Bibliographie - Agrégation d'anglais 2017

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Agrégation d’anglais 2017 documents disponibles à la BU et à la bibliothèque de l’UFR LCE

Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense

Le présent document recense, en se basant sur les suggestions de lecture élaborées par le SAES, les documents disponibles à la BU et à la BUFR LCE consacrés au programme de l’agrégation d’anglais 2017. Il ne s’agit donc pas d’une bibliographie exhaustive, n’hésitez pas à vous rapprocher des bibliothécaires de la BU et de la BUFR LCE si vous cherchez d’autres références.

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I - LITTÉRATURE ............................................................................... 2 1 - William Shakespeare. As You Like It [1599]. Michael Hattaway, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (The New Cambridge Shakespeare), 2009. ........................................................................ 2 2 - Jane Austen. Sense and Sensibility [1811]. James Kinsley, ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Oxford World’s Classics), rev. ed. 2008 (2004) et le film de Ang Lee de 1996. .................................... 14 3 - Willa Cather. My Ántonia [1918]. Janet Sharistanian, ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Oxford World’s Classics), 2006. .............. 24 4 - Louis MacNeice. The Burning Perch [1963]. London: Faber and Faber, 2001. ................................................................................... 29 5 - Don DeLillo. Falling Man [2007]. London: Picador, 2011. .......... 35 6 – ORAL : Caryl Phillips. Crossing the River [1993]. London: Vintage Books, 2006. .................................................................................. 40 7 - ORAL : James Fenimore Cooper. The Last of the Mohicans [1826]. New York: Oxford University Press (Oxford World’s Classics), 2008. .............................................................................................. 47 II - CIVILISATION.............................................................................. 58 1 - Le Royaume-Uni à l’épreuve de la crise, 1970-1979 ................. 58 2 - Les Républicains, de Dwight D. Eisenhower à George W. Bush (1952-2008).................................................................................... 70 3 – ORAL : La Glorieuse Révolution (1688-1701)........................... 79

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Études textuelles WELLS, Stanley, TAYLOR, Gary, et al, eds., William Shakespeare : A Textual Companion, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1987. BU : 820"15" SHA 1 Tex

Sources BATE, Jonathan, Shakespeare and Ovid, Oxford, Clarendon Press; New York, Oxford University Press, 1993. BU (mag) : XA16142 CUVELIER, Éliane, Thomas Lodge: témoin de son temps (c. 15581625), Paris, Didier Erudition, 1984. BU (mag) : XB 10658 LODGE, Thomas, Rosalynde (1590), ed. BULLOUGH, Geoffrey, in Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare, vol. 2, London, Routledge, 1968. BU (mag) : XB 4103(2)

2 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

MUIR, Kenneth, The Sources of Shakespeare’s Plays, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1977. BUFR : 820"15" SHA 8 MUI SMITH, Hallett, Shakespeare’s Romances, Huntington Library Press, 1972. BU (mag) : XB25840 WHITWORTH, Charles, “Rosalynde: As You Like It and As Lodge Wrote It”, English Studies 58 (1977), 114-7. Consultable en ligne

Ouvrages sur importantes







BERRY, Edward I., Shakespeare and the Hunt: A Cultural and Social Study, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001. BU : 820"15" SHA 8 BER BLOOM, Harold, ed., «Shakespeare’s As You Like It », Modern Critical Interpretations, New York, Chelsea House, 1988. BU : 820"15" SHA 8 BLO BRENNAN, Anthony, Onstage and Offstage Worlds in Shakespeare’s Plays, London, Routledge, 1989. BUFR LCE : 820"15" SHA 8 BRE BROWN, John Russell, Shakespeare and his Comedies, London, Methuen, 1957. BUFR : 820"15" SHA 8 BRO

3 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

BROWN, John Russell ed., « Much Ado About Nothing and As You Like It », Casebook Series, London, Macmillan, 1979. BUFR : 820"15" SHA 8 Muc BU (mag) : XB 26004 CHARDIN, Jean-Jacques, As You Like It ou le palimpseste du sens, Paris, Messene, 1997. BU : 820"15" SHA 8 CHA DEBAX, Jean-Paul & PEYRÉ, Yves, As You Like It: Essais Critiques, Toulouse, Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 1998. BUFR : En commande BU : 820"15" SHA 8 DEB DUSINBERRE, Shakespeare and the Nature of Women, London, Macmillan, 1975. BUFR : 820"15" SHA 8 DUS ELAM, Keir, Language Games in the Comedies, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1984 BUFR : 820"15" SHA 8 ELA EVANS, Bertrand, Shakespeare’s Comedies, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1960. BU (mag) : XB5894 EVANS, Malcolm, Signifying Nothing: Truth’s True Contents in Shakespeare’s Texts, Athens, Georgia University Press, 1989. BU : XB 11731 GIBBONS, Brian, Shakespeare and Multiplicity, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993. BU (mag) : XB 15844 4 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

GIRARD, René, A Theater of Envy, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1993. BU : 820"15" SHA 8 GIR HUNT, Maurice, Shakespeare’s As You Like It. Late Elizabethan Culture and Literary Representation, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. BUFR : 820"15" SHA 8 HUN LEGGATT, Alexander, Shakespeare’s Comedy of Love, London, Methuen, 1974. BUFR : 820"19" SHA 8 LEG BU (mag) : XB25660 MOUSLEY, Andy, Re-Humanising Shakespeare, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2007. BUFR : 820"15" SHA 8 MOU ORNSTEIN, Robert, Shakespeare’s Comedies: from Roman Farce to Romantic Mystery, Associated University Presses, 1986. BU (mag) : XB 26005 REYNOLDS, Peter, As You Like It, Penguin Critical Studies, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1988. BU : 820"15" SHA 8 REY SUHAMY, Henri, Première leçon sur As You Like It, Paris, Ellipses, 1997. BUFR/BU : 820"15" SHA 8 SUH SUHAMY, Henri, ed., As You Like It, ouvrage collectif, Paris, Ellipses, 1997. BUFR : 820"15" SHA 8 Asy (2016) BU (1997) : 820"15" SHA 8 SUH 5 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

TURNER, Frederick, Shakespeare and the Nature of Time, Toronto, Toronto University Press, 1978. BU (mag) : XB25853 WILSON, John Dover, Shakespeare’s Happy Comedies, London, Faber, 1962. BU (mag) : XB790

Comédie, pastorale, romance ALPERS, Paul, "Mode and Genre", in What Is Pastoral? Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1996, 44-78. BUFR : 820.09 ALP BARBER, C. L., Shakespeare's Festive Comedy, A Study of Dramatic Form and Its Relation to Social Custom, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1959, 1966. BUFR/BU : 820 "15" SHA 8 BAR ELAM, Keir, “As They Did in the Golden World: Romantic Rapture and Semantic Rupture in As You Like It”, in Reading the Renaissance: Culture, Poetics and Drama, ed. HART, Jonathan, New York, Garland Publishing, 1996, 163-176. BUFR : 820.09"15" Rea EMPSON, William, Some Versions of Pastoral, London, Chatto and Windus, 1935. BU (mag) : XB 27291 GREG, W. W., Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama, Oxford, 1905. BU (mag) : XB 6455 Consultable en ligne 6 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

LAROQUE, François, Shakespeare et la fête, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1988. BU : 820"15" SHA 8 LAR LOUGHREY, ed., The Pastoral Mode, Casebook Series, Macmillan, 1984. BU : 820.09 Pas McFARLAND, Thomas, Shakespeare’s Pastoral Comedy, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1972. BU (mag) : XB22023 PETTET, E.C., Shakespeare and the Romance Tradition, London, Methuen, 1970. BU (mag) : XB25811 SALINGAR, Leo, Shakespeare and the Traditions of Comedy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1974. BU/BUFR : 820"15" SHA 8 SAL YOUNG, David, The Heart's Forest, A Study of Shakespeare's Pastoral Plays, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1972. BU (mag) : XB25886

Mélancolie, satire, le fou BABB, Lawrence. The Elizabethan Malady, A Study of Melancholia in English Literature from 1580 to 1642, East Lansing, MI, Michigan State College Press, 1951. BU (mag) : XB5951

7 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

BENNETT, R.B., “The Reform of a Malcontent: Jaques and the Meaning of As You Like It”, Shakespeare Studies 9 (1976), 183-204. Consultable en ligne DILLON, Janette, Shakespeare and the Solitary Man, London, Macmillan, 1981. BU (mag) : XB25705 GIAVARINI, Laurence, “Représentation pastorale et guérison mélancolique au tournant de la Renaissance : questions de poétique”, Études Epistémè 3 (avril 2003), 1-27. Consultable en ligne OWENS, Anne, “As You Like It or, ‘The Anatomy of Melancholy’” QWERTY 7 (1997), 15-26. BU (mag) : XB23439 PALMER, John, Political and Comic Characters of Shakespeare, London, Macmillan, 1962. BU (mag) : XB5802

Études sur les questions de sexualité et sur le genre

NOVY, Marianne L., Love’s Argument: Gender Relations in Shakespeare, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1984. BUFR : 820"15" SHA 8 NOV

8 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

ORGEL, Stephen, Impersonations, The Performance of Gender in Shakespeare's England, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996. BUFR : 820"15" SHA 8 ORG BU : 820.09-2"15/16" ORG SHAPIRO, Michael, Gender in Play on the Shakespearean Stage, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1996. BUFR : 820"15" SHA 8 SHA STALLYBRASS, Peter, “Transvestism and ‘the body beneath’: speculating on the boy actor”, in ZIMMERMAN Susan, ed., Erotic Politics: Desire and the Renaissance Stage, London, Routledge, 1992, 64-83. BU : 820.09-2"15" Ero TRAUB, Valerie, Desire and Anxiety : Circulations of Sexuality in Shakespearean Drama, London, Routledge, 1992. BU : 820"15" SHA 8 TRA

Articles, essais BARNABY, Andrew, “The Political Conscious of Shakespeare’s As You Like It”, Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, 6, 2 (1996), 373395. Consultable en ligne BARTON, Anne, “Parks and Ardens”, in Essays, Mainly Shakespearean, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994. BU (mag) : XB28313

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BECKMAN, Margaret B., “The Figure of Rosalind in As You Like It”, Shakespeare Quarterly 29 (1978), 44-51. BU (mag) : XBP 29 Consultable en ligne CRUNELLE-VANRIGH, Anny, “‘What a case am I in then’, Himen and Limen in As You Like It”, QWERTY 7 (1997), 5-14. BU (mag) : XB23439 DALEY, A. Stuart, “The Dispraise of the Country in As You Like It”, Shakespeare Quarterly 36 (Autumn 1985), 300-14. Consultable en ligne ----------“The Tyrant Duke in As You Like It : Envious Malice Confronts Honour, Pity, Friendship”, Cahiers Élisabéthains 34 (octobre 1988), 3951. BU (mag) : XBP 61 DI GANGI, Mario, “Queering the Shakespearean Family”, Shakesepare Quarterly 47 (1996), 269-90. BU (mag) : XBP 29 Consultable en ligne DUSINBERRE, Juliet, “Pancakes and a Date for As You Like It”, Shakespeare Quarterly 54, 4 (2003), 371-405. BU (mag) : XBP 29 Consultable en ligne FENDT, Gene, “Resolution, Catharsis, Culture: As You Like It”, Philosophy and Literature 19 (1995), 248-60. Consultable en ligne HALIO, Jay L., “No clock in the forest: Time in As You Like It”, Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, 2 (1962), 197-207. Consultable en ligne 10 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

