The official publication of the Boston Terrier Club of America
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BTCA OFFICERS & BOARD OF DIRECTORS (7/01/10 THROUGH 6/30/11) President 2009/11 Ola Jeanne McCollough 11335 Island Lake Road Dexter, MI 48130 734-426-0188
Treasurer 2010/12 J. Richard Nix 1201 Honeysuckle Drive Watkinsville, GA 30677 706-310-0707
Board of Directors 2010/12 Jamie Allen 4715 Willow Street Bellaire, TX 77401 713-664-1041
Board of Directors 2010/12 Fred Comstock 36 Twin Lakes Drive Waterford, CT 06385 860-447-3647
Vice President 2010/12 Joyce J. Fletcher 3878 Banks Road Cincinnati, OH 45245-2602 513-943-9432
Corresponding Secretary 2010/12 Richard ‘Dane’ LaJoye 617 S. Lytle Street, Unit 1 Chicago, IL 60607 773-750-4896
Board of Directors 2010/12 Brook Berth W207N17295 Parkview Drive Jackson, WI 53037
Board of Directors 2009/11 Linda Jet 490 Landers Drive Mableton, GA 30126 770-941-6401
Recording Secretary 2009/11 lynda bradley 101 Galena Court Roseville, CA 95747 916-773-9355
Akc Delegate 2009/11 Kathleen (Marby) Kelly` 2425 Munford Drive Fallston, MD 21047 410-877-7571
Board of Directors 2009/11 Maureen blackwood 106 Dayspring Drive Columbia, MO 65203 573-514-4430
Board of Directors 2009/11 Sharon Stoll 10639 Phal Road Grass Lake, MI 49240 517-522-5120
COMMITTEE CHAIRS (7/01/10 THROUGH 6/30/11) Affiliate Club Liaisons (co-chairs) CECELIA CROUCHET Louisiana 985-705-9326 VENITA PRATER Ohio 330-644-6990
Liaison to the Board - Joyce Fletcher
AKC Eukanuba Invitational Meet The Breed Lisa LaMere California 760-948-1315 Awards Janet Harner Pennsylvania 412-366-6857 Conformation Gwenn Weyandt Health Certificates Sue LeCalsey achatesbostons@ Performance Sue Herber Versatility Jane Cole
Liaison to the Board - Joyce Fletcher
Boston Of The Year Ken Roux Illinois 815-285-3647
Liaison to the Board - Sharon Stoll
Breeder Referral Billie Bunch Indiana 574-674-8675
Liaison to the Board - Brook Berth
Constitution & By-laws Joyce J. Fletcher Ohio 513-943-9432 Continuing Education Maureen blackwood Missouri 573-514-4430 Communication (co-chairs) FRED Comstock Connecticut 860-447-3647 georgeann Mathis North Carolina 828-688-2965
Liaison to the Board - Jamie Allen
Futurity Ken Roux Illinois 815-285-3647
Liaison to the Board - Sharon Stoll
Gazette Columnist Patricia Johnson North Carolina 919-663-2438 Health Committee Mary Miller Texas 830-386-0271
Liaison to the Board - Maureen Blackwood
Judges’ Education Carl Gomes New York 718-994-0834 Mike staley, Vice Chair, KY Beverly staley, Kentucky Lisa Lamere, California Joyce fletcher, Ohio
Liaison to the Board - Jamie Allen
Judge Selection Carl Gomes New York 718-994-0834 Joyce fletcher, Ohio Janet harner, Pennsylvania Junior Showmanship Megan Everswick New Jersey 908-334-1666
Liaison to the Board - Joyce Fletcher
Membership CHarlotte comstock Connecticut 860-447-3647
Liaison to the Board - Joyce Fletcher
Newsletter Editor Brook Berth Wisconsin 262-573-5952
Liaison to the Board - Dane LaJoye
Perpetual Trophy Deana Jones Florida 239-598-9054 Policy & Procedures (co-chairs) FRED Comstock Connecticut 860-447-3647 Joyce J. Fletcher Ohio 513-943-9432 Rescue Referral Cindy Pagurski Illinois 773-463-4923 Show Chair - 2011 Dane LaJoye Illinois 773-750-4896 Assistant Show Chair 2011 CAROL UPTHGROVE Florida Ways & Means Cindy Pagurski Illinois 773-463-4923
Liaison to the Board - Ola Jeanne McCollough
Website Coordinator melany anaya California 925-798-7165 Liaison to the Board - Jamie Allen
Where no liaison is listed, the committee chair reports directly to the board.
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Ballot Accounting
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Boston Terrier Club of America
* Date Counted March 28, 2011
2011 Annual Election
Date Counted: March 28, 2011 Location: 1235 Hagan Road, Napa, California 94558 Total number of ballots received: Valid Ballots: Invalid Ballots: Late Ballots:
276 269 1 6
President Dane LaJoye, Illinois Recording Secretary Sonya Baird, Mississippi AKC Delegate Marby Kelley, Maryland Board of Directors Maureen Blackwood Clarice Dean, Nevada Chad Howard, Maryland Cindy Pagurski, Illinois Sharon Stoll, Michigan
# of Votes 256 247 256 146 108 140 112 161
The CPA, Mary Kosanke, certifies that the above ballots were counted in accordance with the Boston Club of America, Inc. bylaws.
Where There’s Heart... There’s Hope! Breaking News... The rescued Bostons shown here are getting heathier every day and are finding new homes. Thanks to Scott County Animal Shelter and each of their dedicated workers.
Scott Animal Shelter 1185 Cardinal Drive ❤ Georgetown, KY 40324 (502) 863-7897 Office Hours ❤ 8 am - 5 pm Monday thru Friday Adoption Hours ❤ 10 am - 5 pm Monday thru Friday Viewing Only ❤ 11 am - 3 pm Saturday
4 April 2011
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GCH Kennedy’s Noble Reign Of Good Will Award of Merit • 2011 Westminster Kennel Club
Thank you Judge Mr. Gary Doerge for honoring our little man with this magical win, and thank you all our friends and mentors who helped us get here and have enjoyed the ride with us!
What Will he think of next?
Bred By Vicki and Sarah Kennedy Owned and Loved By Thomas & Margaret Noble and Sarah Kennedy Presented By Margaret Noble
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Coast to
Editor-In-CHIEf Brook W. Berth
Liaison to the Board Dane LaJoye Graphic Artist Carolyn Garman ACCOUNT Executive Jennifer Duffy 2505 Thomas Drive Moore, OK 73160
From the
First off—I would like to thank Jennifer Duffy for agreeing to be the new advertising account executive. Please send your advertising payments to her directly.
My adventures in dog showing continues. I had the
opportunity to show at Westminster for the first time ever
this year. It was also my first time traveling to New York city. It was an experience of a lifetime. I really enjoyed the city. I grew up in the country, so being able to walk outside with a
multitude of stores closer than our goat shed amazes me. In
fact you can’t get a parking spot that close to a mall entrance around here.
As a write this, I am looking forward to another adventure,
BTCA Nationals in Reno, NV. Good luck to everyone and I look forward to seeing you.
CONTACT INFORMATION CHANGES 101 Galena Court Roseville, CA 95747 916-773-9355 Editorial Office W207N17295 Parkview Drive Jackson, WI 53037 262-674-1311 Colophon The Coast to Coast is produced with the Adobe Creative Suite on Macintosh computers.
