’t do it. Don’t do the new fit out. Hold off and leave that with the new owner. It’s better than you going and spending those several hundred thousands of dollars. I know sometimes a vendor may think, that if you spend that, it will be perfect for the new owner and when they take over. The problem is, the potential buyer is buying your business based on profit. They are buying your business based on the money that it makes. They aren’t going to buy the business based on the money that it makes, plus the $200,000 you just spent on a new fit out upgrade. They aren’t going to give you back that $200,000. That’s why it is best not to spend that.


Finn Business Sales are a leading Business and Franchise Brokerage that have been established over 16 years and operate across all states of Australia.

Steve Finn is the Director and Co-Founder of The Finn Group, a national brand with a team of more than 60 people throughout Australia delivering business sales, finance, and consulting services. P. 1300 535 932 E.


9 questions to ask before hiring a Business Broker By Dione Mauric | Advantage Business Sales and Valuations

Business Brokers You have two main options available when you decide it is time to sell your business. You can try to sell it on your own, or you can retain the services of a business broker to handle the details of the transaction. While it is possible to sell on your own, most owners simply don’t have the time, contacts or objectivity to negotiate a safe and fair deal. Using a third-party professional is often the best option, but only if you hire the right broker that properly represents your best interests. Hiring the wrong broker can be the difference between not selling at all and selling for a price you are satisfied with. Here are nine questions you need to ask prior to hiring a business broker:

1. How much experience do you have selling businesses like mine? It is important that you look for a professional that has prior experience selling a business like yours. Selling a restaurant is much different than selling a website. Not only is it a completely different business model, but the target buyer is much different as well. Successful business brokers will always have a number of experienced buyers in his or her back pocket, making it advantageous to work with someone that has existing connections to buyers related to your business and understands the nuances of that particular industry. If you hire an agent that doesn’t have experience selling a business similar to yours, it will require them to learn your

business and industry inside and out. This wastes valuable time that is better spent prospecting and negotiating. 2. Do you work from home or an office? There is nothing wrong with working from home, and many companies are migrating to a virtual environment to cut costs. When it comes to brokers though, working from home will sometimes signify that this is not the individual’s full-time occupation. The last thing you want to do is hire a broker that isn’t going to give your listing his or her full attention because they have another job that takes up the majority of their time. A business brokerage with an office typically means that they have a full

“Using a third-party professional is often the best option, but only if you hire the right broker that properly represents your best interests.” 16

team of brokers and experts that will all work towards reaching the goal of selling your business fast and for top dollar. An office setting also gives them a professional environment to handle negotiations and meet with potential buyers. The broker you choose to hire is a direct representation of your business. Do you want potential buyers discussing the purchase in a nice office setting or at a cafe? A professional image goes a long way when it comes time to close a deal. 3. How many businesses like mine have you sold? It is important to find out how many businesses like yours they have sold. Don’t confuse this with the business type -- as there can be a huge difference between business in a particular category, such as a restaurant, for example. A small breakfast restaurant that seats 30 people is much different than a 200-person Italian fine-dining restaurant with a full bar. If a brokerage hasn’t successfully sold a business similar to yours, it is in your best interest to keep looking until you find one that is experienced and qualified to handle your listing. 4. How do you value a business? Asking a broker how he or she values a business for sale will give you a good indication of how experienced they are. If they give you a cookie cutter response such as “net income multiplied by two” before asking you many questions, then turn around and run. Valuation calculations have so many factors to consider -- the same formula doesn’t work for every business. For example, you value a website or online business much differently than you would a brick-and-mortar retail business. Most small businesses are valued on a multiple of PEBITDA Proprietors Earnings Before Interest, Taxation, Depreciation, Amortisation, which are the net profits of the business added to expenses that benefit the current owner(s) but do not necessarily benefit the business. Business valuation is a complex topic, so steer clear of any brokers that mention a generic valuation formula, as every business is different. 5. How will you prevent my customer and competitors from hearing my business is for sale?

Keeping the sale of your business confidential is very important. Make sure to find out what policies are in place that keeps the details of the sale confidential. If your customers are made aware of the sale they might interpret it as trouble -- when in reality you might be selling simply to pursue other opportunities. Additionally, you don’t want competitors to catch wind that you are exploring options to sell. A great broker will be able to stir up interest by just providing teaser information and being an expert in marketing the “opportunity” as opposed to the specific detail of the sale. Once a potential buyer expresses interest he or she will have to be qualified to ensure they have the financial ability to purchase the business. Once qualified, the broker should have a non-disclosure agreement signed prior to releasing any sensitive details. 6. How many qualified buyers do you have? You might think that a broker who claims to have a large number of buyers would be a good thing, but this isn’t necessarily the case. In fact, someone claiming to have tens of thousands of qualified buyers at his or her fingertips is questionable. It would be nearly impossible to build real relationships and qualify that many buyers. Anyone claiming to have tens of thousands of buyers more than likely has a generic email list and doesn’t know the buyers personally. A broker that specialises in selling businesses exactly like yours and has solid relationships with a couple of dozen buyers is much more valuable to you as a seller.

8. How many listings do you have at the moment? Finding out how many listings a broker currently has will give you a good indication of how much time they can dedicate to selling your business. A broker with a large number of listings might be taking on every listing they can in hopes that the marketing of these will eventually lead to a sale. This “throw it against the wall and see what sticks” approach is not effective at all. Look for a business brokerage that has between fifteen to twenty active listings per broker -- any more than this will mean your listing won’t receive the attention required to sell it. A small, manageable number indicates that they understand the time and attention each listing requires. 9. Do you help with sales contract preparation? Do I need a lawyer? An experienced broker should be able to assist with the drafting of legal agreements and should have experience with different ways to structure deals. That being said, they should also advise that you hire an independent legal team to review documents before they are signed. Use your broker for the initial paperwork and structuring of the transaction, but always have it reviewed by lawyers before you go to the signing table. With so many different rules you need to be certain that all of your T’s are crossed and I’s dotted. The small legal expense can end up saving you headaches and money down the road.

7. Can you just list my business for $1 million? A good broker knows how to come up with a realistic valuation and pricing strategy that will lead to a successful sale. Remember, they don’t get paid commission unless they sell your business, so it is in their best interest to price it correctly with two goals in mind -- to sell it while also commanding the highest possible sale price. If you throw out a high, unrealistic amount and they agree to your price demand, you will be wasting your time. An experienced agent isn’t going to waste his or her time with a listing that isn’t priced correctly -- they value their time and aren’t going to waste it on a business that isn’t going to sell.

Dione Mauric Business Broker

A co-founder of Advantage Business Sales and Valuations, Dione Mauric has a unique ability to create successful outcomes for her clients - through hard-work, and a little luck! Her results are the product of a combination of skills, mindset and abilities. She is passionate about assisting business owners achieve their biggest goals.


What is Driving Increased Buyer Enquiries? In the midst of the COVID pandemic there was a definite stall in the business for sale industry. Sellers began to panic that they would not achieve an optimum price for their business and buyers were not willing to commit with so much uncertainty in the market. Everyone was confused on what the future would hold. It’s been over 6 months since the start of the outbreak when the Government announced Jobkeeper to help support businesses and employees. Whilst most States have lifted many restrictions and with Victoria’s lockdowns easing this

week, business owners have started to see how the pandemic is being managed. So why the surge in buyer enquiries? Firstly; Opportunity. Serious buyers know what they are looking for. If a business enters the market that meets their criteria and they can get it for a fair price, they are ready and willing to commit. Buyers have now seen the effects of the restrictions and how to diversify and cope with the transition. Secondly; People are looking for job

prospects. According to the ABS, unemployment rates edged up to 6.9% in September 2020 from 6.8% in August. The number of people unemployed increased by 11,300 to 937,400 people, as people looking for full-time work went up by 8,900 to 703,200 and those looking for only part-time work rose by 2,300 to 234,200. That’s nearly 1 million Australians who are unemployed. With industries such as Tourism being hit hard by the COVID restrictions it provides an opportunity for people to transfer their skills and

“Selling now doesn’t mean you will sell for a low price, it means you are visible for buyers and there are buyers looking.” 18

become a business owner. The notion of ‘buying yourself a job’ is more prominent now than ever before. Thirdly; Diversification. Many business owners have learnt how important it is to have multiple income streams to mitigate risk. Some industries have been hit a lot harder than others. Whether it’s increasing product offerings or purchasing another business to increase revenue streams. A good example is a major fashion retailer who operates 6 different brands, saw a massive increase in active wear and a massive drop in formal and event wear. It was the diversification in brands and products that protected this major retailer during COVID. With more buyers entering the market, is it a good time to sell? We hear from brokers that a lot of business owners are hesitant to list their business for sale at the moment as they feel they won’t get a good price and are also still receiving JobKeeper so feel they can wait until March 2021 to consider their options. The problem

with this is, it takes on average 6-9 months to sell a business in Australia. So if you wait until March you will be joining hundreds of other businesses entering the market vs being prepared and on the market to be part of that transition. Listing now means there is about 5 months of Jobkeeper left and you can continue to receive during the sale process if eligible.

sell for a low price, it means you are visible for buyers and there are buyers looking. If you are in the market for a business, be sure to sign up for the Bsale Buyer Notification, so you can see when a new business is listed. If you are selling, there are options available. Always seek professional advice when buying or selling a business.

The good news is, buyers are making fair market offers. The fear of low offers isn’t quite the reality. There are always buyers who try to “get a bargain” with unrealistic low offers. That’s why many business owners engage a business broker so they can negotiate on your behalf. Business brokers, accountants and owners realise the effect COVID has had on the entire business industry. Valuations are adjusted accordingly to account for this.. The value of a business is extended beyond just 6 months. How you pivoted and adapted during this time may influence a buyer to choose your business, but valuations are being generated with adjustments. Selling now doesn’t mean you will

Vanessa Lovie

CEO | Bsale Australia Vanessa is the CEO of Bsale Australia. With extensive knowledge in online marketing and the business for sale industry. Vanessa is a huge supporter and advocate for small business in Australia.

Established since 2000. Bsale can deliver you more leads for your business or franchise sale.

Business Brokers

Business Owners

Franchise Groups


Why are Non-Dentists Buying Dental Practices? By Lara Cassidy| ABS Business Sales Who will be the Buyer? The ownership of Dental Practices by non-dentists is growing. The implementation of deregulating the Australian dental system has opened the door for non-dentists to buy their own practice. A number of practices are now owned by Corporates or Individuals who are not dentists but have worked in the industry in some capacity such as practice managers, hygienists and dental assistants. There is a discernible shift from the traditional dentist ownership to nondentist ownership in practices across Australia and there are a few reasons why this trend continues to grow and is a popular business model.

Most dental practice owners want to focus on what they do best which is providing the best dentistry to their patients. It can be overwhelming to run a Dental Practice and learn the business of Dentistry. There have been many changes in the dental industry in such areas as employment law, work health and safety issues and dental regulations and it can be hard to keep up and continue to run a successful practice while maintaining a level of service your patients. It can become exhausting trying to be both, which is why we are seeing more non-dentist owners. There are significant profits to be made in Dentistry, but to achieve these

profits you need to have great clinical skills and also excellent business management skills. This is a business model that liberates dentists from the day-to-day running of the practice so they can concentrate on developing exceptional clinical skills and meanwhile, the non-dentist owner has the time to create a customer-centric practice while ensuring all aspects of the business from marketing, social media presence, staff relations or accounts are all working seamlessly. Who will be the Buyer? They might be working in the Dental practice. It could be the perfect opportunity for the associate Dentist, the Practice Manager or the Hygienist.

“Surrounding yourself with a team of professionals who understand the complexities of a dental Sale will help you explore all options whether you are buying or selling.“ 20

Surrounding yourself with a team of professionals who understand the complexities of a dental Sale will help you explore all options whether you are buying or selling.

all over the country. We determine an active buyer as anyone who has opened an email in the last 12 weeks and at the moment, that figure equates to over 3,800 buyers.

How to Sell Your Dental Practice?

3. Sale Process

If you’re looking to sell your dental practice, there are various different agreements you can enter into with the buyer. The structure of the deal created can actually be more important than the ultimate purchase price.

Of course, just finding a buyer isn’t where a good Broker stops. We estimate that 70% of our service is actually provided once a buyer has been found when completing the due diligence. From negotiating the commercial terms, chasing all the stakeholders, we’ll be there every step of the way.

1. Valuation The selling process will usually start off with a valuation of your business to determine the true operating performance and profitability of your practice. 2. Marketing The most important aspect of selling a practice is ensuring the right buyers are aware of the sale and we have over 5,500 buyers currently registered on our database, looking for businesses

If you are looking at buying or selling a Dental Practice please contact Lara Cassidy at ABS Business Sales.

Take The First Step to Sell Your Dental Practice We pride ourselves on finding our clients an arrangement tailored to their goals. Whether you decide to sell outright and then retire from the profession, wish to remain working in the business, or sell to a dental corporate body or non-Dentist , we can help you with your exit strategy.

Have you checked their insurance? Every business broker knows that the key to having a smooth settlement process is having all the details sorted so that there are no nasty, last minute surprises - especially with insurance policies being transferred or taken out by the buyer. At AB Phillips, we are the AIBB’s strategic insurance partner. Refer your buyers and sellers to us and we will review their existing insurance, provide recommendations and make sure everything is sorted before settlement. Plus if they buy from us, you earn a referral fee on each policy sold.

KEY FEATURE POINTS • Provide a smoother settlement process for both parties • Make it easier for your seller to transition their business • Widen your revenue streams

Register to become an AB Phillips referral partner today.

Being Informed is critical and speaking with the right people is paramount!

Lara Cassidy

Business Broker | ABS Business Sales With a wide business acumen and having experience in running and owning businesses including Medical, Dental and Construction, Lara can guide sellers and buyers through a smooth transaction.

20 Steps to Prepare your Business for Sale Tony Arena | BCI Business Brokers Most business owners never receive full value when selling their business because by the time they are ready to put their business on the market, either it is too late to do anything with it or the owner has no energy to properly prepare the business for sale. We advise our vendors to take a good look at the business from a buyer’s point of view. Act as though you are doing an investigation of your own business prior to purchasing it. This applies whether you are a micro business that operates from home or a business that has been established 20 years, employs 40 people and has multimillion dollar sales. You will find that each point below relates to one of two things • Boosting profit or • Reducing risk Start implementing any of the initiatives that follow and you’ll find that you’ll begin to boost the value of your business immediately. “We begin to learn wisely when we’re willing to see world from other people’s perspective.” - Toba Beta 1. Ask yourself “Would I buy this business?” Take a good look at the strengths and weaknesses of your business - these are the internal features of your business. Look at the opportunities and threats to your business - these are the external features • Build on the strengths • Take the opportunities • Fix the weaknesses and

• Reduce the power of the threats If you can’t do all of the above things, at least make sure that they are possible within your business. It’s always wise to leave a little bit left for the buyer in the business. “Drive thy business or it will drive thee.” - Benjamin Franklin 2. History of Ownership If your business does not have a long track record, be prepared to prove profit or sales in some other way by trial of the business or by way of performance clauses to be satisfied prior to full and final settlement of the purchase price. Whilst history is no proof of what will happen in the future, it is certainly a solid indication. Nurture your reputation by the quality of the products and services you deliver. “Keep looking up! I learn from the past, dream about the future and look up. There’s nothing like a beautiful sunset to end a healthy day.” - Rachel Boston 3. Image, Brand and Reputation add value Always be conscious of the image you project. A good brand says to the market “Trust me and I will look after you”. You have a personal brand as well as a corporate brand. “You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.” - Henry Ford 4. Client and Supplier Contract You might feel comfortable without contracts but the buyer may need more assurance. If you can get written

contracts with clients that automatically renew at the end of the period – that provides a measure of assurance to a buyer. If you rely on a single supplier, you are at risk unless you are protected by a long contract and even then there are no guarantees. Execute contracts where possible. “A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.” - Samuel Goldwyn 5. Intellectual Property Patents, designs and trademarks need to be registered. You may not see the need for a trademark, however a buyer who sees a business without trademark will be nervous that someone else could come in and grab your valuable name. The same applies to other registrable intellectual property assets. “Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana.” - Bill Gates 6. Premises If you are tenant of property and you only have a short period of time left on your lease, speak to your lessor about the possibility of extending the lease or the possibility of a buyer of your business been granted a new lease. Where a business is dependent on its location this can be absolutely crucial. “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” - Maya Angelou 7. Reason for sale Don’t invent a reason for selling a business. The best reason is retirement however what a buyer is really looking for is to establish that there is potential

“Act as though you are doing an investigation of your own business prior to purchasing it” 22

for him to grow the business. If the business is being sold due to business failure, the buyer wants to know that the failure is due to poor operator and not due to an inherent weakness in the business that can’t be fixed.

will not pay for assets that are dilapidated, unusable or out of date.

