Buffalo Beer Week 2014

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walk... crawl... bike... or skate

2014 Buffalo Beer Week Program

Table of Contents

with the Queen City Roller Girls

for our 1st Annual Buffalo Beer Week


PUB CRAWL! Saturday 10/4 • $5 3pm: 4pm: 5pm: 6pm: 7pm:

Hot Mama’s Canteen The Phoenix Sportsman’s Tavern Casey’s Tavern Rohall’s Corner

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Table of Contents Preface - “This Fine Time”

- A few words from the Beer Week Chair, Willard Brooks

Buffalo Beer Rebirth

- by Erik Wollschlager, “What’s Going on in Buffalo”

How Beer is Made

- by Dan Baish, Sultans of Swig & Niagara Association of Homebrewers

The Soul of Beer – Malting 101

- by Ted Hawley, owner of New York Craft Malt , LLC.

The Blue Economy for Buffalo Brews & the Quest for the Rust to Blue Taste

- by Alexandra McPherson, Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper

The Traveling Sybarite – Cheese, Charcuterie, Chocolate & Beer

- by Drew Hardin, owner, PrePaired pairing event company and assistant brewer at Community Beer Works

Introducing the Buffalo-Niagara Breweries Association - by Brian Campbell, Buffalo Beer League

Join The Buffalo Beer League! - by Brian Campbell, Buffalo Beer League

Beer Week Events Listings - Events Happening All Week - Event Listings By The Day

Beer Stop Venue & Advertiser Directory 2

This Fine Time

– Willard Brooks, Chair – Buffalo Beer Week

The old adage that beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy seems born out in the pure exuberance surrounding craft beer in Buffalo. Several new breweries have opened and more are in planning and set to open this year. Beer festivals and beercentered events are too numerous to mention. The region now even has a brand new brewers association (Buffalo Niagara Brewers Association) which oversees Buffalo Beer Week. Practically every bar and pub offers fresh local beer from Flying Bison, Big Ditch, Community Beer Works, Woodcock Brothers, Resurgence, Southern Tier, Old First Ward, or Ellicottville Brewing Company. And, with cranes now a staple on the Buffalo sky-line, and Terry Pegula keeping our beloved Bills on our soil, it appears that we have our collective groove back and are in the mood to party as if it were 1899 – and for that, of course, we will need prodigious amounts of locally crafted beer. Good timing Buffalo! In his excellent historical novel “The Last Fine Time,” Verlyn Klinkenborg tells the story of a declining Polish-American family bar in 1950’s east Buffalo. It portrays the rise and decline of a neighborhood bar owned by Eddie Wenzek, son of immigrant Thomas Wenzek. This is the story of the last time things were fine, that is, the last time youthful optimism was valid, the last time dreams came true, the last time the home of one’s youth could provide the means to build the same success as those who came before. The decades between the 1950s and the present were those of neighborhood decline, loss of industry, under-employment and reduced population. To anyone who grew up in Buffalo in the 1970s, this story seems very familiar – the decline of neighborhood bars, pubs, and breweries is burned in our minds as an unforgettable dirge. Some have trouble getting around it and feel convinced that the decline is who we are. Check out the comments of some local brewing experts included in this book and you will see that we all beg to differ! Yet, the present excitement around craft beer and the number of establishments opening, as well as astonishing new job growth across the board, seems well enough to support our exuberance. And we seem to have collectively willed THIS FINE TIME upon our region. It’s truly striking that so much new has happened since last year’s beer week. The goal of Buffalo Beer Week is to foster knowledge of our brewing heritage and to showcase our good beer venues. More local breweries, distributors, good beer bars and retailers than ever have gotten enthusiastically on board! Thanks to the efforts of local breweries, beer bars and enthusiasts, craft beer is now growing faster than it has in Buffalo in more than 100 years, almost as if the decline were a ghost of the past. Come out to one of our many festivals, tap events, beer dinners and pub crawls. You can even visit malt houses, hop farms, and drink beer made from local ingredients thanks to the efforts of Governor Cuomo and his supporters. Buffalo has decided it’s time to have fun and time to build breweries – and it will only get better from here on out. Prost!

Zum Wohl Buffalo! – Beer Week Organizers: Willard Brooks (Chair), Dan Syracuse & Mike Shatzel (co-Founders)


Buffalo Beer Rebirth – Erik Wollschlager Rebirth. Resurrection. Rise from the veritable ashes. Call it what you will, but these adjectives can easily apply to both the City of Buffalo, as well as its craft beer industry. The fact that the growth of the city easily parallels the recent boom in local breweries is not lost on many, and this parallel is one that has stood the test of time throughout the history of Buffalo, as well as our nation. Establishments are sprouting up all over the Greater Buffalo region – meeting halls where communities are born, ideas are shared, and revolutions are begun, just as it was in our colonial age, when taverns hosted our insurgent forefathers. Over freshly brewed beers, the seeds of our nation were sewn, and now, Buffalo’s rise is watered in the golden froth flowing from bier garden taps. Buffalo’s stalwart breweries are expanding and supporting the growth of once-withered neighborhoods, and new breweries are drawing national recognition. Beer, it seems, is the foundation which all great things are built, but what is poured into each Resurgence Brewing construction glass is far more than the golden elixir we all love – it is the sum of all its parts, and the region is finding a marketplace for those parts as the demand for the final product grows. There was a time that Buffalo had such a substantial trade in beer that it could be said that our city was a brewing center of excellence—a place where thousands of workers made barrels, sold ice, made vast amounts of malt, brewed prodigious amounts of beer, and maintained a rich culture of public drinking in the form of beer gardens and pubs that graced practically every corner. Buffalo’s beer culture was a rich and important cultural asset that added character, created lots of jobs, and brought faceto-face culture across production lines and biergarten trays to anyone who wanted to partake of this culture back in the halcyon days of Buffalo beer before Prohibition. The few breweries that re-opened after Prohibition succumbed to the forces of outside competition, and all Buffalo’s breweries were shuttered by the mid1970s. It was not until the mid-1990s when Flying Bison opened that Buffalo Big Ditch installations had its own brewery again. By that time “craft beer” had been born at breweries such as Anchor Steam and Sierra Nevada. Craft brewers discovered that macro-brewed beer using cheap adjunct ingredients led to a brew with little character. Flavorful craft beer has since prospered and the US now has more than 2,500 breweries again! This growth in the number of breweries as well as in their quality and range is often referred to as the “craft beer revolution.”

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And now this trend is beginning to take hold here in Buffalo. In the last few years, breweries such as Community Beer Works, Gordon Biersch, the Pan American, Hamburg Brewing Company, and Gene McCarthy’s have opened, along with Big Ditch. Resurgence Brewing is gaining mentions in national media outlets! Rusty Nickel recently held a tasting event and are on the cusp of opening their doors. In addition, craft beer bars such as Sterling Place, GoodBar, Pizza Plant, Cole’s, Blue Monk, and many others have become very popular, and the biergardens at Resurgence and Blue Monk have been standing room only since they opened to the public. Retailers such as Premier Gourmet, Village Beer Merchant, and Aurora Beer Works have busy growler-filling stations, impressive arrays of premium product, and knowledgeable staff willing and able to help you decide which beer to pair with your dinner tonight. With Great Lakes Brewing News, and WNY Craft Beer Magazine, we even have our very own craft beer newspapers. Clearly the craft beer revolution is alive and well in Buffalo!

Community Beer Works & Hydraulic Hearth installation

Tim Herzog and Flying Bison get a new brewing home

With the help of Huffington Post, Washington Post, and the growing presence on social media, Buffalo Niagara is beering up to be a major destination for craft beer. While beer lovers continue to flock to our local bars and breweries, and they continue to share their growlers and their experiences, the culture surrounding Buffalo’s craft beer community will flourish, and as the city itself continues its rebirth, surely the greatest, most revolutionary ideas will be shared over a pint, scribbled on bar napkins and coasters, and put to popular vote on barroom floors – just as was done nearly 250 years ago.

Erik Wollschlager is a beer enthusiast and freelance writer for the blog “What’s Going on in Buffalo”


How Beer is Made

– Dan Baish

Anyone who has seen a commercial during a football game knows that beer is made from barley, hops, water and yeast. What you may not know is how easy it is to make your own beer at home using those four ingredients, a good recipe, some basic equipment, a little bit of time and someone to share the beer with when it’s done.