Body text is set in Adobe Caslon Pro and Myriad Pro.
Adobe Caslon is based on the type designs of William
Caslon, circa 1725. These in turn had been influenced by the Dutch types of the late seventeenth century. Although old
style in nature they have less stress than some of the earlier
faces of the genre. The Adobe Caslon font family was based on specimen pages printed by Caslon between 1734 and
1770. Myriad was designed by Carol Twombly and Robert Slimbach in 1992.
The display faces are Fling and Kursivschrift. Fling is a
fanciful typeface was designed by resident Letraset designer Michael Gills and is based on the famous French Ronde script. Created entirely on screen, Fling has a precise,
clinical appearance. The capitals are for initialling purposes only and support a lowercase that is rich in alternative and
Brook W. Berth Editor-In-Chief
ligatured letterforms. Also included is a host of attractive
embellishment devices. Kursivschrift is by designer German Cartographic Design and published by Linotype. The Coast to Coast is printed at
Badger Press in Fort Atkinson, WI on a
Heidelberg MOZP-2 Color Perfector Offset.
6 April 2011
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CH WyNots Importance of Being Earnest (CH Elites Win - Win Situation GCH Tam-ra Sez Im The One)
CHIC certificate issued, JC DNA clear by parentage Ernie earned his breed championship in a handful of shows, mostly from the puppy class, and will debut in obedience, rally, and agility this summer.
WyNot Bostons Kathryn Currier Riverton, Wyoming
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Approved BOARD Minutes
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Boston Terrier Club of America
* October 19, 2010
President Ola Jeanne McCollough called the meeting to order at 8:03 p.m. (EST). Present were Ola Jeanne McCollough, Joyce Fletcher, Richard Nix, Dane LaJoye, Marby Kelly, Brook Berth, Sharon Stoll, and Fred Comstock. Absent were Maureen Blackwood, Jamie Allen and Linda Jett. Motion by Bradley to approve the meeting minutes from September 21, 2010 as written, seconded by Comstock. Motion approved unanimously. Change to the Boston Terrier Breed Standard – Fletcher sent the Breed Standard ballot results to Mary Beth O’Neil at AKC via U.S. mail and e-mail, and has received confirmation of receipt. O’Neil will prepare and present the change at the AKC November meeting and post on the Secretaries Page in the December issue of the Gazette magazine. It will be considered “official” at the conclusion of the February 2011 AKC Board meeting. Bradley read the results of the ballot as was received from Mary Kosanke, certified public accountant. The ballots were counted in accordance to the BTCA Bylaws and Constitution. Total ballots received where 340, with 335 being eligible. Total vote count was: 285 – Yes and 55 – No. Futurity – LaJoye led the discussion on revisiting the issue of establishing an interest-bearing account or CD to be in compliance with the rules set forth by the Futurity committee. Nix voiced his disagreement on opening a separate account due to its low yield of interest. Fletcher offered how Ken Roux submitted the proposed Futurity rules to the Board, they were approved and presented to the membership, so she feels Nix needs to follow procedure and open the account. McCollough offered that possibly a separate person could assist Richard and completely handle the Futurity process, alleviating him of any responsibility. Kelly joined the conference at 8:12 (EST) One suggested person was Jennifer Duffy from Oklahoma City, OK, who has been a member of the BTCA for over a year and is an accountant. Fletcher voiced how she is not comfortable with this arrangement, as this would also not conform to the Bylaws. Nix also agreed with this statement. Stoll stated her understand-
ing from the Futurity committee was whenever monies are left over and items are paid from the event, funds are to be placed in the interest-bearing account which would roll over each year. Another idea was to just change the current BTCA account to an interest bearing account, but commercial accounts do not pay interest, so this is not a feasible option. After further discussion, Nix offered to open an account next year. Stoll made a motion for Nix to open a separate interest-bearing account for Grand Futurity April 1, 2011. Seconded by LaJoye, and passed unanimously. LaJoye to send a letter to Roux informing him of the Board decision to open the account next year. Stoll voiced a concern with the Futurity committee having checks in their possession from a previous year, due to fear Nix would combine monies and funding would be untrackable. Comstock confirmed the issue for opening the separate account is now resolved but wanted to emphasize all checks need to be submitted to the Treasurer timely and by holding onto them, checks might be too old to be honored by the bank, the BTCA is thus losing income, and this practice might be against the Bylaws and Constitution of the BTCA. Fletcher made a motion to have all past Futurity checks sent to Nix by November 15, 2010 and moving forward, all checks should be forwarded to him on a bi-monthly basis. Comstock seconded, motion passed unanimously. It was also felt the best way to proceed was for Stoll to be the liaison between Nix and the Futurity committee. Stoll offered to inform the committee of the importance of submitting checks timely and using the approved form when submitting reimbursement expenses. LaJoye said he could include this information within the letter he is sending to Roux. Fletcher to forward the current BTCA expense report to the Board and Stoll can then forward to the Futurity committee. Motion made to by Comstock to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Stoll. Meeting adjourned at 8:44 EST. Respectfully submitted, Lynda Bradley BTCA Recording Secretary
8 April 2011
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Approved BOARD Minutes
PagE No
10 Boston Terrier Club of America
* JANUARY 25, 2011
President Ola Jeanne McCollough called the meeting to order at 8:02 p.m. (EST). Present were Ola Jeanne McCollough, Joyce Fletcher, Lynda Bradley, Richard Nix, Dane LaJoye, Maureen Blackwood, Jamie Allen, Brook Berth, Sharon Stoll, and Fred Comstock. Absent were Marby Kelly (AKC Delegate) and Linda Jett. Roll Call – Bradley Meet the Breed Booth Ideas – Lisa LaMere joined the call to discuss Meet the Breed booth ideas. She stated it was a great pleasure chairing the Meet the Breed booth for the last 4 years and it was heartwarming meeting the public who shared their stories at the 2010 Eukanuba dog show in Long Beach this past December. The show will be moving to Orlando, Florida in 2011 and LaMere felt the Booth should be chaired by a local member. It has been shipped across the United States many times so she feels it is in need of a replacement. There have also been some conflicts on occasion when more than one club requested the booth for the same dates, so LaMere feels it would be worthwhile to have a second Meet the Breed box. Fletcher estimated the cost would be approximately $1000. Initially there was a donor for the retractable banners and LaMere is unsure if there are still funds available. In the past an on-line photo contest was held and she suggested having another. To enter, a nominal fee of $5 per photo was charged to the membership. Photos were later used to a create one-page calendars for the 2010 Meet the Breed. Also in the past, LaMere made a mandate of not distributing personal business cards when working the booth since it is a BTCA sponsored event. She thought possibly in the future, a general business card could be provided which has the BTCA logo, e-mail, and website contacts on it. People will then be more likely to contact those in charge of various departments - Breeder referral for example. LaMere feels strongly materials provided to the public should be branded with BTCA information.