“A man always has two reasons for doing anything: a good reason and the real reason.” - J.P. Morgan

13. Spread of Clients

8. Employees You need to paint the right picture about your staff. Job descriptions, profiles and detailed rosters should be prepared. Whether you should lock your employees in with contracts depends on whether you think a buyer would want to keep such an employee. You may prefer not to contract and hence to retain flexibility. Your employees form one of your great assets. Tell them that the business is going to be sold as soon as possible, also telling them that you will endeavour to secure future for them in the business if they want to stay on. “Start with good people, lay out the rules, communicate with your employees, motivate them and reward them. If you do all those things effectively, you can’t miss.” - Lee Iaccocoba 9. Owner’s Influence A business heavily reliant on the current owner’s expertise or relationship with key clients or staff loses value for that reason. This is classified as the “risk of the transaction”. Give more responsibility to key staff. Reduce the number of hours you spend in the business. “It is not inequality which is the real misfortune, it is dependence.” - Voltaire 10. Credit rating Pay your debt on time. A poor credit history can unsettle a buyer. “Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship.” - Bejamin Franklin 11. Smooth Trends There are some financial figures that should remain constant from year to year. These include sales figures, gross margin, and wages. Any substantial change in these key figures should be explained. “History is a vast early warning system.” - Norman Cousins 12. Clean up your Asset Register Get rid of surplus or old stock. Update old equipment that is both productionand energy-inefficient. The purchaser

“Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” - William Morris

Don’t have your business reliant on a few major clients. Having a wider spread of clients reduces risk and increases value in a business. “I don’t build in order to have clients. I have clients in order to build.” - Ayn Rand 14. Competition List your competitors. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of your competition. Understandyour competitive advantage and be prepared to explain it. “You have competition every day because you set such high standards for yourself that you have to go out every day and live up to that.” - Michael Jordan 15. Business Plan Less than 20% of business owners have a business plan. Even fewer work with it. This is because most business plans are too complex. A business plan must be able to be summarised on one page. It answers three questions: • Where are we now? • Where are we going? • How will we get there? “If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favourable.” - Lucius Annaeus Seneca 16. Systems Wherever you can, systemise your business. Detail your business processes. Create an operations manual. Also, systemise that part of your business which is hardly ever systemised - the sales process.

18. Keep up Running a business is tough these days. Most traditional businesses are under challenge from industry change. The move from bricks and mortar to online, consumer sophistication, price wars, retail revolution, all of these things are putting unbelievable pressure on everyone. You need to keep asking yourself the question “Where will my business be in five years time?” “The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.” - Peter Drucker 19. Form your Team Selling a business should be a team effort. Your team should include: • A solicitor who is an expert in small business sales • An accountant who goes beyond the figures and understands each of these points • A wealth adviser who is competent at investing the proceeds of sale • A coach who can both teach you new things and keep you accountable on this plan “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” - Henry Ford 20. Provable, Transferable, Maintainable To get top dollar for your business you’ll need to establish that the facts are provable, the income is maintainable and the business is transferable. Get this right and you will get a pleasant surprise when you sell your business “I love it when people doubt me. It makes me work harder to prove them wrong.” Derek Jeter

“Good designers can’t fix broken business models.” - Jeffrey Veen 17. Plan your Sale Time your sale so that you sell as closelyas possible to the right time in • The calendar cycle • The industry cycle • The regulatory cycle • The economic cycle • Your lifetime cycle “The right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing.” - Joshua Harris

Tony Arena

Managing Director | BCI Business Brokers Tony is Managing Director of BCI Business Brokers and has over 30 years’ experience of business broking in Australia.


I Am Purchasing A Business in an Economic Downturn. How Can I Protect Myself? By Mathew DeRusha | Lawyer at Legal Vision

As a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, there are very uncertain times ahead for the economy. Protective measures such as banning social gatherings and social distancing are in place, contributing to an economic downturn. If you are already in the process of purchasing a business, you may be wondering where this leaves you. Generally, if you have signed a sale of business contract, you are legally bound to proceed with the sale. However, there are some protective measures you can take to limit any negative effects during these unprecedented times. This article will explore these measures, including: • conducting thorough due diligence of the business, and assessing how

much of its revenue is recurring revenue; • ensuring you have written contracts for all key customers and suppliers contracts and that they still have a reasonable amount of time left on their term; and • considering how you can reduce costs once you have taken over the business. Recurring Revenue For any business sale, it is important to conduct thorough due diligence on the business you are looking to purchase. This will ensure that: • you know exactly what you are purchasing; and • whether the purchase price truly

reflects the value of the business. In an uncertain economy, it is particularly important to investigate the business’ recurring revenue, to determine the revenue projections for the next six to 12 months. Recurring revenue is revenue that continues into the future. It is usually locked in by contract (i.e. a 12-month contract) and ideally is directly-debited from the customer’s bank account. Some common examples include subscriptions and memberships. When calculating the business’ purchase price, recurring revenue provides more value compared to revenue associated with one-off purchases. However, while ongoing revenue provides more certainty, you should review the client agreement in question to determine if it allows the

“While there are uncertain times ahead, if you are purchasing a business there are a few proactive steps you can take to help limit your risks moving forward.” 24

customer to terminate or suspend the contract. Also, even if revenue is recurring, the reality is that some of these clients may simply not pay. Even if they have a contractual obligation to do so, it may not be worth your time and expense to pursue these debts. You should consider negotiating a reduction in the purchase price with the seller if: • the business you are purchasing has limited recurring revenue; or • has recurring revenue that you may need to chase as part of debt collection measures. Locking in All Contracts When purchasing any business, make sure that all essential aspects of the business are contractually locked in. This includes ongoing services with clients and suppliers. In the same way that you expect that the lights will turn on when you enter your office, you want to know that the supplies you will be relying on will be delivered. As a result, it is important to make sure that your suppliers and service providers are contractually obliged to continue providing their goods or services to you. Consider these arrangements carefully. For example, a long-term supply contract may be beneficial to the business, but it could also mean that you are required to buy a certain amount of stock from your suppliers, even if your sales are low. Seek professional advice on all key business contracts to confirm: • the risks in existing contracts; or • to draft or amend new contracts to better suit your needs and the changing business landscape. Transferring Contracts Make sure all important business contracts can be transferred to you, especially if the planned purchase is an asset or business sale (rather than a share sale). The customer or supplier contract normally will state whether you can: • transfer the contract to a third party (a buyer) without their consent; or • customer or supplier consent is required. If the contract is silent on the issue, then you will need to seek consent. Check the contracts carefully to see if

consent is required, and consider what process you will follow. Negotiations to meet customer or supplier requirements and gain consent can be time-consuming and could allow them to terminate these contracts. If these contracts are essential to the business’ operation, you should consider this early in the sale process, to ensure the contracts can be formally transferred to you.

redundancy payments are not always be required. For instance,

If the consent process is going to take time, there are other options you can consider, such as the seller subcontracting their business contracts to you (if the contract permits this). Your lawyer can advise you on your options. Where it is a share sale, it can be an easier transition as you are taking over control of the company and the business contracts will remain with the company.

There may also be the opportunity to end the lease in limited circumstances. If the lease has a long term remaining, then the landlord will be reluctant to allow the seller to exit the lease.

Removing Overheads Once you own the business, if you are expecting revenue to decline, look at ways to reduce current expenses. Build a continuity plan that allows the business to quickly adjust to a downturn, which could include cutting expenses. Some options for reducing overheads include: • asking the landlord for temporary rent reductions; • asking the bank to temporarily pause loan repayments; • cutting non-essential service providers; • using fewer resources in your dayto-day business operations; • reducing the hours for part-time or casual employees; and

• where there are less than 15 employees (subject to limited exceptions); • and if the employee is casual or has been engaged for less than 12 continuous months. Ending the Lease

However, if the lease term has expired and it is now month-to-month, this typically allows the seller to end the lease on a month’s notice. If this is a retail business, you may be able to move entirely to online sales in the interim, and lease a premises once the economy returns to normal. This would drastically reduce expenses and would allow the business to continue operating. Key Takeaways While there are uncertain times ahead, if you are purchasing a business there are a few proactive steps you can take to help limit your risks moving forward. This includes locking in client and key supplier contracts as soon as possible. While this does not guarantee payment or delivery of supplies, it will significantly improve your risk exposure. You can also take measures to temporarily reduce costs if you expect revenue to be low when you take over the business, such as negotiating your lease with your landlord.

• taking more drastic measures. Drastic Cost Reductions In a challenging economic climate, you may need to consider drastic cost reductions. A business’ two highest expenses are usually employee salaries and its lease, so revisit these for opportunities to reduce costs. Not Transferring Employees During a business purchase and depending on the terms of the contract, you can elect not to take on some or all of the employees. This can reduce the business expenses for the time being. If you do not take on certain employees, the seller may need to make their roles redundant. However,

Matthew DeRusha Lawyer | LegalVision

Matthew is a lawyer in LegalVision’s Sale of Business and Commercial teams. He specialises in franchising as well as asset and sale of business matters. Outside of LegalVision Matthew can be found at the beach going for a run or enjoying a surf.


What a Good Ad Looks Like….. 1.

Descriptive title with numbers. This entices buyers to click through and see what else is ‘revealed’ in the ad.

Industrial Cafe Open 5 Days Only. 1 Selling 9kg Coffee/wk

2. Great leading image. Make sure it is in landscape. Be sure to check how it appears in search results. People and interior shots of a 2

business work well as they help the buyer feel that they are ‘inside’ the business. You can change the order of your photos over time, to see which performs better. Always include photos, email us your ID for stock photos if needed. 3. Short descriptions should ‘reiterate the title’ and have useful keywords. It will help your ad be found and reconfirm to the buyer that the ad is about what they ‘thought’ it was in the heading. See useful keywords ‘under management’ ‘little competition’ ‘weekends off’ ‘coastal town’ ‘great profit’ ‘industrial cafe’. These are all keywords that buyers could use to find your business.

Business for Sale King Street Cafe Cronulla, NSW

4. Make sure your price is accurate and outlines the terms such as


+SAV, WIWO, +GST etc.

Leading cafe established 15 years in an industrial area with very little competition. Open 5am - 3pm, 5 days per week. Enjoy your weekends off in a coastal town. Could be run under management. Selling 9kg coffee per week. Great profit margins. Price:

5. Speak directly to your buyer. It’s a good idea to identify who your ideal buyer is. Whether It’s ‘a family’, ‘a beautician’, ‘a labourer’, ‘a stay at home mum’, ‘a salesperson’. If you outline your buyer at the start

$190,000 +SAV 4

This cafe presents a great opportunity for a family to operate a business and still enjoy their weekends off. Currently managed by a husband and wife team and casuals. Location 6 In an industrial area surrounded by 50+factories with 100s of workers looking for breakfast and lunch opportunities. Very little competition. Premises Leasehold. 5x5x5. 5 years remaining option to renew. Is a standalone brick building with full commercial kitchen. Seating for 10 indoors and 30 outdoors. Products Sandwiches, wraps, burgers, BBQ chicken, fish, salads, fresh juice, coffee, cake. Potential 7 There is the opportunity to offer catering services for the local businesses. Such as sandwich platters, cake platters and more.

8 Training We are willing to provide 2 weeks training to help the new owners settle in. Reason For Sale 9 We are now 65 and ready to slow down. It’s time to sell the cafe and retire. This is a great opportunity for a family. It has served us well over the past 10 years. To find out more and arrange an 10 inspection please contact Alex on 0400 000 000.

of the ad, they will feel an association with you. They will feel you are 5

speaking directly to them. 6. Subheadings are the key to creating an epic ad. It helps layout your content and makes it easier for the buyer to quickly scan and find information that most relates to them. Such as wanting to know the lease terms, can easily be located under ‘premises’. 7. Potential is often an area overlooked by sellers. But it can be a key selling point. Most buyers want to see where they can expand the current business. Highlighting areas shows the buyer where there is potential to make more money. 8. Training is important. Some buyers don’t have experience in your industry or may have never owned a business before. But if they feel they will be guided in the initial stages. This helps them feel confident in buying your business. 9. It’s a good idea to show your personality as a business owner, to help the buyer feel a connection and that this ad isn’t just another ‘generic’ ad. That there are passionate business owners currently running this business. 10. A call to action is vital to encourage the buyer to communicate with you. It’s also a good idea to tell them what will happen next. Whether arranging an inspection, signing a confidentiality agreement or friendly chat. Let them know what will happen next.


It’s been a year of highs and lows for most quick-service-restaurants and food businesses.However, The Yiros Shop have taken the learnings of 2020 and turned them into a successful franchise operation - announcing their first franchise deal. With seven stores already serving Queensland’s best Yiros and Greek takeaway across Brisbane and a brand new Gold Coast shop opening in Burleigh Heads bringing the total to eight stores next month, the Yiros Shop team have made sure that this is a year to remember! The first franchised store is confirmed to open in December 2020 and will provide all of their popular and favourite Greek goodness to locals and the neighbouring suburbs of Jindalee. Located 15km southwest of the Brisbane CBD and right on the doorstep of The University of Queensland, Pinjarra Hills Campus - the new Yiros Shop location will be run by new franchise partner, Atul Sakhiya. Atul says that he’s excited to be part of the Yiros Shop network and is looking forward to growing his business, explaining that, “It’s been a while since we started discussions so I am looking forward to getting the new location up and running and providing the best Greek


The Yiros Shop signs first franchisee! takeaway and casual dining food to the people of Jindalee and surrounding suburbs such as; Mount Ommaney, Middle Park and Westlake.” The exciting franchise news follows a string of success throughout the year, including the announcement of their very first drive-thru opening in early February 2021 and set to attract queues of cars travelling between Brisbane and the Gold Coast, filled with hungry and loyal fans desperate to get their hands on the best Yiros in town. James Young, Head of Franchise Sales and Development at DC Strategy, said, “It’s been awesome to see this new franchise brand grow and expand, even during a global pandemic. We’ve been working with their awesome team for a while and they’ve proven that their business model is resilient and that they are able to adapt and innovate during the most trying times.”

DC STRATEGY M. 0488 064 866 E. Founded by Rod Young in 1983, the Australian end-to-end consulting, legal, recruitment and brand and marketing firm was created to assist entrepreneurs from start-ups and SMEs to NGOs, government bodies and large corporates to develop sustainable franchise networks.

The Yiros Shop is on its way to franchise success and you could also be involved in the action! Contact The Yiros Shop team to find out more about exclusive franchise locations and their future expansion plans.



Motto Motto introduces first Franchise Partners Now giving entrepreneurs the chance to be part of the growing Japanese Quick Service Restaurant brand, Motto Motto has announced their first franchise partners for their brand new Westfield Carindale outpost. Motto Motto has appointed a team of four young entrepreneurs Frank Jiang, Linda Zhang, Jason Yan and Brandon Choi to lead the new restaurant in all aspects of the business. Motto Motto Group’s Chief Commercial Officer Matt Fickling said, “We’re thrilled to now have our first franchise partners on-board and part of the Motto-crew. The introduction of franchisees marks just the beginning of our expansion plans as we redefine casual dining across the country by showing Australian’s the Motto Motto Grade” Amid the damage the COVID-19 crisis has inflicted on the franchising and hospitality industries, Motto Motto has bucked the trend with a successful 12 months that has not only seen them commence franchising but also open three new restaurants, appoint marketing and supply chain heads, pen a national distribution deal and has seen the creation of a new e-commerce meal brand named Kyoto At Home. Fickling added, “This news tops off a very challenging and productive year for our group but is illustrative of our proposition to the franchise market. We are not just disrupting with low fees but solving some of the issues the industry is facing, like providing our partners with upfront turnkey establishment costs and end of term franchisor buy back guarantees to lower the risk for them and their family.” Frank Jiang said, “Being the first franchisee for Motto Motto has been awesome! We are supported by a caring Founder and motivated CCO where ideas and opinions are truly valued. Also, we are delighted

to have this opportunity to be our own boss and rise to the challenge of running a successful business. I strongly believe we will achieve meaningful and fulfilling relationships and embark on a rewarding journey together.” Motto Motto is looking for franchisees nationally as they expand their NSW footprint and enter the Victorian market next year. MOTTO MOTTO JAPANESE Meaning ‘More More’ in Japanese, Motto Motto is a chain of made-to-order premiumcasual restaurants brought to life by William Liu, the owner of Australia’s most awarded Japanese restaurant, Sono. Featuring a innovation and tradition together to bring fine dining ingredients and quality to the world of fast, casual dining. Much more than just a name, ‘more more’ is the philosophy behind everything Motto Motto does. From more 5-star quality ingredients and more chef-style precision to more incredible service and more value, Motto Motto is committed to making sure every diner gets ‘more more’ out of dining at one of their restaurants.