Ingredients… • Barley is the seed of the barley plant. Its job in brewing is to produce the right flavor of the beer as well as provide all the sugars that will be fermented into alcohol. There are dozens of varieties of barley available which provide different flavors to the beer. These flavors range from light and malty to dark and roasty and everything in between. Advanced brewers crush the grains and steep them in hot water to convert the starches into sugars that are suitable for brewing. Beginning brewers can skip this process and buy sugars already processed from barley in the form of a powder or syrup. • Hops are the female flowers of the hop plant. They are responsible for providing bitterness to balance out what otherwise would be a very sweet beverage. Hops can also be used in a way that adds its character to the flavor and aroma of the beer. Words like citrusy, floral, earthy and piney are just are few descriptions of the characteristics hops can add to a beer. Just like barley, there are dozens of varieties of hops available to choose from. • Water. Tap water in Western New York is exceptionally good for brewing just about any style of beer. The only recommended step for beginning brewers is to run the water through a standard carbon filter to remove any chlorine that can contribute some off-flavors in the beer. There are also inexpensive tablets that can be added to the water to disperse any chlorine and accomplish the same goal. Advanced brewers sometimes further treat their water to mimic the water profile found in particular parts of the world so the resulting beer more closely matches the beer produced in that region. • Yeast are microorganisms that consume sugars and convert them into carbon dioxide and alcohol. The yeast also determines a lot of the character of the finished beer. The difference between a crystal clear American Wheat beer and a cloudy German Hefeweizen with banana and clove flavors is the yeast used to ferment them. As with barley and hops, there are dozens of strains of beer yeast available for you to brew with. Beginner brewers can sprinkle a packet of dry brewer’s yeast into some warm water to rehydrate it and then add it to the cooled unfinished beer for fermentation. Advanced brewers can use small amounts of yeast cultures and make a starter on a stir plate, allowing the yeast to reproduce until there is a suitable number of cells to brew with.

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What You Need…

continued from page 10

A good recipe is needed to make good beer. There are countless ways to put different ingredients together to make awesome beer. How do you choose which ones to use? Beginning brewers can buy boxed kits that include all the ingredients needed to brew a batch of a particular style of beer. They can also purchase the ingredients separately if they want to use a recipe they found in a book, on a website or received from another brewer. Advanced brewers can create or modify recipes to produce a beer with the type of characteristics they are looking for. Then you’ll need the right equipment. Since a significant amount of time on brew day is spent heating things up and cooling them down advanced brewers often use propane burners (like a turkey fryer) for heating/boiling and a copper coil that has cold water running through it for cooling. Beginning brewers can use their kitchen stove for heating/boiling and a sink full of ice water for cooling. It just takes a bit more time and it’s not practical to make batches larger than five gallons. Starter kits for making beer can be purchased locally for $75-150. They include all the equipment you need to make your first batch of beer except your cooking pot and empty bottles. The low cost kits are bare-bones ones that may leave you wanting more like a paddle to stir that big bucket of liquid or a bottle washer to help clean all those bottles. In addition to these and other tools to help keep your brew day moving, the pricier kits will also include the ingredients for making your first batch of beer. Time is another component of making beer. Making a batch of beer isn’t like making a batch of chili. The beer is not ready to be consumed the day you start making it. Instead the process takes a few weeks for your bucket of sugary flavored water to turn into an alcoholic beverage with bubbles in it. For beginning brewers the rule of thumb is that you will spend about three hours making the beer on brew day, wait three weeks to let it ferment out completely, spend an hour bottling it and then wait another three weeks for the beer to become carbonated within the bottles. Advanced brewers may spend more time on brew day because they have more processes to go through but they can also have finished product a few weeks sooner by using tools like kegs and tanks of carbon dioxide to carbonate the beer faster. After you’ve finished making your beer there is just one last piece you need: someone to share the beer with. Drinking a beer is like going to the movies, sure there’s nothing stopping you from doing it by yourself but it’s much more enjoyable when you’re sharing the experience with someone else. You’ll have many eager friends, family members and coworkers willing to help you with this part and before you know it you’ll be ready to get started on your next batch. That is when you will face the most difficult part of making your own beer: deciding what kind to make next. Dan Baish is a member of the Sultans of Swig Homebrewers Club and Niagara Association of Homebrewers. He has been brewing since 2002 and is the brewer of numerous award winning beers. www.sultansofswig.com www.niagarabrewers.org


The Soul of Beer… Malting 101 – Ted Hawley If every beer, as American Brewer’s Jack Curtain says, is now an IPA, it’s easy to forget that there’s more to beer than hops. Oh sure there’s a lot to love about those beautiful bines but they’re a relatively new addition to a brewmaster’s tool kit. (Evidence suggests that commercial hop cultivation began in northern Germany only during the 12th or 13th century.) Instead, consider malt - born from the unassuming kernels of barley, wheat or rye - as the original rock star of brewers and beer drinkers alike. What is malt? According to my “Maltster’s Handbook” malt is a natural food product developed by germinating and then kilning cereal grains under carefully controlled process conditions. But according to this maltster, malt - whether it’s whole, ground, powdered, or a liquid extract - is the nectar of the beer gods, and you couldn’t make beer without it. Malting developed around 6,000 years ago when ancient Mesopotamians recognized the beneficial changes in the texture and flavor of food prepared with accidentally germinated grains; and so they began brewing with it about 5,500 years ago. Originally all malting was small-scale malting. According to legend, early Egyptians manufactured malt by placing it in a wicker basket, which was then lowered into open wells. After steeping in the cool well water, it was raised above the water level for germination. The rate of germination was controlled by adjusting the height of the basket within the well. As germination progressed and heat developed, the basket would be lowered once again to obtain a lower temperature level thus retarding growth and dissipating heat. To accelerate germination, the basket was simply raised to a higher level. The malt was kept from matting by raising it to the top of the well and agitating the basket. Drying was simple, it was spread on the ground, and subjected to the direct rays of the sun. That process remains virtually unchanged today.

So Here We Go… Malting 101 - An Overview: Steeping Not only does steeping clean the grain but it activates the resting embryo by providing water and oxygen to initiate germination - or chitting - and triggers synthesis of gibberellic acid (a hormone found in plants that promotes growth and the elongation of cells). Steeping enables barley to absorb sufficient water for germination and for hydration of the endosperm to facilitate modification during germination. Steeping also encourages hydrolytic enzymes to uniformly move throughout the endosperm. The entire process takes 36 - 48 hours. continued on page 16


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Germination Germination continues the physiological activity started in the steep. It permits the growth of the embryo under controlled conditions and develops hydrolytic enzymes while breaking down cell walls completely - and proteins and starches partially. During germination temperatures are kept between lower for 3.5 to 4.5 days. Ideal moisture level is maintained and grains are turned every 8 to 10 hours to prevent matting.

Kilning Kilning stops germination gradually by lowering the moisture of the green malt. Undesirable flavors are removed and appropriate aroma and color are allowed to develop. This 48 hour process preserves adequate enzymes (needed later in the brewing process) while ensuring the integrity of the grain is kept in check. Kilning can be further broken down into three optimal phases: drying phase, curing phase, and a final cooling phase. While base malts make up a substantial portion of the grain bill, specialty malts are used in smaller quantities to produce a unique profile of flavor, color, body, foam development, and foam stability. And the malting process varies slightly for each kind of speciality malt. Some malts are roasted after germination while others spend more time in the kiln or undergo a final roasting. Base malt provides the bulk of the fermentable sugars in the mashing step of the brewing process. Specialty malts which are roasted or stewed provide variously color, flavor, body, and residual sweetness. In a brew, pale base malts provide the fermentable sugars and make up over 80% of the malt bill of most brewing recipes - specialty malts make up the rest. To understand how malt is used in the actual brewing process, check out the brewing article appearing on pages 10 and 12 in this event guide.

Ted Hawley the owner operator of NY Craft Malt, Batavia, NY. Ted is a fourth-generation farmer, entrepreneur, home brewer, and craft beer enthusiast.