KUHN, Maura, S., “Much Virtue in If”, Shakespeare Quarterly 28 (1977), 40-50. BU (mag) : XBP 29 Consultable en ligne JONES-DAVIES, Marie-Thérèse, “Le monde du ‘si’: idéologies incertaines dans Comme il vous plaira”, Théâtre et ideologies: Marlowe, Shakespeare, Paris, Touzot, 1982, 51-67. BU : 820.09-2"15" Soc KNOWLES, Richard C., “Myth and Type in As You Like It”, English Literary History 33 (1966), 1-22. Consultable en ligne KRONENFELD, Judy Z., “Social Rank and the Pastoral Ideals of As You Like It”, Shakespeare Quarterly 29 (1978), 333-48. BU (mag) : XBP 29 Consultable en ligne ----------, “Ovidian Transformations and Folk Festivities in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merry Wives of Windsor and As You Like It”, Cahiers Élisabéthains 25 (avril 1984), 23-36. BU (mag) : XBP 61 MARSHALL, Cynthia, “Wrestling as Play and Game in As You Like It”, Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, 33 (1993), 356-87. Consultable en ligne ----------, “The Place of a Brother in As You Like It : Social Process and Comic Form”, Shakespeare Quarterly 32 (1981), 28-54. BU (mag) : XBP 29 Consultable en ligne

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MORRIS, Harry, “As You Like It: Et in Arcadia Ego”, Shakespeare Quarterly, 26 (1975), 269-75. BU (mag) : XBP 29 Consultable en ligne NUTTAL, A.D., “Two Unassimilable Men,” Shakespearean Comedy, Stratford-upon Avon Studies 14, Arnold, 1972, 210-40. BU (mag) : XB25835 ----------, “As You Like It and the Idea of Play”, Critical Quarterly 13 (1971), 234-45. Consultable en ligne PRIEST, Dale G., “Oratio and negotium: Manipulative Modes in As You Like It”, Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, 28 (1988), 273-86. Consultable en ligne SHAW, John, “Fortune and nature in As You Like It”, Shakespeare Quarterly 6 (1955), 45-50. Consultable en ligne TAYLOR, Gary, “Touchstone’s Butterwomen”, Review of English Studies, n.s., 32 (1981), 187-193. Consultable en ligne TAYLOR, Michael, “As You Like It: The Penalty of Adam”, Critical Quarterly 15 (1973), 76-80. Consultable en ligne WHALL, Helen M., “As You Like It: The Play of Analogy”, Huntington Library Quarterly 47 (1984), 33-46. BU (mag) : XBP 44

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WILLIS, Paul G., “Tongues and Trees, the Book of Nature in As You Like It”, Modern Language Studies 18, iii, (Summer 1988), 65-74. Consultable en ligne WILSON, Rawdon, “The Way to Arden, Attitudes Towards Time in As You Like It”, Shakespeare Quarterly 26 (1975), 16-24. BU (mag) : XBP 29 Consultable en ligne WILSON, Richard, “‘Like the Old Robin Hood’: As You Like It and the Enclosure Riots”, Shakespeare Quarterly, 43 (1992), 1-19. BU (mag) : XBP 29 Consultable en ligne WOLK, Antony, “The Extra Jaques in As You Like It”, Shakespeare Quarterly 23 (1972), 101-5. BU (mag) : XBP 29 Consultable en ligne

As You Like It et la mise en scène ASTON, Elaine & SAVONA, George, Theatre as Sign-System: A Semiotics of Text and Performance, London, Routledge, 1991. BUFR : 820.09 AST

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Ouvrages bibliographiques Gilson, David. A Bibliography of Jane Austen. Oxford : Clarendon, 1982 BU : 820"18" AUS 8 GIL

Correspondance de Jane Austen Le Faye, Deidre, ed. Jane Austen’s Letters. 4th ed. Oxford : Oxford UP, 2014 BU (mag) : XB 15824

Biographie Fergus, Jan. Jane Austen : A Literary Life. London : Macmillan, 1991 BUFR / BU : 820"18" AUS 8 FER Tomalin, Claire. Jane Austen : A Life. Harmondsworth : Viking, 1997 BUFR / BU : 820"18"AUS 8 TOM

Sources primaires sur la sensibilité Austen, Jane. « Juvenilia ». In Minor Works. Ed. R.W. Chapman, 1954. [ Courtes fictions parodiques ] BU (mag) : XB23835 14 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

The History of Lady Emily Montague. 1769. Consultable en ligne Mackenzie, Henry. The Man of Feeling. 1771. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001 BUFR : 820"17" MAC 7 Man ; BU (mag) : XB 26428 Montolieu, Isabelle de. Caroline de Lichtfield, ou Mémoires d’une famille prussienne. 1786. Trad. Thomas Holcroft (1786). London : Chatto and Pickering, 2014 Consultable en ligne Gregory, John. A Father’s Legacy to his Daughters. 1774. London : Cadell and Davies, 1808 Consultable en ligne Wollstonecraft, Mary. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. 1792. Ed. Janet Todd. Oxford : Oxford UP, 1993. [ Mise en cause de la sensibilité ] Consultable en ligne

Histoire littéraire, contexte historique et littéraire Armstrong, Nancy. Desire and Domestic Fiction : A Political History of the Novel. Oxford : Oxford UP, 1987 BU : 820.09-3 ARM Colley, Linda. Britons : Forging the Nation 1707-1837. New Haven : Yale UP, 1992 BUFR / BU : 942.07 COL

15 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Boyd, Hilton. A Mad, Bad & Dangerous People ? England 1783-1846. Oxford : Clarendon, 2006 BU (mag) : Z31495 Butler, Marilyn. Jane Austen and the War of Ideas. Oxford : Clarendon, 1975 BUFR / BU : 820"18" AUS 8 BUT Butler, Marilyn. Romantics, Rebels and Reactionaries : English Literature and its Background 1760-1830. Oxford : Oxford UP, 1981 BU : 820(091)"17/18" BUT Gilbert, Sandra, and Susan Gubar. The Madwoman in the Attic : the Woman Writer and the nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination. 1979. 2nd ed. New Haven : Yale UP, 2000 BUFR : 820.09 "18" GIL ; BU (mag) : XB 17579 Jarvis, Robin. The Romantic Period : The Intellectual and Cultural Context of English Literature 1789- 1830. Harlow : Pearson Longman, 2004 BU : 820(091)"17/18" JAR Kelly, Gary. English Fiction of the Romantic Period 1789-1830. London : Longman, 1989 BU : 820.09-3"18" KEL McCalman, Iain, ed. An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age. Oxford : Oxford UP, 1999 BUFR/BU : 942:008 Oxf Monaghan, David. Jane Austen in a Social Context. Totawa, N.J. : Barnes and Noble, 1981 BUFR/BU : 820"18" AUS 8 MON 16 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Renwick, W.L. English Literature 1789-1815. Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford : Oxford UP, 1963 BU (mag) : XB 4043(9) Roe, Nicholas, ed. Romanticism : An Oxford Guide. Oxford : Oxford UP, 2005 BU : 820.09"17/18" Rom Spencer, Jane. The Rise of the Woman Novelist: From Aphra Behn to Jane Austen. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986 BU (mag) : XB23132 Todd, Janet, ed. Jane Austen in Context. Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 2005 BU : 820"18" AUS 8 TOD Wu, Duncan, ed. A Companion to Romanticism. Oxford : Blackwell, 1998 BUFR/BU : 820.09"18" Com

Ouvrages et articles sur la sensibilité Barker-Benfield, G.J. The Culture of Sensibility : Sex and Society in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Chicago : Chicago UP, 1992 BU (mag) : Z36542 Brissenden, R.F. Virtue in Distress : Studies in the Novel of Sentiment from Richardson to Sade. New York : Barnes & Noble, 1974 BU (mag) : XA16544 Mullan, John. Sentiment and Sociability : The Language of Feeling in the Eighteenth Century. Oxford : Clarendon, 1988 BUFR : 820.09 "17" MUL 17 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Todd, Janet. Sensibility : An Introduction. London : Methuen, 1986 BUFR : 820.09 "17" TOD ; BU (mag) : XB 13097 Van Sant, Jessie. Eighteenth-Century Sensibility and the Novel. Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 1993 BU : 820.09-3"17" VAN

Ouvrages et chapitres sur les romans de Jane Austen Babb, Howard S. Jane Austen’s Novels : The Fabric of Dialogue. Columbus, OH : Ohio State UP, 1952 BU m(ag) : XB 6058 Bradbrook, Frank W. Jane Austen and Her Predecessors. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1967 BU (mag) : XB23609 Copeland, Edward and Juliet McMaster. The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 1997 BUFR/BU : 820"18" AUS 8 Cam Galperin, William H. The Historical Austen. Philadelphia : U of Pennsylvania P, 2003 BU : 820"18" AUS 8 GAL Goubert, Pierre. Jane Austen: Etude psychologique de la romancière. Paris: PUF, 1976 BUFR/BU : 820"18" AUS 8 GOU Hardy, Barbara. A Reading of Jane Austen. 1975. London : Athlone P, 1979 BU : 820"18" AUS 8 HAR 18 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Heydt-Stevenson, Jillian. Austen’s Unbecoming Conjunctions: Subversive Laughter, Embodied History. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 BU : 820"18" AUS 8 HEY Johnson, Claudia. Equivocal Beings. Politics, Gender and Sentimentalism in the 1790s : Wollstonecraft, Radcliffe, Burney, Austen. Chicago : U of Chicago p, 1995 BU : 820.09-3"17" JOH Johnson, Claudia. Jane Austen : Women, Politics and the Novel. Chicago : U of Chicago P, 1988 BUFR/BU : 820"18" AUS 8 JOH Johnson, Claudia and Clara Tuite. A Companion to Jane Austen. Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 BU : 820"18" AUS 8 JOH Lascelles, Mary. Jane Austen and her Art. 1939. Oxford : Oxford UP, 1966 BUFR : 820"18" AUS 8 LAS BU (mag) : XB28430 Littlewood, Ian, ed. Jane Austen : Critical Assessments. 4 vols. Mountfield : Helm Information, 1998 BU : 820"18" AUS 8 LIT Mandal and Brian Southam. The Reception of Jane Austen in Europe. London: Continuum, 2007 BU : 820"18" AUS 8 MAN Masséi-Chamayou, Marie-Laure. La Représentation de l’argent dans les romans de Jane Austen Paris: L’Harmattan, 2012 BU : 820"18" AUS 8 MAS 19 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Miller, D.A. Jane Austen, or the Secret of Style. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2003 BU : 820"18" AUS 8 MIL Morgan, Susan. In the Meantime: Character and Perception in Jane Austen’s Fiction. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1980 BU : 820"18" AUS 8 MOR Mudrick, Marvin. Jane Austen : Irony as Defense and Discovery. Princeton : Princeton UP, 1952 BU (mag) : XB 5305 Nardin, Jane. Those Elegant Decorums: The Concept of Propriety in Jane Austen’s Novels. Albany, NY: State U of New York P, 1973 BU (mag) : XB 26508 Page, Norman. The Language of Jane Austen. Oxford: Blackwell, 1972 BU : 820"18" AUS 8 PAG Poovey, Mary. The Proper Lady and the Woman Writer : Ideology as Style in the Works of Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, and Jane Austen. Chicago : U of Chicago P, 1984 BUFR : 820.09"17/18" POO BU : XB 27417 Roberts, Warren. Jane Austen and the French Revolution. 1979. London : Athlone P, 1995 BUFR/BU : 820"18" AUS 8 ROB Sedgwick, Eve Kosovsky. « Jane Austen and the Masturbating Girl. » Critical Inquiry 17 (1990-91): 818-37 Consultable en ligne