M. 0488 064 866 E. Founded by Rod Young in 1983, the Australian end-to-end consulting, legal, recruitment and brand and marketing firm was created to assist entrepreneurs from start-ups and SMEs to NGOs, government bodies and large corporates to develop sustainable franchise networks. @mottomotto_japanese KYOTO AT HOME Kyoto At Home is Australia’s first premium at home Japanese meal brand developed by the team behind Brisbane’s premium casual restaurant brand, Motto Motto Japanese and Brisbane hospitality stalwart and fine­diner Sono Japanese Restaurant. With a range of curries and ramens available, customers can choose Japanese dine in, at home. @kyotoathome

Motto Motto’s first franchise partners Linda Zhang, Frank Jiang, Jason Yan and Brandon Choi




Find a Business that Suits you and your Skills! Diverse range of ads by owners, brokers and franchise groups.

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Modern Cafe Situated On The Foreshore


Business for Sale | Sydney NSW

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$ 300,000


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Food - Cafe for Sale







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Pet Shop in Busy Shopping Mall


Accomodation and Tourism

Business for Sale | Sydney NSW

Agricultural and Rural

$ 160,000 + SAV


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Beauty and Health Commerical Property Education and Training

Pet Shop for Sale

Food & Hospitality



Pet Shop in Busy Shopping Mall Business for Sale | Sydney NSW

$ 160,000 +SAV Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Import Export Wholesale Manufacturing

Private Seller

Professional Retail Services

Pet Shop for Sale

Work From Home (912)


Successful eCommerce Business. Est 8 years. Business Opportunity| Sydney NSW

$ 210,000 WIWO Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Websites For Sale


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Surry Hills Wine Bar And Restaurant Food - Cafe For Sale

About The Business: In every crisis, there can be many opportunities that present themselves, this unparalleled wine bar and restaurant in Surry Hills is one of them. A fully-managed, all-day dining venue offering modernday cocktails, an extensive wine list, and simply delicious food, Located in a high foot traffic area of Surry Hills, this business has always been extremely busy, especially on weekends. A complete re-brand and refurbishment took place approximately 18months ago where the vendor spent well over $600,000 on the premises.Its strong turnover, high value of equipment, location, long lease, low price... Price: $225,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Daniel Kogan Phone: 0401 620 918 View Online Bsale ID 275015



Established Existing Pizza Franchise Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

Excellent opportunity to purchase well established existing pizza franchise selling pizza, ribs, wings and desserts which has been operating for over two years with consistent sale figures and run under full management with the owner currently not working in the store. Ongoing support and training from franchisor and team with over 30 year’s experience in the pizza business to help you grow and develop your business with Low Franchise fees and marketing fees. Training will be provided from franchisor before handover of the business for free so no experience needed but must have strong leadership skills, highly motivated and ideally previous business experience. Short trading hours and open 7 nights a week from 4.30pm-9pm and lunch Friday’s 11am-2pm with immediate opportunity to extend trading hours. Comes fully equipped with a modern fit out and all the equipment you need including a walkin cool room, Middleby Marshall PS540G Oven and fully integrated pos system with online ordering and website. A good lease currently in place and Located in busy shopping centre opposite Coles and surrounded by a pub, butcher, bakers, hairdresser, post office and many other shops. Price: $100,000 Region: Central Coast State: NSW Contact: Michael Phone: 0435 240 156 View Online Bsale ID 274368

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Online Pet Store Business. Run From Home Websites and Online Stores

Don’t spend a fortune purchasing an established business! We offer pre-made online businesses for sale with 1 to 1 training to help you start selling products online successfully. *Escape the 9-5 grind *Spend more time with family, friends, kids *Work your own hours *Avoid the daily commute *Be in control of your time *Work from home or holidays. Get Millionaire training and real support and guidance to help you launch a new online business. For more information on this new business for sale, please visit us online: http://

Price: $7,490 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Sam Phone: 1300 935 653 View Online Bsale ID 257134 *stock photo used, not actual business



Motto Motto Restaurant | Sydney NSW Franchises and Business Opportunities

We’ll be honest, Motto Motto is hard to describe. You could call us a premium casual restaurant chain, but that does not quite hit it on the head. Similarly, you could call us a casual fine diner, but that’s not quite right either. The truth is, Motto Motto was born in the kitchen of Australia’s most awarded Japanese restaurant, Sono. With a passion for Japanese tradition, a head full of crazy-innovative business ideas and a desire to bring our ‘Motto Motto Grade’ to the world of fast-casual dining we have created a japanese inspired brand what you don’t need to dress up for, but delivers the type of food you’d expect to see in a restaurant where a dinner jacket is dress du jour! Motto Motto Grade is the new standard in food. It is the philosophy by which we define ourselves, and the challenge we put forward to others to others. It is a cut above our competitors. It is casual dining reimagined. It is wagyu beef, sashimi grade tuna & salmon, it is 12-hour cooked ramen super broth. Our name says it all - more more. More quality, more care, more craft, more delicious...the list goes on. The concept of ‘more is at the heart of everything we do. And we will never be happy with less. We’re passionate about the quality of our food and... Price: $500,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: DC Strategy Phone: 03 8615 7203 View Online Bsale ID 275050

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Exclusive Children’s Party Services Entertainment and Amusements

About The Business: Sydney’s leading children’s party planning and events business is now for sale! Operating for over 10 years, this business has established itself as one of the best service providers in the industry. Offering a large range of party services from luxury all-inclusive themed parties through to entertainment only or unique party supplies. With detailed processes in place, experienced/ qualified list of contracted staff and an extensive database of clients; makes this a simple to run operation with plenty of financial upsides. An ideal business opportunity for a hands-on owner with any level of experience, this business has the flexibility to operate from any location in Sydney, including a home office. Features: Detailed Operating Procedures, Flexible Working Hours, Extensive Database of Past and Potential Clients, All-inclusive Kids Party Packages, Custom Events and Entertainment, School Holiday Workshops. To enquire on this business and obtain further details, please click on the blue button at the top of the page.

Price: $99,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Vision Brokers & Advisors Phone: 02 8923 2632 View Online Bsale ID 275012



6 Months $390 + GST Event And Party Hire Business For Sale Services - General

Well established Party and Events hire business for sale, asking $65,000, servicing Sydney’s Northern Beaches. Clients include everything from weddings to private and corporate functions. Established for over 30 years, this business offers flexibility and lifestyle. The current owner works approximately 30 hours per week and is selling the business as relocating interstate. Business includes equipment which includes a range of party and event hire products such as chairs, tables, glassware and tableware. Offering full support and training, the right and enthusiastic future owner this business has the potential to increase... Price: $65,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Kasey Leigh Phone: View Online Bsale ID 270855

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Premium Unisex, Luxury Hair Salon Beauty & Hair Salon

About the Business: This is a unisex, luxury, hair and makeup salon designed for the Sydney CBD professional. Established in 2013 and specialising in premium hairdressing and makeup services in a stylish, comfortable and spacious setting, has developed a reputation for quality, attentiveness and professionalism, resulting in a large, loyal client base. It has grown and maintained a high reputation for excellence in the application of its services and boasts a very loyal clientele base. The team is comprised of well-trained and experienced professional stylists and makeup artists. The benefits of this business: - Location Established Stability - Premium Image - Online Footprint - Growth - Environment - Reputation - Resilience. Lease: Current 3-year lease expires July 2021 Handover: This salon has documented policies and procedures in place, coupled with an experienced team of staff and a Salon Co-ordinator with strong management skills. Therefore, minimal handover will be required from the current owners and a new owner should be able to walk into the business with a smooth transition. This is a healthy business which is run profitably and efficiently and has weathered a difficultt... Price: $375,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Paul Smith Phone: 0420 550 433 View Online Bsale ID 273139



Air Conditioning Install Sea Change!

Trade Services - Home Maintenance, Plumber, Electrical

This business is the owner and two employees working within approx 50k radius with no traffic in a beachside town. The business is 10 years old, the 4 years it’s been in this location it has doubled year on year. We supply and install approx 350 splits and 20 ducted per year. Servicing AC and refrigeration for local commercial business’s. We are a Fujitsu main dealer, Warranty agent for Fujtisu, Mitsi Electric, Panasonic and Rheem Thermal swimming pool heat pumps. We have a rented lock up storage unit fully racked out and organised with stock at only $125 p/w rent. One service van with apprentice and tradesman on the road installing on average 8 splits a week. Owner also on road in private vehicle (not included) servicing, quoting and installing. Business runs from home office with wife doing the bookkeeping on XERO, we both take a wage and dividend. Amazing location by the beach in small regional town with big tourism industry and a mass of home renovations taking place. Owner will stay on and work through handover period of 6 month to 12 months as required to ensure smooth transition to the new face to the trusted local clients. Owner leaving the industry due to on... Price: POA Region: Wollongong - South Coast State: NSW Contact: Mark Phone: View Online Bsale ID 271717

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Relocation & Storage Business - 1P4763 Auto - Taxi, Courier, Hire, Distribution, Transport

It has an outstanding reputation for delivering absolute customer satisfaction, and delivering caring & professional service. After 10+ years the current owners are retiring. There are no formal qualifications required, no direct competitors on large storage in the area, yet enormous expansion opportunities for an individual or family ready to go to the next level. Key Benefits: Great working hours - 5 days per week ( Great for couples). Minimal/Nil FT Staff. Favourable Lease Terms. WIWO . Vehicles & operational equipment included. Government Contracts. Preferred Supplier to Grace Removals. 2015 AFRA Removalist of the year.

Price: $350,000 WIWO Region: Mid - North Coast State: NSW Contact: Darren Leaney Phone: 07 5371 0165 or 0456 017 677 View Online Bsale ID 273096



Espresso Foyer Cafe - Sydney CBD - 00772 Food - Cafe For Sale

ESPRESSO FOYER CAFE - SYDNEY CBD - 00772. Summary: ESPRESSO FOYER CAFE - SYDNEY CBD Revenue $11,500 pw Rent $1,200 pw. Revenue: $11,500 pw. Rent: $1,200 pw. Location Details: Main Sydney Street Frontage. Potential: Currently Run Under Management - owner operator would perform better. Hours: Mon to Fri - 6.00am to 3:00pm. Lease: 15 year lease going to October 2027. Employees: Manager + 1/2. Reason for Sale: Retirement. History: Established in 2010. This owner has been there since 2014 (6 years). About the Business: ESPRESSO FOYER CAFE - SYDNEY CBD - 00772 * Foyer of Mulit Level Building and Gym * Simple and easy to run - NO COOKING * Pre Covid doing 35-40kgs coffee * Light menu; mainly coffee and grab and co meals * Room to expand menu * Owner not in business * Post Covid figures around $5-5,500pw * Huge potential * Selling well below current market value - owner retiring due to medical grounds * This ones a keeper for the future, great long term investment. Xchange Business Brokers specialise in the sale of Cafés – Espresso Coffee Bars - Franchises – Caffe Cherry Beans – Coffee Club – Coffee Emporium – Oliver... Price: $149,000 + SAV Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Joe Mey Phone: 0448 822 032 View Online Bsale ID 273002

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Surry Hills Wine Bar And Restaurant Food - Cafe For Sale

About The Business: In every crisis, there can be many opportunities that present themselves, this unparalleled wine bar and restaurant in Surry Hills is one of them. A fully-managed, all-day dining venue offering modernday cocktails, an extensive wine list, and simply delicious food. Located in a high foot traffic area of Surry Hills, this business has always been extremely busy, especially on weekends. A complete re-brand and refurbishment took place approximately 18months ago where the vendor spent well over $600,000 on the premises. Its strong turnover, high value of equipment, location, long lease, low price point and great reputation makes this a perfect investment opportunity, especially for a motivated bar enthusiast or restaurateur looking to take advantage of its foundations as we slowly steer out of the COVID-19 restrictions. This business is ready to trade and the price has been reduced to reflect a discounted value of its assets, meaning a new owner will be able to depreciate against the full value they pay for the business. This opportunity will not stay on the market long, so enquire now before you miss out. Features: PSA Liquor License from 7am-12midnight. Long lease of... Price: $225,000 Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Daniel Kogan Phone: 0401 620 918 View Online Bsale ID 272917



Find a NSW Business Broker

Get Online: Website for Roofing Business Websites and Online Stores

Do you need to get your trade business online quickly? Become the owner of this newly rebuilt website, running since 2014. Previous owner has retired. Designed with landing pages for each type of Roofing Restoration, Replacement and Cleaning services, with attractive imagery and professional copywriting. Price includes web development time to customise the site with your business name, licence number and contact details. Your images and testimonials can be added. Local marketing listings created for your business. We will help you save money on Adwords or Hipages through ongoing leads for your established... Price: $5,000 WIWO Region: Sydney State: NSW Contact: Amanda Woods Phone: 0403 204 613 View Online Bsale ID 270056

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Professional Cleaning - Coffs Harbour Cleaning & Domestic Services

About The Business: This is a quickly growing professional cleaning business located in the Mid North coastal region of NSW. The business services both commercial properties and holiday/domestic residences seven days of the week, year round. The business has key customer relations in place, with an established, skilled workforce. Years Established: The business has been established for two years, initially operating as a sole trader, but transferring to a limited company in the past year. Products & Services: The business offers professional cleaning options for both commercial properties and holiday/residential properties. Location: The business operates in the Coffs Harbour region and surrounding suburbs, but is well equipped to expand further, should this be desired by the new owner.Financials: The business has experienced significant growth in the past two years and is consistently profitable. Further financial information will be disclosed through the signing of an NDA. Employees: The business has a current roster of trained employees, with the ability for the new owner to take a less hands on approach with the daily duties of the business should this be desired. Equipment: Part of the business... Price: POA Region: Mid - North Coast State: NSW Contact: John Meagher Phone: View Online Bsale ID 269896



Cafe & Gallery - Mid North Coast NSW Food - Cafe For Sale

About The Business: Old Lodge Gallery & By the River Café is in a Prime location on the mid north coast of NSW, a rapidly growing and developing tourism and holiday destination. With an annual influx of approximately 2 million international and domestic visitors the room for growth is available. With a reputation for serving high quality food offerings, coffee and a contemporary casual menu to its loyal and long-standing customer base. Revenue can be increased through menu innovation and increased venue trading hours. Fantastic plant & equipment which is all owned outright and is included in the sale. Years Established: 32 years (current owner 12 years). Potential: Old Lodge Gallery & By the River Café is in a Prime location on the mid north coast of NSW, a rapidly growing and developing tourism and holiday destination. Expanding social media platforms to utilise free marketing is a simple yet effective tool for hospitality businesses. There is many options to events such as weddings or engagement parties and/or out catering. Private functions for 100+ persons, organised tours combining dining and art galley revenue options. Reason For Sale: Owner retiring. Financials. Price: $245,000 WIWO Region: Mid - North Coast State: NSW Contact: David Hizlinger Phone: 1300 650 304 or 0439 177 185 View Online Bsale ID 269258

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Large Commercial Distillery

Manufacturing, Wholesale, Import, Export

About The Business: Expand your beverage business this is an astounding opportunity to supply a large part of the Australian drinks market. This proven operation can produce all spirits in bulk up to 25,000 litres per day with all equipment to expand to 50,000 per day already onsite. The main customers were Woolies and Coles and there is still good opportunity to supply. This business is being sold as is and currently only the Winery is operating. Features: This plant could easily be used for most beverages i.e. Cider, Beer, Kombucha as well as bulk quantities of Wine. There are 2 bottling lines, massive warehousing, accomodation, basically it is a fully self contained unit. Comments: Please contact Gerald Feickert on 0421 278 308 for further details. If this Distillery is a little on the big side for you, let me know, we have smaller “ boutique� Distilleries as well. Cheers Gerald.