The Blue Economy for Buffalo Brews and the Quest for the Rust to Blue Taste – Alexandra McPherson Clean water and great beer go hand and hand. Simultaneous to Western New York enjoying a resurgence of a wide array of new brewers, we are also enjoying a reconnection to our local waterways. After a ten year clean up effort led by Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper, the Buffalo River, once one of the nation’s most polluted waterways, is sustaining life. During the summer months, thousands of people are recreating on the river creating demand for places to enjoy a beer and celebrate life in Buffalo Niagara. We live on the Great Lakes basin, the world’s largest fresh water system representing 95% of the United States drinking water. Buffalo Niagara is a region well situated to support the growth of a world-class beer industry. It is a region that is experiencing a massive transformation where we are slowly cleaning our waterways and restoring industrialized waterfronts. It is a region reclaiming its cultural connection to water and beer. It is a region that needs a Rust to Blue taste, a brew that lays claim to our success thus far and hints towards the work that still needs to be done. While we have made incredible progress improving water quality, we still live on an impaired water system. The importance of our region’s access to our fresh water asset is exemplified by the recent drinking water crisis in Toledo, Ohio. We are at a pivotal point in this region’s history whereby we have the opportunity to learn from our past and invest in a future that uses state of the art engineering, landscape planning, clean manufacturing and green infrastructure to restore the health of our fresh water systems. With every decision we make as a community, there is an opportunity to design towards restoration and revitalization of our watershed. Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper’s Rust to Blue Initiative puts clean water at the front end of economic development decisions as we transition from a rust belt region to one with a thriving Great Lakes blue economy. This initiative works from the premise that clean water is essential to a health community and a healthy economy. The quest is on to not only have the cleanest watershed in the world, but also to have the best tasting beer in the world. At Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper, we look forward to working in partnership with those ready for the Rust to Blue challenge. This includes finding that perfect beer that blends our incredible past with our beautiful future. Join us!

Alexandra McPherson is Director of Advancement for Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper - a leading organization dedicated to protecting the quality and quantity of water, while connecting people to water. www.bnriverkeeper.org


The Travelling Sybarite – Cheese, Charcuterie, Chocolate & Beer – Drew Hardin

Celebrate Beer Week at Buffalo’s 1st Craft Beer Bar «– OSKAR BLUES NIGHT –» Tuesday, September, 30th • 7pm

«– ELLICOTTVILLE BREWING CO. –» Saturday, October 4th • 7-10pm Sample a number of EBC’s hand-crafted brews, including the seasonal Fall Fest Lager. PLUS… FALL FEST GIVEAWAY DRAWING TAKES PLACE AT COLES!

Win a 6-person package to Ellicottville's Fall Festival 2014. Includes a Deluxe Suite at the Holiday Valley Tamarack Lodge! Sat. and Sun Oct 11-12 (overnight). Includes gift certificates to: EBC, The Silver Fox, Balloons & John Harvard's. $1,500 Value!

The ancient Greeks are usually very cryptic with their “A Country sayings, but this one is pretty clear. The Greeks and Without a Romans redefined food culture in the western world at the time - until the French later took hold of the culinary Fit Drink for world. Although the Greeks were most predominantly a Cheese, known to enjoy wine at their meals, the same idea holds strong. - food and fermented beverages are amazing and Has No Cheese enriching when enjoyed together. Beer and food hold a Fit for very special, magical place - not only in my stomach but a Drink.” also in my heart. Today, in Buffalo - as well as most of America - a true culinary renaissance is happening, and it is changing the tastes of the people who are brave enough to embrace it. Farm to table is huge again! Processed “factory” foods are on the decline. Artisan crafted meats, cheeses, breads, and beers are swiftly becoming the norm. Let’s take a look at a few quality examples of these, and some local beers to enjoy them with

First Light Farm & Creamery “Grassland Aged Cheddar” and Community Beer Works “The IPA”

Hats off to you First Light! I have not found a better local cheddar! This creamy, robust cheese sings of the fresh organic milk from First Light’s grass fed cows. The fattiness and creaminess of the cheese wraps your mouth in a fluffy pillow of amazing flavor. That’s where The IPA comes in Community Beer Works’ IPA has a nose of pure tropical fruit, and this refreshing IPA also has an excellent resiny bitterness, with a succinct, dry finish that dances around the cheese in immaculate form and cleanses the palette of the thick mouth feel brought on by the cheddar.

First Light Farm & Creamery “Chipotle Honey Pure Goat’s Milk” Chevre and Resurgence “Loganberry Wit”

I know what you’re thinking - Loganberry and chipotle!?! It’s better than you think - the high quality goat milk chevre is a dead ringer with this semi sweet beer. The honey and loganberry are both as delicate as they are present, and blend amazingly. As the sharp wheat character of the beer calms the savory and spiciness brought out by the creamy saltiness of the goat cheese, balance is found in the slow, savory flame from the chipotle. The light effervescence of the beer breaks apart the thick body of the cheese unitl both have a chance to shine on your taste buds. The heat from the cheese makes you want more beer, and the calming sweetness of the beer begs for more cheese. It all gets tied up in a nice dry package of a finish.

The Piggery Salomi Cotto and Old First Ward “A.P.E.S. Rye Peppercorn Saison”

1104 Elmwood Ave. Buffalo, NY (716) 886-1449 | ColesBuffalo.com

I was lucky enough to have this beer fresh at OFW - You can too but the name might be different. The brainchild of Alex Placito and Eric Stellrecht, this very spicy yet balanced saison begs you to drink more with each sip. After first having it, I knew it would be perfect for this lightly cured fatty salomi. continued on page 22


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The usual intimidation received with this piece of charcuterie comes from its predominate lardo-esk fattiness. These rich salty notes of fat are brought to a peppery, tame, and savory crescendo by this saison. Its medium carbonation and overall dryness refreshes the palate and leaves you with a mouthful of pure, cured, piggy pleasure.

The Piggery Capicola and Flying Bison Brewing Company “Rusty Chain”


You will not find your run of the mill sandwich deli meat here. The Piggery kicks up the heat and savory swine with this peppery offering - this is where the devil is in the details. The Piggery has mixed breeds of the best pork; the Mulefoot males they breed with Tamworth females give you a truly superior swine. Tamworth is thought to be the best bacon breed, and its pronounced nutty flavor is prized for use in charcuterie like salumi and prosciutto. The Mulefoot- a Spanish breed that is thought to have traveled to the US as early as the 16th century - is known for their vibrant red meat and freckled marbling of fat. Rusty Chain is a true icon in Buffalo; its refreshing medium body - full of toffee, caramel and mild malty sweetness, puts the capicola’s heat in the backseat. Just as the salty fat from the capicola and sweet malty character of the beer really start to apex, you are left with a carbonated wet finish leaving your palate clean and excited.

Blue Table Chocolates “Salted Caramel” and Flying Bison Brewing Company “Herc” Barleywine

Chocolate and barleywine are always a ‘go-to’ for dessert. I love a nice strong alcoholic treat at the end of my meal - almost the way some prefer a sturdy port. A full rich dessert needs a full rich beer, and The Herc is a perfect match for this megalith of taste, packed into a gorgeous bon bon. This malty, boozy boss of a beer demands respect. The malt forward Herc warms and opens your soft palette, and almost helps melt the caramel. Light caramel cream floods your mouth with toffee and sea salt - almost like a dessert pretzel. Another sip of Herc and you’re left with a salty warm combo that truly heats the soul.

Blue Table Chocolates “Palet d’Or” and Pan Am Brewing “Imperial Stout”

Palet d’Or or ‘Golden Puck’ (sorry Sabres fans; no hockey involved) is most commonly known as devil’s food cake, and this historical pastry is covered in a velvety dark chocolate glaze, or ganache. Blue Table has taken this culinary classic and put it into a small bite size that is nothing short of pure flavor. Brewer Chris Herr kills it with this imperial stout - not only does it have a beautiful, velvety head that floods your nose with burnt coffee, toasted malt, and chocolate; but the beer’s smooth, medium body strikes the palette with notes of dark chocolate and almost toasted sesame. The slight warm alcoholic character of the beer stands toe to toe with this dark, sweet, and decadent example of these handcrafted delicacies produced by Blue Table.



All of the beers, cheese, chocolate and charcuterie reviewed are available for purchase at Premier Gourmet, 3904 Maple Road in Amherst.