LaMere will prepare an electronic package to be sent to the Board, describing printing and past photos from the contest. Fletcher as a liaison to Meet the Breed, has contacted local Florida members with regards to taking over this project. Fletcher asked Carol Upthegrove from Ocala and Linda Taylor from Coco Beach who are interested in manning the Booth, at the show December 17 – 18, 2011. Fletcher requested both of them to contact each other, as they would serve as co-chairs. Fletcher thought further details could be discussed at the Reno Board meeting in April, with both Upthegrove and Taylor joining the meeting to provide their thoughts on the Meet the Breed booth this year. Fletcher will also ask La Meter to attend this meeting. Motion made by Fletcher to have the new co-chairs for the BTCA Meet the Breed booth be Carol Upthegrove and Linda Taylor, and to have Lisa LaMere work with the new chairs on a photo contest and calendar, as well as a generic BTCA business card. Seconded by Berth, motion passed unanimously. Board Reports President – No report. Vice President – Fletcher reported in the December issue of the Gazette, the BTCA breed standard was printed with the changes yet there was one mistake under “disqualifications”, which listed in addition to putting “any color non-described in the standard”, still included “grey or liver colors” As a result, Fletcher contacted AKC and informed Mary Beth Neil of this mistake. Since it hadn’t yet been approved by the committee, Fletcher asked if there was anything the BTCA should do at this time. Fletcher was told the version submitted to the AKC Board was correct and is scheduled to be voted upon at the February 8th meeting, to be approved in March. Recording Secretary – After contacting Mary Kosanke, CPA in regards to assisting counting ballots for the 2011 BTCA election ballot to be performed in February, Bradley motioned for approval to use Ms. Kosanke for this task
10 April 2011
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Touch of Magic Boston Terriers announces a new champion...
CH Risingstars Oui Magic Lover “Fagan”
Thanks to all who played a part in this hamdsome boy! Bred by Marcia & Morgan Terry and Debbie Kilpatrick Sired by Maxine Uzoff’s CH Oui’s Royal Majesty Prince Charming x Cibolo’s Jitterbug of Dmar Loved and owned by Diana Terry & Marilee Burgess
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again. Seconded by Comstock, motion approved unanimously. Corresponding Secretary – No report. Treasurer’s Report – Nix reported the balance in the account as of December 31, 2010 : Total balance was $93,485.15: Boston of the Year $1,143.39, Futurity activity - $3,399.96, Futurity Challenge Award - $1,383.12, General Funds - $54,926.30, Health Funds – 21,103.15, Perpetual Funds – 5,931.98, and Rescue Funds $5,597.25. Fletcher checked with Nix and he is still is not in receipt of a check for $1400, owed to the BTCA from the Holiday Inn Select hotel used in Atlanta for last year’s National. Nix spoke with the hotel and due to a staff change, they will investigate and contact Nix within the next week. AKC Delegate Report – No Report as Kelly was not present. Unfinished Business Progress Report for 2011 National Specialty – To date, the Grand Sierra Resort reports a total of 812 room nights booked, which is 28 less than last year, but six weeks remain to make reservations. The hotel has waived the $10 resort fee due to the high number of booked room nights and thirteen vendors have signed to be onsite. LaJoye has collected $2400 in trophy donations, and will send to Nix. New Business General Conversations Regarding Status of the C2C – Discussion on the production of three issues – combining the Fall and Winter – for the year, and printing quality. Berth stated how time was a challenge in producing a 3rd and 4th issue for the year so combined the issues. Fletcher offered if sending the
C2C becomes difficult, Berth needs to call a special meeting of the Board so they are aware, and request assistance and to ask for approval to combine issues. Comstock asked if she needed help, to which Berth did affirm she did. More specifically, Berth said she would like for someone to receive checks, scan the pictures for ads, assist with typesetting, and keep track of payments. She stated that Jennifer Duffy has offered this type of assistance. Fletcher asked for clarification, and Berth explained when she receives ads they often have to be scanned, often typeset, a decision is made for which section the ads are placed, etc. This person would assist her in this capacity. Nix was in disagreement for anyone to accept checks that are not on the Board or bonded. Berth asked on how other committees accept checks, but Fletcher stated the committee chairs send them to the Treasurer rather than have an outside person accepting monies. Comstock added how Berth would be responsible for monies, regardless of who handles the checks. Berth clarified further how she logs the different types of ads into a spreadsheet and would also prefer to not receive checks due to time constraints. LaJoye stated that if the club Bylaws stated this type of handling of checks cannot be allowed, then this practice cannot be pursued. But if there is nothing specifically stating this cannot be done, he thought there should not be an issue with this request. LaJoye reminded the Board, Berth receives checks to the BTCA and not cash. There is also a check and balance in place, as the number of ads ran in the issue should match amounts with checks collected.
LaJoye voiced that he felt if it’s not against the Bylaws and it could assist Berth with the publication and possible burn-out on working on this large project, the Board should grant this request. Berth also touched on the fact the latest issue had a lesser quality paper which was less expensive, but Berth is requesting more quotes from printers nationally – averaging approximately $3600. The challenge is the BTCA has less than 1000 copies so it is a bit more difficult to find printers to do a “short run”. LaJoye requested Berth sent him a quote to see if he can beat other bids she might have received. LaJoye has digital presses at work and occasionally takes outside jobs. LaJoye made a motion to allow Jennifer Duffy to take C2C checks and send then to Nix, as well as assist Berth with bookwork as needed. Allen seconded and a roll call vote was taken. Fletcher – no, Bradley – yes, Nix – no, LaJoye – yes, Blackwood – yes, Allen – yes, Berth – yes, Stoll – yes, Comstock – no. Motion is carried. Changes to BTCA Health Committee Certificate Program – LaJoye received a letter from Sue LaCalsey regarding the Health certificate program. Blackwood explained the different levels of health certificate clearances achieved for dogs and then members receive certificates from the BTCA. In accompanying the application for a certificate, a Health Examination form is to be completed and signed by the dog’s veterinarian. It was felt by the committee; this form was a bit of a stumbling block as many vets’ feedback was that they did not want to police individual dogs’ results, and the requirement of the form should be discontinued. Comstock made a
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motion to let the Health committee decision stand in discontinuing the use of the Health Examination form in the Health committee Certificate Program. Fletcher seconded, motion carried unanimously. Proposal for new BTCA Performance Newsletter - LaJoye presented a concept from Maria Urso who set an email to the Board. She offered to create and distribute an electronic newsletter devoted to performance Bostons. LaJoye thought instead, several pages could be devoted to this topic in the C2C, and Allen offered to also post information on the club web site. Comstock was concerned for members who would not use or receive this newsletter electronically. Fletcher felt the Board did not have enough information to make an arbitrary decision and suggested this discussion be tabled until the next meeting when the individual (s) can speak to the Board. Proposal for Grand Championship Recognition – Janet Harner passed onto the Board the following question. With the new status of Grand Champion recognition being offered by AKC, should the BTCA offer a medallion (for a small fee) when earning this title. Since the tallies for this year have already passed, it was agree upon to table and bring this topic to the Annual meeting in April. Approval for Payment of “Constant Contact” E-mail System - LaJoye has used a new e-mail program to send membership unlimited personalized e-mails for $30 per month. Since it’s only used is for BTCA business, LaJoye was inquiring if he could receive approval for reimbursement. He would provide Nix with a copy of