Price: $15,000,000 Region: Newcastle - Hunter State: NSW Contact: Gerald Feickert Phone: 0421 278 308 View Online Bsale ID 269134



Hair Salon

Beauty & Hair Salon

Opportunity to purchase a long established hair salon. This is a great business that ticks all the boxes for the West Belconnen area. Located at the Kippax Fair Shopping Centre, Trading 6 days a week , with 3 years remaining on the lease from May 1st 2021 with a option to extend. Business has a strong client base and situated in a high foot traffic location. The salon is situated in a high visitation location, and as a result, the business continues to grow with the development of the Ginninderry Village only 2km away, and home to up to 30,000 residents on completion. Salon complete with: -9 stations, 3 basins -kitchenette... Price: $75,000 Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Kelsey Moore Phone: View Online Bsale ID 274208

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Southside Specialty Coffee Shop Food - Cafe For Sale

This well-established cafĂŠ in South Canberra enjoys a reputation as one of the best destinations in Canberra for interesting food and delicious specialty coffee including single origin and filter roasts. The business was established over 6 years ago and has enjoyed sustained growth since it opened, the business has thrived despite challenging economic conditions thanks to its superior location in a thriving Southside suburb. This business enjoys low rent that is less than 5% of turnover despite high demand and very little immediate competition, this is far ahead of the industry benchmarks and allows higher margins. The owners are experienced industry professionals and have ensured that the business has kept strong, provable financial records from the beginning meaning the business will appeal to first time buyers and experienced operators looking for a new challenge. The margins are great with a 29% food cost and 35% wage cost meaning the business outperforms many corporate competitors. The cafĂŠ seats approximately 30 inside, another 28 in the enclosed, heated courtyard and 16 outside. The kitchen includes fully commercial appliances and plenty of storage space. Price: $295,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Rob Illsey Phone: 0415 243 750 View Online Bsale ID 273782 *stock photo used, not actual business



Fantastic Opportunity To Take Over A... Beauty & Hair Salon

A fantastic opportunity has arisen for someone to take over the lease and fit-out of this large and profitable hairdressing/ beauty salon. The salon is located in a highly populated Business Park and has been in operation since 2006. The business currently operates Tuesday to Friday however there is scope to increase hours if so desired. The salon comes with an extensive fit-out and all equipment required to operate immediately, however the business name, staff, and stock will be moving to the city salon. There are also two rooms available for beauty/massage services and could be rented to a Beauty Therapist if so desired. The current owners also operate another salon in the city and are looking to downsize by just focusing on the one salon. The lease is in place until June 2022 with an option to renew. With a large pool of their clients most likely to continue visiting the salon due to the close proximity to their workplace within the Business Park, this is an opportunity not to be missed! Don’t delay making an enquiry TODAY! $50,000 WIWO. For more information about this opportunity please call Michael Newham of Finn Business Sales on 0421 495 751 or email Price: $50,000 WIWO Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 273908

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Profitable Store Selling at an Absolute... Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

Enchante Bridal & Formal Wear is the largest bridal and formal wear store in Canberra as well as being the leading retailer for all your Bridal, Formal, Debutante, Mother of the Bride, Flower Girl, Page Boy and accessory needs. They also specialise in all elements of your occasion with a service to assist you in perfecting the planning of your event as well as catering to all budgets and body shapes without sacrificing on quality. The business is currently run under full management, however it would be best suited to a dedicated owner operator who can inject some fresh ideas and take it to the next level, simultaneously maximising profits and reducing wages. The business is well located on Wollongong Street in Fyshwick which is easily accessible to all areas of Canberra and offers free parking at the door. A new lease of the premises will be offered to the buyer for a period to be negotiated with the landlord. After 11 years in the business the current owner is looking for a change and is offering the business for sale at an absolute bargain price which includes all stock at a value of between $350k $400k as at October 2020 and a fit-out worth approximately $300k. Sale Price is $180,000 WIWO (Includes all Stock)... Price: $180,000 WIWO Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 274934



6 Months $390 + GST Popular Tea & Beverage Store in Great... Food - Supermarket, Butcher, Fruit, Bakery, Deli

This is a Tea’rrific opportunity to own one of the original and most famous globally recognised iced/bubble tea brands today. Chatime is a fresh tea specialist franchise focusing on modernised Taiwanese tea culture. They are a massively successful franchise thanks to their business model. It’s time to join the Chatime team in Gungahlin today and own your very own slice of success. KEY FEATURES & BENEFITS: Well located on the main street of Gungahlin Town Centre between two shopping centres. Large volume of foot and vehicle traffic passing by. Established since February 2018. Currently run under full management but... Price: $249,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Michael Newham Phone: 0419 263 014 View Online Bsale ID 271802

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



*stock photo used, not actual business

Fish Chips Takeaway Shop Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

About The Business: Established more than 10 years, nice, clean and well known fish chips shop in the shopping centre food court. Products & Services: The famous food is fried beer batter fish fillets, fried bread crumb fish fillets, iron pan grilled fish and roasted pork. The shop is also selling burgers and fried chicken which is very popular. Features: Great local loyalty. Easy to manager. Location: The shop is located at food court of Westfield in Belconnen. The shop location is quit good, this shop is in the most crowded place, and everyone who enters the food court will meet by this shop first. About The Area: The economy and population of Belconnen is very strong and increasing very fast supported by government policy. As you can see, there will be even more new apartments around Westfield. Trading Hours: According to the mall trading hours. Lease: 3-4 years left. Employees: 2-3 part time employees plus 1 owner in peak season. Training: There will be 2 weeks hand over training provided by current manager. Financials: Easy to reach 600k turn over per year. Average monthly turn over before March 2020 is 55k. Potential: Govern policy is supporting and developing Belconnen, the economy and population... Price: $99,999 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Fred Phone: View Online Bsale ID 271904 *stock photo used, not actual business



Lenton Bar, The Perfect Mix Of Unique Food - Hotels, Pubs, Bars, Liquor store

Potential: The owners don’t push hard and advertise for additional events in the slower months, there is so much potential to take this even further with a full-time team running events year-round. Reason For Sale: The owners are working full-time jobs and in the last couple of years, Lenton Bar has grown so much that they believe their vision needs more attention than they are able to offer. The presents a wonderful opportunity for you! About The Business: Lenton Bar is the brainchild of 3 mates that have built an incredible business on the back of a massive hole in the market. They provide a bespoke, mobile bar service that can cater from small functions to massive corporate and public events across Canberra. Their inspiration, vision, the dream have been so successful that they would love to take it to the next level, however, full-time jobs prevent them from making the next leap. This provides a remarkable opportunity for the next owner to expand the operation even further. With a remarkably sensible business model, they don’t suffer capacity constraints that a majority of businesses suffer. They have the ability to easily scale up or down based on the event. This flexibility combined with... Price: $195,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Andrew Nuttall Phone: 0418 676 400 View Online Bsale ID 272143

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



3 Incredible Businesses Wrapped In 1

Auto - Mechanical, Smash Repair, Detailing, Electrical

Location: 36 Hoskins Street, Unit 2. Potential: Already a fantastically successful business, an owner/operator could drive this business, especially the online aspect, to the next level. The incredible diversity lends itself completely to expansion. Reason For Sale: The owners are loving life in QLD and believe it is time to give someone the opportunity to snap up a great, COVID safe business to the next level. This presents a remarkable opportunity for the next owner to take advantage of all of the hard work that has already done to establish this incredible Canberra business. About The Business: Canberra Towbar Fitters has been providing Canberra and surrounds for decades. The addition of Trailers Canberra really helped to diversify the income stream before the final addition of the online Mr. Towbar to further boost sales. The business has gone from strength to strength and is run under management to create the perfect passive income business. What do they do? Tow bars, trailers, bike racks, roof racks, roof pod boxes, power systems, throttle control, GPS Tracking, 4x4 accessories, brake controllers, and more. Each arm of this exciting business is well and truly profitable making this an... Price: $549,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Andrew Nuttall Phone: 0418 676 400 View Online Bsale ID 272142



Find a ACT Business Broker

Fully Systemised Cafe | High Turnover Food - Cafe For Sale

For sale is an attractive and well-established kiosk café in a busy and thriving Canberra shopping centre on the South Side of Canberra. With an attractive, modern fit-out, and a fantastic menu the business enjoys strong trade in a high-volume environment. The business is fully costed and generates a healthy net profit to an owner operator of $180k per annum to a working owner. Incoming owners will enjoy the benefits of a fully systemised business with a nationally respected brand. The business is fully systemised and straightforward to run with no experience required and the backing of a fast expanding national brand that only... Price: $250,000 + SAV Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Rob Illsey Phone: 0415 243 750 View Online Bsale ID 270542

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Beauty and Hair Wholesaler - Canberra Beauty & Hair Salon

About The Business: This business is the largest beauty showroom in Canberra and surrounding areas offering an expanse of beauty, hair and clinic related products and equipment. Created and run by the same family since 2003. Includes a database of over 10,000 registered customers throughout Australia. Financials: Monthly turnover ranges between $67,000 to $92,000. Monthly fixed costs $18,000. Further financials available upon negotiation. Products & Services: - Popular, high profile brands. - Disposable surgical masks and sanitizers. - Solvents and disinfectants. - Waxing products and equipment. - Hand and body lotions. - Salon linen and disposables. - Brow tinting, perming and brow henna. - Acrylic, gel and dip nail systems and nail art products. - Hair colours, peroxides, perming and straightening systems. - Hair straighteners, curling wands, dryers, clippers, scissors and trimmers. - Hair shampoos, conditioners, treatments. - Spray tanning. - Massage oils. - Furniture including hot towel cabinets, magnifying lamps, stools, trolleys, beds, hair basins, shampoo units. Features: - Products sourced largely from Australia suppliers. - The majority of beauty equipment and some salon disposables... Price: POA Region: Canberra State: ACT Contact: Eve Pawlowski Phone: 02 6162 1950 View Online Bsale ID 269579



Organic Food Retailer And Wholesaler Food - Supermarket, Butcher, Fruit, Bakery, Deli

This business is a full service certified organic food specialist servicing retail and wholesale customers with an extensive range of products in categories including fresh and frozen food, butchery, clothing, baby/kids, personal care, cooking/condiments, cleaning, dairy, pet care and more • Sales $2.4M and Proprietors Earnings $295,711 in 2020 • Certified organic food retailer with exclusive supply arrangements. • Strong management team and operation. • Long and established business history and reputation since 1977 • Servicing Wholesale and Retail customers This is a substantial certified organic food retailer with... Price: $195,000 + SAV Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Kate Shaw Phone: 07 3290 3633 View Online Bsale ID 275140

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Established Crane Business Whitsunday Building - Construction - Home Renovation

Davies Cranes Whitsunday is a locally owned business that provides personalised lifting services to Airlie Beach, Cannonvale, Proserpine and the surrounding Whitsunday region. The Whitsunday region has a population of more than 35,000 located on the North Queensland coast well known as the Gateway to the Great Barrier Reef and approximately 1,000 km north of Brisbane. This region is one of the fastest growing populations in Queensland, boasting a strong and diverse economy driven by agriculture, construction, mining and tourism. The original crane hire business of the area was first established in 1976 and became Davies Cranes Whitsunday in 2007. The business has a long standing, well respected and trusted reputation showing good turnover figures and a strong clientele base. Our services are known throughout the Whitsundays to be reliable, cost-effective and efficient. We service a broad range of industries including but not limited to building/construction, marine, mechanical, pool & water tank installation, landscaping, material handling, transportable building relocation, advertising signs and shade structures just to name a few. Our equipment fleet... Price: $480,000 Region: Coastal North State: QLD Contact: Tracey Davies Phone: 0408 199 449 View Online Bsale ID 273614



Hardware Store - Great History/Location Retail - Hardware, Tile, Nursery, Pool Supplies

Great Business Opportunity! Plant included and Trading Results mean the asking price is Cheap. The only hardware store in South Rockhampton of its type. Operates 7 days per week. Predominately “repeat business, cash customers”. Has a small quantity of trade purchases. This business has a commendable record - 40 years established , 35 years with the one owner, Its been 23 years as member of mitre 10 group. Situated in a prime position on the corner of Canning St and Denham St - both busy streets. Tentative Lease arrangements for 3x3x3 lease.arrangements. Lot 711m2 Building 380m2. Operates with family, 1 permanent staff and 7 casuals. Great opportunity for “Get Up and Go” person or tradie exiting the harder physical work. Stock level in range of $380,000. Accountants figure available. Asking $60,000 + SAV. CALL ALAN SPACKMAN FOR MORE INFORMATION - 0427 4933 19 Solicitor

Price: POA Region: Mt. Isa - Central State: QLD Contact: Alan Spackman Phone: 0427 493 319 View Online Bsale ID 273338

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Aussie Net Business With 28-Day Trial Work from Home

Can you imagine a Business like this? No Rent / No Staff / No Expenses / No Debts / Work Anywhere / Flexible Hours / Recession Proof / Low Entry Start-up $50k. You just need two things: A Computer and Internet Connection, That’s all! All that and it has not been affected by Covid-19 Virus, has traded profitably during this dreadful crisis. Well guess what? You have now found it a complete Turnkey Business There is only one small issue that you have to overcome, all you have to do is get over the usual mental block that it’s in the Horse Racing Industry, that’s why we offer a free 28-day Trial, that’s how confident we are that you will love this Business. Freedom Securities was established in 1996 and utilises a specially designed software programme that allows the operator to successfully invest on the thoroughbred racing industry via the tab, in Australia and overseas, across all racing codes in many different time zones. We will arrange a demonstration at our office or over Skype, no pressure just a friendly chat. Ask us for a free demonstration and then commence your 28 Day trial, with your money back if you are not Happy, who else does that?? You can “Shadow Invest” FREE for 28 days and... Price: $49,500 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Clive Gannon Phone: 0402 825 262 View Online Bsale ID 269380



Buddina Seafood Takeaway Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

OWNER RETIRING. Located at beautiful Buddina on the Sunshine Coast, just metres from the beach , the business caters for locals and holidaymakers selling fresh and cooked seafood, groceries, papers, milk, bait, a huge range of drinks, coffee, breakfast and most essentials. Currently there is only 1 working owner and 2 long term staff with potential for 2 working owners to focus on breakfast, greatly improving the bottom line. So if you’re looking for a sound business on the coast with tremendous potential that’s better than any franchise, then this is the right time to take advantage of the growth the Sunshine coast is experiencing. Key Features:No franchise fees !!!!! No leased equipment. Recent major refurbishment. Pos system. Long term staff in place. Long lease until 2026 GP circa 40%. National supplier discounts in place. Custom made indoor furniture. 160 M2 inside with covers for 25 and 40 outside. All systems are in place for a smooth transition as well as 2 weeks assistance for the new owners. We’re still serving our customers and the staff are still here, what more can you say about this business! $439,000.00 includes stock, equipment, suppliers lists everything to make money day one. Price: $439,000 WIWO Region: Sunshine - Fraser Coast State: QLD Contact: Chris Phone: View Online Bsale ID 251102

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Freehold Service Station & Caravan Park Auto - Petrol Station, Carwash, Marine, Retail, Service

Located at Bauhinia, halfway between Moura & Rolleston the only fuel station, takeaway and convivence store in the area. Stunning income producing freehold property includes BP Servo, Modern Four Bedroom Home, Convenience Store and Caravan Park. Recession proof business! * 13,900 m2 Prime Commercial land (3.4 Acres) * Turnover approx. $ 1.7 million per annum * Magnificent family run business * Wonderful opportunity freehold rarely available * Shop sales excluding fuel in excess of $500,000 per year * 20,000L Underground Diesel Tank * 10,000L Underground Petrol Tank * 10,000L Underground Premium Petrol Tank * Truck Hi-Flow Diesel * Full Telstra mobile phone coverage * NBN Internet installed in house & shop * Forklift for bulk loading and unloading * New Gas Deep Fryer and Gridle * House is freshly painted with new floor coverings * Shop is freshly painted interior * Standby Diesel Generator * Large walk-in Cold-room & Freezer * 6 Room Donga all with TV, Fridge & Air-con. Current Operating Hours: Monday 6am - 8pm | Tuesday 6am - 8pm | Wednesday 6am - 8pm | Thursday 6am - 8pm | Friday 6am - 8pm | Saturday 6am 8pm | Sunday 7am - 7pm Price: $660,000 + SAV Freehold Region: Coastal North State: QLD Contact: Steven Stephens Phone: 0403 231 617 View Online Bsale ID 273187



Cabinet Connections

Building - Construction - Home Renovation

The Master Craftsman has devoted his working life to creating, establishing, maintaining and developing this thriving business into what it is today. As retirement beckons and life calls for new plans, Cabinet Connections is looking for a new owner to continue the tradition of this family owned business that has made it an institution in the Bundaberg Trades and Building scene. With guaranteed ongoing contractual work and the ability to grow the business beyond it’s current healthy trading figures, qualified tradesman are encouraged to enquire about transitioning into this well fitted out business where all the machinery is included with the trade for below replacement value. With decades of experience in the Bundaberg building scene, Cabinet Connections is the perfect next stepping stone for the craftsman who wants to move into his own business without the risk of finding clientele or finding the perfect combinations of machinery and plant at the right price. Trading figures will be available to buyers displaying a genuine interest in this premium business after signing a confidentiality agreement.

Price: $195,000 Region: Sunshine - Fraser Coast, State: QLD Contact: Stacey Petersen Phone: View Online Bsale ID 273473

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



*stock photo used, not actual business

Body Corporate (Strata) Professional Business & Professional Services

About The Business: 1. Well established around 10 years in Brisbane and established 25 years Nationally. 2. Fully functional modern office located South Brisbane – new computers and excellent software systems are operational & included in the Business Sale. 3. Full training and comprehensive handover for smooth transition to new ownership. 4. Great Cash Flow Business with Guarantee Income paid in advance Quarterly. Revenue / Income Management Fees (approx. 50 %) are received in advance every quarter and the other 50% Miscellaneous Revenue are received weekly and monthly. Trading Hours: Monday to Friday Choose to Work from a Professional Modern Office or from your own Home. Training: 6 weeks Potential: Great Cash Flow Business with guaranteed Income in advance every 3 months. Business scalabilityOpportunities to grow the already established Portfolio or stay as a small owner operator with low overheads and small admin staff. Low break even operating cost base.

