Jeremiah Wood: »Mirror of my Soul«

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featuring Stephan Bormann | Special Guests: Cristin Claas & Andreas Gomoll

Musicians: Jeremiah Wood – vocals, acoustic guitar and slide guitar | Stephan Bormann – e-guitar, steelstring, nylon-, slide-, 12-string- and baritone guitar, backingvocals | Maren Pardall – cello, backingvocals | Mohi Buschendorf – e-bass and contrabass, backingvocals | Ludwig Buschendorf – drums and percussion | Special Guest: Cristin Claas – vocals on »Maybe that’s heaven«, backingvocals on »Every light you put on me« | Andreas Gomoll – rhythm and lead guitar on »Maybe that’s heaven« | Anne McGuire – Lyriccoach | Produced by: Stephan Bormann, Mohi Buschendorf, Jeremiah Wood | Recorded at: Waldhausstudio by Mohi Buschendorf ( | Mixed by: Mohi Buschendorf, Stephan Bormann, Jeremiah Wood | Mastered by: Mohi Buschendorf | Artwork: Büro MAGENTA Freiburg ( | Photos: Jeremiah Wood by Annette Krimmer (; Stephan Bormann by Christian Debus | Instruments: Jeremiah Wood plays Oliver Klapproth Guitars ( Danke! Stephan Bormann im Besonderen für Deine Arrangements der Stücke, musikalische Leitung während der Aufnahmen, Dein Gitarrenspiel und Deinen schier unerschöpflichen Optimismus. Dich hat der Himmel geschickt! Wenn die Stücke Diamanten sind, bist du sozusagen ein meisterlicher Diamantschleifer. | Mohi Buschendorf für Dein feines Ohr, Verstehen meiner Musik und den groovigen Bass. Danke, dass du diesen herrlichen Ort im Wald hast entstehen lassen! | Maren Pardall für Deine Geduld, Unterstützung in allen Belangen, ehrlichen Rückmeldungen und Dein berührendes Cellospiel und Deine Celloarrangements. | Ludwig Buschendorf für Dein tightes Schlagzeugspiel und Deine Percussionklänge auf allem, was klingen kann (sogar Brennholz). | Cristin Claas für Deinen wunderbaren Gesang bei »Maybe that’s heaven« und »Every light you put on me«. | Andreas Gomoll für Dein Arrangement von »Maybe that’s heaven« und Dein enorm gefühlvolles Gitarrenspiel. | Anne McGuire für Deine hervorragenden Formulierungen und Erklärungen bei unserer Textarbeit. Genauso hatte ich die Texte eigentlich schreiben wollen. | Thomas Fellow für Dein Arrangement für Nature, die aufbauende Mail und unsere Begegnung überhaupt! | Oliver Klapproth für die wundervolle Mystic-Moon-Guitar! | Ilka Latuske für Deine so hilfreiche Beratung im Dschungel der AGBs. | Christian Kütemeier für Deine ehrlichen Rückmeldungen und ermunternden Worte. | Annette Krimmer für Deine tollen Fotos und die kreative Fotosession. | Sebastian Reiß für Deine schnelle und fachliche Hilfe und Abwicklung der Presswerkformalitäten. | Ein besonderer Dank an meine Eltern: Egmont und Elsbeth Holtz für eure tatkräftige Unterstützung vor, während und nach den Studiosessions. | Mir selbst, weil ich durchgehalten und am Ende die richtigen Entscheidungen getroffen habe. | Außerdem: Oliver Schmitz, Urs Fuchs, Andreas Bohl, Felix Jacobs, Andreas Nunn | Und Allen noch für vieles Mehr, was sich hier in Worte nicht wirklich fassen lässt. Dafür wortlos im Herzen umso mehr! Sponsoren: Danke an alle Sponsoren, die durch Geldspenden oder zinslose Kredite die Finanzierung der CD unterstützt haben: Annette Kroll | Dr. Joachim Sontheimer | Egmont und Elsbeth Holtz | Anne und Christian Kütemeier | Hagen Kurz und Jana Aigelsperger | Brigitte Hagenhoff | Alle Musiker! | Alle Crowdfundingunterstützer!


Solo: Jeremiah Wood

Awakening shoots are touching nature’s breath In a young and spreading tune Like stimulating water The universe on the area of a spoon The humid, inspiring and spicy smell of trees Is kicking my soul into a state of heaven’s release You are born to be yourself You are born to find yourself The humid, inspiring and spicy smell of trees Is kicking my soul into a state of heaven’s release We meet each other and keep on dancing Find ourselves at a brand-new site We meet each other and meet nature We find ourselves painting the daylight

Things to say

dedicated to Erna Kahn

Solo: Jeremiah Wood

You’re lying in bed talking about a man I don’t know Holding your hand that’s something we show Talking about Ma and her life without me I listen to you · I listen to you You’ve got white hair and wrinkled skin You’re old and I’m a very young man You’ve seen two wars and lost one man I listen to you · I listen to you So many things to say So many colors this way So many things to say So many places · So many faces See the line of life in the lines in your hands Don’t stop living and please go ahead. With these words you pressed my hands I listen to you · I listen to you