his credit card bill, noting the charge for “Constant Contact”. Currently, there are 449 addresses of the 535 total members with e-mails listed, and this method acts as a quick and efficient way to communicate with members – informing them of the changed due date for catalog ads for example. While information sent is club business and not all members are receiving these e-mails, it was noted members can also access the same information via the website or traditional mailing/postal methods. LaJoye also commented the service of “Constant Contact” can be transferred to another person in the Corresponding Secretary role. Fletcher suggested the discussion continue at the National in depth to ensure this method is working to the best the Board’s intention, and to think how contact to those without e-mail access can be handled. It was felt LaJoye should continue using the program until that time. Allen asked it there was an obligation or contract, to which LaJoye responded the enrollment is month to month. Allen made a motion that the BTCA should pay for this e-mail feature LaJoye has been using, and to table the discussion until the BTCA Board meeting at the National in April 2011, when a method of informing members about club business will be discussed further. Bradley seconded, motion passed unanimously. Request for New Best of Breed Challenge Trophy – LaJoye presented there currently is no Challenge Trophy for Best of Breed, even though trophies exist for Best of Opposite, Winners Dog, and Winner Bitch. Richard Rees would like the Board’s permission to pay for and fund (including the creation of a shipping box) and the establishing of a
“Janet Rees Memorial Trophy” for Best of Breed. Comstock thought it was a great idea but asked the clarification on the rules for winning the trophy three times is that of the other challenge trophies currently offered (identical owners must be listed for retirement after winning three times). Dena Jones stated no new perpetual trophies can be added; yet stated insurance fees might increase due to a new trophy being established. The awarding of this trophy would not start until 2012. LaJoye made a motion to establish a Best of Breed Challenge trophy in memory of Janet Rees with costs of the box and trophy to be paid by Richard Rees. Seconded by Comstock, motion passed unanimously. Nix left the meeting at 9:16 pm (EST). Bids for the 2012 National Specialty – Bids for hosting the National were sent to the Board and outlined below: 1) Crown Plaza - Houston Texas (same hotel who hosted the National 5 years prior) = Rates are $79, no charge for the use of the ballroom, 2 complimentary suites, 1 comp room for every 50 room nights, and room for 15 RVs. 2) Hilton Hotel - New Orleans= across the street from the airport, $99 room rates but only if the National is the first week of April. No charges for the use of the ballroom, but a one time clean up fee of $900. RV parking is not an issue with any charge coming from the hotel. 3) Best Western Landmark Hotel New Orleans =7 miles from the airport, room rates will be $89.99 and they will lower the cost of ballroom fee to $1000, no clean up fee. The room rates are guaranteed only if the National is booked from April 2–6, 2012. RVs will be charged $25.
14 April 2011
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Approved BOARD
new members
General discussion from the Board, as to which hotel would be best able to handle the volume, needs, personal service, and appeal. Houston has the strongest bid on paper and with New Orleans; there were concerns on experience, size of host club, and LaJoye not the acting Show Chair that year. Motion made by Fletcher to grant the 2012 National bid proposal to the Houston club, seconded by Blackwood. Motion passed by majority, LaJoye voted “No”, and Allen abstained. Fletcher left the conference at 9:41 p.m. (EST). New Members – LaJoye sent ballots to the Board for pending membership applications and is waiting for the Board’s responses for approval. LaJoye requested adding another member to the Board’s packet - Cassie Malloy from Washington, sponsored by Kelley Estes and Robbie Garvin. Most sponsors are BTCA members and have signed the Code of Ethics, which LaJoye has on file. After questions by Allen however, one applicant had to be eliminated due to sponsors not being BTCA members. Stoll asked on behalf of the Futurity committee, if they have permission to use the BTCA logo on a table cover and/or backdrop for photos. LaJoye responded that since the Futurity is a sanctioned BTCA event, it should not be an issue. The next regular scheduled meeting will take place Sunday, April 10, 2011 at the BTCA National in Reno, CA. A motion was made by LaJoye to adjourn, seconded by Comstock. Meeting adjourned at 9:56 p.m. (EST).
Debra Barfield 47938 Derwent Drive Newberry Springs, CA 92365 760-257-3928
Respectfully submitted, Lynda Bradley BTCA Recording Secretary
Claudia Dickinson P.O. Box 5078 Montauk, NY 11954
Roger Barlow 104 Bishop Road Fitchburg, MA 01420 978-334-1406 Phil Beaupre 1165 Marigold Dr S Cambridge, MN 55008 763-691-1191 Doreen Brunning 923 W. Milwaukee Ave Storm Lake, IA 50588 712-299-6670 Dustin Brunning 701 N. Main St Fonda, IA 50540 712-253-0018 Sandra Burnett P.O. Box 1758 Shelton, WA 98584 360-701-2523 Jose Covill 4 1/2 Anan Wade Road North Scituate, RI 02857 401-647-0535 Betty Crosbie P.O. Box 630 Sweet Home, OR 97386 541-367-6710
631-668-5125 Connie Erbele P.O. Box 174 Lakeside, OR 97449 ph: 541-999-1816 Debra Estell 623 Depot St Iowa Falls, IA 50126 641-648-4133 Matthew Estell 623 Depot St Iowa Falls, IA 50126 641-648-4133 James Fay P.O. Box 630 Sweet Home, OR 97386 541-367-6710 Susan Fithian 10891 Blott Road North Jackson, OH 44451 330-538-3903 Teresa L. Hill 4 Dormar Road Hope Valley, RI 02832 401-364-3446 Michael Holt 47938 Derwent Drive Newberry Springs, CA 92365 760-257-3928 Bruce Hostetler 755 Old Culchester Road Uncasville, CT 06382 860-848-1699
16 April 2011
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Approved BOARD Minutes Patricia Jones 7019 S. Bartholomew Medical Lake, WA 99022 509-299-3339 none listed Patricia Johnson 9 Byrsonima Loop W Homosassa, FL 34446 352-503-6705 Sarah Kennedy 24 Hamilton Ave Orange, MA 01364 978-413-8560 Jennifer Kurts 454 Cockerham Road Denham Springs, LA 70726 225-665-9868 Janice Kusaj 11791 Carter Hill Corry, PA 16407 814-882-2751 Charlie Leavitt 1815 Walsh Lane Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651-454-3090 Dennis Lydston 1252 Riverwood Lane Oakland, OR 97462 541-459-1442 Jani Martin 26914 E. Sanson Newman Lake, WA 99025 509-216-6002 Cassie Malloy 1005 SW LK Roesiger Road Snohomish, WA 98290
425-314-4461 Joe Parreira 6031 Terminal Riverbank, CA 95367 209-869-2691 Jolene Parreira 2854 Patterson Road RIverbank, CA 95367 209-869-6679 Meryl Parreira 6031 Terminal Riverbank, CA 95367 209-869-2691 Richard Rees 10047 Hardy Drive Overland Park, KS 66212-3486 913-383-2827 Shirley Sanders 26605 Theda St Perris, CA 92570 951-943-3047 Nancy Sandlin 1300 Gammon Town Road Bumpass, VA 23024 804-304-2982 Faye Schlemme 58 Greenview Montgomery, TX 77356 817-578-6660 Carolynn Shenk 47938 Derwent Drive Newberry Springs, CA 92365 760-257-3928
Tina Starr 43080 Cannon Road Conzales, LA 70737 225-964-2049 Katherine Strah 17360 State Route 57 Grafton, OH 44044 440-371-7204 Meridith Tillbrook 4407 NE 124th St Vancouver, WA 98682 360-832-8522 Judith Pasbrig & Randall Pasbrig 18175 Murphy Road Peyton, CO 80831 719-650-2574 Lynn Leatherman Zimmershead 6377 Little Uvas Road Morgan Hill, CA 95037-9156 408-782-7438 Mark Pratt 11562 Moreno Ave Lakeside, CA 92040 619-561-0652 Nancy Felt 833 U.S. Highway 12 Chehalis, WA 98532 360-880-6769 Shawna Powell 3899 Sunrise Drive Saratoga Springs, UT 84043 801-403-6652
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Approved BOARD Minutes
PagE No
New President Ola Jeanne McCollough called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. (EST). Present were Ola Jeanne McCollough, Joyce Fletcher, Lynda Bradley, Richard Nix, Dane LaJoye, Sharon Stoll, and Fred Comstock. Absent were Marby Kelly (AKC Delegate), Maureen Blackwood, Jamie Allen, Brook Berth, and Linda Jett. Roll Call – Bradley Approval of October 19, 2010 and January 25, 2011 Meeting Minutes –Fletcher made a motion to approve the October 19, 2010 and January 25, 2011 meeting minutes, Comstock seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Boston Terrier Club of America
* February 28, 2011
CH Alpha’s Devil Or Angel Sire: CH Ken’s Fruit of the Loom Dam: Alpha’s Angel Eyes Breeders: Mary V Miller & Tracy Potts Owner: R Lorene Jones & Mary V Miller
Bradley read back the current minutes as stated to the Board. Fletcher made a motion to approve the February 28, 2011 meeting minutes, LaJoye seconded. Motion CH Alpha’s Devil Or Angel.indd passed unanimously.
