4 minute read
Looking Forward
Bg Jacft Dionne
1924 was what might well be termed a "set-back" year for the booming state of California. And, in the same manner exactly that times of trial test the sopls of men, so do times of tribulation test the true worth of a Commonwealth.
And the experience of 1924 has only served to convince California herself, and the world in general, that you can't stop the onward sweep of California progress.
A combination of natural and unpreventable circumstances that would have thrown any other district of the world back for years, visited California. And it lastcd but a fcw months, and then CaIifornia came back with a rush, the pent-up tides of Californian virility fairly sweeping away the mists. And so the New Year opens with the whole state smiling. California strains at the leash. To make 1925 the greatest period of prosperity which this highly-blessed State has yet known, is the aim, ambition, hope, and definite intention of everyone from the North "where rolls the Oregon," to the fair city of San Diego.
Our belief and prediction is that just in proportion to the set-back that California sufrered in 1924, will be the onward impulse of. 1925 that the prosperity of the year to come will be in direct propor- tion to the low tide of the early summer of the year that is gone.
California will be swept by such a volume of tourists and visitors as she has not previously known. Commerce, industry, and finance are coming from the four winds to find a dwelling place in California. The commonwealth will grow in every department, strengthen in every corner, progress in every direction.
It will be a grdat year.
The lumber industry of California should look forward to a year of plenty. The mills that produce Pine and Redwood will enjoy a bigger, better, more extended and more intense market outside the state, than has been known before. There are innumerable dealers and factories throughout the world that are today consumers of California lurnber products, that were NOT using these woods a year ago.
The latcst Government figures show that California has stepped ahead of many other old lumber producing states in the volume of lumber production. Texas and Arkansas, for instance, retired far behind California in volume of lumber produced. ln 1923 Calilornia went over two billions in production for the first time. 1924 will show an increase over those figures, and the n€xt five years will show additional increases. Calilornia will be producing more than two and one-half billions of feet of lumber annually by 1930.
The lumber distributing industry saw some tough times in 1924 that are not at all likely to be repeated in 1925. The trouble with the lumber distributing industry in California is that the watcrroute volume of lumber to the state has become so huge that the least slackening in the consuming market creates what seems to be under-consumption, but is really simply over-supply.
So it was last summer that Los Angeles was widely advertised as having "blown up" from a lumber standpoint, because the docks were jammed with stock that could not be sold, and scores of lumber boats had to take a vacation. yet at that very time Los Angeles was doing more building and using more lumber PER CAPITA than any other large city in America. The lumber shipments had become tuned up to a building averagc of $20,000,000 a month for Los Angeles, and when in the slump the figures dropped to $9,000,000 a month there was a dreadful roar. It wai simply by comparison with its orrn great record that Los Angeles seemed slow.
The building game has been renewed again throughout California, and gives promise of buil$g prosperity for 1925.
Conditions of a general character throughout the state are very good indeed, and there is good and sufficient grounds for the utmost optimism concerning the prospects of the next twelve months.
Fortunate indeed are those who live and do business in California.
Next to California, Texas and Florida continue to be white spots of prosperity on the national map. #*9e:JC:J#c_4re_L

Unusual Shipment of Logs
Howell Baker, head of the California Panel & Veneer Company, Los Angeles distributors of veneers and panels of all kinds, has received a group of very interesting pictures of a large shipment of Fir logs received recentll by the Tacoma Panel Company, of Tacoma, Washington.
he Salesmen's Club of San Francisco had their annual istmas Party and Luncheon at the Palace Hotel on onday, December 22. President Mel Salomon played .nta Claus and presented all the members in attendance with an appropriate gift. Harry Corlett, the originator of some poetry which included a slam at the eccentricities and hobbies of all the individual club members. was read and created considerable enjoyment. Walter Blick, of J. H. Kruse, was in charge of the arrangements for the party.
The train that was pictured in the photographs received / ^.
Fy Ut. Baker, was one containing fifteen .url, "tt unusually ( The Watsonville Lumber Co. have completed the conlarge logs. The largest one in"the train was a monster struction of a new modern o_ffice_building and are now lomeisuring thirty-two feet in length, one hundred eight cated in their new home. H. Herwig is the manager oi inches in-diamefer at the butt ancl" eighty-four at the tlop. this progressive lumber company.

The entire shipment comprised thirty-nine cars of handpicked logs, bought in the woods, and selected for size etc., to insure the high grade of panels turned out by this concern. It scaled about 11,000 feet.
Mr. Baker states that the Tacoma Veneer Companv has always been noted for the fact that they use only-the very best of the logs for their panels, and that the only stock used is the finest soft old growth Fir.
The California Panel & Veneer Companv are the exclusive distributors of these goods in Southern California.
The Midvalley Lumber Co. of Galt are now located in their new office building which is modern in every detail. The new ofifice has an attractive interior and will- also be equipped with a display room. Mr. Williamson stares that the lumber dealers in his locality are looking for a good. demand for lumber in their territory during the comlng year.