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T-\OR lone-lived protection and permanent beauty the slate H'roof ha-s no Juperior. In Pioneer Slate-Surfaced Roll r Roofing you hayl this superiority in its most convenient form,
Pioneer Slate-Surfaced Roll Roofing is built according to the best Pioneer specifications-a base bf tough felt, coated with asohalt into which is imbedded an outer surface of crushed slate, giving you in effect an armor of protection against sparks, time and the elements.
Pioneer Slate-Surfaced Roll Roofing comes in three natural slate colors-red, green and blue-black. Weighs 85 pounds to the roll of 108 sq. Tt. Carries the Class C label of the National Board of Fire -Underwriters. The ideal material for steepDitched roofs and wherever the roof is se€n conspicuously irom the ground.
You'll find a brisk demand for this product-and what is more, there's a nice profit on every sale.
Consult Your Lumber Dealer!
Long-Bcll natlonal advcrtlrlnr ls urgturg thc butldcr to conruli the rcteil lmber deelcr on ell nattctr of buildlns matcrlal. It ls thc atm o,f Long-Bclt edvcrtlllnE to eld ln puttlog thc coniumcr ln motc dlrcttouch with thc rctall &elcr.
Thc Long.Bcll Derlc Scrvicc lncludcr advcnhlng marerlal thc dcaler wlll finduscful tn tyinS up with thit national ad- vcrtising. For furthcr Infotmation, wrltc thc Adverttltng ucpaftmcat.
Beautiful Oak Floors
Floortalutinthe modern small home ls important, Oak floring is popular because of its beautv. Car lulh aanafa c tu n d oak flat ing,howivei, murt be used if thebuilderdesircmap ently satisfactory flors. Lirns-Bcll trade.marked OiL Florine is-cate fullv manufacrured. lt is *6nomical to lay and 6nish and givesbeauty and dumbilis to rhe home. A valuable booklet, "The Perfect Flor," will be miled on reouest.
White Pine Doors
Long.Bell all-whitc.pine doors, made throushout of California rVhte Pine. iive universal stisfac. tion. They ari bautiful in appear. ance--take any finish-do not check or split-and cost less to 6t, mortise and hang. Ask your lum. Der dealer.
Timbers for Heavy Construction
AII Long.Bell timbers are made on special order. From rhe selection of the trte to the fnished producr, cv€ry attention in manufacture is c.entered on the purpose for which the rimber is to be used. For manv years- Long-Bell trade.marked timbers have been used in railroad and indusftial construcion. Lons experience enables us to upplytimbers of dependable_qusliry, an- imponant consloeratlon lor every buyer.