Price: $195,000 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Manager Phone: View Online Bsale ID 275109 *stock photo used, not actual business



6 Months $390 + GST Beautiful Licensed Daytime Only Cafe Food - Cafe For Sale

If you are seriously looking to buy a Great business - then look no further - this is the best coffee shop available. This well presented Popular cafe comes with an exceptional fitout and is located at the main Prominent entrance to a super busy suburban Gold Coast shopping destination. Most of the daily and weekly customers are - mainly discerning customers that appreciate good service and quality food and where Price is no object. Secure opportunity for a person seeking an eveniable lifestyle in one of the Gold Coast’s most Attractive locations. Happy, friendly staff who Love to come to work everyday - the tips are huge as all... Price: $250,000 + SAV Region: Gold Coast State: QLD Contact: Howard Elson Phone: 07 5564 0660 View Online Bsale ID 272638

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Pilates Studio

Health, Medical and Gyms

Great opportunity to own this beautiful, luxe and well presented reformer pilates to suit an owner operator or an investor. Ideal location in a popular, busy local shopping centre (with ample parking for clients) in a prosperous and thriving Brisbane bayside suburb. This quality studio presents beautifully, is completely systemised and has a well established large and loyal client base with over 3000 clients in the database. Cemented as the number 1 reformer pilates studio in the area, this business continues to grow with new clients on-boarded each week. An opportunity as unique as this does not present very often and is available direct from the owners meaning no middle man. All all the work has been done for you meaning you can hit the ground running from day one with a cashflow positive business. Now in its 5th year - Excellent reputation - Client retention of 98% - Secure lease with very competitive rent - Low overheads - Exceptional team of instructors and admin staff - Reliable and consistent cashflow. If you are searching for an authentic lifestyle business opportunity with flexibility in a beautiful environment, don’t delay on this opportunity.

Price: $209,000 WIWO Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Eric Phone: View Online Bsale ID 270836



Colosseum Creek Motel & Roadhouse Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

About the Business: Our Business offers Fuel, Takeaway Food, Bar, Caravan Park and Licensed Restaurant. We have established a lot of Regular Customers who stay here when travelling regular to Brisbane. Years Established: The Roadhouse was Built in 1960 and the Motel Rooms were built in 1970. We purchased the Colosseum Creek Motel and Roadhouse in 2014. Motel Rooms: 12 Motel Rooms. 5 Twin Rooms (1 Queen Bed and 1 Single Bed). 6 Queen Rooms (1 Queen Bed) and One Family Room (2 Rooms, 1 Queen Bed and 4 Single Beds). All Motel Rooms are Air Conditioned, Fridge, Television, Microwave, Kettle and Toaster, Toilet and Shower. We are also pet friendly and allow pets in the rooms. Products and Services: Fuel (Unleaded 91, Diesel and Premium 95), Roadhouse Meals, Licensed Restaurant, 5 Powered Sites and 3 Unpowered Sites. Trading Hours: Roadhouse 6.30am to 9pm. Licensed Restaurant 6pm to 8pm. About the Area: The Colosseum Creek Motel and Roadhouse is only 50 minutes drive to the beautiful Agnes Water and 1770. We are 85 Kms North of Gin Gin and 85 Kms South of Gladstone. Equipment: Ride On Mower, Cold Room, Fridges and Freezers, Tables and... Price: $1,000,000 + SAV Freehold Region: Coastal North State: QLD Contact: Denyse Cole Phone: 07 4974 5244 or 0428 521 261 View Online Bsale ID 272127

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



The Yiros Shop Franchise | Coorparoo Food - Franchise Outlets

About The Business: The Yiros Shop is home to Brisbane’s most iconic and authentic Greek eats. Founded in January 2015 with the first location in the notable James Street, Fortitude Valley, Queensland. The family-owned business set out to bring traditional Greek Yiros and other tasty Greek delights to its neighbouring areas. After the quick successes of the first store, The Yiros Shop expanded into other popular Brisbane destinations feeding travellers near and far with a true taste of authentic Greek food. Current locations include; Newmarket, Cannon Hill, South Brisbane, Capalaba and Fortitude Valley. The Yiros Shop idea was inspired and born by the lack of quality Greek takeaway opportunity restaurants of its kind. It was The Yiros Shop founder, Nicholas Mitrossilis’s vision and goal to create a Greek food paradise for all Brisbane locals and take them on a flavoursome journey with Greece-equivalent Yiros and speciality foods. It didn’t take long for people to realise it was not just an ordinary kebab. Yiros; comes from the traditional Greek word Gyros; a Greek dish with fluffy fresh pita bread lightly scorched on the grill then filled with juicy marinated lamb, pork or chicken, tomato, red onion, parsley, tzatziki... Price: $300,000 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: DC Strategy Phone: 03 8615 7203 View Online Bsale ID 252285



Boutique Freehold Hilltop Resort-1P4807M

Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

EXCLUSIVE TO CRE BROKERS. This boutique freehold property sits on 3.49 ha, about 600 feet above sea level and features stunning views over the Whitsunday Passage and Pioneer Bay. Preliminary approvals allow for a further 18 dual key cabins, infinity pool, restaurant, bar and function centre or it can be managed as a Boutique Resort as is, either with staff, or owners residing in the separate staff quarters. This is a unique property with all the desirable features and a myriad of options and opportunities for future development. Alternatively it could be a private hilltop executive retreat with its own heli-pad. Priced to meet the market at $2,880,000. Inspections strictly by appointment with the Exclusive Agent, Ronnie Slebos.

Price: $2,880,000 Region: Coastal North State: QLD Contact: Ronnie Slebos Phone: 07 5371 0165 or 0414 964 333 View Online Bsale ID 273126

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Printing Shop

Advertising, Marketing and Printing

Reason for sale: Owners wish to retire. Excellent opportunity to purchase this well established 30 year old print business at a very realistic price. Digital printing on site, Contract offset operator off site. Ideally located in a booming industrial area of the Northern Gold Coast excellent access to the M1, north & south bound. A real opportunity to expand and grow the business for a sales & networking orientated person. Comes with a long standing loyal customer base. Solid reliable business always able to maintain a steady profitable market share. If you want a business with low overheads, low staffing, high profits, solid repeat business and an excellent reputation then this is for you! Monday to Friday only. Business will be sold WIWO. All plant & stock unencumbered. Lease only on building $2472.00 per month includes gst and outgoings. Total 200 m2 - 120 m2 floor area. 40 m2 mezzanine - including 2 offices & storeroom, 40 m2 additional mezzanine floor. The assets will be all equipment including desks, benches, chairs, filing cabinets, desk printers x 3, 2 x mac computers + software, 1 x digital printer with fiery workstation software, 1 x windows for accounts only, 2 x collators, walk behind... Price: $120,000 WIWO Region: Gold Coast State: QLD Contact: Denise Fox Phone: 0477 048 456 or 0417 531 036 View Online Bsale ID 247084



Costume Shop - Rental & Sales - SE QLD Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

TOOWOOMBA! What a great place to be! Located 125 kms west of Brisbane this city is growing fast. With over 43 public and private schools in the immediate and extended reach region it also boasts a new Domestic and International Airport. It has a population of approximately 120,000 people with an annual growth rate of 1.21%. Toowoomba Fancy Dress Shop is located on Ruthven Street, (New England Highway) which is the main N – S route into Toowoomba just 1km from the CBD. The business has been with the owner at this location for eight years and a lease is in place until the end of February 2021 with an option of further renewals. Current rental value is $475 per week plus GST. Approximately 185 sq metres in size it comprises the front showroom, middle room for hire stock and the back workroom with overflow costumes and accessories. Currently run by one person, however casual help is frequently required during the busy times from July through to December. Trading hours generally consist of 5 ½ days per week. With over 2000 costumes, 100 wigs, suits, capes, petticoats and vintage wear from all genres it is the only shop of its kind west of Brisbane. We service a... Price: $98,000 + SAV WIWO + Other Region: Toowoomba - Darling Downs State: QLD Contact: Kerrie Edwards Phone: 07 4639 4800 or 0408 980 956 View Online Bsale ID 223397

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Find a QLD Business Broker

Outstanding Highly Profitable Trendy Food - Cafe For Sale

This stunning & highly successful North Brisbane Bayside café is located in a high foot traffic tourist area. The café offers a diverse range of healthy and real in-house made food accompanied by great coffee and exceptional customer service all year round. Also proudly catering to all diet requirements including Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Nut Free and Vegan. The aura that has been created to give the customer a unique dining experience is exceptional with niche designs throughout this establishment. The café operates under full management with an experienced team in place which gives the owner the flexibility to work when... Price: $495,000 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Sam Turkan Phone: 0421 679 104 View Online Bsale ID 270541



Video To DVD/USB Home Business For Sale Work from Home

Our video business has helped 100,000 Queenslanders with their precious memories from old tapes, slides and photos to DVD, USB or Hard Drives over the past 30 years. The owner is retiring, and is looking for the right person/ company to take over the business and continue its legacy. Key data: - Current annual revenue $120k. - All necessary equipment and complete setup provided. - Website and lead generation system provided. - Basic technical skills required – training will be provided. - 80% gross profit margin. - 30 years of hard earned reputation. - Little impact by COVID19 – business is already back to full capacity. No office rent expense – can be operated from home, or from your existing business location. - Full financials will be provided to serious buyers. This is a turnkey business where the buyer will receive a fully operational business that generates $10k per month instantly, with potential for further growth. This opportunity would be perfect to anyone looking to run their own profitable business, or for an existing business to complement their existing operations. Please call for more information.

Price: $69,000 Region: Brisbane State: QLD Contact: Alan Phone: 0413 614 345 View Online Bsale ID 270324

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Iconic Freddy Fuddpuckers Cafe Food - Cafe For Sale

Featuring an in store coffee roasting process visible during trading hours, this unique cafe features a boutique selection of coffees from around the world, taking coffee snobs to the next level. All the work has been done with a full operations manual, plus recipe cards provided, leaving the business systemised and ready for takeover. This owner-operated cafe is next to Coles in Coolum Beach, one of the most affluent growing suburbs of the Sunshine Coast. Full financials are available but this cafe is ready to be sold, walk-in/walk-out with price stated. Inspection is a must, with a coffee thrown in! Please call Chris on 0437874189.

Price: $199,000 Region: Sunshine - Fraser Coast State: QLD Contact: Christopher Edmonds Phone: 0437 874 189 View Online Bsale ID 269708



Massive Price Reduction Food - Cafe For Sale

Outstanding Licensed Cafe located within a major Gold Coast shopping centre, established for over 18 years, with current owners in place since 2010. Highly profitable with great Net Profits and low overheads. Weekly sales of $10000+. Excellent opportunity to expand and grow the existing revenue. Huge daily foot traffic as the cafe is situated close to Woolworth’s and sits 72 pax with inside and alfresco dining areas. A lovely warm fit-out that meets the demographics of the area and a well-equipped kitchen meeting the daily requirements that all add to the easiness of running this business. Large clientele is a mix of new and regular customers and attracts the tourist trade being positioned on the lovely Gold Coast. Close to light rail and public transport. Genuine reason for selling. Current owners happy to agree to a handover period to ensure a smooth transition.

Price: $125,000 WIWO Region: Gold Coast State: QLD Contact: David Hizlinger Phone: 1300 650 304 or 0439 177 185 View Online Bsale ID 270384

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


Excellent Leasehold Opportunity - 1P4644 Food - Hotels, Pubs, Bars, Liquor store

Established in 1842 the Barwon Hotel is the third oldest pub in Victoria and is situated on approximately 2.5 acres. The Barwon Hotel is a quaint old style hotel that backs on to the Barwon River. The hotel features a large public bar with TAB facilities, a revamped outdoor seating area, spacious bistro with seating for up to 160 people, full commercial kitchen, managers residence and 4 lettable accommodation rooms The current owners have improved this venue enormously and now offer a very consistently patronised business for sale with strong net profit, an excellent lease and below market rent. This a must inspection for those serious... Price: Leasehold $315,000 Region: Geelong - South West State: VIC Contact: Rohan Pertzel Phone: 0438 918 919 View Online Bsale ID 275154



The Athlete’s Foot Warrnambool Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

Ideal as a business under management or work in store yourself for maximum impact & profitability. High sales volume both online & in store drive the healthy top line. A very strong bottom line with consistent proven figures year in, year out. Part of a franchise group operating for nearly 40 years with over 127 stores around the country. Detailed training offered for the new franchisee. Over 17,000 customers on local rewards database. State of the art fitting technology using the revolutionary MyFit3D and shoe fitting expertise to ensure a structured business approach. High traffic CBD location

Price: $333,000 + SAV Region: Geelong - South West State: VIC Contact: Emily Martini Phone: View Online Bsale ID 273666

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Croc’s Play Centre & Muffin Break Cafe Entertainment and Amusements

Takings $1,300,000+ P/A Located in Melbourne Western Suburbs, Main Rd exposure, Excellent secure location, Business is well established, Offering long lease & great rent, Includes Muffin Break Cafe, Simple operation making this business very profitable under Semi Management & offering huge profit. Should you require further information please contact Brett on 0459 064 546 or email bretta@ Established in 2008, Croc’s Playcentre has become a leading brand in children’s indoor play with 22 centres currently in operation across Australia. Crocs and Muffin Break entered into a partnership to ensure they offered outstanding beverages, delicious wholesome food with healthy options, made fresh daily in store. The play facilities have been designed by one of the leading indoor play specialists and adheres to all relevant and current Australian Safety Standards. Daily safety checks with annual playground audits by a certified safety inspector are conducted to ensure a continuous safe place for children and parents to enjoy. Crocs vision is to provide a safe, clean, friendly environment for children and parents to relax and have fun and Crocs Keilor Park has been... Price: POA Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Brett Aldons Phone: 0459 064 546 View Online Bsale ID 249163



Australian Made Pyjamas. Work From Home. Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

About The Business: Created to fill a void in the Australian made sleepwear market. Fabric prints designed exclusively for Pyjama Protocol. You will not see these anywhere else. Prints reflect a edgy, fun, different vibe to you usual hohum checks or plaid that usually dominate the sleepwear market. The aim was to make pyjamas you would not be ashamed to be seen in if you had to nick out to the shops for that late night ice cream. Products & Services Pyjamas are make from a quality soft cotton knit provided by an Australian Company. The fabrics were printed, cut & sewn in Melbourne. Pyjama range includes the following: Unisex Long pants/sleep Tshirt sets - across 4 print designs, sizes. Ladies nighties - across 3 print designs, 4 sizes. Ladies shorts/singlet sets - across 3 print designs, 4 sizes. Mens shorts/singlet sets - across 3 print designs, 4 sizes. See website. Features: Australian made. Soft cotton knit. Original exclusive print designs. Up and running with over 200 stock items ready to go. Shop is hosted by Shopify, an easy to use interface that allows you to have control over every aspect. Location: Work from home, or where ever you like. The only thing you’ll need is a small amount of... Price: $20,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Samantha Phone: View Online Bsale ID 273077

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Spleen - 1P5019

Food - Hotels, Pubs, Bars, Liquor store

Spleen, an unpretentious bar at the top end of Bourke Street has been doing its thing for close to 23 years. “Its thing” being great drink prices and amazing american style bar food in a cosy, lounge-like atmosphere with stand-up comedy on Monday nights. It’s the perfect way to start the working week and then head towards the weekend. There is foot path trading which does amazing trade out there during warm days especially with the after work crowd. Then you head straight in to the bar, grab a drink then through to the ground floor lounge area where the comedy shows occur. Behind this is a large fully equipped commercial kitchen. As it has a rear lane entrance it is ideal for Uber eats and subletting. There is a rear flight of stairs from the kitchen that heads to the upstairs lounge areas past a couple of store rooms, the toilets and an office. Patrons though head upstairs next to the bar. The upper area is split in to a lounge area to the left and to the right a pool table is the centre of attention and is rarely left alone. Spleen has a Late Night On Premises licence until 5am with a capacity of 100. There are eight years left on the lease made up of 3+5 with the landlord willing to negotiate extra terms. Rent comes in... Price: Leasehold $395,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Lloyd Nunn Phone: 1300 767 802 View Online Bsale ID 275156



6 Months $390 + GST Takings $30,000 Souvlaki Burger Takeaway Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

About The Business: Souvlaki and Burger Cafe for sale in Mulgrave / Springvale. -High takings $30,000 + weekly -Six days operation -Long 9 year lease -Low rent $650 weekly Over 800 kg meat sold weekly. Years Established: 2.