20 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Southam, B.C., ed. Jane Austen : The Critical Heritage. 2 vols. London : Routledge, 1968-87 BU (mag) : XB 13851 Southam, B.C., ed. Jane Austen: Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice and Mansfield Park. London: Macmillan, 1976 BU : 820"18" AUS 8 Sen Stokes, Myra. The Language of Jane Austen A Study of Some Aspects of her Vocabulary. London : Macmillan, 1991 BU : 820"18" AUS 8 STO Tanner, Tony. Jane Austen. 1986. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. [Contient l’introduction à son édition de S&S. ] BU : 820"18" AUS 8 TAN Waldron, Mary. Jane Austen and the Fiction of her Time. Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 1999 BU : 820"18" AUS 8 WAL Wiesenfarth, Joseph. The Errand of Form : An Assay of Jane Austen’s Art. New York : Fordham UP, 1967 BU (mag) : XB23054 Wright, Andrew. Jane Austen’s Novels: A Study in Structure. London : Chatto and Windus, 1953 BU (mag) : XB4274

Ouvrages et articles sur Sense and sensibility ApRoberts, Ruth. « Sense and Sensibility, or Growing up dichotomous. » Nineteenth-Century Fiction 30 (1975-76): 351-65 Consultable en ligne 21 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Armstrong, Isobel. Sense and Sensibility. Penguin Critical Studies. London : Penguin 1994 BU : 820"18" AUS 8 ARM Bartlett, Nora. « Deaths and Entrances : The opening of Sense and Sensibility. » Persuasions : the Jane Austen Journal On-line 32.2 (Summer 2012) : no pagination Consultable en ligne Boyd, Zelda. « The Language of Supposing : modal auxiliaries in Sense and Sensibility ». In Janet Todd, ed., Jane Austen : New Perspectives. New York : Holmes and Meier, 1983. Pp. 142-54 BUFR/BU : 820"18" AUS 8 Jan Brodey, Inger Sigrun. « Adventures of a Female Werther: Jane Austen’s Revision of Sensibility. » Philosophy and Literature 23.1 (April 1999): 110-26 Consultable en ligne Craddock, Patricia. « The Almanac of Sense and Sensibility ». Notes and Queries new series 26 (1979): 222-6 Consultable en ligne Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning. « Change and Fixity in Sense and Sensibility ». SEL: Studies in Englih Literature 1500-1900 41.3 (2001): 605-22 Consultable en ligne Hughes, Bill. « Jane Austen’s Conversational Pragmatics : Rational Evaluation and Strategic Action in Sense and Sensibility. » Persuasions: the Jane Austen Journal On-Line 32.2 (Summer 2012) : no pagination Consultable en ligne 22 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Kaufmann, David. « Law and Propriety, Sense and Sensibility : Austen on the Cusp of Modernity. » ELH 59.2 (Summer 1992) : 385408 Consultable en ligne Lindstrom, Eric Reid. « Sense and Sensibility and Suffering ; or, Wittgenstein’s Marianne ? » ELH : English Literary History 80.4 (2013) : 1067-92 BU : XBP 6 Mitric, Ana. « Jane Austen and Civility : A Distant Reading. » Persuasions : The Jane Austen Journal 29 (2007) : 194-208 Consultable en ligne Moler, Kenneth L. « Sense and Sensibility and its Sources. » Review of English Studies 17(1966) : 413-19 Consultable en ligne Richardson, Rebecca. « Dramatizing Intimacy : Confessions and Free Indirect Discourse in Sense and Sensibility. » ELH 81.1 (2014) : 225-44 Consultable en ligne Sabor, Peter. « Good, Bad, and Ugly Letters in Sense and Sensibility. » Persuasions : The Jane Austen Journal On-Line 32.1 (Winter 2011) : no pagination Consultable en ligne Stohr, Karen. « Practical Wisdom and Moral Imagination in Sense and Sensibility ». Philosophy and Literature 30.2 (2006) : 378-94 Consultable en ligne

23 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Zimmerman, Everett. « Admiring Pope no more than is proper : Sense and Sensibility » In John Halperin, ed. Jane Austen : Bicentenary Essays (Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 1975) : pp. 123-43 BUFR : 820"18" AUS 8 Bic BU (mag) : XB 8872


Biographie Brown K.K., Willa Cather : A Critical Biography, Completed by Leon Edel, The University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1953. BU (mag) : XB30903 BUFR : 820(73) « 19 » CAT 8 BRO Lewis E., Willa Cather Living : A Personal Record, 1953, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 2000. BU (mag) XB 9141 Woodress J., Willa Cather : A Literary Life, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1989. BU (mag) : XB30908

Ouvrages généraux sur l’oeuvre de Willa Cather Acocella J., Willa Cather and the Politics of Criticism, 2000, Vintage Books, New York, 2002. BU/BUFR : 820(73)"19" CAT 8 ACO 24 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Bloom H., Modern Critical Views : Willa Cather, Chelsea House Publishers, New York, 1985, en particulier pour sa réimpression des articles de Blanche H. Gelfant et d’Eudora BUFR : 820(73)"19" CAT 8 BLO Daiches D., Willa Cather : A Critical Introduction, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1951. BU (mag) : XB 8445 Fryer J., Felicitous Space : The Imaginative Structures of Edith Wharton and Willa Cather, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1986. BU/BUFR : 820(73)"19" WHA 8 FRY Murphy J. J., Critical Essays on Willa Cather, G. K. Hall, Boston, 1984. Réimpression d’un essai de Katherine Anne Porter dans ce volume. BU : 820(73)"19" CAT 8 Cri Rosowski S., The Voyage Perilous : Willa Cather’s Romanticism, The University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1986. BU : 820(73)"19" CAT 8 ROS

Ouvrages sur My Ántonia Bloom H., Willa Cather’s My Ántonia, Chelsea House Publishers, New York, 1987. BU : 820(73)"19" CAT 8 MyA

25 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Articles sur Willa Cather et/ou My Ántonia Duplay M., “Sillon, proximité, écart: le voisinage de la terre dans ‘O Pioneers!’ de Willa Cather”, Revue française d'études américaines no. 101, Paris, septembre 2004, p. 39-48 BU (mag) : XBP 54 Consultable en ligne Duplay M., “ ‘The Thrill of His Own Poor Little Nerve’ : Art and the Ambivalence of Voice in My Mortal Enemy”, Cather Studies 8, Murphy J.J., Palleau F. et Thacker R. dirs., The University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 2010, p. 246-261. Consultable en ligne Durrans S., “Les métamorphoses transatlantiques du roman rustique : de George Sand à Willa Cather », Echanges intellectuels, littéraires et artistiques dans le monde transatlantique dir. C. Lerat, MSHA, Pessac, 2005, p. 73-87. BU (mag) : XA16149 Fisher-Wirth A., “Out of the Mother : Loss in My Ántonia”, Cather Studies 2, Rosowski S. dir., The University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1993, p. 41-71. BU (mag) : XB30904(2) Consultable en ligne Funda E., “Picturing Their Ántonia(s) : Mikolás Ales and the Partnership of W. T. Benda and Willa Cather” Cather Studies 8, Murphy J.J., Palleau F. et Thacker R. dir., The University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 2010, p. 353-378. Consultable en ligne

26 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Gelfant B. H., “The Forgotten Reaping-Hook : Sex in My Ántonia”, Bloom H., Modern Critical Views : Willa Cather, Chelsea House Publishers, New York, 1985, p. 103-121. BU : 820(73)"19" CAT 8 MyA BUFR : 820(73)"19" CAT 8 BLO Manresa C., “Nommer la démesure paysagère: une poétique des choses dans My Ántonia et ‘Paul’s Case’ de Willa Cather.” Revue électronique du GRAAT #10, La démesure / Immoderation. dirs. É. Athenot & S. Salbayre, Université François Rabelais, Tours, juillet 2011, p. 35-55. Consultable en ligne Palleau F., “Slowly, but Surely : Willa Cather’s Reception in France”. En collaboration avec Florian Forestier, Bibliothèque Nationale de France. A. J. Jewell, dir. Numéro spécial de Studies in the Novel, The Works of Willa Cather : Creation, Design, and Reception, automne 2013, vol. 45, n°3, p. 538-558. Consultable en ligne Palleau F., “The Hidden French in Willa Cather’s English”, Cather Studies 4, R. Thacker et M. Peterman dir., Bison Books, University of Nebraska Press, 1999, p. 45-65. BU (mag) : XB30904(4) Consultable en ligne Porter K. A., *“Critical Reflections on Willa Cather”, Critical Essays on Willa Cather, G. K. Hall, Boston, 1984, p. 31-39 BU : 820(73)"19" CAT 8 Cri Simons K., “Re-making the Georgic Connection : Virgil and Cather’s My Ántonia”, International Journal of the Classical Tradition, vol. 7, no. 4, Printemps 2001, p. 523-540. Consultable en ligne 27 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Stouck D., “Willa Cather and the Russians”, Cather Studies 1, Rosowski S. dir., The University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1990, p. 1-20. BU (mag) : XB30904(1) Consultable en ligne Wilhite K., “Unsettled Worlds: Aesthetic Emplacement in Willa Cather’s My Ántonia.” Studies in the Novel 42.3, 2010, p. 269-86. Consultable en ligne Woolley P., “ ‘Fire and Wit’ : Storytelling and the American Artist in Cather’s My Ántonia”, Cather Studies 3, Rosowski S. dir., The University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1996, p. 149-181. BU (mag) : XB30904(3) Consultable en ligne

Études critiques du roman Palleau F., Willa Cather, My Ántonia, éditions Atlande, collection Clefsconcours Anglais-Littérature, Neuilly, 2016. BUFR : En commande Préher, Gérald, dir. Willa Cather, My Ántonia, éditions Ellipses, collection Agrégation Anglais, Paris, 2016. BUFR : 820(73)"19" CAT 8 Mya

28 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016


Autobiographies/biographies MACNEICE, Louis. The Strings Are False; An Unfinished Autobiography. 1965. London : Faber & Faber, 1996. 288 p. BU : 820"19" MACN 8 MAC STALLWORTHY, Jon. Louis MacNeice. New York: Norton, 1995. 572 p. BU : 820"19" MACN 8 STA

Monographies BREARTON, Fran & Edna LONGLEY. Incorrigibly Plural: Louis MacNeice and His Legacy. Manchester: Carcanet, 2012 BU : 820"19" MACN 8 Inc BROWN, Terence. Louis MacNeice: Sceptical Vision. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 1975. BU : 820"19" MACN 8 BRO HABERER, Adolphe. Louis MacNeice (1907-1963): l'homme et la poésie. Bordeaux: Presses Univ. de Bordeaux, 1986. BUFR : 820"19" MAC 8 HAB BU (mag) : XB 11277 MCDONALD, Peter. Louis MacNeice, The Poet in His Contexts. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991. BU : 820"19" MACN 8 MCD 29 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

PRESS, John. Louis MacNeice. London: Longman, 1965. BU (mag) : XB29447

Ouvrages collectifs DEVINE, Kathleen & Alan J. PEACOCK. Louis MacNeice and His Influence. Belfast: Ulster Editions & Monographs, 1997. BU : 820"19" MACN 8 Lou GENET, Jacqueline, ed. Studies on Louis MacNeice. Caen: Presses Universitaires de Caen, 1988. BUFR/BU : 820"19" MACN 8 GEN

Articles de revues et chapitres d'ouvrages ALLISON, Jonathan. « Memory and Starlight in Late MacNeice ». The Oxford Handbook of Modern Irish Poetry. Eds. F. Brearton & A. Gillis. Oxford University Press, 2013 : 240-248. BUFR : 820(417).09 Oxf BROWN, Terence. « MacNeice and the Puritan Tradition ». Louis MacNeice and His Influence. Eds. K. Devine & A. J. Peacock. Gerrards Cross: Smythe, 1998: 20-33. BU : 820"19" MACN 8 Lou CLARK, Heather. « Revising MacNeice ». Cambridge Quarterly 31.1: 77-92. Consultable en ligne CORCORAN, Neil. « The Same Again? Repetition and Refrain in Louis MacNeice ». Cambridge Quarterly 38.3 (2009): 214-224. Consultable en ligne 30 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