By the time

Octave Guitar: Stephan Bormann

A life for a cross – land for glass beads A counterfeit smile in reality – insidious Dogma and false art for natural freedom Faceless and facing nothing A bullet beats through the paper contract Beats through my heart into my soul By the time · My blood clots By the time · My heart stops beating By the time · We see our children suffer By that time · We should stop cheating If you can’t change the world change your own situation Heal your thoughts and clear your imagination I’m not afraid to die again and rise from the ashes All that belongs to me seems to be deathless By the time · My blood clots By the time · My heart stops beating By the time · We see our children suffer By that time · We should stop cheating

Stephan Bormann

I get on

Solo: Stephan Bormann

Men of wit are fools, I say · And can be led the wrong way Wise men asking for direction · Lost in the wrong reflection Shadows like flies around a heap · Light that makes a shadow deep Heat that leaves me cold · Life that leaves me old Somebody can lead you down But you better stand up and let yourself be Somebody can lead you down But you better grow up because you can’t be me When I tell the truth it’s still a lie My humble self would never be shy Wouldn’t a braggart deny a weakness? Don’t play this game … it’s a mess Somebody can lead you down But you better stand up and let yourself be Somebody can lead you down But you better grow up because you can’t be me To get along · To get across · To get around · To get by · To get on in life To get your breath · To get ahead · To get on · To get active · To get better To get clear · To get cured · To get free · To get going To get excited · To get together

Maybe that’s heaven

Duett with Cristin Claas Rhythm- and Sologuitars: Andreas Gomoll No more crying no more lying Just praying without words No one says love hurts

No more love with deceit No more enemies · Nothing worries me no more Maybe that’s heaven – better than heaven Something that keeps us in line Maybe that’s heaven – better than heaven Ageless – we are not out of time No more fears no more tears No more fights and no more nights Just true faith no more wraiths Tracing the outline of your face I know its perfect place · You’re my horizon of the world Maybe that’s heaven – better than heaven Something that keeps us in line Maybe that’s heaven – better than heaven Ageless – we are not out of time

All will be thine Let yourself be free Man of destiny Keep an open mind Don’t look behind

Let your soul be free Religious liberty Don’t you look back Keep ahead Join with all All will be thine Let your keeper be free Keep that harmony Keep an open mind Don’t look behind Don’t let yourself be blind You won’t fall behind If you want to go ahead Just raise your head

Just Fly

Solo and »Ud«: Stephan Bormann

Decide you are on your own But know you’ll never fly alone To know how flying works just try All you have to do is fly Your fears aren’t more than yourself When you fly they’re left on the shelf Taste the bitterness in leaving Your dreams aren’t make-believing Fly like a bird You know it hurts Fly like a bird There’s nothing you can do It’s your soul breaking through

Don’t wait till somebody helps you fly high Only when you’ve started to circle Will you see how others fly The sweetness of freedom you’ll find The sense of love will open your mind At last you are leaving the past On the way to dawn in the east To celebrate your own feast


Inspired by and dedicated to

Wilfried Vogel – thanks for your »Smile«

Stay for a minute Stay for a smile Heaven will be as near as it could possibly be Feel the warm sunbeams on your face Take its fond embrace On the top of the hill Touching the sea of clouds Like an innocent feather You would like to walk on it On the top of the hill Your heart can be free Stay for a minute Stay for a smile Heaven will be as near as it could possibly be We are dancing light and easy We enjoy ourselves On the top of the hill Your heart can be free

Heart’s wide open

Slide: Stephan Bormann Slidesolo: Jeremiah Wood

I never told you that I love you I never told you but I do I never told you that I miss you But for sure I do I never told you that I need you I never told you but I do I never told you that I lean on you But for sure I do My heart is wide open My heart is so true My heart is wide open Every time I’ll be with you Maybe these words are simple Simple as a kiss can be My heart’s like an empty temple Where the whole truth could be My heart is wide open My heart is so true My heart is wide open Every time I’ll be with you


I can see a river · I can see a river flow When I believe Water is a mirror · A mirror of my soul When I believe I’m standing on a hill · Sure that I can see The horizon of my wisdom · The being of myself The night will be my witness · The day will be my court When I believe I’m walking on water · Will be one with the water When I believe I ain’t got nobody · Nobody else but you You’ll come to me like a thief in the night What will you say · When I’m able to excuse When I’m able to forgive I’m walking on water When I believe

Every Light You Put On Me

Solo: Jeremiah Wood Backingvocals: Cristin Claas

I’m singing to plant a tree That’s what it means to me Always nurturing it, too That’s what I meant to do Sprinkling drops of water Tear down every border They give a rainbow a space to be With every light you put on me I’m gonna be like no other With every light you put on me I’m gonna be your fair brother With every light you put on me I’m gonna be like no other With every light you put on me As the world turns, we turn, too To see we need a bird’s-eye view The World discloses its mystery Of what’s to know and what’s to be

Roses and Bells

Solo: Stephan Bormann

I feel the mild breeze like a breath on me I’m a man in a boat at sea · You asked for signs of my rhythm and care That make me honest and bare I picked up a rose · And Indian bells Shall I suppose · That you are close Rose talks about its strength and eternity Being one with nature’s entity Indian bells ring gentle and clear Deliver my heart from my fear I picked up a rose · And Indian bells May I suppose · That you are close I picked up a rose · And indian bells May I suppose · That you are close You may suppose · I picked up a rose And Indian bells · Do I suppose That you are close You may suppose · I picked up a rose

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Nature Things to say By the time I get on

Maybe that’s heaven 6 All will be thine 7 Just fly 8 Stay



Heart’s wide open 10 Water 11 Every light you put on me 12 Roses & bells

© Words and Music by Jeremiah Wood

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