Price: $450,000 + SAV Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Stephen Cavnoudias Phone: 0421 927 745 View Online Bsale ID 271719

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Vibrant Bar/Restaurant - 1P4950 Food - Restaurant For Sale

The internal space presents really well with high vaulted ceilings and large windows overlooking the beautiful surrounding water views. The restaurant consists of a maximum capacity of 211 seats inside and 119 seats outside. The outside deck has ducted heating which makes for this space to be utilized all year round. Offering a long bar, warm and inviting fireplace with lounges, in perfect condition and modern furnishings throughout, male and female amenities and ample on street parking this is a business you will want to inspect. There is a large well equipped commercial kitchen and recently improved preparation area with plenty of storage, new flooring and three large cool rooms. The business has been successfully operating in its current status as a restaurant for over 8 years. It caters for locals, holiday makers and visitors to the region. They market very well and attract small bus tours throughout the year and have forward bookings into 2020-2021.

Price: $300,000 + SAV Region: Gippsland State: VIC Contact: Anne Donchos Phone: 03 9580 5600 or 0414 582 224 View Online Bsale ID 272687



The Little Cha Bubble Tea Melbourne Food - Franchise Outlets

The Little Cha Franchise Opportunity: Franchisees will benefit from joining a growing and successful business that is dedicated to best practices. They will also benefit from ongoing guidance and support within the business. High Growth Potential: The Bubble Tea industry has extremely high growth potential. If you look back to 5 years ago, Bubble Tea was a concept very fresh and unknown to Australians, compared to now where the product is a known and loved staple in most Australians diet’s. Whilst there is still a focus on the Asian demographic, we know and believe that there is room for growth for the Western demographic too. Lowentry Cost: We have a low-entry price point compared to our competitors, giving more individuals the opportunity to become business owners and join our fantastic brand. Potential franchisees will also be provided with financial advice with the possibility to gain finance options. Training Provided: The Little Cha franchisees will receive an abundance of support and training from head office. Two weeks of initial in-store training will be provided so that franchisees can hit the ground running and be confident upon opening. Ongoing support and consumer marketing... Price: $150,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: James Young Phone: 0404 078 782 View Online Bsale ID 273097

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Ky Country Roads Motor Inn - 1P4911M Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

With Kyabram’s accommodation businesses currently booming due to the accommodation overflow from the increasing number of sporting and other events being held in the Shepparton region, this is an excellent opportunity to enter the accommodation industry for the owner/ operator. Well presented 14 room Motel, located in the lovely Victorian country town of Kyabram has recently undergone renovations and improvements across its rooms and facilities. Offering a diverse range of well-appointed suites to suit the corporate traveller, tradespeople, families, grey nomads and passing tourists. Also featuring a private relaxing BBQ and picnic area, new signage, fully equipped reception area, well-maintained grounds and a comfortable 3 bedroom family residence. • Buyers Yield of approx. 30% • Excellent Lease terms with rent at 20% of Turnover • Long Lease to 2046 • Strong and continued growth across revenue & profitability • 3 bedroom family residence • Many improvements and renovations across rooms and facilities• Ample guest parking. A must to inspect.

Price: $385,000 Region: Shepparton - North East State: VIC Contact: Ian McDonald Phone: 02 6023 5777 or 0408 217 734 View Online Bsale ID 272570



Hotel/Pub Leasehold

Food - Hotels, Pubs, Bars, Liquor store

Busy Country Pub. 20 year lease. Drive through Bottleshop. Outdoor Beer Garden. TAB/KENO. Attractive turnover, 19/20 $1.7 million. 8 bedroom upstairs residence with lounge and kitchenette. Recently painted. Broadford is rapidly growing. Hotel is opposite train station. Excellent loyal customer base. We’ve had the lease for 10 years, selling due to new ventures

Price: $299,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Jodie Neilson Phone: View Online Bsale ID 272741

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Find a VIC Business Broker

Online Global Business - Upfront Profits Work from Home

Do you want to earn upfront profits even during the current financial situation? This is a business like NO OTHER! Earn upfront profits and get the lifestyle that only dreams are made of! Spend time with your loved ones, travel the world in luxury and live your truest purpose! About Us: Digital marketing and online marketing methods are used to promote and market award winning personal development products. Base profits start at AUD $8000 per sale! Educational industry - personal development, a $65 billion dollar industry untapped in Australia at the moment. Potential to expand to New Zealand as well. Benefits of... Price: $4,995 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Representative Phone: View Online Bsale ID 269634



Men’s special Perfumes Business Est 4Yrs Retail - Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Beauty

About The Business: Men’s special perfumes, popular brand names but the second quality of the original. Check the website for further details. Years Established: 4 years but it was not my main business and it was just a backup business, never been able to promote to it’s best, yet lot to offer. Features: You can check the google ranking and if you promote with discounts such as postage you can increase sales. Trading Hours: Not specific or at your leisure. Lease: There is no lease or rent involved but the maintenance of Website and promoting required around $500. Website URL: Training: Will be provided with all the information. Potential: Apart from promoting online, there is a potential to build retail and community promotions. Reason For Sale: Leaving overseas as a result of an Export business. Comments: I have experienced the avenues of development but I didn’t have time to improve due to my main business. Apart from all you can acquire the Domain name as the name of Perfumes, some other promoters of Smart Collection perfumes but they don’t have the domain name.

Price: $55,000 Region: Melbourne State: VIC Contact: Max Phone: +61411149645 View Online Bsale ID 270394

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Wendy’s On Wheels Food Truck –... Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

Summary: ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY to purchase a Wendy’s on wheels Food Truck. Currently located in Adelaide ,it is available for use nationally. You decide where to work, from the beachfront to events, with this sparkling purpose built Wendy’s on wheels. This food truck, its fully equipped and ready to go, why wait for your customers “operate where your customers are”. About the Business: Wendy’s created this food truck, fully equipped to ensure all elements of this business can operate during peak trade. Initially created for a promotional & event opportunities such as school sports, business catering,... Price: $185,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: National Brokerage Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 274985



Hair And Make Up Salon Beauty & Hair Salon

A stunning looking salon well positioned in a popular destination Shopping Centre (with Coles and 29 speciality shops) - located within 7km of the CBD. Trading for many years. New fit out with high quality furnishings and equipment around 2 years ago - looks stunning! 8 cutting stations and 2 basins. Uni-sex salon catering for all ages…. much repeat business and also has a steady client base re: make up for special occasions. Currently operated with minimal owner input due to other career interests. Has excellent staff in place. Plenty of security of tenure/ lease…Rental $35K p.a. + GST. (No outgoings payable by the tenant). All the hard work has been done. Would suit an owner operator or Partnership. Here’s an opportunity to purchase a salon with history, trades from an excellent location with attractive rental and one that has a brilliant and modern décor. Contact Jeff on 08 8338 3833; 0414 353 353. AdelaideBusinessSalesPtyltd. RLA 60043. NB Some photos uses for illustration purposes only

Price: $58,000 + SAV Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Jeff Romanowski Phone: 08 8338 3833 View Online Bsale ID 274232

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



HYPOXI Franchise Territory Opportunities Health, Medical and Gyms

About The Franchise THE HYPOXI OPPORTUNITY. Simple and rewarding business model. Access to proven technology with strong brand identity. Low operational and staffing costs. Small start-up investment. Comprehensive operational and sales training. About The Business WHY CLIENTS LOVE HYPOXI. 30 minute sessions. Targeted fat burning / weight loss. Low intensity, low impact and non-invasive. Boutique training environment. Sessions by appointment. watch?v=CeLAGRmAjJ4. MAKE IT YOUR FUTURE “Every client leaves happy from HYPOXI. They all get great results and I love being a part of that” - Karen Kerruish HYPOXI Studio Hurstville. “I don’t see it as a job, rather a journey of achievements that my clients and I travel to acquire amazing results and satisfaction” - Heather Bost HYPOXI Contouring Studio Sunbury. HYPOXI Franchisees have one shared passion, and that is people! Each of our dedicated studio owners invested in their own HYPOXI business venture because they hold a passion for health and wellbeing, and they have a genuine desire to transform the lives of others. Here at HYPOXI we are on a journey... Price: POA Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Helen Alfa Phone: 0411 345 481 View Online Bsale ID 273770



The Coffee Club – Marion Shopping... Food - Cafe For Sale

Summary: Think of coffee, somewhere great to eat, a place to meet and mingle with friends and family, “Where will I meet you”? …The Coffee Club of course. The Coffee Club Marion could now be yours! The Coffee Club has established itself as a household name and preferred venue for millions of coffee drinkers. The Coffee Club has become Australia’s largest home-grown cafe group with nearly 300 stores open. If you’ve ever thought about being part of the iconic brand, then Marion Shopping Centre ticks all the boxes. About the Business: • Outstanding location in a very busy shopping centre • The Coffee Club is located in the middle of the Shopping Centre and at the base of the Cinema Centre – the perfect place to meet. • Weekly net sales averaging over $30,000 per week • Operationally managed and hugely profitable for a working owner • Dynamic and powerful location • Truly outstanding business • Fully systematised with the benefits of The Coffee Club systems, processes and procedures • Excellent The Coffee Club marketing systems to help you grow the business • Well trained and experienced staff in the business • Loyal and expanding customer base... Price: $495,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: National Brokerage Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 275206

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $390 + GST Dog Daycare & Grooming Business Pet Shops and Services

This business is a dog grooming / day care business that creates a fun, interactive environment for dogs of all ages, shapes and sizes, whilst maintaining a high level of safety, hygiene and increased learning potential. This Dog Day Care is a force free, cage free environment for dogs to enjoy their time away from home. This doggy day care includes a variety of indoor play areas, plenty of toys and offers professional grooming services. Key features & benefits: - Well established business with a loyal client base - Solid year on year revenue growth, even stronger growth in recent months - Efficient and safe work practices... Price: $249,000 + SAV Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Dione Mauric Phone: 07 5372 8468 or 0415 543 469 View Online Bsale ID 271980



Recreational Fishing Invention Entertainment and Amusements

Currently I have an opportunity in the recreational fishing industry, that I wish to sell. I now wish to retire and pass this opportunity on to some one with energy and enthusiasm for fishing. I have been unable to do much since owning the business, as I have been working on my main business which until the covid-19 virus has taken me abroad a lott. I picked this opportunity up from a customer a while ago. This in an invention designed to make fishing easier and much more fun. The market is huge as there is no restrictions on where or how it can be sold, so the new owner can concentrate their efforts across Australian or the world! The Inventor built several prototypes and then had a “mould’ made at considerable expense so that the main body of the invention could easily be made of high-quality glass plastic in their thousands if necessary. I have about 20 units made and the all parts for several hundred more sitting in my factory. You only need a small storage area, garage or car port to store the parts. Assembling of the full unit takes about 10 minutes, shorter when you become an expert, and this part of the operation could be outsourced to a student or stay at home housewife if necessary, anyway. The... Price: $10,000 + SAV Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Jim Seamer Phone: View Online Bsale ID 270689

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Wendy’s On Wheels Food Truck Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

Summary: ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY to purchase a Wendy’s on wheels Food Truck. Currently located in Adelaide ,it is available for use nationally. You decide where to work, from the beachfront to events, with this sparkling purpose built Wendy’s on wheels. This food truck, its fully equipped and ready to go, why wait for your customers “operate where your customers are”. About the Business: Wendy’s created this food truck, fully equipped to ensure all elements of this business can operate during peak trade. Initially created for a promotional & event opportunities such as school sports, business catering, music events and New Years Eve, its ready for a new owner. With huge potential to grow a thriving business with the right operator, this superb business can be taken to the next level, all you need to do is apply for local food trading permits. Wendy’s Milk Bar is a leading brand of choice in the treats market in both Australia and New Zealand. With more than three decades of franchise expertise and a product offering that’s second to none. Features of this superb food truck include: • Opportunity for sale for $185,000 • New purpose designed and fitted-out food truck • Perfect for... Price: $185,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: National Brokerage Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 271902



Build a business you can be proud of in... Health, Medical and Gyms

Build a business you can be proud of... Check out our YouTube Channel and website for more details. Just type in The Little Gym into Google to see more. The Little Gym® is renowned as a world-leading children’s enrichment company and over the past four decades, The Little Gym programs have helped millions of kids experience the thrill of achievement, develop new skills, and find new confidence. Originally founded in the USA in 1976, there are now more than 400 locations dotted across the globe. The Little Gym is the world’s premier experiential learning and physical development centre for kids ages four months through 12 years. The Little Gym is now open for business in Australia with locations open in Sydney and Melbourne and we are currently looking for people interested in opening their own The Little Gym. The Little Gym fills a gap in this highly lucrative business sector as parents have and are always looking for ways to to make a difference in their kid’s lives. Becoming a franchisee will change your life as well. If working with kids in a dynamic and inspiring way is something that’s important to you, then this is an opportunity you should look into more closely. Kids will come to your... Price: $69,500 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Tom Jolly Phone: 0403 720 965 View Online Bsale ID 271693

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Living Eggs - Join our team Franchises and Business Opportunities

About The Business: Living Eggs* is an Unique Educational Program servicing Schools, Child Care Centers and Aged Care Facilities providing the ‘’Live Chicken Hatching” experience. Living Eggs* was established in Victora 1995. Over the forthcoming years Franchises were gradually offered and established in NSW, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland. We now also provide our Programs to children and elderly in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. The opportunity to join our team as the South Australian Franchisee is available: High Profit Return No prior experience required, Work From Home/Small Business, Established Business, Full Training Provided 24 Hour Support Team, 24 Complete Kits Large Storage Incubator + much more. *Must have working with children clearance. *Must be enthusiastic. *Suit ex Teacher or Child Care worker wanting to work from home part time.

Price: $10,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Carole Back Phone: 1800 047 730 or 0412 815 020 View Online Bsale ID 272740



Find a SA Business Broker

Compliant Cricos Rto, Dual Campus (1215) Education, Children Services, Employment & Training

About the RTO. Registered to May 2025. Scope of Registration includes: • Certificate IV in Leadership and Management. • Diploma of Business. • Diploma of Business Administration. • Diploma of Leadership and Management. • Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management. • Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership. • Graduate Certificate in Management (Learning). • Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning). • Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care. • Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care. • Diploma of Information Technology Networking. • Advanced Diploma of Network... Price: $1,250,000 Region: Adelaide State: SA Contact: Travis Latter Phone: 0422 614 514 View Online Bsale ID 270569

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Post Office, N’Agency, Bottle Shop, Groc Franchises and Business Opportunities

Padthaway General Store, is situated on the Riddoch Hwy (Mt Gambier to Adelaide hwy), Just over the VICTORIAN BOARDER, in the heart of award winning wines, entrance to Coonawara wine region. This FREEHOLD business comes with 2 cool rooms, 4 fridges, New shelving, 3 bedroom home, with a large lounge and dining room, combustion heater and air conditioning. 10 KW solar, and a new patio area, along with a 4 bay carport, new rainwater tanks, and its own bore for gardening. Padthaway is renown for its abundance of under ground water, and terra rossa soil to produce fine wine, and irrigated pastures. please view the attached video, up loaded on U Tube (Lofty’s for sale) Due to the corona virus, we have installed a commercial kitchen, catering for 80 takeaway meals every Thursday night. this also complements the Bottle shop with trading hours to 8.00pm. Great turnover 5 1/2 day business with room to expand take away food, over 3 nights. Selling due to illness, after 26 years.