CORCORAN, Neil. « Keeping the Colours New: Louis MacNeice in the Contemporary Poetry of Northern Ireland ». Louis MacNeice and His Influence. Eds. K. Devine & A. J. Peacock. Gerrards Cross: Smythe, 1998: 114-32 BU : 820"19" MACN 8 Lou FITZPATRICK, David. « The Gardener and The Stable-Boy: Yeats, MacNeice, and the Problem of Orangeism ». The Review of English Studies, 64.263 (2013): 127-144. BU : XBP 3 GITZEN, Julian. « Louis MacNeice: The Last Decade ». Twentieth Century Literature 14.3 (1968): 133-141. Consultable en ligne HABERER, Adolphe. « Théorie et pratique de la poésie impure dans l'oeuvre de Louis MacNeice: les enjeux d'une querelle ». Studies on Louis MacNeice. Caen : Centre de Publ. de l'Univ. de Caen, 1988, 79106. Adolphe Haberer, La Lyre du larynx. Poétique et poésie moderne. Paris : Didier Erudition, 1996 : 49-74. BUFR/BU : 820"19" MACN 8 GEN ; Consultable en ligne HABERER, Adolphe. « Yeats et MacNeice ». Studies on Yeats. Caen : Publ. de l'Univ. De Caen, 1989 : 9-35 Consultable en ligne HABERER, Adolphe. « Du littoral au littéral. À propos d’un poème de MacNeice ». De la littérature à la lettre. Poésie, fiction, arts. Eds. Adolphe Haberer & Josiane Paccaud-Huguet. Lyon : Presses Univ. de Lyon, 1997 : 19-31. BU (mag) : XB31967

31 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

HYNES, Samuel. « Auden and MacNeice ». Contemporary Literature 14.3 (1973): 378-83. Consultable en ligne IRWIN, John T. « MacNeice, Auden, and the Art Ballad ». Contemporary Literature 11.1 (1970): 58-79. Consultable en ligne LONGLEY, Michael. « The Neolithic Night: A Note on the Irishness of Louis MacNeice ». Two Decades of Irish Writing. Ed. Douglas Dunn. Manchester: Carcanet, 1975: 81-88. BU (mag) : XB 8785 MCDONALD, Peter. « With Eyes Turned Down on the Past: MacNeice's Classicism ». Louis MacNeice and His Influence. Eds. K. Devine & A. J. Peacock. Gerrards Cross : Smythe, 1998: 34-52. BU : 820"19" MACN 8 Lou MCDONALD, Peter. « Louis MacNeice: Irony and Responsibility ». The Cambridge Companion to Contemporary Irish Poetry. Ed M. Campbell. Cambridge University Press, 2003: 59-75. BUFR : 820(417).09 Cam BU : 820(417).09-1"19" Cam SCHNEIDER, Florence. « Clichés tremblés dans deux poèmes de Louis MacNeice et Paul Muldoon ». LISA 12.3 (2014). Consultable en ligne WALKER, Tom. « MacNeice's Byzantium: The Ghosts of Yeats and Eliot in The Burning Perch ». The Review of English Studies 62.257 (2011): 785-804. BU : XBP 3

32 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

WALKER, Tom. « 'Even a Still Life Is Alive': Visual Art and Bloomsbury Aesthetics in the Early Poetry of Louis MacNeice ». Cambridge Quarterly 38.3 (2008 [2009, ndlr]):196-213. Consultable en ligne WHITE, Mélanie. « Aristotle's Concept of Energeia in Autumn Journal by Louis MacNeice, Poet, Classics Scholar and Intellectual ». Études irlandaises. 34.2 (2009): 55-69. Consultable en ligne

Contexte : poètes des années 30, poésie anglaise moderne CARTER, Ronald, ed. Thirties Poets: “The Auden Group”. London: Macmillan, 1984. BU : 820.09-1"19" Thi CUNNIGNHAM, Valentine. British Writers of the Thirties. Oxford University Press, 1988. BU : 820(091)"19" CUN HEWISON, Robert. Under Siege: Literary Life in London 1939-1945. 1977. London: Methuen, 1988. BU (mag) : XB27592 HYNES, Samuel. The Auden Generation: Literature and Politics in England in the 1930s. London: Faber & Faber, 1976, 1979. BU (mag) : XB27595 MAXWELL, D. E. S. Poets of the Thirties. London: Routledge, 1969. BU (mag) : XB27643

33 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

SCARFE, Francis. Auden and After: The Liberation of Poetry 19301941. London: Rutledge, 1942. BU (mag) : XB 6676 SOUTHWORTH, James G. “Louis MacNeice”. Sowing the Spring: Studies in British Poets from Hopkins to MacNeice. Oxford University Press, 1940: 136-142. BU (mag) : XB 6682 SPENDER, Stephen. The Thirties and After: Poetry, Politics, People 1933-75. London : Macmillan, 1978. BU : 820"19" SPE 7 Thi SYMONS, Anthony. The Thirties: A Dream Revolved. 1965. London: Faber & Faber, 1975. BU (mag) : Z36726 THWAITE, Anthony. A Critical Guide to British Poetry 1960-1984. London: Longman, 1985. BUFR : 820.09"19" THW BU (mag) : XB21932

Enregistrements audio « Louis MacNeice speaks about, and recites, ‘Bagpipe Music’ ». Youtube. 21 Sept. 2011 Consultable en ligne

34 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016


Sur "Falling man" ABEL, Marco. “Don DeLillo’s ‘In the Ruins of the Future’: Literature, Images, and the Rhetoric of Seeing 9/11.” PMLA 118.5 (October 2003): 1236-1250. Consultable en ligne APITZSCH, Julia. “The Art of Terror — the Terror of Art: DeLillo’s Still Life of 9/11, Giorgio Morandi, Gerhard Richter, and Performance Art.” Terrorism, Media, and the Ethics of Fiction. Transatlantic Perspectives on Don DeLillo. Eds. Peter Schneck & Philip Schweighauser. New York: Continuum, 2010. 93-108. BUFR : 820(73)"19" DEL 8 Ter BATCHELOR, Bob. “Literary Lions Tackle 9/11: Updike and DeLillo Depicting History through the novel.” Radical History Review 111 (Fall 2011): 175-183. Consultable en ligne BIZZINI, Silvia Caporale, “Grieving and Memory in DeLillo’s Falling Man.” Terrorism, Media, and the Ethics of Fiction. Transatlantic Perspectives on Don DeLillo. Eds. Peter Schneck & Philip Schweighauser. New York, Continuum, 2010. 40-50. BUFR : 820(73)"19" DEL 8 Ter CARROLL, Hamilton. “‘Like Nothing in this Life’: September 11 and the Limits of Representation in Don DeLillo’s Falling Man.” Studies in American Fiction 40.1 (Spring 2013): 107-130. Consultable en ligne

35 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

CONNIFF, Brian. “DeLillo’s Ignatian Moment: Religious Longing and Theological Encounter in Falling Man.” Christianity and Literature 63.1 (Autumn 2013): 47-73. Consultable en ligne CONTE, Joseph M. “Writing amid the ruins: 9/11 and Cosmopolis.” The Cambridge Companion to Don DeLillo. Ed. John N. Duvall. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. 179-192. (Reprinted in “Don DeLillo’s Falling Man and the Age of Terror.” Modern Fiction Studies 57.3 (Spring 2011): 559-583.) Consultable en ligne CVEK, Sven. “Killig Politics: The Art of Recovery in Falling Man.” Towering Figures: Reading the 9/11 Archive. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2011, 181-210. Consultable en ligne DEROSA, Aaron. “Alterity and the Radical Other in Post-9/11 Fiction: DeLillo’s Falling Man and Walter’s The Zero.” Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 69.3 (Autumn 2013): 157-183. Consultable en ligne DUVALL, John N. (ed.). “Chronology of DeLillo’s Life and Work.” The Cambridge Companion to Don DeLillo. Ed. John N. Duvall. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. x-xii. BU : 820(73)"19" DEL 8 Cam GREENWALD Smith, Rachel. “Organic Shrapnel: Affect and Aesthetics in September 11 Fiction.” American Literature 83.1 (March 2011): 153-174. Consultable en ligne

36 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

HARACK, Katrina. “Embedded and Embodied Memories: Body, Space, and Time in Don DeLillo’s White Noise and Falling Man.” Contemporary Literature 54.2 (Summer 2013): 303-336. Consultable en ligne KAUFFMAN, Linda S. “The Wake of Terror: Don DeLillo’s ‘In The Ruins of The Future,’ ‘Baader-Meinhof,’ and Falling Man.” Modern Fiction Studies 54.2 (Summer 2008): 353-377. Consultable en ligne KEEBLE, Arin. “Marriage, Relationships, and 9/11: The Seismographic Narratives of Falling Man, The Good Life, and The Emperor’s Children.” The Modern Language Review 106.2 (April 2011): 355-373. Consultable en ligne LEPS, Marie-Christine. “Falling Man: Performing Fiction.” Terrorism, Media, and the Ethics of Fiction. Transatlantic Perspective on Don DeLillo. Eds. Peter Schneck & Philip Schweighauser. New York: Continuum, 2010. 184-203. BUFR : 820(73)"19" DEL 8 Ter MARSHALL, Alan. “From This Point on It’s All about Loss: Attachment to Loss in the Novels of Don DeLillo, from Underworld to Falling Man.” Journal of American Studies 47.3 (August 2013): 621-636. BU (mag) : XBP 47 MAURO, Aaron. “The Languishing of the Falling Man: Don DeLillo and Jonathan Safran Foer’s Photographic History of 9/11.” Modern Fiction Studies 57.3 (Spring 2011): 584-606. Consultable en ligne

37 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

PARISH, Mary J. “9/11 and the Limitations of the Man’s Man Construction of Masculinity in Don DeLillo’s Falling Man.” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 53.3 (2012): 185-200. Consultable en ligne PÖHLMANN, Sascha. “Collapsing Identities: The Representation and Imaginaition of the Terrorist in Falling Man.” in Peter Schneck & Philip Schweighauser (Eds.), Terrorism, Media, and the Ethics of Fiction. Transatlantic Perspectives on Don DeLillo, New York : Continuum, 2010. 51-65. BUFR : 820(73)"19" DEL 8 Ter POLATANSKY, Stefan and Scherzinger, Karen. “Dying Without Death: Temporality, Writing, and Survival in Maurice Blanchot’s The Instant of My Death and Don DeLillo’s Falling Man.” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 54.2 (2013): 124-134. Consultable en ligne TAVEIRA, Rodney. “Don DeLillo, 9/11 and the Remains of Fresh Kills.” M/C Journal 13.4 (2010): n. pag. Consultable en ligne

Sur le 11 septembre AMFREVILLE, Marc. Écrits en souffrance. Figures du trauma dans la littérature nord-américaine. Paris: Michel Houdiard Éditeur, 2009. BUFR : 820(73).09 AMF ANKER, Elizabeth S. “Allegories of Falling and the 9/11 Novel.” American Literary History 23.3 (Fall 2011): 463-482. Consultable en ligne

38 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

BODY-GENDROT, Sophie. La société américaine après le 11 Septembre. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 2002. BU/BUFR : 973.09 BOD BUTLER, Judith. Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence [2004]. London:Verso, 2006. BU : 301.151:32 BUT (en français) DERRIDA, Jacques. “Auto-immunités, suicides réels et symboliques. Un dialogue avec Jacques Derrida,” Le « concept » du 11 Septembre. Dialogue à New York (octobre-décembre 2001) avec Giovanna Borradori. Ed. Giovanna Borradori. Paris: Galilée, 2004. 133-196 BU : 1"19" DER 7 Con DUVALL, John and Robert P. MARZEC. “Narrating 9/11.” Modern Fiction Studies 57.3 (Spring 2011): 381-400. Consultable en ligne FOER, Jonathan Safran. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2006. BU : 820(73)"20" FOE 7 Ext HUNTINGTON, Samuel P. The Clash of Civilizations or the Remaking of World Order [1996]. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2007. BU : Ja2 HUN IROM, Bimbisar. “Alterities in a Time of Terror: Notes on the Subgenre of the American 9/11 Novel.” Contemporary Literature 53.3 (Fall 2012): 517-547. BU (mag) : XAP 113 KAUFFMAN, Linda S. “World Trauma Center.” American Literary History 21.3 (Fall 2009):647-659. Consultable en ligne 39 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

