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Window witdom
Window sash and frames must withstand the extremes of weather wear, plus handling and frictiona most exacting demand upon the wood of whichlhey are made. Ac, curate workmanship is paramount; andit is essentialthit t6is accuracv be preserved durine the life of thl sash and frame.
Millwork accuracy depends prir marily upon the texture of ihe wood used. Soft.textured Califor, nia Pines are naturally qualified for precision millwork. They cut easily, either with or acrosi the grain, without splitting. They sur, face smoothly on four sides. Their uniformly even grain allows the cutting toolto produce sharp edges, whrch cast the contrasting shadows that accentuate the desrtn of the building.
California Pine sashand frames preserve the structural form and design of the window unit, because these pines have the minimum ten, dency to expand and contract. They withstand the severe strains of opposing elements, as, for ex, ample, zero temperature outside the home, and 70 degrees inside; or, when the outside window woodwork is rain,beaten. while the inside is dry.
The very light weight of these pines makes sash operation easn at the same time lessening the cost of balance weights, or, reducing the strain on mechanical sash balances.
Sash and frame manufacturers find the qualities of California Pines parallel those of the Eastern whire pines,.the-supply of which has been lorgel! depleted bJ past demand.
Many of these manifacturers now use .Ca.lifornia Pines,' the supply o-f u nich s ample to me et tltz demonds ol the next two centuries.
Sash and frames are painted in, side and out. Paint protection adds to the natural wearing qualities of wood. California Pine window parts paint p erfectly, their smooth surfaces readily take the paint and hold the protective coating tena, ciously. The light, natural color of these pines permits any exterior color treatment, and the finest in, terior window finish-with assur, ance of lasting, unblemished beauty.