Support Call Notes | Michigan Agency for Energy

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This past week Sandra Philpott-Burke with the Michigan Agency for Energy (MAE) and the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) fostered a discussion about safe, reliable and accessible energy in the state of Michigan. Click here to view the full length call notes and click here to access Sandra's presentation. PRESENTATION SUMMARY: Michigan Agency for Energy’s (MAE) mission is toadvance an adaptable, affordable,reliable, and environmentally-protective energy future for Michigan. MichiganPublic Service Commission’s (MPSC) job is to protect the public by insuringsafe, reliable and accessible energy and telecommunications services atreasonable rates. MPSC has a number of responsibilities including but not limited to setting appropriate rates, security, safety, rule regulation, licensing, complaints and billing issues. The MichiganEnergy Assistance Program provides grants to agencies and utility companies that haveprograms designed for low income customers to help self-sufficiency. MAE and MPSC have begun to dowork with veterans’ programs in state of MI by providing information regardingassistance available. There are a multitude of programs, resources, and assistance offered to service members and veterans. Medical emergency for medical conditions that will be made worse if there is no electric service or gas service. Gives an extension of 21 days to pay. Needs a statement from healthcare worker/doctor. Winterprotection plan for seniors who are 65 and older from Nov 1st throughMarch 31st. Energy cannot bedisconnected during heating season for any reason. Required toinform company of age if you want to utilize this plan. Budgeting bill plans with companies like DTE and Consumers. State Emergency Relief Program from Nov 1st through May 31st for low income individuals with a past due or shutoff notice. MAE's External Affairs Division travels throughout the state of MI providing utility information and materials. If you are interested in support at an event in the form of a presentation or exhibit, contact External Affairs manager Jovita

Moffett at 800-292-9555 or 517-284-8164. EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS: Veteran TownHall today (July 12th, 2017) at the Capitol! Town Hall to focuson addressing veterans and their families in healthcare, the VA,federal legislation and the road ahead. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at in theSpeaker’s Library, 100N. Capitol Ave in Lansing. If interested contact B2B volunteer Adam Obanjoko at313-883-9377 or Lastly, please remember to submit your interaction drill/event, or No Activity logs by clicking here. Thank you for all that you do! The Buddy-to-Buddy Team

Buddy-to-Buddy Volunteer Veteran Program 1-888-822-8339 | | 2025 Traverwood Dr., Suite C | Ann Arbor | MI | 48105 STAY CONNECTED

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