5/1/11 3:26:13 AM
Comstock made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Stoll seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:07 (EST). Respectfully submitted, Lynda Bradley BTCA Recording Secretary CH Sabe’s Yankee Warrior Sire: CH Motifs Captain Morgan Dam: Sabe’s What Ever Lola Breeder: Sharon Saberton Owner: Yuko Shinoda
CH Sabe's Yankee Warrior.indd 1
5/1/11 3:58:54 AM
CH WyNot’s Importance of Being Earnest Sire: CH Elite’s Win-Win Situation Dam: GCH Tam-ra Sez I’m the One Breeder: Tamara Hough Owner: Kathryn Currier 18 April 2011 CH WyNot’s Importance of Being Earnest.indd 1 0411 Coast to Coast.indd 18
5/1/11 3:58:37 AM 5/10/11 11:05:44 PM
Make Plans To Attend Friday, September 30, 2011
The Boston Terrier Club of Detroit Speciality Show Breed and Junior Showmanship Judge: Marcie Dobkin Sweepstakes Judge: Cindi Pagurski All Breed Shows same location October 1 and 2, 2011 Veterans classes Brace class
Junior Showmanship classes
BAER clinic
If planning to attend BAER clinic please e-mail subject BAER testing
Monroe County Fairgrounds 3775 S. Custer Rd Monroe, MI 48161
Closing Date: September 14th
Coast Coast 19 to
0411 Coast to Coast.indd 19
5/10/11 11:05:44 PM
Stud Dogs
The Lenape Boston Terrier Club, Inc. held their 27th Specialty show on Sunday October 31, 2010 at the Long Hill Community Center in Stirling, New Jersey. The show included the annual Parade of Champions, followed by “Blessing of the Animals” by Rev. Hazel Shue. Their 1st annual “Spooktacular” Costume Parade was enjoyed by many Bostons in their creatively spooky costumes. The exhibitors, guests and vendors were able to share in the free luncheon provided by the club. The club is looking forward to exciting new events for 2011. Lenape Boston Terrier Club, Inc. 27th Specialty Sunday October 31, 2010 Puppy Sweepstakes Judge: Mrs. Priscilla Gabosch Best Puppy Dog – Kennedy’s Adventures of Finn – Owners: Vicki & Sarah Kennedy Best Junior Dog – D & M’s Invitation to Party – Owners: Debra & Matthew Clairt Best Puppy Bitch- Stormcrest True Grit – Owners: DM Sotack & J Surochak Best Junior Bitch – Serenades Wild Mama MiaOwner: Lisa Wakefield Best Puppy – Stormcrest True Grit – Owners: DM Sotack & J Surochak Best Junior - – Serenades Wild Mama MiaOwner: Lisa Wakefield Best in Sweepstakes - Stormcrest True Grit – Owners: DM Sotack & J Surochak Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes - – Kennedy’s Adventures of Finn – Owners: Vicki & Sarah Kennedy Veteran Sweepstakes Best Veteran Dog & Best Veteran in Sweepstakes – CH. VonDraper’s Top Hat N Tux
20 April 2011
0411 Coast to Coast.indd 20
Breed Classes Judge: Mrs. Joan P. Scott Puppy Dogs – 1st - 6-9 months Kennedy’s Adventures of Finn – Owners: Vicki & Sarah Kennedy Puppy Dog – 1st - 9 months and under 12 months – Sunwood’s Ivy Rose Steppin’ out at the Longhorn – Owner: Claudia Dickinson 12-18 month Dog – 1st Annalee Montana Sky at Tribella - Owners: V.Prater, A. Stitzlein, E. Steranka, K.Stitzlein BBE Dog – 1st – Sellano’s Ridgewood Charlie Thomas – Owners: Sarah & Tom Fullen, Jason Luciano, & James Frissell. Open Dog – under 15# - 1st – Dustin’s Ryan’s Cortez – Owners: Craig & Lynn Ann Bogard Winners Dog - Kennedy’s Adventures of Finn – Owners: Vicki & Sarah Kennedy RWD - Annalee Montana Sky at Tribella Owners: V.Prater, A. Stitzlein, E. Steranka, K.Stitzlein Puppy Bitches – 6-9 months – 1st Kennedy Story Teller – Owners: Vicki & Sarah Kennedy 9-12 month Bitches – 1st Chaseland’s Kristen Kardashian – Owners: Chad Howard & Colleen Brossard 12-18 month Bitches – 1st Annalee I Carly – Owners: Venita Prater& Emily Steranka BBE Bitches – 1st Tara’s Tasty Morsel - Owners: Barbara Grizlo & Kelly Lockwood AmBred Bitches – 1st Golden Stormcrest I’m Ms. B. Haven – Owners: DM Sotack & Peg Golden Open Bitches – under 15# - 1st Anchor’s & Tarbay Madrigal of Weywood – Owners: H. Norman Randall & Marilyn Randall Open Bitches – over 15# - 1st Kennedy’s Poker Face – Owners: Vicki & Sarah Kennedy Winners Bitch - Kennedy Story Teller – Owners: Vicki & Sarah Kennedy
