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Partner Solution Brief

Avoka FormCenter Self-Service ­Solution for Adobe® LiveCycle®


Automated forms management enables organizations to deliver superior service to citizens and customers A vast majority of interactions with both business and government ­require the use of electronic forms. In fact, Gartner, Inc., the world’s leading ­information technology research and advisory company, estimates that a form initiates approximately 85% of all business processes. Moving from paper to electronic forms is essential for organizations that wish to reduce costs and provide better services. However, just ­posting an electronic form on your website won’t obtain the desired cost efficiencies and provide improved services to customers. While print-and-fill forms may provide easier access, they don’t reduce costs in servicing customers, increase customer satisfaction, or streamline customer business processes. Forward-thinking companies are now investing to reduce costs and ­processing time, and improve user experiences by moving customer i­nteractions from expensive sales and service channels to the web. Avoka FormCenter for Adobe LiveCycle Enterprise Suite (ES) is a customer self-service solution that enables organizations to rapidly deploy and manage intelligent paperless services that make it easy for customers to open accounts, order products, or register for services online without costly intervention from support agents.

The challenge A vast majority of interactions with both business and government require the use of electronic forms. However, electronic forms often fail to provide better customer service at reduced costs because they are not optimized for user interaction, so they do not decrease costly customer service calls. Research demonstrates that there are two key reasons for assisted call center interactions: •• Users quickly engage call center agents if they have difficulty finding or filling in a form or tracking its status. Some applications report up 80% abandonment rates. •• Up to 40% of submitted forms contain errors or missing information that these must be corrected manually. Poor user experiences lead to costly interactions with call center agents as well as a decrease in satisfaction with the brand or agency. On the back-end, manual intervention is often needed to move data between separate systems, and there is no comprehensive and automated process for managing a form’s life cycle. Organizations looking to offer more satisfying interactions through a customer self-service model are hindered by the lack of forms management solutions.

Solution Avoka FormCenter for Adobe LiveCycle enables organizations to ­implement a customer selfservice solution in a timely and cost-effective manner. It shifts expensive assisted user interactions to low-cost unassisted interactions by making it easy for users to: •• Locate and use forms •• Successfully complete the submission process without errors or missing information Track the status of all submissions •• Get electronic notification whenever action is required The Avoka FormCenter for Adobe LiveCycle guided interactions are the key to making it easy for users to quickly find forms or services, easily complete the ­enrollment process, and stay informed and track status. Once a user has selected a form, Avoka FormCenter for Adobe LiveCycle logic guides the user through all the steps required to make a successful submission. Highly interactive and intelligent PDF SmartForms can contain business rules that eliminate errors and missing information. Once a form is submitted, the Avoka FormCenter for Adobe LiveCycle generated PDF receipt makes it easy to track status so there is no need to call an agent. If, during the submission processing a user action is required, Avoka FormCenter for Adobe LiveCycle automatically notifies the user, eliminating the need for agent follow-up. Comprehensive automation of the form’s life cycle allows organizations to manage reviews, publication, release, and obsolescence of their electronic forms, eliminating manual workflows.

Benefits of Avoka FormCenter Customer Self-Service Solution • Significantly increases ROI, generally in 3 to 6 months. • Decreases assisted interactions. Shifting just 250 assisted interactions per day to unassisted channels can result in $2.7 million savings annually. • Reduces service costs and increases customer satisfaction. • Decreases abandonment rate. Guided p ­ ersonalized interactions help ensure ­successful completion of each form.


Products used:

•• Help ensure that only tested/approved forms and services are deployed into production

Adobe LiveCycle Forms ES

•• Generate a wide variety reports to help ensure the smooth operation of your s­ ervices

Adobe LiveCycle Output ES

Moving from paper to electronic forms is essential to save money and offer better service. But, simply making your forms available over the web as simple print-and-fill forms is not enough. FormCenter for Adobe LiveCycle is a comprehensive customer self-service solution that enables organizations to rapidly deploy, measure, and manage effective online services that keep customer interactions out of the call center.

Adobe LiveCycle Process ­Management ES Adobe LiveCycle Reader® Extensions ES

The Avoka FormCenter Customer Self-Service Solution substantially reduces support costs by shifting customer interactions from expensive sales and service channels to the web. The difference in costs between assisted versus unassisted interactions is so significant ($30 versus 10 cents by most estimates) that even small shifts to unassisted web interactions deliver significant ROI. Shifting just 250 assisted interactions per day to unassisted interactions saves $2.7 million per year. The comprehensive reporting and logging capabilities of Avoka FormCenter for Adobe LiveCycle enable business or operations teams to continuously evaluate their approach to acquiring and servicing customers to make it more effective and less costly. Avoka FormCenter for Adobe LiveCycle enables the business or operations teams to: •• Publish and manage electronic forms and smoothly couple them to business processes •• Enforce precise audited control over the management of the system

For more information www.adobe.com

Adobe Systems Incorporated 345 Park Avenue San Jose, CA 95110-2704 USA www.adobe.com

Adobe, the Adobe logo, LiveCycle, and Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.

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