Price: $439,000 Region: Regional SA State: SA Contact: Jo Phone: 08 8765 5020 or 0408 616 748 View Online Bsale ID 163354



Outdoor Laser Tag

Entertainment and Amusements

Twelve years ago our small family business was born in Forrestdale, Western Australia. There was a bit of anxiety and worry as we had never been in this line of work before. We soon realized our concerns were for nothing as even in the midst of a Global Financial Crisis (2008) people still craved entertainment and fun things to do. Fast forward to 2020 and after tens of thousands of happy customers and more great times than we are able to count, we are now ready to pass the torch to someone willing to take her to new heights (with some help from us). The services we offer are Birthday parties for all ages, Corporate Team... Price: $44,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Owner Phone: 0401 474 889 View Online Bsale ID 273101

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Perrella’s Cafe Darlington Village Food - Cafe For Sale

Perrella’s Cafe is a destination cafe voted by Trip Advisor to be one of Perth’s top 10 cafes, nestled in one of Perth’s hills suburbs that is highly desirable to visit or reside in. There is little to no competition, plenty of room for growth, and a well established loyal customer base. The building has 90 years of history and has transitioned over the years from a butcher to a bakery to a shopping centre now a very successful cafe elegantly documented in a published book available for sale at the cafe. There is a 2 x 1 residence on the property with views of the forrest and hills and is opposite the local park, playground, tennis courts, restored historic town hall and oval nearing the old steam train station and post office est 1920’s. Trading hours are short, 8:30am to 2pm Tuesday to Sunday. Evenings from 5-8pm Friday and Saturday. Lease is negotiable with current owners. Grossing 17-20k pw.with good returns. Well trained and enthusiastic staff. All equipment is owned except display fridge. Includes walk-in cool room and walk-in freezer, and fully equipped kitchen. See our website: Will assist in handover until comfortable. There is much more potential as there are no evening alternatives in the ntire area, and... Price: $180,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: John Perrella Phone: 0407 776 060 View Online Bsale ID 274469



Low Risk & Strong Profit For 60 Years Services - General

About The Business: It takes many years of hard work and determination to establish a widespread reputation for quality customer service, backed up with outstanding essential products. Associated with the Automotive Industry & established over 60 years, proven profit history. The business is structured so that a new owner, with an interest in the automotive industry, could successfully buy this business and make at least the same profits. Essential Products and Services in a growth market: • Net profit of $335,000 • Absolutely essential products and services • Low risk, low overheads and working capital • Current Owners had business for 15 years • Wide Customer/income base • Low staff • South West Population Growth Region • Increasing demand ongoing. Benefit: Products and services provided by this Business serve an essential, critical need for a large part of the population. Benefit: The business has been trading for 60 years, it has an outstanding reputation combined with great profit margins, and a great range of products and services. Benefit – It is located in the popular SW region which is seeing exceptional population growth. • LOW RISK - Increasing sales and net profits –Covid19... Price: $750,000 + SAV Region: Bunbury - Albany - South Coast State: WA Contact: Lynda Armstrong Phone: 08 9429 8882 View Online Bsale ID 275166

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Licensed CafĂŠ

Food - Cafe For Sale

The owners of this immaculately presented business wishes to pursue an alternative business opportunity and can not continue to run the cafe. They have therefore reluctantly decided that this impressive cafe/bistro must be sold immediately. In order to achieve a timely sale they has nominated a price which represents approximately one third of the initial set up and fit out costs. This is therefore an excellent opportunity for a hands-on operator to acquire and continue to develop a substantial business, with a solid revenue base, a loyal local following and a strong social media presence without paying for years of hard earned goodwill. Features of the business include: Turnover circa $550k pa. Currently run under management with competent motivated chef and well trained staff. Located on an ideal highly visible corner site close in an affluent suburb close to the CBD Easy access and egress with plenty of nearby free street parking in addition to on-site parking for owners, staff and customers Modern, inviting ambiance with indoor and outdoor seating for around 85 people. Impressive quality fitout and dĂŠcor.Top of the range furniture, plant & equipment Extensive and quality commercial kitchen fit-out. Long... Price: $125,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Lance White Phone: 08 9480 3200 View Online Bsale ID 274881



Popular Bubble Tea / Cafe in WA Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

Lease: Current lease expires on 30/04/2022 plus 3 years option until 30/04/2025. About The Business: - Prime Location in Northbridge; Impressive refurbishment: Fairytale style; Well maintained Plant & Equipment with efficient staff and systems; Can add the coffee machine to increase the drink varieties; no franchise fee, royalty fee or marketing fee to the franchise brand; Reasonable Lease for you to take over; only asking for $160,000, what a bargain for bubble tea! Please ring Bowen on 0451 125 567 or email to for more information. BizLink Group: Adds: Suite 9, 125 Melville Parade, Como WA 6152

Price: $160,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Bowen Phone: 0451 125 567 View Online Bsale ID 274707

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $390 + GST Small Cafe/ Lunch Bar/Gourmet Takeaway Food - Cafe For Sale

Our brand and shop are well established, respected, proven and unique, and it’s a good income opportunity for the experienced owner-operator. It’s easy to run and can be done by one person. You can continue with the current menu and offering which have a regular steady clientele, or you can change it up, expand the menu and/or trading hours. Our menu caters for gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian, vegan and healthy food requirements. The rent is low ($356/week, inclusive of O/G and GST) and lease term until 2026, on a 2 2 2 lease. Included in price: - the full set up to get you going, including well maintained equipment - daily advertising for 2... Price: $70,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Chris Phone: View Online Bsale ID 272415



Precast Plunge Pool Installer Building - Construction - Home Renovation

Why do all the hard work setting up your own business when you can buy a great business and income from day one? About The Business: Work for yourself supplying and installing these niche precast small concrete plunge pools. Exclusive distribution agreement with shell manufacturer for all of WA. Currently 95% of business is within Perth metro. Option to service all of WA if that is your desire. Products & Services: This is a niche product, with no other competitors based in WA. Small precast concrete fully tiled luxury pools, manufactured entirely off site and delivered and installed in as little as two to three days of trades on site. With Perth blocks getting smaller and smaller these small pools are quickly growing in popularity. Financials: Easily managed, this business is operated by the owner (approx. 30 hours per week), the business is currently set up to use a small group of subcontractors for all other work. Suits a person ideally with trade/ construction based experience. Currently operating from a home office with minimal overheads, the business has shown a strong turnover of between $390-$440k per annum over the past few years, all with minimal paid advertising. The business is in it’s fourth year of business and has... Price: $85,000 WIWO Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Lisa Pickering Phone: 0412 632 330 View Online Bsale ID 272425

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



*stock photo used, not actual business

Mexican Cafe Restaurant Food - Cafe For Sale

Summary: - Premium location in shopping center of CBD - Great turn over; low rent - Liqure licenced for expending of dinners - newly upgraded equipment - cafe outside area upgrading finishing soon. Location Details: premium location at the shopping center in Broome. Potential: Carries Liquor licence. Extension of dinner opening option. Currently open 6 days ; can be opened every day. CBD upgrading finishing soon. Hours: 7am to 4pm Monday to Saturday, Sunday is optional, Dinner is potential. Lease. 41,000$/year inclusive all, no out going, no water fee. Reason for Sale: Personal. About the Business: Rare business opportunity to the market. Busy Mexican cafe /restaurant in a huge growth area of Broome. Has prime location in the shopping center with excellent passing trade and established customers. Great opportunity to expand to dinner trade with liquor licensed. All cooking equipment and main equipment in the front house has been upgraded. New chairs and characterized tables handmade in the garden area. Enjoy more population by CBD upgrading finishing next year. Hard work has been done. Opportunity is yours. Call to view 0481 168 718. History: 20 years operating. Price: POA Region: Broome - Karatha - Northern State: WA Contact: Viv portz Phone: 0481 168 718 View Online Bsale ID 270735 *stock photo used, not actual business



Chapel Cafe Business for sale Busselton Food - Cafe For Sale

Small,busy cafe in the heart of the Busselton CBD, Chapel Cafe is built within the walls of Busselton’s oldest Catholic church, a heritage beauty sitting upon the bustling area of Busselton Boulevard. Chapel cafe has been successfully run by a local family for the past 6 years, it has been a well established, well known business for the past 25 years. If you have got passion for cooking/baking and enjoy a nice cup of coffee then this could be your next adventure. Easy to run, suit a relaxed down south family life style. South West is one of the most popular WA holiday destinations all year round, For more information please contact us today!

Price: $99,000 Region: Bunbury - Albany - South Coast State: WA Contact: Magda Phone: View Online Bsale ID 272132

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Automotive Franchise for Sale - Pilbara Auto - Petrol Station, Carwash, Marine, Retail, Service

This thriving business is well renowned in the Pilbara providing automotive servicing, repairs and maintenance on all makes and models - mainly mining vehicles. There will be multiple retail franchises available for purchase. Newman - Town Centre location (only workshop in the town centre). $500,000 - established 6 years. *High Turnover *Brand new hoists and equipment - $150,000 *Company housing available *Mechanics available for annual leave replacement *Manager available for annual leave replacement *Remote accounts team trained for back end of business *Remote quoting team available *Full training provided by owner *No compulsory marketing fees *Cost plus parts arrangement from sister parts company *Potential to break into tyre market. South Hedland - Town Centre location (only non-dealership workshop in the town centre). $350,000 - established 4 months. *High Turnover (over 1 million based on current monthly turnover) *Brand new hoists and equipment $150,000 *Company housing available *Mechanics available for annual leave replacement *Manager available for annual leave replacement *Remote accounts team trained for back end of business *Remote quoting team available *Full... Price: $300,000 WIWO Region: Broome - Karatha - Northern State: WA Contact: John Adams Phone: 0419 348 709 View Online Bsale ID 271756



Little Kickers Master Franchise WA 10yrs Education, Children Services, Employment & Training

The early years’ education market has experienced phenomenal global growth over the past decade and shows no signs of decelerating. The reasons for this growth? Firstly, the demand for children’s activities has sky-rocketed and this has resulted in the children’s activity industry becoming one of the fastest-growing sectors of the global economy. Even in times of economic hardship, parents continue to spend money on their children’s enrichment – and even more so if the expenditure relates to products or activities they feel will aid their child’s learning and development, assist their education or improve their overall health and quality of life. Secondly, as families, where both parents are in full-time employment, become more prevalent, the market for before and after school programmes is booming. Further, the children’s activity business lends itself perfectly to franchising. With the right training, documentation and support a new franchisee can be taught to set up and run a children’s activity business very quickly, and typically upfront fees are relatively low compared to the franchising industry norms.Little Kickers is a true global success story. Winner of multiple awards, including the grand prize of “Global... Price: $80,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Michelle Lacey Phone: 0466 606 890 View Online Bsale ID 271566

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Find a WA Business Broker

Be A Licensee In A Unique Business Building - Construction - Home Renovation

Platinum Tile and Grout is a mobile business that offers large profit margins and is unique since there are other businesses out there that may clean tiles or seal them but we do EVERYTHING!!! Some of the services we provide: -Regrouting. -Shower and balcony sealing. -Tile and Grout sealing with a market leading product. -Silicone restoration. -Tile and grout cleaning. -Shower screen restoration. -Tile replacement. -other services upon request. Platinumtag is over run with enquiries and therefore is inviting candidates for a licensee arrangement.This is an opportunity to be provided with professional tools of the trade (Included in the initial... Price: $22,500 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Glen Phone: 0481 067 072 View Online Bsale ID 269711



Booming Essential Service Newsagency Retail - Post Office, Newsagency, Lotto

About The Business: This high growth newsagency business is like no other. It has been generating stellar sales and profits year-on-year since its inception 19 years ago. As an essential service, this business remained open throughout 2020 and sales went up during the pandemic lockdown. This business is known as a stand-out success story in its industry, winning industry awards, while taking advantage of the digital revolution. Location: The location is magnificent. In the middle of an exceptionally high-growth area - the booming northern metropolitan coastal corridor of Perth – which is nationally renowned in part because the high growth forecasts extend at similar rates through to 2040. Located in a community-hub shopping centre - the largest shopping centre in its region, boasting busy Kmart, Coles, Woolworths and Target outlets, this well-presented newsagency business is ideally positioned within the shopping centre itself. This business is the only newsagency business in the shopping centre and is highly visible, being centrally located in the middle of the main, high-traffic mall. Employees: With only 7 staff, two of them long-term, including the store manager, who has been with the business for 15 years, this newsagency... Price: $738,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Brian Carew-Hopkins Phone: 0408 807 190 View Online Bsale ID 269863

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



*stock photo used, not actual business

Cleaning Business

Cleaning & Domestic Services

Cleaning Business with regular clients. Fantastic turnover, huge number of regular clients, with many opportunities to expand. Ideal for husband and wife to make a $160,000 turnover working a 5 day week. However the sky is the limit and if desired you could build this business to be so much more. Business is sold with not only client base but also all equipment necessary to run. This is a unique opportunity to create a comfortable living for you and your family. Full training and handover will be provided. Price: $55,000 Negotiable.

Price: $55,000 Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Diane Phone: 0400 602 508 View Online Bsale ID 270045 *stock photo used, not actual business



Cafe For Sale

Food - Cafe For Sale

Est 18 yrs -- current owner 5yrs. Trading 6 days per week. Tues – Sat 8 am – 2 pm Sun 7 am – 1 pm. Turn over $5500 p/w. Prime location in mall shared with major shopping centre. Seating for 45 inside and 20 alfresco. Weekly farmers markets held in the mall along with monthly day and night markets. Good fit out and new flooring. Commercial standard kitchen with walk in cool room. Development. Council has started plans in the 20/21 budget for $2.4 Million dollar upgrade of the mall to make it the main hub for happenings in the town. If you would like to view and discuss the cafe with the owner please contact us via phone or email.

Price: $66,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Cafe Owner Phone: 0411 112 703 View Online Bsale ID 270082

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Established Perth Based Home Renovation Building - Construction - Home Renovation

Established Perth Based home renovation business for sale This is NOT a franchise. You will be the sole proprietor of this entity and maintain all profits with no ongoing royalty fees. This ‘business in a box’ is ready to go with existing professional branding, web site, facebook business page, Instagram and all protected trademarks to insure no one infringes on your brand identity. You do not have to be a licenced or registered builder to operate this, we will show you how to set this up. You will require motivation and deliver a high standard of customer service. The residential renovation market in Australia is currently worth AUS $30 Billion annually. HIA Economic forecast recorded a $3.23 Billion spend (actual) specifically in the Western Australia renovation sector 2019 with a 2% increase forecast for 2020 and 8.8% for 2021. This is the highest forecast for any state which is not surprising with WA being the hub of resource saturated employment. What’s Included: • Renovation Republic Brand identity including all Copyright, and Intellectual Property. (8 years legal protection remaining) • Full transfer of ASIC registered business name • Web Address (x2) • Premium designed Web site on premium Host server with integrated enquiry form • Facebook... Price: $22,000 + SAV Region: Perth State: WA Contact: Jonny Phone: 0406 294 628 View Online Bsale ID 270318



Join One Of Australia’s Fastest... Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

The first Acai Brothers store was opened in 2014, and after six years of dominating the superfood industry, it’s safe to say our brand awareness has exceeded all expectations ever since. With a strong social media presence of over 15,000 Facebook likes and 30,800 Instagram followers, these numbers are still growing by the day. Regular messages from our community asking us to open up near them has left us on the hunt to search for the next wave of Franchisee’s who share our passion for a healthy lifestyle. With three different investment opportunities, we’ve spent the last few years refining our brand and models, and with... Price: Franchise options starting from $130,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Tom Jolly Phone: 0403 720 965 View Online Bsale ID 274101

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $390 + GST Well Established Swim School Plus... Health, Medical and Gyms

RARE OPPORTUNITY | SUCCESSFUL INDEPENDENT SWIM SCHOOL. Well established and profitable swim business in a major south east suburb 30 minutes from Darwin’s CBD. The owner has utlised his many years’ experience in the aquatic industry to great effect, establishing an excellent business from scratch. He has brought in new technology and over the 17 years has maintained general upkeep and maintenance throughout, importantly the pool plant room has had a full upgrade with all new pumps and filters plus the installation of a new automatic pool cleaner. - Highly profitable business - Averaging 850 students per... Price: Price On Application Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: BF Brokers HQ Phone: 1800 2327 6537 View Online Bsale ID 272246



Become A Business Broker & Advisor with... Business & Professional Services

Do you love business, and are looking for a new low-cost opportunity with big financial potential? Apply to become part of The Finn Group, one of the largest network of business brokers in Australia. By owning a Finn Business Sale license, you own two businesses in one! You have potential to earn income from; business improvement consulting and exit planning, as well as attractive commissions from business sales. You will be selling businesses and matching buyers with businesses to best meet their criteria. Skills: We are seeking people with small business experience to specialise in business sales and consulting. Do you possess the following skills and experience? • Experience in small business and sales • Desire and capacity to work for yourself • Highly developed communication and presentation skills • Problem-solver and ability to think outside the box • A desire to build an asset for yourself in your business. To succeed, we can help you with: • Established database with 600,000+ businesses and 50,000 potential business buyers. • Marketing - comprehensive toolkit of marketing materials which you can tailor for your own business supported by a program of marketing activities for general brand building... Price: POA Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Join Finn Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 271825

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



6 Months $390 + GST Corporate Business Sales - Mergers and... Business & Professional Services

A recent deal we did yielded a sales commission of just over $360,000. Here’s how it happened; - Our marketing materials caused an owner of a medium-sized business to contact Finn. - We met the client, showed him what we do, and he gave us the go-ahead. - We used our marketing tools to generate enquiries from targeted buyers. - We got a few enquiries, one of them ended up buying the business. These deals don’t come along everyday, but the opportunities in the mid-level market are almost limitless, especially with the large baby-boomer generation wanting to exit their business investments.The Finn M&A model... Price: POA Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Join Finn Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 269929