Drew Hardin is proprietor of PrePaired, OUR NEW a beer and food pairing-event company. STORE HAS: Come enjoy a Prepaired dinner with Drew and Chef Gedra at BlackOVER Sheep OF Restaurant on Sept 28th. DrewVARIETIES can be reached at Prepairedbflo@gmail. com CRAFT BEER

1,500 &



For more in on Facebo formation, like us ok and vis it our web BuffaloNia site: garaBrewe rs Scan this Q with your pR code hone jump direct to ly to our Membersh ip page:

Associatio n.org

Introducing the Buffalo-Niagara Brewers Association – Brian Campbell Buffalo craft beer brewers and industry professionals have banded together to form the Buffalo Niagara Brewers Association in order to promote the growth of the craft brewing industry in the Buffalo-Niagara region. The Buffalo Niagara Brewers Association exists to unify the Buffalo Niagara craft beer community in order to increase regional sales of craft beer through promotions, marketing, public awareness, consumer education, and to monitor and assure a thriving craft beer and brewing industry within the region. “There is a renaissance in cities across America, including Buffalo, in re-discovering the heritage of craft beer making,” said Willard Brooks, Chairman of the BNBA Board of Directors. “Making beer locally by using local ingredients and local products was how beer historically was made in our country since colonial times. Beer making is just going back to its natural roots and in turn is creating a new economy not only in supply chain and locally grown products, but also as a tourism draw through festivals and celebrations as well as our world class pubs that are bringing beer enthusiasts to Western New York from across the region and the country.”

YOU IFORWANT BUFFALO BEER LEAGUE bers BBL Meumde: l ia ic f f O Incl Benefits inless steel pint

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Come join the Buffalo Beer League — The official craft beer enthusiast group of the Buffalo Niagara Bre wers Association.


Buffalo Beer League Memb ership » $40 per year Membership year runs from January 1st to December 31st. Join on-line here:

www.BuffaloNiagaraBrewe rs Association.org/membership

In its first year in existence, the BNBA has run a number of marquee events, including the Farm to Pint Tasting, which highlighted the Buffalo Niagara region’s growing hops, small grains farming, and malting industry, at Hamburg Brewing Company this past May and the Buffalo Brewers Festival, which featured craft brewers and brews from more than 30 New York State breweries, six live bands on two different stages, five food trucks, and a Meet-theBrewer tent with brewer-led food/beer pairings, educational panels and special tastings, at Canalside in July. The BNBA plans to have four annual festivals to promote craft beer and beer making. “Successful growing festivals like Buffalo Beer Week and the Buffalo Brewers Festival highlight how strong an impact local craft brewing has on the revitalization of Western New York,” Brooks says. “The BNBA was formed as a way to showcase Buffalo’s rich beer-making history and to stimulate further interest in the local beer industry from surrounding counties in the region, as well as Rochester and Southern Ontario.” “The BNBA will be involved in many initiatives this year to expand outreach and raise awareness about the craft brewing industry,” Brooks adds. “We have a very diverse team of talented individuals on our board who are committed to advocating on behalf of the local craft beer industry throughout the Buffalo Niagara region.”

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Buffalo Beer Week @ Pearl & Pan-Am

continued from page 24

Government leaders such as New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo have also recognized the positive impacts of the craft brew industry through initiatives such as “TasteNY.” The Governor and the State Legislature recently passed legislation that supports craft breweries, increases demand for locally grown farm products and expands industry related economic development and tourism. It is the combination of these state and regional initiatives that have been critical in the formation of the BNBA and its mission to advocate for the craft brewing industry on behalf of the local industry and supply chain partners in Western New York. “Legislative action such as ‘TasteNY’ further reflects the growing demand and interest in making craft breweries part of New York State’s many tourist attractions,” said BNBA board member Tim Herzog, and general manager of Flying Bison Brewery Company. “Harnessing the opportunity to further develop the industry through the BNBA is key to making this movement an integral part of Buffalo’s evolving economic landscape.”

BNBA Board of Directors

Willard Brooks, President Brian Melber, acting Vice President Nick Notarius, Treasurer Dan Giacomini, Secretary

BNBA Board Members

Plus – Try our Coll crafted along with aboration Coffee Porter Public Coffee. Lim Community Beer Works & ited Beer Week Re lease!

Ted Hawley Tim Herzog Matthew Kahn Mark Notarius Dave Rivers John Russo Jr. Dan Syracuse Jeff Ware Earl V. Wells, III Brian Campbell Scott McMillan

– President, New York Craft Malt, LLC – General Manager, Flying Bison Brewing Company – President, Big Ditch Brewing Company – President, Premier Gourmet – President, Kegworks – President, Hamburg Brewing Company – Vice President, Pizza Plant – President, Resurgence Brewing Company – President, e3communications – Buffalo Beer League Co-founder – Buffalo Beer League Co-founder

For more information about the Association, including membership, please visit www.buffaloniagarabrewersassociation.org. The Association can also be reached on Facebook at www.facebook.com/BuffaloNiagaraBrewersAssociation.

Brian Campbell is the Co-Founder/Social Media Coordinator of the Buffalo Beer League and can be reached at buffalobeerleague@aol.com www.facebook.com/thebuffalobeerleague Twitter/Instagram: @buffbeerleague Untappd: @buffalobeerleague


Join the Best League in Town – The Buffalo Beer League! – Brian Campbell Local craft beer lovers rejoice – the Buffalo Beer League is now accepting new members. The beer club, started by two friends, myself, Brian Campbell and Scott McMillian, who have a passion for craft beer, now run the enthusiast wing of the Buffalo Niagara Brewers Association.

« BUFFALO BEER WEEK SPECIALS! » All Week » ½ price Tasting Flights (up to 6) Sat., Sept 27 » “Cocktoberfest Party” featuring German-American musicians from 4 to 8pm. New Cocktoberfest Lager on tap!! 638 Lake St, Wilson, NY 14172 • 716-333-4000 www.WoodcockBrothersBrewery.com

Western New York’s Premium Hard Cider Destination Visit our rustic tasting room to sample the area’s largest selection of craft hard ciders, all made on premise from apples grown in our estate orchard. Learn about various styles of hard cider from our knowledgeable staff as you sample our bottled and draft hard ciders. Visit our tasting room to take advantage of daily Buffalo Beer Week Specials and our weekly Thursday Happy Hour! Proudly distributed throughout Niagara and Erie counties by Try-It Distributing

8503 Lower Lake Road • Barker, NY 14012 • 716.795.3580 • blackbirdciders.com

For $40 a year (those who sign up now will have their memberships extended through December 31, 2015), BBL members will enjoy a plethora of perks and benefits, including a Buffalo Beer League/Buffalo Niagara Brewers Association branded Kleen Kanteen stainless steel pint glass, which gets members $1 off New York beer at participating bars and breweries, a list that includes Mr. Goodbar, Resurgence Brewing Company, Hamburg Brewing Company and Big Ditch Brewing (once open). KegWorks will also sell the pints and offer discounts to BBL members. Find out more information on the BBL, check out their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/thebuffalobeerleague


What are your thoughts on the rapid growth of breweries across the country?


- Jeff Ware, Resurgence Brewing “There certainly is an explosion of breweries! But there is also a growing market for local products – sourced locally – and brewers want to use local products also (hops, barley, malt). A beer produced in Buffalo,using WNY ingredients will have a different taste than the same type of beer brewed in Seattle. That’s something to be proud of.” 28


Do you believe the rapid expansion of craft breweries locally - and nationally can be sustainable?


Homebrew Tasting!

Saturday, September 27th • 1:00 - 4:00 pm Serving Homebrewers in Western New York Since 1992 1296 Sheridan Drive Tonawanda, NY Store Hours Mon-Fri: 1-7 • Sat: 10-4

www.nthomebrew.com (716) 877-8767

» Check our website and Facebook page for Buffalo Beer Week Specials «

Q. A.

- Mike Lundeen, Aurora Brew Works

“I absolutely think the growth is sustainable. When you look at the numbers, craft beer drinkers represent such a small percentage, and the amount of beer we see every week – we see new breweries every week – and it’s getting to the point where we’re having a tough time keeping up. I think the more that people learn about craft beer, that number is only going to go up.”


As a craft beer enthusiast in WNY, what are your thoughts on the rapid growth of local breweries?

- Carly Anne, Buffalo Beer Goddesses “The repetitive nature of the beer industry may speed us toward the peak of growth, but Buffalo has the perfect climate, and the perfect community to support the industry. In the summer, everyone wants to be outside, having a beer with friends, and in the winter, everyone wants to be inside, having a beer with friends. Now we can do all of that.”



~ Proceeds to benefit March of Dimes ~

What: Buffalo Beer Week Launch Party* When: Thursday, Sept. 25th 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM Where: Templeton Landing *A full list of breweries to be announced!

