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The magic of the HOBBIES

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HOBBIES ARE ACTIVITIES THAT FILL THE EVERYDAY WITH LIFE, WITH A PERSONAL, LASTING AND LIBERATING SATISFACTION. They do not exist only for free time, but they need a specific space, even in tight schedules. Today’s world is full of information to make our lives easier, but it is also inundated with mind-numbing stimuli that can be overwhelming. It is there where the magic of a hobby does its work, reconnecting us with what is internal, with what we know and enjoy doing or what we could potentially enjoy.

A hobby, no matter how fun it is, requires effort, be it physical or mental, and like so many things in life, they require practice and patience to master. It requires concentration, in some cases, creativity, but, above all, perseverance, because, as that Japanese proverb says: “Sooner or later discipline will defeat intelligence.”


I have a theory that people with a hobby (or several) are more interesting versions of themselves, more alive and passionate, and how could they not be? for there will be more topics of conversation at your table, more like-minded individuals on your path, potential friends, and more joy in a world that cries out for it. I’ve ever heard the suggestion that instead of setting ourselves resolutions each New Year, we seek to develop a hobby, learn a new skill, or develop a talent. It seemed like a brilliant idea to me, less unfinished purposes and more exploration of our capabilities. It is said that tastes break genres and hobbies are no exception. On the one hand, they may be in line with someone’s “predictable structure”, but many other times, they are often a surprising and fun contrast that enriches the personality.


skating. They have very little to do with my academic training and my professional activities, but they are the closest reference I have to seeing time run like sand in my hands and seeing hours turn into minutes; travel without taking off your shoes from the ground, or in my case, traveling just by taking off your skates to turn until you’re tired. This does not mean that you necessarily have exceptional talent in these hobbies, wow, which improves as a natural consequence of practice, but it is not more than that: will and practice.

I like to think that we live many lives. I share the philosophy that defends the existence of the soul, but even without the certainty of it, it reassures me to know how much I enjoy this life, exploring and finding my hobbies, sharing them and wrapping myself in their magic, enjoying painting until my brushes wear out and then giving away my paintings to whom I love the most and roll until the wheels of my skates wear out, with the endorphins and bruises that the experience implies.

The longer I live, the more I am convinced that the active and constant search for one’s own happiness is a human responsibility; This is something that is subjective and can be found in different ways, but a hobby is undoubtedly a path to it.



A friend, a decorated element of the Mexican armed forces, has enormous taste and talent for “la cantada” and makes many of us happy. The Mexican ambassador to Australia has an incredible gift for gardening and preparing ice cream; the avocado one is his specialty. Another friend, an architect, is very talented at weaving. My sister, a plastic surgeon, when she’s not in the operating room, is taking courses on orchid care; happy among fertilizers and pots. Another great friend, an aeronautical engineer, is a pole dance goddess. My brother, an aviation student, is passionate about nothing more than mixed martial arts and thus, dozens of examples come to my mind among musical instruments, sports, reading, photography and various activities with the common denominator of the happiness that it produces in who allow themselves to live it. In my case, although I have tried various hobbies throughout my life, I have landed in the peace and joy of painting and

What is your hobby? If you don’t have one, you just have to explore, maybe there are many waiting for you.

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