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POLICY CF4: MEDICAL FACILITIES - The expansion of GP premises or proposals for alternative premises that increase the accessibility of health care for residents living in the Plan area will be supported providing that the development:
a) will not result in unacceptable traffic movements, noise, fumes, smell or other disturbance to residential properties;
b) will provide parking provision, including that for essential medical personnel, to development plan standards.
The retention of historic/traditional shop fronts is particularly important. Alongside high-quality contemporary design, they make an important contribution to the architectural and historic interest of the retail area.
Concern has been expressed that the visual appearance of some shops in Glenfield has declined, resulting in a less attractive street scene and diminishing the impact of the traditional buildings within it. Well-designed shopfronts and frontages to buildings make an important contribution to the character of Glenfield as well as to individual buildings across it. The retention of historic shopfronts is particularly important. Alongside high-quality contemporary design, they make an important contribution to the special architectural and historic interest of the retail area.
The shopping provision in Glenfield is located in a number of different places largely comprising small neighbourhood centres. One major outlet is the Morrisons Supermarket off Station Road, including a shoe repair franchise. Glenfield has a Post Office on Dominion Road but unfortunately with limited parking.
At the south end of Station Road there is a public house, a private hire firm, a petrol station, an Indian restaurant, a dentist, a charity shop, a hairdresser, a design/print business, a travel agency and a chemist. There is also the access to the Morrisons supermarket which also operates a café and hosts a shoe repair and key cutting bar. It adjoins a building formerly a Club and Snooker Hall, now acquired by Morrisons, future usage unknown.
Further down the road there is a small industrial estate behind a gymnasium and other retail outlets. There is a hairdresser, a television shop, a vaping manufacturer/retailer, and a kitchen supplier and fitter, and further down a doctors surgery with an attached chemist.
Dominion Road/Tournament Road crossroads is a busy shopping area with parking. There is a chemist, optician, and four food take-away outlets. There is also a funeral parlour, a Thai therapy parlour and a tattoo parlour. Tesco now provide a convenience store/small supermarket in what was once a public house.