A portion of the proceeds to benefit:

Purchase Your Tickets Today! V.I.P. $40 Start an hour early! From 5:00pm-6:00pm. VIPs will enjoy heavy appetizers while getting a sneak peek at our featured beers from participating breweries. General Admission $25 Guests will have four hours to enjoy their favorite brews while testing the waters from new breweries. Buy tickets on-line at: www.TempletonLanding.com

(716) 852-7337 | 2 Templeton Terrace | Buffalo, NY 14202 www.TempletonLanding.com | /templetonlanding

Saturday, October 4th 9:00am – 5:00pm Downtown Lockport at Erie Canal Locks

• Expanded Community Market on Canal Street (9 AM – 3 PM) • Artisan demonstrations and displays will be located throughout the Locks District • Narrated tours of the Flight of Five and Erie Canal Discovery Center • Canal Street will host a Craft Beer and Wine-tasting Event (12noon – 5pm), including celebrated wines from the Niagara Wine Trail and craft-brewed favorites from throughout WNY. • Canal Artists Show - 57 Canal Street Featuring a unique collection of Erie Canal photographs and paintings of both historic and current Erie Canal scenes. • Children’s Activity Center – The Erie Canal Discovery Center will be transformed into a fun-filled, children’s activity zone. • Erie Canal Musical Experience – musicians will perform songs celebrating the stories and traditions of Erie Canal folklore.

Coming Spring 2015

Brewed in Buffalo Release Party

Friday, September 26 7:00pm Enjoy all these Buffalo Beer Week Exclusive Brews, including…

202 E. Greene Street

Olean 

New York


» Community Beer Works - Porter » Big Ditch - Hoppy Golden Ale » Old FIrst Ward - Pale Ale » Pearl Street - Pumpkin Ale LARGEST POLISH BEER » Southern Tier - Buffalo “Local” » Resurgence - Oktoberfest & Fall Saison & LIQUOR SELECTION » New Buffalo Brewing - Iron Road IPA » Ellicottville Brewing Co. - Eagle Trail IPA ANYWHERE! » Hamburg & Community Beer Works Collab: Iron Sikh Porter » Black Bird Cider Works - Organic Oak Barrel Aged Cider ~ Complementary Polish Buffet will be served!

Adam Mickiewicz Library & Dramatic Circle 612 Fillmore Ave., Buffalo, NY • (716) 847-0839



Having made the exciting move from homebrewer to brewpub prodcution brewing, what are your thoughts on the expanding craft beer scene?


Growing Barley & Hops and Malting Additional Grains for Craft Breweries & Distilleries in Western New York.

www.niagaramalt.com » niagaramalt@gmail.com » (716) 861-9887

- Alex Placito, Old First Ward Brewing

“There is an influx of youth in our city. Those who used to seek employment outside of the area are finding jobs here, and so additional destinations have become necessary. The culture surrounding craft beer is reflective of this young adult culture, and so the region is expanding to meet the demands, especially in the desire for craft beer.” 34

BUFFALO BEER WEEK PREVIEW EVENTS 9/25 9/26 9/30 10/1 10/2 10/3 10/4

Templeton Landing Village Beer Merchant Buffalo Beer League “Meet the Brewer” Santora’s Local Breweries Tap Takeover Hop Kitchen Beer Pairing Dinner at Artisan Kitchen and Baths Premier Gourmet Brickyard BBQ McGarrets

Official Launch Mid October ~ Follow us for Event List ~ Taproom / Restaurant Opening Winter 2014

55. E. HURON BUFFALO, NY 14203 • 716-854-5050




Q. A.

You’re about to open Buffalo newest craft brewery, what is your take on all the competitive growth you’re about to face?

- Matt Khan, Big Ditch Brewing

“First, with regards to number of breweries in our immediate area (Buffalo/Niagara region) The comparison I like to make is to Portland, Oregon. Portland has 2.3 times the population of Buffalo, but almost 7 times the number of breweries. Now, I’m not saying that Buffalo will be the next Portland Portland claims to have the most breweries of any city in the world - but certainly there is plenty of room for growth. I could easily see Buffalo-Niagara being home to twice the number of breweries it has right now. That being said, the growth can’t go on forever, so at a certain point, we will reach our capacity, but we’re pretty far away from that point right now. There is a lot made of the fact that there are now over 3,000 breweries in the US. Well, there are over 8,000 wineries in America, and 1,250 breweries in Germany for a population that is 1/4 of the US population. Again, plenty of room for growth.” 585-424-2266 • RhinoBeverageDistributing@gmail.com







A Belgian style ale brewed with tangerine peel



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Cheers to another Buffalo Beer Week!

Coming to town for Buffalo Beer Week?

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Q. A.

CBW has been going strong for a several years now, how do you see the sustainability factor of brewery growth?

eer Garden! WNY’s Oldest B ted Locally Craf Proudly Serving nd! Beer All Year ‘Rou

Buffalo Beer Week Special Event in the Grove!

Stocktoberfest! Saturday, Oct. 4, 2–8pm

» Live Music » Local Craft Beers » Wood-fired Brick Oven Pizza » German Fare, German Beer and much more…

- Dan Conley, Community Beer Works

“There is room for growth, but it is a finite market. There will be a natural decline, of course, but because of competition, there will be an increase in quality. As a region, we haven’t begun to approach the peak of the market.”

9870 Transit Rd • Swormville, NY (716) 688-9896


Bringing New Orleans to Grand Island… Live Home Brewing Demonstration by Buffalo BrewShop! Saturday, Sept 27 » Noon - 4 pm

2014 Taste of Grand Island (Town Commons and Whitehaven Road.) Come see how craft beer is made. Craft beer and food pairing specials!

Cajun Inspired Menu ~

Open for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner » Great Food » Live Music » Large Selection of Craft Beers » 2014 TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence Winner

(716) 775-5047 www.DickandJennysNY.com • 1270 Baseline Rd., Grand Island, NY

NOBODY LEAVES HERE A STRANGER North Buffalo’s home for Craft Beer 20 Craft Beers on Tap Sampler Platters 4 for $6

Open Monday - Friday 11:00am for lunch

GoWithGordons.com for draft and bottled beer B-LO ZERO – Our own house ale, brewed in collaboration list, all our Beer Week events and with Keuka Brewing Co., “everything Gordon’s” available this fall and winter!

» Events Directory «

Full Week & Special Events Premier Gourmet Tastings every day during beer week. Check the schedule online at www.premiergourmet.com/beerweek Blackbird Cider Works BlackBird Cider Works Pint and Growler Specials. Fat Bob’s Smokehouse Beer & BBQ Pairing Menu Pan-American Grill & Brewery Free appetizer with beer purchase of two house brews with Beer Week ad. One special per party of two during beer week only. Pearl Street Try ALL of the house brews at half price – Show program ad and get expanded beer sampler (14, 2 oz. samples) for $5.25! Your first pint from the sampler is half price too! Shango Cheese Pairing w/ rare Sierra Nevada Beer Camp Selections -$10. Oshun Oyster Bar 1/2 Doz Oysters on the Half Shell with Beer Pairing - $15. The Craftsman Lounge at the Roycroft Inn Food and Beer Pairings at The Craftsman Lounge Woodcock Brothers Brewing Company 1/2 Price Tasting Flights (up to 6) Eldens Grill & Banquet Special Food and local beer pairings. MacGregors’ Grill & Tap Room Captian Lawrence specials. Glen Park Tavern Beef on Weck with Flying Bison Bisonfest special. Rohall’s Corner $3 Pints of Flying Bison Bisonfest.

Adam Mickiewicz Library – Brewed in Buffalo Release Party Friday, September 26th » 7:00pm » Community Beer Works - Porter » Big Ditch - Hoppy Golden Ale » Old FIrst Ward - Pale Ale » Pearl Street - Pumpkin Ale » Southern Tier - Buffalo “Local” » Resurgence - Oktoberfest & Fall Saison » New Buffalo Brewing - Iron Road IPA » Ellicottville Brewing Co. - Eagle Trail IPA » Hamburg & Community Beer Works Collab: Iron Sikh Porter » Black Bird Cider Works - Organic Oak Barrel Aged Cider Complementary Polish buffet will be served.

Buffalo Beer hall of Fame First Keg of Beer Week Tapping @ Coles with Gordon Biersch • Tues, Sept. 23rd 2263 Delaware Ave., Buffalo • 716-874-3020

Buffalo Beer Hall of Fame Ceremony and first keg of Beer Week Keg Tapping -- by special invite only. Special Gordon Biersch Beer Tapped!