RWB - Kennedy’s Poker Face – Owners: Vicki & Sarah Kennedy Veteran Dog – 1st CH. Ivy Rose Mick – Owner: Walter R. Greene Veteran Bitch – 1st CH. Bunyip’s Maxine O’Dell – Owners: Sheryl Trent, Victoria Carter Francardo & Cynthia Armstrong Best of Breed – GCH. Windermere’s Mystify – Owner: JoseCovill BOW - Kennedy Story Teller – Owners: Vicki & Sarah Kennedy BOS – CH. Chaseland’s Wellona Weltona – Owners: Chad Howard & Colleen Brossard Select Dog – GCH. Classic’s To Be or Not To Be – Owners: Ellen Kennedy, M.A.Gallagher & Carole Mohr Select Bitch – CH. Jed’s Special Edition – Owner: Melanie Kiger Awards of Merit – CH. Al-Mar’s Ya’ Think – Owners: L.J. Amodei, S. Kennedy & P. Kennedy CH. Tara’s Flamenco – Owners: Barbara & Jeffrey Grizlo CH. Bunyip’s Maxine O’Dell – Owners: Sheryl Trent, Victoria Carter Francardo & Cynthia Armstrong CH. Mama Mia It’s Sophia – Owners: Donna Nardi, Jessica Nardi & Jason Luciano GCH. Guardian’s General Patton To the Rescue – Owner: Kristine Leonard Best Stud Dog – CH. Kennedy’s Wild Lincoln Navigater – Owners: Sarah & Vicki Kennedy & Brad & Ann Dunn Best Bred By Exhibitor - Tara’s Tasty Morsel Owners: Barbara Grizlo & Kelly Lockwood Best Veteran - CH. Bunyip’s Maxine O’Dell – Owners: Sheryl Trent, Victoria Carter Francardo & Cynthia Armstrong
Coast Coast 20 to
5/10/11 11:05:45 PM
Stud Dogs
Joysong’s Heavenly Wave August 13, 2008
Breeder: Carolyn Towon owners: Carolyn Towon 707-829-5554
Sire oelandica’s othello of El-Bo’s Rudy Dam Porres Sara in Silk Sire Sire CH ABBA’s I R-oflo Cute Andi’s High Climber of Dam Do-Go CH Abba’s End of a Dam Perfect Season CH Abba’s Shea’d of Sire Perfection CH Heavenly Justice RN Sire Sire CH Ri-Ja’s Classic Example CH Charnette’s Perchance Dam CH Charnette’s Behold to Dream Dam a Dream Sire CH Sandra’s Sugar-B Charnette one Man Band Dam Charnette’s Patti Precious okeon Dam Charnette’s lil Auburn Annie Sire Sire CH Top Shelf Sweet lou CH Gabriel’s lil Bon Dam Joevee CH J and S Gabriel’s lil Angel Sire Sire San-d’s Tickle Me Elmo Dam CH Kap’s Hot flash Q T San-d’s Hot Sunshine of Sand-D Dam by QT Cherie’s Ruf and Redi Josie Dam Sire Joysong’s Babys Got Bling Sire CH Annalees Duke of CH Holland’s Naughty Proehl Dam Knickers Dam CH Tradewinds liberty Bell Yella Rose Nobodys Sire listening Dam ouray’s Heart of Suanto Dam Yella Rose Darlin Diamond’s Song Sung Clementine Blue Swak Sire CH oelandica’s Rodolfo
Joysong’s Heavenly Wave.indd 1 CH Katbird’s Back In The Game “Player”
Sire Ch. Peja’s Steppin’Out’N’Style
February 14, 2004
Sire Ch. Donnybrook’s Artful Dodger Dam Ch. Sabe’s Rumor Has It
Sire Ch. Katbird’s Beautiful Brute Dam Ch. Katbird’s Total Eclipse Dam Katbird’s Nobodys Angel ROM
Katbird Bostons Breeder: Kathryn T. Graves Owner: Kathryn T. Graves 502 863 3925
Katbirds Back in the Game.indd 1
Futurity Nominated
Sire Ch. Peja’s Lil’Rascal By Double J Dam12/2/09 12:15:50 PM Ch. Minnette’s Misty Rose Sire Ch. Staleys’ El-Bo’s Showman Dam Renee’s Candi Doll Of Peja ROM Dam Peja’s Eubet Im’A Americanmaid Sire Sire Ch. Flying Ford Ranger Dam Beacon’s Sabe Risky Ch. Beacon’s Sabe Star of Business Wonder Sire Dam Ch. Sabe’s Later Gator Sabes I Got You Babe Dam of Caja Do-Go’s Tiger Lilly Of Caja Sire Ch. Katbird’s One N Only Sire Jazzman Ch. Katbird’s Love On Dam The Run Ch. Katbird’s Heart Ofthe Matter Sire Dam Ch. Noell’s Letter To The Editor Dam Ch. Katbird’s Dearest Katbird’s Kissin Clown ROM Esmeralda CD OA OAJ Sire Ch. Justamere’s Showman Sire Vu Ch. Katbird’s One N Only Deja Dam Jazzman Katbird’s Kissin Clown ROM CD OA OAJ Sire Dam Ch. Sunwood’s Whimsical Katbird’s Justamere I Winston Dam Appeal Ch. Justamere’s Bright Asa Beacon Sire Ch. Peja’s Puttin’ On De Ritz
Feb 19 2005
Mar 1 2005
BTR-PA464/17M/ P-PI
Jul 30 2005
Aug 8 2005
Nov 19 2005
Dec 12 2005
Dec 28 2006
Jan 18 2007
Jul 17 2009
Jul 17 2009
TESTED: 05,09
9/26/10 2:09:06 PM
Coast Coast 21 to
0411 Coast to Coast.indd 21
5/10/11 11:05:45 PM
Stud Dogs
CH Lumberjack’s Classic Masterpiece ‘Bach’ July 18, 2008
Sire CH EL-BO’S Taking A Chance On Me
Sire CH El-Bo’s You Can Bet On Baxter
Dam CH EL-BO’S Maryann’s Palm Breeze
Sire CH Lumberjack’s Chilly Rhythm
Dam Lumberjack’s Classic Elegance
Lumberjack Bostons Breeders: Bruce, Georgann & Kiera Mathis Owners: Bruce, Georgann & Kiera Mathis 828 688 2965
Futurity Nominated Dam Lumberjack’s Classic Rhythm
CH Lumberjack’s Classic Masterpi1 1
CH Martini’s Designated Driver ‘Joey’
Sire CH Apogee’s Brave Sir Robin CD
October 10, 2008
Sire CH Zuran Lord O’The Jungle ‘N Hi-Society Dam CH Zuran’s Lil Miss Paydirt
Sire CH Ri-Ja’s Out of the Shadows Dam CH Ri-Ja’s Sum’r Hot Martini Dam Lonsum Pine Jessie
Martini Bostons Breeder: Linda G. Martin Owner: Linda G. Martin 336-854-3314
CH Martini’s Designated Driver.indd 1
