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New Employment Opportunities
Support for new employment opportunities
New employment initiatives in the right location can greatly help to boost and diversify the local economy and to provide more local employment opportunities. Overall, maintaining the character of the parish strongly mitigates against any larger scale business development, although the existing business park located outside of the village does provide some scope for expansion within its boundary.
Any new employment initiatives should be sensitive to the character of the parish. Employment proposals should only be seen as acceptable if they avoid harmful impacts on other matters agreed to be locally important such as air quality, green spaces, increased traffic flows, parking, residential amenity, the preservation of historic/heritage assets and the local environment.
There is, however, a need to recognise and support the increasing numbers of people who conduct their businesses from home. The Neighbourhood Plan reflects this in its proposals to provide a wider range of housing and to both support conversion of redundant agricultural buildings and the development of local business premises where appropriate.
POLICY E2: SUPPORT FOR NEW EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES - In supporting additional employment proposals new development should:
a) Fall within the settlement boundary of the village of Glenfield unless it relates to small scale employment-related development appropriate to the Green Wedge (Core Strategy Policy CS16);
b) Where possible, development should be sited in existing buildings or on areas of previously developed land;
c) Be of a size and scale not adversely affecting the character, infrastructure and environment of the village itself and the neighbourhood plan area, including the countryside;
d) Not involve the loss of dwellings;
e) Not increase noise levels or light pollution or introduce any pollution to an extent that they would unacceptably disturb occupants of nearby residentialproperty;
f) Will not result in unacceptable levels of traffic movements that generate increased levels of noise, fumes, smell or other harmful disturbance to residential properties including the need for additional parking which cannot be catered for within the curtilage of the property;
g) Contribute to the character and vitality of the local area; and
h) Be well integrated into and complement existing businesses, meeting the design requirements described in Policy H5.