Buffalo Beer Week with Gordon Biersch » Events Directory «

Keg Tapping ~ Tues., Sept. 23 » 11am -1pm @ Coles on Elmwood Buffalo Beer Hall of Fame induction and press party. First Keg – Buffalo Beer Week Keg Tapping!

Thursday, September 25th

Brew Master’s Dinner ~ Wed., Oct. 1 » 6pm

Alterantive Brews 8:00 pm Monthly Free Beer Tasting at 8:00. All local beers including Resurgence, Rusty Nickel, Big Ditch and more. All free!

Our chef has carefully crafted a 6 course meal that will be paired with 6 of our hand crafted beers. This year it’s a “candied” food theme - with each course prepared with one of our beers. $50. per person. Call soon - space is limited to 30 seats. Visit our Facebook page or www.BuffaloBeerWeek.com

Mr. Goodbar 7 - 10 pm

Charcuterie and Beer Pairing event with Premier Gourmet ~ Mon., Sept. 29 » 6:30pm Join us as we pair our handcrafted beers with some delicious foods from Premier Gourmet - space is limited to 30 seats.

Bills and Beer Specials ~ Sun., Oct. 5 The perfect pairing of Buffalo football and craft beer!

Happy Hours! $2 off any Gordon Biersch Beer Mon - Fri: 4pm to 7pm & Everyday 10pm to close

10% OFF Food e u P rchas

ad to your Present this 10% off ge & server t purchase od your next fo towaga at our Cheek n. locatio

Mon - Thurs: 11am 12 Fri & Sat: 11am - 2am am Sun: 11am - 11pm

Galleria Mall • (716) 683-0050

Buffalo Beer Goddesses One Year Anniversary Party Upstairs $10 - Drink Ticket included and Special Big Ditch Brewing tasting too!

Friday, September 26th Gordon’s on Delaware 4 - 7 pm B-Lo Zero Gordon’s Ale - made and designed by Gordon’s Brewed by Keuka Brewing Co. $1 off all Pints Templeton Landing 6 - 10 pm Buffalo Beer Week Launch Party. VIP Start an hour early! (5:00-6:00pm): $40. General Admission ($25) guests will have 4 hours to enjoy favorite brews while testing the waters from new breweries! Visit http://bit.do/BBWLaunchParty to purchase your ticket! Adam Mickiewicz Library 7 pm Brewed in Buffalo Release Party featuring Buffalo Beer Week Special beers and releases. The Craftsman Lounge at the Roycroft Inn 6 pm Friday Brews & Music at The Craftsman Lounge Jack Astors 6 - 9 pm

Ellicottville Brewing Company Fall Fest Tap Attack

Fat Bob’s Smokehouse 6 pm Harpoon Tap Takeover and BBQ Event MacGregors’ Grill & Tap Room 5 pm Founders Vintage Rare Tapping. KBS, Sweet Repute, Dissenter, Devil Dancer 2013 & 2014 Mr. Goodbar 7:30 pm


Blind Craft Beer Challange with Bill Metzger, $20

Premier Gourmet 5 - 7 pm Ithaca Brewing Tasting The Public House of Buffalo 6 - 8 pm Hamburg Brewery Happy Hour Tasting

VISIT THE STORE OR CALL TODAY KegWorks.com/store | 716.929.7570 | 1460 Military Road, Kenmore, NY

Aurora Brew Works 2 pm Rock the Eisbock! Village Beer Merchant – Elmwood 5 - 7 pm Big Ditch tasting







Saturday, September 27th Blue Monk All Day Jack’s Abby Complete Tap Takeover - All 32 Draft Lines! A can’t-miss event of Buffalo Beer Week. Resurgence Brewing Company 11 am - 2 pm Kegs, Eggs & Experimental Brews. Beer brunch event. Gordon’s on Delaware 5 pm Pint night. $1 off all craft beer draft pints - 20 to choose from. Sato Japanese Restaurant 2 - 5 pm 4 course beer and food pairing dinner with Southern Tier Woodcock Brothers Brewing Company 4 - 8 pm Cocktoberfest featuring German American music Buffalo Brewshop and Dick & Jenny’s 2 - 4 pm 2014 Taste of Grand Island at Town Hall. Live Homebrewing Demonstration. Craft beer and food pairing specials. MacGregors’ Grill & Tap Room 5 pm Ellicottville Brewing Company Tap Attack Mr. Goodbar 6 pm

Looking for New York State Malt?

Bands and Brews - Mayday @ 9pm. $1 off Flying Bison Drafts

Niagara Tradition 1 - 4 pm Homebrewers Tasting Premier Gourmet 1 - 3 pm Southern Tier Brewing Co. Tasting Aurora Brew Works 2 pm Remarkable Tap Takeover: Dark Horse, Evil Twin, B. Nektar, Westbrook, Stillwater & Off Color Brewing. Brennan’s Bowery Bar 7 pm Big Ditch tasting

A complete advertiser index - with addresses - is located on page 61 of this guide.


585.813.5389 • www.nycraftmalt.com

8164 Bank Street Road • Batavia, New York 14020




THE CRAFTSMAN LOUNGE at The ROYCROFT Inn Offering hand-crafted beers on tap

light menu and live music every Friday night During Buffalo Beer Week check out our daily food and beer pairing special 40 South Grove Street East Aurora, NY 14052 716-652-5552 || roycroftinn.com “We took down a wall and created a whole new experience”

» Events Directory «

Sunday, September 28th Pizza Plant (Transit) 6 pm Roll Out the Barrels - Featuring a stellar lineup of Barrel-Aged Beers that you can purchase either individually, or by the Flight. Black Sheep Restaurant 5:30 pm CBW - Black Sheep Beer Dinner. 5 course beer-pairing dinner by Steve & Ellen Gedra of Black Sheep, Ethan Cox & Drew Hardin. Gordon’s on Delaware 1 - 3 pm Sampling from Bell’s Brewing during the Bills game Resurgence Brewing Company Noon - 5 pm Buffalo Beer League & Resurgence Brewing Collaboration Beer Tapping and Bills Game Party The Pour House 1 - 3 pm Ellicottville Brewing Company Fall Fest Tap Attack MacGregors’ Grill & Tap Room 2 pm Southern Tier Brewing Company Tasting Mr. Goodbar 1 pm

Beer, Wing & Football Sunday Funday

Premier Gourmet 11am - 1 pm Jack’s Abby Brewing Co. Tasting Aurora Brew Works All Day Bring in your Beer Week Event Guide for FREE BEER!

Monday, September 29th Brickyard BBQ 8 - 10 pm Ellicottville Brewing Company Fall Fest Tap Attack Gordon Biersch 6 pm Charcuterie and Beer Pairing Event with Premier Gourmet Premier Gourmet 5 - 7 pm Otter Creek Brewing Co. Tasting Alterantive Brews 6 pm 5 cigar buffet dinner with Lockhouse vodka & local craft beers Gordon’s on Delaware 6 pm Great Lakes Monday Night Football & Trivia Contest Event Blue Monk 6 pm

Bells Beer Dinner - Multi-Course Food & Beer Pairing. Contact Blue Monk at 716.882.6665 for details.

MacGregors’ Grill & Tap Room 5 pm Sam Adams Tasting Mr. Goodbar All Day

$1 off all Craft Beer Cans - All Day


» Events Directory «

Tuesday, September 30th Coles 7 pm

This Beer Week, Hang at the Corner! Sat, Oct. 4th » BlackRock Old School Pub Crawl » 7pm - Mid with the Queen City Roller Girls and Gennesee Cream Ale. Be a part of the 1st Buffalo Beer Week Old School Pub Crawl in Black Rock. We’re the last stop on the Crawl ~ approx 11:00pm

Sept. 26th – Oct. 5th » Flying Bison Bisonfest Special Featuring Pints of Flying Bison’s Oktoberfest brew for $3.00 all throughout Buffalo Beer Week Craft and Local Beers on Tap ~ Eastern European Bottles Slivovitz, Krupnik & more!