Sire CH Al-mar’s Formal Attire Dam CH Jondan’s Brandy Jubilee Sire CH EL-BO’S Go Willy Go Dam Bar None CH EL-BO’S Howthe Dam Cookie Crumbles CH EL-BO’S Solo Jellybean Sire CH Vierras Do Right By Sire EL-BO’S CH EL-BO’S Lone Ranger Dam Vierra CH EL-BO’S Mystical Winds Sire CH EL-BO’S O Johnny O Dam Of Jondon CH EL-BO’S Summer Dam Winds CH EL-BO’S Chilly Weather Girl Sire CH Wattses Time Traveler Sire Marty McFly ROM CH Wattses Rhythm Dam Of Time Wattses Miracle Happyn Echo Sire Chilly Weather Traveling Dam Man Arrowhead’s Chilly Dam Breeze Moore’s Up-Up And Away DuStarre Sire CH Wattses Time Traveler Sire Marty McFly ROM CH Wattses Rhythm Dam Of Time Wattses Miracle Happy Echo Sire CH Aslandia’s Elite Sneak Dam Theif Lumberjack’s Misty Dam Mtn. Dew CH Arrowhead’s Bar None Beauty Sire CH EL-BO’S O Johnny O Of Jondon
Sire 3/15/10 CH Bonnie’s 11:29:11 Jet Pilot PM Dam CH El-Bo’s Mountain Breeze Sire Dam CH Bj’s Beau Geste CH Do-Go Rocky Dam Mountain Hi O’Bj Bj’s Do Go Hello Dolly Sire Sire CH Stella Polaris Apollo CH Stella Polaris Wise of Des Dam Owl ROM Stella Polaris Vanilla Sire Top Shelf’s London Dam ROMXX CH Zuran’s Apache Tear Bobby Dam Zuran’s Kibbles and Bits Sire Sire CH Baby Tres CH Ri-Ja’s Johnny Trevor Dam CH Ri-Ja’s Unique Toy Sire CH Ri-Ja’s Fistful of Dam Dollars CH Ri-Ja’s Miss Mariah Dam CH Ri-Ja’s Ne Cool Breeze Sire CH Hi-Society-Ri-Ja’s Sire Montana Cowboy CH Ri-Ja’s Fistful of Dam Dollars CH. Ri-Ja’s D’Kota Sunshine Sire Dam Fasteps’s Little Bear Dam Lonsum Pine Lizzy Be Bitty Kitty Sire CH Jeneil’s Air Jordan
Apr 4 2009
Apr 14 2009
Aug 22 2009
Aug 22 2009
TESTED: 09,10
BTR-PA1066/14M/ P-VPI
Dec 15 2009
Dec 21 2009
6/17/10 3:28:08 PM
22 October 2010/January 2011
0411 Coast to Coast.indd 22
5/10/11 11:05:46 PM
Stud Dogs
GCH Oui’s Midnight Maverick ‘Bart’
Sire CH Bandit’s Prancing Black Magic, ROM
September 3, 2008
Sire CH Oui’s Hi Step’n Coca Cola Cowboy, CD, ROM Dam CH What’s up Tiger Lily
Sire Doerre’s Hi Stepping Bandit Dam Fancy Cooki Penelope Sire CH Kimkev’s Sundance Kid Dam Apollo’s Flashing Fancy
Sire CH Kennedy-Oui’s Kentucky Derby
Sire CH Kennedy’s Knoty Casanova ROM
Dam Kennedy’s Nellie Rose
Dam CH Oui’s Taken Care of Business
Dam Oui’s Be Jammin ROM
Sire Kennedy’s Bravo Play’n for Keeps ROM Dam CH Wc’s Victoria’s Secret of Oui ROM
BO-TY BOSTONS Breeder: S. Maxine Uzoff Owners: Cindy & Tom Adams 661 268 1584
Futurity Nominated
Nov 3 2008
Jun 2 2009
Oct 13 2009
Oct 13 2009
TESTED: 08,09
Oct 6 2009
Feb 2 2010
Nov 24 2009
Feb 2 2010
Jun 26 2010
Aug 25 2010
Oui’s Midnight Maverick.indd 1
June 24, 2004
Sire CH Donnybrook’s Artful Dodger
Dam Sabe’s G-Nite Gracie
CH Sabe's Man in Black.indd 1
Sire 3:50:28 CH9/26/10 Peja’s Lil’rascal By PM Double J’s Dam Sire CH Minnette’s Misty Rose CH Peja’s Steppin Sire Out’n’Style Dam CH Staley’s El-Bo’s Showman Dam Renee’s Candi Doll Peja’s Eubet I’ma Of Peja American Maid Sire Sire CH Flying Ford Ranger Dam Beacon’s Sabe Risky CH Beacon’s Sabe Star of Business Dam Wonder CH Sabe’s Rumor Has It Sire Dam CH Sabe’s Later Gator Sabe’s I Got You Babe Dam Caja Do-Go’s Tiger Lilly Of Caja Sire Sire CH Do-Go George’s CH Beacon’s Do-Go Buddy Of Rudy Dam Sunny Of Sabe Sire CH Beacon’s Tiny Darling Sire CH Donnybrook’s Aramis CH Peja’s Steppin Dam CH Donnybrook’s Chanel Out’n’Style Dam CH Sabe’s Rumor Has It Sire Sire CH Do-Go George’s CH Beacon’s Do-Go Buddy Of Rudy Dam Sunny Of Sabe Dam CH Beacon’s Tiny Darling Sire CH Katbird’s Angel of CH Katbird’s One N Only Mercy Dam Jazzman Katbird’s Nobodys Angel Dam CH Katbird’s Justamere I Appeal Sire CH Peja’s Puttin On De Ritz
CH Sabe’s Man in Black
Futurity Nominated Sabe’s Boston Terriers Breeders: Ron & Sharon Saberton Owners: Ron & Sharon Saberton 555 855 4585
Sire Sabe’s Gallant Kid Dam Fancy Stepping Chorus Girl Sire CH Hi Stepping Little Ceasar Dam Fancy Lady Penelope Sire CH Kimkev’s Country Gentleman Dam Kimkev’s Scarlet Sire CH Hi Stepping Little Ceasar Dam Aba Jaba’s Hi Stepping Queen Sire CH Abacab’s Encore’s Grand Finale ROM Dam CH Kennedy’s Knoty Snow Angel Mto Sire CH Brandy’s KennedyRudolf Valntno Dam CH Kenndy’s C’est La Cie ROM Sire CH Brandy’s KennedyRudolf Valntno Dam Kennedy’s Winning Ticket Loti Sire CH Oui’s Hi Step’n Coca Cola Cowboy, CD, ROM Dam Wc’s Jet Set Jezebel of Oui
Apr 3 2005
Nov 8 2005
Jul 13 2006
Jan 24 2007
Mar 27 2007
Apr 24 2007
Aug 3 2008
Aug 3 2008
TESTED: 05,06,07,08
BTR-PA480/ 52M/P-VPI
Nov 21 2008
Dec 1 2008
12/10/09 10:55:34 PM
Coast Coast 23 to
0411 Coast to Coast.indd 23
5/10/11 11:05:46 PM
Do you know a BTCA member who has superior sportsmanship? If so, you can nominate them for the BTCA Sportsman of the Year award and the winner will be presented a lovely engraved
medallion at the next national. This award honors those individuals who deserve special recognition that have made a difference in the
sport of purebred dogs, embodied the AKC Code of Sportsmanship, and have been an active and valued member of an AKC member club.