MCEWAN, Ian. Saturday. London: Joanthan Cape, 2005. BU : 820"19" MCE 7 Sat=40 (en français) POWERS, Richard. “The Way We Live Now. Close Reading: Elements of Tragedy; The Simile.” The New York Times (September 23, 2001). Consultable en ligne ŽIŽEK, Slavoy. Welcome to the Desert of the Real! Five Essays on September 11 and Related Dates. New York: Verso, 2002. BU : Ja0.2 ZIZ (en français)


Monographies Ledent, Bénédicte, Caryl Phillips (Manchester: Manchester University Press Contemporary World Writers Series, 2002). BUFR : 820"19" PHI 8 LED Ward, Abigail, Caryl Phillips, David Dabydeen, and Fred D'Aguiar: Representations of Slavery (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2011). BUFR : 820.09"19" WAR

40 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Recueils de textes Ledent, Bénédicte & Daria Tunca, dirs, Caryl Phillips: Writing in the Key of Life (Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2012). BUFR/BU : 820"19" PHI 8 Car

Articles sur Crossing the River "Points of Entanglement: Language and Identity in the Fiction of Caryl Phillips and Patrick Chamoiseau", in Le monde caraïbe: défis et dynamiques--Tome 1. Visions identitaires, diasporas, configurations culturelles, dir. Christian Lerat (Pessac: Maison des Sciences de l'Homme d'Aquitaine, 2005), pp. 141-155. BUFR : En commande Boutros, Fatim, 'Bidirectional Revision: The Connection between Past and Present in Caryl Phillips's Crossing the River', Caryl Phillips: Writing in the Key of Life, dir. Bénédicte Ledent & Daria Tunca (Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2012), pp. 175-190. BUFR/BU : 820"19" PHI 8 Car Di Maio, Alessandra, 'A New World Tribe in Caryl Phillips's A Distant Shore', Caryl Phillips: Writing in the Key of Life, dirs. Bénédicte Ledent & Daria Tunca (Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2012), pp. 249-263. BUFR/BU : 820"19" PHI 8 Car Eckstein, Lars, Re-membering the Black Atlantic: On the Poetics and Politics of Literary Memory (Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2006), especially pp. 63-115. BU : En commande

41 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Garvey, Johanna X. K., 'Passages to Identity: Re-membering the Diaspora in Marshall, Phillips, and Cliff', in Black Imagination and the Middle Passage, dirs. Maria Diedrich, Henry Louis Gates Jr. & Carl Pedersen (New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), pp. 255-270. BU : En commande Joannou, Maroula, '"Go West, Old Woman": The Radical Re-visioning of Slave History in Caryl Phillips's Crossing the River', Slavery and the Cultures of Abolition: Essays Marking the Bicentennial of the British Abolition Act of 1807, dirs. Brycchan Carey & Peter J. Kitson (Cambridge: Brewer, 2007), pp. 195-213. BUFR : 942:326 Sla Julien, Claude, 'Surviving through a Pattern of Timeless Moments: A reading of Caryl Phillips's Crossing the River', Black Imagination and the Middle Passage, dirs. Maria Diedrich, Henry Louis Gates Jr. & Carl Pedersen (New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), pp. 8695. BU : En commande Ledent, Bénédicte, '"Overlapping Territories, Intertwined Histories": Cross-culturality in Caryl Phillips's Crossing the River', Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 30.1 (1995), pp. 55-62. Consultable en ligne Ledent, Bénédicte, 'Remembering Slavery: History as Roots in the Fiction of Caryl Phillips and Fred D'Aguiar', in The Contact and The Culmination: Essays in Honour of Hena Maes-Jelinek, dir. Marc Delrez & Bénédicte Ledent (Liège: L3, 1997), pp. 271-280. BUFR : En commande

42 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Ledent, Bénédicte, '"One is exiled when one refuses to obey the commandments of Conquest Mission": Religion as Metaphor in Caryl Phillips's Diasporic Philosophy', in Missions of Interdependence: A Literary Directory, ed. by Gerhard Stilz (Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2002), pp. 121-130. BU (mag) : XB19934 Ledent, Bénédicte, 'Slavery Revisited Through Vocal Kaleidoscopes: Polyphony in Novels by Fred D'Aguiar and Caryl Phillips', Revisiting Slave Narratives/Les avatars contemporains des récits d'esclaves, dir. Judith Misrahi-Barak (Montpellier: Les Carnets du Cerpac, n°2, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier III, 2005), pp. 281-293. BU (mag) : XB19910 Ledent, Bénédicte, 'Caryl Phillips: The Dignity of the Examined Life', The Routledge Companion to Anglophone Caribbean Literature, dirs Michael A. Bucknor & Alison Donnell (Abingdon & New York: Routledge, 2011), pp. 72-77. BU : 820(729.7/8)(091) Rou Consultable en ligne (ce chapitre uniquement) McLeod, John, 'Postcolonial Fictions of Adoption', Critical Survey, 18.2 (2006), pp. 45-55 (esp. pp. 50-52). Consultable en ligne McLeod, John, '"A sound that is missing": Writing Africa in the Anglophone Caribbean', Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 7.3 (Septembre 2009), pp. 329-342. Consultable en ligne McLeod, John, 'Bearings: Barbara Kingsolver, Caryl Phillips, Jackie Kay', Life Lines: Writing Transcultural Adoption (London & New York: Bloomsbury, 2015), pp. 179-226. BUFR : 820.09 McL 43 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Misrahi-Barak, Judith, 'Post-Beloved Writing: Review, Revitalise, Recalculate', Black Studies Papers, 1.1 (2014), pp. 37-55. [article d’une grande utilité pour ce qui est de la recontextualisation historique et des caractéristiques thématiques et formelles du ‘neo-slave narrative]. Consultable en ligne Muñoz Valdivieso, Sofía, '"Amazing Grace": The Ghosts of Newton, Equiano and Barber in Caryl Phillips's Fiction', Afroeuropa, 2.1 (2008). Consultable en ligne Muñoz-Valdivieso, Sofia, 'Neo-Slave Narratives in Contemporary Black British Fiction', ARIEL, 42.3&4 (2011), pp. 43-59. Consultable en ligne Najar, Imen, 'Caryl Phillips's "Heartland" and Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness: Revisiting Fear – An Intertextual Approach', Caryl Phillips: Writing in the Key of Life, dir. Bénédicte Ledent & Daria Tunca (Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2012), pp. 139-151. BUFR/BU : 820"19" PHI 8 Car Pichler, Susanne, 'Memory in Caryl Phillips's novel Crossing the River (1993)', Acta Scientiarum: Language and Culture, 33.1 (2011), pp. 112. Consultable en ligne Rice Bellamy, Maria, 'Haunting the African Diaspora: Responsibility and Remaining in Caryl Phillips's Crossing the River', African American Review, 47.1 (2014), pp. 129-144. Consultable en ligne

44 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Riemenschneider, Dieter, 'One Hundred Years of Darkness: "I am no longer of Monrovia, having relocated into the Heart of the Country": Caryl Phillips's Crossing the River (1993) writing back to Heart of Darkness (1902)', Being/s in Transit: Travelling, Migration, Dislocation, dir. Liselotte Glage (Amsterdam & Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 2000), pp. 8392. BU : En commande Tournay, Petra, 'Re-telling the Past: Metafictional Elements, Caryl Phillips's Diasporic Narratives', Bridges Across Chasms: Towards a Transcultural Future in Caribbean Literature, dir. Bénédicte Ledent (Liège: L3, 2004), pp. 89-99. BUFR : 820(729).09 Bri

Ouvrages critiques Ashraf Rushdy. Neo-Slave Narratives Studies in the Social Logic of a literary Form. New York : Oxford University Press. BUFR : 820.09 RUS Davis, Charles T. and Henry Louis Gates, Jr, dirs.. The Slave’s Narrative. Oxford : Oxford UP, 1985. BU : 820(73).09 Sla Misrahi-Barak, Judith. Dir. Revisiting Slave Narratives/ Les avatars contemporains des récits d’esclaves. Montpellier : Service des Publications de Montpellier III, 2004. BU (mag) : XB19910 Smith, Valerie. Self-Discovery and Authority in Afro-American Narrative. Cambridge, MA : Harvard UP, 1987. BU : 820(73).09-3"19" SMI 45 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Récits historiques Cugoano, Ottobah. Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil of Slavery. Londres, Penguin Books, 1999 (1787) BU : 942:325 CUG BUFR : 942:326 CUG Equiano, Olaudah. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, Or Gustavus Vassa, the African. Londres, Penguin Books, 2003 (1789) BU (mag) : XB25294 Consultable en ligne

Romans appartenant au genre des récits d’esclaves D'Aguiar, Fred. Feeding the Ghosts. London : Chatto &Windus, 1997. BUFR : 820"19" DAG 7 Fee Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York : Knopf, 1987. BU : 820(73)"19" MOR 7 Bel=40 (en français) XB31492 (en anglais)

Articles sur la question de l’esclavage et sa représentation Major, Clarence. ‘The Slave Trade : View from the Middle Passage.’ African American Review 28 (Printemps 1994) : 11-22. Consultable en ligne Unchained Voices, An Anthology of Black Authors in the Englishspeaking World of the 18th Century. Lexington : the U Press of Kentucky, 2004 [1996] BU : 820(73)(091)"17" CAR Unc 46 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016


Approches contextuelles DEKKER, George & John P. Williams, eds, James Fenimore Cooper: The Critical Heritage, London / New York, Routledge, 1997 (1973), p. 89-119 (comprend une sélection de textes critiques écrits du vivant de Cooper) BU (mag) : XB25340 WALLACE, James D., Early Cooper and His Audience, New York, Columbia University Press, 1986 BU(mag) : XB 11775 HAVARD, Gilles & Mickaël AUGERON, dir., Un Continent en partage. Cinq siècles de rencontres entre Amérindiens et Français, Paris, Les Indes Savantes, 2013 BUFR : 970/980 Con BU : 970 Con HOWE, Daniel Walker, What Hath God Wrought. The Transformation of America 1815-1848, New York, Oxford University Press, 2007 BUFR/BU : 973.04/.08 HOW MARIENSTRAS, Élise, Les mythes fondateurs de la nation américaine, Paris, Maspero, 1976 BUFR : 973:32 MAR BU : 973 MAR

47 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

ONUF, Peter, Jefferson’s Empire: The Language of American Nationhood, Charlottesville, The University Press of Virginia, 2000 BUFR : 973:32 ONU ROSSIGNOL, Marie-Jeanne, Le Ferment nationaliste. Aux origines de la politique extérieure des États-Unis (1789-1812), Paris, Belin, 1997 BUFR/BU : 973:327 ROS VAN RYUMBEKE, Bertrand, L’Amérique avant les États-Unis. Une histoire de l’Amérique anglaise – 1497-1776, Paris, Flammarion, 2013 BUFR : 970/980 VAN BU : 970 VAN WULF, Naomi, « Biographie et histoire dans la jeune République », Transatlantica [En ligne], 1 | 2002 Consultable en ligne