540 Amherst St, Buffalo, NY 14207 • 716.812.0582

Oscar Blues night

Brennan’s Bowery Bar 6 - 10 pm Smoked, Sours and Oddballs Beer Tasting KegWorks Retail Store 6 pm KegWorks Home Brewing Classes. $10, includes $10 gift cert. Gordon’s on Delaware 7 pm Brooklyn Brewery Trivia & Tasting Night. $1 off Sam Adams beers. Santoras on Transit 5 - 7 pm Resurgence Tapping: Sponge Candy Stout & Fall Saison Gene McCarthy’s 6 pm ETrivial Tuesdays @ Gene McCarthys Hot Mama’s Canteen 6 pm CBW & Hot Mama’s Canteen - Dixieland Style Funeral Mr. Goodbar All Day

Craft Beer Cans - $1 off

Premier Gourmet 5 - 7 pm North Coast Brewing Co. Tasting Aurora Brew Works 5 - 9 pm Family Game Night

An Original American Tavern Operating Since 1887 Buffalo Beer Week Special - All Week Long 6 oz. House Carved Beef on Weck with a pint of Flying Bison Bisonfest: $12 13 taps of Craft, Premium Bee and Domestic Beer. Fish Fry available lunch and dinner every day.

Williamsville Village Beer Week Pub Tour - Oct. 5 Noon to 5pm Stops include: Pizza Plant (Walker), Brioso, Glen Park Tavern, The Irishman, Creekview, Sorrentinos, & Eagle House. $5.00 Purchase Tour Cards at Participating Establishments Proceeds to benefit March of Dimes

Mulberry Ristorante & Hamburg Brewing 6 pm 5 course pairing dinner with some select beers from HBC! Tickets available at eachlocation for $60 MacGregors’ Grill & Tap Room 5 pm Three Heads Brewing Company Tasting Osteria 166 & Resurgence Brewing 6 - 9 pm Five Course Beer Dinner paired with some of Resurgence’s finest selections from their portfolio.$65 per ticket Pan AM Grill & Brewery All Day Oktoberfest Beer Release. $4 pints. Shango Bistro 5 pm Meet the Brewer Happy Hour - Keuka Brewing. $10 flights. Jack Astors 7 pm

5507 Main Street Williamsville, NY (716) 626-9333 • www.GlenParkTavernBuffalo.com

Meet the Brewers - Big Ditch tasting night


» Events Directory « Expanding the appreciation and awareness of craft beer in Western New York WNY Craft Beer Magazine and WNYCraftBeer.com celebrate local beer culture and promote the vibrancy of this growing industry through engaging editorial content and feature stories. Visit us on the web or pickup a copy of our latest edition at all Consumer's Beverages locations!

Wednesday, October 1st Aurora Brew Works All Day Organoletic Hop Transducer Module (Randalizer) - beer infusions Blue Monk All Night

Tasting of Against the Grain Brewing from Louisville, KY.

Pizza Plant (Transit) 6 pm Dogfish Head Ancient Ales & Foods. Midus Touch, Sha Tea, Kvasir, The Obroma, Chateau Jah & ‘10 World Wide Stout botls. Premier Gourmet 5 - 7 pm Hamburg Brewing Co. Tasting Papa Jakes 6 - 8 pm

Ellicottville Brewing Company Fall Fest Tap Attack

Gordon’s on Delaware All night Southern Tier Night - $1 off pints all night. Gordon Biersch 6 pm Brew Master’s Dinner. 6 course meal paired with 6 of our hand crafted beers. This year it’s a “candied” food theme. $50. Limit 30. MacGregors’ Grill & Tap Room 5 pm Traveler Beer Company Tasting Mr. Goodbar All Day

Hoppy Hump Day - $1 off all Hoppy Draft, Casks & Bottles!

Thursday, October 2nd Aurora Brew Works All Day Thursday Night Flights! Choose from one of custom beer flights. Or take a gamble on the MYSTERY flight! Keg Works 6 pm

KegWorks Home Brewing Classes. $10, includes $10 gift cert.

Artisan Kitchen & Bath 5:30 - 7:30 pm 5 of WNY’s best chefs will serve appetizer-portions meant to pair perfectly with beers from five local breweries. Meet the chefs, and brewers, and enjoy an evening of delicious food & drink! Premier Gourmet 5 - 7 pm Flying Bison Brewing Co. Tasting Colter Bay Grill 5 - 7 pm Triva Night with New Buffalo Brewing Craft Tap House 7 - 10 pm Ellicottville Brewing Company Fall Fest Tap Attack MacGregors’ Grill & Tap Room 5 pm Sierra Nevada Life & Limb Tapping Gordon’s on Delaware 9 - 11 pm Lagunitas Sample Party

54 continued on next page

» Events Directory «

Thursday, October 2nd Continued Mr. Goodbar 5 pm

Thursday Night Flights! $8 Craft Beer Flights

Brennan’s Bowery Bar 6 pm Sam Adams Stein Hoist Competition. Contest tarts at 7pm Pearl Street Grill & Brewery All Day Fall Beer Celebration. Help us “Tap the Pumpkin” and enjoy our pumpkin beer directly from the pumpkin! The Public House of Buffalo 7 - 9 pm Alagash Brewing Tasting

Friday, October 3rd East Aurora Pub Crawl 5:50 - 9:30 pm Stops to include Bar Bill, 189 Public House, Aurora Brew Works, The Craftsman Lounge, Craft Tap House, Brothers, Medici House, and Riley Street. Hosted by the Buffalo Beer League’s Brian Campbell & Scott McMillan - email buffalobeerleague@yahoo.com to join. Spots limited to 25 crawlers again this year. Pizza Plant (Transit) 6 pm Maine Beer Event. King Titus Porter, Mo APA, Lunch IPA, Old Tom Stout, Another One IPA plus more bottles. Artisan Kitchen & Bath 5:30 - 7:30 pm 5 of WNY’s best chefs will serve appetizer-portions meant to pair perfectly with beers from five local breweries. Meet the chefs, and brewers, and enjoy an evening of delicious food & drink! Premier Gourmet 4 - 6 pm Big Ditch Brewing Co. Tasting The Craftsman Lounge at the Roycroft Inn All Night Friday Brews & Music at The Craftsman Lounge Gene McCarthy’s 5 pm Firkin Friday @ Gene McCarthy’s MacGregors’ Grill & Tap Room 5 pm Sierra Nevada Life & Limb Tapping

Buffalo Beer Week Events @ MacGregor’s

Mr. Goodbar 7 pm Armor Inn 7 - 10 pm

Friday 9-26

Founders Rare & Vintage Tapping @ 5pm. KBS, Sweet Repute, Dissenter, ’13 & ’14 Devil Dancer Saturday 9-27 Ellicottville Brewing Co. Tasting @ 5pm Sunday 9-28 Southern Tier Tasting @ 2pm Monday 9-29 Sam Adams Tasting @ 5pm. Fat Jack ’13 & ’14 Tuesday 9-30 Three Heads Brewing Tasting @ 5pm Weds. 10-1 Traveler Beer Company Tasting @ 5pm Thursday 10-2 Sierra Nevada Tapping @ 5pm, Life & Limb ’11 Friday 10-3 Hamburg Brewing Company Tasting @ 5pm Saturday 10-4 McKenzie’s Hard Cider Tasting @ 5pm Sunday 10-5 New Buffalo Brewing Tasting @ 2pm ALL WEEK! EBC Blueberry & Fall Festival Special! $3.50 imperial pints & $9.00 pitchers

WNYs biggest tap selection with 84 taps and a full bar. Open 11am–2am daily Custom Sandwiches • Handcrafted Pizza Steak Burgers • Wings • Salads and more. 4350 Maple Rd. Amherst, NY • 716.725.0720


Get Sauced with the Saucies! A Buffalo Beer Week Event with the Suicidal Saucies Roller Derby Team 2nd floor Featuring a home brew demonstration and tasting by the Sultans of Swig Ellicottville Brewing Company Fall Fest Tap Attack

Fat Bob’s Smokehouse 6 pm Victory Brewery Tap Party 9 - 11 pm Founders Night -- Anthony is taking over the taps! Brickyard BBQ 7 pm Big Ditch Brewing Co. Tasting


BEER WEEK @ BOB’S! Friday, September 26th • 6:00pm


» Events Directory «

Enter to win tickets to Harpoon Championships of New England BBQ

Friday, OCTOBER 3RD • 6:00pm

VICTORY TAPPING PARTY Allentown's Beer Destination! Allentown

24 Taps now available + over 80 bottles Beer & BBQ Pairing Menu All week long

PLUS Pint spec ials ALL week!



