1 minute read


Written by: Annmarie H. | Photography: Ced Henry

Meet Risann Phillpotts, a vibrant, four-yearold budding farmer who enjoys growing her food at home! With a big smile on her face, Risann said she loves to plant fruits and vegetables, but her favorite food to eat is strawberries.


Risann’s love for planting started when she was just a toddler, and her parents noticed her interest in nature. They started by giving her small pots and seeds to plant, and since then, there has been no stopping this little farmer. She also helps to “supervise” her mother in the garden.

Her passion for gardening is not only inspiring but also commendable, especially in a world where children are mostly hooked to screens. Risann’s love for planting is contagious, and we can all learn a thing or two from her.

With the Budding Farmers Grow Club, children like Risann are learning to care for the earth and its people by growing their own food sustainably. As Risann says, “we have to plant our food so that we don’t go hungry.”

So, if you ever need some inspiration to start your own garden or teach your kids about sustainable agriculture, just think of Risann, the four-year-old farmer who is planting at home!

This young farmer is already developing the skills necessary to cultivate a successful garden, and her love for agriculture is sure to grow with her.

“We are budding farmers and we love to watch things grow!”, We can’t wait to see what she does next.

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