Leadership Academy
The Bucks Student By Sarah Jackson
Leadership Academy
Applications are still open for our next cohort of students to this year’s Leadership Academy! Given the current climate, it has never been more important to focus on building up your skills and having a clear set of goals to achieve by the time you leave university to search for your first job. Whether you know exactly what you want to do, or are still deciding, the Leadership Academy can help equip you to give you the best possible advantage when leaving university.
The Leadership Academy was developed to recognise the value of developing future leaders early on. It is a bespoke development programme for talented students to gain specific skills for routes through the Union into leadership roles. It’s a series of training, courses and opportunities to enhance employability and build leadership traits - all free of charge courtesy of The Big Deal. Now more than ever, having extra skills recorded on your CV and expanding your network will help you to make your next steps when leaving university. Development activities will be sympathetic to studies, it really is an individual programme designed around you! It will be manageable for students at all levels and a typical programme will include: One to one sessions to agree your leadership development route and monitor progress - We will discuss your career aspirations with you, propose and agree a personal development plan with clear objectives and deadlines and review your progress throughout the academic year through regular emails and meetings. Workshops focusing on leadership styles and self-awareness - Through an external agency, we would fund and deliver formal leadership training which would provide you with workplace critical skills. We can also offer a free Strengthscope personality profile to help you understand your key strengths and how to use these to your advantage. Accredited training courses specific to your chosen route - We can provide licensing qualifications and legislation compliant certificates for those in the hospitality industry;
safeguarding or coaching qualifications for those in the sports industry; your development programme will be specific to your route and we will source the experience that you need. We can fund specific external courses either online or in person to help you meet your goals. Employability sessions focussing on CV’s, interviews, applications and assessment centres - Group sessions in all of the above will be scheduled regularly alongside the University’s Careers and Employability Service. One to one sessions are also available with both the Students’ Union and the University. Access to networking opportunities through conferences, staff days and external events - There may be a national or industry specific conference that we agree will benefit your leadership journey and you will be invited to be involved with Students’ Union meetings and development days and consulted with when we have new initiatives or policy to implement. Mentors – we will discuss in the initial meeting whether you could benefit from a mentor either in or related to your chosen industry who can give you real-life tips and advice on how to get your foot in the door and progress in your career. Plus full support of the Students’ Union Development Team through one to one meetings, reflective developmental sessions and assistance with finding your ideal leadership role. Once you have completed the year, you will receive a certificate of completion plus a free Leadership Academy hoodie! But the support will not end there, and we will continue to support you through to your graduation and beyond.