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Break and lunchtime

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School values

School values

Space in the Student Café is limited and arrangements for lunchtime varies for each year group:

Year 7, 8 and 9

Those with packed lunches should collect them from their bags and lockers before moving to the atrium to eat. You can eat your lunch in the café or out on the terrace if weather permits. Unless you are informed otherwise, you can buy food from the Student Café between 12:30 and 12:45 and then again between 13:00 and 13:25. Please form an orderly queue in the atrium if you want to buy food. You will be let in as soon as the queue allows. Students who attend a club can obtain an early lunch pass to skip the queue and should present it to the supervisor or teacher who is on duty.

When you have finished eating, please vacate the space so that others can sit while they eat.

Year 10 and 11

Those with packed lunches should collect them from their bags and lockers before moving to the atrium to eat. You can eat your lunch on the collapsible tables or out on the terrace if weather permits. Unless you are informed otherwise, you can buy food from the Student Café between 12:45 and 13:25. From 12:40, please form an orderly queue in the atrium if you want to buy food. You will be let in as soon as the queue allows. Students who attend a club can obtain an early lunch pass and should present it to the supervisor or teacher who is on duty.

When you have finished eating, please vacate the space so that others can sit while they eat.

Simple rules for break and lunchtime

● Only Year 12 and 13 students are allowed off the school site during these times, and must sign in and out at the School Reception as you leave and return. Check with

The Sixth Form team. ● You are not permitted to be around the upstairs classrooms during break or lunchtime, unless you are attending an organised event or club. ● If it rains, you must stay inside in the Atrium, Student Café, the

Library, and Event Foyer or at clubs.

If you are in Years 7 or 8, you may be asked to go to the School Hall. ● Bags should be left in lockers during break and lunch. The school is a busy place and it is a significant health and safety risk to leave them lying around. ● The area behind the large tennis court hedge is out of bounds. ● No ball games are to be played near the school building and take care to avoid hitting people with rugby or soccer balls – skate boards, bikes or devices, are not permitted on the back field. ● You should never leave the school grounds to retrieve footballs or go near to the canals. If you need help retrieving a ball ask at the

School Office.

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