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lnteresting Production Figures
Washington, Dec. 23.-Lumber production in 1923, as reported by the Bureau of the Census in a recent release, of. 37,165,540 M feet lor 14,302 mills, confirms the estimate made by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association just one year ago, of 38,000,000 M feet to 40,000,000 M feet for the country as a whole, the total number of sawmills operating being probably between 22,M and 25,000. The proportion of the output of mills reporting to the Census Bureau, to the estimated total, has been about 90 per cent in past years.
This estimate of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association was based on the reports of subscribing associations which are published in the National Lumber Trade Barometer.
Production of lumber by states. 1922 and 1923.