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Age not guaranteed-Some I have told STORIES for 2O years-Some less. This Divorce Business
The good old story of the colored woman who was asking for a divorce, although admitting that her husband supported her, treated her kindly, and was a very good sort of nigger, and who finally when driven into a corner for a reason for wanting the divorce declared that she had simply "Lost her taste for that nigger," is well off-set by this one:
Sam was asking for a divorce from Mandy, and the Judge
Invention Will Speed Up Laying Shingles
A shingle nail holding device which its inventor, R. L. Wade of Hoquiam, Washington, calls a Shingle Nail Pocket, was demonstrated at the recent Shingle Congress at Seattle.
This article was endorsed by the congress, and manu- was trying to patch the thing up. But Sam was obdurate. "Yestiddy, Judge, she flung a stew-pan at mah haid, today she busts me wid a kittle, an tomorrow it will be de stove. Ah jest nachalley wants t'git rid ov dat mean niggah." facturers thought it would remove carpenters' objections to the use of zinc-coated nails, as those adopting it would no longer find necessity for putting nails in their mouths. It is generally conceded that the use of proper nails will prolong the life of a shingle roof many years.
"But Sam," said the Judge, "remember that you swore to take her for better or for worse."
"Yassuh, Judge," said Sam, "sho did-but disshere niggah is a whole lot wuss den Ah tuk her fo."
It is claimed that by use of this device an average shingler can greatly increase his output and do better work with less offort.