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Hardwood Products CorP. Dirtributing Many Doors on Pacific Coast

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L. J. Woodson of San Francisco, Pacific Coast manager of the Hardwood Products Corporation of Neenah, Wisconsin, reports that his concern are distributing many hardwood doors on the Pacific Coast. Among the many buildings that his company has supplied with hardwood doors are the Biltmore Hotel, Union Oil Building, Bank of Italy, California Bank Bldg., all of Los Angeles; Pantages Theater Bldg, and San Diego Hotel of San Diego; San Joaquin Light & Power Bldg. of Fresno; State Building and Loerv's State Theater Bldg. of San Francisco; Ray Bldg. of Oakland; and the White-Henry-Stuart Bldg. of Seattle.

The Hardwood Products Corporation have one of the largest exclusive door plants in the country and at their plant at Neenah, \Misconsin, they manufacture l2OO veneered doors a day. They also own ahd operate at Cedar; Mississippi, a veneer plant for the manufacture of Poplar and Gum veneers.

They manufacture Birch, Gum, Mahogany, Walnut, and Oak doors and maintain offices at New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, and Neenah, Wisconsin.

Hoo-Hoo Club No.9 to Hold Jinx

The First Annual Tinks of Hoo Hoo Club No. 9 will be held at Claremont Country Club, Oakland, on Friday, Janaary 9th, t925.

The Jinks will consist of both a golf and bowling tournament in the afternoon and an informal dinner and entertainment in the evening. Both tournaments will be on a handicap basis so that the beginner will have as much chance to win as the veteran. The entrants in the golf tournament will be divided ihto two classes.

Q1355 "{"-Jhose who play regularly.

Ql45s "B"-Those who have never played or have only played a few times.

Handsome cups will be awarded to the winners and there will also be special prizes to be announced later for others than the winners.

The cost of the dinner and entertainment will be $3.50 and the entrance fee for entering either the bowling or golf tournament will be $2.00 The tournaments will commence at 2 o'clock and the dinner at7 o'clock.

An excellent entertainment has been arranged for the evening session and a large crowd have announced that they will attend the Jinks. Ted Higgins, Jr., is acting as the Chairman of the Arrangements Committee.


Carrying what is claimed to be a record in cargoes for the port of San Pedro, the Chas. R. McCormick & Company steamer, "I{amlin F. McCormick," arrived at San Pedro about the tenth of December with a cargo of 2,677,000 feet of lumber, mostly rough stock.

We could wish you nothing better for your New Year than that you would stoclc your factory with our common lumber. tWe will, if you wish, explain this method fully by letter.

It will pay you in high percentage of cuttings, due to our really different method of manufacture.

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