Travaux généraux sur Cooper CABAU, Jacques, La Prairie perdue : le roman américain, Paris, Seuil, 1981 (1966) (notamment p. 18-24 : « La prairie romanesque ») BUFR/BU : 820(73).09-3 CAB CLAVEL, Marcel, Fenimore Cooper : Sa Vie et son oeuvre. La jeunesse (1789-1826), Aix-en-Provence, Imprimerie Universitaire de Provence, 1938 BU (mag) : XB 5623 CLARK, Robert, ed., James Fenimore Cooper: New Critical Essays, London / Totowa (NJ), Vision Press and Barnes & Noble, 1985 BU (mag) : XB 10127 48 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

COOPER S. F., The Cooper Gallery, or Pages and Pictures from the Writings of James Fenimore Cooper, New York, J. Muller, 1865, p. 121-141 (texte écrit par la fille de Cooper). Consultable en ligne FIELDS, Wayne, ed., James Fenimore Cooper: A Collection of Critical Essays, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1979 BU (mag) : XB 10127 HOUSE, Kay Seymour, Cooper’s Americans, Columbus, Ohio State University Press, 1965 BU (mag) : XB23212 HUTSON, Richard, “1826: Natty Bumppo Returns in The Last of The Mohicans: Cooper’s Leatherstocking Tales,” in Greil Marcus & Werner Sollors, eds., A New Literary History of America, Cambridge, MA, Harvard UP, 2009, p. 182-187 BU : 820(73)(091) New KELLY, William P., Plotting America’s Past: Fenimore Cooper and The Leatherstocking Tales, Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press, 1983 BU (mag) : XB 17228 LEWIS, R. W. B., The American Adam: Innocence, Tragedy, and Tradition in the Nineteenth Century, Chicago, Chicago University Press, 1955, p. 98-105 BU (mag) : XB1157 McWILLIAMS, John P., Jr., Political Justice in a Republic: James Fenimore Cooper’s America, Berkeley / London, University of California Press, 1972 BU (mag) : XB25341 49 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

MOTLEY, Warren, The American Abraham: James Fenimore Cooper and the Frontier Patriarch, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1987 BU (mag) : XB25342 RAILTON, Stephen, Fenimore Cooper: A Study of His Life and Imagination, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1978 BUFR : 820(73)"18" COO 8 RAI BU (mag) : XB25344 TAYLOR, Alan, “Fenimore Cooper’s America,” History Today 46. 2 (February 1996), p. 21-27 Consultable en ligne TWAIN, Mark, “Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offenses,” The North American Review 161 (July 1895), p. 1-12 Consultable en ligne WATTS, Steven, « Visions ténébreuses d’un oeil de verre: James Fenimore Cooper ou la mémoire trahie », in Élise Marienstras et MarieJeanne Rossignol dir., Mémoire privée, mémoire collective dans l’Amérique pré-industrielle, Paris, Berg International, 1994, p. 191-210 BU : 970/980 Men ZOELLNER, Robert H., “Conceptual Ambivalence in Cooper’s Leatherstocking,” American Literature 31 (January 1960), p. 397-420 Consultable en ligne

50 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Recueils consacrés à the Last of the Mohicans McWILLIAMS, John P., The Last of the Mohicans : Civil Savagery and Savage Civility, New York, Twayne Publishers / Maxwell Macmillan International, 1995 BU (mag) : XB 13721

Écriture de l’histoire, la romance historique AXELRAD, Allan M., History and Utopia: A Study of the World View of James Fenimore Cooper, Norwood, PA, Norwood Editions, 1978 Consultable en ligne BUTLER, Michael D., “Narrative Structure and Historical Process in The Last of the Mohicans,” American Literature 48 (May 1976), p. 117139 Consultable en ligne FIEDLER, Leslie, “James Fenimore Cooper and the Historical Romance,” in Love and Death in the American Novel, New York, Scarborough House, 1982 (1960), chapitre 7 BU : 820(73)"19" FIE 7 Lov KELLY, William P., “‘A Man without a Cross: Mohicans and the Cyclic Course of Empire,” in Plotting America’s Past: Fenimore Cooper and The Leatherstocking Tales, Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press, 1983, p. 45-84 BU (mag) : XB 17228 MILDER, Robert, “The Last of the Mohicans and New World Fall,” American Literature 52 (November 1980), p. 407-429 Consultable en ligne 51 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

PHILBRICK, Thomas, “The Last of the Mohicans and the Sounds of Discord,” American Literature 43 (March 1971), p. 25-41 Consultable en ligne PITCHER, E. W., “Cooper’s Cunning and Heyward as Cunning-Man in The Last of the Mohicans,” ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 9. 1 (Winter 1996), p. 10-17 Consultable en ligne PUDALOFF, Ross J., “Cooper’s Genres and American Problems,” ELH 50 (1983), p. 711-727 Consultable en ligne ROSE, Marilyn Gaddis, “Time Discrepancy in The Last of the Mohicans,” American Notes and Queries 8 (January 1970), p. 72-73 Consultable en ligne

Influences littéraires, sources GATES, W. B., “Cooper’s Indebtedness to Shakespeare,” Publications of the Modern Language Association 67 (9/1952), p. 716-731 Consultable en ligne McALEER, John, “Biblical Analogy in the Leatherstocking Tales,” Nineteenth-Century Fiction 17 (December 1962), p. 217-235 BU (mag) : XBP 28 PHILBRICK, Thomas, “The Sources of Cooper’s Knowledge of Fort William Henry,” American Literature 36 (May 1964), p. 209-214 Consultable en ligne

52 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

PITCHER, E. W., “The ‘Hapless Babes’ of the Frontier: Ovid, ‘The History of Maria Kittle,’ and The Last of the Mohicans,” ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 13. 3, (Summer 2000), p. 33-37 Consultable en ligne TODD, Emily B., “Establishing Routes for Fiction in the United States: Walter Scott’s Novels and the Early Nineteenth-Century American Publishing Industry,” Book History 12 (2009), p. 100-128 Consultable en ligne VANDIVER, Edward P., Jr., “James Fenimore Cooper and Shakespeare,” Shakespeare Association Bulletin 15 (April 1940), p. 110-117 Consultable en ligne

La langue de Cooper BLAKEMORE, Steven, “Strange Tongues: Cooper’s Fiction of Language in The Last of the Mohicans,” Early American Literature 19 (Spring 1984), p. 21-41 Consultable en ligne HELLER, Louis G., “Two Pequot Names in American Literature,” American Speech 36 (February 1961), p. 54-67 Consultable en ligne POIRIER, Richard, A World Elsewhere: The Place of Style in American Literature, New York, Oxford University Press, 1966, p. 7177 BU (mag) : XB4342

53 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

ROSENWALD, Lawrence, “The Last of the Mohicans and the Languages of America,” College English 60. 1 (Jan 1998), p. 9-30 Consultable en ligne

La nature, la frontière, le paysage KOLODNY, Annette, Lay of the Land: Metaphor as Experience and History in American Life and Letters, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1975, p. 89-115 (“Natty Bumppo as The American Dream: The Leatherstocking Tales of James Fenimore Cooper”) BU (mag) : XB 9009 NOBLE, David, “Cooper, Leatherstocking and the Death of the American Adam,” American Quarterly 16 (Fall 1964), p. 419-431 Consultable en ligne PECK, H. Daniel, A World by Itself: The Pastoral Moment in Cooper’s Fiction, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1977 BU (mag) : XB 9760 “James Fenimore Cooper and the Writers of the Frontier,” in Emory Elliot, ed., Columbia Literary History of the United States, New York, Columbia University Press, 1987, p. 240-261 BUFR/BU : 820(73)(091) Col “James Fenimore Cooper and Thomas Cole: An Analogous Technique,” American Literature 30 (1958), p. 28-36 Consultable en ligne

54 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

SLOTKIN, Richard. Regeneration through Violence: The Mythology of the American Frontier, 1600-1860, Middletown, Conn., Wesleyan UP, 1973 [chapter 11: “Society and Solitude : The Frontier Myth and Romantic Literature, 1795-1825”, chapter 12: “The Fragmented Image : The Boone Myth and Sectional Cultures, 1820-1850”, chapter 13: “Man Without a Cross: The Leatherstocking Myth (1823-1841).” BU (mag) : XB23100 SMITH, Henry Nash, Virgin Land: The American West as Symbol and Myth, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1950, p. 59-70 BU : 820(73)"18" SMI TANNER, Tony, Scenes of Nature, Signs of Men, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, p. 1-24 (surtout les premières pages) BUFR/BU : 820(73).09 TAN

Études de genre SHIELDS, Juliet, “Savage and Scott-ish Masculinity in The Last of the Mohicans and The Prairie: James Fenimore Cooper and the Diasporic Origins of American Identity,” Nineteenth-Century Literature 64. 2 (September 2009), p. 137-162 BU (mag) : XBP 28

Amérindiens / ethnicité ALLEN, Dennis W., “‘By All the Truth of Signs’: James Fenimore Cooper’s The Last of the Mohicans,” Studies in American Fiction 9 (Fall 1981), p. 159-179 Consultable en ligne 55 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

BROWN, Harry, “‘The Horrid Alternative’: Miscegenation in the Frontier Romance,” Journal of American Culture 24 (Fall-Winter 2001), p. 137151 Consultable en ligne CHRISTOPHERSEN, Bill, “The Last of the Mohicans and the Missouri Crisis,” Early American Literature 46. 2 (2011), p. 263-289 Consultable en ligne CLARK, Robert, “‘The Last of the Mohicans’: The Last of the Iroquois,” in History, Ideology and Myth in American Fiction. 1823-1852, New York, St Martin’s Press, 1984, p. 79-95 BU (mag) : XB 17526 DARNELL, Donald, “Uncas as a Hero: The ‘Ubi Sunt’ Formula in The Last of the Mohicans,” American Literature 37 (November 1965), p. 259-266 Consultable en ligne DERAIL-IMBERT, Agnès, « The Last of the Mohicans ou l’incarnat de la nation », Revue Française d’Études Américaines 105 (septembre 2005), p. 27-43 BU (mag) : XBP 54 FRENCH, David P., “James Fenimore Cooper and Fort William Henry,” American Literature 32 (March 1960), p. 28-38 Consultable en ligne PITCHER, Edward W., “Anticipated Torments and Indian Tortures in The Last of the Mohicans,” ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 7. 4 (1994), p. 215-219 Consultable en ligne

56 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

PITCHER, Edward W., “The Beaver and His Cousin in Cooper’s The Last of the Mohicans,” ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 8. 2 (Spring 1995), p. 11-16 Consultable en ligne ROSSIGNOL, Marie-Jeanne, « Mémorialistes de la prairie perdue : les naturalistes dans l’Ouest américain 1789-1830 », in Élise Marienstras et Marie-Jeanne Rossignol dir., Mémoire privée, mémoire collective dans l’Amérique pré-industrielle, Paris, Berg International, 1994, p. 211-223 BU : 970/980 Men WARDROP, Stephanie, “Last of the Red Hot Mohicans: Miscegenation in the Popular American Romance,” MELUS 22. 2 (Summer 1997), p. 61-74 Consultable en ligne WHITE, Richard, The Middle Ground: Indians, Empires and Republics in the Great Lakes Region 1650-1815, Cambridge / New York, Cambridge University Press, 1991 (surtout l’introduction) BU : 970 WHI

57 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016


Ouvrages/articles généraux sur les années 1970 et l’idée de « crise » BECKETT, Andy, When the Lights Went Out: Britain in the Seventies, London, Faber & Faber, 2010. BUFR : 942.09 BEC BLACK, Lawrence et al., Reassessing 1970s Britain, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2013. BUFR : 942.09 Rea CHILDS, D., Britain since 1945: A Political History, (7th edition), Abingdon, Oxon, New York, Routledge, 2012. BU : Ja3.0 CHI GARNETT, Mark, From Anger to Apathy: The Story of Politics, Society and Popular culture in Britain since 1975, London, Vintage Books, 2008. BUFR : 942.09 GAR HARRISON, B., Finding a Role? The United Kingdom 1970-1990, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010. BU (mag) : Z 38019 LEE, Stephen, J., British Political History, 1914-1995, London, New York, Routledge, 1996. (chapters 14, 19, 21, 22, 23). BU/BUFR : 942:32 LEE