Boston Terrier Club of America BTCA Sportsman of the Year Nomination Form
Sportsman of the Year Nomination Form
Do you know a BTCA member who has superior sportsmanship??? If so, you can nominate them for the BTCA Sportsman of the Year award and the winner will be presented a lovely engraved medallion at the next national. This award honors those individuals who deserve special recognition that have made a difference in the sport of purebred dogs, embodied the AKC Code of Sportsmanship, and have been an active and valued member of an AKC member club. I _____________________________, in good standing with the Boston Terrier Club of America wish to nominate _________________________ (also a member in good standing) for the 2010 AKC Sportsmanship Award for the following reasons: 1.____________________________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________________________ Limit 200 words or less; please use additional paper, if needed. Deadline for nominations for the AKC Sportsmanship Award is March 1, 2010 – NO EXCEPTIONS - One nomination per member Email your submission to the Sportsmanship Award Committee Chair, Melany Anaya at:
24 April 2011
0411 Coast to Coast.indd 24
5/10/11 11:05:47 PM
Please take time to participate in the health survey at or obtain the survey in printed format by contacting Sonya Baird 2165 Bent Tree Rd. Starkville, MS 39759 (662) 615-3940 All information is confidential. Be a part of accurately identifying health issues for research funding to benefit our breed. Thank you. BTCA Health Committee
Coast Coast 25 to
0411 Coast to Coast.indd 25
5/10/11 11:05:47 PM
Parting Shot
The COAST to COAST is published quarterly by The Boston Terrier Club of America, Inc. at W207N17295 Parkview Drive, Jackson, WI 53037-9228. Annual membership dues of $40 include a 1-year subscription to The COAST to COAST. First class postage paid at Fort Atkinson, WI and additional offices. Publication number ISSN 2154-2163. Postmaster: Send address change to The COAST to COAST, W207N17295 Parkview Drive, Jackson, WI 53037-9228.
The COAST to COAST will consider unsolicited photographs and articles for publication. Photographs and manuscripts will be handled with care, but the COAST to COAST does not assume liability for them. Material must be accompanied by postage for return.
26 0411 Coast to Coast.indd 26
Printed in U.S.A. Copyright Š2011 by Boston Terrier Club of America, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or inpart without permission is prohibited.
5/10/11 11:05:47 PM
Upcoming Specialty
BTCA Member Advertising Rates Inside Covers $250 1/2 Page BC $200 Centerspread $200 Full Page $60.00 1/2 Page $35.00 1/3 Page $27.50 1/9 Page $10.001/2 $35 1/3 Page $27.50 1/9 Page (new titles) $10 Stud Dog Ads $125.00 Annually
0411 Coast to Coast.indd 27
Deadlines Issue ad closing January November 1 April February 1 July May 1 October August 1
editorial closing November 15 February 15 May 15 August 15
E-mail ads to E-mail editorial copy to Mail copy and payment to Jennifer Duffy, 2505 Thomas Drive, Moore, OK 73160
Entry Fee
Show Date
Pasadena Boston Terrier Club
Pomona, CA
Boston Terrier Club of Gtr Cincinnati
Hamilton, OH
Sat 05/28
Pacific Coast Boston Terrier Club
Pomona, CA
Sun 05/29
Boston Terrier Club of Portland
Canby, OR
Fri 06/24
Western Boston Terrier Club
Roy Jones
Sat 06/25
Pasadena Boston Terrier Club
Ventura, CA
Fri 07/08
North Texas Boston Terrier Club
Dallas, TX
Fri 07/08
Gtr Houston Boston Terrier Club
Houston, TX
Thu 07/21
Mr. Michael J. Dachel
Sierra Gold Boston Terrier Club
Dixon, CA
Show Sec
Fri 08/05
Mrs. Peggy J. Haas
Sierra Gold Boston Terrier Club
Dixon, CA
Show Sec
Fri 08/05
Mr. Stephen J. Hubbell
Boston Terrier Club of Western Penn
Canfield, OH
Tri-Angle Boston Terrier Breeders Club
Exton, PA
Show Sec
Sat 08/06
Mrs. Elaine J. Lessig
Tri-Angle Boston Terrier Breeders Club
Exton, PA
Show Sec
Sat 08/06
Ms. Sandra Goose Allen
Boston Terrier Club of Milwaukee
Caledonia, WI
Deb Chvilicek
Fri 08/12
Mrs. Lesley E. Hiltz
Boston Terrier Club of Milwaukee
Caledonia, WI
Deb Chvilicek
Fri 08/12
Mr. Ken Roux
Minn Boston Terrier Club
Lake Elmo, MN
Fri 08/26
Ms. Sharon M. Danley
Boston Terrier Club of Western Wash
Redmond, WA
Fri 08/26
Mr. Warren D. Hudson
Boston Terrier Club of Western Wash
Redmond, WA
Sat 08/27
Dr. Terill S Udenberg
Boston Terrier Club of Louisiana
Monroe, LA
Fri 09/02
Mrs. Houston (Toddie) Clark
Boston Terrier Club of Louisiana
Monroe, LA
Sat 09/03
Rocky Mountain Boston Terrier Club
Greeley, CO
Show Sec
Fri 09/09
Mrs. Anne Katona
Hawkeye Boston Terrier Club
Des Moines, IA
Fri 09/09
Mrs. Jane Boatman Blackerby
Boston Terrier Club of Detroit
Monroe, MI
Fri 09/30
Ms. Marcie S. Dobkin
Minuteman Boston Terrier Club
Chicopee, MA
Show Sec
Sat 10/08
Ms. Karen A. Billings
Minuteman Boston Terrier Club
Chicopee, MA
Show Sec
Sun 10/09
Mrs. Lois A. Sanford
Heartland Boston Terrier Club
Lawrence, KS
Fri 10/14
Lenape Boston Terrier Club
Stirling, NJ
Show Sec
Sat 10/29
Mrs. Patricia S. Hertok
Lenape Boston Terrier Club
Stirling, NJ
Show Sec
Sun 10/30
Mr. Raymond T. Swidersky
Sat 05/28 Mrs. Loraine Boutwell
Mrs. Patricia (Pat) Hastings
Fri 08/05
5/10/11 11:05:47 PM
The official publication of the Boston Terrier Club of America W207N17295 Parkview Drive Jackson, WI 53037-9228
Wins Total Rank Name Sex BOB/V Defeated
Boston Terriers
AKC Top Dogs
Using Breed Totals
For Events Processed Through
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
report donated by Gunther Graphics
0411 Coast to Coast.indd 28
GCH Ken’s N’ Roobarb N’ The Horse Ya Rode In On D
GCH Gumbo-Kean’s Cosmic Stargazer
GCH Tpp’s Lil Norteno Smokin’ Brodie’S
GCH Tam-Ra’s Mega Millionaire
GCH Windermeres Mystify
GCH Zuran’s Me & My Shadow
GCH Fiveforks’ Geometry Matters At Kayas
GCH Linde N Jc’s The Legend Rolls On
GCH Keynote’s Knockout Kid
GCH Annalee Told Ya So
GCH Sunwoods Splendid Splinter RA
GCH Sunwood Cosmic Wind To Victory
GCH Shines Cupid Dolly
GCH Kennedy’s Wild Fairy Tale At Mtnview
GCH Classic’s To Be Or Not To Be
GCH Kc’ S Midnight Rambler
GCH Kc’s Just Out Of Reach
GCH Martini’s Great Ball Of Fire At Tara Oaks
CH Mackendrick Hott ‘ Trot At Lnstr
GCH Eviedobee Crossfire Hurricane
GCH Brio’s It’s A Wonderful Life
GCH T-Bo’s Reindeer Games
CH Desoto Jump Start By Poseidia
CH Tara’s Mango Madness
GCH Kean-Gumbo’s Celestial Splendor
5/10/11 11:05:48 PM