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Digital learning

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School values

School values

Incidents and consequences

What happens if you do not use devices responsibly?





● The severity of each issue is indicated by the colours used ● Behavioural issues will be logged in the school’s database (SIMS) ● Continual breaches of these (up to three times in one school year) may result in restrictions being put on to your Surface Pro

Forgetting the Surface Pro or failing to adequately charge it more than twice in a half-term

Unauthorised use of non-educational sites during lessons Unauthorised use of Surface Pro/mobile phone/digital camera/other handheld device outside of allowed times e.g. before school, break times or lunch-times

Playing non-educational games without permission Unauthorised use of social networking /instant messaging /personal email (or similar)

Filming or photographing individuals without their consent and/or posting such content online (without their consent).

Sharing usernames and passwords

Not having a passcode lock in place on the Surface Pro

Accessing, corrupting, deleting or destroying the data of other users (or attempting to)

Receipt or transmission of material that infringes the copyright of another person or infringes the Data Protection Act

Sending an email, text or instant message that is regarded as offensive, harassment or of a bullying nature (‘cyberbullying’)

Downloading, uploading, sending, or importing of inappropriate content (for example, but not limited to, content of an offensive, obscene or indecent nature)

Having a modified (‘jailbroken’) Surface Pro or similar device, on the school network

Actions which could bring the school into disrepute or breach the integrity or the ethos of the school

Using proxies or other means to get around the school’s filtering system

Accidentally accessing offensive or inappropriate material and failing to report the incident

Deliberately accessing or trying to access offensive, illegal or inappropriate material

Inappropriate use or treatment of the Surface Pro that is not listed here but has the potential to impact on curriculum use and the safety of school IT provision or the safety of others

Continued infringements of the above, following previous warnings or sanctions

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Refer to tutor and/or teacher/ HoD as appropriate Refer to Head of Year/ Director of e-Learning Refer to Deputy Head/Head Teacher or IS Manager Record in incident log (SIMS) Possible Police involvement or exclusion (time as appropriate)

Depending on severity

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