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LERUEZ, Jacques & LERUEZ, Janine, Le Royaume-Uni au XXe siècle, Paris, Ellipses, 1997.(chapitres 17, 19, 20, 21). BU/BUFR : 942.09 LER LOWE, R., “Life Begins in the Seventies?”, Journal of Contemporary History, 42:1, 2007, pp. 161-169. BU (mag) : ZP 125 Consultable en ligne NAIRN, Tom, The Break-up of Britain: Crisis and Neo-Nationalism, London, New Left Books, 1977. BUFR : 942:008 NAI BU : Ja3.0 NAI SANDBROOK, Dominic, Seasons in the Sun: The Battle for Britain, 1974-1979, London, Penguin, 2013. BUFR : 942.09 SAN SANDBROOK, Dominic, State of Emergency: The Way We State of Emergency: The Way We Were, Britain 1970-1974, London, Penguin, 2010. BUFR : 942.09 SAN SKED, A. & COOK, C., Post-War Britain (A Political History), (2nd edition), London, Penguin, 1984. (chapters 10-12). BU : 942.08 SKE TIRATSOO N., “You’ve Never Had It so Bad?”, in TIRATSOO, N., ed., From Blitz to Blair: A New History of Britain since 1939, London, Phoenix, 1998, pp. 173-190. BUFR : 942.09 Fro

59 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

TURNER, Alwyn, W., Crisis, What Crisis? Britain in the 1970s. London, Aurum, 2013. BUFR : 942.09 TUR

Enjeux Politiques BECK, P. et al., eds., Electoral Change in Advanced Industrial Societies, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1984. (pp. 298339). BU (mag) : J 7419 BUTLER, D. & STOKES, D., Political Change in Britain: The Evolution of Electoral Choice, (2nd edition), London, Macmillan, 1974. BU (mag) : J 4437 DOUGLAS, J., “The Overloaded Crown”, British Journal of Political Science, 6:4, 1976, pp. 483-505. Consultable en ligne KING, A., “Overload: Problems of Governing in the 1970s”, Political Studies, 23:2-3, 1975, pp. 284-296. BU (mag) : JaP 12 Consultable en ligne ROSE, R., “Ungovernability: Is There Fire behind the Smoke?”, Political Studies, 27:3, 1979, pp. 351-370. BU (mag) : JaP 12 Consultable en ligne SARLVIK, BO, Decade of Dealignment: the Conservative Victory of 1979 and Electoral Trends in the 1970s, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1983. BU (mag) : J 7422

60 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Partis politiques COATES, K., The Crisis of British Socialism: Essays on the Rise of Harold Wilson and the Fall of the Labour Party, London, Spokesman, 1971. BU (mag) : Z35708 COOK, Chris, A Short History of the Liberal Party, 1900-2001, (6th edition), Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2002. (pp. 137–173). BU : 942:32 COO (4e édition) DUTTON, David, A History of the Liberal Party in the Twentieth Century, Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2004. (pp. 184—240). BUFR : 942:32 DUT EDGAR, David, “Racism Fascism and the Politics of the National Front”, Race and Class, Vol. 19, n° 2, Autumn 1977. Consultable en ligne NUGENT, N. & KING, R., ed., The British Right, Hants, Saxon House, 1977. BU (mag) : J 6327 PORRITT, J. & WINNER, D., The Coming of the Greens, London, Fontana/Collins, 1988. BU (mag) : Z36014 RUDIG, Wolfgang & COLE, Philip, “The Withered Greening of British Politics: A Study of the Ecology Party”, Political Studies 34, June, 1986, pp. 262-284. BU (mag) : JaP 12 Consultable en ligne

61 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Petits partis nationalistes/dévolution ABALAIN, Hervé, Le pays de Galles. Identité, modernité, Crozon, Armeline, 2000. BU : Ja3.0 ABA BUFR : 942 ABA BOGDANOR, Vernon, Devolution in the United Kingdom, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999. BU : Ja3.0 BOG BUFR : 942:32 BOG CAMP-PIETRAIN, Edwige, La Dévolution. Ecosse, Pays de Galles, Neuilly, Atlande, 2006. BU : Ja3.0 CAM BUFR : 942:32 CAM CIVARDI, Christian & JONES, Moya, eds., « La Dévolution des Pouvoirs à l'Ecosse et au pays de Galles », Revue française de civilisation britannique, vol. XIV, n°1, 2006. BU (mag) : XBP 62 DUCLOS, Nathalie, La Dévolution des pouvoirs à l'Ecosse et au pays de Galles 1966-1999, Nantes, éditions du Temps, 2007. BU : 942.09 DUC LERUEZ, Jacques, L'Ecosse. Vieille nation, jeune Etat, Crozon, Armeline, 2000. BU/BUFR : 941.1 LER JONES, Moya & LEYDIER, Gilles, La Dévolution des pouvoirs à l'Ecosse et au pays de Galles, Paris, CNED/Armand Colin, 2006. BUFR : 942:32 JON

62 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Irlande du Nord BARDON, J., A History of Ulster, (4th edition), Belfast, The Blackstaff Press, 2001. BU/BUFR : 941.5 BAR BEATTIE-SMITH, W., The British State and the Northern Ireland Crisis, 1969—73: From Violence to Power Sharing, Washington, US Institute of Peace Press, 2011. BUFR : 941.5 BEA Bloody Sunday Inquiry Website. Consultable en ligne MAILLOT, A., IRA : Les Républicains irlandais, (2nd édition), Caen, Presses Universitaires de Caen, 1998. BU : Ja3.0 MAI MCDAID, S., Template for Peace. Northern Ireland, 1972–75, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2013. BUFR : 941.5 McD

Questions économiques BLACK, L. & Pemberton, H., eds., An Affluent Society: Britain’s ‘Golden Age’ Revisited, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2004. BU (mag) : J19741 BLACK, Lawrence & PEMBERTON, Hugh, “The ‘Winter of Discontent’ in British Politics”, Political Quarterly, N° 80, 2009, pp. 553561. Consultable en ligne 63 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

COATES, D., The Crisis of Labour: Industrial Relations and the State in Contemporary Britain, Oxford, Philip Allan, 1989. BU (mag) : Z36191 HAY, Colin, “Chronicles of a Death Foretold: The Winter of Discontent and Construction of the Crisis of British Keynesianism”, Parliamentary Affairs, N° 63, 2010, pp. 446-470. Consultable en ligne HAY, Colin, “Narrating Crisis: The Discursive Construction of the ‘Winter of Discontent’”, Sociology, 30:2, 1996, pp. 253-277. Consultable en ligne HAY, Colin, “The Winter of Discontent Thirty Years On”, Political Quarterly, 80:4, 2009, pp. 545-552. BU (mag) : JaP 17 Consultable en ligne LAYBOURN, Keith, A History of British Trade Unionism, 1770-1990, Stroud, Wolfeboro Falls, NH, A. Sutton, 1992. BU : 942:3 LAY MATTHIJS Matthias, Ideas and Economic Crises in Britain from Attlee to Blair (1945-2005), London, Routledge, 2010. (Chapter 1 and chapter 4). BUFR : 942:33 MAT MIDDLETON, R., “The Political Economy of Decline”, Journal of Contemporary History, 41:3, 2006, pp. 573-586. BU (mag) : ZP 125 Consultable en ligne

64 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

PELLING, Henry, A History of British Trade Unionism, London, Penguin, 1982. BUFR : 942:334 PEL (en anglais) BU : 942:3 PEL (en anglais + en français) SUPPLE, B., E., “Fear of Falling: Economic History and the Decline of Britain”, Economic History Review, 47:3, 1994, pp. 441-458. Consultable en ligne TAYLOR, Robert, The Fifth Estate: Britain's Unions in the Seventies, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978. BU (mag) : Z 14605 THOMAS, J., “Bound in by History: The Winter of Discontent in British Politics, 1979-2004”, Media, Culture and Society, 29:2, 2007, pp. 263283. Consultable en ligne THOMPSON, Noel, W., Political Economy and the Labour Party: The Economics of Democratic Socialism 1884-2005, (2nd edition), New York, Routledge, 2006. BU : 942:33 THO TOMLINSON, J., “Inventing ‘Decline’: The Falling behind of the British Economy in the Post-War Years, Economic History Review, 49:4, 1996, pp. 734-760. Consultable en ligne TOMLINSON, J., “Thrice Denied: ‘Declinism’ as a Recurrent Theme in British History in the Long Twentieth Century”, Twentieth Century British History, 20:2, 2009, pp. 227-251. Consultable en ligne

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WIENER, M., J., English Culture and the Decline of Industrial Spirit, 1850-1980, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1981. BU (mag) : Z30335 WRIGLEY, Chris, British Trade Unions since 1933, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012. BU : Ja3.0 WRI

Les enjeux de l’intégration européenne FORSTER, A., Euroscepticism in Contemporary British Politics: Opposition to Europe in the British Conservative and Labour Party since 1945, London, Routledge, 2002. BU : Ja3.0 FOR GEORGE, S., An Awkward Partner: Britain in the European Community, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1994. BU/BUFR : 942.09 GEO KITZINGER, U., Diplomacy and Persuasion: How Britain Joined the Common Market, London, Thames and Hudson, 1973. BU (mag) : J 5763 (en français) LEIBER, R., J., British Politics and European Unity: Parties, Elites and Pressure Groups, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1970. BU (mag) : J 4635 SCHNAPPER, P., La Grande-Bretagne et l’Europe : Le Grand malentendu, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2000. BU : Ja3.0 SCH

66 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Politiques sociales BALL, S. J., Class Strategies and the Education Market: The Middle Classes and Social Advantage, London, Routledge, 2003. BU (mag) : MS18262 BENN, C., & Chitty, C., Thirty Years on: Is Comprehensive Education Alive and Well or Struggling to Survive?, London, David Fulton Publishers, 1996. BUFR : 942:37 BEN BERRIDGE, Virginia, Health and Society in Britain Since 1939, Cambridge, Cambridge BU (mag) : Z36531 CALLAGHAN, J., “Towards a national debate”, Ruskin College Oxford, 18 October 1976, Consultable en ligne CHITTY, C., Towards a New Education System: The Victory of the New Right?, London, New York, Falmer Press, 1989. BU (mag) : MD7548 DENT, H. C., Education in England and Wales, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1979. BU (mag) : MD7558 EDWARDS, T. & POWER, S., eds., Education and the Middle Class, Buckingham, Open University Press, 2003. BU (mag) : MS18152 HILL, M., The Welfare State in Britain (A Political History since 1945), Aldershot, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1993. BU : Ja3.0 HIL 67 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

HOPKINS, A., The School Debate, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1978. BU (mag) : M 3602 JONES, B., ed., Political Issues in Britain Today, (3rd edition), Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1989. BU : Ja3.0 Pol KLEIN, Rudolph, The Politics of the NHS, London, New York, Longman, 1989. BUFR : En commande KOKER-SMITH, A., Le Système de santé anglais à l’épreuve des réformes managériales, Rennes, PUR, 2010. (pp. 33-45). BU : Lg6(4) KOB LELAIDIER, V., L’Enseignement en Angleterre, Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 1992. BUFR : 942:37 LEL BU : 37(41) LEL LEMOSSE, M., Education in England and Wales: from 1870 to the Present Day, Paris, Longman France, 1992. BU : 37(41) Edu LEMOSSE, M., Le Système éducatif anglais depuis 1944, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2000. BUFR : 942:37 LEM BU : 37(41) LEM LOWE, R., The Welfare State in Britain since 1945, (2nd edition), Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1999. BUFR : 942:3 LOW BU : Ja3.0 LOW