Join one of Australia’s fastest... Food - Takeaway Shops For Sale

The first Acai Brothers store was opened in 2014, and after six years of dominating the superfood industry, it’s safe to say our brand awareness has exceeded all expectations ever since. With a strong social media presence of over 15,000 Facebook likes and 30,800 Instagram followers, these numbers are still growing by the day. Regular messages from our community asking us to open up near them has left us on the hunt to search for the next wave of Franchisee’s who share our passion for a healthy lifestyle. With three different investment opportunities, we’ve spent the last few years refining our brand and models, and with a growing head office team, there has never been a better time to join us in conquering the superfood industry! Whilst we are a large brand, we believe in maintaining small business values and experiences. That’s why our franchise offer provides you with a tailored store design unique to your location. Still sounds scary? Don’t be. We provide you with an extensive training program, operation manuals, marketing plans and systems support to ensure that you’re supported every step of the way. OUR FRANCHISEES. We carefully select those wanting to join our growing family to... Price: $130,000 Region: Darwin State: NT Contact: Tom Jolly Phone: 0403 720 965 View Online Bsale ID 270437

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Right At Home Australia - Coming Soon... Franchises and Business Opportunities

Ride the baby boomers retirement wave with a winning franchise model with GUARANTEED GROWTH. Right at Home is a global leader in home care franchises. With more than 590 locations in 8 different countries, this is a proven business model that generates substantial profit with FLEXIBLE WORKING CONDITIONS. What makes Right at Home a great investment? -Part of a $22 BILLION market -Massive growth potential as 14% of the Australia population is over 65. -The market is guaranteed to grow for AT LEAST 20 years. -Strong brand name that’s trusted by people in Australia. -Flexible working hours and conditions What... Price: $120,000 Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Mike Fuller Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 274987



MBE Franchise Business for Sale | Hobart Franchises and Business Opportunities

About The Business: Mail Boxes Etc. (MBE) is a global company with over 2500 locations internationally and 38 centres throughout Australia. They offer businesses and home offices a large selection of professional business services which have been conveniently consolidated at the one location. About The Franchise. The MBE franchise network has had fantastic growth across the region, with the top ten centres averaging 31% growth year-on-year. Other key franchise success factors include: • Established globally for 30+ years • Part of a global franchise group • Accredited finance program available • Multi award-winning international franchise • Clean, professional working environment • Non-food franchise - no waste, no mess, no perishables • Five days per week, professional business hours • No experience required • Full training provided plus ongoing support • Preferred supplier program • Strategic site selection process. Training: Eight-week initial training program consisting of: • Training in our head office located in Sydney • In-store work experience • Post opening training via face to face, phone/internet support. On-going guidance provided by MBE includes: Comprehensive online... Price: $80,000 Region: Hobart - Southern, State: TAS Contact: DC Strategy Phone: 0386 157 203 View Online Bsale ID 274224

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



5.5 Days/Week Easy To Run Business -... Auto - Petrol Station, Carwash, Marine, Retail, Service

Investment: $240,000 + Stock at Value. This independent auto parts and Jaycar store is perfect for a sea-change couple. Located in St Helens on Tasmania’s magnificent East Coast, the business is well-established and wellrespected by locals and tourists as a comprehensive quality distributor of automotive, caravan and Jaycar parts and accessories. Low overheads including attractive lease terms. The freehold may also be available for purchase. The well trained and long-term team will transfer with the business. The owner will also provide a comprehensive handover of the business to new owners. All enquiries are treated in the strictest of confidence. Click the email box and fill in your details. Or call 03 6128 3333 or email to obtain a confidentiality agreement.

Price: $240,000 + SAV Region: Launceston - Northern State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 0419 382 359 View Online Bsale ID 275028



6 Months $390 + GST Thriving Newsagency In The Centre Of... Retail - Post Office, Newsagency, Lotto

INVESTMENT: $170,000 + SAV (NEGOTIABLE). Roses Newsagency is the centre of Scottsdale and the local community. They sell tattslotto (including Golden Casket, Powerball and Instant tickets), newspapers, magazines, toys, gifts, books, cards, and are a dry cleaning agency. The business has maintained consistent annual Turnover, Gross Margin and Profitability in a changing market. This opportunity is perfect for a sole operator working 5.5 days or a couple looking for a change. The current owners work 4 days and 3 days respectively. OTHER FEATURES: * $26K+ consistent Turnover per week * 5.5 day operation... Price: $170,000 + SAV (Negotiable) Region: Launceston - Northern State: TAS Contact: Dean Demeyer Phone: 03 6128 3333 or 0419 382 359 View Online Bsale ID 271785

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Well-Established Engineering Workshop... Manufacturing, Wholesale, Import, Export

INVESTMENT: $490,000 + Stock At Value. A wellestablished local provider of mobile engineering services & labour-hire with highly skilled diversified tradesmen. Services include mechanical fitting, boilermaker/welding, structural steelwork, low-level building, forestry & mining equipment mechanical repairs & welding, steel stairs, walkaway & platform fabrication. No job is too big or too small. Additional option to purchase workshop freehold. * SOLID FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE * DIVERSIFIED CLIENT BASE * EXCELLENT TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE * IDEALLY LOCATED * LONG AND ESTABLISHED HISTORY. This sale provides an excellent acquisition “bolt on� opportunity for an existing engineering firm, or an experienced and business-minded individual wishing to acquire an established enterprise with robust financial performance. All enquiries treated in the strictest of confidence. Click the Email box and fill in your details. Or call 03 6128 3333 Or email kerri.pursell@finnbusinesssales. to obtain a Confidentiality Agreement.

Price: $490,000 + SAV Region: Launceston - Northern State: TAS Contact: Chris Mitchell Phone: 03 6128 3333 or 0448 887 398 View Online Bsale ID 272542



Price Drop!!! Centrally Located Motel... Accommodation, Motels, Tourism

PRICE DROP: $1,575,000 (Freehold Property and Business). Wellers Inn Motel is a well-established pillar of the Burnie accommodation scene for over 50 years, with long term trading success. The property comprises 25 motel rooms, a large dining and conference room, a bar facility, a full commercial kitchen, and a spacious manager’s residence with 3 bedrooms. * Highly desirable location; 500 meters from the beach * Ideal as a family operated business * Huge development potential * Be part of Tasmania’s current visitor accommodation boom * Owners keen to exit; Priced to Sell. All enquiries are treated in the strictest of confidence.

Price: Price Drop $1,575,000 Region: Launceston - Northern State: TAS Contact: Chris Mitchell Phone: 03 6128 3333 or 0448 887 398 View Online Bsale ID 271776

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Successful & Established Hobart... Retail - Furniture, Bedding, Homewares, Giftware

INVESTMENT: $1.1M + SAV. This award-winning flooring business has consistent trade and strong profitability. Diverse flooring product range of carpet, timber, laminate, bamboo, luxury vinyl, tiles, rugs and window furnishings. The brand name is one of Australia’s most progressive flooring retail groups and a major force in the Australian retail sector. The business is well placed to benefit from the continued construction industry boom. * Very strong national brand & product support * Part of established national buying group * Consistent sales pipeline & profitability * Experienced team in place * Great store location in Hobart CBD * Owner retiring after 40 years & will continue in part-time sales if required. To receive a comprehensive Business profile, please email our office for our confidentiality agreement. All enquiries are treated in the strictest confidence. OFFICE: (03) 6128 3333. EMAIL: kerri.pursell@finnbusinesssales.

Price: $1,100,000 + SAV Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Chris Mitchell Phone: 03 6128 3333 or 0448 887 398 View Online Bsale ID 271772



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Right At Home Australia Coming Soon To...

Franchises and Business Opportunities

Ride the baby boomers retirement wave with a winning franchise model with GUARANTEED GROWTH. Right at Home is a global leader in home care franchises. With more than 590 locations in 8 different countries, this is a proven business model that generates substantial profit with FLEXIBLE WORKING CONDITIONS. What makes Right at Home a great investment? -Part of a $22 BILLION market. -Massive growth potential as 14% of the Australia population is over 65. -The market is guaranteed to grow for AT LEAST 20 years. -Strong brand name that’s trusted by people in Australia. -Flexible working hours and conditions... Price: $120,000 Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Mike Fuller Phone: 1300 535 932 View Online Bsale ID 270328

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Bricks 4 Kidz Hobart

Education, Children Services, Employment & Training

Why not join a successful global franchise group, where children learn and have fun while building in-house LEGOÂŽ creations? Choose the hours and days you work. The current owner has built the business from scratch since 2015 and has established a solid and well regarded foundation. This business is fully operational and ready to be taken over by the right person. With existing bookings in place, you will be able to continue running the business in no time. - Exclusive territory. - Established relationships with schools and organisations such as shopping centres and councils. - Pre-bookings. - Repeat customers. - Use of unique model plans, designed in-house by engineers and architects. - On-going support. - Over 37 locations in Australia, 550+ worldwide. Business Overview: Bricks 4 Kidz is a great business for children from ages 5 and up; built on the global popularity of LEGO bricks. Bricks 4 Kidz runs high quality programs and activities, including: - School Holiday Workshops. - Coding with Robotics Workshops. - After School Programs. - School Incursions. - Vacation Care Incursions. - Birthday Parties. - Launch into Learning Workshops. - Special Events - eg. Shopping Centre... Price: $75,000 Region: Hobart - Southern State: TAS Contact: Kylie Kumpulainen Phone: 0408 487 393 View Online Bsale ID 269650



Mobile Apps - Booming Now More Than Ever Work from Home

Own the Ultimate Lifestyle Business in the Booming Mobile App industry - No tech knowledge needed. Help Business Owners get more customers using Mobile Technology solutions and a whole range of Digital Services. Get full training and support with no royalties. Now more than ever these technologies are needed. With people working from home and people scared to buy goods and services in a shop - businesses need these services to make sales. We have seen a significant uptick in demand since the pandemic has hit. We make mobile apps and digital services affordable to businesses through proprietary technologies we have to build business style mobile apps. Combined with our experience and knowledge that you’ll get through our comprehensive training and ongoing support - you’ll have everything you need to immediately go out and be successful. This can be run from a home office and your clients do not even need to be local - they can be in another city / location. Great flexibility and an ability to make a significant six-figure income while enjoying a lifestyle business - even if you are in lock-down! Own this world-class business with a proven track record of success. Mobile App City provides: - Low $19,950 investment with... Price: $19,950 Region: National Contact: Richard Giannini Phone: 0487 896 061 View Online Bsale ID 152156

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Mobile Laundry Service | Work From Home Cleaning & Domestic Services

Love to run your own business where you’re in control and your customers are the local community? The Laundry Lady could be what you’re after. We’re looking for locals like you who’d like to work their own hours, operate from a home base and become part of a growing in-demand service. Features: * Flexible to suit your life and needs * Be your own boss * Work from home * Work your own hours . About The Business: The Laundry Lady is a mobile laundry service offering pickup and delivery washing and ironing service. Established on the Gold Coast in 2012, the Laundry Lady is now servicing a number of locations in Victoria and Queensland, and looking to grow nation-wide. The Laundry Lady was started for busy professionals, businesses and working families to help our customers get their time back to themselves. Time and flexibility is a core value for both our Laundry team and our customers. We service a wide variety of residential and business customers with high demand for our services, a fun brand, strong digital marketing and online booking system helps us stand out from our competitors. WHAT’S INVOLVED? We are not a franchise model, but instead have a team of independent contractors - our Laundry Ladies and Lads - ho work from... Price: $399 Region: National Contact: CEO Phone: View Online Bsale ID 274588



Start A High Income Online Busines Work from Home

ABOUT THE BUSINESS: We offer a High Income Personal Development Online Home Business. Learn more about a leading edge business that offers the flexibility and financial capacity to exceed most standard traditional business models. Based around the business Philosopher Jim Rohn and other leaders in the personal growth industry, you will learn to unlock old limiting beliefs and build a business structure which will deliver a lifestyle second to none. APPLICATION PROCESS: Our process is simple, we require a brief phone interview to get a clear picture of what it is you’re looking to achieve including immediate and long term goals. This step helps us get our business information to the people that meet our criteria. ARE YOU RIGHT FOR THIS BUSINESS? The initial phone conversation will determine whether we have a good business fit, you will be open to change and be ready to look at a unique way to live and build your own business. It is preferable that you have an interest in Personal Development. Change only happens when you apply what you learn. With change comes letting go of those old ideas and values and creating new and proven strategies that will work for you in all areas of your life. Most business owners know they require risk... Price: POA Region: National Contact: Lynette Epskamp Phone: 0438 431 665 View Online Bsale ID 263753

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Franchise Business for Sale Business & Professional Services

Ace is the trusted service provider to over 60,000 property owners nationwide and it’s that size that has given over 80 franchisee operators the confidence to buy into our business. We’re offering you an exclusive opportunity to say goodbye to the corporate ladder and make the switch to be your own boss. The best part of all is, you can do so right now working from the comfort of your home. What you need to know; - Our top franchisees make over $100k annually - New franchisees receive ongoing marketing support, training and education on running their own franchise - We have one of the lowest cost franchise offers in the Australian market with massive growth opportunities - Ace is Australia’s third largest strata management company, and biggest franchise business.Nationally, Ace manages 60,000 lots worth an approximate of $20 Billion - We have 118 franchises nationwide, run by a group of 80 franchisees. If you would like to learn more about this opportunity, please visit our website and register your email for a free information pack or call us on 1300 792 509 to speak with our helpful team.

Price: $100,000 + Other Region: National Contact: Drazena Phone: 1300 792 509 View Online Bsale ID 233408



Innovative - Profitable - Opportunity Franchises and Business Opportunities

POD SPACE AUSTRALIA BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. WHO WE ARE: Pod Space NZ currently operates as a successful business throughout New Zealand. We source a wide range of great quality, affordable prefabricated buildings (known as ‘pods’) from reputable factories around the world and offer them to customers for incredibly low prices. There is high demand for pods due to their affordability and versatility. We offer a range of high-quality pods catering for both personal and commercial applications. All pods comply with the New Zealand and Australian building code regulations. We deal directly with the factories that manufacture the products and take care of all the logistics. There are no middlemen which creates huge cost savings for our customers, and high profit margins for us as business owners. We have formed great relationships with a wide range of suppliers who have proven to maintain a high standard of workmanship, and continually deliver what they promise. Through our negotiations, ongoing sales, and strong customer-supplier relationships we have formed an extensive business model for Australasia. WHAT’S ON OFFER: We are looking for like-minded people who are willing to provide a high-quality service in return... Price: $95,000 Region: National Contact: Chris McLeod Phone: 0421 476 781 View Online Bsale ID 271784

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.



Online Business in Personal Development Work from Home

About The Business: Personal Development Online is a Booming $17 Billion Business globally and it continues to thrive in this time we live in now, for several reasons in addition to the above: 1. You can work from home with your laptop and phone, full-time or part-time - choose your hours and place. The business is open to people in all states, not just NSW, because its online. 2. Like us, you can earn a 6-figure income and more with a consistent effort, following the system and training provided. 3. In a crisis, people seek to adapt. The people who succeed and progress, despite the circumstances are people open to learning new ways and doing what works in these times. 4. This business has been referred to by many as “Covid-proof”. Why? Because for increasing numbers of people, ‘business as normal’ is not going ‘back to normal’ anytime soon. So what are they doing? Looking for something they can do from wherever they are, that is purposeful, adds value and earns well. Features: So .. what is this business all about? We market a series of high quality personal development products and live events in different cities around the world which have enabled 1000’s to create renewed life satisfaction, a great income, and time flexibility to fit around your chosen ... Price: POA Region: National Contact: Mark Klaassen Phone: 0404 647 758 or 0404 364 321 View Online Bsale ID 246855



Herbal Teas Business Health, Medical and Gyms

Yes, the world has changed, and so has the job and business landscape. The question is – WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? How about getting into a business that: 1. Makes money now. 2. Is an Australian made product with great margins. 3. Gives you security of knowing that you control your ‘career destiny’ from now on. GOOD NEWS: we have two Discount PROMOTIONS options on the Dealer Packs to help you get started. See below. About the Opportunity. Herbal Teas Australia (HTA) are expanding nationwide and need motivated dealers to join in their success selling a proven product in a growth industry. If you want to be your own boss, build and operate your own business, make more money and spend more time with your family, then this may be the opportunity you have been searching for. ‘Where there is Turmoil – there is Opportunity’, is a phrase we have been using during the craziness that the COVID19 Virus has caused, and what we mean by this is that while people are losing jobs, businesses are shutting their doors, there are also businesses that are thriving. Why? For two main reasons: 1. Because they have products and services people need, or think they need. 2. Businesses have changed the way they are doing... Price: $20,000 Region: National Contact: Mark Phone: 07 3040 9992 View Online Bsale ID 251671

Note: Price is a guide only, please contact the seller to verify information. Prices may be + GST, + SAV, + Training etc. Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this document, included the information which has been provided to by the business owner, broker, franchise group or agent. Bsale accept no responsibility and disclaims all liability in respect of any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or mis-statements contained in this entire document. All interested parties should conduct further investigations with the assigned ‘contact’ to verify the information contained in this document. Bsale has provided an advertising service and is receiving no commissions.


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