Saturday, October 4th Gordon’s on Delaware 8 pm Discounts on all craft pints and bottles. 8pm- close Buffalo Wine & Brew Shop 1 - 4 pm Meet the Maltsters, Home Brew Demo, and CBW tasting Mr. Goodbar 9 pm

Bands and Brews - Dark Eyes 55 @ 9pm 2nd Floor and $1 off all CBW Drafts

Keg Works 6 pm 12 - 3 pm

KegWorks Home Brewing Classes. $10, includes $10 gift cert. Cask Ale - Keg Beer Comparison Tasting. Sample one beer, two different ways. Side by side tasting of the same beer force carbonated and the same beer cask conditioned.

Coles 7 - 10 pm

Ellicottville Brewing Company Fall Fest Tap Attack. Grand prize winner will be drawn for the Fall Fest Giveaway.

Hamburg Brewing 12 - 6 pm First Anniversary Party with live music from Strictly Hip. Locktoberfest 9 am -5 pm Beer Festival: Noon - 5pm. Wine, Cider, and Beer Tastings - featuring local brews, ciders, and wines (list available soon). See center spread ad for all the details on this major event. Premier Gourmet Noon - 2 pm Nine Pin Cidery Tasting Noon - 2 pm Lavery Brewing Co. Tasting Stockman’s Tavern & Grove 2 -8 pm Stocktoberfest! In WNY’s oldest beer garden. Live music with Shawn Duchscherer & Friends, German Fare, including FlammKuchen (German pizza). Local Crafts & German Beers MacGregors’ Grill & Tap Room 5 pm McKenzie’s Hard Cider Tasting Aurora Brew Works All Day Founders Brewing Co. Tap Takeover: Pale Ale, Rubaeus, All Day IPA, Double Trouble, Breakfast Stout, Backwoods Bastard & KBS. Plus SWAG! McGarret’s 7 pm

Big Ditch Tasting

Black Rock Old School Pub Crawl! 3 - 7 pm Walk, crawl, bike, or skate with the Queen City Roller Girls 1st Annual Pub Crawl! $5. Genesee Cream Ale paired with prizes and contests at each stop. To join, contact QCRG via email: events@qcrg.net. Hot Mama’s Canteen, The Phoenix, Sportsmans Tavern, Casey’s Tavern 58 and Rohall’s Corner are the stops in order.

» Events Directory «

Sunday, October 5th The Public House Noon Founders Brunch w/ KBS. - Pre-sale tickets $35 4 Course brunch including KBS! Gene McCarthy’s Noon OFW Oktoberfest Celebration - Release of the new Old First Ward Brewing Oktoberfest and Doppelbock. Gordon’s on Delaware 1 -4 pm Bills and Beers. Specials on all Craft Draft and Bottles during the football game. Mr. Goodbar 1 -4 pm

Beer, Wing & Football Sunday Funday - $1 off Cask Pints, $.50 Wings, and NFL Sunday Ticket

MacGregors’ Grill & Tap Room 1:30 pm New Buffalo Brewing - Meet the Brewer tasting Aurora Brew Works All Day Founders Brewing Co. Tap Takeover: Pale Ale, Rubaeus, All Day IPA, Double Trouble, Breakfast Stout, Backwoods Bastard & KBS. Plus SWAG!



WHEN: Wednesday, Oct 1st | 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. WHERE: The KegWorks Store Come to KegWorks for an exclusive tasting and demonstration with a Glassware Specialist from Spiegelau and a Representative from Southern Tier Brewing Company. Limited Seating – Get your tickets today! Call: 716.929.7570

Gordon Biersch 1 pm Bills & Beers. Pint specials during game. Premier Gourmet 11 am - 1 pm New Buffalo Tasting. Try all 3 brews, including the debut of the Iron Road IPA. Williamsville Village Beer Week Tour de Pub 12 - 5 pm Join us for the first annual Tour de Pub. Stops include Pizza Plant (Walker), Brioso, Glen Park Tavern, The Irishman, Creekview, Sorrentino’s and The Eagle House. $5. Proceeds benefits March of Dimes. Purchase Tour Cards at all Participating Establishments.

“Voted Best t n New Restaurad” n la Is e on th

A complete advertiser index - with addresses - is located on page 61 of this guide.


Advertiser Venue Directory

5 Sept. 26 – Oct.

Adam Mickiewicz Library AJs Warehouse (Rhino) Alternative Brews Artisan Kitchen & Bath Aurora Brew Works Big Ditch Brewery Black Sheep Restaurant Blackbird Cider Works Blue Monk Brennan’s Bowery Bar Buffalo Brew Shop Coles Community Beer Works Dick & Jenny’s Elldens Grill & Banquet Ellicottville Brewing Company Double Tree Hotel (Amherst/UB) Fat Bob’s Smokehouse Flying Bison Brewery Four Mile Brewing Gene McCarthy’s & OFW Brewing Glen Park Tavern Gordon Biersch Gordon’s Bar Hamburg Brewing Company Hot Mama’s Canteen Holiday Inn (Airport) Holiday Inn (Buffalo) Holiday Inn Express (Airport) Kegworks Locktoberfest MacGregor’s Grill & Tap Room Mr. Goodbar New York Craft Malt Niagara Malt Niagara Traditions Oshun Oyster Bar Osteria 166 Pan-American Grill & Brewery Pearl St. Grill & Brewery Pizza Plant - Transit Pizza Plant - Walker Center Premier Gourmet Public House of Buffalo Resurgence Brewing Rohall’s Corner Rohrbach Brewing Co (Brewery) Rohrbach Brewing (Bar/Rest) Sato Modern Japanese Rest. Shango Bistro Stockman’s Tavern Templeton Landing The Craftsman Lounge @ Roycroft Woodcock Brothers Brewing Co.

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612 Fillmore Avenue, Buffalo 175 Clay Rd, Rochester 3488 Sheridan Drive, Amherst 200 Amherst Street, Buffalo 191 Main Street, E. Aurora 55 E. Huron St Buffalo 367 Connecticut St., Buffalo 8503 Lower Lake Rd., Barker 727 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo 4401 Transit Road, Buffalo 5864 Transit Road, Depew 1104 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo 15 Lafayette Ave, Buffalo 1270 Baseline Rd., Grand Island 201 Whitehaven Rd, Grand Island 28-30 Monroe St, Ellicottville 10 Flint Road (at Maple), Amherst 41 Virginia Place, Buffalo 840 Seneca St, Buffalo 202 East Green St. Olean 73 Hamburg Street, Buffalo 5507 Main St., Williamsville 2000 Walden Ave., Galleria Mall 2263 Delaware Ave, Buffalo 6553 Boston State Rd., Hamburg 12 Military Ave., Buffalo 4600 Genesee St., Cheektowaga 620 Delaware Ave., Buffalo 131 Buell Ave., Cheektowaga 1460 Military Rd., Buffalo 57 Canal St., Lockport 4350 Maple Rd., Amherst 1110 Elmwood Ave. , Buffalo 8164 Bank Street Rd., Batavia Cambria Center, New York 1296 Sheridan Dr., Tonawanda 5 E. Huron St., Buffalo 166 Franklin St, Buffalo 391 Washington St., Buffalo 76 Pearl St, Buffalo 7770 Transit Rd, Williamsville 5110 Main St., Williamsville 3904 Maple Rd, Amherst 1206 Hertel Ave., Buffalo 1250 Niagara St, Buffalo 540 Amherst St Buffalo 97 Railroad St., Rochester 3859 Buffalo Rd. (Whittier) Rochester 739 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo 3260 Main Street, Buffalo 9870 Transit Rd., Swormville 2 Templeton Terrace, Buffalo 40 S Grove St., E. Aurora 638 Lake St, Wilson

847-0839 (585) 424.2266 446-0424 873.4100 652-BEER Ph. # TBA 884-1100 795-3580 882-6665 633-9630 686-9969 886-1449 759-HOPS 775-5048 773.3337 699.2537 689-4414 887-2971 873-1557 904.1907 855-8948 626-9333 683-0050 874-3020 649-3249 783-8222 634-6969 886-2121 631-8700 929-7570 725-0720 882-4000 (585) 813-5389 861-9887 877-8767 848-4500 858-3118 853-1505 856-2337 632-0800 626-5566 877-3574 551-6208 381-9868 939-2087 (585) 546-8020 (585) 594-9800 931-9146 837-2326 688-9896 852-2260 652-5552 333-4000



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