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SANDERSON, M., Education and Economic Decline in Britain, 1870 to the 1990s, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999. BUFR : 942:3 SAN TIMMINS, N., The Five Giants: A Biography of the Welfare State, London, Fontana Press, 1995. BUFR : 942:3 TIM

Musique et mouvement Punk ROBB, John, Punk Rock: An Oral History, London, Ebury, 2006. BUFR : 78(42) ROB SAVAGE, Jon, England's Dreaming: The Sex Pistols and Punk Rock, London, Faber & Faber, 2005. BUFR : 942.09 SAV BU : 785.16 SEX SAV (en français)

Questions sociales/sociétales RYDER, J., & SILVER, H., Modern English Society, (3rd edition). London, Methuen, 1985. BU (mag) : MS15276 WEEKS, J., Coming Out (Homosexual Politics in Britain from the Nineteenth Century to the Present), London, New York, Quartet Books, 1990. (pp. 185-230). BUFR : En commande

69 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Mémoires, autobiographies, biographies politiques PIMLOTT, B., Harold Wilson, London, HarperCollins, 1992. BUFR : 942:32 PIM


Ouvrages généraux sur la période Patterson, James T. Restless Giant: The United States from Watergate to Bush v. Gore. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. BUFR : 973.09 PAT Portes, Jacques. Histoire des États-Unis. De 1776 à nos jours. Paris: Armand Colin, 2010. BU : 973 POR

Le Parti Républicain Gould, Lewis L. Grand Old Party. A History of the Republicans. 2003. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. BUFR : 973:32 GOU Mason, Robert. The Republican Party and American Politics from Hoover to Reagan. 2012. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. BUFR : 973:32 MAS

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Le système des partis et leur fonctionnement Campbell, Angus, Philip E. Converse, Warren E. Miller, and Donald E. Stokes. The American Voter. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1960. BU (mag) : M 7328 Gerring, John. Party Ideologies in America, 1828-1996. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. BU : 973:32 GER Keyssar, Alexander. The Right to Vote: The Contested History of Democracy in the United States. 2000. New York: Basic Books, 2009. BU (mag) : Z33343 Sicard, Pierre. Les partis et la vie politique aux États-Unis. Paris: Armand Colin, 2012. BUFR : 973:32 SIC BU : Ja3.31 SIC Wattenberg, Martin P. The Decline of American Political Parties, 1952-1984. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986. BUFR : 973 : 32 WAT BU : Ja3.31 WAT

L'ascension républicaine et ses enjeux idéologiques Berman, William C. America’s Right Turn: From Nixon to Clinton. 1994. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998. BUFR : 973:32 BER

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Caré, Sébastien. La pensée libertarienne : genèse, fondements et horizons d’une utopie libérale. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 2009. BU : Ja0.2 CAR Caré, Sébastien. Les libertariens aux États-Unis : Sociologie d’un mouvement asocial. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2010. BUFR : 973:32 CAR BU : Ja3.31 CAR Frank, Thomas. What’s the Matter with Kansas? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America. New York: Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt and Company, 2004. BU : Ja3.31 FRA Himmelstein, Jerome L. To the Right. The Transformation of American Conservatism. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990. BUFR : 973:32 HIM Meyer, Alix. Les Républicains au Congrès: la résistible ascension des conservateurs américains. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2015. BUFR : 973:32 MEY Micklethwait, John, and Adrian Woolridge. The Right Nation. Conservative Power in America. New York: The Penguin Press, 2004. BUFR : 973 : 32 MIC Schoenwald, Jonathan M. A Time for Choosing: The Rise of Modern American Conservatism. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. BU : Ja3.31 SCH

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Le sud et la southern strategy Bass, Jack, and Walter De Vries. The Transformation of Southern Politics: Social Change and Political Consequences since 1945. New York: Basic Books, 1976. BU (mag) : Z 14162 Black, Earl, and Merle Black. The Rise of Southern Republicans. Cambridge: Belknap Press, 2003. BU : Ja3.31 BLA Kruse, Kevin. White Flight: Atlanta and the Making of Modern Conservatism. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007. BU : Ja3.31 KRU Lassiter, Matthew D. The Silent Majority: Suburban Politics in the Sunbelt South. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. BU : 301.188:71 LAS Phillips, Kevin. The Emerging Republican Majority. 1969. Princeton University Press, 2014. BU (mag) : J 5100

Les droits civiques Carter, Dan T. From George Wallace to Newt Gingrich: Race in the Conservative counterrevolution, 1963-1984. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1996. BU (mag) : Z36469 Frymer, Paul. Uneasy Alliances: Race and Party Competition in America. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010. BU : Ja3.31 FRY 73 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Kotlowski, Dean J. Nixon’s Civil Rights: Politics, Principle, and Policy. Boston: Harvard University Press, 2002. BU : 973:32 KOT

Les hispaniques et la question de l'immigration Abrajano, Marisa, and Zoltan L. Hajnal. White Backlash: Immigration, Race, and American Politics. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2015. BUFR : 973:32 ABR

Politique économique Bartels, Larry. Unequal Democracy : The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010. BU : Lg6(7) BAR

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Wills, Garry. Under God: Religion and American Politics. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990. BUFR : 973:2 WIL

La cour suprême Sunstein, Cass R., Richard A Epstein et al. The Vote: Bush, Gore, and the Supreme Court. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2001. BUFR : 973.09 SUN

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Vaïsse, Justin. Histoire du néoconservatisme aux États-Unis : Le triomphe de l'idéologie. Paris: Odile Jacob, 2008. BU : Ja3.31 VAI Woodward, Bob. Plan of Attack. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004. BUFR : 973.09 WOO

Les présidences républicaines Ambrose, Stephen. Nixon: The Triumph of a Politician, 1962-1972. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989. BUFR : 973.09 AMB Cannon, James M. Time and Chance: Gerald Ford’s Appointment with History. 1994. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1998. BUFR : 973.09 CAN BU : 973.092 CAN Coppolani, Antoine. Richard Nixon. Fayard: Paris, 2013. BUFR : 973.09 COP Draper, Robert J. Dead Certain. The Presidency of George W. Bush. New York: Free Press, 2007. BU : 973.09 DRA Edwards, George C., Desmond S King et al. The Polarized Presidency of George W. Bush. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. BU : Ja3.31 Pol Galvin, Daniel J. Presidential Party Building: Dwight D. Eisenhower to George W. Bush. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009. BU : 973:32 GAL 76 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Greenstein, Fred. The Hidden-Hand Presidency. 1982. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. BU : 973.092 GRE Michelot, Vincent. L'empereur de la Maison de la Maison Blanche. Paris: Armand Colin, 2004. BUFR : 973:32 MIC BU : Ja3.31 MIC Mieczkowski, Yanek. Gerald Ford and the Challenges of the 1970s. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 2005. BU : 973.092 MIE Milkis, Sidney M. The President and the Parties: The Transformation of the American Party System since the New Deal. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. BU : 973.09 MIL Parmet, Herbert. George Bush: The Life of a Lone Star Yankee. New York: A Lisa Drew Book / Scribner, 1997. BUFR : 973.09 PAR Perlstein, Rick. The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2014. BUFR : 973.09 PER Schaller, Michael. Right Turn: American Life in the Reagan-Bush Era, 1980-1992. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. BU : 973.092 SCH Skowronek, Stephen. The Politics Presidents Make: Leadership from John Adams to Bill Clinton. 1993. Cambridge: Belknap Press, 1997. BU : Ja3.31 SKO 77 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Small, Melvin. The Presidency of Richard Nixon. Lawrence: The University Press of Kansas, 1999. BUFR : 973.09 SMA BU : 973.092 SMA Smith, Gary S. Faith & the Presidency. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. BU : 973:32 SMI

Figures républicaines et conservatrices Carter, Dan T. The Politics of Rage: George Wallace, the Origins of New Conservatism, and the Transformation of American Politics. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995. BUFR : 973:32 CAR Critchlow, Donald T. Phyllis Schlafly and Grassroots Conservatism: A Woman’s Crusade. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007. BU : 973:32 CRI Harvey, David. A Brief History of Neoliberalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. BUFR : L HAR BU : Lf1 HAR

Éléments du canon conservateur Hayek, Friedrich. The Constitution of Liberty. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1960. BU (mag) : L41400

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Hayek, Friedrich. The Road to Serfdom. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1944. BU : Le2 HAY (en français) Huntington, Samuel P. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996. BU : Ja2 HUN

Kirk, Russell. The Conservative Mind, from Burke to Santayana. Chicago: Regnery, 1953. BU (mag) : V 4080 Popper, Karl. The Open Society and Its Enemies. London: Routledge, 1945. BU (mag) : S 14586

Mémoires, témoignages Bush, George W. Decision Points. New York: Random House, 2010. BU (en français) : Ja3.31 BUS

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Hayton, Cruickshanks, Handley, Hayton David William ..., Cruickshanks Eveline, and Handley Stuart. The History of Parliament the House of Commons, 1690-1715. Cambridge: Publ. for the History of Parliament Trust by Cambridge University Press, 2002. BU : 942:32 Hou Hill, Barrois, and Barrois Jean-Pierre. La Révolution Anglaise 1640. Saint-Maurice (94410): Ed. De La Passion, 1993. BU (mag) : Z 17846 Holmes, Geoffrey S. The Making of a Great Power Late Stuart and Early Georgian Britain, 1660-1722. Second Impression ed. Foundations of Modern Britain. London New York: Longman, 1995. BUFR/BU : 942.06 HOL Israel, Jonathan Irvine. The Dutch Republic Its Rise, Greatness, and Fall 1477-1806. The Oxford History of Early Modern Europe. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998. BU : 949.2 ISR Jettot, Bély, and Bély Lucien ... Représenter Le Roi Ou La Nation ? Les Parlementaires Dans La Diplomatie Anglaise (1660-1702). Collection Du Centre Roland Mousnier. Paris: PUPS, 2012. BU : 942.06 JET Kenyon, John Philipps. The Stuart Constitution, 1603-1688 Documents and Commentary. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] New York: Cambridge University Press, 1976. BU (mag) : Z35815 81 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

Knights, Mark. Representation and Misrepresentation in Later Stuart Britain Partisanship and Political Culture. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. BU : 942.06 KNI Kramnick, Isaac. « Augustan politics and English historiography : the Debate on the English Past, 1730-1735 », History and Theory, vol.VI, n°1, 1967, pp.33-56. Consultable en ligne Lessay, Locke, Filmer, and Filmer Robert. Le Débat Locke-Filmer. Léviathan. Paris: Presses Universitaires De France, 1998. BU : 1"16" LOC 8 LES Levillain, C. H. « Thomas Macaulay ou comment s’en débarrasser. Nouvelles perspectives historiographiques sur la Glorieuse révolution (1688) », Histoire, Économie et Société, vol.I, mars 2011, pp.3-22. Consultable en ligne Levillain, Charles-Edouard. Un Glaive Pour Un Royaume La Querelle De La Milice Dans L'Angleterre Du XVIIe Siècle. Bibliothèque D'histoire Moderne Et Contemporaine 46. Paris: H. Champion, 2014. BU : 942.06 LEV Levillain, Charles-Edouard. Vaincre Louis XIV Angleterre, Hollande, France, Histoire D'une Relation Triangulaire, 1665-1688. Époques. Seyssel: Champ Vallon, 2010. BUFR : 942.06 LEV BU : 940.21/.25 LEV Macaulay, Battier, and Battier William. Histoire D'Angleterre Morceaux Choisis De L'Histoire D'Angleterre Et Des Chants De L'Ancienne Rome. 16e éd ed. Paris: Hachette, 1918. BU (mag) : Z 1207 82 Date de dernière mise à jour : 06 octobre 2016

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